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Get Ready for Spring!

10 Ways to Prep in the Rainy Season By Janeen Lewiss

It’s the time of the year when the calendar says spring is arriving, but warm weather hasn’t gotten the memo yet. With cool temperatures, downpours and muddy yards, families are still experiencing cabin fever. And some families are still social distancing. What are some fun, productive ways to keep busy? It’s a good time to get organized for the busy spring months ahead, when sports and outdoor activities will make it hard to get anything done indoors. Here are some ideas that will keep you from going stir crazy and get you prepared physically and mentally for spring.

1. Get ready to grill.

Feeling adventurous enough to change things up at spring dinners and family picnics? What about trying out a new a grill marinade or perfecting all the fixings for a barbecue spread? Experiment now, while you have time to research the internet for recipes. Spend a day in the kitchen with a grill pan and your kids and create a


Our Kids Magazine | March / April 2021

new family food tradition for spring. Give your creation a test run by having an indoor picnic or luau in your living room.

2. Do the spring cleaning early.

Teach kids how to deep clean the bathrooms and kitchen or use all the attachments on the vacuum. Clean out the fridge and self-clean the oven. On days that aren’t too cold, open the windows and air out the house. Hate scrubbing walls and the baseboards? This is a good time to enlist the entire family and knock it out in a day. Organize all the closets, pantry and laundry room -- projects you won’t have time for once the pool opens and the park beckons. Have a contest to see who has the most organized closet or room.

3. Be bike ready.

Replace any broken parts, pump up low tires and don’t forget to make sure kids haven’t outgrown bikes. If FRIEND US @ facebook.com/OurKidsMagazine210

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