The Tan and Cardinal March 30, 1979

Page 1

Otterbein Senior- Fellow James Roosevelt, a former U.S. Congressman and the eldest son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, will speak at Cowan Hall, April 9.

car 1na

The Student Newspaper of Otterbein College. March .w, l.97f)

Faculty Forum Closed to Reporters

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum said in a letter to the Tan and Cardinal that it cannot permit reporters at future meetings because "discussion is seriously stifled if faculty feel any question or controversy they propose might end up as public kno wledge."

The Forum was established years ago to provide an avenue for faculty members to discuss "issues that affect fa culty and the campus." Like all campus organizations the Forum has a constitution approved by the Senate.

According to the letter the Forum only shares position statement(s) and recommend(s) actions to the Senate, its "committees" and the "administration. " It is not a formal part of the governance system.

Other bodies closed to press coverage include the Personnel Committee, the Academic Council and the Judicial Council. Prohibition of press coverage or

unauthorized attendance at these bodies, however, rests on the -grounds that actions affect the personal lives of students or College employees.

Dr. Robert Place of the chemistry department and Secretary of the Executive Committee said Wednesday the Forum is closed to the press because its presence stifles discussion.

"The Forum was designed and came out of the need for a faculty to get together by themselves to hash out issues on an informal level," Place said. "It's a sounding ground for getting ideas and dialogue going," and it is necessary to keep the group homogeneous to maintain the "dialogue that leads to decision making."

Joyce Karsko, assistant professor of psychology, and a member of the Executive Committee said it is the rule of the Forum not to include members of the Administration or non-faculty people because of a "stifling" influence over free discussion.

Roosevelt is Otterbein Fellow; To Speak on U .s . Priorities

James Roosevelt, a former U.S. Congr essman and the eldest son of the "President who changed the face of American politics"Franklin Delano Roosevelt - will speak on the topic of "Our National Priorities and What We Can Practically Hope to do About Them" as Otterbein Senior Fellow for spring term.

The address, scheduled for Monday, April 9, at 10 a.m., in Cowan Hall, will mark the beginning of a week long fellowship, during which Roosevelt will speak at various classes and community gatherings.

A defe nder of his father's political policies and labeled a li beral, Roosevelt introduced Senator John F. Kennedy on the occassion of Kennedy's acceptance of the Democratic nomination for president in 1960, at the Democratic Convention.

After the nomination Roosevelt deliver ed a speech to the party on behalf of his mother, Eleanor Roosevelt, urging the party to come tog e ther in support of Kennedy Eleanor Roosevelt had passionat ely opposed 'the no mination of Kennedy because of her support of Ad lai Stevenson. Roosevelt' s rallyin·g speech was the

last time he stood in the political represented the U.S. in United spotlight. Nations Economic and Social A graduate of Harvard Council, from 1965-1967. University, Roosevelt served He is currently the president of eleven years as a U.S. James Roosevelt and Company, Congressman from the 26th business and financial consultants district in California and also Continued on page 7

Dedication FormalizesOpening of Building

The formal dedication of the Battelle Fine Arts Center will take place Saturday, April 7 as a part of the "Celebration of the Arts" at Otterbein.

The "Celebration"is a series of fine arts programs and performances begun February 22 and continuing through May 12.

According to Franklin Fite, Vice President for Alumni and Public Relations, the "single most important point of the dedication is that it is an opportunity to recognize people who've made the facility possible."

The dedication ceremonies, open to the public, include an opening and award program honoring

alumni who have excelled in the fine arts and tours of the building conducted by Delta Omicron, the women's music honorary. Students will be participating in activities in the art rooms, practice rooms and dance studios.

The evening events are by invitation only and include a dinner and concert. The invitees are what Fite terms "a cross section of people in tl-ie Otterbein family and community." Fite said that major benefactors will be honored at the dinner in an informal setting.

The concert will be held in the Battelle auditorium and features a recital by Otterbein alumnus Janis-Rozena Peri, a successful

She also said she thought it was possible for a reporter to thoroughly cover the Forum issues through receiving the minutes and interviewing the Executive Committee chairman.

· For the Forum to be effective it must work within the limits of the system, said Karsko, who defined the system as an organization in which faculty could freely develop ideas and change their minds in the process.

According to Place, the presence of former Tan and Cardinal reporter Jay Kegley caused faculty members present at the last meeting to speak less freely about campus topics, including such key issues as a $150,000 discre pancy between next year's budget and projected revenue.

"There were people who just weren't talking that usually do," Place said.

He also said that the prevailing Continued on page 6

Towers Evacuated; False Alarm

A malfunction of the smoke detector system in the Battelle Computer Center in Towers Hall caused a complete evacuation of the building early Thursday afternoon. A large crowd of students and College employees milled around Towers lawn as the alarm sounded and Westerville firemen examined the building.

According to College electricians Bob Thompson and Thurman Leonard the malfunction may have been caused by someone brushing the smoke detector located in the doorway of the compu�r center. Assistant Fire Chief Richard Morrison said the detector should not sound if touched.

Thompson said the low ceiling of the Computer Center made detector placement a problem.

Morrison said the alarm malfunctioned twice. The first alarm notified the fire department and the detector was deactivated, shutting off the alarm. When Morrison examined the detector, which had been reset upon his request, he touched it and the alarm was activated again.

The malfu nctioning detector system, which was limited to the Computer Center, was shut off until the problem could be located.

Morrison said the evacuation of the building was carried out quickly.

MAR 3 0 1979
on page 5 Otte bein Coll ge Library
Volume 60 Number 22 Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio 43081

A Right to Know

That a code of journalism ethics in this country is established upon "freedom of the press" in no way exempts publishers and editors from informing their public conscientiously and responsibly. There is, in fact, behind the liberty granted by law a necessary sense of obligation placed upon those carrying out their constitutional right. With any freedom or liberty, there is an underlying responsibility attached: responsibility for the consequences of acting upon the freedom.

The quest for freedom among men in this world has often omitted responsibility in its definition. Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" is the plea for freedom which has guided man toward the insistence on laws to protect his rights - rights that are essential to human nature. The deprivation of these rights to man seems to deprive him of a part of his humanity as well.

Thomas Jefferson so vigorously supported the freedom of the press that he admonished: "if it were a question of having a government without newpapers or newspapers without government, I would have chosen the latter, for newspapers are guardians of all other liberties - without free reporting of events and free discussion of policies, democracy could not endure."

Jefferson's point is well taken. Democracy cannot exist as it is defined unless freedom of the press exists also. And with democracy as well as freedrom comes, again, responsibility.

The press is designed to inform: to present to its public the issues and conflicts of society. Reporters need to investigate by collecting news and facts in order to "confront the public with reality." Their responsibility is to the public and its "right to know" and to truth and fairness - which means, in publication, accuracy and objectivity. Responsible journalism also includes the avoidance of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity and the techniques of harassment and innuendo.

The idea of censorship and prior restraint is a "dirty word" to an editor: he wants to be controller of the publication, censoring for himself. The pressures of financial obligations and political resources create a kind of censorship which enables publishers to restrict - or provide - certain kinds of stories for an editor. Conflicts may arise in deciding what is best for the public and what is best for the publication. The best interest of a publication may mean not revealing an insightful story about a business if that business is an advertiser �ith the publication. The best interest of the public may mean informing them of the business problem and how it will affect them. These decisions rest with a publisher, and the editor may not concur with his point of view. The editor may, in fact, decide to buck

Continued on page 7

Pub!ications_ Board is currently accepting applications for all 1979

You Can Relate to It

"Can you relate to that?" If you're asked this, you are expected

Ever been in a group and they to tell a personal experience or started talking psychology and you feeling that ties into some felt left out? Me neither. But if previously mentioned experience you're interested in learning some or happening. Be careful, though, totally relevant (and perfectly of those that say "Go with that meaningless) pop psychology feeling!"

Letters to the Editor phrases and concepts, read on. You might find that you can relate to it.

r�tarns the right to edit all

Readers are encouraged to express l'ie1cs and opinions thmugh lettas to T&C. To be published, letters must be typed and carry the author's name. Name will be with�1eld upon request. The T&C letters.

Sidney Achievement (Jpen to Otterbein perspective

80 salaried editorial positions on the Tan an? Cardinal and Sibyl. The �oa:d 1s also soliciting applicat10ns for a spring term copy _edi�or of t �e Sibyl. A listing of ed1�or_1al positions and job descr1pt10ns can be found in the March 9 edition of the Tan and

"Getting one's he ad together" This involves a meaningful synthesis of personal attributes and thought patterns in an "Freudian" This is a great adjective to stick in your conversation. Everyone knows Freud had something to do with psycholo gy, even those that pronounce his name Frood. Even better, most laymen are convinced attempt to make life meaningful. he was a little kinky. So next time Cardinal. Letters of application Lowbrows without the benefit of a someone excuses himself to go to should be sent to Mary Ann Deer the bathroom, turn to the nearest Chairman of Publications Board college education call this "getting one's a--in gear". person, wink knowledgably, and say "How Freudian! Probably still stuck in his anal phase" (p.s. 128 Mayne Hall. "Me aningful relati onship" An interaction among parties that irancends the sphere of the you can make up any phase you

Dear Editor: design and grace. mundane. Sounds better than want). A student of Otterbein College We are especially receptive to "living in sin" or "mutual use". "Experience Sharing" Very recently gave us a copy of The the many people who visit Sidney "Go with that feeling" Masters popular in Southern California Tan & Cardinal newspaper and tour our building. An open and Johnson use this phrase quite where there are lots of strange' published on February 23, 1979. invitation awaits anyone at often in their line of work. experiences to be shared. Groups We were quite proud to read Otterbein College interested in Hopefully, though, you won't run of people sit around discussing, your article about Louis Sullivan seeing Louis Sullivan's work here. into them as a client. This is better feeling, or just living an event. and especially your views of our Continued success to you and used when a friend is slightly They might "share" a rock falling, building designed by him. members of your Tan & Cardinal reluctant to tell you some highly a bird singing, or a case of crabs. Naturally, we are proud of this staff. embarassing personal information. This is only a partial list. If building and of his great

Sincerely, Example - No. 1: I think I might you're really interested in getting architectural work. We only hope Peoples Federal Savings be pregnant. your head together, come see me. that more people like yourself And Loan Assn. No. 2: Go with that But if not, that's ok too. I know realize and appreciate his

Douglas Stewart, Secretary feeling! where you're coming from. remarkable achievement in both

Page 2
Tan & Cardinal March 30, 1979

Classes in Center; Student Incensed

The long-awaited move into the new Battelle Fine Arts Center

was completed over spring break and students and faculty began classes in the building last Monday, March 26. Music departmental chairman Mort Achter said the first day

went "remarkably smoothly" and the feelings of both students and faculty were generally positive. Some students, however,

obviously felt otherwise. Music

students are without personal storage space for band

instru ments and sheet music. Lambert Hall provided lockers for

personal use and the lack of them

in the new building is a major problem for students.

A young co-ed practices in the mirrored dancing studio of the new Battelle Fine Arts Center. For the first time since its rennovation the·Center is housing classes from the Fine Arts Department. The move-in was completed over spring break.

Achter and President Thomas care of and there has been a Achter said he felt "we have a J. Kerr consider the situation a "cooling off period." Vtl'Y functional and attractive Mary Ann Deer, Robert Engelbach,' Bil Fairchild, John Hulkenberg, Ramona "minor inconvenience." building with a good use of space, Macke agreed that he was willing to meet with the students to discuss the problems but said Senior music education major John Orr suggested to Kerr that he and Vice President Woodrow particularly when we look at where we've come from." Huff. Craig Jones.Charle� Clark. Craig Merz. Sue Shipe . Becky Scheck Stac Chairman of the art department Reish: Desiree Shannon. Steve Spangler Macke meet with students during departmental chairman and Earl Hassenpflug said he was faculty should be able to answer Dan Strine, Rhonda Townsend a departmental meeting in order to handle complaints, answer "very much pleased with the full the questions of a student. Advisor. Jennifer Goins cooperation of the service questions and "clear the air." Orr Achter said there is an 011i11io11.� ,,.,.J)rl'-�-�l'rl lwffill llr<' tho.�<' o/'th1 department and the student said his meeting with Kerr was a alternative storage space for -�faff' a11<1 do 110( 1w1·1%WI ril !J l'f'.t'l<'rl /Ji�,1 l'ie1rs rlthe school or it.� 1Hl111i11istr,1/io11.1 employees who moved us without damaging any artwork." positive one and he appreciated students and that he is fully aware the openness of Kerr. of the locker situation. The lockers Achter said most of the Kerr said such a meeting with are in Columbus at a supply

Puhlislll'<i <'l'<'l'f/ Friday a_f1er110011 <I II ri1111 Ill<' .,wh1111/ year. ho/ ic/11 !I-� <'.r1·1•1J/('(/.1 additional things, "mechanical students may not be necessary but Offices i11 the /1 as1'//le11f ,�(fhl' tl/111/111-�1 difficulties," will continue to be Ce11ter .itai/i11u 11rlrlrl's.�: The T"" <1111(/ C((n/i11(1/, Otterlwi11 Colleue. Wesferl'il/e. company waiting to be moved to is possible. He said he would Westerville and into the building. worked on throughout spring prefer to wait until the normal Achter said at this point, "it is not Oh iu 4-11!8 I term. problems of moving in are taken a high priority."

Food Served too Often; too Seldom; Date Night a Flop

Food Service gave a progress report to the Campus Services and Regulations Committee on Wednesda y. Don Smailes, the dining hall manager, said complaints most commonly found in the suggestion box deal with foods that are served too often or too seldom. For example, many students dislike liver, but it is served every ten days or so to accomodate the students who do like it.

Smailes said, "I really tried to sell that but a few students said they had steady boyfriends or girlfriends back home; others said if they took someone it would look like they were going steady."

Dean VanSant suggested eliminating the date aspect and simply allowing the first fifty or sixty individuals to sign up.

Dr. Albert Lovejoy of the psychology department asked how Food Service was doing on its projected series of ethnic dinners. Smailes pointed out that the dining hall had had a German

Vice President for Student Affairs Joanne VanSant asked about the poor showing at Date Nights; when couples could sit down and "have a served meal instead of standing in line all the time." 0� the first Date Night, 18 couples signed up; the second was cancelled because only four were interested.

night and an Italian night last term.The Iranian students had made a lunch that had "raised their image on campus."

"It's a nice way to highlight ethnic consciousness," he said. The only problem was that the Iranian

meals were "made in small batches."

The Committee also approved the constitution of Rho Kappa Delta, a sorority that was reactivated last spring.

Management Opportunity

Unparalleled opportunity exists for college students soon to graduate to acquire experienGe and training in management. If you are in good health and seeking a challenging career, mail your resume to:

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Sffo11cl Cla.�.� Posfa{Je
S11bsl'l'iJ)fio11 rate -�i wr year.
Editor-In-Chief, Bradley Manier
Managing Editor, Lois McCullen Business Manager, Al Bondurant.
(O'Flynn Photo)
Contributors: Jon Amy, Leslie Bennett. Sandy Bennett, Al Bondurant, Emilie Caldwell, Dave Callahan, Patty
LCDR Doug Harrington ··From the.�;��LIES 200 N. High Street, Suite 609 Mon. thru Sat. 10:00- 15:30 :S'::��J��tM'!::., The 614-1•2-t60I Fri. eve. 'til 8:00 Columbus, Ohio 43215 .Page 3 The Tan & Cardinal Ad Paid For By U.S. Navy March 30, 1979

Jazz Arts Group Live Up to

Reputation Sounds From Big Bands to Disco at Arts Center

yet another category of music -


disco, set to upbeat jazz. Pianist Bobby Pierce played perhaps the most brillant piece of the night, When the men stepped on the entitled, "Dedication to Art Battelle Auditorium stage Tatum," a jazz great in his own Wednesday night, none of them right and obviously a favorite of had the look of a jazz musician, if Pierce. To say the least, the one can be accurately stereotyped. composition, arranged only for All around me people said things piano, had a great deal of like, "Wait until you hear them, keyboard runs, and fast, extremely they're absolutely fantastic." So I fast, chord progressions. The expected the gentlemen to perform evening's festivities ended with a with the highest levels of skill and Tom Scott piece arrangeq for the precision. Needless to say, I wasn't Doc Severinson Orchestra. The disappointed. trumpet section on the piece was

Their program began with an imposing and literally original Tom Gowey composition, overpowering. a progressive jazz piece. From My personal favorite of the there the Jazz Arts Group, as they night was a Shuffle Blues tune call themselves, played the Big entitled "Cold Tater Soup." It Band hit, "Honeysuckle Rose." featured undoubtedly the best and Immediately afterward, a most creative solos of the night. rendition of Count Basie's tune, An absolute standout was the "Little Darlin'," arranged by trumpet solo by Stanton Gililand bandmember Tommy Dale, filled and the bass solo by Sid Townsend the auditorium. referred to by the members of the The group's repertoire included band as "Father Time."

Residence Hall Assistant Selection Process Underway

return applications to the Student Personnel office by April 6.

The process of selecting next Students with previous RA year's student residence hall staff experience who are members of members will continue through next year's senior class are eligible May 4, according to staff members to apply for student head resident in the student personnel office. jobs. One male and one female

The selection process will student head resident position are terminate with the selection of two open on next year's total residence student head resident interns and hall staff. a staff of resident assistants. These According to Terry McFarland, students, a group of student Assistant Dean for Student personnel assistants from Ohio Development, "a student head State, and the Assistant Deans for resident is, in a sense, autonomous. Student Development will He or she is given responsibility comprise the 1979-80 residence for running a residence hall hall staff. identical to responsibility given to New applicants for resident SPA's" (Student Personnel assistant positions have completed Assistants from Ohio State). the initial screening process. The Job descriptions listing the selected set of candidates now student head resident intern's move through a group interview administrative, counseling, stage. programming, and disciplinary

Current resident assistants responsibilities and application wishing to reapply for staff forms are available in the student positions must complete and personnel office.




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We (the audience) were reminded several times that the Jazz Arts Group first and only album was on sale in the lobby. With sounds of the calibre the band already produces, they have no where to go but up in popularity and stature. There will probably be several more albums from them.

Several members of the band have played with nationally acclaimed groups such as the Woody Herman Band, Buddy Rich, and the Doc Severinson Band. And with this quality of performers in the band, combined - with the expert leadership of Ray Eubanks, I can only believe the group will be around a long time.

The JazzArts Groupdidn'tdisappoint their audience last Wednesdayatthe BattelleFineArts Center as theylived up to oneperson's statementbeforetheprogrambegan: "Waituntil youhearthem, they're absolutelyfantastic." (O'F/.y1111 Photo)

Band and Ensemble to Present Concert

On Sunday, April 1, the Otterbein College Wind Ensemble and Concert Band will present their annual Spring Concert. Under the direction ·of Professor Gary Tirey, the concert will be held at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. Scheduled for performance is a wide variety of songs both familiar and classical. The wind ensemble will perform "Fanfare fortheCommonMan"by Aaron Copland, "ToccataMarziale" by R. Vaughan Williams, "Cavatina" from "Faust" by Charles Gounod, and "Danza Allegre" by Burke. Michael Sewell, a sehior music major, will be featured in the Gounod piece

with a trombone solo while Phil Bovenizer, a winter-term graduate, will be featured on the trumpet in Danza Allegre. Songs to be done by the Concert Band include "A Moorside Suite," "Crown Imperial,""Procession ofNobles,""YankeeDoodle," and selections from the broadway shows "A Chorus Line" and "The Wiz". Also featured will be the John Philip Sousa band classic, "The Stars and Stripes Forever."

The ninety-plus member group recently completed a five-day tour over spring break and many of the songs that will be heard at the Sunday concert will be songs that they performed at high schools throughout Ohio.

CON TACT LENS WEARERS. Save on brand name hard or soft lens supplies. Send for free il lustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Arizona 85011.

Page 4 The Tan & Cardinal March30, 1979


Pittel Trio to Perform Classical, Pop and Jazz I

Classical, jazz and popular music will be performed tonight by the Harvey Pittel Trio on the Cowan Hall stage at 8:15 p.m. The Trio is a part of the Artist series.

Harvey Pittel has been a saxophone soloist with the Boston Symphony, The London Sinfonietta and Los Angeles Philh armonic. The New York Times called Pittel's 1973 Carnegie Recital Hall debut "an evening as stimulating musically as it was dazzling technically." In 1977, Pittel was invited to perform Arts


Continued from page 1 soprano now performing in New York.

Peri has performed with the Manhatten School of Music Opera, Young Artists' Opera, Carnegie Recital Hall, the 1976-77 Young Mu sicians Winners Series, has recorded Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" and was a cast me mber for "Porgy and Bess." The New York Times reviewed Peri as having "a pleasing voice, charming stage presence and stamina, with admirable vocal and personal poise."

Lyle Barkhy mer will accompany Peri for one number which includes a clarinet solo.

The concert will also feature Otterbein students performing in the "Herald Trumpets," playing a fanfare for the program. The progra m will also honor Battelle Memorial Institute and its dignitaries and includes a formal ribbon cutting ceremony.


in the Inaugural Concert Series honoring President Jimmy Carter. Pittel earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California and a master's from Northwestern University. He studied with Joseph Allard of the Juilliard School of Music in Manhattan and continued his studies in Bordeaux and Paris, France.

Pianist Paul Suits and cellist Davis Finckel of the Trio have equally impressive credentials. Suits is a graduate of the Mannes College of Music in New York and appears with the Gregg Smith Singers. He has studied piano with Murray Perahia. Finckel is one of the few cellists outside the Soviet Union to study with the great Russian master, Rostropovich. Numbers range from A New Classics Trio with Harvey Pittel will appear at Otterbein tonight as part of th� continuing Artist Series. Rachmaninoff's Vocaline and Paul Creston's Sonats, Opus 19 for Alto Saxophone and Piano to John Rodby's Neu• Classics Suite which combines Bach's Sonata No. 2 £n E flat Major with Autumn Leaves, My Favorite Things and If. The program includes a Duke

The Glass Menagerie

Student tickets are available with college I.D. for the Harvey Pittel Trio by calling or visiting the Cowan Hall box office from 14:30 p.m. The box office will also be open Friday at 7 p.m. before the Artist Series concert.

Animal House a Looking Glass?

Back in the days of Andy Hardy, when a "blast" was an explosion in the chemistry lab and a "pot party" was a flower show the alumna wives gave to raise



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money to buy a new net for the volleyball court, college life was represented as an antiseptic little vacuum of chocolate malts and sororitv dances.

Most of this representation came from the movies and, like any subject treated in motion pictures or T.V., it was distorted to some degree. And so you'd think that in 197� with our "open and honest," not "square" society, things would be different; they're not.

Oh, the college students in films like "Animal House" barf beers instead of chocolate malts, but the portrayal of college students in the film is so bad that every parent who pushed their offspring to higher learning will probably be Ellington medley for jazz fans with such Ellington favorites as "Take the 'A' Train," "It Don't Mean a Thing," "Rockin' In Rhythm," "Solitude," "Sophisticated Lady," "Satin Doll," and "Mood Indigo."

wringing their hands in dispair, saying "I knew watching Billy Carter on 'Donahue' would do this this to Junior!"


So if the general public is starting to believe it's ivy-walled institutions are nothing more than glorified saloons for the modern young, it's due at least in part to these shows (all of which· could be entitled "The Three Stooges Go to Harvard"). The other cause of collegians getting the brand of illrepute is because they have earned it themselves - even our beloved Otterbein College has it's share of debauchery. (I know this is a kick in the head to all of you.) Then again, one cannot help but wonder if we and other students in the country are trying to live up to the "wild and crazy" image that was foisted upon us by the media. The March 12th edition of "Newsweek" reports that Dartmouth College in Massachussetts is considering kicking its 22 fraternities off campus for their horrible revelries, wh ich have gotton seemingly worse in the past year. This beer-gu.zzling, girl-chasing, So, comrades, the next time you garbage-eating gorilla image that pick up that foamy mug of beer in U.S. Choice Beef the movie and its various public while wearing an Otterbein Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily television offspring such as "Delta T-shirt, please remember that you We Cut & Wrap Beef for Freezers House,", "Coed Fever" and are helping to reinforce a partly FOOD STORES We Honor Food Stamps "Brothers and Sisters" wouldn't be undeserved media stereotype of so bad if it weren't for the fact you and your peers. And on that most people tend to form realizing this. I hope you'll go one ideas and opinions from the mass step further - rush down to the 43 N. STATE-ST. 882-4124 media, whether they say they do nearest Baskin-Robbins and mix ._______________________________. or not. your beer with a chocolate malt.

�larch 30, 1979 The Tan & Cardinal Page 5

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said since Roosevelt has been absent from the political arena for several years, he is an unknown quantity. Commenting on Roosevelt's possible stand in his speech on national priorities, Laubach said he thought Roosevelt's ties with the business community and the somewhat opposirig political stance as a liberal Democrat would produce a "compromise of the tensio ns." "I'm not sure at all what he will say concerning environmental iss ues, nuclear reactor constr uction, which is a big topic in California, or defense spending," Laubach said. In addition to political activity, Roo sevelt is a retired brigadier general in the United States Marine Corps Reserves and was awarded the Navy Cross and the Silver Star during World War II. He has also written two books, "Affectionately, F.D.R." a-nd "My Parents, A Differing View." Sponsored by Former Members of Congress, Roosevelt is the first and only Otterbein Fellow this year. A Ford Foundation grant funds the fellowship. According to Dr. William T. Hamilton, who selects the Fellows, the Otterbein Fellowship is designed to bring people to the camp us who are successful in their profession and who are not academics.

Somehow it has become popular in the American press for journalists to write more subjectively. It is often considered in a sense, "heroic" to publish offensive articles. A problem for the reporter arises in that he may dry up his source or, in extreme cases, may even be threatened by his source. Resolving the problem of maintaining a truly "free" press lies beyond personal responsibility. In addition, the financial support to insure accuracy of information, the investigation of information received from institutions (i.e.: public relations releases), giving journalists a greater role in decision making and offering the public other means of expression, are ideas which can help journalists constantly raise their standards and support responsible

Continued from page 1

Red Cross. Icetandic's

•a You may pick up and return applications at the Campus Center Office.a Deadline for applications is: April 12, 1979, 5 p.m.

• FIVE STUDENT SWITCHBOARD WORKER positions available, $2.90$3.10 pay range -Full/Part time hours.

• TEN CLEANING CREW WORKER 'positions availabe, $2.90$3.1 0 paya rangeFull/Part time hours.

• lWO HEAD RESIDENT /CLEANING CREW SUPERVISOR positionsa available. $2.90$3_ 10 pay range, plus room and boardFull time hours only.a

•a FOUR HEAD RESIDENT positions available, $2.90$3_ 10 pay range, plusa room and board.Full time hours only.

Applications are now being accepted for the following Summer Conference positions:


responsibly, the press serves its are all saddled with the public well. responsibility as is a guardian

Continued from page 2 would realize more the value it

Fellow A Right

.a based in Newport Beach, California. Professor John H. Laubach of the Political Science department the system and print his own has in maintaining diverse ways decision, thus alienating himself for expression of ideas and the from the publisher and ultimately sorting out of public issues. putting his job on the line. Reporters, editors and publishers

Freedom of the press is a luxury and if deprived of it, we


For more \nfo r:m ation see your travel agent. Or write�� -# lceland1c Airhn�s. P.O. Box 105, West Hempstead, N\' York State (800) 442-5910; elsewhere, (800) 223-S080. · 11552. In New York City. call 757-8585 or call toll free in New -

with a child: he must attend to its best interest, he must educate it, he must supply its needs and consider its wants. The press itself is far less dangerous than the power which may attempt to public and in working restrict it. The press serves the

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The Tan & Cardinal


Any club wishing to submit KIOSK neu•s to the T&C should turn in a concise, typewritten cop,IJ at the T&C office in the Campus Center by Monday, 4 p. m. prior to the Friday publication. surfed by Mickey and Minnie Mouse on the main street of Disneyworld. Jonda alumni Dale Lund is the newest social member and is joined by mascot Bo. The brothers will have a car wash from 11:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.


Continued from p a g e 1 sentiment toward the press today is one of mistrust, and that people do not believe the press can present an issue clearly. "People


Friday, March 30

• Sorority Hell Week 6:30 p.m.

• Campus Crusade for Christ

• Sorority Pledge Olympics 7:30 p.m.

• Cast Spring Workshop Theatre #7. 8&9

• Artist Series, The New Classic Trio The staff reserces the right to edit

Saturday at the Sohio station on would not get used to having a the corner of Cleveland and Main reporter present and would not and 1ci{{ print inforrnation as space streets. If it is warm enough, Dan Strine promises to be there in his 8:15 p.m. Harvey Pittel permits.


Snoopy shorts. The brothers wish to endorse Gary Baker for student speak freely," Place said.

Place said the presence of a 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.

reporter at the Forum is "inappropriate" because it would

• Sigma Delta Phi Spring Rush Party 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.

• Lambda Gamma Epsi lon Blast trustee. hinder the presentation of Saturday, March 31 information to the faculty that it

The men of Kings wish all the

• Sorority Hell Week must know before the rest of the

• Track (M)

The sisters of Tau Epsilon Mu community. 1:00 p.m.

• Baseball (M): Wittenberg -H sorority pledges the best of luck throughout Hell Day. Congratula­ welcome everyone back from spring break. The Talisman tions to Bill Conard for his getting hosed Monday night and to Chuck Clark for the "Mister Clean"

Though many of the issues the 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Forum discusses directly affect

• Eta Phi Mu Car Wash the campus, Place said students Sunday, April 1 and other non-faculty members need not know "the dialogue" pledges did a fine job completing their paddles and scrapbooks. Congratulations to the little 1:30 p.m. award. Welcome back to Spud and Sal. Kings wishes everyone a leading to a faculty resolution. "The students need to know the

• Kappa Phi Omega Sorority Act ivation 2:00 p.m. greenworms on their volleyball

• Baseball (M): ONU (DH) - H grand spring term from classes to cookouts. and skit expertise. Good luck to the pledges in Greek Olympics and get psyched for Hell Day. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. issues resolved by the faculty and that the faculty agree upon, but

• Six on Sunday Series not the dynamics of the faculty." 8:15 p.m.

• Concert band Epsilon Kappa Tau welcomes back sisters Sheri Gangluff from Place said every issue brought up is reported in the minutes Admissions which go to the President and the Monday, April 2 Spain and Kathy Vance from Merrill-Palmer. The sisters are 4:00 p.m.

planning for a service and a money making project this term.

The activation ceremony for the pledges will be Monday at the Church of the Messiah and there will be a dinner at the Worthington Inn. Best of luck to the pledges in the GreekOlympics and get psyched for Hell Night.

The sisters of Sigma Alpha Tau welcome everyone back to the 'Bein. The Owls and Kings blast is coming up on April 6 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Pure Jam will be playing and the cost is $3.50. The Owls will be selling stationery this term; see the sisters for details. The Hooters are glad to see that Susan Jefferies is recuperating from her knee operation. Congratulations go to Sue Chapman and the banana for making it back to the 'Bein. The sisters wish the pledges the best of luck during the rest of Hell Week.

The brothers of Pi Sig welcome everyone back from break. Congratulations to the new plactives. Activation will be next week. Jim and Dave would like to rematch with Don and Jim when they are ready.

The brothers of Jonda made it back on the Pan American 747 in superb shape. Winners of the darkest tan award are Chris Compton and Steve Conley. Thanks to Gary Baker, Dave Evans, John Phelps and Scott Taylor for making house repairs during break. Welcome back to Kyle Yoest after frantically trying to learn Espanol. Congratulations to the alley gang of Jonda, number one in the intramural bowling tournament. Banger holds the distinction in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the only person traversing from Florida to Ohio to get surfed in every state but Tennessee. The ultimate came when Banger was hopelessly

Board of Trustees and are "pretty The Admissions Office is much" open, but he added that sponsoring two prospective student because the meeting is not open, Receptions. These Receptions give the de ssimination of the prospective students a chance to information from the Forum by meet students, faculty and the secretary is a form of administrators from Otterbein on "channeling." an informal basis and discuss their "I feel very comfortable with expectations of our college. that (channeling), because the We would like your help - The minutes are about as complete as Receptions are being held in the any you're going to find from any main lounge of the Campus Center organization," he said. "I'm not on Wednesday, April 4th from 7-9 against the channeling because the p.m. and Sunday, April 8th from end affect is better for the 2-4 p.m. If you can volunteer some community. A vital faculty is time to be an OTTERBEIN REP, crucial to the success of any we would appreciate it. Simply campus, and part of being a vital notify Barb Lehman in faculty involves having a spot Admissions (Ext. 500) to let her where the faculty can get together know which Reception you can and start dealing with the crucial attend. campus issues.

• Curriculum Committee

6:00 p.m.

• Sigma Alpha tau Sorority Activation 6:30 p.m.

• Theta Nu Activation Dinner 7:00 p.m.

• Sorority and Fraternity Meetings 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

• Epsilon Kappa Tau Activation Dinner Tuesday, April 3 4:00 p.m.

• Integrative Studies

• Academic Council 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

• Double Burger and Shakes 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

• AGAPE' (Campus Christians Assoc.) 6:30 p.m.

• Panhellenic Council 7:00 p.m.

• Circle K Wednesday, April 4 3:00 p.m.

• Baseball (M): OWU -A 4:00 p.m.

• College Senate 6:00 p.m

• Campus Programming Board 6:15 p.m.

• S.C.O.P.E. 6:30 p.m.

• Chapel 7:00 p.m.

• SOUL 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

• Prospective Student Reception 7:30 p.m.

• SNEA Meeting

• Fellowship of Christian Athletes 8:00 p.m.

• Young Democrats 8:00 - 11:00 p.m.

• CPB Coffee House 9:00 p.m.

• Clements Hall Dessert Buffet

Thursday, April 5 12:00 Noon

• Campus Prayer. Share & Bible Study Group 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

• Steak Night 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

• Layman's Evangelhitlc Night 7:00 p.m.

• Religious Activities Council ' 7:30 p.m.

• Personnel Committee

Friday, April 6

• Track (W): Bowling Green Relars 6:30 p.m.

• Campus Crusade for Christ 9:00 p.m.

• Sigma Alpha Tau Blast

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The Otterbein Cardinal baseball team returned from Florida this week with the most suc.cessful last �ear's leading hitter Tim Mercer at .438. southern trip in the school's history. They finished with an 8-3 record. Toe "With number-one pitcher John ler out for on. we went

Currently, Otterbein has Jeff the Cardinals play in Florida, "We The Cardinals at the plate so Brindley catching, Doug Barr at played good sound defense, cut off far this year have Doug Barr first base, Tim Mercer at second, men and were able to fight back hitting .400 and driving in 13 Greg Steger at shortstop and when we were behind." runs Dean Smith hitting .500 and Otterbein defeated Ohio


either Dave Nespeca or Randy Pontius at third. The probable left Northern last Tuesday in Ada by fielder is Ric Lainhart, center a score of 8-3. Chuck Senne field is occupied by Dean Smith pitched five strong innings in his and the right fielder is Scott second start of the year. "Chuck threw strikes and did a real g-ood job." Fishbaugh said.

Otterbein will host Wittenberg tomorrow at 1 p.m. and Ohio Northern Sunday at 2 p.m. Both games are double-headers.

Junior Randy Mcinturf strides to first after he was walked to force in the winning run in a 32 victory over the University of Dayton during spring training in Florida. The Cardinals compiled an 8-3 record while in the South. (PR Photo) down there with the hope of coming back with a pretty good pitching staff," said Cardinal coach Dick Fishbaugh. "Greg McDonald picked up three wins, Andy Swope did a super job. Chuck Senne and Dave Vulgamore showed they have tremendous potential." Fishbaugh also commented on

Weak Team?Coach Questions Shape of Season

The 1979 Otterbein Golf team opens its season Saturday, April 7 at Marietta Country Club, Marietta, Ohio. Coach Rich Seils said there are a lot of questions prior to the opening match.

"I won't be able to determine anything until we have our qualifiers next Tuesday," Seils said.

The Cardinals have three returning lettermen that will be relied upon to bolster the team. Juniors Chris Carlisle and Craig Jones, who have lettered twice, will serve as captains of this year's team. Chris Fehn, a sophomore, is back to improve on his first year as an Otterbein Linksman. Fehn shot a team low score of 75 at the difficult Marietta Country Club a year ago.

Incidentally, Marietta Country Club, the site of the Cardinal's first match, was blistered in 64 strokes by a 16 year old named Jack Nicklaus in 1956. That score enabled him to win the Ohio Open, which consisted of the best professional golfers in Ohio. There appears to be a lack of depth and experience in this year's club as three members of last year's varsity have departed. Doug Addis occupied the top spot for past two seasons, but has since graduated. Greg Halloway, who also graduated, was an

experienced golfer while attending Otterbein and will be missed when the Otters look for that added experience. Paul Bremingen, a senior this year, was the two-man last year but is unable to play this year as he is student teaching.

"We'll be alright if our young guys come through," Seils retorted.

Those "young guys" are sophomore Matt Barnett from Dublin and freshmen Scott Smart of Marion and Bob Smolinsky from Gahanna. Seils failed to mention the names of other candidates for the three open slots on the roster; however the task will be to prepare the team for the opener a week from Saturday.

The Cardinal schedule is set. The invitation in Marietta on April 7 is followed by the Denison and Muskingum match in Granville, Saturday, April 14.

Otterbein then will play at Winding Hollow Country Club to face Capital on April 16. Next, the Cardinals travel to play Kenyon on April 17. The Denison Invitational at Granville follows on Monday, April 23. Ohio Wesleyan plays host to the Southern Division Invitation Friday, April 27. Reid Park in Springfield will be a special 54hole tournament hosted by the Tigers of Wittenberg April 29 and 30. This invitational is designed to prepare OAC golfers for the Championship Tournament held there on May 10 and 11.

Wooster, Ohio Wesleyan and Wittenberg most likely will battle it out for the OAC Crown.

"We hope our schedule will help prepare us for the OAC Championships on May 10, but as of right now, we are accepting candidates to qualify for positions on the club," Seils said.

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Mike Hartsock

� �\
(right) and
warm up
(O'Flynn before their match against Mt. Union last Wednesday.
Page k
March 30, 1979
Photo) The Cardinals lost.
The Tan & Cardinal

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