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Sponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education
CONTENTS Editor’s Corner ................................................................... 3 Commencement, 1961 ........................................................ 4 Honorary Degree Recipients .............. 5 Commencement Address .................................................... 6-8 Campus and Alumni News .............................................. 9-10 May Day, 1961 ................................................................... 11 Development New's ........................................................... 12 Spoiliglu on Faculty ...... 13 Class Reunions .......................... 14-18 ,\lumni Awards ................................................................ 19 Flashes From The Classes ............................... 20-22 Births - Deaths - Marriages................................................ 23 Bulletin Board ........................ 24
"Her halls have their own message Of truth, and hope, and love, "Her stately tower Speaks naught but power For our dear Otterbein!” Otterbein Towers Editor
Arlliur L. Schultz, ’49 Assistant Editors
Ethel Steinmetz, ’31 Charlotte E. Combs
EDITOR'S comer
Otterbein College can be justly proud of the contribution Otterbein alumni are making in Sierra Leone, West Africa. This country celebrated its independence day on April 27. Dr. John Karefa-Smart, ’10, is foreign minister in the new goverment. Dr. Richard Caulker, ’35, this summer becomes Sierra Leone’s ambas-.ador to the United States with residence in Wash ington, D.C. Dr. Sylvester Broderick, ’24, has been active in educa tional affairs. John Akar, x’51, is head of the British Broadcasting Company and radio station in Freetown. We salute Sierra Leone, West Africa, and the Otterbein alumni, too numerous to mention in this brief column by name, and hope Sierra Leone w'ill jnove to be an examj>le among the other African nations.
COVER page
Dr. John Karefa-Smart, ’40, the commencement speaker for the Class of 1961 at Otterbein College, June 5, holds the post of Minis ter of External Affairs and Defence of Sierra Leone, West Africa. He is a physician and an ordained minister, having had his train ing in the Rotifunk School, Albert Academy, Fourah Bay College, Otterbein College, McGill and Harvard Universities. Dr, Karefa-Smart tvas formerly Minister of Lands, Mines and Labour in the Sierra Leone Government and for some years was in charge of World Health Organization for West Africa.
Published quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interests of alumni and friends. Entered as secondclass matter at the post office at Westerville, Ohio, under the act of August 24, 1912.
July, 1961 Volume 33 Number 4 MEMBER
Rhea McConaughy Howard, ’23 Ex-President
J. Robert Knight, ’28 Vice Presidents
James Eschbach, ’58 J. Parker Heck, ’30 Helen Moses. ’16 Secretary
Elsie llennert Short, ’35 M ern bers-at-Large
.Alice Davison Troop, ’23 Dwight C. Ballenger, ’39 Denton Elliott, ’37 Faculty Representatives
John Becker, ’50 Roger Wiley, ’52 Ex-officio College Treasurer and Presidents of Alumni Clubs
One hundred seventy-one seniors were graduated from Otterbein Cjollege in commencement cere monies June 5. President Lynn W. I'urner conferred the following de grees: Bachelor of Arts, 71; Bache lor of Science, 48; Bachelor of Science in Education, 54; Bachelor of Music Education, 10, and Bache lor of Music, 1. Thirteen students earned two degrees. Twelve students were graduated with honors: Opal Adkins, Dayton, Ohio; David Deever, Westerville, Ohio; Doris Eranks, Dover, Ohio; Bernice Glor, Grand Island, New York; Marcia Jones, Fairborn, Ohio; Nanc-y Myers, Ganton, Ohio; Judy Pohner, Louisville, Ohio; James Shackson, Westerville, Ohio; Nerita Darling Smith, Youngwood, Pa.; Carol Ann Thompson, Can ton, Ohio; Adelaide Weir, Pitts burgh, Pa.; and Edwin Westbrook, Marengo, Ohio. Graduating with honors requires a cumulative point average of 3.7 or more. Twenty-two students who had a cumulative point average 3.8 or more in their major fields graduat ed with departmental honors: Re becca Rucker Berry, Westerville, Ohio; Michael Christian, Green ville, Ohio; Jill Davenport, Me dina, Ohio; David Deever, Wester ville, Ohio; Margaret English, But ler, Pa.; Doris Franks, Dover, Ohio; Bernice Glor, Grand Island, New York; Judith Graham, Brookville, Ohio; Nancy Hamilton, Pitts burgh, Pa.; Alice Heft, Sycamore, Ohio; Marcia Jones, Fairborn, Ohio; Nancy Jones, Delaware, Ohio; Conrad Meek, St. Michael, Pa.; Nancy Myers, Canton, Ohio; Kent Plowman, Glasgow, Ky.; Judy Pohner, Louisville, Ohio; Ronald Ritchie, Staten Island, N.Y.; Nerita Darling Smith, Youngwood, Pa.; Carol Thompson, Canton, Ohio; James Walter, Birmingham, Mich.; Adelaide Weir, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Edwin Westbrook, Marengo, Ohio. David L. Deever, and James R. Walter, gradualed With Distinclion. 4
Dr. John Karefa-Smart, commencement speaker, poses with President Lynn W. Turner.
Dr. Smart receives congratulations from Ambassador William Sierra Leone, as Mrs. Fitzjohn smiles approval.
Honor graduates, (left to right) David L. Deever and James R. Waiter.
Honorary Degree Recipients
Left to right: Dr. John C. Searle, Sr., Dr. John Karefa-Smart, Dr. Edwin P. Eberly.
Three honorary degrees were conferred during the Commence ment ceremonies. Dr. John Albert Musselman Karefa-Smart, Minister of External Affairs and Defence of Sierra Leone, West Africa, received the Doctor of Laws degree. He was graduated from Otterbein Coillege with a Bachelor of Science de cree in 1940. Alter graduation from Otterbein he served as a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and then attended McGill University where he received the Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery degrees as w^ell as a Dip loma in Tropical Medicine. In 1947 he went to Harvard Univer sity receiving his Master of Public Health degree from there in 1948. Returning to his native land, he served as a doctor in the Evangel ical United Brethren Mission at Rotifunk in Sierra Leone until he joined the faculty of the University of Nigeria College of Medicine as a lecturer in preventive medicine. In 1958 Dr. Karefa-Smart was given the portfolio of Minister of Slines, Lands and Labour, and in April of this year, when Sierra Le one became independent, he be came the nation’s first foreign min ister.
The Doctor of Divinity degree was conferred upon the Reverend Edwin Paul Eberly who was gradu ated from Otterbein in 1932 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. After being ordained by the East Ohio Annual Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren
Church in 1931, Rev. Eberly served Ohio congregations in Cambridge, Lorain, Warren, and Akron. In 1958 he w\is elected Superin tendent of Ohio East Conference and has represented his conference at General Conferences of the church. Rev. Eberly also served as the President of the Conference Board of Missions and as a trustee of Otterbein College. Also receiving the honorary de gree of Doctor of Divinity was the Reverend John C. Searle, Sr., Dis trict Superintendent of the Ohio Sandusky Conference of the Evan gelical United Brethren Church. Rev. Searle attended Moody Bible Institute and was graduated fiom United Seminary. He has solved as minister in some of our strongest churches including that at Bowling Green, Ohio, where he administered to many EUB stu dents, and was recently chosen by the Ohio Sandusky Conference to represent it as a trustee of Otter bein College. Rev. Searle was cited for his service to the church and for his loyal support of Otterbein (College.
Left to right: Dr. Daniel D. Corl, Dr. Jerry G. Spears, Dr. J. Castro Smith.
On Founders Day, April 26, Otterbein College conferred the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree upon Rev. Daniel D. Corl, Superintendent of the Ohio Sandusky Conference of the E.U.B. Church, and upon Rev. J. Castro Smith, ’38, Sujjerintendent of the Tennessee Conference of the E.U.B. Church. The honorary Doctor of Laws degree wms conferred upon Mr. Jerry G. Spears, Sr., ’27, Director of the Jerry SjDears Company. (Story on page 8) 5
The continent of Africa, or more precisely, that part of the contin ent of Africa which lies South of the Sahara desert, has always been an enigma and a challenge to the rest of the world. Unlike the Am erican continents, whose existence was not even learned of until it was stuiTd)led upon by sailors from Asia and from Europe, including Arnerico and Christopher Colum bus, the African continent tantaliz ed the successive civilizations of Europe and Asia by, as it were, showing a welcoming smile along the southern border of the Medi terranean, while at the same time erecting an impenetrable barrier —the great Sahara desert—to stop any further bold advances to the south. When, beginning with the preChristian era, voyages of Hanno of Carthage and through those of the fifteenth century Portuguese sailors, inspired by Henry the sailor prince, Europeans discovered more and more of the coastline. Nature her self came to the defense, and ma laria and yellow fever kept the tres passers at bay until less than a cen tury ago. Some African nationalists have for this reason seriously pro posed that a statue should be erect ed in honor of the mosquito, the agent through which these two di seases are transmitted. So Africa came to be known as the unknown continent, as the dark continent. The fable of the sour grapes best describes the real challenge which lay behind these names. How much larger, and greater, and more diverse the em pires of the Pharaohs, of Alexander of Macedonia, of the Caesars, and of the Holy Roman Emperors would have been if they had em braced the vast territories beyond the Sahara! It is a sad commentary on hu6
is what they were—human cargoone can then begin to have some slight understanding of what this slave trade did to Africa. Industrial Revolution
man values that when the spirit of adventure for its own sake did not succeed, the motives of greed for wealth and power succeeded in two entirely different develop ments of Western European his tory, to battle successfully against the barriers of the African contin ent. Slave Trade
'I’he first development was the planting of the colonies in North America and the unsatisfied need for manpower which discovered the centuries-old slave trade in Africa, and then encouraged it to disastrous proportions in order to satisfy the need of the American plantations. When one realizes that the twelve million American Neg roes in this country trace their ori gins to this development, and fur ther that only a small fraction of those who were torn from their homes and families by the slave dealers survived the voyage by sailing ships, hazardous under the best circumstances, but infinitely murderous in the conditions under which the Africans were packed and transported as cargo, for that
The second development in Euro])ean history which led to fur ther invasions into Africa, was the Industrial Revolution. When the productive power of the machine became established, the raw mater ials of the African continent sud denly became more profitable than “human cargo”, and “liquid gold”, the apt name given to palm oil, and other products of the African forest fillecl the ships instead. The lives of thousands of European merchants were sacrificed to the dread enemy, the mosquito, before the battle-tide finally turned in favor of advances in medical science which led to victory over the mosquito. What was more natural than to divide the source of all this new European wealth among the great powers of Europe. So it came about that around a conference table in Berlin, just before the end of the last century, the pens of the states men of England, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany carved up Africa on the map before them. When it was convenient they fol lowed a river, or a mountain range —but not once did they pay any attention to the human popula tions, and families were separated as tribes were divided by the stroke of the pen. End of Colonialism
Africans lived under this state of affairs—colonial domination—until the enunciation of the principles of the Atlantic Charter, during the second world war, spelled out the end of Colonialism. The rest of the story is familiar to you. At the end of the war, among all the countries beyond the Sahara, only Ethiopia
and Liberia were sovereign and indejjendent. Today there are more than twenty sovereign states in the same area, and by the end of the next year, it is quite likely that the only countries on the whole con tinent that would not have thrown off the colonial yoke will be the Portuguese and Spanish colonies. Continent of the Future
From being the Dark Continent, Africa is gradually coming to be known as the Continent of the Fu ture. It is this transformation which constitutes the challenge of Africa today, in the same way as there is a challenge in every tomor row. Firstly, Africa is still very gen erally unknown. When I remind Americans to whom I speak that the whole of the United States of America can be fitted into the Sahara desert, and that all of Eur ope and India and China can then be put into the rest of the contin ent, they usually gasp in surprise. But it is not only ignorance of the physical geography of Africa of w'hich I speak, ignorance of the Re volution which is taking place in Africa is more important. Such ig norance is particularly surprising among Christians, because the con tribution of the Christian Church to this revolution is unquestion able. There can be no revolution without men and without ideas. If it is noted that in a country like my own. Sierra Leone, although less than one third of the popula tion are Christians, yet the Prime Minister and more than half of the Cabinet are Christians, you will agree with me that Christian mis sions have contributed their share of the men behind the Revolution. What about the ideas? Where is it more clearly spelled out than in the Christian Gospel that each man, and all men, are the sons of God, and as sons of God they can be, and are entitled to be, free in body, mind and spirit? I have already referred to the merchants who died in establish ing Empires in Africa. Christian missionaries died beside them—a
good few from Otterbein College. The only difference is that they lived and died to set Africans free from ignorance, fear, siqjerslition and sin. Challenge to Christians
The most important challenge therefore of Africa to Christians today—whether they are in America or in Europe—is the challenge to channel and to build constructive ly on the Revolution which they have helped to produce. The new, free nations of Africa are confronted from within by a basic under-development of their physical and human resources. The needs are very real and very urgent. Those of us who are in positions of leadership and who are Chris tians, know that the best way to be gin to meet these needs, is to make new men, who accept that to lead is to serve. But, unfortunately, there are other would-be benefac tors who have their own ideas of a new kind of ruthless men, who will adopt any means to gain their own ends, and for whom not service, but poxuer is an attribute of leader ship. It is our hope that our fellowChristians in the churches in Am erica will realize that this is the time to redouble all efforts to sup port and strengthen the church in Africa as it faces the challenge to provide men to match the revolu tion. In the international field Africa has also recently assumed a new importance which constitutes a challenge. At the United Nations, the combined votes of the new African nations are now enough to be crucial in any decisions taken by that body. It is my hope that all African countries will make it quite clear that they are on the side of right and not of might, on the side of freedom and not of domination of any kind, on the side of respect of human dignity, and not of human debasement. It is for this reason that we must speak out frankly—even to our friends—when their actions belie their words, in these great fields of human rights.
Future of Africa
As 1 have already said, the future of Africa, because it is unknown, constitutes a challenge. Will the African countries decide that only the formation of a strong third power can effectively reduce the East-West struggle, and decide to become a United States of Africa? Must such a new third force also join the race for arms? Will the individual nations retain their sov ereignty, and can they maintain a “positive-neutrality” towards the east and the west? These are ques tions to which nobody knows the answer; yet whatever the answer turns out to be, it will have a mark ed effect on the lives of all men, everywhere. What has all this got to do with the graduating class of 1961 at Otterbein Gollege? The answer is—plenty. Firstly, you young men and wo men are the bearers of a proud heritage. The founders of this in stitution, basing their actions on the Christian Gospel, took a posi tive stand on the side of right when they championed over one hundred years ago equal oppor tunities for college education for women as for men. And, only a few miles from Westerville, is the town ship of .Africa, Ohio, one of the ter mini of the underground freedom railroad of the Civil War. It does not take much to imagine the kind ly welcome and siq)port that slaves seeking their freedom got from the faculty and students of Otterbein. Today the Freedom Riders may be in Alabama or Mississippi; and those who seek equal opportuni ties to experience a common hu man dignity may be in Angola, or in Johannesburg, but I trust that they will receive support and un derstanding from the modern sons and daughters of Otterbein. Otterbein's Link with Africa
One of the results of the first missionaries of the former United Brethren Church to Africa was that an uncle of mine, Joseph Caulker, at the turn of the century, came to Otterbein. He lost his life (Continued on next page)
The Challenge of Africa
{Continued frojn preceding p(ige) in a tragic accident on this cam pus, but following his death there has been a constant two-way tralfic between Otterbein and my country. Young American gradu ates from Otterbein became engag ed in the missionary enterprise in Sierra Leone, and young Africans like myself came to Otterbein for academic training in leadershijj for serving the needs of our people. The challenge of today demands that this exchange must continue. Although you may no longer come to us as leaders in the church, but rather as fraternal workers, we also need your help in all forms of technical assistance, whether in the itew Peace Corps Program of Pres ident Kennedy, or in other pro grams of technical assistance of your government or of the United Nations and its specialized agen cies. It takes men and women ded icated to the spiritual goals of a common humanity to be bearers ol the knowledge which can bring technical advance and freedom from undernourishment and from disease, and do so with humility and love and not with condescend ing pride. In one word, what the Revolu tion in Africa demands of you is involvement. We need you, and you cannot afford to be merely spectators. Whether the present revolution leads to progress for all mankind or to disaster for all man kind depends as much upon you as upon us. May the Almighty guide you to your jjlace and your tasks in these challenging days. VISITING SCIENTIST
Dr. H. E. Wilcox, distinguished professor of chemistry at Birming ham-Southern College, Birming ham, Alabama, was the “Visiting Scientist” on Oiterbein’s campus on Aj)ril 27 and 28. During his stay. Dr. Wilcox lec tured to a full schedule of chemis try classes and held conferences with students, faculty members and administrative officers. 8
Otterbein Grad Is New Ambassador Dr. Richard Edmund Kelfa-Caulker, '35 (center), newly appointed ambassador to this country from Sierra Leone, Africa, talks with President John F. Kennedy in the White House while presenting his credentials. At left is G. Mennen Williams, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Dr. Caulker was graduated from Otterbein College in 1935. His daughter, Imodale, will be a junior at Otterbein in the fall.
Ihirty-six OtteiLeiii students and reteiu gratluates joined with thirty students of North Central College, Naperville, Illinois, on a European tour this summer. Under the leadership of Arthur L. Schultz, Director of Public Relations and Admissions, the grouj) left Idlewild Airport, New York City on June 14 by Sabena Jet for Manchester, England. Besides England their itinerary includes The Netherlands, Germ any, Switzerland, Italy, France and Belgium. A planned program was arranged for visiting places of his torical and cultural significance, living in homes wherever possible, presenting programs in EUB churches and schools, stuefying problems and conditions in vari ous countries, participating in in ternational camps, and interview ing government leaders. Interspersed between tours, pro grams and traveling, the group is allowed “free” days on which they may take optional tours. On their last stop in Paris they will tour museums, be briefed on France and Algeria, and spend an evening at the opera.
d'he I I 1th anniversary of the founding of Otterbein Ccjllege was observed April 26 with a special Founders’ Day Convocation pro gram. Dean William S. Guthrie, Executive Dean, Student Relations, The Ohio State University, deliver ed the Founders’ Day address. The honorary degrees of Doctor of Divinity were conferred upon The Reverend Daniel D. Corl, B.A., B.D., Superintendent, The Ohio Sandusky Conference of the EUB Church, Findlay, Ohio and The Reverend J. Castro Smith, B.A., Superintendent, Tennessee Conference of the EUB Church, Knoxville, Tennessee. The honor ary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Mr. Jerry G. Spears, Sr., B.A., Director, The Jerry Spears Company, Funeral Di rectors, Columbus, Ohio. BACCALAUREATE
Dr. Paul M. Herrick, Resident Bishop of the Central Area, Evan gelical United Brethren Church, delivered the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday, June 4.
Seated—Mrs. Ira Sanders, Mrs. Vincent Arnold, Mr. Morris Allton, Mrs. Burdette Wood, Mrs. H. J. Ackerman. Standing—Mr. Sanders, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Wood, Mr. Ackerman.
The Westerville Women’s Music Club is happy to announce that the remainder of the S2,000.00 Frances Harris Memorial Scholar ship Fund has just been reached through the generous gift of Mrs. Helen Holscher who was a collea gue of Miss Harris on the Otterbein Music b’aculty. The Music Chdi wishes to thank all former students and friends of Miss Han is who contributed to this fund.
If you were watching nationwide television a few weeks ago you s;iw John Franklin Smith, ’10, talking about Otterbein on “About Faces’’. Professor Smith has been talking aljout Otterbein most of his life, making its goals his goals. His friends, colleagues and stu dents all over the country have banded together to do him honor by establishing the J. F. Smith Scholarship Fund. Contributions to the Smith Scholarship Fund can be made through the Development Fund of Otterbein College. Let’s make this a significant fund in honor of a truly distinguished educator.
THEOLOGICAL DEGREES The following Olterbein alumni are members of the 1961 graduating class of United Theological Seminary with the bachelor of Divinity degree: bruce E. beavers, ’57 Charles W. bradford, ’57 Raymond W. Cartwright, Jr., ’58 Thomas E. Kipko, ’58 Robert S. Eulton ’57 Neal G. Lund, ’58 William R. Lutz, Jr., ’56 Richard L. Myers, ’58 Kyle S. Phipps, ’57 Eugene E. Purdy, ’57 David W. Schneider, ’58 Charles E. Selby, ’57 .Man Craig .South, ’57 Richard .\. Young, ’56 Also a member of the 1961 class at United Eheological Seminary, gradtiating with a Master of Religious Education degree is: Patricia Ann Caldwell, ’58 Graduating on May 8 from the Evan gelical Theological Seminary, Naperville, Illinois, with a Bachelor of Divinity de gree was: David E. Dietzel, ’57
Otterbein Elected TO CEEB
One of 350 American colleges and universities holding member ship, Otterbein in October was of ficially voted into membership in the College Entrance Examination Board. The bc^ard, a non-profit organ ization, conducts research and ser vice activities in the field of col lege admissions. Its best known activity is its program of entiance examinations. It also sjionsors an advanced placement program through which member schools give college credit for college-level courses taken in secondary schools.
During the jjast school year, a Parents Committee was organized at Otterbein with Morris E. All ton, ’36, father of Marilyn Allton, ’61, as chairman. The committee was in session twice during the year. At the in itial meeting President Turner stressed the fact that the college ad ministration and parents have one thing in common; namely, what is best for the Otterbein students. “It is our desire to bring parents more fully into the Otterbein family and make them a part of the team which is engaged in providing the [)est possible education for our stu dents,’’ said Dr. Turner in com menting on the purpose of the or ganization. The first major activities of the committee will be (1) to assist in the freshman orientation program on the clay new students arrive in the fall, and (2) to assist in plan ning a Parents Day to take the place of the Dads’ Day observed over the past few years. Some of the special features of Dads’ Day will be continued and new ones added. The committee to jjlan this clay, which will be on October M, consists of two parents, two admin istrative officers, two faculty mem bers and two students. The committee urged the con tinuation of the policy of sending TOWERS to all parents of stu dents and recommended that one page be devoted to items of special interest to parents. It also recommended that the T k C should be made available to parents on a paid-subscription basis. Mr. Schultz, director of the al umni jirogram, reported that al umni chd)s will be encouraged to make parents an integral j>art of their did) life and organization. TTie chairman of the Parents Committee will automatically be a member of the Development Board. The college welcomes this new committee and believes that a new avenue has been found whereby it can better serve its students. 9
Olle^^l ein One of the objectives of the “Otterbein Room” collection in the Oollege Lil)rary is to bring to gether as comj>lete a gathering as j>ossible of writings past and j)resent by graduates and faculty members of Otterbein. The “Otter bein Authors” shelf is as yet rather short, but it is a good start and the collection should grow rapidly. You may 1x3 able to help. Best of all, if you happen to have copies of either your own or some other Otterbinian’s books, that you can spare, send them to Dr. Robert Price, curator of the Otterbein Room, who will see that they are guided safely to their permanent place of honor. Or, if you know of such publications, send in the names of authors and titles so that they can be put in the record for possible future acquisitions. We are printing below a list of the Otterbein-authored books now in the collection. Pamphlets, maga zine articles, music and manu
scripts, also wanted, are omitted here for lack of space. Books by Otterbein Authors in the Otterbein Room Collection. Ilartk’lt, Willard W., Education for Hu manity. I'he Story of Otterbein College,
1934. I'he Man by the Side of the Road, 1938. Beardshear, William Miller, A Boy Again and Other Prose Poems, 1904. Benton, Brantford B., Sentimental Cynic,
n.d. Brane,
Dennis DeWitt, A Sequential Science of Ooxjernment, 1934. Burkhart, Roy A., From Friendship to Marriage, 1937. Hme the Church Groxvs, 1947. // It Were Not So, 1950. The Secret of a Hapfxy Marriage, 1949. The Secret of Life, 1950. Davis, Rev. Lewis, The Life of Rev. David F.dxvards, D.D., Late a Bishop, 1883. Drury, Horace B. and Edwin G. Nourse, Industrial Price Policies and Economic Progress, 1938. Drury, Horace Bookwalter, Scientific Management, 1915. Funk, William Ross, Life of Bishop J. S. Mills, D.D., 1913. Garst, Henry, History of Otterbein Col lege, 1907.
Grimes, Edward Breene, Poems for All the Family, 1929. Hetzler, C. E., Life Lines, 1955. Run of Mine. Poems That Say Some thing, 1952. Lorenz, E'.dmund S., Music in Work and Worship, 1925.
MacDonald, Susanne Kumler (Anne MacFarland) , Three Score Years and Then, Memories, 1955. Markley, Mary Mauger, America and the Story of the Prophets, 1950. Matthews, Paul, Beyond This Day, 1959. Miller, Elizabeth Kumler, Poems, 1909. Pulse, Charles K., John Bonxvell. A Nox/el of the Ohio Rixxer Valley, I8I8-1S62,
1952. Pottenger, Francis Marion, The Fight Against Tuberculosis, 1952. Tuberculosis, 1948. Price, Robert, Johnny Appleseed: Man and Myth, 1954. Sanders, T. J., The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, 1890. Saul, F. William', Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple, 1949. Sholty, Alva H., Txvice in Txvo Thousand Years, 1946. Thompson, H. A., Our Bishops, 1889. Women of the Bible, 1914. Willis, Jeanne Morgan, The Morphology and Anatomy of American Species of the Genus Psaronius. 1959.
After a period of ten year’s in activity, Rho Kappa Delta Soror ity, Arcady, was re-activated on May 7, 19(il. As a result of action taken by the original reorganization com mittee composed of (Catherine Sitt er Frey, and Dorothy Deane Schmidt, ’50, a permanent re-acti vation committee was formed in order to organize the sorority. The permanent committee was com|K)sed of Arcady alumnae Catherine Suter PYey, ’49; Edith Gallagher, ’47; Miriam Ziegler Beams, ’48; Donna Love Lord, ’.S9; and active representative, Sheila Leonard. Of ficers for the newly-active cha[)ter indude jiresident, |o Ann Hoff man; vice-president, Judith Carter; secretary, Sandra Holby; and alum nae secretary, Ruth Freeman. Dr. Elizabeth O’Bear and Mrs. Fred I'haycr serve as faculty advisers. -
Marguerite Simms. SECOND ROW, left to right: Sheila Leonard, Judith Carter, Jo Ann Hoffman, Susan Gribler.
iL WoJ llie i^oating^
The May Day Queen, Miss Sue Milam, dressed in traditional white holds a bouquet of red roses.
The May Day Queen poses with her court. Pictured, left to right, are: retiring queen Miss Marilyn Allton; second attendant Miss Cathie Hawkins; the queen. Miss Sue Milam; maid of honor, Miss Jean Erichsen; and first attendant. Miss Judy Jones. Standing in front of the queen and her attendants are the flower girl, Tracy Dodrill and the crown bearer, Tim Kish.
May Day, 1%1, at Ottcrbciii Col lege took its theme from tlic era of the May Day play, “Inherit the Wind”, a drama based on the lanious John Scopes trial of 1925. The jjrogram followed a judic ial format insjjired by the court room scenes of the play, as the cpieen and her court in traditional splendor reign ed over the festivities of the day. Miss Sue Milam, a junior from Nitro, West Virginia, was crowned 1961 May Queen in a ceremony held on Saturday morning. May 13, in the Westerville City Park bandshell. A psychology and soci ology major. Miss Milam is a mem ber of Ej)silon Kappa Tau (Arbu tus) sorority for which she serves as chaplain. She is also a cheer leader, a member of WAA, Delta Tau Chi and Church Choir, and has been selected to be a junior counselor for next year. The cjueen’s court included the retiring cpieen. Miss Marilyn All ton, Westerville; maid of honor. Miss Jean Erichsen, Greensburg; attendants. Miss Judy Jones, Pay Village, and Miss (iathie Hawkins, Warren; flower girl, Tracy Dodrill; and crown-bearer, Tim Kish. The May Day festivities began with the May Day Breakfast spon sored by the YW(^.\. At 10:30 a.m. the May Day pageant, following the Roaring 20’s theme, was pre sented in the Band Shell. The iden tity of the queen was not revealed until that time. Tlie morning piogiam which featured the clowning of the queen, also included presentations of the Modern Dance Club, Quiz, and Quill and singing groups; and concluded with the traditional winding of the May Pole. A carillonic bell recital, trackmeet, and sorority teas filled the afternoon hours, and the clay’s pro gram ended with the homecoming play presented to the cjueen and her court in Cowan Hall in the evening. Directing the day’s activities were Miss Carol Johannesen, gen eral chairman, and Miss Bernice Glor, program chairman. -
On the Way to a New Record in Giving ALUMNI
During the lirsl six months ol 19f)l, 1,817 alumni contributed and jjledged a total of $69,637.46 to wards our goals of 2,500 gifts and $95,000. It would appear that we should easily reach our goals; how ever, we must remember that per sonal solicitations in six major Ohio cities have been completed. If every one who contributed in 1960 will repeat his gift this year, we shall exceed our goals. In the six Ohio cities (Cincin nati, Dayton, Columbus, Akron, Toledo, Cleveland) and suburbs, a total of 2,421 Otterbein alumni were solicited personally in joint campaigns with 17 other Ohio Col leges. In these efforts, 1,420 (58. 2%) responded with gifts totaling $27,902. Of the seventeen colleges in the cooperative effort, seven have more than 2,000 alumni in the six cities. They are as follows: Dayton 4,462, Ohio Wesleyan 4,015, Bald win Wallace 3,540, Wittenberg 2,5()6, Otterbein 2,421, Capital 2,356 and Denison 2,222. Of these seven larger colleges, Otterbein stood first in the per centage contributing and fourth in the amount contributed.
On the following pages is a rec ord of the 1,381 corporations do ing business in Ohio, which last year contributed over a million dollars to the 31 private colleges making up the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges. Otterbein’s share of this total amounted to $30,931.38. In the ten years since the Foundation was or ganized, corporations have contri buted to Otterbein over a cpiarter million dollars. These corporations deserve our vote of appreciation. Look over the list and, whenever possible, give them your business. If oppor tunity permits, express to officials of these companies your thanks for their suj)port of the jjrivate col leges of Ohio.
Otterbein receives $50.00 annual ly from the E.U.B. Church. This is in addition to amounts received through special campaigns such as the United Crusade of 1955-59. Members of the church contri bute only 42c per year per mem ber for the annual support of their seven colleges. This is surely inadecpiate support. Otterbein has challenged the conferences in its area to raise an additional $1.00 per member per year to be used as follows: one half for ojjerating purposes of the college and one half for financial aid for the students attending Ot terbein from each of the confer ences. The conferences have ac cepted the challenge and will make an effort in that direction this year.
Evelyn Bale Helunis Tu Ollerliein
Early in the year Jim Toedtman. Capital '36, challenged his wife, Ella B. Smith I’oedtman, Otterbein ’36, to a contest involv ing financial class supjK)rt of their alma maters. Ella B. promptly ac cepted. The contest was to close on Alumni Day. When the fateful day arrived, these were the results: Otterbein Capital Number in class 135 77 46 Number of gifts 28 Percentage 36..36 34.07 Total $804.00 $827.50 Average gift $28.71 $17.98 Since Alumni Day, the Otterbein totals have been boosted to 35 gifts (45.4%) and $1,004.00 or an average gift of $28.68. -
Evelyn Bale
Alumni and other friends of Otterbein will be pleased to learn that Mrs. William C. Bale (Evelyn Edwards, ’30) has returned to her alma mater in an administrative capacity. Her new {position is that of Assistant to the Vice President in Charge of Development.
Mrs. Bale joined the Otterbein staff in 1942 as secretary to the president. In 1944, she became the assistant to the Centennial Direc tor and played an important role in the planning of the Centennial observance, and in the promotion of the financial campaign which raised $640,000. She is best remem bered for her co-authorship of the Centennial drama. Each in His T irne. Following the Centennial, she assisted in the organization of the Development Program which has proved so invaluable to the col lege over the past thirteen years. From 1949-1952 she served in an administrative capacity at Ohio Northern University and from 1952 until the present, she was the Office Manager, Student Field Ex perience Office, College of Educa tion, the Ohio State University. With the launching of the tenyear campaign for $5,000,000 ad ditional staff is recjuired for the Development Office. With Mrs. {Continued on page 13)
HIRTY-TWO colleges working together in the Ohio Foundation of Independent gj ^ Colleges share with friends the names of 1282 “corporate good citizens” whose gifts have made the Foundation’s tenth anniversary a mil lion dollar year. Now more and larger gifts are needed if the colleges are to serve adequately, without tax support, ever-growing enrollments. Alumni and other friends will help as they note and commend firms listed here, encourage still others to add their names.
MEMBER COLLEGES (With Founding Dote)
Kenyon College (1824) Denison University (1831) Oherlin College (1833) Marietta College (1835) Muskingum College (1837) Ohio Wesleyan University (1842) Baldwin-Wallace College (1845) Wittenberg University (1845) Mount Union College (1846) Otterbein College (1847) Capital University (1850) Defiance College (1850) Heidelberg College (1850) Hiram Cdlege (1850) University of Dayton (1850) Antioch College (1852) Western College for Women ■^(1853)
Lake Erie College (1856) College of Wooker (1866) Wilmington College (1870) Ohio Northern University (1871) Ursuline College for Women (1871) Ashland College (1878) Findlay College (1882) Bluffton College (1899) College of St. Mary of the Springs (1911) Mount St. Joseph On The Ohio (1920) Mary Manse College (1922) Notre Dame College (1922) St. John College (1928) Our Lady of Cincinnati College (1935) College of Steubenville (1946)
dation is now half way toward its goal. Charts here show the need and the help given thus far by firms honored on these pages. Enrollments have doubled in the 10 years Ohio’s non-tax-supported colleges have been work ing together in the Foundation. Plans have been made for at least 50 percent more students in the next 10 years. Every stu dent paying most of his own way in an independent college means a savings in business tax es estimated up to $1,000 per year, over compulsory cost to Dusiness if the student had needed to go instead to a public university. Business contributions have been of greatest aid in making possible long-delayed increases in faculty salaries. With this as sistance, averages for all ranks have gone up considerably, but they still suffer in comparison with the 1960 average or $6270 reported for U. S. railroad work ers, to mention only one ex ample. The continuing need, then, is for still more corporate gifts to advance college salaries to the point where the best of present teachers can be retained and many new ones of high qualifications obtained for those ever-increasing student bodies. In contributions reported here, business firms now give about one-ninth of the amount OFIC colleges must receive in gifts each year, beyond tuition and other sources of income. Surely the new goal of twoninths, instead of one, is a rea sonable request for the business world which, in this better prep aration of both its workers and its patrons, is the greatest bene ficiary of the colleges.
W0B 0010.05 APA
Li 1 Liberty National Bank 6 2 1 2 4 7 4 7
A-C Supply Company Akron Coca-Cola Bottling Company Akron Craftsman Printing Company Akron Electrotype & Stereetype Company Akron Equipment Company Akron Porcelain Company Akron Savings Cr Loan Company Akron Standard Mold Company, Lectromelt Casting Div. 2 Austin Print Works Company 1 Babcox Publications, Inc. 5 Burt Manufacturing Company 1 Crawford Letter Co. 5 Danner Press, Inc. 1 Diamond Crystal Salt Company 2 Fairlawn Supply & Concrete Company 9 Firestone Tire Gr Rubber Company 7 First National Bank of Akron 8 General Tire Foundation (General Tire & Rubber Company) 2 Golden Age Beverage Company 6 Good Supply Cr Equipment Company 9 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2 Hygienic Dental Manufacturing Company 5 Imperial Electric Company 8 McNeil Machine & Engineering Company 2 Mohawk Rubber Company 10 National Rubber Machinery Company 3 Nobil Shoe Company 5 Overland Transportation Company 6 Roadway Express, Inc. 4 Rogers (Company, B. W. 1 Salem, Inc., K. T. 4 Seiberling Rubber Company 1 Sift Shoe Company 3 Steere Enterprises, Inc. 1 Summit Mortgage Company 1 Towell, Inc., Dave 2 Wright Company, W. E. 1 Yanko's, Nick
ALLIANCE 5 Alliance Clay Product Company 2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Alliance 3 Morgan Engineering Foundation
AMHERST 9 U. S. Automatic Foundation
ARCHBOLD 5 Farmers & Merchants State Bank
ASHLAND 2 Ashland Bank Cr Savings Company 6 Myers Cr Brothers Company, F. E. 5 Vick Chemical Company, Hess & Clark, Div.
ASHTABULA 2 Ashtabula Bow Socket Company 1 Ashtabula Telephone Company 1 Commercial Bank of Ashtabula 7 Farmers National Bank Cr Trust Company 5 Molded Fiber Glass Body Company 6 Molded Fiber Glass Company 4 Northeastern Ohio National Bank 2 Painesville Coca-Cola Bottling Company 2 People's Savings Cr Loan Company 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
ATHENS 7 Royal McBee Corporation, McBee Products Div.
ATTICA 4 Sutton State Bank
BARBERTON 7 Rockwell Charitable Trust (Rockwell Manufacturing Company 6 Yoder Brothers, Inc.
BELLEFONTAINE 2 Belletontaine Coca-Cola Bottling Company 4 Knowiton Construction Company
BELLEVUE 5 Northern Ohio Telephone Company 5 Union Bank Cr Savings Company
BOWLING GREEN 1 Bowling Green Banking Company 2 Uhlman and Company, F. W.
BRYAN 3 Eider Company, Paul B. 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
BUCYRUS 4 Shunk Manufacturing Company 2 Swan Rubber Company
BURTON 8 First National Bank of Burton
CAMBRIDGE 2 Cambridge Coca-Cola Bottling Company
CANTON 5 9 5 8 3 3 9
Automatic Steel Products, Inc. Belden Brick Company Bliss Company, E. W. Bowdil Company Bowman Brothers Drug Company Brush-Moore Newspapers, Inc. Buxbaum Foundation (Buxbaum Company)
1 Canton Drop Forging & Manufacturing Company Canton Engraving Cr Electrotype Company Canton National Bank Canton Supply Company Caxton Press, Inc. Citizens Savings Association Climalene Company Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coen Oil Company Danner Press of Canton, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Dime Bank Electric Sales Company First Federal Savings & Loan First National Bank Craber Mills, Inc. Gussett Boiler Cr Welding, Inc. Harrison Paint Cr Varnish Company Harter Bank Cr Trust Company Hilscher-Clarke Electric Company Home Savings Cr Loan Company Hoover Company Charitable Trust Jackson-Bayley Electric Company Mahoney Sash Cr Door Company Ohio Battery Cr Ignition Company Ohio Ferro-Alloys Corporation Ohio Power Company Peoples-Merchants Trust Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Poor Cr Company, Canton Forge Cr Axle Works 4 R. Cr J. Furniture Company 1 Rickard, A. P. Memorial 5 St. Regis Paper Company, Canton Corrugated Box Div. 6 Stark Ceramics, Inc. 7 Sterling Bakery 2 Stern & Mann Company 5 Sugardale Provision Company 4 Timken Roller Bearing Company 1 Towell Motors, Inc., William 6 United States Ceramic Tile Company 6 6 3 1 9 9 2 4 5 6 6 4 9 6 1 2 7 6 4 4 8 4 4 1 7 9 4 2 3
CAREY 8 Peoples Bank Company
CHAUNCEY 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company'
CHILLICOTHE 6 Alcoa Foundation 2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Chillicothe
CINCINNATI 3 Adler Company 9 Albers Super Markets (Colonial Stores Foundation) 7 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company 8 American Laundry Machinery Company 8 Amsco Solvents Cr Chemicals Company 8 Anderson Company, W. H. 4 Artistic Furniture Manufacturing Company 7 Baldwin Piano Company 1 Balke Engineers, Harry 4 Bertke Electric Company 8 Breneman-Hartshorn, Inc. 5 Brighton Corporation 2 Bromo Mint Company 2 Byrnes-Conway Company 8 Cambridge Tile Manufacturing Company 1 Camm, William P. 7 Carey Manufacturing Company, Philip 7 Carthage Mills, Inc. 2 Central Carton Company 9 Central Trust Company 8 (Shatfield Paper Corporation Cincinnati Butchers' Supply Company Cincinnati Cordage & Paper Company Cincinnati Economy Drug Company Cincinnati Enquirer, Inc. Cincinnati Lithographing Company Cincinnati Mine Machinery Company Cincinnati Post Cr Times-Star Cincinnati Sheet Metal Cr Rooting Company Cincinnati Stamping Cr Furnace Company Clopay Corporation Coca-Cola Bottling Works Company College Club of Cincinnati Coney Island, Inc. Coors Brothers Company Cordes Lumber Company Crane Cr Breed Casket Company Crosley Broadcasting Corporation Dawes, B. G., Jr. (In Memory of Powcl Crosley, Jr., Cr T. E. Wood, Jr., Cincin nati, Ohio; Robert T. Sherman, Winnetka, III.) Dawson Evans Construction Company Diem Cr Wing Paper Company Donnelley Corporation, Reuben H. Drackett Company Early Cr Daniel Company Eastern Machinery Company Emery's Sons, Inc., Thomas Fashion Frocks, Inc. Federated Department Stores Foundation Fifth-Third Union Trust Company First National Bank of Cincinnati Formica Corporation Fosdick Cr Hilmer Frank Tea Cr Spice Company Franklin Cotton Mill Company French-Bauer
3 Gardner Publications, Inc. 1 Gibson Art Company 4 Gl^e-Wernicke Company (City Auto Globe-Wernicke Foundation) 9 Gray Foundation, G. A. 2 Great Atlantic Cr Pacific Tea Company 8 Heekin Can Company 7 Hess Cr Eisenhardt Company 2 Hotze Heating Company 9 Hueneteld Memorial, Inc. 7 Inter-Ocean Insurance Company 1 Isaacs Company 2 Jergens Company, Andrew 9 Joseph Company, David J. 10 Kahn's Sons Company, E. 5 Keco Industries, Inc. 9 Kiechler Manufacturing Company 1 ^ Blum Manufacturing Company 8 Krehbiel Company, C. J. 5 Kroger Company 9 Lawson Company, F. H. 2 Lazarus Company, Joseph 9 LeBlond Machine Tool Company, R. K. 6 Lichter Foundation (Southern Fireproofing Company) 5 Liebel Flarsheim Company ■5 Linder, G. A. 5 Linder, G. V. 9 Littletord Brothers, Inc. 9 Lockwood Manufacturing (Company 2 Lunkenheimer Foundation 6 MacGregor Sport Products, Inc. 2 Mack Shirt Company 7 Maescher & Company, Charles V. 1 Mail-Way Advertising Company 1 Manor Catering 3 McHugh Company, Dan M. 8 Merrell Company, William S. 9 Messer Cr Sons, Inc., Frank 9 Meyer Packing Company, H. H. 3 Miami Margarine Company 9 Miller Shoe Company 8 National Underwriter Company 6 Nivison-Weiskopt Company 1 Norwood-Hyde Park Bank Cr Trust Company 7 Norwood Sash Cr Door Manufacturing Company 5 NuTone, Inc. 4 Oberle-Jordre Company 5 Ohio Knife Company 2 Ohio National Life Insurance Company 1 P®Psi-Cola Bottlers Association 3 Osberger Cr Company, J. L. 6 Palazzolo Company, Antonio 2 Pogue Company, H. Cr S. 7 Poliak Steel Company 9 Printing Machinery Company 9 Procter Cr Gamble Fund 8 Provident Savings Bank Cr Trust Company 3 Quality Engraving Cr Electrotype (lompany 2 Queen City Steel Treating Company 4 Rapid Electrotype Company 5 Realistic Company 5 Richardson Taylor-Globe Corporation 5 Richter Concrete Corporation 5 Rookwood Oil Terminals, Inc. 3 Rosenthal, Wilbert 3 Rubel Baking Company 3 Rubel, S. W. 8 Sawbrook Steel Castings Company 5 Schenley Distillers, Inc. 8 Scripps, Charles E. 3 Seinsheimer Company, H. A. 9 Shillito's 10 South-Western Publishing Company 1 Sperry Cr Hutchinson Company 2 Stone Oil Company 5 Strathmore Press, Inc. 5 Strietmann Biscuit Company 6 Taft Broadcasting Company 2 Thompson Company, Henry P. 3 Thomson Brothers, Inc. 9 Tool Steel Gear Cr Pinion Company 4 Trailmobile, Inc. 4 Tri-State Savings Cr Loan Company 5 United States Shoe Foundation 2 Van Pelt Corporation, Service Steel Div. 2 Velva-Sheen Manufacturing Company 5 Verkamp Industries 3 Ward, ItTc., Ashley F. 1 Watts, Inc., Paul 5 Welfare Finance Corporation 3 Westheimer Cr Company 1 Williamson Company Foundation 7 Witt Cornice Company 5 Ziv-United Artists, Inc.
CIRCLEVILLE 2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Circleville 1 Crites Milling Company 9 Eshelman Cr Sons, John W.
CLEVELAND 6 6 5 7 6 2 2 7 7 5
Abrams Foundation, William Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation Advance Plating Company Ajax Manufacturing cfompany Alcoa Foundation Aldridge Industrial Oils, Inc, Allied Decal, Inc. Allstate Foundation American Greetings Corporation American MonoRail Company
6 3 1 7 9 10 5 9 3 4 7 7 6 3 2 3 5 7 8 9 8 7 4 1 3 7 2 4 6 10 7 8 1 3 10 4 1 5 2 3
American Ship Building Fund Anchor Motor Freight Andersen & Company, Arthur Andrews, Bartiett Cr Associates, Inc. Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Apex Smelting Company Astrup, Walter C. Atlas Bolt & Screw Company Atlas Car & Manufacturing Company Austin Powder Company Bailey Meter Company Balas Collet Manufacturing Company Bamberger-Reinthal Company Bargar Metal Fabricating Company Basic, Inc. Bath Company, Cyril Beaumont Foundation, Louis D. Borg-Warner Corporation Braham Laboratories, Inc. Britton Fund Brooks Oil Company Brush Beryllium Company Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Company Buehler Printcraft Company Builders Structural Steel Corporation Cadillac Glass Company Campus Sweater & Sportswear Company Capital Bank Carling Brewing Company Carr Liggett Advertising, inc. Central Cadillac Company Central National Bank Champion Rivet Company Chandler Products Corporation Chilcote Company Churchill Company Citizens Federal Savings & Loan Association 4 Clark Controller Company 3 Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. 10 Cle-Val Foundation 3 CIcveland-Cliffs iron Company 2 Cleveland Coca-Cola Bottling Company 1 Cleveland Concession Company 6 Cleveland Cotton Products Company 6 Cleveland Crane & Engineering Company 10 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 7 Cleveland Engraving Company 3 Cleveland Plain Dealer 8 Cleveland Pneumatic Foundation (Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company) 3 Cleveland Press & News 8 Cleveland Range Company 6 Cleveland Securities Corporation 10 Cleveland Trust Company 9 Cleveland Twist Drill Company Foundation 8 Cleveland Wire Cloth & Manufacturing Company 10 Clevite Corporation 1 Clytel Manufacturing Company, J. 3 Colonnade Cafeterias 7 Continental Bank 7 Cook Coffee Company 1 Covert Gr Associates, Seward 4 Cowell & Hubbard 8 Cowles Chemical Company 9 Cozier Container Corporation 4 Curtis 1(X)0, Inc. 4 Cuyahoga Savings Association 6 Cuyahoga Title & Trust Company 7 Dairypak Butler, Inc. 3 Designers for Industry, Inc. 3 Diamond Alkali Company 10 Dill Manufacturing Company 6 Dingle-Clark Company 7 Di-Noc Chemical Arts, Inc. 8 Donley Brothers Company 3 Donley's Sons, Inc., Ernest F. 3 Eakin, Paul ). 7 East Ohio Gas Company 8 Eaton Manufacturing Company 6 Emerson Company, Sam W. 5 Empire Plow Company 5 Enos Coal Mining Company 4 Erico Products, Inc. 10 Ernst Gr Ernst Foundation 1 Fairmount Tool & Forging, Inc. 6 Fawick Corporation 7 Feather Company, William 1 Federal Gear, Inc. 4 Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc. 6 Feldman Brothers Company 10 Ferro Corporation 9 Ferro Machine Gr Foundry Charitable Foundation 5 Ferrotherm Company 4 Ferry Screw Products, Inc., E. W. 4 Finney Company 5 Forbes Company, Benjamin P, 8 Forest City Foundries Company 8 Franklin Ice Cream Company 6 Fuller Company, Dracco Div. 5 Gabriel Company 3 Ganger, Author H. 7 Gilkey Printing Company, W. S. 6 Gilman Company, A. S. 4 Glascote Products, Inc. 9 Glidden Company 1 Gorman-Lavelle Plumbing & Heating Company 2 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company 9 Griswold-Eshleman Company 10 Gund, George 5 Hass, Walter M, 3 Halle, Jay M.
9 5 3 9 6 9 1 1 7 4 5 2 8
Hankins Foundation Harris Calorific Company Harris, John W. Harris-Intertype Company Harshaw Chemical Company Hauserman Company, E. F. Hausser Gr Heintel Heil Process Equipment Corporation Heller Gr Associates, Inc., Robert Higbee Company Hill Acme Company Hohifelder Company, F. Home State Farm Publications, Inc. (Ohio Farmer) 5 Horsburgh Gr Scott Company 2 Horvitz Memorial Foundation, Samuel A. 1 Hospital Specialty Company 7 Hough Bakeries, Inc. 5 Hunkin-Conkey Construction Company 1 Independent Explosives Company 2 Independent Towel Supply Company 4 Industrial Publishing Company 3 Jones Optical Company, W. A. 5 Klein News Company, George R. 4 Kohn, Richard H. 3 Konigslow Manufacturing Company, Otto 1 Kravitz Foundation 2 Krill Company, Leonard H. 5 Kroger Company 4 Lake Eric Screw Corporation 10 Land Title Guarantee & Trust Company 7 Lang, Fisher Cr Stashower, Inc. 4 Lattsco, Inc. 3 Lester Engineering Company 3 Levy, Mr. & Mrs. Marion I. 3 Lezius-Hiles Company 9 Lincoln Electric Foundation 8 Lindsay Wire Weaving Company 2 Litzler Company, C. A. 10 Lubrizol Corporation 2 Manufacturers Brush Company 1 Marquardt Brothers & Company 4 Martindale Electric Company 3 Master Products Company 1 McCann, inc., McCann-Marschalk Company Div. 3 McGean Chemical Company 6 McKee Cr Company, Arthur G. 2 McKesson Cr Robbins, Inc. 4 McNitts, Inc. 6 Medusa Portland Cement Company (Medusa Foundation) 6 Midland Ross Foundation 8 Mid-West Metallic Products, Inc. 3 Mills Company 3 Modern Tool Cr Die Company 3 Morse Signal Devices, Inc. 1 Moto-Truc Company 2 Motor Rim Manufacturers' Company 7 Mueller, Ralph S. 7 Myers Meat Company 10 National City Bank 6 National Copper & Smelting Company 10 National Screw Gr Manufacturing Company Foundation 2 National Terminals Corporation 1 Norris Brothers Company 7 North American Coal Corporation 7 North American Manufacturing Company 10 Oglebay Norton Foundation 6 Ohio Bell Telephone Company 5 Ohio Gear Company , 5 Ohio Loan Cr Discount Company 9 Ohio Machinery Company 1 Ohio Solvents Gr Chemicals Company 10 Osborn Manufacturing Company 3 Ostendorf-Morris Company 2 Overly-Hauntz Company 6 Owen Bucket Company 7 Packer Corporation Foundation 9 Parker-Hannifin Corporation 9 Paterson-Leitch (Zompany 2 Pennsylvania Refining Company 8 Penton Publishing Foundation 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 10 Pickands Mather Gr Company 1 Pipe Machinery Company 7 Preformed Line Products Company (Peterson Foundation) 4 Premier Industrial Corporation 4 QUA, Inc. 1 Quality Industries, Inc. 4 Rand Development Company 8 Reliance Electric Gr Engineering Company 3 Republic Manufacturing Company 6 Republic Steel Corporation 7 Richman Brothers Company 7 River Raisin Paper Company 3 Rochester Germicide Company 5 Roediger Construction, Inc. 3 Rose, Nelson P. 2 S-P Manufacturing Corporation 10 St. Regis Paper Company, Cleveland Corrugated Box Div. 5 Sanymetal Products Company 3 Scott Gr Fetzer Company 5 Scott Cr Steffen, Inc. 6 Sealy Wuliger Foundation 6 Shaker Savings Association 3Sheppard Gr Company, M. K. 7 Sherwin Williams Company 2 Simon Company, M. & D, 3 Singer Steel Company 7 Smith & Oby Company 9 Society National Bank of Cleveland 4 Spohn Heating Gr Ventilating Company 1 Sprayon Products, Inc. 7 Standard Envelope Manufacturing Company
10 Standard Oil Company of Ohio 7 Standard Products Company, Reid Products Div. 9 Standard Tool Company 4 State Chemical Manufacturing Company 4 Steingass Litho, Inc. 9 Stouffer Corporation Fund (Stouffer's) 7 Superior Die Casting Company 7 Superior Foundry, Inc. 9 Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Foundation 3 Tower Press, Inc. 10 Towmotor Corporation Foundation 10 Tremco Manufacturing Company 3 Twin Coach Company 7 Tyler Company, W. S. 9 Union Commerce Bank 3 United Screw Cr Bolt Corporation, Cleveland Div. Vanderhoof, Inc., A. L. 1 Wakefield (Zorporation, Art Metal Lighting Div. 9 Warner Cr Swasey Foundation 3 Watterson Foundation 5 Weatherhead Company 1 Weil, Edg^ar H. 2 Weldon Tool Company 5 Wellman Company, S. K. 7 White Motor Company Charitable Trust 9 Whitmer-Jackson Charitable Trust (Whitmer-Jackscn Company) 2 Whitmore Manufacturing Company 7 Williams Foundation, Birkett L. 9 Wolf Envelope Company 8 World Publishing Company 2 Worthington Company, Geo. 6 Wuliger, Ernest M. 4 Youngstown Steel Door Company
4 Citizens Savings Bank
9 Albers Super Markets (Colonial Stores Foundation) 7 Altman-Coady Company 4 Anonymous 9 Anonymous 7 Anonymous Ardit Mosaic Tile Gr Marble Company 4 B Gr T Carpet Cr Linoleum Company 7 Banner Die Tool Gr Company 6 Belmont Casket Manufacturing Company 7 Big Bear Stores Company 3 Billow-Firestone Company 7 Bone, H. M. 8 Borden Company, Mid-West Div. 10 Bricker, John W. 1 Brown Steel Company 2 Brunson Bank & Trust Company 1 Buckeye Federal Savings Gr Loan Association 4 Buckeye Stamping Company 7 Buckeye Steel Castings Company 1 Buckeye Wire Gr Iron Company 8 Bulen, J. Elwood Byers Realty, Inc. 3 Cantwell Machinery Company 8 Capital Finance Corporation 3 Carlin, Oscar E. 7 Central Ohio Paper Company 5 Certified Credit Corporation 8 City National Bank & Trust Company 2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 2 Columbus Bank Note Company 4 Columbus Bolt Gr Forging Company 1 Columbus Citizen Journal 7 Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation 6 Columbus Dispatch 4 Columbus Hardware Supplies, Inc. 8 Columbus Heating & Ventilating Company 5 Columbus Mutual Life Insurance Company 3 Columbus Pipe & Equipment Company 8 Columbus Plastic Products, Inc. 2 Columbus Savings Bank 8 Columbus Cr Southern Ohio Electric Co. 3 Columbus Truck Cr Equipment Company 6 Commercial Motor Freight, Inc. 8 Corrugated Container Company, and the Family of Samuel S. Davis 5 Davies, Inc., David 8 Dean & Barry Company 9 Diamond Milk Products, Inc. 3 Dobson-Evans Paper Company 1 Dollar Federal Savings Gr Loan Association 8 Donaldson Baking Company 8 Economy Savings Gr Loan Company 6 Edwards Company, J. T. 2 El-An Foundation 1 Elford Gr Son, E. 8 English Company, Walter Ettinger Foundation Falter Packing Company, Herman Fean Company, William . Fishel Company Frampton Gr Company, D. B. ; Fusco, James E. ' Garwick Cr Ross, Inc. : Gates, McDonald Gr Company 1 General Furniture Company 1 General Hotel Supply Company ; Glebe Assurance Company 1 Gluck Educational Foundation, Inc. (Bonded Scale Gr Machine Company) I Great Atlantic Gr Pacific Tea Company Harsco Corporation, Capitol Manufacturing Company Div. ' Heer Foundation 1 Hildreth Foundation, Inc. ; Holmes Company, G. W. I Hoosier Engineering Company
2 6 3 2 1 6 8 7 1 8 6 5 7 7 9 6 3 2 3 3 6 1 8 9 1 2 6 4 3 4 5 2 7 2 4 6 8 9 9 4 1 7 7 9 10 6 2 1 2 2 2 5 6 5 4 7 1 1 2 3 2 2 8 1 2 3 3 1 6 1 3 8 6 6 1 2 2 3 10 3 5 2 3 â– 5 9
Huffman Wolfe Company Huntington National Bank Igel Cr Company, George J. Inland Products, Inc. Jackson Pike Sand & Gravel Company Jameson, H. W. Jeffrey Manufacturing Company Johnson-Dawes Company Jones, Mrs. Frederick E. Kauffman-Lattimer Company Krauss News Agency, Scott Kroger Company Lake Shore System Lattimer-Stevens Company Lazarus & Company, F. & R. Lennox Industries, Inc. Leukart Machine Company, J. LeVeque, F. W. Lorenz Equipment Company Ludwig, Harry L. M & R Dietetic Laboratories, Inc. Main Federal Savings & Loan Association Marble Cliff Quarries Company Marshall Products Company Mattlin Foundation McElroy-Minster Company McGraw-Edison Company, Natiortal Electric Coil Div. McNally Lumber Company McVey, J. S. Meeks Cr Company, J. N. Melton Foundation, Samuel Mendel (Capital Manufacturing Company) Merck Cr Company, Merck Sharp Cr Dohme Div. Mertz, B. J. Midland Mutual Life Insurance Company Modern Finance Company Morehouse-Fash ion Company Morris Company, C. E. National Industrial Products Company Nationwide Foundation (Nationwide Insurance) Nida-Eckstein Printing, Inc. Norman Products Company North American Aviation, Inc. Ohio Consumer Loan Association Ohio Exterminating Company Ohio Fuel Gas Company Ohio National Bank of Columbus, Branches Cr Affiliates Ohio Packing Company Peerless Saw Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Pfening Foundation (Pfening Company, Fred D.) Plaskolite, Inc. Plastex Company Polster Company, Louis R. Prindaville Company Public Finance Corporation Ranco, Inc. Republic-Franklin Insurance Company Rohyans Ford, Inc., Dan Rose Chemical Product, Inc. Ruff Cr Company, Thomas W. Schmidt Packing Company, J. Fred Schoedinger Cr Company Schoedinger Company, F. O. Schwartz Showell Corporation Seven-Up Bottling Company Shoe Corporation of America State Automobile Mutual Insurance Comf>any State Savings Company Suburban Motor Freight, Inc. Thompson Company Thompson Cr Hamilton, Inc. Torco Pest Cr Termite Control Company Union Company Union Fork Cr Hoe Company Vercoe Cr Company Van Dyne-Crotty, Inc. Warren-Teed Products Company Wellnitz Company, Harry Wesleyan University Press, Inc. Westwater Supply Company Whitaker-Merrell Company Wilke Meats, Inc., R. Wyandotte Tablet Company Yardley Plastics Company Yassenoff Foundation (F. Cr Y. Construction Company)
5 Citizens Banking Cr Savings Company
7 Beach Company 8 Clow Cr Sons, James B. 2 Coshocton Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. 5 Coshocton National Bank 6 Edmont Manufacturing Company 6 Pretty Products, Inc. 6 St. Regis Paper Company, Hunt-Crawford Container Div. 6 St. Regis Paper Company, Muskingum Mill Div. 5 Shaw-Barton, Inc. 7 Steel Ceilings, Inc. 1 Tuscarawas-Coshocton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
2 First National Bank
4 Blazon, Inc. 1 Independent Machine Company
DAYTON 2 Angell Manufacturing Company 6 Apex Machine Cr Tool Company 2 Associated Spring Corporation, Ohio Div. 2 Beerman Stores, Inc. 8 Berry Company, L. M. 1 Bryant Chevrolet Company, Ray 9 Buckeye Iron & Brass Works 10 Buckeye Tools Corporation 4 Burger Iron Company 4 Cassano Pizza Houses, Inc., Vic 1 Cassel, Groneweg, Rohifing Cr Clark 2 Central Ready Mix Company 8 City Transit Company 6 Cline, Robert L. 2 Copp Radio Laboratories 9 Danis Foundation 1 Dayton Bag Cr Burlap Company 9 Dayton Builders Supply Company 3 Dayton Carbide Tool Company 4 Dayton Casting Company 6 Dayton Clearing House Association (Merchants National Bank Cr Trust Company, Peoples Bank Cr Trust Company, Third National Bank & Trust Company, Winters National Bank Cr Trust Company) 2 Dayton Coca-Cola Bottling Company 9 Dayton Economy Drug Company 3 Dayton Fabricated Steel Company 4 Dayton Forging Cr Heat Treating Company 10 Dayton Malleable Foundation (Dayton Malleable Iron Company) 9 Dayton Power Cr Light Company 7 Dayton Precision Manufacturing Company 9 Dayton Process Engravers, Inc. 8 Dayton Steel Foundry Company 4 Dayton Stencil Works 6 Dayton Typographic Service 2 Dille Laboratories Corporation 2 Duberstein Foundation 9 Duriron Company 4 Durr Products, Inc. 10 East Dayton Tool Foundation (East Dayton Tool Cr Die Company) 2 Edgemont Builders Supply Company 9 Federal Steel Corporation 3 Finke Engineering Company 4 Finn Foundries Foundation 2 Fleming-Raney Motor Sales 1 Focke's Sons Company, William 1 Fogarty Manufacturing Company 2 Fricke, Arnold A. 2 Fyr-Fyter Products 3 G. H. R. Employees Consolidated Charities Fund 3 Gallaher Drug Company 4 Gibbons Supply Company, M. J. 8 Globe Industries, Inc. 2 Golden Age Beverage Company 3 Guild Cr Landis Insurance Agency 9 Harris-Thomas Drop Forge Company 4 Helldoerfer-Castellini, Inc. 2 Horstman Printing Company 3 Howard Paper Mills, Inc. 8 Huffman Manufacturing Company 3 Hull Paper Company 1 Israel Builders Supplies, Inc. 2 Johnson, Mr. Cr Mrs. Earl V. 1 Johnson-Watson Company 4 Joyce-Cridland Company 5 Kettering Foundation 3 Kiefaber Company, W. H. S Kircher, Helton Cr Collett, Inc. 3 Koehler Aircraft Products Company 4 Kramer Brothers Foundry Company 5 Kroger Company 7 Kuhns Brothers Company Foundation 4 Kuntz Foundation (Kuntz Company, Peter) 2 Lau Blower Foundation 2 Laughter Corporation 4 League of Insured Savings Cr Loan Associations 6 Ledex, Inc. 1 Lewis Motor Mart Company 6 Lion Uniform, Inc. 10 Lorenz Publishing Company 9 Lowe Brothers Company 7 MacDonald Company, E. F. 4 Malone Camera Stores, Inc. 3 Maxon Construction Company 9 McCall Corporation 7 Mead Corporation 8 Metropolitan Company 4 Mikesell, Inc., Daniel W. 1 Mink-Dayton, Inc. 3 Minnigan, Inc., F. X. 1 Molers Belmont Dairy Company 9 Monarch Marking System Company 3 Moraine Box Company 4 Muth, Howard W. 4 Muth, Jerome J. 6 National Cash Register Company 6 National Tag Company 4 Osterfeld Company, H. J. 2 Otterbein Press 3 Pantorium Cleaners, Inc. 1 Parkmoor Restaurants 5 Payne Cr Company 4 PfIaum, Publisher, Inc., George A. 1 Platt Manufacturing Corporation 8 Plocher Sons Company, Andrew 4 Porter, Mr. Gr Mrs. James B. 10 Precision Rubber Products Foundation, Inc. 6 Premier Rubber Manufacturing Company 10 Price Brothers Company
4 Printing Service Company 8 Ready Mixed Corporation 8 Reynolds & Reynolds Company 10 Rike-Kumler Company Roberts Foundation, Mason 10 Roth Office Equipment Company 2 Sacksteder's, Inc. 2 Sacksteder's Restaurant, Inc. 2 Scharrer, Albert H. 6 Schneider Family Foundation, Henry G. 5 Sheffield Corporation Sherman-Standard Register Foundation 2 Sirnons Cadillac, Inc. 7 Smith Floral Products Company, Ed 4 Stotts-Friedman Company 1 Srepco, Inc. Sucher Packing Company 5 Tait Foundation, Frank M. 8 Tait Manufacturing Company 4 Thai's 7 Thiele Foundation 8 Union Storage Company 4 United Aircraft Products, Inc. 3 Universal Tool Company 9 Univis Lens Company 2 Van Cleve Hotel Company 2 Van Dyne-Crotty, Inc. 1 Visual Education Association, Inc. 5 Vulcan Tool Company 1 W. B. W. Tool Company 3 Wagenseil Cr Associates Company, Hugo 4 Wagner-Smith Company 8 Wayne Colorplate Company of Ohio West Side Lumber Company 4 Western Tablet Cr Stationery Charitable Trust 9 Weston Wabash Foundation (Weston Paper Cr Manufacturing Company) 4 Withrow Secretarial Services, Helen 2 Yeck Cr Yeck, Inc. 2 Zeiger Construction Company
DEPIANCI 2 Defiance Coca-Cola Bottling Company 3 Defiance Milk Products Company
6 Greif Brothers Cooperage Corporation 5 Sunray Stove Company
New Delphos Manufacturing Company
2 Dennison Coca-Cola Bottling Company DOVER 1 Anonymous
1 Dover Tank Cr Plate Company 1 First Federal Savings Cr Loan Association of Dover 1 Greer Steel Company 7 Marsh Lumber Company 6 Marsh Wall Products, Inc. 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 1 Reeves Banking & Trust Company Weigand, Inc., A. J. 1 Weigand CMC Truck Sales, Inc.
2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of East Liverpool
2 First National Bank ELYRIA 8 Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Company 5 Concrete Masonry Corporation
2 Elyria Coca-Cola Bottling Company 5 Elyria Telephone Company
2 Lear, Inc., Lear-Romec Div.
4 Lorain County Printing Cr Publishing Company 1 Lorain County Savings & Trust Company 5 Pfaudler Permutit, Inc., Pfaudler Company 3 Ridge Tool Company 4 Timms Spring Company
FAIRBORN 2 Southwestern Portland Cement Company FINDLAY
4 Cooper Tire & Rubber Company 2 Findlay Coca-Cola Bottling Company 6 Findlay Publishing Company 5 Hancock Brick Cr Tile Company 7 National Lime Cr Stone Company 10 Ohio Oil Company Foundation, Inc. 2 Weiger, S. W.
FOSTORIA 10 Fostoria Corporation
7 Gray Printing Company 4 Mennel Milling Company
2 Crescent Manufacturing Company 5 Croghan Colonial Bank 2 Crown Rubber Company 4 Fremont Foundry Company 2 Johnson, R. P. 2 Mosser Construction Company 1 Ochs Furniture Company 2 Tony's Bakery, Inc. 2 Zink, Jack D.
6 Cobey Corporation
6 6
Eagle Crusher Company Gallon Iron Works & Manufacturing Company 8 Perfection Steel Body Company
4 Central Soya Company 6 Fairfield Engineering Company 1 General Telephone Company of Ohio 3 Marion Auto Finance Company 2 Marion Coca-Cola Bottling Company
7 Geneva Metal Wheel Company
GIRARD 2 First National Bank of Girard 5 Ohio Leather Company
GRAFTON 6 Larson Foundry Company, W. O.
GREENFIELD 7 American Pad & Textile Company 7 Wilknit Hosiery Company
GREENVILLE 10 American Aggregates Corporation 7 Buchy Parking Company, Charles G.
HAMILTON 9 Beckett Paper Company 1 Calumite Company 9 Champion Paper Foundation (Champion Paper & Fibre Company, Ohio Div.) 2 Dollar Federal Savings & Loan Association 9 Griesmer, William P. 9 Hamilton Autographic Register Company 8 Hamilton Brass & Aluminum Castings Company 9 Hamilton Clearing House Association (Citizens Bank, Second National Bank, First National Bank & Trust Company) 10 Hamilton Foundry, Inc., Foundation 9 Hamilton Lumber Company 9 Hamilton Tool Company 5 Journal Publishing (tompany 6 Krauth Cr Benninghofen 9 Mosler Safe Company 8 Murstein Foundation (Wilmur's, Inc.) 9 Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 10 Pease Woodwork Company 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 9 Shuler & Benninghofen 9 Southwestern Ohio Steel, Inc. 6 Vaughn Building Company of Ohio 5 Wente Electric Company 1 West Side Federal Savings & Loan Association 9 Western States Machine Company 3 Wright-Bernet, Inc.
HARTVILLE 9 Monarch Charitable Trust Fund (Monarch Rubber Company)
MAUMEE 8 Anderson Foundation (For Anderson
Elevator Company, Anderson Truck Terminal, Anderson Farmer Corporation)
8 Old Phoenix National Bank 1 Root Company, A. I. MIDDLE BRANCH
9 Diamond Portland Cement Company
MIDDLEFIELD 6 Johnson Rubber Company
1 Middlefield Banking Company
MIDDLETOWN 6 Anonymous 1 Barkelew Electric Manufacturing Company 7 Barnitz Bank 10 Crystal Tissue Company 4 Denny Lumber Company 7 First National Bank 9 Interstate Folding Box Company 2 Middletown Coca-Cola Bottling Company 5 News-Journal, Inc. 5 Rathman, Ernest D. 9 Sorg Paper Company
2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Mt. Vernon
LORAIN 5 Lorain National Bank 5 Lorain Products Corporation 10 Lorain Telephone Company
MANSFIELD 9 Globe Steel Abrasive Company 8 Hartman Electrical Manufacturing Company 4 Ideal Electric & Manufacturing Company 3 Maginniss Power Tool Company 2 Mansfield Coca-Cola Bottling Company 4 Mansfield Tire and Rubber Company 4 Ohio Brass Company 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 8 Richland Foundation (Mansfield Brass & Aluminum Corporation) 4 Richland Shale Brick Company 5 Richland Trust Company 8 Therm-O-Disc, Inc.
MARBLEHEAD 1 Biro Manufacturing Company
D. E. K. Manufacturing Company Flo-Tork, Inc. Orrville Metal Specialty Company Quality Castings Company Schantz Organ Company Will-Burt Company
OXFORD 4 Capitol-Varsity Company 7 First Citizens Bank
, •
PAINESVILLE 2 Coe Manufacturing Company 2 Lake County National Bank
PERRYSBURG 1 Stranahan, Duane
PIQUA 4 Atlas Underwear Corporation 7 French Oil Mill Machinery Company 9 Hartzell-Norris Charitable Trust (Hartzell Industries, Inc.) 2 Miami Industries, Inc. 2 Piqua Coca-Cola Bottling Company 4 Piqua National Bank & Trust Company
5 Airolite Foundation 7 American Malleable Castings Company 2 Arro Expansion Bolt Company 3 Betty Zane Corn Products, Inc.
Citizens National Bank Ernsthausen, J. F. Fair Publishing House Huron County Banking Company Mead, Inc., W. L. Road Building Cr Equipment Company Rotary Printing Company
2 Oberlin Savings Bank
4 McCord Corporation
SIDNEY 2 Sidney Aluminum Products 2 Van Dyne-Crotty, Inc.
SPRINGFIELD 1 10 2 2 5 2 8 2
Airetool Manufacturing Company Berryhill Nursery Company Duplex Mill & Manufacturing Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Robbins Cr Myers, Inc. Springfield Coca-Cola Bottling Company Springfield Greene Industries, Inc. Van Dyne-Crotty, Inc.
TIFFIN 7 National Machinery Foundation 2 Tiffin Coca-Cola Bottling Company 7 Webster Manufacturing, Inc.
; - .
SHELBY 7 Shelby Salesbook Company
4 Smith Foundation, A. O., Electric Motor Div.
2 Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2 Norbalt Rubber Corporation 6 2 2 6 1 2 2
3 Citizens Banking Company 1 Consolidated Industrial & Agricultural Chemicals, Inc. 1 Diamond Fertilizer Company 6 Dixon Crucible Company, Joseph, American Crayon Company Div. 2 Frohman Foundation, Sidney 3 Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company 4 Sandusky Foundry & Machine Company 8 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company, Hinde & Dauch Div. 3 Wilson Plastics, Inc.
Deming Company Electric Furnace Company Farmers National Bank Peoples Lumber Company Perrault, Mr. and Mrs. George, Jr.
6 Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Irving C.
NEW LONDON 5 Savings & Loan Banking Company 9 Ward Company, C. E.
1 Stanley Works
D W G Cigar Corporation Ex-Cell-0 Corporation Lima Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. Metropolitan Bank Neon Products, Inc. Ohio Steel Foundry Company Randall Graphite Bearings, Inc. Superior Coach Corporation West Ohio Gas Company
5 5 9 1 5
8 Stone Creek Brick Company
LEROY 10 Ohio Farmers Companies
9 Packaging Corporation of America 3 Rittman Savings Bank
7 American Budget Company 3 Crown Controls Company 2 Stamco, Inc.
2 Newark Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc.
7 Dave Steel Corporation
RIPLEY 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
5 First National Bank & Trust Company 3 Miners Cr Mechanics Savings & Trust Company 2 Steubenville Coca-Cola Bottling Company
9 Nickles Bakery, Inc., Alfred
LANCASTER Alten Foundry & Machine Works, Inc. Anchor Hocking Class Corporation Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Lancaster Eagle-Gazette Company Fairfield National Bank Farmers & Citizens Bank Lancaster Glass Corporation Ray-O-Vac Company, Carbon Div.
5 Chartor Foundation (Pyramid Rubber Company) 5 First National Bank & Trust Company of Ravenna 5 Oak Rubber Company 2 Paeco Rubber Company 6 Second National Bank 9 Williams Company, A. C.
10 Cooper-Bessemer Corporation NAVARRE
2 Johnson, Walter F.
5 Holl, Barton A.
Davey Foundation (DaveyTree Expert Company)
3 1 2 9 2 10 4 4 5
4 First National Bank in Massillon 5 First Savings & Loan Company Massillon Spring & Rivet Corporation 6 Massillon Steel Casting Company 4 McLain Grocery Company 4 Ohio Drilling Company 2 Ris, Kenneth B. 4 State Bank Company 6 Superior Provision Company 9 Whitmer-Jackson Charitable Trust
3 Minster Machine Company
4 6 2 1 1 1 7 2
5 Scott Foundation, O. M. (Scott & Sons Company, O. M.)
HURON 1 Firelands Community Bank 10
6 Security Central National Bank 5 Snook, Mr. Cr Mrs. J. L. 10 Williams-Matthews Foundation (Williams Manufacturing Company)
Detroit Steel Corporation Ohio Stove Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Portsmouth Coca-Cola Bottling Company
TOLEDO 5 AP Parts Corporation 1 Acme Specialty Manufacturing Company 5 American-Lincoln Corporation, American Floor Machine Company Div. 9 Art Iron Company 5 Auburndale Truck Company 5 Auto-Lite Foundation (Electric Auto Lite Company) 6 Babcock Dairy Company 2 Baker Company, B. R. 5 Bell Cr Beckwith 4 Bellman, Gillett & Richards 4 Bingham-Herbrand Corporation, Bingham Stamping Div. 2 Bostwick-Braun Company 4 Britsch, Macelwane & Associates 5 Buckeye Paint & Varnish Company 1 Bunting Brass Cr Bronze Company 7 Central Securities Corporation 6 Champion Spark Plug Company 4 Christen & Sons Company, Fred 2 Community Broadcasting Company 1 Continental Aviation Cr Engineering Corporation 9 Dana Corporation Foundation (Spicer Manufacturing Div.) 6 DeVilbiss Company 3 DiSalle Plating Company 5 Eriksen's, Inc. 5 EttI Company 6 First Federal Savings & Loan Association 8 Franklin Ice Cream Company 3 Gladieux, Virgil 4 (Slobe-Wernicke Industries, Inc. 2 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company 3 Great Lakes Terminal Warehouse Company 1 Gross Photo Mart, Inc. 5 Haughton Elevator Company Div. 5 Hausman Foundation (Hausman Steel Company) 3 Hylant-MacLean, Inc. 5 Jennison-Wright Company
5 3 1 5 5
)ohns-Manville Fiber Glass, Inc. jones, Mr. & Mrs. George M., Jr. Knierim, Emil J. Kroger Company Kuhiman Builders Supply & Brick Company 4 Lamb, Edward 9 Landers Corporation 3 Lathrop Company 2 Lehr, Roland 9 Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company 2 Lumm Company, A. H. 3 Mather Spring Company 4 McCord Corporation 6 Meilink Steel Safe Company 5 Meisel, Eliot M. 2 Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company 5 Mill & Factory Supply Company 5 National Cement Products Company 8 National Family Opinion, Inc. 3 National Ideal Company 1 National Laboratories, Inc. 3 Oatis, R. L. 7 Ohio Citizens Trust Company Foundation 7 Ohio Plate Glass Company 5 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation 9 Owens-Illinois Glass Company 6 Page Dairy Company 3 Palmer-Pann Corporation 1 Parachek, R. A. 2 Peerless Molded Plastics, Inc. 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 7 Reichert Float & Manufacturing Company 3 Rice Crain Company 8 Schmidt Provision Company 5 Spieker Company, Henry J. 3 Smith's Cafeterias 8 State Bank of Toledo 2 Stranahan Foundation 3 Strong Electric Corporation 4 Superior Spinning & Stamping Company 6 Tecumseh Products Company, Acklin Stamping Div. 5 Tillman, Joseph L. 6 Toledo Edison Company 3 Toledo Home Federal Savings & Loan Association 5 Toledo Pickling & Steel Service, Inc. 1 Toledo Plastics Company 2 Toledo Plate & Window Glass Company 3 Toledo Scale Corporation 3 Toledo Trust Foundation 6 Unitcast Corporation I Virginia Surety Company 1 Wiener Family Foundation 5 Willys Motors, Inc. 5 Woolson Spice Company
TORONTO 5 Toronto Paperboard Company
UHRICHSVILLE 2 Evans Brick Company 9 Evans Pipe Company 8 Superior Clay Corporation
URBANA 6 Urbana Tool & Die Company
VAN WERT 5 Aeroquip Corporation 8 Eggerss, Charles E. 4 Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc., National Seal Div.
VERMILION 2 Callahan, William E.
WADSWORTH 7 Ohio Injector Company
WAPAKONETA 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 8 Wapakoneta Machine Company
WARREN 7 American Welding & Manufacturing Company 3 First Federal Savings & Loan Company 3 Second National Bank of Warren 5 Taylor Company, Halsey W. 8 Taylor-Winfield Foundation 4 Trumbull Savings & Loan Company 2 Trumbull Supply & Manufacturing Company 6 Union Savings & Trust Company • ' 2 Warren Coca-Cola Bottling Company 1 Warren Telephone Company 5 Warren Tool Corporation 3 Warren Tribune Chronicle 9 Wean Foundation, Raymond John (Wean Manufacturing Company) 1 Webster, Harry F.
WASHINGTON C. H. 1 1 2 1
American Agricultural Chemical Company Down Towne Drug Company Fayette Coca-Cola Bottling Company Risch Drug Store
WAUSEON 4 McCord Corporation
WEST CARROLLTON 7 American Envelope Company 7 Oxford Charitable Trust (Oxford Paper Company)
WEST LAFAYETTE 8 Jones Metal Products Company
Eagle-Picher Foundation (Ohio Rubber Company)
2 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Indianapolis 8 Inland Container Corporation Foundation, Inc., Indianapolis
WILMINGTON I Champion Bridge Company 1 Clinton County National Bank & Trust Company 1 First National Bank of Wilmington WOODVILLE 6 Ohio Lime Company 4 Woodville State Bank WOOSTER 1 B & F Transfer Company 8Borg-Warner Corporation, Wooster Div. 2 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wooster 1 Collier Printing Company 7 Rubbermaid, Inc. 4 Wooster Brush Company
MASSACHUSETTS 4 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston 6 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield 4 New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston 3 Stanley Home Products, Inc., Westfield
MICHIGAN 3 Ex-Cell-O Corporation, Detroit; Bluffton, Fostoria, Greenville, Lima, New Bremen, Ohio 7 General Motors Operations in Ohio, Detroit 6 Kresge Company, S. S., Detroit 5 Whirlpool Foundation, St. Joseph; Clyde, Hamilton, Marion, Ohio
XENIA 2 Chew Publishing Company YELLOW SPRINGS 6 Bean & Company, Morris YOUNGSTOWN 2 Ajax Magnethermic Corporation 4 Anonymous 2 "Automatic" Sprinkler Corporation of America 2 Barrett Cadillac, Inc. 8 Bessemer Limestone & Cement Company 9 Carbon Educational Cx Charitable Foundation 1 City Ash, Inc. 2 City Asphalt & Paving Company 5 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Youngstown 8 Commercial Shearing & Stamping Foundation 8 Dollar Savings Gr Trust Company 8 Donnell, Inc., L. F. 5 First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Youngstown 5 Fitzsimmons Steel Company 5 Fowler Company, J. D. 2 General Extrusions, Inc. 6 General Fireproofing Company 2 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company 1 Habuda Coal & Supply Company 8 Heller-Murray Company 8 Home Savings & Loan Company 7 Hynes Steel Products Company 8 Isaly Dairy Company 9 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, Stainless & Strip Div. 1 Kessler Products Company 4 MacKenzie Muffler Company 8 Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown 5 McKay Machine Company 9 McKelvey Company Charitable Foundation, G. M. (McKelvey Company, G. M.) 9 Metal Carbides Corporation 2 Moyer Company 3 Paulo, Walter H. 8 Peoples Bank of Youngstown 2 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 7 Pollock Company Foundation, William B. (Pollock Company, W. B.) 7 Roll Formed Products Company 5 Sampson, Mr. & Mrs. William J., Jr. 5 Saramar Aluminum Company 2 Schwebel Baking Company 8 Scott Cr Sprinkle 7 Shriver-Allison Company 8 Stambaugh Hardwood Lumber Company 9 Standard Slag Company 4 Steelduct Company 7 Strouss-Hirshberg Company 9 Swedlow, Inc. 3 Tee Nee Trailer Company 8 Union National Bank of Youngstown 9 Valley Mould & Iron Corporation 10 Vindicator Printing Company 2 WFMJ Broadcasting Company 9 Youngstown Arc Engraving Company 1 Youngstown Cabinet Works, Inc. 8 Youngstown Foundry Gr Machine Company 8 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company 9 Youngstown Welding Cr Engineering Company 4 2 8 2 2 6 1 3 2 5 8 4 6 3 6 8 7 4 1 2
ZANESVILLE Central Silica Company Goldstein, Sam Mosaic Tile Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Zanesville Coca-Cola Bottling Company ILLINOIS Amoco Foundation, Chicago Andersen Gr Company, Arthur, Chicago Beatrice Foods Company, Chicago Brunswick Foundation, Inc., Chicago Clissold Publishing Company, Chicago Concora Foundation (Container Corpo ration of America), Chicago: Solon, Piqua, Circleville, Cincinnati, CDhio Continental Coffee Compan^^ Chicago Denoyer-Ceppert Company, (Chicago Donnelley Corporation, Reuben H., Chicago General American Transportation Corpo ration, Chicago Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., Chicago International Harvester Company, Chicago Morton Salt Company, Chicago Pick Hotels Gr Motels, Albert, Chicago Zurich Insurance Company, Chicago
INDIANA 4 Franklin Electric Company, Bluffton
MINNESOTA 7 DeLuxe Check Printers Foundation, St. Paul 9 General Mills Foundation, Minneapolis
NEW JERSEY 7 Beneficial Finance Company, Morristown 2 Merck Cr Company, Rahway
NEW YORK 7 Allied Stores Foundation, Inc., New York (A. Polsky Company, Akron; A. Polsky Company, Canton; Sterling Lindner, Cleveland; Rollman Cr Sons Company, Cincinnati; Morehouse - Fashion Com pany, Columbus; Edward Wren Store, Springfield; Robinson - Schwenn Store, Hamilton; John Ross Store, Middletown) 2 American Cyanamid Company, New York 3 American Machine Gr Foundry Company, New York 1 Anonymous 5 Babcock Cr Wilcox Company, New York 2 Bristol-Myers Company, New York 4 Burnham Corporation, Irvington 3 Colgate-Palmolive Company, New York 4 Continental Can Company, New York 5 General Foods Fund, Inc., New York 4 General Telephone Cr Electronics Founda tion, New York (In behalf of Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. and General Tele hone Company of Ohio, both subsidiaries of General Telephone Cr Electronics Corporation) 5 Graybar Electric Company, New York 1 Katz Agency, New York 1 Kenyon Cr Eckhardt, Inc., New York 7 National Biscuit Company, New York 6 National Dairy Products Corporation, New York (Kraft Foods, Sealtest Foods, Breakstone Foods, Humko Products, Metro Glass, Research Cr Development, Cr Sugar Creek Creamery Divs.) 3 New York Life Insurance Company, New York 2 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, New York 4 Philip Morris, Inc., New York 5 Ritter Company, Rochester 1 St. Regis Paper Company, New York Socony Mobil Oil Company, New York 1 Standard Motor Products, Inc., Long Island City 1 Standard Gr Poor's Corporation, New York Union Carbide Corporation, New York 8 United States Steel Foundation, Inc., New York
6 6
NORTH CAROLINA 1 Burlington Industries Foundation, Greensboro 1 Fall, Dr. Gr Mrs. Paul H., Burnsville
PENNSYLVANIA 4 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh 2 Crucible Steel Company of America, Pittsburgh 2 Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia 3 Futures, Inc., Philadelphia 2 Great Atlantic Gr Pacific Tea Company, Pittsburgh 2 Harbison - Walker Charitable Fund, Inc. (Harbison - Walker Refractories Com pany), Pittsburgh 4 l-T-E Foundation (l-T-E Circuit Breaker Company), Philadelphia 1 Koppers Foundation, Pittsburgh 8 Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation, Lewistown 9 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, Pittsburgh 5 Rockwell-Standard Corporation, Coraopolis
VIRGINIA 2 Norfolk Gr Western Railway Company, Roanoke
WASHINGTON 2 Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation, Tacoma
WEST VIRGINIA 1 Wheeling Steel Corporation, Wheeling
Bassett Foundation, Norman, Madison Kimberly Clark Foundation, Neenah Koehring Company, Milwaukee Smith Foundation, Inc., A. O., Milwaukee
Dr. Paul S. Weaver, Chairman Dr. Carl C. Bracy, Vice Chairman
Lake Erie College Mount Union College
Dr. Glenn L. Clayton, Secretary
Ashland College
Robert R. Barr, Treasurer
Oberlin College
Dr. W. Bay Irvine, Past Chairman Earl F. Morris,
Marietta College Attorney, Columbus
A. A. Stambaugh, Standard Oil Company of Ohio, Cleveland Dr. Harold K. Schellenger, Executive Director Columbus 14, Ohio
4554 Starret Road
William G. Adams Toledo Robert F. Baldwin Dayton R. T. Beeghly Youngstown Howard S. Bissell Cleveland Kenneth B. Cope Canton Beman Gates Dawes, Jr. Cincinnati R. Gale Evans Cincinnati Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Akron Judge John W. Ford Youngstown
James E. Fusco Columbus George Gund Cleveland Frederick K. Lacher Akron James F. Lincoln Cleveland Earl F. Morris Columbus Harland E. Paige Akron J. B. Perkins Cleveland A. N. Prentice Canton Peter E. Rentschler Hamilton
Mason Roberts Dayton Stanley 1. Roediger Cleveland John F. Schaefer Findlay A. A. Stambaugh Cleveland Henry S. Stout Dayton Lewis C. Thomson Hamilton Carl W. Ullman Youngstown Ford R. Weber Toledo Wayne Young Wadsworth
AS OHIO FOUNDATION starts its second ten years with a minimum goal of two million dollars, new gifts and new prospects are needed. Friends of Ohio's independent colleges may use the blanks below in sending gifts or names of prospects to Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, 4554 Starret Road, Columbus 14, Ohio. Thank you. Date..
Names and addresses of prospects for OFIC gifts:
Noma of Firm______________________ Addrott____________ __________________ ___ __________ StfMt and Nwmbor City and State In contidoration of tho gift* of others and as evidence of oor appreciation for the great contribution of the non*tax-supported colleges to corporate enterprise, we hereby contribute to the colleges listed, through— THE OHIO FOUNDATION OF INDEPENDENT COLLEGES, INC. The sum of.............................. Payable in amounts and on dates as follows To be divided among the 32 colleges (60% equally, 40% by enrollme^^^^^^ Donor's Signature_______________________________________________
----------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
(Name of sender for information only -> not to be used in contacting prospect)
Dr. Paul Frank, prolessor of music on sabbatical leave the sec ond semester 1960-61, has been visiting various music centers in Europe. In a letter to Dr. Turner, Pro fessor Guido Waldmann, Direc tor of the Hochschulinstitut fur Musik, Trossingen, Germany, commended Dr. Frank on the lec tures he had given there and thank ed Otterbein College for making his visit possible. He also said that “those attending the lectures, in which Professor Frank spoke about the development and state of music in the United States of America, were very iruuh impressed by the performances of Professor Trank, and that he was “greatly pleased to have the opportunity of giving a welcome to such an excellent re presentative of the teaching of music as Professor Frank.” DR. TURNER SPEAKS
President Lynn W. Turner spoke to his fellow-members of the Torch Club of Columbus, Ohio, at a dinner meeting May H- lit itis speech, entitled “The Three Faces of Clio”, he discussed “the vari ous ways in which history has been used, abused, and neglected in our topsy-turvy world.”
During the past year Otterbein has taken part in fifteen major meets and speech conferences; in dividuals and groups have partici pated in various other speech events. The program has actively involved fifty-five students with a total of one hundred and fifty-two appearances. Outstanding awards won during the season include: first place in the Kenyon Debate Tournament, tie for first place in Men’s State Debate Tournament, first place in the State Women’s Peace Or atory contest, first place in Nation al Pi Kapjja Delta Oratory contest, “Excellent” rating in Debate at Pi Kappa Delta Nationals, and “Excellent” rating in Extemp at Pi Kappa Delta Nationals, as well as a tie for a second place, and three third place awards.
Otterbein College Theater jmoductions for 1960-61, .including Teahouse of the August Moon, The Gazebo, The Glass Menagerie, The Bald Soprano and Inherit the Wind had a total attendance of over 5000. Approximately 300 stu dents were involved in the produc tions which were attended by an estimated 75% of the student body. The 1961-62 season will open with the musical comedy. The Boy Friend, on October 26, 27 and 28 as a feature of the Homecoming festivities.
Evelyn Bale
(Continued from page 12) ^ Bale’s wide experience in adminis trative affairs, her familiarity with the Otterbein alumni and her pre vious experience in the Develop ment Office, she is ideally equip ped and prepared for her new pos ition. Dr. Wade Miller, Vice President in Charge of Development, had this to say with regard to Mrs. Bale’s appointment, “I know of no one whom I would rather have^ as an assistant in the important job before us than my former associate, Evelyn Edwards Bale.”
Speech Winner
An Otterbein freshman. Miss Mary Hall, emerged as state cham pion in the Prince of Peace speak ing contest held at Bowling Green State University. The contest, oj)en to all colleges and universities in Ohio, brouglit together the ten best college-age speakers. Miss Hall, whose home is in Cleveland, was first in both preliminary rounds of speaking and then continued her winning ways in the finals.
Albert J. Esselstyn, professor of chemistry at Otterbein since 1928. retired from active teaching respon sibilities in June, 1961, and was vf)tcd emeiitus jjrofessor by the Board of Trustees. Professor Esselstyn earned his BS degree from Alma College, Alma, Michigan, and his M.S. from Cor nell University, Ithaca, New York. He taught at FJrbana Junior Col lege, Urbana, Ohio before coming to Otterbein in 1928 to teach in the Department of Chemistry. He has taught the courses in Organic Chemistry and Chemical German for many years. As a teacher, he took sjjccial in terest in each student and his particidar problems; and students uni versally have reported that he was one of their best teachers. As a scholar, he was a member of the American Chemical Society and a contributing author to the Society’s Journal. As a citi/en, he serves his community as a member of the 1st EUB Church and the Masonic Lodge, Professor Esselstyn also is a former member of the Westerville City Council. Faculty and students alike are sorry to see Professor Esselstyn leave active teaching duty, but wish him many happy days and pleasant experiences in his retire ment. 13
Class Reunions
1961 CLASS OF 1901—FIRST ROW, left to right: Jessie Kohn Gantz, Emma Guitner Worman, Katharine Barnes Smith, Vida Shauck Clements, Luna MacCormick Woodland. SECOND ROW, left to right: Frank Oldt, E. V. Bowers, Ethel Yates Lyke, Katherine Irwin O’Ryan.
CLASS OF 1906 Frank O. VanSickle
CLASS OF 1911—FIRST ROW, left to right: Chloe Z. Niswonger, Rhea Parlette Williamson, Goldie McFarland Clark, Abigail McKean Briscoe. SECOND ROW, left to right: Park E. Wineland, Glen C. Arnold, John F. Williamson, R. C. Hummell. THIRD ROW, left to right: Don C. Shumaker, Ross A. Thuma, B. F. Richer, James O. Cox.
CLASS OF 1916—FIRST ROW, left to right: Helen F. Moses, Merle Eubanks Anthony, Anne Morris Bercaw, Blanche Groves Huffman, Myra Brenizer Clemons, Ermal Noel Crist. SECOND ROW, left to right: Albert L. Glunt, Lelo Shaw Hert, Verda Miles Dailey, Ron R. Weber, Floyd J. Vance.
CLASS OF 1921—FIRST ROW, left to right: Wendell H. Cornetet, Murle McElwee Sanders, Marjorie Miller Roberts, Edna Hooper Schutz, Violet Patterson Wagoner, Gladys Yokum Gillogly, Lera Waters Wallace, Neva Priest Boyles. SECOND ROW, left to right: Gordon R. Lincoln, Walter N. Roberts, Russell R. Ehrhart, Lois Bickelhaupt, Evelyn Darling Hill, Florence Dixon Shaw, Esther Harley Phillippi, Rose E. Goodman. THIRD ROW, left to right: Donald C. Bay, John R. Howe, Albert M. Sanders, Dale M. Phillippi, Wilbur W. Wagoner, T. Vaughn Bancroft. FOURTH ROW, left to right: Lyman S. Hert, Fenton V. Stearns, George W. White, Mark N. Funk, Clarence C. Shaw.
CLASS OF 1926—FIRST ROW, left to right: Helen E. Palmer, Viola Priest Menke, Hattie Clark Zepp, Agnes Buchert Hoover, Zora E. Youmans, Catherine Darst Myers, Gladys West Shaw, Pauline Knepp Keck. SECOND ROW, left to right; Nellie Menke Niswonger, Leona Reese Wilson, Glenn E. Botdorf, Albert C. May, Vera Rexroad Spessard, Elizabeth Marsh Walter, Florence Sudlon Rardain, Edythe P. Lynn. THIRD ROW, left to right: Zane A. Wilson, Clyde M. Barnhard, Carroll C. Widdoes, Charles F. Nunemaker, Lester B. Cox, John R. Hoover, Lewis E. Keck. FOURTH ROW, left to right: William C. Myers, Harold H. Hetzler, Paul B. Eschbach, N. Hale Richter.
CLASS OF 1931—FIRST ROW, left to right:
Dorothy L. Sowers, Nola Samson
Hummell Rainier, Ethel Shelley Steinmetz, Mary Mumma Messmer. SECOND ROW, left to right: Maxine Ebersole Coppess, Helen
Margaret Snyder
Schrader Norris, Martha Evans Nielsen, Releaffa Freeman Bowell. THIRD ROW, left to right: Walter K. Shelley, Edward M. Ricketts, Lawrence H. Marsh, Roger T. Moore, Clare Nutt. FOURTH ROW, left to right: David C. Burke, Bill White, Horace P. White, Donald L. Euverard.
CLASS OF 1936—FIRST ROW, left to right: Beatrice I. Drummond, Jessie Gantz Baker, Ruth Shatzer Swartz, Sarah Wagner Pfeiffer, B. Geraldine Arnold, Kathryn Moore Hohn, Ella Smith Toedtman, Marjorie Bowser Goddard. SECOND ROW, left to right: Edmond J. Booth, Morris E. Allton, Raymond M. Lilly, Ronald B. Wilson, Ruth Hunt Gefvert, Maxine French Loomis, Anna Medert Mickey, Georgia Patton Howland. THIRD ROW, left to right: Elroy H. Lucas, Laurence H. Boor, Jack C. Baker, Walter W. Mickey, Melvin A. Moody.
CLASS OF 1941—FIRST ROW. left to right: Jean McCloy Needham, Louise Gleim Williams, Rosemary McGee Ruyan, Kathleen Mollett Bright, Virginia Jeremiah Garcia, Rita Kohlepp Hanawalt. SECOND ROW, left to right: Elmer A. Schear, Dwight R. Spessard, Paul W. Kirk, Mack A. Grimes, Clyde E. Good, D. W. Stover. THIRD ROW, left to right: Howard W. Elliott, Glen W. Underwood, Ben C. Glover, Jr., Milford E. Ater, Gerald A. Rife. FOURTH ROW, left to right: John D. Stone, Frank M. Van Sickle, Donald L. Williams, William A. James, Harold F. Augspurger, Oliver O. Osterwise.
CLASS OF 1946—FIRST ROW, left to right: Catherine Barnhart Gerhardt, Esther Learish Watrous, Sandra Rubino Paul, Janet L. Roberts, Ruth Ann Masters Clossman, Marion Henderson MacKenzie. SECOND ROW, left to right: Carl R. Robinson, Josephine Case Thomas, Richard A. Welsh, Patricia Nutt Shuter, E. Loye Donelson.
CLASS OF 1951—FIRST ROW, left to right: Dean L. Hancock, Jr., Dale I. Girton, Anita Ranck Morris, Glana Hammer Earnest, Miriam Wetzel Ridinger, Priscilla Warner Berry, Phyllis E. Weygandt, Phyllis Shannon Wilson, Barbara Schutz Barr, Jean Young Young, Evelyn Bender Vance. SECOND ROW, left to right: Ronald N. Smith, William J. Horie, John J. Burke, Patricia Finney Hawk, Bonnie Brooks Thomas, Shirley Minnis Perkins, Martha Weller Shand, Jean Share Sherriff, Joan Young Hicks, Lois Berlekamp Murray, George A. Young. THIRD ROW, left to right: Roy A. Felldin, Arthur B. Fulton, Carl V. Vorpe, Richard A. Howard, Dale V. Witt, Will iam M. Drenten, John E. Hicks, Charles E. Eicher, W. James Shand. FOURTH ROW, left to right: Orla E. Bradford, Harold J. Messmer, Donald J. Walter, Paul E. Thomas, James W. Yost, Allen C. Jennings, John D. Stewart, Russell G. Miller.
CLASS OF 1956—FIRST ROW, left to right: Martha E. Myers, Janet L. Yost, Betty Pooler Driever, Barbara Klenk Forman, Marilyn J. Hert, Mary Wagner Myers. SECOND ROW, left to right: Doris Stibbs Seitner, Diane Renollet Cline, Jean Karns Hauff, Darleen Jenkins Long, Gail Bunch Arledge, Sarah Rose Skaates, Mary Stine Wagner. THIRD ROW, left to right: William L. Evans, Wade S. Miller, Robert A. Long, Mary Hoyer Novak, Sonya Stauffer Evans, Martha Sadler Dix, Annbeth Sommers Wilkinson. FOURTH ROW, left to right: Gerald R. Wirth, Everett J. Hodapp, Jr,, Jamee K, Wagner, Bill E. Kinneer, Robert E. Wilkinson, R. John Rough.
The Distinguished and Honorary Alumnus Awards For 1961
Dr. Sylvester M. Broderick, ’24, friend of youth and educator, re ceived the Otterbein College Dis tinguished Alumnus Award at the Alumni Day luncheon, Saturday, June 3, in recognition of his out standing executive ability and mer-
In 1953, Dr. Broderick returned to the United States on a Fulbright Scholarship and joined the Depart ment of Anthropology at North western University where he help ed to establish an African Studies Program. At this time, he also serv ed as visiting professor of African
studies at Otterbein. Returning to Africa the next year, he became head of the West African Examina tions Department. When his son, Sylvester, Jr., came to the United States in 1959 to enter Otterbein, Dr. Broderick came with him and has s{:)ent the last two years at Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro, N.C., developing a department of African Studies. Besides this work, he has made extensive lecture tours to colleges and universities throughout the United States by arrangement of the State Depart ment, and has also given lectures on Africa to many civic and church groups. This summer he is engag ed in teaching summer school at the University of Eastern Michigan at Ypsilanti, Michigan. Dr. Broderick expects to return to Africa this August to continue his work in the ediuation field.
Sanders Admiral Frye, Otterbein’s Business Manager, was nam ed Honorary Alumnus of Otterbein College on Alumni Day, Sat urday, June 3. In presenting Mr. Frye with the Honorary Alumnus Award, Dr. Vance E. Cribbs, Pres ident of the Board of Trustees, said that “Sandy” is known “not only as the business manager of the college, but also as a loyal, en thusiastic, hard working member of the administration and more over a friend of all of us.” Mr. Frye, who was graduated from Ohio State University in 1921 with a Bachelor of Civil Engineer ing, came to Otterbein College in 1947 to serve as its first and only business manager. Since that time, as Dr. Cribbs stated in his citation, “he has proposed and successfully carried out countless projects which have improved the physical facilit ies of the college. Indeed, the entire
college community has benefited by his boundless energy, initiative and fine business acumen.” Before coming to Otterbein, Mr. Frye was chief engineer for the L. L. LeVeque Company, General Contractors, Columbus, Ohio. Besides those of business man ager, Mr. Frye’s duties at Otter bein include those of purchasing agent, supervisor of buildings and grounds, supervisor of mainten ance, and supervisor of new con struction. During the past fourteen years, he has planned and supervis ed construction of over two mil lion dollars worth of new buildings including dormitories, a chapelauditorium, a stadium, an observa tory-planetarium, a radio station and a revolutionary new heating plant. These achievements and the ex cellent up keep of the campus were included in the citation of his a-
ward which also stated that be cause of “his demonstrated loyalty and deep interest in Otterbein Col lege, Sanders A. Frye merits and richly deserves this honor.”
itorious service in the field of edu cation. After graduating cum laude from Otterbein College with a B.A. degree in 1924, Dr. Broderick went to Columbia University where he received his Master of Arts degree in 1925. He then taught at Agricul tural and Technical College, Greensboro, North Carolina, until 1929 when he returned to Africa and became Director of Education in Sierra Leone, a post he held until 1953. It was during this time, on Founders’ Day, 1947, that Otter bein conferred upon him the hon orary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. Dr. Sylvester M. Broderick
Flashes ’01
kalhin inc liarncs Siniili, Sci'v 171 West Park Street VVt'stei ville, Ohio
1)1. FRANK OLDT was elected president and Mrs. KAd'HARlNK BARNES SMEEH was elected .sec retary of the Cdass of 1901 at the ()0th anniversary reunion held June 3.
Miss Helen Moses, Sec’y 30 E. Collc*ge Avenue Westerville, Ohio
Mrs. VERDA MILES DAILEY was elected jiresident and Miss HELEN MOSES was elected secre tary of the Class of 1916 at the 45th anniversary class reunion held June 3.
Mrs. Violet Patterson Wagoner, .Set’y Route #3 Westerville, Ohio
I'he members of the Class of 1921 who were present at the 40th anniversary reunion June 3 elected r. VAUGHN BANCROET pres ident and Mrs. VIOLET PAT TERSON WAGONER secretary. DR. SPENCER SHANK, ’21, is Foreign Student Adviser at the University of Cincinnati.
Miss Ellen Jones, Sec’y 18 N. .State St. Westerville, Ohio
J. BURNEl.L CRABBS, ’23, Princi[)al of the Berea (Ohio) High School for the last 29 years announced his retiiement in June. .Mr. (aabbs, joined the school system as a teacher and coach in 1927 after having tauglit in other jjublic: school systems for four years. As coach, he led the school lo its “golden age of sjtorts.’’
’26 Salem College, Salem, West Vir ginia honored Judge EARL R. HOOVER, ’26, by conferring upon him an honorary degree of doctor of laws at its 73rd commencement on May 26. Judge Hoover was principal speaker at the Salem College an nual alumni banquet starting the ac tivities of Commencement Week.
PERRY LAUKHUEF, ’27, has recently been elected to the Board of Direemrs and appointed to the Executive Committee of the Board cjf the Woodrow Wilson Founda tion of New York City. The Woodrow Wilson Foundation was estab lished in 1922, with nationwide contributions, to further Wilson’s ideals c^f clemcjcracy and world co operation. Mr. Laukhuff also was recently elec ted to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Ej)isc:oj)al Church in Norwalk, Connec ticut. Virgil L. Raver, Set’y 163 W. Home Street Westerville, Ohio
’25 Mrs. MAMIE EDGINGTON BRADDOCK, ’25, was named 1960 Woman of the Year by the War saw, Indiana Cdiamber of Com merce. Mrs. Braddock was cited for her valuable contribution in the field ol educaticjn and as one of the foremost high school English teachers in Indiana. 20-
’30 RUTH C. BAILEY, ’30, is head of the Internaticjnal Students Of fice at the Ohio State University.
While on leave Prof. Raver serv ed as principal of the secondary school for children of U. S. service men at the Fort Sherman base in Naples, Italy. DOROTHY G. HOOVER, x’29, is teaching second grade in Sacra mento City Unified School, Sacra mento, California.
Janet, Virgil, Lucy Raver
VIRGIL L. RAVER, ’29, who has been on leave of absence for the academic year 1960-61, will re turn to the campus this fall to re sume his duties as associate profes sor of education and director of placement.
Mrs. Dorothy Schrader Norris, Sec’y (H W. Home Street Westerville, Ohio
The Class of 1931 elected CLARE NUTT, as president and Mrs. DOROTHY SCHRADER NORRIS as secretary.
’35 Dr. GEORGE E. PARKINSON, ’35, pastor of First Presbyterian Church at Canton, Ohio was elect ed moderator of the Ohio Synod of the United Presbyterian Church at the opening se,ssion of the Synod’s 8()th annual conference in June. Dr. ROBERT E. AIRHART, ’35, is now" pastor of Red Bird Mis sion, Beverly, Kentucky. Dr. VERLE A. MILLER, ’35, has been elected to the position of Vice-Presitlent and General Man ager of the Chemical Division of International Latex Corporation. Dr. Miller began his career with the corporation as a research chem ist in 1951. He is the author of several scientific articles and the holder of several patents based on his research.
36 Mrs. Robert E. Airhart (WAHNITA M. STRAHM, ’36) is teach ing home economics in the Red Bird Mission Settlement School, Beverly, Kentucky.
Mrs. Helen Dick Clyiiicr, Sec’y 86 E. Broadway Westerville, Ohio
Dr. GEORGE CURTS, ’38, was elected president of the Kansas City Council of Camp Fire Girls at the council’s annual meeting. He has served on the Camp Fire board of directors for the last three years and is also active in Boy Scout work.
’40 Dr. GRANVILLE S. HAMi\rOND, ’40, former superinten dent of schools in Alliance, Ohio has .spent the past two years with the U. S. International Coopera tion Administration in Korea, help ing to revise and improve educa tion to meet the needs of Korea’s immediate and future develop ments. Dr. and Mrs. Hammond (JEAN COOK, ’40) and their four children are vacationing in the U.S. and will return to Korea in AuglLSt.
’42 MARGUERITE LIGHTLE ZIEGLER, ’42, presented a recital on the Shantz two-manual pipe organ at the Federated Church in Chagrin Falls in May. Mrs. Ziegler is church organist for the Federat ed Church in Chargin Falls and is a member of the Cleveland Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
’44 IRENE COLE, ’44, began her duties as assistant cataloger at United Theological Seminary Library in July. Miss Cole had pre viously taught for sixteen years at the McCurdy School in the EUB home mission in New Mexico. JOHN A. SMITH, ’44, has been promoted from Captain in the U.S. Army to Major. Major and Mrs. Smith (GERALDINE A. MC DONALD, ’45) have just returneil to the U.S. after comjjleting a three year tour of duty with the Army in Germany.
’46 Dr. ROBERT Y. KAl ASE, ’4G, is now chief of Pathology Service at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.
’47 Mr. and Airs. WALl ER J. WIL LIAMS ’47, (FERN SPAULDING, ’45) celebrated five years of own ing and operating “Williams Phar macy’’ in Bridgman, Afi(higan. Mrs. Edith Peters Corbin, Scc’y 135 Shadybrook Drive Dayton 9, Ohio
JOvSEPH COUGHLIN, ’49, is now Executive Director and Chief Psychiatric Social Worker for the Alcoholism Clinic of Rochester, New York. PAUL R. CONE, ’49, head of the department of business and industrial management in the Uni versity of Southern California’s Graduate School of Business Ad ministration, has received an al umni citation from Bryant College, Providence Rhode Island. Mr. Cone earned his BS and MS in Business Administration from Bry ant and was honored at the 25th reunion of his (lass “in recognition of outstanding achievement in professional and personal endeav ors.’’ JOHN R. y\GLER, ’49, has been promoted from senior buyer at the Scott Paper Company’s Fort Edward, New' York plant to the position of buyer in the Staff Pro curement Division of the com pany in Philadelphia. Mr. Agler joined the firm in 1953 as a trainee in the Consumers’ Representative Department at the Chester, Penn sylvania Scott Paper Company plant.
’50 Rev. JAMES B. RECOB, ’50, is Foreign Student Adviser and Chap lain at Otterbein College.
ROBERI E. BARIHOLOMEW, M.D., ’50, has completed a two year residency at Children’s Hospital in Chicago and is now in pediatric practice in Bloomington, Illinois. His new' home address is 1121 East Grove Street, Blooming ton. Miss Phyllis E. Weyandt, Sec’y 717 (iood Park Blvd. Akron 20, Ohio
RUSSELL G. MILLER was elected president and Miss Phyllis E. Weyandt was elected to serve as secretary for the Cilass of 1951 at the 10th reunion held June 3. Dr. G. WILLIAM AUMAN, x’51, has been elected president of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Optometric Society for the 1961-63 term. MILTON W. LANG, ’51, was elected cadet-president of the Cuy ahoga Falls Education Association. He w'ill serve as stand-by president for two years and then as president for two years. Dr. LEE G. BURCHINAL, ’51, assistant professor of sociology, Iowa State University was a fea tured sjjeaker at the North Ameri can Conference on (ihurch and Family held at Green Lake, Wi.sconsin in May. CARL VORPE, ’51, is a publish er’s consultant for the American Yearbook Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Vorpe is also doing free lance w'riting and has three articles appearing in the EUB Church pub lication Youth Leader. Mrs. Dolores Koons Fowler, Secretary 39 Glenwood Drive Westerville, Ohio
J. EDWARD AXLINE, ’54, is teaching math and science as well as (oadiing football and wrestling at Santa Clara High School, Santa Clara, California. Miss Marilyn J. Hcrt, Sec’y 509 S. Marion Street Oardington, Ohio
\V1LLIAM L. EVANS was elec ted president and Miss MARILYN J. HERT WMS elected secretary of the 1956 class at the 5th anniver sary get-together held June 3rd. -21
JAMKS V. WHIPP, ’50, is assist ant (icditinan in the Retail Credit Ollice ot I'exaco, Inc., .S350 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Cali fornia. Mr. Whipp is also active in the Marine Corps Reserve where he holds a commission as a first lieutenant.
’57 WILLIAM F. BALE, ’57, is on a three-year lour of duty with the USAF in Tachikawa, Japan, until the sununer of 1962. Among the interesting projects which he and his wife (PATRICIA WKICAND, ’58) have undertaken is the tutoring of two Japanese teachers of English in the local Japanese schools. In the process, Bill and Pat report that they are increasing their knowledge of the Japanese language. Mrs. Judith Lovejoy Foote, Sec’y ()953 Ttiorndike, Apt. IB Cincinnati, Ohio
Mrs. William F. Bale (PAT RICIA WEIGAND, ’58) is Chair man of English at the Yamato High School, Tokyo, Japan. She attended a five day Reading In stitute in Hawaii sponsored by Science Research Associates of Chi cago this summer. LEWIS GRAY, ’58, played the role of “Hector, The Thief’’ in d'he Ohio State University Stadium Theatre presentation of “Thieves Ciarnival.’’
’60 BRUCE KECK, x’60, was com missioned Ensign in the Navy in November 1960. Mrs. Joel R. Klink (JOAN SCHILLING, ’60), has accepted a position as instructor of mathema tics at Ohio Northern University, Ada. Ohio.
62 JOYCE BOEDECKER, x’62, was crowned Sweetheart of the Ohio University Chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity. 22
Front Row (left to right)—Mrs. Millard J. Miller, Millard J. Miller, Jr., Phyllis Jenkins, lla Tobias, Martha Deever, Marilyn Moody, Raymond Brandeberry, Ralph Ciampa, and Dr. Millard J. Miller. Second Row (left to right)—James Paxton, Kent Plowman, Sally Landwer, Vernon Lee Phillips, David Frees, Harry Nothstine and Charles Zech.
Religion-ln-Life Week
Religion-in-Life Week was ob served at Otterbein College Febru ary 19-23. Dr. Otis A. Maxfield, senior minister of First Community Church, Columbus, was the guest sj>eaker. The theme of this year’s Religion-in-Life Week program was “Faith in an Age of Skepticism.” Selected as Columbus’ Outstand ing Young Man of 1960, Dr. Maxfield is pastor of one of the largest interdenominational churches in the United States. First Commun ity Church has a membership of over 6,500.
For many years. Dr. anti Mrs. Millard J. Miller, pastor of the Otterbein College Church, and his wife, have entertained the “P.K.’s” (Preachers Kids) enrolled at Ot terbein. This year they entertained four teen “P.K.s” at a Sunday evening meal. All except two were from E.U.B. parsonages, and seven are children of alumni. Three “P.K.’s” could not attend.
Debate Team Wins
The Otterbein College Men’s Debate team tied for first place in the Ohio State Men’s Debate tournament held Friday and Satur day, February 17-18, at Capital University. The team compiled an 8-4 rec ord in tying for first place honors. The affirmative team, composed of Kenneth Joyce, Westerville, and John Muster, Canton, defeated Ohio State, Marietta, and Oberlin, but lost to Kenyon, Heidelberg, and Bowling Green. David Norris, Westerville, and James Walter, Birmingham, Michi gan, composed the negative team which won over Dayton, JohnCarroll, Capital, Ohio Wesleyan, and Western Reserve, but lost to Ohio University. Dr. James A. Grissinger, debate coach, accompanied the team.
Miss Virginia Barnes, Otter bein College sophomore, was the recent winner of four L.P. rec ord albums in the Kroger-Westinghouse Junior CMok-of-the-Year Search. As a result of Miss Barnes’ achievement, a roaster oven was jnesented to the Otterbein Home Economics Department.
CUPID'S CAPERS 1902 - Mrs. May Lee and Eniesl A. Sanders, ’02, July 5, Candler, North Caro lina. 1920 - Rachel W. Canfield and Ken neth L. Arnold, x’20, March 15, Tucson, Arizona. 1925—Mrs. Agnes M. Burch and Paul J. Strouse, ’25, December 25, 1960, Johnsville, Olrio. 1949 - Patricia Ann Furgee and Harry Ashburn, ’49, December 26, Mannington, West Virginia. 1957 - Shirley Jean McCullough, ’57, and Clyde V. Payton, May 20, Lakewood, Ohio. 1958 - Patty Lou Sattefield, ’58, and Clair Van Stout, July 16, Sunbury, Ohio. Marjorie Joy Lambert, ’58, and Edward R. Hopkins, July 8, Westerville, Ohio. Jane B. Adleman and Rex Sprague, ’58, April 2.S, McArthur, Ohio. Beatrice Bodi, ’58, and Robert Walker, July 2, Mansfield, Ohio. 1959 and 1961 - Nancy Greer, ’61, and Thomas LeBlanc, ’59, July 15, Newark, Ohio. 1960 - Carol Heiskell, ’60, and Dwight A. Cohagan, June 17, Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Nancy Werner, ’60, and John Weiffenbach, ’60, July 22, Dayton, Ohio. Linda Mavin, x’60, and Julius Shinko, June 24, Fostoria, Ohio. Vandwilla Hackman, ’60, and Russell Kilburn, June 25, Lebanon, Ohio. Audrey Jean Wehole and Joseph M. Palasko, ’60, April 22, Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania. Jean Miller, ’60, and Van Nickol, De cember 24, Versailles, Ohio. 1960 and 1961 - Carol Mraz, ’61, and Bruce Flack, ’60, June 10, Maple Heights, Ohio. Jane Newell, ’61, and Wallace Cochran, ’60, June 17, Greenhills, Ohio. 1961 - Susan Fish, '61, and Lawrence Gene Gatton, June 10, Akron, Ohio. Priscilla Roa, x’61, and Alfred Gonzalez, August 7, 1960, Ybor City, Florida. Sara Elberfeld, ’61, and David Deever, ’61, June 11, Westerville, Ohio. Judith E. Fisher and William E. Wood, ’61, June 17, Steubenville, Ohio. Kay Decker, ’61, and Merrill Durig, July 22, Centerville, Ohio. Rosemary Shockey and Gene Furbee, ’61, June 24, Philippi, West Virginia. Beverly Ann Hall and Thomas Hock, ’61, June 10, Maderia, Ohio. 1961 and 1962 - Claudia Wilkin, x’62, and Gary .Alien, ’61, Tune 9, Westerville, Ohio. Judy Swan, ’61, and Robert Work, ’62, June 22, Connellsville, Pennsylvania. Nancy Anderson, ’62, and Walt Vernon, ’61, June 10, Hilliard, Ohio. Beth Hanning, x’61, and Lynn T. Sher man, x’62, June 11, Marion, Ohio. 1963—Sharon Knoff, x’63 and Frederick Sexton, March 4„ Columbus, Ohio.
1946 - Dr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Katase, ’46, a son, Alan, May 19. 1949 - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber (.Anna Bale, ’49), a daughter, Lisa .Ann, born May 5, adopted June 30. 1949 and 1950 - Mr. and Mrs. John D. I.yter, ’50, (Barbara Stephenson, ’49) , a daughter, Anne Stephenson, June 18. 1950 - Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bar tholomew, ’50, twin sons, John Weeks and Paul Weeks, May 19. 1951 and 1953 - Mr. and Mrs. William “Skip” Horie, ’51, (Vergene Braithwaite, ’53), a daughter, Wendy Lee, January 4. 1951 and 1955 - Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pence, ’51, (Pat Byers, ’55), a son Warren Howard, February 20, 1960. 1952 - Rev. and Mrs. Walter Nelson (Delores Hopkinson, ’52), a liaugliter, Sara Lynn, January 18. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hanes, ’52, a son David Kenneth, December 9. 1953 - Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bailey (Betty Lou Wolfe, ’53), a son Dean Oren, May 2. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Schutz, ’53, a daugh ter, Marilyn Sue, June 29. Rev. and Mrs. Haven C. Kelley, ’53, a son, Philip Haven, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Riblet, ’53, a daughter, Diane Elisabeth, April 17. 1954 - Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor Wadman (Sally Bodge, ’54), a daughter. Erica, July 16. 1956 and 1958 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. “Bud” Warner, ’56, (Emily Bale, ’58), a son James Brian, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. David Warner, ’56, (Joyce Shannon, ’58), a son, David Scott, May 19. 1956 and 1959 - Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tong, ’56, (Wavalene Kumler, ’59), a son, Kyle Kumler, April 6. 1956 and 1960 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shultz, ’60, (Madeline Sears, ’56), a son Stephen Ross, February 14. 1957 - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charles, ’57, (.Astrida Salnais, ’57), a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, April 17. 1957 and 1959 - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wyville, '57, (Marilyn E. Miller, ’59), a daughter, Cynthia Elaine, August 11. 1958 - Mr. and Mrs. William Cockrell (Wilma Jean Geisler, ’58) , a daughter Michelle Lynn, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Carper (Joyce Bigham, ’58), a son, Noel Gordon, July 27. 1958 and 1961 - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wetzel, ’58, (Myra Kilgore, x’61), a daughter, Janette Leslie, February 15. 1960 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bow man, ’60, a son David Emery, May 20. 1961 and 1962 - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scholtz, ’61, (Carolyn Dotson, x’62), a daughter, Susan Elizabeth, June 23.
1892 - Dr. Francis M. Poiuiigcr, Sr., ’92, died June 10, l.os Angeles, California.
1962 - Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Moore (Paula Counts, x’62), a daughter, Rebec ca Irene, June 16.
1904 - Mrs. Robert Wilson (Josephine Markley, ’04), died May 24, Westerville, Ohio. 1906 - Robert Olterbein Davis, ’06, died .April 8. 1907 - Karl Rymer, ’07, died July 21, Fluntingdon, Pennsylvania. Judge Roscoe R. Walcutt, A’07, died July 31, Columbus, Ohio. 1910 - Ralph E. Streich, x’lO, died March 4, Portsmouth, Ohio. 1912 - Mrs. Irvin R. Libecap (Mary Kalter, x’I2), died June 28, North Holly wood, California. Ralph W. Smith, ’12, died June 30, VVTsterville, Ohio. Miss Floy G. Hurt, x’12, died Jtdy 11, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1914 - Russell M. Weimer, ’14, died May 12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1917 - Mrs. Raymond C. Kratz (Ruth M. VanKirk, ’17), died July 13, Lower Marion, Pennsylvania. 1936 - Miss Mary Runk, ’36, died .March 4, (hand Rapid.s, Michigan. GRADUATE DEGREES The following Otterbein alumni re ceived advanced degrees recently: Irene L. Cole, ’44 Master of .Arts George Peabody College for Teachers, June 2 l,ouis C. Rapalee, ’50 Master of .Arts in Educational Administration Marshall University, May 28 Phyllis E. Weygandt, ’51 Master of Social Work Ohio State University, June 9 W. Robert Myers, ’53 Master of Sacred Theology McGill University, May, 1961 Edwin H. Eberly, ’55 Master of Science in Education University of Akron, June 12 Curtis W. Tong, ’56 Master of Arts Ohio State University, June 9 John 4 heodore Huston, ’57 Doctor of Medicine Ohio State University, June 9 Erederick L. Crawford, ’59 Master of Social Work Ohio State University, June 9 Vera Andreichuk Rea, ’59 Master of Social Work Ohio State University, June 9 Lloyd O. K. Bailor, ’60 Master of Arts Rutgers University, June 7
Fall Honiecoiniiig is scheduled lor Saturday, October 28. The football game, Otterbein vs. Marietta, will be a feature of the afternoon. The Homecoming play. The Boy Friend, will be presented in the evening.
September 23 Findlay Westerville * September 30 Heidelberg Tiffin * October 7 at Gambier Kenyon . October 14 at Westerville** Oberlin . October 21 at Hiram Hiram ... October 28 Marietta (Homecoming) at Westerville November 4 at Westerville* Ashland Novendier 11 at Westerville* Ca[)ital . November 18 at Danville, Ky. Centre .. * Night Game - 8:00 P.M. ** Night Game - 7:30 P.M.
A “Parents’ Day” will be held on Saturday, October 14, in stead of the “Dad’s Day” of the past few years. The arrange ments for the day which will be planned with the cooperative of the newly appointed Parents Committee, will feature the football game with Oberlin. 1961 - 62 ARTIST SERIES
The Westerville Concerts Association announces the following program for the 1961-62 Artist Series to be held in Cowan Hall. Tuesday, November 14 .. .The Columbus Symphony Orchestra Wednesday, January 10 ....................The Cleveland Playhouse Monday, February 12 .......................................... Cesare Valletti Tuesday, March 13 .... The (iolumbus Roychoir FRESHMEN REPORT
Freshman period begins at Otterbein on Saturday, September 9. Registration day is Wednesday, September 13, and first sem ester classes begin at 7:45 a.m. on Thursday, September 14. OTTERBEIN COLLEGE CALENDAR
Saturday, Septend)er 9 Freshman Period Begins Thursday, September 14 ............................. First Semester Begins Friday, September 22 ........................................ Freshman Bonfire Saturday, October 14 ......... ........................................Parents’ Day Saturtlay, October 28 ........... .............—Fall Homecoming
I fu iOtil \tnuuu Regisiet h:t> bet II mailed i*> ilnm- » have jtlated .uh ant ed tutleis. Pavmeitl <)i -Sl.OU should be seiu to ihe .VIumni Ollite atul luoiiev oitleis p.ivablt lo Oneibt'in l.ol legej f-vi'iv elloii it.isi: tuatlt' lo m.iLt
ibis Rtgisiei as tonipleie ;uk1 ac ruiate as possiblt and we hoj>e lhai it meets with \t>ur ap{>ruval: hou ever, it inis tome to mn aiieiuion that in a lew ttipies some vet lions are missing. Iiuomjileie <o|»ies shtmid bi reitnnetl »«i the Vlumiii Oflite