The Tan and Cardinal May 11, 1973

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fflatt and Volume 55 Number 26 ·



Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio


Jesse Owens, internationally known for his a thleti c achievements, and outstanding and avid crusader of humanitarian causes will address the I 9 7 3 0 Herbein College Commencement on June 1, 11: 30 a.m . at Memorial Stadium. The Baccalaureate for the Class of 1973 is scheduled for 9 a.m. of the same morning. In inclement weather, ceremonies will be held in Cowan Hall. Owens will address his audience with "Education and Open Doors". Presented the Doctor of Athletic Arts by his alma mater, Ohio State University in 1973, Jesse Owens is recognized for his many services to his fellow man which are "deserving of the highest honor and respect". At the 1936 Olympic games held in Berlin, Germany, Mr. Owens gained international repute with a dramatic victory that set new Olympic records and gave him the title "the world's fastest human" . He won individual titles in the l 00 meter and 200 meter dashes and the broad jump as well· as setting the pa on the relay team. garnering hun four gold medals in all. It is considered unlikely that any single Olympic contestant will match his accomplisment because of the athletic specialization required in Ol ympic track and field events. Mr Owens is now better known for his "Jesse Ownes Image", that of a superior athlete and dedicated human being who could talk eloquently and sincerely about America and the Olympic spirit. Author of three books, The Jesse Ownes Story, Blackthink, and I Have Changed, he has demonstrated his perpetual concern with underprivileged youth throughout the world and has been cited many times for his continuing interest in the South Side Boy's Club of Chicago. In 1955, the Department of State sent him on a 62-day tour of the Far East to conduct youth sports clinics. A recipient of the 0 SU A 1u mni Association Citizenship Award in 1965, he continues to make numerous public appearances before youth groups. An "immoderate moderate" of the Black Movement here in the United States and throughout the world, Owens says in I Have Changed he hoped "to create a new island for that uncommitted center which hadn't known which way to turn." His deep interest is with the ''Human Spectrum" had caused him to hope for a "third position", but in his latest publication, he comes to the realization that there can be "no third position". While there remains in the world a lack of

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May 11, 1973

''Canterbury Tales'' is lyrical "What could it be that women wanted most?" Geoffrey Chaucer's characters ask in "Canterbury Tales". Produced by the Otterbein College Theatre in association with the department of music on May 16,

WATERGATE GAINS TV COVERAGE (CPS)- "Gavel-to-gavel" coverage of the first series of Watergate hearings planned by the Seante Select Committee investigating the incident will be broadcast nationally on television by the Public Broadcasting service (PBS) .

Jesse Owens

opportunity for young people who live in ghettos and while an "idea like the ideas which bred Hitler" is possible in the world, there is no third position. To Owens this will not be possible until like Emerson, men learn to believe that "what you feel in your heart is true for all men". "Respect" is the emotion and

the cause of which Jesse Ownes has committed his life. For the ''world's fastest human", the greatest life lesson he has learned is ''that every human being deserves respect simply because he is a human being. Everyone has some Hitler in him ... and if anything can drive that out, change us for the better, it starts with respect."

The coverage will be delayed serveral hours sb it will appear during "prime time" on educational television channels across the nation. The National Public Affairs Center for Television (NPACT), the special events programming arm of PBS, will produce the programs which are scheduled to begin on May 15. Each hearing should last four or five hours and transmission to the nation's 234 public television stations will commence at 8 p.m. EDT during the five to ten days of the committee's first session. The committee is expected to hold a second series of hearings after a break of several weeks, but no determination has yet been made as to whether or not those later hearings would be broadcast in their entirety.

NEW MAGAZINE TO PUBLISH STUDENT WRITING The New Writer, a magazine exclusively to quality short stories by student authors and offering a paying market for novices, will be published this fall in New York City. The magazine, while focusing on fiction, also will include an open forum for reader views, interviews and profiles of teachers and students, and articles by instructors and notables in the literary field. The New Writer is being published by Constance Glickman, instructor, journalist, author and Gladys Gold, journalist and author. "We believe encouraging talented new writers, and developing critical readers of the short story to be the best way to revitalize the whole fiction field," state the publishers. Stories from students enrolled in any college, university, community writer's workshop or writer's groups within institutions, adult education and continuing education programs will be considered for publication.

Final selections of short stories for each issue will be made by a board of prominent educators and editors directed by Alice S. Morris, former chief literary editor of Harper's Bazaar and instructor of writers at the New School for Social Research in New York.

Information concerning subscriptions and rules for submission of manuscripts may be obtained by writing to the publishers of The New Writer at Workshop Publications, 507 Fifth Avenue, New York , N.Y. 10017.

May Day brings madness May 19th, mark that date on your calendar. That is the day that this campus will witness the ext rem es of frivolity in the Greek games to the serious anticipation of the crowning of the 1973 May Queen. The morning will begin with a strawberry breakfast sponsored by Rho Kappa Delta. At 10:00 a.m. retiring queen Miss Evon Lineburgh will crown one of these four, Miss Linda Bechtel, Miss Leslie Burrell, Miss Dee Hoty, or Miss Rosanne Meister. The queen and court will then reign over the day's festivities. During the coronation, the best decorated dorm will be announced and a surprise will be

in store for all. The organizations on campus have their chance to get even with all, as booths range from a dunking machine, to a jail, to a pie throwing booth. At 1:30 p.m. the Greeks will challenge one another in games and relays for the May Day trophy. The evening will end with the Otterbein College Theatre's production of "Canterbury Tales". Throughout the day. sororities and fraternities will be having open houses and teas for all the returning alumni and guests. This May Day will be unique! There will be something for everybody. Come participate or watch Otterbein's "Timeless Tales of Canterbury".

17, 18 and 19, the musical adaptation of four of his wittiest st or i e s seeks to answer the timeless question. "We cannot love a husband who takes charge ... we like to be at large!" one of the women answers in the Wife of Bath's Tale. The contemporary musical adaptation of the medieval tales is as colorful and lively as when Chaucer wrote his collection of the perennial progeny of men and women. Translated by Nevill Coghill from the original Old English, they retain the humorous perception and the flavor and rhetoric which has made them classic for seven centuries of literature. There is a dramatic illusion of tellers within the framework of their hilarious tales. There is the Miller, "very drunk and rather pale, straddled on his horse half-on, half-off," old January and his young wife May; the lusty Wife of Bath, "a worthy woman all her life, what's more She'd had five husbands," and there is the Steward (Reeve), "old and choleric and thin ... no auditor could gain a point on him." With the other pilgrims from the Tabbard Inn they travel to Canterbury , telling their stories to amuse one another along the way. "They are alive as people because they are made alive by Chaucer, " Dr. James Bailey, who has taught "The Canterbury Tales" says. "We see a complete world, a world which gives lie to the notion that medieval people are different from us." "The Canterbury Tales" is taught in English classes of almost every college in the country, and in many high schools. The already funny stories with dialogue sensitive to the poetry come alive accompanied by music, costumes and staging. We see segments of every society, from the rogue to the righteous, the learned to the ignorant. There are idealized types and romantic types, but all are realistic and delightful to see and hear. In the musical production of "Canterbury Tales" we find on stage a scholarly work which retains its classicism and is a vehicle of pure entertainment. Bawdy but beautifully sentimental, lyric and lusty, it is a musical which should leave its audiences laughing at Chaucer's world, because they identify it with their own. ''Canterbury Tales" at Otterbein College is directed by A. Richard Nichols, guest director and assistant professor at the Ohio State University. Musical director is Lyle T. Barkhymer and choral director, William A. Wyman.

Letters to the Editor Policy

\ The Tan and Cardinal Cookbooks for encourages students, faculty, 1he soul With this issue of the Tan and Cardinal, I restfully step aside from my position as editor. Filling the void for the next three weeks and all of next year will be Robert Ready, current assistant editor. Bob is quite experienced for the job and I believe that he will do a fine job. Which raises the question in my mind: How much of a job is this? Well, to me, I must admit that the situation was too absurd to warrant any illusions of being the editor of an actual newspaper. As Rev. Bauer so eloquently puts it in his letter-a Weekly Reader. My own term was bulletin board. I rejected this idea at first, thinking that Otterbein could be home to a real live muckraking exciting rag. Only the latter term can be true, however. And this is not the fault of anyone who might be or has been on the staff of the Tan and Cardinal; it is an intrinsic characteristic of Otterbein. There just is not anything of any great and lasting importance here to justify or cause there to be a conscientious journalistic effort on anyone's part. The newspaper is said somewhere to reflect the area in which it is a part of, which it covers. I believe that th is yea r's Tan and Cardinal has done just that. And in the best way possible. I would like to thank all those who helped in the weekly making of this paper; their names appear below in the staff box. Without their help, things would have been worse than they are. So with all t hat out of the way, I would like to leave wi th one part ing quotation: "The objective of all dedicated school employees should be to thoroughly analyze all situatio ns, anticipat e all problems prior to their occu re nce, have answers fo r these problems, and move swi f t ly t o solve these problems when called upon ... However . .. when you are up to your arse in all igat ors, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp." -D.B.

W~e Wan and <1Iardinal Pu~lis~ed w~kly during the academic year except holiday and examinat ion periods by students of Otterbein College. Entered as second-class matter on September 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio, 43081 . Office hours vary, but are most reliable betwee n 10:00 a. m. and 12 :00 a.m. Phone 882-3601, ext. 256. Subscri ption rates are $2.00 per term and $6.00 per year. Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Budd Assistant Edito r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Bob Ready B~siness_ Manager . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. Gary Roberts Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . Charl ie Ernst Photograp her . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Kim Wells Advisor . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . Mike Rothgery Staff writers and colu mn ists: John Abe r, Robert Becker, Mark Bixler, Gayle Bixler Mike Darrell Susie Delay, Ch~rli e Ern st, Kathy Fox, R. Steven Graves, Susa~ Hall, John _Mu lk1e, Sue Risner, Lee Schroeder, Gar Vance, Jim Wallace, Chris Warthen. Opinions ex~res_sed in the Tan and Card inal, unless byl ined, are those of the editorial board and do not necessarily refl ect those of the college or its staff. '.he Tan and _Card inal is represented for nati onal advertising by National Educati o nal Adertisi ng Serv ices, Inc., 360 Lexington Ave New York, N.Y. 10017. .,

and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that happens to be bothering you at any given moment. All letters. must be typed, double-spaced, and signed in ink with the author's name, address, and phone number included. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and to make any necessary corrections.

To the Editor: For the past few weeks, the editorial page of the campus . Weekly Reader has been besieged by letter after editorial after letter, as the self-appointed Children of Light have passionately done battle with the ·Agents of Sin and Corruption who have (by underhanded means, no doubt) won control of the T & C. Our Mephistopholian editor and columnist expressed themselves eloquently and clearly enough but yet were misunderstood. This confusion seems best explained as a phenomena known throughout history as " Divine Tunnel Vision." Mr. McKinniss, Miss Heine , and their less thoughtful To the Editor: This letter is in response and compatriots are intrepreting and support to letters written by Ed defending the relevance of the Parks and Rick McKinnis in the Christian myth from within past two issues of T and C. itself, not in the wider and more Conversation among s ome desire able context of world students has focused upon the mythology . To r eit er a te Mr. Graves' possibility of converting the Red Tub Office into the first floor of point, and take issue with Mr. the Int ercultural Cen te r. McKinniss, when dealing with Needless to say, my belief is that mythology, or religion if you uninviting results will occur if prefer, we are embracing truth, such a perpetration is made. I not fact. Fact is a verifiable find it very essential to consider occura nc e in a time/ space the emotive a nd stra te gic relationship. Truth is something devel opments by black and far more poetic than that; it is a int e rnational students if this supra-logical awareness of that m ove co me s a bou t. A which cannot be expressed in stre n g th e ned dis gu st and words ("The way that can be mistrust of administrative and spoken of/ls not the constant board decisions will derive. Such wayj The name that can be a move would be evidence for name d/ Is not the constant the students to believe that · name." -Tao Te Ching). It need gradually the ICC will become not b e verified because it nonexistent on the Otterb ein t r a n sce n ds time/space scene. It now appears and is relationships. It indeed cannot apparent that the concentrated be verified because man grasps locale is the ICC. Several times this truth through the symbol the question has been posed as and the ritual, things which one to why the ICC? d oes not prove, rather one On pages 9 and 10 of the interprets. Campus Life Handb ook It is here Mr. McKinniss, that (1972 - 1973 ) is stated the you fail . You speak of truth and number of rooms which make proceed to document fact, then up the ICC . "The four main suddenly step back and say "I rooms, each with appropriate have proven that this is true." decor, have been designed as the West African Room, the Oriental Room, the Afro-American Room, and the International Students Association Room." Upon entering the ICC I no longer see the West African art displays. Why is this?· What has/will happen to this room if the Red Tub becomes a part of the ICC? Is not the display of African art in the Intercultural Center "a means of furthering the understanding of various world cultures?" Just how much more " watered down" can the ICC become? I also urge concerned black and international students to write or verbali ze their opposition for such a move to the following: 1. the editor of the T and C; 2. Charles H. Showell, Jr. (ROTC office) : 3. President Kerr ; 4. executive members of the Board of Trustees; and 5. Dean Joanne F. VanSant.

ICC''watered down''

"Dare to struggle ..." Sinc,erely , Roberta Bowens


May 11, 197 3


Page 2

All you have suceeeded in doin is heightening y ou~ ow! absurdity . Y o u r arguement becomes more ridiculous when you cite sources that lived hundreds of years and thousands of miles away from Jesus and whose work on him you accept as irrevocable law. It seems you first chose a point of view and ~en grasped for straws to prop 1t up, hardly a result of intellect. Miss Heine, in her letter suggests t hat Mr. McKinnis~ effectively refutes Mr. Graves' statement that "the historicity of the cr u cifixion and resurre ction of Christ is a peculiar obsession of narrow theolo gy p ossessed by an attempt to 'prove' that it has a monopoly on the market of truth." It would seem that upon exami n ation, however, Mr. McKi n niss' letter stands as evid ence in support of Mr. Graves' hypothesis. He devotes the bulk of his letter citing vague and questionably reliable sources in a desperate attempt to establish as historical fact an event without proof, of which his arguement becomes self-defeating. Of all the world mythologies, great and small, it is peculiar only to the religions of the Levant to base their authenticity on the historical as opposed to the mythological or "once-upon-a-time" event. This is precisely their failure . Rather than leading us to "the way which cannot be named" , they instead rehash the same old rituals of the Heiratic City-state era in cr o n ological fashion, becoming in essence, cookbooks for the soul. Ad di ti onally , Miss Heine's assertions th ro u gh the unrenowned Owen Thomas that Christianity is the " perfected expression of religion" is simply absurd. She is entitled to such a naive opinion, but let me suggest that no single myth is complete, perfect or even most desireable; rather each offers something in a way that no other myth does. Each is like a piece of a puzzle wh ich when assembled and


May 11, 1973

viewed in totality give us a panoramic picture of what the idea of "god" has meant to man throughout the ages from Lascaux to Calvary to the East. Each is a stanza in the most beautiful poem man has ever conceived. As Jospeh Campbell says concluding volume one of The Masks of God, "Mythology-and the re fore civilization-is a poetic, supernormal image, conceived, like all poetry, in depth, but susceptible of interpretation on various levels. The shallowest minds see it in the local scenery; the deepest, the foreground of the void; and

Page 3


between are all the stages of the BREAKING WIND Way from the ethnic to the elementary idea, the local to the universal being, which is Everyman, as he both knows and by R. Steven Graves is afraid to know. For the Stoquely's college days, when human mind in its polarity of Stoquely Cadillac, legend his coveted iris-mist Eldorado the male and female modes of among men and motorcars, was was preceeded by a sleek finned experience, in its passages from relaxing late one spring evening steel blue Coupe de Ville. infancy to adulthood and old in his tenth floor penthouse, Stoquely opened the sliding glass age, in its toughness and liesurely leafing through his new door, sniffing the crisp air and tenderness, and in its continuing mail-order Automotive Parts silently seeking the dialogue with the world, is the catalogue. His leather recliner, amber-winged swan fender ultimate mythogenetic zone- the modeled after a Lincoln Mk. IV ornaments spawned such a fad creator and destroyer, the slave aircraft-type bench, squeaked that the student parking lot and yet the master, of all the and squealed as Stoquely resembled a scattered flock gods." streched back. Some of " the assembling for its seasonal Sincerely, accessories in the catalogue migration. His good friend Rev. Michael Bauer . conjured up memories of Jaques Strapp, who always

..................................................................... ................................................................. ~

by Patty Artrip At graduation time, many women are faced with the question that has not until this time entered their minds and that is "What do I hope to become and why?" As the wedding will be next month, a woman's thoughts turn to her life as wife and mother. In view of the fact that her father has now spent $13,000 for her college education , a housewife-to-be must look rationally at how her college education has prepared her for what she hopes to become. Many of her courses will be beneficail and relevant to her sitaution. First of all, psychology courses will aid immensely in raising the children. No longer will the mother have to spank her children or even to raise her voice to them for she can use techniques of applied psychology and reason with the children. Also, no longer will the wife have to endure long, senseless, and rowdy fights with her husband because psychology will aid her to handle her emotions and to cope with hostility. One task that all housewives must deal with is that of the grocery shopping. This is where


The Educated Housewife her economic and business three automobiles which are courses will come in handy. Of always in use by one person, the course, home economic courses modern housewife remembers will also be important in this what she learned in college. job. Nutrition and Advanced Socialogy courses have taught Nutrition aid the housewife to her about the society she lives plan healthy good meals for the in. When she sits on the couch _ watching the soap operas on family. Life Science and T.V., the college graduate Environmental courses are housewife is better prepared important to the housewife. (also using her applied Unlike many of the housewives, psychology again) to analyze the a college graduate has become daily dilemmas and social aware of her environment situations of the characters. And and the problems that her because of her two-year physical all-electric appliances have on education requirement, she does pollution; she has been taught not need to feel quilty for lying w h a t c om b u s ti on fro m around all day instead of getting automobiles can do to the air we out and exercising. She's in breathe. As the proud owner of shape.

English courses are most valuable to the housewife. She has learned how to express herself creativly in writing so that her answers to chain letters are most enlightening. She speaks the proper grammer so that her children are not brought up speaking poorly. English courses have also taught her that reading books is good when you're in college. She never thought about reading anything now .. . it's not required. The college-graduated house wife is most grateful for the foundation she has acquired through her religion courses. She understands the need for her children to be brought up with religion and the teachings of the church. Combining the things she learned in fashion designing in home economics, she is able to sew the latest outfits to show off on Sundays at chruch. Yes, our housewife is a well-rounded individual. A college education is important for housewives of today. They are working to throw off the old image which surrounds the housewives of yesterday. These are our modern, liberated housewives. They know what they wish to become and . . . whv?


Resurrection speaker

Frank Dickerson will speak on "Resurrection: Hoax or History?" next Wednesday, the 16th, at 6: 30 in the Campus Center Lounge. Frank is a student at Ohio State who recently completed 5 00 hours of research on the evidence for Christ's resurrection. The work was done. for credit at the University, as well as for research for a newly published book by Josh McDowell entitled Evidence that Demands a

Verdict. Frank will be presenting his findings and fielding any

related questions this coming Wedensday in the Campus Center Lounge. Any and all students, and questions are welcome .. SUMMER MAIL. The college mail department is required to forward only first class mail. In order to receive your magazines and newspapers, make sure you notify all publishers of your change of address.


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chided him for his elaborate tastes, often wheeled the two of them to Flint in his fuel-injected 'Vette equipped with pigskin upholstery, astro-turf floormats, a hollowed baseball housing a tachometer, and a pony-keg gas tank. Those were the days, mused Stoquely, when, at the touch of a button, the rear windows of his Coupe de Ville were draped with leapard-skin curtains and the front seat fully reclined. That option proved . handy at drive-in movies. He recalled with a chuckle how, on his first day at college he mistakenly strolled into Barlow Hall during a Senate meeting and was automatically elected to the Publications Board. And the girls- oh, such magnificent specimens of femininity, from the neck down-who constantly caressed the glassy fins of his Coupe de Ville, secretly hoping this would be their Saturday to cruise with Stoquely to the Castle or the Sugar Shack. Now those days were gone forever, he thought, leaning on the rail of his tenth floor balcony. He thought of his old roommate, Oracle Roberts, roaring around the nation in his Aaron's Rod. He remembered Betty Brestling and Sarah Sweetsoul, niether of whom could sustain a serious conversation, but were great fun after a six-pack of Heineken's. , He wondered if would enroll again, knowing what he knew now about the college game, about flippant women and exclusive automobiles, about life in general. He glanced at this deep dish crome reverse watch and then at his family crest's wreath and medallion, under which was enscribed "Standard of the World." It was time to retire, he decided. He would consider the question in the morning.

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Stoquely remembers










Page 4

Heavey announces WOBN staff Empty This week campus radio station manager, Thom Heavey, announced the appointment of WOBN's staff for next year. As with the entire structure of WOBN, next years's staff will be larger and more encompassing. Instead of one station manager bearing the majority of the responsibility , next year's staff will be headed by two seniors. Gar Vance will fill the General Manager's job while Brett Moorehead , former Sports Director, will fill the position of Station Manager. Filling the increasingly important job of Program Director will be another senior, Joe Casa, whose dramatic if no t informative newscasts added depth to Module 3' s late night news. Joe will be ably assisted by four brand new module directors. Senior Joe Humphreys will head up Module Zero, which plays morning music from 7- 10 :45 a.m. ; Tom Korosei signs back on with the management responsibility of Module One at 4:00 p.m. ; sophomore Len Robinson will organize Module Two, which will continue the MOR format until 10 p.m.; heading Module Three will be junior ·Geoff Mayfield , former Music Director, who should be in line for a manager's position his senior year. Rounding out the programming department will be Thom Hastings with the heavy responsibility of News Director, and Kathy Ruch, who will be WOBN's first female Sports Directress. Filling positions which directly support the station's smooth operation are Sam Militello who will be WOBN's Public Relations and Campus Events Director. WOBN, though strong in enthusiasm, lacks equipment repair and maintenance on a scheduled basis. This is why sophomore Rick "Gnik" Taylor has been given the responsibility to keep WOBN's equipment on the air. Two more ladies have been chosen to head the ev e r - expanding Music Department at the station. They are Terry Hules and Sandy Bi ddle stone who have been heard in the early morning hours on Module Zero . With the greater importance the media is playing in the


development of our society, more and more talented young individuals are being trained. With the new dimensions communications is taking, stations like WOBN are providing the education and facilities which only the students can improve. Be assured that under the leadership of these individuals, Otterbein can anticipate another year of growth and stabilization on WOBN. Though small in size, it has enough power to stir an individual's mind to think and ambition to erow.

ROTC AXED AT DENISON (CPS)-The board of trustees of Denison University has ordered the termination of ROTC on campus. At theri April 14 meeting, the board directed the president of the school, Joel P. Smith, to begin negotiations with the U.S . Air Force for the orderly termination of the military training program. The move was the result of a revision of Air Force "productions quotas" requiring a specific number of graduates each year. The board felt it would be impossible to meet the new quotas. They also felt that the end of the Selective Service draft calls would cause further decline in enrollments in the program, making the quotas unreachable. Another concern of the board's was the unfairnessof permitting new students to enroll in the ROTC program when the eventual termination of the program seemed inevitable due to the impossibility of fulfilling the Air Force quotas. President Smith said the termination would proceed "on terms which best protect the interests of those students now enrolled in the program." The board was to consider a proposal to remove academic credit from the campus ROTC program at its meeting. One of the proponents of the proposal said that in light of the new circumstances it would be "pointless" to pursue the issue.


4:00-Be Still and Know, From the Knoll, Module # 1 6: 0 0- P owerline (Monday), Silhouete (Tuesday), Generation Gap ( W e dn es day ), Roger Carol (Thursday) , Vibrations at 6: 00 and th e n T ravel the World in Song (Friday s). 6:30- News 6:45- Jockin' Around (Mondays, 0 tterbein Sports Watch (Tuesday thru Saturd ay) 7:00- Top 40 and Solid Gold (Module #2), Five minute news summaries every hour on the hour.

10:05-Progressive Rock (Module #3). 2:00-Sign-off

SUNDAY 9: 30-Be Still and Know 9:32-The Luthern Hour


6:00-Be Still and Know 6:02-Campus Crusade 6:16-The Navy's Red, White and Blue 6:21-From the Knoll 6:26-Musical Interlude 6:30-News 7:00-Children's Stories 7:30-Poetry with Chris Nicely 8:00-More than meets the ear 8:30-Sports Wrap-up 9:00-Blues, and Jazz with Thom 12:00-Joe Casa 2:00-Sign-off



(CPS)-Although the Urban Development (HUD) says 11 schools currently owe $39 situation varies widely from campus to campus, students are million in HUD loans used to generally fleeing residence halls build dormitories that can't be in unprecedented large numbers. filled. "Unit! last year we have gone Since dormitories are built with long-term loans repayable 20 years .without a bad debt,:' from rent receipts. each empty says Richard Ulf, chief of HUD s room further strains financial college housing division. Colleges and universities have conditions at a time when many schools are already hurting for chosen a wide variety of methods to try and bring the money. A study by Educational students back to the Facilities Laboratories, an dormitories. The University . of agency of the Ford Foundation, Iowa is requiring sophomores , .as has found that until five years well as freshmen, to live in the ago, students "grumbled about dorms this year. Other schools the restrictions of have been liberalizing their dormitory-living and the policies in regard to eliminating institutional food, but few did curfews , in regard to eliminating anything more drastic than curfews, having coed dorms, complain and deface the walls. permitting drinking when No more." allowed by state law, etc. Now, the study goes on , "the Many schools that h ave been college landscape is littered" successful in keeping their forms with dormitories that are partly filled have moved away from or even entirely empty." maintaining the dormitory in an Dormitories which are 20 institutional pattern of percent empty are now residence, and are placing new commonplace." emphasis on individuality and The Assoication of College privacy for the student resident. and University Housing Officers At Cornell University, a are surveying 500 schools in decrepit old dormitory has been order to get a clearer idea of transformed into one of the what the student housing picture most popular residence halls on is. Preliminary findings have campus, with a long waiting list shown that "despite a little for its 192 beds. With $7,000 for hysteria on the part of some soundproofing and building university officials and housing materials, paint supplied by the administrators," very few school and free labor by the schools are in "real difficulty." tenants, student ingenuity Many schools went on converted basement rooms into building binges over the last music practice rooms, a decade, putting up skyscraper photographic darkroom and a dormintories that are being dance studio. shunned in favor of apartments, A little theatre, coffee house rooming houses and mobile and art gallery were added and homes. two suites were set aside for With campus operating visiting guest architects, budgets already strained by philosophers and musicians who lower enrollments and higher are invited to live in the dorm operating costs, the loss of for up to a month. Wine-tasting dormitory income hurts. The sessions, poetry reading, plays, U.S. Department of Housing and films, concerts, and non-credit

classes in subjects ranging from karate to photography are held regularly. Another e xample o f innovation in dormitory living has taken place at th e University of Denver , where two modern but formerly unpopular dorms are now turning away stu dents. On e was redecorat ed specific ally for scientifically inclined studen ts. Laboratories computer terminals and semina; rooms were added and equipped with electronic, photographic and scientific gear obtained fro m a c adem ic de partments o n campus. The other dormitory was desi g n ate d for arts and humanities students and was outfitted with darkrooms, dance stud io s , fil m production equipment, videotape systems, painting studios, and a little theatre. Each dorm cost $25,000 to redecorate. Some colleges and universities are trying to solve empty dorm problems by finding new uses for the unoccupied space. The University of Oklahoma, which has 3,000 of its 7,000 dormitory spaces empty, is tearing down one sm all dormitory to make a commuter parking lot. Another is being converted to a bookstore and a third might e nd up as apartments for married students. An empty 1 2 s to ry , 1,500-bed dor mito r y a t Oklahoma has been leased to the U.S. Postal Service as a training center for employees. A twin of that d ormitor-y is p a rtly occupied by students and partly leased to the Farmers Home Administration for offices and training classrooms. At the University of Buffalo , unfilled dormitories temporarily Continued on 6


I targu,,. crossword ~


~ :

i ~=====. · ·:==


= I=====-


Mo dule Zero ( morning music): Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 10: 45 a.m. ; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 11: 00 a.m.; Sunday, 11 : 00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


May 11, 1973



ACROSS 1.Available 6, French Writer 11, Colony of Bees 12, Not Involving Ethics 14, Marsh Plant 15. Activities Coordination 17, Biblical Name 18, Soviet Politician 20, Spore Sacs 21, Places (L.) 23, Easy


14. Hairlike Projections 16, Evenings, var. 19, Norse Night 22, Emetic Plant 26, Sea Bird 28, Gratuities 2 9, Plant Again 31, Summon 33, Platform 35, Red Wine 37 , Piles 3 8 • Stage Parts 1

27, :~~e~~iia!~~m Let it Stand 29, Pink Wine JO, Numb 32, Three-pronged Spears 34, Shellfish 36, Health Resorts 37, Bombastic Speech 41, Nap 45, Narrative Poem 46, Woman's Name 48, _ Hall University 49, Type of Lamp 50, Poisonous Lizard 52, Narcotic 53, Jab 55, Swiss City 57, Hockey Great 58, Enter Unnoticed 60, American Journalist 62, Piece of Thread 63, Messenger 64, Pungent 65, Russian Rulers, var, DOWN ~Concerning Sight 2, Insect Egg 3, Dutch Dialect 4, Zodiac Sign 5, Gateway Structures 6, Measuring Device 7, Among 8, Extinct Bird 9, Auk Genus 10, English Novelist 11, Rod 13, Destructive Insect




Crosswordansweronpage 6 39, Deficiency Disease 40. Arabian Prince 42, Saunters 43, Performed Natio nally t4• "Twelve Men " 7. Dismount51, Land Measure (pl.) 54, Dodge City Mars hal 55, Metallic Element 56, Queen of the Gods 59, Trombonist Winding 61, Musical Ability






May 11, 1973




. '.'---- '·c- ~ ,,,_:;-:::--,,-..c;,--~ -----


Walters resigns fr001 system Dr. L.W.C. Walters, PDS, JV, IUD, has finally stated in a can did interview with this reporter that he feels the system is "ineffective". Dr. Walters was questioned in his home late last night. For the past three to four years, he couldn't remember exactly, Dr. Walters has been an en tegral part of the current system. At the time, he was bound by an oath of secrecy never to speak of the system, per se. But just recently, however, Dr. Walters found himself in a unique position. We received word. of his

recent position from our various sources throughout the community and eventually got around to following up on the tip. It was at this time when this reporter stopped by Dr. Walters residence while on the the way for coffee. In the interview, Dr. Walters not only stated that the system was ineffective, but also revealed that it actually did not exist. When asked to explain the statement, Walters smiled and said, "If you don't know, I ain't tellin' ." A grand jury investigation is a possibility, but not likely.


Page 5


Dr. Lyle T. Barkhymer, assistant professor of music at Otterbein College, will present a Clarinet Recital on May 23, 8: 15 p.m. in Lambert Hall Memorial Auditorium. The public is welcome, no admission charge. Program for the recital includes the "Sonata" by Martinu, "Grand Duo Conertante" by Weber, "Three Grotesques" by Jettel, and ''Marchenerzahlungen" by Schumann. Dr. Barkhymer is associate director of the Concert Band and Wind Ensemble and music director of the Otterbein College Theatre production "Canterbury Tales". A graduate with the D.M. and M.M. from Indiana University, he has also been associated with the American Wind Symphony of Pittsburgh. He has studied with Professor Jettel at the Hochschule fur Musik in Vienna. The "Grotesques" which Barkhymer will perform are written for clarinet alone. Marchenerzahlunger (fairy tales) are rarely performed pieces for clarinet, viola or violin and piano. Dr. Barkhymer will offer Schumann's next to last composition, written during his last creative period and coinciding with the visit of the young Brahms to the Schumann household. The Grand Duo is Weber's only piece originally for the clarinet-piano combination and features virtuoso passages at the keyboard.



Lyle Barkhymer

Martinu is a delightful modern Czech composer, and the piece on the recital program features complex rhythms, unusual effects of tremolo in the clarinet and 1£.ting melodies.

For the recital, Dr. Barkhymer will be assisted at the piano by Mary Rucker, and Wybo van Biemen, violinist, members of the Otterbein College department of music.

STUDENTS SHOW MORE CONCERN (J.P. )-The trend toward individual fulfillment and self-development among college students appears to be growing stronger with every entering freshman class. Young people no longer view college as a transition to adulthood. They consider themselves adults, who happen to be college students. "I think there's no question that college and university students are showing more concern for their physical environment and also for the social and political enviornment in which they live and do their work," observes Dr. Ronald M. Brown, vice president for student affairs at The University of Texas, Austin. Dr. Brown recently joined Dick Benson, president of student government, and David Powell, editor of The Daily Texan, to discuss changes in student attitudes and concerns

SUMMER JOBS We are now taking applicants for 10 to 15 weeks of full-time summer employment. You may start on a full-time basis now. You can earn $135-$175 per week


on '' Insight: Tomorrow's University," a weekly radio series of the University of Texas. Commenting on changes in student government activities on college campuses across the nation, Benson stated: "Over the past two or three years, there has been an increasingly intense demand on the part of students that student government become more competent and more directed toward pertinent and important aspects of their lives. "Consequently, we've become extremely involved inlocal political situations. We've set up lobby organizations, and we've looked for ways to utilize the students' economic resources. So we've taken a turn toward much more serious kinds of activities that are involved in the students' whole lives, rather than simply university or classroom affairs." Powell adds that student

newspapers from around the country are also reflecting off-campus interests, particularly in political areas. The two student leaders mention particular efforts under way by the UT Austin student government organization and campus newspaper, including the establishment of a new legislative district, aimed at increasing effective student input in important legislative decisions. Benson described a current effort by the UT Austin student government to "gather together the economic resources of the university community" called the "University Economic Community" project. "I think we've got a handle on something that's going to eventually turn, out to be a really important new aspect of the community," says Benson. "As I Continued on 6


Summer of '42 with Jennifer O'Neil and Gary Grimes

Sat. May 12 8:00 & 10:30 p.m. LeMay Auditorium Rated R Admission $1.00


Page 6


May 11, 1973


Strawberry breakfast to be held On May 19th from 7:30-9 :30 a.m., Rho Kappa Delta will sponser the Annual . May Day Strawberry Breakfast. A bowl of fresh strawberries will be served with the regular breakfast. The cost will be 50c for students with meal tickets, 75c for children under 12, and $1.50 for all others. Tickets may be purchased in advance during lunch and dinner in the campus

center on May 16, 17, and 18. They are also available from any Arcady member. Arcady is also holding a bake sale in the girl's dorms on Wednesday, May 16, starting at 8:00p.m. Howard Thomson of Lamda Gamma Epsilon has announced his engagement to Phyllis Maurey of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music.

IFC olympics are successful On Saturday, May 5th, the 2nd annual Otterbein College Inter-fraternity Council Junior Olympics were held. IFC, in cooperation with the Big Brothers Assocaition of Columbus, put on the Olympics which consisted of track and Continued from 4 housed 280 local residents who were waiting for the completion of a new country old folks home. Despite projections that show enrollments rising sharply between now and 1980, most

field events and a demonstration of the fundamentals to nine different sports. The day was a big success with 85 fatherless boys participating in the days events. A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped the IFC make the Junior Olympics a success.. colleges and universities have curtailed plans for building any additional dormitory spaces. Being able to fill up and get an adequate financial return on existing residences seem to be problem enough for the schools.

With more than half of the Intramural softball season completed, Club fraternity and the Xnips have grabbed the favorites tag in their respective divisions. Neither team has been beaten and therefore currently have the edge on opponents with regard to the post-season play-offs. Here are the current standings as of Wednesday morning, according to the official Intramural record~;

Kings Sphinx Quad Squad Pirates Red abd the Heads Good Timers Garst

Faculty Allied Students Inc.

Xnips Zeta

4-0 3-1 2-1 2-2 1-2 1-3

YMCA Pi Sig Jonda Davis


Golfers eye NCAA Friday May 5 was one of the worst days, weather wise, Spring has had to offer this year but it was one of the best days this season for Otterbein golfers. On that day, the Ohio Conference Championships were held at Reid Memorial Park in Springfield. After eighteen holes, the Otters were tied for third place with Ohio Wesleyan behind Wooster and Wittenberg. On the second round, the team made up fifteen strokes as they passed Witt en berg to finish second behind Wooster. Individually, Mike Darrell was low for the Otters with 155 strokes for 36 holes. This was also good enough for Mike to finish as runner-up to the medalist for the day. Duffy Oelberg finished with 156 which was good enough for a tie for third and Gary Condit, a freshman, shot 157 for a fifth place finish. Other members of the team were Mark Williamson, Gary Benadum and Mike Springer. The Otters next match is today against Wittenberg and Denison at Wittenberg. Monday

the team travels ot the Columbus Country Club to play Capital and Ohio Wesleyan. Anyone interest in seeing the Otters play Monday is more than welcome. The match starts at 1 P.M. If you can't make it that early, watch the Otters play the back nine at about 3 P.M. Such a high finish in the

Conference gives the team a chance for a bid to the NCAA championships in California. The one thing that hurts the team is its mediocre record of 5 wins and 5 losses. Whatever happens, the team has proven that it can come through when the chips are down-the sign of a GOOD team.

Continued from 5 understand it, it is not being done or never has been done anywhere. But what I think it will ultimately culminate in is a student-run and student­ controlled .financial enterprise on the scale of a credit union or a mutual savings and loan or a commercial bank. ·

"And I don't think any of those things are impossible. We have the resources in terms of money, in terms of numbers, in terms of legal expertise, in terms of just raw political connections." Benson adds that the successful establishment of such an economic organization among students would provide them with a valuable sense of competency, a sense of themselves as responsible citizens actively involved in their community. Both Powell and Benson cite two factors which have pushed this generation of college students to demand that their student governments, newspapers, and leaders become politically capable: frustrations resulting from ineffective attempts to influence political decisions; and the assurance of the 18-year-old vote, which granted them some voice in political affairs .

Are you elgible for the Distinction Program? If you have completed 21 -26 courses by the end of this quarter, with an adequate grade level, you are elgible to .apply for admission to the Distinction Program. Consult your advisor or the Chairman of the Distinction Program, Norman Chaney. for further details.

.................................................................... . BASEBALL STANDINGS ... ... .


(as of May 6, 1973)

Southern Division Division Record Overall






Marietta Otterbein Capital Wittenberg Denison Ohio Wesleyan Muskingum

8 7 4 3 3 2 1

1 2 4 3 6 7 5

.889 .778 .500 .500 .333 .222 .167

20 4 94 5 7 35 36 37 2 5

.833 .692 .417 .375 .333 .300 .286

Rings start at $75 Budget terms available for students





Wooster Mt. Union Oberlin Bald.-Wall. Heidelberg Kenyon

7 5 5 4 6 1

.777 .625 .500 .500 .454 .100

12 6 8

2 3 5 4 5 9

Pct. 6 6 6

.667 .500 .500




2 11 .153 .,. ................................................................ ,

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Team captains should remember that all games must be made up in time for the play-offs. Looking ahead, horseshoes will take place on Tuesday May 15 at 4:00 p.m. in the park. Golf will be at 3:30 p .m. on Wednesday, May 16, at Indian Run. The track meet will be on Tuesday, May 22 at the stadium with field events starting at 4: 00 p.m.

Division II

Division I Club

3-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 0-3


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Agent for Russell Stover's candies

"We need a local salesman"

Curts The mark of a championship team is the ability to come back and this past week Otterbein's baseball team has done just that. As a result the squad is now 7-4 overall and 5-2 in the league, right behind Marietta, 8-1. Last Saturday, in a tricky wind, the Cardinals played Marietta in crucial doubleheader. Otterbein wanted to win two but had to have one. In the first game, Gary Curts pitched a four-hitter but lost 2-0. The first run scored on a misjudged fly ball and the second came on a home run by Terry Malavite that tipped the left fielder's glove before falling over the fence. Neal Parsley picked up his sixth victory in as many starts for the Pioneers. In the second game, things looked bleak again as the visitors held a 1-0 lead on an unearned run in the third. Then in the bottom of the seventh, the final inning of the game, Steve Mott drew a walk with one out. After a dispute foul ball, Dan Jarlenski singled and Bob Buchan, pinch-hitting for the pitcher, singled home the tying run. Jim · Chamberlain with the infield drawn in then singled in pinchrunner Scott Reall with the winning run . Jim Inniger, who pitched a four-hitter, upped his record to 3-0 as the Otters kept alive league hopes. In Springfield on Wednesday, Otterbein came from behind twice to win 8-5 . Gary Curts having unusual control problems spotted two runs early, but in the fifth the Otters went ahead with Jim Chamberlain's triple being the big hit. Then in the eight, the Tigers went ahead again on a tremendous two-run home run by Doug Heskett and later picked up an additional run. In the ninth, however, the otterbein bats took over. After scoring one run and with two men still on, Dick Byers hit a ball over the center fielders head for an inside the park home run. Six of the last seven batters in the ninth got hits to add insurance , and in alI; every starter got at least one hit. The victory evened Curts' pitching record at 3-3.

COLLEGIATE NOTES Understand all subjects, plays anc novels faster! -Thousands of topics availablE within 48 hours of mailing -Complete footnotes


Page 7


May 11, 1973

bibliography and


four - hitter

Those Otters were belting Wittenberg and Capital. But dropped to the third best hitter them out in hitsville last week, according to Otter coach Dick in the league this week with a .439 average, after being the top as they scooped three more Fishbaugh, "any one of the hitter for two weeks straight. conference victories bringing three could take Marietta". their total to 7-2 in the league The Otters must win the rest. · The Otter team batting average and 9-4 overall, still right on the Including the Capital game is .248, the fourth best in the tail of league-leading Marietta. (played Wednesday) a conference. Sophomore Jim Inniger Last Wednesday, the doubleheader with Wittenberg picked up his fourth win against Cardinals saved it all till last as this Saturday at home, and the Denison in the first game (4- 1) they batted around in the ninth conference finale with Ohio as the young hurler remains inning, picking up five runs in Wesleyan at Delaware is all that undefeated. Junior Gary Curts, the final frame for a fabulous remains of the Otter league slate. now 3-3, has lost some finish, 8-5 victory over Westerville sophomore Dick heartbreakers-a 3-hitter to Wittenberg in tiger country. Byers boosted his homerun total Ashland and Marietta twice. And on a sunny Saturday, the to three as he socked a big, Big Sam Varney got things Cards ripped Denison for two three-run roundtripper in the going against Wittenberg with a big conference wins, 4- 1 and fourth inning of the nite cap three-run, inside the park homer 15-1. with Denison Saturday. Dick in the last inning. The left fielder In Saturday's nightcap, is hitting a solid .282. And freshman Russ Meade and teammate Doug Joseph are tied for the homerun lead in the Westerville's Steve Traylor, is ( 01 en tangy) got his first conference with three apiece. gradually breaking out of his collegiate start and it was a Dave Daubenmire, Otter slump now hitting .250 and winner. Russ allowed only one hitting better. unearned run, while pitching a centerfielder from Hebron, three-hitter, striking out 12 and walking not a single soul. The freshman hurler also got on base three times (two walks, fielder's choice) and scored three runs. For his first performance, Russ was named the Ohio Conference Player of the Week in the Southern Division. Russ is the second Otter player to nail the player of teh week award. The first week of the season, junior catcher Doug Joseph received the honor for his t.rhee home run, nine RBI-weekend performance. While the Otters were picking up their victories, Marietta, the southem division league leader, swept a pair of non-conference wins from Morris Harvey College, bringing their overall record to 20-4. But their conference mark stands at 8-1, with the Otters nipping at their tail in second place. That one conference loss for Marietta came at the hands of Otterbein, and the Cardinals' two deficits were pinned by the Pioneers-all three meetings of the two teams were decided by one run. Marietta has a doubleheader with the same Denison squad the Otters nailed for two wins this past weekend. And the Pioneers have only two more conference games after that, one each with . Russ Meade, freshman pitcher from Olentangy, was named Ohio Conference Player of the Week last week for his performance. He is the second Otterbein player ot receive this citation this year. Attention all present O Squaders and anyone interested in the 73-74 season: Tryouts will be held Friday , May 11 at 4:30 in the Sosh Building.

Anyone wishing to place an article or announcement in the Tan and Cardinal during any given week of the term must

have said announcement into the T & C office no later than noon on Tuesday.




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Meet Results: shot put-Chittum O 43'8½", Miller O 43'5", Tering W 42'9", Gault W 41'11¼", 440 relay-Oberlin 42.6, Otterbein 42.7, high jump-Knudesen Ob 6'2", Paul, Fagan, Landis all 0 tie 6'0", mile run-Merton W 4:22.0, Long Ot 4:23.8, Day W 4:30.8, Mallory Ob 4:32.5, long jump-Retherford Ot 21 '5", Bell Ot 21'½", Issaacson OB 20'5", Knudsen Ob 20'2", 120 HH- Retherford Ot 14.4, McMullen Ob 14.8, Keifer W, Cox Ot tie 16.5 all windaided, 440-Westfall Ot 49.9, Robinson Ob 50.1, Evans Ot 51.3, Reiman W 51.6, pole vault-Schneider Ot 13'6", Issaacson Ob 13'6", Belknap Ot 13', Shields Ot 13', 100-Bonner Ob 9.7, Paul Ot 9.8, McMullen Ob 10.0, Alford W 10.1 all wind-aided, 100-Bonner Ob 9.7, Paul Ot 9.8, McMullen Ob 10.0, Alford W 10.1 all wind-aided, 880-Dittoe Ot I: 55.I , Merton W 1:56.0, Wile Ot 2:01.0, Cope W 2: 0 I. I, discus-Miller Ot 144'2½", Chittum Ot 127'4", Gault W 120'6", Donahue Ot Continued on 8


Experienced typist. All kinds * * * Do you need a good part-time

In a triangular meet held at Otterbein on May 2, the Cardinals romped to a win over Oberlin and Wooster 95, 47, 28. Oberlin's track program is all ready showing the effects of having the world record holder Tommie Smith as their new track mentor. The Otters were a lit t 1e surprised by the inprov~ment in Oberlin even since the indoor season. Roger Retherford continued to pace all scorers with four wins for the Otters. Roger won the long jump, the 120 high hurdles, the triple jump, and 440 intermediate hurdles. Other winners for Otterbein were: Dale Chittum in the shot put, Mike Westfall in the 440, Bruce Schneider in the pole vault, Guy Dittoe in the 880, Scott Miller in the discus, and the Otterbein mile relay team comprised of Randy Evans, Guy Dittoe, Bob Long, and Mike Westfall.


-Lowest prices are GUARANTEED SEND $1.90 for our latest descriptive Mail-order Catalogue with Postage-paid order forms to: COLLEGIATE RESEARCH GUIDE 1 N. 13th St. Bldg. Rm. 706 Phi la., Pa. 19107 HOT-LINE (215) 563-3758

Tracksters . romp 1n triangular





James Million



Ronald Becker



Page 8 Continued from 7

118'11", triple jump­ Retherford Ot 43'21" Knudson Ob 43'5¾", Bixler Ot 40'6", Cetovice W 39'9", 440 InH-Retherford Ot 55.9, Cox Ot 58.8, Lee W 1:01.5, Thomas Ob I: 02.9, 220--Bonner Ob 22.4, Hartman Ot 23.1, Alford W, Westfall Ot tie 23.2, 3 mile - Smith Ob 15: 09.1, Murphy W 15:15.7, Lintz Ot 15:18.6, Day W 15:32.1, mile relay-Otterbein 3:25, Oberlin 3:25.6. In track action over the weekend, the Otters finished second in a quadrangular meet held at OWU. OWU won the meet with 55 points, the Otters 45, Denison 43, and Capital 31. While avenging an earlier loss to Denison, the Otters dropped the meet to OWU, which the Otters had defeated earlier in the season. With a very fine day the Otters posted several season's best performances and two records. Allan Brown doubled in the mile and the three mile and ran a 4:37 mile and a 15:26 three mile , which are both personal best for Allan. Tim Wile posted his best ever half mile time as he ran 1:56.9. Guy Dittoe continued his fine running in the half mile as he posted a season's best of 1: 54.9. This time is only one tenth of a second off the school record that Guy set last year. The two school records were provided by Bob Long and Charlie Ernst in the one and three mile runs. Bob Long lowered the school mark from 4:20 to 4: 17 .6 and Charlie reset the school three mile mark at 14:45.9. Two other fine performances by the Otters were Scott Miller's put of 44'6½" in the shot and Mike Westfall's season best of 49.8 in the 440.


Meet Results: longjump-Fruit OWU 21'3", Retherford O 21' I½", Jacobus C 20' 11 ¾", Hartman O 19' 6¾", shot put-Burton C 45'2", Schleppi C 44'6½", Miller 0 44'6½", Chittum O 44'1 ½", 440 relay-OWU 43.4, 0 44.1, Denison 45.2, mile run-Higley D 4: 12.3, Alexander D 4: 15.9, Long O 4: 17.6, mile run-Higley D 4: 12.3, Alexander D 4: 15.9, Long O 4:17.6, 120 HR-Retherford O 14.6, Nelman OWU 15.0, Hout C 16.0, Cox 0 16.2, 440-Frazier D 48.8, Westfall O 49.8, Shilling OWU 50.8, Janasen C 51.1, 100-Crump OWU 9. 7, Stone D 9.7, Hill OWU 10.1, Link OWU 10.1, 880-Dittoe O 1:54.9, Wile 0 1:56.9, Book OWU 1.57.6, Gesell OWU 1:57.7, discuss-Iovino OWU 159'1", Miller O 138'1", Johnson OWU 130'9", Chittum O 127'11", pole vault-Best D 15', Harrbage C 14'6", Doch D 14', Brown OWU 13'6", 440 IH-Nelrnan OWU 57.3, Cox O 59.0, Hout C 60 .9 , Berger C 61.0, 220-Crump OWU 22.0, Stone D 22.3, Frazier D 22.6, Hartman 0 22.7 , 3 mile-Alexander D 14:41.1, Ernst O 14:45.9, Higley D 15: 16.5, Lintz 0 15:17.5, high jump-Parker C 6'6" Leifer OWU 6'6", Custer C 6'4": Mulligan D 6'4", triple jump-Fruit OWU 42'5", Jacobus C 41'3½", Custer C 40'10", Retherford O 40'7", mile relay-Denison 3:22.7, OWU 3:23.5, Otterbein 3:25.2, Capital 3: 31.0 The results of this meet put the Otter's record for the season at 8-2. In their last meet of the season the Otters defeated the Capital Crusaders 96 to 40 last Tuesday. After all most being rained out, the meet proceeded with intermittent rain. The Otters performances were paced

by Randy Evans who qualified for the conference 440 and Jeff Cox who qualified in the 440 intermediate hurdles. In the lopsided affair, Otterbein swept the mile, 100, 880, and the 220. First place finishers for Otterbein were; Roger Retherford in the long jump, 120 HH, triple jump, and the 440 IH; Charlie Ernst in the mile, Mike Westfall in the 440 where he recorded his best time of the year 49.7; Scott Hartman in the I 00; Guy Dittoe in the 880; Scott Miller in the discus, Jim Cox in the 220, Allen Brown in the 3 mile; and both of the Otter's relay teams. Guy Dittoe's 1:54.7 sets a new school record in the half. Guy had set the old school record last year at 1: 54.8. This new mark wipes all of the old school records in the distances off the boards. Bob Long earlier reset the mile mark at 4: 17.6, Charlie Ernst had earlier reset the three mile mark at 14:45.9. The Otters head into the conference meet this weekend with 22 qualifiers. During the outdoor season just ended the Otters managed to qualify 2 athletes for 31 positions in the conference meet being held this weekend at B.W. on Friday and Saturday. Most of the competitors will be running qualifying heats on Friday for the finals on Saturday. Most of the competitors will be running qualifying heats on Friday for the finals on Saturday. The conference meet is scored for six places with points going 10-8-6-4-2-1. Last year the Otters finished fourthe behind Mt. Union, B-W, and Denison. With some good weather the Otters are looking forward to achieving some of their best performances of the year. Otterbein's qualifiers are: 100-Gene Paul, Jim Cox;

May 11, 1973 Randy Smith, and Scott Hartman, 220- Gene Paul, Jim Cox, Scott Hartman, 440-Mike West fa 11 , Randy Ev ans, 880- Guy Dittoe, Bob Long, Tim Wile, mile-Bob Long, Charlie Ernst, Jack Lintz, 3 mile- Charlie Ernst, Jack Lintz, HH-Roger Retherford, IH-Roger Retherford, Jeff Cox, shot put-Dale Chittum, discus-Scott Miller, long jump-Mike Thomas, Roger Retherford, triple jump-Roger Retherford, pole vault-Bruce Schneider, Gary Belknap, Rusty Sheilds, high jump-Greg Landis, Ron Gorman, Dan Fagan Both of the Otter's relay team's the 440 relay and the mile relay, will be running qualifying heats on Friday to

earn the right to run in the finals on Saturday. The track team ended its regular season schedule with the win over Capital. This put the Otters at 9-2 record for the season. Over the last two years, the team has compiled a 21-2 record in conference competition. The team really appreciated the support that was shown at the home meets this year. With a strong winning season behind it, the Otters are anxious to keep this type of performance and spirit alive. If you know any of the track team members, wish them good luck in the upcoming conference meet. The track team is one of the best in the conference, let them know that you are behind them.


t t t Attention: All Sopho11ore & Junior Male Students t t t t t t t There will be an important meeting Sunday night, May 13th at 9:30 in the Campus Center Lounge to determine if the propsed Junior-Senior _Residence Hall is to become a reality.

Any male student who will be a junior or senior next year, even if you have previously indicated interest in the Junior-Senior hall, is strongly encouraged to attend.

t t t


We are very close to the number of students needed to go ahead with the proposed renova_tions. If renovations are to take place, decisions must be made and deadlines must be met. We plan to make the necessary decisions Sunday night at 9:30 in the Campus Center Lounge. We need your help so please attend.

t t t


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