1919 05 05 The Tan and Cardinal

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NEWSPAPER WORK HAS ATTRACTION Nolan R. Best, Editor of the Conti­ nent ancl Member of Class, '92, Writes on Journalism. UNLIMIT}i:D POSSIBILITIES Urges

That Journalism


the Attention of College Graduates of Fair Literary Ability. In th e ,·ecent commemoration of the centennial of th e birth of Jame Russell Lowe ll, there has come t o light a quotati 11 from Lowell which ] had nc,·er known of before, but which puts intowordsvery satisfyi ngly fo r me the origi na l concept ion (then o f course bu t half conscious and wh olly inarticulate) whic h drew me, e, en he­ fore l ended co ll ege, to de cide o n newspaper work as my vocation in life. Said Lowe ll: "See what a pulpit th e editor mount da il y, so metim s with a congregat ion of fi fty th ousa nd within reach of his vo ice , and neve r so mu ci, as a nodd e r amo ng th e m. A nd from w hat a Bib le ca n he choose hi s text. a Bible that nee d s no trans lat io n a nd which n o pries t -c raf t ca n s hut a n d clasp from the lai t y, the ope n vo lu me of the wor ld , u po n which , with a pen of suns hin e a nd destroying fi r e, the inspired Prese nt is even now writin g th e anna ls of od." To my mind, ve,·ything which i here set· down hy our g r ea t Ameri ca n poet a nd essayi s t sta nd s va lid today to cha ll e nge th e a tte nti o n of a ny young m an or young woman possessing a fair gift f~r _writin g· Engli s h to the opportunities of the profe ss ion of journalism. To he sure it may seem a bit s tilt ed for a co lle ge s tud e nt to appropriate as hi s re aso n for se lec t­ ing thi s particu lar calling in lif e a on cep ti o n o f its possi biliti es so far ­ rea c hing a nd potent as Mr. Lowell' s de sc ripti o n imp li e . And of co ur se the se ns ibl e student \veil knows that there a re grade of s ucce s in jo urnalis m w hi c h do not a ll afford th e swee p ,of power co nt e mpl a ted in thi v iew of it s influ e nce. Eve n if a ·m a n ,could know him se lf to be d es tin ed to ultimate success f these prop ort i n s, lie would have to look fo rw ar d to ·years of drudgery hav in g littl e ap­ parent relation lo the great publi c and soc ial c r vices that journalism render s throu_g h it · ablest repr ese nta ­ tives. Neither of these con idcrations, how ever, shou ld make a man asham­ ed to eek the lif e and ·work of a news1 ·aper man with candid acknow l­ cd~cmcnt that the be. t capacit ie s of the profes ion · attract him. For when any man id e ntifi es him self with a calling of gr a t civic usefulness, h honor and lifts himself by imposing on him e lf the finest standard which have been deve lo1 ed by the fratr , ­ nity that ·he jo in s. To become a phy ic ian, an attorney, a minister or an art ist w it h in cere motives is to make o ne 's self a s har,::r with th e life and h onor o f th e v~ ry .best men who


adorn that profession in ne's ow n j time or in t h e previou history of the ca lling. o likewi e to become even / a .. cub r •porte r " on a ,·e ry ord in ,Hy dai ly pap e r is to he inc lud ed, if o ne , looks at it broadly, in all the honor­ able estate won by those wh have sen-ed the popular interest journal­ istically with their gift f r writjng clear and forcible English :\ young man beginning his work with uch ideals in mine\ and follnw­ ing it with sud, cle,·otion. h e may be sure of rising to wha1c ·: er position of influence his talents may command: and m eanwhile he may be certain ol \ a li fe mor e fasc inatin g ly interestin g than is ofTered by any othe r line of work in which a man of intellectua l talent may engage. J ventu r e this las t cla im for news­ paper work beca use, a the quota­ tion fro m Mr. Lowe ll v irtu a ll y says. it eems to me true that working o n a newspaper introduces o ne t o the who le human drama in a li g ht m o r e vi,·id and searc hin g than any other ·: i.:wpoint of life ca n afford. It is th e n ewspape r m a n's good fo rtun e to be a specia li st in e ,·e r y rt of hum an interest. And wh e n , in order to approx imate the ideas which hi id ea l se t s before him, he m ay fi nd himself bliged to tread m a n y de­ \'io us windin gs in a ,·ocky , uphill road, he will certai nly fi nd 11 0 part of the journey dull: and if m ate ri a l r e­ wards are not a grea t a th ey us ual ­ ly arc for _equ i,·ale nt sen· ice in medicine or the law. h e wi ll e njoy o th e r compe nsatio ns which, unl e s h e ha s mi sta ken his ca lling, utte rly , wil l save him from r eg r e t for c hoos in g th e ,·a ri cd and always stirring life of a newspaper ma n No lan h.ice B s t, '!!2. LYCEUM COURSE SELECTED

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more than in securing the pro ;,er balance and springiness of the tennis racquet. 1919 models of the famou, Lee or Wai:;n er racquet ready

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O ther Numbers Chosen. T he C iti ze n s Ly ceum Co ur se for 19 19-20 ha s been se le c ted by the com mitte e with unu s ual care. Dr. Ru ssell H . -o nw e ll ha s be e n em.r ed , who in this las t yea r o f his lo ng Lyceum career will g i,·e hi s ce lrbrated lecture. .. A c r es of D iam o nd s" which he has delivered over se ven th o usa nd ti m es. The Orpheus Quartet is a lso co111i11 g. This organization hale s from Los Ange les and is the bes t quartet_ \ on th e Pacilic coast. 1\t th e I anama -Pacific Expo ition it won th e In te rnational Grand Prize of $3,000 for the hest ma le chorus. The Montaville F lowe r s, wl 1 0 a f ' w years ago g ave " hri · tma arol" on the lo a l course. will appear for another plendid performance. Edwin \Vhitney, the popular r eader of the \ Vhitney Brothers Company will come for an cv ning of reading . The am Lewis ·0 1111 any wi ll give an entertainment of a musical na­ ture. A tenor oloist known a the ''John re ormack of • thc Lyceun,·· appears with this co mpany.

Pennsylvania and Wright &Ditson balls lead the list­ hence we sell them. We might re string the old racquet-and we know you'd be delighted. For whatever we do, what~ve r we sell you, we guarantee the service to you.

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