Be creative short version design ver 1

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 Growing creativity
 Aim: Support children and young people to grow their creativity* through the practice and development of creative thinking skills and behaviours. Be Creative All humans are creative. But creativity can also be learnt and developed through practice. OFC will develop a new programme called ‘Be Creative’ to support all children and young people to develop their creative talents through arts, cultural and heritage learning experiences. Through creative and cultural activities ‘Be Creative’ will: •

develop a creative 'lab' space (physical and virtual) for Our Future City - a home for children, young people and adults to make, learn and work together

 OFC will achieve this by: •


developing shared approaches to evaluation

demonstrating collective impact

creating new peer learning opportunities, leading to establishment of communities of

develop innovative approaches to learning that bring arts and STEM** together to enhance creativity and progress in all subjects

create a progressive framework of creative thinking skills/behaviours

work with schools to create more opportunities for the development of creativity across the school curriculum (including support for schools to achieve Artsmark)

increase meaningful work experience, voluntary placements and opportunities to gain qualifications (including an increase in young people gaining an Arts Award)

provide advice and information about the creative industries, the key role of creativity in the work place and routes to employment

creative practice •

building strong links between cultural, education, creative and digital sectors

models of cross-sector working to support young people to develop their creativity

‘Be Creative’ will be offered to schools and other youth and community settings in the city, aiming to reach a minimum of 100 young people in the first year and engaging with up to 2350 young people over a 3-year period. *Creativity can be defined as ‘the process of having original ideas that have value.’ **STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics

# B E C R E A T I V E

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