1918 02 18 The Tan and Cardinal

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The Tan an Car Pt:..;BLI ' ll ED L









MJthews D:scus::;~s Relation of Otterbe'n Campaign to Christianity and World Problems.


SERMON LAUNCHES DR~VE Many Stude n ts and Professors Go To Speak in Behalf of the Campaign.

1 1


anquet erved to Ninety-seven Visitors in Cochran tf all Tuesday ight to Create Enthusiasm


One oi the first big g un s o f th e I campaign \\'a fir ed in th e er mon !{inn by Bishop ~fathew s in th First L'nitcd Brcthr ·n hur c h h c1·e Sunday. This was Launching Day and the addrc s was well -s uit ed t th spirit of the oc a ion. B1sing his peecl, 011 the thirteenth and fourteenth ver cs of th e third chapter of Pr verb s. th e Bi h I dis ­ cussed th e relation of th present campaign to th e ch ur ch and to Chris­ tianity in genera l. '·Evange li sm i escnt ia l to the li fe of the church in that it is th e aggres ive ide of the church's acti vity. It results are evi­ dent in th e )i v s of th e great men who were converted by mean of it. T hi m demand th full t sort of preparation, h ence education i c sential. It i the foundation on which the thought of th e com in g gen­ eration s w ill b e based . T h e destiny of a nati on at any given time dep e nds on th e opinio n s of the yo ung m n around tw e nty-five years of age. ''There is in th e present age a te n ­ dency toward secul :i r ed u cation w hi c h calls for emp has is 011 the part of Christian lea de rs to be laid on the need for hri stian Co ll eges, th e o u t­ put of which is ch aracter. The mis­ sion of th e denominati ona l co ll ege is not onl y to get kn owledge b u t to pre­ pare for er vicc t o h umanity, to de­ ve lop Chri tlan character. If we do not keep up th e denominational co l­ lege , th e denomination wi ll be wiped off th e m ap. ln thi s e m ergency, th erefo re. eve r y nited Brethren man and woman h o uld come to th e colors." ln th e absenc e of Reverend Bu rt ­ ner, · \V. 0. Lambert took charge of th e ervice. T h e choir lived up to its usual tandard in furnishing good (Continued on page two.).....a-

Recital Postponed. . Be~i'u ·t ·nie date of 'U;/ 'R~c ita l by i:ho61 "of : mu i stude n ts··'co ,flicte d with that of th e P t batc, the Recita l ha been po tponcd one week. l t \~ill be gi \·eti in L aliif:ikrt -'I'tall T u es­ day, eve nin g, .>tl : pr.lJ~Y. 26, Jll 8~00 .o'clock. ' r · ' ,A, feature w ill be the performance of several numb ers from . Grand Opera by two piano q uartets. The usua·l good., progr a~ of v io lin , vocal ~and piano selections i promised.


No. 18.

Wedne day Spent in Round-table Discu sion as to Ways and Means of Carrying on Drive \\ 'cd nesday

a rterno o n

lo ·d


Iha s be e n mad e.

The whole ch ur c h

tw day in pirational me eting f co n - back of th e drive through th e a uth orfc:r e n cc captain s and la y leader from ization of every governing b dy in th e f th e nin e o nfcr n ces af - cl ·n o minati on. T h e pre id c nt chara ll 1nrt fi liat cd with th e m ov · m e nt just e nt e r - a c te ri ze d th e ca mpai n as one of eel up o n by ttcrb ein ol legc. T h world -wid e ignifi ca nce. fo 1· th e mon ey affair started off with a big banquet rai eel is to b e use d in th e t1·aini11g of in c hran Hall Tu esday eve ning at y ung peo ple to handl e world probs ix -t hirty . At the regular hour for\ !e m s. Otte rbein is the key to th e the chape l exe rci se Wcdne day education:il ituation in the whole d emorning a st ud e nt d e monstration was nominatiou and through h r s uc ces given to show th e visitors that the in the present und ertaking is foreseen st ud e nts arc backing th e campaign. th su ccess of oth er similar underDuring the r emainder of th e day the takings. de ) gates w r e assemb le d in a busiE. L. W •in land of o lumbus called n e s ession and round-tab! discus- attention o the r lation o[ the camsion in the Association building. pa ign to the co ll ege. Other speakers in e ty -seve n guests, v is iting dele- n th e p r ogram wer e G. L. Stoughton gate and town speo ple interested in and ity Manage r Orebaugh, rcpreth e ca mpaign, were erve d to a im- ent in g the village of \I've tervillc; E. p ie, yet exce ll ent dinner in the din - L. S hu ey of the Board of Trustees, nin g room of Coc hran Hall Tuesday W. E . Schell of the Board of Ed u caeven in g. Eve rywh er e abo u t the room tion , J. S. Kendall of the Board of Adwere scatte r d pennants and stream - ministrat ion, A . A . P ifer, a layman e r in s uch profusion as to remind o n e fro.m Cleve land , and Joseph Funk of of a st ud ent 's room . Thro ugh o u t th e A kr o n . A very in teresting part of the meal th e co ll ege orc h es tra played selection after se lec tion of pl ea ing Worker ' Conventi•on was th e ervice mu s ic, so m e classic and so me popu- h e ld in th e c hape l W edne s day morn tar. One visitor expressed hi s app r e- ing. The e ntir e program was in ciation of t h e ir work in this way, "I cha r ge of th e student th e ms e lves. n eve r h eard so much good music in E lmer Schutz, m e mb er of the Stud ent ame length of tim e." We l fare Committee, acted as hairth In th e .afte r-dinn er s p ecch c o n e man and ope ned the erv ice with a dominant note rang out from tim e to few we ll ch ose n words conce rning the time, t hat this campaign is one of the tradit ions and idea ls of Otterbein . H e most mom e nt o u s eve nts that ha oc- then proce d ee! to th e proram asJ arcurr cd in the hi story of the ch ur ch or ranged. co ll ege. Bishop Mathews, th e toastTh • first speaker wa Virgil Willit, maste r of the evening, in his intro- '2 1, who spoke very conv in cingly of ductory spee ch spo k e of the r e lation th e real benefit of th e new e nd ow­ of th e campaign to th e church. "T h e mcnt to th e Fres hman cla s. H e sue­ life of the ch ur ch d epe nd s o n th e sue- ceed ed in inspiring all the de legate c ss of thi s driv e. My h ea rt, my to u se m o r e direct force to obtain th i h ead , my brain , my praye rs arc in great goa ls. Gladys Howard , '20, peaking in b thi s mov e m e nt." Such exp r ession s as this r evea led the spirit that se ems t o half of the Sophomores, empha ized the n ee d of a new ciencc Hall. he b e felt everywhere. Presid·e nt li ppingcr ound d a n ote depicted th e deficienci es of Saum Hall of optimism in · a brief address re la­ and closed with · a strong appea l for a tiv e· to th e campaign: He ·stated that GTeatcr Otterbein . , H e len Bovee, th er e arc many evidence of co-oper­ ' 19, gave a uni que speech buil t aro un d ation , s hown not on ly by the• presence the letters in th e word "Otterbein." of the visitors, but in . messages from "O" s tands · for 'on es tly, which · means workers everyw h ere and from g ivers not only that they w ill get all the on every h and . In a way the cam­ mo n ey they need honestly, but hon · paign is a lrea d y on for many ha.'ve r e-· e tly th ey w ill get it. : (Continued on pa·g e lwo.) . spo nd ed eve n before the call for funds



v~rs:ty Takes Over ·Down-State Bast ke ball M~n on Local Floor. SOPHS WIN ·'FROM YEARLINGS . ' .


Girls' Game Characterized by Usual Lack of Baskets-Gym Class Gives Exhibition. The Tan and· ·cardinal team won ('as il y from Antioch h ere ' aturday night. In th(' firs·t half th ere was plenty of fight and fi°6o r wo rk but the co ring w,1s cl ccidec:l ly s low. The ntioch tea m , evid e ntl y ·co:ic h ed for a 1 close guarding gamr ,. kcpt fo ur men und •r ttcrbcin's goal° m os t o f th e tim e, thu forci ng our b y t long hot s. V\.'a goner and Barnhart we nt in for Funk and mith in th e first half. Fox maclc four ba k et and a fr ee throw in th fir st half and \1\/ag­ o n e r m:ide a ba . kct. The half end e d with the score 11 to 9 in favor of Ot~ te rb ei n. Betwee n halves ·th e· specta tor s were· entertained by a · rath er novel pcr­ foriua nc . K li n and Barnhart hav e been coachin g a class of boys between the ages of seven a nd twelve. in gymnastics, and these boy gav e an exhibition drill. Th e little fe llows. went at it like vete ran s and the prc ­ cision and promptness with , hich th ey exec uted the various drill ma­ neuvcrs and gymnastic exercise was admirab le. Th boys seemed to en ­ joy th eir st un t as much a did thei1· observe rs. When , th ey had com­ p l ted. their sth nt' th ey gave ro us in g cheer for the two combatin g teams. · In th e seco1i d ·, ha lf · Otterbein got n ext to their <?J?.QOl~~!1ts' style of play and the game too k ·o ,i a more chee rful a pcct. T hey so co rnpl cte ly got Antioch' s goat that al l th e oppo nents seemed ab ! to do was to watch them shoot. · ~a11;0:;1c'/ ',' _~·cm~d un ab le to miss the b'a,s ket, making cveral apparently impossibl e'· shots. :Meyers (Continued on .page two.)

Depaters .. Will Clash. Lovers of d ebate wi ll be in terested in th e program to . b.e g iven Tuesday eve ning in th e Co ll ege hap el. The Ottuobein , affir.mativ.e t <i am, will meet th e n ega,tiv team fr om Mu kingum. The personn el of. •the .home team is R. P . . Mase, R. ~ ... K line, and J . R _ Howe. These men . ar c new on th e varsity t eam l_>ut. t b y. -hav e all proven convincing tJeakcrs on ot her oc<;a­ sions. A p ecial :f ature o_f th e even­ ing will be two .:voi;a l ,number -by , I. M. Ward . . · .. T h e other debate . which was to hav e. been h eld at • Muskingum at th e same tim e · has ., b ea:n .postponed on e . week. 1 , ,., •.1


Page Two


ANTI OC H PROVES j ".I" stands for idiosyncra sy. which EASY VICTIM is so mething ver y peculiar. The ap( Continued fr0m page one.) I pli cati o n is tha t it is ver y peculiar if cul loose for four baskets at differ ent we can't ab sorb a littl e pe p ourse lv es times durin g th e half. f- o x made four I aft er all thi s o uts id e a id. baskets and Mill er o ne. Barnhart •·:,.." is fo r nuf- nu f ec cl. played an air -t ig ht gam e a t guard an d j R e presentin g t he S e nior Class . H. held both m en wh o p layed again st I R. B r e ntlinge r. '1 8. spoke o f the ad - I 'him s co r eless. The g a m e e nd ed 41 va ntages o f O tt e rb e in bringing o ut 1.0 20 for Ott erb ein . · g ood po ints that many colleges do not Otterbein (41) Antioch (20) ln,·e. Funk R. F. L oe , feature of the program was the ~{eye rs L . F . \\'. Yann oar st ell I mu sic furni s hed by the Gl ee Clubs. Fox C. Ath y j The girls sang two numbers, '' Loui s i- I :Miller R . G. Barr ana Lullaby" and '' Lindy" by Charl es j Smith L. G. Littl e J Gilbert Strauss. Th e Men's Club offSubstituti o ns- \ •V ago n er for Funk , e red '·Hark! 'Tis th e ignal" by Carl Barnhart for Smith, C. V ann o arst ell · Bo hm, and ''K ee p th e Hom e F ires for L oe. Burning'' a s arrang ed by Spessard, I. ' Field goal s-vVagon er 7, Mey ers 4. ~[. \Vard singing th e so lo. t two busin ~s se·ssions during th e Fox 8. Miller l , Littl e 5, Athy 2. \V .

WALK-OVER SHOES "The Balfour" A new fa irly wide toed English type. Last that is bo un d to pl ea se th e yo un g man as well as the man



of mor e con e rva t ive tast e. Made in th e ne w shad e of Tan and T o ny R ed- Als o Black Kid


and Calf.

Prices, $6.50, $8 and $10


39 N. High S t.

The Walk-Over Shoe Co. Columbus, O. M entio n Tan and Cardinal.

Vann oarste ll 2 Fo x I, Little I. day, th ein captains er werofe J 1r.=:==:==:==:==:====:======:====:====:==::==:==:==::::==:==:====:====:==========================================:~ , Free throwsgiven tru cti o n and in lead m ethods 111 Ref eree-Dunlap . handling th e campaign . th e like of 1 Tim er-G rabil l. whi ch Otte rb ein and th e u nited Scorer- 'vV e bb . Brethre n chur ch !1a s n ever exp eriPreliminary to th e var sity gam e e nced. Saturday night th e f-res hm e n and Th e di sc uss io n wa extr e m ely se ri­ Soph o mor e girl s e ·hihitcd a ve ry e x- o us mind ed and de t ermin ed. Bishop citing ( ?) gam e of baske tball. Th e Mathews pre ide d in hi s usual , masgame wa fa t and hard fought . Th e terful. c he ery mann er. Gr o up me et- , teams we re eve nly match ed and th e ings wer e h e ld at no on , all th e con 1 gam e wa clo e throughout. N eith er fe r en ce b eing r e pre ent ed . 1 team wa abl e to sec ur e m o r e t ha n a t o- point lead at an y t im e during th e BISH O P SPEAKS g am e and many t im es th e co r e wa s LAUN CHING DAY • l::, t ied. A t tim es th e gam e wa s inclined (Contin •1ed from pa g-e one.) to b e r o ugh but thi s· wa s p robably du e . . . mu s ic. Bes ides th e anth em• th e aud, · Iry ra ti1e r ti1a11 a n111 · 10 s ·ty to c Ia ss nva 1 , Three c nce was furth e r favor ed ,nth a barion t I1e part o f ti1c p Iay ers. , · cl f ti F h 111 e n mak ton e so lo by I. M. \\ ard. ~,ts tarr e . or , c ' r_e ' Otter bein p ro fe so r an d s tudent s mg all o f th eir three po111t . H o ward who went o ut y esterday to speak in .and Foor we re th e s corers for th e behalf o f th e campaign arc giv en be­ ophs, each s ec uring a prett y basket. low with the p lace wher e they spoke : Keller p la yed a good floor game for Pre ident Clippinger at trasburg , 0. 'the ophomores. , Th e game e nd ed and Gr ee n burg, Pa.: Reveren I Burt­ ..-ith the co r e 4 to 3 in favor of the ner at Dorr s tr ee t and Ea t Broadway. ·~ ophomore . Freshmen (3) T o ledo: Profes ors ornetet at Lan.Sophomores (4) Thre ewits ca s ter. Sand er at :.I c K ee port. Pa. and Foor R. F . ebert Wilkin s burg. Pa.. Snavely at Navarre l< ellcr L. F . D eitsch and Louisvill e, J o nes at Marion. Alt- J Pri t C. Campbell man at Raw o n and Portage. Schear Tint man R. G. vVarson at Junction City, \V ein land at Chicago Howard L. G. oo r I. Junction, \ Ve tat l"ni o n Furnace and F Fi eld goa ls- Howard I , L ogan, Fritz at Elida . Ro selot Free throws-Threewits 3. at Ashville. Ohio : . \ V. toughReferee- Evans. ton at Baltimore: F. \1. Bowman at Time r-Grabi ll . Wellston. J . . iddall at Jack onville, Scorer-Mullin. . . C. idda ll at Oak Hill. B. C. Peters Y . M . C. A . tl,e A sociat ion ,s doing for the T at Ph il o. H . R. Brentli nger at omerhe fi r t of four mi sion tudy so ldi ers · k • Conference Captains and Lay t' I1 I I !11 eep111g t 11em happy and EL:eadcrs H old B ig Confer ence. et street, Toledo, and R . E. Kline at '.,,ee mg wa e d Thursday even in ~ j morraily lit fo r their task. 111 Y. M . C. .\ . Carro ll. H. R. Brentlin ger th e (Continued ·frorn pa~e one.) . 1 leade r, took up the fi rst chapter of The tw o "T's" for to ot, o r two P r of.-"W hat has bee n the do!11i· Y. W . C. A. the book, "A Xew E r a in Human toots , ignifying tint yo u ha ve to toot nant character of America's milita rY littl c va ri ety was introduced into H'.story", showing the beginning · o f your own horn tHetty hard no,~ b~­ ;" causc th e r e is so 1111rch o th er noise 111 the Y. W . C. A. me eting Tuesday th, n ew era was du e t o di scove r y of prog ram up to th o! las t three years. th Stude nt ( who was at a party e night by having two leade rs for th e steam power. electric power, tele­ the world. "E" "R". er, for early, make us ame topi c. '"The Occident and Or­ graphy , a nd th e invention of air ma­ night before)-" ot prepared." Pro f.~ " Co rrect."-Ex. ren,ember that the early bird g et th e ient" was - th e ubj ec t discu·s sed, with chines. He showed how thes e in­ worm. That is very applicable in Go lda Morgan r ep r e enting th e Oc­ :·entions helped to bring the nations B. W. WELLS, Merchant Tailor these days of H. C. L. because eve ry­ c ident and Katherine Wai the O r ie nt. 111 close to uch with each other and In discussing her ubject, Miss break th e prevailing rac e p r ejud ices. body knows they can't k ee p their Fine line of spring samples. money very long anyway o they Morgan e mphasiz ed especially the Our aim in this war is to awaken the and Pressing done on Cleaning need of the primitive peoples of the central powers to the ben efits of this don't care much who get it first. " B" signifies broke, which we all western h e misph er e, particu larly the new day. The one big question he short notice. :a.re now and wh ich lots more people outh American Indians. -th e natives rai sed wa , " Shall this n ew era be one Cor. Main and State St. :a.re going to be when President Clip­ of th e Philippine , and of Porto Rico. o f trifc o r one of good fellowship ;n .-~~~~= M iss \ ai. who was unable t o bt G. W. HENDERSON, M. D. pin ger ha tak en th eir mon_cy. It is up to _the young men to make .it Office Residence " E" is for ear o_r eye o r either. H e present had her talk read by Harriet one of lastmg good to the world. tate and Plum 99 S. State that hath ears let" him hear what is Raymond. In it he gave a gilmpsc _ Befor_e closing. the leader gave an :going 011 and he that hath eyes let o f conditions in Chin~-the great 1nteres t1n g account of, his work as 10 to 11 A . M. 1 to 4 P. M­ ondays and Eve nings by bim look aroun 9 and see how much ignorance and darkne ss of the people Y. M . C. A. secret:iry at amp Sheriand their•seek for k no wledge. dan . H e pointed o ut the g rea t help Appointment. lie can do for the cam1>aign .




1 hat provide eyegla e and pectacle Q ICKLY and CC RAT ELY-at r ea onable price . It will pay you t o call if you ,Y ant or alreadv wear o-la e -



40 North High-St.

University Bookstore Will Sell Pennants, College Jewelry and Fountain Pens at Lowest Prices





. . - . ., . , ., -: -;-. .- -



Page T h ree


ten personal ~etters to friends who THE "EFILUO CLUB". prospective donors to the en- , '·H'ye. ~lac. just get back? How'd ____N __A_N_D _ _C.:. .:. A.:. R:..:_ ::D J_N_A_L _ _ ' dowment fund . Some hav e taken an . you get along? How's preaching?" interest in influencing mor e young and a dozen o th e r such qu'estions Publis hed \ Vee kly in th e inte rest of peop le to consider Otterbein as their greeted ~lac as he ent ered the tudy Otterb e in by th e fut ur e Alma Mater. Other · have on his ret urn fr o m Flin! where he had OTTERBEI PUBLISHING BOARD. written articles of int e rest to th eir been to speak at the laun c hing of the \Ve tervill e, Ohio. home newspap ers . in an effo rt to get I campaign for Otterbein's 400,000. Member of the Ohio College Pres s the work of the college before the ,. ur e, can't you see I'm back," Association. p ubli c. laugh ed :\lac, completely ignoring the Even now that th e campaign is other que tions. "Thing seem pretty Staff launch ed . we mu -t not ea e up on our good over th e re. boys. It looks as if Editor-in-Chief .... Lyle J. M ichael, ' 19 grip, It is more important now than we're going to have smooth sai ling in As istant Editorsbefore that we writ e and ta lk Otter- thi campaign. Everyone is getting 20~ecr11 ~Gr-35~Jl,,-y J. C. iddall, ' 19 bei n. ]f we should lose faith, then th e s1>irit, and all' that's needed is a , 19 R. J. Harm elink, ' thos e outside th e college may do the lit tle mor e e nthus iasm and work here /.-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -Contributing Editorssame th ing and in that case fai lure is among th e students." C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D . Grace Arm e ntrout, '19 inevitab le. But "failure" and synom" \ Ve just about don e our har e last 29 \ V. Co ll ege Ave. Hel en Bovee, '19 ous \\'Ords have been forgotten for Tuesday and Werli1 esday." Business Mgr . .... R. Lisle Roose, '18 th e period of this campaign and they "Don't talk like that, Bill. That \Ves terville, 0 . A t. Bu . i\fgr. .. Kenn eth Arnold, '20 mu st tay ·'forgot". \ Ve will w in ; banqu et and chapel exe rcise were a ll I Bell P hon e 190 Citz. Phone 110 A t. Bus. i\lgr. .......... C. L. mith, '20 eve ry student boo ting. we wi ll win. right and wi ll help to get peop le a ll Circulation Mgr. .... H . E. Michael, , 19 Let it not be aid, nor let it be fe lt, on over Otterb ein's terr itory interested , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! t A5 :\lay ninth, that any stud ent has ~ail- but that's just the start. Y o u' ll find B . C. YOUMANS, Barber 2 d t. Cir. Mgr..... C. E . Mullin, ' 19 ed in his or her part in the cimpa1gn. that it's up to u to h elp keep things / 37 N. State St. n A st. Cir. Mgr.­ Follow up what has bee n done in the goi ng." Shoe Shine in Connection. f h · b Manson Nichols, '21 past fe w days and go a ter t_ e JO "1'11ose c I1ape I t a lk s oug ht t o d o ti1c L I Shop closed at 8 o'clock except oca Editor ............ H e len Keller, '20 · A Do w·ork. beca use I don't believe I've eve r C with more e n thusiasm. ga m , Saturday. ochran Hall .... .... Florence Loar, ' 19 your bit, but let it be your BEST. heard as good a bunch of peeches I Alumna ! .................... Prof. Guitn e r, '97 , _________ from the s tudent body at one meeting ..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _..,,1 Exchang R C 1 'I 1 Mailin~ Day. s ince I ' ve bee n in Ott erb ein ." Ath I e .................... u t I1 on ey, d "Ye , and th e visitors got an id ea of 1 w . M . GANTZ, D. D . S. etic ........................ E. L. Doty, '1 Today is ma iling day. D1 y·o11 , 0 of what the st udents think of t he cam1 DENTIST write a co mpaign I etter. ne_ Address. a II commun1cat1on · · - to Tl1~ the plans of the publicity · · That wa ju t what they Ott comm1 tt cc paign. • • 1:, \\t e t College Ave. ' I _erbe 111 Tan and Ca rdinal , 20 \V. , 15 . to ha v•· the mails, going out from needed." I ·'S ain . t ·• \V estcrv dl . e, Ohio • . · I " orry I miss ed th e game la st night, B II Pl C itz. Phone 167 d e \\' e ten·ille today, t-loode wit 1 cam1one 9 ub cription Price $ 1 50 Per Y ea r, . I tters an av erage of one for T o m. how'd we co m e o ut' I h ea rd ' · paign e • 1 b t I t ti ?" ---pay3.bJe in ad va n ce. e,·e ry inhabitant o i the town. T_h_cse we wor, u w1a was 1e sco re . I E: d dd 1t 0 ''W e complete ly ran away with th e 1 ffiS eve Ope ree ntered as econd cla s matter ep- let te rs are designed to h e a ~; : fe ll ows from Antioch aft er t h e fi r t th tember 25, 1917, at th e postoffice at a l li g ht upon th e pur~o e of e c se few minut es, and t h e score ended 4 I Prin ts g uarante ed from p rope rly exposed n egatives. \ \ e ter-villtl\ 0 . un de a c t of Jlfa~h 3, pai g n. to keep up the IJttcre t...of ~ to 20." 1879. ' , per o ns a lready at work and to en isr " It looked rnthe r scary for a li tt l e - - - - - - -- - - - - -I new recruits as re-enforcement . It while, Tom , when the score wa 9 to 145 W . Home St. Th e Question i not \ ill m e n hon - I is not too late ye t an· d there mav be I' · 2 in th eir favor." : You for yo ur work? but. Doe your I one pers on whom you can reac h by ;i "Oh that wakened u up to the fac Ork ho nor you?-Ozora . Davis. I l)e rs c nal letter that would re J)O!V:! that we were playing basketba ll andt to the influence of no 0ther per o n. from th en on we p layed ou r darn -1 Follow It Up. Do it no w! de t." y th e te rday there wa launched " \ hat's th e matter with a litt le Co-op:ration. rough I . hand, fe llows? I can 't g et to work I res te d 111 0 tterb ·out t 1e t erritory inte chell, ec'y. of Education . a . ein, a great campaign for t J1c By \ \ ' . E. right a W3.Y aft e r my trip." Formerly The White Front. . specified . ytta111m . ent o f certa111 goa Is. • elect a magn et made of tee !, It \ h' et Give Us a Trial. Public O pinion. of va more than the launc 111g Of any giv en length: th One great· campaign. for it included Then double it and joy you'll fe e l It has been th e custom of the e beg·111 . d O ur Specialty v n111g of an effort for the a In quadrup ling it tre ngth . . paper preceedin g the T a n and Car anceme 11 t f . . . . To treat everybody right. ev o C hri stian ed ucatio n 111 Two ti m e two-not fo ur , but eight, dinal to ma in tain a p3.ce in wh ich re:i? ch urch of the denomination . It \\' henever we co-operate. tudents' opinion might be p rin ted Y a moun ts to a g r eat nu mber of unde r th e caption "Club Talk." This 111 a 1I lo I Ou r mighty God C3. l1 ta k e j ust one, . in ca C3. m pa 1g n s; smal l. we say. year, a lthough we sought to r etain nd make a t ho usand flee: · · goa Is et Con1par 1·so n w ·ith th e g 1gant1c this feature. few pcr -ons have sent in B~t give h im two and t hen he' ll run aw ku p. by t he co ll ege. Bu t thi s co ntr ibu ti o n . 'We believe t ha t the Te n t ho usand to th e ea. · · in ah en 1ng o f t h e educa t1.ona l spirit Col lege pape r sh ou ld r eflect t he Choice Cut Flow ers and Corsage Things incr ease at a ten -fo ld rate, re t e I oca I chur ch es s ho uld p rodu ce entim en t of t he s t ude nt- body :-.nd I \ 'he n eve r we co-ope rat e. It Bouquets. u h' d n1 II w ich wi ll no t be co nsid c re t.h,is can best be do ne th ro ug h th e co­ ur e I ca n takea hoo~ a nd li ne co na wh en refe rr ed to th e in d ivid ua l t. peration of a ll. Ifyou ha,·e a ugges ­ An d catc h a ingle fish ; \\rer&regatio n. If s u ffic ie i1t in te rest tion to offe r co n ce rn ino- some stu de nt e aroused to influ ence o n e yo ung B ut if yo u' ll h elp m e ho!~ th e ei ne, ac ti vity; if yo u ha ,·e a just g ri evance ; Per on S. State St. Citizen 345 vVe' II tak e in all yo u wi sh. stud to enter Ott erb e in . th e ne w me diable w ro ng, air, it in th e column s ent h bigge r c3.tch and bett e r weigh t, goa I wo uld be mo re t an tea h of this page. c ed \ Vh en eve r we co -o perat e. 111emb ' Ye thr ee-fo ld. If e ver y , if you w is h to protest aga in s t a r r &ive er of th e co nstitu e n cy wo uld Since thi great tru th is. w rit ten large \ Ve are as king fo r thi . not a fi ller thr an average o f three do llars, just fo r we ca n fi nd plenty of that wit h On pro duct s o f th e mm e, ee d0 II "'-'ouJd ar s, th e end o wm e nt g o al Exhibited in battl e charge, li ttl e e ffo rt. b ut th at t he r e may be a 'W be attain ed. be tt e r und e rs ta nd ing of differ ence ~ -R e wards th e fisher's timcth e : . hav e bee n appalled at tim es by 'Tis plain eno ugl_, w itho ut debat e, mo ng th e student s. v e furt h er be· Co n _dign ess o.'f th e und e r ta king, but a Go d wan ts us to co-o·p erat e. Ji e,·e t hat suc h arti cle woul d te nd t o 1 eraf1 WilJ 0 11 of th e abov e state m ents lt'sse n th e ~n der.:tirrent of dissa'. isG. H. ~ AYHUGH, M. D. 1 big 1' fhow that it will no t b e n early so W e'll do thi s in o ur colleg e work ; fac ti o n th a t 1s ofte n felt, an d by be~n g T hro ug h th e fo ur years to come; We · of all can sec ure t l~e co-o pe rat10 n East Colleg e Ave. 1 ma de p ub lic. its ca use wo uld be elim­ ating th e church es in the co-o p er ­ L et not a sin g le m e mb er s hirk ina te d. L ~t u h ea r fr om you t!fr· Bell 84 U nt il t h e ta sk is do n e. Pho ne -Citizen 26 th e territory. H ere is w he re we, wee k. Make this pa per democ ra t=.: Part t~dents, may s till k eep u p o ur \ Ve' ll hit th e trail with rapi a ga it, 0 ra th e r than a utoc rat ic. Wh e ne ve r we CO·0 ()e rat e. th e wo rk. Man y ha\·e writ• THE OTTERBEIN



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Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lo,·e pz1·,t '94. P.rofcs -or Cha rl es Snavely of Thursday and Friday at Chilli co the , Otterbein has been chosen by Govern­ YI iting Mr. and 1hs. O . H. Myers. or Cox as _one of the members of an h o 11 o r a r y historical commissi n. Pens, inks and tablet at The "ho:,c duty wil l be to collect and preVariety hop.-Ach·. •ervc material bearing on Oh io's par. D ,kc .. Halderman was ill with :',,, ticipation in th<: pre,c1it war. Ottt:r-\ 1 measks la t week at his home in bLin has thus hecn honored by the Lanca,ter. gon:rnor in having one of . her pro-1 . • • d" f fe sor electe d to act on this small Geo r «e F ra nc1s 1s spen 111 g a ew . "' .. . •• and select committee. \ day in \\'este rvill e whil e wa1t1ng t o I '94. A cab leg ram received in Dayton be assigned in the a,· iati on co rp -. Fine choco lates at Th e Y a ri ety on February 8th announ_ce d th e af e 1 • h A.d. arri,·al in Afri ca of Bishop A. T . ! op.-. ' · Howard wh o sail ed from N' ew York, Herman Mi ch~el sp~nt th e week- \ Decemb er 15, 1917. He land ed a 1l e1:d at ht home 111 Da) ton. thousand m iles farther south o n the Palmer was in bed a ll la t we ek African coa t than h e had expec t cl i w ith the g rippe. \ to, th e chang e in co urse having be en ' . t made no doubt fo r th e ak e of greater at Th e \ an e y safe ty in war time. alted P eanut Shop. - dv. Ro col.' \lase ha b ee n ca ll ed by hi '96, '97. ).fr. and \l r . ·Charl es R. local draft board to take his physical Frankham and son Markl ey w er e examinati o n \ \ "ednesday. Sunday gue t at th e home of . 11rs. Frankham's parents, 1lr. and \ Ir . J. Dan upid mu s t hav e been m o r e \V. Mark ley. than plc;i eel with th e weathe r on Valentine's Day. Sev era l co uple took ' 15. 1 1iss Cassie Ha r ri of Am a nda. advantage of t h e sp rin g- lik e air and Ohio , spen t t h e week-e nd with h er went tro llin g a long t h e mu ddy roads. pa rents in \ \I estcr vill e.


Men, Here's Big ·savings ip Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Clothes Our great Cut -price 'ale brings y ou America's best an d mo t tY li h u it s and Overcoat. at lower p ri ce tha~ infe ri o r gar ments u ua ll:'· co t.

$25 and $27 .SO Suits and O vercoats, including Hart Schaffner & Marx and F a s h i o n Park Hand Tailored Clothes ................... .

1 t ain 't n o use; th is we ath er ca nt \ en ue. la t more than a day o r O lo nger. Am ong th ose from a distanc e who t ick to yo ur long s uit. att end ed th e co nf eren ce o f chairm en, captain s, and gro up lead ers in the COCHRAN HALL gr eat Otterb ein Campaign w ere: Bish o p G. M . Mathe ws, '70 ; E . L. V era ' cou in s, Hi lda and arl of Sh uey , '77 ; Dr. C. W . K urtz, '92 ; and Prof. W . A. Web er , '06, all of Day­ Barb erton , visited h er fo r se veral days ton , Ohio; J . . Wilhe lm , '90, Canto n, la t w eek. Ohio ; W. H. Anderson , '96, Akron , Mrs. Wilhelm p ent eve ral days Ohio ; M. I. C om fort , '98. Ithaca , with Vida at the Hal 1. Ohio ; J . H. Harris, '98, Colum bus, Lil lian ol e and Eleanor Whitn ey Ohio ; C. 0 . Calle n der, '03, Galion , Ohio; W . E . Ri ebel , '03 , L ogan , Ohio : were dinn er g ue sts Friday. !um- Sager Tryon, '06, Man fi eld , Ohio; Frida y ni g ht g irl enj oyed a Karl H . Rym er , '07, Huntingdon , P a .; be r part y in Grace' roo m . '1/V. A. Knapp , '10, Gr een sburg, P a .; E . The two Marie from fi rst fl oo r C. \,\ eav er, ' 10, J ohn' stown , P a .; R. M. Cro by, '11, Gr ee n burg, P a .; C. E. g a ve a pu h Friday e,·enin g. Party favor at The Vari ety h o p. Hetzl er, ' 13, Cla r ksburg, \,\ e t Vir -Adv. ginia ; G. D . pafford , ' 13, Ci r cl evill e, 14 Gladys Howard pent Sunday in Ohio; J. O. Emrick, ' , Hill sboro, Ohio ; E. B . Learish, ' 15, Braddo ck, Pa.; A. C. Van aun , '15, ewickl ey, Columbus. W e ar e g la d to a y that Thelma i , Pa.; \\ . C. Mill er , ' 17, Ma on , \ Vest r eco,·erin g rapidly from h er opera- Virginia. W estervi ll e graduates w'ho wer e m emb ers of the con£ r ence , tion . toughton , '92 ; E . E . w er e: G. L. 1 • Table No. 5 had· Val entin e party Bur.tn er , '06; J.P. West, '97. Thurs~_a y eYenin g.

Remember the folks at hom e- O r der Your Phot os Early. W hat more acceptable present can you make than your photo? Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents. Have the best.

ward, if returned to :Ruth. D eem..

-------·- --· Sing a song of quarters , P o ckets full of change F our a~d twentyThrifty tamp s T o h elp the Sammies rang e. '-George Stumm .

The O ld Reliable


State and J:ligh Streets For special rat~s to all Otterbe1d students see Fre Gray.

Special Monogram Stationery Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engrave~ visiting cards and stationery


Get y o ur statio nery at Th e Vari ety h o p.-Adv. Lo t- An oc t~iton shaped wri st w atch with S wi · mo ve men t. R e-

g ~~

For $30 and $35 Stylish Suits and Overcoats, including Hart Schaffner & Marx, Fashion Park


At the P ress Club \ \"edn esday '96. F ran k 0. Cl me nt of Dayto n, I eve ning Ray Gifford. editor of t h e O hi o, pen t a turda y and un day in Public Opinion. will speak o n some \ Vest er vill e w ith hi s mo th er, Mr . \ pha e of co unt r y new. pa p r wo rk. , \ a ra h Cle ments o n \11/ e t Co ll eg e Av-


Printers of" The Tan and Cardinal'' Seasonable Suggestio·ns

The Buck~ye Printing Co♦-

Th e b e t rern'edi es for cold s and cough , and th e fin e t L otions, Cr am and P o wd er fo r th e kin , at

R. W . SMITH, ' 12,, Ge~eral Manager 18..20-22 "I. M_i.1n · . street , , • ·

Both Phones

\'I esterville, O. I

DR. KEEFER'S The Nyal Quality Store.







Patronize TAN &.. CARDINAL. Advertisers-

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