1918 04 08 The Tan and Cardinal

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A P RIL 8, 1918.

No. 24.



Local C o n g r e g a t i o n More than Doubles Their Apportionment in Otterbein Drive.

P r ofessor Ma rseilles Spea ks to a Large Crowd Sunday ,Morning in the Inter est of Otterbein.

Make a Striking Example for Rest of Denomination to Follow.


With on ly a pa r tia l r eport o f can­ vasse rs in th e hand s of th e exec uti ve committee of the dri ve in th e loca l United Breth ren chur ch. for m o ney fo r th e Otterbein end owm ent, in d icatio ns point to a big vi cto r y for th e co llege for ces. At a rece nt m ee tin g, a partia l r e­ port was ha nd ed in by each canvas s­ er, which indi cated tin t g ifts fro m t he local chur ch al one fo r th e Otte r b ei n drive fo r end ow m en t, wo uld amo u nt to over $12,000. So m e ide a of t he r e­ spo nse thi s cha ll enge is m ee ti n g , may be had fr o m the fa ct t hat a s in g le canvasser wo rkin g with a r a n do m list .si n veu,y-c1~ ,1t ud!llt! S ha:, a lr ead y r<::­ ceived pledges am o untin g t o m ore than $2000, a lth o ugh th e canvass is yet inco mpl ete. Thi s may be ta k en as an indi cati on o f w hat th e c hur ch and fri end s o f O tte rb ein in g e ne ra l think of th e prese n t campaign a n d of what th ey expect to sac ri fic e t o ma k e it a success. At th e beginnin g o f t h e ca m paign, Pro f. N. E. Co rn etet, confe r e nc e captain, and R ev. R. A. Hitt, con fe r e nce superintenden t, pu t u p a goa l fo r each church to rea ch in th e Otterb ein ca mpaign. A defi nit e s u m was no t g iv e n fo r th e local ch ur ch, however, beca us e it was felt that t he nite cl B r e t hr e n here would g o way b eyond t h e confcr ence apJJortio nm en t fo r it . S uch has bee n th e case. The captain in th e loca l church 1s (Continued on page t wo.)

Bjelke Here Thursday. Bjelke, trav e li ng s e cre tary for th e Ohio co ll ege Y. M. C. A. w ill b e at Otterb ein Thurs day fo 1· t h e p u r ­ pose of meet ing and co ns ul tin g th e new office rs. Thi s is a n oppo r t u n ity for "Y" wo rker s to g et po in ts and to come in co ntact w it h a w o nd e rfu l pe r­ so na lity such as M r. Bj e lke po ssesses. Every new ca bin e t m e m be r is ur ged to see Mr. B jelke co n ce r nin g hi s s p e­ cial phase of th e wo rk. Memb ers o f th e n ew a n d o ld cab i­ nets of th e Yo u ng M e n's Chri s ti a n Associatio n w ill m ee t in jo int sessio n Tuesday evenin g at 6 :30 p. m . in th e to we r ro o m to orga ni ze th e com in g year's work. Eve rybod y out on tim e.

J. L.



By t!1e m:ii lin e o f t h is is s ue t he fir s t fisca l year is end ed a nd t he n ew on e began . Fo1· th e pas t yea r L. J . Mi cha e l, th e r e ti 1·ing edito r, ha s ac ­ comp li s h ed a r e ma rka ble feat by p lac in g th e colleg~ pa oe r u po n a firm l> a si . Tvo 111 uc l, cr edi t can not b<. g iv e n h1111 as he wa s forc e d t o w o r k und er v er y ha r d a nd try in g circ um stan c es. How eve r in face of t hese odds h e p u t o u t a pap er that e very s tud e nt was an x io us to r eceive. As a successo r t o M r. Mic ha el t h e pub lica ti o n board ha cho se n J . C. Sicl cl a ll , w ho s e rved a s an ass ista nt to t he fo r m er ed ito r-in-chi e f.



Services Given Over to the Campaign for Otterbein-Li!ymap's Day Observed in E very Church. On the seco nd big clay of O t ter­ bein's d ri ve, t he W es t er vill e Un ited Bret h ren ch urch pulp it wa s fi ll ed by P ro f. Marseill es o f Day to n, superin­ te nd ent of Mo ntg o m ery Co un ty pub li c sc hoo ls, w ho g a ve a power ful ad ­ dr ess o n t he va lu e of th e E du ca tion rece iv ed in CIHi st ian co ll eg es in com­ pa ri so n wit h that r eceived in s ecul ar in s tituti o ns. Su nday m orn in g's se rv ice was de­ vo ted chi e fly to th e interests o f th e co mp a ig n. T he cho ii: rend er ed th e An t hem, " O Lo 1·d, H o w E xce ll en t", by Sco tt. with so lo by Mrs. E. H . Dailey. Ju s t befo re th e addr ess, "The O tt er­ bein Lov e So ng", written by Prof. a nd Mrs. G. G. Grab ill, was s ung by M r. I. M. Ward a nd th e choir. P ro f. Marse illes gav e a s th e s ub­ j ect o f hi s a ddr ess, " R e lig io us Edu­ catio n" . H e sa id t hat usua lly ho m e training was Chri st ian trainin g, a nd that in Chri s ti a n coll eges thi s tra in ­ ing was co ntin ued. But in th e secu ­ lar co ll eges an d u niver s1t1es, ve r y many of t he st ud ents dri ft a way fr o m th eir ho m e tra inin g a nd beco m e un­ beli eve rs an d in m a ny cases, ath eis ts. He gave as an exp la na ti o n o f thi s, s ta­ ti sti cs p ro vin g th a t over fo rty percent of th e professo r s and t ea chers in th e (Co nt inu ed o n page t wo.)

Colum b us Boosters Busy in Campaign F ine Pro gram Was Enjoyed By Go od -Gov. Co x Will Atte nd-"Dave" Crowd of O tterb ein E n thu siastsW arrick t o I nject " Pep". Fred Ri ke W as T oa s t m aster. Co lu mb us a lu mn i a n d fri e nd s o f Durin g th e sprin g vacation week Otte rb ein are a li ve a nd wi de a w ake a s memb er s of t h e D ay to n A lumni Asso­ · t1o · n ma.cl e a ri·a_nge m e n t s an d 11e lei is e vid e n ced by th eir p Ian s f o r a b an - I cia _ q uet to be h e ld A p ril e le ve n t h at t h e a ba nq uet 111 t he in t erests of th e big ew So u thern Hote l a t 7:00 p. m. in end o wm ent cam pai g n. T h is was t he th e int er es t s of O tt e rb ein' s n ew e n- laun chin g o f th e big driv e fo r Day­ dowm e nt campa ign. to n a nd th e n ea r v icinity, and from T h e committee in charge o f th e ar - all r epor t , th e e nthu sias m s how n a t Former Studenet Shares H onor. rnn ge m e nts is co m po sed o f so m e of th e soci a l session, bes pea ks th eir sueT he Ta n and Cardina l office is in Otte rb e in' s m os t 1-e no wn ed s on s s uch \ cess in go in g " ove r th e t opu o n th e possessio n of a copy of "T rench an d (Co nt111 ued o n page tw o.) ( ontinu ed o n page tw o.) Camp" a newsy p ublicat ion issued wee kl y by t he Y. M. C. A. of Camp Lee. T he s ig ni fica nce of thi s iss ue is in th e fa ct t hat it ca r ri es an articl e pra1s111g Lut her Kud er, a form er \ i\/ h e n th e thr ee yo un g ge nt lem en no na m es b e m ention e d) had just s t ude n t o f Otterbe in. Mr. Ku de r is w ho w e r e b ein g so co n sp ic io us ly ini t i­ bee n g lan cin g over ome o ld records a mem ber o f Company 2, A. S. S. C. ated into th e V ar sity " O" th e oth er of fo r me r V ars ity "O" ini t iat ions a nd statio ned at Camp L ee and is captai n m o rnin g' e nt e r ed th e chape l a f ew seein g t h e we ll-kn ow n name of Ca r y o f th e company ba sketba ll t eam peo p le wh o were standing nea r Prof. Altma n at t he t op of the one page h e t ha t wo n th e champion s hip hon o rs. A ltman notice d t hat h e shook his became desperate ly inte rested a nd read T he a rti cle says o f t he yo u ng so ldi er, h ead d o le ful ly and m u t t e red some­ th e acco unt in d eta il. T he lu ckl ess " H e fir st sprun g into the li m eligh t t h in g u nde r hi s breath. To most of Cary (so it was r eco rde d in th e day t h ro ug h hi s ath leti c ab ili ty whi le at th ose wh o sa w him, hi s act io n ap­ of h is ini tiat ion) had bee n to ld to do n Otte1·bein Co llege. As an in divid ua l pea r e d exceedin g ly pec uliar a nd ex­ hi s "banq uet s ui t" a nd procure an ap­ sta r, K ud er m od es tly declin ed to ac­ ce ptio na l ; t h er e w as onl y one in th e poi n tmentwithan clde d y and ill-favo r­ cep t credit fo r hi s exceptional m erit, crowd w ho un derstood and appre­ ed mai d en who li ved o n hi s street. T he but we a re o f th e op inion that his latte r (j ust ente ri ng upon h er seco nd metor ic soar into at h leti c prnmin ence r;iate d it. wa s clu e to h is own hon es t . effo r ts." (Co n t in ued on page t wo.) Thi s pe r s on (w h o h as begged th at



Page Two I






Tennis Schedule is Announced -Ohio State First. (Continued from page one.) ____ Tennis is with us again. The seafinal day ·. · h a mate h (Continued from page one.) (C t" d f 1.0 111 age one) . so n opens on A pn·1 16 , wit I on mue p · Immediately following th e supper, at Ohio State. \Vork has bee n rushH. Griffith. Associated with him are secular schools of the country are which was gladly received by a ll pres- ed the three new courts on the 011 Prof. R. H. \,Va~oncr, A. C. Sidd_all, atheists, while . more than_ fifty per- cnt, the eve ning's program followed. o!d athletic field and they are about C. E. \\"axbom and R. W. Smith. ! cent arc unb elie vers . It_ '.s easy to I Fo1· a toa s tmaster no better person ready for use. A few finishing The general committee is composed understand what the religious views c :.ild be found than Mr. Fred Rike, ' touches are all that is necessary to of the members oi the exec utive com- of studen ts will be when under the 111 - an old alumnus of the class of '88. j make them among the best in the mitte e and Dr T J. Sanders, Rev. E. 1 nu ence of such teachers as thes e. The toastmaster called upon severa l s tate S b t t· , kst a e · · \V. G. Clippinger, \ This gives one very clear reason persons to give talks and among IJe'll . e · tu ds and 1ati1 1Jac ops 1k1 v a t E Burtner Pres • , · . . ~ rec e an . 1ese cour s ma e K E Cornctet Guy Cheek, Prof. A. why our denomm;it1onal colleges these were, Dr. Schel l; 1-Irs. McFad- fine add"t• t Ott b . , ti t·c . 1 1011 o · · , . . . er em s a 11e 1 P. Rosselot, Prof. L. A. \ Veinland and I sho uld receive our und1v1ded sup- den and Nettie Lee Roth. A quartet J eq uipment Dr. Chas. Snavely. port. P rof. Marseilles gave a strong from the First . B. Church sang and F k ;_D ,, R h • · · the loca 1 c I1urc h is · to I appeal to the members of the church also those present ·.vere entertained . •ran· oc ess Ier as The dnve 111. again d · wee'. k • "give . · they fee 1 it · " 111 · . . ocen ,,c 110 be completed this to give aid, until by t-I1ss Dorth_v Gilbert. Dr. Clip- ''D • en to fi 1ead the t en dms sq ua d. 1 i\ canvass of the townspeople in 01·de r that we may go "over the top" pinger was present and gave his ster- 1 ode isHa m e Paye~ an a goo 1ca er. • 1mmed1ate • · Jy f o 11 ow, un d er when the final effort come M ay 9 . . . 1s cool play111cr opt1can general will lecture on Otterbe111. " has . , many . times s way · · • L • t oug I1t on the d1rect1on o f G eo1ge _________ The people of Dayton are wide . d . puh11 ed. a match Otterbein a ·,id !,is committee. k d 11 k. f , an 111 t e tight places his teammates 100 Otterbein Professor Says Varsity " O " awa e an a are mg or some I . d" d f 1 lt f G c· are a Iway encouraged by his stea 1" 'o rk in the endowment campaign vv Initiation Is Poor, Compared with His won er u resu s rom t I,c em ity Th" · • h in Columbus is being pushed. It is ____ ________ · ness. is 1s his third year on t e Confidelltly e .·pected -that gifts from I (ca m and the second as capta in. With ·' will alone amount to VARSITY "O" Franklin county (Continu ed from page one.) _ _INITIATION _ such a p layer as Res ler to lead the



I ·1


30,000. · Reports from the nin e conferences in Michigan, Pennsylvania, \,V est Virginia and Ohio are most enco uraging. The splendid working machinery i thought bound to produce results and now the leaders in th e campaign are hoping that the grand total at th e end of the campaign on May 9 may be over a half million dollars for old Otterbein. President Clippinger, who is persona lly directing the campaign, is now in the field most of the time, as is Dr. W. E. Schell ~f Dayton and a numher of general church officers . 1 he observance of layn1en•~ day throughout the churches of the denomination on last unday, with a l)roml.eilt layman championing the campaign from each pulpit, was mad e a mighty factor in furth er arousing the Co -operation of the nine conferences. Chu rches througho~t tl: e conferences are friendly and show111g the b t O f co-operative sp iri t which leads es , the worker to be confident of th e relt of the next five weeks' work. su _________ EAT H TAKES DAUG H D T ER OF PROFESSOR A short illness due to broncho pneu­ monia was the cau e of the d eat h Monday of littl e Ruth Laureta Sch ea1·, four-year-old daughter of Professor and M;rs. E.W. E. Schear, \,Vest Park street. •The little girl had been in frail health and sh e was not able to with­ stand the attack of pneumonia. She is survived in the home by an ag ed grandmother, and her father and mother. Profe or Schear is instruct­ ,o r in biology in Otterbein college. F un eral services were held at the United Brethren church at ten o'clock this Thursday morning, Rev. E. E. B urtn er officiating. B uria l was made in Otterb in cemetery. I've been working on my note book A ll the live-long day. I've been working on my note book, Just to pass the time away. ·Don't you hea r the teacher calling? 'ote book must be in tomorrow morn. Don't you h ear the students bawling? Wi h I'd rever been born . -Dynamo.

child i hness) did not grasp th e humor _Thursday Otterbein was furnish_eu ~~~;:. men a successful season is in of the s ituation and was much llatter- with some amusement by the Varsity g 1 ed by the da hing yo ung gentleman's •'O" initiation. .1iller from the basThe a'.11ount of material in schoo l attentions. Proudly and blushingly ketball team, and Arnold manager of greaUy mcreases th e chances for a s he walked up the chapel aisle with the foot ball t eam, were the only two ~vm:1mg team. Gray, Drow~, Band­ him to a front seat, coyly she looked to take the initiation, ch utz, the bas_ I ~ro,t, ~nd hutz of last year_s squa into his eye a the scripture was be- ketball manager being too sick to all 111 school and are work111g ha rd ing r ead and very familiarly she lean - comp lete his part in it. I .o make the team. Then there are ed upon his arm as they walked out \,Vh en the bell rang for the sevea I ::;evera l Freshmen who have played again. It was great to be young once o'clock class a crowd of fellows had some good tennis and they will make more and attractive; she thought, gathered acros the st r eet from Coch- 11 good s ho wing. Nothing will dehe edless of the g igg les around her ran Hall and their curio ity was satis- vc!ope a good team quicker than a lot and :\fr. Altman was such _a handsome fied by the anti cs of Miller, Arnold, I :if ~competition. young man!_ She wa_s delighted to ac- and chutz. The initiates had a J he schedule is not complete for company him to hi_ dmn er at the I wagon in which they tried to induce seve ral matche are hanging fire. The club. . he was tl:nce . flat:ered the g irl s to ride, finally they procured manager is_ in touch with \ \Tooster stroll tnc streets wn!1 him anerwaru . a load and started ~or the Administra- :i.nd Balrlw111-\Vallace and the con ­ It made her happy to see so many tion building. Miller and A Id tracts are expected to be signed soon. people looki1:g at them for ,;he w~,s w~re somewhat handicapped b;n~he Followi ng is the schedule as arranged very proud 111d eed of her fellow . b . I · h ti h"J S h by Manager Ress ler• . an e s w 111c icy wore, w I e c utz · (young lov er). ~hen the time was up hopped along on one foot for the en0. .-Away April 16. he took her s~v1ftly. homeward, but tire di tance. 0. W. U.-Away April 27. not yet was it fimshed. As they I th ft A Id d M" Capital-Away May 24 · . n e a ernoon rno an I 11ler stood at the door with a good ly cro_wd 'j spent an hour entertaining the Var0. W. U.-Here May 31. look111g on from the treet, the _kmd sity "O" men up town. Envel d Capital-Her e June 1. so ul lean ed over and fondly kissed I b ti . b d . ope . y 1e1r arre 1s an t 11e1r costume completed by stove pipe hats and hi;n goo_d-by.e That 1s why Prof. Altman merely H . d b h New Bulletin Issued. shook his head ai.cl murmured "Pretty _oovenze oots t ey gave a fine exMonday moming at the close of the p oor ,, w h en h e saw th e V ars1't y "O" h1b1t1011. Barrels make cumbersome chape l services, as the students left . · th e1r • clothmg at the me men shivering an d s h a k"mg 111 . . t and the two vie - the hall they were presentd with the barrels. tuns hardly en;oyed themselves in latest issue of the college bulletin. 1 this garb. But because of their good This i StJe is an eight page booklet COLUMBUS ALUMNI TO MEET behavior · -they h were. allowed . to ad- and i entitl ed "The Campaign and its 1 Journ unti t e evening ses 1011 in the P rogr ess." It d eals with Otterbein gym where the finishing touches were as an educational in stituti on g iving (Continued from page one.) put on. the nam es of the facu lty and the vari­ as enato r E. G. Lloyd, '98; HonorFriday night after society the Varous co urses of study offered. Ti1is ab le A. Timberma_n, '03; a,nd Honor- , sity "0" had a feed along Alum bulletin is very valuable to prospec­ able E. L. \,V e111lancl, 91. These Creek and a fine t11ne wa reported . tive students so if you have any in men have been working hard to make \,Vei1:ers, buns, pickle-, coffee, cakes, this a big occasion and so far it ap- and ice cream was the program as far mind see to it that they get a copy.









pears that their work ha not been in va111. Among the guests at this banquet are to be Governor James M. Cox and his wife. The program arranged has e nli sted some prominent speakers to launch the drive in Co lum b us and vicinity. A lso they have sec ured "Dave" vVa~rick the famous cheer leader of Ohio State to lead the yells . and work up enthu 1asm. · · Tl · 11s occas ion 1s ope n to all alumni and friends of Otterbein either in Columbus or \tVesterville and also the college faculty and th eir wives. The fee for admittance is placed at the low rate of $1.50 per plate and a large crowd is expect ed to attend.

as the "eats" were concerned. The committee evidently overestimated the appetites of the fe ll ows fo r there was lots left over. It i too bad the girls at the Ha ll sleep so sound for they co uld have enjoyed some r efresh­ ments had they been awake.


Story W riters Have Another W eek. Contestants in ti B SI arnes ,ort 1e Story Contest to h ave one more . week 111 which to ubmit their product1ons, according to an announce­ ment of Profes o r Altman who has the managing of th e contest. If your tory is not fin ish ed get bu y and have it in o n time as the contest is to clo e April 12, 1918.

Music Students t o P erform . On Apri l twenty-third the students of the Otterbein Con ervatory of Mu ic will give another recital in Lambert Hall. 0 far th ese enter­ tainments have been of the very high­ es t class and have been w ell r eceived by the audience. That the coming at­ traction wi ll be up to the standard is proven by th e fact that every person on the program has been constantly preparing their various numb ers. Pro­ fessor Grabill announce that every number will be rea ly by th e twe nty­ th ird and a good crowd i expected to attend.

Boost the campaign!


Are You Molly? COCHRAN HALL Lenore Rayot and Grace Armen"Are you busy Mo ll y? Well th en trout were hostesses at a lu ncheon let's go to the library and read a few Friday evening in the reception room, college papers. I always like to in honor of eva Anderson. \iVithin know what the other schools are do­ the heart and cupid ices came the an- ing. You didn't know the papers noun cement of ,Miss Anderson's en- were in the library? W ell tell m e gagement to Lieut. R. J. H. Mertz where you have been keeping your­ of Cleveland, Ohio. Then came th e self. We get papers from twenty or real surprise when all present r eceived thirty differ ent colleges. Yes, down­ an announ ce m ent of the marriage stairs-come on over in this west which had take n place December 15, ro om and we'll see what we can find. 1917 at Ashland, Kentucky. "\\;ell look at this! By catching All th e girls are glad to see Thelma frogs a!,d turtl es and se lling them to 1 Ewry back in schoo l again. the niversity of Kansas where they . are us ed for experimental purpo es A ltce R ess ler had a birthday p.ush in th e biolog!cal Iaborator'i es, two for Edna Farl ey, \Vedn esday evenrng. students are working their way


What Your Liberty Bond Will Ac- , beds each, with all lin en, clothing, complish. and oth er necessities, or buy six large A $1,000 bond will buy six cases of who lesale steril izin g outfits, or six operating instruments for a base ho s- motor ambulances. pita!, or furni sh pistols for a rifl e co mpany, or one motor kitch en. Oratorical Contest Postponed. One thousand five hundred dollars On account of sickness of several of of Lib erty Bonds will buy a motor the con tes tants t.he Russell Oratorical ambulance, or a motor car for a ma­ Contest has bee n postponed for a chine-gun battalion. Two $1,000 bonds will buy a motor couple of weeks. Thi~ will give th e truck ; three $1 ,000 bonds will buy entrants more time to work o ut the productions and also afford any rifl es for a Field Artill ery battery, or ee Pro ­ s upply horses for a Field Signal bat­ others ampl e time to enter. fessor Fritz for any furth er informatalion. tion. Four $1,000 bonds will buy a tractor; five $1,000 bonds will buy one Liberty tru ck, or seven Lewis MaJoint Recital Postponed. chine guns, or equip a rifle company According to an announcement with rifl es. made by Professor Grabill the recital Six $ 1,000 bonds will buy a Liberty which was to be given by him and motor; seven 1,000 bonds one train- Professor Fritz on April 16 has bee n ing plane; nin e $1,000 bonds one ob- postponed indefi nit ely. In all prob­ servation balloon. abilities this recital will be given the T en thousand dollars of bonds will Monday of commencement week, fuily equip three h os pital wards of 50 however no definite date ha s be en set.


Professor West and Mr. Fralick of through college. Guess I'll try that. Kansas City, Mo ., were guests at din"Oh, here's something from the ner Tuesday eve ning. niversity of Pittsburgh . It would never do fo r me to go there. . Accordi\fr. Stoltz of St. Francisvill e, Ill.; in g to a new ruling of the niv ersity Mrs. A. T. Howard and son Gordon faculty, grades of "A" and "B" will of Dayton, 0., w er e guests for lunch carry ext ra credits. The book-worm Friday noon. who gets "A" in a thr ee-credit course . ·o us eats from home were 110 w w1·11 get credit for 3.6 units. If D e I1c1 served by Olive Given to some of her he is only mod erat ely st udio us an_d fri en d s T ues d ay eveiling. n,ust be coi,tent with a "B" his credit will be 3.3. The m ediocre m e mb ers Geneva Harper is still on th e sick of the class-tho.se satisfied to glide li st. Glasses can now be ordered by mail, and the alterations made, or through on a " C"-will rece ive th e replacing broken le nses-with the utm ost satisfaction. Helen Turner of Reynoldsburg, 0., normal three credits, whil e th e "D" students will get on ly nin e-tenths of visited Helen Vance this w ee k. Our mai l department is b usy, accurate and handl es all orders th e normal credit of a course. A number of girls wer e delightfully "Wouldn't you like to be at Woos­ instantan eo usly. ente rtain ed in Vida \ ilh elm's room ter the 11th of May? They are to Friday evening in honor of her gu ests have th eir annual Color Day with a Lucille Exline and Ma rtha Heising of May Pole, folk dances, and everything Canton, O. that goes to make up a typical Eng­ Dinner guest fo, Sunday noon lish May Day. Were Lieut. Hendricks ·of Camp Sher­ "·Well good for Case! Over 400 OPTICIAN man and Mrs. Herbert Meyers of graduates and ex-students are kno~n nd Canal Winchester, 0. to be serv ing ncl e Sam. A Oht0 COLUMBUS, OHIO 40 North High Street .Vera tair and Emily Arnold are State is doing her bit too. 174 ath­ ~tth us again after a prolonged vaca­ letes _and at~l etic managers alone, are 1! . - . - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -.: tion. now rn service. "Oh th ere's the bell, and I hav e a class. L et's come back ome oth er MEASLES. time. I kn ew you would enjoy read­ Th ere's a word that' very popalar ing th ese pages." At Cochran Hall these days, Everybody talks of it Citizens t o Hear Story of W ar. In rath er fearfu l ways. ZART MAN'S Betty says to Alice, In kee ping with th e times the Citi­ I BARB E R SHOP "l'n, feelin g bum to-day, zen's Lecture Co urse have decided t.o FOR Bave a notion to go home 4 S. State St. close the year with a rous in ~ patri­ Becau e, it's just this way:­ otic meeting. For this occas10n and Shoe Shine in Connection. Fruit , Candies If I get them, Ican't go home thur K. Herman will be th e lead'.ng For vacation's coming soon, fi gure. M r . Herman was a Canadian uts So I think I sha ll start ear ly minister and at the out -b r eak _of the G. W . H EN D E RSON, M. D . And avoid thi dr eadful doom." war h e en li sted as a private with th~ Office Residence,· See Florence and Virginia "Th irteenth Canadian B lack Watch. State and P lum 99 ,S. State T Have been victims-sad to say, In the spring campaign of_ 1917 he 10 to 11 A. M. 1 to 4 P . M. hey endured it bravely was wou nd ed at Vimy Ridge . ~nd Sundays an<l Evenings by In a very p leasant way, comes to America with th e thnll'.ng Appointmen t. The lon ely days they had to pass• stories of one who has pai~ th e price. In th e guest room on fi rst floor! :Mr. Herman do es not g ive a one­ I We tried to mak e the time go fast, sided view of the war b~t pres_en~s When you buy But we cou ld do no more. truth as he found it. This patnot1c you have a "feed" be When 'vVc und erstand it's not confined be num l) er O f the lectu re Course will . sure and go t o F Alone to Cochran Hall, held at the College Chapel _111 orYou must rely on the honesty or "Rats" and Kenneth had them der to accommodate the patnots of and intelligence of the dealer. too, this community. M We try to give our patrons the Believ e they had them first of a ll. At the close of th e lecture by r. best of goods and service. Do Yo u wonder what this thing may Herman a special speaker has been CASH GR O CER Y b(' ecured to present the facts concern­ That's disturbing all our eases, ing the th ird Liberty Loan. And keeping us in such susp ense, The admission fee is placed . at And get the Best. ents and to those holdrn g 1'11 tell you-;-it's the MEASLES. twen ty- five C . The Nyal Q uality Store. Corner of Main and State re course ti ckets two season lect u · fi . ·11 be sold for thirty- ve tickets w1 . The wages of sin are never left un­ cents and their season ticket. Paid.

Optical Mail Orders

Clyde S. Reed


The Man On The Job A. A. RICH,

Insurance Agent



WILSON, the Grocer




Keller & McElwee's




THE T AN AND CARDINAL start that promises to be greater in the future . But let it be remembered that as they leave th eir vario us posts that we heartily thank them for what they hav e done and for th e excellent oppo r t uniti es they hav e le ft t o u s. As is always good form we propose to adopt a policy for our year's work. There be it understood that we th e new staff propose to conduct the af­ fair of this paper to the best inter ­ ests of th e students of Otterbein Col­ lege. We intend to boost every in­ terest of th e schoo l and to cove r every bit of news that we can. If at any time you, Mr. Stud ent hav e any sug­ gestions be free to make th em to any member of th e staff and t h ey wi ll be carefu ll y considered. The futur e of th e pape1· depends up o n your sup­ port and we ask for yo ur h ea rty cooperation .

One Year of War. W ar for Humanity. We have had one year of wa r. War, · in a good cause, is not th e Twelve good months have passed in greatest evi l which a nation can s uf­ the calendar of time sin ce the brutal fer. War is an ugly thing, but not P ubli shed Weekly in the interest of Otterbein by the Hun plunged us into th e wor ld-temp - the u g liest of things; the decayed and OTTERBEIN PUBLISHIN G est o f death and destruction. d egraded state of moral and patriotic BOARD , We talk ed last sp rin g of o ur allies fee lin g which thinks nothing worth Westerville, Ohio. holding the enemy un ti l we got r eady a war is worse. When a people are Member o f the Ohio College Press to fight in t~ e fall; in the fa ll we ta lk- u sed as m er e human in~trum ents for Association. eel of holdmg the en e my until we finng cannon or thrustmg bayonets, co uld get into the big spring drive. ' in the se r vice for the selfis h p urpo ses S taff And now that sprin g is upon us, and of a mast er, such war degrades a peo­ Editor-in-Chief .......... J. C. Siddall, ' 19 we have only limited fo r ces we can pie. A war to protect other human Assistant Editorst ,row into the face of the e n emy, we beings against tyrannical inju stice; }. R. Howe, '21 are ta lkin g about holding on until a war to give victory to their own J . R. Love, '21 nex t su mmer or next fa ll or n ex t id eas of ri g ht and good, and which is Cont r ibuting Editorssp ring. the ir own war, carr ied o n for an He len Bovee, '19 He len Kell er, '20 The truth is that while we hav e not ho nes t p urpos e by their free choice, Business Mgr. .......... K. L. Arnold, '20 don e as mu ch as some expected us to often th e means of their r egenera­ do , we hav e done wonde r s. W e hav e tion. A man who has nothing wh ich Asst. B u s. Mgr........... C. L. Smith, '20 gotten sta r ted-and that was th e big he is wi llin g to fight for, nothing wh ich As t. Bus. Mgr. ........ H. F. Moore, '21 task. We have !Jecome organized . he care mor e about that he does Cirvulation Mgr. ........ C. E. Mullin '1 9 We have mad e our tools. We have about his persona l safety, is a miser­ What Are You Going To Do? 1st Asst. Cir. Mgr., H. H. Meyers, '20 coll ected and arc co ll ectin g o ur ra w able creat ur e, w h o ha s no chanc e of 2nd Asst. Ci r Mgr.For some time Otterbe in College materia l in men and m eta l. From t hi s being free, unl ess made and kept so Wenda ll Cornetet, '2 1 has bee n engaged in a great campaign time forward there w ill b e a differ ent by t h e xert ion of bette r men than Local Editor ............ W. H. Vance, '21 for n ew endowm ent. o far th e peo­ tal e to te ll-a nd it wi ll be a happier hi m se lf. A;, long as justice and injus­ Cochran Ha ll ............ R uth Hoop er, '19 p le have ralli ed to th e cause in a ta le than has eve r b een told. We tice hav e not terminated their eve r­ sha ll p il e up men a nd munitions as to renewing fig ht fo r asc endency in th e Al umna! .................... Prof. Guitn er, '97 wond erful mann er and from a ll t h e a r o use the world in enthu siasm at o ur affairs of m a nkind hu man bein gs Exc hange ................ Vida Wilh elm, ' 19 "dope" that ca n be gat her ed it looks accomp li shment s. T h e days of boast- m ust b e w ill ing, wh ~n need is, to do Ath letic ............................ C. L. Fox, '20 li ke we wer e going "ove r the top" on in g are at an end; th e days of wo rk batt le fo r th e one aga in st the other.John Stuart Mi ll. May seventh. As y et the student are hand. Address all communications to The body ha s not had a chance to say just Th is was written a half cent ury and It has tak en us a yea r to get sta rt­ Otterb ei n Tan and Cardinal, 20 W. more ago, b ut it might hav e bee n what t h ey were going to do as their ed. Nothing on earth can stop u s Main t., Westerville, Ohio. wr itten yest e rday it app li es so we ll to share b ut we a r e hopin g that they now but fina l victo ry. The months S ubsc ri ption Price, $1.50 Per Y ear, to-day's cond it io n . The truth is the will not la ck th e usual '·punch" whic h ha e not been lost. T h e mistakes we payable in adva nc e. same y es terday, to-day, and to-moris characteristic to th em. Thus we have mad e hav e not been in vain. Our ro w. Entered as seconu class matt Sep­ sec the great qu estiori in the mind~ of , !lies will e C0IT'f'"l1Sa t <' d for th e tre­ t emb er 25, 1917, at the postoffice at the church membel"S and friends i , mendous sacrifices they hav e made Somewhere in Fra nce. W es ter vi lle, 0., und er act of March 3, What are the stud ents go in g to do? and we ha ll no t d isappo in t th em if D ear Jud so n : It will be r ememb ered that when 1879. th Y are ab le to ho ld th e enemy a I rec e ived yo ur le tt er and was g lad our schoo l was o despe rately in ne ed brief whi le long r-whi ch th ey see m to h ear from you. It was the first It Takes So Little. of money that th e st udents came to capabl e of doing.-Di patch. lette r I got from Otterbein since I It takes so littl e to make u s g lad, the rescue and e tabli h ed an enviable hav e b een here. I am glad you are Ju t a cheering cla p of a friend ly r ecord . A g ain wh en the call came to i getting a long all right in schoo l and hand · help with the war work we again LINE L OGICS. that . Otterbein is prosperin g. If Ju st a w~rd from one who can und er- made a new record and w ent far beBe careful with your remarks, and you kn o w any addr es of Otterb ein stand • yond what we ourselves eve n exwhere you drop them. They may hit m en h ere in Fran ce 1 w ish you would And we finish the task we long had pected. ow student what are we the wrong person. writ e th e m. I might find some, som e planned going to say when we are a ked to time. Pew r ent is alright, but it doe not And we lose the doubt and the fear help with thi great "drive"? I am we ll and getting a long all There i a sma ll co ll ege way out in buy th e way to Heaven. we hadright. As so ldie r we are well cared Yankton , So uth Dakota, that in a o lit t le it takes to make u s g lad. Ambitio n is a desire to d o some­ for . Of course it is far differ en t t ha n mca ur c is like unto our own that ha s thing we can't. Success is d oing it. going to school. We are h er e fo r The New Staff. set for us an example. With ca r cely It i the chicken-hearted who are bu in s and th en en joy home again. vVit h this is ue we, the newly elect­ one hu ndred and fifty students they I am gaining ome experience and ed staff, assume the manifold duti es rais ed someth ing over six thousand always hatching excu es. seein g a little of the wor ld. I missed connected with the college paper. We dollars fo r th eir A lma Mater. Many Tightwad- The man who boasts of g etting easick on the way aero s al­ realize that we are about to enco unt- of th ese s tudents were working their his fine education and money and then though we had som e pretty rough er many trying hard s hips du e to the way through school but they were refuses to contribute to the endow­ w eather. unsettled conditions of the nation, but willing to he lp their college a long and ment campaign. we are willing to undertak e them and make things b tter for the students in France is a pretty country and quite When t-he h ead pulls against the different in ome r espec ts than do the best we know how. We r eal- the future. If th ese students could · · izc that o n this account we will in a do such a thing as ~he examp le ju t heart it draws the face. These are som e of th e things I have mea ur e be u nab le to look very far in­ s ighted how much had we ought to It is bette r t o lose an argument not ed mo t. Stone buildings with til e to the fut ur e but whatever circu m- do? \I'v e can not do less and we must than a frie nd. roofs . A ll stone or h edge fences. tance arises will be handl ed to the do more. Good stone r oad but not straight, Th e best pumping station-The car t in tead of wago n s and horses or best advantages of the student body. vVe do not think it i a king too Al o we are aware of the many joy much when we say that the Otterbein Faculty room. mules hitched in front of each other and blessings that come to those who Students will rai se double what the An optimist is the man who gives in tead of in teams. Oxen and dogs are privi leged to serve on t h e taff of students did in the last campaign. money to the n ew endowment fund a re used as b easts of burden. The the paper, and we hop e that they wi ll Certa inl y not, for we are more in eve n though the times are hard. rail road cars and engines are sma ll J1ot interfere with our best work. numb ers and our ad vantage and op­ and much different than o urs. This It is rather inconsi tent to kick For the work of the old members portunities ar e twice as good. To­ li~tle description might g ive you a about th ere being so many kick ers in -011 th e staff we hav e only word of day we can ea rn twice as much a biased opinion of the count ry but I the world. the high es t commendation. They, un­ they could and do the same work o don't b eli eve I have seen many of th e like us, were forced to face circum­ we are r ea lly un der obl igation to do An ounce of "did" is betteer than a be t things in France. sta nc es that we w ill in al l probabil­ twic e as much in this "d riv e". It will pound _of "going t o d o." What are W e ll st udy hard . Yo u had a g rea t iti es never b e ca lled upon to face; but sim p ly m ean that we will hav e to av­ you usmg ounces or pounds for the privilege and with it an equa l respon­ in th e li g ht of th ese disadvantages erage th e ame as thos e before u and new endowment? ibility. I hope to be in school again they hav e succeeded in p lacing the we wi ll rai e again a much money. wh en our work i ove, here. When a girl loses h er h eart she pape r on a firm basis and g iving it a Will we do it? P rivate Elvin vVarrick, u ually r eceives a diam ond. 639 Ar eo Sq uadron,







=========~!Fr~:~~~~~:~~~~:::::::~~~= TH E TAN AN D CARDIN A L


LOCALS Ph ·!· S. Hert returned to tt d sit 1 omath O , ean Open Sessio a end Vthe w yk 'feed". He rema · nd an aree -end. me over th e

Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Miller C ornetet ) of Huntington, . W es t v·1rg111ia, . . are guests at the home !lf Mrs. Miller's parents, Prof. and Mrs. N. E. Cornetet on West Pa r k

'14, '14. (H aze 1


Smarter Style Finer Tailoring Better Quality-

Metzger h ouse was visited by a Street. The of Party me r ry Ap n-1 morning break- ' 11. Walte r R. Bai ley and wife of fasters S Columbus spent Su nday with his par­ , aturday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bailey who _Vance Cribb Bishop Club Ss was a guest at the are soon to move from Westerville to ' unday noon Chicago, Ill.


. cation g ' unng the Easter vatalk bef av e Otterbein a "boost" in a He al ore Greenville, O. high schoo l songs so favored them with a fe~ · L1 Grippe h . dozen victims . . cla1m almost das · unng th ed e past week.a Leland E p . from a rath ace _has J_ust recov er ed back in scho;~_ serious illn ess and is Priv;i.te Karl W Barrack . . arstley of Columbus helm S s vdisited hi cousin Vida Wil, un ay. •

'1 6. Miss Mary A. ichols of Piketown, Ohio, who was called to W es­ tervill e last week by the death of her \ little ni ece, Ruth Schear, remained

Iher e over

CAsco~'l l/8in. CLYDE~ll/Bi/l

to:r~vat Avery B " •·,h ads, Virg· . rui~i: er of Hamp0 1 a 1111 a v1s1ted M.i ss v·d •vi el m Thursda George GI y.


M rs. A . T . H owar d (M l ay Stevenson) of Dayton , Ohio, was in W este rville last week visiting Mrs . Edith T. Whitney and family.



First National Bank Building.


15 West College Ave.


B. W . WELLS, Mer chant Tailor Fine line of spring samples. short notice. Cor. Main and State St.

'06. Elbert M. Rymer of Westerville, Ohio has re cently bee n appointed assistant efficiency examin er of the state civi l service commission.

r egula rl y sold elsewhere at $20 a nd

Prof. R. D. Bennett of Athens Ohio and Charles R. Bennett ' of ewton ' ' Hamilton , Pa ., spent Easter at the hom e of their · mot I1er, Mrs. H. L. Bennett, on o rth State





SEELEY RESTAURANT Formerly The White Front. Give Us a Trial. Our Specialty To treat ever ybody right.

Every r eal nob by new model and


weave 1 here to

Choice C\lt F lower s and Corsage

elect from

B ouquet s.


Quality Best---Prices Right

week to his home in Westerville aft er having spent the winter in Forida. He


, 12, , 12 . Dr. A. D. Cook and wife (W ilda Dick) of Cleveland, Ohio, · te d 1111ss10n· · have rece ntly bee n appom aries to the Philippines. Dr. Cook will be the first m edical missionary of the nited Brethren Church in that field and will hav e charge of the hospita! soon to be e tablish ed in an Fernando. They expect to sat·1 ea r Iy in the summer.

Citz. Phone 167

Cleaning and Pressing done on

' - D 82 lh e, Pa . ce K e1st dal r. Lawren . er of Scotts- is now in 'vVest Virginia 111 . the mter. ., is P. supp l y111g . . campaign. . lh e nited th e pulpit of es t o f t I1e O tter b em or\th city durin~e;lbyterian church of '1 1. :1\Irs. Glen Lambert . (Mab_e'.le e Past 1e prot racted illn es Fleming) of Anderson, Indiana, v_1s1t- , ed Westerville friend at Easter t1111e. ',a· D or.



T hey're equa l in ev­ er y detail to the uit


Citz. Phone 110

B. C. YOUMANS, B arb er 37 N . State St. Sh oe Shine in Connection. Sh op closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.


st r eet. 'l 5. Homer B. Kline of Pittsb urgh , Pa., wa visiting old friends in \Ves­ t ervill e just before Easter, bidding th em farewell before entering the national army to whic I1 I1 was ca II e d la st week. '77 . Dr. S. W. Keister r eturned la st


Bell Phone 190

J.P. West represented Otterbein at a meeting of coll ege secretaries · and treasurers held at Ohio W es leya n niversity last Thursday.

Cept ed by owe . th we . re exa111111ed and acDr . eir loca l draft boards. p : B:itt spoke in Chap el Tuesday. CoJ rivate O vV M li Umbus o ur er, stationed at Earracks, eveerrnan M. h was a visitor of n111g_ · tc ea! Wednesday

th St.r. Cl Wi11· · J. Zuck, pastor of . iam d Urch of ~r Avenue Presbyterian 1U sct111g a sen_olumbus, es f L Ohio' is con'h churc h ti. o ente n services in Pro;is week. D Upper S · and Mrs. E. L. Porter ~rents of aa~dusky, are the happy n ew y ittle daughter, born on 0 am ed L eth c:i-'o · ~ d:i Y, vh om th ey hav e a.

Westerville, O.




29 W. College Ave.

Bell Phone 9

' 13. Miss Mary Clymer is now in charge of the bead.quar• rs recently opened by the W es terville Red Cross in the Board of Trade rooms in th e

days at ho1 aune r ·is spen d"mg a few S• " g up I11· s WOrk. 1·11 the nCe befo r e t a k· 111 . ,rv1 cc at Wa ommerce D ept. 0 f c·ivi·1 Wade F s 11111gton D · C · J. It B: au ey, Vance Cribbs and

B .


Young Men's Spring ·Suits


Word has been r eceiv ed r elating to the marr iage of B. 0. Barnes and Esther Down ey of Anderson, Ind. '14. Miss Boneta Jamison is th e lead er of a large miss ion study class Gordon H Howard f oward, son of Bishop in th e Christian Endeavor society of O ville Dayton was in Wester- the United Brethren ch urch in Lima, Over the wee k- end Ohio. L . awrenc e K . sto Otterbem f . 111 . · aR eplogle w ill return ' 16. W. Rodney H uber is taking u1n e hi s studies. ew weeks and re- work in the Mun icipal Training . Byron A School in N ew York City in connectill er rmS t rong of th e Coast Ar- tion with his work as executive secrewa at Fortress Monroe, tary of th e Bureau of Business Afy- rg1nia ! stationed 1 &an Tuesda:. a guest of Goldie Mor- fairs at Gr eenwich, Conn. . Mrs. Bish iting at El og A. T . Howard was vislatter Partea~or Whitney's during th e L e week. O th Wa ie_ut. Mertz of C . amp his . he rman Neva1nA Wd e st erv1lle visiting wife t.l n f ertz. M ' 11 erso W mo "Fat" L " mgr e 1 spe nt EaS t er in e terville.


I. M. Ward d ·

S. State St.

Citizen 345

H art, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Suits, $25, $30 to $40


Days' Bakery G. H . MAYHUGH, M. D. East Co llege Ave. Phones-Citizen 26

Bell 84

Page Six





Otterbein Drive Now On Only Thirty More Days A GOOD START HAS BEEN MADE MUCH REMAINS TO BE DONE WHAT HA VE YOU PLANNED TO DO? One man \\ ho spent two years · in Otterbein in the '90's sent $500.00 in appreciation. Another man who spent only one year sent $500.00. 7

What Has Otterbein Done For You ? What Will You Do For Otterbein ? •


Y. W. C. A. fn•sday eve ning in t he associa tion building the Y. vV. C. A. he ld a very interesting me eting under th e lead e rshi of i\Iiss Est her Harley. Th e ul;-cct di cussed was Mar ys and Jh M1rt as. The leader broug h t o u t in h e r talk h fact that all girl s divid e t h emse lv:/ into th e two cla sses Marys or Marthas. Th e Marys are th ose wh o have had the advantages and o ppor·1· f n edu catio n that ha s traintum tes O a ed them for some specia l work in life. They arc the ones who a r e call ed upon to do the hi g her and greater thin gs in life. The Ma rth as are tho se who are fitted to do only the m enia l ta sk s. After the leader's re marks the association had a round tab le di sc uss io n in which ome very helpfu l and inspiring remarks were mad e.


Y. M. C. A. Tl

Page Seven

Pennants, Stationery, Fountain Pens and Spalding's Athletic Goods

. . , c O ttcr~e m Y. M. C. A. observed a t~nu a l in s_ta ll ation session last mrs ay even mg. Prof. C. 0. A lt­ ma n had c ha rge of th e meeting and mad e it one lo ng to be r emembered not o n! b th b h. ' Y ~ e mc'.11 e i·s tp as a w ho le b~t 111 a spccia_l mann e r by th0 SC _ta km g u p the dut1e of the As­ soctation for th e fo ll owing year. P rof. ltma n's talk wa , as us ua l, ve r y p ra ctica l an d earn est. He pre" t d th I · f ~e n e e c a im s O t h e Y . rf. C. A. s quar e ly and fra nkl y and said that no one ha s a r ight to pa rade around u nd er a half dozen officia l titl es , when Low Shoes th0 c titles do n ot r eprese nt r ea l se rfor nd vice r e c r c d. He e mpha s ized th e Summer. n ee d of d eepe r devot io n to duty o n S. B. Nu Tan. Price th e part of officers, and of a full er par­ The new shade tici1 at io n of th e st ud en t body in th e var io us bran c he s of act ivi ty so that a for Spring. few men may not be over burd e ned . 'Yo u ca n spread a good wor ker o ut o thin that it is imr, oss ible to locate him at a ll." In hi s in sta ll at ion remarks to th e "The Argyle," the Young Man' s New, Narrow Toe Model. n ew cabin et m e mb e rs the P rof esso 1· st r essed the valu e an d th e deep n eed of se tting up d efin ite goals for th e 39 N. High St. Columbus, 0 . com ing yea r' s work. He declared Mention Tan and Cardinal. that eve n th o ug h the goal be hi g h and and may not be fully attained, immensely m o r e will be accomp li s h ed t han by wo 1·king in m e r e routin e fas h- 1 io n. Througho u t the addre s ran a n Remember the folks a t home- O r der Y our appea l for a s incere Ch ristia n sp irit P hotos Early. among t h e young men of OttJ rbe in What more acceptable present ca n you make than y our photo? and a d ee pe r in tere s t in thin gs di s­ Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents. tinctly r e li g io us . Th e officers of the Assoc iatio n for Have the best. The O ld Reliable th e fo ll ow in g yea r w ill be: State and High Pres id e nt_A . C. Sidda ll. Streets Vice Prcs id e nt-V. E. C ribbs. For special rates R ecord in g ecrctary-C. E. M ullin . to all Otterbein students see Fred o rr espo ndin g Secr e ta ry-R. H. Gray. Pa lm e r. T r easurer- J. R. Love.


CALE NDAR Monday 8:00 p. m.-Sophom o re-Se nior Party 6:30 p. m.-Joint Glee Club Prac­ tice, Lambert Hall. Tuesday 6:15 p. 111.-Y. W. C. A. 6:30 p. 111.-Y. iVL C. A . Cab in et Meeting. W ednesda v 7:30 p. m.-Juni or P lay Practices. 6:00 p. m.-Ch oir Practice. Thursday. 6:45 p. 111.-P hil alethea Lite rary Open Ses ion. 6:10 JJ. m.-Cl eio r hetea Lite rary So­ ciety. 6:00 p. m.-Y. M. C. A. F riday 6:30 p. m.-P hil omath an Lite ra1·y Society. 6:15 p. 111.-Phil ophroncan L iterary Society. Sunday 9:00 a. m.- unday sc h oo l. 10:15 a. 111.-Morni ng s ervi ce. 6:00 p. m.- Ch ristian E ndeavor. 7:00 p. m.-Evening se rv ice.


University Bookstore

•----------------------•----------= \A!ALK-OVER $5 to


The Walk-Over Shoe Co.

Sophs to E ntertain Seniors . T hi s ev e ning in th pa rl o1·s of th e as ociation building the Sophomo r e Not in Cochran Hall. First roommate (Who has just put cla ss w il l e nt er tain. th e Sen iors w ith a n informal party. Th is occa ion it cold cream on her lips)-"Kiss m e." Second r0ommate-"Y es, yo u want is sa id is to tak(' on a m il itary natur e and a goo d t im e is promised fo r the me to slip off, don't yo u ?" Prof. Snavely asking My rl Black m em b e rs of both classe . to recite-"M iss Brown, or-pardon­ Introducing the New Staff. I'm a little color blind today." Life constantly cloth chan ge, Dr. Sherrick assigning lesson­ The n e w s ucce <ls the o ld . "Takc three ballads in addit ion and Thu s, on the firing lin e go to 'Get up and Close th e Door'." Are k ept the fr es h and bo ld. • ichols-"If I get th at far !'ti go So now is it w ith "Ch ips," out." We've lost our pilots tru e. Word has bee n r ece ived from Benj . r ew hand s mu st tak e th e h e lm Cir! on, form er st ude nt in Otte rb e in A nd s t eer th e goo d s hip thr o ug h. College, who is now "so m ew h e r e in F · cl ee cl , we f ee J, r es 11 , no ug h , 111 F " . . . ranee stat111 g that h e 1s 111 fin e B b O !di 1 I kl health and is very busy in his work. kut · ak, m ~, fa act · n n ow n tas s co n ron us That puts u s on the rack. Many tim es trn kin d thin gs are said which arc not at all nec essary. B ut to th e rank s we s t ep And bid o ur fri e nd s farewe ll ; We ay th em from mali ce, or the desire to app ar cleve r , o r fo r ap­ A nd welcome in th eir stead New men , ea c h with new s h e ll. plau e and we pre tend to o ur se lv es that we say them for t h e tr uth 's sa k e 1 ew jokes we' ll try to find, or in the interest of ca nd or o r in good nd te ll you all the ne ws, faith.-Robert E. Spee r. And o f thin air we'l l pu ll

Special Monogram Stationery Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engraved visiting cards and stationery

Printers of" The Tan and Cardinal"


Boost the campaign!

A ll " dope" that's fl y ing loose.

T he Buckeye Printing Co. R . W. S MITH, '12, Gene ral Manage r 18-20-22 YI . Mdn 3treet \'/esterville, 0 . Bot h Phones

Page Eight

THE TAN AND C~A~ R~D=I=N=A=L======== ~ - - - - - - - - -

Your dollars will buy 1-3 more clothing value at Kibler's Today, as never before, it is being demonstrat­ ed t hat Kibler's 33-Store Buying Power in­ creases the Buying Power of your dollar when put in t o

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Compare what other stores offer at prices asked for

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