1920 10 11 The Tan and Cardinal

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Guitner, 5

au att

Ima Sept. H21 c t Lodlege Ave



L . 4.




Program of Unusual Quality Is Given New Men Given Informal Reception ' by Alumni-Muslc, Refreshments Before 'Capac·ty Audie ce-Music re:;hmen Are Downed -1:h Two Cut Big Red Eleven Get Awa y to Eady Compose Program. and Orations Well ~endered. of Three Events In Annual L ead-Otterbein Puts Up l Cleiorhetea presented to her alum- 1 On Friday evening the new men Inter- Class Scrap. St]f Defense. nae and · friend . Thursday night, a in Otterbein and the many friend

I program that was genei;ally co~ced~d t ~f


Philophron~a ~ere given, an PED EN STARS AGAIN to be the finest Open e ron m mformal reception m the society's I iR 1 G . .B S h year. . Philophron.can Hall wa crowd- parlors. After the pecial program e ay oes to Year~gs _ut op s ed to capacity with an •un.u _ually ap- 1of the soci ty had been rendered. E nd Runs .Respon "ble for Denison's Come Back In Tie-up and preciative audience. everyone was given Ga"ns- F orward Pass FailsT ug-of-W ar. The mu ical numbers were more draught. of de~i u grape punch. Both Sides Draw Penalties. By taking two out- of the three con- , than ~- ually beautiful and well render- 1 During th. e time the punch .was being In a far more tightly played game tests the.. ophomore demonstra{ed1ed. while the ora.f,ion eemed to have Jpa ed a!JlOOg t the men, a general than th.e score indicate ' Otterbein was th.eir upcriority over the rcshies in a unity of theru and development. 1" free-foI-all" greeting was gi,-e n to defeated by Deni on at Granville the annual crap Day clash on Oct. . , the_ir ba i being character in it ~if- , gue ts. · · aturday. Oct. 9 _ I t ~ the fir t clas n ,of · the two j fei:ent pha el• f ft r the fir t course of refre .: The Tan and Cardinal bowed declas e and the yearling had pretty \ iolin Duet-'. ve erum" . Mozart had been erved by the cided improvement since their contest we.II decided that tl <:Y would have lice bbott and Gladys okum -·· complected waiter , "Ra tu " with Muskingum and kept the heavy everyth_ing their own way. u the Chaplain' ddre .·-"Friend " and ·' Pate," the member team of the Bapti t,i; on the jump second year hu kie had. figun:.d on f Harriet Hay ociety and their friend a every minute. making a -fight that would change Piano ol -"Bttftllrlly" in the Hall, where they were enterOutside of the fir t tl!n miL1ute of 1 the "Fre hies" decision. · Ellen Tone tained by the Glee Club, the play, when Otterbein seemed to how The relay race was th.e iir t event Critic' Critiqu!:-''Th Highway" · orchestra, an_d the ext mpo.x:aneous tage frigh.t, the de.fen ive work df th and was won by tne first year. men \ iolet Patter on speaker . The Philoph,ron.ean Glee Tan and Cardinal howed r al trength. by of eight second . Pre ideat's ValedictoryI Club, which has just emerged from In Guckert and _ tone; De~1i 011 has ~ash were big "If Your Heart Keeps Right" its sta_te of dormanc_y, offered some I two speedy halves who circled the lll th l(':\<l wh· h Esther: Harle .:xcej)t1onally attrac-t1,·e as well as I ends fo r . everal long gain,. Plunging lh ire hmen held thro ug hout. \'ocal olo-appropriate e1ections:- 'Judging irom proved futile a t 1e Jin held admirThe tie-up proved to be a rea l "The Call of Raclah" \Vare the numerou smile of approval, the ably. Denison resort d to forward scrap. Exten ive plan had · been Beulah Benedict Glee !uh made_a great "hit" with th.e pas ing frequently but were uccessful made by both ides and each went at Pre idenf Inaugural-"Formula ' fello Tb Philophr.0J1ean orche - but twice. ' it in real fighting tyle. t tn e out et of the cont t Guckert t first Marvel Sebe:rt tra rendered ome ve.ry good selecthing looked bright for the Freshies. '"Erom O[d Edn' I le'' tioJ1 during the eYening piogram, circled right end for a thirty-yard run. but it later proved that only the :Mandoljn Club deserving much commendation. lfe then folJowed with forty-two mo.re weaker oph had been carried off. fter {hi program, extemporaneou ne of the plea ant features of tne yard through the r ame plac . HolThe tide began to turn and in about l speaking wa enjoyed. Denni Brane, receptio1,1 wa, the e.,t mporaneou linger made 4 yard and Ston e gained twelve minute only two Fre hi H len Bechtolt, Dale Phillippi, Mr . peaking. Among the p akers ~8 iard . \Villis tried, ' to gain through remained to be tied. These two Burtn r, Dr. Jone and Pre ident Clip- vere th following ;;.lumni of Otter- center but wa un ucce ful Deni on pro ed very obstittaLe but the opb I ontinued on page seven.), (Continued 01:i page even.) wa penalized 15 y;ird . Guckert made


I l

by mean of a little tern argumeJ1 soon convinced them oI .th_e futility of their truggle. TouriJ1g tars ere used to haul ome of the badlymauled and worn-out conte tauts from the cene of the bloody fray. The tug-of-wa·r was of short duration. Tne Fre hmen held for two minute but the Sophs bad ren:iembered how cold the water was la t year and decid d it was the yearlings' turn to go wimming. The fir t year men took to the water gracefully the whol affair la ting I than four 111inute . The Sophs fee l jubilant o,·er the occasion and the Fre hie ar lying low in anticipation of the ne.xt interclass conte t. Graduates to Wed. The many friends of W illiam Evan and Mi s F r eda Frazier both of the clas of '19 were plea antly- urprjsed a t the new of their coming wedding which ill take place on Tue day evening a t the home of the bricfe's parent north of W, terville.


================================= pa yardby CRUEL DECEPTION P.ERPETRA TED UPON FRESHMAN CO-EDS.

'Twa the_ night before. Scrap Day bed-room lipper in ca e of attack. \ hen all through lhe Dorn1,,-the Another barred ou of.her roon;i two ophomore were ' tirring around : wicked opb.ornore. ; ,m -mate , quit bri kly. Groups of the~n would r gathered, .h r cohor• around her, and pause O tentatiou Ly before the doors together they toiled far into the of fre hmen and in ran.com whi per night makiu preparation for the would announ ce " h! we 11 g t 'em en,emy, dre er , chairs, table and tonight!" all titer movable impedimenta wer e • 'ow did tlti promote a feeling of pifed again the. do.or and then each_ peace aad , ecurity among the young lady sat her down, broom in freshmen., and send them to bed like hand, a pitcher of cold water coninnocent, tru-ting children with ,•eniently near, to wait for the smiles on. their wcet face ? It did enemy. They waited. not. They wore cowl of rage and The enci:r.iy approached and with were. iezed with vague fears at the ·much ceremony pa ted a white crap thought of death in the night at the of paper on ea h ft:.e hman's door. h.and of black-hearted ophomore , he enemy retreated. All -th.rough with none o aid. So each prepared the night the besieged ladie watch d an elaborate ystem of defence till Je.aring the return of the beagain t be ieger of lofty ieger an.d insta.nt a · a ination. -In standing. the cold gray dawn, upon their One young lady of the vivid egre horn captivity, and upon con­ brunette type was discover cL under ultiog the white scrap of paper, they a bed clutching in ach fair hand a found that they were tung!


through tackle. forward tone was broken up. Guclcert attempted to place kick but the ball went wid . The ball wa brough1 to th 20-yard line from which 'Peden punted to the 5.0-yard line. flollinger received the pu~t and a'l:lvanced 8 yard . tone.­ ,.ied 9 yard · Guckert ran 5 Y~· rd for th e first touchdown and kicked oal. . core 7 to 0. G~ckert kicked off to Peden ho earned th e ball to Otterbein' 27-yard 11 e nd .rwt _l>Y P den fail d. mark. Pc.den punted to Hollmger who carried th e ball from th SO-yard to the 15Continued on page. six)


Lyceum Course Coming. The Lecture Cour e will n Oct. 20 when the La'nd1 inging r hestra appear 111 it concert a t the college chapel. Th cour e thi year will be the fin­ e t afforded lye um-go r .Jor a num­ ber of a on and everyon bould plan to ee ev ry number. A comp! te review of the sea on' will be


Page Two




ELECTION . ISSU.ES PRESENTED ;11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111_1111111111111111 11111 llll 1111111111111111 . . : TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, To' Value of Oratory ls Discussed By Vernon Pl:"Irps Url es Students to Aid § Waters, CaI.:fornia Perfumes, Vanity Box Prominent Friend of Otterbeln. Proh:b:tion Cause By Vot:ng = Flesh Brushes, Etc. Reads O wn Oration.

By Mail.

On la t Wednesda morning th 11 tud ents of -Otterbein were favored by the presence of Dr. Howad H. Ru se ll, found r of the Ant i-Saloon League o: America, when he Jed the chapel services of the day. Dr. Russe ll a grea t friend of tterbein and ha been warmly admired by each succeeding student generation,- __ 1'.is pre~ence in the chape l en tee 1s looked forward to each year. Dr. Russell


took 0





i j




theme Ohio, and explained how the Yo te of I§

?:~~ ~~d ~~::~~

Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds

erno n E. Pl1illips of the class of _ FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED'. '17, and General ecreta ry or" the lnternationl Prohibition As ociation : UP-TO-:i;>ATE PHARMACY had c harge of th e chape l erv,ce of _ OPTICAL DEPARTMENT la t Tue day mornin g , when h e : Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles brought to the tudents of th e Eyes Exam:ned Satisfaction Guaranteed. col lege, the election issues as they concern prohibition. 1lr. Phillips after r ev iewin g th e : temperance situa ti on. in it_s world I ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII aspects took l ip th .: imme diate problem . confronting th e voter of ~ 11111111111111111111 I II II II Ill I II II Ill Ill llllll II II Ill Ill II II Ill II IIIIII I Ill Ill Ill IIll II IIIIIIII





au· a11· t y FI Owe r McKellar Flower Sho

10 ~:iu:1g~e~i~~~ ~e~-~n: ~~rth;fc2~~: g ;;:~i~~le stra tion the power of a full and easy A commit tee of three was se lected : comman d of public address. He to care for th e ab s nt Yoting problem _ spoke of the early esfablishment of and every student of Ohio r esidence int cr-co lleg~a tc oratorical contests and of voting age s hould see one and co ndu cted ~y ?elivering in a of the committee at once concern- I§ forc~ful an~ fasc111at111g . manner the I ing registration and yoting. The § oratt0n delivered by him elf years committee is Bert J ayncs, Spencer ago as a student when he represe nted Shank and Marvel Sebert. the college of Ohio in the inter-state - - - - - - -.,.-_ co nt e t in oratory. Dr. Russ ell i the O tterbein Club Formed. Columbus, 22 N. High St. 1 founder of the Rus sell Declamation In the letter from Mrs. Grace : and Oratorical Foundations which M oog M1ay , ,16. W ilkensburg, p a., / :* * * have meant so much in stimulating we le<\rn that s he and Mr. P earlcy that line of ~york in the co llege. Mays, '17 , together with little John : Fancy Roses, Carnations and all Mays, are livin ~ a very happy and J § Y. W . C. A. Cand le M eeting useful life and trying to keep the old : In season. . candle 0. . home fire burning. Grace is I : The ann ual Y." W. C. \ meeting was held la t week in the teaching Piano a1rd play the Pipe § Associatio n room. A µ ual the Organ in. the . B. church at Wil- j § * ser ice was dignified and k nsburg. Th y have formed an 1:: pres ive. " tterbein · lub" of warring newly- :: Corsages a Specialty l mmediately preceding the wed . The members are· H. B. tion of new memb ers Iara line '15, former editor of the Otter- § * * favored those present with a vocal bein Review, and 1 o nna McCauley _ solo. Clin , '15; farie and Earl Barnhart; Mildred Deitch, vice-pre ident of Clair Kin~igh Le~is, '16, and hu - _ the . \ s ociation, wa the capabl band; Ray Baker. ex '19. and wife. _ leader of the meeting. Fifty girl Marion• Elliott Barnhart '17 and later hav ing signed the consttu­ Elmer · Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs. Is Our Agent at Westerville. tion. we e welcon~ed into Y. W. C. Elmer Barnhart are new members. The e new girls were asked to ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, ·1111111111111 New Music Course Offered go to the front of the room wher..e Otterbein is not only climbing. in th ey were each given a majl white th I etic , cience etc, but the music !! II II Ill Ill II Ill II II II IIIIII Ill Ill Ill Ill I Ill I Ill Ill Ill Ill lllllll I Ill I Ill Ill lllll 1111111111111111 oand/le. Bertha Hancock presid nt of . W . . aided by fi s Dejtch department inform u t hat th ey are : lighted the candle telling each girl now offering a two year cours in _ the significance of the unique candl . choo l music that will entitle students en-· e-the g,rl:s s.haring and to a state certificate enab ling them pa ing on the opportunities and to teach school music anywhere in _ th Uni ed State . !ready the 1)1e ings of Y. W. C. A. larie t cla s ha been en ro lled that Your Photo Is the only thing e are mighty g lad to welcome all of the new members and sin­ ha ever taken up this study here. ce rely trust they will take an active Mis Robin on is the in tructor and cannot buy. part in the Y. ·W . C. A. s ociation. i~ we ll qua li fied for the work. Announcement of the schedule for this cour e may be found Oil the Engagement Announced. One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. a prettily appoint d luncheon bulletin board and also at the Have t he Best given ,-Saturday afternoon by {is entrance to Lambert Hall. Edith Bennett of We terville, was an ­ Freshman Class Organizes. J. G. HOWAR·D, O tterbein Representative nounced the engagement of Miss The election of clas officers for the Loui e Martin to Ray D . Bennett, THE OLD RELIABLE brother of the hostess. About twenty Fre hmen i always rather uncertain _gue ts were entertained and the after­ owing to the newnes of the material hoon wa passed in a mos t happy social on hand. The Fre hm )1 for this year have gotten together and elected manner. Mr. Bennett graduated from Otter­ m mbers from their number w ho have bein with the class of 1908 and i. a evidenced their ability by the interest bu ine s man of Westerville. he taken: President-Ru sel Cornetet. bride-to-be has been a teacher in the Vice President-H. E . Melku e terville schools for several years 1 =-= State and High Streets Trea urer-Harold Mills. _ Patronize our advertisers, Secretary-Helen Armentrout. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111


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Order Your Photos at





Page Three

•03_ The people of Ca.ylor-Abbotts-1 g1111111t1lllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ ville cha rge Mia m i Conference, gave : : a welcome rception and donation to § · § thei r new pa tor Charles w . Snyder, I: the ev~ning of Se~tember 21, br ing- I~ I : ing \V'lth them gift of ca h and :







Masks, Horns, Novelties,

eighty !§






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' 18. Mr. and Mr . Roscoe Brentlinger are living in Cambridge, .Mr. Brean,:~. Tioin anar - ~ li nge r r Brentlin ge r is sec rechoo l. ta ry o f Har var d Da m e , an orga ni zation of t he wive of H a r vard h i al so cont iu u i11g h er at the X w E ngland Co n cr va to r y ,u)d is erving a, org ani t in th Epi copal churcli at ambridg e.


= = : _ :-=

Art Materials, Fountain Pens, Popular Copyrights.








tterbein illows, Bann~rs, Pennants, Caps Rin SOs , . stat1•onery, Note B00ks,


M" M d Al" H l '! London, Englan d, speak at't he United · . 1 au c tee anawa t, Brethren church at the fir t mas meet- § who I ab cnt on furlo ug h from her . h Id • th · t t f Wold p O , . . . . mg e 111 e m eres o r r - : po 1bon . 111 . the . choo ". D r. e Iee b y 1s . a promme ·. nt . l of mu IC of h 1"b 1t1on. tte .rbe 1n , 1 b ll . 1n Raton, r ew · · h t t · . . E ng1I. b p h y 1c1an w o a pre en 1s M ·1 o, where he _is t~chmg_ mu 1c the p r esident of The odd League an d al t he a.me time 1s havu:ig an f or p ro h 1"b 1·u· on. . oppo r tu ni ty to ee ome of the Dr · e lee by' ;1.d,Jre wo ul d have __ p la ce's o f g r eate t i.t1ter e t in the ou th,ve- t. h end gr ebings to been intere ting if Only becau e of hi ·all her tferbein fr iend .· own per. onality. fte r baviug made .a few r emar k concerning tb.e au pici- § bumaker, w ho ha of th occa ion, he touched year bee n connected upon ve cal pha e of the movemen t entral Yolrng ~e 11's au9 il - roblein . One of the e prob­ Chri t ian ociation in P h ila delp h ia , f lem. i L11at ol mer ica n "ex-brewer s" : ha recently a ccepted a positio n a I w ho are a t temp ti ng to aro use m-fee l- l § a ista nt ed uca tio na l d irecto r of t h e ing be t ween Eng la nd a nd th e 'uited T: ·e ntral .\ .soc ia tio n in B roo ky ln, 1 Stat es . ll e abo . pok e briefly of th e X ew Yo r k. social e vil \Vhi c h 'acco mp a n y t he act iv- :



O~io, ha annoupced the ; ; ~ : N oted E glish Scientist Addresses j ~ age of her da ughter. Ca rr ie Ruth . M . U · d Ellen to Jame L. Oppelt. The Large Uruon eet .ns at mte ~§ ceremon~ was p~rformed at the home · Breth ren C~urch. , [~ of the bnde at hJgh noon on Octob~r itizen o{ ,Ve terv1lle and t udeut : 2, 1920. Mr. a nd Mrs. O ppelt wtll of Otterbejn had a. ra re an d happy [ : live in. Lorai~, ?hio, ~here Mr. 1 privilege Wed1_1esrhy evening, in hear- ~ Opp lt I teach111g m the high school. ing D r. Wilham Caleb eleeby, of :

, 0~




Oe :

iti e of t he Jiq uo r intere t , I§ BIBLE STUDY WORK B E GUN , : :_ - -Boarding Club Classes Are Organized I§ § With Student Leaders-Work lll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 W 11 Pl d e anne . llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf.!. La t week aw t he b g inning of _ 1 wor in th e tu de nt ' Bibl e t udy I: _p rogra m for t he year. T he work wil l : I b car ded o n by g ro up s t bi. year, each §


= I§


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We do our best to please.


Take Your Friends to the

boa rd in g cl ub con~ titut ing a epa rate 83. ro(e o r T homa H. onn - c la . § d ck r, profe. or f Gr eek in He;de_l- J T he p ur po e o[ t he •c B ibl e Di cu s- § § b rg U n1v er 1ty, Tiffi n, O h io. wa Ill s ion Gro up i. 11 t m erely t he tud y : o lum bu la t M o nda y atte'.1di ug th e o( t he Bible, t houg h that is a part, fun eral of olone l E. Bright. Mr. but th e main idea i to di cu pro b- : .Br_ight was a f rm er t ude nl of tter- !em s that ari e in o ur eve ry day life. ; b ei_n a nd a brot her o[ Geo rge \V . In th e t x t-b oo k that will b e u ed , • • ' Bright of o lumbu , a m emb er of t he "How J e u M et Life Ques ti o ns", will rd Boa of Tru tee o f Otterb ein. be fo und que tio11 r elating to prob-,. 111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '92. D r. tto B. Co rn e ll of \V es ter - lem that we fa ce eve ry day. viii wa in Yo un g town. Ohio las t Leaders for the various groups have 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 w ek att e ndin g the Grand Council of been elected fr o m among th e member Royal and e lec t Ma ters. s f each club. The m eeting will be _ ; Grand Ma ter Dr. orn e ll pre ided h ld ev ry V edne day evening from over the meeting o f th e coun il and S:SO to 6 :JO at each club. S • Th e Iea d er at1d oup follow ·· gave the addr e o f welcome at th e banquet held 011 Tuesday evening. Mattoon Club-1 L "M. Coll in . Priest Club- Lyman Hert. _ '06. A lbert M. Rym er, who ha for Bi hop Club- R. . Chapman. the la t tw'o y ears h e ld a position in McGrill Club-John Toy. th e tate ivil Service Commi sio n 0111111011 - L. £ . Barthlow. ha re igned to a ccept th e position of The e leader will be trained in a factory manager o f the merican ormal Training Class held by Prof. i ran e and Engineeri ng Company at chear. Everyone should g t behind Frie nd hjp, 'e \V Y or k. the se di cu sion group and make them ii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 jj ucce . ttend the meeting ' 92. Mr . G orge I. ~toughton a bi 11I IIII II II II III II I III II II III II II III I III III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ( May ndru ) was elected pre ident and take part in th e work. It -will be ~ o th e Woman' s Republican Club of fo r ty minute we ll spent. 1




Westerville which was organized la t Wedne day. '19. Glady Lake was vi t rviJl e, friends over the

Bro~ n- "\Vhat' old Jo11e doing now?" Robin on-"Oh, he's working on' way through colleg ."- Ex.




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C. W. REED GROCERY 21 North State Street

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rop ,

ATTENTION GIRLS What do you make your candy of? Brown ugar, Pulverized Sugar, Fresh Cocoanuts, Nuts, Dates, Butter, Vanilla Flavoring.


= = =

Watch for the Display of Felt Goods-



Memory Books, Skull Caps,




= :


ii 111111111111111 I IJ I II IIIIII IIII II III II IIIIIII II IIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111 I 111111111111111 jj

=================~~~~~~~;;;~=====:========----==~ I !'age Four


f h . h he was I CA MPUS CHIT CHAT done the univer ity o w ic . a member. That .chooJ tru ted him, . f 11. 1 . . .. . beiieved him to be worthy of being Our ifdea do f cvuhspictTiousne. 1s f · nd expected be proo -rea er or t e ·· & 1 a part o it ve~y e, a . . · · th him to add to its glory rather an \V2 sh1 ngwn crossed the Delaw to its shame. When the incident oc- Wellington won his Waterloo, s curred the school was helple Sly geant York captured ~everal score I handcuffed..and unable to check the I Genna.n . -they all did heroic <lee flow of cnt1cal comment that fo II ow- 1 But d•d you en'.r try to explain fo I


command the confidence and admiration of everv man on the We have the -financial upport ·1 team. f Weekly in the intere t of o the college in a larger degree than P ublished Otterbein by the ever befoi e. Will we "cot'.le aero ., OTTEB.BEI PUBLI HI G with the unre erved cooperation that BOARD hali again put tterbein on the map e terville, Ohio a. th]e. tically? Coach Ditmer is workAssociation Ohio College p ress mg mto the team a new spirit of conM ember of the

TAN AND CARDINAL ~-~~~~----~~~----





fidence and fight that i bound to ed. th evidence .itself in re ult so?'~· Pl~y There should be a le on in r STAFF square w1rh the coach. by g1v10g h.1m unfortunate happening for every Ed;~or-ln-Chi~f ··- J. Rusk' n Howe, '2 1 A _ 1st:1nt .Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 the be t we ha e m cooperat1Ye Ohio tate man and woman. There upport. hould be a united effort on the part Contnbutmg EditorFof all to remember at all times and in E ther Harley, '21 .., . D. D. Brane, '21 O n Welcoming Old " Grads" all place that they are being watch~ .ousmess Manager ··- J. W . George ' 22 ur annual "Otterbein Homecom- cd eagerly by the public. Their i tant Bu il}ess Manager ' J.P. ing'' on November ixth i but a few action will be u ed a arguments for . u1 . T. E. ewell week away. This i always an occa- and again t the university. Their C tr<; a on .Mgr. .. Marvel Sebert, '21 for great frolic and hilarity. uccess or failure in life will be a 1 tant 1rculation Manager of former tudent are now measuring tick by which Ohio State Harriet Hays '22 Lucile Ewry; '23 looking forward to that day, to come ";11 be mea ured. . Athletic F:ditor ............ M. . Funk, '22 Kindly deed s. gentlemanly and .Local Editor ........ W. 0. tauffer '22 bac~ to their school-home. '>HomeAlmnnal Editor ..... Alma Guitner' '97 commg"-ye , that i really what it lady-like conduct, and the leading of Exchange Editor ........ P. K. oet' '22 hould be--to come home. And yet, a hamele 5 daily life will reflect on [?chran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 time after time an old grad who ha · ·t y. . ' t h e univers1 Literary Editor -······· J. \V. eneff, '23 faithfully done his bit for Otterbein return to r enew the dear memories but I Read the Exchanges. . Address. all communications to The One of the greatest advantage of a Otterbem Tan and Ca rdin al, 103 W. is disappoin ted. No .welc~min~ hand College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. greet ,-no cheery voice hails h11n, no- college education lies in the broadened ub crip~ion Price, $I.SO Per Year, body eems to care. Is that "Home- vi ion of life that comes from associ­ payable m advance. coming"? ation with men and women of va ried an d o f cosmopo i·t I an I·d ea . Entered a second clas matter Too often we see a lonely figure experience . eptem b er 25, 1917, at the postoffice trolling through the old halls or crossat We terville, O., uilder act· of i th -d. . \Ye are the bigger and the better for ~r 1d 1t ever occur to every worthy life . we touch.. Our assomare b 3, 1879. t ng t e campu h. ' O 1 nd ~is Acceptance for mailing at special gr~e\ Dm a put our elve at ciation con titute a very con iderable . service .• rate of postage proVJ·ded for 1·n Sec o we. show him new part o f our education. . · h 1Al03! Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized t mg of mterest-mtroduce him to· , . pn , 1919. others-give him a real h ome commg. . ~ et we. mu t not ignore the value · 17 . November ixth will mean a great of ex tendrng our range of observation 111Aux of alumni and ex-students. I and exp nencc even beyond the bounds Some have friends nere--they will be I of our own college. ~ can get the EDITORIAL cared for. But the one we see walk- most out of ou r college hfe and mean

Iball to a girl?

Isn't it food for thought. that a rn: never gets cheered till he's tak en 0 of the game. \,\"e've been thinkin' over some of 0 recent social rule_. \Yell! laws aret made to be broken.



WE'VE BEEN THINKIN' That Prof. Grabill is a real for s r 1 mus:c1an. D :dn ' t he pay one of his' own compositions in chapel tl:e other day?


That some freshmen are exceed:n I) smart-already havlng disco,ve 'd where " Darling Nelly Gl;ay" is buri d. That Cochran Hall Table Mann rs are just beautiful since Mrs. Noble•, talk on the subject.



That we should appreciate more keenly the vivid autumn tints on the trees of the campus.


That last year's robin-hunters ha 11e disappeared_ Also the robins.


That the next big date on the Otter, bein calendar is Home-Coming! Let everyone be superlatively peppy for thls occasion.


George Talks on "Positive Living",

Play Square W ith the Coach. · ing alone--perhaps he is the only dne the mo t to our own coll~ge o~ly a Po itive living was the subject di. Perhaps the most outstanding of hi acquaintances who ha returned, we keep abreast of the time m the cussed in Y. M. C. A. last Thursday ch~racteri tic of Coach Ditmer':, and the e new faces baffle him, he I college world. e,·ening. J .W. George, the leader att1~ude both toward h.i athletes and f~els out of place-Home-coming for Provision has been made for that presented the topic in a clear and toward the school in general is his him has been a failure. item of college life in the arrange- I forcef ul manner. He said that be(e whole-hearted spirit of fair play and Each student here in chool hould / oi .an exc~ange rack in the library, in college me.n are for~ing habit cooperation. Untiring in hi care see that there are no such in tances. which carries the college papers from and these habits are making charac­ tor the comfort and welfare of his \Ve are urging alumni to return, we many institutions over the country. ter. He urged that e,·ery man should men, he at once demands their best '. 11 u t assume the r esponsibi lity of giv- This rack will be found in the east J take a positive stand on enry rea l efforts and gives liis own services to mg them all-friend or stranger-a reading r oom of the library downstairs. {issue. We need constructi,·e livin . ~he limit. Considerate of every other J royal welcome.-]. G. H. While the exc han ges will sometime I We should help the man who i mterest about the college, he a ks l --------It is not alway a rrive late, they will be fi led twice ! down and out. unqu.alified cooperation and m turn . W~tch Your Actions. each wee~ and will prove very pr~fit-/ po~s!ble to esca.pe bad company by he gn·e the ame. e reprmt below an edito rial from a~le rea~mg to .tho ~ who have a little I bemg. alone. Kindness, .cheerfulnes , The response t h' a recent number of the Ohio tate t1me to invest 111 this way. 1 cleanlmess and punctuality are foun d o our hascoac . a point that ap"f challenge to cooperation b s I L ~n t ern w h.1ch carne A number of new exchanges are be-; 111 the pos1t1ve he. \Ve · should admirable in many ways but in so~: fhe . eq~ally to every institution of ing added to our list. Any suggestions ! train for life just as we train fo r respects it can be improved. First ea:n.mg '.n the .1and. It leaves the seri- I as to further exchanges desired or as; football. . . of all he has asked that so far as o u\ consideration of us all. to failure to list the publications regu- 1 In .the open d1.scuss1on,. IIuwe J. possible organiza.tion affair b ::S.:oth mg hurts a school so much as larly should be made to the ex- R. said that we hve here 111 college planned a not to interf:re e .:~ th at hadow of disgrace which change editor. We recomm end to yon the duplicate of what our lives will regular hours of the football ;~ 1 t prea~s over the institution following the use of the exchanges. They are be when we get out. Love J. R. 11 _Yet on several occasions . he ha~ :e d,s~raceful or thoughtless act of for your reading. . ~mphasized the need of punctuality 0 e of its students. found hi,; plans for th e s q · . Ill all our work about school. 1 · Je o f t h.1s was brought to A ten t b' on R ea d ers . arranged by student e ·e uac t 1 c1his- 1 :\n e xamp Special mu -ic was furni shed by J n sd th t at mind Ias t •~Ce,k w h en the city news. interfere. Again he has ' urg The Pub lication Board, through our C. 1Iayne. there wi ll every available man in coll:ge :: I paper .carned a{:counts of the trial printers, h~ purchased t~e ~tock pa~er - ext Thursday eYening members. out in football togs Th . . of '.he young Dartmouth student. who for the entire year's pubhcahon, getting be a drive for new urged to . ere is st1 , while o ., t " I . . . . . . . . . 11 considerable potential t • ti n a par Y ast spring and m 1t at a substantial reduction m this Every man m college 1s I Love will . shot Id be out on the g·r11d1 ~ ena 1 lat an intoxicated condition, struck and way. However this was made possi- attend this meeting. J. R. , iron. k.11 d f h. . . . Tt is up to us to a-et b. . d C 1 1 e one O is compan10ns. ble only by the kmdne s of our prmt- ha,·e charge. Ditmer without re.,,s e et·11 m .f oac 11 Man-slaugnter, carrying with it a ers in themselves assuming the bur- 1 1011 1 our sent ence O f 2O years, was the ·verdict. den of the purchase · . school spirit means rvath· in order to favor Soup or Chemistry? Let's plan our eventasny .t1lng to . u s. It is tragic to see a boy, hardly out of the paper. As this obligation is of Table 9 at Cochran Hall had i·us t · · · · concern for athlef L wit' 1 a 1itt 1.e his 'teens • paymg sue h. a price and considerable size and must be met at been served with vegetable soup. The · e s see · is · imperative · · that every man 1cs. h .bl to 1t made to su ff er h unu·1·tat10n an d d.1s- once, 1t that those who table was talking about Biology. Th~n so gets into a footb . dY do grace thro ug h on t a J"f w O can poss, · have not yet paid their subscriptions, the conversation turned to the soup. 1 etune_ It is still worse, however, when one see Miss Sebert, the Circulation Man- 1I' K·ttl th· k. f dd . a 11 suit a n ?ut action. is is Ottahem's look . t th . . f iss I e m mg o a ing her bit for Tb have a coach opportunity. We e situa tion rom another ager, at once. It will help especially to the talk said: "Yes I like it, but 5 a who I1 an g le. Consider the harm he has just now. Do not put it off. you know I can't get into it."



I \\








Page Five



Paul's popularity was, however, might have been one of the lead_ers partly due to another quality which ' of his nation and at the same tune permeated his whole life, the spirit. have li,·ed a life of ease and plenty. of unselfishness. One of the rarest But he put all these aside when God (This page will carry each week a repre entative production from the virtues of the human race, where it called and entered his ervice. And programs of one oi the four literary societies, selected in such manne'. as does exist, it is a most powerful in- I what W'1S his reward? each may determine. The rotation will be regular unless censors fail to fluence on others. Most of us are so I In return for his untiring efforts, absorbed in our .own interests that I his uncea ing zeal for so uls to be won submit productions in proper time .for publication.) when we meet some one whose ideal for Christ, in return for his entire SAUL OF TARSUS today is sufficient proof that he was a i one of servi.ce we are inclined to consecration he received stonings, Philophronea truly great thinker. be suspicious and to look for other imprisonments, revilings, scourgings lle was also a great preacher. He motives. This was the case with and finally an ignoble death at the Saul. of Tar us!! had a great truth tt> present and Paul. His enemies never failed to hands of one of the foulest beasts c\t the mere m ntion of a name, knew how to present it to the people. throw out insinuations of this ort that ever sat upon a temporal throne tht! name of a disappointing-looking Hampered by a lack of great but the people who knew him best, Let us watch him die, this servant little Jew, our minds go leaping phy ·ique,-for Paul was a small man, who saw that he worked night and of the M_qst High God. nimbly back over the centuries and and burdened with a disfiguring ay at his tent making to keep above On the judgement-seat, clad in the W<:: think of a wonderful life that dis~ase we might well wonder at any any suspicion of mercenary motives, . p •al purple sits a man who in a h. h . . ff . 1m en . has made it influence felt in every ability he might display as an orator could not deny 1m t e1r a ection. rotten world has attained the name 'of 1 nation on the face of the eartl:t. or preacher. But in spite of his Anothe r important e lement of I being the very worst and meanest perThere are some men whose lives phy ical handicaps he was able to Paul's life was his spirit of enter- son in jt,- a man stained with every it is imp_o ible to study without re- hold a nd th rill th e great crowds a nd prise. ome men there are who like crime, a murderer,-killing his own ce1nng the impression that th ey throngs he addressed on his mission- nothing better than to live and die in mother, his wives, his friends; His · I · th a t, were expres Ly sent mto t h e wor Id to ary J. ourneys. He was a wonderful t h e pace w I1ere th ey were born , whole being so stee,:>e d ·111 vice do a work required by the events of man wi th a personality great enough while there are others who· are best as omeone has aid, his oul and their time in History. Saul of Tar- th at it coYered his phy ical weak atisfified to be continually "moving body were nothing but a compound sus is one of these. The Chrisitan nesse · on". In the .field of the ministry of mud and blood. In the movement at the moment when he Most men wi~h really great these men of the second named class pri oner's dock stands an old. man, appeared upon the stage wa in the personalities can readily adapt them- make the be t pioneer missionaries. the finest character of .his day, his utmo t need of a man of extraordin- selve to the need of others, an·d Paul Paul wa one of this kind. He loved hair hoary with labors for the good ary endowments to incorporate it in was no exception. The life he had to look back and count the number of men and the Glory of God. Such is the general •history of the world. chosen brought Paul into contact of new churches he had started, but the administrator of Justice, and such Perhaps 'the church would have with men of every kind, and he had he loved even better to reach ahead is the accused. somehow gained its place in the to be con tantly telljng his mis ion to other place and tell the wonderThe trial i el1ded. world without him, but he \Vas the to trangers. He might be addres - ful gospel of the ri en Christ fo r the one who could and did clo the work ing a king or a con ul one hour and fir t time. Pauli condemned. that wa nec.e ary for the• e tabli h- a roomful of Laves. or oldier the He was a tireless worker for the He is led out of the city with the ment of the church. n xt. One day he would speak in a cause for which he set out to win the mob yelling at his heels. The best place to tudy a man's synagogue of the Jews, another in a world. His \Vas an inexhaustible The fatal spot is r eached. Helife and character is in and through crowd of .\thenian Philosophers, and uppLy of en_er.g . He-, made threei k1teels b • · ide the bl~ck. The hi per ona corre pondence. Letfer another to the fohabitants of some I mi ion.a ry jounues which included head man' ax gleam 111 the sun are the mo ·t per onal form of litera- provincial town far from the seats of nearly all the known world at that an_d fall , and the head of the worl<l'· ture. r: man may write an ay or culture and lea,ning. But he c.ould tun and th whole di tance wa greate t mi ionory roll down iQto treatise, or even a poem and un- adapt him lf to every man and every traveled eith r on th water in the th dust. intentionally hicfe him elf but in his audience. To the Jew he poke a wretched ve el of that time and in did it uttermo t and its O corre pondence he be t reveal him- a rabbi out of the ld Te tament took a number of year becau e wor t. et how p-oor and vain was elf. ln the letter , the ~any letters, criptur , to the Greeks he quoted travel wa low and the _o,rganization it lrimuph. The · falling· ax on!y that Paul wrote to the various the word of their own poet , and to of the variou churches took a great fre d the great oul and let it ,,.o churche that were hi pecial the barbarian he talked of the deal of time. t Ephe u alone he forth for it true reward. charge we find a plendid chance to merciful God who send the sun- tayed for three year organizing Even on eartn ;Paul could not die. ludy hi !if and haracter in a more shine and the rain and give life and in tructing tnc church there. He live an;iong u today in a life a intimate way than i afforded by any wi.th all it plea ure -and goodne e • In addition to all thi he k, pt in a hundred-fold more influential than other .Per on of hi time. close tou:ch a wa po ible then that wJiich touche d th_e world while to aJ1 m n. , hen a· weak or in incere man with tl:le chu rche ne of the fu t U1ing we di after he had the ea.rthly hull which mad_e hjm. co,·er i that _paul wa a great attempt to be a!l thing to all men organized them by mean arth. vi ible still lingered on thi th.ink r. He 'Wa not an uneducated he u ually end by being nothing to and letter . He wa a volu.minou For -in a hundred thou and church.es man as were the twelve di ciple ofla11ybody. B~t Paul through being letter writer. More ii:1portance wa very _ abbath and by thou and of hri t but had studied "at the feet of all thing to all m n found every- attached to a letter 1n tho e day thou and of family a1ta,rs hi amaliel,' who wa one of the where an entrance fo, the gospel he when it wa .impo ible to send one eloquent lip still teach the Gospel of greatc t teach r of hi time. But was preaching, -and at the ame time unle ome frie11d were making a which he was never a hamed, and Paul did more than merely absorb won for him elf the love and e teem journey to the place where one wherenr there are human oul the teaching of Gamaliel. He did of all whom he met. If he was l happened to want to end one' earchfog for the white flower of more than. accept the teach in T of bitterly an1 orcly hat d by hi letter. The e Jetter which Paul ho line or climbing th e difficult the disciple . He went farther than ene111ie , there was n~ver_ a man more j w'.ote to the ch ur h and to hi height of elf-denial there he who e that. He ha written much that may inten ely lov d by his fnend They fnencl concern ing the ch urche have life wa so pure, who e deYotion and be called . even "divine revelatro•. " 1 received him a an angel of od and been d emed of uffi.cient irn- con ecration to the cau e of hrist Fault may perhap be di covered were willing to lay down their lives portance to be included in the, book so entire, and who e pursuit of in the \vay ome of his thoughts for him. The churche were jealous of our pre ent day Bible: Ind ed purpo e wa uncea ing, is we l• O v e're expres ed hi literary tyle may of each o her and each one begrudg- Paul wr te mor than half of the copled a the be L of friends. be criticized to ome xtent and in- o tfle time ne pent with the other . . ' ew Te lament book . vidiou compad. on · made with later , ""hen be wa not ab! "to vi it them f A one of the beacon light of NEWELL NEW ASSISTANT I iters, but we mu t remember that at the time he had promi eel, they hi tory hjs lif_e hine down thro11gh a thing once tat d may be said ·in were angry, a· if h had wronged the centurie a a guide to true In it meeting la t Friday the dozen of different ancl perhap mor them in ome way. umber of Chri t-ian ervice. He~ of all per on Publication Board elected T. E. plea ing_ ways but that the o riginal young m n were alway ready to do command ; " Go y into all the world ewell to fill the po ition of econ d pr ion of a thought is a far more I his bidding. Of the e Timothy was a11d preach the Gospel to every crea­ Bu i.ne fanager. fr. difficult ta k. On the e groun.ds we ' ne. The ecret of thi fascination ture, baptizing them in the name Qf hown very creditable 1vork ,may excu e any iit rarY' imper.fac-1 wa the bigne s of his manhood, for the Father, of the Son, and of the in the !in of hi new dutie . ti.an for Paul in hi writing ha a· great per onality i like a magnet Holy Ghost. The Board alsct di posed o.f fhe solved many problem for the and dra"·s men to it feeli11g that in Paul had been trained to be a r.egular order of bu ines and di theologians. he fact that. hi its neighborhood is a good place to tatesman and politican. He wa a cu ed ev ral item that be teaching remain u,?challenged even b ~~~'""",·member of the Jewish Sanhedrin and tak n up at thei_r nc ct meeting. J

Literary Department






. Page Six




~==================== 1


Junior Class Organizes.


Seve ral of the Sophs subdued one unruly Freshie in the tie up by pus h­ Of the two squads, the Baptists ing his nose \n the ground using his received the mo r e p unishment. ear as a lever. Owen tar end, was severly in j ured. • Our ympathy went out to one Deni on, outweighed the Tan Irish Freshmen who cr ied in pitiful and Cardinal about ten pounds on tone . "Boy; . I need a ir." the average. ext Saturday the football team Lehman started the game tackle i it . Ohio Korthern at da. Thi aud di played fight throughout the is the fi r t conte t we have played test. there for eve ral year . Levi Howe and Howard showed One of the most comic , io-ht of ·up sp lendid1y 011 d.!£en iye. the tie up wa a hundred and sixty 0

At t he an nu al election of the Ju n ior -Oa t he fo llowing officer wer e elected to pilot their affa ir thr oug h­ out the pr esent year : P r e ident-Roy Peden. Vice Pre ident--John George. Secretary-Har riet Haye . Trea ur er-Pau1 oel.


Ihe~~-Union is









oph l;>eing tied up by one Sprout in his initial appearance at pound little Freshman. After tying hinl the quarter handled the team well yearling proceeded to drag him off Mar tin m a de a splendid run on the field . tbe kickoff ca_rrying the. ball from the goal line to Otter bein's 40. yd. BAPTISTS WIN IN ma rk. . H ARD CONTEST ··Barney" had the ball b ut twice (Contin ued from page one.) during the contest but spoiled a yard line. tone made 3 yar ds throug h n u m.ber of pa ses. right tack ! . He gained mo re on .an Everyone who has fo llowed t he end run. Willi took it over on the team .i becon1ing fille d with a little next play and Guck rt kicked goa l. of the spirit hown by M rs. Ditmer. Score 14 to 0. n the ideline a tur day she wa Following thi Otter bein ti gh tened one of the T a n and Cardi nal's mo t and Deni on co uld not carry the ball · aero the coveted line until the fou rth enth.u iastic fan . quarter. Toward the clo e of the !' HOME COMING third period Deni on car ri d the ball to the 5-yard line by a eries of hort ··Homecoming" which ha become end ran . . On the fir t down of the an annual autumn event at Otterb ein la t quar te r \ Villi carried the ball over i b h Id thi year during the fo r the la t touchdow n. ,, eikal ki ckweek-end of ,,. ~ ovember sixth. ed goal core 21-0. 'The program o.f events w ill begin During the .remainder of the period 011 the p rece.::ding Th ursday n igh t, Den-i on re o:r ted to the forward pa t hus a llowing the Litera ry ocietie but wa unab le to ma ke it work. T h.e t ta ge p cia l ·e ion fo r the Otter bein ~ard and tack! broke b ·neh t of alum ni a nds vi. it or ·. (hr ug h the D eni on line r epeatedly The ch ief featu r e of th e "Hom - aud did plendid work on defen e. coming·• wi ll be of co urse the fo o Ped - n m ade him elf con picuo u by I ball game with Reide lberg on at urday n.umerou ta ckle_ wrule tone and l afte rnoon. T h i wi ll p robably be th e ucker ,fo r em 01l were th ir be t draw in -ca rd but it will only b the g r und g ainer . cl ima of a cri c of nl r tai n n:i nb. Otterbein (O) (21) Denison 1 Prof. R o elo t ou tli ned the p la n fo r oil ier L. E. Owen 1 th big ann ual ho me-co m in event in Le hm an L. T. R tti g I a m eeting of th e thletic A o ciaewell L. G. L aw ti oJJ aft er chap el Thu,· day mornittg. H o wa r d te n Da lrympl e co mmittee w a appointed to take H o we. J. R charge of arrangem ~nt and it w ill ~ o w_e. L. R. T. \Vildn ar ) plan th e occa ion. It will be. co ni!bright R. E . J effer 0 11 posed of Dale Phillippi chairn1an ; pro ~t Q. B. a p t. R o llinge r H elen En r m ith. Pro f. L. A. fartm L. H. tone v einland, Marve l ebert, Walter P eden ( Capt.) R. H . Gu ckert Barnhart F B W Chutz. · · ·illis " T ou chdown - Guckert J W J'JJ JS, 2 "SPOTLIGHT" G_oals from tou hdow n - Gu cker t. e1kal, I. he freshmen team found much Substitutions. more oppo ition this week in th ir . D nison-Robert on for Rett ' crimmage again . t the vari ty. A b e I f or Je ff er on, nodgra for tg, s "be1v,.,,e,.ka I f or Guckert Pom erenee1 fo; e1 ure ign of progress. Owen , Ca ten on fo D . \V ·ll·. r a 1rympl e, h1ft was made in the lineup \Veber f 1 during la t we ek practice . Martin B d fo r H _1 • Talbat for Rettig . ollmger I ' u er or gomg to half and prout to Quarter. \Ve t GI . • c nverkart for en, e1 for Forner on H Barn y put himself on he eligible merly for tone tedma f L' em. o f p Iayers. O tterbem: . Miller '. list for n or 11" aw . o 1er, Troop for L e h man Home-coming hould be a big day ' L eh man for Troo P, with preparations such as Prof. chreck for Albright Alb . h k N ' right for Rosselot suggested. c rec ' ewell for Lehman H t f ewell. , er or apt. feden and A lbright were out Referee--Workman . , K enyon of the crim.rnages most of th e week mpire-Lichter Oh'1 e Icy 0 on account of their ~njurie . H cad Linesman- ~ohrer D _an. , en1 on.



For Your



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SCOFIELD· STORE Cor. State and Main Streets

~~=======~~ B. W. WELLS THE TAILOR State and Main Streets Cleaning and Pressing


CLEIO GIV ES OPEN SESSION (Continued from pa ge one) . ipants, . pinger were the par t ic a nd the . · . . speeche were both w itty and 111 pir· Af th I t f Cle o ing. ter e us Y mgmg O i rhetea, adjournment was in order, and ·one more Installation Open Session had been recorded in the annals of

Record Enrollment Enjoying Advantages of New Science Building-


Last Equipment Added.


Page Seven


We go to

W e hot ice by. our .D enison exchange fr that first registration r epo rts om . there were erroneous. The corr ection shows a sub tantial incr ease ovei; last year's enrollment.

. I

The department of Science at Otterbein entere<;I upon a new era with the opening of the pre ent year when the McFadden ciei1ce Hall Cleforhetean history. was opened to a record enrollment in e"ery clas of the scient ific Patronize our advert;sers. branches. The new Science build­ ing is the 1-ast word in up-to-oate accommodations and equipment and furnishes ad ·antage that can :,ei equalled jn , . ry _fe_,..- in iitutio11 of this kind. That the rar e opportuqities of a scientillc course here are being appr eciated by the student body i: 1 evident from the fact that the total class enrollment of the variol'.S courses in that line i well up toward I four hundred, with some cou-.- ·es already filled almost to capacity. The comfort and convenience of cla se is considerably marred by t ile la ck of blinds which for some r ramn have not bee.n provided duri11 g the summer. 1 t i to be hoped hat th.) e ~ • in a position t; do so will that ! Biology Labora tory,

MOSES & STOCK GROCERS For Our Luncheon Supplies.

""Chick'' Harley is findiiig an out- !================ let for pent-up energy in bucking the Democratic liile as director of the Ohio Republican College 1ub. "Agra" and " Charming" Perfumes




G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. E ast College A ven ue


PHONE S Citizen 26

Bell 84- R

Don't . Forget the Good


Place to Eat McF adden Science Hall tate men the wor ld war, y \Vcdne ·day t 1.0:S a. m.


BEARD BROS~· 50 North State Street

A new exchange to reach our des k i the Defiance Collegian. a bi-weekly ======== = = ======= a nc ~o l1 t-bl icat · n repT=1ting Stoughton, M. D . . lege. It look good.

C. W.

31 W . College Ave.

Cold and Cough

WESTERVILLE, OHIO Citizen Phone 110

Remedies at DR. KEEFER'S

Geology Laboratory, McFadc en Science Hall im portan t item



car td [o r in

th e near future a it j a great incoavenience both to tudent and to profe ors. The g ree nhou e ve ntila tor i expec ted to be ill ta il ed, by the end ofth (->re ent week wh ich wi ll make J)o ib l th e ope ra tio n of the pro­ J'.)agatiu o- hou e on th e roof of th e buid'in . Thi will practically com­ plete th e eq uipment of Mc Fadden Ball and will put Otte rbein in a po ition to boa t one of the most omplete and up-to -date c1e11ce building in the tate.


= = ~ -




= = _ = I

PHILAPHRONEA ENTERTAINS ( Co ntinued from page one.) be in and former Pholop hron ean . Profe or Lambert, Glen Ream. Oinet t. chear, Doctor Sander and Burtner. II of th e "exte mps'' were full of en thu ia m. After the extcmp o ran eou peaking, t h e gue t were er ve d ice crea m and cake. Everyone enjoyed thi part of the prog ram, and many a fac e gl owed with secret contentment. E pecia11y efficient were Toa ttna {er Walter chutz, and ocial bairman D ennis Brane, in making

No.. 8 5



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W. M. Gantz, D. D. S. DENTIST

Journal, Saturday Evening Post. 15 West College Ave. Prompt Service-Best Service. I ~Ill 11111 I 111111111111111111IIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111 II I I I II II I Ill I Ill I I I I I I II I IJIII IIII I I II I I I I ii Bell Phone 9

Page Eight




Men's Munsing Union Suits in all s' zes .......... $2.65 to $6-25 complete


to fit men of every build,

Mildred Conn went for the week-end. llelen Raymond o-f Vj.r foia Blagg's guest

Some one aid that a cc:rtain young mane who tood· on the bridg_i: and az d into the depths of Alum Cr.ee.k, Charles Fox, ' 20 who visited old let hi watch fall ther-into. Of haunt over the week-end,. repo~ts h. b 'dtr ·s a very inter.est- that the Fort Rew,fery,_ Ohio High cour e t e n .,.e i S~hoo! of h' fi h · P ' w ic e i rincipa! and ii)g place buf it' rather eldom tli_at ~ any qne so completely loses all thletic oa h ha lo t but ne of track o( time. ix ba e-bal~ games it team has peak well Marvel 'ebert, Edythe Eby, _played thi .faU. T~i bade . eball is played Mmiel Murray and Edna Hooper for 111 had Sunday evening - supper at the that ectio11 of the state instead of foot-ball. home of Luci ll e Warson.

For tnen who want a shoe that will stand the &train of-outdoor wear and yet have a ~mart appearance. An ideal shoe for active Young tnen. Made in Longfellow model cordo shade, with full two soles, oak outer sole, and rubber fibre middle sole.


Pu he Were gl.vpn by Marvel hades · ·t d f · laybaugh d o of Ohio ta:te v1 1 e n n at tterbein on ebert and Edythe , by and Mudel Sunday. Muray a11d Gertrude eaman, aturday evening. Lawrence Bennett oJ Ohio We _ Flocence Perfect, Lera Water , leyan visited at hi - home on late Raymond Axline and W. W. Wallace street over S.unda-y. Ms. Bennett were guest at a dinner party at took two year \vork a Otterbein Florence's home in Sunbury Sunday. l:lefore going to We leyan.

m. Evan 1 '19 Arona, Pa., arriv­ Mr. and Mr .. W. H. Cassel of Dayton, were guests of Mable Cassel ed in Westerville Saturday night to spend his last few days of freedom Saturday and Sunday. among ympatheti,: friends. His I!o DeHo.ff spent the week-end in engagement to Freda Frazier wa Columbus. recently announced. Specializing in Lois Bickelhaupt and Helen .Kreh­ Velma Swinger entertained Mis bie l tool Sunday dinner at the home :t\aomi Emrick, Mes rs Clifton and ; ~ of Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Burtner. ~tJJJII~ During the bombardment by the Hae I< i<cbig of Dayton, ovec th, !!ttlltt1tttttt1Jttttttt1tt1JttttJJtt1 we k-encL. Velma ays the ge Hie:: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUH1111mi11tml1t1ll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ophomore girl of the 1i"re hn:ien men ar~ cou in . ~ on the eve oi Scrap Day some D. teat vi ited hi home at ,§_ A C ~ resourceful Fr:eshman girls fortified t:hem elves in a certain room on third Ripley, W. Va., from Thur day lo




very Student Ne·eds ·"' i ORONA TYPEWRITER , ~ = for a Demonstraf . RMON ~ 1<;,>n 111111111111111111 11111111111111 · L. B. HA ., 11111





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