2017 Commencement Booklet

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Von Braun Center Propst Arena HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA



MISSION • VISION • VALUES OAKWOOD MISSION The mission of Oakwood University, a historically black, Seventh-day Adventist institution, is to transform students through biblically-based education for service to God and humanity.

OAKWOOD VISION Oakwood University graduates leaders in service to God and humanity.

OAKWOOD VALUES Respect: Oakwood esteems others as worthy of human dignity, regard, and service. Compassion: Oakwood manifests sympathy, empathy, care and concern in our dealings with others. Integrity: Oakwood demonstrates honesty, uprightness, moral virtue, and ethical rectitude in every relationship. Excellence: Oakwood makes the personal and collective decision to perform at our highest capacity and to continually improve in our work and service. Service: Oakwood chooses to provide assistance, aid, help, caring, outreach and ministry in response to human need. Innovation: Oakwood will break with precedent in the advancement of institutional mission by embracing new methods and introducing major changes. Collaboration: Oakwood commits to integrated planning, internal and external partnering, and collegial action designed to build community and advance our mission.







Education Teacher Dedication Ceremony

Thursday, May 11 10:00 a.m.

Moseley Complex, C.T. Richards Chapel

Tree Planting/Senior Class

Thursday, May 11 1:30 p.m.

Unity Pond

Nursing Pinning Ceremony

Thursday, May 11 4:00 p.m.

Moseley Complex, C.T. Richards Chapel

Terry Roselmond-Moore

Nutrition and Dietetics Pinning Ceremony

Thursday, May 11 5:00 p.m.

BCBLC- Powell Auditorium

Prudence Pollard

LEAP Senior Ceremony

Thursday, May 11 6:00 p.m.

McKee Business & Technology Center

Richard Collie

Religion Dedication Service

Thursday, May 11 7:00 p.m.

Moseley Complex, C.T. Richards Chapel

Roger Bernard Jr.

Social Work Pinning Ceremony

Friday, May 12 11:00 a.m.

Moseley Complex, C.T. Richards Chapel

Kesslyn Brade Stennis

Senior Reception

Friday, May 12 12:30 p.m.

Garland J. Millet Activity Center


Friday, May 12 8:00 p.m.

Oakwood University Church

Sabbath School

Saturday, May 13 9:15 a.m.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena


Saturday, May 13 10:45 a.m.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena

Aeolians Mini-Concert

Saturday, May 13 7:00 p.m.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena


Saturday, May 13 7:30 p.m.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena

Dedrick Blue


Saturday, May 13 8:00 p.m.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena

Leon Wilson

Ginger Ketting-Weller

Lola Moore Johnston

Karen Benn Marshall, Ed.D.

Jason Max Ferdinand, D.M.A.

Grand Marshal

Choral Director

Eurydice Osterman, D.M.A.

Wayne Bucknor, D.M.A.



John Nixon II



God First!

MOTTO “Exemplify excellence, exceed expectations, embrace eternity.” SCRIPTURE “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” ~ Luke 1: 37, NKJV

COLORS Burgundy, Navy, and Gold


President: Tino Mkorombindo Vice President: Tyler Brown Treasurer: Terrel Davis Secretary: Chelese Moore Assistant Secretary: Mphatso Destiny Khuzwayo Chaplain: Eric Holness Social Coordinator: Chelsea Warren Public Relations Coordinator: K. Dominic McKenzie Parliamentarian: Sesly Huerfano Sergeant-at-Arms: Kevin Mendez

SPONSORS Stanton Dulan, MD Camille Kibler, M.Ed.


Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


To the Graduates of 2017,

Karen Benn Marshall, Ed.D.


Congratulations on this latest accomplishment in your path of service. At Oakwood, we believe that education is, first and foremost, an intentional preparation for service—service in this life and service in the life to come. On this your day of celebration, thousands gather here to communicate their support for your faithful commitment to the Oakwood educational process. You have burned the midnight oil. You have braved financial shortfall. You have overcome disappointed hopes and fractured dreams. Breakups, shakeups, and makeups are all seen in your proverbial rearview mirror. Nevertheless, trials and tribulations did not deter you from your goal. Tonight, from the Rocket City of Huntsville, you are lifting off into the next stage of your journey. I can assure you that the next stage of the journey will not always be easy, but God will pilot you through every challenge you will face. In fact that is exactly what He has done during your Oakwood years. You have flown, by His grace, when you did not believe yourself capable of flying. I recall one speech by Earl Bakken, a businessman speaking at the University of Hawaii 2004 Commencement Services, who shared the following observation about flying: “By all reckoning, the bumblebee is aerodynamically unsound and shouldn’t be able to fly. Yet, the little bee gets those wings going like a turbo-jet and flies to every plant its chubby little body can land on to collect all the nectar it can hold. Bumblebees are the most persistent creatures. They don’t know they can’t fly, so they just keep buzzing around. Like the lowly bumblebee, honored graduates, never give in to pessimism. Don’t know that you can’t fly, and you will soar like an eagle.” You flew -- when you wanted to surrender. At that point when you wanted to give up, walk out, fold over, or run away--the King caused you to fly! You flew through unexpected financial blessings, perennially gracious professors, and supportive parents. You flew when your diagnosis said you must leave Oakwood, or when the unexpected death of a parent or grandparent caused you to experience the turbulence of grief. But today, your successful completion of your journey to graduation validates the fact that your King mapped out your flight plan. Tonight is simply one more stop on your educational journey that began here, and will take you into eternity. I am very pleased to congratulate you on this the biggest day of your academic career. Your hard work has been rewarded and Oakwood University is proud of your persistence, tenacity, and focus. As we bid you adieu, know that the experience and education that you have earned at Oakwood will fit you for life’s great opportunities. With each passing year, your “Oakwood experience” will grow more and more meaningful. You have entered to learn, and now, you are departing to serve!

Congratulations to the over three hundred and fifty Oakwood University Class of 2017 graduates. Your completion represents the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. Your journey at Oakwood University has been a ‘God’ ordered one. You entered this University for various reasons. Whatever your reasons, your tenure here was not ‘by chance’. And now as you begin a new chapter, departing to serve, I remind you of the words of Michelangelo “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. The greater danger for most of us is not in setting our aim too high and falling short but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.” So continue to aim high... for with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37 NKJV). The six words contained in your motto are extremely powerful words-exemplify excellence, exceed expectations, embrace eternity. These six words tell a story, a deeply powerful story about you as Oakwood University graduates. Exemplify excellence. Your motto does not simply say strive for excellence but rather exemplify excellence which carries an entirely different connotation or meaning. The word exemplify is synonymous with the words typify, epitomize and represent. As Oakwood University graduates, you symbolize excellence. Exceed expectations. Your motto does not simply say meet expectations but rather exceed expectations. It is now your obligation to surpass, outclass, and outdo expectations. As Oakwood University graduates, you must continue to transcend expectations. Embrace eternity. This part of your motto speaks to your willing and enthusiastical belief in life everlasting. As Oakwood University graduates, you believe in eternal life- the Earth made new, the pearly gates, and those streets paved with gold. As Oakwood University graduates who symbolize excellence, transcend expectations, and embrace eternity, I admonish each member of the class of 2017 to plan to meet again in the Earth made new by the tree of life. By God’s grace, I plan to meet you there.

We leave you with the inspirational words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: “The heights by great men [and women] reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” Congratulations, Oakwoodites of 2017. Each of you has made your God, your family, your friends, and your Alma Mater proud. So fly on!



EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER DEDICATION CEREMONY Moseley Complex | Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 10:00 A.M.

Processional....................................................................“Grand Choeur Dialogue”...........................................................Eugene Gigout Invocation.......................................................................................................................................................Karen Benn Marshall, Ed.D. Vice President for Academic Administration and Interim Sr. Vice President


Ginger Ketting-Weller, Ph.D. Dr. Ginger Ketting-Weller is the Dean of the School of Education at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. She was born in Bangkok to missionary doctors and grew up in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. She came to the United States to attend college at Walla Walla University, her father’s alma mater. Dr. Ketting-Weller graduated with a B.S. in Elementary Education, going on to earn a Master’s Degree in Administration & Leadership from Loma Linda University and a Ph.D. in Education at Claremont Graduate School in California. Her career began as a lower grades teacher in a two-room school on the Oregon Coast, and then as teacher and vice principal at Redlands Adventist Academy in California. She taught seven years in the Education Department at Pacific Union College, served as Vice President for Academic Administration at Walla Walla University, and now is in her fifth year leading the School of Education at La Sierra. Dr. Ketting-Weller was named Educator of the Year at Redlands Adventist Academy in 1994, and again at Pacific Union College in 1999. She presented a paper on the impact of cultural diversity on the teaching of religion at the West Coast Religion Teachers’ Conference, and another on the topic of transparency in women’s leadership as part of the Joan L. Curcio International Women’s Leadership conference at Oxford University. In 2006, she was awarded a Milton Murray Fellowship which took her to the Harvard Institute for Educational Management. She also has served as a panel member at the Consortium on Abrasive Conduct in Higher Education, meeting at Harvard University. As Dean at La Sierra University, Dr. Ketting-Weller has recently led in the development of the university’s first Ph.D. program, in Leadership. Dr. Ketting-Weller is married to Dr. Jim Weller, principal at Loma Linda Academy Junior High, and revels in the enjoyment of three adult children and their spouses, and seven grandchildren. She loves writing, telling stories, music, travel and keeping in touch with former students and friends all over the world through social media.

Welcome and Remarks.............................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Occasion...............................................................................................................................................................James Mbyirukira, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

Selection...........................................................................................................................................................................Danielle Cornwall

Class of 2017

Awards.............................................................................................................................................................................Deril Wood, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Education Department

Assistant Professor, Education Department

Assistant Professor, Education Department

Donaldson Williams, Ph.D.

Dana Wilchcombe, Ph.D.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the Class of 2017 Education Department Service Award Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society Introduction of Speaker......................................................................................................................................James Mbyirukira, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

Homily...........................................................................................................................................................Ginger Ketting-Weller, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Education, La Sierra University

Presentation of the Class of 2017......................................................................................................................Jeannette R. Dulan, Ph.D.

Professor, Education Department

Presentation of Medallions........................................................................................................................................Olivia Beverly, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Education Department

Assistant Professor, Education Department

Marilyn Schenck, M.S.Ed.

Charge...................................................................................................................................................................C. Garland Dulan, Ph.D.

Former Director, Department of Education, General Conference of SDA and Former Vice President for Academic Administration, Oakwood University

Class Response...........................................................................................................................................................................Darren Daly

President, Kappa Delta Pi, Class of 2017

Passing the Torch................................................................................................................................................................Shaella Freeman

President, Education Club, Senior Elementary Education Major

Closing Prayer..........................................................................................................................................................Howard Weems, Ph.D.


Director of E.G. White Estate and Special Assistant to the President

Recessional...................................................................“Grand Processional”.............................................................................Dale Wood


NURSING PINNING CEREMONY Moseley Complex | Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 4:00 P.M. Processional.............................................................................“Voluntary in C”.................................................................. Henry Purcell Invocation.............................................................................................................Farrah Melidor, Jennyce Barrow, and Ashley Jacobs

Class of 2017

Scripture...........................................................................................................................................Tiffany Saunders and Marissa James

Class of 2017

Opening of Ceremony.................................................................................................................A. Yolanda Smith, Ed.D., M.S.N., R.N. Chair, Nursing Department


Terry Roselmond-Moore, B.S.N., R.N., M.P.A., NEA-BC, C.D.E. Terry Roselmond-Moore is a nurse executive with Kettering Health in Dayton, Ohio. Terry has a passion for sacred work, including exceptional patient and family experiences, and professional nursing practice. Terry earned her Bachelor of Science Nursing degree from Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan, and her Master of Public Administration degree, with a healthcare focus, from Western Michigan University, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is currently a Master of Nursing Science candidate at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Terry was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing in 1995, and into Pi Alpha Alpha, the National Honor Society of Public Affairs and Administration in April 2002. She holds memberships in both the American Association of Nurse Executives and Sigma Theta Tau International. Terry sits on the board of the American Heart and Stroke Association of Dayton, and is the personal ministries director at New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Dayton, focusing on saving souls for Christ.

Welcome....................................................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Congratulatory Note.......................................................................................................................................Arlene Johnson, Ph.D., RN

Interim Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions

Introduction of Speaker.....................................................................................................................................................Barbara Jackson

Class of 2017

Address...............................................................................................Terry Roselmond-Moore, B.S.N., R.N., M.P.A., NEA-BC, C.D.E.

Nurse Executive, Kettering Health

Response......................................................................................................................................................................Deonna Washington

Class of 2017

Pinning Service............................................................................................................................A. Yolanda Smith, Ed.D., M.S.N., R.N. Arlene Johnson, Ph.D., R.N. Pin, Bible, Book, & Rose Distribution..........................................................................................Karen Anderson, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E. Mukesha Mbuguje, M.S.N., R.N. Udell Darville, M.S.N., R.N. The Gideon International Nightingale Pledge.........................................................................................................................................Eunice Muriu, M.S.N., R.N.

Assistant Professor, Nursing Department

Prayer of Consecration...........................................................................................................................................Howard Weems, Ph.D.

Director of E.G. White Estate and Special Assistant to the President

Consecration Hymn.........................................................................................................................................................Graduating Class Nursing Awards...........................................................................................................................Karen J. Anderson, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E.

Associate Professor, Nursing Department

Nursing Advisory Council............................................................................................................................Udell Darville, M.S.N., R.N. President, Nursing Advisory Council Claudia Mooney Award.......................................................................................................................Jillian Wills, M.S.N., R.N., C.N.E.

Associate Professor, Nursing Department

Mission of Excellence Award.......................................................................................................................... Greg Ellis, M.Div., B.C.C.

Senior Director of Pastoral Care, Florida Hospital East Orlando

Called to Care Award........................................................................Terry Roselmond-Moore, B.S.N., R.N., M.P.A., NEA-BC, C.D.E.

Nurse Executive, Kettering Health

Benediction.......................................................................................................................................................................Rakhila Williams


Class of 2017

Recessional..................................................................“The Battle Hymn”.................................................................................Traditional



Prudence LaBeach Pollard, Ph.d., MPH, SPHR Dr. Prudence LaBeach Pollard is Vice President for Research and Faculty Development at Oakwood University. She is a 1978 graduate of Oakwood University, formerly Oakwood College. She came to Oakwood University from La Sierra University where she served as a tenured Professor of Management in the School of Business and Management. Previous to La Sierra University, she served Oakwood College as Vice-President for Administration, Planning and Human Resources. She is also an Examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards. Dr. Pollard earned the Ph.D. in Evaluation, Measurement and Research Design from Western Michigan University and has taught leadership, management, policy and business research at Loma Linda University School of Public Health, Andrews University, Oakwood College, and La Sierra University. Her degree is applied to the research study of leadership behaviors of managers and executives in global organizations. While completing her Ph.D., Dr. Pollard was awarded the prestigious Women’s Academic Achievement Award from Western Michigan University (WMU) and was inducted by WMU into the Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society. She graduated from Oakwood University in 1978 and the University of Michigan School of Public Health in 1983. Dr. Pollard has also earned certification from the Society for Human Resource Management as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). Dr. Pollard is also a Registered Dietitian with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dr. Pollard’s professional career in management began at the Loma Linda University Medical Center and she has developed her management skills in a variety of settings including, positions as administrator of county and city government programs, program development consultant to Andrews University’s College of Arts and Sciences, and Leadership Development Consultant to Whirlpool Corporation. In recent years, she served as an organizational effectiveness, program evaluation and human resource management and development consultant to for-profit and not-for-profit corporations and as a trainer to managers and supervisors. Her public and community service includes service as an appointee to the City of Riverside’s Human Resources Board. Recently, Dr. Pollard designed and launched the Oakwood University Leadership Academy which is dedicated to the training of managers and administrators at the University. She is also the Research Director for LifeCore--a ground-breaking study funded by Oakwood University to understand the spiritual life of Seventh-day Adventist youth and young adults. Prudence is married to Leslie N. Pollard, President of Oakwood University. The Pollards have two daughters who are graduates of Oakwood University—Kristin Pollard Kiel, Esq. is an attorney advisor with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; and, Karin Pollard, PharmD is a pharmacist with Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children. Prudence has two granddaughters, Genesis (3 years old), and Eden (1 year old). Her son-in-law, Demetrius Kiel was a part of the graduating class of 2016 at Oakwood University.

NUTRITION AND DIETETICS DIDACTIC PROGRAM IN DIETETICS PINNING CEREMONY Bradford Cleveland Brooks Leadership Center Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 5:00 p.m.

Processional……………………………………………“Voluntary in C”…………………………………………Henry Purcell Opening Prayer…………………………………………………………………………….………………………..Ashli Gordon

President, Student Nutrition Awareness Club, Class of 2017

Welcome & Remarks.…………………………………………………………………Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Occasion………………………………………………………………………………………………Joycelyn Peterson, Dr.P.H.

Chair, Nutrition and Dietetics

~ Year in Review Slide Show ~ Introduction……….…………………………………………………………………………….................... Tyschaunna McNair

Class of 2017

Class of 2017 Reflection……………………………………………………………………………………………........Graduates Charge and Reflection…………………………………………………………………………………………….....Ashli Gordon

President, Student Nutrition Awareness Club, Class of 2017

Address………………………………………………………………………Prudence LaBeach Pollard, Ph.D., M.P.H., SPHR

Vice President, Research and Faculty Development

Pinning Ceremony………………………………………………………………………………Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty Family Appreciation and Remarks……………………………………………………..........Teymi Herring, M.P.H., RDN, CDE

Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics

Prayer of Consecration……………………………………………………………………………...Arlene Johnson, Ph.D., R.N.

Interim Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions

Closing Prayer……………………………………………………………………………………………. Lisa Dalrymple, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics

In December 2016, UNCF announced that Oakwood University is one of 24 college and universities that was awarded 5 year grants totaling 35.3 million dollars for the UNCF Career Pathways Initiative. Oakwood, along with Talladega and Tugaloo Colleges worked together over the past few months to apply for the CPI cluster grant, which was collectively awarded 6 million dollars to the three institutions; Dr. Prudence Pollard is the administrative Principal Investigator on the grant.



LEADERSHIP EDUCATION FOR ADULT PROFESSIONALS (LEAP) SENIOR CEREMONY Business and Technology Dining Room | Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 6:00 p.m.

Opening Prayer……………………………………………………………………………………......Finbar Benjamin, D. Min.

Assistant Vice-President for Academic Administration

Welcome & Remarks............................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Richard Collie,


Richard Collie is the Director of Student Support Services at J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College, where he directs and coordinates academic and student support activities for the College. He has a wealth of experience in student recruitment, enrollment management, organization, and development. Prior to joining the Drake staff, he served as the Youth and Family Services Coordinator for the Huntsville Housing Authority and the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Enrollment Management Program Admissions Counselor, as well as, the LEAP – Adult Education Recruiter for Oakwood University. He has been a member of several professional, civic and community organizations such as 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Greater Huntsville Chapter, Young Men Matter Incorporated a program he founded to help connect inner city youth with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and The Elite, a mentoring program for young men attending McNair Middle School. In recognition for his service to the community and outstanding leadership, he has the following awards and nominations: Tom Joyner Foundation Honoree, The Oakwood University Keeping the Dream Alive Honoree, The Huntsville Housing Authority Exemplary Service Award recipient, 2014 Alabama Education Association Drake State Chapter Vice-President, 2015 Alabama Education Association Chapter President, 2016 Tennessee Valley Diversity Leadership Colloquium Graduate Cohort V, and the 2017 Alabama Community College Association Executive Committee Commission on Support Chair. Mr. Collie received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Oakwood University and the Master of Science degree in Management/Acquisitions and Contracts Management from the Florida Institute of Technology.


Occasion………………………………………………………………………………....................... Ellengold Goodridge, M.A.

Director, Adult & Continuing Education

Special Music……………………………………………………………………………………………..............Lyndon Carriger

Christian Recording Artist

Presentation of Medals………………………………………………………………………………Ellengold Goodridge, M.A.

Director, Adult & Continuing Education Church Leadership

Dedrick Blue, D.Min.

Dean, School of Religion Information Technology

Lisa James, Ph.D.

Chair, Math/Computer Science General Psychology

Martin Hodnett, Psy.D.

Chair, Psychology Department Organizational Management/General Studies

Hyacinth Burton, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Business

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………………………………………………Cornelius Thomas, Ph.D.

Alpha LEAP Cohort

Charge………………………………………………………………………………………………………Richard Collie, M.S. Director of Student Support Services, J.F. Drake State Community College; LEAP Alumnus

Alumni Presentation………………………………………………………………………………..........................Deborah Slack

Regional Vice President, Oakwood University Alumni Association

Special Presentations…………………………………………………………………………………………....Gloria Bell, Ph.D.

Academic Advisor

Closing Prayer……………………………………………………………………………………………Deborah Claborn, M.A. Admissions Coordinator



SCHOOL OF RELIGION DEDICATION SERVICE Moseley Complex | Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 7:00 p.m.

Processional....................................................................“God of Our Fathers”..........................................................George W. Warren Invocation...................................................................................................................................................................Cory Rowe, D.Min.

Assistant Professor, School of Religion


Roger Bernard Jr., M.Div.

Welcome and Remarks..........................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Occasion...................................................................................................................................................................Gregory Allen, Th.D.

Professor, School of Religion

Pastor Roger A. Bernard Jr., was born in Washington D.C. and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology with a minor in History from Oakwood University, formerly Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama. He also received his Masters of Divinity degree from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

Special Music................................................................................................................................................................Candace Williams

His experience covers a range of areas that include teaching, mentoring, and both youth and pastoral ministries. Pastor Bernard has served as Youth Director, Assistant to the President, Director of Adult Ministries, Vice President for Administration and Interim President of the Central States Conference. On June 12, 2016, Pastor Bernard was elected as President for the Central States Conference.

Class Response....................................................................................................................................................................Eddy Guerrier

Pastor Bernard enjoys all sports, but his favorites are football and golf. He is married to his best friend, the former Ivona Roberts of New York, New York. They have two daughters, Bria (13) and Braelyn (5) who are the joys of their lives.

Charge...............................................................................................................................................................C. Wesley Knight, D.Min.

Pastor Bernard’s favorite memory verse is Hebrews 11:30. “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were compassed seven days.” Though it might be a strange favorite, it reminds him that God can reach any person, accomplish any goal, make a way out of no way, and that God can do anything!

Class of 2017

Homily............................................................................................................................................................. Roger Bernard Jr., M.Div.

President, Central States Conference

Forum President, Class of 2017

Pinning of Graduates..............................................................................................................................................Dedrick Blue, D.Min.

Dean, School of Religion and Theology

Assistant Professor, School of Religion

Special Music................................................................................................................................................................Candace Williams

Class of 2017

Laying of Hands.....................................................................................................................................................Agniel Samson, Th.D.

Professor, School of Religion

Recessional…………………….............................“Onward Christian Soldiers”.....................................................arr. Fred Wearing




Moseley Complex | Friday, May 12, 2017 | 11:00 a.m.

Kesslyn Brade Stennis, Ph.D., M.S.W., M.Div.

Processional…………………………………………………Paean”…………………………………………….Gordon Young Invocation……………………………………………………………………………...….……………………..........Regina Gray

Dr. Kesslyn Brade Stennis’ love for learning was prompted by her parents who expected nothing but THE BEST grades, but her commitment to school and the community was galvanized at Oakwood College where she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Social Work degree. She continued her studies at The Ohio State University with the MSW degree. After years of service as a college recruiter, therapist, program coordinator, social work educator and domestic violence trainer, she transitioned to Howard University where she earned her Master of Divinity degree and Ph.D. in Social Work. Her dissertation was entitled: “Let the Church Stop Saying “Amen”: Exploring African American Clergy’s Experiences and Perceptions Surrounding Domestic Violence.” Her love for community and social justice continues today in her capacity as Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at Coppin State University. Through her work at Coppin State and through her leadership roles with the North American Association of Christians in Social Work and the Dr. Dorothy Height Center for the Advancement of Social Justice, Dr. Kesslyn, as she is called, is able to continue her work to provide inspiration and promote human well-being. She considers it an honor to work “in the trenches” and to teach others how to speak truth to power on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed, including victim/survivors of intimate partner violence. Throughout her career, Dr. Brade Stennis has served on a number of funded research projects as the CoPrincipal Investigator, Site Coordinator and Researcher at Oakwood University, Georgetown University, Howard University and Bowie State University. Most recently, she concluded her work as a Site Coordinator for a million-dollar Lilly Foundation Grant with the Howard University School of Divinity’s study entitled “Equipping the Saints: Promising Practices in Black Congregational Life.”

President, UNICEF Club, Class of 2017

Welcome………………………………………………………………………………..Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Tribute to Parents……….…………………………………………………………............Abigail Caesar and Shawndell Harris Class of 2017

Tribute to Field Instructors……………………..……………….……………...........Raymond Brown and Johnathan Williams

Class of 2017

Tribute to Faculty Members ……….…………..………………..…………………….............George Myers and Camila Ahmed Class of 2017

Scripture Reading……..…………………………………………………………..…..…………………............…..Janelle Clarke

Student Representative, Social Work Advisory Board, Class of 2017

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………………………………………………..........George Ashley, Ph.D.

Professor, Social Work Department

Special Music……………………………………………………………………………………………...........Christian Sawyers

Class of 2017

Speaker………………………...………………………….………………….......Kesslyn Brade Stennis, Ph.D., M.S.W., M. Div.

Chair, Social Work Department, Coppin State University

In addition to serving others, she is also empowering others to do the same through her company, Kesslyn Enterprises, LLC which is the parent company of The Ph.D. Consultants and The Healing for Silent Sufferers Ministry. In her varied roles, she has worked to alleviate violence and abuse, coordinated women’s ministry programs at various churches, conducted community training and ministry initiatives, and traveled nationally and internationally as a public speaker, teacher and musician. For her work, she has received a number of honors and awards including the Vernon Johns Award for Social Justice and Preaching (Howard University), the Council on Social Work Education Minority Clinical Fellowship and a Citation for Community Service in the area of domestic violence from the city of Huntsville, Alabama.

Pinning Ceremony…………………………………………………………………............Octavio Ramirez, Ph.D., LICSW.,PIP

Lastly, and most importantly, Dr. Brade Stennis is married to Mr. Fred Stennis, and they are the parents of four children and provide care to many others.

Acceptance of the Charge……………………………………………………………………………...................…Shellee Daniel

Chair, Social Work Department

Social Work Charge………………………………………………………………………………...............Lorraine Frye, M.S.W. Assistant Professor, Social Work Department

Ryan Smith, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor, Social Work Department Dean, Enrollment Management and Career Services President, Eta Pi Chapter of the National Honor Society, Class of 2017

Closing Remarks………………………………………………………………………………...............James Mbyirukira, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

Class Gift………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ashley Gordon

President, Social Work Club, Class of 2017

Prayer of Dedication………………………………………………………………………………........David Richardson, Ed.D.


Vice President, Spiritual Life and Mission

Recessional…………………………………………………“Ode to Joy”…………………………………Ludwig van Beethove


PRESIDENTIAL SENIOR RECEPTION Garland J. Millet Activity Center | Friday, May 12, 2017 | 12:30 p.m.

CONSECRATION SPEAKER Master of Ceremony……………………………………...…………...…………...…………...……...….…….David Richardson

Vice President for Spiritual Life and Mission

Opening Prayer……………………………………………...….…...…………...………………….........................Gabriel Carter

United Student Movement President, Class of 2017

Welcome/The Occasion…………………………………………………….…………………Drs. Leslie and Prudence Pollard

The President and First Lady of Oakwood University

Special Music……………………………………………...…...…...…………...……….............. Aeolians (Graduating Seniors) My Oakwood Story………………………………………………………………………………………...… Video Presentation Graduates Remembered……………………………………………….….…...…………...………...............Tino Mkorombindo

Senior Class President, Class of 2017

Blessing of the Meal………………………………...…………………....…........…...…………...………....................Kirk Nugent

Chief Information Officer

Lola Moore Johnston,


Pastor Lola Moore Johnston is a native of Elizabeth, New Jersey and is the first of three daughters born to Marilyn and Calvin Moore III. She felt the call of God on her life at an early age and began serving in various ministry capacities at the Trinity Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church in Newark, New Jersey. She emerged as a leader and change-agent during her studies at La Sierra University in Riverside, California where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies. Her preparation continued at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University where she earned the Master of Divinity degree. Since then, she has served the Lord and the Seventhday Adventist Church as Chaplain in Orlando, Florida and Pastor in the South Central Conference. Along with formal ministry, Pastor Johnston is blessed to share the good news of Jesus as a recording artist and author. While bountifully blessed to enjoy success personally and professionally, God saw fit to bless her even more and with great joy, Pastor Johnston married her friend and partner in life, Keith Johnston in November of 2016. Pastor Johnston currently serves as Young Adult Ministries Director for the South Central Conference of Seventh-day Adventists based in Nashville, Tennessee.

DINNER IS SERVED TRIBUTES Graduate’s Pledge……………………………………..……………………………...…………...………..................David Knight Vice President for Student Services

Graduate Gifts………………………………………….……...…...…………...………...............Drs. Leslie & Prudence Pollard

The President and First Lady of Oakwood University

Circle of Commitment……………………………………...…...…………...…………...……....Drs. Leslie & Prudence Pollard

The President and First Lady of Oakwood University

Closing Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………………Marlene King Associate Chaplain, Office of Spiritual Life





Oakwood University Church | Friday, May 12, 2017 | 8:00 P.M.

Von Braun Center Propst Arena | Sabbath, May 13, 2017 | 9:15 A.M.

Processional.......................................................................“Festal March”...................................................................Jeremiah Clarke

Superintendents.....................................................................................................................................................Tino Mkorombindo

Invocation............................................................................................................................................................Ifeoma Kwesi, D.Min.

Associate Professor, Religion

Welcome..................................................................................................................................................................Mphatso Khuzwayo Assistant Secretary, Class of 2017

Hymn #545...........................................................Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us...............................................Earl Henry, Dr.P.H. Chair, Allied Health

“My Oakwood Story”...............................................................................................................................................Video Presentation Introduction of Speaker...................................................................................................................................................Chelese Moore Secretary, Class of 2017

Music..........................................................................................................................................................................Senior Class Choir Address................................................................................................................................................... Lola Moore Johnston, M.Div.

Young Adult Ministries Director South Central Conference

President, Class of 2017

Ryan E. Smith, Ed.D.

Dean, Enrollment Management and Career Services

Song Service................................................................................................................................................................Alexander Archer

Class of 2017

Opening Prayer...............................................................................................................................................................Myriam Cineus

Class of 2017

Scripture.......................................................................1 Peter 5:7 NKJV.....................................................................Sesly Huerfano

Parliamentarian, Class of 2017

Welcome..................................................................................................................................................................... Danika Desgazon

Class of 2017

Music..................................................................................................................................................................................................Doxa Remarks.................................................................................................................................................................Ryan E. Smith, Ed.D.

Dean, Enrollment Management and Career Services

Mission Emphasis...............................................................................................................................................................Alana Henry

Class of 2017

Gifts of Gratitude…………………………………………………………………... Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.

Lesson Study……….................................................“Servant Leadership”.................................................................. Rashad Burden

Response...............................................................................................................................................................................Tyler Brown

Offering..........................................................................................................................................................................Darnell Gordon


Class of 2017

Vice President, Class of 2017

Prayer of Consecration.............................................................................................................................Marlene King, M.Div., M.S.

MAPS Class of 2017


Class of 2017

Associate Chaplain, Office of Spiritual Life

Closing Remarks................................................................................................................................................... Tino Mkorombindo Benediction....................................................................................................................................................................Chelsea Warren

Social Coordinator, Class of 2017

Recessional...................................................................“Marche Pontificale”..................................................Fernand de la Tombelle

President, Class of 2017

Closing Song....................................................................................................................................................................Taylor Griffith Class of 2017 Closing Prayer......................................................................................................................................................Courtney Buckhanon Class of 2017



BACCALAUREATE Von Braun Center Propst Arena | Sabbath, May 13, 2017 | 10:45 A.M. Processional………………………………....“The War March of the Priests”………………………. Felix Mendelssohn Invocation…………………………………………………………………………………………….Corey Rowe, D. Min

Assistant Professor, Religion

Hymn #229………………………………...All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name……………Iris Fordjour-Hankins, M.A.

Baccalaureate Speaker

John Nixon II,


Pastor John S. Nixon, II is a native of Brooklyn, New York. Pastor Nixon has spent his 17-year pastoral career in the South Atlantic Conference, pastoring in all three states of the territory. He has been married for 16 years to his college sweetheart and the love of his life, the former April Mendinghall. They were married in December 2000 in Atlanta, GA. Together they have two school aged children; John III, 12 and Julia, 9. Pastor Nixon is a graduate of Oakwood University (BA Theology, 2000) and Andrews University (Masters of Divinity, 2004 & Doctor of Ministry, 2013). Prior to accepting the call to serve as the Senior Pastor to the Decatur Congregation, Pastor Nixon served as pastor in the Milledgeville/Dublin district in Georgia, and the Greenville/Traveler’s Rest district in South Carolina. Just prior to coming to the Decatur church, Pastor Nixon was the Senior Pastor at Immanuel Temple SDA Church in Durham, NC. Pastor Nixon relishes every opportunity to deliver a word from the Lord to God’s People and the members of Decatur are delighted to have him serve as Senior Pastor. Pastor Nixon has dedicated his life of service to God and continues to be used in a mighty way.

Assistant Professor, Music

Welcome………………………………………………………………….........Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min.

Senior Pastor, Oakwood University Church

Class of 2017

Lawrence McDonald

Music…………………………………………………………………………………………………………........Aeolians Scripture…………………………………………2 Corinthians 8:7 NIV………………………Kevin Mendez (English)

Sergeant-at-Arms, Class of 2017

Saul Heras (Spanish) Class of 2017

Manon Malaquin (French)

Jeffterline Dorvil (Creole)

Class of 2017 Class of 2017

Offertory……………………………………………………………………………………………..................Terrel Davis

Treasurer, Class of 2017

“My Oakwood Story”……………………………………………………………………………….....Video Presentation Music…………………………………………………………………………………………………………........Aeolians Introduction of Speaker……………………………………………………………….....................K. Dominic McKenzie

Public Relations Coordinator, Class of 2017

Music…………………………………………………………………………………………………………........Aeolians Sermon……………………………………………………………………………………………..John Nixon II, D.Min.

Senior Pastor, Decatur Seventh-day Adventist Church

Benediction…………………………………………………………………………………………….............Bright Baah

USM Religious Vice President, Class of 2017

Recessional……………………………………………“Rigaudon”………………………………………..Andre Campra

Accompaniment: Oakwood University Orchestra



COMMENCEMENT Von Braun Center Propst Arena | Saturday, May 13, 2017 | 8:00 P.M. Processional...............................................................“Pomp and Circumstance”..............................................................Edward Elgar School Song...........................................................................Alma Mater...................................................Julie Moore Foster, D.M.A. Associate Professor, Music Invocation..............................................................................................................................................................................Eric Holness Chaplain, Class of 2017

Commencement Speaker

“My Oakwood Story”................................................................................................................................................Video Presentation

Leon C. Wilson,

Awards and Recognitions...............................................................................................................................................Administration


Dr. Leon C. Wilson is Interim President of Alabama State University where he previously served as Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. He also holds rank and tenure as Professor of Sociology as he did at East Carolina and Wayne State Universities. He received his M.A. (1986) and Ph.D. (1989) in Sociology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, majoring in Social Psychology, with a minor in Social Organization and significant advanced training in Statistics. He also holds the M.A. (1976) in Religion and Counseling from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan and a Bachelor of Theology (1974) from Caribbean Union College (now University of the Southern Caribbean), Trinidad, West Indies. Before moving to East Carolina University as Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology (20092011), Dr. Wilson spent almost 20 years at Wayne State University in ranks of Assistant Professor to Professor, and Department Chair for seven years. He came to Alabama State University as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; and in January of 2013, assumed responsibilities as Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. He was appointed Provost and Vice President in 2014. His administrative experience spans more than 17 years with numerous successes and accomplishments and awards. Dr. Wilson has taught courses in Introductory and Advanced Statistical Applications, Social Psychology, African American Families, Family Theory, Evaluation Methods and Applied Sociology. He is especially proud of his academic mentoring history and has to his credit over 90 Ph.D. and M.A. committee memberships (40 chaired). He was the recipient of both teaching and mentoring excellence awards at Wayne State University. His main research applies statistical models to understand the relationship of structural, interactional and socio-economic factors to social psychological, health and mental health outcomes in families and individuals. His many publications, which reflect these interests, appear in nationally recognized and leading international journals. Over the years, Dr. Wilson has received over $2 million to support his research and writing. Dr. Wilson has conducted some of the largest non-institutional survey research projects on families and adolescents in Guyana, Trinidad, and Tobago. The most recent are Guyana Youth Trends in Trinidad and Tobago and Adolescent Health and Well-being Study in Guyana. He and colleagues are in the process of completing a book manuscript on Adolescent Wellbeing in Guyana.


Dr. Wilson regularly organizes panels on families, research and presents at national, regional, and international conferences. He has lectured in France, London, South Africa, Brazil, Columbia, Guyana, Belize, and several Caribbean countries. During his career, Dr. Wilson received several awards for academic, departmental and administrative leadership and civic involvement, including the Spirit of Detroit Award by the Detroit City Council, several international speaking invitations, and service appointments including as a Trustee on the University of the Southern Caribbean Board for more than a decade.

Introduction of Speaker.......................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A. President Music.............................................................................................................................................................................................Aeolians Address.................................................................................................................................................................Leon C. Wilson, Ph.D. Interim President, Alabama State University Music.............................................................................................................................................................................................Aeolians Response ..................................................................................................................................................................Tino Mkorombindo President, Class of 2017 Presentation of Candidates......................................................................................................................Karen Benn Marshall, Ed.D. Vice President for Academic Administration and Interim Senior Vice President Conferring of the Degrees...................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D. Min., M.B.A. President John Hill, M.S.M., M.B.A. Desiree Gunn-Price, M.S. Dedrick L. Blue, D.Min. Registrar Senior Program Coordinator Dean, School of Religion Hyacinth Burton, Ph.D. James Mbyirukira, Ph.D. Dean, School of Business Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

Kenneth LaiHing, Ph.D. Interim Dean, School of Arts and Sciences

Arlene Johnson, Ph.D Interim Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions

Induction of Graduates into National Alumni Association.............................................................. Cynthia Powell-Hicks, Ph.D. President, National Alumni Association Charge....................................................................................................................................Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A. President Benediction.....................................................................................................................................................David Richardson, Ed.D. Vice President for Spiritual Life and Mission ** Recessional......................................................................“Trumpet Voluntary”................................................................Henry Purcell **Audience please be seated



Jorge Belisario Anthony J. Bolden Rashad L. Burden Quentin Howard Everett Jr. Austin James Humphreys Michael P. Paschal John Douglas Simons

Bachelor of Arts

Bright A. Agyemang-Baah Michael Anthony Boddie II Paul W. G. DeShield Chad A. Dickens Eddy Guerrier Jimmy Fleurine’ Jean-Baptiste Candace N. Johnson Lawrence Fitzroy McDonald Alexander Cody Miller Adrian LaMonte Murray Donald Olga Chaka Maceo Samuel Jack Sanders Seme Joshua M. Ward

Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Pastoral Studies: Church Development Ministerial Theology, Magna Cum Laude Ф Ministerial Theology, Honorable Mention Pastoral Care & Pre-Chaplaincy Ministerial Theology Ministerial Theology, Magna Cum Laude Ф Ministerial Theology, Honorable Mention Pastoral Care & Pre-Chaplaincy, Honorable Mention Ministerial Theology, Cum Laude Ф Ministerial Theology Ministerial Theology, Summa Cum Laude Ф Ministerial Theology, Honorable Mention Pastoral Care & Pre-Chaplaincy Ministerial Theology Ministerial Theology, Spanish, Honorable Mention


Ethan L. Augustave Passion Unique Bell Jasmine Chanelle Mims Bartholomew Kassandra Brown Kierron-dé Rose Brown Tyler Noel Brown Chelsea Browne Courtney T. Buckhanon Da’Asia N. Calhoun Gabriel E. Carter Naomi Dalia Coggs Symone A. Cole Ashley Denisha Dean Hannah Jennevieve Ellis Salena Samone Featherstone Regina Antoinette Geree Gray Shirriah S. Jackson Oluwakemi Jacobs Junior Louis Jeune Jasmin Johnson Raven Musette Alexandria Johnson Kalila Imani Shaner Joseph Cherah A. Lindo Cherillee Eugenia Lewis

Mathematics Spanish, Honorable Mention Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism Psychology £ Psychology Communication: Public Relations £ Spanish, Cum Laude Ф (Fall 2016) Communication: Public Relations, Cum Laude Ф Spanish, Cum Laude £ Ф English, Honorable Mention £ Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism, Cum Laude Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism Psychology Music, Honorable Mention Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism Spanish Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism Psychology, Honorable Mention Communication: Electronic Media English Psychology Psychology Psychology, Honorable Mention Communication Media; Broadcast Journalism

Jordan Edward Lobbins Manon Malaquin Kedgeree Dominic Kejoe McKenzie Gabriellia Elizabeth McNeil Marshall Kenneth Miles Medlock Ikechukwu Samuel Mgbenwelu Grace Nwaise Marcus Josiah Paris Jenna Elaine Ruff Kenesha Talby Ryce Bria Schree Sanford Nora Blake Smith Jazmine Joy-Ann Theodore

Bachelor of Music

Cherish-Joie Charles Taylor Griffith Devin Joshua Morrison, Sr. Candace Imani Williams

Bachelor of Science

Donnice Alexander Karis Elizabeth Arnold Renissa Renee Arnold Alana Nicole Aurelien Rodnesha A. Austin Adrian Beyde André Cornell Blake Danielle N. Boyd Lydia M. Briggs Danica Michelle Brown Krishan Brown Simone Ra’Shawn Brown Shavanna Maria Burt-Miller Micah A. Burton David K. Camacho Olivia Britania Danielle Campbell Royon Emmon Chichester Myriam Cineus Bethany Clayton Tatiana Jeanè Davidson Demont Davis Catherine Ruth De Canal Guidalia Francina Dormeus Jeffterline Buthiana Dorvil Janelle Michelle Douglas Tatiana Victoria Dubreuze Shelleta Anisla Ferguson Geoff Austin Follette Rachel Marie Frazier Darnell Donald Gordon Elyse Marie Greene Austin Romell Hannah Jonathan D. Harrell II Amara Hendricks Alexandria J. Henry-Smith Mariah M.Z. Jackson

Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism Communication: Public Relations, Cum Laude Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism, Cum Laude Music: Piano, Cum Laude Ф Communication: Public Relations Communication: Public Relations Music Psychology Psychology, Spanish (Summer 2016) Music, Cum Laude Ф Communication: Communication Arts Communication Media: Broadcast Journalism, Magna Cum Laude Ф Spanish, Cum Laude Ф Music: Vocal Performance & Pedagogy Music: Composition & Recording Arts, Cum Laude Music: Composition & Recording Arts (Summer 2016) Music: Vocal Performance & Pedagogy, Honorable Mention Biology, Cum Laude Ф (Fall 2016) Biology † Psychology, Cum Laude Ф Biology Biology Biology Information Technology * Biochemistry Biology, Cum Laude † Ф Biochemistry, Cum Laude Ф Biochemistry Psychology, Cum Laude Ф Psychology: Counseling, Honorable Mention General Studies Biomedical Sciences, Summa Cum Laude † Ф Biomedical Sciences, Magna Cum Laude Ф Biology Biology Psychology, Honorable Mention Biochemistry, Cum Laude Ф Biology Psychology, Cum Laude Ф Biology Biology Mathematics Biology Biology, Honorable Mention Biology Biochemistry, Honorable Mention Biology, Cum Laude † Ф Biology Biology, Honorable Mention † Biomedical Sciences, Cum Laude † Ф Biochemistry, Honorable Mention Biochemistry (Fall 2016) Biology, Honorable Mention

Khianté Johnson Lemont Joseph Patria Juzang Jodi Lewis Malori Jaide Lindsay Calvin Lokko Rebecca Naphtali Lubin Donovan Kirk McCallmon Gabriella Elizabeth McNeil Tinomudaishe Mkorombindo Ashli Brionne Moore Chelese Rocenia Moore Shuntela Denise Moses Ashleigh Moten Ruth W. Munene Meseret Nicholson Edliv Renae Cenocere Noël Eunice Kerubo Nyasani Lois Makori Nyasani Gideon M. Ochako Martha Diana Ojwang Jada Lenae Reedus Tyler Damien William Richardson Gregory Isaac Roper Edward T. Ross Nyoka Marie Seymore Jesseñia M. Scott Urian Smith Andrew Michael Staple Deborah A. Stowe Oneka Tate Chanice J. Thomas Ashley Malika Thornhill Victoria Williams Zoe Tresor Winston-Cartwright

Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics, Cum Laude Biochemistry, Honorable Mention Biology, Honorable Mention Biology Applied Mathematics, Cum Laude Psychology General Psychology, Cum Laude * Biology, Cum Laude † Ф Biology, Honorable Mention † Biomedical Sciences, Magna Cum Laude † Ф Biology, Cum Laude Ф General Psychology * Biomedical Sciences, Magna Cum Laude † Biology, Cum Laude Ф Mathematics Biology Biochemistry Biology Computer Science Biology, Honorable Mention Biology, Magna Cum Laude Ф Chemistry Applied Mathematics, Cum Laude Applied Mathematics, Honorable Mention Information Technology* Biology, Cum Laude † Ф Biology Applied Mathematics General Psychology, Honorable Mention * (Fall 2016) Chemistry Biomedical Sciences, Summa Cum Laude † Ф Biochemistry, Honorable Mention Biology, Cum Laude † Ф Psychology: Counseling


Caleb Malcolm Briggs Nephthali Dan Duronville Safiya Margaret Hudson Sesly Desiree Huerfano Nathencia Indell Johnson Crystal-Mae Juste-Marcel Melodie Jasmine Kukome Duran Andrae Miller Pauline Ogake Kemunto Onkware Thomas Richardson III Michael James Taylor Petrina Abigail Cicelia Thomas

Bachelor of Science

Sola Ifetayo Matthisha Adeoye Alexandria Brooks Danesha Ebony Arianne Clarke Danielle Simone Cornwall Darren Marcel Daly

History, Honorable Mention Pre-Law: Political Science, Honorable Mention £ International Studies, Spanish, Cum Laude £ Ф Pre-Law: Political Science, Summa Cum Laude £ Ф Pre-Law: Political Science £ Political Science Political Science, Cum Laude £ History Pre-Law: Political Science, Cum Laude £ Political Science Political Science, Magna Cum Laude £ Ф Political Science, Honorable Mention £ Elementary Education Elementary Education, Honorable Mention Elementary Education, Honorable Mention (Fall 2016) Elementary Education, Honorable Mention Π English Language Arts Education, Honorable Mention Π

Kenisha D. Gage Valencia Harris Jazzmin Joy Pride Jasmine Whitney Yansen

Bachelor of Social Work

Camilla Fatimetou Zahra Ahmed Japera LaNeice Barnes Imilsy Barzaga Destiny Lanae Brand Raymond Louis Brown Chelsea Browne Abigail Ionie Caesar Jordan Alexis Cameron Janelle Clarke Shellee Marie Daniel Ashley Chantel Gordon Regina Antoinette-Geree Gray Jameela Marie Moneè Hall Shawndell Alison Rianna Harris Alana Henry Kaylah A. Joseph Kaela Janell Levison Brandon Michael McPhoy George R.H. Myers, II Imani Naeem Parker Christian Tavonne Sawyers Lauretta A. Smith Ammy Enibeth Swaby Wendell Rutendo Tsakani Tavuyanago Jonathan Harris Williams Ivory Wortham

Elementary Education English Language Arts Education Elementary Education, Cum Laude Ф Elementary Education, Cum Laude Ф Π Social Work Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work, Cum Laude Ф Social Work, Cum Laude Ф (Fall 2016) Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work Social Work, Magna Cum Laude Ф Social Work, Cum Laude Ф Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work Social Work (Fall 2016) Social Work Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work, Honorable Mention Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Bachelor of Business Administration Tyler Barber Imani Z. Barton Thea Benjamin Brieanna Cannon Kandace Marisa Clark Aryelle L. Crawford William Dean III Deneka Rene` Henry Michael J. Knight Anya Gabrielle Lewis Ashley Ramos Jeremy Daniel-Sinclair Smith

Bachelor of Science

Chanté Marie Anderson Chibuike Emeka Anyatonwu Jasmine Bailey Ernst Barbier Krystal A. Bean Robert Chevel Bess, Sr. Leah Ashley Binns Onyx Brown-Washburn

Business Administration: Management, Cum Laude Ф (Fall 2016) Business Admin: Health Care Administration (Fall 2016) Business Administration: Management Business Administration: Marketing Business Administration: Marketing, Cum Laude Ф Business Administration: HealthCare Administration Business Administration: Management Business Admin: Health Care Administration (Fall 2016) Business Admin: Health Care Administration Business Administration: Marketing Business Administration: Marketing, Cum Laude Δ Ф Business Administration: Management General Studies, Honorable Mention General Studies General Studies* Management Information Systems, Honorable Mention Organizational Management * Organizational Management * General Studies General Studies (Summer 2016)

Marie A. Buchanan Baswick Barton Burt-Miller Janet Brown Meta Alina Cain Marlyse Campbell Yolande Cébert Cardell A. Carolina Tiffany Cooper Michael Ray Crutcher Terrel Dion Davis David Lloyd DeLisser Mikayla D.C. DeShields Pecolia Mae Dismuke Abel Niky Duronville Aryn Lindsay Eddings Martin Escobedo Jr. Bryana Farrington Jelani Najeé Aswad Fields Nakhaz Gay Sasha Ann George Clover Joy Graham Everett Grant Dana R. Henry David Lee Hill Lamar Sherrod Howard Zellima Joycelyn Howard Donna LaShawn Jackson Mishael Frederick Jackson Ennis Vincent Johnson, Sr. Jaquane Jeffrey-Jerome Johnson Kyra D. Johnson Raymond Anthony Jones Jr. Felicia King Ariel Delese Laws Effe-lorraine Lemard Angela Malcolm-Hemmings Kenisha Ariel Malcolm Joseph Manders Shonelle Alika Martell Jocelyn Nichole McGhee Shaveda Sherrell McLean Eva M. Miles-Casin Debra Mitchell Iditagar Moise Astrid Monroig Daniel McCarthy Morris Eric Clifton Moses Daniel Colls Mullens Monique Montrelle Mullins Margaret Ann Pack Yashira Perry Dominic Pierre-Louis Paul Prince Lee Andrew Purtty Ronald David Rice Christian D. Riley Jordan David Riley Kendrick D. Rogers Sr.

Organizational Management* (Fall 2016) Organizational Management, Magna Cum Laude * General Studies* Organizational Management* General Studies* Organizational Management, Honorable Mention* Finance Finance, Honorable Mention Δ Organizational Management * Accounting, Honorable Mention Organizational Management * (Fall 2016) General Studies (Fall 2016) General Studies General Studies Organizational Management* General Studies General Studies General Studies Accounting, Honorable Mention General Studies (Fall 2016) General Studies* Honorable Mention Accounting General Studies, Honorable Mention (Fall 2016) General Studies* General Studies Organizational Management * Organizational Management * General Studies General Studies * General Studies (Fall 2016) General Studies (Fall 2016) General Studies Organizational Management, Cum Laude * General Studies * General Studies, Honorable Mention * Organizational Management * Finance, Magna Cum Laude Δ Ф Management Information Systems General Studies Organizational Management * (Fall 2016) General Studies General Studies, Honorable Mention * (Summer 2016) Organizational Management, Honorable Mention * General Studies Accounting, Magna Cum Laude Δ Ф General Studies Organizational Management, Honorable Mention * (Fall 2016) Organizational Management * Organizational Management, Honorable Mention * (Fall 2016) Organizational Management, Honorable Mention * (Fall 2016) General Studies, Honorable Mention Accounting Accounting Organizational Management * Organizational Management * Accounting General Studies Organizational Management *

Christopher William Ross Gerlinkia Patrice Russell Julian Alexander Samuels Jason C. Smith Jr. Joshua A. Southwell Orland Sweeney Iresha Lynn Thompson Chelsea Warren Tamica Sherelle Waters Kamilah Nneka Watson Roger Kyle Williams

General Studies Organizational Management, Cum Laude * Finance, Magna Cum Laude Δ Ф Accounting General Studies General Studies General Studies Accounting, Magna Cum Laude Δ Ф Organizational Management, Honorable Mention * General Studies * (Fall 2016) General Studies *

SCHOOL OF NURSING & HEALTH PROFESSIONS Associate of Science Kalila Imani Shaner Joseph Andrea Lauren Saunders

Bachelor of Science

Alexander E. Archer Chelsea Aisha Augustine Richanda Telva Shannetta Bell C’Asia A. Bermudez Kiana Nicole Berry J’NNym Keewani Teewnan Browne Richard Alvin Carr III Jenrnée Stanika Colbert Juwané Damon Shanelle Dandy Brett M. Daniel Russchelle Mercedes De Four Danika Desgazon Greg F. Edouard Ross-Andre Paul Edwards Theodore Reginald Edwards Jr. Kendall Elder Alicia Renetta Faria Andrew Francis Lamar J Fullard Chevelle Gauntlett Krystal M. George Sarah Wairimu Gikonyo Ashli Olivia Gordon Kemanda Graham Matthew Groce Bianca Fadzai Gutu Jasmine ShuRonne Henry Saul Enrique Heras Estrada Christian Hinds Brianna Alexandra Holiday Eric Anthony Holness Barbara Christian Cienna Jackson Ashley Jacobs Almamy Jalloh Marissa Janelle Sylvanie James Chantelle Demetria Johnson Hailey Chanelle Jones Jacquelyn Marie Jones

Pre-Speech-Language Pathology Pre-Speech-Language Pathology, Honorable Mention Human Development & Family Studies Health Sciences, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physical Therapy, Magna Cum Laude Pre-Physical Therapy, Summa Cum Laude Ф Nursing, Honorable Mention Nursing Health Sciences, Honorable Mention Health Sciences, Cum Laude Health Sciences Health Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy Nursing, Honorable Mention Occupational Therapy Nursing, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy, Cum Laude Fitness & Wellness Nursing Pre-Physical Therapy, Cum Laude Ф Health Sciences Pre-Occupational Therapy, Honorable Mention Dietetics Health Sciences Dietetics, Pre-Physical Therapy, Cum Laude Pre-Physical Therapy Fitness & Wellness Pre-Occupational Therapy, Honorable Mention Pre-Physical Therapy, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy, Honorable Mention Pre-Physical Therapy Dietetics Nursing Nursing, Honorable Mention Nursing Pre-Physical Therapy, Magna Cum Laude Ф Nursing, Honorable Mention Pre-Physical Therapy (Fall 2016) Health Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy

Eve Ama Kankam Mphatso Destiny Khuzwayo DaJé Lake Alexis K. Lewis Macy Lovelace Imari Kade’m Dominique’ McCrary Lauren Mariah McEady Dyschaunna McNair Tyschaunna McNair Chenice Constance McQueen Farrah R. Melidor Kevin Jonelle Mendez Jenessa Gala Merelus Demetrius Rashaad Nimons Genokristo D. Ochieng Kristina M. Peay Phillip Perkins Josetta Alexandra Porter Tenneil Ratteray Jayde J. A. Russell Tiffany Danielle Saunders William Andrew Sherard Danielle Olivia Smith Mariah Kari Smith Opal Bianca Strachan Jazmine Joy-Ann Theodore Clayton Najee Tuckett NyJah Monaé Walters Deonna Jovita Washington Dianne Waterton-White Jaron Wilkinson Justin B. Wilkinson Rakhila Ranice Williams Nia Ashley Wortham Yanik Wynter


Christy C. Brooks Theresa Margaret Gionta Brianna Jamie Hudson Sarah M. Jackson Alesha Johnson Stephanie Lane Stephanie Lawton Natalie M. Livingston Alana E. Myers Kia F. Octaviano Eliza K. Ring Jessica Schaus Mariam Siddique Abeo S. Valdez Kathryn G. Vander Molen Renee D. Wehring Lauren Williams Sofia Wrentmore Clarissa Wright

Health Sciences, Cum Laude Ф Child Development & Family Studies Health Sciences Health Sciences Health Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy Human Development & Family Studies Health Sciences Dietetics Health Sciences, Cum Laude Ф Nursing, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Occupational Therapy Fitness & Wellness (Fall 2016) Pre-Physical Therapy, Cum Laude Ф Dietetics, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy Nursing Pre-Physical Therapy, Magna Cum Laude Ф Human Development & Family Studies (Fall 2016) Nursing, Magna Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy, Honorable Mention Nursing Health Sciences, Honorable Mention Health Sciences, Honorable Mention (Fall 2016) Pre-Occupational Therapy, Cum Laude Ф Nursing, Honorable Mention Human Development & Family Studies, Magna Cum Laude Ф Nursing, Honorable Mention Health Sciences Nursing Nursing, Honorable Mention Nursing, Cum Laude Ф Pre-Physical Therapy Dietetics Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship Dietetic Internship

** The Dietetic Internship Program at Oakwood University is a post baccalaureate dietetic program offering 1200 hours of training in food service management, clinical and community nutrition. After completion of the program, students are eligible for active membership in the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and may take the examination to become a Registered Dietitian (R.D.). Graduation with Distinction: Summa Cum Laude (4.00 – 3.90), Magna Cum Laude (3.89 – 3.75), Cum Laude (3.74 – 3.50), Honorable Mention (3.49 – 3.25). The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is calculated on course work taken at Oakwood University through Fall Semester 2016 for honors listed in this program. Φ Alpha Chi National Honor Society: Full-time student with a 3.50 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for two consecutive semesters, who meet the criteria of Junior or Senior status and is in the top 10 percent of their class. Δ Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society: Membership is the highest national recognition a business student can earn, must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.3 or better, is in the top 20 percent of their class, and in good academic standing. † Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) National Biological Honor Society: A society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Students shall have completed at least three term courses in biological science, of which at least one is not an introductory course, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or its equivalent in those biology courses. £ Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International: A professional law fraternity advancing integrity, compassion, and courage through service to the school, the student, the profession and the community. The fraternity was established in 1902. Π Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education: A society for students in the top 20 percent who are entering the education field. This society was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. * Adult Continuing Education Degree Program/Leadership Education for the Adult Professional (ACE/LEAP). Summer 2016: All degree requirements were completed: September 1, 2016. Fall 2016: All degree requirements were completed: December 31, 2016. Note: Since the names of candidates must be furnished to the printer three weeks prior to Commencement, it is possible that a few persons listed in the program may not have completed degree requirements or that some candidates who completed degree requirements may not be listed. The inability to remove or include a candidate’s name in the program does not constitute graduation from this institution, the granting of a degree, or denial of a degree.

Distinguished Alumnus Award Alma Foggo York Community Service Award

Mark Washington Mark Washington is the deputy assistant secretary for management and planning, in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, of the U.S. Department of Education. In this role, he is responsible for the management and operations of the principal organization that directs policies, programs and funding that impacts most of the elementary and secondary education field. This includes a grant portfolio of over $22 billion for the Every Student Succeeds Act programs, such as Title I, the largest federal commitment to K-12 education. He is also the lead federal career executive of the Federal Task Force on Underserved Youth, responsible for transitioning former President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative, in collaboration with the current President Trump’s administration. Prior to this appointment, he was the Department’s performance improvement officer (PIO), advising the deputy secretary and secretary of education on performance management, and on matters related to the Department’s strategic plans and enhancing overall performance. He was responsible for leading the Department’s performance improvement processes and performance benchmarking. He also led the Department’s focus on optimizing customer service, innovation, engagement, and other components related to the implementation of the Government Performance Results Act Modernization Act (GPRAMA) of 2010. He advised the deputy secretary on critical audits and external review engagements, such as those conducted by the Office of the Inspector General and the U.S. Government Accountability Office. He was a member of the President’s PIO Council, and the OMB Performance Improvement Council. Prior to joining the Department, Washington pursued a fiscal career and held positions at various organizations, including the audit, tax, and advisory services firm KPMG, the human rights organization Amnesty International of the USA, and several other non-profit entities. He was the director of financial aid at Oakwood University immediately before joining the Department. He is a member of the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and volunteers as a leader in its national service initiative for boys and young men of color, the Guide Right program. He has also been honored for his commitment to service in the community, including the NPFAAA President’s Award, the FSASSY Champion of Change Award, the WMAWM Men of Honor Award, and the President’s Volunteer Service Award--Drum Major for Justice Award. Mark Washington is an alumnus of Oakwood College (now Oakwood University), and is a senior fellow of the Partnership for Public Service’s Excellence in Government Fellows program. He is also a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute, and an alumnus of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, at Harvard University. He is a Civil War history buff and sports enthusiast, as well as an aspiring triathlete. He is married with two children and resides in Washington, D.C. In acknowledgement of the grace and goodness of God in his life--Mark clings to this somber reminder of our duty to serve Him and our fellow man: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 (NKJV)


Clifton Jessup, Jr.,


Clifton R. Jessup Jr., was appointed as the United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District of Alabama, Northern Division on March 2, 2015. He was formerly a principal shareholder in the Dallas office of the International law firm of Greenburg Traurig, LLP where he concentrated his practice on business reorganization and bankruptcy. Honorable Jessup graduated summa cum laude from Oakwood University, formerly Oakwood College, in 1976 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and received his J.D. from the University of Michigan School of Law in 1978. During his 35 plus years of bankruptcy-related practice before taking the bench, Clifton represented secured creditors, unsecured creditors, committees, equity holders, debtors, and trustees in federal bankruptcy cases in over 37 states and Puerto Rico. He also represented purchasers of assets in bankruptcy cases, and served as examiner and mediator in many cases. In 2001, he was selected as the Liquidating Trustee under the confirmed Chapter 11 Plan in the Baptist Foundation of Arizona, the largest not-for-profit bankruptcy cases filed to date. The cases involved over 13,000 investors and claims in excess of $600 million. In 2009, he represented Opus West Corporation in a Chapter 11 case involving over 50 commercial real estate properties in Arizona, California, and Texas with claims in excess of $1.2 billon. The professional and community involvement of Honorable Jessup includes being a member of the Advisory Committee to the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) Commission to Study the Reform of Chapter 11, Texas State Bar, and American Bar Association. He is also a past member of the North Texas Regional Mental Health Board and the Board of Trustees for Oakwood University. Honorable Jessup has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in America, “Lawyer of the Year” in Bankruptcy Law, team member of “Law Firm of the Year,” Chambers USA Guide 2006-2014, super lawyer in Texas Super Lawyers 2003-2014, Texas’ Best Lawyers 2009-2010, The Legal 500 United States, and a host of others. Honorable Jessup has lectured at several conferences and seminars throughout the United States. He has been a speaker for several events including: the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in San Diego and San Francisco, Annual Midwestern Bankruptcy Institute, State Bar of Texas Advanced Business Bankruptcy Seminar, Central California Bankruptcy Association Institute, Alabama Bar Bankruptcy Conference, Louisiana State Bar Bankruptcy Conference, Oklahoma State Bar Bankruptcy Conference, Arizona State Bankruptcy Conference, University of Texas Annual Bankruptcy Conference, and National Bar Association.


Philanthropy Award

Philanthropy Award

Mildred Poole Johnson

Lavelle Holmes Humphries Lavelle Holmes Humphries was born in Mississippi where she had the majority of her early education. She subsequently enrolled in Oakwood Academy for her last two years of high school and from there she went on to attend Oakwood College where she studied pre-nursing. Lavelle continued her nursing education at Paradise Valley School of Nursing in San Diego, CA. She graduated and met the qualifications to become a licensed registered nurse. Lavelle did not stop there she continued her studies at University of California San Francisco where she earned both her Bachelors of Science degree and her Masters of Nursing degree. Lavelle’s work history has included working as a clinical nurse practitioner and teaching. Her first 10 years after retirement, Lavelle devoted herself to giving back to her community by establishing a group home for adolescent boys. Her time now is spent traveling, mentoring and continually helping those around her in need. A large part her mission now is encouraging young people to attend her alma mater, Oakwood University, to prepare them for a future that includes service and increasing the Kingdom of God.


Mildred Poole Johnson is a retired Bible instructor (Religious Educator) who served faithfully in South Central Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist for more than four decades. During that time she worked both nationally and internationally with many noted evangelists, sharing the good news of the gospel with thousands—many of whom were baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Mrs. Johnson broke the glass ceiling in evangelism during the 1960s, a time when women were not as active in such roles. This was particularly evident with her singular female role during the initiation of the Evangelism Council at Oakwood University (currently referred to as the Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Council, or PELC), where she facilitated all of the Bible Instructor seminars. Although she began her professional career as a nurse, Mrs. Johnson was inspired with a burning desire to share the gospel with others. After all, someone had graciously shared the gospel’s good news with her and her late husband, Washington Johnson, Sr., during the 1950s. This life-changing experience was far-reaching with many opportunities to lecture at Oakwood College (University), develop and facilitate evangelism training for pastors and lay persons throughout the North American and West-Central Africa Divisions. Her efforts resulted in the successful establishment of three churches, and even seeing some of the converts become Seventh-Day Adventist pastors. Her own son, Washington Johnson, II, who currently serves as an Assistant Director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries at the North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventist, was among them. Mrs. Mildred Johnson holds a Masters in Religious Education from Faith-Grant College, Birmingham, AL, and is honored to have received numerous awards, citations and official recognition from several denominational and renowned organizations for her outstanding work in the field of Evangelism. These include an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters L.H.D. from Faith-Grant College Birmingham, AL; resolutions from the Mississippi State Senate, the City of Fairfield, AL; and commendation awards from the North American Division, Southern Union and South Central Conferences. In 2016, she was honored to receive a Life Time Achievement Award from PELC in recognition of her exceptional work in evangelism. Her influence in West Africa resulted in a school bearing her name. She was also featured in the book, A Star Gives Light, which highlighted the magnitude of her work as a religious educator. Mrs. Johnson is widely known for being a pacesetter in evangelism, and wearing exceptionally elegant hats every Sabbath. The Johnsons were blessed with six children who all attended Oakwood University: Janice Browne, Ph.D., University Professor, former Oakwood University Faculty (Benjamin—former president of South Central Conference and Ethiopian Union); Cynthia Johnson (deceased) — educator in the Fairfax County, VA school system; Stephanie Dingome—educator, realtor and former Associate Editor of the Regional Voice (Gill, Ph.D., J.D.); Rosalind Adedokun—HealthCare Administrator (Muyiwa, M.D.); Washington, D.Min (Joyce, Ph.D.); Grayland (deceased)—State of Alabama Department of Corrections (Blanca —educator). In an effort to pay these blessings forward, Mrs. Johnson has established a number of scholarships for Christian education. Mildred Poole Johnson recently shared that her evangelistic work will not be completed until Jesus returns, and that she will live by the Gospel Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 all the days of her life. She enjoys traveling, fishing, reading and spending time with her four grandchildren: Kemi Adedokun (J.D.); Deji Adedokun (medical student, University of Tennessee Medical School); Washington Johnson III (student, Oakwood University); and Andrew Dingome (student, Oakwood Academy).


Board of Trustees

Advisory Board Members


Jim Davidson Secretary, Southern Union Conference

Daniel R. Jackson, Chairman

President, North American Division, Silver Spring, MD

Leslie N. Pollard, Secretary

President, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL

G. Alexander Bryant, Vice Chair Secretary, North American Division, Silver Spring, MD

Ralph Reid, Vice Chair

Layperson, Businessman, Kansas City, MO

Ron Smith, Vice Chair

President, Southern Union , Norcross, GA

William Winston, Vice Chair

President, South Atlantic Conference, Atlanta, GA



Trevor Fraser Faculty, Oakwood University John Freedman President, North Pacific Union Conference Mark Johnson President, SDA Church in Canada Victoria Joiner Faculty, Oakwood University Lewis Jones Staff, Oakwood University Kenneth Manders President, Bermuda Conference Carmela Monk Crawford Editor, MESSAGE Magazine Larry Moore President, Southwestern Union Conference Randy Robinson Treasurer, Southern Union Conference

Roger Bernard, Jr.

President, Central States, Kansas City, KS

Larry Blackmer

Vice President, Education, North American Division

Meki Bracken

Young Alumnus, Alexandria, VA

Virgil Childs

Director, Regional Affairs, Pacific Union Conference

William Cox

President, Allegheny West Conference

Laura Davis

Layperson, Orthodontist, Atlanta, GA

G. Tom Evans

Treasurer, North American Division, Silver Spring, MD

Henry Fordham

President, Allegheny East Conference

Stephen Foster

Layperson, Journalist, Business Consultant

Ricardo Graham

President, Pacific Union Conference

Stephen Gray

Layperson, Physician, Birmingham, AL

William Hicks

Layperson, Physician, C-100 Representative

Daniel HonorĂŠ

President, Northeastern Conference

Benjamin Jones

President, South Central Conference

R. Clifford Jones

President, Lake Region Conference

Zavon Kanion

Layperson, Dentist, Loch Lloyd, MO

Alvin M. Kibble

Vice President, North American Division

G. Earl Knight

President, Atlantic Union Conference

Valerie Lee

Layperson, Educator, Columbia, OH

Don Livesay

President, Lake Union Conference

Gregory Mack

President, Southeastern Conference

Cynthia Powell-Hicks

President, National Alumni Association

Witford Reid

Layperson, Anesthesiologist, Sebring, FL

Sergio Romero

Multicultural and Church Growth Dir. for Allegheny West

Terry Shaw

President/CEO, Adventist Health System

Calvin Watkins

President, Southwest Region Conference

David Weigley

President, Columbia Union Conference

David R. Williams

Educator/Sociology Researcher, Boston, MA

Ed Zinke

Retired, Theologian/Businessman, Silver Spring, MD

Gary Thurber President, Mid-America Union Conference Lois Peters, Emeritus Healthcare Entrepreneur, Clarksville, MD

Benjamin Reaves, Emeritus

Retired, Former President, Oakwood University

Calvin B. Rock, Emeritus

Retired, Former President, Oakwood University

University Officers

Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.


Karen Benn Marshall, Ed.D.

V.P. for Academic Administration and Interim Senior Vice President

Sabrina R. Cotton, CPA, M.Acc.

V.P. for Financial Administration

David Knight, M.A.

V.P. for Student Services

Prudence L. Pollard, Ph.D., M.P.H., SPHR

V.P. for Research and Faculty Development

David Richardson, Ed.D.

V.P. for Spiritual Life and Mission

Kisha R. Norris, M.Ed., CFRE

Executive Director, Advancement and Development

Kirk Nugent, B.S.

Chief Information Officer

Howard Weems, Ph.D.

Director of E.G. White Estate and Special Assistant to the President

Commencement Honorees

2017 Alma Foggo York Community Service Award

Mark Washington

2017 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Clifton Jessup Jr.

Lavelle Holmes Humphries 2017 Philanthropy Award Mildred Poole Johnson 2017 Teacher of the Year TBA

2017 Philanthropy Award



University Faculty 2016-2017 Academic Year SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Biological Sciences Bailey-Penrod, Juliet, Ph.D. Dulan, Stanton, M.D. Durant, Juliet, Ph.D. Gullo, Safawo, Ph.D. Otieno, Onesimus, Ph.D. Richardson, Melissa, Ph.D. Schmidt, Londa, Ph.D.**

Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Professor Professor Asst. Professor Professor

Chemistry Anderson, B. Kevin, Ph.D. Lai Hing, Kenneth, Ph.D.**  Ochieng, Patrick, Ph.D. Ranatunga, Rufus, Ph.D. Rhem, Marlon, Ph.D. Volkov, Alexander, Ph.D.

Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Professor Professor Professor

Communication Conwell, Patrice, M.A. Elliott, R. Rennae, Ph.D.** Harrison, Bobby, M.S. Hinson, Kyna, M.A. Joiner, Victoria, Ed.D. Watson, Janice, Ph.D.

Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor

English and Foreign Languages Bowe, Derek, Ph.D.** Professor Burgos Suarez, Francisco, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Hyman, Ramona, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Mountain, Chandra Tyler, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Prigg, Benson, Ph.D.** Assoc. Professor Roper, Kem, Ph.D. Asst. Professor Tucker, Karen, M.Ed./M.S. Asst. Professor Wilkerson, Carmiele, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Williams, Joshua, M.A. Asst. Professor Mathematics and Computer Science James, Lisa, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Jeries, Joseph, M.S. Asst. Professor Joseph, Jea, M.S. Asst. Professor


Osei, Albert J., Ph.D. Patel, Darayas, Ph.D. Smith, Shushannah, M.S.,M.S.E. Young, Tara, M.Ed., Ed.S.

Professor Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor

Music Bucknor, Wayne, D.M.A. Chambers, Audley, Ph.D.** Ferdinand, Jason, D.M.A. Fordjour-Hankins, Iris, M.A. Foster, Julie Moore, D.M.A. Hampton, Makeda, M.M. + Kim, Sung-Jun, Ph.D. Perera, Adriana, M.M.

Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor

Psychological Sciences Bucknor, Carmen, Ph.D. Cook, Pamelea, Ph.D. Galley, Cherryl, Ph.D. Hodnett, Martin, Psy.D. Sawyers, Pauline, Ph.D. Weems, Howard, Ph.D.

Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Professor

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Business and Information Systems Anderson, John E., Ph.D.** Professor Blanco-Topping, Richard, M.B.A. Asst. Professor Brown, Sr., Theodore, Ph.D. Professor Burton, Hyacinth, Ph.D.  Asst. Professor Campbell, Throy, Ph.D. Asst. Professor Charles, George, DBA Assoc. Professor Gohanna, Vern, M.B.A. Asst. Professor Kenea, Habtalem, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Kessio, Japheth, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Lai Hing, E. Jean, M.Sc. Asst. Professor Mackey, Kyle, M.S. Asst. Professor Pollard, Leslie N., Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.** Professor Pollard, Prudence L., Ph.D., MPH, SPHR** Professor Roach, Shaunda, M.B.A. Asst. Professor

Education Beverly, Olivia, Ph.D. Goodridge, Ellengold, M.A. Mbyirukira, James, Ph.D.**  Wilchcombe, Dana, Ph.D. Williams, Donaldson, Ph.D. Wood, Deril, Ph.D.

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor

History and Political Science Foster, Preston, M.P.A. Asst. Professor Greene, Jr., Alfonzo, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor London, Jr., Samuel, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Ringer, Amanda, J.D. Asst. Professor Warren, Camille, J.D. Asst. Professor

Social Work

Ashley, George, Ph.D.** Chama, Samson, Ph.D. Fischle, Helen, M.S.W. Frye, Lorraine, M.S.W. Ramirez, Octavio, Ph.D. Smith, Ryan E., Ed.D.

Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor


Benn Marshall, Karen, Ed.D. Hannah, R. Isariah., M.S. Henry, Earl, Dr.P.H. Isaac, Elaine, M.S. Williams, Michelle, M.S.

Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor

Health and Exercise Science Hamilton, Terry, M.Ed. Roddy, James A., M.Ed.** Shaw, Howard, Ph.D.** Williams, Vashon M.S., Young, Andrew, Ph.D.


Anderson, Karen, Ph.D. Johnson, Arlene, Ph.D.  Johnson, Deora, D.N.P. Mbuguje, Mukesha, M.S.N.

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor

Muriu, Eunice, M.S. Smith, A. Yolanda, Ed.D. Wills, Jillian, M.S.N.

Nutrition and Dietetics Dalrymple, Lisa, Ph.D. Herring, Temyi, M.P.H. Lewis, Fiona, Ph.D. Peterson, Joycelyn, D.P.H.

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor

Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Professor

SCHOOL OF RELIGION Religion and Theology

Allen, Gregory, Th.D. Benjamin, Finbar, D.Min. Blue, Dedrick L. D.Min.  Burton, Keith, Ph.D. Fraser, Trevor, D. Min. ** Knight, Charles Wesley, D.Min. Kwesi, Ifeoma, D.Min. Li, Tarsee, Ph.D.** Ojwang, Gilbert, Ph.D. Pollard, Leslie N., Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.** Rowe, Cory, D.Min. Samson, Agniel, Th.D.** Seay, G. Russell, Ph.D. Wilson, Jesse, Ph.D.

Library Services

Brothers, Rebecca, MLIS Neath-Foster, Jacqueline, MLIS, M. Ed Hinton, Jeshua, M.A., M.S. McLean Johnson, Paulette, MLIS, EdS

Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor

Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor

BOLD FACE - Department Chairs  Dean of School + Study Leave/Sabbatical ** Continuous Appointment

Assoc. Professor Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor



Academic Costume The American Council on Education, through cooperation of its institutional members, has established the Academic Costume Code, which has been adopted almost completely by institutions of higher learning in this country. The following information is provided for the benefit of visitors to academic ceremonies at Oakwood University.

THE GOWN Bachelor Black, full cut with long pointed sleeves. Master Black, long or short sleeves with arc shaped panel extended for each sleeve. Doctor Black, with velvet panels on front of gown and three velvet bars on each sleeve. Color of the velvet may be black or distinctive of the field of study.

THE HOOD Bachelor Three feet in length with a two-inch wide velvet. Master Three and one-half feet in length with a three-inch wide velvet. Doctor Four feet in length with five-inch wide velvet and panel at the sides. The lining of all hoods, which is folded out, bears the official colors of the institution from which the degree was received. The color of the velvet on all hoods indicates the field of study.



Candidates for degree at Oakwood University wear the black mortar board with a tassel, the color of which is distinctive of the degree being received. The fields being traditionally indicated by the color of the tassel are as follows: Agriculture......................................Maize Arts, Letters, Humanities..............White Commerce, Accounting, Business ...........................................................Drab Dentistry...........................................Lilac Economics....................................Copper Education................................Light Blue Engineering..................................Orange Fine Arts, including Architecture .........................................................Brown Forestry...........................................Russet Family Consumer Science.........Maroon General Studies...............................Silver Journalism..................................Crimson Law..................................................Purple Library Science.............................Lemon Medicine.........................................Green Music.................................................Pink Nursing.........................................Apricot Optometry.....................Sea-foam Green Oratory (Speech).................Silvery Gray Pharmacy..............................Olive Green Philosophy...............................Dark Blue Physical Education................Sage Green Public Administration, including Foreign Service..................Peacock Blue Public Health......................Salmon Pink Science..............................Golden Yellow Social Work....................................Citron Theology.........................................Scarlet Veterinary Medicine.......................Gray

Commencement Committee


The use of the kente cloth, worn with academic regalia, adds more than dramatic color; this represents historic perceptions. These weavings are in authentic patterns from Africa. Niara Sudarkasa, Ph.D., an African American anthropologist, lived for some time in West Africa. When she returned to the U.S., she determined to “affirm her association” with the great African continent. She did this by changing her first name and by replacing the traditional velvet bands on her doctoral gown and the band on her cap with the dramatic Kente. Dr. Sudarkasa and other scholars have promoted the use of Kente in the academic arena. Often, professors of African-American studies distribute Kente shawls to their students as they approach graduation. Successful completion of courses that feature African, Black and Caribbean culture and contributions are commemorated by this “token of passage.” During our ceremonies, authentic stairstep patterns are seen in the original red, gold, green and black, as well as in Oakwood’s colors of blue and gold. There are weavings of the Cross, or of the curved stools of Ghana, symbolizing the seat of wisdom. Though shawls are woven in many colors, some including gold, silver and copper threads, they all usually come to a fringe a both ends.

Jorge Bartholomew Karen Benn Marshall, Chair Dedrick Blue Hyacinth Burton David Clarke Melissa Davis Kenn Dixon Stanton Dulan, Senior Class Sponsor Jason Ferdinand Helen Fischle Sarah Faria Trevor Fraser Ellengold Goodridge Desiree Gunn-Price Melvin Harris John Hill Camille Kibler, Senior Class Sponsor Kenneth LaiHing Adrienne Matthews Stephanie Matthews James Mbyirukira Wanda Misori Britney Nelson, Graduation Coordinator Kisha Norris Anthonye Perkins Leslie Pollard, Ex-Officio Ian Robinson Shushannah Smith Ryan Smith Shelley Vaughn Adana Wilson Program Design & Printing TM

Whatever the style, the Kente shawls are worn with grace and pride at Oakwood University.


Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us



THE OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY SEAL Turner Battle, class of 1950, designed the official seal for Oakwood College during the presidency of Frank L. Peterson, who asked: “What is the meaning of the scroll, pen, and torch?” The seal contains elements that give legitimacy and authority to Oakwood because they present to the world the mission of the church, the college and its students. The three symbols serve as motifs to convey Oakwood University as an institution where young men and women secure a religious education. Oakwood University, at the time Oakwood College, is at the top perimeter of the seal. The lower part has Huntsville, Alabama. The founding date, 1896, is divided on each side of the flambeau to symbolize the separation of Negroes and whites when the college was founded. The scroll in the background is covered by a quill pen made from the hollow spine of a feather. The flambeau is super imposed on the quill and Torah. The Torah, the oldest symbol, represents original Hebrew Scripture that contains the first divine laws. This compilation of knowledge allows individuals to find guidance as they pursue fundamental questions concerning God, man, and salvation, and reminds students that God is present and is actively at work outlining His great plan for the redemption of man. The quill represents Mrs. Ellen G. White and her ministry to the Seventhday Adventist Church. The quill also suggests the foundation for educational principles that outlined the final course of salvation for God’s people and the world. Mrs. White’s pen provided the impetus for the establishment of Oakwood. The glowing flambeau depicts wisdom, knowledge, and education that portray a beacon of light and guidance while it prepares the mind, character, and religious conviction for this life and finally eternity. The mission of students is to continue carrying it as devoted followers of the Savior who are on their mission of spreading the gospel to the “four corners of the earth.”

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