au att
V O L . 2.
lfo. 28.
O ver Colle g e W h en Art~r.::- M iss H elen Vance and Miss S,Jessard, Son of M usic Professo r Wrig ht W ill R eceive Degrees in M us ic this Year. Meets Death in E x ca vation.
Commence m ent Days Filled w ith Special Events-Class o f Fo r ty-
One o f :)tterbein .lccurred 28. about
three t o G raduate. CORNER ST O NE T O BE LAID
L a st Game o f Seas on is Vic tor y for Coach Swain's B as eball Nine.
the most severe shock that G radua t e Recital Wednes day. Score 8 t o 3. has s uffered for many years Two student are receiving degree \Vedne day morning. May in piano from the School of Music 10 o'clock. wli en littl e Ar- this year. Miss Agnes Wright and OTTE R BEI N DEF E A TSANTIOCH
Usual Banqu ets S che d uled-President . hur Spessard, eight-year-old son of !lliss Helen \ ' ance. The ability of Dano Pit che~ Good Ball- Ent;re to Preach Baccalaureate- D o::tor · t., rofessor and :M rs. A. R. Spe. sard , these gids is recognized and appreTeam ~lays Like "Old-tim e rs" 1 -~et his death by drowning. cia t ed by all, and doubtle s t h eir A ntioch Ahead in F in.t Inni ng. I W . 0 . T h omps on S peaker. \,Vhi le p laying with ome neighbor grac uating recital. on n~xt \ Nedneschildren, A r th u r fel l into a gravel pit day evening will be largely at t ended. Events of the Sixty-th ird Annuai O t te rbein vers us An t ioch 011 las"t Comme,1ce ment wi ll begin next Wed fil led wit h water. an excavation re- Their program follow: P ro gram Th ursda y r esu lte d in a score of 8 to 3 ne s day evening wit h the graduating cent ly made in t he const ru ction of the in favor of Otterbe in . The game was recital of the Schoo l of Music. From new Science B u ildi n g. H is playmates M iss H elen Vanc e fast and nappy. Th e fielding wa~ althat even;ng until the gradua t ion exe r ran home to tell t heir parents, and G r ieg S ona ta in E m inor, O p. 7 mos t perfect in tha t th ere were on ly cises on the Thur s day of the fo ll ow after some sea r ching t he body was Al legro moderato two errors for O tt e rb ein while five ing week. every day is well filled with brought up by Merrick Demorest. Andante molto Expert physicians and a nur e, bringwere noted for Anti o h. Da:10 pitcha ,pecial event of some kind. 1 Alla ~Ienuetto, ma poco piu lento One event which will make this ing a lungmotor. were ummoned ed almo. t air-tight ball and allowed Brahm s I h commencement notable in the history f rom Col u mb u s immediately, but the on Y t ree walk . Antioch ma•iagcd of Otterbein is the laying of the cnr- child had been in the water too long R haps odie in G m in o r, O p . 79 , No. 2 to score one rnn the fir~t inning but nerstone for the New 'cieuce Hall on and life could not be restored. C hop in · P o lonaise in A flat, O p. 53 Otterbein tight<·n td ,11J a,;,; :J.:gan to \\'ednesday. June 11. Elaborate exLittle Arthur was possessed of a Fri ml. V a lse de Concert, O p. 55, No. 2 play real ha'.!. ln the second inning crcises of an appropriate nature are lovable disposition. and little traits G rainger Pace C:10ved a· two bagger along third being planned for this occasion. ,hat made him loved by all who knew Irish T une from County D erry ba line bringing in two runs . Dr. \\'. -0. Tho111p·so11. pre-ident- of 1.h1.D1. ,. h.;ul a m~··v.elotJ.£ lo ·e for Beethoven . . Concerto· ~ .{Ia• t·p to the ci(dt t h inning Antioch Ohio State University will deliver the ;iature and a syn?athetic under tand-, (O ··chestral parts o'.1 .secnnd piano by ,v;(s tept with her o ne tally. .\ftcr a commencement address. June 12 Ot- ,ng for the 0owe1s and birds and tree, ~lt ~s \\ ngh) series of good h itting Otterbein terbe111 graduates a class -of forty- that made him more appreciative of P rogram vound up the game wi t h the :,Core of three this year one-fourth of wh 111 the beautiful 111 life than many older Mi-s Agn-G Wr:gl::t 1 ~ tri 3. are local students. folk· :::1,h:::~ . Son~t: in F rr.ir.or, 0 1,. 5, - t crbein Antioch The funeral was he lei at fot1r o'cJa~k •·1·1 1ru cve111no· · ~ , Inc:e · t •1~e pale m :ion I \1 ut ·1 ss.·. \·au11sdall rogram o vents. . I · . f E P Following i. the program of events in th: afterno n of Acmorial Day in gleams. \ Umghi 3b. \'aunsdall for the week: the United Brethren church of \ ~'e~- \ \'hile. rapt in love's ec tatic dream r.. '.1,1 gnery 2b. Northrop Wednesday, Ju~e 4 . terville, and the child wa ~ buried in Two hearts are fondly beating." · Miller c. \ \'allace 8:00 p. m.-Graduatmg Recitals. the Otterbein cemetery. . Fox lb. Athey chool of ~fu sic. --------C hop in . E-tuc.e, O p. 25, N o. 7 1 Lehma·1 Thursday, June 5 P R I Z E WINN E RS ANNOUNCED Gra inge r . S heph erd's H ey · p cf. Haymer 7:00 p. 111.- pen Ses ions, Cleiorace If. Bales hetean and Philalethean Literary So---R aff · · · V alse in C m a j o r Wells rf. tratcher cieties. P rizes R angin g from Thirteen D ollars Bee t h o ven . . . Co n certo in B fla t Daiio p. Northrop to One Dolla r Are Awar ded (Orchestra l parts on .econd p:ano by Otterbein........ O 13 O2 I I 0 Frid ay, J une 6 7 :00 p. m .-Open essions, Philoma G r eek Scholars, M onday. ~ii Vance) \mioch ..... •······ ... I O 0 0 O 0 I 1 Q thean and Philophronean Litera1·y So cietie •. No doubt tterbein folks wi ll be in- BEAT W E S LEYAN IN TEN N IS Club Elects O fficers. Satur da y, ·June 7 :00 p. 111.-Reception by President terested to know the dispo ition of At a recent mee tin g of the Quiz and and Mrs. \V. G. Clippinger at och the Keister Greek pr ize announce,: Martin T akes Singles Wit h Little Qui ll Cl u b, office r s were elected for in a r ecent iss ue o f th i. paper·. The ran Hall. Effort- Bancroft and G ray Play next yea r . H e lc n Ke ller was chosen Sunday, June 8 . prizes were awarded a t hape l Mon Fast Game of D oubles. President; Erlit h Bi ngham . vice pre i 10:15 a. m.-Baccalaureate erv1ce day morning by President and are a at Fir t Cnited Brethren Church. Ser Tuesday afternoon \\'esleyan's ten dent: and Jo , ephine Foor. s cretary mon by P1·e ident \ V. G. Clippinger. follows: nis team wa defeated by Otterbein's t r ea:, ur er. Two new m ember.. E t her First, Da le Phi ll ippi, 10.00. D. D. men in a c lose to u rname n t. Ban H a r ley an d V io le t Pa tt er son , were 7:30 p. m.-Annive r sary _of C h_r is ·econd, :tvlai·jori e M iller, $3.C0. tion A ocia t io n at F irs t 111ted crof t in a fa t ba ttle with t he opp on e lec t e d t o me mbers h ip in th e cl ub . T h ir d, Es th e r H a rl ey an d Fran k Brethren Ch u rc h . A ddre s by Pro e nt's fir s t s t r inge r , lo t in a thr ee et A pl easa n t s o cial me e t ing wa s he ld at tone r, $2.00. fessor E. J . Pace, C hi ca go. Loi Adam' Thur day eveni ng. The hono r s in th e c lass t e ts we r e matc h by a co r e o f 7 to 5, 4 t o 6, M o nday, June 9 4 to 6. M ar ti n fo und h i m a n t o be wo n by th e fo ll ow in g: ( Continued on pa!!"e five .) President a nd Mrs. Clippinge r T hird Yea r Gr ee k. Kenne th co tt , easy fo r hi m an d wo u n d up th e si ngl e Will Give R e ception. wi t h th e co r e 6 t o 0, 6 t o I. Tn th e $13.00. · B accala urea t e and A ssociation da ub! s Ban cro ft and G r ay fo und th e ir ay ev n in , J u ne 7. · at 8 a tu r d Second Year G r ee k , Ru s e ll P alm er, S p ea kers Are A n nounced. han d s full b u t fi na lly su cceeded in o'clock, P resi d en t a nd Mr·. \ V. G. Next unday. Ju ne 8. is Baccala ur e 10.00. eco nd Year Greek. Lloyd H armon. wi n n ing the ma t ch wit h t he co res, C:lipp!nge r w ill g iv e th e an nu a l r ece p ate Sunday and al o the t ime fo r th e $5.00. 7 to 5. 4 to 6, · to 6. Gray played t ion 111 hono r o f t he sen ior class in annual addre s for the Young Me n' s Firs t Yea r Gr ek-1\farjorie Mi ll er. an exceedingly fa t game at t h e ne t. t he parl o r s o f Coc hr a n Hall. A ll se n and Young vVomen's Chri ti a n A o - $5.00. cond yea r that the io r s with th eir relat iv s, m e m be r s o f T hi s ma kes the iations. Pr s ide nt Cli pp inge r w ill Seco nd Yea r Greek. Dale Ph illippi, We leyan · m n have met d efeat at t he fa c ulty a nd t he ir famil ie , a nd ))reach at th e m o rnin g service and 1.00. the hand of Otterbein. T he retu rn loca l an d v i iting al u mni are co rdially Profe sor E. J . Pace o f C h icago be Fir t Year Greek, E ther Harley, game at Delaware will be played invi t d. N o fo rmal invitati ons w ill be fore , the Association a t t he even ing ·· J.OO. sent. Monday, June 2. service.
Page T · o
of them are working for less. Thousands quit teaching to go 111to government !' ervice. Was it for patriotic r ea son ? Yes. and for the D octo r J. H . Francis, Superintendent better wages paid by the government fo r c lerica l work. Mos t of them will of Columbus Schools, Present3 e mai 11 w:th the gove rnment as long Possibilities of 'reaching. :i t hey ca n f r the latter rea so n . \ Vith t he teacher la1·gely li es th e o p HAS ELEMENT OF SERVICE portunity ,)[Id r espons ibility of s hap -Cannot Hope for Large Salaries But i11g the de ;tiny of th e nati o n and Have O pportun,ty of Determining P ssibly we may hope for a tim e when the go vernme n t will see t o it Fate of World Through Child. chat men and women are pa id as mu ch 1 In a vast majo1·ity of cases voca- iJ r t'aching as fo r clerical work, and tions followed a r c du e to environment ,, '. hat they w:1 1 do this with o ut lower and accident rat her tha n to cho :ce a:1d · !I , t:1e der k· sa lary. s election. Thi s results in greate r 1 ·s 1 l"po n w hat ba is can teachers hope
TENNIS SUPPLIES For The Summer Sport Tennis Balls
W & D Champion ship and Pennsyl vania Hand-Mad e balls, choice
soc Post Reels
Racket Covers
75c up
$1.SO up
Main 9095
Ci iz n 7Jl2
John Haywo od Fran :is, A. B ., LL. D ., 1892 ·uperintendent of S cho t, . C lu mbus. O hio .
of human power thatt co:11e · from all r p:· :11oti II i11 sala1·y and ecur other cau cs c mb in ed. lf ~oc iet y :ty in te11u~e o f office ? Merit a lone could create condi ti ons (and it could) hou 'd gov e rn at d t o a considerab le that would bring th e right man attd :xtc 11t it do~ s up t a cer tain point. his job toge th er it w uld u ncove r attd t 1, a fa,; o r, but unfortunate develop mines of h uman weal th great ly the fact m u ·t be faced that the so enough to s tagger th e imagination. called high.:r position in teaching are Who of us s hou ld be come teachers? : nfluenced y po liti ca l. "fina n cial, so -Those who love the work be : t. N ot cial and eligiou · eleme nts. Th e in from a se ntimental s la 11t at it bu t he- :lu.:1 -~e of he ·e facto r s in our sc hools cause it give u s a fi eld in whi ch we t hrea e:1· to beco m e th e cur e of the can bes t discove r a11d red iscove r our-, 11atio11. This co11ditio11 will improve selves, d eve lop and redevelop our- hut prohahly II t ve ry rapidly. Th e selve . and bes t justify our ex is tence j ··ace will depe11d omew hat up on o ur to our. elves. a'Ji lity and di . po ition a s teach er to What alary ca n we 1 o pe to get g t t gether a nd s tay togeth e r op the 111 the teaching fie ld? All the way slo a11 that t he i- choo ls ar e for the from three hundred t o eighteen thous- child and with t he chi ld r es ts the fat e and do llar per y ear. The latte r · f the world. \ ·e have been too amount i unu s ual, however, and T fo r mal. to o a cademic, too traditional. would advi se again st every tea cher In o ur ea rne ot ne~s to teach the three .hoping to reach it. T know of but o ne R we have forgo tten to teach th e, public chool man who has arrived. child . I t i vas tly more important to :and strongly s uspect that eve n hi tea ch him h w to live than how to ,chance for going much higher on re a d . write and cipher. the salary sched ule wi ll b e better in Reco nstru ctio11 d·ay wi ll come in·the busines end of the private rather to education . We are not sc ratching \ t han the profe ssio ua-1 end of the pub- the urfa ce a yet. Fo r one w ho i
Quality Flowers for all Occasions
Fancy Cut Flowers and Blooming P lants.
McKellar Flower
22 N . H igh St.
·•tic school chool game. T hesaaverage eekingthrough to give theer vice willngreach ·:fie teach er's lary in pubthi s down age that teachi off·cco un'tr y ·i sta ted a s six hundred do!- er the greatest fi eld, never so great Jar per y ear. T l1is m ea n that a lo t as now .
Columbus, Ohio
Fancy Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Etc.
Mr. H. F. Moore is our agent in Westerville. You will do well to see him. LEAVE ORDERS EARLY
~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::~::~~:::::::~~~~~~~~!~:::~::~!J Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.
Page Three
===~T~H=E=~O~T~T=E~R~B~E~I~N~==l,l,~1o~t=th~e=l=e=a= . t~~o~f=th=e~.=e=i=tl=,a=t=o=f=in""-'\'1===M=IC=H=A=E=L=W~I;N:::S=P=R=I~Z~E==""'f 1
I crea e in salarie . · Winners of " Y " Contest Are An1t eems th at if th e profe sors Published vVeekly in the interest of nounced Thursday Night- Glenn O.tterbein by the do not work to bring about better 0 . Ream Is Leader. _ OTTERBEIN PUBLISH I G I conditioTns, they '.viU ne~er be_ brought The small number of students who BOARD, , ,.bout. he admimstration will see to d d y u C A T . atten e .•n. . . hursday mght · h f . vVesterville, Ohio it t at pro es ors are given more work h d lk ''S O I bl Member of the Ohio College Press to do and are constantly required to ear ~ e ~~ . o_n ummer PAssociation meet higher and higher standards, but pGo rtOum tie s or nS t ia~ ervice" by - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - h ' . d • • . . • . Ream, representing Columbus STAFF t '.s same a _mrn_1strat10n will never Y. M. C. A. _. . bnng ab o ut Ju stice to professo rs in · Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 th The Columbu Y. 1L C. A. is pref d t . . . '? e way o a equa e compensation un• t Assistant . panng o conduct .a summ.er camp for _ _ .Editor ............. L. E. Pace, _J I I ess. th ey th emse I ve d eman d t h eir Contributing Editors.· h ts. T eac h er are a mee k ot o f boys, '.3.t Bellfontame, Ohio. Seventy - rig I Esther . .Harley, '21 1fo lk s w I10 d o not 1i.k e to create a d'i - college men are needed as leaders for d b f the boy at the camp. Board and pay Edith Bmgham, '20 t b 11 Busi ness Manager .. Carl L. Smith, '20 hur ance · al even t I,ef ve:y eS t O will be given. Thi is an opportunt em wr 11 eave t11e pro ession. rather , f . . . . A ,s1 tant Busmess }.[. an agers. k h . . . j ity or someone to do hnstian erH F Moore '21 t 1,an to n t e opposition or di ap- vice, and a lso make money for col, lege expen es. c·. onle):, ,22 1 proval of those in authority.
C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. 31 W. College A ve. Westerville, Ohio Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110
G. H . MAYHUGH , M. D . East College Ave. Phones-Citizen 26
Bell 84-R
DR. W . M. GANTZ Dentist
Bell Phone 9 Circulation Mgr. Mary Tinstman, '20 I The contest which has been going Anniversary of Flag Occurs 15 W. College Ave. Westerville .¼ istant Circulation }.bnagerson in " Y" for several weeks ha 1Iarvel Sebert, '21 The birthday of the United State closed. The winners. a ., announced Ge nevieve :Mullin, '22 flag · occurs o n June q , on which date, Thursday night are H. E . ~Iicheal , Athletic Editor ...... \V. H . Vance. '21 in 1777· th e )/ational Congress "Re- first; \Vood, second: Sweazy. third ; Rhoades L ocal Editoi· ........ Hazel Payne, 21 solved. That th e flag of th e Thirteen Replogle, fourth and Harmelink, fifth. ochran Hall Editor, Myrna Frank,'21 l'nited Slates s hall be th irteen tripe s, The prizes awarded these winner The College A venue .-\lumnal Editor .. Prof. . . Guitner, '97 alternate white a'.,d red. a~d th at th e were donated. throu gh ~Ir. Briner, MEAT MARKET Exchange Editor. Mary Ballenger, '20 U nwn shall be th irteen white tars on anonomou,ly by person J Lrterary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'.22 a blue field.'' During th e pa t year with the college. our fla g ha s gathered new glory Addre all communications to The thro ug h the un se lfi sh heroism of Girls Meet On CampL!.. ~Herbein i:an an~ Ca rdi_nal, 20 vV. American _so ldiers. ~nd sailors in the Picnics and Eagles mere boo ter ~1a111 St., \\ esterville, Ohio. reat \Var· 1t b 11 th day deserves to meetings go well tog ether. ckclarecl Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage S ub scription Price. $1.50 Per Year, be celebrated. and may be made th e th e Y. \V. gil'ls. Last Tue,day 11 :ght j Bouquets. payable in advance. occa_sion for tea ching many le ssons in I a delicious picnic supper. with all the Quality Best-Prices Right ----------------- 1patrioti m. goodies from sandwic!1es to ice rea .. 1. I S. State St. Citizen 345 Entered as second class matter -----t was se rv ed 011 the Cochran Hall cam- I ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice Girls Buy Stamps. pus, and th e girls made a prett y pie/ at \Ve terville, 0., und e r act of Y . \V. C. A. girls have put their I ture, sittmg on the big cush'on ; in March 3, 1879. \Var Savings tamp campaign over th eir summery dre e.. Acceptance for mailing at pecial the top with a bang. They se t o ut to The en joyment was not all eats. rate of postage provided for in Sec. reach the 500 mark and that amount howeve r, for the Cochran Hall HOME DRESSED I 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorizeo was easily over- ub cribed,-the total uke lele-quite an "orchest="-ga,,e April 7. 1919. to date being $630. The commi ttee.- severa l elections. Cleo oppock was I \'ida \ Vil helm. Helen Ke ll er, a nd l in charge of t he m eeting, and Booster ,\Jarv el 'ebert are to be congratu lated ' ta lk s were given by \ 'ida vVilhelrn. · EDITORIAL i, _ _:{ E GOOD EATS l uopn their splend id success. I Helen Keller ,.nd Josephine Foor.
& Sons
-7 - U\70LF"S /V\EATS
No be g innings of things. howcve r mall, are to be neglected because con tinuance make · them great. -Phitarch.
I ;:------------------------------•■----: If not Why not?
Are You Insured?
on· Being Constant. ne
slimme t
A. A. RICH, Agent
against a man i that he ha chang d his mind-that he doe n't ay what he did a year or more ago. laybc he wa wrong then, maybe he is wrong now. i\1 aybe he was wrong both times. That i very likely. There is no good reason to think he wa right in either case. tandpoint may have changed and standpoint change opin ions. 1f aybe the man ha learned
Both Phones
Citizen 92
Bell 46-W.
Nuts Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147- R , for
J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man
Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E. College Av e., Westerville, 0 . Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service
om eth i 11 gand sincemaybe he firstheexpwil re l sed an :,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; opinion. learn Ir. s01nething n1ore before he expresses ... another opiniQn . Tf a man depends Go to the up on his intellect for hi opinions, he i ure to change, for hi intellect flie · I with every traw tint is blown in the wind . The on ly way for one to seem j F r o-ood pa time . co ns is tent is where he makes up hi opin ion in hi h ea rt, and then c n Every Evening-Except Wedne cla su lt the divine fundamenta ls .
Must Have Increase ·ertainly the board of trustees will have some important matters to con sider at th eir session this June and
. dmi
ion 10c and 15c
MRS. DUVALL, Manager
Fruits and Candies S ~aple and Fancy Groceries see WILSON, THE GROCER South State St. ,r - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - -
For Your Graduating Gifts.
THE TAN AND CARDINAL rr en [. Bandeen . wh o was w ith th e R a inb o w Division in Fran ce, re ceived a n appointment in Mar ch to stud y in a French uiver s it y and has since then been at th e Univ ersity of Grenoble .
RITTER 6: UTLEY'S Up-to-Date P harmac y E astman's Kodaks and P hoto graphic Supplies. , F ilm s D evelo ped and Printed at l o west prices.
Co rporal Harry P . Cook W rites. Corpo ral Harry P . Cook is in France '14. 11 iss Agne s Drury, who ha s been se r ving w ith the ''Reserve ::Vlallett" comp elled by ill hea lt h to gi ve up her whi ch has grown out of the o ld field wo rk in th e U nited Brethren Mission service tran sport section s tarted in a t Sa n Fe rnand o, Philippine I s land , 1917. Thi organization ha s made arr ive d at Va n co uv e r, Briti sh Colum- ome re cord driv es carrying supplie s, "' bia, on th e s t eamer. E mpr e ss o f Ru s- m uniti o n s and men according to sta , ia, la , t F r ida y . Sh e will r each her tistic s from "American Field Service l, o m e in Da y to n , O h io. thi s wee k. Bull e tin . ' l3 l ' H B f h 1 Harry writes that the usual t o pic o f • • C g · . " oscoe . r a n e, manag er o t e f h R'k K conversati o n 111 o . 36 1s wh en are p F d M k u re 00 r ar · et O t e '. e- um - 1 th e Fren ch g o ing to tak e co mplete !er Com pany, Dayton , Ohi o. ·p ent I f k ?" " \Vh O . 1.:morial day a t his home in \,Ve: t er- c iarge our true s · en ar e we going t o . ail?" "I wonder what is vill e, Ohio . do ing in th e state s ?" We shall all be '72., '02. Professor J. L. hau ck of gl a d when Harry return . A rlin g t o n , Indiana, and hi daught er, ~lr s. Jam es A. Brown ~ o rah It Capital Defeats O tterbe in . Sh a uck ) o f Spokane, Wa hmgto n , In the return ba e ball game with wer e gu es t;,. las_t w tc k at the home o f Capital la t Monday Otterbein was 11r • F . E. :VJ til e r o n W e t o ll ege I defeated by a score of 5 to IS. The a venu e. I ~ame wa rather loose ly played, both '11. Professor Clare nc e H . H ebbert, sides making a great number of err wh o was ·an in s tructor in the School or s. In the first inning Otterbein f Military Aer o nautics at the Univer- pulled away with three score to the ,i ty o f l llinoi s. rbana , Illinoi s. dur- g ood. The second and third were un in g th e war , ha s s in ce accepted a J eventful. In the fourth Otterbein pos iti o n _a s pro fe, o r of mathematics I went up in smoke leaving at the end, in Ja ckso nvill e Co llege. Jacksonville. ' nine run s in the opponents' po esIllino is. : , ion . There was a light rally in the '18 D I D H t f F' di O last two innings, but the odds were . a e . u son. o 111 ay. .. . . . W ·11 1 k great . was a v1 s1tor 111 esterv1 e ast wee . I Miller and Martin for Otterbein and '15. Reverend \\,'alter E. Roush, pas Roselias for Capital played consi tent to r of the United Brethren church at b all. in We sterville over . lliance wa Denison Takes T ennis Meet. .\l e morial day, the gue t of hi s m o th er-in-law, .\ fr . H. L. Mayne . Denison. in the tournament with '18, '18. H. Ro,coe Brentlinger and Otterbein aturday, succeeded in re l<.ob e rt E . Kline. Jr ., have been study- I taliating for her defea t s of last year. in g la w during the pa t year at the .\lartin. playing the famed Denisonllarvard Law chool. 'ambridge , ian who wa, placed as second man in 1 the all State meet, p r oved more t han :\las sachu sett . '06, '99, '99, Profe sor and M.r . Clar- , a match for him. giving him his sec en ce R. Weinland (Nellie cott) and one! defeat this year. Sco r e 6 to 3, Mi s Ge rtrud e Scott of Columbus, 7 to 5. Ohio, were in \,Vesterville on Decor- I Gray 's man proved too much for ation Day. i h im and evened the ingles by a core R l l W S · l f W . of I to 6, I to 6. Tn t he doub l s the '12. a P1 · mit 1 0 e tervi 11 e l playing wa s close and a hard fight en ha s been elected, treasurer of the Farm · was fi na IIy wors t e d . . sue d . O tter b em ~ ews lub of F rank!tn ounty, •h10 , \ 111 . a two se t ma te h b y a core o f • which ha s recent ly been organized ? 5 7 6 ' under t I1e F ran kl 111 ounty F•arm 1 to -, _to_ _. _ _ _ __ _ Bureau. The I urpo se of the club is 1 Special Chapel Service. to give publicity to all movement for At 7 :30 Thursday morning there the betterment of rura l condition in wil l be a special meet ing in t he chapel Franklin County . at which time announcements may be I\
1li ·
Rowena H. Landon, teach- made
u nfinished
I bu. iness
Satisfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPART MEN T Eyes Examin ed Free, Eye Glasses ao d Spectacl es all styles. OUR PRICES REASONABLE
G~Ql)MA-~ ~BROTHF~RS J£WELER:1 :~o. 8 5 NoRrn H1GH Sr.
Name Cards for College Folks Printed Cards for either men or w omen, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100, Price& for Eng raved Sto ck o n Application.
The Buckeye Printing Co. West Main St.
Doth T elephones
0-tterbein s :tudcnts Remember the folks at home with a picture.
er of Latin i_n E~ s t H ig ch oo 1, Co- r omp Ie te d. The At h Iet ic Association •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: }umbu , ht , 1, pre 1dent of the I Offi cer , will po ibly be elected at Latin lab, composed of Latin teach- thi s time . e rs of the various High School s in Co- ,
R esigns Professorship.
'94. Thoma s Herbert Bradri k, who Prof. has. . Fritz, head of the was the first Otterbein man t enter Public peaking Department in Ot ter-
See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressin g. 81 W est Main Street
youn g ~I c n', h ristian . s, cia t ion bt' in . ha - re ign ed his position, which ::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: work in Fran ce, had his fir t vacation is t o take effect at the end of the in ).,fay and took a trip . vi it relative . during the ltt11me I ·c1 ·11 through I µre~ Ier.ntF· term. · l O I · k wt!! ' fi cl · 1 1 h ntz eave tter lem to ta e \ r I ent1 e wit 1 t 1e c ool. church and · outhern France. H.e w1 return to the army of occupation in Germany ! up similiar work at Pittsburgh, Kan . a nd early in the fall they will remove social life of the town . Their many and hope to come back to the United He will leavef immedia tely M after com, their household to their new home. \ Vesterville fri' ends regret t heir goK F S tates some time during the summer . mencement or ansas. rs. ritz The Fritzes have been prominently ing very much.
Page Five
their bank account i so small. In Stockings". order to pay yo ur debts promptly you Thursday, June 12 mu t collect yo ur bill s promptly. 10 :00 a. m.-Sixty-third Ann ual Commencemen t. Add r ess by P re si Albert A . Kumler, '88, Doctor of Den- Ju st remember that a soon as your de nt W . 0. Thompson, D. D., LL. D. wo rk is done your money is due you, tal Surgery, Wri tes About Reand the longer you put off the co l quisites for Successful D entist. lection the harder it will be to get it. K ee p o ut of debt and keep everybody NEEDS M E CHANICAL ABILITY o ut of your debt, i a pretty afe rule to follow. Honesty, C leanliness, Good Business a professional man a dentist to Scruple s, Recreation and Friendlibe ucce ss ful mu t be a surgeo n, an ne ss Are Essentials of Success. arti ·t. a · culptor and a m ec hanic. He mu t have the ame gra. p of the laws In every one's li fe there co mes, of phy ic . . chemistry and biology a is ooner o r late r, th e tim e to choo e the neede d by th e phy ician. He mu t line of work fo r which he seem to be have th e m:inipulative kill that i r e best fitted. E a ch o ne ha s the po si - q uired by the s urg eon in hi most deli b iliti e . from natur e. to do so m e one ca te work. H e mu t be ab le t o tak e thing better th a n anything c l ·c. a nd adva nt age of the finest r equir e men t h · t h e per on w I1 0 ca11 choo · e of the me cha ni c and mu t have th e M1·ss Helen Ensor, '18. appy 1s th the ri g ht thing. A fter making e abili ty to carry o ut tho se me ch anica l Mi Helen E n or of the cla 19 18 cho ice we o ug ht. as far as pos · ible ope ration · on living tis ue in such a has be en .ecretary to Pre iden t Cli p nd nd elim inate everyt hi ng else a be manner as to ca u e no irritation th er e- pinger for severa l year l n thi time our whole energies to the making a to. Hi s wo rk hop is a a ho le in th e s he has made many fri end among th st uccess of our choice. At is age, face abo ut two inche in. diameter. In s tudent and tow n people. Miss En m uch depends upon the effort and \\ ill that hole he m us t perform all of hi s sor ha s bee n elected teacher of do of the individual. operati o n , and the pa ti ent take th e me tic science in Olney. lllin oi , ln cho ing the bu ·ine, · or profes- work away from him. In n ine-tent h s wh ich position · he ha, accepted to ion. we ~h uld take our personal of the \\'Ork done by th e physicia n or begin next fall. \ Ve regret to have J make-up into con·ideration. \\'e must · urgeon . nature i· expec ted to_ com- l\li~s Ensor leave u but we wi h her remember that there 1s no easy path plete what he lea,·e . The dentist has s ucces . in her new work . to success. Dentistry i, no exception . ! to do hi work. Hi · failure . tand In the ordin:ar): work, den ti try is out whe re he can alway sec them. Q uiz and Quill on Sale. mostly mechanc 1a l, and unl e·s a per- The doctor burie his. \Ve are a day late th is week because ,o n has a natu :·a l mecha:iical tcutlency \\'hen J ,ay a dentist has to be an · 'i c printers were bu 3y getting the o r ability, it is very much a que · tion arti t. I mean he mu s t have a know- Q u: z and Quill ready for di tr ibu tion. 5 a ., to the ultimate succe · Fir-t a ledge of co lor. which enable him to They will be on sale \\'ednesday and 5t th dent is t , hould be. honc wi his properly match 1111 ing teeth with , doubt all copies will be o ld in 1 0 p:itients and also with h1mselL ).Tev~r those remaming. \\/hen I say he I ho rt order. a ll ow anything to go out until he 1' mu ·t be a sculptor. I mean he must --------·atisfied . with . it. Be ~n et an? have a knowledge of ymme try which COCHRAN HALL N OT ES 111 prompt paying all deb,s._ Don t i wi ll enable him t o restore contour. F lorence Loar (d ramatic interp buy anyt hing until it can be paid for- eithe r in gold. or si lver or cemen t. ·lass)-'·I j ust don't know tho · e cash. The ca lling of the dentist is most ex- line s." Make a name that is as good as a acting. He mu !'t word hard if the P r of. Fritz (p r ompti ng her)-"You bond . Be sc rupul o u sly clean, mental- !>usiness come s t o him , and he w ill '1ave proved th a t b eyo nd a doubt."' ly as well as physically and have worry hard if it doe not. Mi Bernice nyder fr o m Bowling every thing around the office the same. B ut the man who sta rt s within hi s There is nothing that inspire confi- means. does hi s wor k ho nes tly , keep s Green spent se veral da y. w it h Len ore denc e more than to go t o an office an d him · elf c lea n inside and out. attend Rayot. the fir t thi;,g the de nti s t does it to :-Siartha kin :1c1·' · birthday a nd a wash his hand s in p lenty of ho t water ;trict ly to busine . . ha s some good with soap. Be a gent le m an and cou r- hobby. and ca n mak e and k eep friend , ·,o x from home occasioned a delight ·u 1 pus h la st Thursday ni g ht. The teous to every per on. Friendly hut i sure to suceed. ,u t- of-town gue ts were Mar ie P ier ce never familiar . Be willing to wor k PROGRAM FIXED iro m Gr eenv ille, and Be r nice Snyder harder than you ever t hought you F OR LAST WEEK ·rom Bow lin g Gree n. co uld. Have no ho urs fo r beginnin
MEN! The Union is Head quarters for Cool, Stylish Suits for Hot Weather ur fa111 u .
I beach Lane" offer
the larg t, fi n e . t tock · m c e n t r a 1 hi oPalm Beach Suits $10, $12.50, $15
o r stopping yo ur day's wor k. Let yo ur demands for wo rk decide how many hours yo u put in . 111 other wo r ds give your who le life to the suc cess of your ca lling. After a few years. when. your efforts are showing some re s ult,;. you can take up ome t hin g as a hobby or diverti< ement. No one can become most efficien t in any line. unl ess ther e i some recre ati o n o r side line to take your mind off the real thin gs of life. As you go along don ' t overlook the bu iness s ide of yo ur work. It would be a good th ing if every profes s ional man wou ld take a s ho rt bus in ess co urse, in o r der that he would be a ble to arrive at a co rrec t idea o f carrying on hi · ow n business and to tell what a g iven se r v ice costs him , o as to make a proper fee t o cove r his expe nses and give a legitimate profi t. This pa rt of t he bu iness is overlooked by a large numb er of dentists, and then t hey wonder why, at t he do e o f the year,
(Co n tinued from page one .) J0 :00 a. m.-Re ception by Cle io rhetean Li terary Society. 2 :00 p. m .-Exhibit io n s by Schoo l of Fine A r ts and Home Economics Departme nt. 4 :00 p. m.-. nnual Dinner by Cleiorhetean Lit erary ociety. 8:00 p. 111.-Concert by Lad ies' G lee Club. Tuesday, June 10
Eureka Cool Clothes $10 and $15 Cool Mohair Suits $15, $20, $25 Dixie Weave Suits $20 and $25
wonderfu l variety re a 1 nobby 0 f ·t y les-in size t o fit Edna Farley is spendi ng seve ral I every man and yo un g •lays with Edna and Rut h Hooper . Cochran Ha ll girls can ge t up ea rl y, I man. k Ed 1 ~:· pecially when a ho te Ii e yt 1 '.::by entertains for breakfa t. Friday norning even teen girls. including Loui se Home of Dayton and Fl o rence
Il•j•~1·r.il1) II :I
~-~~~ l:il~f m~II;_io \Vesleyan , went out
9:00 a. 111.-Meeting of Board of Ruth D rur y visited a fr iend at t TrluO, OeOes. R . b Pl . 1 l Deni o n ove r friday and Sa tur day. : a. m .ecep t1011 y 11 a ethean Literary Society.. . ] A doze n jo ll y girl s enjoyed a de- !!,----------------, 4:00 p. 1;1.-Annual_Dmner of P htla - r .· " feed" at the til e mi ll last Wed- ' lethean Literary Society. icw us . • 7:30 p. m.-Annual Co ncer t by Stu, nesday evenrng. T he hono r ed g ue5ts I For Fine Fruits dents of S chool of Mu ic. were Ne lli e l\tlae Moon. Gladys Yo8:30 p. m.-Annu~l Banquets o f kum and Ilo D e Hoff. T h e o ut-ofGo to N tt' Lee Roth P h:loma th ea n and Phtlophronean Litera ry Societies. town g ue t was e 1e . . Wednesday, June 11-Alumnal Day. Reed's Grocery Florence Loar and Gladys H oward 10:00 a. m.-Layi ng o f Co rner entert2ined as week-end g ues ts H aze l 1..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,. Stone, New Science Hall. 1 12 :00 m .-Alumnal Anniversa ry and Hel en H owa rd of Col umbu s. I Mrs. Ford of Greenville and Mrs. Banquet. Dortha traw entertained a num - 1Haw ley of Arca num wi ll pend the re3:00 p. m .-Flag Demobilization and ber of friends at a birthday party Sat- I mainder of the year as guests of MarMemorial Service. 8:00 p. m.-Se nior P lay, "Gr.een urday evening. I ga r et Hawley.
P 4ge Six \
Music-The EYening Star From Tanhauser . Richard \ \'agner Orchestra Critic's Final OrationThe :-Jew Patriotism B. C. Peters ' \ 'o lo-l'ntil ander,on R. C. \\'right President' Valedictory, ::--.Iak:ng Amer ican,, G. L. Glauner \ ' io:in Dt1-t-::--.lelody in FParaphra e Theo. ::--.r. Tobain 11. Askt'\\' a.id l'. \'. prout President', InauguralThe Profe,s :o nal Bu iue , :--.fan I K. J. cott I l n sta l!ati o n of Officer l're entation ofDiplomas Extemporaneous Speaking Philophron ca
: L it erary Societies Announce Pro grams for O pen Sessions to be Held T h ursday and Friday Nights.
Cleiorh etea Princess Ch rysan the mum A J apane,e Operetta By C. King Proctor haracter I'rincess
hry anthemumThe Emperor's Daughter Audrey Xelson Eo-To-\'iolet Patter on Yum-Yum-2\liriam George Du-Du-1Iarvel Sebert Tu-Lip-G'ady s LakeAttendant of the Princes Fain• ::--.roonbeamThe Prince 's Good Geuiu Cleo oppock The Emperor \\'hat-for-\\' hiA ::--.1erciful (?) ~[onarch ::--.rae cllman o-1'ru-Ethel Eubanks So-Sli-E ther HarleyIn love with the Prince Top-Not-The Court Chamberl ain Alice Abbott aucer-Eye.-The \Vizard Cat Freda Frazier prites of the Night. Fairie and Japanese 11aiden ·
A number of social affair~ were given the pas t week hono ring 11i s Mar ie \ Vago ner. who wi ll become the bride of Ray Gifford \ Ved nesday. June 4.
Cut flov:e - r , can e.lie and candle· .
Japane ~e
fan , lante r n c,nd par a o l 1f we cl o not h a \ e what you ,Yant in stoc k ,Ye "·ill get it t o yo u p r omptly.
ProphecyElizabeth :\fc abe Reading"Blessed are the Poor in 'pirit" "Rosa" Fay 1[orri on Piano Solo-". hepherd'~ Hey" Percy Grainger Agne \\'right tory-··Jt' Always );ancy" Josephine Foor Pre entation of Di1>loma horu -Philalethea Extemporancou peaking
Emily and 'Kenne th Arno ld of helby, 0.. pent the week-end with \Vesterville fr iends.
Piano Duct"Grand Palka De Concert" Myrna Frank .and Faye Byer~ Oration• t' ,. " ]) emocracy an d I 111m1gra 1011 .- H . d GI a cl ) s owar · Vocal o1o-"C ome· mg to.,'I e " Jack Thomp:on Beatrice Fisher
I :::::::::::::::':.':.':,':,':,':.~':':':.':.':.':.:::::::::-:_-=----------ca-:
Florence Reese of Columbus pent :... a few day the past week with 11ary iddall. iffi================================================~,., Devil' Half :\ere, Bevelhymer's \ Grove. Devil's Kitchen. Alum reek and variou · thcr spots about \V e- tcrvil c were the cenes of many pleasant picnics Friday . The day in . f itself was all that could be w1shed or , ,, · h ' . · · and good 'eat . fis 111g, ~w1111111111g . and games made the day 111teres ting one for many Otterbe1111tes.
D. R. '·Jew'' \ eber and 2\lr~. , \Veber of Dayton pent severa l day, with Otterbein friend the past week. Elmo "Fat" Lingrel of Byha lia vis-, ited \VesterYillc friends over the week-end.
l. 1-.L ''lke" \ \'ard of Bowling reen pent e\·eral days the past week with \\' e~terville friend . For fine cake go to Day·'.- Ad\·. "Hick •· \,\'arner of Dayton ,·i ited friends in \ Ve . terville unday.
Philomathea Chaplain' .A. dd ress-Rea l Liv ing G. E . Mill s Pre ident's \ 'aledictoryThe Pa. ing of mc rci an Isolation L. K. Repl o gl e olo-Love ong of Egypt Mary K nigh t \\ ood olo-Gallopi ng D ick Pe r cy E. Fle tch er . ]''-· H . H o11111 ge r In ta lla ti on of Officer. Pre ident' Inaugu ra lA Burning Heart R. H. Hu ber Addre s-11a tery of Fate H.F. Moo r e Mu ic-Ph ilomathea
Senior O pen Session
A new ~t ock of co m mencement aif t . tn.
Philalethea P rogram
CO L LEG E J EWELRY W e have just received new pins, rings, spoons, lavalliers etc.
University Book~tore The Senior Class of Ott er bein College will present
\'irgil Willit of Hicksville. hio. pen t th e wee k-end wi th Ott rbein fr iend .
Dale Hut on of Find lay, Ohio. spe nt severa l days th e pa. t week in \ Veste r vi ll e.
A comedy of three acts at the
Get yo ur cake and co ki e a t Day '.-Adv . R d '! . ev. an ., r . _:\I. G. K e!_er ente rta m ed Ru e ll Gil bert at d111n er atu rd ay. 1lr. and M rs. a rl Giffo rd of D enni rove are visitin g a t th e ho m of the former' pa ren t . 2\l r. and 11r . Je e Gifford. P re ident lippinger pr eached the Bacca laureate ermon for Mary ville High chool ye terday. Buy your bread at Day '.-Adv.
Wednesday, June 11 At 8 O 'clock. Send mail orders to W. R. Evans. Admission S0c