Guitner, Alma Sept. 1921 75 W.e,st CoUege Ave
au au
No, 16.
Begin Season with Successful Per formance Before Large Galena Aud ience. · MISS ROBINSON IN CHARGE 1
Extensive Scl:edule of Local and Away-from-H ome Concerts Planned.
College Orchestr~ to Render Varied Musical Program in Chapel Thursday Evening
Final "Exam" Schedule. FoJJowing is the schedule of emester examinations accordTe ts for all ing to class hours. ,· clas es of a given. hour will be held on the days designated m the tabl e. Thurs. Frj,
7:00 7:45
9:00 10:00
Mon. 11 :00 1:00
Tue. 2:00
Troop Elected To Staff. t it r egular monthly meeting last ·Wedne d·a y the Publ ication Board elected B. W. Troop, '23, as. Local Editor of the Tan and Cardin.\! to succeed W. 0. Stauffer who e duties in connection' +with the 1921 Sibyl resignation from nece sitated hi ta.ff duties. Mr. Troop's industry and literary ability will make. him a valuable member of th e Tan and Car.d inal force .
Amid our trials and vicissitudes of the last week of the semes ter tl1ere appear one occasion tow~rd which we can all look with delight. It is the annt\al concert of the Colleg-e Orch stra which will be held in the college chapel Thursday evening, January 27, beginning at :15. Besides the regular orchestra pro ductions which will reveal the be t local talent and w hich have b en carefully prepared during the year there_ will be a number of peciai selections by Profes or Strother vi_olir~ist, Miss Robinson, voca li t and Miss Wright, pianist. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the 6rche tra. Everyone should turn O t to enjoy thi · annual musical treat. u Ot~e; concerts are planned for the later part of the year and und er the able leadership of Profes or Strothers a succe sful ea on i as- ured.
Page Two
GLEE CLUB WELL RECEIVED ,j SIB Y L CAMPAIGN STAGED I Greatest Campaign In History of Entertains Fine Aud ie nce at Canal i College Annual Makes " Su~" DriveI Westerville-More T han Two Stauffer ar.d Prof. Schear Furw :nd:ester in Fifth Concert of Seas on Hundred Accept Christ. n ish Entertainment HEN RY MEETINGS CL OSE
Sunday night marked th e close of one of the most successful revival campaigns ever held in Westerville. The who le community and coll ege was stirr ed and a deep in terest was mani fested from the fi rst. The benefit
Win che ter,
Students holding shar es in the guinea pig project at Brice .Hall are r equ ested to call for th e fi rst dividen ds of the season. S tock holders. will bring baskets.-Miami Student.
Chapel peri:>d, Thursday morning, !================
Ohio. gathered in th e au ditorium of ' J anuary 20 was devoted to the cam- 1 If it isn't worth while their local high school, wi; re given a paig11 for Sibrl subscriptions. treat last Thur sday night in th e way Ccremo nie were ope ned by "B ill" of a concert by the Otterbe in 's M en's Staufter, who wi th hi ha bitau l b roadGlee Club. side of e loquence sec ured in the you come once you Th e clu b in this, its lifth concer t of at,.dicnce an attitud e of m ind favorthe year showed th e r_e·sults of pre- ab le for the :ven t that fo llowed. vious conce rts in th e smoothne9$ and Professo r S:hear wa introduced at co-ord ination of action and th e effec the psyc!1olog:cal ~omen t and he per tiveness of each number. Th e us ual fo rmed the old "book age nt" tunt in program of solos. ' o rchestrations, ''ti p top" style. He dwe lt in a stirr readings, and g roup numbers. wa ing manner up on th e value of a Sibyl rendered and the audience showed its now and fo rever_ and with other app~eciation by demanding an encor1; appropriate remark clo ed the affair of each selection. by allowing all prese nt to avai l them VALUABLE VOLUME DONATED elve of th e opppo_rtuni ty of igning for the 1921 ~ibyl. The whole. affair corfl Rare Work From England Presented was clev_e rly .taged, Mis Haniett ' . · . L .b b Hay , C1 r cufat1on ·M anager wa ind Prof. Arthur Spessard O tterbein Carnegie I rary y trume.ntal in arranging for the s ue- plete line of Profe sor Spes ard has aga in proven " Pussyfoot" Johnson. ce s of the affaj_r. , hi deep inter t in the comm unity by Stud ents and friends of Otterbein ! The fpllowitlg fac.t we re brought con enting to give a par t of .his busy Co ll ege s hould feel very grateful to- : to light in the cou rse of th e rema rks tim as leader o~ iuging during the ward s Mr. William "Pussyfoot" John- 1of· Mes r . buffer and Schear. The ' . clo ing week of the union evangelistic 00, who has eot to u from England,! Sibyl will cost . 2.75, pay able $1.00 .i. meeting . His plendid solo work and both the original copy a_n d th e trans- · down a nd balance on delive~y. The kill a director of the choral and con latio~ of a large vo lum e.:, "T~e Con- cos t of publisbing this Sibyl w ill 17_ gregationa l singing have occasioned tendmgs of th e Apostles , bemg the ceed la t yrn r' cost · by . 500.00. much apmiring co,;nment. hi tories of the lives and marty rd oms lumni wish ing to s ubscri be sho uld of th e twelve ~postles. send in their orde rs immediat~ly. cannot be mea ur ed, of cour e, but it The tran lation were made by s· d tu n.t w10 have not y e t ma d e i e. tirnated that about two hundre d E. A. Wa llace Budge, forme rl y a tuand thirty took a definite tand for dent ir ,ambridge. Mr. Budge ha th eir initial r,aym ent on Sibyl ub ,. next hould do o arLy h o renewe d spent practicany alf his life in th;s sort cri.ption hrist besides undre d week. · of work. their covenant and rea serte d t h eir allegiance to the Chri tian tandard: T he r eal worth of tb e book is hardly A Latin Sonnet. Many of the couv rt were college known a yet but o far as Dr. Jones tude.JJ.t. • and Mis Barnes are ab le to judge it Boyibu ki sib u wedi girlorum The attendan ce at all the meetings is of extreme va lue. Girlibus ·kib11S w-anti somo rum wa very good . Many ti me it was Poppibus hearibus kissibomorum 1e.c ary' to throw tbe unday school Dr. Henry says that everyone has Ki kibu boyhus outatthedoorum r00Jll of the church open to accommo four individual und er his hat. We ightibu darku ne lightigolorum date th crowd . Tbe meetings for imagine om of our ex- ervice men· _Cl~bib u ga1eib us, britchibus torum meu, for women and th evening er could te tif~ t~at th ere have been B?y'.bu badibus, loudibu s sworum vie for the tudent e pecially time in the ir hv .s w hen four wo ul d G1ri1bu madu won't speakinomorum. no~wo rthy both for the ·111::ere t mani 31 W . College Ave. have b en 1nighty few. ic emper uttibus l fe t d and i11 re ult obtained. The hu rc.b ., an d Chri tian organization of th college will b greatly help ed and timu lated a a re ult of th.e e =B=e=ll=P=:=o=:=:=:=:=R=V=IL=:~i~:~·~e:~H~p~::~n~e---~1:::;;-10 very ucce ful and profitable meet
I If I
will come again.
Westerville Bakery What's the Use?
We will show you a
Dry Goo
and Ladie ' F urnishings,
if yo u w ill call at
The Scofield Store
Cor. Main and State St.
BARBER SHOP North State St.
C. W. Stoughton, M. D,
ings. Dr. Henry's pre ence among us will alway be r emem bered ~nd appre ciate,d..
f"'"' '."~Giee:ciUb"'M;D"'.'."'"""I = =
Mrs. Mary Gaut Is Donor of
Saum Hall Piano-Our Error
V,' were in error 1a t week in aJ1nouncing the piano donat ed to au.m Hall a the gift of th e Grafton, vVe·t Virginia, Tithers' League. The p lendid new in trun1ent at Cochr,an Hall wa donate by that ociety but th e donation of a imilar gift to the aum Hal gjrls i the. work of Mrs. Mary Gaut of otJdale ?e.ni1 ylvania. a former OtterbeiiJ. tudeut. Mr . Gaut (Mary Funk) wa one of tho·t! who r.oomed in aum Ra ll in it forme r dormit6 ry day , and sh p ay t!hi bea utiful 'tribute to the memory of b r days in Otterbein and in hi toric o ld aum Hali. Support the
Have you everything ready for t at next tr,ip? W e can supply you ~Jth anything you may need in the latest styles of evening dress. A clean fresh stock always on hand. Fancy Dress Shirts ........ .
= = -
; : ~
= -. , D : G. W. Henderson, M. ·
· "
Dress Cravats ············-•·.......~····••... Dress Collars, style 9HO•u•·······:-..
Dress Shirt Studs ---·-······"·······--·····-··•··-· ... ~""' An all silk reefer will keep that collar cle~:···-··..,
...,... , .;.. ··-·····
··-,::-···="" ...
~,_r1 .
= .
~ 1111111 111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111
By Appointment
= ~ - ========~ = w. M. Gantz, o·. D. s. -- ==~===---~ -- G. H. MAYHUGH, M. o. --§
.25 -
3.50 Just one look, men, at our Snowwh'te Pure F1 h ...F.. . . renc lannel and Aerop1ane Cloth Shirt Specials, collar attachec, will convince you _ that our shirts have real quality.
Westerville, Ohio
15 West College Ave. 7 0 ne 16 Bell Phone !, Citizen P b
East College Av . nue . PHONES
1111111111 111111111111.mii , Citizen 26
- • LIterary
Page Five
neither efficient nor business produc- hi g h noon, and the soft mysteries of ing. Thi i:-:1,)ortance of color may- the cool blue night, leaves, flowers, be illu :; trated hy the example of five sea-shells, the hair of maidens, the (T lu nc hrooms in a brge city. AH eye of women , moonlit walls, mist hi page will carry each week a r epre entative production from th e thi ngs are e<!ual ; choi ce of location, laden va lleys and cloud-capped ~~:ram of one of the four li terary ocietie , selected in such man~e-~ as cleanlines , food and servic e. They mountain s-aJJ th e myriad forms 0£.> ub . may determin e. The rotation will be regular unless censors ai to are nea r eno ugh to eac h other to be Na tur e reveal myraid subtleties of rnit productions in proper t1·me for publication.) rivals fo r t h e ame patronage. But color in th e ever changing play of Color, An Appreciation. founded a tradition of beauty in th ere is one thing un equal, the color light and atmosphere. Philalethea. things of u e wh ich bas extended up- effect in two is dep r essing, in one it Elizabeth McCabe, '21 F w of h ward to every form of construction i · fair, in another good, and in the imp u ave e\·er considered the and fi nally to the flowering in the fi fth it is excellent. Few of the t ens See the new Otterbein Statione ry Ortance 0 f . . • co 1or 111 our lives. Fine Art . of thousands of p~op le who patronize and new college jewelry at the Un iv 010 1 we r . _th e medium through which 1 t i an erroneou idea to think these places are consciou ly aware of ersity Bookstore.-Adv. qui i~Perience. ome of our mo t ex- that on ly the wealthy can have the any differences but the color schemes mu ch_ to nsatio~, We could add beautifu l. Women say that they love operated to the advantage of th e Shades of the Ancient and Original Buck-Passers!' had . our enJoyment of li fe if we beauty but cannot afford it. Oriental fifth and to the di advantage of the «n app · · ing ( reciat1on and understand- rugs and Persian pottery are not others in the exact rate of their We were iu search of justice. We 0 th kne e principles of color and nece ary to make a .hom e beautiful va riation. went to the President of the Y. M. C. w how t Pracr apply them to the Mo re nece ary t.han money is the Another example which brings the A. He referred us to Professor Mar 1 and ~ca. Problems of the home, dress love and knowledge of color, design, matter closer home. In a well known ti n. Mr. Martin ent u to Treasurer · u mess. Ei·e b and fitne . The Japanese artl an Westerville Drug Store the clerk dis- We t, who pa sed us on to the head louchen oeffore we were born littl e makes a room of fo ur-paneled wall , played two bottle of Cuticle Re of the department under which we broid red . t color were being em- embellished by a mat, a vase and a mover, both con taining the same were working for a major. F rom 10 Were t o the clothe which we flower, a place of beauty, while an amount and sold for the same price. here we were r efe rred to P.resident color ia:eart, and _from the cradle on, American mill ionaire as embles ~old The purcha er chose one, remarking, Clippinger, to whom, bracing ourself thou en ered into our Jives. For frame , Chine e paintings, Aztec idols "This bottle i much more attractive." for th e ta k, we recited our little b ands of • occup . year the two mam pre- and crystal chandeliers but ecause Thus - the va lue of a knowledge of s tory for th e ' teenth time. The 11011 of a f Prob) women have been th e he has not .the love o co l or he the corr ect appl ication of color to President knit hi brow, searched hi~ the wen, of home and dress. Yet achieve an incongruous mass. T~u our everyday life is not only becom- methodic brain for a moment and · we ee it is not the cost o f ma t en_a ls ing es ential to health, beauty, and then looking at us rather stern ly re fuJ h0ornan se e k'ing to create a beaut1· effect" rn e or acquire an artistically but the arti t' approach to se Jec ti on prosperity but to happiness as well. plied, " You should have taken this h ive wa d b litt1 ~ or noth:b ro e has been taught and arrangement. W en . ~omen Our sensitive r esponse to color, the matter up with the Y . M. C. A. Presi 1 g about color principles grow conscious of their positJon ~s enjoyment of the endlessly varied dent." and th . B eir application . artists in home building they will effects in nature and in our daily eauty i .not. a superfine ador_n- concentrate their e ff ort , and great ' is a pleasure which Schreck-"I always aim to tell the 111ent of life· . environment, t h 1s ought . '_1t 1s an absolute e sent1al po sibilitie will result. The home 1 can enrich experience, bringing al- tru th " th ing of comfo rt and in the confe ion of a woman's tast_e. things most at any moment or place, swift, Troop-"You're the worst shot I knife ~h nece sity; in the fork and The power of color i fuJly illus- keenly felt thrills which make life ever saw." auto~ob·t team radiator and· the teated y th~ .following' anecd'o te: more fu.ll. --.------statue J e body a much as in Two co llege chums met after a lap~e And w ha t an end le s spectac le of Beau ffu ' a;tlring, 1ieckoning Baf111arket val and cathedrals. When the of years, on~ wa m arried and 111 color nature provides. • i _ it?_ _ _ __ From the faire! What ___ 1 fu_lly realiz: of col~r in business is bu ine ' the other wa a c~ o; faint grays tinged with the rose of They ay Adam's wife only cost him 'IV11J be . more time and thought chemi t. In the cour e o{ a long c a ' ~awn, to the glaring shrill notes of one bone, but now-a-day -1 given t · · d b der "ocatio it 111 our sch eme of the married one, who ha een un 1 111ake t~a education. Color may a great t nsion, forgot hi . re erve Or gloo home -cheerful and pleasant an ·' confe ed that omethrng wa !!lllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rny and f u enhance th ncom ortable, it may wron,,. at borne and .he . the 2 e appeal of personality out but divorce. That eve!Ung . through lea t cot dre s or detract from it. At h . t dined at the home of h1 £,p, \;I " £
,:;;r::: r::.:\
~s/;\. an~ $55. Men's Suits and Overcoats 1·n the·' Ttn1·on's Clearance saIe :u ;
!:;err~c~:!:~b;e~fdola~ec;!~~ 7h:~ i~~::- ;ri:;;; an: t:~ 01·unt;it rew d r e. :e~eri::i~1~ybody who mu t l!ve life. oubt the place of music In . d \ hat you need 1 not a h nge of wall interwo:ngs and musical sounds are quite ma . 111etnorie enb with our mo t i~timate. chang~ o~;~fe ::otp;e C :ffer without C llassed ut th e autumn which ha paper. ap and th . uspe ing th<: cause. 'd ~'. r Proachin e sprtng which is Color in dress is a mean of prov1 rfi;,; 10 ns of g are fi lled with as ocia- . f ne and etting for the perand color J t . mg a ra 1 C1 rhyth · u a certam chords onality of th e wearer. o or may and ol m of sound make u grave ke th e hort and tocky eem Jes ~ertain emn, martial or tender o ma d slim eem fuller. Jo color ' to ut th e ta 11 an You p . arouse in u moods ff the face so that t 11e of , en ive ' It _may et o d I t e· th e . . take on an_ adde u r , the b • or m lan choly. Many Can °Ys and g1r · Is 111 . our men. 11a1r w1 11 low olor may ex. home Jl1ano or are learning to play the kin a wa,rmer g . d thfull1e s airness an you 111 ent. E orne other musical in tru- pre ~" light .,·tal the magneti m of eye gov ernes ach da Y t he1r • mothers or or make • 1 . It i abl e to accen t d d subtelty o one ~o keep thes tand over th em in order aJ1 exp~ession . "'f . th of ,}er drill'em a t Practice. The re ult? tlie elusivenessth an gemal warm s~11J in in g for years the acquired character or e on mo t c • . . another. e )ear of a es is d1ss1pated aft . of color to the eve rna . d From the relation 'd ryone rne life. But al mo t d Jet us cons1 er Self . exp res e h ' If home and to re One Jl . ' in coJo tm e or herI d the business man. rincipJe r, aQd yet education in co or an tal of twelve thousand neo1 of I • • a ren O d "'ect of o r 1s rare. This man pay 5 d he value his lie olely ctolor in favor of mu ic i do!Lars per year an b Y corner at to o · dow at a u llJ th e gre an educational fad not how win That win- : Usie. ater emotional app eal of eight tho~ a~d dolla1:\nan, it roust § • ev;he Greek dow is hi ~ilen~e~~owledge of the § ry Pha earched for beauty in be dres ed wi th t or it will be iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii se of their daily life. They drawing power of co 1or
Such fine clothes as Hart, Schaffner & Marx and other high-grade makes at less than to-day's wholesale cost.
Page Six
Space does not pe rm it the printing Schreck-How is t he wo rl a treatin g of the lineup. However a comp lete you George ? review of points made will be given at Heitz- Very s eldom . the close of the season.
Vanishing Creams, Cold Creams, GOOD SPORTS ! Results January 22 McRill, 14--P ri es t, 11. We are pleased to recip rocate the Reed, 16-Mattoon, IS. sp lendid spirit manifested by \i\'itten- Lotio n for chapped hands and face at Town, 23-Bishop, 9. , berg . spo rtsmen toward our basket Antioch gav e the Tan and Cardinal Blendon, JO-Cook, 7. J tos er on their recent trip there. We DR. KEE FER'S t eam a rud e jolt on Saturday, Janu Schedule, J anuary 29. \ shall remember their hospitality when ary 22, when they administered a 33 Mattoon v . McRill. we are privileged to act as host to th e to 21 defeat to the local five. Priest v . Reed . Spr ingfie ld player . The "Torch" of Our quintet lacked about every Cook vs. Town. last wee~ say : 1 thing that co uld be expected of a Bishop vs. Blendon. I "Coach Ditmer wa among us with Jloor team, their passing being wild Standing of the Clubs. his . Otterbein five, and his cheery and their shooting inaccurate. Clu b W. L. Pct. mile. The vi iting team showed good The visitors had th e same lineup as Town .................... .... 2 0 1000 pluck and "pep" and we offer to them last year with the exception of McR ill ...................... 2 0 1000 pw; hea rtiest congrat ulations on their Vannorsdall, a guard. whose po itio1i Bishop ........ .............. I I · .500 playing, and our best wishes for the Priest ........................ 1 1 .500 remainder of the eason. Ditmer is his bro.ther held down previously. tap le and F ancy 1 .500 doing thing in ath letics at Otterb ein The Nor thrup brothers proved to be Blendon .... ................ 1 2 .000 and we ar e always glad to have his the stars · of the contest each make Reed .......................... 0 Mattoon .................... 0 2 .000 team and himself among u . Succe s ing five fielders. Cook .......................... 0 2 .000 to you, Coach." o. 1 So. State St. The Score. The games in the Boarding Club Otterbe in ( 21) Po (33) Antioch The te.xt books at the . nive r ity Collier-Prie t-White F. Corry League proved to be of the exciting variety on Saturday morning. A gooci Book sto re are a t !owe t prices Schutz-Bradrick F. No rthrup, . D. crowd was on hand to · witnes the ~Adv. A lbright-Ul r ey C. Nor thrup, L. contests and en livened the morning E verybody eat s candy, why not bU1 Lehman-White G. Vannors<lall with real cheering. State Secretary Leads. good candy? Ranck-Schrec k-George G. Edwards The Town and McRill Clubs a,gain "Let every man ha ve a job and let See Gield Goals-Schutz, 3 ; W hite. 3; proved too much for t heir opponents, A lbright, l; Corry, 3 ; D. Northrup, .5; ·who were th e Bi hops and Pri.e t . , re every job be a man's job," was the final wo rd of ad vice given to th L. 1ortb·rup, 5; Vanno rsdall, 1. spectively. 145 W. Home St. Christian E'ndeavore rs . of Wester~ Free tbrows,-Sch utz, 1 out of 5; The Blendon and Cooks fought it ville, Sunday at the last of the erie !bright, 6 out of ; D. Northrup, 5 out in an interesting manner the form of union meeting , by Mr. Rowsey, a out of 11. . er winning by three points. D elicious Cottage Cheese blended State Secretary. p I·men· Referee-Dunlap, Denison. The Matoon-Reed qmtest wa an for Alt,~oug:1 . Mr. Row ey' subject with pure cream. Clover Farm overtime affa ir and was concl uded by Time of Halve -20 mi1wte . was Chn shan Endeavor Mandicap ," to Cheese .... '" J ars , excellent jng a free throw. be dealt not only with 11andicap but sandwiches. Many <;>ther satisfy The contests are attracting larger SPORT D O PE the means of over coming them as appetizers. crowds each time and interest in the well. Optimism and enthus iasm are ;f.h e Sopbomore-Fre hman Volley various club is con iderably greater great essential factors in keeping MOSES & ST OCK, Grocers. than any previous time. Ball contest , played preliminary to ociety alive. · a the Antioch game, were won by the latter. ~III I I I IIII 111111 111111111111111 111 11 11111111 111HIIII1111 111111 1111 11111 1111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I III I Ill A. A. The second y ear m en took two out of three contests the scores being 15- § § The In urance :Man 9, 15-11 ; -15. Thi places the Sopho- § b tracts, Loans mores another lap ah ead in the intercla s athletic standing.
Grabs L ong End of Score in First Home Game- Locals O ff Fo•r m
The Grocer
Home Made Chocolates C. FAT MONN
't .
= =
Dr. Burtner ay th e un will burn to a cinder in about ten mi.Ilion year . t la t we know . where the -cinders are to come from fo r Otterbein' new track.
Phone your Order.
Red Heart Boxes /
= ~
otary P ublic
APOLLO CHOCOLATES = One Pound Size T p d s·
ent all three collar :,
- ==========~ Special Box --- W OLFE'S MEATS re good to eat. Candies
OIJ._io niver ity will be our ·gue on next aturday night. Th e visitors· will be repre nted by an extremely fa t quintet. La t year the Tan and Cardina l trimmed them on their own floor and it is certain the vi itors will be out _ ;for vengeance.
If we bad a habit of noting our wc.ekly laundry di patch, it would read ornething like thi , "Laundry, :
Buy your text at th.e U niver sity Boo k tore at lo wer p ri ce than el se where.dv.
Antioch i to be congratulated on producing such a team. Being a very mall chool and without a _ oach are big handicap but what is more they have but eight men out for their team. To date they have won § four and lo t two.
~ ;-----------
- Bell 46-W
=~==~== =~ § RHODE S & soNS The College A venue
2.50 -
.: 111111 II 11111111111111111111111 ... 111111111111111
-~ ====~=
IllII Ill Ill IIIllIIllIIII 111111111111111 II 11111 IIll Ill Ill
Citizen 92
B. W. WELLS THE TAILOR St ate and Main Streets Cleaning and Pressinl
Page Three
I ' 12.
u · n 1· Vers1· t y ! = =
h 1111111 111 111111 111 111111111 111111 1111 111llllll lllll lllllllll llll lllll lll llllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllll Ruth B run dage, w o re-
I ;~~n~ie h~~:U::tl~o;~da;~s:~~t::~ main a to few weeks with her paren ts § before go in g back to ew York to . ' continue her work in voca l music.
~- Book Store~-
u ,.,r. and Mrs. Lewis E. Myers and children of Valparaiso, India na, are Pending a few weeks in Jackson ~i lte, Florida. Mr. Mye rs is comb in ing businc . with pleasure. attending th e outhern convention of his com Pany.
= = Some low prices o.n Texts for S~cond. Semester
Kocri W . Grabill i having a ucce sfut year in the hi gh school at onnell \'ilfe, Pennsylvania. He i teaching mathematics and has charge of all mu ·tea t orga111zat1ons • · ·111 th e ch ol. 'l&.
'10 • ' 04.
History Education -------------------------- $1.05, $1.30 Secondary Education ----~--------------------------- $3.60 = = Vertebrate Zoology ______ _____ _______·__________________ $1.85 =
Helen Keller . . Helen Keller graduate. .of last .I!M1SS has given up her pos1t10n as year, " w t ·u e's editor "Public Opinion , e erv1 weekly n~w paper, to join her parents in th e outh. Mis Ke ll er contracted a severe cold several weeks ago and ha not yet folly recovered. •·t erbeio friend hope that with many O " ., a few month ' rest in the sun~y -t h " she wi ll again be back in sou ' • We terville witch all .of -her charact -
10 Logan, Ohio conducting the troi,g. n 1Pp 11· 1 mu -i 1• . ' . unday after;,oon _.,,.r. 0 c 11 a revtv al campaign ther but ger :ddre ed a meeting at the Y. M. A which claim E. H. Cavana~gh :c:a:~~ce~ t_o r turn to bis horn. ?n o I1lne before the ene ·. . ' ·t ecretarie .- :Cncrea mg 0 f meeting as one OJ. 1 h '20 . wa over. tterbein was own. on d: Mi Helen Keller, a former and an ever jncr~a ing 10 ;e r of the Tan and _ atdinal, has . d I ation is promi ed for 'N igned hei: po ition as edito1= of the l ..Florida. . egf ture y ar . l' e5 icrvi l1e Pu_blic Opinion and left • tterbein 111 11
_ = Moss Greek Reader -------------------------------- 65c, 90c = Pitkin Short Story -------------------------.------------- $1.90 ~ = Muzzy ' s H.1story. -------- -- ------------------------------ $1.90 = American Literature ------------------------------- --- $1.40 _ : -
B:er _
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin . Ditlller ( Dai y Jifton) of West Park n\reet _ha ve been entertaining ~rs. tmer s broth r and their families, is tic en.t h u ja in . --------: ;r. and Mr· . . R. Clifton and PRESIDENT MAKES TRIP aughter Mary of Pomeroy, Ohio, and Mr. and Mr . C. A. Clifton and Attends Florida Bible Conference on harle of Columbus. and Finds Live Interest In '11 · James 0. Cox of Valparaiso, Otterbein Manifested I.nd·iana, is chairman ' - for Porter President Bpp_jnger retu_rned la t •aunty, Indiana, of the European ReI1ef · . _ from a trip to :Florida where a111_pa1gn. The drive for fund M onoay S'dd IL f ~a mad between Chri tmas and with Bi hop Mathews, I)r. I a ' o the hurch Erection Board, and Dr. "' . - a f ew y ear . Day and result ed in 1 P. JI{. arn_p, Secretary of the Home u'. d of three thou and dollars being ra1 ed 1. h • . . i, Board he wa a guc t of the 11 t at county the fir t ooe Ill ,.1s 1011 . Wi the tat e to "go over ' the top. " M r . Florida onference: in it 1J1ter C. . ox, and other county chai rmen were Bible onference helcl at Tampa. Ill I 11 d'1 anapoli la t Monday in conf :Efe delivered four add re es on the hild," ~11d on erence with H rb rt Hoover laying •·_Religious Lif o a . . h~ January 14' des1anated Plan to help the couotie of the Fr1da..y n ig ., ' · I ._ t d st fjght." a'.1 i i us"~ ate 'that have not reached th ir as "Collcg llege life with fifty-view quota. for thi work. lecture on a • h of life at Otterbein, includmg t. e '17 B · Guy hcek, pa tor of th nited . f fbe F lorida group, tweh e rethren. church at Galloway, hio, p1c.tur o Wa
= =
= = Foreign Missionary ---------------- -------------------- $1. 75 - International Law -------------------------- $2.60, $3.40 E-= = Psychology --- ----- ------------------------------ $1.25, $1.30. = =
'13• •13.
Mr. and Mr . Henry M . Croghan (Opal Shanks ) of Indiana Harbor, Indiana, entertained over the tek-end James 0. Cox, ' 11 , and Mrs. ox of Valparaiso, Indiana, and Mis Horten e .Po tt , ' 13, who is taking Po t-graduate work at the University of Chicago. '18 · A littl e daughter, who ha been named lice Jane, wa born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Schutz January 13 111 · · · • Chicago, Illinois, where Mr. chutz i attending medical school.
.Others at corresponding low.prices. See ours before buying elsewhere and save money.
= =:.::: _
11111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll 11111111111111111I1111111111111 111111 11 11111111111 11 II I I I I llii
-1111111111 I111111111111111 I11111 ll_l 11111111111 it II 11111111111111HI11111111111111111111111111111111111111! . Every Body Eats-Why Not Eat at the
= _
= -
Private Dining Room-Banquets, Parties and Feeds at reasonable rates
J. C. ROACH. Prop.
= -
= = = =
ii Ill Ill Ill (II Ill Ill Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill II II Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill IIll Ill Ill Ill 11111111111111111111
I,!! 1111111111111111 I I I I I I IIII 111111111111111111II11111111111111111111 ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U11111 IJ I I 111111111 !,!
~ " ~) §
= = -
Fresh Lettuce and Celery Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit Staple an~ Fancy Groceries. Chickens- Alive and Dressed
: -
= = = = =
,f .1111tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllli11Jllllllllllllii
s!~r:day t.o join her parent i.t1 the "T Mike Murphy h~re ?,' a ked a 11111111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 111 '12 . . visitor at the quarry JU t after he Margaret E . Gaver who prep1ature explosio_u. " he ha · beMi 5 OJ. en takfog graduate work in the "No, or,' rep ILe d O'Brien, A complete line always in stock. 110 tate Univer ity thi year, has gone. ' accepted a po ition as teacher o f R.•M. JOHNSON, 55 Park St. F' "For good.?" . . ,, STUDENT AGENCY rt1cb and English in the bigh "V ell, he wen~ in that direction. 00 e~ 1 at Greenfield Ohio and enter-, "Y's' 11111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 IIIII I 11111111111111111111 jj Upon her new w~rk la~t week. Support th e ·
= = = tt
]'age Four
tray the tru t that that pirit in pires Rivera Leads "Y" W ith Splendid our instructors to show in u . They Talk on H is Home-lall d DIARY OF A COCHRAN have hown their faith in our honesty, The Y . M. C. A. meeting, T hurs HALL GIRL let' justify that faith. Let's hit those P~blished Weekly in the interest of day night was es pecially interesting examinations hard but let's not comBy "One of 'em." Otterbein by the and ed ucational. Juan Rivera of San promise our conscience by behavior OTTERBEI PUBLISHING Fe rnand o, Ph illi ppine Islands was th e that would eventually neces itate BOARD e ither a rigid Honor y tern or the Monday 17. Funnie t thing-I was speaker. His subject wa " the Grea t Westerville, Ohio nd he Member of the Ohio College Press adoption of "eagle-eye" tactic on the down in the groce ry buying candle , est Need of th e Phi llippine s,'· a part of our professor . Association and Mr. Mo e and tock took me captivated his ~udience by his in ten e for a enior. I am delighted to know earne tn e s. After reviewing briefly Strongest Characters Never Noisy. that I eem as learned, lite rary and some of the ea rly history of th l! STAFF The water in a little mountain eccle ia tical a a Editor-in-Chief .... J . Ruskin Howe, '21 Islands and depicting their degradanior mu t be. A i tant Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 stream dashing down over the rock ' · holic · ru Ie he pani h Cat Tuesday 18. Went kating with tion under Contributing Edito rsnd mak es more noise than th e mighty Esther Harley, '21 John thi afternoon on the creek. dwelt upon their development u er A. W. Elliott, '23 Missis ippi River. The strongest But I find that my powers ~ of the rul e of the United States decl:tr. to her Business Manager .... J . W. George, '22 characters are never noisy. They are " pati1~age" are not 'very exte n ive ing that they owe every t h mg Assista nt Bus iness Managersba lan ced, poi ed, serene, lik e a g reat and I · fell down twice. On arriving and th at at la t, thanks to her helpf, · ] : P. Schutz, '23 T. E .• ewell, '23 river. They do their work quietly, at Castle ochran I had cherry-tint tli ey ar e ready to become a sel Circulation Mgr . .. Marvel Gebert, '21 efficien tly, an d never permit temp er. ed cheek and a perfectly gluttonous governing peopl e. A istant Circulation Managers pas ion, prejudice, whim or ob tac ie, appetite. There ar e 10,000,000 people on t_he Harriet Hays, '22 I land they ha ve th ei r own 111 L:.icile Ewry, '23 to disturb their serenity or turn them Wednesday 19. Thi· ha been the , d h a ve even Athletic Editor ............ M. . Funk, '21 aside from their course. slipperie t day underfoot! Every du tries, and commerce an Local Editor... ......... H. W. Troop, '23 The world is looking for the poised, under the U nited tales' supervi ion, Alumna! Editor ..... Alma Guitner, '97 leve l-headed man, the man who can once-in-a-while omeone would topple been self upporting. They have Exchange Editor ........ I'.· K. Noel, ;22 over aud then g t up ham facedly. Cochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, 21 always be depended on, who will not paid their way. f Literary Editor ........ ]. W. Seneff, '23 fall down in an emergency or go to Got " " in my French test. Gue s Mr. Riv,ra spoke very hi~hly 0d I'm a ·mediocre tud nt, although my pieces over trifl es. o matter how think I'm super-normal. the Uni ted Brethren missionaries ~ Addre all communicati_ons to The brilliant or how great a geniu he folks 0111 Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. 'Twould be a pity to di illu ion th em. of the plendid work they are d g may be in so me· directions, if a mar\ 1 d of tie College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. f Thursday 20. Ab olutely nothing. ther e. The greates t nee Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, is not balanced and ma ter of himself, Philippine is more of the Religion Friday ._21. Had the be t letter from if paid before ovember 15 ; other he does not inspire confidence. He Jesu hri t. wi e 1.75. ma y do great things on occa ion, Harry. Poor boy, he i working so when everything is going his way, hard. But he' not the only one be Watchoutl The Baffaire i coilling. Entered as second class matter eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice with nothing to di turb or hinde r cau e la t night I blinked by candle WE WONDER! at esterville, 0., under act of him . But always in a great cri i or light until 12:00 cramming for a hi March 3, 1879. emergency, when a man i needed to tory test. Poor girl. • 1 •Ti time Acceptat1ce for •mailing at special a ume trem.e ndous r e ponsibility, the Good folk of Otterbein d Saturday 22. There was a mou e in rate of po tage provided for in . ec; to delve d p in-to your wardrobe an cry i , ' Give us a man with a level our waste ba ket. I realize that mice · 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authonzea h ad. a man on whom we can r ly, a are 11ice littl creature but I much bring out, mend, brush and pre your April 7, 1919. man with poise in stead of noise," ~r efer fh em dead. We bought a trap, be t bib and tucker in orde r that yo~ may be ready for the great, grand a? - . r ew Success Magazine. m erted a bit of cheese, and presto I EDITORIAL glorious Baffaire. 11 Otterbeikn~ a dead mou . We cajoled the jani . h. fra n Honor' and Exams or GRAB YOUR HAT! tor into separating it from the trap. Westerv1l1e, B lendon town '.P• lin county-yea all Ohio will clam. A. ubj ct old, yet ever new in col Poor little mouse. ' . What is leg circle i that of the Honor y to be pre ent at the Baffaire. d nd make a "bee-line" for the ticket Sunday 23. Thi evening when we rgument pro and con fill the table. For it's coming! What? Why, this Baffaire Watch this paper aror . tem. coll ge we klies. At thl particular th big Musical Event of the ea on. were pr paring for our usual picnic the trunk of the campu tree lunch, I stumbled and spilled a pan ea on uch di cu ion i peculiarly It i the Annual further developments. oncert of the appropriate and never fail to voke olle e Orche tra I Bigge t "two bit " full of cocoa. I got ev rely "bawled . I niveri ·e..e price on text at t 1 varying expr ion of opinion among that you ever pent! Every out" for ruh1in g our Ax.minster rug. But I wa COJ1 oled when George sity Book tore before buying e• th tud nt . b dy's going. Make your elf " olid" Th r can be no question a to the \ iLh that " queen" of your by dat tepp ed up after " . E." and asked where.- d v. e, cellen e of the Honor Sy tern as it ing thi big affair right away and me to go trolling. The ere cent You Win, Percival! ,. exi t · in theory; there have been many g tting one of th b t s at whil moon illumined the cen like fairy . "I ro 11 Sinks, land-if I may b p tic. fault found with it practical func they la t. truck by the notice - _ Where the big fu ? . went 111 tioning'. But when all is said and ~on 111 a hardware window a wag f tlY liege hapell v hen? Thur day .d per ec we at Otterbein can hardly be aid to night! Don't mi s it!. CALENDAR 1 e and aid that he was be in ore need of its adoption. In aware of the . fact that tron ink · art fact we already enjoy the e ential Wednesday, January 26Alive to the oeca ion the s7' e WANTED 111 benefit of th Honor y tern without Lyceum our e Number. hopkeep r retaliated, "Yes ao dri~gs, bejng afflicted with it objectionabl An egg-proof curtain- cla in Dra Thursday, January 27flie , but wine vaults, ulphur P nd• feature ; for, after all, eliminating the matic Interpretation. · sta -• :00 a. m.-Final Exam begin. j lly rolls, gra s lopes, mu ic i·daY "red-tape", the Honor y tern imply ,,. . ho 1 :i5 p. m.- rche tra oncert. A clock that never strikes 10:00-. ,,J1agara Fall rubber tire ' organ mean hone ty and mutu-al r espect. Friday, January 28cveral college girl . 1 trips, rnoonlig)lt walks, tl \~ have noted with a considerable A forty hour day-mo t of u . 0pen Se s ion at Philomathea. stop -" re· degree of pride the confidence ?1ani Anti-fat-"Wes" eneff. fter Op_ei1s i n and Reception at But the wag had. bolted. A d and fe ted by Otterbein' profes ors m tl1e Ph1loph ronea. A s ympathetic prof-trembling test I covering hi thought ·he returne waY integrity of the average tudent. They taker. Saturday, January 29. . at the door,, thru ting h1. head 1ll hav with few ex.ception , hown that 1 My lost dog-a certain local farmer Ba ket Ball, Ohio niv. here. houted, "Ye , and marble .bu ts. the believe in our manhood and An adequate "gym" floor-Var ity Wednesday, February 2_ womanhood and our en e of honor. ba ket-ballei: . econd eme ter begin . AMONG THE COLLEGES They have lo t nothing, we feel ure, Regi tration Day for A place to sit, at the games--500 ch9ol of in taking that po ition for it ha been tudent . d the igna"llfu.sic. Mt. nion ha ecur three· a challenge to us to measure up to the Friday, February 4ture of oach :Eddie Ca ey to a honor te t, to play the game square, to Music Students, Attention! Glee Club at Logan. (Proposed) year football contract. "com clean", and a challenge · much R gj tration for all tudents enrol!- Saturday, February 5· b ar Sher· m r potent than the tudied i11 ult of d in the chool of Mu ic will take Ba' ket Ball, Capital here. We 1 yan tudents are to clclresses a igned tat ement of hon e ty. place W duesday, Feb. 2. The entire Glee Club at Lanca ter. (Proposed.) wood Eddy in a series of a Then l t' be true to our be t selve day will be given over to the purpo e, there in a few weeks. even under the tempting train of a with no recitation in that depa rtment. at The Univer ity Book tore ff critical "exam". It' . a blow at the . director f Coach Boles athletic ,, o texts at price lower than th o ebr • he ran~ democ rati pirit of Otterbein, to beWatchoutl · The Baffaire i coming. Ii her . _ dv. e pu - Wooster, · has been voted t full profe sor in the college. THE OTTERBEI
P age Seven
ENROLL FOREIGN STUDENTS _!,! 111111111111 I InI I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111 I I III I I I III I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. · ~ TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders Toilet : (Continued from page one.) Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity ' Boxes, town. We t frica, i the third mem _ Flesh Brushes, Etc. ber of our beyond-the- ea trio. M.r. : Broderick is a graduate of Albert : Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. Academy , nd has been a teacher in FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED the mis ion chool of hi native land. UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY The ene rgetic effort of the e three _ young tudent to educate them- 1§ elve for better ervice to the OPTICAL DEPARTMENT world cannot but command our ad:. : Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. _ Satisfaction Guaranteed. miration. Those wh? ?'1ay care ~o § 10 have a hare in a I ting them c,. the e efforts may be sure that their U 1 aid g?e _to a very wor th Y purpo e. j iii111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllif Contribution may be en t at any ! time to Pre ident lippine-er.
= ~
CIATfDN -:~--;._;;;;.:~:.:.:..:.:.::.:~J Loi I . • Pc·nt th ark and V e Ima winger in at Le_ ~veek-end in· Willard vi it01 home · Ida M · Th ar1e nelling gave a pu h ur day night. . . Rv e Good 1n \k man went to her home · ron for the week-end. Glady V eat with h an Gundy brought some lancast er when he return ed from Roorn ~~- The re ult was a p u h in 3
!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!1 NEW PR1ZE AWARD F OUNDED (Continued from page one. ) . _ limitation is put on subJect 0 matter or it treatmeut and we 1oo k O forward with intere t to the res ult f -_ thi late t eYidence of the lively § activity of the Quiz and Quill Club.
ALICE WINEBRENNER DIES l Continued from page ~ne.) . death a he had li ved her life, with a mile of cheer. In the short year pent among us at Otterbein, Hee earned a ·':"arm place in thee teem of all by ber_kindly di po ition and quiet but genuine oci"ability. he was. active in Sunday chool, church, Chri tian .E n d eavor, Y. W. . A. 'and literary oc1e1?' wo:k, be ide being a good tudent m spite of the handicap of poor health. The ympathy of Alice's many friends cancLacguaintau.ce _gQ.e .U to her parents and broth er, with th e r e~lization that th e pa sing of her ~uiet beautiful life leaves a gap in the circle of her acquaintance which can never b entirely filled. Tl1e w_o_rl_d_-f_a_m_o_u__p_ia_n_t- bad ju t
= -
llnday d" iall were ~~/~er G~~e t at Cochrtn nna w·i a I on, Hazel Mi ls, 1 I( on and Loraine Rinehart. athry 11 . Ii 01 apple gave a pu h all:rd ay night. h Je e Wi l on er ho111 e in pent th e week-end a.t Marvel v Philadelphia. &ave ebert and Ed.ytbe Eby Lera \,~ urpri e birthday push for ater ' Friday night. Gert rud e . Unday t aman went to Galloway Otterhe i,~ h~~;k in the intere t of the l'here wa . }{oorn a lumber party ; n 20 G aturday night. • fini hed a thunderous performance. 1-.:.ather· Jigg addres ed bis fri_end, "What do F'rid ay night. .111 e Pollock gave a pu h you think of ht· e.xecu t_ion. }4 :Brigg - " I'm heartily in favor of end 1g arey tock wa the w ek- it." ue t of Enid Kizer. Lucil le \V h I at aurn B a gave a third floor pu 11 all Tue day e ening.
Quality Flowers ;=
McKellar Flower-Shop~Columbus, 0 . _
22 N. High St.
• • •
_ _
Fancy Roses, Carnations and all Flowers 1n season.
• • • /
Corsages a Specialty
= = =
• • •
Is ·O ur Agent at Westerville. _ ii111111111 llllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~
=========~~~~==== =============================== .!J 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
he Soul of the ne of h Black Man.'' the day "T Pertinent problem of wa di c' h oul of the Black Man. ' }4·1ldred uS ed un d er the lead er hip of 'l'ue day wab at Y. \V. C. . last wa giveneve· ' ning. The enti r e hour Africa to th e con ideratjon of at _ , 1ier p Vera! e_op 1e and her needs. W. Main St., Westerville, O bi_o, 27 llJ 1 " • · . 1onaappealin . g articles written by wi"ll repair you.r shoe_s while _you wait. _ 'l' ' h'r1es and th e life . . · "vva o Booker Gi"ve us a trial, it will convmce you. tnt ere tingly in gton b r ~·ere thoroughly and Shoe Shine Parlor for ladies an d gents.
6rder-Your Photos at tlnce =~ Your Photo 1s the only thing your friends cannot buy.
Have the Best
mem-1 ~===========~=~
e~~l<t ev1ewed by ix in tore Week a110 t her good meeting j f &o· or u p '.ng to ta lk a roie or chear i Point." on, "The Man's View-
--ChDr . Cott-"w
arles I bat does the reign of Aiis teach u ?" head s I<ahler " · in tno ot · to lose our tnent of excitement." 11u k·111~ he !:;urn r fine n ollege ha ju t opened t 0 cJ · · tration building a se . w ad mm1
You Can Get Y ou r TEXTBOO
Thursday and Friday at 19 Maple Street · the or any time Tuesday in Administration ~uilding
Please Bring You.r Receipt.
= =
= State and High Streets
f.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill III IIll 11111111111111111111111111111111
Page Eii::'.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 111111 11111111 1111111111 11111111111 ::
OTTERBEIN FIVE ( Continued from page one.) Ehrle-G uckett G. Ranck-Schr eck Field Goals-R e tti g, 2 ; -Dawson, 7; Jeffers o n. 1; Ston e, 3; Ehrle, 1; Bri en, 1; Schutz ..; ; Collier, 1~ White. : 1.
Our entire stock of Shirts balance of this week [ only, at ½ price. § Full Dress and Army Regulation Shirts are included in this sale at
R efr ee- Reec ber of Swarthmore. _ Scorer-Mill er H. V. Tim e of Halves : 20 minut es .
Otterbein fo otball warri ors hav e bee n invading Columbus dunng the w ee k makin(\' a line-buck toward th e Orr-Kiefer Studio. "Pat" Schutz chap eron ed a theatr e t at the Majestic \ Vednesday par Y and afternoon, composed o f "" I I "Jack".
J. M. Phillippi, E dit or of the Tele cope.'' vis ited his son Dale on Mon day. George I. Kain, business friend of Charles Larue, spent th e w eek in Westerville. Sale Prices on Men's Shoes 7.75 to $8.50. at •··· ········ ·················· 9.00 to $10.00. at ···· ··········•········_-···· · E. J. or n s.-Adv.
K. J. cott, '20, now engaged inhthe ministry at Harrison, Ohio, wa ere for a brief stay.
J. H. Weaver, '08, foun~er of the Weaver Ma.thematics Pnze spent Wednesday here. He was specially inetrested in the Mathematics De partment. J. C. iddall and A. W . ea(ly, bot.h of '17, favored Philomathea with their presence Friday evening. "Tink" Sanders, ' 11 , visited rela tive and friend in ·Westerville and college over the week-end. Mary Tintsman, . '20, enj?,y~d,, the week-end with relative and Bill . " Hardboiled" Miller an d "Fat" Ha! leck accompanied the taem to D e111011 Friday evening. Phoenix~The College Girls' best silk ho iery, $1.00, 1.35, $1.95, $2.35. E. J. or ris.-Adv. Raymond Moore of Cana( Win che ter a prospective tudent, mspect ed the college and aw th e team in ac tion aturday as a guest of Warren Moore. laro n aucer, ex-'23, pent Saturday and unday with friends and making arrangements to r e-enter chool the econd semester.
l lo ,·c to say goodnight ] t make s me smil e. A fell o w ca ll s on me, And spends the evening Twirling hi s thumbs, And gazing At his shoes; Paying all his attention. To th e Vi ctrola, Or stammeri ng ome Incoherent phrases Pertainin g to the movies. Finally it grows late, And he says he must go, Although he seems to Speak to the floor. Then to help him out I give him my Fade-away tar e. He register s bl anknes I say, "I don't knoiv why I feel so sill y tonite" ( Why houldn't I' fee l Silly, with him befo re me.) He now registers Supreme U1rea iness, I walk up to him And pretend To brush some powder Off his shoulder, And all the time My face is scarcely Four inch es from his. A fe llow must be Awful slow With that handicap. I hav e to laugh. and he, The poor goof, Trie to laugh too, But as a laugh It is as dead A what it came from. Finall y he starts to Break awayI take his hand and try To get a tinal r ise From him by snuggling close And holding his hand And whi pering, "Isn't it cold tonight-?" But he breaks away And hurries down th e walk And I mi le to myself And ay, Darn it. But some fellows are DEAD';.
= =
= = = = = = = = = = =
·1 §
:: ::
~ ::;:::::::::: •• • • • • • • •·•••·•• • • • • • • • ••• • •·•·• • •• • • • • ·• • • •· s::. ~ 62¾C
A ll our $2.50 Shirts, at .........................:....................................................
All our $3.50 Shirts, at ·················· ······· ·····--··················· ······· ·· ··················
2755 2.25 3 -
All our $4.50 Shirts, at ·········-·-·· ························ ·············•· ··········•···········All our $6.50 Shirts at . ... • ····-·············
All Silk::'.;; ~;~~
•~ii 1l:~i~;; ; .;~ ~ ;;;ct '"" I
' sale a-t r,, price, :: All our $1.00, $1.SO, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 t ies in this 73
:= E. J. NORRIS, Westerville, O. ,I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111
~ =======================:;;;;;:;;;;;.. =1111111111g 111111111
1 ::
§ = = = = = = :
'. wt 111111111111111111111111111 rt 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111
.. . Call .Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R; residence; or Bell 8-W
ffice' {or
J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man
~ S ::
Agent for Acme Laundering Company General Laundry W~r k~S rs S Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaner~, Dyers and Sanitary Presse S Headquarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, O . Subscripions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies'
a JllC sS 0
Journal, Saturday Evening Post.
S !-~
:: Prompt Service-Best Service. . 1111111 11111111 · 11111111111111111 1111 11111 1111 111111111111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111 1111111 1~ 1111
-Case Tech. . I III II 11111111 111111111 ll 11111111 II IllIIII 1111111111111•~ kating parties at Minerva Park- last ~III III IIII IIII IIIII III III III IIII III II III II II II Tommy Atk ins at ari A. E. F. ball week were numerous. On one of them John Mayne an a Marguerite Reed game wa knocked enseless by a foul , tip. On coming to himself he asked were treated to an un olicited. bath. faintly. " Me eye, and wot was that?'' '-'A foul, only a fo ul." Si Perkin ays-"Truth cru hed to
-= -
" Pon my word! A fowll I thought earth hall ri e again,"-which prove it was a mule." th at you've go t to be an awfu l lia r to get by now-a-days." "I've a few more points to touch upon," obse rve d the professor ; olomon a id, "Where there' 0 horticulture, as he climbed over th ; a will there's re latives." barbed-wi r e fence.
§ =
~o,. s B NoRrH HtGH Sr,
= =· .
i ~ ~~
n11111111111111111111111 1n11111111111j11111111111111 1l1111111
hull u1