\Who Discovers the Discoverers? A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.” Carl Linnaeus Somewhere in this mighty land of ours, a gifted youth is learning to see the light of tomorrow. Somewhere in a college classroom or laboratory, a dedicated teach er is gently leading genius toward goals of lofty attain ment. Somewhere the mind of a future discoverer-in science, engineering, government, or the arts-is being trained to transcend the commonplace. ^ Our nation has been richly rewarded by the quality of thought nurtured in our colleges and universities The caliber of learning generated there has been re sponsible in no small part for our American way of life To our college teachers, the selfless men and women ^A-mioher education
who inspire our priceless human resources, we owe more than we will ever be able to repay. Yet how are we actually treating these dedicated people? Today low salaries are not only driving gifted teachers into other fields, but are steadily reducing the number of qualified people who choose college teaching as a career. At the same time, classrooms are begin ning to get overcrowded. In the face of this, college applications are expected to double by 1967. This is a severe threat to our system of education, to our way of life, even to our very existence as a nation. Our colleges need help-and they need it now!
If you want to know more about what the college crisis means to you, and what you can do to help, write for a free booklet to: HIGHER EDUCATION, Box 36, Times Square Station, New York 36, New York.
Sponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education
1^- ■-
CONTENTS Editor’s Corner ........ ............................
Commencement Schedule ...................
Clements’ Carillon ...............................
Campus News ................................... .
Sports News .........................................
Development News .............................
“I’he College Student” ......................
A Journey to Dillenburg, Germany
Alumni .\ssociation Nominations .. ..
Spotlight on y\lumni ..........................
Flashes Irom the Classes .....................
Births - Deaths - Marriages .............
Bulletin Board ....................................
"Her halls have their own message Of truth, and hope, and love. "Her stately tower Speaks naught but power For our dear Otterbein!” OTTERBEIN TOWERS Editor Arthur L. Schultz, ’49
Assistant Editors Ethel Steinrnetz, ’31 Bruce C. Flack, ’60 Charlotte E. Combs
EDITOR'S comer
This issue of Otterbein Towers is late due to several unusual projects in your Alumni Office. We appreciate your patience in this extraordinary situation. A new, sound, colored motion picture about Otterbein has Iteen produced this spring and will be shown for the first time on Alumni Day, Saturday, June 3. This film will be available for alumni clubs, churches and schools. Our office is just now completing the proof reading of the 1961 ALUMNI REGISTER. The compiling and editing of the register has been a gigantic task but we are hopeful that the com pleted copy will meet with your approval.
iS f
Published quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interests of alumni and friends. Entered as secondclass matter at the post office at ^VestervilIe, Ohio, under the act of August 24, 1912.
April, 1961 Volume 33 Number 3 MF.MBFR
President Robert Knight, ’28
Ex-President Richard M. Allaman, ’33
Vice Presidents
COVER page
J. Russell Norris, ’24 Robert C. Barr, ’50 Carl E. Gifford, ’15
Secretary Juanita Gardis Foltz, ’48
Times have changed. Have America’s college students? This is the theme of an insert which is appearing in this issue, and which is entitled, “The College Student.” In keeping with this emjihasis on current college students, we feature on the cover two present freshmen students at Otterbein. Between classes on the main campus arc Miss Pamela Anne Mcllroy of Huntington, New York, and \Vinston Douglas Yohe, of Williamsville. New York.
Members-At-Large A. Monroe Courtright, ’40 Alice Davison Troop, ’23 Dwight C. Ballenger, ’39
Faculty Representatives Robert W. Holm, ’38 E. LaVelle Rosselot, ’33
College Treasurer and Presidents of Alumni Clubs
Sunday, June 4
Friday, June 2 I’lii Sigma Iota I’idiic ..................................................
Saturday, June 3 ()iii/ iiuti <>ui!l Iticaklasi
........................... 8:()<) A.M.
Fatuity Dining Room ('.lass Rfiinion Meetings .............................................. 10:00 Ahtmni Day lAtnehcon ........ 12:30 Ilaiiow Hall Reception and lea by Otterbein Women’s Club for alumni and faculty ........................ 3:00 - 5:00 Centennial IJbrary (ienturian (dub Dinner ............................................. 5:30 Faculty Dining Rtxtm Showing of new Otterbein film, “Up in the Tower” Ctnvan Hall .......................................................... B:00 Open House at Weitkamp Observatory attd Planetarium .................................................. B:00
GUEST SPEAKERS Dr. Joint Kai ela-Siiiat t, ’10, minister of external affairs and defence. Sierra L.eone, West Africa will l)c the (ttnnnenc entent s[>eaker Inr the Class of IfKil on Monday, June 5. .Sierra Leone, Africa celebrated their Independence Day on April 27, 1961. Dr. Smart is one of the top officials in the new government of Sierra Leone.
Bishop Paitl M. Herrick, resident Bishop of the Cientral .Area Evan gelical United Brethren Church with headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday, June 4. A graduate of Kansas City Uni versity and United Theological Seminary, Bishop Herrick received his master’s degree from Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma and the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from York College, York, Nebraska in 1957 and the Doctor ol Laws Degree from Otterbein last year. -4
/\.Nf. I’.M.
Haccalaureate Service ...................................................... 10:00 A.M. nisbop Paul M. Hen it k. Speaker First F..C.R. Cburch Open House at the President’s Home . 2:30- 1:00 P.M. for Seniors anti Commencement Guests Capillon Recital ................................................................. Detlication of Clvmer Memorial Organ and Organ Recital by Virgil Fox ................ 8:00 P.M. ('.owan Hall
Monday, June 5 P.M. P.M.
Commencement Dr. John Karefa Smart, .Speaker Cowan Hall
10:00 .\.M.
Organ Recital In Cnwan Hall Jnne 4
Dedication of the Clymer Me morial Organ in Cowan Hall will he Sunday, June 4, at 8:00 P.M. Virgil Fox of New York City will present the dedicatory organ re cital. Irvin L. Clymer, ’09, of Evans ton, Illinois, gave .’$54,000 to Otter bein for the installation of the three-manual Moller organ in Cowan Hall. The gift is in memory of his wife, Elsa Zell Clymer, who died March 28, 1959. Until his retirement in 195,8, Mr. Clymer was president of the Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation, a U.S. Steel sid)sidiary, as well as president of the Michigan Lime stone and Chemical Company. .Mr. Clymer was graduated from Otterbein College in 1909 and re ceived an engineering degree from
Purdue University in 1911. He has been a ineniber of the Otterbein College board of trustees since 1958 and last year Otterbein be stowed the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon him. Virgil Fox is organist of the Riverside Cliurch in New York City and is known as one of .America’s most outstanding con cert organists. Fox’s universal popularity, which has resulted in fretjuent sell-outs wherever he has ajjpeared, has l)een variously attributed to his mastery of the instrument and his flawless tedmique, hut it is more truly a result of his projection of a warm, vibrant personality through the medium of organ music. Alumni are cordially invited to attend the dedicatory organ recital.
Clements Carillon To Be Daiicated Dedication ceremonies are plan ned for the new Clements Carillon on May Day, Saturday, May 13th, at 1:30 P.M. W. Robert Morrison, carilloneur, and minister of music at the First Methotlist Church, Canton, Ohio, will present a spec ial Carillonic Bell Recital. In 1948, Dr. and Mrs. Frank O. Clements presented a carillon to Otterbein College and the First Evangelical United Brethren Church of Westerville. Recently, Mrs. Clements, a member of the Board of Trustees, has contributed an addition to the carillon which will make it one of the outstand ing carillon instruments in the nation, and similar to the Bok I'ower Carillon in Florida. I'he instrument is installed in Cowan Hall on the Otterbein Campus and provides the tonal ecjuivalent of over 100,000 jmunds of cast bells tuned to the finest slandaids. T he harp bells, which are a jKirt of the “Americana” Carillon, an exclusive development of Schulmerich Carillon, Inc., of Sellersville, Pennsylvania are a new tone color in bell music, and add the mellow beauty of the plucked harp, while the Celesta bells, also a new tone color, add a silvery brightness to the instru ment, enabling the musician to play selections which were not pos sible heretofore. The Carillon consists of 208 min iature bell units, of bronze bell metal, which are struck by metal hammers, prodiuing exact true bell tones almost inaudible to the human ear. These bell vibrations are then amplified over one mil lion times by means of sj^ecially de signed electronic equipment, pro ducing true bell music with all the depth and vividness of traditional cast bells of massive proportions. The Clements Carillon will be played from a special keyboard located in Cowan Hall or from a keyboard of the organ console in the First Evangelical United Bre thren Church. Selection switches will permit the bells to be heard within the building alone, from
the tower alone, or both together.
Carillon Recital Mr. ^V. Robert Morrison, carilloneur and minister of music at the First Metho dist Church, Canton, Ohio, will present the following special Carillonic Bell Re cital at 1:,H0 P.M. on Saturday, May 1.8: .A 1 R.AGMENT OF CHANGE-RINGING on the Flemish and English Bells A.MERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Ward C:HAC0NNE .....................Auguste Durand W,\LTZ (opus 69 no. 1) Chopin 1 HREE HYMNS: Praise to the Lord, the .Almighty The Doxology (Old Hundredth) O God, Our Help in -Ages Past (St. .Anne) FUCi.A ................................. Van Der Gheyn GIPSY RONDO Haydn 1 HREE HYAINS: What a Friend We Have in Jesus I Will Sing of My Redeemei Wlien I hey Ring the Golden Bells SON(;S .MY .MO I HER FAUGH I ME ................................................................. Dvorak JU.VXFI A ................ Spanish Folk Melody THE OLD REFRAIN Kreisler IHE 01 FERBEIN LOVE SONC.
About The Carilloneur A native of Baltimore, Mary land, Mr. Morrison received a B.S. degree from Johns Hopkins Uni versity and held a three-year or gan scholarship at the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Further study at the Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Philadelphia resulted in the B.D. degree. His Master of Music degree was obtained at the Westminster Choir College, Prince ton, New Jersey. Mr. Morrison was appointed Minister of Music at the Eirst
W. Robert Morrison
Methodist Church, Canton, Ohio, in 1951, and is responsible for seven choirs induding a group of 52 handbells, as well as playing the Aeolian-Skinner ])ipe organ, and the 8r)-note carillonic bells from the tower of this church, his torically famous as the church in which President McKinley wor shipped. The summer of 1953 Mr. Morri son spent in organ study at Fontainbleau, France, under Marcel Dupre. His first organ teacher was Viigil Fox, and he coums many famous mimes in the organ world as his mentors. Mr. James Lawson of the University of Chicago has coached him in carillon playing and Mr. Anton Brees of the Bok .Singing Tower has recently been his teacher.
May Day Schedule Saturday, May 13, 1961
May Morning Breakfast .............................................................. 8:00-9:00 A.M. Barlow Dining Hall Coronation of the Queen ............................................................... .....10:30 A.M. City Park Bandshell Alumni Council Meeting .................................................................. 12:00 Noon Faculty Dining Room Phi Sigma Epsilon Initiation Ceremonies .....................................12:00 Noon 67 South Grove Street Phi Sigma Epsilon 40th Anniversary Luncheon............................ 12:45 P.M. First Methodist Church Carillonic Bell Recital ...........................................................................1:30 P.M. Clements Carillon, Cowan Hall Play, “Inherit the Wind” .......................................................................8:15 P.M. Cowan Hall -5-
Junior Counselors
Seventeen sojiliotnore women and ff)ni teen sopliornore men were recently selected to serve as junior dormitory counselors next year. "I’he candidates were chosen on the basis of personality and scholastic and leadership abilities. The counselors will be enrolled in a leadership psychology course this semester in preparation for their duty. The following have been selected: Lois Axline, Delaware, Ohio; Marilynn Bamberger, Canton, Ohio; (^hailolie Bly, Old Fort, Ohio; Rebecca Bricker, Urbana, Oh io; ATaxine Daniels, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio; Sharon Hept, Vandalia, Ohio; Elizabeth Holman, Brookville, Ohio. Caroline Kaderly, Galloway, Ohio; Mary Lou Keinath, Mans field, Ohio; Judith Mack, Willowick, Ohio; Sue Milam, Nitro, West Virginia; Sharon Martin, Mowrystown, Ohio; Diane Palmer, Newcomerstown, Ohio; Carol Sim mons, Akron, Ohio; Sharon Speelman, Dayton, Ohio; Darlene Stoffer, Mansfield, Ohio; Carol Shook, Rittman, Ohio. Pete Allaman, Dayton, Ohio; Harvey Butler, Sturbridge, Massa chusetts; Ralph Ciampa, Beaverdale, Pennsylvania; Terry Hafner, Brecksville, Ohio; Richard Hohn, Dayton, Ohio; Tony Hugh, Logan, Ohio; John Muster, Canton, Ohio. l^face Ishida, Columbus, Ohio; d homas Martin, Lorain, Ohio; Thomas Moore, Westerville, Ohio; Thomas Parker, Avalon, Pennsyl vania; Lewis Rose, Canal Win chester, Ohio; Stewart Sanders, Columbus, Ohio; Herbert Wood, Eastchester, New York. Drill Team
The Otterbein College AEROTC drill team was in Washington, D-C., April 4-9 to compete in na tional drill competition with other organized drill teams. The compe tition was held during the National Cherry Blossom Festival. -6-
Pillsbury Award
Music Tours
A senior at Otterbein College, Nerita Darling Smith, of Youngwood, Pennsylvania, was chosen as one of the seven finalists who won honors in the 1961 Pillsbury Awards jn'ogram. Miss Smith received an honor award of .1?250 in her selection. She and the other finalists were inter viewed at the Pillsbury Company headquarters in Minneapolis, Min nesota, for first place honors. Mrs. Mabel Joyce, chairman of the Flome Economics Department at Otterbein, accompanied Miss Smith to Minneapolis. Eligibility for the Pillsbury Awards was limited to home eco nomics majors graduating from (ollege from January to June, 1961. High scholastic achievement, a broad ranye of interests and activities, and outstanding personality characteristics were other requi sites. Miss Smith is 22 years old. She belongs to various honorary socie ties including Alpha Lambda Del ta, Phi Sigma Iota, and the Torch and Key (a local honorary). She has been active in the Home Eco nomics Club, Women’s Glee Club, and has been on the staff of the college newspaper, as well as par ticipating in her sorority, Tau Epsilon Mu. She was graduated from Youngwood High School in Yo u n g w o o c 1, P e 1 m s y 1 a n i a. T'he other six finalists are from the University of Connecticut, Oregon State College, Pennsyl vania State University, University of Alabama, University of Illinois, and Drexel Institute of Technol ogy-
Both the Olicrbcin Men’s Glee Club and A Cajjpella Choir were on tour during Spring vacation in April. The Otterbein College Men's Glee Club presented concerts in five E.U.B. churches in Ohio dur ing a four-day tour, April 6-9. The itinerary included the German town, Ohio, E.U.B. Church; Oak Street Church, Dayton, Ohio; First E.U.B. Church, Lorain, Ohio; and E.U.B. Churches in Amherst and Willard, Ohio. The Otterbein College A Cappel la Choir toured through south ern Ohio, West Virginia, and Elorida during their annual springtour, April 2-12. Comerts were given in E.U.B. churches in Ironton, Ohio; Charleston and Park ersburg, W. Va., and the following E.U.B. churches in Florida: High Point; Lutz; Lake Magdalene; Limona; Tampa First; Bradenton; St. Petersburg and Ybor City. The Men’s Glee Club is directed by Dr. Lee Shackson, chairman of the Music Department, and the A Cappella Choir by Professor Rich ard Chamberlain. International Students
A total of nine international students are enrolled at Otterbein College during the present school year. They are: Raymond Bailor, Sylvester Broderick and Miss Imodale Caulker, all from Sierra Leone, West Africa; Miss Masako Aoki and Fiji Tsuda, Japan; Miss Mary Apostolopoulos, Greece; Ro bin Dunbar, Canada; Miss Yolanda Gutierrez, Columbia, South Ameri ca; and Petros Baghramian, Iran.
Vigilante Honored
Honor Roll
Mr. Nicholas Vigilante, professor of education at Otterbein College, and family were recently subjects of a feature story in “North Ameri can Take-Off,’’ a news publication of the Columbus division of North American Aviation, Inc. The Vigilantes were featured be cause their name is identical to the AJ3 Vigilante aircraft which is manufactured by North American Aviation.
A total of 132 students are listed on the first semester honor roll at Otterbein College. This represents 14.6% of the student body. In order to be listed on the honor roll, a student must earn a semester point average of 3.3 out of a pos sible 4.0. Between the classes, the breakdown of students on the honor roll is as follow's: Freshmen35; Sophomores-28; Juniors-23; and Seniors-46.
Basketball Record The Ottcrbcin College Cardinals chalked up the best basketball rec ord in six years with a 9-12 wonloss record. Not since 1954-55, when the team compiled an iden tical 9-12 mark, has the squad fared so well. Coach Alike Kish, in his third year at Otterbein, engineered the cagers to the comparatively success ful season. Especially gratifying was a late season rush of the Car dinals when they won four con secutive games. The cagers closed the season with a 47-43 loss to eventual NCAA small-college champion, Wittenberg, in the Ohio Confer ence Tournament. Leading scorer for Otterbein was 6'3" sophomore center, Alf Washington. An outstanding player. Washington was voted to the Ohio Conference second team. He aver aged 16.7 points a game and led the team in rebounds with a 11.9 game average.
Coach “Mike” Kish with his top scorer, sophomore, Alf Washington of Columbus. Washington was listed on the all-Ohio Conference second team.
1960-61 Basketball Results OUerbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein
81 65 70 79 66 35 70 57 53 61
Defiance Ohio Northern Findlay Heidellrerg Ohio Wesleyan Wittenberg Lawrence Tech Ohio Wesleyan Mt. Union Capital
82 (OT) 70 50 65 55 64 75 71 73 66 (OT)
Otterbein 73 Kenyon 59 Otterbein 58 Akron 65 Otterbein 66 Marietta 84 Otterbein 50 Capital 72 Otterbein 80 Wooster 69 Otterbein 85 Oberlin 81 Otterbein 91 Hiram 81 Otterbein 79 Muskingum 53 Otterlx^in 51 Kenyon 63 Ohio Conference Tournament Otterbein 79 Marietta 64 Otterbein 43 Wittenberg 47
April 10 12 15 18 20 26 29 May 3 6 9 16 18 20 24
Ohio Northern Wittenberg Oberlin Kenyon Ohio Wesleyan Capital Heidelberg Denison Marietta Ohio Wesleyan Kenyon ATuskingum Wittenberg Capital
Westerville Westerville Westerville Westerville Delaware Columbus Westerville Granville Marietta Westerville Gambler Westerville Sjiringfield Westerville
April 14 Afuskingum 21 Capital 29 Heidelberg May I Wooster 4 Wittenberg 6 Afarietta 11 Aluskingum 17 Capital
Westerville Westerville Tiffin Wooster Springfield Marietta New Concord Columbus
Ohio Conference Ohio Conference
Oberlin Oberlin
April 15 18 22 25 May 2 6 9 16 19 20
Ohio Wesleyan Muskingum Kenyon Heidelberg \Vhttenberg Denison & Capital Ashland Capital Ohio Conference Ohio Conference
April 14 17 25
Kenyon Wittenberg Capital Muskingum Ashland Denison Wittenberg Capital Ohio Conference
Delaware New Concord Gambier Tiffin Springfield Westerville Ashland Westerville Delaware Delaware
28 May
2 4 G
12 15
Gambier Springfield Columbus New Concord Ashland Westerville Westerville Westerville Akron -7-
GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT OTTERBEIN 'I’he year 1961 promises to be a sigtiificant year in the long history of Otterbein College. In fact, the years from 1961-65 will witness the largest expansion of the physical j)lant and growth in student enrollment in any four-year pericjcl in the life of the college. Dur ing the j)resent year a dormitory for men and another
for women will be comjjleted. It is hoped that con struction can start on the Life Science Building by the end of the year and that soon thereafter the new combined student center and dining hall will be under construction.
What Will You Do For Otterbein In 1961? On April 1, the 1961 Develojjinent Fund year was oflicially launched. On that date the 1960 fund rejjort or Honor Roll was released and Otterbein alumni throughout the woild were invited by Development Board Chairman, Herman F. Lehman, to make their fommitments for this year. I he year is off to a good start with over 1,100 gilts received before the fund year was ofTicially be gun. I his is a result of the four campaigns which Xo. Of Prospects
(iolumbus-Westerville ............................ Akron ................ Foledo ....................................................... Dayton .......................................................
1,083 ]41 75 726
have been conclucted in the Columbus, Akron, To ledo and Dayton areas. Otterbein is one of twenty private colleges com prising the Independent College Alumni Associates of Ohio. These colleges conduct simultaneous, per sonal solicitation campaigns in selected cities. In the four campaigns conducted since January 1, 1961, the following results were obtained: No. Of Ciifts
482 108 61 512
I’erccntage Participation
45% 77% 81% 71%
Total Oiven
311,031 2,321 9.30 10,069
•Average Gift
322.89 21.50 15.24 19.67
The Financial Goals For 1961 Are Higher The goals for 1961 are 2,500 gifts and .895,000. This represents an increase of 500 gifts and .815,000 over 1960. This does not include the thousands of dollars we hope to raise in special gifts from alumni to apply on the building projects. In order to reach this financial goal many alumni will need to double or triple their regular annual gifts. With a little
planning, most alumni can easily do this, especially those who are accustomed to giving token gifts. A sister institution is .suggesting a semi-annual gift. This seems a practical idea. In fact, a few Otterbein alumni are now making monthly contributions; others are making quarterly gifts.
Two Alumni Provide For Their Almamater Through A Will THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE. The late Dr. Herbert E. Hall, ’02, a physician for many years in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, clied on February 12, 1961. A short while before he died he made Otterbein the beneficiary of all his insurance, which totaled 323,750. Mrs. Hall, the former Bessie Detwiler, ’02, was the daughter of Henry Detwiler and Josephine Van Gundy Detwiler, ’75. The money will be used for an appropriate memorial gift as yet undetermined. ^8-
THROUGH A WILL. The late Mrs. J. B. Bovey (Ida Mauger, ’96) left approximately 356,000 to Ot terbein. She directed that the two scholarship funds she had started be increased to 310>000 each, whereas the balance was undesignated. It has not been de cided definitely how this balance shall be used but it will likely be applied to one of the building projects and appropriately designated.
Times have changed. Have Americans college students?
THE COLLEGE STUDENT, they say, is a young person who will...
. . . use a car to get to a library two blocks away, knowing full well tbat the parking lot is three blocks on the other side. . . . move heaven, earth, and the dean’s office to enroll in a class already filled; then drop the course. . . . complain bitterly about the quality of food served in the college dining halls—while putting down a third portion. . . . declaim for four solid years that the girls at his institution or at the nearby college for women are unquestionably the least attraetive females on the face of the earth; then marry one of them.
irr there is a serious side. Today’s students, many . professors say, are more accomplished than the average of their predecessors. Perhaps this is because there is greater competition for college en trance, nowadays, and fewer doubtful candidates get in. Whatever the reason, the trend is important. For civilization depends upon the transmission of knowledge to wave upon wave of young people—and on the way in which they receive it, master it, employ it, add to it. If the transmission process fails, we go back to the beginning and start over again. We are never more than a generation away from total ignor ance. Because for a time it provides the world’s leaders, each generation has the power to change the course of history. The current wave is thus exactly as important, as the one before it and the one that will come after it. Each is crucial in its own time.
Scott Thompson
HAT will the present student generation do?
What are its hopes, its dreams, its principles? Will it build on our past, or reject it? Is it, as is so often claimed, a generation of timid organiza tion people, born to be commanded? A patient band of revolutionaries, waiting for a breach? Or something in between? No one—not even the students themselves—can be sure, of course. One can only search for clues, as we do in the fourteen pages that follow. Here we look at, and listen to, college students of 1961—the people whom higher education is all about.
Robert Scfdoredt
Arthur Wortman
What are today's students like? To help find out, we invite you to join
A seminar
Patricia Burgamy
Kenneth Weaver
David Gilmour
Martha Freeman
Dean Windgassen
he fourteen young men and women pictured tain some clues as to how the college student of the above come from fourteen colleges and universi Sixties ticks. ties, big and little, located in all parts of the The resulting talk—recorded by a stenographer and United States. Some of their alma maters are private, presented in essence on the following pages—is a reveal some are state or city-supported, some are related to a ing portrait of young people. Most revealing—and in a church. The students’ studies range widely—from science way most heartening—is the lack of unanimity which the and social studies to agriculture and engineering. Outside students displayed on virtually every topic they discussed. the classroom, their interests are similarly varied. Some As the seminar neared its close, someone asked the are athletes (one is All-American quarterback), some are group what conclusions they would reach about them active in student government, others stick to their books. selves. There was silence. Then one student spoke: To help prepare this report, we invited all fourteen, "We’re all different,’’ he said. as articulate representatives of virtually every type of He was right. That was the only proper conclusion. campus in America, to meet for a weekend of searching Labelers, and perhaps libelers, of this generation discussion. The topic: themselves. The objective: to ob might take note.
ofstudents from coast to coast
student is a wonderful thing. ” TUDENT YEARS are exciting years. They are excit
ing for the participants, many of whom are on their own for the first time in their lives—and exciting for the onlooking adult. But for both generations, these are frequently painful years, as well. The students’ competence, which is considerable, gets them in dutch with their elders as often as do their youthful blunders. That young people ignore the adults’ soundest, most heart felt warnings is bad enough; that they so often get away with it sometimes seems unforgivable. Being both intelligent and well schooled, as well as unfettered by the inhibitions instilled by experience, they readily identify the errors of their elders—and they are not inclined to be lenient, of course. (The one unforgivable sin is the one you yourself have never committed.) But, lacking experience, they are apt to commit many of the same mistakes. The wise adult understands this: that only in this way will they gain experience and learn tolerance—neither of which can be conferred.
^^They say the student is an animal in transition. You have to wait until you get your degree, they say; then you turn the big corner and there you are. But being a student is a vocation, just like being a lawyer or an editor or a business man. This is what we are and where we are.'’’ ‘^The college campus is an open market of ideas. 1 can walk around the campus, say what I please, and be a truly free person. This is our world for now. Let's face it— we'll never live in a more stimulating environment. Being a student is a wonderful and magnificent and free thing. "
You go to college to learn, of course.
contrary to the memories that alumni and alumnae may have of "carefree” days, is often de^ scribed by its partakers as "the mill.” "You just get student’s life,
in the old mill,” said one student panelist, "and your head spins, and you’re trying to get ready for this test and that test, and you are going along so fast that you don’t have time to find yourself.” The mill, for the student, grinds night and day—in class rooms, in libraries, in dining halls, in dormitories, and in scores of enterprises, organized and unorganized, classed vaguely as "extracurricular activities.” Which of the activities —or what combination of activities—contributes most to a student’s education? E^ch student must concoct the recipe for himself. "You have to get used to living in the mill and finding yourself,” said another panelist. "You’ll always be in the mill —^all through your life.”
But learning comes in many ways, ’
rd like to bring up something / think is a fault in our colleges: the great emphasis on grades.'" '7 think grades interfere with the real learning process, rve talked with people who made an A on an exam —but next day they coiddnH remember half the material They just memorized to get a good grade. "You go to college to learn, of course. Bui learning comes in many ways—not just from classrooms and books, but from personal relations with people: holdin<r office in student government, and that sort of thing." "It’s a favorite academic cliche, that not all learning comes from books. I think ifs dangerous. 1 believe the greatest part of learning does come from books—just plain books."
“It’s important to know you can do a good job at something. ” t’s hard
to conceive of this unless you’ve been
through it . . . but the one thing that’s done the most for me in college is baseball. I’d always been
“The more you do, the more you seem to get done. You organize your time better.”
i \ |
the guy with potential who never came through. The coach worked on me; I got my control and really started going places. The confidence I gained carried over into my studies. I say extracurricular activities are worthwhile. It’s important to know you can do a good job at something, ivhatever it is.” ^ '^No! Maybe I’m too idealistic. But I think college is a place for the pursuit of knowledge. If we’re here for knowledge, that’s what we should concentrate on.” ^ 'Tn your studies you can goof off for a while and still catch up. But in athletics, the results come right on the spot. There’s no catching up, after the play is over. This carries over into your school work. I think almost everyone on our football team improved his grades last fall. ^ "This is true for girls, too. The more you have to do, the more you seem to get done. You organize your time better.” ^ 'T can’t see learning for any other purpose than to better yourself and the world. Learning for itself is of no value, except as a hobby—and I don’t think we’re in school to join book clubs.” SUSAN GREENBURG
^ "For some people, learning is an end in itself. It can be more than a hobby. I don’t think we can afford to be too snobbish about what should and what shouldn’t be an end in itself, and what can or what can’t be a
creative channel for different people.”
“In athletics, the results come right on the spot. There’s no catching up, after the play.”
“It seems to me you’re saying that
is where many students meet the first great
test of their personal integrity. There, where one’s progress is measured at least partly hy examinations
and grades, the stress put upon one’s sense of honor is heavy. For some, honor gains strength in the process. For others, the temptation to cheat is irresistible, and honor breaks under the strain. Some institutions proctor all tests and examinations. An instructor, eagle-eyed, sits in the room. Others have honor systems, placing upon the students themselves the responsibility to maintain integrity in the student com munity and to report all violators. How well either system works varies greatly. "When you come right down to it,” said one member of our student panel, "honor must be inculcated in the years before college —in the home.”
Maybe you need a B in a test, or you don^t get into medical school. And the guy ahead ofyou raises the average by cheating. That makes a real problem.^ '
honor works only when it's easy.
Tm from a school with an honor system that works. But is the reason it works maybe because of the tremendous penalty that's connected with cheating, stealing, or lying? It's expulsion—and what goes along with that IS that you can't get into another good school or even get a good job. It's about as bad a punishment as this country can give out, in my opinion. Does the honor system instill honor~or just fear?" "'At our school the honor system works even though the penalties aren't that stiff. It's part of the tradition. Most of the girls feel they're given the responsibility to be honorable, and they accept it." On our campus you can leave your books anyivhere and they'll be there when you come back. You can even leave a tall, cold milkshake—Fve done it—and when you come back two hours later, it will still be there. It won t be cold, but it will be there. You learn a respect for honor, a respect that will carry over into otherfields for the rest ofyour life." Fd say the minority who are top students don't cheat, because they're after knowledge. And the great majority in the middle don't cheat, because they're afraid to. But the poor students, who cheat to get by .. . The funny thing is, they're not afraid at all. I guess theyfigure they've nothing to lose." "'Nobody is just honest or dishonest. Fm sure everyone here has been gouty of some sort of dishonest act in his lifetime. But everyone here would also say he'spnmarily honest. I know if I were really in the dutch Fd cheat. I admit it__ and I don't necessarily consider mysdf dishonest because I would." "It seems to me you're saying that honor works only when it's easy." "Absolute honor is 150,000 miles out, at least. And we're down here, walking this earth with all our faults. You can look up at those douds of honor up there and say, "They're pretty, but I can t reach them. Or you can shoot for the clouds. I think that s the approach I want to take. I don t think I can attain absolute honor, but I can try—and Fd like to leave this world with that on my batting record."
""Ifs not how we feel about issues "Onr student legislature fought most of the year
E ARE being criticized by other people all
the time, and they’re stamping down on us. 'You’re not doing anything,’ they say. I’ve
noticed an attitude among students: Okay, just keep criticizing. But we’re going to come back and react. In some ways we’re going to be a little rebellious. We’re going to shoiv you what we can really do.” Today’s college students are perhaps the most
about taking stands. The majority rationalized, saying it wasn't our place; what good would it do? They were afraid people ivould check the college in future years and if they took an unpopular stand they wouldn't get security clearance or wouldn't get a job. I thought this was awful. But I see indications of an awakening of interest. It isn't how we feel about issues, but whether we feel at all. "/’/n sure it's practically the same everywhere. We have 5,500full-time students, but only fifteen or tiventy of us ivent on the sit-doivns.
thoroughly analyzed generation in our history. And they are acutely aware of what is being written about "apathy.” This is a generation, say many critics, that
"7 think there is a great deal of student opinion about public issues. It isn't always rational, and maybe tve don't talk about it, but 1 think most of
plays it cool. It may be casually interested in many
us have definite feelings about most things."
them. The word that rasps their nerves most sorely is
things, but it is excited by none. Is the criticism deserved? Some college students and their professors think it is. Others blame the times —times without deprivation, times whose burning issues are too colossal, too impersonal, too remote and say that the apparent student lassitude is simply society’s lassitude in microcosm. The quotation that heads this column is from one of the members of our student panel. At the right is what some of the others think.
I've felt the apathy at my school. The university is a sort of isolated little ivorld. Students don't feel the big issues really concern them. The civil rights issue is close to home, but you'd have to chase a student down to get him to give his honest opinion." "We're quick to criticize, sloiv to act." "Do you think that just because students in America don't cause revolutions and riots and take active stands, this means . . .?" "I'm not callingfor revolution. I'm calling far interest, and I don't care what side the student takes, as long as he takes a side." "But even ivhen we went down to Woolworth's carrying a picket sign, what were some of the motives behind it? Was it just to get a day away from classes?"
but whether we feel at all.
"/ attended a discussion where Negro students presented their views. I have never seen a group of more dynamic or dedicated or informed students.’’’’ ^^But they had a personal reason.” ”That’s just it. The only thing I can think of where students took a stand on our campus, was when it was decided that it wasn't proper to have a brewery sponsor the basketball team on television. This caused a lot of student discussion, but it's the only instance I can remember.'' ''Why is there this unwillingness to take stands?'' "I think one big reason is that it's easier not to. It's much easierfor a person Just to go along.'' "I've sensed the feeling that unless it really burns within you, unless there is something where you can see just what you have done, you might as well just let the world roll on as it is rolling along. After all, people are going to act in the same old way, no matter what we try to do. Society is going to eventually come out in the same ivay, no matter what I, as an individual, try to do.” A lot of us hang hack, saying, 'Well, why have an idea now? It'll probably be different when I'm 45."' And you ask yourself, Can I take time away from my studies? You a.sk yourself. Which is more important? Which is more urgent to me?” Another reason is fear of repercussions—fear of offending people. I went on some sit-downs and I didn t sit uneasy just because the manager of the store gave me a dirty scowl—but because my friends, my grandparents, were looking at me with an uneasy scowl.”
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We need a purpose other than security and an $18,000 job
Perhaps waiting is the attitude of our age—in every generation.''"
Then there comes the obvious question. With all this waiting, what are we waitingfor? Are tve waiting for some disaster that will T^ke us do something? Or are we waitingfor some national purpose" to come along, so tve can jump on its bandwagon? So we are at a train station^ what"s coming?""
GUESS one of the things that bother us is that there is no great issue we feel we can personally
the Thirties let s say they had a purpose. Perhaps we"ll get one, someday.”
come to grips with.” The panel was discussing student purposes. "We need a purpose,” one member said. "I mean a purpose other than a search for security, or getting that $18,000a-year job and being content for the rest of your life.” "Isn’t that the typical college student’s idea of his purpose?”
They had to have a purpose. They were starving, almost.”
"Yes, but that’s not a purpose. The generation of
They were dying of starvation and we are dying of overweight. And yet we still should have a purpose a real purpose, with some point to it other than self ish mediocrity. We do have a burning issue—just plain survival. You d think that would be enough to make us react. We’re not helpless. Let’s do something.”
Have students changedf —Some professors’ opinions indeed,” a professor said recently, "Fd \ say students have changed greatly in the last H, YES,
ten years and—academically, at least for the better. In fact, there’s been such a change that we may have to revise our sophomore language course. What was new to students at that level three years ago is now old hat to most of them. "But I have to say something negative, too,” the professor went on. "I find students more neurotic, more insecure, than ever before. Most of them seem to have no goal. They’re intellectually stimulated, but they don’t know where they’re going. I blame the world situation—the insecurity of everything today. "I can’t agree with people who see big changes in students,” said another professor, at another school. "It seems to me they run about the same, year after year. We have the bright, hard-working ones, as we have always had, and we have the ones who are just coasting along, who don’t know why they’re in school —just as we’ve always had.” "They’re certainly an odd mixture at that age a combination of conservative and romantic, a third professor said. "They want the world to run in their way, without having any idea how the world actually
runs. They don’t understand the complexity of things; everything looks black or w^hite to them. They say, 'This is what ought to be done. Let’s do it!’ ” lately "If their parents could listen in on their chil dren’s bull sessions, I think they’d make an interest ing discovery,” said another faculty member. "The kids are talking and worrying about the same things their fathers and mothers used to talk and worry about when they were in college. The times have certainly changed, but the basic agony—the bittersweet agony of discovering its own truths, which every generation has to go through—is the same as it’s always been. "Don’t worry about it. Don’t try to spare the kids these pains, or tell them they’ll see things differ ently when they’re older. Let them work it out. This is the way we become educated—^and maybe even civilized.” "I’d add only one thing,” said a professor emeri tus who estimates he has known 12,000 students over the years. "It never occurred to me to worry about students as a group or a class or a generation. I have worried about them as individuals. They’re all differ ent. By the way: when you learn that, you’ve made a pretty profound discovery.”
The material on this and the preceding 15 pages is the product of a cooperative endeavor in which scores of schools, colleges, and universities are taking part. It was prepared under the direction of the group listed below, who form editori.4L projects for educa tion, a non-profit organization associated with the American Alumni Council. All rights reserved; no part of this supplement may be reproduced without express permission of the editors. Copyright © 1961 by Editorial Projects for Education, Inc., 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C.
The College Student
Printed in U.S.A. DENTON BEAL
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American Alumni Council
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Executive Editor
A Journey To Dillenburg, Germany Birthplace Of Philip W. Otterbein By Dr. Paul L. Frank About sixty miles nortli of the city of Frankfurt lies Dillenburg, a Kreisstadt (county seat) of about 11,000 inhabitants. Her most fam ous son is Wilhelm the Silent who, known as William of Orange, led the Netherlands in the war of inde]>endence against the Spanish crown and became the ancestor of the jjresent royal Dutch family. Only few people know of Philip Wilhelm Otterbein who was born there on June 3, 1726, and bap tized three days later. The highest point of the town is a tower built about 80 years ago witli funds given to Dillenburg by the Dutch jjeojde in grateful mem ory of William, called WilhcJrnslurjn. Just below it are the ruins of the castle of the jjrincely family of Nassau-Orange^ victim of one of the wars between France and Ger many during the 18th century. At the foot of the castle lies the “Evangelical” church to which the Otterbein family belonged. It is the burial place of the parents of William of Orange. Built as a Ca tholic church in Gothic style dur ing the 15th century, it became Protestant during the Reforma tion. While the new' creed was first of the Lutheran persuasion, a change toward the Calvinistic form was made during the end of the 16th century, largely under the in fluence of the ruling count. In more recent times, in many parts of Germany a union of the Luth eran and Refonned churches has taken place. In the whole State of Hessen, to which Dillenburg belongs, the State Church is Unit ed Protestant, or Evangelical. Yet, under the surface, the Reformed background of the whole area is not at all forgotten. The State Church is maintained by church taxes which the Government col lects and uses to support the of ficial religion of the land. The free churches, of which there are
a few in Germany, have to main tain themselves through voluntary contributions of their member ships, Philip Wilhelm Otterbein at tended the renowned “Latin School” in Dillenburg of which, at one time, his father was the principal. He obtained his theo logical training at the Hohe Schule in Herborn, a town about five miles distant from Dillenburg. This school was close in rank to a university and outstanding in theology. It was dissolved in 1817 and only the theological depart ment is continued as the “Evan gelical Theological Seminary.” It is now located at a castle on a hill in Herborn, oi iginally j)lannecl for a military garrison, then given by the owner as a home for w'iclows, and now a school for clergy men. German students for the min istry have to study at least four years at a university with Cireek and Hebrew as required subjects. Then they receive practical train ing for two semesters, one of which is spent at a seminary of Reform ed background, such as Herborn, the other at a school that leans more strongly toward the Luther an faith. When Philip Wilhelm Otterbein attended the Hohe Schule, it was housed in a build ing in the center of the town, now used for the City Museum. In the annals of the Dillenburg Latin School and the Hohe Schule in Herborn many members of the Otterbein family are listed. About Philip Wilhelm one can read that he voluntarily became a missionary to America, founded the “sect of Otterbeinites” and is regarded there “as an a|x>stle.” Surprisingly, a bearer of that name lives in Dil lenburg. Mr. Erich Otterbein is a native of Frankfurt. He and his wife Edith lived in East Berlin and came as refugees back to Frankfurt, and finally, to Dillen burg where he is one of the edi
tors of the Dill-Zeilung, one of the two local newspapers. In all pro bability his ancestors are of the same family as Philip Wilhelm, al though it has not yet been possible to ascertain the exact family con nection. He has no children and seems to be the last bearer of the family name. Visiting Dillenburg makes the observer realize how much the past is part of the present and to what high degree the knowledge of the past helps us to understand and evaluate our own time. Knowing of the person and accomplishment of Philip Wilhelm Otterbein, the visitor looks at the old city with much interest and affection. PI KAPPA PHI PUBLISHES HISTORY A spring publication of interest to many Otterbein altimni is the volume entitled STAl^NCH FRIENDS AT ALL HAZARDS, A HISTORY OF FI KAPPA PI 11 FR A T ER NIT Y, ] 908-1958 7’he first appearance of this l)ook was April 20. The volume, which Avas written mainly by Dr. Harold B. Hancoc k, Marion Chase, and John R. Howe,' Jr., is over 100 pages in length and c.oiiiciiiis more thtin thirty j^ictiires Tlie bemk, which is printed by an offset pi ocess, measures six by nine inches in size, and the paper orange and lilack cover displays the fraternity crest. In six chapters, the authors tell of the fraternity’s founding, the struggle for recognition by the faculty and trustees, and difficul ties which were faced and snccessfully solved during two Avars and a major depression. Much space is devoted to formals, picnics, rush parties, serenades, athletic contests, and initiations. Anecdotes about such Country Clubbers as J. Gor don Howard, John R. Howe, Sr., Horace W. Troop, Sr., and Roy Peden are related in the book. Tri bute is paid to the counsel of ad viser Dr. A. P. Rosselot. Interested alumni may order the volume Avhich sells for .'^3.00 from Dr. Harold B. Hancock, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio. -25-
Candidates For Alumni Trustee - Five Year Terms
The annual election of the na tional Alumni Association is now underway. Ballots are in the mail and must be returned by June 1. Results of the election will be annouiued at the Alumni Day lunch eon, Saturday, June 3. Thumbnail sketch of Alumni I rustee candidates follows — two to be elected: Harold .\nderson, ’24, is Director of Athletics and Basketball Coach at Bowling Cireen State University. He is first vice jiresident of the National Association of Basketball C.oaches and was named to the Helms Athletic Foundation Hall ol fame in recognition of his dis tinguished career as one of the nation’s top mentors. Anderson coac;hed eight years at the Uni versity of Toledo, and is now in his 19th seascjn at Bowling Green. Mrs. Frank O. elements, ’01, has l)een a member of the Otterbein Ca)llege Ifoarcl of Trustees since 1915. Prior to 1915, her husband. Dr. Frank O. elements. Director of the General Motors Research Laboratory, was a member of the Board of Trustees for over forty years and served as Chairman of the Board. She has been a loyal and generous supporter of Otter bein College through the years. She is a member of numerous organizations in Westerville and the First F'vangelical United Bre thren Church. She is also a mem ber of the executive committee of the Board of Trustees. Elmer N. Funkhouser, Jr., ’38, -26-
is executive vice president of the Cryovac Division of the W. R. Grace and Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has been a member of the Otterbein College Board of Trustees since 1956 and also a member of the Board’s FNecutive Committee. He received the Master of Business Administra tion degree from the Harvard Business School in 1941. He is a director of Emerson Hospital, Concord, Mass., and a trustee of St. Johnsbury Academy, St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Stanton W. B. Wood, ’17, re cently retired as regional director of the United States Department of Labor with headquarters in Pittsburgh. For many years he served as an impartial labor arbi trator and is a member of the American Sociey Public Adminis trators, Federal Business Execu tives, Pittsburgh Personnel Asso ciation and a member of the Na tional Panel of Arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association. He is a Mason and a member of the Shrine. He is presently serving on the Development Fund Board at Otterbein. The nominating committee of the Otterbein Alumni Association submits the following list of nomi nees for the office of the Otterbein College Alumni Association for the year 1961-62 and candidates for alumni trustees for a five-year term. I’rcsidciit Rhea McConaughy Howard, ’23 Homemaker, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Virginia Hctzler Weaston, ’37 Elcincntary School Teacher, Westerville, Ohio Vi(e Presidents
(Three to be elected) James Eschbacli, ’.58 Teacher, Residence I’ark, Davton, Ohio Parker Heck, ’30 Advertising Artist, GriswoldE.shleman, Cleveland, Ohio (.eorgia Turner Mehl, ’42 Phvsical Education Teacher, Buffalo, N.Y. Helen Moses, '16 Retired Public School Teacher, Westerville, Ohio E. Dwight Staats, ’24 Physician, Charleston, West Virginia Donald Williams, ’41 Pastor, Hayes Evangelical United Brethren Chtirch, Toledo, Ohio Secretary Harriet L. Hays, ’22 Director of I.unchroom, Dayton Board of Education, Dayton, Ohio Elsie Bennert Short, ’35 Homemaker, Westerville, Ohio MeiTiher of Alumni Council-at-Large
'Three-Year Term Denton W. Elliott, ’37 Deputv Director of Chemical Sciences, Air Eorcc Office of Scientific Re search, ^Vashington, D.C. Howard \. Sporck, ’34 Physician and Chief of Staff, Wcllsburg Eye and Ear Hospital, Wellsburg, W. Va. Board of Trustees
Term Expires, June, 1966 Harold Anderson, ’24 Director of .Athletics and Basketball Coach, Bowling Creen State Univer sity, Bowling Green, Ohio Vida Shatick Clements, ’01 Homemaker, Westerville, Ohio Elmer N. Funkhouser, Jr., ’38 Executive Vice President, The Cryo vac Co. Cambridge, Afassachusetts Stanton W. B. Wood, ’17 Regional Director (Retired) U, S. Dept, of Labor Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mark N. Funk, ’21
IVfark N. Funk, '21, is Executive Director of the Pennsylvania In terscholastic Athletic Association. Since 1952, his task has been to direct the sprawling athletic acti vities which encompass 1100 senior and junior high schools in Penn sylvania. Prior to 1952, Funk’s experiences included twenty-three years as a high school principal at Latrobe, Pennsylvania, seven years of high school teaching at Latrobe, and four summer terms as a teacher at the California State Teachers’ Col lege, California, Pennsylvania. Since Funk took control of the Athletic Association, he has seen schoolboy sports expand immense ly. Funk’s statistics show that in seven years, football has increased from 714 to 795 schools in Penn sylvania; basketball, 1023 to 1056; swimming, 57 to 73; golf, 85 to 139; track and field events, 449 to 532; and tennis, 57 to 95. “Wrestling has had the greatest expansion,” said Funk. In 1953 there were 121 schools which had wrestling teams. Now the number is 287. The only sport to decrease has been baseball, 712 to 687, and this is caused by schools dropping the sport because of adverse wea ther conditions in the spring.
Mark Funk was president of the 176-school Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Associa tion, the largest conference in the state. Fie held this position from 1912 to 1952. Prior to that he served on tlie W.P.I.A.L. footlxdl committee. “Most schools now sponsor about six sports, an increase of three in the last ten years,” Mr. Funk said. “There are a few schools, also, which sponsor more than six.” It costs $120,000 annually to maintain the P.P.I.A.A. operation and about 70 per cent of the in come is derived from seventeen playoff basketball games. “I think that in the next ten years, Pennsylvania will see even a greater growth in sports, e.specially in the self-participatic^n ones. The future ]>ic ture is very healthy. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next sport to take a firm hold will be gymnastics, which already has Ijegun to make inroads on the scene.” (The foregoing article is based on a feature article which appeared in the Harrisburg, Pa., Evening News, March 24, 1961.)
Mr. May sujjervises the teacher education programs in the 49 Ohio Colleges approved for the prepara tion of teachers. His department also provides leadership in the de velopment and refinement of pro grams of teacher education de signed tci jjroduce competent teach ers as well as issues certificates to e\eiy teaclier in Ohio. Albert May has sj^ent thirty-five years in the field of education. Following graduation from Otterbein, he was a principal and teacher for one year at Keene High School, Keene, Ohio. He then spent one year as teacher of mathematics at Newcomerstown High School, Newcomerstown, Ohio, before serv ing ten years as jjrincipal of New comerstown High School, 19281938. In 1938, Mr. May became jirincijxd of Martins Ferry High School until January, 1943, when he was elected ]>rincijial of the Harding Senior High School, Mar ion, Ohio. He served in Marion seven years before his selection as principal of Steubenville High School, Steubenville, Ohio, in 1950. He left the Steubenville post for his present position on [anuary 6 1958. Albert May’s parents. Rev. Wal ter C. and Cynthia C. May, were graduated from Otterbein in 1901. His wife, the former Frances Cooper, attended Otterbein as a member of the Class of 1927. 4'hey ha\'e two daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Stoner, x’‘17, and Miss Jo Ann .May, ’52. CELEBRATE FORTIETH
Albert C. May,’26
Albert C. May, ’26, is Director of Teacher Education and Certifi cation [or the State Department of Education in Ohio, a position he has held since 1958. This division is charged with the responsibility of administering the Ohio laws governing the preparation and certification of all teachers in both public and non-tax supported schools.
Phi Sigma Epsilon, alumnae chapter of Tau Delta Sorority, will celebrate its 40th anniversary on May Day, May 13. Plans call for a 12:00 noon ini tiation ceremony to be held at the home of Mrs. Lyle J. Michael (Gladys Lake ’19), 67 South Grove Street. The 40th Anniversary lun cheon will be held at 12:45 P.M. at the First Methodist Church in Westerville. May Day evening the sorority members will attend in a group the May Day play at Cowan Hall. -27-
Flashes Katliariiic Uamcs Smith 171 West I’ark Street \V'e.stei ville, Ohio
(;i;iss (jT 1901 — We are looking lorwartl to Saturday, June 3rd — lets made this a great retinion day on our 00th anniversary.
VANCE E. CRIBBS, ’20, has been appointed to the Butler County (Ohio) Board ol' the Pub lic Housing Administration.
AI EENITON: To the twentysix members of the Class of 1900. We ho[)e you will reserve June 3rd so we can all get together for our 55th anniversary.
The sixty-three members of the class of 1921 will hold their 40th anniversary June 3rd. Plans are being niacle and letters will soon be coming your way. The Alumni Office will be glad to pass along any suggestions you have to the committee.
’10 NOAH li. NIJNE.MAKER, ’10, lormer high sdiool chemistiy teach er in East Cleveland, Ohit) has retiretl and is now living at 0903 Seventh Avenue, North, St. Peters burg 10, Elorida.
’ll Members of the COLDEN AN NIVERSARY CLASS of 1911 will l)e guests of the Alumni Associa tion at the Alumni Day lanuheon, June 3rd. You will scK)n be receiv ing a letter of invitation. Make plans now to attend. Any sugges tions you have regarding activities lor the day will be w^elcomed by your reunicjii cc)c)rclinator DON C. SFIUMAKER, 19 E. Lincoln Street, Westerville, Ohio.
’16 J he 95th anniversary class reun ion is being spearheaded by ANN MORRIS BERCAW, HELEN MOSES AND .MERLE EUBANKS ANl HONY. The day is Saturday, June 3rd, the place is the reserved table for the “45th” in Barlow Hall at 12:30 P.M. Sixty-four members of the class are expected to sit to gether at the reunion table, have their photograph made, renew old acquaintances and stroll over the campus. A social hour after the Alumni Luncheon will be held in the lounge of King Hall. -28-
middle of May on a long-planned tour of Western parks, winding up in Pasadena, California for a so journ with their daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Lingrel, ’57 (Sally Wright, ’59). Miss Ellen Jones, Sec’y IS N. Stale St. Westerville, Ohio
Dr. EIENRY OLSON, ’23, is president of the Arts Club of Washington, D.C. Dr. Olson’s vo cation is professor and Science Division Head, D.C. Teacher’s Col lege, W^ashington, D.C. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Brewbaker Howe, Secretary 209 N. Columbia Avenue Naperville, Illinois
DR. JOSEPH W. ESCHBACH, ’24, Dearborn, .Micliigan, is a mem ber of the Commission on Ecumen ical .Missions and Relatic^ns of The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
’26 Plans arc under way for the 35th anniversary class reunion on Satur day, June 3rd. The goal of the committee is — onc-hundred-fifteen ’26ers at one table.
ROBERT C. WRIGHT, ’22, re tired April 1 from the position of advcrlising manager of the Frigiclaire division of General Motors Corp., Dayton, Ohio after a career of 33 years. Wright started with Erigidaire as an advertising copywriter in 1926. He was named assistant to the advertising manager in 1936, specializing in commercial publi cation advertising. He later headed that division and in 1946 was ap pointed assistant advertising man ager for both appliance and com mercial prcxlucts. He w^as named to his present position in 1956. He was formerly associated with National Cash Register Co. and the Ceyer Advertising agency. Tlie Wright’s plan to leave Dayton the
Mrs. Carrie Shreffler Palmer, Secretary 1503 North Pleasant Royal Oak, Michigan
DR. LOUIS W. NORRIS, ’28, w a s inaugurated on April 14, 1961 as the ninth president of All)ion College. The .\lbion College chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, oldest scholastic honorary society in the United States, has named him to honorary membership in the so ciety. President Norris is a well known educator, philosopher and author of distinction.
’31 ATTENTION: One-hundrednine members of the Class of 31. Your local committee, ROGER MOORE, DOROTHY SCHRAD ER NORRIS and ETHEL SHEL-
LEY SIEINMEl'Z are making plans for the 30th anniversary. Coffee hour and registration will be held at the home of DOROTHY SCHRADER NORRIS, 01 West Home Street (acioss from the new dormitory construction) from 9:30 A.M. until luncheon time.
man of the 1961 Otterbein ICAA fund drive in Columbus. Rev. PARKER YOUNG, ’34, World Missions division secretary, accepted an invitation to take part in a six week preaching and teach ing mission in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Along with Rev. Stanley Forkner, ’39, and Dr. Harry J. Fisher, ’35, he conducted schools for lay leaders and special services for the people. The three men were aided by native pastors and missionaries who served as inter preters. Rev. Young was formerly a mis sionary in Sierra Leone.
DR. GEORGE M. MOORE. ’32, is ]>icturetl lecturing in biology over WENH-TV, the University of New Hampshire educational tele vision station. Professor of Biology of the university, Dr. Moore’s basic biology course for freshmen enrolls 700 lor credit. The course is given over open-circuit TV and is received in most of New Hamp shire, noitheastern Massachusetts and southwestern Maine. The February 1961 issue of The Engineer, Bulletin of the Engin eers Club of Dayton announced the speaking engagement of Dr. CARL C. BYERS, ’32, and the March 1961 edition of Sunshine Magazine paid tribute to Dr. Byers in an article entitled “You Should Know Dr. Carl Byers.’’ G. WILLIAM BOTTS, ’32, was elected to the City Council of Cul ver City, California, November 1960. Mrs. Gladys Riegel Cheek, Secretary 346 Kliiilnirst Road Dayton 17, Ohio
WILBUR H. MORRISON, ’34, was promoted to Executive Vice President of Main Federal Savings and Loan Association, Columbus, Ohio. He also served as the chair
Dr. HARRY J. FISHER, ’35, Western Pennsylvania Conference Suj>erintendent for the E’UB church w'as invited to take part in a six-week preaching and teaching mission in Sierra Leone, West Af rica during E’ebruary and March. Mrs. Fisher (MYRTLE F. REID, ’33) joined him in Paris and together they visited some of the EUB churches and institutions in Swit/erland, West Germany, Austria, the Neiherlaud, Belgium and England.
I'he seventy-nine members of the class of 1936 will convene at Barlow Hall for the Alumni Luncheon at 12:30 P.M. A table will be re served for the class and their guests. Class pictures will be taken after the luncheon and then get togethers will be held on the camj>us. The faculty will honor the Alumni with a tea and reception from 3-5 P.M. in the library. Mrs. Esther Day Hohn, Secretary 713 Birch Street Bowling Green, Ohio
Rev. STANLEY FORKNER, ’39, Michigan Conference Program Director for the EUB church, was invited to take part in a six w^eek preaching and teaching mission in Siena Leone, West Africa. Rev. Foi kner was accompanied by Rev. Paiker Young, ’31, and Dr. Harry J. Fisher, ’35.
’41 Cdass president FRANK M. VAN SIC^KLE, 983 Winbelton Road, Birmingham, Mithigan is seiving as chairman of the 1911 class reunion committee — and will contact all ninty-nine members w’ith lurther infonuation
’43 RUDY H. THOMAS, ’43, was recently elected the first president of the new' Columbus Federation of Settlements. He has been a lead er in the long effort to bring about a federation of the seven settle ments in Columbus.
’44 DR. RAY W. GIFFORD, fR., ’44, has joined the staff of' the Clev'eland (Ohio) Clinic’s depart ment of hypertension and rental diseases. A graduate of the College of Medicine, Ohio State University, Dr. Gifford has been a consultant in internal medicine for the last 12 years at the Alayo C,linic, Roches ter, Minn. During his alffliaiion w'ith the Mayo staff he was the author or co-author of 56 scienlific ai tides in various prolessional joinnals. Dr. (»iflord is a member of the American Heart Association and is a member of numerous jirofessional groups. Before joining the Mayo staff he w'as an intern in the Columbus (Ohio) EJniversity Hos pital.
’46 JOSEPHINE CASE THOMAS, Box 183, Monroe, Ohio is in charge of leunion plans for the onehundred-two class members. She W'ill apjjreciate any suggestions you may want to send to her for re union get togethers. Mrs. Edith Peters Corbin, Secretary 135 Shadybrook Drive Dayton 9, Ohio
WILLIAM DAVID CASE, ’49, was elected president of the Vandalia-Butler Board of Education in their re-organization meeting Mon day, January 2.
FRKD I.. BEACHLER, ’49, is assisliiiu to the ])icsi(lciU lor Corj)oialc Relations oi the litmus Optical C;om{)any, liu., Petersburg*, \^ir[>inia. Mr. Beachler has been with the firm since 1959.
BILL SMI LEI PE 1 ERS, ’57, coach of the Old Fort (Ohio) High School Basketball team, guid ed his squad, for the second time (1959), to the Class A regional tournament at Lima, Ohio, March 17, 1961. Coach Smithpeters’ squad ended the season with a 19-5 mark.
’50 JOEIN DALE, ’50, is Assistant Cashier and Manager of the Eirst Street Branch (333 West First Street) of the Third National Bank and Trust Company, Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Dale is in his elev enth year of banking.
’51 Fhe one-hundred-eight members of the class of 1951 will meet in Westetvillc, June 3rd for their 10th anniversary Alumni Lunch eon at 12:30 P.M. in Barlow Hall, jiicturcs of the gang will be taken thereafter and a recej)tion and tea will be held in the Library from 3-5 P.Af. SAMUEL A. GRAVITT, ’51, accepted the position of superin tendent of the Hale (Michigan) Area Schools in January 1961. Mr. Gravitt started teaching in the Brechenridge, Michigan Commun ity Schools as Music Director and in 1951 became principal of the P>rc“c henridge system.
STANLEY J. CZERWINSKI, ’55, has joined the New York Pe trochemicals Sales Oflice of the Ciulf Oil Corporation as a Sales Representative. He will be engaged princi})ally in the field of lechnical Service on oxo alcohols. Elis first employment in the chemical industry began in 1956 as a Research Chemist. Eor the next four years he served as a Sales Representative fcjr several compan ies, for secondary plasticizers, dodecyl benzene, and vinyl plasti cizers.
’56 WADE S. MILLER, JR., is serv ing as chairman of the Class of 1956 retinion — so for you onehundred-seventy-three members — you can count on big “doin’s” — More from Bud later.
The Ohio State Bar Association Journal has published two articles written by ALAN NORRIS, ’57. The first, an article entitled “The Law's Delays in Ohio: Remedy Without New Legislation,” appear ed in the July 18, 1960 edition and the other which appeared in the April 25, 1960 issue is a book review of “Delay in the Court” by Zcisel, Kalven and Bucholz (Little, Brown & Co. 1959). 1/Lt. DAVID W. COX, ’57, has transferred from the Accounting and Finance Office at Sioux City Air Force Base, Iowa to Thule, Greenland. Mrs. Judith Lovejoy Fcxjte, Secretary 695.^ Thorndike, Apt. IB Cincinnati 27, Ohio
THOMAS K. LEEIMAN, ’58, has accepted a position with the Los Angeles City College as Direc tor of the University Religious Conference.
Dr. JOHN C. BUSH, ’51, is com pleting graduate work in radiology at St. Lukes Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Bush received his AI. D. from Cincinnati Medical School.
Miss Marilyn Day, Secretary 94 Orchard Lane Westerville, Ohio
JOHN G. SWANK, ’53, pastor of the Ann Arbor church of the Michigan Conference is enrolled in the Masters program of the Graduate School of Speech at the University of Michigan. He is also minister to E.U.B. students at the University, and serves on the Michigan Council of Churches and the State Pastor’s Conference. -.30-
Pictured above is a luncheon meeting of Otterbein graduates and E.U.B. men in state government with Dr. Lynn W. Turner, Otterbein President. The group met last March at the University Club in Columbus. Seated, left to right: Dr. Lynn W. Turner; Gilbert Thurston, representative, Henry County; Rudy H. Thomas, '43, Chaplain of House of Representatives; Chalmers P. Wylie, x’43, representative Franklin County and Judge Fred Shoe maker, x’50, Columbus Municipal Court. Standing, left to right: Morris E. Allton, ’36, director of public affairs, Ohio Farm Bureau; Don Cooper, representative, Ashland County; Judge Horace W. Troop, '23, Columbus Municipal Court; Robert McAllister, x’49, assistant to the clerk of the House; and Allan Norris, ’57, clerk to Judge Taft.
STORK REPORT 1945 ;in(l Mrs. Nylc Siiaiisc-r. (Doroiliy Alien, x’4r)) , a son, Kdward Nylc, January 7, 1961. 1946—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerhardt, (Catherine Jo Barnhart, ’46) a daughter, Susan Marian, March 24, 1961. 1947 and 1949—Mr. and Mrs. Royal l itzpatrick, ’49 (Myrl Hodson, ’47), a daughter, Maryann, November 14. Dr. and Mrs. James C. Kraner, ’47 (Virginia Cole, ’49), a son, Timothy Andrew, January 24. 1947 and 1950—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hofferhert, ’.aO (.Mary Margaret Tuttle, ’47) , a daughter. Holly .Ann, January 17. 1949 and 1951—Mr. and Mrs. Horace K. I’flieger, x’.al (Marilyn O. Call, ’49), a daughter, Marilu, February 10. 1949— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, \'49, a daughter, Pamela, November 26, 1960. 1950— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Warren, Jr. (Clara Liesmann, ’50), a son, Thomas Russell, November 19. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wagner, x’50, a son, Kerry Scott, July 9. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dale, Jr., ’50, a son, John P. Ill, .April 17, 1961. 1951 —Rev. and Mrs. Milton Nolin, ’51, a daughter, Nancy Alise, January 19. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wilson (Phyl lis Shannon Wilson, ’51), a daughter, I.inda Juanita, October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Dale V. Witt, ’51, a .son, Allan Randall, February 12. Mr. and Mrs. William Shanahan, ’51, a son. William Fratuis, .April 14, 1961.
1951 and 1952—Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Bloomster, ’51 (Shirley Chagnot, ’52), a son, Brent Noel, December 22. 1952—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Holm, (Beatrice Ulrich. ’52), a son, Mark Cur tis, March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wiley, ’52, a .son, Stephen Craig, December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews, x’52, triplet sons, Cary, Terry, and Larry (Larry deceased, December 6), December 3. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dougherty, Jr., (Elnora Shaffer, ’52), a daughter, Susan Lynne, January 14. Mr. anti Mrs. John G. Matthews, (Elaine Taylor, ’52), a son, John G. Matthews II, January 15, 1961. 1954 and 1955 —Mr. and Mrs. David C. Davis, ’55 (Barbara Redinger, ’,54), a daughter, Kimbcric Anne, March 16.
CUPID'S REPORT 1910—Mrs. Clare E. Cook and Dr. For rest (.. Ketner, ’10 and Hon ’58, January 28, Bexley, Ohio. 1923—Mrs. Sylve.ster A. Wells (Elnore Lehr, ’23) and Dr. V. H. Allman, Janu ary 1. 1956—-Amy Zimmerman, ’56, and Albert A. Baxley, Jr., December 3, Frankfurt, Ciermany. 1958— Sandra Faust and Thomas Dipko, ’58, November 19, Dayton, Ohio. 1959— Sylvia Woolland and Don Tallentire, ’59, December 24, Dayton, Ohio. Jackie Bitonti and James C. Day, x’59, February 25. 1960— Betty Frantz and Dennis Gustin, (it), November 24, Sidney, Ohio. 1961— Ruth Ann Miller, x’61, and Davitl L. Lewis, March 11, Marion, Ohio. Ciail L. Henneke, x’6l, and William G. Hiner, December 17, Winchester, Vir ginia.
(Stork Report Continued) 1956 —Mr. and Mrs. Ir\in J. Bence, ’56, a daughter, Deborah Lee, December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harsh (Cora Jane Lehner, ’56) , a daughter, Linda Sue, September 18. Mr. and Mrs. Dale .A. Matcham (Shir ley Cave, AGE’56), a son, Jed Alan, De cember 3. Rev. and Mrs. Albert E. Myers (Naomi -Ann Paullin, ’56), a daughter, Kathryn Irene, DecernIjcr 5. 1956 and 1957—Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Cline, x’57 (Diane Renollet, x’56) , twins, a son and daughter, Brent .Austin and Brenda .Annette, December 23. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pendleton, ’57 (Judith Mathias, ’56) , a daughter, .Andrea Beth, Decemlx?r 27. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reichter, ’56 (Barbara East, ’57), a son, Bradley Allen, December 24. 1956 and 1959—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kassner, x’59 (Marjorie Walker, ’56), a daughter, Grctchen Sue, Eebruary 1. 1957 and 1958-Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore M. Howell, Jr., ’57 (Eva Jane Holmes, ’58), a son, Theodore Michael III, March 10. 1958— Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Watkins, ( Amelia Hammond, x’58) , a son, Mark .Man, October 4, 1960. 1958 and 1959—Mr. and Mrs. Peter I're\ert, ’59 (.Ann Reder, ’58), a daughter, Laura Louise, January 20. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hitt, ’59, (Donna Taylor Hitt, ’58), a son, Kevin Jt)nathan, April 19, 1961.
TOLL OF THE YEARS 1898 Mrs. Howard M. Newton (.\nna (•eitrudc Baker, ’98) died January 25, W(>stervillc, f)hio. 1900-Dr. C.Ienn (1. Grabill, ’00, died April 8, 1961, Ciolumbus, Obio. 1902— Dr. Herbert E. Hall, ’02, died Fel)ruary 12, Evanston, Illinois. 1903— Dr. Frank Edwards, ’03. died February 17, Los Angeles, California. 1904- Chester Colton Vale, x’04, died June 4, 1959, Springfield, Ohio. 1905- Mrs. Clair McCullough (Edna Wells, ’05) died August 16, Quanah, Texas. 1908—Miss Ida M. Koontz, x’08, died January f, Dayton, Ohio. 1910—Mrs. Homer P. I.ambert (I ucilc Morrison, ’10) died March 15, Anderson, Indiana. 1913—Arthur I.ec Lambert, x’13, died February 21, Coral Gables, Florida. 1917—Dr. E. R. Turner, ’17, died March 13, Davton, Ohio. 1921—Dr. \VaIter .Schutz, ’21, died January 28, Dayton, Ohio. 1950—Elmer A. Schwind, -March 17, Columbus, Ohio.
1953—Dr. T. Clayton Parsons, Hon. ’53, died Decemlxir 25, Ripley, West Virginia.’ 1963—Charles Allen Werner, ’63, died February 14, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
GRADUATE DEGREES The following Otterbein Alumni re ceived advanced degrees recently: Lawrence E. Moyer, ’52 Master of Education Miatni University January 29, 1961 I.awrence D. Koehler, ’.54 Doctor of Philosophy Michigan State University January 17, 1961 ^Villiam E. Sites, ’56 Master of Arts I he Ohio State University March 17, 1961
(Stork Report Continued) 1960- \rr. and Mrs. Donald Storer ’60 (Vvonne E. Doney, x’60) , a .son, Douglas Donald, April 16, 1961. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munden, ’60, a son, Scott .Alan, March 27, 1961.
1961- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clavpool, x’6I (Barbara Jo Marvin, ’61), a son, DeWitt Harvey, Jr., December 12. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ci. Wilson (F.lah Pettit, x’61), a daughter, Denise Eliza beth, December 7.
1954 and 1956—Mi', and Mrs. John Kaiser, ’56, (Dorothy I.aub, ’54) , a ilaughter, Sarah Jo, March 17, 1961. •Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bragg, ’56, (Ann Brentlinger, ’56) , a son, James Kenneth, lebiuary 18.
1958 and I960—Mr. and Mrs. James Earnest, ’60 (Barbara Noble, ’58) , a daughter, Stisan Bernice, January 26. 1959 and 1962—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaffer, ’59 (Sandy Minser, x’62), a son, Steven Lewis, March 8.
1961 and 1962-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, ’61 (Martha Clark, x’62), a son, Eric W ade, January 16. Faculty-Dr. and Mrs. Roy Turley, a son, Darrell Ray, January 4.
1955—Mr. and Mrs. James Barnhill (Joyce Bowman, ’55), a daughter, Caro lyn Jean, January 5.
1959— Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wright (Karen E. Siegfried, x’59), a daughter, Janice, December 2.
1962-Mr. and Mrs. Larry Edclman, X’62, a daughter, Michelle Larac Mav 21, I960 ’ ^
-.SI -
Dr. & I-!rs. Paul Frank 39 S. Vine Street Wecterville, Ohio
The yMunini Day Linulieon will be held at 12:30 P.M., Saturday, June 3. The Distinguished Alumnus Award and Honorary Alumnus Award will be given at this time, (dass reunions will take jilace at the luncheon.
I hree j>ersons will receive hon orary doctor’s degrees at the com mencement exercises on Monday, }une 5. The ijersons to be honoied and
The following classes are scheduled lor reunions on Alumni Day: 1901, 1900, 1911, 1910, 1921, 1920, 1931, 1930, 1941, 1946, 1951, and 1950. .Members of the reunion classes should make reservations without fail. \'ou will not be able to sit with your ( lasses unless you have made reservations. When making reservations for the luncheon, he sure to include the names of your guests so that place cards can be prepared for them, (arst of the luncheon will be ,'i>1.75.
follows: Kelwin P. Eberly, ’32, superintendent,^Ohic3 Ltist Con ference, Evangelical United Breth ren Cduirch, North Lawrence, Ohio, Doctor of Divinity; John C. Searle, Sr., Superintendent, Ohio Sandusky Cionference, Evangelical United Brethren Church, Eindlay, Ohio, Doctor of Divinity; and Dr. John M. Karela-Smart, ’40, minis ter of external affairs and defence, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West
Your alumni ollice will be glad to procure over-night accom modations for you either in a tourist home, motel, or in a [irivate home. MAY DAY PLAY
“Inherit the Wind,” will be presented in Cowan Hall on May 12 and 13 at 8:15 P.M. CHANGE OF ADDRESS
If you move, please send your new addiess to the Alumni Office, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio.
Ihe second Alumni OHicer’s Wcirkshop will be held jidy 21 and 22 lor .dl local Alumni (4ub Offi cers. Save the date for this campus (onlerence.
Wednesday, \piil 20 Saturday. May 13 SalMiclav, June 3 Suiida\. I line I Mondav. June 5 Sal urda\. ()(lolier 28
I'ouudeis f)a\ Ma\ Da\ (:lass ReunioUN .uid Alumni Da\ Bai I alaureate Suuda\ ('.ommeiuemem