OutClique Magazine July 2018

Page 78

JESUS TAKES A KNEE By Rev. Patrick Rogers, MDiv.

This month we celebrate the 4th of July!


very 4th commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire. We refer to no other holiday as the numeric day of the month, but often you will hear someone say “What are you doing on the 4th?” and the person being asked knows to what occasion the question refers! The 4th also reminds me of taking a stand. It reminds me of determination and demonstration. The 4th reminds me that sometimes it has to get ugly to get to the good! And sometimes, it just isn’t easy or pretty! But one has to do what one feels is right and go to where our divine source leads. Jesus had to ruffle more than a few feathers on his human

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journey to demonstrate dependence on God and to gain independence of mankind. Jesus took a knee often! One of my favorite Jesus’ demonstrations is when he discovered Wall Street happening at the temple. He was upset (to say the least) and started tossing tables and made quite a scene. He made a firm statement about how he feels when the sacred and holy is desecrated! Wonder how he feels about immigrant children in the United States being separated from their families and familial relationships being desecrated today? I watched a Senator’s reaction to a reporter who asked about this desecration. The Senator’s response was, “It’s the law.” Jesus healed people on the Sabbath and that was against the law and he clearly shared with us that love is above the law.

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