1919 06 02 The Tan and Cardinal

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V O L . 2.




lfo. 28.




O ver Colle g e W h en Art~r.::- M iss H elen Vance and Miss S,Jessard, Son of M usic Professo r Wrig ht W ill R eceive Degrees in M us ic this Year. Meets Death in E x ca vation.

Commence m ent Days Filled w ith Special Events-Class o f Fo r ty-

One o f :)tterbein .lccurred 28. about

three t o G raduate. CORNER ST O NE T O BE LAID

L a st Game o f Seas on is Vic tor y for Coach Swain's B as eball Nine.

the most severe shock that G radua t e Recital Wednes day. Score 8 t o 3. has s uffered for many years Two student are receiving degree \Vedne day morning. May in piano from the School of Music 10 o'clock. wli en littl e Ar- this year. Miss Agnes Wright and OTTE R BEI N DEF E A TSANTIOCH

Usual Banqu ets S che d uled-President . hur Spessard, eight-year-old son of !lliss Helen \ ' ance. The ability of Dano Pit che~ Good Ball- Ent;re to Preach Baccalaureate- D o::tor · t., rofessor and :M rs. A. R. Spe. sard , these gids is recognized and appreTeam ~lays Like "Old-tim e rs"­ 1 -~et his death by drowning. cia t ed by all, and doubtle s t h eir A ntioch Ahead in F in.t Inni ng. I W . 0 . T h omps on S peaker. \,Vhi le p laying with ome neighbor grac uating recital. on n~xt \ Nedneschildren, A r th u r fel l into a gravel pit day evening will be largely at t ended. Events of the Sixty-th ird Annuai O t te rbein vers us An t ioch 011 las"t Comme,1ce ment wi ll begin next Wed­ fil led wit h water. an excavation re- Their program follow: P ro gram Th ursda y r esu lte d in a score of 8 to 3 ne s day evening wit h the graduating cent ly made in t he const ru ction of the in favor of Otterbe in . The game was recital of the Schoo l of Music. From new Science B u ildi n g. H is playmates M iss H elen Vanc e fast and nappy. Th e fielding wa~ althat even;ng until the gradua t ion exe r ­ ran home to tell t heir parents, and G r ieg S ona ta in E m inor, O p. 7 mos t perfect in tha t th ere were on ly cises on the Thur s day of the fo ll ow­ after some sea r ching t he body was Al legro moderato two errors for O tt e rb ein while five ing week. every day is well filled with brought up by Merrick Demorest. Andante molto Expert physicians and a nur e, bringwere noted for Anti o h. Da:10 pitcha ,pecial event of some kind. 1 Alla ~Ienuetto, ma poco piu lento One event which will make this ing a lungmotor. were ummoned ed almo. t air-tight ball and allowed Brahm s I h commencement notable in the history f rom Col u mb u s immediately, but the on Y t ree walk . Antioch ma•iagcd of Otterbein is the laying of the cnr- child had been in the water too long R haps odie in G m in o r, O p . 79 , No. 2 to score one rnn the fir~t inning but nerstone for the New 'cieuce Hall on and life could not be restored. C hop in · P o lonaise in A flat, O p. 53 Otterbein tight<·n td ,11J a,;,; :J.:gan to \\'ednesday. June 11. Elaborate exLittle Arthur was possessed of a Fri ml. V a lse de Concert, O p. 55, No. 2 play real ha'.!. ln the second inning crcises of an appropriate nature are lovable disposition. and little traits G rainger Pace C:10ved a· two bagger along third being planned for this occasion. ,hat made him loved by all who knew Irish T une from County D erry ba line bringing in two runs . Dr. \\'. -0. Tho111p·so11. pre-ident- of 1.h1.D1. ,. h.;ul a m~··v.elotJ.£ lo ·e for Beethoven . . Concerto· ~ .{Ia• t·p to the ci(dt t h inning Antioch Ohio State University will deliver the ;iature and a syn?athetic under tand-, (O ··chestral parts o'.1 .secnnd piano by ,v;(s tept with her o ne tally. .\ftcr a commencement address. June 12 Ot- ,ng for the 0owe1s and birds and tree, ~lt ~s \\ ngh) series of good h itting Otterbein terbe111 graduates a class -of forty- that made him more appreciative of P rogram vound up the game wi t h the :,Core of three this year one-fourth of wh 111 the beautiful 111 life than many older Mi-s Agn-G Wr:gl::t 1 ~ tri 3. are local students. folk· :::1,h:::~ . Son~t: in F rr.ir.or, 0 1,. 5, - t crbein Antioch The funeral was he lei at fot1r o'cJa~k •·1·1 1ru cve111no· · ~ , Inc:e · t •1~e pale m :ion I \1 ut ·1 ss.·. \·au11sdall rogram o vents. . I · . f E P Following i. the program of events in th: afterno n of Acmorial Day in gleams. \ Umghi 3b. \'aunsdall for the week: the United Brethren church of \ ~'e~- \ \'hile. rapt in love's ec tatic dream r.. '.1,1 gnery 2b. Northrop Wednesday, Ju~e 4 . terville, and the child wa ~ buried in Two hearts are fondly beating." · Miller c. \ \'allace 8:00 p. m.-Graduatmg Recitals. the Otterbein cemetery. . Fox lb. Athey chool of ~fu sic. --------C hop in . E-tuc.e, O p. 25, N o. 7 1 Lehma·1 Thursday, June 5 P R I Z E WINN E RS ANNOUNCED Gra inge r . S heph erd's H ey · p cf. Haymer 7:00 p. 111.- pen Ses ions, Cleiorace If. Bales hetean and Philalethean Literary So---R aff · · · V alse in C m a j o r Wells rf. tratcher cieties. P rizes R angin g from Thirteen D ollars Bee t h o ven . . . Co n certo in B fla t Daiio p. Northrop to One Dolla r Are Awar ded (Orchestra l parts on .econd p:ano by Otterbein........ O 13 O2 I I 0 Frid ay, J une 6 7 :00 p. m .-Open essions, Philoma­ G r eek Scholars, M onday. ~ii Vance) \mioch ..... •······ ... I O 0 0 O 0 I 1 Q thean and Philophronean Litera1·y So­ cietie •. No doubt tterbein folks wi ll be in- BEAT W E S LEYAN IN TEN N IS Club Elects O fficers. Satur da y, ·June 7 :00 p. 111.-Reception by President terested to know the dispo ition of At a recent mee tin g of the Quiz and and Mrs. \V. G. Clippinger at och­ the Keister Greek pr ize announce,: Martin T akes Singles Wit h Little Qui ll Cl u b, office r s were elected for in a r ecent iss ue o f th i. paper·. The ran Hall. Effort- Bancroft and G ray Play next yea r . H e lc n Ke ller was chosen Sunday, June 8 . prizes were awarded a t hape l Mon­ Fast Game of D oubles. President; Erlit h Bi ngham . vice pre i­ 10:15 a. m.-Baccalaureate erv1ce day morning by President and are a at Fir t Cnited Brethren Church. Ser­ Tuesday afternoon \\'esleyan's ten­ dent: and Jo , ephine Foor. s cretary­ mon by P1·e ident \ V. G. Clippinger. follows: nis team wa defeated by Otterbein's t r ea:, ur er. Two new m ember.. E t her First, Da le Phi ll ippi, 10.00. D. D. men in a c lose to u rname n t. Ban ­ H a r ley an d V io le t Pa tt er son , were 7:30 p. m.-Annive r sary _of C h_r is­ ·econd, :tvlai·jori e M iller, $3.C0. tion A ocia t io n at F irs t 111ted crof t in a fa t ba ttle with t he opp on­ e lec t e d t o me mbers h ip in th e cl ub . T h ir d, Es th e r H a rl ey an d Fran k Brethren Ch u rc h . A ddre s by Pro­ e nt's fir s t s t r inge r , lo t in a thr ee et A pl easa n t s o cial me e t ing wa s he ld at tone r, $2.00. fessor E. J . Pace, C hi ca go. Loi Adam' Thur day eveni ng. The hono r s in th e c lass t e ts we r e matc h by a co r e o f 7 to 5, 4 t o 6, M o nday, June 9 4 to 6. M ar ti n fo und h i m a n t o be wo n by th e fo ll ow in g: ( Continued on pa!!"e five .) President a nd Mrs. Clippinge r T hird Yea r Gr ee k. Kenne th co tt , easy fo r hi m an d wo u n d up th e si ngl e Will Give R e ception. wi t h th e co r e 6 t o 0, 6 t o I. Tn th e $13.00. · B accala urea t e and A ssociation da ub! s Ban cro ft and G r ay fo und th e ir ay ev n in , J u ne 7. · at 8 a tu r d Second Year G r ee k , Ru s e ll P alm er, S p ea kers Are A n nounced. han d s full b u t fi na lly su cceeded in o'clock, P resi d en t a nd Mr·. \ V. G. Next unday. Ju ne 8. is Baccala ur e­ 10.00. eco nd Year Greek. Lloyd H armon. wi n n ing the ma t ch wit h t he co res, C:lipp!nge r w ill g iv e th e an nu a l r ece p­ ate Sunday and al o the t ime fo r th e $5.00. 7 to 5. 4 to 6, · to 6. Gray played t ion 111 hono r o f t he sen ior class in annual addre s for the Young Me n' s Firs t Yea r Gr ek-1\farjorie Mi ll er. an exceedingly fa t game at t h e ne t. t he parl o r s o f Coc hr a n Hall. A ll se n­ and Young vVomen's Chri ti a n A o - $5.00. cond yea r that the io r s with th eir relat iv s, m e m be r s o f T hi s ma kes the iations. Pr s ide nt Cli pp inge r w ill Seco nd Yea r Greek. Dale Ph illippi, We leyan · m n have met d efeat at t he fa c ulty a nd t he ir famil ie , a nd ))reach at th e m o rnin g service and 1.00. the hand of Otterbein. T he retu rn loca l an d v i iting al u mni are co rdially Profe sor E. J . Pace o f C h icago be­ Fir t Year Greek, E ther Harley, game at Delaware will be played invi t d. N o fo rmal invitati ons w ill be fore , the Association a t t he even ing ·· J.OO. sent. Monday, June 2. service.





Page T · o


of them are working for less. Thousands quit teaching to go 111to government !' ervice. Was it for patriotic r ea son ? Yes. and for the D octo r J. H . Francis, Superintendent better wages paid by the government fo r c lerica l work. Mos t of them will of Columbus Schools, Present3 e mai 11 w:th the gove rnment as long Possibilities of 'reaching. :i t hey ca n f r the latter rea so n . \ Vith t he teacher la1·gely li es th e o p­ HAS ELEMENT OF SERVICE portunity ,)[Id r espons ibility of s hap­ -Cannot Hope for Large Salaries But i11g the de ;tiny of th e nati o n and Have O pportun,ty of Determining P ssibly we may hope for a tim e when the go vernme n t will see t o it Fate of World Through Child. chat men and women are pa id as mu ch 1 In a vast majo1·ity of cases voca- iJ r t'aching as fo r clerical work, and tions followed a r c du e to environment ,, '. hat they w:1 1 do this with o ut lower­ and accident rat her tha n to cho :ce a:1d · !I , t:1e der k· sa lary. s election. Thi s results in greate r 1 ·s 1 l"po n w hat ba is can teachers hope


TENNIS SUPPLIES For The Summer Sport Tennis Balls

W & D Champion­ ship and Pennsyl­ vania Hand-Mad e balls, choice

soc Post Reels

Racket Covers

75c up

$1.SO up

Main 9095

Ci iz n 7Jl2

John Haywo od Fran :is, A. B ., LL. D ., 1892 ·uperintendent of S cho t, . C lu mbus. O hio .


of human power thatt co:11e · from all r p:· :11oti II i11 sala1·y and ecur­ other cau cs c mb in ed. lf ~oc iet y :ty in te11u~e o f office ? Merit a lone could create condi ti ons (and it could) hou 'd gov e rn at d t o a considerab le that would bring th e right man attd :xtc 11t it do~ s up t a cer tain point. his job toge th er it w uld u ncove r attd t 1, a fa,; o r, but unfortunate­ develop mines of h uman weal th great ly the fact m u ·t be faced that the so­ enough to s tagger th e imagination. called high.:r position in teaching are Who of us s hou ld be come teachers? : nfluenced y po liti ca l. "fina n cial, so­ -Those who love the work be : t. N ot cial and eligiou · eleme nts. Th e in­ from a se ntimental s la 11t at it bu t he- :lu.:1 -~e of he ·e facto r s in our sc hools cause it give u s a fi eld in whi ch we t hrea e:1· to beco m e th e cur e of the can bes t discove r a11d red iscove r our-, 11atio11. This co11ditio11 will improve selves, d eve lop and redevelop our- hut prohahly II t ve ry rapidly. Th e selve . and bes t justify our ex is tence j ··ace will depe11d omew hat up on o ur to our. elves. a'Ji lity and di . po ition a s teach er to What alary ca n we 1 o pe to get g t t gether a nd s tay togeth e r op the 111 the teaching fie ld? All the way slo a11 that t he i- choo ls ar e for the from three hundred t o eighteen thous- child and with t he chi ld r es ts the fat e and do llar per y ear. The latte r · f the world. \ ·e have been too amount i unu s ual, however, and T fo r mal. to o a cademic, too traditional. would advi se again st every tea cher In o ur ea rne ot ne~s to teach the three .hoping to reach it. T know of but o ne R we have forgo tten to teach th e, public chool man who has arrived. child . I t i vas tly more important to :and strongly s uspect that eve n hi tea ch him h w to live than how to ,chance for going much higher on re a d . write and cipher. the salary sched ule wi ll b e better in Reco nstru ctio11 d·ay wi ll come in·the busines end of the private rather to education . We are not sc ratching \ t han the profe ssio ua-1 end of the pub- the urfa ce a yet. Fo r one w ho i

Quality Flowers for all Occasions



Fancy Cut Flowers and Blooming P lants.

McKellar Flower


22 N . H igh St.

·•tic school chool game. T hesaaverage eekingthrough to give theer vice willngreach ·:fie teach er's lary in pubthi s down age that teachi off·cco un'tr y ·i sta ted a s six hundred do!- er the greatest fi eld, never so great Jar per y ear. T l1is m ea n that a lo t as now .

Columbus, Ohio

Fancy Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Etc.



Mr. H. F. Moore is our agent in Westerville. You will do well to see him. LEAVE ORDERS EARLY

~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::~::~~:::::::~~~~~~~~!~:::~::~!J Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.


Page Three


===~T~H=E=~O~T~T=E~R~B~E~I~N~==l,l,~1o~t=th~e=l=e=a= . t~~o~f=th=e~.=e=i=tl=,a=t=o=f=in""-'\'1===M=IC=H=A=E=L=W~I;N:::S=P=R=I~Z~E==""'f 1


I crea e in salarie . · Winners of " Y " Contest Are An1t eems th at if th e profe sors Published vVeekly in the interest of nounced Thursday Night- Glenn O.tterbein by the do not work to bring about better 0 . Ream Is Leader. _ OTTERBEIN PUBLISH I G I conditioTns, they '.viU ne~er be_ brought The small number of students who BOARD, , ,.bout. he admimstration will see to d d y u C A T . atten e .•n. . . hursday mght · h f . vVesterville, Ohio it t at pro es ors are given more work h d lk ''S O I bl Member of the Ohio College Press to do and are constantly required to ear ~ e ~~ . o_n ummer PAssociation meet higher and higher standards, but pGo rtOum tie s or nS t ia~ ervice" by - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - h ' . d • • . . • . Ream, representing Columbus STAFF t '.s same a _mrn_1strat10n will never Y. M. C. A. _. . bnng ab o ut Ju stice to professo rs in · Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 th The Columbu Y. 1L C. A. is pref d t . . . '? e way o a equa e compensation un• t Assistant . panng o conduct .a summ.er camp for _ _ .Editor ............. L. E. Pace, _J I I ess. th ey th emse I ve d eman d t h eir Contributing Editors.· h ts. T eac h er are a mee k ot o f boys, '.3.t Bellfontame, Ohio. Seventy - rig I Esther . .Harley, '21 1fo lk s w I10 d o not 1i.k e to create a d'i - college men are needed as leaders for d b f the boy at the camp. Board and pay Edith Bmgham, '20 t b 11 Busi ness Manager .. Carl L. Smith, '20 hur ance · al even t I,ef ve:y eS t O will be given. Thi is an opportunt em wr 11 eave t11e pro ession. rather , f . . . . A ,s1 tant Busmess }.[. an agers. k h . . . j ity or someone to do hnstian erH F Moore '21 t 1,an to n t e opposition or di ap- vice, and a lso make money for col, lege expen es. c·. onle):, ,22 1 proval of those in authority.




C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. 31 W. College A ve. Westerville, Ohio Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110




G. H . MAYHUGH , M. D . East College Ave. Phones-Citizen 26

Bell 84-R

DR. W . M. GANTZ Dentist


Bell Phone 9 Circulation Mgr. Mary Tinstman, '20 I The contest which has been going Anniversary of Flag Occurs 15 W. College Ave. Westerville .¼ istant Circulation }.bnagerson in " Y" for several weeks ha 1Iarvel Sebert, '21 The birthday of the United State closed. The winners. a ., announced Ge nevieve :Mullin, '22 flag · occurs o n June q , on which date, Thursday night are H. E . ~Iicheal , Athletic Editor ...... \V. H . Vance. '21 in 1777· th e )/ational Congress "Re- first; \Vood, second: Sweazy. third ; Rhoades L ocal Editoi· ........ Hazel Payne, 21 solved. That th e flag of th e Thirteen Replogle, fourth and Harmelink, fifth. ochran Hall Editor, Myrna Frank,'21 l'nited Slates s hall be th irteen tripe s, The prizes awarded these winner The College A venue .-\lumnal Editor .. Prof. . . Guitner, '97 alternate white a'.,d red. a~d th at th e were donated. throu gh ~Ir. Briner, MEAT MARKET Exchange Editor. Mary Ballenger, '20 U nwn shall be th irteen white tars on anonomou,ly by person J Lrterary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'.22 a blue field.'' During th e pa t year with the college. our fla g ha s gathered new glory Addre all communications to The thro ug h the un se lfi sh heroism of Girls Meet On CampL!.. ~Herbein i:an an~ Ca rdi_nal, 20 vV. American _so ldiers. ~nd sailors in the Picnics and Eagles mere boo ter ~1a111 St., \\ esterville, Ohio. reat \Var· 1t b 11 th day deserves to meetings go well tog ether. ckclarecl Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage S ub scription Price. $1.50 Per Year, be celebrated. and may be made th e th e Y. \V. gil'ls. Last Tue,day 11 :ght j Bouquets. payable in advance. occa_sion for tea ching many le ssons in I a delicious picnic supper. with all the Quality Best-Prices Right ----------------- 1patrioti m. goodies from sandwic!1es to ice rea .. 1. I S. State St. Citizen 345 Entered as second class matter -----t was se rv ed 011 the Cochran Hall cam- I ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice Girls Buy Stamps. pus, and th e girls made a prett y pie/ at \Ve terville, 0., und e r act of Y . \V. C. A. girls have put their I ture, sittmg on the big cush'on ; in March 3, 1879. \Var Savings tamp campaign over th eir summery dre e.. Acceptance for mailing at pecial the top with a bang. They se t o ut to The en joyment was not all eats. rate of postage provided for in Sec. reach the 500 mark and that amount howeve r, for the Cochran Hall HOME DRESSED I 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorizeo was easily over- ub cribed,-the total uke lele-quite an "orchest="-ga,,e April 7. 1919. to date being $630. The commi ttee.- severa l elections. Cleo oppock was I \'ida \ Vil helm. Helen Ke ll er, a nd l in charge of t he m eeting, and Booster ,\Jarv el 'ebert are to be congratu lated ' ta lk s were given by \ 'ida vVilhelrn. · EDITORIAL i, _ _:{ E GOOD EATS l uopn their splend id success. I Helen Keller ,.nd Josephine Foor.

& Sons







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No be g innings of things. howcve r mall, are to be neglected because con tinuance make · them great. -Phitarch.

I ;:------------------------------•■----: If not Why not?

Are You Insured?

on· Being Constant. ne



slimme t

A. A. RICH, Agent


against a man i that he ha chang d his mind-that he doe n't ay what he did a year or more ago. laybc he wa wrong then, maybe he is wrong now. i\1 aybe he was wrong both times. That i very likely. There is no good reason to think he wa right in either case. tandpoint may have changed and standpoint change opin­ ions. 1f aybe the man ha learned

Both Phones

Citizen 92

Bell 46-W.


Nuts Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147- R , for

J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man


Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E. College Av e., Westerville, 0 . Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service

om eth i 11 gand sincemaybe he firstheexpwil re l sed an :,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; opinion. learn Ir. s01nething n1ore before he expresses ... another opiniQn . Tf a man depends Go to the up on his intellect for hi opinions, he i ure to change, for hi intellect flie · I with every traw tint is blown in the wind . The on ly way for one to seem j F r o-ood pa time . co ns is tent is where he makes up hi opin ion in hi h ea rt, and then c n­ Every Evening-Except Wedne cla su lt the divine fundamenta ls .



Must Have Increase ·ertainly the board of trustees will have some important matters to con­ sider at th eir session this June and


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MRS. DUVALL, Manager

Fruits and Candies S ~aple and Fancy Groceries see WILSON, THE GROCER South State St. ,r - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - -


For Your Graduating Gifts.

THE TAN AND CARDINAL rr en [. Bandeen . wh o was w ith th e R a inb o w Division in Fran ce, re ­ ceived a n appointment in Mar ch to stud y in a French uiver s it y and has since then been at th e Univ ersity of Grenoble .

RITTER 6: UTLEY'S Up-to-Date P harmac y E astman's Kodaks and P hoto graphic Supplies. , F ilm s D evelo ped and Printed at l o west prices.

Co rporal Harry P . Cook W rites. Corpo ral Harry P . Cook is in France '14. 11 iss Agne s Drury, who ha s been se r ving w ith the ''Reserve ::Vlallett" comp elled by ill hea lt h to gi ve up her whi ch has grown out of the o ld field wo rk in th e U nited Brethren Mission service tran sport section s tarted in a t Sa n Fe rnand o, Philippine I s land , 1917. Thi organization ha s made arr ive d at Va n co uv e r, Briti sh Colum- ome re cord driv es carrying supplie s, "' bia, on th e s t eamer. E mpr e ss o f Ru s- m uniti o n s and men according to sta­ , ia, la , t F r ida y . Sh e will r each her tistic s from "American Field Service l, o m e in Da y to n , O h io. thi s wee k. Bull e tin . ' l3 l ' H B f h 1 Harry writes that the usual t o pic o f • • C g · . " oscoe . r a n e, manag er o t e f h R'k K conversati o n 111 o . 36 1s wh en are p F d M k u re 00 r ar · et O t e '. e- um - 1 th e Fren ch g o ing to tak e co mplete !er Com pany, Dayton , Ohi o. ·p ent I f k ?" " \Vh O . 1.:morial day a t his home in \,Ve: t er- c iarge our true s · en ar e we going t o . ail?" "I wonder what is vill e, Ohio . do ing in th e state s ?" We shall all be '72., '02. Professor J. L. hau ck of gl a d when Harry return . A rlin g t o n , Indiana, and hi daught er, ~lr s. Jam es A. Brown ~ o rah It Capital Defeats O tterbe in . Sh a uck ) o f Spokane, Wa hmgto n , In the return ba e ball game with wer e gu es t;,. las_t w tc k at the home o f Capital la t Monday Otterbein was 11r • F . E. :VJ til e r o n W e t o ll ege I defeated by a score of 5 to IS. The a venu e. I ~ame wa rather loose ly played, both '11. Professor Clare nc e H . H ebbert, sides making a great number of err­ wh o was ·an in s tructor in the School or s. In the first inning Otterbein f Military Aer o nautics at the Univer- pulled away with three score to the ,i ty o f l llinoi s. rbana , Illinoi s. dur- g ood. The second and third were un­ in g th e war , ha s s in ce accepted a J eventful. In the fourth Otterbein pos iti o n _a s pro fe, o r of mathematics I went up in smoke leaving at the end, in Ja ckso nvill e Co llege. Jacksonville. ' nine run s in the opponents' po esIllino is. : , ion . There was a light rally in the '18 D I D H t f F' di O last two innings, but the odds were . a e . u son. o 111 ay. .. . . . W ·11 1 k great . was a v1 s1tor 111 esterv1 e ast wee . I Miller and Martin for Otterbein and '15. Reverend \\,'alter E. Roush, pas­ Roselias for Capital played consi tent to r of the United Brethren church at b all. in We sterville over . lliance wa Denison Takes T ennis Meet. .\l e morial day, the gue t of hi s m o th er-in-law, .\ fr . H. L. Mayne . Denison. in the tournament with '18, '18. H. Ro,coe Brentlinger and Otterbein aturday, succeeded in re­ l<.ob e rt E . Kline. Jr ., have been study- I taliating for her defea t s of last year. in g la w during the pa t year at the .\lartin. playing the famed Denisonllarvard Law chool. 'ambridge , ian who wa, placed as second man in 1 the all State meet, p r oved more t han :\las sachu sett . '06, '99, '99, Profe sor and M.r . Clar- , a match for him. giving him his sec­ en ce R. Weinland (Nellie cott) and one! defeat this year. Sco r e 6 to 3, Mi s Ge rtrud e Scott of Columbus, 7 to 5. Ohio, were in \,Vesterville on Decor- I Gray 's man proved too much for ation Day. i h im and evened the ingles by a core R l l W S · l f W . of I to 6, I to 6. Tn t he doub l s the '12. a P1 · mit 1 0 e tervi 11 e l playing wa s close and a hard fight en ha s been elected, treasurer of the Farm · was fi na IIy wors t e d . . sue d . O tter b em ~ ews lub of F rank!tn ounty, •h10 , \ 111 . a two se t ma te h b y a core o f • which ha s recent ly been organized ? 5 7 6 ' under t I1e F ran kl 111 ounty F•arm 1 to -, _to_ _. _ _ _ __ _ Bureau. The I urpo se of the club is 1 Special Chapel Service. to give publicity to all movement for At 7 :30 Thursday morning there the betterment of rura l condition in wil l be a special meet ing in t he chapel Franklin County . at which time announcements may be I\




1li ·

Rowena H. Landon, teach- made




u nfinished

I bu. iness

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G~Ql)MA-~ ~BROTHF~RS J£WELER:1 :~o. 8 5 NoRrn H1GH Sr.

Name Cards for College Folks Printed Cards for either men or w omen, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100, Price& for Eng raved Sto ck o n Application.

The Buckeye Printing Co. West Main St.

Doth T elephones

0-tterbein s :tudcnts Remember the folks at home with a picture.


er of Latin i_n E~ s t H ig ch oo 1, Co- r omp Ie te d. The At h Iet ic Association •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: }umbu , ht , 1, pre 1dent of the I Offi cer , will po ibly be elected at Latin lab, composed of Latin teach- thi s time . e rs of the various High School s in Co- ,




R esigns Professorship.

'94. Thoma s Herbert Bradri k, who Prof. has. . Fritz, head of the was the first Otterbein man t enter Public peaking Department in Ot ter-


See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressin g. 81 W est Main Street

youn g ~I c n', h ristian . s, cia t ion bt' in . ha - re ign ed his position, which ::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: work in Fran ce, had his fir t vacation is t o take effect at the end of the in ).,fay and took a trip . vi it relative . during the ltt11me I ·c1 ·11 through I µre~ Ier.ntF· term. · l O I · k wt!! ' fi cl · 1 1 h ntz eave tter lem to ta e \ r I ent1 e wit 1 t 1e c ool. church and · outhern France. H.e w1 return to the army of occupation in Germany ! up similiar work at Pittsburgh, Kan . a nd early in the fall they will remove social life of the town . Their many and hope to come back to the United He will leavef immedia tely M after com, their household to their new home. \ Vesterville fri' ends regret t heir goK F S tates some time during the summer . mencement or ansas. rs. ritz The Fritzes have been prominently ing very much.





Page Five


their bank account i so small. In Stockings". order to pay yo ur debts promptly you Thursday, June 12 mu t collect yo ur bill s promptly. 10 :00 a. m.-Sixty-third Ann ual Commencemen t. Add r ess by P re si­ Albert A . Kumler, '88, Doctor of Den- Ju st remember that a soon as your de nt W . 0. Thompson, D. D., LL. D. wo rk is done your money is due you, tal Surgery, Wri tes About Reand the longer you put off the co l­ quisites for Successful D entist. lection the harder it will be to get it. K ee p o ut of debt and keep everybody NEEDS M E CHANICAL ABILITY o ut of your debt, i a pretty afe rule to follow. Honesty, C leanliness, Good Business a professional man a dentist to Scruple s, Recreation and Friendlibe ucce ss ful mu t be a surgeo n, an ne ss Are Essentials of Success. arti ·t. a · culptor and a m ec hanic. He mu t have the ame gra. p of the laws In every one's li fe there co mes, of phy ic . . chemistry and biology a is ooner o r late r, th e tim e to choo e the neede d by th e phy ician. He mu t line of work fo r which he seem to be have th e m:inipulative kill that i r e­ best fitted. E a ch o ne ha s the po si - q uired by the s urg eon in hi most deli­ b iliti e . from natur e. to do so m e one ca te work. H e mu t be ab le t o tak e thing better th a n anything c l ·c. a nd adva nt age of the finest r equir e men t h · t h e per on w I1 0 ca11 choo · e of the me cha ni c and mu t have th e M1·ss Helen Ensor, '18. appy 1s th the ri g ht thing. A fter making e abili ty to carry o ut tho se me ch anica l Mi Helen E n or of the cla 19 18 cho ice we o ug ht. as far as pos · ible ope ration · on living tis ue in such a has be en .ecretary to Pre iden t Cli p­ nd nd elim inate everyt hi ng else a be manner as to ca u e no irritation th er e- pinger for severa l year l n thi time our whole energies to the making a to. Hi s wo rk hop is a a ho le in th e s he has made many fri end among th st uccess of our choice. At is age, face abo ut two inche in. diameter. In s tudent and tow n people. Miss En­ m uch depends upon the effort and \\ ill that hole he m us t perform all of hi s sor ha s bee n elected teacher of do­ of the individual. operati o n , and the pa ti ent take th e me tic science in Olney. lllin oi , ln cho ing the bu ·ine, · or profes- work away from him. In n ine-tent h s wh ich position · he ha, accepted to ion. we ~h uld take our personal of the \\'Ork done by th e physicia n or begin next fall. \ Ve regret to have J make-up into con·ideration. \\'e must · urgeon . nature i· expec ted to_ com- l\li~s Ensor leave u but we wi h her remember that there 1s no easy path plete what he lea,·e . The dentist has s ucces . in her new work . to success. Dentistry i, no exception . ! to do hi work. Hi · failure . tand In the ordin:ar): work, den ti try is out whe re he can alway sec them. Q uiz and Quill on Sale. mostly mechanc 1a l, and unl e·s a per- The doctor burie his. \Ve are a day late th is week because ,o n has a natu :·a l mecha:iical tcutlency \\'hen J ,ay a dentist has to be an · 'i c printers were bu 3y getting the o r ability, it is very much a que · tion arti t. I mean he mu s t have a know- Q u: z and Quill ready for di tr ibu tion. 5 a ., to the ultimate succe · Fir-t a ledge of co lor. which enable him to They will be on sale \\'ednesday and 5t th dent is t , hould be. honc wi his properly match 1111 ing teeth with , doubt all copies will be o ld in 1 0 p:itients and also with h1mselL ).Tev~r those remaming. \\/hen I say he I ho rt order. a ll ow anything to go out until he 1' mu ·t be a sculptor. I mean he must --------·atisfied . with . it. Be ~n et an? have a knowledge of ymme try which COCHRAN HALL N OT ES 111 prompt paying all deb,s._ Don t i wi ll enable him t o restore contour. F lorence Loar (d ramatic interp buy anyt hing until it can be paid for- eithe r in gold. or si lver or cemen t. ·lass)-'·I j ust don't know tho · e cash. The ca lling of the dentist is most ex- line s." Make a name that is as good as a acting. He mu !'t word hard if the P r of. Fritz (p r ompti ng her)-"You bond . Be sc rupul o u sly clean, mental- !>usiness come s t o him , and he w ill '1ave proved th a t b eyo nd a doubt."' ly as well as physically and have worry hard if it doe not. Mi Bernice nyder fr o m Bowling every thing around the office the same. B ut the man who sta rt s within hi s There is nothing that inspire confi- means. does hi s wor k ho nes tly , keep s Green spent se veral da y. w it h Len ore denc e more than to go t o an office an d him · elf c lea n inside and out. attend Rayot. the fir t thi;,g the de nti s t does it to :-Siartha kin :1c1·' · birthday a nd a wash his hand s in p lenty of ho t water ;trict ly to busine . . ha s some good with soap. Be a gent le m an and cou r- hobby. and ca n mak e and k eep friend , ·,o x from home occasioned a delight­ ·u 1 pus h la st Thursday ni g ht. The teous to every per on. Friendly hut i sure to suceed. ,u t- of-town gue ts were Mar ie P ier ce never familiar . Be willing to wor k PROGRAM FIXED iro m Gr eenv ille, and Be r nice Snyder harder than you ever t hought you F OR LAST WEEK ·rom Bow lin g Gree n. co uld. Have no ho urs fo r beginnin

MEN! The Union is Head­ quarters for Cool, Stylish Suits for Hot Weather ur fa111 u .



I beach Lane" offer



the larg t, fi n e . t tock · m c e n t r a 1 hi oPalm Beach Suits $10, $12.50, $15


o r stopping yo ur day's wor k. Let yo ur demands for wo rk decide how many hours yo u put in . 111 other wo r ds give your who le life to the suc­ cess of your ca lling. After a few years. when. your efforts are showing some re s ult,;. you can take up ome­ t hin g as a hobby or diverti< ement. No one can become most efficien t in any line. unl ess ther e i some recre­ ati o n o r side line to take your mind off the real thin gs of life. As you go along don ' t overlook the bu iness s ide of yo ur work. It would be a good th ing if every profes s ional man wou ld take a s ho rt bus in ess co urse, in o r der that he would be a ble to arrive at a co rrec t idea o f carrying on hi · ow n business and to tell what a g iven se r v ice costs him , o as to make a proper fee t o cove r his expe nses and give a legitimate profi t. This pa rt of t he bu iness is overlooked by a large numb er of dentists, and then t hey wonder why, at t he do e o f the year,


(Co n tinued from page one .) J0 :00 a. m.-Re ception by Cle io rhetean Li terary Society. 2 :00 p. m .-Exhibit io n s by Schoo l of Fine A r ts and Home Economics Departme nt. 4 :00 p. m.-. nnual Dinner by Cleiorhetean Lit erary ociety. 8:00 p. 111.-Concert by Lad ies' G lee Club. Tuesday, June 10

Eureka Cool Clothes $10 and $15 Cool Mohair Suits $15, $20, $25 Dixie Weave Suits $20 and $25

wonderfu l variety re a 1 nobby 0 f ·t y les-in size t o fit Edna Farley is spendi ng seve ral I every man and yo un g •lays with Edna and Rut h Hooper . Cochran Ha ll girls can ge t up ea rl y, I man. k Ed 1 ~:· pecially when a ho te Ii e yt 1 '.::by entertains for breakfa t. Friday norning even teen girls. including Loui se Home of Dayton and Fl o rence

Il•j•~1·r.il1) II :I



~-~~~ l:il~f m~II;_io \Vesleyan , went out


9:00 a. 111.-Meeting of Board of Ruth D rur y visited a fr iend at t TrluO, OeOes. R . b Pl . 1 l Deni o n ove r friday and Sa tur day. : a. m .ecep t1011 y 11 a ethean Literary Society.. . ] A doze n jo ll y girl s enjoyed a de- !!,----------------, 4:00 p. 1;1.-Annual_Dmner of P htla - r .· " feed" at the til e mi ll last Wed- ' lethean Literary Society. icw us . • 7:30 p. m.-Annual Co ncer t by Stu, nesday evenrng. T he hono r ed g ue5ts I For Fine Fruits dents of S chool of Mu ic. were Ne lli e l\tlae Moon. Gladys Yo8:30 p. m.-Annu~l Banquets o f kum and Ilo D e Hoff. T h e o ut-ofGo to N tt' Lee Roth P h:loma th ea n and Phtlophronean Litera ry Societies. town g ue t was e 1e . . Wednesday, June 11-Alumnal Day. Reed's Grocery Florence Loar and Gladys H oward 10:00 a. m.-Layi ng o f Co rner entert2ined as week-end g ues ts H aze l 1..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,. Stone, New Science Hall. 1 12 :00 m .-Alumnal Anniversa ry and Hel en H owa rd of Col umbu s. I Mrs. Ford of Greenville and Mrs. Banquet. Dortha traw entertained a num - 1Haw ley of Arca num wi ll pend the re3:00 p. m .-Flag Demobilization and ber of friends at a birthday party Sat- I mainder of the year as guests of MarMemorial Service. 8:00 p. m.-Se nior P lay, "Gr.een urday evening. I ga r et Hawley.





P 4ge Six \

Music-The EYening Star From Tanhauser . Richard \ \'agner Orchestra Critic's Final OrationThe :-Jew Patriotism B. C. Peters ' \ 'o lo-l'ntil ander,on R. C. \\'right President' Valedictory, ::--.Iak:ng Amer ican,, G. L. Glauner \ ' io:in Dt1-t-::--.lelody in FParaphra e Theo. ::--.r. Tobain 11. Askt'\\' a.id l'. \'. prout President', InauguralThe Profe,s :o nal Bu iue , :--.fan I K. J. cott I l n sta l!ati o n of Officer l're entation ofDiplomas Extemporaneous Speaking Philophron ca



: L it erary Societies Announce Pro­ grams for O pen Sessions to be Held T h ursday and Friday Nights.


Cleiorh etea Princess Ch rysan the mum A J apane,e Operetta By C. King Proctor haracter I'rincess

hry anthemumThe Emperor's Daughter Audrey Xelson Eo-To-\'iolet Patter on­ Yum-Yum-2\liriam George­ Du-Du-1Iarvel Sebert­ Tu-Lip-G'ady s LakeAttendant of the Princes Fain• ::--.roonbeamThe Prince 's Good Geuiu Cleo oppock The Emperor \\'hat-for-\\' hiA ::--.1erciful (?) ~[onarch ::--.rae cllman o-1'ru-Ethel Eubanks­ So-Sli-E ther HarleyIn love with the Prince Top-Not-The Court Chamberl ain Alice Abbott aucer-Eye.-The \Vizard Cat Freda Frazier prites of the Night. Fairie and Japanese 11aiden ·

A number of social affair~ were given the pas t week hono ring 11i s Mar ie \ Vago ner. who wi ll become the bride of Ray Gifford \ Ved nesday. June 4.

Cut flov:e - r , can e.lie and candle· .

Japane ~e

fan , lante r n c,nd par a o l 1f we cl o not h a \ e what you ,Yant in stoc k ,Ye "·ill get it t o yo u p r omptly.

ProphecyElizabeth :\fc abe Reading"Blessed are the Poor in 'pirit" "Rosa" Fay 1[orri on Piano Solo-". hepherd'~ Hey" Percy Grainger Agne \\'right tory-··Jt' Always );ancy" Josephine Foor Pre entation of Di1>loma horu -Philalethea Extemporancou peaking


Emily and 'Kenne th Arno ld of helby, 0.. pent the week-end with \Vesterville fr iends.


Piano Duct"Grand Palka De Concert" Myrna Frank .and Faye Byer~ Oration• t' ,. " ]) emocracy an d I 111m1gra 1011 .- H . d GI a cl ) s owar · Vocal o1o-"C ome· mg to.,'I e " Jack Thomp:on Beatrice Fisher

I :::::::::::::::':.':.':,':,':,':.~':':':.':.':.':.:::::::::-:_-=----------ca-:

Florence Reese of Columbus pent :... a few day the past week with 11ary iddall. iffi================================================~,., Devil' Half :\ere, Bevelhymer's \ Grove. Devil's Kitchen. Alum reek and variou · thcr spots about \V e-­ tcrvil c were the cenes of many pleasant picnics Friday . The day in . f itself was all that could be w1shed or , ,, · h ' . · · and good 'eat . fis 111g, ~w1111111111g . and games made the day 111teres ting one for many Otterbe1111tes.




D. R. '·Jew'' \ eber and 2\lr~. , \Veber of Dayton pent severa l day, with Otterbein friend the past week. Elmo "Fat" Lingrel of Byha lia vis-, ited \VesterYillc friends over the week-end.

l. 1-.L ''lke" \ \'ard of Bowling reen pent e\·eral days the past week with \\' e~terville friend . For fine cake go to Day·'.- Ad\·. "Hick •· \,\'arner of Dayton ,·i ited friends in \ Ve . terville unday.


Philomathea Chaplain' .A. dd ress-Rea l Liv ing G. E . Mill s Pre ident's \ 'aledictoryThe Pa. ing of mc rci an Isolation L. K. Repl o gl e olo-Love ong of Egypt Mary K nigh t \\ ood olo-Gallopi ng D ick Pe r cy E. Fle tch er . ]''-· H . H o11111 ge r In ta lla ti on of Officer. Pre ident' Inaugu ra lA Burning Heart R. H. Hu ber Addre s-11a tery of Fate H.F. Moo r e Mu ic-Ph ilomathea

Senior O pen Session

A new ~t ock of co m mencement aif t . tn.


Philalethea P rogram



CO L LEG E J EWELRY W e have just received new pins, rings, spoons, lavalliers etc.

University Book~tore The Senior Class of Ott er bein College will present

\'irgil Willit of Hicksville. hio. pen t th e wee k-end wi th Ott rbein fr iend .


Dale Hut on of Find lay, Ohio. spe nt severa l days th e pa. t week in \ Veste r vi ll e.

A comedy of three acts at the


Get yo ur cake and co ki e a t Day '.-Adv . R d '! . ev. an ., r . _:\I. G. K e!_er ente rta m ed Ru e ll Gil bert at d111n er atu rd ay. 1lr. and M rs. a rl Giffo rd of D enni rove are visitin g a t th e ho m of the former' pa ren t . 2\l r. and 11r . Je e Gifford. P re ident lippinger pr eached the Bacca laureate ermon for Mary ville High chool ye terday. Buy your bread at Day '.-Adv.


Wednesday, June 11 At 8 O 'clock. Send mail orders to W. R. Evans. Admission S0c

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