The Tan and Cardinal April 15, 1977

Page 1

Mickey Burns and Becky Coleman will compete in a runoff election · Wednesday, April 27, in the Campus Center main lounge.

With 10 trustee candidates on the ballot, none received the majority of votes required to win.

In such a case, according to election procedures, the t�o candidates receiving the most votes will face each other m a subsequent ru noff election.

Coleman led the field with 109 of the 489 ballots cast for 22 per cent of the total vote. Burns followed with 97 ballots for 20 per cent. The 489 votes cast is 102 more than those cast in last year's elections.

Other candidates who placed high were Kent Stuckey, (91 votes); Nancy Bocsker, (77 votes); and Jeff Burnett, � (68 votes).

"C om muni cation at Otterbein is important, said

Continued on Page 2

Burns, Coleman in trustee run Tan and Cardinal

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Hartford Ballet performs Tuesday

Hartford Ballet, part of Otterbein 's Artist Series, will present its single Central Ohio performance Tuesday, April 19 at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall.

The program of dance works is varied, including the folkstory ballet "Tom Dulax," the romantic "Duo" and the classical "Grand Pas de Dix" with music from "Raymonda."


The Otterbein Religious Activities Council will sponsor, on Sunday, April 17, the film, "William", to be shown in the Campus Center lounge at 7 p.m. The movie deals with the search for love. Admission is free.

Lo tte Go slar's "Leggieros," termed by critics as a "vivacious and hilarious romp guaranteed to bring down the house," completes the program.

Ha rtford' Ballet's appearance is sponsored by th e C o 11 e g e Arts Consortium, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Ohio Arts Council.

The company will be in residence here April 18-20, presenting master classes and a special children's concert through the Artist-In-Schools program of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. Students can obtain free tickets at the box office by presenting their ID's.

Featured Tuesday, April 19 is Lotle Goslar's Leggieros. The Hartford Ballet group will perform this and other works in Cowan.


JTryouts for Drum Major and Feature Twirler of the Otterbein Band will be held Thursday April 21 at 4 p.m. in the Rike Center.

Folk to dance

This Saturday April 16, at 5 p.m. there will be a folk dance and Oriental Dinner to start the Laestian New Year. All interested students are welcome and a small donatio n would be appreciated.

Greek Week to highlight activities

Next week is designated Gree Week on campus and many activities highlight the week.

Trustees vote to increase tuition

Faced with spiraling costs for goods and services, the Ot terbein Trustee's Ex ecutive Board and Budget Control Committees voted Saturday to increase tuition and fees for 1977-78. Board members also adopted a new payment schedule.

Basic costs per term for residential students will now be $1,130 for tuition, $200 for room and $240-$245 for board. Tuition and room rent will be paid in equal part each term, instead of on the current 50-40-10 schedule.

Board payments will be $245 for the first and second terms and $240 for the thrid term.

The increases "basically reflect increased cost pressures caused in part by the energy �ituation," said Pres. Thomas J. Kerr IV. Dr. Kerr referred to the college's need to shift in some measu re to higher-priced oil fuel this winter and added that ener gy costs have "increased disproportionately."

Other board actions included awarding tenure to

three members of the fac ulty.

The board also named Gail L. Miller an assistant professor in economics and business administration and appointed Carole Ann Long as chaplain, a part-time posi tion. The board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Fran Bay, director of public relations, effective July 1.

Reco mm ending the removal of Cochran Hall, members of the executive group will refer the questions to the full board for its consideration

Be ginning Wednesday, Ap ril 20, a Leadership Training Program will be held for the newly-elected greek officers in the Ca mpus Center. Speakers will be on hand for instruction on how to run a greek orga n ization Friday begins the Greek Superstar competition in which teams will compete in vari ous athletic end ea vors. For the fraternities, the competion -w ill be solely team competition while the sorori ti es will match fres hman, sophomore, ju ni or and senio r participants by class.

The competition, in the sta dium , will sponsor p i:eliminaries Friday evening and finish with finals on Saturday morning.

Saturday evening is the time for the Greek Agora (blast). The blast features a ligh t show and di sco apparatus from Apples and will be held at the Armory on Dublin-Granville Road beginning at 8 p.m.

Rounding out the week will be Harmony Night in Cowan Hall Sunday evening with greek organizations competing in the traditional "sing-off."

Along with Harmony Night will be an awards co nclave where the scholarship and intramural awards will be presented along with the winners of the Superstar Competition and an outstanding faculty award.

The overall goal of Greek Week is to promote pride and unity .

Mickey Burns Becky Coleman

Readers Sound-off election----

a hand!

their help on special

Continued from Page 1 concentration and speech. CraigFurry electionday. He was recently elected to JeanFarkas DearEditor, BettyA.Neff Coleman, "Throughout the election all the candidates have effect ively communicated their positions - this was reflected through the high studentvote."

Coleman is a student senator and was recently el ected to both Adminfstrative and Curriculum Councils.A RA in Clements, she hails from Canton, Ohio and majorsin speech andpolitical science.

In additionto debateand forensics involvement, Becky, a junior, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and Pi Kappa Delta honories. She is a member of Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority.

Colem an is a departmental representative for both the speech and theater, and history and pol iti cal science departments.A member of the dean's list, she has also participated in Whiz Quiz, WOBN,andfieldhockey.

Burns also looks positively on the voter turnout: "I think the turnout is the result of five good candidates executing very effective and exhaustive campaigns," he commented.

A junior from Cleveland, Ohio, Burns majors in English with a writing


both Administrative and Judicial Councils, marking his third term of office in thelatterposition.

Bums is Editor-in-Chief of the Tan and Cardinal where he has worked for three years.A member of Eta Phi Mu fraternity, Mickey is also a senator-at-large and is a member of the campus communicat io n sub-committee.

He was also a two-year participant on the varsity footballsquad.

Si milar to last Wednesday's election, the runoff votmg times will be duringthemealhours.

Senator-at-largeelections were also tallied and afull list of the winners can be foundon this page.

New senators

The newly-elected senators-at-large for 1977-78 are (in order of votes received):




Mickey Burns

Chris Kapostasy





Nancy Ballog



Mike Liebherr

Greg Detty




Mark Princehorn

Chris Compton

Kathy Ullman

Louise Rynd

Marshall Wise

Nadine Rohal

Dan Wetzel




Pamela A.Burns


Roger Althouse





Tim Riley


Jon Hargis

John McDermott

Gina Miller










Matt Frantz

Brian Green





MickeyBums ....... ·...EDITOR-IN-CHIE_f


MelissaBarr ........ BUSINESSMANAGER


NancyBallog ........... FEATUREEDITOR


Don Hines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADVISOR

Brad Haynes, Kay Bums, Chet Cady; Maggie Dine, Marilyn Douglas,TimO'Flynn,SylviaIngels, Kat Johnson, Shelley Jones, Chris Kapostasy, Felipe Martinez, Sue Mayberry, Hope Roberts, Chris Souders, Dan Thompson, Deb Thorn, Kim Wilcox,Dan Repi,k, BobKokai andDeanaWilliams

Thursday April 21, the Westerville Public Schools Rudeness are facing arealcrisis.After the defeat of a school levy DearEditor, last spring, the local Board We'll keep it shortbutto has really taken an ax to the point. The Greek Skits next year's educational are to develop fellowship program. between the pledges and

Stillasubstantialtaxlevy their sororities. They are needs to be approved by a not to be considered prime sometimes justifiably time for crude comments. confused and angry The rude behaviorshownat electorate in order to make this year's festivities reflects possible the operation of a on those who displayed it. half-decent school sys.tern. Greek skits are part of

If there are locally the pledging program and registered Otterbein should not be an outlet for students who would be obnoxious behavior. willing to lend a hand, the Thankyou, kids ofWestervillecoulduse Someconcerned Greeks

T�ird degree Burnt Sile need

(Ed. note: With the trustee campaign in full swing, the Tan and Cardinal feels it might be unfair to allow one candidate unequal representation in the paper as it is our policy to not endorse candidates. Therefore the column "Third Degree Burns" will not appear on these pages until after the runoff on April 27- MB)

Snowy Fear

I saw my first robin today and began to remember the winterthatotherswould justassoonforget. The snow flew, thetemperaturefell,andthe onlywarm things werethesmilesofthe_peopleImet.

Therewereproblemsandshortagesandnoendappeared insight.

We'd get up in themorningonlyto find moresnowhad fallenduring·thenight.

Everyonehada theory astowhyitwassocold, And nothing could match thewintersinthestoriesthat weretold.

Wasitanucleartestthatcausedthesnowyfear, Orwasitbecauseourtimewasfinally here.

Everyone had the answers, but noneofthemseemed to know,

Howtogetridof thecold;whattodo withthesnow.

The liberals called for changes;theconservativesprayed forrain,

While we who were in the middle sat and endured the pain.

We got tired of winter sports,in hopes ofgamestoplay outside.

But asitgotcolder,besidechilly heaters wewouldhide. It became depressing as all the snow piled and places wouldclose;

Thegaswasshutoffandallthewaterlines froze. But:now the snow has melted and the water levelsrise, And the warm weather and sunshine appear to be our prize.

Don't forget this past winter now that spring is finally here, Because it's supposed to come early, leave late, and be worsenextyear!!

Tan and Clnlml April 15,_ 19n
Cardinal -
Published weekly by the
of Otterbein College. The opinions expiesaed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and do not necesaarily reflect those «,f the school or ita administration.
hoot!Don't pollute!
In the city... or in the woods, Help keep America looking good! Give a

Plaeement Office Notes

Recruiters scheduled

Job Opportunities:

Roadway Express, Inc., is majors in political science, above positions is available seeking internal auditors to sociology, English, history, inthePlacementOffice. Baltimore City Schools perform a combination of and education. Salary: financial, operational, and approximately $9,500. will be interviewing teaching candidates onMay compliance audits. Travel Applications available in PlacementOffice. 5. Interviews will beheldat required. Excellent starting

The State of Ohio Bureau O.S.U. For an appointment salary. Firstyearaccounting of Corrections is seeking a call or-write:Mrs. Linda L. courses required. Potential Statistician II for work in Ross, Baltimore City Public advancement into field London,Ohio. Schools, Division of management. Interested Teaching openings have Personnel, 3 East 25th individuals should contact recently been reported by Street, Baltimore,Maryland Mr. Dickey in the the following school 21218,(301)396-6917. PlacementOffice.

systems: Bucyrus, Although recent Railroad Savings and Versailles, Copley-Fairlawn information for the U.S. Loan has an immediate (Akron area), Northern Civil Service Commission opening for a part-time Local (Thornville), Fort indicates that government teller (afternoons and Frye (Beverly), Stow, employment "remains very Saturdays at· the new Wooster, Athens, Lucas, tight, with the downward Railroad office on 161 east Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational trend in selections of Cleveland Avenue). School (Marion), continuing," employment Position will become Coshocton,andSt.Marysas prospects in the private full-time during early well as several out-of-state sector continue to be much summer. Potential for school systems. Additional better than those of recent advancement.

Columbia Gas is looking information on all of the years. for summer interns in computer science (paid positions). Open to seniors

Otters ch osen for 'Foil'

planning to attend graduate schooland juniors. Actual filming has begun Supervisor,Michael London WCMH-TV is seeking a at Otterbein College on of Columbus as Make-Up Producer/Director, Floor "Foil," thefirstcommercial Designer, andJay Arnoldof Directors, and summer motion picture to befilmed OSUasPropertyMaster. releif Broadcast entirely in the Westerville Di-••n,-.tor James Dooley Technicians. and North Columbus area. has selected Phil Hamilton

The Ohio Legislative The entire cast, crew, and and Roger Eyrelles of Service Commission is production staff were Otterbein, Fred Jennings of accepting applications for chosen from resident Columbus, Stan Stine of one-year interns to work applicants. OSU; and Audrey Lynn Dec. 1, 1977 to Dec. 31, Additions to the Dickason of Westerville 1978. Most successful production staff include South High School for applicants in recent years Juergen K. Tossmann of major roles in the motion have had 3.0 average with Otterbein as Production picture.


Others from Otterbein in the cast include Robert Kokai, Daniel G. Young, Roland Hamilton, James Carr, GinaMiller, Gregory

1 Ll, r,1s1,/4 r11Is Kimbro, Deana Williams , 14 North State Street Robert S. Bush, and (in the Alley Shops) Randall H.Smith. Westerville, Ohio 43081

Producer Howard L. 614/ 890-5459

Show has named the Mon. - Sat 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. following students to the Fri. 10 a.m - 9 p.m. technical staff: Debra J. Geesey, Gene Kuhn, Joe Hobson, and Lisa L. Abbott.

"The Friendly Sto re"

"I am very pleased and excited with our selections," said director Dooley. ''This only proves my belief that there is alot of talent in the Columbus 23 NORTH STATE STREET and Westerville area just WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 waitingtobetapped. Ihope PHONE 882-2392 that our production will convince others that Ohio Agency for Russell Stover Candies contains a great source for Prescriptions ._._________________.Jfilm."






6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadefor Christ

8:15p.m. -CardinalChorusConcert

10:00p.m. -SigmaAlphaTau"BoogieBlast"



12:30p.m. -Tennis: Heidelberg-A

1:00p.m. -Baseball:Wooster (DH)-H

1:00 p.m.3:00 p.m. -CPBScavenger Hunt

1:30p.m. -Women'sSoftball:Wooster(DH)-H

8:00 p.m. -TauEpsilonMuCo-Ed

8:00p.m. -ThetaNuCo-Ed

8:30p.m. -Epsilon Kappa TauCo-Ed


2:00 p.m. -TauEpsilonMu Novelty Partyfor Parents& Alumni

7:00p.m. -ReligiousActivitiesCouncilFilm& Discussion"William"

8:00 p.m. -InterfraternityCouncil

8:15 p.m. -JuniorRecital:MarianneWatkins & TomMcLeish

9:00p.m. -CampusChristian Association(Agape)

April 18 -Monday -HartfordBallet: In residenceApril18April 20

3:30p.m. -IntegrativeStudiesMovie:"Sons & Lovers"

4:00 p.m. -CurriculumCommittee

4:00p.m. -CampusServicesCommittee

7:00p.m. -Sorority & FraternityMeetins

7:30p.m. -IntegrativeStudiesMovie:"Sons & Lovers"



3:00p.m. -Student Recital

4:00 p.m. -AcademicCouncil

6:30p.m. -PanhellenicCouncil

6:30p.m. -YearbookStaffMeetings

8:00 p.m. -CircleKMeeting

8:15p.m. -HartfordBallet Concert



-HartfordBallet: In residence

12:00noon -CulturalAffairsSubcommittee

3:00p.m. -Tennis: Capital-A

3:30p.m. -Baseball:Wittenberg-A 6:00p.m. -CampusProgramming-Board 8:00 p.m. -YoungDemocrats



3:00p.m. -TeacherEducationCommittee

7:00 p.m. -Religious Activities Council 7:00 p.m. -AlphaEpsilon Delta 7:30p.m. -Personnel Committee



-Golf: Capital/Kenyon-A

3:30p.m. -CPBMovie:"The ThreeMuskateers" 6:30p.m. -CampusCrusade for Christ

7:30 p.m. -CPBMovie:"The ThreeMuskateers" 8:15p.m. -Recital:LynnMarshall& Henry Molinaro

10:30p.m. -CPBMovie"The ThreeMuskateers"


Phone: 882-6611

6South StateStreet, Westerville

Donuts, Cakes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

3 Tan and Cardinal April 15, 19n

Tan and Cardinal

April 15, 1977

Officers are named


Recording Secretary - Paul Roger Althouse; Secretary - Intramural Director - Joe TEM's new President is Besides preparing for Jo hnson; Corresponding John McQueen; Treasurer - Bringardner; I.F.C. reps - Deana Willimas; Vice PresGreek Week, planning Secretary - Chris Compton; Jeff Cole; Housemanager - Doug Burkhart and Tom Andrea Valvano; Rec. Sec.Spring Wee kends, Pledge Master - Don Rossel; Tim McCarthy; Pledge Wessel. Jill Pfancuff; Corres. Sec.remodeling houses, and Treasurer - Dave Martino; Master -Mark Princehorn; Zeta holds a party Betsy Rogers; Treas. receiving new pledges, the and I.F.C. reps. - Greg Assistant Treasurer - Dave Thursday night, April 21. Cheryl Wine; Alumni Sec.Greeks have had elections. Detty arid Dick Frick. Zeuch; I.F.C. reps - Tom The Brothers are planning a Nikki Hodgdon; ChaplainThe Spring term means the Jonda is having a car wash Forman and Mark Espy; Spring Weekend to Sue Mayberry; Sr. Panhelcompletion of one reign and Saturday. Check the house Sec/Treas. of Alumni - Bill Put-in-Bay. Patti Marstrel; Jr. Panhelthe beginning of a new for further details. Burdick. Kings fraternity elections Kathy Holdrieth; Pledge reign. Pi Sig elections have Jeff Sphinx brothers have ended with Jeff Burnett - Mistress - Wendy Graff; Club fraternity had their Ankrom as President; Mike finished remodeling a President; Dan Young -Vice Assistant Pledge - Suzie elections last winter term. Ward - Vice President; Gene couple more rooms to their Pres.; Recording Secretary - Youmans; Chorister I.F.C. representatives were Kuhn - Secretary; Tony house. Plus the letters Jeff Davis; Corresponding Cheryl McRoberts; Socialelected to be Joe Corbett Canini - Treasurer; Gene outside are new! Sec. Greg Holloway? Patsy Hart; Assistant Social and Chip Livisay. Bill Welch Kuhn - Pledge Master; Tony Zeta's new President is Assistant record. sec. - Scott is the newly appointed vice Canini and Tim Riley - Tim Mercer; Vice Pres. - Dillon: Treas. - Denny - Kathy Ashbaugh; Rushpresident. The brothers are 1.F.C. reps. Pi Sig brothel' Mark Neil; Sec. - Glen Mohler; Assistant Treas. - Bev Wolboldt; Assistant doing some remodeling on are re-covering their pool Ebright; Treas. Tom Todd Bixler; Pledge Master - Rush - Carol Taylor. the house. table! Wessel; Housemanager Mark Freese; Sodal TEM sisters have Karen Jonda's new President Wes Neland is the new Matt Franz; Social Chairman - Ron Clark; . Stump, Brenda Isaacs, and will be Dan Miller; Vice President to Sphinx Chariman - Jim Oman; Rush I.F.C. reps. - Bill Fairchild President - Scott Leckrone; fraternity. Vice President is Chairman - Greg Steger; and Jim Denison; Chaplain - Mary Crowley as new pledge sisters!

Mcleish, Watkins present recital.

Eric Warner; Assistant Chaplain - John Cavendish;


Sandy Smith is Theta Kent Nu's new President. Sue Bixler; Sergeant-at-ArmsSkillings is Vice President; Marianne Watkins, flute, Watkins is a member of and- co ncert bands, Ron Clark; Rush ChairmanKathy Wren - Recording and Tom McLeish, Epsilon Kappa Tau, Delta Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Bob O'Neill; Athletic Secretary; Lee Ann percussion, will present Omicron, and serves as and flute quartet. Chairman - Steve Frackler; Hanaford Cor res. their junior recital this president of the Otterbein McLeish is a music Fund Raiser - Fred Vogel; Secretary; Julie Wiget - Sunday evening, April 17, Chapter of the Ohio education major from Constitution Chairman Treasurer; Assistant Billing at 8:15 p.m. in Lambert Students of Music Newark, Ohio, and serves as Dave Miller; Chronical Treas. - Becky Hill; Beth Hall. Education Ass ociation house manager for Sigma Editor Eric Costine; McVay - Pledge Mistress. A music education major (OSMEA). She is also a Delta Phi fraternity. He Historian - Bill Connard; Candy Griesinger - Assistant from Sydney, Ohio, Miss member of the marching participates in the marching Chorister - Phil Patten; Pledge Mistress; Sue and concert bands, wind Assistant Chorister - Bob Henthorn - Chaplain; Peggy ensemble, pe rcuss ion O'Neill. Farmer - Chorister; Cathy ensemble, jazz lab band, The brothers had a Burton - Sargeant-at-Arms; and orchestra. successful car wash last Housemanager Connie A receptio n will Saturday. Dan Albrecht is a Hiles; Sr. Panhel - Becky immediately follow the new Kings pledge! The Ewing; Jr. Panhel - Melissa . recital. The public is invited Kings Spring Formal is Carey; Historian - Chris to attend free of charge. April 30th. St. Mar kl ey. The sisters The sisters of Owls congratulate Brenda Henry sorority are planning an on being their new little sis. Al l-Campus blast for tonight at the Westerville

ENGAGED: For Kappa Phi Omega, Armory! Cinda Terry, '77 Theta Nu, President is Kathy Strohm; Elec_tions for Owls to Randy Miller, '77 Eta Vice Pres. - Karen Grist; included President - Chris Phi Mu. Rec. Sec. - Lucinda Sigrest; Kapostasy; Vice Pres. Deb Banwart, '77 Sigma Corres. Sec. - Ann Shirk; Michael Ann Dailey; Treas. - Thurs. Alpha Tau, to Bob Treas. - Katie Cox; Pledge Marty Montgomery; Rec. James, '75 Sigma Delta Mistress - Cindy Maxhimer; Sec. - Cille Thorburn; Corr. Phi. Assistant Pledge MistressSec. - Celeste Miller; Pledge Ch eryl Lantz '78 Tau Marikay Cox; Jr. Panhel4:30PM-12AM Mistress - Marisa Cinson; Epsil on Mu to Jim Amy Hoshor; Sr. PanhelFri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM Assistant Pledge MistressPeterman, Massillon, Ohio. Kathy Schuller; ChaplainSue- Mc D an iel;

Kristi Snelling; ChoristerHousemanager Ruth Georgia Glunt; Social Fletcher; Rush ChairmanProjects - Kathy McAtee; Linda Latimer; Assistant

. Projects Chair. - Nancy Rui;h. Sue Chapman; Jr. Asinof. Be collecting those Panhel - Louise Rynd; Sr. newspapers for Onyx's

Panhel - Terre Hanson; paper drive!

Social - Nancy Bocskor;

Assistant Social - Lorilee The sisters of EKT had Lockett; Historian - Marcia nominations for their top Warick; Athletic - Tammy officers. Elections will be Hottinger; Chaplain - Lisa held next Monday night. A Durham; Chorister · Coed is planned for April Heather Leach. 16th.

Creek News
�t=se WOBN
standard 91.5 FM
exttacost! 882-T/10 ETITON

Says speaker Wednesday

Once upon a time there was a boy born in Vienna, Austria. He enjoyed fairy tales as much as any little child. But he was different than other children because he would grow up to be awarded the National Book Award for Non-Fiction.

That boy is Bruno Bettelheim, the book is The Uses of Ench antment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales.


Brun o Be ttelh e i m lectured on "A Child's Uses of Fairy Tales" at Cowan Hall Wednesday, April 13. Bettelheim believes that fairy tales, though violent at times. prov ide a means for the child to find reassurance in himself and his changing life. The fairy tales are a means for the child to restore order to his life.

Bruno Bettelheim has been the director of the Orthogenic School at the

Joy Rag gone?

Fairy Tales are important Message doesn't go

University of Chicago for many years. It was thorugh his work there that he became interested in using fairy tales as a means for therapy for emotionally disturbed children.

When Bruno Bettelheim was asked about theseverity of violence in fairy tales he replied that "there is more violence on the 6: 00 p.m. broadcast than you will ever see in fairy tales." The harm in the newscast is that this is the child's real world. The violence in fairy tales is seen in. the child's fantasy world not in the world in which he lives.

Bettelheim holds a Ph.D. by Brian Green the cement for Home i n Psy chology and Street?

For the past few weeks I've not i ced people

Someone would put new front doors on Towers Hall?

Ph ilosophy from the University of Vienna. He is by Chris Kapostasy

"Seven Beauties".

It's been a long time "Seven Beauties" is the I've a I've the author of numerous suggesting that I might make a this story of an Italian man who shoots a The really seen

Your teacher let you out other books such as: since seen cut on Informed Heart (1960), and Dialouges With Mothers TRASHY movie. department or that person.

But I keep telli

r-guess we'll never see all is

of class by ten minutes till the hour (Or in Dr. tt's case, five after) plents, of boring movies lately, and more Reddi ( 1 9 6 2) . Currently Bettelheim Stella M. than ng them, "That's not my line." On the other hand I do have puts pi different suitcase, then tcase

initially pimp, chops him into three pieces, each ece in a

enough of poor writing, Dist i shed ships each of these changes, but some some ideas that might go of them might help. along with the idea of Well

Rowley Serv i ce Professor

on, of enjoy the weather, for example try to put on a smile and t be nice if: remember, only seven more

"ragging" wouldn't i and Psych i versity of Chicago.

acting, directing, and more. of But recently, I saw, well... different city. And that was just mildly strange compared to ng ui Professor sui a Ed ucat i and also The winner of my Worst Phychology Movie Award is Italy's to what was to come. atry at the Award nominee

-Academy for "Best

The lunchroom would Uni weeks. Foreign Film", �reat us to a good meal and give us all gift certificates to


The college would stop renting out the Rike Center and - let the students use it sometimes?

The students would have

fenate News------------­

A�r this charming de

escapade the courts deci to send this man to an insane asylum. He is given bedpan duty, and uses. the

oppo rtunity to rape a ent who i pati s strapped to her bed. From there he goes to war, is captured, and has an encounter with a female a place to park while the by Kent Stuckey this course will then be this meeting all final decisions German commandant that Rike Center was The April 6 ng of assiste d i n on present bills will be made. being at tainin g full-time status and all the was so tasteless that it made meeti rented out? iny stomach turn.

Perhaps I'm

Someone would put ke racks around the not in


mvo ve. some bi just tune with the popular "anythi and the approval of four dates for Campus Center and Towers?


Books sold as low as the tten i b there's Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 51 N. State St., u a c consisted n the jacket?

Another ltem on the -co mmittee that co ncept goes" in cand i honorary submitted agenda the S by on ng es as long as message. But this RUMMAGE SALE - This was movi message is not listening

The students could leave Hon orary Degr ees. The worth price wri The first topi of establishing a First A id dering what you have to watch to t.

Church of the Messiah. to consi their books and coats in the Sponsored by Mary Circle. regular -offering. This course Campus Center without them bei ho norary degrees. These recommendations consi hear i pped off? put st of

has been offered previously and is now undergoing a regular ng r i

Someone candidates who have given service to Otterbein and for your I.D. so acceptance as course. birthdate on your dn't that di need a achi evemen t and The second you carload proposal forwarded to senate by the of identificati di on stinction.

Brownies Market

All of the nominees were acce pted artd will be forwarded to the trustees. · st u d ents enro11ed m · the t your clothes dry after only art ? The Board of Trustees will f Westervill . meet in June to consider all e U.S. Choice 8"ef Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily recent recommendations of Study Skills. If th would get somethmg larger D. th · C f senate and committees. At ted, students tak·mg c cep

43 N. STATE ST. everywhere you went?

Curricu/um is added, honoraries discussed - Otterbein's Senate consisted ad · v tages th t th a uld is wo . · of two issues of curriculum a.;1" �;�� f i 28) as a course (HPEW !::: d���:s ��: ryers Curr i culum Comm i ttee The d wou t Id ge consisted of giving credit to wo u ers . Inte ns i ve Read i ng and _ e c1 y o t q Th 1s t· 1s sugges 10n an a ix1e up or munng a Tan and Canlml April 155 1977
In NM111

May Queens named

Circle to select members

Archaghia Circle, a May Day voting is today during the meal hours in the Campus Ce nter main lounge. Those on court in clude Mary Bricker, Becky Coleman, Chris Kapostacy and Heather Leach.The crowning of the Queen will highlight the activities of May Day weekend.

On the morning ofMay 21 after the queen corona tion ceremony sororities and fraternities will have money making booths in front of the Campus Center from 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Any Independent organization wishing to have a money making booth onMay Day

Youth to work for women

"We have a young team Three-year player Subich with which to work." was is joined by doubles player Junior Sue Subich's Gina Miller in comprising comment about this years the veterans of this year's women's tennis team. The team. Subich, a singles 4-1 loss to Kenyon last player is joined by Monday night failed to Freshman women Stacie dampen the spirits of this Sekel and Linda Lucas. young team.

Junior Gina Miller and Sophomore Brenda Smith Scholarships currently play first doubles. Marikay Cox, freshman and available Jan Gillman, freshman Applications for the makeup the second doubles 1977-78Masons and United team. This year's team is Method ist Scholarships are versitle and positions can now available at the change from week. to week. Financial Aid Office.These Along with this year's one-year awards are valued new faces team coacq Ms. at $400 and $500 Hoover is a new addition to respectively. Ott er bein's Athletic Applicants must have Department. The team "B" grade averages and promises exciting action show financial need through this season. the analysis system of the College Scholarshio Service.

please pick up an service and leadership application in the C.C. honor ary society, is office on April 18th.These currently in the process of applications must be in the selecting new members for office byMay 2 at 5:00. next year."'

May Day games will be All junior and senior men open to Greeks and who have participated in Independents this year.The intercolJe gi ate sports, first six female independent college theater productions, · teams and the first six male campus · government and independent teams will be service ..activities, or picked to participate in the maintained a grade average games against the greeks. of 2.9 or better are eligible.

The winner of May Day

Junior men will receive

their application forms games will be determined throu gh the campus mail. by the total points All senior men who are ot?tained. Applications will interested in membership also be in the office on should check with the April 18 and must be Placement Office. turned in by May 2 at 5

The Archaghia Circle was p.m. established to recognize So Independents it is outstanding junior and time to get involved and senior men who have participate in May Day excelled in social and 1977!

Hamilton is photo editor

The Publications Board is well as being a member of pleased to announce the the senate. appointment of ROLAND Hamilton, a life science HAMI LTON as major will hopefully be photography editor of the attending graduate school at Tan and Cardinal Hamilton, Ohio State in plant a Middleton senior, is Pathology. president of Circle K. He is al so co-captain of Mclaughin

service areas, as well as in academic work.

Applications must be in the Placement Office by Friday, April 22 to be conside red. El igible applicants will be initiated through the tapping ceremony during the May Day activities,May 21st.

judges named

The Otterbein-Battelle Science Fair which began yesterday and runs through today has· announced the list of student judges

The names include James Arnett, Michael Basha, James Brush, Pat Byrnes, Kevin Carter, Butch Dilts, Jeff Downing and Donna Francis.

Also judging will beTim Hayes, Steve Leonard,Mark

McRoberts, Kurt Ringle, Kent Stuckey, Doug Trochel ma n, Roy ce Underwood and Sybil Waggamon.

More than 40 special prizes and awards will be given winners, according to George J. Phinney, Director of the Fair.

set three records

Otterbein's soccor team, as Judy Mcl au ghlin, 0 tterbein 's st andout

woman distance runner, set The deadline for filing three new conference applications is April 30. 't'ou'iE records at the Bowling � Effective immediately, all AJ,W#(5 Green State University campus and selected AIJOUi Invitationals on April 8 and off -campus job openings• 9. will be posted on the She placed first in the bulletin boards opposite the mile with a time of 5:10. Data Center in the front z.., She also set records in the floor corridor of Towers Hall. A number of good summer immed been

880-yard run with a time of 2:16, and she ran a 11:10 in the two-mile The victories were enough to insure the, "Otter's" a si xth place finish out of a field of 14.

Coach BobMorsy's main objective is to find more depth. With the acquisition of two new sprinters the relay team should start to excel. Tina Bausch, a

pro misin g so phomore, didn't score in the meet last weekend, but she did break her own personal performance record by improving her throws in the shot put by two feet.

Susi Rush, Otterbein's 220-yard sprinter, had a slow start but is improving and should prove helpful in the next meet, at theMount VernonInvitational's, April 23.

Graduating? .. or just Summer School?

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Thinclads down Ohio Northern, 83-53

49.4 and Dave Paul

yard dash with a time of captured the 100 yard dash with a mark of 9.9. team de feated Cardinal victors Other in a dual meet 83-53. 800 yard run, Dave Miller in were Brad Ranney in the the 440 yard intermediate

Mathews and Kyle Yoest, the results of the meet; While evaluating his team's Dave Paul, Jim Oman, Dick had chances over the remainder by Scott Brocket commenting: "We of a Smith, Dave Miller and Tom of the season, Miller noted: have couple good surprises, especially our second-place "In order to finishes in the long jump and shuttle hurdles. We won

The Otterbein track a Bachtel also turned in good performances." good have to have Ohio season we Northern Tuesday, April 12

The Otters

Eight Otters qualified for the O AC Championships their efforts in the

good performances from Paul, Smith, Whitmore, Dave Miller and had four due to ' including sprinters Dave Paul, Dick Smith, Jim captured 10 of the 15 events. Senio1 meet, Ranney and Bachtel. I do think have some good we Tom Bachtel won both the hurdles, Jim Oman in the 120 yard high hurdles, Kyle Yoest in mile and three mile runs

14: 48 .0 respe ctively.

what we expected to but we had hoped to win more. We bad baton exchanges, with times of 4:21.2 and really the only negative which were the pole vault, and the 100 Marlon Mathews established and 440 yard relay teams. Miller aspects."

Oman and Dave Miller; high jumper Barry Mewlin; pole

freshmen who will play an important part in program this season." our Coach Porter vaulter Kyle Yoest; triple Marlon Mathews; The outdoor season will jumper 15 Findlay and in the a Championships will be held. Wittenberg. commented: was really and long-distance the meet, Tom Bachtel. the "I continue until May 14, OAC runner pleased with with Earlier the Cardinals triple jump with winning leap of 45' 5 3/4".

Dick Smith won the 440 of Marlon finished second in the O AC performances Relays, which were held at Otterbein on April 9.

Otter niners start streak

Otterbein scored 70 points, 39 points behind Baldwin by Brad Haynes and then --swept a Wallace's total of 109. Ohio double-header from Capital, Wesleyan took thrid place

The weather is getting 15-6 and 7-1. with 62 points. the Cards. The Cards have been

hot and so are Otterbein's triple jump


Netters hope to improve

The Cardinals' next meet will be at home April 23 his best mark of the season whe n against the especially hitting good since their return from Florida, with load. Wilmoth has ten hits

team, consisting of Marlon Otterbein's baseball team is Pontius and Dan Wilmoth in the midst of their first winning streak of the short season as they've won three Mathews, Bob Talpas, and by Brad Manier Hargis. "And this Winemiller, topped Roger because of experience, they the competition with a Otterbe in's men's tennis have more confidence. I combined distance of 131' team is and

year, in a row and five of their last 7. carrying some of the hitting young This confidence in the last four games.

The latest victim was the The Otters play host to confident. know I do." 5 1/4". The 880 yard relay team also with a time

Polar Bears of Ohio Northern Universi ty. Behind Mark Pontius' three hi ts includi ng a two-run-homer, they won 7 -4. Greg McDonald, sophomore from Newark picked up the win and

Before the ONU game Ohio

has been gained through won Muskingum Wednesday in of 1:28:45 due to the experien ce, a harsh the second home game of efforts of Dave Paul, Curtis experience -a 0 and 10 the season and take on Whitmore, Louie Meek, and 1976 season. Wooster in a doubleheader Dick Smith. "People got tired of here on campus, Saturday.

Miller was satisfied with losing," said co-captian Jon

Covault chosen to coach football

coac_hing jobs in football at

Although the team is young, its members are not upped his record to 1-1 and Athletic Director E.W. education department. one save. A g rad u ate ''B ud" Yoes t has Miami during his senior year announced the appointment Worthington High School in and at OU as a gradua� of Sam Covault as assistant 1970, Covault holds a B.A. of

untested. Sophomores Jon Hargis, Mike Hartsock, and Rick Beers all either played last year or were pushing for a - position, while co-captain Dave Bridgman, a junior, held the number

one spot.

The only inexperienced the niners took on players among the top six singles positions are senior Jim and freshm an assistant. Dominican and split a with them foo tball coach and in physical education from C ova ult will be Miami University and responsible for doubleheader Shilling Geoff Combs. Even though instructor in the physical an coaching this is work in August. Shilling's first year out he has proven himself capable of holding down the number from Ohio University.

Covault earned letters in football and wrestling while Quill deadline spot. at Worthington High School, attended Air

Combs is the big surprise. is moved back

four singles the

The fre sh man from Force Academy and for three football Oakwood, Ohio has done it wrest1ing en tries in their

M.A. in sports administra- defensive backs in football tion and physical education and for tennis. He will begin earning years letters all right from the beginning before transferring to Miami contests to Monday

-Qu iz and Qu ill has writing and is now the number one his senior year.

in ext�nded the deadline for , April singles player, while also

18, at 4 p.m. playing first doubles with




Covault held assist t man.

Coach Keith Carlton, last

year's assistant coach and a 1975 graduate of Otterbein, is as confident as the players.

"T hey' ve developed discipline, and we're going to scare some people," said Carlton.

One of those people may be the coach at Heidelburg, which will host the Otters ._____________________.April 16 at noon.

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