1919 02 24 The Tan and Cardinal

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N o. 15.




Science Hall M ay Be Com- ' Thur~day Eveni n g, Feb. 27, Is D ate menced T his Spring, Exec utiv e for D eclamation Contes t- InterOrville W. B.iner, S ecreta r y of Local C omm ittt:e Decides. Wond erful Floor Work, Expert Pass­ · es ting Prngrnm Pla nned. Y. M. C. A. Gives Address in U . B . ir. g a nd Close G~arc:in g , Help St. The Executive Comm ittee of f t I .\t four o'cl ock ;riday afternoon Church Sun da y N ig ht. Mary3 to Score 34-17. Otterbein Board of Tr u tee s met in in P r of. Fri tz's ro om, was held th e 15 R OOSEVELT I S E XAMP LE , -.... o lumbus. aturd ay. February t o J preliminary Dec lamation on test F O X BEST SCORER FOR 0 . C. se ttle defini te ly on pians for the new and t he Urges Th at Frie n ds h ip s H a ve M uc h I '>c,ence - . D •id· 'fl • • • , Th er were ten contestant ou1 mg. 11 committee 1 . D J D p · r1pp1nger. • Jt dges were r. ones. r. anders, Enth usiast:c Rootin g By Dayton T o D o W ith Establish m en t 1ade t:j) of res1c1en t .. B . d p f F .. ix of Al um ni a nd Friends of O tterbein - ha irma n: E. L. hue.y. E . L. \\'ei n- ~Liss arne~ an ro. n tz. of S t ro n g Personalit y. the t en c9ntestant were chosen and Supr::ort Swi!in'::; Men. . \\' . K eis ter. R. fi 1 nd. J . H . Harri s. , they will g iv e th e nal progr am L nfr. Orvi ll e Briner. secre tary r· 1e ..... l:llagg. R. H . Brane and J .P. v\·e t. d . f. I ast aturday ni.,.ht O t terbe in was y I ·1 hurs -ay eve111 ng e1,ruary 27 111 "' · M. C. A. a t Otterbein, was t 1e , \Vho was chosen to 3Ct as sec retary. -j defeated. hu t by no mean di raced, I t he College chape l. I he program · Peaker at th e eve ning se rvice in th e At th is me'e ting the new plan were . . . d . d E E ; at t. Marys Dayton , Ohio, where t 1 1 U nited Bre thr e 11 church, Sunday. ·the care full y considered and te ntatively ts intereS t11g an ,·an ~. · . t le u- , the latt er wo•n bank ha s cho se n w in g Low. hy a score f :i-i to d3 Y o f pray er for . colleges. ?II r. agr eed upon. C I · •· f · 17. 11er se 1ec t1 011. 1 \ \f l Briner too k a 111. . ··.Person. wee r 1anot o r h su 1JJect, o n s tructio n is to be 111 progres 1Jy Beati;Ji ce F isher will r ea d the Li1e11 t e gam op ened bo th ality." h I pring a cco rding to t e p re se nt P_ a:1 IJrary Scene from .. The Lion and th e te3m seemed ev enly matched but Although 111 0 t people are suscep ti- but thi depend so mewhat on pri ce ·. Mouse.'· .. Stahat Mater.. i Ether soon the dazzling pass work of the ~le to th e _in fluen ce of personality. it The c_om mittee is watchi'.1g prices of Harley·s selec tion and ..The Gift of atholic aggr g~ ti on became evialmo s t 1mpo s ibl e to find a n ade- material and labor a1'.d 1f they con- 1the Magi:· Violet Patter on's. den t and Otte~bem was forced to reQuate definition for it. tinu e to drop t~ ey ,~til defer break- Hazel Payne will react. .. The Set of ' Ort to de fen _,ve tactics. 1 •. K. Pul e will . lo e gua r d11'.g -o n the part of the a Everyone recognizes th e power of ing g ro und until pric~s. re3ch what Turqu ise."" and Y great per orra lity. Theodore Roos~- , may see m to be a_ m1111mum. It I gi\e .. The Man with the One _a, nts made 1t . we! nigh impo _ elt Was a wonderf ul examp le of th1 hoµed by th e comm ittee to construct T .. Th II . 1hle for Otterhe111 t ..,.e t th e pi ll fo _ · . · . . . . f . d a1ent. ese are a , ery mter,., . as e3s1ly over the new Scien ce Butld111g. urn1s 11 an e 1111 . 0- anc1 we II wort h h earing. • •ri11s · near the ha ket and th e coring for a 11rce , which he exerted · auclience of thou and a~ over a equip it and in addition remodel • au 11 year a ne,·er before. more in te,e t the Car<linal and Tan dcp.:nded small grou 1J Hal l at a to t a l co t of 100.000. Thi 1 . ·. . th· th lar_gely on long ho t · . 1s 1ie mg 11own 111 1s co ntest- e ,, M.any ha ve asked th e question, r equir es some close figuring but th e · tud en ts are all working ha rd and , _I,_1 pite of t he handicap of a low Ho w ~ha il I cultivate thi s quality comm ittee expec ts eventually_ t o_ carry the ri\'alry i excitin g. The public ce tlmg t_hc Otterb in men caged th at t he world ca ll s per onali ty?" out th etr pla ns at1 d keep "' 1th111 th e is cordially invited to rhi ec lama- se,· ral '.11ft_ fie ld goa l that exc ited ince a ociation begets likene s. it amount of money prO\'l d ed fo r t h1 ' tion Co nte r. Th e admi sion i free. th e admi ration of vc n the t. '.\fary a nd the program one of the bet ympar h izers. f~llows that if ou r daily habit of purpo ·e. 1 _o ught and feeling He wor th y. we Thi new cience building to be e,·er presented. Prof. Fri t z is doing ome twenty r,vc r oter upportWtll ha"e ju st . uch an inAuence upon ; (Continued on pag ~ two.) hi best to get the conte tan ts r eady eel th e Otterh in team and managed 10 tlh . e whose lives to uc h o ur s. Friend- ' --------for their fina l appea r ance and they, to ma _k . c' onsi~erab le rac~ et in 1>ite 1 C. E . Holds Pa tri otic Part y . ppo 1t ion f rom them e lves are working hard. o of o, et" helmmrr ,., . "" ha, much to do with th e e tablt~hment of per ona lity for thro ugh ection A of hri st ian E nd ea,·o r one can affo rd to mi thi co nte t. t. Ma?· adhe r en t I ocial atu rd ay Let e,·e ryone come and bring omeThe !me up wa as fo ll ow : friend •hip many comp lex and hidden ga,·e a Pat ri otic fore arc se t in motion. night in the L'. B. church baseme nt. one e lse along. Mu ic will be fur- O tt erbein S t. Marys But above all . we need the inAuencc Th e rooms were at trac ti,·e ly d eco- ni heel by o ne f the co ll ege o rgani- Hollinger L. G. Summ r o a ltoge th er th e eve n.i1!g M eye r R G. herry Which we can ail ob tain th ro ug h pray- ra ted with Aags. and after greetmg -zatio n er and se r v· those pre en t foun I them e lv e a promi e to be o ne of the mo t de- Fox. aptain C Decker ice. · d wi' th one lightfu l of the coll ege year. L · F· L ar d s I great deal better acquainte ·Alb rt·ght 0 tte rbe ir. R epresent ed. He Freeman j another. --. R· F· und F .\fter the following program re- , I nte r class Ga m es Begin . ummary:-F1c ld g,)~ ls--Fox .,. · • •11 · I M ay. ebruary 23 wa se t apart a th e da. f 'f II freshment were cn ·ed . e lectio n Everyone is well acquainted with ·" l rt g 1t 1. eyers 1. Fou l goa ls. } o p ra yer o r co ege , a . . . . . I , . j F • ., t f 6 I · · t 1111 1u 1J. 'oca by Manaoltn Gu itar c th e pop ular boa t that · our cla I ox ·> o u oII · I· u > t 1tut 1 n wh en t h e aim • · · th e oppor tun1t1 es . . ,. \ d , f ' • ,-• u h .rey., the be t in chool" and we have h ea rd I·'forout or f ing tl, ornetet 'for and th e n ee d s o f the . \'artous e d uca- · o lo · .. The M ar etll a t e, !tonal i11 1· . d . el ow r eading "Ilarhara F nt c ie. of ,·a riou attempt to pro,·e uch ., eyer R eree- am Fleet. d.1 llut1on were explained an · · ' . . ·'T , cu ed. irgi nia B urtn er; nolm o lo . hC' tatement. . Although o ur ·lumb er ' R eci t al Given. ln our own cle · t 'o the day Old (;nitcd States,"' Heber A kew: has o ften be en di. turbed by the midof n o mina 1 11• The o e t f "',f • , I I · •· .·\ lic e Prayer for col lege was fitting ly Mandolin duet. · o um )l a. night p l9tting of these contending n rva ory o " u 1c gave 0 b crved . At the \i\Tes terville church, Abbott and E th er Harley. force , the outcome wa only the re- the second Recital of thi . emester .R.e~. Burtner pre;tched a sermon in - - - - - -- -ult of circumstance . Now come the la ~t Tuesday evening. Wh1 h he made I f I. h er 0 . C. Loses to Antioch. real chance to prove your be lief. If The selection wer well rendered Vic e. a Pthe ea students or 1lg er we re· k your c_a I · a II . you h ave without exception and demo11 trated evera! of Handicapped by Iarge Aoor, Otter - you thin 1s ent to repre s t Ot b . 111 • the bein lo t to Antioch by the core_ of been aying for 1t, show 1t by up- the high gra<l of work don e by both _ _ The game was clo e dun_ng porting yo u r class team and making th e Profe sor. and t h e pupil of the Variou chu Jen . ter em h . t0 re 1es 111 ne1g 1Jortng 38 22 b · t d . • Conservatory wn . Dr \ ' ' G c i· . d t he fir t half, the score emg ie it t he winn111g team 111 the game · · ' • . 1pp111ger ma e b k • • • The progra 111 · I f · 1· an addre i 11 L h . 11 severa l times, b ut Antioch came ac for the clas champion hip which becons , tee o v10 m t0 oga n · e w1 go soon d p1·a110 a11d vocal b h ' repre ent h ' . t • t rong at t he beginning of th_e econ gin t hi week. The comp lete schednum ers, eac one n-1 t e same 111 teres s 1n h Id f I howing the re t lt r f I "- ttma11 and half and ob tained a lead wh1c c~u ule for a ll cla ba ketball game o 1 ar u prepar. P ter 1111g. b . L ttl e ation . l>•e rofe so r N. E. Cor11e te t po ke in no t be ove r come by O t ter e1n. i lows: ·~ " r Wfa rk, D r. E. A. J o nes t· 11 F indlay, sta rred fo r A nti oc h w it h h i· f as t p I_aySeniors vs. Jun iors-Feb. 27. dThe Mu ic Ha ll a udito r ium wa fill.rk h t g e to capacity an d judging by t h e Wi n ne rs vs. Sop h o m o res-Mar. 1. hea r ty app la use th e prog ram "'as en"reo e or E. W. E. Sch ear in th e co n- ing a nd acc ura te bas et s oo ion . .,. gatio 11 Fo.x wa t he p r inciple scorer fo r t.. Va11 a t the econ d ch urch on t he Winners v . Fre hmen-Ma r. 14. joyed to t he utmo st. Lue ci r cuit. te r bein.













Page T ·. ·o


PLAN S UNDERWAY (Cor tinued from page one.) 67 feet wide hy 110 feet long and will have three floors and a basement. The first floor will I· e. equipped with thre e lab ora tori es at)cl a large recitation room for the chemi s try classes. One labora tory wi ll · convenient ly accommodate seve n.tY. •'1ve students at one time. The phY.sics and geological departments wilt have the second floor a nd the biological department ·the third . Each. floor will be arranged very mu ch on the same plan as the first. The roof will also be used for biological purpos!;!s and will have a biological pro1iagation house. Later an observatory may be added but it is not inc luded · in the p1·esen t plans. Rooms will be reserved in the ba se­ ment for the deve lop ment of new de­ partment uch as Optic and Pho­ t ometry. The . building will have large recitat io n room. and convenie nt office for the Department Heads. In compari. o n with the old scieJ1ce building thi s new and modern struc­ ture will have approximately five time s the floor sp ace. It will be ex­ a ctl y as wide -as $aum Hall is in length and a little less than four tim es as long as . the old building is in width. Tn addition it i to have four floors including the basement. while the o ld building has only three floors. Saum Hall has done good serv ice in the pa t but ha s -long been inadequate 111 space and equipment. There ha bee n a growing ne ed for a mod rn tru cturc adapted to and equipped for scientific purposes. This new bui lding wi ll he a valuable addi­ tion to the co llege and will enhance th e bea uty a11d g t ·ry of Otterbein in no ma ll measure.

twenty ei ht year than many men live in seventy eig ht and cont ributed a great deal t o the literary wol'ld. His poems are ti lled with .a feeling of upreme joy in the Ji vin g. l t was his purpose to li ve intensely and yet he looked upon dying for a great ca use as romantic as well a noble. Most of his poems were written in the trenches and are not only thrilling hut full of profound truths. After the address by Professor Fr itz, Mc srs. Askew and Bay played a vio lin duet with Miss . hbott as accompanist.


Y. M. C. A. Lesson from th e; life and poem of Ala n eeg c r · were fo rcibly brought out by : Profe ssor l'ritz be­ fore a large a tt e ndanc e of Y. M. A . member la t Thur day ni o-h t. Profe s r Fritz . gave a brief hi tory of Ala n Seeger's life._ and read veral of this brilli.a nt young man 's poems. Amon the mass_ of poetry writt en during the rece nt war, that of .--\Ian ceger i the 111 st remarkable. Jlis poem reflect hi i11tense joy in living and abound with high and nobk principles. He wa .a young American poet born in New York in 18 8, passed hi - youth in Mexico, graduatee! from Harva,·d in l!J12 and w ent to France immediately after his graduation. Three week after th e war br ke out he enlisted with forty· I mne ot 1cr in . what wa called a Forei n LegioH . Io thi enli tment

Y. W.C. A. Lorna low led a n intere ting meeting o n the subject "Beacon Lights." In olden times women were denied the right s which were due them, but now they are taking their p lace in politics and socia l affair - . In the future we may expect mo1·e than ever of women. because of the steps of progress that are being taken now. great, broad-minded. largeA hearted woman of today is Jane Ad­ clam . In th e ear ly days of her work in Chicago, he was called Jane Ad­ dams of the Hull Hou se, later Jane Addams of the United States. and now she is .lane Addams of the world. One of her great ta sk is t o intere st women in their own home , thu mak­ ing them valuable to the nation .



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Choice Cut Flo w er s a n d Corsage Bouquets. Quality Best-Prices Righ t

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B·1g Sav1ngs . in the Union's

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Final Cleanup and Suits I n c 1 u d i n g Hart, Schaffner & Marx all W ocl Clothes. $27 .50 and $30 Overcoats at

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The life f another sp lendid woman Sev-en-Pass en g er Car a t your:. ser­ was brought before the girls. Editl1 vice, day or night, any time . Cave ll is a modern martyr who will never he forgotten by the world. She aided in ho sp ital work in Belgium, We have a new a ssortment of and then she made the supreme sacri- , CANDIES fice. which act recorded her name Just what you want for that " fee d" among the no ble character who have laid down their lives for liberty. C. W . REED'S There liv ed a woman in West e r21 N . State St. ville who e life was one of weetness acrifice for other . Mi s Lela uitner was for years a con ecrated B . C. Y OUMANS, Barber leader. he spent several year in India as a missionary. By 37 N . State St. her spotless life and noble work. she Shop clos ed at 8 o'clock except played her part in th e redemption of the world. Saturday.

$33.00 $60 and $65 Overcoats at

$52.50 Regular $30 Suits at

$24.50 Regular $35 Suits at


Madam e Schumann-Heink is a woman who ministers to the world by her lovely voice and her motherliness. CHEESE DREAMS Many boys in camp heard h er sing for them, and the n became acquainted We have the filling s. with the generous woman who ca ll ed Many other good eats. them "Her Boys.' These four women are examples of the noblest wome1! MOSES & STOCK the world has known. and uplift al­ ways comes when we study their character . ' lS, , _ Mr. 17 (Grace and Mrs . R. P. Mase. , o1oog) made a flying tr ip to The College Avenue b -' sizes to pe rfec t fit V.'e terville over aturday and Sun­ MEAT MARKET day. "Pearly" is perfecting an indu eege r howed a trait of hi Ian trial gas mask in the emp loyment of c haracter which· i, worthy of adopt he M ines afety pp liances 0111tion by anyone of high purp e . I pany, Pitt. burgh, Pa. He loved Fran ce and wished to be Get our prices on Jackson H i~ loyal and considere.d it his duty to "Propellers" must be di pen eel with No. 2, 4-inch West Virginia Splint, and the best grade of Hocking. offer his life for ,a principle whi c h he by the girl students at Depauw, Prof. heliev d to be rig\1t. . W. W . Car on has anno unced. No , Profe sor h·itz --declared that thi male tudent may "p rope l" a girl from young poet lived ..far more in . his one c la ss room to another. 62-64 N . State St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __) : Patronize Tan & Ca rdinal Advertise~i

Regular $40 Suits at

$34.50 $45,$50 Suits at


Rhoades & Sons

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Ever y

od s t v le1) every buil d.




Page T hree


W ha t Is It? \,Vhat is it that comes along once in 1 3. whi le, breaking the monotony of , • Published Weeki; in- the interest of the struggle for perfect grades, and · Otterbein by the sending a shining ray down the s tu­ OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING dent's sometimes homes ick way? BOARD, \ Vhat is it that can take the sting ·w esterville, Ohio from a professor's rebuke or elimi­ Member o f the O hio College Press nat e the word "blues" from the orcl1Printed Cards for either men or women, $ 1 fo r 50, or $1.25 for 100. Association 11ary vocabulary? Prices for Engraved Stock on Application. Wint is it that ha the power to S T A FF Editor-in- Chie f ........ Helen Keller, '20 cast a halo ove r the commonplace, Assist3.nt Editor .... Esther Harl ey, '21 elevating us to a tate of mi,nd where Contributing Editorswe co unt o ur blessings automatically, _ Helen Bovee, '19 and un co nsciou ly forget t o enumer­ Both Telephones West Main S t . Grace Armentrout, '19 ate our causes for tenderly fos tering Business Mgr. .. Katheryn W arner, ' 19 3. grouch? As istant Business ManagersWhat is it tha t forms the center of Virginia Blagg, '22 many a gat hering in t he dormitory; ! ! " ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Myrna Frank, '2 1 the recipie,1t of toasts and cheers. the . . Circ ulation Mgr. .. M ary S iddall, ' 19 dispenser of peace and good will? A ist3.nt Circulation ManagersIt must be an extraordinary thing, Mary Tin tman , '20 you say, to In ve s uch a broad phere Marvel Sebert, '21 of u efulne s. As a matter of fact , Athl e tic Editor .... Cleo Coppock, '19 it very often is not of gigantic proporL ocal Editor ........ .... Hazl e Payne, '2 1 tions-size doesn't always count, you know- but the amount of love and C och ran Hall EditorRuth Ho o per, ' 19 thought packed into it is nothing less Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 than }vonderfu l. We all agree on tint Exchange Editor .. Edith Bingham, '20 when we getLiterary Editor .... Vida ·wilhelm, ' 19 1 A 13ox from Home! THE OTTERBEIN


Name Cards for College Folks

The B uc ke ye Printing Co. See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning a n d P r essing. 81 West Main Street

Otterbein Students

Address all communications to The Let's B e Happy. Otterbein Tan 3.nd Cardinal, 20 W. \Vhy be a grouch? Any human 1Ia in St., Westen ille, Ohio. being who can find no reason to be ub ription Price, $ 1.50 Per Year, happy now that the wH is over and payable in advance. pring is coming as fast a possible, desen·cs t o be thrown int o Alum Entered as second class matter Creek. It is rumored that the first l eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at \I,. esterville O ., und e r act of robin has arrived. and indeed we have Mar ch 3, . ' i1eard his cheery twitter. How un­ 1879 pleasant we find it to hea r ome one Acceptance for mailing 3.t specia l grumb le and neer a nd fuss 3.t the COLUMBUS, OHIO rate of postage provided for in Sec. weather. the · road . t he mea l . the 1IOJ, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized people. the college, the town, the carOct. 24, 1918. . line, the government. the state-every- • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : thing! He pend all hi time in findi11 g fa u It with con di t io 11 s that he Intensity Mean s Success. could not change by a life-time of \\·hat a quality that i which en­ grumbling. Compare this with what able. a man to e.,press him e lf so joy we experience in mee t ing a per­ briefly. o e. actly. so clearly 3.nd with ,on who will take 3.11 the e things with ~uch inten~ity that hardly he him se lf qui e t calmness, even when five dismal ior the moment r eal izes hi s own rainy clay come in s ucces ion. Th is ach ievement. Ta ke, for in t3.nce, person is w i e, for he is sav ing a great th e life of Alan Seeger, a young qua n tity of breath . and keep ing the American poet. Professor Fritz sad disfiguring vertical wrinkles from be­ of him at Y. M. C. A. meeting la s t tween hi eyes. Thur~day night that he lived more in Of course every normal human h.1 twenty-eight years t lnn mos t me !, being is attacked by 3. blue day now do i11 seventy-eight. Hi - poetry is a and then, which turn things up ide­ clear and clean-cut expression of hi down. puts thunder clouds in the sky deep emotion . and intense loyalty to and makes everyone e l e look likt a high and nob le principles. vi llain. But days of uch a deep in­ . ~apoleon was a nature so inten e di go hue sh o u Id not occ ur 111 ore than ~ .: 111 wor king that it t ook y ear and 3. once in every t h ree months and a ha lf dozen nations to fina ll y u bd ue his All other days should be joyous and re }less spirit. sparkling with yo u th, especi3. ll y for us Away with this man," they cried who are in college. learn ing things] against Jesus. For in a nature so every day which make us understand gentle and weet as His, there was yet people and condi t ion better than ever uch 3.n inten ity of great p u rpose that the people 3111 ong whom He lived before. It is worthy of repetition ; why be became so wrought up agains t Him, a grouch? Why make our a sociates th at He final ly was cruc ified . mi erable? ln tead, let u be happy­ We have opened a place at 33 S tate Street. Prepared to do all kinds 0 it cost to be intense. Ye t it is think happine s. live lnppiness. and be of tailoring, cleaning, pressing and repa iring of ladies' and gents' worth whi le. The men whose pic­ happine s itse lf. ture appear on th e pages of history garm ents. are tho e who were wi ll ing to be in­ 11 1ver ity w iil receive full Denison tense that th ey m igh t be t express ~heir heart and th e spirit of t he time amou n t of insurance for t he damage 111 done to Marsh Hall, a dormitory which they lived. which was recently destroyed by fi r e. Patro nize T an & Cardinal Advertisers Patronize Tan & Cardinal A dvertisers All worth must have DRIVE.

Remember the folks at home with a picture.

Baker Art Gallery


Waterman, Conklin and Parker Fountain Pens, En­ graved Cards and Menu Books.

University Bookstore




LOCALS C. L. Smith wa s elected Captain of th e Juni o r cla ss ba sket ball team last \\/•e dne sday m o rning after chapel. Ma ster Gunn er r. M. \Varel, of



Saturday even ing the Metzge,· \1 house wa s th e ce ne of a plea . ant party. Th e party consi ted _ o f H elen K ell er, Beatrice Fisher, l· ay c Byer s, .. fke" vVard, Vaughn Bancroft and Le land Pac e.


Favors, Place Cards , D enni son Crepe Paper, Napkin s, D a in t Y Spr ead Accessories, Ca rnival Ca p s, Cut Flowers, Candi es.

I ,

GLEN-LEE PLACE, No. 22 North State Street

Bow 1in g Green. who has b ee n recentM erri ck Dem o rest, a fo rm er O t- ,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ly di scharged from the se n ·ice, visited terbein students, re t urned to his I friend s in \ l\' este rvill e o ver the week- home in V\"esten ·ille Tue day. Mr. end. D emorest has just been di cha,·g ed A gr o up o f s tudents m o t o red to from th e serYice. Canal \l\l in che s ter unday morning --------. C COCHRAN HALL NOTES and to Fifth Avenu e church 111 o- \ lumbus in th e _eve ning to conduct eduFlor ence Loa~ and Gladys Howard cation_a,I exer c1 es 111 the se two church- \ vi sited Ruth Fries at Dayto n . 0. dur- 1 I he p a rty was made up of ing the week -end . 1 es. R · M · J o hn so n • R · R. Co oper, . ' t g et .111 \ C \ \Ve wo nd er how many d1dn L. E. Barthal o w, R. E . Vekrnon an c1 . before the sto rm o n Saturday aft er- i R. Bu . ch . Each man spo e on a sep- 1 arate phase o f coll ege life. There wa no o n. _

Make Your Old Hat New with


Make Your Old Waist New with


Hoff man's Rexall Store Westerville, Ohio


a large att endance an cl good in te re t

at bo th pla ces .


Lad ie ' and Gent s' Variety hop . -Adv. Go rdon



furm s h1ngs.



Vida \ \' i1he 1m is sPen cl t g a few \ \ day s at h er h o me in C an t o n, 0 . . Dinner guests at t he Ha ll o n unday were ~!r s. :'J. Noble and daugh_ter

Morri- Louise. Loma Pow~ll of Green. 0 . and Mary tdda ll.

son . Robert \ \/right , Robe r t Mart in and Leslie Dano spent Satur day and

Spring H a ts.



Bowlin g \

Varie t y Sh op.-Adv .



Sunday at t heir homes in Day ton. Evely n Da rl ing was called h ome on Howard Moore spent t he week- Sa tur day eveni ng beca u se of the ill­ end with \ illiam Vance at t h e home n ess at h er h ome in Scot tsdale, Pa. of the latter in Gree1:,·ill e, 0. }.•I iss Loma Powell of Bowli ng




Re,·. Gro,·er Smith, pastor of t he Green , 0 .. is being ent~ rt ained by nited Brethren church at Cam- , Agnes \ Vr ig ht. bridge, 0., ,·isited Otterbein friends 00 }.Ir . Grace M g Mase wa a gu e st 1 Friday. at dinner on Saturday.


Miss Guitner (discussing correct Ruth Deem and Dorothy Straw are \ letter form )-"Of course you have all spending severa l days at the h ome of \ heard of th e young married woman the former. . ·who puts in three or four postscript , Up-to-Date Pharmacy \"irginia Blagg pent the week-end a uring her hu sband that he still Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Sup plies. with friends in Cincinnati , 0. loves him and ends many ki es. Films Developed and Printed at lowest prices . Lights are turned off at te n o'clo ck But we ought not copy that." thi week. Anoth er ta ste o f former Satisfaction Guaranteed Margaret }.[eyer, a yeomanette. who day s. ome may learn to appreciate has been located in \ \ ' a hington for OPTICAL DEPARTMENT their privileges a little more. ometime. attended chapel Monday Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. Alice Hunter has not ~een in sch ool \ morning. this week b cau e of t!lne at her OUR PRICES REASONABLE GIVE US A CALL Be t P anut s, 20c lb. Variety Shop. home. -Adv. After a Cochran Hall A sociation Lloyd }.lead, who was in Otterbein meeting \ \/ednesday evening, in which la t year, attended chapel la t Mon­ we received some admonition and ' 12. Miss He len 01werse of \\'es- \ day morning. good advice, t he girls of the Social ten·ill e, hio, sailed at six o'clock , \Varren J . Moore and Carl mith Committee . erved tea and wafers. unday morning, February 1-1, for spent unday at the home of the ~lildred Deit ch is spending a few on the LeYiathan. She w ill former at Canal Winche ter. H OM E DRESSED days at her home in Lima, 0. Ohio repre entati,·e of the Among the Otterbein rooters at the After Dinner ~'1int , 35c lb. Variety Federation of Women's Clubs to St. Marys game were: Leora hop.-Adv. ~nter upon welfare work in Paris. Gochenour, Hazel Payne, Charlotte ince her graduation Mi s Converse Edith Bingham repre enting MAKE GOO D EATS Kurtz, Fl o rence Loar, Myrna Frank, spent a year in tudy in Europe, reGlady Howard, Betty Fries, Harold organiza t io n atte nd ed a Y. \ V. · A. turning home after the outbreak of Both Phones Mor r i on, Rob rt Martin. Gordon conference at Evanston, Illinois the t 11e E uropean war. 11c was f or a Howard, \\"illiam Vance, Howard pa t few day · Bell 46-W. Citizen 92 I time the ed itor f Ohio \ omen, the Moore, tan ley Richmond, Eugene ~1"yrna Frank and Nellie May Moon organ of the Ohio F·e deration of Hahn. Le lie Dano, Har Id Richter, vi ited their home folk at Middle- \\"omen 's clubs.. She has do n e Robert ri ch andL. H. Leonard. town , 0. much n ewspape r wo rk in Colu mbus and was act ive ly identified w it h pub ­ '1 5. The engagemen t of Miss Doro­ Roth ·weimer of Pittsubrgh wa in ALUM,NALS. licity work fo r t he Frankli n ounty thy Gilbert of Dayton, Westervi ll e a t urday. hio, to :r-fr. '03 An no nu ceme n t has j u t bee n \ Va r hest, the Third Liberty Loa n , ,n Ga n·er of S t rasburg visi ted · · f D D. I. Drucker of the same city, was Jol r. and the Committee fo r Devastated r ecei,·ed of the ma rn age O O tterbein frie nds ove r the wee k -e nd - F rank A. Edwar ds of Los Ange les, · France. announced at a Va lentine partY The Place to ge t Candie Varie t y Californ ia, an d Mi ss Kathr y n E lizagi ,·en in Miss G il be r t' hono r by 1,er Shop.-Adv. beth mi th , w hi ch occu rr ed a t t h e '18. H . R. B r e n t lin ge r, w h o r eturn­ cousin. Mr . Paul E. Gabe l of DaYh ome of t h e bride's pa r ents in Rive r ­ ed la t 111 n t h fr om France and r e­ . cc h er o- ra d ua ti. on M 1·ss Gil· Rn. E. "- T urn er of incin na t i ton. S 111 side. a li fornia, on Th ur day, J anu ­ ceived his dischar ge fr o m t h e a r my, 0 • • 1bliC p nt the fir t of th e week in \ ;\, es­ ch ool. bert h a been teac hm g m the pl . a r y 30, J919. They w ill be at home has enter ed Han·a r d Law 1 tervi ll . afte r M ar ch 15 in the Rex A rm s Mrs. B r entl inge r (A li ce Resler) h a s sch ool of D ayt o n. M r. D ru cher : Leora ocheno ur and H azl e Ap art me nt s in L o Angeles, whe r e bee n teac hi ng school in Co n emau gh, man ager o f t h e L. . R. S tor~gg 111 Payne vi ited Mrs. F. L. A rn old o f Dr. E dw ar ds h a s h ad a successful Pe n nsy lva nia, b ut w ill jo in hi m in Battery o m pa n y. Their wedd Camb rid ~e soo n . Dayton unday. practi ce for some y ea r s as a n oculi st. will occur in Jun e.






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