July/August 2017 OUR BROWN COUNTY

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Hereshome owner Lory Williams Winford on the veranda. photo by Cindy Steele

Bringing Back Hereshome A wooden sign, just large-enough to contain the routed-out lettering, hangs from the long front porch of the old log house in downtown Nashville. It reads: “Hereshome.” And Lory Williams Winford has made Hereshome her home in a most interesting way. Built and named in 1920s by Les and Leatha Seitz Walker, the 100+ year old log house has always—at least as far back as granddaughter Lory can remember—had a Hereshome sign. The logs for Hereshome came from Kelp, an old abandoned village in the Brown County State Park located north of Hohen Point. During its active life in the earliest part of the 1900s, Kelp had homes, a church, school, store with a post office, and other buildings. When the land was sold to the park, the homes were dismantled and the logs reused. “I know that my grandfather bought these logs from the state park.” Lory was born in Terre Haute, grew up in Southern California married, and moved to Folsom, California. Her

50 Our Brown County July/August 2017

~by Lee Edgren

grandmother lived in Hereshome until 1989, and Lory and her family often came to visit. Widowed in 2013, she came back to Nashville for Thanksgiving that year. She sat on the steps of the old cabin, at that time unrented, and thought, “I could live here.” And immediately the plan began to form. “I needed a change. I had been a teacher forever. I didn’t want to stay in California. I’d always played around with art. I told myself I would move here and become an artist.” And so she did. “I wanted to bring Hereshome back to its glory days. It was always a wonderful place to be.” At first glance, the property may seem very different from the log home pictured in the Hohenberger photo that hangs on her wall. But Lory was loyal to much that does not meet the eye. She remembered that her mother and grandparents used to sit out in a little courtyard on the south and east side of the house, “where it was the hottest.” In Lory’s design, the space became a lovely sun room, one of several perfect places to sit and enjoy the now-restored gardens, or the warmth of the winter sun.

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