The Tan and Cardinal February 2, 1979

Page 1

Amendment Nixed; Proposal Passed

An amendment which would have offered a co-op job or internship as an alternative to the practicum requirement of the proposed interdisciplinary journalism major was defeated Monday, Jan. 29, at the curriculum committee meeting. The major proposal was passed and will go before Senate Wednesday, Feqruary 7.

Before the meeting there was speculation that a long debate might take shape between Director of Co-operative Education Frank Mitchell, who submitted the amendment,and Dr. James R. Bailey, one of the authors of the proposal. After a relatively brief discussion by the committee, however, the Mitchell amendment was defeated.

What discussion there was centered on an amendment proposed by Mitchell, which if passed, would have introduced an internship or co-op job as an alternative to the practicum requirement. The practicum is described in the proposal as:

"Supervised reporting, writing, editing, layout and design for student publications. Includes

Continued on page 6

n car 1na

The Student Newspaper of Otterbein College.

February 2, 1979


The library set starkly white against the night sky looks like a structure of the future.

The effect was achieved through time exposure by Tan and Cardinal pho tographer Alan Briggs.

Doubts Sta shed; Date Extended; Rehearsals and Dance Set Monday

After a meeting between College officials and representatives for Zarbaugh and Assoc., Inc., the general contractor for the Battelle Fine Arts Center, doubts concerning Zarbaugh's continuing work on the project were alleviated, according to Vice

President for Business Affairs Woodrow R. Macke.

The Center, which has experienced delays continuously since its proposed completion date of last July, was scheduled for College move-in this weekend, but that date has again been extended from any where between two and four weeks. Dance classes and

HEW: $3 Million Total Over the Years

Otterbein has in past years received over $3,000,000 assistance from the Federal government for the building of new facilities.

The Science Building, the Library, Hanby and Mayne Halls, the Campus Center and the Health Center were all assisted through grants and loans from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) office of education.

"Grants and loans from the government have been used fairly extensively over the years," commented Woodrow W. Macke, vice president for Business Affairs. This year Otterbein is sustained in part by assistance of at least $300,000 in grants and loans to students, to the college

some type of program they offer."

The grants and loans have to be applied for each year. "The college had to apply for initial eligibility and then applies again each year," said Don Foster, director for Financial Aid. Foster was referring to the loans and grants which Otterbein offers to students. Otterbein utilizes the Work Study Program, National Direct Student Loans and the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. The selection of recipients is made by the college for these grants and students can also apply directly to the government for the Basic Educational Opportunity Grants.

"Government grants to the school have to be matched," continued Macke. "We have to draw money from the budget unless alumni or other college

saving the use of student funds.

The grants and loans received have been for a variety of educational resources. "Consistently in the last eight or ten years we have received grants for library books, each year worth $3-5,000," said Macke. Otterbein also receives money to assist the Nursing and Cooperative Education Programs. National Science Foundation Grants have been awarded to improve teaching, to develop new programs and for research in the sciences. Otterbein has also applied for grants to benefit Westerville by receiving money to support special sessions between Otterbein faculty and community leaders.

"The grant we apply for each year is a Title VI grant," said Macke. "This grant is competitive

rehearsal for a College theatrical production, however, will begin this Monday.

Last month Macke said the College would not move into the building until all construction was completed, since a move-in would signify legal acceptance and responsibility for the buiding.

Wednesday he said, "We no longer feel we are in the same position we were in a few w�e_k� ago. We will accept respons1b1hty for those parts of the building which we use."

Before the Wednesday meeting, Macke said "Unless we get different assurance, we need to take some legal action to complete the job."

After the meeting in which Zarbaugh assured the College he would finish the job, the outlook was much more positive. according to the ·vice president. " We could be in the building in two weeks," said Macke. "The contractor thinks he can be done in two days, but it's not that simple. We will be monitoring the work very closely the next few days."

Early this week the outlook was not so optimistic and whether Zarbaugh would continue on the job was questionable. A College official said the contractor

FEB 2, 1979 -

Overdue Building

The struggle to complete the Battelle Fine Arts Center continues - as it has for over six months now, each delay seeming to presage another .. What the real source for these delays is cannot be fully known. One party may cry, "delays in shipment," another may say, "he didn't coordinate his work properly," and still another will point at drawings, vindicating every complication in the world by merely extending his finger toward a jiggle of lines, as though this is the answer to every question ever posed.

What people are crying and saying and pointing to means little to students and faculty, or anyone not sp�cifically involved in the management or negotiations. All they see is this great brown brick building lauded as the one great main hope for the arts at Otterbein. And for good reason.

rt is impressive and will be a beautiful addition to the Otterbein campus. As the president's wife once said: It will be one of the finest examples of renovative work in the area, and one of the first. This we support with enthusiasm. (Working with what we alr�dy have will be the key to the future.)

But the grandness of the project has become tainted over the past couple months, because of the seemingly interminableness of the work and the constant delays.

Some might say it really matters very little, since not that many people are watching the progress regularly. But for those who did and do, the affair is disheartening.

On the main entrance to the building is a notice from Mort Achter of the music department, who along with the people in the fine arts, must look toward the building every day. The notice is a plea for all peop1e looking to the move to wait just a little while longer. We have waited this long, a few weeks more can hardly matter, it says.

And a few weeks won't matter in the long view, just as a paper turned in several days late doesn't matter in the long view. But does this mean the professor will accept this happily? Or will he look at that late paper and form an opinion of that student? And if this behavior happens frequently the opinion will become ever surer and ever more skeptical.

So it is with building buildings. People become skeptical and require explanations. Th_ey can understand this complication or this scheduling mix-up - but a chronic problem, which goes on week after week and month after month? Hardly.

And it's not just the faculty and student, but those who have invested· their money in this enterprise. Surely they are posing questions and pondering this curious situation.

In future decisions concerning large construction projects or even small installation jobs (phones), a bit more time and few more questions need to be asked.

lLetters to the Editor

Readers are encouraged to express views and opinions through letters to T&C. To be published,

Macambo and De-evolution

EDITOR'S NOTE: "The Open legs.

Boat" will be a column in which "All in the Family" was students, faculty, administrators, Macambo's favorite in the staff and people outside the campus seventies. He found Archie community are provided the Bunker's antics hilarious and opportunity to express opinions, would use his feet to pick up ideas, concerns, even a good story, pillows and flip them at the bound only by the requirement that ceiling each time Archie called his they be non-fiction. The staff of the son-in-law "Meat-head." paper reserves the right to edit all Mac's changes caused his family pieces. The title of the column is to take him to the Columbus Zoo taken from a story by Stephen five years ago. He not only looked Crane in which four men are funny to them, he'd also broken caught in a small boat out in the I down all the curtain rods in the sea after a ship wreck and grow house by swinging on them, and infinitely close together because of had lost his interest in table the circumstances. Here again an manners and reading. Mac's "Open Boat" might bring favorite magazine had long been individ uals closer to their the TV Guide, but instead of L-c::.:o:.:.n;.:t.::.em:.:.:.::p:.::o:.:.r.:: a.:..rie;.;;;;;: s.:.. ___., reading it, he began eating it.

Recently Mac was given a new Macambo is a gorilla at the television by a local TV dealer. Columbus zoo. You may have seen The dealer was reported to have his picture recently in the received many calls from people Dispatch. He was being given a who claimed "they were really new television. It does seem funny apes at heart and also needed a for a gorilla to be watching new TV." Some of those callers television, but we must realize were at the zoo when Macambo's that in 1946, when television set arrived. viewing increased tragically, "I wish they'd give me a new Macambo may have been a pubescent mouseketeer. That's it! Continued on page 1 7 Mac's not just any ape; he's an exhuman who has been watching television for thirty years.

Macambo's family was one of the last families in Columbus to own a television set. When the Darwins got their set, Macambo went bananas. He began watching Milton Berle every week.

That was in the early 1950's; later in the fifties Macambo enjoyed "The $64,000 Question."

During the sixties Big Mac

The Tan & Cardinal became a news-show addict. In the seventies he went ape over "All in

Publishedat Otterbein College. the Family." Westerville, Ohio43081

Besides Mac's change in

Second ClassPostage viewing-tastes, he has also

Subscriptionrate$7peryear. changed physically. In the late 1940's and early 1950's Macambo's Editor-In-Chief, Bradley Manier head rested on the top of his spinal Managing Editor, Lois McCullen column. By 1953 his head drooped Photography Editor, Alan Briggs like a monkey's. This happened because Mac would always sit in his father's lounge chair to watch

Contributors: Jon Amy, Leslie Bennett Milton Berle and fall asleep. Sandy Bennett, Al Bondurant, Emilie '

When Mac started viewing "The Caldwell, Dave Callahan, Patty Daniels, $64,000 Question," he still walked Mary Ann Deer, Robert Engelbach, Bil on two feet. But when he Fairchild, John Hulkenberg, Ramona discovered how much he liked Huff, Craig Jones.Charles Cl ark, Craig crawling on all fours across the Merz, Sue Shipe , Becky Scheck , Stac room to turn up the television's Reish, Desiree Shannon, Steve Spa ngler volume every time the $64,000 Dan Strine, Rhonda Townsend question was asked, he adopted Advisor, Jennifer Goins crawling as his permanent way to Opinionsexpressedhereinarethoseofth move. staffanddonotnecessarilyreflect the

Before 1965, Macambo's arms viewsoftheschooloritsadministration. were shorter than his legs.

PublishedeveryFridayafternoon Watching the news during dinner duringtheschoolyear,holidaysexcepted. changed that. Mac got so much Officesinthebasementofthe Campus arm stretching by reaching from Center. Mailingaddress: The Tan and his place in front of the television Cardinal, OtterbeinCollege, Westerville to the dinner table that his arms Ohio43081 were eventually longer than his

fft .
The Open Boat---------perspective
Page 2 The Tan & Cardinal February 2, 1979

Co-op Growing Steadily Since Inception in 1975

From a small start in 1975 to today, Co-operative Education has grown into a program with 13 placements this year. Originated as a pilot work experience

program for one student from both training in the area of a student's the Home Economics and major or field of interest. There Chemistry Departments, Co-op are two work periods of six now embraces many departments months each; one half year of work at Otterbein. in the sophomore year, and Co-operative Education is a another six months in either the program providing for on-the-job junior or senior year. The rest of the time the participating student goes to school as usual. Some students have done just the work period in their junior year, but that is permitted only in certain situations.

Frank Mitchell, director of the Co-op program, says that "It's valuable in that they can learn about the field before they've finished school." The program offers a chance to explore the possibilities of real work experiences before leaving college; to "take a leave of absence from the theoretical and move to the practical."

Mitchell also said the college benefits through the program by greater alumni ties and by attracting more students.

Taking time off from school does not mean t.hat a Co-oper will necessarily have to graduate behind his or her class. Bill Flynn, who held a Co-op job with Nuclear Consulting Service will graduate on time this June. His job was air and water pollution testing around different industrial plants. Althe1Ugh Flynn does not plan to go back to the same company, he found Co-op to be a positive experience. It gave him insight and helped him decide his goalsin his case, graduate school.

Jennifer Orlidge and Becky Stephens were two other Co-op participants. The firms they worked for were, respectively,

Sophomore Craig Hodgdon, co-op student at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, home of HESTINGERS hockeyteam.

Sophomoreco-opstudentJanice arrellwith her supervisor, Bill irby, at GMplantlast winter nd spring.

Argo Lehne Jewelers, and Crabbe, Brown, Jones, Potts and Schmidt, a law firm. They both found many advantages in Co-op, and it has helped them in career decisions. Orlidge cited learning about small businesses, and sales and

Director ofCo-op Frank Mitchell //fri!/!/S l'lwto) accounting, and working with people under pressure as positive experiences. She said "I had a good relationship with the other people, and learned a lot about relating to people."

Stephens worked as a file clerk with a law firm, and played an active role in day to day operations of the firm. When she started she "had no knowledge of anything in the court system" but now "I know exactly how it works." She went on to say that every student should explore Co-op possibilities, not for the money, but rather the good work training.

Co-operative Education offers a viable alternative to the four years of academics most students pursue during their stay at Otterbein. Frank Mitchell recommended it as a whole new experience - "seeing the inside."

\ �� L
February 2, 1979 TheTan & Cardinal Page3


Spinning the Disc Street Wise Chatter and Lazy Afternoon Blues

Employing the rock-a-hilly mound of Buddy Holly and the lyrical imagery of a young Tom Waits, Steve Forbert has come up with an excellent debut album. But Steve Forbert isn't a product of the first two artists; he makes this album his own.

Forbert's songs are straight up the alley into the bump 'n grind of the city streets. The songs are not your sentimental love journeys, nor do they contain the philosophy of some profound enlightenment. Streetwise chatter, lazy afternoon babbles and lonely night blues are the dominating themes on this album.

"Well here's to people living lives that they regret, work your fingers to the bone and sink in debt." Sound familiar? The great American way is aptly and thoroughly dealt with in "Steve Forbert's Midsummer Night's Toast." The song is a cutting, well forged examination of city life. The artist reveals the insights of the "big apple" that only a native would know.

But Forbert is not to be just a ·critic who refuses to play the game. On "You Cannot Win If You. Do Not Play," the singer knows what he wants - but he's not real sure how to get at it. Resolutely he decides to play hard and see what he comes up with.

What is really interesting on "Alive On Arrival" is how Forbert analyzes himself. "What kinda guy am I really, I lost my jacket but I kept my tie, I'll tell ya truly that I sometimes lie, what kinda guy am I?" Get the idea? A really

humerous evaluation of one's self - yet incredibly simple. Forbert gets his point across on his songs with amusing impact.

Of course even Mr. Forbert has his dark moments. "Tonite I Feel So Far Away From Home" is a song about alienation in a big city. A song where one man's fall leads to another man's sorrow! "I saw a man break down today, break down into tears, tonite I feel so far away from home." A lighter side of this alien feeling is brought out on "Big City Cat." This song, with a guest sax solo by David Sanborn, is about an outsider who is the

real insider - but lost in the masses. "I'm a face in the crowd, I'm a big city cat."

Superficially Steve Forbert's debut album "Alive On Arrival" is a collection of streetwise, stunningly real songs. But there's more to this album. Forbert's songs also reveal an insight of urban and city life rarely found on albums of this artist's genre. Each tune has imagery that is almost neon and yet honest enough to avoid plasticity. The songs are beautifully crafted on Steve Forbert's "Alive On Arrival." The

cuts on this album play the extremes -a lazy brook and a rushing waterfall � but the water is always hot.

"Grand- Central Station March 18, 1977." On this cut Forbert proves himself as an excellent ballad writer. Set in that vast underground wonder of marble and steel, Grand Central Railway Station, Forbert reveals a "3-D" view that most of us are too busy to notice. "Grand Central Station, wheels and it deals, the crowds rush and scramble, right past the newstand and out onto the floors." Real!

''Winnie-the-Pooh'' in Workshop

Straight from the pages of A.A. Milne's classic children's stories comes "Winnie-the-Pooh" to Otterbein College Workshop Theatre. The collection of tales will be staged tonight in Barlow Studio Theatre at 7 p.m.

Senior Amy Runser is directing the production which she says deals "with the friendship and love that a little boy has for a bear and that the bear has for his friends."

"The whole show is based on simplicity," she continued, "I'm working on simple, strong emotions such as love, loyalty and fear - those which are most important to us all."

Finding the connection between animalistic impulses and human feelings has been one of the challenges facing the cast. "I've tried to relate each of the animal characters to people I know," said Runser, "The cast must be able to let the love and warmth the characters have for each other

show so that the whole audience will leave feeling warm and treasuring their own friends."

Cast as the friends who inhabit the fantasy world of Milne's son Christopher Robin (played by Tom Lawson), are Dan Pohl as Pooh, Sue Carter as Piglet, Cheryl Newcomb as Owl, Jeni Deffenbaugh as Rabbit and Ile Haggins of Eeyore. Newcomers to the forest are Kanga (Tammy Sager), and Roo (Jami Flora), who bring such frightening things as bathtubs and soap with them.

"The situations that the animals face are very similar to ones we all go through every day," Runser commented, "I want people to laugh at the funny things Pooh does, but still feel touched when he sacrifices himself for his friend Piglet."

"I think we can all see the reality of these loving and giving relationships - when the going

'Bein Beefs

Got a beef about the 'Bein or affairs on campus? Let us know. Jus eposit this and your beef in one of he boxes in the libr ary, the campu enter or the English department ffice. We reserve the right to edit.

Student - Faculty - St aff


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gets rough, people really do stick together," she said.

Although "Winnie-the-Pooh" is considered children's theatre, Runser doesn't feel that its appeal is limited to youngsters.

"Children can learn to appreciate friendship by watching 'Pooh' but we certainly aren't approaching it as something 'just good enough for the kids,' " she stated. "Milne didn't write it with that attitude; he wrote it first of all for himself and his wife."

As a young director, Runser said that her biggest challenge is "communicating what I want to the actors. I want them to explore things for themselves, but I also need to provide a frame for them to paint in."

Serving as assistant to the director is Loretta Sherer. Mary Jo Yeakle is technical director and Kim Luther narrates the action.

Admission to all Workshop Theatre roductions is free.

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February 2, 1979

" an1 1es : Basically a Comedy V ·t· ''

Hit 'em in their bellies, Hit 'em in their heads, Kill those Cougers, Dead! Dead! Dead! - Act I

As high school cheerleaders in 1963 Mary, Kathy, and Joanne are �ore concerned with the immediate problem of having a date for the dance after the game than they are with what lies ahead in the ill-defined "future."

But the times change and the girls are forced to either adapt or to create their own environments. How they confront the challenges facing them is explored in Jack Heifner's "Vanities," to be produced by Otterbein College Theatre.

Cast as the trio of friends are Kelly Maurer as Mary, Sandy Martin as Kathy, and Lisa Durham as Joanne. Although they are portraying characters somewhat removed from their own

"She is me in high school," says Dunham of her alter-ego , Joanne, "It's intriguing to see how Heifner developed her and how I could have turned out had I now made certain choices and met certain people."

"This is a timeless play," agreed Martin, "Even though it is set in a 'period,' the ideas and things the characters talk about are still talked about today."

Drawing on their own backgrounds, provides the actresses with some oasis for building their characters, but they still encounter difficulties in finding the realities necessary to make a "character" a real person.

"Mary is a good example," says Maurer, "It's a type of role I've never done before. I'm so accustomed to playing the shy, innocent ingenue and she is so hardened."

"I think it is important to establish that she has basically the same values as her friends in the

Now let me make this clear. When we kick, we yell "Get that point"; and when they kick, we yell "Block that kick," and when they have the ball, we yell;'Get that ball." ,1•.1:. 1•1,..1..1

end she is hardened - not to the Finally I put on Kelly's backpoint of not caring, but so much she's flopped on the bed next to love and sensitivity has been lost." my bench - and I thought Kelly "Kathy is just beginning to knew it was there. Well, she stood up and the bottle went flying and realize who she is at the end of the then rolled down the raked stage , experiences, the actresses have beginning, and then develop the play," said Martin.

"Kathy is the one the audience right into the audience.'

will have the most hope for," "We've had problems keeping things like make-up and pencils found many similarities between definite growth and changing she the early sixties and today. undergoes," she continued. "By the added Durham, "Poor Joanne is

In Review from rolling off the stage," added trapped in an environment she Martin. created and is now unhappy with

Book Still Hot

By Robert Engelbach ludicrously overdrawn, but the

There are advantages to working on a raked stage, it, but she doesn't know how to get out of." however.

Despite the statement Heifner

"The actreses have a definite rapport with the audience," stated makes about the changing role of questions are still there - what kind of God would put innocents women in society, "Vanities" is

The hero is forced to enlist in a foreign army, shipwrecked, Maurer, "It brings us closer to basically a comedy. through such suffering? Candide them and we can use the floor a whipped, and robbed. The heroine gets two opposing viewpoints from "Its very light - funny," Martin lot more. It kind of tears me in is raped, sold as a slave, his travelling companions. One is a commented, "Rehearsals have been two to do the splits on it, though." kidnapped by pirates, and pessimist; he puts the worst casual but we still get things The title "Vanities" refers not disfigured. This is the best of all interpretation on everything. The done."

other believes that this is the best

Within the relaxed atmosphere of all possible worlds; he searches of rehearsal, the actresses have for good in every disaster. found more humor in the show

"Being on stage all the time possible worlds?

only to narcissism that is a part of all the girls, but to the actresses vanities where they do all their make-up and costume changes.

Voltaire raised this question two hundred years ago in "Candide." the main character learns the meaning of life, progressing from optimism to disillusionment to means that we can't step behind a curtain and assume a character," where gold is used as cobblestones. "No matter how much I smoke, contentment.

The party finds a land that is than just what's written in the apparently free of suffering, script.

They stay in this Utopia only a I still get a buzz!" laughed said Martin, "The audience sees

After living in the splendor of a German palace, he is literally short time. They would rather face Maurer, a non-smoker, "I really do the characters go through their the misery and injustice of the get high from it. One night I growth periods." kicked out for kissing the Baron's world than die of boredom. crossed to sit on a bench an stuck Audiences will have the daughter Cunego nde. Out on his own, he is forced to join an army and winds up in Portugal, just in time for an earthquake. There he makes an enemy of the In quisition, which chases him to America and back to Europe. All this time he is searching for his beloved Cunegonde, who has become a

The exaggerated way in which my hand right in a dirty ashtray." opportunity to observe both the Voltaire deals with the question of Durham smiled remembering actresses and the characters they evil will make modern readers another incident from rehearsal: portray from Wednesday, Feb. 7 laugh. On the other hand, he "In the second act, Joanne is through Saturday, Feb. 10 at 8:15 satirizes contemporary people and polishing her nails. Of course, she p.m. in Cowan Hall. Tickets are institutions, needling his critics is the type who would never free with student or faculty I.D. or and the Jesuits. As a result, parts spread her knees to stick the bottle $2.50 main floor and $2 balcony. of the book read like a two of polish between them, so I The box office is open weekdays 1hundred-year-old "Mad" magazine. couldn't figure out where to set it. 4 p.m. beggar and is having her own adventures.

In the course of his travels, Candide meets many characters who have been battered by life: a


Pope's daughter who was Any Spiral Notebook kidnapped by pirates, raped, and 1/2. Price! turned loose as a chambermaid One to a customer with only half a buttock left; six Good Feb. 5_:9 only dethroned kings idling in Venice; and a syphilitic who survives torture and hanging by the OTTERBEIN


Their life histories are

February 2, 19.79 The Tan & Cardinal Page5 I I I I I ii IJ IJ Ii


The Onyx volleyball team is

Any club wishing to submit enjoying their success.

KIOSK news to the T&C The sisters of Tau Epsilon Mu should turn in a concise, typewritten congratulate their pledge class copy at the T&C office in officers, Kim Woosley, president; the Campus Center by Monday, 4 Cammie Compton, vice president; Deb Plaster er , secretary/treasurer; p. m. prior to the Friday publication. and Karen Caldwell and The staff reserves the right to edit Mary Anne Wilson, jr. panhel. and will print information as space Good luck to the pledges when they permits. blast. The sisters are making final plans for their formal coed on Greeks February 10 at European Village from 10 p.m. -2 a.m.

Eta Phi Mu welcomes their By Sandy Bennett eighteen pledges. The brothers are looking forward to the next five

op job would come before a accepted to the University of Cincinnati Medical School. student could take the practicum.

The brothers of Pi Beta Sigma Mitchell supported his congratulate their new pledges, amendment by presenting to the Dan Koplow, Rob Engelbach, committee a telephone survey he Dave Gross, Scott Heffelfinger, had conducted that day. The Maurizio Schindler, Rob Rose and survey monitored local editor's Doug Bullis. Good luck for the attitudes· toward field experience. next four weeks! The brothers Most supported the concept. wish their basketball opponents Mitchell also presented a list of luck next week. Ohio universities with journalism

The brothers of Lambda programs either requiring or Gamma Epsilon welcome their offering as electives- on-the-job pledge class of seventeen future training. Kingsmen. Congratulations to Jeff Both Bailey and speech Stephens for a fine job as rush instructor Jennifer Goins, also on chairman. Kent Bixler is enjoying the task force responsible for the teaching young voices how to sing. proposal, said a practicum was valuable preparation for field ENGAGED: experience.

Tracy Buytendyk, '78 Epsilon Dr. Barbara Chapman, ·Kappa Tau, to Dave Pyles, '79 Eta chairman of the nursing Phi Mu. department, said valuable experience was assured in the Journalism practicum since it would be


The sisters of Epsilon Kappa weeks of pledging. Jonda partied Tau are proud of their new sisters with a Capital sorority last and wish them luck during Saturday before the game. A coed pledging. A big thanks goes to is scheduled for February 24. Earl Karen Miller and the committee "Buck" Martin is looking for a for the pledging ceremony. date - beware! Congratulations Scholarship necklaces were given from all the brothers go to to Kathy Speelman, Elaine McCoy, "Eggs" Fred Benedict for being Cindy Jackson and Sandy Bennett. The sisters are planning a party S.C.O.P.E.

with an Ohio State frat on Saturday night. Good luck to Amy S.C.O.P.E. (Students Concerned Runser in directing "Winnie the Over People Everywhere) extends Pooh." a warm invitation to you to join us

Sigma Alpha Tau welcomes each week in our efforts to reach their new pledges and out to lonely elderly people and congratulates them on a close but misguided juveniles. Every successful blast. Owls pledges Wednesday night, S.C.O.P.E. elected Janet Tressler, president; volunteers travel to the Child Lori Wood, secretary; Sandy Study Center (a detention center) Metcalf, treasurer; Tracy Rich, to visit the young people staying panhel representative; Michele there. We are perhaps the only Wolford, money making visitors that they receive for the chairman; and Susan Jefferies, duration of their stay there and service project chairman. Owls are they look forward to our visit. proud of their sisters who made Thursday afternoon is the Winter Weekend court, Lynn scheduled time that Otterbein's Fichner, Chris Simpson and Circle K Club unites with Wendy Cameron. The sisters hope S.C.O.P.E. to aid in the crafts and Sandy Martin and Lisa Durham games at the Mann Nursing Home "break a leg" as "Vanities" opens in Westerville. This is a worthon Wednesday. while project that requires a

The pledges of Kappa Phi relatively small amount of time Omega are enjoying a great start. compared to the happiness your The Onyx ice skating party will be visit brings to the elderly. Show Friday, Feb. 23 from midnight to that you care by giving S.C.O.P.E. 2 a.m. This is an all campus event. a part of your Wednesday evening A coed is scheduled for March 9. or Thursday afternoon.

. Management Opport unity

Unparalleled opportunity exists for college students soon to graduate to acquire experience and tra ining in management. If you are in good health and seeking a challenging career, mail your resume to: LCDR

Continued from page 1 monitored by on-campus people. weekly class meeting. Student The same was not true, she said, of must have completed Eng. 26 off-campus programs. (newswriting) or be taking it at According to Goins, she had the time he begins the practicum. found in her talks with these Credit is 1/2 course for 3 editors that " they don't want just continuous terms of work." The some kid out of the classroom, but practicum is similar to the present someone tried and true." A Speech 14 class. practicum, she 9aid, would help

Bailey opposed the amendment assure this.

on the grounds that the practicum Dr. James Grissinger, chairman is too important to be offered as an of the speech and theatre altern department said at one ative. But to appease point that Mitchell's concern that co-ops and "co-ops and internships will internships were receiving too happen anyway," meaning without little emphasis, Bailey presented being built into the requirements. an amendment which in no way The Mitchell amendment, when altered the present requirements, called for a vote, was defeated and but, in his words, "made the Bailey's amendment passed. language" detailing internships In other business.four half-unit and co-operative educational courses were added to speech opportunities "stronger." communication curriculum, a one

It was later pointed out that the unit class cut to one-half unit and wording of the Mitchell an annual course changed to an amendment put the course alternative year course. requirements over the Also, three proposals by the subinterdisciplinary major's allowed committee on evaluation of non15. traditional learning were passed.

Mitchell said he did not want One proposed that Otterbein this illegality to stand in the way recognize credit for tpe ACT-PEP of the co-op or internship program examination as it does CLEP. playing a key role in the major, Another proposed recognition of and said it would be possible to credit based on the recommendation institute the programs into the of the Program on Noncollegiate proposal's 15 course limit. Sponsored Instruction. And last,

Dr. Richard Yantis of the math­ credit by examination procedures department asked Mitchell if it were altered was feasible to work in a co-op job Also the establishment of a subwithin the limits by the number of committee to evaluate whether course required for the major. certain requirement changes

Mitchell said it was, but added should be made for those who have that in putting together a model taken college courses was approved. schedule he had found that the co-

Doug Harrington 200 N. High Street, Suite 609 Columbus, Ohio 43215
Paid For By U.S. Navy
COMPLETE FLORAL SERVICE 882-0606 34 West Main Street Westerville, Ohio 43081 Page6 TheTan& Cardinal February 2, 1979

Crusaders Crucify Otters at Capital Basketball

Continued from page 8


Continued from page 1

By Bill Fairchild led the Crusaders to a 37-32 and the number of students."

Superior strength and height were the key ingredients as the Capital Crusaders defeated Otterbein 78-68 Saturday night at Alumni Gymnasium. Capital, carrying a two-game losing streak into the contest, took control as they rolled to a 16-5 lead early in the first half. Senior Guard Ricky Lee led the Capital attack hitting long-range jump shots beyond the Otterbein zone.

Otterbein came back to take the lead 23-22 a the six minute mark of the first half as the defense tightened. The Capital fouls began to pile up and the Otterbein front court players were able to become more aggressive.

Todd Zwick, Capital playmaking guard, was the deciding factor for the rest of the half as he stole the ball three times and scored five points as he

halftime lead.

Capital broke the game open early in the third quarter as they ran out to a 17-point lead. The Crusaders were ignited by 6'8" center Charles Jones who thrilled the crowd with a vicious slamdunk and controlled the rebounds at both ends of the floor.

Otterbein fought back and cut the lead to eight points with six minutes to go but the Crusaders continued to dominate the inside game to hold on to the victory.

Jeff Benson led the Otters with 18 points. Don Brough was the only other Otterbein player in double figures, scoring 10 points.

Capital was led by Ricky Lee's 17 points. Charles Jones added 16 a1:d �om Dunson 14 to help the wmnmg cause.

Otterbein 8-9 overall and 3-4 in the OAC will face Ohio Wesleyan this weekend.

Bowling Team to Open Season Tomorrow

Otterbein College's bowling team will open its season to morrow in a round-r obin tournament at Denison at 10 a.m. Otterbein will bowl against Wittenberg. Other teams in the Central Ohio Intercollegiate Bowling League competing for the co nference title are Central State,

Denison, Ohio State and Ohio Wesleyan.

With three starters returning, the Cardinals will be looking for one player to fill the fourth spot on the team. Jun-ior Kristi Snelling

Kathy Schuller, a senior from Westerville will be in her second year with the team, while senior Dee Danford, the team's high scorer, will be in her fourth and final season.

Other girls contending for a spot on the team are Jody Bailey, Janice Dragon and Deb Hedke.

The highest bowlers for each

week will be the four who bowl in the next competition.

had the momentum to win it."

Heidelberg's 6'7", 235 pound, Chris Reichert scored 14 of 18 from the field and added two free throws for a total of 30 points. Kurt Anderson had 16 points for the winners.

"It was a very disappointing loss. We had the lead and they just got back in the game on us," said senior Darrell Miller who scored six points. Miller also added, "We've corne very close to beating the Conference leaders and I think we can still do very well in the tournament."

Otterbein is now 3-5 in the OAC and 8-10 overall. Heidelberg moves to 5-3 in the OAC and 12-8 overall.

The Cardinals travel to Ohio Wesleyan tomorrow. Game time is 2 p.m.


This coupon good for $1 off any HOODED SWEATSHIRT

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These requests were in past years as much as $30,000 but are recently limited to $12,500 for the 25 out of 50 Ohio institutions who receive them. The request for next year was made last Wednesday bt.1t Macke explained that there is or. ly "a ten per cent chance we'll get the money since the President (Carter) has cut his budget to allow more money into Direct Student loans. Either way, the students and the college have Federal assistance. This just places more responsibility on the students."


Continued from page 2 television," one man said while scratching his armpit. "I'd like to watch 'The Gong Show', and that there 'Hee Haw' in color."

Macambo listened to the Super Bowl. He didn't watch it, but sat in the corner of his cage where he couldn't see the TV and picked his nose. The new television was given to him so he could watch the game in color like the gorilla in the Atlanta Zoo. Last week someone stole the TV from the gorilla's cage in Atlanta. Macambo wishes someone would steal his if he has to watch football; it's such a primitive game.

Arts Center

Continued on page 1

According to Macke, Tuesday was the first day in five days that a man for Zarbaugh had been working.

Presently Zarbaugh has been paid five-sixths of its contract or $500,000. The College still holds $100,000 budgeted for the general contractor.

Should complications arise, one of the College's possible C('.)urses of action would be to approach the bonding company, an insurance business guaranteeing payment to an employer should he suffer financial loss through the actions of the employee.

The bonding company would then be responsible for seeing to the completion of the job through one of three ways. It could either hire the original general contractor to finish the job, assuring financial backing, hire a new contractor, or turn the job over to Otterbein, wherein the College would hire a firm to finish the job and finance it with the

Teams in the league are ranked after each tournament. In 1977, Otterbein ended the season in the top spot, but dropped to last place ih the league in 1978.

remaining amount originally budgeted for Zarbaugh. Anf money left after completion of the job would be turned over to the bonding company.

No serious consideration on the part of the college has been given to filing a suit or claim for damage, according to Macke.

A spokesman for Zarbaugh said Wednesday night that no one was available for comment and that all questions should be directed to Zarbaugh's lawyer.

No one from Zarbaugh was at the Arts Center by 9 a.m. yesterday morning, but a College staff member said "they are supposed to try and finish it up in the next few days. I haven't seen anyone there this morning yet."

Among the work uncompleted is touch-up painting, some sink hookups, sealing of concrete floors, installation of auditorium seats, air balance and repair work on the windows.

The Otterbein Service Department was scheduled to begin clean-up work Wednesday.

In your own handwriting from Newark will begin her third season with the team Saturday.

For publication February 9

Sign up in the Campus Center next Tuesday and Wednesday - during lunch and dinner hours


You can be someone special by doing something unique for your frlends and loved ones this coming Valentines Day. Have your Valentine cards and letters mailed by us from LOVELAND Colorado. Your cards will be received with a special message from cupid printed on the outer envelope as well as a LOVELAND postmark. Just send your cards, addressed and stamped, to us by Feb. 2nd and we will remail them from LOVELAND in time for Valentines Day. Mail us up to three cards for $1.00 or as many as seven cards for $2.00 and we'll take care of the rest. The cost is small! Do something special! Mail to: Communication Co., P.O. Box 7916, Colo. Spgs., Co. 80933

'\{7 Send Tan & Cardinal
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February 2. 1 979 The Tan & Cardinal Page 7

port s McCombs Br eaks Oldest Record

The best individual performance of the young track season was turned in Friday by sophomore shot putter Doug McCombs, who with a throw of 47 feet, 3 and¾ inches, smashed Otterbein's oldest indoor record.

The old standard was set back in 1960 by Gary Allen, who threw the 16 pound shot 47'2½". Allen is currently the athletic director at Beechcroft Junior-Senior High School in Columbus's far North side.

Track Team �repares for Conferenee Relays

Otterbein's improving track team hosts five teams tonight in a tune-up for the conference relays. Mt. Union, Wittenberg, Heidelberg, Capital and Lorain Community College will all compete in the first full schedule meet of the indoor season.

With the relays one week away, this will be the first opportunity to run under actual meet conditions. Although no score will be kept, coach Porter Mille r believes the adrenalin will be flowing tonight as his athlete$ prepare for the meet next week.

Miller s ays the team is steadily improving. The progress of the squad as a whole is almost to the point Mille r anticipated in his preseason evaluation.

Last F riday's meet was highlighte d by Doug McComb's record put of the shot (see accompanying story). Anothe r fine performance was turned in by John Mc Kenzie with a 2:03.4 in the 880 yard run.

Freshmen hurdlers Tim Potts and Steve Farkas won Mille r's praise for their efforts in the 50 yard high hurdles. Farkas was clocked in 6.78 seconds and Potts had a time of 6.96.

The mile run was extreme ly competitive among the Otte rbein runners. Jim Vancleave (4:31.44) edged out Robby Rose by less than two-tenths of a second in one of the

Track coach Porter Miller was ecstatic about McComb's performance and envisions his heats. Rick Miller was timed in 4:33.8 and Mike Malone finished with a 4:38.6. Miller l ater ran a 9:55.8 in the two mile run.


LongJump,TripleJump, ShotPut, High Jump, PoleVault


4LapRelay 8:55 TwoMile 7:40 9:10 600Yd. Run 7:50

Mile Run 8:00 300yd. Dash 9:25 880yd. Run 9:40

50Yd.Dash MileRelay 8:15

440Yd. Dash 8:30 1,000Yd. Run 8:40 50Yd. High Hurdles

prize shot putter bettering the OUTDOOR mark of 47 feet, 9½ inches (Gary Allen, 1960 and Bill Thompson, 1964) before the close of the indoor season.

McComb's chances of placing in the conference meet are excellent, according to Miller. His throws to date place him among the top six putters in the conference. "And he's improving wee kly," Miller added.

If McCombs, or any of the other Otte rbein shot putters, place in the top six at the conference championship in March, it will indeed b e cause for celebration. Checking through past records, the last shot putter to score a point in the OAC championship meet was Dale Chittum in 1973. That year he placed fifth indoor and sixth outdoor.

There are two factors for McCombs's improvement, outside of hard work. First, Guido Rice vuto, the track coach at Columbus DeS ales High School, has bee n working with the shot putte rs three times a week.

Miller be lie ves Ricevuto is "doing a terrific job" in handling the shot putters. Ricevuto is able to give the added attention ne eded to an e vent where technique is so vitally important.

Sophomore Doug McCombs set a new indoor record for the shot put with a distance of 4 7'3¾" during last Friday's meet against Muskingum and Otterbein.

Secondly, the compe tition among the putters doe s not allow McCombs a chance to relax. Mike Havens and Jim Puckett are also showing improveme nt in the ir distances to the point where coaches Miller and Ricevuto expect them to e ventually break the current outdoor mark as well.

Otters Caught in Heartbreaker

Otters Lose Heartbreaker to Heidelberg at Buzzer, 73-71

The Otterbein Cardinal basketball team lost a heartbreaker to Heidelberg 73-71 Wednesday night at the Rike Center.

Junior Doug Petty's far leftco_rner jumper was nullified as the game clock e xpired. Petty hit on eight of 12 field goal attempts and was one for one from the line for a total of 17 points.

IThe Stud ent Princes got 14 points from Kurt Anderson in the first half as Heidelberg shot 60.7 percent from the floor to lead at intermission 40-34.

With 33 seconds remaining in the game, Junior Dave Fahrbach muscled in for a score to put Otterbein within one at 72-71. Heidelberg's Larry Nedolast connected on the first of two freethrows to put the Princes up by a 73-71 margin. The Cardi11als then

had the chance to send the game into overtime but time ran out as Petty's shot fell through. Don Brough scored 12 points and pulled down 13 rebounds while Jeff Kessler adde d 12 points and Jeff Benson 11 f or Otterbe in. ,Senior Don Brough said, "We were a little sluggish in the first ha lf but we really took it to them the rest of the way. If the ga me had gone into overtime, I felt we

Continued on page 7

Otter Women Beat Bluffton, 51-47

Otte rbein College Women's Baske tball te am defeated Bluffton College 51-47 Tuesday evening at the Rike Cente r. The Cardinals improved their season record by gaining their first victory in four starts.

Before the g ame, first year head coach Terri Hazucha said "We've got the basics down and now we've got to put them togethe r."

And put them toge ther they did. Freshman forward Collee n Muldoon was high score r in the game with 14 points (6/14 from the fie ld, 2/2 from the line). Karen

Horn, 5-11 junior cent�r, pulled down 13 rebounds, upping her season total to 29 for four games. S enior co-captain Bambi Wallace is the leading scorer for the team with a total of 59 points and also le ads the team in assists with 9.

Bluffton led at the half by one point, 25-24. Otterbein came back after the half and gained a 13 point lead. Bluffton managed to close the point ga p but failed to regain their lead.

Otterbein hosts Xavier S aturd ay at 1 p.m. in the Rike Center. Ha zucha says Xavier has height, but the Cardinals hope to better their 1-3 season record.

Sophomore Wayne Woodruf! (left) gains on opponent in 60yard high hurdles. fHri!J!I-' Photo)
..... Page 8 The Tan & Cardinal February 2, 1979

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