1967 Spring Towers

Page 1


William Brasmer

Robert Stegmiller

Charles Dodrill

TTERBEIN SUMMER THEATRE Students from five Central Ohio colleges and universities have been selected as the basic acting corps of the Otterbein Summer Theatre, to be presented arena-style in "The Pit" of the newly air conditioned Campus Center. College actors include Larry Evans, Mary Furniss, James Grang­ er, Terri Hiatt, Gwendy Miles and Greg Sabatino, all students at Ot­ terbein; Beth Brown, Muskingum; James Hotchkiss, Ohio State; Wayne Turney, Ohio Wesleyan; and Jeanne Wiegand of Capital. All ten stu­ dents were selected on the basis of extensive background in college theatre work. In addition, a non-student mem­ ber of the acting company will be Robert Stegmiller of Stegmiller Productions, who will be directing "Take Her, She's Mine" and ap­ pearing on stage in other plays. Prof. William Brasmer, chairman of the Department of Theatre Arts at Denison University, has been in­ vited to direct Eugene Ionesco's "Rhinocerous," and Dr. Charles 2

Dodrill, Director of Theatre at Otterbein, will direct the balance of the productions.

Season tickets are available at $5.00 and $6.50, and individual reserved seats are $1.50.

The Plays The Fantasticks June 27 - July 1 (Tuesday - Saturday) (Town and gown production) Musical, featuring such songs as "Try to Remember" Rhinoceros July 5 - 8 (Wednesday - Saturday) Satirical interpretation of modern man's struggles against conformity Dark at the Top of the Stairs July 11-15 (Tuesday - Saturday) i Comedy-drama of life in the mid-west, by j William Inge j Take Her, She's Mine July 18-22 (Tuesday - Saturday) I (Town and gown) ! Comedy reigns supreme as an entire family lives through the trials of going to college j 1

The Philadelphia Story July 25 - 29 (Tuesday - Saturday) i Delightful comedy about a Main Line family j girl on the eve of her wedding

otteRBein towecs Volume 39

Spring, 1967

Number 3

EDITOR Evelyn Edwards Bale, ’30

rublished quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interest of alumni and friends. Second class postage paid at Westerville, Ohio 43081.

CONTENTS Otterbein Summer Theatre .............................


Jesse Samuel Engle ..................................................................


Science Building Contracts Awarded ...................... ...............


On and Off the Campus .........................................................


Faculty and Trustees Approve New Plan .............................


Commencement Activities Held June 3 and 4 ....................




Denton AV. Elliott, ’37


"Who Will Shape the College" .............................................. 12

(To serve 1967-68) Robert C. Barr, ’.'>0

What About Admissions? ....................................................... 13 A Journalist Looks at Vietnam ..................... ........................


Past President

Harold F. Augspurger, ’41

The Otterbein Bookshelf ......................................................... 15 Alumni in the News ...............................................................


Alumni Club Activities .................................................


Spotlight on Sports ................................................................. 24 Flashes from the Classes .........................

l ice President Mack C. Grimes, ’41


Ann Carlson Brown, ’52

26 Menibers-at-Large

Otterbein Alumni in Military Service ................................... 29 Advanced Degrees, Marriages, Births, Deaths


Bulletin Board .......................................................................... 32

■Man E. Norris, ’57 Helen Knight Williams, ’43 Alberta Engle Mackenzie, ’40 William E. LcMay, ’48 Robert B. Brown, ’51 Franklin E. ruderbaugh. ’30

Alumni I'rustecs

the coveR p^qe

Philipp L. Charles, '29 Donald R. Martin, ’37 Harold 1,. Boda, ’25 Homer D. Casscl, ’17 Horace W. Troop, ’23 I,. William Stock, '37 Earl R. Hoover, '26 Herman F. Lehman, ’22 \ ida Shatick Clements, ’01 E. N. Funkhouser. Jr., ’38

Executive Secretary

Shown on our cover is the Otterbein Campus Center, scene of the first annual Summer Theatre June 27 through July 29. The building has been newlv air conditioned and the arena style theatre will seat three hundred.

Richard T. Pflieger, ’48


(College treasurer and presidents of Alumni Clubs

the spiRit of otteRBein

Jesse Samuel Engle For More Than Thirty Years a Gentle Inspiration to Otterbein Students

by Bonita Engle Burtner When my father came to Otterbein to teach he had spent seven of the first fourteen years of his married life in school. This does not sound too un­ usual today with the emphasis on advanced educa­ tion. However, he began teaching when a high school diploma was not always required, he began preaching when seminary training was not manda­ tory, and he resumed study for further degrees. This was not easy, for he earned his own way from Academy days on. At one time while a student at Otterbein, by special permission he took twenty-six hours, worked to help pay expenses, and finished the semester with a straight A average. When he began teaching he had completed his residence work for a Ph.D. A few examinations re­ mained, all of which he passed; but he never found it possible to teach and write a dissertation at the same time. With a family to support and the abovementioned years still a burden, he felt he could not ask for time off to do the writing. This was always a worry to him. For years he kept the pro­ ject alive as something that needed to be done. For a long time it bothered him when someone would mistakenly address him as "Dr. Engle." (In 1951 Otterbein conferred upon him the honorary L.H.D. degree, making the title valid.) Even though he taught for many years, he con­ tinued to study for his courses. In 1954 he wrote, "Every week literally flies. Maybe the fact that I am studying for my courses makes time go faster. I still have overstuffed notebooks, but honestly 1 am spending several hours going over fresh reading for nearly every lesson." He had the conviction that one needed to know what was being said by others on any given sub­ ject. He reserved the right not to agree that their conclusions were valid. For a number of years a controversial clergyman broadcast over the radio on Sunday afternoons. My father used to get so worked up he would pace the floor and sputter, but he con­ tinued to listen. For him, reading a book was much like a discussion with the author. He would under­ line and write questions and comments in the mar­ gins, sometimes so furiously that a look at the book 4

later revealed his own thoughts almost as much as the writer's positions. This was an attitude he encouraged for his stu­ dents. He had little patience for the person who thought he knew it all and had nothing to learn. There were complaints now and then. Some wanted simply to come and be told what the professor thought, and then try to memorize it. Some others felt it showed a lack of religious conviction on his part not to be more dogmatic. In his Bible courses the Bible was the text-book. Students were advised to buy inexpensive editions for class use so that they could underline key phrases and make annotations. This was not defacing the Scripture, but making it come alive. And that was his constant aim. Grading was always a loathsome chore, as with most professors. It was not only the time involved, but the necessity to be impartial. One afternoon he sat at his table groaning because he could not see his way out of giving a D to a student whom he considered one of the most likeable persons on campus. On another afternoon a student who had re­ ceived her graded exam paper, carefully annotated, apologized for one mistake by saying, "When I saw that I wondered what the dickens I had said that for!" The professor answered, "That was my feeling exactly!" Sometimes he would despair. In a letter he wrote, "One boy. Junior, asked me this morning if I would tell him what compilation meant in the question ask­ ing for specific data showing Proverbs is, or is not, a compilation. I sadly refused to tell him. We have only spent two weeks on the book. Another boy wanted to know what I meant by 'Part II' and 'Part IV.' Teaching is a thrilling vocation!" It was not always this frustrating and he could be eloquent in praising a good student. Guessing on exams bothered him. To discourage this he once prepared a list of names for identifica­ tion which included lhis sequence; Melpomene, Perse­ phone, Telephone. One resourceful young man an­ swered that Telephone was the Greek goddess of

communication. For any faculty family committee meetings are household words. No one in such a home during those years will ever forget that faculty meetings were held on alternate Monday afternoons at 4:00 P.M. The family knew that dinner would probably be late and that father would be keyed up, if not perturbed. They also knew not to repeat what might be said at the table. He served on various committees. The ones that stand out as being especially grievous were the Curriculum and the Honors Committees. The former was time-consuming, the latter could on occasion be embarrassing. When the departments were reorganized he was made Chairman of the Division of Social Studies. He never sought this sort of responsibility but accepted it as a duty. On his return to teaching after a severe heart attack the offer was made to free him of com­ mittee assignments. Wisely or not, he refused the offer for, he said, "If I can't do the job, I should quit." His colleagues enjoyed his sense of humor, and also the students who were not afraid to laugh In class. He used to say he was trying to find out if they were awake or asleep. It is true that the more alert student might find himself, or herself, laughing alone. The remarks came with a straight face. A few could tell when he was kidding by a certain way he held the corners of his mouth. The students who had not learned this were not always sure. In such a case their own straight faces were a disappoint­ ment to him. His humor did not consist so much in telling jokes as in quick, unexpected remarks, a twist on a line of thought already existing in the conversation. His children's English assignments seemed to be a special challenge to his sense of fun. More than once I was handed a spoof of whatever assignment I had at the moment, be it lyric, familiar essay, or critique. He must have lain awake nights thinking them up, purely for the fun of it for, of course, he never did his children's homework, seriously or other­ wise. Incidentally, it was Prof. C. O. Altman who once bemoaned at a banquet that he had to appear on the same program with "the campus wit." Those who did not know him well might have been surprised at his interest in sports. As a partici­ pant, he was especially devoted to fishing; and until age caught up with him, tennis and volleyball. For several years the faculty played volleyball regularly. While anyone was free to come in and watch, the games were solely for their own enjoyment. They entered into the spirit of it in a remarkable way. My father marveled that one of the group, whom he re­ garded highly, could relax and laugh heartily at his own mistakes. When "J. S." played he meant busi­ ness, as was evidenced from the moment he served the ball. It must have been most unorthodox in tech­ nique. It was, however, one of the most sudden mo­ tions on the court. Fishing was a sport which he could still enjoy aftei- health prevented the more strenuous activities.

Jesse Samuel Engle

There was a time when he kept his bait in the base­ ment. After several helgramites got loose he restored family life to normal by constructing a bait box in a shady spot outside. He liked to go with a friend, often with Prof. Fred Hanawalt. He also enjoyed taking his son with him. If the season permitted, any visiting male relative could be sure of an invitation. His ten-year-old grandson, when hearing of his death, said, "Now I won't have anybody to go fishing with!" Many times, however, it was a trip by himself. Even though his destination was usually nearby, the ex­ citement and flury of getting everything together in as short a time as possible in order to have more time left for fishing often made it seem like the start of an expedition. He once said in mock bewilderment, "I wonder why it is that it always rains on the days I set aside to make garden but never on the days I planned to go fishing." As a spectator, he was always there for College games, and cheered the team on heartily. During his illness he always listened eagerly for the bell to an­ nounce a home victory. Track and baseball received his attention as well as football and basketball. He used to wonder sometimes how a student could dis(Continued on the next page) 5

Jessie Samuel Engle (Continued from page 5) play such quick thinking on the football field and such a lack of it in the classroom. But that did not prevent him from admiring the skill where he found it. In the local church he served for many years as teacher of the men's class. Several times he turned in a resignation, partly from a desire to reduce his load, chiefly from the belief that the job should be passed around. I think there were breaks in his hold­ ing the position, but usually the resignation was re­ fused and he was persuaded to continue. At Council meetings he had a habit which may have caused min­ isters to wish he were not so conscientious about at­ tending. After listening a while to a discussion about how a certain matter should be handled he would quietly ask, "What does the Discipline say?" He usually had one with him and could turn to page number and paragraph which dealt with the issue. In November 1950 he had a serious heart attack which forced a leave of absence for several months. There was permanent heart damage, and from that time on he had to live a restricted life. He resumed teaching and would have retired in June 1956. A second attack came at the close of the first semester of that year; he never recovered sufficiently to return to the classroom. He once wrote, "I got to thinking this morning before it was time to get up about some of my ex­ periences while sick over four years ago . . . And then it occurred to me that time is a strip of tape with the ends glued together, and running over two re­ volving rollers. The one to the left is Yesterday, and the one to the right is Tomorrow, and the stretch between is Today. The more things we do Today the faster the tape moves. The rollers are so close to­ gether that Yesterday was here only a moment ago, and Tomorrow is so near we are apt to overreach it. And yet they are so far apart that all our knowledge cannot reach them both at the same time. And some day the tape will break, and it always breaks on the part called Today. For the strain is always there . . ." For him the tape broke at the age of seventy, on March 29th, 1956, a Maunday Thursday. An intimate friend of the family remarked, "How like J. S. to be Biblical to the very end!" His good friend, Fred Hanawalt, wrote of him, "I have fished and hunted with Jesse, also consulted with him often, and I haven't met a finer gentleman. I have told him more than once that the only fault I could find in him was that if I did him a little kind­ ness, he would do three or four for me in return." One incident which his family and friends never forgot occurred when his grandson Jimmy was in the Primary Department in Church School. The class was having a discussion about the nature of God. When one question arose, Jimmy said, "I'll go home and ask my Grandpa. He knows all about God." While his Grandpa appreciated the tribute, he disclaimed the distinction. Jimmy was not the only one who felt that he knew a rather reliable source for asking about such things. 6

IN TRIBUTE TO J. S. ENGLE ... It was clear to his colleagues on the faculty and to his students that here was a teach­ er, rare indeed, who combined a scholarly under­ standing of subject matter with a humane under­ standing of students. And most important in a teacher of religion, he had a winsomeness of spirit and integrity of character that made him a fitting representative of the religion which he professed. ... He has said to many of us with great earnestness: "The Department that is responsible for the teaching of the Bible must be academic­ ally respectable. There must be no snap courses, and no excuse for any one to say that the study of religion is less exacting than chemistry or his­ tory or English." His manner was unobtrusive. In a public dis­ cussion he usually was one of the last to speak. But when the occasion demanded he spoke forcefully and with clarity. One of his greatest qualities was his ability to see the inconsisten­ cies of an argument. He could also make short shrift of a pompous stuffed shirt. I can remember faculty meetings when the debate would get considerably involved and go in circles with perhaps more heat than light. On such occasions Doctor Engle with a few wise and droll words would relieve the tension and get ihe discussion on the track moving toward a solution. Solomon prayed (I Kings 8:36): "Teach them the good way wherein they should walk." In Doctor Engle we had a man who taught many of us the good way wherein we should walk. (From a tribute by Bishop J. Gordon Howard, '22, then president of Otterbein College, at the funeral of Professor Engle, March 31, 1956.)

^'The Spirit of Otterbein" The foregoing feature on Professor J. S. Engle is one of the "Spirit of Otterbein" biographies, a series started a number of years ago by the late Ralph W. Smith, '12. Mrs. Smith (Helen Ensor, '18) has given the material to the college, and a number of other biographies, autobiographies and memoirs have been written since that time. It is hoped that through this TOWERS series older alumni will recall with pleasure the great men and women they knew in the past, and that younger students will come to appreciate even more the "spirit of Otterbein." A complete set of all the ma­ terial is being collected in the Otterbein Room.

Ground breaking by test tube was made for the new Otterbein science building addition. President Lynn W. Turner is shown at right collecting test tubes full of soil from Dr. Roy Turley, chairman of the department of science and mathematics; Dr. Elmer N. Funkhouser, '39, a member of the board of trustees and development board; Dr. Wade S. Miller, vice president in charge of development; Woodrow Macke, business manager; and Dr. Harold Boda, '25, chairman of the board of trustees.

Businesses Support Education


Building Contracts Awarded

General contract for Otterbein's new science building addition went to the J. I. Barnes Company, Springfield, with a bid of $584,400. Mechanical Construction Com­ pany of Chillicothe was awarded the plumbing contract at $105,700; Kimbach Company of Columbus re­ ceived the heating and ventilating contract at $211,400; Electric Pow­ er Equipment Company of Colum­ bus was named contractor for the electrical work at a price of $129,142; and the Dover Elevator Com­ pany will furnish the elevator for $12,740.

Business Manager Woodrow Macke estimated that office equip­ ment and laboratory equipment would cost an additional $134,000 and a total of $165,000 will be spent on renovating the present structure, most of which has al­ ready been completed. Architects are Benham, Richards and Arm­ strong of Columbus. Work on the project was started in April, but has been at a stand­ still for many weeks because of a strike by construction workers throughout the area.

Otterbein College has received $46,565.90 as its share of business contributions through the Ohio Foundation of Independent Col­ leges for the fiscal year which end­ ed May 31. Gifts through the OFIC in its sixteenth year set another new record totaling $1,577,711 from 1982 contributors. Otterbein's latest check brings to $482,426 the total received by the college through OFIC since the foundation was started. The most successful of 39 such state and re­ gional groups in the United States, the Ohio Foundation includes 34 accredited colleges. Each corporate gift is solicited by representatives of at least two colleges for the group, and is divided among mem­ bers, 60% equally and 40% ac­ cording to enrollment. 7

on And ofp the CAmpus Professor Willis Earns Distinguished Teacher Award Dr. E. Jeanne Willis, chairman of the department of biology and geology, has been presented the second annual Ralph W. Smith Award for Distinguished Teaching established last year by Helen Ensor Smith, '18, in memory of her late husband, '12. The winner's name is engraved each year on a large plaque dis­ played in the library, and a tree is planted on the campus in the recipient's name. Dr. Frederic R. Bamforth won the award last year. A staunch advocate of recogni­ tion for outstanding academic achievement. Doctor Willis is an adviser for the Otterbein chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta, national freshman women's honorary, and for Torch and Key, a local honor­ ary which recognizes outstanding scholarship.

Alumni Among New Faculty John C. Muster, Jr., '63, hon­ ored by the Newark Jaycees as "Outstanding Young County Edu­ cator of the Year," has been named an instructor in physics at Otter­ bein. Mr. Muster has completed his second year of teaching at Northridge High School, and has pre­ viously taught part time at Otter­ bein and at Ohio State while study­ ing for his master's degree. Another Otterbein alumnus will return to the campus as a visiting instructor in music. He is Lyle Barkhymer, '64. Lyle has been a grad­ uate assistant and is a Ph.D. candi­ date at Indiana University. Miss Helen May, '28, who has served as dean of women at Mar­ ion Harding High School for many years, has been named director of women's residence halls, head resi­ dent at Cochran, and assistant in the student personnel office. 8

Faculty Notes Dr. Chester Addington, chairman of the department of education, has been elected chairman of the Teacher Education Committee of Colleges and Universities in Frank­ lin County for the 1967-68 aca­ demic year. This is a coordinating group concerned with teacher edu­ cation in general and student teaching in particular in the cen­ tral Ohio area. He has also been elected president of the Teacher Education Section of the Ohio Col­ lege Association for 1967-68.

Mr. Anthony Ginter, assistant professor of music at Otterbein, is one of two leaders of the Junior High Summer String Workshop sponsored by the Ohio State Uni­ versity School of Music this sum­ mer. The workshop is held on the university campus and extends from June 19 to July 28.

Mrs. Robert Gerhardt (Catherine Barnhart, '46), instructor in music, was the cellist with a women's quartet which performed for a thousand guests at a "neighbor to neighbor" tea at the new govern­ or's mansion on May 11. Catherine and her husband are members of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. Two members of the art depart­ ment have had their works exhib­ ited recently. Jan Jones had a oneman show of her ceramics at Mon­ mouth College from May 25 to June 25. One of Earl Hassenpflug's recent paintings was accepted for the annual May show of the Co­ lumbus Art League, held at the Co­ lumbus Gallery of Fine Arts. Dr. John Laubach, professor of history at Otterbein, has been re­ elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Regional Council for International Education, which serves 38 colleges. Among the activities sponsored by the Council are a junior year abroad in Switzerland, faculty institutes on international studies, and an orien­ tation center for incoming foreign students.

Craig Gifford, '57, Director of College Information and Printing at Otterbein for the past five years, has submitted his resignation to become associated with the Publi­ cations and Public Services Depart­ ment of Battelle Memorial Institute.

Other Otterbein faculty members participating in the program are Dr. John K. Coulter, Melencio G. Cua, and Dr. Ursula Holtermann, who will enroll in the 1967-68 seminars on Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union sponsored by the Council.

Mr. Gifford is president of the Westerville Board of Education and the Rotary Club, and is a member of the Central Ohio Chapters of the Public Relations Society of America and Sigma Delta Chi. Craig and his wife, Martha Jane, '66, have two sons, Bruce, 3, and Dan, 1.

Craig Gifford

Gifford Takes New Post

Faculty and Trustees Approve New Plan The unanimous adoption of Otterbein's "Three-Three Plan" was the principal action by the Board of Trustees at its meeting during Commencement weekend. An all­ day session took the form of a series of seminars in which discus­ sion of the plan and other policy matters was informal and informa­ tive, with a free exchange of ideas with faculty and administrators be­ fore final action was taken. The Three-Three Plan is sched­ uled to go into effect in the fall of 1968, and full details will be reported in future issues of TOWERS, Basically, the plan en­ compasses a change of calendar to include three regular ten-week terms during the school year, plus a summer session. Each student is limited to the study of three courses per term (with special ar­ rangements for some half-courses), allowing for concentration and pur­ suit in depth of the subject matter. The Common Courses The adoption of a "common course" requirement is an interest­ ing feature of the Otterbein plan, setting it apart from that of most other colleges, but fully supporting the traditions and character of Ot­ terbein. It is designed to focus upon a common theme and to provide each student with a sufficiently broad study of world culture to enable him to understand the con­ tinuum of ideas, movements and patterns which has produced the civilization of this century. Al­ though each course is concerned with a particular field, it will not serve as part of a major area of study but will reveal a facet of present-day life, as a phenomenon of this age and as a segment of culture and history. Each "common" course is to be taken at a prescribed time in order to provide a common experience to a large segment of the student body in each term. Is the Plan Unique? A number of sub-committees of the faculty Curriculum Committee

have been at work over the past three years and will continue to de­ velop detailed course outlines to implement the spirit and structure of the exciting new program. A sub-committee on inter-institu­ tional cooperation meets regularly with representatives of surrounding colleges, many of whom are al­ ready on similar calendars. All state institutions in Ohio are to be on the quarter plan within the next two years by order of the Regents, and such colleges as Ohio Wes­ leyan, Wittenberg, Wilmington and Hiram are already on similar schedules. A sub-committee on graduate study, one on comprehensive and inter - departmental examinations, and one on foreign study are also at work on details to be reported to the parent Curriculum Commit­ tee by December 1. Dr. Chester Addington, depart­ ment of education head, is chair­ man of the Curriculum Committee, which is composed of all division chairmen and one other member of each division. Registrar Virgil Raver, and Academic Dean James V. Miller. President Turner serves as an ex-officio member. Will the Plan Work? Faculty members and administra­ tors who have worked closely on the preliminary plans exude an ex­ citement not always evident be­ neath the ivy towers. There was excitement enough to bring a unanimous decision by the trustees to put the plan into effect. What Happens Next? Beginning with the fall of 1968, all freshmen will be enrolled under the program, and the cal­ endar will be changed complete­ ly at that time. Students now en­ rolled and those entering during the coming year are guaranteed that they will not have to attend college longer to complete their requirements than under the pro­ gram in which they entered. This will mean adjustments in many in­ dividual cases, but no insurmount­ able problems are expected.

Student Author Recognized Virginia Schott, a member of the class of '67 and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Schott, '33, was a regional semi-finalist in the First Annual Book - of - the - Month Club Writing Fellowship Program held this spring. One of only five semifinalists in the nation, she was chosen from a region which in­ cludes nine states. Judges in the contest were pro­ fessors of English at Goucher Col­ lege, Ohio University and the Uni­ versity of West Virginia. The pro­ gram is administered by the Col­ lege English Association under a grant from the Book-of-the-Month Club, and the national winner will receive a $3,000 grant. "Jinny" submitted a collection of her creative writing for the con­ test, including pieces for which she took prizes on the campus. She won first prize this year in the Walter Lowrie Barnes Short Story Contest, second place in the Quiz and Quill Prose Contest, and hon­ orable mention in poetry and hu­ morous writing categories. She served as editor of the TAN AND CARDINAL during the first semes­ ter.

Angels Make Canadian Flight Otterbein's "Guardian Angels," Angel Flight drill team, performed at the Canadian National Tulip Festival in Ottawa in May, held in connection with the centennial an­ niversary of the Canadian Federa­ tion, and were made honorary members of the Royal Canadian Air Force Cadet program, the only non-Canadian group ever afforded this honor. A tour of EXPO 67 made the week-end trip an event­ ful one. Angel Flight is a national honor­ ary for college women who desire to promote public interest in the AFROTC program, and is an auxil­ iary of the Arnold Air Society, na­ tional professional honorary for Air Force Cadets. 9

Commencement Activities Held June 3 and 4 Four honorary degrees were con­ ferred at the Commencement clos­ ing the one hundred twentieth year of Otterbein on June 4, two of them to alumni of the college. The Reverend Mr. Donald B. App, '38, executive director, Divi­ sion of the Local Church, and di­ rector, Adult and Men's Work of the E.U.B. denomination, was given the honorary Doctor of Divinity de­ gree. Frank M. Van Sickle, '41, chief engineer. Service Engineering, of the Chrysler Corporation Space Di­ vision, was given a Doctor of Sci­ ence degree. Mr. Donald B. Hoffman, national secretary-treasurer of Phi Alpha Theta, and the Honorable James A. Rhodes, Governor of the State of Ohio, the speaker for the occasion, were awarded Doctor of Laws de­ grees. Bishop J. Gordon Howard, '22, former Otterbein president and currently Bishop of the East Cen­ tral Area of the E.U.B. Church, de­ livered the sermon at the bacca­ laureate service in Cowan Hall.

Harold L. Boda receives certificate from Alumr>i President Denton Elliott



at Annual

Governor James Rhodes seems lost on the campus.


Honors Three


Dr. Harold Boda, '25, chairman of the Otterbein College Board of Trustees and Assistant Superintend­ ent of Dayton City Schools, was given the "Distinguished Alumnus" award at the alumni luncheon on June 3. The award, the highest honor given to an alumnus by the Alumni Association, is made an­ nually to one who has distin­ guished himself in his special field of endeavor and has shown excep­ tional service to his alma mater. Two other citations were made during the luncheon. Mrs. George Henderson, Westerville, and Henry Ruegg, Columbus, received "Hon­ orary Alumnus" awards. Mrs. Henderson, owner of the Kyoto Tea House, was honored for

the dedication she has shown to the Westerville Otterbein Women's Club, especially its Thrift Shop, and her devotion to the college in many other ways. Her husband, now serving with the U.S. Army in Vietnam as an intelligence officer, is a member of the class of '29, and their son has finished his freshman year at Otterbein. Mr. Ruegg, Trust Officer of the Ohio National Bank, who was hon­ ored by Otterbein in 1962 with the "Distinguished Layman's Cita­ tion," was recognized for his serv­ ice to the college as a member of the Otterbein Development Board. His daughter Karen is a member of the class of '64.

Earl Fords Found Club At Salem College Two charter members of Otterbein's Centurion Club, Dr. and Mrs. Earl D. Ford, '22 (Zella Hill, x'22) founded a similar plan in 1964 at Salem College, West Virginia, where Doctor Ford is a member of the Board of Trustees. The plan has been so successful that in the three-year period of its existence the group has raised $100,000 for the college, and membership has reached 187.

Mrs. George Henderson fights tears of surprise and appreciation as Denton Elliott and Helen Ensor Smith look on.

The Fords joined Otterbein's Centurion Club in its first year, 1952, and have qualified for mem­ bership without interruption since that time. According to the plan used at both colleges, a person who contributes as much as $100 in a given year is eligible for mem­ bership and is issued a certificate. Thereafter, he is given a seal for each year in which he continues his membership. Centurions at Ot­ terbein last year numbered 235, and their total giving for 1966 amounted to $119,887.27.

Alumni Officers Elected Robert Barr, '50, assumed the national presidency on June 3 of the Otterbein Alumni Association. Barr, who was recently promoted to assistant publisher at the Otter­ bein Press in Dayton, replaces Denton Elliott, '37. The new president was elected a year ago and has served the past year as president-elect. The new president-elect for 1968-69 is Mack Grimes, '41, of Columbus. Helen Knight Williams, '43, was elected vice president for the com­ ing year, and Dr. Ann Carlson Brown, '52, was elected secretary. Dr. Charles Harding, '38, and June Courtright Stewart, '40, were named members-at-large to the Alumni Council. Elected as alumni representa­ tives to the College Board of Trus­ tees are Dr. Donald R. Martin, '37, re-elected to a five-year term,- and Dr. Harold Augspurger, '41, elected for a five-year term for the first time.

Both Dr. and Mrs. Ford attended Salem before coming to Otterbein, graduating from the Academy there in 1915, and they continue their loyalty to both colleges. In addi­ tion to their membership- in the Centurion Club, they are active in the Otterbein Southern California Alumni Club, and Doctor Ford serves as a member of the De­ velopment Board which makes long-range plans for fund raising at Otterbein.

Bowen Addresses Torch And Key

H«nry Ruegg accepts honorary status

Dr. Roy H. Bowen, '33, professor of speech and director of theatre at Ohio State University, addressed the Otterbein Torch and Key (scho­ lastic honorary) as part of a special program on April 27. He spoke on the subject, "British Revolt," deal­ ing with the new London theatre of the past ten years. 11

"Who Will Shape the College ' Student Invasion Speaking at the annual dinner meeting of the Centurion Club in June, Dr. Harold L. Boda, '25, chairman of the Board of Trustees, pointed to a new role which he feels students are playing in high­ er education today. Calling attention to their "inva­ sion" in the policy-making of our colleges and universities, he im­ plored his audience to have faith in the college students of today. Although today's students fre­ quently express their dissatisfac­ tions and demand more autonomy. Doctor Boda stated that he is con­ stantly impressed with them as creative and outstanding repre­

sentatives of their generation, with their commitment to the pursuit of excellence and their responses to the call of leadership and service. From "Who" to "What" Other elements which have a significant part in affecting the shape of the college are: the com­ mitment (or lack of it) on the part of the American people to a total spectrum of education, ranging from kindergarten to graduate school; our clarity of purpose and need for the private church-related college; the factor of size; and the shaping of the academic commun­ ity.

"We will shape an academic community in its best sense at Otterbein," he stated, "only if we determine that (a) it be infused with a common purpose or pur­ poses; (b) members of the commun­ ity be prepared to accept the values and functions which reflect or realize the common purpose; (c) each member of the commun­ ity must have his place and func­ tion; and (d) there be some kind of personal communication be­ tween members of the community." Referring to the modernizing of the curriculum, he called attention to the newly adopted "Three-Three Plan of Otterbein, which is de­ signed to alleviate pressures of multiplicity of curricula and the conflict between liberal and spe­ cialized subject matter—between breadth of understanding on one side and narrow competence on the other. Role of the Faculty He stated that the college's pri­ mary function is teaching (in the context of Christian values and purposes), but that scholarship or research are essential. It is the speaker's hope that good teaching should be elevated to the prestige it once held in the academic world, and that the faculty member should not abdicate his function of partici­ pation in major policy decisions. Government, Church, Alumni and Friends

Olive Robertson Bennert and Ernest A. Sanders, only members of the Class of 1902 in attendance on Alumni Day. Mrs. Bennert is the widow of Dawes T. Bennert, '01, and the mother of Irene Bennert Wright, '29, and Elsie Bennert Short, '35. Mr. Sanders is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Sanders, '78 (Emma Slater, '77), and the father of Alice Sanders Reed, '26, and Richard, '29.


Doctor Boda also commented on the role of the federal govern­ ment in shaping a college, pointing out the benefits and the inherent dangers in such influence; and con­ cluded with the opinion that the influence of alumni, friends, par­ ents and church could also have a negative effect if wrongly directed. Addressing himself to the mem­ bers of the Centurion Club in par­ ticular, however, he paid tribute to them for their commitment to annual investments in Christian higher education, and quoted the mother of Paul Lawrence Dunbar: "Cast your bread upon the waters; it will come back BUTTERED ON BOTH SIDES."

What About Admissions? by

James V. Miller Academic Dean

In 1965 the flow of students from the high schools into the universities and colleges seemed inexhaust­ ible. To accommodate the upsurge in college-age population, college enrollments were expanded and new institutions were created in the middle of cities, in the suburbs, and in the open countryside. Twoyear colleges became four-year colleges; colleges be­ came universities. Here, and across the country, the 1965 freshman class was drawn from those who were born in 1947-48 at the peak of the post-war baby boom. Population Explosion Declines Approximately 180,000 fewer babies were born in 1948-49 than in the preceding year. During the fol­ lowing two years still fewer children were born. The children of 1948-49 were college freshmen in the fall of 1966. In all but the most prestigious colleges, the number of applicants for that freshman class dropped markedly. Again this year the number of applications for the class entering in September has held firm in the prestigious schools. Land-grant colleges and universi­ ties have received more applications than in former years, probably because of lower costs to the student in those public institutions. The low point in applica­ tions for admission to all colleges will probably be next year because the class entering in 1968 will be selected from still fewer young men and women of college age. Effect on Otterbein Enrollment All of this has been felt at Otterbein. The selection of the class entering in 1965 taxed the imagination and patience of everyone in the College and resulted in many disappointments, since only a third of the applicants could be accommodated. In 1966 the task was further complicated by a 15% drop in applica­ tions. A here-to-fore unheard-of number of applica­ tions were withdrawn by candidates to accept invita­ tions to enter better known institutions. The applications for admission to Otterbein in 1967 have fallen by some 18%, again reflecting the shift­ ing national patterns. As of this writing, the incoming freshman class is almost complete. Space could prob­ ably be found for some young men and women of outstanding abilities.

Prof, and Mrs. J. F. Smith greet Edith Gallagher, '47

Who Will be Selected? We have sought, and continue to seek, students who demonstrate strong academic and leadership abilities and who participate in school and other community activities. Quite obviously, we try to solicit and select students who are capable of suc­ ceeding within the complex demands of the College. Special attention is constantly given to those ap­ plicants whose families are closely connected with Otterbein, whether they are friends or graduates or members of E.U.B. churches. The percentage of stu­ dents on the campus from this group is significantly higher than from all other sources combined. Further­ more, there is no intent to change this pattern since the College, all of us working together, depends upon the constant rehearsal of the Otterbein story in deed and word. Freshmen Become Alumni Otterbein alumni are chosen by the admissions process which includes every act of attracting second­ ary school students to the College as well as the actual decision to admit one candidate but not another. The quality of performance in the classroom and the laboi'atorv or on the stage and the playing field is largely determined by the quality of the students who are attracted to and are selected to attend Otterbein. In like manner, the quality of performance by the grad­ uates of Otterbein is largely determined by the power of the College to interest, select and further educate each succeeding freshman class. 13

A Journalist Looks at Vietnam First Hand Impressions on a Trip to the Far East by

A. Monroe Courtright A. Monroe Courtright, ’40, publisher of the Westerville PUBLIC OPINION and a member of the Air Force for four years during World War II, was one of a group of editors and publishers who traveled to the Orient in the spring to "examine the military position of the U. S. in the Far East.” The trip was made with the co-operation of the Defense Department, although the men paid their own way. Mr. Courtright has two daughters, both in Otterbein. Kristy will be a senior next fall and Karla a sophomore.

No War Justified No war, in my opinion, can ever be rationalized effectively as a "just" war and certainly the Vietnam War is no exception. However, after a month's tour of the Far East with 26 other men from newspapers, radio and television stations in 17 different states, I am convinced that the policy the United States is pursuing in Vietnam is as justified as that in any war in which this country has ever participated. And in view of the fact that the menace of com­ munism, under the leadership of the U.S.S.R. and Red China, is such a threat as it is in the world today. I'm not sure but that what we're trying to do in Vietnam isn't even more important than past wars, insofar as this country's—and the world's— future is concerned.

Far Eastern Countries Thankful to U.S. Strangely enough, I, and the rest of the men in our group, came to this conclusion not because of being in Vietnam, but as the result of meeting and talking with the officials and people of Taiwan (Formosa), South Korea, Thailand and the Philippines. Without exception, they expressed to us their thanks for what America has done and is doing in Vietnam, in order to assure that the smaller countries of the Far East can determine their own destinies. As the Foreign Minister of Thailand, Thanat Khoman, said to me, "Until the United States took a definite stand in Vietnam, all of the smaller countries in the Far East were concerned greatly about the communist menace of Red China—how we can main­ tain our freedom and determine our own destiny is our paramount interest and concern and we feared for our ability to do it. However, when your great country showed that it would stand beside us to repel communism, we took hope, and today we no 14

A. Monroe Courtright

longer fear Red China and we are more than willing to add our resources and our co-operation to those who defend freedom." He went on to add that an indirect result of the United States' stand in Vietnam was to be seen in Indonesia, where the forces opposing communism rose up and purged the country of the Red threat, fairly sure that Red China would not, in view of the U.S. action in Vietnam, send in "volunteers" to put down the revolt and sustain the communistdominated Sukarno government.

A Different Kind of War A visit to Vietnam makes it rather clear as to WHY we are fighting a war there, but the war it­ self is something else again, since in all of our history, America has never fought a war such as is going on in Vietnam. In all our prior conflicts, we have identified our enemy forces, sought them out and destroyed them in order to bring about victory. It's not that easy in Vietnam, since there are four important phases of the war, all of which must suc­ ceed if victory is to be achieved there and a perma­ nent peace is to be brought to the country. They are: (1) The battle against the regular North Viet­ namese or "main forces," (2) The struggle against the Viet Cong,

(3) The success of the Chieu Hoi or "Open Arms" program whereby the Viet Cong are en­ couraged to desert the communist forces and come over to the government's side, and (4) The success of the pacification program and the bringing of security to the villages now dominated by Viet Cong terrorism. Without exception, American officials, from Gen­ eral William Westmoreland on down, are convinced that the ONLY way to solve the Vietnam situation is to work through the Vietnamese people themselves. We, meaning the United States, could occupy the country, but it would take double and perhaps triple the men now there to do it, and nothing would be gained, in the long run. This reasoning is simple and it boils down to the primary reason we are in Vietnam today—we are there because this nation feels that any other na­ tion, regardless of size, should be allowed to deter­ mine its own destiny. South Vietnam has asked us to help it remain free and we are furnishing that help. To pull out before this obiective has been ac­ complished would be disastrous to the whole Far East situation, and ultimately would reflect on the stature and security of the United States itself. An Even Greater Problem While seeing the Vietnam war, first-hand, opened our eyes to a lot of misconceptions we held before visiting the country, our eyes were also opened to another problem in the Far East, which, if not solved, will cause the world far more trouble and problems than is now caused by the war in Vietnam. It may be summed up by three words—too many people. The average American has no conception of the misery and poverty the people in the Far Eastern countries endure. The worst slums in our cities would be paradise to millions of people living—"existing" is a better word—in shacks or in no houses at all in these countries. During the trip I spent four days with Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Dohn (Class of '43) in Manila, where he is connected with the American Embassy as a United States Information Officer. Norm showed me the results of the population explosion in the Philip­ pines and it was hard for me to realize that human beings exist under such conditions. To Feed the Hungry Fortunately, the United States is earnestly trying to do something to improve the situation, one of the most outstanding endeavors being the Interna­ tional Rice Institute, about 30 miles from Manila, where Americans are revolutionizing the rice industry. (The Institute is headed by Dr. Richard Bradfleld, Otterbein graduate. Class of '17). I was amazed to learn that for hundreds of years. Oriental farmers have been growing rice and losing from 50 to 90 percent of their crop, simply because the stalks were too weak and the ripened grain ’caused them to bend over and drop the rice into the water of the rice paddies.

In a little more than three years, American scien­ tists at the Rice Institute have come up with the simple solution of developing a rice plant with a stronger stalk, which will increase rice production a great deal in future years. Unfortunately the increased production will not nearly satisfy the hunger of the millions of additional mouths to feed, unless the present high birth rate is curtailed. Probably the biggest personal thrill that I got out of the trip was a sense of pride in America—its aims and accomplishments in trying to help the world be a better place for all people—and a sense of thankful­ ness to God that I was privileged to have been born in this country in the first place. In short, it takes a trip of this sort to make an American appreciate the blessings we have—I only wish that all Americans could take a similar trip.

The Otterbein Bookshelf An alumnus and three Otterbein faculty members are among those who have recently published scholar­ ly articles in their respective fields. Dr. David C. Kay, '55, is the author of "A Parallelo­ gram Law for Certain Lp Spaces," published by the American Mathematical Monthly. The article extends certain known theorems concerning curvature to normed vector spaces and to certain non-Euclidean spaces. Doctor Kay joined the faculty of the University of Oklahoma in 1966, and is an assistant professor of mathematics. He holds the M.S. degree from the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh and the doctorate from Michigan State University. He is the author of several other articles and is now working on the manuscript of a book, "Modern College Geometry," which has been accepted for publication by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Dr. Harold Hancock, chairman of the division of social studies at Otterbein, has had three articles on historical subjects published recently: "Letters to and from Caesar Rodney," Part II, Delaware History, edited, October, 1966; "A Manufacturer in Wartime: Du Pont, 1861-1865," Business History Review, Summer, 1966 (with N. B. Wilinson); and "Delaware," in Collier's Yearbook, 1967. Dr. Arthur Motycka, chairman of the department of music, delivered a major address at the convention of the National Association of Schools of Music in Dallas last November, and his speech has been printed in the Ohio Music Educators' journal. The Triad. One of the contributors to Volume 1 of Biosynthesis of Antibiotics is Dr. Roy Turley, chairman of the de­ partment of chemistry at Otterbein. The volume is written especially for industrial and experimental mi­ crobiologists, biochemists, medicinal and organic chem­ ists and botanists engaged in research in mycology. Doctor Turley is co-author with J. F. Snell of the chapter on "Biosynthesis of Tetracycline Antibiotics." 15

Alumni in the news Retiree Given Fulbright Grant

Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Arnold

Dr. Dwight L. Arnold, '26, pro­ fessor emeritus of Kent State Uni­ versity, will serve as a consultant in India next fall under a Fulbright grant. "My job will be to help plan for students in a new system of higher education in India, helping to select students and acting as a guidance counselor," he explained. He will spend ten months assisting the U.S. Educational Foundation's student services project in New Delhi. This is the second overseas as­ signment for Doctor Arnold. In 1962-63 he served on a UNESCOsponsored project in Hong Kong. Says the educator, who retired from full-time teaching last year, "Anyone who thinks I am 'retired' doesn't know the situation." Another important project for the Arnolds is Friendship House, a unique social center which they

and Mrs. Wilfred Wright, a wel­ fare worker started at Ravenna in 1961. "It's called Friendship House and its name means just what it stands for," writes Anne Honabach of the project in the Record-Courier. "It's a place where people of all faiths, races and cultures 'meet to work together,' and a place where many lasting friendships have been made." Noting that fear, distrust, big­ otry and misunderstanding were attitudes which prevailed in and around McElrath Park, a predom­ inantly Negro settlement, the founders felt that if residents of the larger community and of the park could meet and know each other on a casual basis, much of the distrust could be eliminated. Friendship House is a place mothers take their children for pre­ school examinations and inocula­ tions; a place where the mothers themselves can develop skills in nutrition, sewing and useful things like making braided rugs out of old clothes; a place where teens can practice make-up techniques, poise and how to dress. Friendship House is now in­ corporated, and includes many serv­ ices which might be neglected if children and mothers had to go outside the neighborhood for them. A free clinic now takes care of inoculations, catches such prob­ lems as allergies, orthopedic and eye cases and anemia before they become serious afflictions. Programs for pre-kindergarten children, an adult education class, a women's group, and other groups are now in operation or are planned with the use of skilled volunteers, inspired by Dr. and Mrs. Arnold and others who feel similar concerns and do something about them.

Vice President for Research Dr. Donald R. Martin, '37, was recently promoted from Director of Chemical Research to Vice Pres­ ident for Research and Develop­ ment of the Harshaw Chemical Company Division of the Kewanee Oil Company in Cleveland. In his former position he has directed research on high energy liquid and solid fuels, oxidants, electro-chemical problems asso­ ciated with plating, corrosion, polymers, organic and inorganic pigments, catalysts, transition metal salts, ceramic pigments, fluorides, boranes and molecular adducts. He joined the company in 1961 as director of technical development, and was promoted to the research directorship in 1963. Doctor Martin was previously associated with the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.; with the Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Niagara Falls; and with Libbey-Owens-Ford in Toledo. He has also served in various teaching and lecturing capacities at the University of Illinois and at Western Reserve University. He holds the Ph.D. and the M.S. de­ grees from Western Reserve. The new vice president has served his alma mater in various ways. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 1962,

is chairman of the committee for the celebration of the 125th anni­ versary, and serves on the Com­ mittee on Education and Adminis­ tration and its sub-committee on new curriculum. He was president of the Buffalo Alumni Club in 1958-59, and the Toledo Club in 1960-61. He and his wife (Katherine New­ ton, '37) have two sons, both Otterbein graduates: Donald R. II, '63; and Thomas N., '66.

Civitan of the Year

Lowell K. Bridwell addresses the network on highway safety. (Photo by Norman Matheny of "The Christian Science Monitor")

Federal Highway Administrator

Roy D. Miller

Dr. Roy D. Miller, '26, professor at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, was selected Ohio Civitan of the year at the 17th annual convention of the Ohio District of Civitan International. He was honored for his service to the Civitan at local, district and international levels and for exem­ plifying ideals of Civitan in his personal and professional life. Doctor Miller is a past president of the Dayton club, a past governor of the Ohio District and has served on international committees. Also of interest to Otterbein people is the election of the Rev­ erend Mr. Robert Copeland, '32, pastor of the Wayne E.U.B. Church, as governor-elect of the Ohio Dis­ trict for the year 1967-68.

Lowell K. Bridwell, x'51, was sworn in on March 23 as Federal Highway Administrator in the new­ ly created Department of Trans­ portation. In this new post, Mr. Bridwell will direct an expanded and reoriented Federal Highway Administration which includes; The Bureau of Public Roads, overseeing a 900,000-mile federal highway network; The National Highway Safety Bureaus which establish motor ve­ hicle safety standards for foreign and domestic cars, administer grant in aid programs to help states and communities expand and improve their highway safety programs, and will develop a far-reaching program of research in highway safety; and The Office of Motor Carrier Safe­ ty which has jurisdiction over the safety performance of all com­ mercial vehicles engaged in inter­ state commerce. Before joining the new depart­ ment, Mr. Bridwell served as Act­

ing Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation. In a special interview for High­ way User, Phyllis Dee Lovoca writes: "Department of Transportation officials are an aggregation of young to middling young men— enthusiastic, earnest, driving, hard­ working and committed to things like systems planning, integrated transportation concepts, and a sparkling future for a renovated, urbanized America. They find their work exciting and, to them, to­ morrow is as close and real as yesterday is to their elders. "Including field staffs, Mr. Brid­ well heads a force some 5,500 strong ... in terms of money, (his) section far outbalances all others. He and his section are re­ sponsible for the expenditure of around $4.4 billion this year . . Although he attended Ohio State after leaving Otterbein, Lowell is proud to be called an alumnus of Otterbein, and is grateful that this is a two-way attitude. Towers sa­ lutes the new Highway Adminis­ trator. 17

and speaker on educational sub­ jects, he has appeared before a number of regional and national associations as speaker and panel­ ist, and has nearly thirty published articles and speeches to his credit. His services to Otterbein include membership on the Board of Trus­ tees from 1957 to date, member­ ship on his Executive Committee, 1958; and chairmanship of the Committee on Education and Ad­ ministration of the Board, 1962 to date. He and his wife are also members of the Centurion Club, Mrs. Shuck is the former Sally Beidleman, '38. Two of their four children have also attended Otter­ bein. Sarah Kathryn ("Kathy"), '64, is now Mrs. David Demchak; and Mary Malinda, x'65, is now Mrs. David Bertram.

New Assistant Dean Emerson C. Shuck

College President Another Otterbein man has been named to the presidency of a major college. He is Dr. Emerson C. Shuck, a cum laude graduate of Otterbein in 1938, and currently vice president for academic af­ fairs of Ohio Wesleyan University. He has been elected president of Eastern Washington State College at Cheney, Washington, effective on September 1. Eastern Washington College was founded in 1890 as a normal school, and is now one of five major state institutions of higher education in the state. It has a current enrollment of 3900 and a faculty of 150. Doctor Shuck received his M.A. degree from Ohio State University and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. In 1963 Otterbein conferred upon him the honorarv Litt.D. degree. He became a member o^ the English faculty of Bowling Green 18

State University in 1943 and served successively at that institution as director of freshman English, di­ rector and dean of the Graduate School, director of the summer sessions, chairman of the depart­ ment of English, and dean of the College of Liberal Arts. He went to Ohio Wesleyan Uni­ versity as vice president for aca­ demic affairs in 1963. One of his tasks in this position was the im­ plementation of the new threeterm limited course curriculum, a calendar revision similar in some respects to the one Otterbein is now planning. His duties have also included acting for the president in his absence, developing the aca­ demic budget, recruiting faculty and supervising 26 academic de­ partments and nine administrative offices. He has also coordinated the planning for a new library building and a science unit. Doctor Shuck is a prolific writer

James W. Shaw

Dr. James W. Shaw, '54, will become the new assistant dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts of the University of Michigan on July 1. For the past

four years he has served as as­ sistant director of public recreation in Ann Arbor, a teaching fellow and lecturer, as assistant to various deans, and as chairman of faculty counselors for juniors and seniors in the college of which he is now assistant dean. In his new position. Doctor Shaw will be in charge of academic coun­ seling and academic discipline and will serve as chairman of the col­ lege's Administrative Board, which exercises responsibility over its academic regulations. In recommending him for the appointment. Dean William Haber said: "Dr. Shaw has attracted the favorable attention of students as well as members of the faculty and administration as a fluent spokes­ man for students in the academic enterprise." We may guess that this high re­ gard is in part due to his Otterbein experience, for the new as­ sistant dean writes: "Working in a college of 11,000 in a university of over 30,000 makes one even more acutely aware of the virtues and values of a small-college education. In fact, a major portion of my work dur­ ing the past five years has con­ sisted of trying to generate and nurture at least an approximation of the humane, personalized atten­ tion which we all took so much for granted at Otterbein. Over the years I have come, both personally and professionally, to appreciate that attention more and more." Doctor Shaw is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Shaw (Gladys West, '26), and the grandson of the late James Porter West, '97, for many years a faculty member and treas­ urer of Otterbein. He is married and has three children. He received a B.A. and a B.S. in Ed. at Otterbein, and the M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His doctoral dissertation was entitled "Caricature in the Novels of Tobias Smollett."

Keep TOWERS informed of your activities, promotions, new degrees, and other information in which your friends would be interested.

Outstanding Young Professional

Dura Jone$


James W. Gibson

Towers congratulates Dr. James W. Gibson, '54, on his selection as one of the "Outstanding Young Professionals" by the Central States Speech Association at its annual convention at Indianapolis in April. The award was given to six young professionals selected by a committee on the basis of teaching, research accomplishments, publications and professional ad­ vancement. The regional Associa­ tion includes states bounded by Ohio, Nebraska, Minnesota, Mis­ souri and Oklahoma. Formerly assistant professor of speech at Butler University and at Omaha University, Doctor Gibson has been appointed associate pro­ fessor of speech and dramatic art at the University of Missouri, ef­ fective in September. He holds the M.A. and the Ph.D. from Ohio State University, and is a con­ tributor to such journals as Speech Monographs, The Speech Teacher, The Journal of Communication, Central States Speech Journal, and Dramatics Magazine. The Gibsons have three sons, aged 3, 2, and six weeks.

One evening last spring we sat near Dura Jones, '47, and his love­ ly wife Virginia at an alumni din­ ner, and sensed a special excite­ ment in their manner. Dura was about to embark on a new life, twenty years after graduation, and one might have thought he was a new "grad" going out on his first job. Virginia and their four chil­ dren shared his excitement, for they were going to live on a Nav­ ajo Reservation in Arizona. Dura was appointed by the Board of National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church to serve as Coordinator of Central­ ized Services for the Ganado Mis­ sion, the largest of the church's missions in North America. One of four administrators of the mission, he serves as a member and secre­ tary of the ruling council. His spe­ cial function is the management of the physical plant and common services used by the church, the high school and the hospital. The outreach of the community includes traders, the public school, several Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding Schools, a Road Camp, the Navajo Compressor Station, and an estimated 2000 hogans. The on-campus church program is augmented by radio programs in (Continued on page 25) 19

'^Retires'' to New Position

Lester B. Cox

Lester B. Cox, '26, is retiring in June after serving for 41 years with the Newark (Ohio) City Schools. His present position is as principal of Wilson Junior High School. We do not expect to find the former school executive occupying a rocking chair, however, for a new job awaits him, and it sounds to us as if he is the right man for the job! He will assume the duties of chief probation officer of the juvenile court of Licking County after working with boys and girls all his life! The Wilson Junior High School principalship will be in the hands of another Otterbein graduate. He is Richard V. Snelling, '63, a New­ ark native, who has just received an AA.A. degree in school adminis­ tration from William and Mary.

Senior Trust Officer i

Wendell A. Hohn

Suzanne Emery Quackenbush, right, with General Paul M. Booth

Mrs. Louis E. Quackenbush (Suz­ anne Emery, '39) has been elected president of Ocean Park Women's Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Among her responsibilities recently was the introduction of Mayor Frank A. Dusch and Senator Wil­ liam P. Kellam at a luncheon dedi­ cating the General Paul M. Booth Boulevard and Lesner Bridge. She is shown in the photograph beside General Paul M. Booth, Adjutant General of the Virginia National 20

Guard, for whom the boulevard was named. Suzanne has been an art stu­ dent for many years and now teaches in her home. She is the winner of a number of first prizes for her water colors, oils and col­ lages. Twenty-two of her paintings were featured at the annual Board Walk Show. She and her husband Louis E. x'35, have one son and a granddaughter.

Wendell A. Hohn, '35, has been named senior trust officer of the Third National Bank and Trust Company of Dayton, according to a recent announcement. He will con­ tinue to manage the corporate trust division, with supervision of pen­ sion, profit sharing and stock transfer. Mr. Hohn has been on the stafF of Third National ever since his graduation from Otterbein. In ad­ dition to his academic work at col­ lege, he also attended the Rutgers Graduate School of Banking at Rut­ gers University in 1955, and be­ came a trust officer in that year. Active in the work of his church and his college, Mr. Hohn has served as treasurer of Ohio Miami Conference, treasurer of the Board of Trustees of Fairview E.U.B. Church, and is a member of the Development Board of Otterbein. He and his wife (Kathryn Moore, '36) are the parents of two sons, both Otterbein graduates: Richard in the class of 1963, and Roger in the class of 1966.


Salesman? "Wood Never Quit Being a Salesman" is the subject of a re­ cent feature story in the Akron Beacon Journal concerning Wilbur S. Wood, '25, superintendent of Cloverleaf Schools. The article re­ calls how he worked his way through college, serving as stew­ ard of his boarding club, deliver­ ing mail and doing other odd jobs, but avoiding salesmanship as a permanent career. Mr. Wood has been in school work for 42 years, and will retire on July 31. One of his early posi­ tions was that of principal of Gambier School, where a farm lad named Novice G. Fawcett, now president of Ohio State University, was one of his pupils. At the age of 24 he became superintendent of Wakeman Dis­ trict Schools in Huron County, and one of his fond memories there was the building of a new school. In 1930 he received the M.A. de­

gree from Ohio State University. In 1942 he came to the old local Lodi system as superintendent, and when the district was reorganized in 1957 he was named superin­ tendent of Cloverleaf Schools. Writes reporter Dale Miller in the article: "(He) is a gentle, goodnatured man, small in stature but large in heart . . . He is ready to sell the thing he loves most—the school. "He has been selling to get money for teaching staffs, selling to get money for building pro­ grams and selling to get pupils to use the educational opportunities they are offered," writes his inter­ viewer. And selling was the one job he felt he would never want to do! The Woods (She was Martha Schlemmer, '25) will go to Cali­ fornia—"And if we don't like it, of course we'll come back," he said. He expects to help their son with his office supply business and "keep busy." Selling?

David W. Allaman, '30, has been appointed a staff assistant in the executive office of the new Wright State Campus of Miami and Ohio State Universities, located in Dayton. Mr. Allaman is former officer manager of Precision Rubber Pro­ ducts Corporation, and was con­ nected with that firm for fourteen years. A specialist in administra­ tive services and personnel man­ agement, he also previously was connected with the Sheffield Cor­ poration and with the Toledo Scale Company, in Dayton. In his new position at Wright State, he will make studies and plans for internal administrative systems, one of his first assign­ ments being an analysis of fringe benefit programs for staff and faculty of the university. In addition to his work at Otterbein, Dave has received special training in systems, data process­ ing and personnel management, all of which will be of special value in his new assignment. A member of the First Baptist Church, the Civitan Club and the Megacity chapter of Systems and Procedures Association, Mr. Alla­ man is also a past president of the Otterbein College Alumni Associa­ tion and of the Dayton chapter of the Administrative Management Society, and is a director of the Dayton chapter of the American Cancer Society. He served in the Navy during World War II, reach­ ing the rank of Lieutenant Senior Grade. His wife, the former Martha Jane Shawen, is also a member of the class of 1930. 21

Alumni cluB Activities Alumni Council Meets Thirty-five were in attendance at the May 13 meeting of the Alum­ ni Council on the campus. Presi­ dent Denton Elliott, '37, conducted the business meeting and heard reports by representatives of all local alumni clubs and by the stand­ ing committees; Nominating (Har­ old Augspurger, '41); Alumni Achievements (Mack Grimes, '41); Constitution (Franklin Puderbaugh, '30); and Homecoming (Robert Barr, '50). Much of the discussion following the luncheon was centered on statements of policy and the pro­ posed revision of the constitution. Voting on the revision is expected to take place at the next regular meeting.

Local Clubs Report CINCINNATI—On June 24, the Cincinnati Club sponsored "Otterbein College Night" at Crosley Field. A buffet lunch was held prior to the game at the Greenhills Country Club. P. A. "Tim" Newell, x'29, was chairman. Club president is Wally Cochran, '60. CLEVELAND—T h e Otter be in Chamber Singers provided enter­ tainment at the meeting on May 21. Bob Studer, '59, arranged for a meeting held in the Church of the Redeemer, of which Lewis Frees, '58, is pastor. Dick Pfiieger, '48, answered questions about the col­ lege.

COLUMBUS—Once again the win­ ter dinner meeting was held in the Otterbein Campus Center prior to the Homecoming basketball game. Ray Lilly, '36, was elected president for the coming year. Larry Gillum, '50, retiring presi­ dent, conducted the meeting, which included a talk by President Turner. The team "iced the cake" with a victory over Heidelberg. DAYTON—Club president Don Steck, '52, invited Academic Dean James V. Miller to be guest speak­ er at the spring dinner meeting on April 8 at Seven Nations Restau­ rant, operated by Bob Corbin, '49. After the discussion with the Dean on academic matters, new officers were elected. James Wagner, '56, was named president; William LeMay, '48, vice president; Janet McClusky, '55, secretary; and Edith Gallagher, '47, treasurer. DETROIT—The Greenfield Restau­ rant was the meeting place on March 11 for the annual winter banquet. Dave and Carol Cheek, '63, club officers, were in charge, and the proposed Three-Three Plan was presented and explained by Dean James V. Miller. INDIANAPOLIS—Adoption of a constitution was the principal busi­ ness at the meeting held at the home of Paul and Ruth Ann Moore, '51, on March 5. A lively discus­ sion of small college activities fol­ lowed the business meeting, as did tasty refreshments prepared by

In the top picture at left, four members of the Detroit Alumni Club are shown at the annual dinner. They are: Ray Swartz, Ruth Shatzer Swartz, '36, Mary Weekley Cheek, x'35, and Fred Cheek, x'33. A group at the Indianapolis dinner include (from left) Paul F. Moore, '51, Ruth Ann Smith Moore, '51, John W. Swank, '53, John W. George, '22, Edna Johnson George, x'23, Lois Coy, '24, Mary Chamberlin, '23, Bea Ulrich Holm, '52, and Dorothy Pfiieger, '48. A scene at the Cleveland meeting shows Mary Blair, '64, Sarah Beck, '64, Robert Studer, '59, Carol Hunsicker Frees, x'59, William Beck, '64, and Marilyn Hutchings, '64. In the bottom picture is shown a loyal group of workers in the telephone campaign; Ralph Bragg, '56, Gerald Riley, '38, Bob Bowman, '60, and Lucy Bowman.

Two groups are shown above at the Pittsburgh dinner. From left in the first picture are Margaret English, '61, Richard Warfel, Pauline Lambert Warfel, '23, Stanton W. B. Wood, '17, and Genevieve Mullin Wood, '23. In the second picture, Gloria Howard Schutz, '55, is shown beside her father, J. Gordon Howard, '22, and at his left are Courtney Hoskins, Dorothy Beachler Hoskins, x'39, Mildred Roose, Dale Roose, '33, and Anita Waldman, x'35. In the picture at the right, some of the Akron workers in the telephone campaign pose for the camera: from left, they are Clark Lord, '39, Donna Love Lord, '39, George Simmons, '47, Jack Coberly, '52, Helen Morton Coberly, '53, and Ed Ricketts, '31.

Ruth Ann. A summer picnic has been planned for July 15 at the Moore home. JOHNSTOWN—William Anderson, '56, Martha Maneval, '43, and Olive Gillman, '33, were the club officers elected at the November 21 meeting. College trustees George Biggs, '32, and Elmer Schultz, '24, arranged the reorganizational meeting. Dick Pfiieger, '48, was present to show a film­ strip about Otterbein and lead a discussion concerning new pro­ posals for calendar and curriculum. The possibilities of a summer picnic were considered. NORTHERN INDIANA—The luxu­ rious facility at the Honeywell Foundation in Wabash again was the setting for the annual meeting on April 14. Randall and Catherine Campbell, '40, club officers, kept things going with humor and song. Herbert and Margaret Holmes, '29, were elected to serve as officers for 1967-68. Dick Pfiieger repre­ sented the college at the meeting. PHILADELPHIA—June 11 was the date of the picnic supper at the home of Margaret and Verle Mill­ er, '35, in Dover, Delaware. Jessie Gantz Baker, x'36, and Verle are the officers and were responsible for the good meeting.

TAMPA—Wade and Jennie Miller, Hon. '55, traveled to Florida to visit with the Tamps Club. Jim Yost, '51, arranged for the meet­ ing to be held at the Airport Motel Restaurant on February 18. The distance from campus seemed to unite the group as they dis­ cussed Otterbein's future. UPPER MIAMI VALLEY—On May 5, Linda Zimmer, '66, served as hostess at the meeting held in her Troy Home. Meeting coordin­ ators Harry Ashburn, '49, and Chuck Selby, '57, led the discus­ sion about formal organization. Chester Turner, '43, represented Otterbein and talked about the new programs being considered by the college. WESTERVILLE OTTERBEIN WOMEN'S CLUB—a very active Thrift Shop Committee brought the season's activities to a close on June 7 with the fourth annual antique and gift auction. During the year the club has given $1200 for the landscap­ ing and planting at Mayne Hall, and $1200 to the speech depart­ ment to help purchase of equip­ ment for closed circuit television to be used as a teaching aid. The club also annually contributes $500 to its special scholarship fund and makes awards of $200 each to two senior girls.

Here and There On Campus A full-page advertisement for Otterbein was run in the March 24 Detroit metropolitan issue of TIME magazine on the theme, "Don't Tel! Us about Coeducation." The advertisement, submitted by Otter­ bein in response to TIME'S new pol­ icy of donating a page a week in each issue to colleges, was one of the first to be accepted. Joan Schneider Kluth, a senior from North Olmsted, and Nancy Jo Lora, a sophomore from Salem, were awarded the first Stanton Music Scholarships of $250 each. The scholarships, sponsored by Stanton's Sheet Music Company, will be presented annually to the outstanding music education stu­ dents at Otterbein. The Otterbein A Cappella Choir's recording of "The Star Spangled Banner" has been used during the current season as the sign-off on the Ohio University radio station. Otterbein's Student Education As­ sociation (OSEA) was given the "Achieve 16" award by the state SEA at its annual convention in April. Mark Woodruff, a member of the class of '67, was in charge of the "Achieve 16" program, a state-prescribed plan involving six­ teen steps. 23

spotlight on spORts By Craig Gifford

Hoernemann named to All-Ohio Conference Led by the selection of junior left fielder Dave Hoernemann for the first team All-Ohio Conference baseball nine, the spring sports teams at Otterbein met with con­ siderable success. Hoernemann's .421 batting aver­ age in 13 games sparked first-year Coach Dick Fishbaugh's team to a 6-7 record. First baseman Eddie Harris and pitcher Jim McKee re­ ceived honorable mention. Harris was the second leading hitter on the team with a .319 average and McKee topped the squad's pitchers in strikeouts with 65 in eight games Highlighting the season were twin shutouts over Wilmington 13-0, and 2-0, in the opening games, and another doubleheader triumph over Akron, 9-6 and 7-6. Had it not been for three mid­ season forfeited games the Cards would have concluded with a 9-4 mark.

Golf Team Second In Tourney Coach Bob Agler's golf team cli­ maxed their season with a second place finish in the 14-team Ohio Conference Tournament. Paced by Rick Pinson's 76, the team of Dick Beckner, Tom Nicholas, Terry Harnish and Pinson totaled 321 for the 18-hole tourney played over the Lakeside Country Club Course at Beverly, Ohio. Denison won the tourney with 315. This was the best finish for an Otterbein golf team in the OC Tournament since 1950 when Joe Schurtz, Jay Truitt, Frank Truitt and George Welsh were runnersup to the Kent State team. 24

Otterbein's dual match record this season was 6-5. Other mem­ bers of the team who earned var­ sity letters were Dave Kline and Tim Konfal. The Cards also became eligible to participate in the NCAA Col­ lege Division Tournament, June 912, at Paducah, Kentucky by virtue of their Ohio Conference Tourna­ ment record.

Capital Upset by Tennis Team Of outstanding note in the ten­ nis season was the performance of freshman Jed Morison of Cleve­ land, who completed the season at five singles with a 7-0 record, only to lose to the eventual Conference champion, Pete Edwards of Deni­ son, in the Ohio Conference Tourna­ ment. Morison had beaten Ed­ wards previously, 6-3, 6-3. Highlight of the season, how­ ever, was Otterbein's victory over Capital, when Jim Bruce and Bob Ostrander won their doubles match and Bob Colton and Morison won their match to cinch the final game of the season. Both were key matches in the victory. Curt Tong was tennis coach.

Track Team Ends Season 5-5 Dick Morrow, a 1965 Otterbein grad who taught and coached in the Westerville City Schools, took over the track team this spring for Coach Elmer (Bud) Yoest who took a semester's sabbatical leave to pursue studies on his doctorate.

The cindermen finished with a 5-5 mark scoring victories over Wilmington, Kenyon, Marietta, Wooster and Denison. Individual standouts on the team were hurd­ ler Sam Murphy, a junior from Westerville; quarter-miler Dave Lehman, a freshman from Wester­ ville; pole vaulter Dick Augspurger, a sophomore from Dayton; and high jumper Roger Nisley, a senior from Columbus. No new records were set by the Otterbein team but Nisley high jumped 6'2%" to come within onequarter inch of the school and stadium record of 6'3" established by Dick Rule in 1941.

Basketball Team Finalists in Conference Tournament The 1966-67 Otterbein basket­ ball team finished in the "brides­ maid" role for the third consecu­ tive year as they lost out in the Ohio Conference Tournament finals 74-72 to Baldwin-Wallace in a thriller-diller overtime at Denison University. The cards reached the O.C. finals for the third straight time by downing Muskingum, 82-57; Deni­ son, 72-65 and Wittenberg 60-51. Jim McKee was top scorer in the first and last games with 23 and 27 points respectively and Little All American Don Carlos topped point getters in the middle two tourney games with 28 and 30 point performances.

The loss to Baldwin-Wallace ob­ structed any hopes the Otters had of participating in the NCAA small college cage tournament. However, their overall season record was ex­ tremely impressive as they rolled up a 19-6 record including vic­ tories over such powerhouses as St. Johns (Minn.), Central State, Ohio University, Akron and Witten­ berg. This marked the end to an era at Otterbein . . . better known as the Carlos-Pond era. During the four years that Don Carlos and Tim Pond have been with the Cards a total of 96 games have been played with 71 victories and only 25 losses recorded. Carlos, a unanimous choice for All Conference for the four years, wound up his career with an en­ viable 27.3 points per game in the 93 games he played. He also had an impressive rebounding average of 15.2 grabs per contest. From an accuracy standpoint he shot 55.1% from the floor and 80.6% from the charity stripe. In addition to being named Little All American and breaking a total of 45 Otterbein records (of a pos­ sible 52) he was given the highest honor ever paid an Otterbein ath­ lete when officials announced that his number would be permanently retired. Carlos has been drafted by Houston in the new ABL, by Los Angeles in the NBL and by the Co­ lumbus Comets in the NABL, but to date has not signed a contract. Pond, the fiery little guard who kept the team keyed up throughout the past four years, was captain of the Otters this year, earned sec­ ond team All-Conference honors, played in a record number of games (94) for an Otterbein eager and averaged 10.3 points per game during his career. He has been named head basket­ ball coach at Dublin High School for next fall. Looking to next year, the Otters are naturally going to miss these two mainstays but have had ex­ ceptionally encouraging perform­ ances from Terry McCammon, Jim McKee, Lorenzo Hunt, Wayne Wolfe, John Peters and Eddie Har­ ris, which gives them a fine nu­ cleus for next season.


at Indiana Central 2 p.m. (EST)

Sept. 23

ASHLAND 8 p.m. (EDT)

Sept. 30







at Ohio Wesleyan 2 p.m. (EDT)



MARIETTA (H'coming) 2 p.m. (EDT)



at Heidelberg 2 p.m. (EDT)

Nov. 4

HIRAM (Parents Day) 8 p.m. (EST)

Nov. 11

CAPITAL 8 p.m. (EST)

Missionary (Continued from page 19) Navajo and in English. The majority of students at the high school come from the Navajo Tribe and some from the Hopi Tribe of Indians. The primary pur­ pose of the school is to train na­ tive leadership and to prepare stu­ dents for college, for a high pre­ mium is placed on higher educa­ tion. Mr. Jones is a ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church, is a mem­ ber of the Masons, Scottish Rite and a member of Syria Shrine Tem­ ple of Pittsburgh. He has previous­ ly worked with the Nationwide In­ surance Company and more re­ cently in the accounting Depart­ ment of Westinghouse, Columbus plant. Two Yost, Ohio show

"old grads," Dave Allaman and C. E. recall the football team which beat State. "Pat" Yost has the picture to his membership on the team.

pushes PRom the eUsses '95

sin, and as secretary of the Madison Area

Mrs. J. A. Shoemaker (Dacia Custer) cele­

Council of Churches.

Evangeline Spahr Lee is now in her fifth

brated her 93rd birthday in May. She has been a devoted member of the "Otterbein family" and has lived most of her life with­

Since his retirement he helped organize the Midwestern Psychological Services and

in sound of the college bell. Mrs. Shoemaker has never missed the Alumni Day-Commence­ ment weekend festivities since her gradua­

counselor. He has also been the interim pastor of Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ of Madison since January,

tion. She is now living in the Lutheran Senior City, 977 North Parkview Blvd., Columbus,

1966. He is now an ordained Baptist minister. The North Central Region of the Association

Ohio 43219.

of Clinical Pastoral Education has given Mr.








Love special recognition as Wisconsin's pio­

Dr. and Mrs. Ross A. Hill, x'24, (Evelyn Darling, '21) were honored recently by the Board of Trustees of the Otterbein Home. The Hills were among 46 guests at a dinner honoring those who had worked for the

Mr. Shaffer is married to the former Zelma

recognized with the "sweetheart

Shauck, '34.

Dr. Virqil E. Myers retired from the min­ istry on March 1. Following the announcement of his retirement. Dr. Myers was elected


'25 Russell W. Fenwick has retired after 41 years of public school service, 35 of those years in the schools of Clinton County, Ohio. Mr. Fenwick began his teaching career as a science








rising senior majoring in economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Keister taught the only economics course the University offered when he went to the campus in 1924, and headed a department of four full-time faculty members at the time of








Keister daughters attended UNC-G, and five of them graduated there. Mrs. Herbert Dotten (Adelaid Keister, '36) is an Otterbein gradu­ ate like her parents.






Brown County, taking the superintendency the following year. He then taught a year at Clarksville before going to Adams Town­ ship







years. The next 27 years were spent at New Vienna as executive head, and later as prin­ cipal. 1928—Mr. planning



Mrs. tour

Ernest F. with


Rieqel are NRTA


July and August to visit ten countries. This will bring the Riegels to a total of 60 countries visited in the last 5 years, and over 100,000 miles covered by plane. Mr. Riegel writes, "I want to kiss the Blarney stone and maybe a couple of little Irish lassies!"


Don P. Miller, x'35, is president of the Ohio Lumber and Building Product Dealers Association. Mr. Miller is associated Cellar Lumber Company, Westerville.


'36 Larry Boor was the subject of the Free­ port Press "Man of the Week" feature on May 4. Mr. Boor is the third generation of his family to operate the Boor Funeral Home in Bowerston. He also owns and oper­ ates the Sunnyslope Retirement Home which is one of the most modern facilities in the area. William Wolfarth, principal of Lincoln High School, Canton, was the guest speaker at the Key Club "career day" luncheon March 28. Mr. Wolfarth has served as principal of Lincoln School for thirteen years and is a seminar director of the School Management Institute. He is married to the former Doris M. Frease, '35.

'38 Mrs. H. H. Hottle (Glenna Jordan) is teach­ ing art in the Lynchburg-Clay School District. Her pupils are in grades three through twelve. Mrs.

Hottle's home is in



'40 A. Monroe Courtright gave the Memorial Day







Among our "active retirees" is Rev. James R. Love who retired in 1962 after serving fourteen years as Protestant Chaplain of the


Mendota State Hospital in Madison, Wiscon­

Community Hospital.


before assuming his present post. Rev. Glen C. Shaffer has been appointed




sane Americanism." Dr. Byers has spent seven years on the speakers' staff of General

wife was

Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries and

who have created the Albert S. Keister Schol­

Dr. Carl C. Byers was described by the Cleveland newspaper. The Plain Dealer, in a recent article as "the nation's top cheer leader in selling education, human relations and

Otterbein Home five years or longer. Dr. Hill, physician for the Home, received an award for the longest tenure, 25 years, while his

serving since 1951. The Church Council pre­ sented Dr. and Mrs. Myers with a monetary gift to enable them to travel to Germany,

Dr. Albert S. Keister has been honored by


assistant minister of Brookwood Presbyterian Church, Columbus. He moved to this assign­ ment from the Mifflin Presbyterian Church in Gahanna, where he served as assistant pastor for the past year. Previously he was an Army and Air Force chaplain for 30 years.

minister emeritus of the Springfield First Congregational Church where he had been

his wife (Lelia M. Karg, '09) and six daughters

she is teaching Developmental Reading.

the United States and Canada. He served 15 years as superintendent of Parma schools



year at Cuyahoga Falls High School, where

Motors Corporation's public relations depart­ ment, and has traveled 500,000 miles across

neer chaplain supervisor.

Albert S. Keister


Miss Velva Brashares, x'29, is a member of the Board of Trustees of The Hocking Valley

'42 Mrs. Howard Elliott, Jr. (Bette Greene) was awarded the designation of Best Watercolor

for her painting, "Winter Geometries," and honorable mention for a floral study. These

Joseph A. Gill has joined the faculty of Wittenberg University in the College of

awards were won at the North Canton Art Show which hung in the Little Gallery, North Canton, through June 3rd.

Community Education and the Management Development Program as a specialist in the area of communications. His wife is the former Elaine Peters, '53.

'45 Betty Shumway Hodgden is an instructor of English at the Portsmouth branch of Ohio University. She assumed her present position shortly after being granted her Master of Arts degree from Marshall University. She has previously taught both English and Spanish on a secondary level in the Ports­ mouth City Schools and the Scioto County Schools.

degree in 1957 from Xavier University. Mrs. Pottenger is the former Larma J. McGuire, '50.

'53 Joyce






consecutive year has coached her Eastern Local High School girls' volleyball team to

'47 Edwin

Francis M. Pottenger III is now Science Faculty Chairman of the Hawaii Curriculum Center of the University of Hawaii. Mr. Pottenger received the Master in Education






Hardware Association of the Virginias at Roanoke on the topic "This Business of Pro­ moting a Hardware Store." Aiding in the presentation at the February meeting was Roush's general manager, Mel Kennedy, who also is enrolled currently as a student at Otterbein. Robert H. Wagoner became the owner and manager of "A & A Associates, Inc. Personnel Service" on May 1. The company specializes

the Brown County (Ohio) Volleyball Cham­ pionship with a record of 11 wins and 1 loss. The team also won the Heart Fund Tourna­ ment at Fayettville February.





Jerry Neff is a staff consultant in libraries and education, micro-form systems sales, with the industrial products division of Na­ tional Cash Register in Dayton. His wife is the former Joyce Weisenberger, x'56. Mrs. John Schlitt (Joyce Stouffer, x'53)

in employee placement, vocational guidance and management consulting, and is located

will be teaching in the Whittier, California,

in the northwest Detroit area. Mr. Wagoner

band are moving from Heights, California.

previously was employed as a Supervisor in the Systems Development Department of Ternstedt






Michigan. He had been with General Motors since 1950, starting in the Columbus plant and was then transferred to the Divisional Office in Warren during 1963.

'50 John Bott, assistant superintendent of SouthWestern City Schools (near Columbus), has been appointed a member of the Air Force Advisory Committee on the development and improvement of the Air Force Junior ROTC. The committee of eight representing all sec­

school system in the fall. She and her hus­ Akron


Rev. William John Goff has taken over his duties as new Protestant chaplain at Ohio







writes, "I'm very occupied with husband, George, and daughters, Myfanwy who will

given by the Cambridge Jaycees. The award is given annually by the Jaycees to a young man between the ages of 21 and 35 for his contributions to the community. Mr. Shafer is married to the former Donna Good, '55.

John A. Hill

February 1. Mr. Goff had been a counselor



advanced speech








Braniff Airlines, Dallas.

Realtors, Inc. in Dayton.

bridge Area Chamber of Commerce, was the recipient of the distinguished service award

at the penitentiary since 1964. His wife is the former Jean Pardoe, x'57.

Dwight Hartzell left the Air Force in No­

Ray Bell h as been appointed sales manager the residential division of Paul Tipps

for study in an approved graduate school. Mr. Seward will study at Harvard University next year for his Ph.D. in theology. John Shafer, x'57, President of the Cam­

Penitentiary. The appointment, announced by Warden E. L. Maxwell, became effective



a graduate fellow of Colgate Rochester Di­ vinity School, Rochester, for the year 196768. The fellowship carries an award of $2000

in June to Anchorage, Alaska, where he is Deputy Area Director for Alaska Native Health. Dr. and Mrs. Neilson (Patricia Packer, '53) have five children ranging in age from


Institute in March.

Alan E. Norris, State Representative from the 59th District, was the speaker at Memorial Day ceremonies in Westerville. Granville Seward, x'57, an ordained Baptist minister from Columbus, has been appointed

covers the comprehensive health care of the Indians, Eskimos and Aluets in the United States. After a year at Berkeley, California, (See Advanced Degrees) Dr. Neilson returned

Donald E. Loker was the subject of a fea­ ture article in the March 26 issue of the Niagara Falls, New York, Gazette. An his­

Victor Showalter spoke to science teachers


Dr. Charles H. Neilson is now a career officer in the U.S. Public Health Service, and holds the rank of Senior Surgeon. He is work­ ing with the division of Indian Health, which

as many high schools.

on the topic "Reading and Study Skills in Science," at the Morrow County Teachers'

Three Otterbein graduates have been se­ lected for inclusion in the 1967 edition of "Outstanding Young Men in America." Ot­ terbein basketball coach Curt Tong, '56, Craig Gifford, '57, and Kenneth Cole, x'59, were chosen for the honor.


13 to 4.

tor of Old Fort Niagara.

'56, '57, '59


tions of the nation will help plan the organi­ zation of 250 to 275 Junior ROTC units in

torian and former teacher of United States history, Mr. Loker is now executive direc­

formerly held a similar position at Cardington High School in Morrow County.






Pfizer a

recently &



training Co.,





program held by in




Pfizer's J. B. Roerig division which markets

Rev. William R. Lutz assumed the pastor­ ate of



Church of Christ,

prescription specialties, vitamins and nutri­ tional supplements. He makes his home in

Zanesville, in November, 1966. Prior to the


Zanesville position, Mr. Lutz had served in Westerville.

to the Wesley Methodist Church, Toledo. Mr.

Kent Reed has taken the post of athletic

Mellott moved to Toledo from Jacksonville,

be 8 in July, and Gretchen, who was 6 in


May "







at Clear

School, Shelby, Ohio. Mr.




Merrill Mellot,







now minister



Galena, Urbana and Columbus.









accompany her husband to Freetown, Sierra William






as guidance counselor and coach in Kalkaska, Michigan. For the past eight years, he has been teaching and coaching at John Hay High School in Cleveland.

Leone, West Africa, when he is sent by his firm, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, to their new plant in Sierra Leone. The Adams family will spend two years there. Gerald L. Collins has been practicing op­

Bruce Gantz assisted the coach of Eastmoor Junior High, Columbus, to win two conse­ cutive city basketball championships.

tometry in Oxford for the past year and a half.

Dolores M. Germer writes that due to an

Health Unit, Division of Chronic Diseases, of the Ohio Department of Health, was the fea­

auto accident in June, 1966, and other phy­ sical problems, she has felt it necessary to quit







Alan C. Ford, director of the Smoking and

tured speaker at the annual meeting of the Lake County Tuberculosis and Health Associa­

he will enter United Seminary and she will teach at Northmont High School.

'65 Larry Powers is a Peace Corps volunteer, teaching English in Malaysia.

'66 Dianne Aborn is an assistant to the super­ visor of the Cost Department at the Ruberoid Company. She lives in Somerville, New Jersey.

Center as a Youth Advisor. She is hoping

tion in Painesville in April.


Ronald E. Hothem has graduated from the Ohio State College of Law and is licensed to

ant in the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Minnesota. He will be

proved by the Mariemont (near Cincinnati) village council to fill an unexpired term on

practice in the State of Ohio. After gradu­

teaching two sections of French III and work­

ation he went with the Federal

ing towards an M.A. in French.


Investigation for one year, and is currently with Fireman's Fund Insurance, San Francisco. John Naftzger has joined the marketing








Princeton president












City School District, and is vice of the Mariemont District Educa­

tion Association. He is married to the former Jill Mehlin, x'61.

Terry D. Dillon is a graduate teaching assist­

Bureau of

services department of Kircher, Helton & Collett as assistant to the manager. He is a former systems analyst with NCR. Alexander B. Shartle now works for the Dayton-Montgomery County Parks District.


Elizabeth Ann Fenn is teaching art in the elementary grades in Milan, Ohio. Emily






grade English at Orrville Junior High School, Orrville, Ohio. Kenneth L. Stansberger has just completed his six-month military service active duty and has returned to his

job as a Management

Trainee at the J. C. Penney Co., the Canton Mellet Mall store.

John Behling has accepted the position of head football coach and biology teacher at Fremont Ross High School, Fremont. He will also work as assistant track coach. He will receive his Master in Education degree in July. Jack Hinton has been promoted to admin­ istrative supervisor for CBS (radio-TV) staff announcers. Bruce L. Keck, x'60, recently participated in the




Deep Dip" aboard the research vessel. Tri­ dent.



William Borchers, medical sales representa­ tive for Eaton Laboratories, Division of The Norwich Pharmacal Company, has recently completed an advanced course in pharmaceu­ tical sales conducted at the company's head­

Bruce Deyo, x'67, teaches consumer eco­ nomics at Jonathan Alder High School and

quarters in Norwich, New York. Mr. Borchers joined Eaton in 1966 and is responsible for the sale of Eaton's prescription and non­

Corps trainee for service in Malaysia. During her training period, which is scheduled to

prescription drug products in parts of Ohio and Indiana. John T. Davidson became Assistant Attorney

history at the Canaan School. He is a resident of London. Becky Morr has been accepted as a Peace

begin in September, Miss Morr will prepare for teaching on the elementary school level.

General for the State of Ohio on May 1. Carolyn Sue Molisee, x'63, has accepted an elementary teacher's position in the mission


field at Red Bird Mission, Beverly, Kentucky.


Three alumni have served the college

Charles Croy is now teaching mathematics the University of Dayton Technical In­

stitute. H. Don Tallentire has accepted a new job with






Alumni Represent College by representing Otterbein at the in­ augurations of new college presidents in


the past several weeks.


On April 18th, the Reverend Mr. .lames

Boy Scouts of America as a District Executive.

Gary Hawkes recently began his duties as

Love, '21, was Otterbein's official delegate

Eric Winterhalter was the recipient of the

supervisor of manufacturing at the Avon Prod­

at the inauguration of Dr. Bernard Schroder Adams as president of Ripon






Award from the Gahanna Jaycees. He is manager of the Buckeye Federal Savings and Loan, Gahanna branch. Ron






High School, has been elected president of the Piketon Lions Club. His wife is the former Suzanne Shelley, x'62. Richard Kissling is working toward a Ph. D. in chemistry at the University of the Pacific

ucts Company's Springdale division. Mr. Hawkes was promoted from the traffic de­ partment to his present position. He is a resident of Lebanon, and has been doing grad­


David L.

Deever, '61, represenled

of Cincinnati

his alma mater at the inauguration of Dr.

Evening College for the past two years. Robert Townsend will give up teaching

the University of South Dakota on April






temporarily in order to resume studies at Ohio State University under the academic

at Stockton, California.

year institute sponsored by the National Sci­ ence Foundation. He will receive a Master of

Marilyn Demorest Bricker, x'62, earned her Bachelor of Science in Education degree at

Arts in teaching or an equivalent degree. Sue Drinkhouse Ward and her husband will

Western Reserve in 1963 and has been teaching in the Cleveland Public Schools.

be working at Camp Wanake this summer.


College, Ripon, Wisconsin.

They will move to Dayton in September where

Edward Quentin Moulton as president of

21. Mr. Stanton W. B. Wood, '17, was the official





inauguration of Dr. Arthur Blum as presi­ dent of Point Park College in Pittsburgh on June 18.





Mrs. Allison (Marcia Kintigh, x'63) recently moved with their three children (between


bouts with mumps) from Kadena AB, Oki­ nawa, to Lowry AFB, Denver, Colorado, where


Capt. Allison is a Missile Instructor. Captain David W. Truxal, is attending the

Since September, 1966, Dr. Robert A. Woo­ den, CDR (DC) US Navy, has been serving as head. Audiovisual Department, U.S. Naval Dental School, National Naval Medical Cen­ ter, Bethesda, Maryland.

Air University's Squadron Officer School at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Capt. Truxal will re­ ceive 14 weeks of instruction phases of leadership training.





Lt. Commander Phyllis Shultz is currently stationed with the U.S. Naval Forces, Japan, in

First Lieutenant Joseph

Yokosuka. A recent letter from Cmdr. Shultz detailed a 12-day leave in which she toured various parts of the Orient. Main stops were


Lippincott has

been decorated with the Air Medal for meri­ torious achievement as an F-4C Phantom II pilot during military flights in Southeast Asia.

Hong Kong and Bankok ("Jayne Mansfield was on both my flights, complete with mini­ mini skirt costumes, and affected entourage"), then home to Japan by way of Taipei. She

second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at

seemed most intrigued with the sights of Bankok, although Chinese New Years Day

land for training as an air police officer.

Robert B. Ogur has been commissioned a

Lackland AFB, Texas. He will remain at LackFirst Lieutenant Dale E. Weston has been transferred from Finland AFS, Minnesota, to

in Hong Kong was far from dull!

Taipei AS, Taiwan. Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel L. Ziegler,


Jr., is serving abroad the USS Excel, MSODoctor (Major) Henry V. A. Bielstein at­ tended the recent 38th Annual Aerospace Medical Association meeting in Washington,

439, as 1st Lt. Deck and Gunnery Officer. A note from his wife (Sandra L. Joseph, '64) informs us that he is on his second overseas

Jack Pietila

D.C. Dr. Bielstein serves at Clark AB, Philip­ pines, as chief of the aero-medical services and flight surgeon.

tour of duty, and is currently petroling off the coast of Viet Nam.



'56 USN,

Capt. John D. Pietila and his wife (Mary

x'56, received in March, 1965, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with specialty

Jean Barnhard, '61), are now living at the Air Force Academy, where he is a member

in International Relations, a diploma from the Naval Line School, and a diploma from

of the faculty. He was formerly a Minuteman

the Naval Aviation Safety School. All were

Force Base, North Dakota. Dean B. Beechy has recently been promoted to Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Capt. Beechy






a result of his two years of study at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Cali­ fornia. Cmdr. Gardella is Staff Landing Signal Officer









officer at Minot Air

is a navigator at Otis AFB, Massachusetts. Captain William H. Dietrichs, has been reas­

attached Gardella

signed to Minot AFB, North Dakota, where

(Shirley A. Booher, '57) writes that in Janu­

officer. Bill and his wife (Paula Zimmerman,

ary Air Group 54 was assigned two Allied LSO's for training; one from the Netherlands for refresher training and the second, from

'63) spent three years on

Air Group 54 which is currently to the USS Essex (CVS 9). Mrs.

Argentina, for night qualification training.

he will be a Missile Launch Officer. A career a Canadian AFB

in Germany. Paula taught Gl's at Karlsruhe, Germany, for a year in the Army program for high school dropouts.

Lieutenant Howard G. Russell, Jr. graduated from






Knox, Kentucky, on August 13, 1966. He is now stationed at Fort Jackson, South Caro­ lina, 2nd Brigade, 9th Battalion F Company, as








unit. Second Lieutenant James H. Stott won his navigator's wings in March at Mather AFB, California. He has since been assigned to Tan Son Nhut AFB, Viet Nam, where he will fly C-47 aircraft. Second Lieutenant Raymond C. White has been







wings upon graduation at Reese AFB, Texas. Lt.









the Pacific Air Force.

AF Captain Robert E. Warner, Jr., will re­ port in September to Mountain Home, Idaho, where he will attend reconnaissance school.

'66 '63


Second Lieutenant Philip R. Dever has been graduated from the flight nurse course at the

On completion of his four-year assignment

Harvey A. Butler, was promoted to Cap­

U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine,

at Brown University, Capt. William F. Bale,

tain in March. He is currently Base Procure­ ment Officer, Dyss AFB, Abilene, Texas. He

Brooks AFB, Texas. He is being assigned to Kelley AFB, Texas, where he is a member of

is now assigned for six months to intelligence officers' school at Baltimore.

was recipient of the Outstanding Procurement Officer Award for 1966. Mrs. Butler (Cynthia

the Military Airlift Command.

Captain F. Dale Robinson has been awarded

Houghlan, '62) writes that they will be dis­


charged in September.

North Carolina.

as associate


professor of aerospace studies






ordinary achievement as an electronics war­ fare officer during aerial flight over North




Roger L.


and in









promoted regular




com­ and


Lieutenant Warren






Hill Fisher

Knapp AFS,

Army Private James R. Montgomery com­ pleted






Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.


Advanced Degrees

Cosetta Nick and Jon M. Green, '64, April 2, 1966, in Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Storch (Kay Saeger, '60), their second child, a daughter, Anita

Otterbein graduates who have recently re­ ceived advanced degrees from other colleges are listed with their year after the name of the institution granting the degree.

Kathleen L. Stanley, '65, and Howard G. Russell, Jr., '65, August 20, 1966, in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.

Lynn, December 22, 1966.

Brown University: William F. Bale, '57, Master of Arts in Political Science, June 5. Subject of his thesis is "Context Effects in

1966 — Bonnie Reams, '66, and Tom Paul on June 25, 1966, in Wyoming, Ohio. Claudia Susan Rose, x'66, and Niels Asboe

April 16.

Job Evaluation."

Jorgensen on April 15 in Gahanna, Ohio.


University of Florida; Charles W. Shackson, '63, Master of Arts in Economics, in April. John Carroll University: William Bricker, '59, Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling. University of Illinois; Mrs. Richard Storch (Kay Saeger, '60), Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology, October 18, 1966. Her thesis topic is "Fatty Acid Composition of tracted from Goldfish Tissues

Lipids Ex­ Following

Temperature Acclimation." Kent State University: William W. Titley, '63, Master of Education in Sociology, June

10. Ohio State University: Gerald L. Collins, '62, Doctor of Optometry, in June, 1965; Edgar Rarey, '52, Master of Arts in Education, in March; Robert E. Warner, Jr, '56, Master of Arts in Personnel Management Psychology, June 13, under the Air Force Institute of Technology. Subject of his thesis is "Context Effects in Job Evaluation." University of Pittsburgh: Margaret L. English, '61, Master of Science in Library Science, De­ cember, 1966. Rhode Island College, Providence: Mrs. William F. Bale (Patricia Weigand, '58) Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling, June 10.

Health Administration,

in June.



was sponsored by the U.S.P.H.S., Division of Indian Health. William and Mary: Richard V. Snelling, '63, Master of Arts in School Administration, in June.

19^0-1964 Matteson,

— Rev. and Mrs. '60 (Martha Deever,

Mervyn '64), a

daughter, Mara Lynn, May 9. 1966-1967 — Kathryn Linda Hain, '67, and Thomas N. Martin, '66, June 10 in Dayton. Melissa Kay Hartzler, '67, and Charles Mat­ thew Wall, '66, June 18 in Westerville. Susanne Margaret Rosenberger, '67, and Frank Tippett, '66, June 17 in Central College, Ohio.


— Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Durig (Kay

Decker, '61), a daughter, Kelly Sue, Septem­ ber 21, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. John Reichard, '61, a son, John Timothy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Van Stone (Bon­ nie Jo Runyon, '61), a daughter, Veronica Jo,

1967 — Beverly Ann Irwin, x'67, and W. Robert Johnson on May 13 in Columbus. Salli Lee Sullivan, '67, and Airman l.c.

May 18, 1966.

Harry Dale Marvin on February 3 in Colum­ bus.

a son, Jeffrey Wade, December 8, 1964. Rev. and Mrs. David Schar, '62 (Sharron Smith, '62), a daughter, Julie Lynn, February

1968 — Virginia Ann Koontz, x'68, and David Allen Sharp on March 11 in Westerville.

14. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shaffer (Ella Baker,

Jayne Patton and Robert L. Roblin, on March 25 in Central College, Ohio.



'62), a daughter, Amy Noreen, May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Shartle, '62, their second child, a son, Alexander Brown Shartle,

'62), their second son, Russell James, Novem­

1953 — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harwood (Alice Argenbright, x'53), a son, Brian, No­ vember 9, 1965. Other children are Stephanie, 14, and Benjamin, 12.

(Nancy Vermilya, '54), a daughter, Jane Lynn, September 11, 1966. Chucky and Paul.

1962 — Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Collins, '62,

Jr., September 23, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Ward (Judy Hunt,

1954 — Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baughman

School of Public Health at Berkeley: Dr. Charles H. Neilson, '54, Master of Public

1960-1962 - Dr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Wright, '60, (Susan Allaman, '62), a son, Steven Keith,




Rev. and Mrs. James M. Bloom, '54, a son, Kenneth Scott, February 13. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Gibson, '54, a son, Stephen Arthur, May 15.

ber 11, 1966. 1962-1963 — Capt. and Mrs. Harvey Butler, '63,






Kirsten Marie, November 6, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dietrichs, '62, (Paula Zimmerman, '63), a son, Paul William, December 8, 1966. 1962- 1964 — Mr. and Mrs. John Naftzger, '62, (Sharon Minty, '64), a son, John Chris­ topher, March 5. 1963 — Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beamer, x'63,

1955 — Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Keim, '55, (Virginia Hill, '55), their third child, a daughter, Cynthia Lee, born March 15.


Fraley, '63), a


David, January

19. They also have a son Steven, 4. Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Franklin, '63, (Doris Jean Gorsuch, '63), a son, Richard Martin, No­


1956 — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Colberg (Joanne Yohn, '56), a daughter, February 23, in Day-

vember 20, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Stew Sanders, '63, a daughter,

1961 — Mary Kazmaier and Charles Croy, '61, in Troy, Ohio.


Maureen Lynn.

1962 — Constance Stamatis and Gerald L. Collins, '62, May, 1963, in Cleveland.

'57, (Marilyn Miller, '59), a son, Darren Jay, born May 9. Other children are Cindy and

1957-1959 — Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wyville,

Dale. 1963 — Terry Ciccimaro and Richard D. Emmons, '63, July 2, 1966, in Philadelphia. Susan Klenk, '63, and Dale E. Creamer, '63, June 24, in Mt. Healthy. Lydia Richardson, x'63, and J. Reynolds Van deve on November 25, 1966. 1964 — Diann Butterbaugh, x'64, and Dar­ rell R. Cook on July 19, 1964. 1965 — Dolores J. Cooley, '65, and Gerald L. Frintrup on March 4. Sue Murley, '65, and Robert Barry on July 30, 1966, in Chagrin Falls.


1963- 1964 — Lt. and Mrs. Lewis Rose, '63, (Claudia Smith, '64), a son, Lloyd Sloan, May 24. 1964 — Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baldwin (Judy

1959 — Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeArmas (Rosalie R. Mione, '59), twins, Paul and Victoria, July


26, 1966.


1960 — Mr. and Mrs. John M. Chamberlin (Janet Christy, '60), a daughter, Christy Anne,

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Cook (Diann But­ terbaugh, x'64), a daughter, Denise Lynn, February 10.

born September 15, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell


well, '64), a son, Geoffrey Mark, January 30.

Lovejoy, '58), a son, David Wendell, May 2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franer (Donna Louise

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gary Sfansbury, '64, a son, Robert Douglas, February 13.

Kesling, '60), a son, Scott William, April 26. A daughter, Suzanne Kay, was born Septem­ ber 7, 1965.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Ziegler, Jr., '64, (Sandra L. Joseph, '64), a son, Scott Lane, January 12.



son, Jeffrey



Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lininger (Judith ColeFoote,


1965 — Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Black (Naomi E. Black, '65), a daughter, Sheila Kay, De­ cember 31, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cappel (Roberta Brick, x'65), a daughter, Laura Lanette, September 21, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Carter, Jr., (Carol Darling, '65), a son, Wesley Michael, born February 18.


1968 — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuntz (Thora Molter, x'68), a son, Marc, December,

the Department of Speech, died recently. She taught for many years, headed the speech and drama department at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, and was dean of women at the former Central Normal College. Miss Etta K. Sayre, x'12, died in Columbus on April 8. She had retired after teaching for

1918 — Mrs. James C. Hilliard (Florence E. Mathias, x'18) died April 5 in Marion, Ohio. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs. W. O. Cover (Emma Jane, '43), and Mrs. F. H. Kipp (Elizabeth M., x'42).

many years at Columbus' North High School. She was the sister of Dr. Charles Sayre, Lon­ don, Ohio, and Harry F. Sayre, '07, of Ml.

She is survived by her husband, an Otterbein graduate of 1917, a daughter and son. Her sister, Mrs. Sylvester Dunn (Stella Kurtz) was also an Otterbein classmate of Mrs. Booth.

Sterling, Ohio. 1915 — Mrs. Walter Humphries (Sara Thomas, SS '15) died recently in Radnor,



Mrs. Clarence L. Booth (Charlotte Kurtz) died August 25, 1966, at Lewiston, Idaho.

1920 — Mrs. M. E. Gilmore (Lorna Clow) died on February 10. Her most recent home had been in Canton. 1921 — The Rev. Mr. Harold D. Halderman


died October 17, home in Dayton.

Dr. Fred C. Slager died March 20 in Co­ lumbus after a brief illness. Dr. Slager served






1927 — Mrs. Carl Walker (Ruth Nichols, x'27), Johnstown, Ohio, died in March.

the Columbus Public Schools in various capa­ cities from 1921 to 1960. After his retirement he taught for several years at Otterbein and was chairman of the Department of Education

1928 — Harold A. RippI, x'28, died on April 8 of an apparent heart attack in his home in Berea, Ohio. Mr. RippI was founder,

for three years. Mr. Walter G. Nord, grandfather of Joseph

president and chairman of the Universal Grinding Corporation.

Ignat, '65, and a member of the Centurion Club, died in Oberlin on May 16. Mr. Nord



— Robert P. Lewinter of University

City, Missouri, died December 12, 1966.

was president of the Ohio Mental Health As­ sociation, and was named small businessman of the year in 1965. He was chairman of the Board of the Nordson Corporation in Amherst and Chairman of Supervision Inc. in Cleve­

1943 — Gilmore Crosby died suddenly May 11. His widow is the former Dorothy Robert­ son, '44. 1953 — Julian R. White, x'53, died of lung cancer in September, 1965. Mr. White was a resident of West Nyack, New York.




1894 — Miss Annie B. Yothers died April near Stahlstown, Pennsylvania. Miss

1965 — Ohio State Patrolman Jan Birchem, Swanton, Ohio, was killed February 27 while

Yothers was a high school teacher for 36 years. She is survived by her brother, Clyde

pursuing two speeding automobiles. tended Otterbein College in 1965.

S. Yothers, '03, of Scottsdale, Pennsylvania.

He at­

Stanley C. Ross

1902 — Mrs. John D. Bott (Myra May Brinker) died November 8, 1966. Her home

Paul Frank Music OfFered

was in Birmingham, Alabama. 1910 — Dr. Forrest G. Ketner died April 9 in Columbus. Dr. Ketner was an authority on farming and animal husbandry. From 1934 to his retirement in 1959 he was the Executive Director of the Producers Live­ stock Association. In 1949 he was appointed by Governor Lausche to the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University and served until 1963. Twice he was chairman of the Board. During the same period he was a member of the Board of Control of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. In 1958 Otterbein con­ ferred upon him the honorary L.L.D. degree. For


number of years he


on the

Otterbein College Development Board. Two years ago Dr. Ketner established the Forrest G. and Maude Beery Ketner Scholar­ ship, with the income from the $5,000 fund to be awarded to students in public speaking and debate. Dr. Ketner is survived by his wife, his daughter, Mrs. S. L. Lehman (Clara F., x'32), and son, F. Wayne. 1911 — Clarence A. Mathias, x'll. Union

1916 — Stanley C. Ross, professor emeri­ tus and lecturer in economics at Smith Col­ lege, died March 23

suddenly of a heart attack on in Williamsburg, Massachusetts.

Prior to his 17 years on the faculty of Smith College, Mr. Ross had taught for 25 years at Wayland






those years as president. Mr. Ross was widely known as a lecturer on economic and gov­ ernmental subjects. His widow wrote of him, "He loved Otterbein. I have visited there with him several times and came to have the same strong feeling of respect and love for it that he did." Merle


Anthony Shaw



26 after a period of illness. As "Mrs. An­ thony," she served Otterbein for 17 years as head resident of Davis Cottage, Saum Hall, Clements Cottage and King Hall. Mrs. Shaw's

1912 — Mrs. Edwin B. Evans (Flora S. Evans,

CHORAL WORKS "Psalm 121"—Chorus and Organ "Years of the Modern"—words by Walt Whitman—A Cappella Choir "O




Chorus, A Cappella Choir VOCAL "Remembering"—words by Cleora Fuller —Medium voice and piano "Leisure"—words by W. H. Medium voice and piano


INSTRUMENTAL "Offertory for Organ" "Prelude for Organ" in the manner of a chaconne. "Twelve-Tone

(x'49), as did her sisters, Mabel Eubanks, '27,

Harpsichord (Piano). "Little Fugue for Flute and Clarinet"

and Shaw

Margaret is


Eubanks survived

Collins, by





George, three sons and a brother. 1917 — George Snow Dresbach, x'17, died in Circleville on February 16. Dr. Dresbach


Walt Whitman—Two versions. Men's

daughter, Phyllis Anthony, attended Otterbein

City, Pennsylvania, died in April.

x'12), widow of Otterbein's first teacher in

Mrs. Paul Frank is making the following works of Doctor Frank available for in­ terested alumni of Otterbein:





"Meditation for Cello and Piano" "Sonata for Violin and Piano" Write to the Department of Music for borrowing and for any special requests for personal copies of this music.

was a retired grain elevator manager.


Bulletin boar6 SUMMER THEATRE See page 2 for news of Otterbein's first summer theatre season. The arena style productions will be held in the air conditioned Campus Center, with five plays on the schedule, beginning June 27 and ending July 29. NOTE TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS An article on page ?? gives information about college entrance in the immediate and distant future, whether you are interested in enrolling in Otterbein or some other college. It fs written by Dean James V. Miller, and should be of interest to all high school students and their parents. HOMECOMING DATE IS SET October 21st is the date set for the annual fall Home­ coming. Begin now to make plans—mark your calendar— see the "new" campus—enjoy the fellowship of meeting classmates and faculty members. If the weather is bad, you can see the football game from the Campus Center lounge! SUMMER TPWERS Pictures of the reunion classes of the June commence­ ment will be carried in the next issue of Towers. We also plan a special feature—a full page of pictures of the sons and daughters of alumni with their parents. There were more than twenty in the graduating class. FRESHMAN ORIENTATION Orientation for new students in the fall will begin on Saturday, September 9. Regular first semester classes will begin at 7:45 A.M. on Monday, September 18. YOUR SUGGESTIONS WELCOME Don Martin, '37, chairman of the Committee for the Observance of the 125th Anniversary of the founding of Otterbein, would greatly appreciate receiving suggestions from alumni of appropriate events which might be planned for the anniversary year, 1971-72. Suggestions received in the Alumni Office will be referred to Don and his committee.

Graduates To Continue Study Graduate study will claim a high percentage of the recent June graduates of Otterbein. In the de­ partment of chemistry, for instance, four of eight majors will be in graduate schools. Doris Carter will enroll under a graduate assistantship at the Uni­ versity of Florida; Richard Sawyer will enroll at Syracuse University under a fellowship; Carleton Weav­ er has an assistantship at Ohio Uni­ versity, and Gladys Slocum has had several ofFers of assistantships from which to choose. Dan Bunce, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bunce (Louise Secrest x'29), has received a $3400 fellowship in physics at Rutgers University for the coming year. In the field of education, Marcia Sanders Holl has received the Ot­ terbein srhola'^shio to a+tend Ohio State; Carol Sorensen will study at lhe University of BufFalo; and Janet Blair has a fslational Science Foun­ dation grant to work toward a mas­ ter's degree at Bowling Green State University. Elma Lee Schmidt will attend the University of Wisconsin under an assistantship in theatre; James Bruce also has an assistantsh'^ in theatre at the University of Michi­ gan; and James Lewis has a theatre assistantship for study at the Uni­ versity of Kansas. Diana Bosely has received a graduate assistantship to take grad­ uate work in French at the Univer­ sity of Michigan. Fred Bennett will receive ad­ vanced training of a slightly differ­ ent nature, for he has accepted an invitation from the U.S. Informa­ tion Agency to become one of ten appointees in the nation to serve as a management intern in the de­ partment in the coming year.

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