1921 10 10 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.

N'o. 4.


CONSTITUTION ACCEPTED I CLEIORHETEA RECEIVES VARSITY ELEVEN LECTURE COURSE GETS BAD JOLT DATES ARRANGED ,I Faculty and Students Approve of Pro- New Girls Pleasantly EntertainedBest Available Talent Is Booked Appear O n Local Platform.

visions Governing the Student Body.

To i

FI RST NUM13ER ON NOV. 8 Reserved Seats for Season To Be Sold In Near Future at Rock

Mr's. Mabel Dunn Hopkins Appears.

A shland Springs Big Surprise and Takes Otterbein Gridders ·1eiorhetea maintained her usual Into Camp. social tandard la st Wednesday even­ in g when he entertained th e new OTTERBEIN LACKS PUNCH girl at her annual reception. Th e reception was held 111 the Philophronean rooms which were Clean Playing and Noted Lack of Injuries Characterize Saturvery tastefully decorated 111 blue day's Game. and go ld. Large basket s of man­ golds add ed to the co lo r scheme In their initial .llppeara nce on the whi ch was consis tently carried out in loca l grid, shland ent the hopes of the deli g htful refres hments which a happy victory skyward when they closed the evening's festivit ie . forward pa s ed into th e victor's

Recently the 11ewly formed Consti­ ttttion for tudent Go vernment was presen ted to the student body for ratification and was accepted with scarcely a dis enting voice. The Constitution wa late r passed by the Faculty in its entirety , the Faeulty making only a few cha nges in wording. The Co nstitution, as d1·aw11 up and now in force. pro vide for studen t ove r ight in the matter of r egulating tudent conduct. It also give the Student Co uncil power to reco mmend to the Faculty disciplinary measures for anyone violating laws of the school. One of the important features of the Constitution is the measure requiring th at all membe r of social groups shall become memb ers of a literary ociety before the beginning of their fourth seme ter in Otterbein.

Bottom Prices. Date fo r th coming Citizen's Leet ure our e numbers have betn arranged and are give n herewith. Tue day, -ovember 8--The Mollusc Comedy Compa ny. opening number. Wednesday December 14-Ralph Bingham, The Humorist. Saturday, January 14, 1922- The rationa l Male Quartet. Thur day, February 23- Chester M. anford, L ecturer and Author. Friday, far ch 10--The Stolofsky ompany, a uoted violini t and as i tant. Wec'Jiesday, March 29-LoradoTaft, i ne f . -merica 's great artist . This i an excellent arrangement o( 1922 Sibyl Getting Underway. date . 1t no eem the res rve will be old with the ea on' tickets. 1n j H. W . T~oop, editor, and J. P. - price • from _ chutz ' bu me manager of th e t h I. even t- t h ey w1-11 range 111 l .S0 to 2_25 _ 1922 Sibyl have ins talled themselves in their office and ex.pect to have This co urse costs $975 without over­ things moving in a very short ti-me. head expen e . This will make the everal vacancie appear on the staff total co t about 1000, o all patrons due to the failure of ome members wi ll ee the need of the price stated of the clil, to return and adjust­ for eat , in e we have only about ments in cla $ifi cation. These places 525 eat in all The time and place will be filled aud work tart~d very of ticket ale will be fully announced.

A very intere tin g program took up much of the evening. Mr . Mary Best McLeod, '03, sang " My Laddie," and ''To You" in a very charming manner, and Mrs. Dai y Ditmer. '09 , captivated every one by her very clever readin o-s, " Mr . Casey o n Lawn Tennis" and "Mia Carlotta." Mrs. Mabel Dunn Hopkins, accompanied by Miss Frances Beale, 0th. honorary m mber of ,lei.orhetea. gave the following program: "Legende" . _ . ~ohm


.. Dance oquctte'' " The Old R, £rain'

. Tirindelli

K.reisler . . . Nevin " Tb Ro ary" . . " Perpetual Motion" . . . Bohm 'Tl1e uccess o f ti1e evenmg · wa d ue in 110 mall degree to the effo rts of Mi Edna Dellinger and her committee. Support the "Y 's" !

FOOTBALL RALLY UNIQUE Hilarious Stunts aJld Speeches Give Vaudevillian Aspect To Even­ ing's Program. Th off ring of th variou Keith circu its had nothing on the rally ta ed by i tant ·Manager Elliott ou Thur day even ing. Jt included e erything from a na)>py orche tra 't a ne-ad cdmedy. The audience 1va very appreciativ and received ea b numb r with a bur t of applau e and r frained from throwing any­ thing but their voice , and th e only n,nder th dire tion of h r Leade\ onley. The fir t act wa Prof. Putemto­ sJeep on l y, pr enting bi late t di covery in ·'Bu chnoti ' . ' Pig y" Harri aw,ea d in an original b.araa­ ter ketcJ1 . Mr. Fuller of th 'Public pinion,' and " Tillie" Franklin, thl year' crappy cei1.ter on the football team iJ)ut on th monologue . The famou " crap I rou Quartet" ( ootinued on page two.

PROMINENT COLLEGE PROFESSOR ALMOST COMMITS INFANTICIDE It wa at th Wilmington game. The ' protege in que tion wa hardfy · J ga l a- d ay occa 10n aware o f tie or the iruportance of hi being out on the athletic field, except for the fact h'I b e t b'b · that h e wa weanng 1 an d tucker and that bi father wa "Very ncrvou . H al o bad ov rheard spectator a king. '· What do you think our chance for a wi11 are?", and imilar di cu ion that wou Id lead anyone capable o f doing e en p6mary thinking to the conclu ion that omething really imp-ortar\t wa to \)e de ided . . .He migl}t have w1 jied for a more , . pl a ant and corn._ortable place 111 which to pend t h e unny ctob r l f ront pore h , afternoon, out on tie for instance, with nothing to do but . watc h th e pa er b y, an d t o d oze 111 the un. But .here he wa in thi big crowd · of tr'an e, anxion face and

column and sent a wave of desperate gloom over the student body. When the fi nal whistle blew it was impo sible for the team and those directly connected with it to realize that the game had ·come to a clo e without a score in Otterbein's favor. The muddy field slowed up the backfield, and end runmn wa hazardons, although everal gain w re mad by th_i ro ut . Peden, A lbright and eorge each made big gain at time but failed to respond with the nee ary gain_ when n 0eded. sbland pre enl:ed a nappy figbling machine that will command the attention of all opponel)t on th eirschednlt!. Th way they fought and;_ the "never say die pirit" which po e ed them along with th e fac Continued on Bage Jive.) " Y" DRIVE ~S SUCCES S Budget of $475.00 Is Raised E asily In Financial Campaign-$200.00 In Cash Secured.

The chapel period Tue day morn­ ing wa give11 over to th Y. M. . A. he decided that h would make the for it annual financial campai 11. be t of it and try fo ha v a good The a ociation given a imilar t'i me 1·f a"', all po 1·blpopportunity each year to ecure th fund nee sar for the promotio11 of The ame fina lly tarted and, a it work. clima ti event cam and went, he . Prof. J. 1-I. cloy pre ente(l th wa about to come to the conclus;on that thi wa 110 place for him ince need of the a ociation and poke his father eemed to forget all about bri fly of its various activitie in the life. The budg t wa _prehi pre ence and, during an extreme- colleg ented and explained by the trea urer. 1y ·citing moment, when verything ery commendable re ponse wa seem d to be at take, he wa accorded rather .rough treatm ent for hi · given to the appeal for pl dge , e pecially ori the part of the new tu ­ none to tro11g phy ique. dent and the fa ulty, ontrary to The train was almo t at a break_previou year , the time limit for the ing point, when a kind lady known as f payment o th pledge wa placed at •'Mamma' rush d up and re cued two week . The officer of th • him from what might have "een an. a ociation hope to avoid in thj way .,, untimely and cru hing death and reome of tJ1e difficultie e. perienced, io buked the forgetful fa th.er with the . d ''B kl G. previou yea r in collecting pledges. teen, upenor comman : uc 1ve total budget of 475.00 wa ubme that baby before you queeze him cribed in a very hort tim <; about to death ." • 200.00 being paid in ca h.



Page Two



Good-bye to the Rubber Sac!

P r.ilaletheans and Philomatheans Act As H osts to New Students At Annual Affair. Last Monday evening, Philalethea and Philomathea gave th eir annual push for th e new students. Two . hundred people assembled at . ociafon Building and Field Mar ­ shal Ed '.\ewell took charge, gave th e c rowd a chance to get more in­ timate ly acquainted and then march­ ed it to a pot situated about a mil e we t of town. By th e time the place was rea_che~ everyone wa ready for the hu ine s of the evening-that of ha Yin g a good

HE pen at the left is a rubber sac self-filler T -the barrel more than half of rub­ s

ber. It holds only 26 drops of ink .


The pen, a t the r i~ht is the marvelous Dunn­ Pen, the " Fountain Pen with the Little Red Pump-H a ndle." It holds several tim es as much ink as the rubber sac pen of th e same s ize­ and you can pump it full in a jiffy.

Th, Fountai" Pm mitlt tit, Littl,R,d Pum~Handu T heDunn-Pen has norubbersac. l tdoesn' t leak, clo~. or flood. a nd automatically cleans itself while you a re filling it. Absolutely guaranteed. 4 Simple Part -4 Popular Pen-Points 4 Standard Styl es 1 D olla.ra Everywhere {in the U . S.)



tim e. Large ti res were li g hted and J . lrs Powell ent L oma a big birth- I th e crowd assembled around th ese, . became t h.o roug hi Y acq uainted , an u day ba~ket filled wit h cake and chicken played variou game and ,Ii tened t? and strange to ay. Loma gave a birth- 1=========~·= ============ ==========~ the nappy mu ic of variou ··ukes' day pu h. Too bad we only have one !,!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll•• lll.111111111111111•111111111111111111~

:::,;:"::,~;:~~:~:t;;;:,:,sm::; bi,:::·:,.::::: · · · h"b" everyo11e wa ooo g1 mg an ex I ition of juggling, holding doughnuts, app le . cup of cider, . bun ~nd pickel in one hand while r~a t'.ng

M, .

T,oop, Me s rs. Donald Howard,

The CapitalCity-Troy Laundry Co. :

Howud, :

J. R . Howe,

= -

d Q 1· e t erv1ce a n ua 1t y. nd ay L aundry R eturn W edne day. edn e day' L_aundry Return Friday . we Call and Deliver. B

Gordon Howard, Ed ewell, Horace Troop and John George were Cochran : Hall dinner gue t Sunday,


ince the opening of aum Hall, th e ecuring of item for thi column by _ _ the old olicitation method ha become impo sible. If you de ire mention of : your ocial occasion and gue t plea e § BOB DEW, Agent Headquart ers B. W . Wells' Tailor Shop 1 :_ P hone c 1 report to the Cochran Hall Editor. •. :,-en 360 1 = Corner State and Main Sts. _ .1 El ma Rhinehar t entertained her Par- ii mrml IllIllIll IIIllIll Ill Ill IllII Ill IllIllI Ill Ill lll lll llll Ill lllllllllll llllll IllII II IllIIIllIIIll ii R. . Martin, pre ideut bf Phi o- en of Loui bu rg on unday. \ mathea, wa introduced a the toa tthe ================================= ma ter of the eveni ng and extended a J;our ochran Hall girl pent d Li ht in makjng • Jin and . r tudeut : he week-end with Florence erfect at her I f . H C . Wei O nie to al l new " · ntroduced ~ THE DIARY O F t•nous. ad our leio reception lo" Mr ." Pauline hom e. . l tllcn d it was darling. Mr . • A COCHRAN HALL GIRL mght ao tubb , wh poke of the alu of th e Beatrice Donald on gave a birthday Hopkin play d and every one cried. I literary ocie ty and extended pu h Tuesday evening. 1----------------:.l.• Mu t b · ell to play like that. Philal thea' welcome to th e ne'> t~D rothy Frye ha relea ed he_r (By " Pink") vJdtr't mak anyone ry playing dent ·. Profe or einlaud poke 111 nur e, .i[i Agne M. 1e 11an an d 1 chec'·e~. . , . _ " •~ h1 hara terj tic manner and wa able to be about at the home of Mr · \ Sunday. D1dn t get up 1n tune for foll wed by Mr . 1 einland, , bo gat: church. B t Dad w uld b.e. a :full· Thursday. h, will thi ocial , hirl ., h e k n w I d"d H a d ,l ne ver cea _ Rave been 1· u t dead a charming talk upon Philalethean- Moody on allege av oue. pee,·e d 1, t n . t go. . . all . t Edith Eby' fudge pany atur- [ri chick n for dinner. u_pp e l <;iay_ a1ul tb n _tomght we did 1t 1 hj)omath an a tivitie of the pa t. Profe or mith wa called upon a11d day, Catherine Minton with her apron Q;1J.o-ht t, record that in red. ink. l-f ad j a_ am. ut untill 10:3. and not a ..-e ponded by gi.vii ,,. (1i jmpr ion and big poon became ma t er of cere- a date ith. Jim thi ev nm aud had 10~le l on. Had a 111ce raUy a[ter of literary work Lil tterl eio and monie . him just about convin ed that l d.idn t iety, unt 11· CV r thin . I wi h compared our soc.ietie to oci ti 5 T.he tirei teepy girls who ended mean a thing by havin date 'll;ith IQ could in iii that crap Iron . d 111 . their lumber party m . room 308 uo. an d I h a d nartet e. with whi.:'1 he wa acquamte rt h en ·t t l> gan to ra1u Penn ylvania. Pre ident li._ppinger day morning declar that th y had: ' to om right in. h well, Friday. Hav had a wild day, old <' ucluded the pro ram , ith a ho_rt a dandy time at th ·r pu h the nigh the irony of fate. diary, and 1 don't care who know it. ,nappy peech, i.n which he. a a:n before. Monday. m too tired write .inuclt. \ ity thi - aftern on and -empha ized th e value of th e literary Ruth Luca ' Iath r o{ It ona, Ha. e tudied awfully h.ard all ev urankee at the ocietie in tterbein. pent unday with h r. ing and l'm not used to it. Philathi:tlmr" from the Following th s.inging f th e ~terean-Philomathean p h toni ht and aw ·o many laugh s Pink Hill: ·'Girl . my con titutioo i . h b..:in Marching ong, t e vanou l>o h rt and Jim are ' Ma t-hean. ne patkag I ef re Ill · tl w ak but the by-law are aU ri ht. 1·r f group returned to town, voting ie \\ 11, jf they have ate it will lear my 1 · Had ·o much m n Y le t , ith. a few good amend men I ft I d evening an ntirl' ucce my con cienct' for the wild time 1 a er got my upper that I ru h . to b able to preamble. "'I-- t h ~- 1 had at th Libra,ry to1 i ht. Talked O l e nartnian and •aw th e fair FOOTBALL RALLY UNIQUE Mr. . •\. T. Ho.ward and fr·. to that tall Fre hm<sLn until ~1:i he i th doll alright. Tt' (Continued from page one.) Troop of ay n pent .alurday night Barne. clo · d the plac l mu t o to ])ed. pu h a given I wa k e d I1ome w1·o1 me. form 111 it rendition ot. . . dormitory. , Saturday. Got up at a quart r [ , o to . . l d-111 .,. l 10 theu: honor. \ e,cral popular tram lllt u ~ . T uesday. ur do hate my el£. Took and of c ur e had to T) reak my n ck ;,Peggy •. · eil" and ·: J oll De111 \ Yelm a La wren~ entertam d her a night out and )vent to the bow I to get to the game. m:: fello · Bone~" The one act kit pre cnt_ed brother. 1fr. Orville Lawrence, and with Jim. He ,~ a rouchy all ven- played ju ·t gr at but w 1 .t {he «p· k" Hill" bevy of beauue .le r . Robert Brawley and Gerald I ii)g and didn't a k 111 to lo game. nly had one meal today .a nd 0 111 by clo ed the performance. Rob rt·, all O £ Oh.i O S tat e at d"moer Villi ' . Hav • an awful cold. pill- J fe~I thin. \\' alked around lh four The capacity audience _yelled u nd ay. ed a quart of. coal oil on th rug. 1mle quare tonight. Think e ro t •r I)' at th mere m 11l1on of histler vi itcd her daugh.t r Haven·t a iugl 1 011. Prexy o uppo · 1'11 b called up, voc1 erou . the name A·hland, and if that part1- 1farjora and Harriet, a few days this Wednesday. G t 111 at :OO thi Jime wa lov •ly and aid he'd tak half calar football team could hav ~;.ar: week. m rning aod hay had a wonderful the blame. the di play of n th u_ iasm xhi ite - - - - - - - -• day. ut two c.la e ;nd walked to Me-"Do ·you thi.nk fargi ' go'i n on thi occa ion ~hei r . blood would G t your Gym hoe and o;d ord Minerva Park ' ith the tall F. h. from E ~J.-Adv. wa original?'' the ir vem have fr · ~ R ure i fine and I take a -wicked w-" Imo t abor~gi.rial."

wiener and Lu iou trip of izzlmg bacon with the other. umerou expert gave fancy exhibitions of th eir kill a • hef of the forked ti ck"' and the refre hment were soon given the attention due them and di appeard with neatne and di patch .


lr. 0











Literary Department

Page Three



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(T his page will carry each week a representative production from the programs of one of the fou r li terary societies, selected in such mann~r a s each may determine. The rotation will be regu lar unless censors fai l to subm it productions in proper time.- for publica tion.) _


" IN THE LAND WHERE THE The two were fi na lly co rrall ed a nd brought back and mad e to under - _ WORM DIETH NOT" stand that all earthly grievance · were to l1e forgo tt en in thi hospit - able la nd.

P . K. Noel, Philophronea. These were

the days

of .-\ .


Later in th e same day tw o w ell-

\.vhi c h in th e parlance o f th e n ear · dre sed. e ld erly co lored n1en e ntered

bee r saloo n on th e co rn er, n1 ea nt "after prohibitio n," but to some of th e more thir sty irreco n cilables '·aft er paradise." Be th a t as it may, it wa th e day of the private flask near eve ry thing, 2.75% whisky and th e dread ed wood•alcohol imitation. On a rath er warm day in Jun e, C haron , that r enow ned boatman o f th e · river tyx , sat wearily on th e fr on t end of hi s dory , dabbled hi s to es in the water, pulled his long white beard reflectively a n d then spat pugnacio us ly at a bull-frog o n a nearb y log. These wene bu sy day s for th e old boatman. He had to labor from morning until night to carry all the pa sengers across who were clamoring for admittance into Hade . The more o ld C haron pulled and th e more bliste rs that came on hi s hands th e mo re did he berate th e circumstances that brough t him al l thi s added trade. Wood-alcoho l ictim · wer e rolling in by th scores and entbusia tic but ignocant homebrew maker followed clo e in th eir

the Had es Metropo litan Club talking excited ly. The loa fer s about th e clu b looked up inte res tedly at fi rst and th e n sank laz il y bac k int o th e h eavi ly cu hioned lea th er cha irs a s th ey recog ni zed Booke r T. \ Vas hin g ton and Prof. W. E. DuB oi . Th ey kn ew w ith o ut lis teni ng that th e two we re di cussing the respective merits of their y tems of negro d evc '. op· m ent. In tim e th e discussion waned and it co uld be noticed that Bool :er T.'s hand hook nerv o usly a n d ~av e forth an om inou click. )Ju Hut s perk ed up his ea rs at once. Wa shingto n grinnin g effusive ly, a ked T' ur. ois if he eve r engaged in the favorite darktow n spo rt of A frican "golf." The latt er said that he wasn't much of an expert b ut that h e might po sibly be induced to ente r into the harm less pa sture. Du Bois wasn't a~ n1uch of a novice a h e i11timated. Things waxed warm ; they became excited; th e lounger eve,n showed in terest and gathered round. t la t th ey had a ll the mon ey on the tabl e, a matter of

= = = = = : : _

E ._ :::

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Holl_o ween Spuizzerinktums, ~ N ap k•Ins, Cards, Pump k•ins, -_



Fountain Pens, Eversharps, = Otterbein Rings, Pins, Fobs, == Stationery, Correspondence : Cards, Crepe Paper, Blotters, ~ Art Materials, and Maga-= -= = zines at the =

_ _ _

= = = = = = = =


§ _

University Bookstore:

j11111111111 I 11111111111 I 11111111111111111 I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I 1111111111 I 11

wake. Even now Charon was wait- everal hundred dollars. The "bones" l! !llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!,! ing whil e his helpers hauled dow n wer e in th e po sess ion of DuBois. d • two unpretentiou ca kets and •put After shaking a five and a fo ur h e th em on the raf t to be towed a cros . hook again and the fatal five and The usual crowd wa waiting at · two showed their faces. Washington c:

= = E =

the landing to welcome t he new arrival . Both th e boxes wer e op ned and th two co ndemned tarted to tep forth , but as chance wou ld ha ve it the y looked at each o th er before th ey made the initial tep. A how l of terror from one, answered by a cry of delight from th e other, ,va

ga th ered in the spoil while DuBoi s t ri ed to dro,vn hj sorrow in th e hard cider that stood in a barrel at the farth er end of the club h ou e. N ig ht wa creeping over the land of Hade . The cro wd' which gather• ed eve r y eve ning to watch the sunet, wer e going lazil y homeward. In

the sound that g ree ted th e reception com mittee. Th one, an illicit moons hine niak er, recog-nized in th e other a. government revenu officer, hence th e o utb urst . Before anything could be done the moon shiner bad pu h ed hi coffin back into the Styx and wa paddling away with hi hand for all h e wa worth. The revenue o ffi er n t to be outdone and wishin g to capture thi var let who bad prov-ed o elu ive on earth et o ut after him, hi b lack coat-tail flying in th breeze. The crowd on the howled with delight and ch ee red them OJ] . Bet were even offered a to whether th e government man would effect- a ca pture or not. the odds favoring th e moon bin er. Old Charon wore softly to himself, like the h ero in all good lietion book , and et out to bring hi pa enge r back to port again, taking eve ral of the Hade ' Home Guard along to be u ed in an emergency.

the ope rahouse, on the co rner of nowball and Glacier treets, called th e "Epicurean" after its noble b uild er and owner Epicuru , w.as to take place that even ing th e eigh th a nd la t num ber of the far famed ind erpath Lecture Co ur e. T hi num ber was a lectur e by the noted Gallileo 011 " What Makes The World o Round,, or "Who Turn the ow it was a well known Copernicu and Gallileo held oppo ite opinion on many of the a tronomi c questions of the day a nd it had been pa sed around .that opernicu wa going to be th ere that eve ning. Mr. Darwin, who, by the way, admit that be wa at one time no more than a chattering monkey, a.nd who. a cco rding to his friend , i fast returnin g to hi former state, introduced the speaker of t he evening. Gallileo, a hort tubby man with a van-dyke beard and horn rimm ed spec began hi addre .




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Blendon Hotel and Restaurant_=




M 8o8Zines


1= 11llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii

Every thin g was going lovely until he remarked that th e manner of ewerage di posal on Mars wa not all that it ought to be and that if the governor didn't e to it that a ch ange wa mad at an early date all th e tax payer were goi n g on a s trike. This too much for th 1 arned op roicu . He ro e right up from the front eat where he at and di puted and defined the tatem ent in no uncertain term . ot to be outdone he waited for Gallileo on th e out ide and renewed th e argum ent. The quarrel waxed warm. Gallileo called Copernicu a bald-headed old fool and the latter re ponde d by saying that if Balaam'

a trono m er in th eye. tar and planet , m oon and atellite neve r dr amed of th e latter now.. Havin g thu effectively concluded th e arg u­ ment. opernicu mov d off. Ima inc hi rage o n the n t mornin g when the Hade's hant icleer a nn oun d in glaring h adlin that tile no ted Gallileo on U] pr ce ding e ening on hi way from th lectu re had dis­ covered eve ral new con t llation s, neglecting to mention that the di • , covery wa brought about by th abbreviat cl co ur e in a tronomy given hjm by ooe pugili ti ly in lined Cope rni cu • Thu far none of the weaker or contrary ex have entered into our a could ta4k he knew one that could s tory. It hasn't be n becau e t he re are none such in thi wonderful land out clas him in every way, and to where th e worm di eth not, but be• emphasize hi point be bibbed the (Conti_n ued on page ix.)



Page Four

I1 pnce · Ie

I\ WE'V E BEE N T H INKIN' N E A R- W IT . I Every tudent should feel hi ultiThat tho se Fre hm eu who O The \ ireles telegraph annihilates di,mate purpose her to be summed up · cheerfully removed th e ye ll ow arrows l a nce. of a:1 er rin g borther-well , th ey ha ve .\nd the messl'ngcr boy frcqut:n tly l' ubli hed \ Veek ly. in the in terest of in th e '_"ords. "'1 o se rve th e pre en t age, the o ld tim e pep. kills tim l'. Otterbem by th e My ca lling to fulfill." OTTER BEIN PUBLI HING \ \ The .ity Guy- ··Tell me. how', th 1.: Tl·at 1' rally wa 'What cha BOARD milk maid:·• \,Ve terville, 0 hio a big ucc calle:n" Prepare For Home-coming. M ember of the O.hi<:> College Press The ·oun t ry Lass-··11 isn·t madl', Homecoming, on the 29th of ctoThat it about tim e the Fre hmen Association you p -or Mutt. the cow gi"'"" it!., ber, is less than three week aw~y· had a reception or pu h of some kind enior- ·· I know a good joke about STAFF I 11 th e past. the layino- and execution to go to. Editor ........... J. Gordon Howard, of plan for thi annual affair · ha That enuff' been said about Prof. crude oil." · J \V · eneff' 23 been in the hand O f t h e V ~r ity. . '·O" J~nior- " µring it." A si t.a nt .Editor.·-·~··:_· • \ Gra t :ll"s Chapel prelude. Let" give _. eni r- '' It i. n't refined." Co ntnbut111g Edi to G H H. 11 ,23 l>ut thi year the tudent Co un cil ha · h. h· race . 1 , . 1111 a c ance. Horace . Troop, '23 been delegated the duty of making all I That we all want to give friend Business Manager .... J. P • S c h u t z, '23 nece sary arrangement . A . i. tant Busine · ManagersII ,23 Though th e Student ·ouncil Rivera a lift. \,Vhat do yo u say? ewe ' 1. . I tl J.T.F.E.Dillinger, •24 1 a lready busy, t 11s 1s to >e. a1~ . . erE ast College Avenue Cir. Manager ...... .Harriet L . Hays, bein Home-coming. and 1f It 1s to T he Week's Worst Joke. PHONES .'\, ,i tant irculation Manager , •uccced as such. e,·ery loyal fn ·11Cl of ·· J n·t that man queer looking? He






:z2 1

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

'22 \



LuWcile .~~ 10 t, Athletic ·:······ ·. · · A · tEditor thleuc Editor•· 1 tan H . V . Miller. '23 Local Editor •········-· M. M . C(!llin , :23 97 I Alumna I Ed.to r ···- ·. Alma . . Gmtner 1 ' '23 Exchange EaldlitEord,. irg1111a nave y, itorochran H Alice Davison, '23 R M .11 '24 Literary Editor ............ H. · 1 s,

Ott erbein mu t be ready and eager to has Pallman teeth." Citizen 26 Bell 84-R 11e 1p. ·· v\·hat do you mean. by Pullman c: lf you are asked to co -o perat e, do I teeth?" it and do it willingly. Especially "One upper and one lower." . ar 1·ty •· " literary ocieties an d hould do omething to welc o me D E NTIST Our "Weakly" Proverb. . . B . ha ck and enterta111 alumni . ut 111 The unmentionable are the ·econd 15 West College A ve. · , fact e,·ery organizatioi~, very 111 -1the twenty - econd, and the fourth let- Bell Phone 9 Citizen Phone 167 dividual in the school will be xpect- 1ter of the alphabet. Address all communicat\ons to The cd to do omething con tructiv if we Otterbein Tan and Ca.rdmal, .103 W. For all that is good to eat see College Ave, We terv1lle, Oh10. are to have the, occa ion we expect The Poet Laureate Speaks. ub cription Price, $2.00 Per Year, and want. "Mary owned a little lamp, payable in advance. :\'ow is the tim e to get bu y. It wa well trained, no doubt.



W. M. Gantz, D . D.S.


WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Wester ville, Ohio

For everytime her •· teady" called A Word of Praise. Entered a econd clas matter · Her little lamp went. . epternber 25, 1917, at the postoffice 1 at We terville, O., under act of reat prai e i due the gent emen I farch 3, 1879. who took it upon them elves to reCALENDAR • cceptance for m~iling at . pecial more the paint and white-wash from ! Tuesday, October I I rate of po tage provided for 111 . ec. the campu ide walk . 6 :00 p. m..-Y. \ r. . • 1103, ct of Oct. 3 , 1917• au th orn~ed \ wi ll _pr bab l n ver kn w j u ·t W ednesday O ctober 1231 W . College Ave.. pril 7, 191 · d th · d ' vho i that omm1 ttc m, 6 :30 p. m. hoir practice and party. W ESTERVILLE, OHIO meanor but it is to he hop ed that they T h d O t b 13 · a h ar d a JUS · t gett·111g arc heartily ' urs ay, - c Y o erI - A 1 ' o job 1s a hamed of t h cm eves 6 .00 Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 now. around to it. gain we ay, th<, gentlemen · . · · · 6 : 15 p. m . h th . p. m. - 1e1or 11etea. ....: who were kind enoug to r move e 1 6·30 -Ph.L T th Our Purpose eye- ore are to be highly commended. F po b ~~ ea. co er 1 n ay, erv the pre ent age, Football, D ni on al Granville. calling to fulfill. '. C AMPUS ( HIT ( HAT a portion of a hymn g frequently at chapel, m chap' f populari y h hu ' au e an c n- hav two gir under hi i to ~ 11· 1 , .. ,.thin O f meui 1 brella on a rainy day . • . id

C. W . Stoughton, M. D.




B. W . WEL LS Tailor


ICOLLEGE LES S MEN Dry Cleanin g, P r essing l\)ll- \ HAVE MADE COL-

· r ent a c, '11Y cal uld b the ui

u y e


~o;:dt~rnai~ri~e th~a~lta!~a~~ rrant that' the la t . w pin of them do.

G. H. Hill object ink" lrr public, w e


ugge cla. ie t h

trope a about th think of. all fled d boy ar Raliy da till ta

by th d fin il eplio n, but 11 g ha n. ait r ma rrying with him no n r at pa on all, tha.l i u f th r o n H owever , if four year 11 indelibly with the ~o contribute ome . fut to man, th 11 hcse ame four year are





Men without university training have made college a necessity. Gallileo, Newton, Locke, Watt, Edison, Bell, Marconi, the Wright Brothers and other geniu es whose days and nights h ave been devoted to ·invention and discovery had a God given instinct which backed with hard, unflagging in­ dustry wrought those things which

E lectic P hysician


help mankind to live easier and nobler W e are 100 % up-to-date in the lives. B ut they also made it im perative that before these inventions could macbine.r to do the work. W e al o be of universal use colleges and uni- guarantee the work can not be beat. versities must be built and costly W e appreciate your work and a trial equipment installed. God sent the will convince you. th e I geniuses as a finger pointing ou t the way for joyous endeavor and glorious S hoe Shine for Ladies and Gents, uc- achievement. H e gave mankind will I Also S hoe Strings. and spirit to build colleges to train all DAN· CROCE who would come. Your college is not an accident. You ar e not an accident. All goes in to the eternal plan of hap­ p iness for m ankin d .

football team ay th y thi1)k lhe d r ' Fat'' fonn, which , ould at that the world i ill pr lty to ge around.

e that o rvill Hi h football. for that' peaking.


y horns and drum layed by many a hand er "Do · ·o n ak ou



port Coats.


The College Avenue

22 North State Street


THE TAN A N D C AR D INAL th e an nual sop homore-fres h man / soccer game into an in ter-cla s lea- / gue or tournament t hi year. T h is p lan give an qpportunity for a maximum num be r of men to participate. Class pTesidents are asked to mak e arrangements for the election of occer captain as 0011 as possible. These captains will make final arrangements with J. R. · Good­ rich in conference with Phy sica l Director Martin.


[ INTRAMURAL INTERCOLLEGIATE (Edited by A. W. E ll iot t )


Page F ive


Worry About

Breakfast? W olfard' s Special for this week.

Homemade Doughnuts and Creamy Coffee

:s,; ex t in order the Boarding Club This


ad entitles you to a ten per cent Soccer League will get und er way. discount on all purchases except the There are now eigh t clubs in opera­ As tion. while a Town Team and a team Specials. Watch this space for them each week. from Hotel B lendon are likely to be o rganized. Ea ch boarding club . :--Jore football ups ets occurred 111 wi hing to enter the pro posed league VARSITY ELEVEN ·. . . Ohio cir cles last Saturday than on 3.ny sho uld choose a man immediately who GETS BAD JOLT • I tim e. 1t wa a da of d ' f will r e~)o rt to de ignated repres entaa) or a ong Y (Continued from page one.) up ets affe c tmg teams from th e tiv e o f th e Leader·s ~orps a · d h that their playing was thoroug hly fo ll o w : Mattoon, Cook, and Holdren haugh ty State eleven own to 1 e secclean and portsmanlike was co mclub report to J B. Crabbs and J. W. ond raters. Though the r egu lar work of the R d B. h M R"ll mendable to say the lea t. 15 o p, Oberlin-State. . co rp s i gy mnasium work, investig a- Leichliter. ,ee • e I O. Cs opportunity cam e a nd went \Vhi le not a stri ctl y co nteren ce tion will s how that practically every and Prie st c lu bs r eport to G. H . j . h' d t h t· 1 111 Berr clul> and re re entat le t ir qua'. er w en . ney game the Oberlin -Sta te battle. tcrm i- man in the corps i the type that is Leffel. Y p · marched from the sixty yard lme to n a ting in a 7-6 victory for th e Congre- : unafraid to lend a hand wherever tives from Hotel Blendon and th e . h. d f A hi d' I d . gationalists. wa the model "kick over" th er e i a need. West ernlle men report to C. H. Bay wit f . 1 d111 oned yar r o I s an I s goa an a1 e to e 1ver t 1e punc 1 necessary of t he do pe bu cket. That plucky . They have vol unteered to help and R. F . . xline. to ge t over. Crimso n aR-d Gold team. battling with ' Profe or Martin with his gym cla ses Cross Country. hland scored in the la t period a disco uraging handicap in . wei~ht, and intra-mural game ; to help Coach l\' o definite date has yet been when Freese ,pas ed over th e goal demonstrated what a team 1nsp1red Ditmer and the men on the Varsity arranged for the ophomore-Fresh- line to Schmunk. Mc lintock kicked with det_ermination and backed t_1p with teams; they can be relied upon to lend man two mile run. More than likely goal unfaltering up port ca n do. aga111 t an a hand irt helping any manager of any Captain Peden gave a fine exhibi­ over-confi dent te3.m of admitted super- athletic team and in general you will it will occur on November H. Delinite arrangements will be made tion of punting. Hi spirals wen~ find th em 100% interested in school for rating. · at an early date. looking good and all went for a good Confe r ence Upsets. activities. di tanc e. Soph-Frosh Football. Of four Conference battl es. Last year from the comment of LeYi Howe was absent from hi fooled the dop ter while ome, it cort!d easily b een that there Th anuual Soph-Fro , h football po ition on account of the injury re­ ouf accordi ng to f reca t. wa a gener al opi ni on t hat they wer ga[)'l come u nd r the jnri dicti n of la t atur day' game. A J)eni~on i o ur n e t g r id f e. , . o rl o( a " \ V ill y Wi ll y" b un h of gym t he O tter bein A t h leti c Board. ceived i;1 the 31-0, triumph of 'vV o tcr i of the hounds. B ut we are glad they a r e ome act/on in r fe,ence to t he game ~o il ier fi ll ed hi place very c reditably The team howed fla h of fin, m o~ t immediate concern · to u . Th proving their caliber around chool is expc, ted oon. playing but were unab le to regi ter , outcome of th e game, following th and believe that a an orga nization the gains need d for re ult , 19-6 defeat of the preceedi ng week they are a worthy bunch of ''he-men 1 GRIDIRON GLEANINGS The line UJ): mean s that Livingston· men will have and th3.t in the future they will prove The week' be t joke: Wilmington (7) Ashland blood in their eye next Friday. their worth to the chool. Give them has been dubbed the " entre Col- Otterbein (0) toltz L. E. Mc lintock Hiram, ho t to Akron, how d little a hand. lege" of Ohio. Menk L. T. r espec t for th e proverbial bucket wh n L. . . J. W. Heis1na11, Head oach they ent th Blue and Gold back to f DARN BILLI ('_ niver ity of Penn ylvania, ay that the Rubber ity with a 6-0 defeat. it i · no mor right for a man R. . travel to Hiram on ov 19. The other day w i hing 125 pound to play again ta R. T. Miami proved that he i contending The cook,. at ne of man we.i hing O pound · in footba ll R. E. for Co nfer en 'fir t honor when . he 1 The Boarding lub than it i for a Ji htwei ht boxer to Q. •B. turned ittenberg back with a 14-0. Rushed me.ct a h avyweight in tit ring. L. IH. core. 0 . . meet both team s. We Into the dinirig r m, H i 111an' pla11 to divide. college foott R. H. Jeyan won an a y 2 -7 vi !Ory ver nd aid: ball team into cla would b F. B. Heidelb rg. The Tiffin men hav two "Boys, aipplauded at tterb ein. Ref ree-Dunla,p of Deni bad def at and a tie to th ir r dit. There are thr e big pire- rdray of hio \ Rat in the pantry· Semi-Conference. Captain "Yip" w n oE Deni on I-! ad line manan o What will I do?" Tu rning once mor from our late i till th premi r punt r f th on- bein. Tou hdow1 chinun Bill aid, after ber eavement we find that R'.cnyon, our fer nee. -Mc l~utock. u ution · wallo1 ing the 111 uthful Homecomi1ig Qpponent, Li d M u · 1, In la t year' eni on game prout for ./-\lbri ht, ht Of fe tive. pru1,1e , Litt ! lcingum 7-7, anoth r up et. Tau and rdina l men knocked r Barnhart, yil1man for an, Which he wa chewing, thany how cl one mo r e Buckeye out. of the game. man for illr for " hu t lh d r team th way in her 14-0 victory over tterbein con • I d hr k for And Ohio niver ity. incinnati trimm d ni 011 received th f r A lbr ight. , tarve 'em to death!" Baldwin- a ll a e 17-o, while D troit T tha t th Baylor Baylor Da rn Bi lli niv •r ity ran through I ortheru for urry. live touchdown . There i. an organizati on connected with the athl etic side of the school's activi ti es that we believe in the future will m erit more recognition. Thi organization is none other than the , B , L d C 1 oys ea ers o rp s. Th b h · · r ·t d t · e mem e r . ip is 11111 e o s~tee n. lew members are chosen with . . . . . d co11s1dernt1on for their 111terest 111, an aptitude for gy mna ium work.

---D ope Buck et I s Badly Spilled Re sult of Saturday' s · Games.




Cleveland T eams. Ca e and Re rv fell before team ( ontinu d on page eight.) A ssistanc I!-. Wanted. The tbl tic Editor i ecuring a memb r of ophomore or Fre hmanport on Intra-Mural gam -all Intra-Mu r al dope up you ar ln re ted e I

de irou of either the la to re­ and keep to date. If ll~ott.


of th • tterbein ast Thur da~ eve1,­ for fall intra-mu ral activiti n a definit fom1 . The orp will organiz and uper·n an inter-cla occ r tournam nt or lea well a a imilar interlub oi;ganiza tion provided proper · intere t and co-op ration are I1own. Inter- Class Soccer. Plan hav been made 0 e ·pa nd

\ read that Living ton mandin b tter thinking.

m. From the , ay th £re hman ball team ha b n thiug " lat ly, we begin to Ott rb in h r al afu111ni t, n way. e our new array £ woo( Dark b lue, ray, o live and color . fcLeod- arrd r . - dv.


a l Id e



,:ti' ity.> big on as hr did e'

has "G t De o r Bradley

!f<fi'n ri'.' ......,,\d..

Page Six


hand and told her of hi loYe. yea his llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll undying, matchl ess lo ve for her, and § § she sat with averted eyes drinking in : : these amorous words and pr essing : : ca use we ha ve been o busy with gently his hand. \~ o thers that we haven't been able to They had arisen and he wa almost _ g ive them any atten tions as yet. on the point of taking her in his _ Marie . ntoinette, who before she arms when-bang-a tr emendous sh uffled off th e mortal coil, was noise broke the silence of the night, known officially a Queen 0£ France followed almo t instantaneously by a at one time. But here he was a blood curd lin g wai l from th e pastor. vivacious, coq uettish "Prima dona." He leaped th e fence with apparently Probably there was no . greater no effort, started down the stree t at : occasion in Hades, excep t when a " nothing flat" pace and disappeared _ Lucifer gave his slide trombone in the fir t alley. Mr . Eddy s'tood reci tal, than when Marie made her as in a trance until a disheveled debut at th e opera house. She receiv­ figu re put in its appea rance on th e ed almost a wagonload of ashetas porch , clad in pajamas and car rying a ro es from infatuated admirers. smoking shotgun, and then she Ca therine, the Great, who at one wisely and d ipAomaticaJly fain ted. time ruled l{ussia with an iron hand, The next morning's paper ca rried a _ was still in her element. She appear­ fu ll accoun t of th e wh ole affair as ed now in an athletic side ~how as nothing was k ept secret in this land. It _ the champion wom an pugilist of seems that th e husband had returned _ Hades. All come r cordially wel­ unexpectedly and when the voices below had awakened him he had comed. We could go on and name many arisen, secured a sho tgun and the .rest more but this suffice to let you know we know. A doctor spent eve ral picking shot from Mr. : that this place so far removed from hour u wa not without th e refining and R u sell's anatomy. Once more the un sh ines bright up,lifting influence of woman. 'Twas almost midn ight of one of and clear and old Charon still p ly s the most beautiful Ju ne nights that his trad e. Every day, with its in- § ever shadowed this fair land. The crea in g trade, finds him more irrit- : full moon hed it soft illuminating ab le and more profane. He th rea tens : light over the whole place. It was some day to quit entirely and let at a night and a moon made to orde r people go to heaven for he hears for tho e who feel cupid's darts that St. Peter has an easy time of it wantonly pierce their hearts, and handling the crowd, which seeks its who wor-ds are but sweet nothings eternal habitation in th e golden city. The land wher the worm di_e_th whi p r d in on an ther' ar , and who linger long at the gate and porch not increases at an alarming pace. for that pathetic goodnight which characterizes the parting of lovers. The " Epicurean" mentioned early in the tory as the opera bou e wa ju t at this time dive ting it elf of it patrons who had . com po ed the · ROY AL SOCIETY FLOSS I aud· nc.e for the last show. They wete a happ)' carefree tot. Comedies COMPLETE LINE. and bu.rte que agreed with them. Thi evening performance in parti­ SILK AND MERCERIZED cuclar, a rip roaring comedy, "Roll Your Own," by Mark Twain, had put STRAND AND ROPE them all in a very jubilant mood.

"IN THE LAND WHERE .THE WORM DIETH NOT" (Co ntinued from page three. )


= =



The Fir t Choice of the Best Dre ed Men Everywhere-



Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Suits





Fr m Maine t California these fine clothe are famou for their smart tyle, fine all-wool fabric and high­ cla tailoring-they' re the most eco­ nomical, becau e they la t longest.

It's Here at Last!

Young Men's Student Suits with Two Pairs cf Pants

= =




= =


They were not all young folk , no INCLUDING BOIL PROOF not by any mean . Men and worn n well pa t middle age were numbered -among them. ALL COLORS The crowd had almo t dwindl­ ed away wh n an elderly couple left ASK T O SEE IT AT the theatre. He was dre ed in tyli h evening clothe and h in a b autifu l g0-wn evidently made for a much younger lady, however. Th y Ohio : were no other than Pa tor Rus ell. Westerville, who po ed on earth a the founder of a cult known a Ru selli m and Mrs. Eddy writer of th at far criptur famed book, "Science and ri11111111111111111,111,111111,11111111111111111111111,111,1111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111~, Heal th, with Key to the Scripture ." He called a taxi and th y were whi ked away to an elusive SUBSCRIPTION BLANK re tauraot where they bad a light To Miss Harriet Hays, lunch and then danced awhil a the Circulation Manager, Westerville, o. orche tra played. It wa almo t t wo Enclosed find $2.00 for one year' b · · o'clo ck in the rooming when th ey Cardinal. su scnption to the Tan a nd drew near Mr . Eddy's hom e. Her hu band w a upposed to be away Name on a bu i_ne trip. The two at , down fo.r a moment in the hadow of Address .................. . _..... ._.... . . ..................................... ~. a lilac b u. h in th e y ard. He held her

pecially de igned, in the lively, nobby ~odel and weaves that young men like.

The Variety Shop


= =

BuY For Less complete line of


bein felt goods.

RAY . M:JOHNSON Student Agent






P ag e Seven




To the Editor of the Tan and Card ina l : Wago ner F ield. For the pas t few years. Otterbein has had a fine athletic fie ld, but never befo re has it been in such good shape as it is at the present time. Anyone _ '07. 1-lr. and Mrs. Lewis E . Meyers can t e ll you that the gridiron its elf is - ­ O ur new st ore, B r oad St. , al o at = and their chi ldren, Lewis Edwin, Jr., as good as any in the conference. The and Helen, motored from th eir home ball diamond is excellent with a large _ 22 N . H igh St., Col um bu in Valparaiso. Indiana, to Columbus outfield which in size would do credi t § last week to attend the ational Red , to a minor league ball park. Then the Cross Con vention . They expect to track is to be mentioned. When the § go to Cleveland and Pittsburgh be- final touches have been put on the : ,,, . Cor age a n d Fancy R o e fore returning ho1n e. ci nde r oval, it will class with the rest Specialty. '88. Apperson A. Nea of We ter- of the field. Of course th e numerous ville is one of th t\VO hundred and accessories w hi ch such a field necessi- ninety-four Ohio teachers who last tates are to be found a t Otterbein. viz., week receiv ed the first month's install- grandstand, football dummy pits. Visit our new to r e when in t he city. mcnt of their teacher's pension. broad jumping pits, pole vaulting and . . J . h ht , high jumping pits. To such a field. do _ '14. Miss Bonita am1son, w o taug . for seve~al years in the high chool at you, the httudtentb, not . thmd\ thTatk a o e ass1gne . a e, . . . . h name oug Lima Ohio 1s now teach in g 111 t e f . h 'd h . . ' f c' 1 b or 111 tance. t e pn e t at 1s mam- schools O Oum us. fested by a Wesleyanite when "Ed- Is our agent at We terville. '04. Professor Edwin P. Durrant of ward's Field" is m entioned. Denison , : 0 hio ta te University has been elect- Witten berg and Ken yon all have their ,i iII Ill II Ill Ill llllll II IIIIIIIIIIIII Ill lllllllll llll Ill llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllIT ed president of the Biological Club of . fie lds named. why not us? Then take a Ohio State. This club is the chief sci- lcok at ou r posters, when they are put entific organization of the university out announcing a game of some kind. and publishes the "Oh io Journal of I nvariab ly the place in me nt ioned as 44 North State Street Science". "The Athl etic Field", occa io nally as Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, ' 06. Dr. E. E. Burtner of We terville "Otter bein Field". There is noth ing wrong with 'Otterbein !ri nds. F ilms Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' motored to Pickerington la t Wedne - radicall y Supplies. Field", but our field ought to have a day on a bu ine trip. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT name other th;rn the general name, Parkers' Fountain P ens, Even Flow '1 2. Ralph W. Smith of Westerville "Otter bein". lnk Pencils, Sheaffer' s E ver Sharp Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye attended the Masoni c Grand Council Shades and Goggles. Examination The n, if we all come to the con­ in Dayton las t week. Wh ile there he clusion that a name is to be had, what Pencils and Leads. F ine Papet eries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us was th e guest of Mr . and M~s . Ro - hall it be? a call. a suggestion, we offer Etc. coe H. B rane. "Wago ne r F ie ld." F or severa l re a o ns o t be­ eem ver y a ccep ta ble. '72 Mi s a ra h J. Wi n ter oi W e t et­ th i ago ne.r, i~om ville wa th e gue t 0£ M r s. H ar riet ca u e P rofes o r R. H. Hively mith in Colum bus one day whom the name i taken) was a g reat Se.n ior Class Elects. athlete, nor because he ever gave a last week. The enior Cla held a bu ine large sum for athletic p ur po es, bu t r:ieeting Friday and the following offi'94. Dr. and · Mr . Charles navely because he was a man, and primarily cer were elected: · went last Thursday to Canton, O hio, because he tood four-square for the Pre ident-Paul prout. where they were called by the death tudent and hi needs, and becau e he ice President-J. W. Leichleiter. of a cou in of Mr . navely' was a lover of clean, quare port. ecretary-Pauline tu b b . So, fe llow tudent , we offer t hi a ~ en's Glee Club Tryouts Treas u rer-He r man Lehman. a suggestion and hope yo u will get ocial Chaii:man-l;Iarriet Hays. O ccur ; Twelve P laces Vacant . I back of it a nd boost. 1'.b-ink it over, La t T u day and Wedne day, try­ then pa it a long to other , ame nd­ out for the Men' Glee Club were held ing it with your addition or criti­ in Profe or pe ard tudio. From ci m . - . E. R. the fact that o er thirty new men ovice-"You it down on ev ry were on hand to compete for the twelve vacan ie exi ting in the per- joke I write." Editor-"Well, I wouldn't ii there onnel of the club it i afe to predict for the c lub a r p tifon of the very wa any point to them." ,., ucce ful sea on that wa enjo ed la t yea r and an evel1 tronger and mor~ talented orga nization. In addition to the regular Glee Club, !J,r6fe or pe ard i planning for a Banjd Club which will work with the ':'he wonderful new odor of 26 flowers. Glee lub in it concert . More than enough m n have applied for inem~ bership, and th talent o:£ the ap_pli­ can j_ of uch a nature a to mak that part of the dub a ure succe

= = =



= = =

35 W.


= =





RAY M. JOHNSON Westerville Ag~nt


Meats of All Kinds


Conservatory P ianos Tuned. Profe or rabiJI , port th at a piano pecialist ha been at work on all the piano of Lambert Hall thi · last \v~ek, and that as a re It we ,can expect fo be more full charmed than ever by the melodio u strain which float to u · from the practice rooms.

Jonteel Talcum J onteel Cold Cream J onteel Combination Cream J on teel Face Powder


Also Groceries at

e ter vill


If you get those p ush supplies of us once you will do it again. ity-big variety.

Good qual ­

T r y our Oysters this

week. M O SES & STOCK




Page Eight


Ladies' New Fall Footwear New Fall Styles in Oxfords and High Shoes at Very Low Prices Dark Brown Oxfords, Ball-strap in Military and Low Heel --------------------------------------------­ $4.50 Black Oxford, Calfskin with military heel, at ------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------- --·--- 5.50 D ark B rown High Shoes, w ith fancy foxing , a splendid style, at ________ ___ ·-------------------------- 5.00 LADIES' HOSIERY Wool Hosiery to match your Fall Oxfords -------------------------------------------------------------- $1.00 tto $2.50 A beaut iful new number in silk and wool with F rench clocking coming soon, to sell at $1.75



• \

·22 N. State Street

Rivera Is Recovering. CONFERENCE DI GEST Juan Ri vera, the well known ( ·ontinued from page five.) First Open Session Pleases All Comers. f,' ili,pino member of la t yea r' ophoof hi g her cali bre. _\ core of -1-0 Literary and Musical Numbers more cla , i not in chool thi tell th e tory at nn Arbor, whi le W ell Rendered. eme ter, due to a ev re ca e of at nnapoli , Re erve h Id the typhoi d f ver co ntra cted la t ugu t_ The fi r t open e ion of th e year Dr. Stoughton i treating him at "Middi e " to 41 points. How They Stand. are · alway looked fon ard to wi th the Prote tant Ho pital in Columbu berMiami, We leyan, gr eat pleasure. Philalethea di appoint- w h ere h e •I ec uring the be t care' ed no one in her In tallation Session and attention and i now reported to have emerged victor in h Id on October 6. An unu ually be convale cing rapidly a fter a very Con£ ren e con te t . The fi r t four good program wa enjoyed by a large u.etenrune _. · d fi ght of five weeks look like the logical conte tant for hon rs. It i quite probable that audience. again t th e di ea e. The retiring chaplain, lice Davi on, We all h pe that no recurrence will on e r mor of the e team will come in her addre s brought out particularly check hi convale cence and that he through with a clean Confer nee ,r e­ the need of directing our thought into will be with u on the campu a<>ain cord. Mt. l:nion. Xorthcrn. nd th proper channel . lma Lawerence, oon. tart their onference cha r etiring critic pok of the great w ek. hio . play its field w hich lies befor e the educated NEAR-W IT ! game on Oc tob r 22, woman of the Twentieth Century and Juliet (m urmuring in hi ear) in cinatti ge t under way the an Wilm th e challenge whic h it brings to her. next week. i irginia, The Pre ident' valedictory, given -whatever you tell me, dear, goe . Romeo-I'll · ay it do . It' all over Twelve y ar m lated at Otterb in. ago to-day Otterby Pauline tubb in a uniqu and in­ a y , lcome to the e repre enta- t re ting way, sho ed the opportun­ the chool in le than an ho ur. hio an 1 -3 defeat. b in hand d i th Old Dominion. ilie which our college life offer u . F re hman- ' -o, I don't believe fo Ca,ptain Dibu r cor d a tou chdown In her inaugural addres , La­ r incarnation, ju t imagine me re­ and tarred g ncrally. The death of the grandmother of Thirteen y ar ago ye terd ay aughn Leatherman poke of the turning to the world a a donkey." it­ M e r . Roland and Lawrenc \: hite, enior-' Ye . I hould think you mer, playin at right nd tarred on occurr d the latter part of la t week. nee ity of implicity of living in thi defen e in Otter bein' 16- triumph would want a little va riety." Th funeral wa held on aturday age of comp l life. Luci! E, ry' reading, an iutere t­ ov r \: itt nb r . ven ing at the home of R ev. hite on ccording to la t week' local ing bit of negro philo ophy, "Don't K nyon , with half a many eli ·\: t Park street. Be What' You Ain't" wa e pecially column, J. R. Howe i taking work at ble a tter b~n ha a fo otball We note with surpri e that (Rev.) appropriate to the evening' program. Bon brake eminary. quad of 50. But Keny n i not a Marvelou I Either a dual p r o nali­ Charle . Lerew i "holding tak ' Tb mu ic wa also of a very high co- d chool. for severa l ba ball fan in colleg . order. The audience enjoyed to the ty or a corre pond nee co ur e in e give credit where er dit i ue. n- th eology mu t be the olution. cnley th F arful, utmo t the piano du t by Helen in ce . ign r \ e were beaten aturday by en tle"Whip' th new "pulled off" hi marvelou perform­ der n and Haz I Barngrover; the Hughe ; and received. E. J . ance in: th Chapel auditorium Thurs­ piano olo by Loi i no chance to prin he day ni g ht , ·ome of the mor uper­ Jo ep hine Cridland' violin olo. u ual alabi : 'outweighed. During the extemporan ou peaktitious tudent of Otterbein remble "Friend hip be name a od M enke and Lehman de r to meet the ignor alone at night I '\i e in the Pre ident called upon fr . e new elf dormito hare of er dit for the game th ey pu 17, to r pre cnt would like to ee the ignor meet Edna Miller Phillip tabli bed at lleg up. Both m n were crippled bef re Ir. . 0 . . tauffer "B lzebub" Bu ch in hy;pnotical the alumnae. The conditio u t be th gam tart<l. repre ented Philomathea; Ir. J. C. before a college man can combat. Th line mi ed "Levi." ?v1r ..\ . T. Howard and on Donald Iayne, Philophronea and Mi Ruth admi ion to th home are: "G d" h w ek-end. Hopp, Cleiorehetea. 1 ma11 mu t be elf- upporting Yi ited r over t e Sylvester Broderick Leads. while in coll ge: (~ ) he mu t be in be in Donald Howard e pect La t Thur clay night. Y . . L C. A. Choir P arty T o Be Held. good phy ical co ndition , (:i he mu t tterbein next year. enjoyed one of th e mo t intere ting ext edne day evening the col- be clean morally, (4 h mu make \V. Ram ey, of llentown. lege church choir at it regular prac­ good in hi college cour e, and (S h and helpful m eti ng of the year when tudent from Penn ylvania. wa paid a vi it by hi tic e ion, will meet for organiza­ mu t be willing to work on an a,•er~ ?"Ive ter Brod rick, • rra Leone W t Africa pok . father o,er unday. tion, after which the fir t ocial event age of an hour a day at uch work a The th me of fr. Broderick reof thi year' work will be held in the th matron may direct. Rev. .\rthur Chri ner of lcutta, mark wa , ' h ave a goodly h nt· India, plea ed a multitude of people ba ment of the church. The choir The ex.p n of heat, light. and age, • and in a clear forceful manner thi year is the tronge t and large t of We terville when he gave the room-rent i pro ided for by the h brought tbi le on home to ev ry­ unique tory of hi lif unday night v r, great interest being shown by ndowment fund . Boarding i con­ on pre ent. members, in the r egular wo rk a well in the . B. Church. ducted on th club plan and each bo Prof or J. R. Beachler wa a vi it­ a in the variou social meeting which ha t pay hi pro rata. nder th( and help make the work of the year more plan th exp n e of board and room or at th e me ting and favor ed Y . M. Ladie ' Queen Quality ho C. A. with ome appropriate remark plea ant and interesting. E. J. orri .dv. may be cut in half. - 00 ter Voice. at the clo e of th ervice.

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