1945-1946 Otterbein Bulletin

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Otterbein College

In the interest of greater effectiveness in promoting the religious life of the College, the Council of Christian Associations was organized. It annually raises a fund to cover such activities as the securing of prominent speakers, all'campus parties and an annual Religious Emphasis Period.

Publicatipns The Tan and Cardinal is the college paper. It is published by a staff of students and appears at regular intervals during the college year. The Sibyl is the college annual. It is published by the student body under supervision of the faculty. The Quiz and Quill is a magazine published by the Quiz and Quill Club and contains the best English productions of the college students during the year. The Association Handbook, published yearly by a joint committee of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A., is a neat pocket manual containing valuable information for new students. The Otterbein College Bulletin, the official publication, is issued quarterly. The Otterbein Towers, published by the Alumni Council in the interest of alumni and friends, is a quarterly publication.

Student Government and General Regulations o The College cultivates an attitude of individual responsibility in its students for the social welhbeing of the campus community. The Student Council, which consists of representatives of each of the four college classes, is intended to facilitate the understanding of these responsibilities and to provide a means for making student opinion known. The Campus Council consists of four members of the Student Council and five members of the faculty and is a cooperative body which deals with campus problems. Otterbein has few specific regulations governing student conduct. It depends rather upon students’ observing cheerfully the social proprieties. There are, however, welhrecognized restrictions concerning certain practices. The use of intoxicating liquors in any form is prohibited. ' A strong tradition against the use of tobacco on the campus and streets facing the campus is maintained by student opinion. No selfiperpetuating society or organization may be formed without permission from the Faculty. A student who is a member of any college organization representing Otterbein in intercollegiate or special extra-curricular relations shall not

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