Out and About Magazine Issue 1 Vol. 3

Page 82

Vision Boards: DO THEY WORK?

Do you remember when, as a child, you read bedtime stories and fairytales and gazed at the illustrations to visualise the characters and their actions? Do you remember drawing doodles in your notebook, reflecting your thoughts and dreams? You felt enchanted. The images drew your attention and amplified your imagination, making it feel all the more real. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, famously banned PowerPoint from corporate meetings. Instead of simple data, he sought to paint the full picture with detailed, descriptive, and vivid words, letting the audience visualise the scenes and connect to the narrative. Our subconscious mind tends to interpret imagery in the same way as real-life action. We activate the same part of the brain responsible


for visualising action and performing an action. We connect what we see with what we believe we already have. Some of us create and store desired images and stories in our minds, and some create vision boards. In recent years, vision boards (also called manifestation boards) reflecting images of our goals, dreams, and wishes have become very popular. The release of a wellreceived motion picture titled The Secret and a book by Rhonda Byrne of the same title has spurred our interest in the power of manifestation. By channelling our thoughts, cultivating a positive attitude, improving our personal vibration, and drawing on the power of visualisation, we have a potent ability to change our lives, influence the realisation of our dreams, and attract what we desire.

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