Gvitner, Alma Sept. 19h T5 West Collefe Ave•
au att
ar ina
A PRIL 18, 1921.
No. 26.
Miss Hortense N :elson, F amous Ac- Affir mat've Debaters . M eet . O hio t ress, to Read John Drinkwater's Nor th ern Here W hile NegaL ve One More Seco nd Place Is All That T eam Travel o W ittenber g. Sop homores Entertain Seniors In " Abraham Lincoln". Stood Between Otterbe;n Royal Style on Annual Occasion Otterbein is to be favored with a 0l'f debating tea:n are going into and Victory. At Class Banquet. rca I . t1:e~t. w h en ~n Monday evening, I action again Thursday, April 21, in WE .\p,·d 2., 111 the ollege Chapel, Miss the last debates of the year. Ohio T TRACK HANDICAPS MEN f Hortense .\'ielson, f~mous impers~na- 1:\'orther_n comes here to meet our W . D . COON IS TOASTMASTER Peden I . , . I tor, will appear m John Dnnk- , affirmative, and the negative quad s Otterbem s H igh Scorer- [ water· "Abraham Lincoln." Miss goes to Wittenberg. The affirmative President CEpp:nger and Coach Ed Newell Shows Up F ine in .\"ie lson is .a well known actres_s who debaters are F. L. Roberts, W. Schutz mer Are Guests of Honor M D itthe D istance Runs. for · any I some I f time has d been appearmg on and V. Willet. This will be their Excellent Toasts Enjoyed.
has given this last appearance in deba t e ince all In the first track meet of the sea- tie pat orm, an son Otterbein's track men were no sed masterpiece "Abraham Lincoln" in , three are members of this year's The classes of l!J21-1923 met in one out c[ a win by the Big Red team at o,·er three hundred American col- I enior class. The negative team of t he most delightfu l social e vent th Deni o l ' · · 'f leges . I made up by Jaynes. Howard a11d of e .year, on Tuesday eveni11g 1·11 11 n1vcrs1ty he score how th that I · h ti Miss :\'iclson is _ to perform at Howe · is to go to Springfield and e social rooms of the F irst t.· 111·ted near Y every event wa o y con. . . Br th h h tested and that the Otterbein men Oh10 State U111vers1ty next Thurs- expects to keep up it winning record . e ren c urc . Were in it for all 't . th W'th / day e,·ening and through the efforts La!)t year Ohio Northern was defeatThe decorations of pink, gra;·, :ind th . . I wa wo r . t f pf F·' . I • greenwereb 'fl! e w111 g of the relay or placing of a I o ro e sor '11tz arrangements . ed by our affirmative. crew and from . . eauti u y arranged mak11111 econd in another event we would were made whereby she will enter- / that . alone we pre.diet a hot contest mg an. idea l setting for the occ'asion . liave accomplished a feat t hat few Ot- tain Otterbein students and the Wes- next Thursday. Wittenberg has not , Fol_lowmg the banquet, erved by the terbeinitcs can recall· that of having terville public on next Monday even- been met for six years. but at the 1 l~dtes of the church, those pre ent be ted Denison in a t'r ack meet. · Th at t h'1 1s · a rare opportl\11_1· ty last meetmg · . to a _very d e 1·ig Ilt f ul program. mg. Otterbem won a un- ltster>ed . · Ed Newell showed up trong when is a foregone conclusion and every animous decision. which contam~d a variety of number . he_copped three fir ts, winning the half wise per on w ill av:iil him elf of it. Let's fill the old chapel next ThursMr. T. E . .::\ewell gave the addre 111 llltle, mile and the two mile event Tickets will be on sale at Han en's I day night with an enthusiastic crowd of welcome behalf of the class of l' . · '<>3 t 0 h' h M t ed u, although getting Laundry on the day of the perfor-1 of loyal rooter and show ~_w tc. r. L. S. Hert re pondhan any el • in t mance. re.served eat 10 ents c.·trl\, 1 ~ k that w,,,i,....._.....w,l ....,....,_,._,=--, ed. Mt s Mildred Deitsch gave a e • 11 handicap1>ed ~n e.ver a l _________ b ing app;eciated. ell: v r t t entitl d . "OYer·hoe " and on a dry track wou ld hav given v ,n Mr. H. \IV. Troop pok 011. ''Broken a_bette~ account of himself. Roy wa Pennsylvan:a Students ~eclde Miss Maude Hanawalt- Returns Ido l ." .,The little kit. "G:ra hopper q ualified in the high hurdles, being To Organ ze State Club. From New Mex ico on V is:t. _e nter, presented by M1 Lucille orced to m i one hu r d le on account I Following the We t Virginia stuMiss Maude A lice Hanawal t who Ewry, Mr. A. E. Roo e, and Mr. of th e wet track. dent who organized with uch ex- ha been in Raton, >Jew Mexico, fo r Jo_hn Mayne, all of '23, was well reth The fie ld wa ve r y wet and at one ccllent result the Pennsy lvan ia stu- ome months conducting a studio ceived as was e Pianologue Dy Miss of the track it wa under water. dent enrolled' in Otterbein have defor piano and vo ice arrived in WesBonnibel Yanney and Mr. . . A. nd th awdust, thrown o n t he wet p lace cided to o r ganize a l o. terv ill e a few day ago, having been Lu er. The word of the Pianolo. lowed up evcral of the events• It will be the purpo e of th i gro up called home by t he erious illne s of gue we r e written by Mi Yanney and th · . e dashes. pole va ul t an d the high' of stud nt from the Key to ne tate her mother, Mr . J. E. Hanawa lt. tile· m ic arranged _b y Mr. Luther. Jump were espec;all y handicappe d. to ere.ate a wi der in tere t in Otter bein Mis Hanawa lt and her p_u pil gave The program was followed by exT he co r e: a n d fo ll ow up t h good done by the a ucce ful recital in the High chool tcmporaneous toa ts by Pre ideut p ~OO ya rd da h-Clark ( D ), fi r t; Men' G lee lu b on t heir recent tou r auditorium Feb ru ary 26, which re- Clippinger, oach Ditm r and J. R. en (0), seco nd . T ime-IO 3-5 sec- t hro ug h Penn y lvania. ceived m uch favorab le co•nment fro m Howe. Text aturday morning all Pe nn y l- th e large a nd app r ecia ttve audience T he occa ion wa a fitting cl imax to 11d · th G 44o yar d da h-Du cr o (D ), fi r t; vania tude nt w ill enjoy an earl y and from t h e R aton pape r . T hree of e p lendi d r lations exi ting beth Ond r_ge (0), econ d. Time 56.3 ec- morn in g b r eakfa t. leaving th e tbe mo t ad vanced sfuden ts in pia no tween e two cla se during the pa t Associat ion B ui lding at 6 o'clock. plan to en ter O tterbei n next Septe.m- t wo yea r and tand o u t prominentB'.a if mi le-Ed e.we U ( 0 ), fi r t; permanent o r ganization w ill be. effect- be r. O n the imp r ovement of her ly a one of Ot terbein' fine t formal (Co ntinu ed on page ix.) ed at thi ti m e. moth r, fi Hanawalt wiJ I r e.turn. affai r. in many sea on . M r. Wi lbu r Coo n er v d capably ii, t he capacity of toa tm a ter. Triangles To Banquet. 1'
__.. ;________
I' Phold ing t heir name for b ing a . . hLV o r gan 1zat1011 t he T ria ng le p lan to a"e a b th anquet t h'I year. Every year · Hark ! Ho! h e four other ela e of t h o ll ege /r;e their ban que t , b ut t he M u ic, b ' a nd P r ep tu dc n t ha ve a lway t:,ei1 ove rl ooked. 'But not o t hi year, A ltl~ a re di ffer nt. On th e 2 th of w~~il, th e p a r lo r of t he B l ndon H o te l 1 be t he ce.o c of an in fo rma l ban % et to b know n a t he T riangle 'Flo n T .lllp " • Early in th e evening th e 1' £tangle. w ill t r o ll out t o the r tr eat a r a good ocial tim e a nd then later A mbl e a t t he. H otel fo r a r al ' feed". t goodl y numb er ar c c ·p e.c ted to at elld.
top! Look! Li ten ! of hi q ue t i now here to be een. him! Th r h goe ! link ing Di cou rage.me n t i not to be th o ug ht Jy ly t hr ug h the crowd, h e peers of, he con tin ue to nudge, t ruggle, el a bo ut w ith ferret eye , ca ting cur io us bow, t hru t bi w ay onward. e eek glan ce a ach innocent pa r b)'. wi t h ren wed zeal, for th e gathered No, and then he edge clo er to an multitud e i di a ppearin g. im pert in en tl y a if! F inally he a dm it t hat he' i .foiJed. ind ivid ua l lee r tryin g, in th dim light o f t he co rridor, Tu rn in'g w it h ta r t led g la nce t o th e more left an d rig ht, he cl utc he hi book to di tin g ui h th eir fe.a tur everal indi vid- franti call y a nd ru s he o ut. c l a rl'y. He ·ami ne ual s iu t urn an d ea ch tim move o n ; "Good ne ", yo u excla im w ith oa thdi g u t e.dly . ) like fe rvo r, "w ha t' s he doi ng?" ranin g hi neck he a ttempt to ee; "That's ea y," we answer " he' I over th e thro ng-in va in-th e object huntin o- for an a fter- chap el d~tc."
Florida Trip Proposed. During t he pa t week t h Club ha been more o r I in. te n tative p lan for a tr ii fo F l rida ~h t ummer. It e.em t hat an indiv idual or gro up of in dividual ha off er ed to pay a ll e.xpen e if t h e lub w ill con eat to mak e th trip. Ia n ager chu tz ha w ritte n fo r mor e d fi n ite info rm a tio n and until thi a r rive no ar rang me at ca n be comp! te.d. Sibyl Here Soon. By way of info rmation we wi h to annou nce that t he 1921 iby l w ill be r ead y wi thin th e next t wo week .
T ·1 I E "I" '-\ .'-J
',. N D C A R D I N A L
Mlss Florence Perfect an:! Miss Helen Wagner Perform Be '.ore Appre ciative Aud'ence. The g raduating recital of 1-li s Helen \,\'agne r and Miss Florence Perfect I was given in Lambert 1-13.11 Aud1tor i ·m. Wednesday. April 1:l, at which 1 t ome the following program \\'as preI scnted: \ Florence M. Per.feet. Class 1921 Nocturne, Op. 9, No . 21 Chopin ~K k O 7 No z 1 Chopin
~:::;k:: o:.·
Philophronea Has Novelty In Ant .- \
quity Session-Hold Memor:al Service for Bishop Math ews.
Last Friday n ight Phi lophronean Literary Soc:ety enjoyed a novelty i11 th e form of an Antiquity Session.
Scl:ool of Re ta'Jing cffers
\ E3.ch number on the program consist-
eel of an oration or address given in the early days of Philophronea as recorded ' in the anna ls of the Society. To say
Lim 'ted number Serv:ce Fe!lowsh'ps
'!jL I\
Class work in morning. 33, o·. 1 \ that Otterbein tud ents in the old days Chopin Mazurk3.. Op . 33, No. 2 IV\ w ere pa t 1113. ters in th e art of emStore serv:ce in afternoon. Chopin I ploy in g the King's Eng li sh in on ly a Schwarz- igmond Particulars wr:te. Valse de.Solon, Op. 8, No. 1 \ sma ll way exp re es th e polish and ).fanney I finesse with which the productions DR. NORRIS A. BRISCO Berceusc T ri te. Oi,. 25, No. 1 \ were written. Director-32 Waverly Place, \,\'hit ing Polonaise, Op. 20. o. 5 After the r egular liter ary program, a This week. Miss Kerr en t ertai ned b · f · H elen \;\'agner . Class 1921 rte yet · 1111p res ive :Memorial Service New York City 1 Miss Ermin a Cox of 0. S. L'. · h ono r of the late Bishop Beethoven was h c Jd 111 1 onata Appassionata. Op. 57 The four girl who took dinner G. M. 1vhthew . Bi . hop Mathews was Allegro Ass3.i with \ i,·ian Pa tt erson Monday. re- a loyal Philophronean a nd above a ll Chopin \'alse in A Flat, Op. 42 1,,orti:d that ch icken was the special a true friend of O tterbein ollege. ! Faure I feature. ar.d the Society in this way paid its Impromptu in F . Yl.inor. Op. 31, No. 2 '! H C h k d I tribute to his life. Dr . . W. Keister 'k k e 1en amp 11e 11 spen t t e wee -en l'f f . d f h n· I HAVE THE GOODS T sc hat ows y . . at home. a t e Iong nen o t e 1 hop , had · Med1tat 1011, Op. 72. o. 5 I-~ arge of the Me11101·i3.I er vice. I\ YOU NEED THE GOODS Vogric h . . Sta cato Cap r ice \ Because of a b irthd ay. "Co nnie" \ _ Let's get together after Chapel soon The numb er s were rend ered in a I was the g ue t of ho nor at two pushes and exchange. mo t pleasing and brilli3.nt manner thi week. See Fine Covers and Insides for a nd th e young ladies rece ived th e \ L orna Clow, ' 20, who came back to hea_rt y a~pla cse and appr eciation of h ear th e graduating recital was a FRESHMEN MAGAZINES their audien ce. ve r y welcome gue t at oc hran Hall. Poster, Drawing, Practice Paper Mi Perfect's numb ers were of a natur e which afforded her oppor tun A lice Hunter was called home last ART DEPARTMENT ity to d : p lay her kill in mu ical fee l- week owing to th e illne of her
SSDCI nll"'l"IDN
ing and interpretatiOQ.. Mi Wagner mother. . how ed an excep).ional t chnical a~ilRhea:-"That littl e mouse wa n~t 1 1ty and a phra 111g and expre 1011 ' mo re th an an inch and a half long , 1 which c hara terize tt rb in' mu i- and look at hat tick of candy. cal gnduates. at e two inch e !" We feel ure that th e e young lad ies will bring nothing but honor .ind co m mendation to th eir Aln1 a Mater.
Cut Flowers
S::,ec:al Narrow Ruled, Tough, Thin Paper Made Especially for SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS
ZEPP 19 Maple Street
Jill- " o you and the teach r ~ome word did you?" Bill-"Well, ye , w both had but I didn't get to u e m~ne."
Page Three
T H E T A N A N D CARD I N A L Pdessor Fritz and Altman Serve
A s Judges at Import ant Debate:;
Sunday Recreation Discussed. Many sugges ti ons were offered at ~·::r: s tian Endea,·or Sunday, as to the way the Sabbath can he spent in "Chi i, ti an J{ccreatio1,.'· \\.'heth er or not a Cbristian ca n indulge in d311 c ing, rook o r moYi cs on the se,·c nth day was dis c ussed at length. .\ t the close of th e meeting two co11clusi 0 11 s had been arrived at. namely. th ose I thin o-s will he sanc ti o ned which draw one "nearer to Ch rist or which nn c could be found doing when He come without being ashamed. A. S. Kichols led the meeting. 1
wo Otterbein Professors ha,-c rcently served as judges fo- two in:)Ortant debates. Last Thursday c·:·11ing Professor Fritz. together wih Carring ton T. Marshall. Ch ie f ]tHi ce of the Supreme Cou rt of Ohio anl Jam es E. Mathias, .\sso cia te 6 ' 8. Dr. \\.illiam l'. Shrom of PittsJt~ti ce of the Supreme Co urt. acted as burg. Pe1111,yln.11ia. died in that city _iu .ges for th e O hio tate - Indiana o n .\[arch .28. Dr. . ·hrom was for St.te debate. lllany years J)J.,t o r of the F o urth f'res- . ~-··· \ few days ago Professor C. 0. byterian Ch urch of I 'itbhurg. hut ha ~! ...... 1 .\ tman served as a debate judge in a to re sign some Year, ago 0 11 account cl:s h between Denison and Capital. 1 1 of ill health. '.\lore recently he had _ Tn both instances the question was "You're a keen-looking girl." • and had to r etire . f rom I ·r · \," · Ba ncroft bee n an 1·11val1d a feed I • "Oh y ou 'd say so e,·en I·£ you d'd . ·stao-ed "' . . Satur. re;ardmg Federal owners h'1p an d 1 n ·t all I 1·1 • · d · night for a numb e r ol tnends. . . ,, . PU) c work Dr. Sh ro m 1s sur- 1 a) . or- ration of all coal mmes. think so. --------I "Well, we're square. you'd think so v1ved by his wife who was Laura T he ho nored guests were .\,lessrs. Bill - ; 1 Gardner of th e class of 1872. '.\If r s. man J.nd Cooper. from Dern son. ·· !7at" I )r. Sherrick-LeYi . have you done eve n if I didn·t say so." Shrom . . 1·11 1 Powell a former stu dent a nd Pro \. ,\ . .,,., o•1t .sirlc reading yet? . is• a p ra ct 1c111g . . . p I1ys1c1an • Pittsburg-. R. Spessard. ·_e,·i-:\" 0 _ it's been too cold . P atronize our adve r t'sers ! '96 Fra11 k O Cl f D tor1 "Dad" Hoffman is st~adily improv- 1 · . ements o mother. ay , ing. 'Ne will . b e g la d to see him . Ohio, spent Sunda with his o ut - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ " " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr s. S ara I1 Cl ements on West - 1111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!.', y Co II ege ' again. ' '1 avenue. ' Heber Askew. an ex- s tudent of Ot- , : = ' 17. Edw3.rd L. Baxter. superintcn- terb ein, of .\,}ar,on. Ohio. 1s vis it ing I§ d e nt of schools of \V estervill e, Ohio, D o nald C. Bay . '~ i th e chairman of the committee on ·· Dip" H c-rlacher broke hi s hunge r speakers for the milk and dairy week s trike Sunday by eat ing at the .\f at - I: th at is to be observed in \Vesterv illc toon Club. ·•Dippy" now eat s as l§ the first snen days in .\lay. though he were angry with th e world l: '1 6. 'L l :_ , v rs. F. E. Sanders ( H e Jen at large. Byrer ) and little son o f Wc-stervill e Abou t thirty men we r e brought face are visiting her parents. t he Rev e rend to fac e wit', a large basket of dough and Mr s. C. F. Ryrcr of Ro311oke, In nuts Satur day, donated by Professor diana.
Tennis Balls, Rackets,
11 r~.
\,Vest .
:\ I though
Base Ball Guides,
Dr. 0. 8. Cornell of W cste rville pr evented th e me n irom working on- wa s , in Youngst ow n last Tuesday and the outside . they all proved that they _ wcrt.: "working n1 e11". It's better to § \\ ednesday o n .\lason ic bu siness . work in side anyway! '88. Frederick H . Rik e and daughter As time flie by J.nd as June 17 th ;; of Dayton , Ohio, have been in C3 li fornia re ce ntly visitmg Mr. Rike's approaches " full tilt" w e notice that th e mother, Mrs. D. L. Rike, and his sis ter. r eg ulation step for couples steadily de If Lieutenants Mrs. .\l c Donald who arc livin g at Red creases in length . J oh nson and iill er, of S. A. T. . day s : land s, Cali fornia . were here now they would think that '87 . Dr. Andrew Timberman and so m e of the fe ll ows had forgotten al l : Mrs. Ti111berman of Colu mbus, Ohio, about the ..regulation" step! cntertJ. in ed a large co mpany of guests Halstead Murray and an accomp lice las t Thursday evening at t he wedd ing reception of their daughter, Miss sp ri nted o u t to the old tile mill • in § Katherin e Stanberry Timberman , about twenty -five seconds Sunday who e 111a r r iagc to Mr. Francis Joseph evening to rescue their canoe fron1 th e Wright occurred that evenin g in the turbu1ent waters of Alum Creek. : Many fo lk s a long the way thought ' : Broad Street Presby terian Church. there wa a fire somewhere. '19. orri s W. Grabi ll is t a kin g an Dwight W . Blauser spent th e day § active Part in mus ical circles in Con fo lks Sunday. From the nelsville, Pennsylvania, where he is with hi teacher of mathema ti cs and directo r he return expression ed, Blauser on hadhis a fine e. facetim when -== -=of musical activit ies in t h e high school pleasant In addition he p lays t he orgJ.n at th e Aunt Lu cy-=-"When young M r. Hug- _ , United Bret hr en c hur ch an d is a mem gi ns k issed you why didn't you : ber of th e ma le quartet t hat sang dur screan1 ?" _ ing th e revival ervices just preceding Vera Pfippe-"I was afraid omeone = I 11111111111111111111111 1 Ea ter. " 1-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 1 111111111111 ' 91. Irvin G. Kumler, with hi da ug h wou ld h ear me. .Char Ies A. Co~per, ir·: and Chul~s llllll1l llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH 11111111111111111111111111111111111111!! ter, Virginia, of Dayton, O hi o, ha Billman of De111son, v1s 1ted D en111 : been visiting his brother in Pasadena, Brane the latter part of last week. Californ i3,
Crane Stationery, the only kind worth the money,
= =
Art Materials and Felt Goods
Un1·vers1·ty Book Store
= = = = = = = = = =
= =
Notice Alumni and Ex-Students.
= = =
'·Can You look 1ne 1·11 the face and An . 0. S. call from the ci rculation deny that yo n married me for my h I • --" department says t at many a um111 arc money?" send in g in only $1.50 to pay t heir ub " ope; I might deny it but I can' t sc ription . Now we appreciate th e § look you in the fac e and deny it.' ' · · · ,payment but beg the se md1v1dual to : Helm "Y ou o u o-ht to brace up and g lJ.nce on : t h e edito•rial· page a t theT item := ° concernmg s ub sc n pt1 cn rati: . he r e H 1 how e en w ho's boss." . . f p y it says d1st111ctly th at a t er November : aul- (sadly)-" lt i n·t nc cessa r . I JS all subscrip t ions are $1. 75. She knows ."
Meals at All Hours Telling's Ice Cream = Box Candies Your Favorite Magazine = = J, C, ROACH , P fOp .
l'agc Fo ur
co ncerned, yet they r ealized that an ran flail ..\ssoc iat :011. Pre sident of I ' ' P h o t o" tiltn s , printin g open break would be 1atal to Otter- \ arsity and the heads of any bein at this t,me when all forces mu ·, o t hc~ st ud ..::· '. activities that he secs lit. pa per fixtur e a nd d evelbe united in promoting Otterbein' Let th is hody of turl <"n t" meet with ' larger program. H ence, member 0, t'1 c Administration Committee of th~ I oper at 1 the various groups of one accr,r" Facl'lty. Let this jo int committee of ' promised to dissolve all form or ,,,., f?c~·.lty and stL•_derts serve as .a nomiganization. This action cannot be , natmg committee to nommate a praised too highly. permanePt committee of faculty mem To take this important step was a hers and tL•dents to work on a solu brave and unselfish thing. yet to a - t ion of Otterbein's socia l problem. bide by this promi e in the lace u, Let thi permanent committee a 31 W . College ·Ave. both in ide and out id c influence nominated be either accepted or re W ESTERVILLE, OHIO will be a still more courageous task. 1 jccted bv the stud nt body. We cannot. therefore. urge too We offer the e ugg-c tions hum- Bell Pr.one Citizen Phone llO 190 strongly that each ind iv idual man bly and only with the idea that some and woman assume the r e po ibility speedy, definite action may get unof countera cting- any tcndecy to der way. " back-slide" in th i impor tant matte::r. A p ledge is acred. and once made Our "Weekly" Quotat'on. let us put forth ev"ry effort to see Westerville, Ohio Smi le and the world m iles with you. that it is fulfilled. So be con cien- 1 Sno r e and you leep alone. tious in keeping our tru t and save By Appointment Otterbein from another cri is simi.The Week's Worst Joke. lar to her recent experience. Mis Bright - ·'Hav you read Freckles',., Our liumble Opmion. ''Bob"-" 'o. mine arc b r own.' \,V e have commented above on the DENTIST recent act10n concerning u .. recogmz CAMPUS CHIT CHAT cd school organizations. 1 his step 15 West College Ave. T he vociferou s er asing of sun d r y has in one sudden blow, wiped out every semblance of ocial organiza spots from white shi r t fronts, the Bell Phone!, Citizen Phone 167 tion that Otterbein pos e ed. Times energetic po lishing of shoes and much hav e changed-li terary societies, :I'.. brushing of dre s suits, and the appear M. . and so on have become too ance of exte1isivc florist's advertise-
Published Week ly in the inte r est of Otterbein by the OTTERBEI PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Assoc iation
STAFF E ditor-in- Chief, 1. Gordon Howard, '22 A -sis tant Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 Contributing EditorsGrace H. Hill, '23 Horace Vv. Troop, ' l3 Business Manager .... J. P . Schutz, '23 .-usista nt Busine Manager 'L r.. Newell, '23 J. t'. 01tl111ger. ·L4 Cir. Manager .... Harr.et L . Hayes, '22 A.s istant \...irculation Manger · Lucile Ewry, '23 Veda Bea r ss, '24 Athletic Editor ........ A. W. Elliott, 'd .'\ istant Athletic EditorD. A. Harris, '23 Local Editor .... ........ M. M. Collins, '23 Alumna! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor, Virginia navely, '23 Cochran Hall EditorAlice Davison , '23 Literary Editor ........ .... H . K Mill s, '24 Add r ess a ll comm un ications to The Otterbein Tan an d Cardinal , 103 W . College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $1.50 Pe r Year, if paid b efo re N ,n emb er I 5; other wise $1.75.
Dr. Keefer's
Stoughton, M.
G. W. Henderson, M. D.
W. M. Gantz, D. D. S.
G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. East College Av .m;e
PHONES Bell 84-R
A Shorter Shorthand Systern In Ten Easy Lessons
I hort an d inexpen ive and is g iven wi th a m oney back gu~rantee if not a ti fie d . E D THI
G T O -D Y
Pyramid P r e s: P ublishers 141 6 B r oadwa y, l ew York City Gen tl emen : Enclo ed h er ewith is 5.00 for w hi ch k in d ly end me your short hand cour e in ten ea y le on by mai l. It i und er tood t ha t if, at the end of fi ve day , I a m no t ati tied my money w ill be g la dl y r efunded. • ame -·~·-··-··········-······---··--··-···--··-·· treet ······-······-·······-···········-·····-········-· Ci ty and tate ············-····---···-··-·········
A. A. RICH The In urance Man b tract , L oan otary Public Patronize our advertisers I
Page Five
Tl:e L '. fe and W ork of James Dana himself-more than an explorer, Dwight Dena-A Eulogy. more th.an a discoverer, more than a P hilomat hean. teacher." From various sources we know that Dana was gentle and kind ( Continued from la t week.) sentative production from the ly. helpful, quiet, and co urteous. ln(This page will carry each week a re_pr~ cted in such manner as ln the third place, Dana was one deed, we hav e a choice bit of evidence Programs of one of the four literary societies, se~e less censors fail to of those men who devote their lives that his whole being rang true in the each may determine. The rotation will b_e r~gu ar un to an ideal. Some men look forward fact that his son wa attracted to the submit productions in proper time for publication.) to a · life work; they have some- ca lling of th e father. If they only nd SATURDA y NIGHT IN A SMALL last year for the census, a he had thing definite to accompli h in the knew it, parents are judged by few th OWN even counted Katie Kunkle when eJ brief co urse of this existence, and abler connoisseurs than their chi ldth T J1 e wa on her dea be · th e appointed task is the guiding r en ·, a·nd no father · can appreciate knew · d th Ph 1.Ia Iet h ea. - Since th en there had_ been 111 ~e eaWe force in their conduct. Other men too highly the compliment that is In order to keep a very important d thirteen birth 111 the city. . are slaves to a pos1t1on, they look at paid to his own worth when his on eng agement with a f rien d a t Ba·11 . - all the tune a vocation purely a 1 - an bled amiably a Ion1;;, a brea d -and- imitates him in any important deb .d k I I am · · the O ut n ge, 1 was obliged to ta e t ,e o- my friend was poin_tmg . . b utter propo ition ; they open up a c 1 1011. Dana's body was strong, and Cal to prmgdale. Here l co uld make hom e tead of promment ~itiz:: · hab erda hery or sell in urance; they his heart wa big and warm within; connection with a north-bound train bo th Jiving an& dead and r ~ga lll1~ always have a weather eye open for this it was which endeared him to hi l~hich would bring me to my des- with variou tories of their achieve- a better " job"'; they drift-they are friend . whereas the opposite dispo ihnation in ample time. Upon rny ment . ,,, not anchored. Dana was not of the tion would have made his very prearrival in Springdale l found, much to We were now coming into t 1,e la t stripe-he wisely chos e a voca- ence unwelcome in pite of his great 111 Y disgust, that I had three hours to bu ines ection. Th re was Hock's tion which sati fied hi soul and led learning. I wish we might gra p ju t :vait. How I was to put in th e time Coa l and Feed tore. The gentleman him to renown ; nor can tho e of us now the truth of this great principle. 111 uch a town was a mystery. I . the doorway was Silas Snow, here to. whom college i revealing We have paused long enough to t 0 k• my bag, wandered aimlessly ·in- 111 ' · editor of the week lY "Gazette" · h He undreamed of pos ibilitie for use- review the life of an merican teacher 00 1 10 the stuffy waiting-room and pre' fulnes , be content to lads h our and gentleman. If in the course of a gentleman of the old sc Pared to pend tl1ree mi erab le hour · very lender. lightly tooped , trength on any calling which does the year , we of Philomathea shall I had been idly sitting th re for wearing a Van Dyke bear~. d not promise to us the chance of follow th e example of James Dwight nearly an hour when I decided I cro s th e treet I notice a t~e: pointing some day with pride to a Dana in preparing well for the bu i~ould walk around the town and ·'take tory tructure, the mo st . modern fini •hed, un·ique work which we may ne s of life, and in making that bu it~' the sight . I imagined from the • d. I had 1et seen. Painte on call our own. ne s at once our in piration and , our '1 bud lllg . b. bold letter were · w T had had from the car windo\ ignboard 111 1g . ,. Th" ow, if we look once more to uooort, then the e few minute 1 th at thi metropoli mu t have the a d " miths' Emporium. Dana. we udd en ly realize that the will have been well spent. But, in a I the wor ' I t We ore. very be t in the man has not yet been, larger en e, if we are timulated to arge population of five or ix hun1 mu t be the genera th dred. ure Yd the treet and entered e mentioned. vVe. have been concerned I. o enrich and ennoble our own live ~1 . cro edepartment store a my new with what h e d.d . h w h at that we too may tower above any • Y ramblings brought me to ·Mam 1 , an d not wit treet. The traffic eeined to be new • informed me. de- be wa . It remained for Pre ident poor labor we may perfo r m, then I1 acquaintance I f d ·t to be t ea,-y and at fir t it had lipped my re indeed oun 1 ' Hadley of Yale to pay the fine t will we' perpetuate to his la ting t lllind that it wa aturday e en ing J)artmen 1. ht find any b.ing from compliment of all when he aid: honor the .finest contrib1;1tio11 of the d and the whole country - ide had come when~- ~ to a riding plow, au "But above all hi work and above great geologi t to ociety. to tow11 . The treet wa lined with a ma c to an uph 61st ered al l hi qua] ities stands the figure of Dale Martin Phillippi, '21. ' h.1 from ba oehe fir t floor were the 't cle of all kind . I hadn't een davenport. On t . hoe 0 inan h · f years d ·1tiJ1ery notion y orses and bugg t or dry goo '. mt The re~d ~de 1IIIIIIIUUllUIIIIIIIIIUIUHIIIH-IHHIIIIIHIHHHIHltHHllltltlllHIIIHtltl1HIIIHlltltlltl1JI and ther wa actually a µring d mJurc w _a,u_ ur , h.eautifully disp layed on : • agon and a f w per on had come-Oft dres c were In a shed to th : hor eback. aturally ther were many cardboard figur s. . ·mplement : autorn,obiles and in on block by the f IJ1Hlg i f of = actu aI count there wer t en F or d · The tore had a ore_ t =Mr . . I d .d d M mith the propne or, : · Pint were ri ing and eci e ~department :_ to en· . d le d 111 a Jar e ' ad clerke d a ll of his = Joy my few hour in Spring a ' ·11 Kalamazoo an lt wa d k h e coming = 1 ou 1 u , t e tar ;wer tore through actual ex- : 0 ne by one and the J11oon was ai11ing had come d to lJe a season of § treepi1 I k My • It seeme d. ig owly up the Y· '"'... enence. I ti·ced h re an : . I 111111d d . ,.,.,y le for no TL f wan ered back to the ton e ,.. pec1a a . , birt-wai t 72 : Many re m arked how nicely it was said last week at the SophomoreSenior Banquet with uch ign tty 'red uced 3.00 for : ather told of life in a small town and 0111 ewherc in my mind lurk cl the ff• · •·Hat grea 1 na"'e . . t ·11g and buttons es = "' n = -\ · Pring d a Ie. 2.V ." " hoe 0011 anxiou to go : (All Varieties) (A Specialty} · l aunter d on l encountered than cost.'· T was_ s was tifling. The : 1 th an e datrd , .. ith the ount ry § d weather•- b •at n v teran and at out icle for 0 nce 1 a um d that he mu t 1Je 0)1C room w as crow e ke" aturday n1~ · h t :f Noted for their ~ th e village' prominent characters. folks who_ alway~ If~om all appearance § I "'~ an.xiou to talk with \)Ile of th r for shoppuig, an .. g a thriYing : 1 ead1n · · f r · h was corn · m1t :111 . g ci tizen and to ecure 111 o - Mr. F OR O. C. DOUBTERS : The Fifth Avenue Floral C o. of Columbus, atton one rnjng th points of in- bu iness. . th "Emporium" : tere O. are the largest growers of flower s in Central Ohio. They grow t t -ite h · the population. tc. I mus Directly opp 0 D g Store T was : ALL OF THEIR own stock. Their greenhouses are so extensive ave h d l k on 1~ xall ru · · that it would t ake 40 BUILDINGS THE SIZE OF McFADDEN d friend to drink : 111 " faca [a de. erted · lone ome kood 11e wa th e ,e SCIENCE HALL to cover the same amount of ground. They are I a ke my if -1 e or he came up and as ~ 1 thir ty ~ The soda clerk was : the ONLY floral house r epresented at Otterbein who grow their ect IVa a tranger. The bewhisker- a oda with me. man of ixteen : own flowers. 01 ai d as T soon § a promi ing young WHAT DO ALL THESE FACTS MEAN T O Y OU ? a"d ,5d gentleman was lightly deaf ·1 handsome 1 . 1. UNLIMITED SELECTION. Ur conver ation was necessan Y years, very f th " town. Quiet : not . T am notice . d . the hero o d ~giggly c I100 1:: 2. DIRECT service from the greenhouse to your door, t hus insur af . in a confidential ton e. raid d d. ary I e an dFresh F lowers. n . we rew more than or 111 covn try as . oup of two an : 3. The Best Possible Quality. 111 c: O!ice from the pa ers-hy. a irls flocked gr for candy or : 4. T h e lo west p rice any Florist in Central O h io can give, for J0 Dringdale wa foundecl in 172'.l hy ;hree into che tor;lu hingly they § Quality received. · · e cream. l the youth an d he :ee: ..,.. and h1· lJrother platn R em ember : I have special truck service from the greenho use and I , ht a Scl111·1tt 1c e er and m t ly glance a acqua·1ntance was = m a ke all deliveries personally. Dr0uc1 . Y cas d. to 111for111 me that he wa a 'nkecl in return. tory build- : You g ive your order-I d o t he r est. _ 1rect w1 as a two _ 1 Jo hua de The hole Twperceive . .d , the .gathering:= S cendent from that very . ht aero · chnitt . "That hou e rig· 11 g arid. a I op n forum. : t" he j 1 • · h men a rea fif th Said, " e trcet mark the po . place for t e he;e were at le~ t -§ "F lower Service DeLuxe" \\>i Where the bargain was macle a it were. T corner discuss- = th th:h th ln_dian for the Ian(!." Yes I teen gathe~ed on e a e seven llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll , fo Population wa six hundr ed and (Continued on P g rtv · d - ·nine. The r,nan had been aroun
Ll•terary Depart men t
= =
Page Six
of athletics. These A P RIL A P P ETI Z ERS being depended upon showing in the Ohio i Easily satisfied whe!1 b uy ing your pring. \ lu ncheon su pplies of. Athletic Editorial. \\, e have wondered why intra.- DENISON WINS .. . . . f . f mural, class. prune or group co ntests BY FIVE P OI NTS \,Vith the 1nitat111g .o spnng oot- , cou Id not b e h e Id w1"th quo1•t s . as th e MOSF,S & ST OCK , Grocers • ct ball into the athletic 111te rest of I L0ntmue trom page one. I . . big item of mterest, or as they Eay 1 . . Otterbein has come a spmt of co'"H ., T . Hamel (D). second T1me, 2 m111utes. , • or se snoes . his sport 4 10 , . 1 back home, OJ)erat10n on the part of students 111second~. • • 1 could be dev elo;ied for those who do . terest ed 111 this sport that here-to-fore I . p h ys1ca . 1 s t reng ti1 I Pole vault-Peden (0) · hrst '· Buder . care t o t ax th e1r would ha ve been almost . unbeheveI regu 1ar 1y eno ug h to go out f or th e morl' ( D ). and Ur:, (0) tied for second. · . able hy the most optom1st1c. The Th . H eight IO fee t. en no pecta 1 . . d b strenuous games. call this spnng has been answere Y helo w,rnld be necessary as most any One mile-Ed ewell (0) , first; F. many who had never worn t~e togs back all ey would serve as a court and Stearns (0), second. Time, 5 minutes. 1 . . . . phra es 14 1- I"" seco n d s. before al1d the On ly . exJ)lanat10n . . .for thus th e ehm111at10n o f choice st nd their intere a active partici_pati_on and a certain obnoxious weed which ' hot put-Peden ( 0). first; Rettig is th at through th e dyn.amic 111- \ is fo rbidden on the regular athletic (D), second. Distance, 37 feet, 5 · h es. fluence on the part of. Coach . . . Ditmer field. would not be so strictly censor- me th s th in bringing e a letic ituation ~ere ed. This in itself should interest a 120 high hurdle ~Owen (D), first; up on a basis which it has not enJoy- certain element of the st ud ent body. Miller ( 0), second. Time, 17 3-5 sec- ' ed for several years. And it ha not _________ onds. been an easy task nor is it finished. "Chief" H owe is about ;is accurate H'1g h Jump· sturgeon (D), Willis This i only an illustration of what in hi throwing from center fie ld to (D) l.Jl r y ( 0), tied. H eight 5 feet, the future has in store for the institu- third base as "Duke" Hald erman is 2 inches. tion if the right kind of co-operation ' in finding his mouth with a knife full 220 yard da h-C,ark (D), first; is furnished by tho se who have the of peas. Pace (0). econd. Time, 24 1-10 secJohnson, the Pennant .Man upper ha nd - One might have been Wh en we hea r such oft, serene, ond s. easily led to think that ince track, . . 220 low hurdles-Abernaetey (D), • d b b r yet spmted sentences as were spoken has moved to te1rn1 an ase a 11 are a 11 1ve Iy by our "Hard Boi led" Miller in first; Miller (0), second. 29 2-10 secpnng sports and need thorough f f h d d onds. ELMWOOD PLACE aver o sue a goo nature game a attention by a competent coach, that . d . f h Discus-Ped e n (0), first; Wildman it would be rather u eless to back a ten~ts an . 111 support . 0 sue an (D) ½ Block South of the . . ancient subJect a tenni courts, and , second. Di tance, 99 feet, 8 inchprogram sue h a i necessary m putt. . es · h h b f get away with 1t, our little heart · Corner of G rove and Park mg t roug a unc I1 o youngstE"rs . . . . 2 mile-Ed Newell (0), first; Linand untrained men on the football looses_ a couple of pits 111 it s mechan1- derman ( D). second. Time, 11 min field But the coach ha ·succeeded in cal pit-a-pat a nd we are tempted to utes, 21 2-5 secon ds. Come Around. : . . exclaim with mirthful glee: "Oh joy gethng all four of these mterestmg l h . A" II ' Javeline-Rettig (D). fir t,· Wildman . o 11 ) is 1. mt co ege grand." sports under way and the ev id ence of (D), econd. Di tance, 142 feet, 7 inchIf it isn't worth while the ucc: they are having and will f The track team wa encourag d e . have wa illu trated la t Friday at I and upported -by quite a number of 1 mile relay-D ni on. Time, 3 Deni on when the track team gave! loyal rooters who were able to get minutes, SO 3-5 seconds. uch a good account of it elf. When l over to Granville on Friday afternoon. ---it is taken into con ideration that They say that they were well paid DARN BILL! there a.re uch men a Bob Martin, for their efforts. The other night wh play t nni ' ba cba11 and takes everal of th fellows n the track Bill and me a turn a,t track, Peden, who makes team de · erve quite a bit of con ideraWent to the Banquet an excellent hewing in any ath letic tion for thei r effo rt in the work since nd conte t, Ex-Albright, w ho is on both they have many ot her intere ts both The Coach tb e ba e-ball and tra k tea m , a i athletic and o th erwise that could take Was making a speech W h at's the U se ? John ny George and practi ally very all their Qare time. ' Abo ut spirit. man on the team has other athl tic He spoke int re t ' and that each of the e men If the showing that our track team Of cla s spirit had to participate in two or mer i any evi d nee of wor th iness for our thletic pirit ev nt whjle our opponent had a entra nce into the Ohio Conference College spirit fr h ma,n O nter in nea rly ver y we feel that it w ill not be long• until Et cetera onceded that the e we will be ab! to mak e an y team in nd fina ll y eve nt, it.mu t b men be given the h ea rtiest upport th confe r ence et up and look u He aid:
I. . I
port this phase two veterans are to make qu ite a Conference this
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y ou corn.e once you will come again.
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WOLFE'S MEATS Are good to eat.
for thei.r effort which cannot b otherwi than trenou . nd back of all thi th ere mu t be some ort of elu that keeps up the spirit of uch men when th ey play in conte t after conte t w ith comparatively few win , to keep th em cheecfut and inter ted. It might b uch a t hin as praye1 or the piritual intere t of frie1Jd and all that, but for u we are wiUing to give a go dly portion of th honor to a Jittl man with a b ig mile that wi ll p n trate your whole being, or a look of on t rnation that will hav-e an equally pen trating effe t and th! man i no other th an one Mr. Ditmer, w ho i not only a coach but a fighter, cholar, g ntl man and frie.nd. W take thi opportunity to hurl thi ditorial bouquet at you, ir, a,n d m ar your kind nev r ea e from forcing th ·r dynamic p r onalitie qn humanity. -A. W . E., '23.
" 1d how do you get it?" "Ei ll thinking of T h ba eball game with Deni o n that wa to be played here last atB.· P. days u rday was po tponed o·o account of Leaned over to me the t conditi on 0£ th e grounds. If nd whi per d: at all pos ible, the game will be p lay" ome get it by the quart ed \\Tedne day of thi week. Thi And will gi the coa b an opportunity to on;ie g t it by the pi.t;lt," get hi team rounded into better And hape for the openi ng conte t. lry 1 laugh d out loud and Levi Howe will undoubtedly b th d the Coach thought battery and if Bob Martin line up at I was hort the old game should offer it Lal•i;rhing at him. usual in_tere ting pastime to the tu Darn Bill! dent and other intere ted parties. Today our t uni team open at 0 . h - "How would you like to take S. hi! Martin and Bancroft a nic Jonis walk ?' H - "Great! I'd b e delighted" will play th et that decide th h -"Well don't let me detain meet, Howard and Hollinger will be yo u." arried and will be given an oppor tun ity to bow their worth as var ity oon th e beach h e held m~ hand t nni material. It is hoped that I let my oul-felt pleadings flow· ' ev ral of the udents will find it I coaxed. I begged, I swore, but y ~t po ible to attend th e game and supThat doggon e crab would not let go.
Phone your Order.
Bell 46-W
Citizen 92
RHODES & SONS - The College Avenu<' MEAT MARKET
==============~-:::: B. W. WELLS THE TAILOR State and Ma.in Streets Cleaninp: and Pressinll Boost t he " Y" I
TOWN . (Co ntinued from page five.) Tuesday , April 19ing the graYe political problem of I Freshman-Junior Banquet. t~e day as well as taking u p their Tennis, Otterbein at 0. U. hme with topics of loca l int r st. Thursday, April 21Througho ut our excursion my new Debate, Otterbein egative vs. Witf nend · · . field had hcen n ~ry talkative and tenberg A ffi rmative a t S pnng . · companionable. The old gentleman, Debate, Otterbein .A~rmative vs. 01·1c1t1ous · · · egative ' College that I enjoy myself to the I 01110 or t!,cru "n'th'' degree insisted that we go to the ; Ba eba)l. Capital here. "sociable.'' ;hich was being held on j Saturday, A prll 23 --:th e schoo l grounds near the end of Baseball, Ot terbem at Wesleyan. Main Street. I cou ld sec J apancse Tuesday, A~ril 26-,, lanterns swinging gaily over th e Triangle Bon. Temp · head f f W ednesday Apn l 27s o the merry-makers. All o a . ' R • I M' D. t•dd Graduating ec1ta , 1s 1xon. th st . en the town hand bur for A ·1 28!1th the strains of the '·Xational I Thursdalyl , D prl1 t' l Contest r:.mbl , d Ru c cc ama 101 • em 1vlarch ." I had once atten A ·1 30~d a . . Saturday, pr. II r t Gambier. lba coun . try social and I was more Ba eba , 1"-enyon a n anx ious to see if yea rs had chang3 ed th . cl T uesday, May em 111 any way. \ 1\/e clccte , · C ·ta! here 1'denmsM a rather secluded spot and tood there , a r;:_ · \\latch· T d Fr ay, ay a tng. n one corner of t h e yar Tennis, M usking um here.
. group of young people were <lane- S t d y May 7''Vi rginia Ree l" to the tune of a 1'1orni ng Brea kfast, Cochra n Turkey in t he Straw." Some of t h e H· }lay · Voung f lk · .. t a · : o ·s. not carmg to par t1c ipa e ·T ac k He idelbe rg her e. Ill th . r r ' e game were sta nding 111 nc Saturday May 14hadow ' wh isper ing a nd casting ·ly . T rac k.' trian gul a r mee t at D elaware. ~:ance of admira ti on. T h ere were F riday, May 20Ba seba ll, Ca pi ta l at Colum b us. 1hle all ove r the yard, m a de by long P ank on tres tl es. D ozens of me n, Wome n a nd chil d ren were being se n •ea good, ri ch home m a de ice cr eam by iolly, cap al) IC sc ho o l g ir l . Ther e . wa a candy a nd cake b oot h, al o on e for Pop corn and !e m nade. 'f h e Ji • Peppermint a nd lemon st icks er e very mu ch in evid ence an d from all
'.."g the
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Quality Flowers MK11 C e ar FI OW er Sh op
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22 N . H igh St.
Columbus, 0 . :
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Roses, Carnations and all Flowers
1n season. •
Corsages a Specialty
Westerville, o. Goodyear Heels
Tl:ey always carry and Neolin Soles. If you want us to them they are guara nteed to you. 1 a pp y ' d' d Sh Sh,ne Parlor for La 1es an Also oe .
TOI L ET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet W aters, California Perfumes, V a nity Box es, F lesh B r ushes, Etc.
= Fancy star ·R,ap.d sh e· I O =. RepaJrJng ••
~~Pearanccs th e crowd had be en a ir ty o n e for t h gro un d wa tr: wn with pop bo tt les . 1 he band cea eel p layi ng a nd ui ur"ed th e crowd a ro m:id th e cake tand . A ve ry r ed-faced, heavy-set llla n ~i 1· " rnb ed up on a chair and 1) <>au houting the price of cak e . T he m eo htd h' ll 1,j igh er and J-rio- h r and fi na y ' r · Jone ' famous an o-e} foo d cak e Went for fi ve doi la r . T h e a tlll osph .· cl er wa be om m g ten an th e a uct1.on er was be .m g r d ci ' r 0111 a_11d r elder. G r ea t d rop o f p r spi r a t1 b011 t ood o ut on ht. (o r eh a d J'I k c
111111111111111 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111
P a ge S ejV en
+ -:.i..t •
N 11 ,
'============= =,, MS' YOU HAVE WRITTEN P~E . -
Is Our Agent at Westerville. -
th em rev1 eel o r ii111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllllllii Do y o u car e to I1a ve . ·t· · ed by ucces ful o n stru ct1 ve 1y e n 1c1 ~uth o r ? Tf yo u do, th en ~end u s 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 yo ur manusc np t ( ~ to . ries . . • article o r
eact an d every now a n d th en o ne )Oe m ). \Ale w ill cr1 t1 c1se, a nd p lace ~ou}d tr ickle low ly down. F,[ i "1•o ice ~hem ho uld th ey p r ove to be accep t11tam bu ky, h i co ll a r wi lte9 1 bu t I a ble fo r publi ca ti o n. e 5al w ent on . Th ere is no ac tua l char~e for our : 1 t h0 tt <>'ht of tim e li pped t11); se r vices. If. howde ve \ : ~~e ; ;: is:~; lS re . · i g lanced at m y watc h anc p r evio u fy e nro ll e w i . . i/ltzecl th at I h a d b u t fiv e minutest departm ent o f th is a socia t1 ~11 '. r e. Whic h to make my tr a in . T h a nks t that yo u encl ose the rn1ti a l fee 1ng ~, · I q ue · 1 m ust ask o f :vt r. chnitt for hi k indnes • f t wo do llars, w 111 c 1 we . : ru hed f • h o ' b t Th er e 1 s no t ranti ca ll y off lookin g n e1t er h new co n t n u o r. . : One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. t~/h e r!ght nor to t h e le ft. 1 r eac h ed : ~~ iti o na l ex pen e, n o futur e o b ltga- § o tl ju t in t im e t o na tch m y t 1011 · Have the Best hag atati d I · ·r d ti1a t w e •ca n o nlIfy h n jump on th e tra in . M y t , r ec Jt mu st be r ea ize olur had no t been o m iserable after be of ai d to th ose of erio ~s rnte nt. § al . to s tri ve fo r literar y sueyo u do m ea n THE OLD RELIABLE M:a ry, E li.zabe t h B r ewba k er . ' 2.J.. ca n help yo u in many wa ys. cess. we . r e o urs until we have 'Yabe Talks at Y. W. C. A . O ur servi ces a y . rk etin g at 1 II succeeded in ma Th ac tua y sc ript s S end _. of h e _Y. \\ . . A. h a d t he p ri vileg e lea t one of yo ur ma nu . § ''I av1ug a r al r pr enta tive o f t~ e somethin g t o-day! wi t h : -an_d o f berry B lo s orn " a t its P lease en close _ret u r n postage : ll) ee ttng la t w eek Mr Tada sh i Yabe ou r co m m u nica ti o ns. RY : gave. · · . t· Y NAL LITERA : Ilk a mot plea ing a nd 111tere s ing NATIO : a on hi 11;.ltiv land which add cl to ASSOCIATION : an d · d W 39 th S t State and H igh Streets Ali etnp ha (zed a ll that th e lea er. 131 · . · _ · 11'! gal, had a id. ] New York C ityD epar tm ent · 71111lllll lll lll lllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllLIIIIIII
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the only thing your friends -_ cannot buy. -
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Letter of a Cochran H all Girl.
they ha,· e banq uets once a week in r Heaven: it would hardly be real wonFriday Evening, Late. derful without 'em. I Darlingest old Dot:Dot, I was actua ll y. insane from I l 'm Just absolutely crushed, 0 1 joy when Dick asked me for that dear. tiow could you write me snc grand event. He is a dream. the best a le tter as that, when you know how looking man in choo l. too. lt doscn't busy I am? matter whether he wears a dress l know 1 haven't been writing as suit or a Yarsity sweater he is peroften as 1 should but I c_ertamly do fectly stunning. Every girl th ere feel squelched now. The idea of you I was just green with envy becau e l accusing me of getting too "stuck-up '' captu red him while !--well I to write to my· old friends! I swear by just clamored "Potato. patato" all my grandfather's. swallow-tailed coa t, even ing. He has the most perfect Dot, I hall write you every week manners and is o attenti,·e. a1id. Oh, from now on if I ha ve_ to come in at Dot! the roses he sent me were just nine ev~ry Saturday night to do 1t., gorgeous. ~ut I ve a b_etter id~a than th at. 1 m 1 I had a date with Jack after society gomg to quit keepmg th at crazy I last night but it was raining so hard diary of min e and I'll have ju st th at T came right in and ent him home. much more time for letters. A T didn't care much; he-seems so comdiary takes an awful lot of time and monp lace after Dick, but then I sup when you've finished, what have you pose one must expec t a ce rtain got? I always tell you everything I amount of the commonplace in thi know any way so you ju st save my world. There are so many Ja cks, so letters and you'll have my history. very. ve ry f ew D'1c k s. See? . . Well, Dot, honey. I must qu it fo r Am havmg a peach of a time. this time. lt is 10:20 right this around here lately. Things always minute and I jump at every sound for do get good about th is time of year fear it's the house-proctor to tell and this isn't any exception. Had our m e to turn out this light. ·Sophomore-Senior banquet last N'ever doubt my fide lity· again Dot, Tuesday evening and. believe me, it and write me all the news before this was some well affair. I cut classes time next week. all day Monday and Tuesday to · help Yours, the decorating committee and honestLou ly, Ophelia, it was an Eden when we finished. Over our heads were sus C .E. Cabinets Enjoy Outing. pended coral pink and steamship (or i,; it battleship) gray checkerboard. The oid and new cabinets- of C. E. outlined in verdant green. We were rolled away Saturday evening on a nclo ed by the am teamship truck ride. Few on the load knew of gray panelled in the same green, said the de tination and o it was a plea panels crowned by more checkboard. ant sur pri e when the truck drew Can you imagine my feeling as I up at Helen Campbell's home in tripped daintily down a w inding stair Galena. After an hour crowded with to the trains of soft jazzy music in- pleasure and eats, especially Mrs. to uch a place as I have described to Campbell's deliciou cake, the whole th e most gorgeous eat ever gracin g party wa ready ·to voice the enti a fe tive boar'1 and all this on the ment of "Lym", 'If they ever in v ite m e arm of the hero? Oh, bli s ! I'l1 bet here again, believe m e, I ' ll come."
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Checks, Pencil Stripes And _Herringbones The most desirable color combinations and pattens are here-all ac companied by that high standard of hand workmanship which has always been a striking feature of Kibler Clothes.
Where In
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We Offer At-
$30 to $40 Kibler,
7 W. Broad St.
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Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R , residence ; or Bell 8-W office, for
J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man
"33 Stores in the U .
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Junior Play Cast at Work.
The Junior la p lay, " 11-0fAgent for Acme Laundering Company, General L aundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers :: Headquarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0 . ca te, annow1ceme11t of Subscripions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home wa publi hed la t week, ha _ - had _eve ral rehear al and e.very pa rt Journal, Saturday Evening Post. being worked up ca r efull y. Prof. § Prompt Service-Best Service. _ C. . Fritz is coach ing the play which f.111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT will be gi,•en early in May.
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" peaking of to rtu re - did you ever it in a barber' chair ;it!} your mouth full of lather and wa tch the boy trying to give yo ur new Panama hat to an other ·cu tomer?" " It take more than a pipe, a lo ud ve t and a team of educa ted feet to m ake a man." Green and White