1918 01 21 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1


VO L. I.


N o. 15.

S PLEA SES Official Date For_La~nching I BASKETEE RS LOSE , Senator Warren G. Harding CROW DE D HO USE I Ca m paign is set for Fe b. 17. TO MUSKINGUM Will Speak Tuesday J












As has already been a nnounced. ---A me age fro m vVashington. which F a mo us M onologist Reads "To Him unday, Fe bruary 17. will be the b ig Team Is Handicappeci by Loss of Fox ' i rapidly beco ming the ce nte 1· o f the La unching Day fo r the ca mpaign in A n d Lose Hard Battle at a llied forc es in ca rrying 0 11 the war T hat Hath" Befo r e Capacity Audi: which so much in terest has been New Concord. will be bro ught to Westerville peopl; ence In College Chapel. 1 aroused even before the fo rmal ____ Tue day eve ning by nited tate 1 laun ching of the d rive. At that time Se nator \\'a rren G. Harding o f MarI S STO RY O F A LI V I NG LIE I a Jarge num IJe r o f o ur G e n era J I1urc h NE W MEN MAKE S H OW IN G io n, O hio. T he pa ti·iotic meeting will office r . most o f the B i hops. a nd ---I be held in t h e Presbyterian church Next Number on C o urse W ill Bt many o f o ur ow n profe o rs will go Varsity Has Chance to Come Back beg inning at eight o 'clock. Senato; Musical Guardsmen W ho A po ut a special pca kcrs in different W hen They Meet T eam on Local Harding has bee n p rominent in m any pear M arch 25. parts of the co-ope rating te rritory. Floor Wednesday Night. o f t he big move in the prosecution 1 \V edncsday evening, in the Co l- Bi - hops Bell at1 d :.fatl h <;w hav e sen t T he 0tt~rb ein q uint et journey ed to of the. war an_ d will do ubtle s have Iegc hapcl, st udents and ci tizens of o ut letters to a ll the pa to rs of t heir ): c w o ncord. O hio. last aturday so m e t h mg O f mterest f?r the people \\·c terv illc enjoyed one of the rare t d iS t ricts st rongly urging th c obscrv- and there met th e :\luskingum ba ket- o f th e town and co ll ege. t reat o ff ered by the Lyceum Lecture I :lllce f the day. . I boys D r. E · •!\ · J one Wt·11 b e t I1c pres1·d ba ll team. +1 he Tan and Card ma Between now . a nd February 17 1p ut up a ve ry cred itable . · 1g 0 fti cet.· · 1 m usic · ts · to I1e Co ur c t hi season by be mg permitted ex hibition 11 pecia. to hear lo.fr. .·,Adr1·a11 N1e ,ve 11 s reacl that further . moves w t!! be m ade to get .d . h . I I d. , un der the d irection o f P rof d" f co ns1 e nng t e1r e,·e ra 1an 1caps. I . A. R• . Wonderfully d ramatic tory. "To Him eve ryt 1img 111 re_a me s o r a ucces · By ac tion o f the fae ulty Fox, the best pessa rd of the School o f Music of Th at H at h." T he audience that heard ful. ope.111ng. 1 hrce mo re bullet111 sco rer o f t h e team wa d en1cd . . . . O tterbein Co ll ege · cltg1btlthis number o f t he co ur se co mpletely w1i' be t suedj o ne ~1ctt week ~ 1d -~he it y to play. T he game wa p laye d o n an Se nator Harding will a rriv e in Wes1 e I extremely mall floor. which wa al fi lled the Chapel a nd all enjoyed the o t_ie~ two ea r y 111 e Jruary. O te rville in th e afternoon and will be tht 1t 1s p la nned to hold a co nference . . t d d t" t I I • f . . Per fo rmanc c . pro nounc111g 1t the be t _ . . a g reat d1 advantage to o ur boy . Two en ere a rece p 1011 a t 1c iome o th at ha heen taged 111 . \V es tervillc . I here o f a ll the Co nference S upennten. '-1 d '.I V w L \\' H st . . . new men. Funk and 1111th. m ade their • r. an · r · · · ee, e ome • . for ye lay capta 111 enlisted 111 the • • • 1 treet during the hour from three to ars. I dentsk a nd A b . 11 b 1111t1a appe arance 111 a ,·a r tty g ame. · 1 bl llr. ;\' ewcns' ability as a r eader i wor · · anq~et wt pro J~ y e All of the e thing mu t be taken into fi \'e. If he arrive soon e nough arr b . . e rv ed. A definite date for th1 meet. . effo t ·11 I d t I cyond quc t1on. and he has few 1f . con 1deratt0n by the bas ketball fan I r wt >c ma e O arrange a 1 ort a . . . . mg ha not yet been e t but in all . add e b f ti1 ·1 0 f th ny equal 111 the L n1ted tat e . Ht I .. . . IJc he lcl the fi r I when tudy111g the co re. · r e o re c J>upi s probabtl1ty 1t wtll d d h. h h I h J· I . . k 1-11 a an 111terpreter ts wonderful . In the fi r t half O tterbein kept pace gra e an tg c ,oo at t e 11 g 1 a 11 d • . . . week 111 February. I100 I d"I t · 111 his presentation of the various j __________ with their op ponent and the o utcom I sc au o num. chara ter it i. a re al a t hough they of he ame looked Jar fro m di c ur--------w r e there be fore th e people in perP R E SS CLUB IS ORGANIZED aging. T he team held together well ALUMNUS HONORED AGAIN on. l n the elec tion of a t o ry the - --and exhibited ome clever team work. reader again demon trated his ability W o uld- be J o urnal is ts M eet and Effect In the fir t half My e r dropped the Frank D. W ilsey, '7~, is N a m ed a ~nd wi dom. "To Him T hat Hath" A n O r g an izat ion as Part of ball through the hoop three time . Member o f Reorganized Boa rd of 1 a tory full o f practical less~ n fo r Publicity Campaign. Miller from c nt er po ition captured Ed ucatio n of New Y ork City. On \V ednesday evening - ome ten or tw o field goal and a fre e throw and On th e th of Jun e, 1917, the Govevery day life which all can learn to a good advantage. a dozen tud ent meeting in Profe • h e ld hi opponent scorele s. Brown ernor of the tate of w York ignThe reading told the tory o f a or Fritz' r ecitation room orginized made one field goal and Wagon er ed the new tate Education Law Young man who was falsely accu ed what will doubtl es be known as th e drew a basket and two fr ee throw . which had been pa sed by th e Legisof ~ea_ling fi ve thou and dollars from Otterbein Pres Club. l\lr. J . H. Th e half ended 17 to 27 for Mu kin- lature of the state. By the terms r a 1111 ton. H e k·n ew that t I,e 1111111 . . • 1 Larimore who is chairman of th e g u m · t h.I I aw t h e num IJ r o f m embers of !er I 11 th e econ d h a If tic I "'' ~r u k.111 gum th e ew York ity s hoo l board wa h ' a f rt·cnd and school mate of ht· publicity 'committee in th e campaign ad appropriated the money, but in that i now on, wa . in charge and five outplayed Otterbein and ran up reduced from forty-six to ev n. The Order to preserve his friend' good very clearly set forth the purpo e of th e larger half of th eir score. \ Vith members of the n ew board were ap­ na_me he r emain sil nt and pays the th e Club. One of th e prime motive the exception of one ba ket by Miller, pointed January 2 by Mr. Hylan, the Price. After erving his tim e in pri • will be of course, the furthering of and two field goals and two free mayor of New York. . He elected for o_n he decid to go to New York t h e cam,paign by m eans of le tter , clip- throws by Wagon er 0tterb in failed thi mall board only two who had city and live a clean hone t life. The ping and news torie ent to the to respot1 d to th e coring fervor. The been erving on th older large board ob tac! e , difficulties: and temptation newspapers of th e various towns game e nd cd in favor of Mu kingum and of the e two wa Mr. Frank D . • \"v I"I sey, a mem b e r o f th cla s of 1876 (C ontmued on page two. ) from which th e member come. with th e core of 57 to 25. The e stories ar e to be written in the (Continued on page two.) who ha been for ev ral years a trusE xam Schedule is Announced. main by m ember of the Club. It i - - - -- - - tee of 0tterb in and is one of it most D · Contest to Close Soon. I I M . unng th four school day begin- ho ped, however, that the o rganization oya upporter • r. Wil ey ha 111 n~ Thur day, January 2 , final ex- will be by means a temporary afYour attention is again called to the been a member of th chool board of 110 4 a111111ation for th e em e te r will be fair to be abandoned a soon a the conte t r ecently announced in which New York City for th last fifteen th e order of the day.. In thi period can~paign is over, but that it wi ll be- a new head for the Tan and ardina l year , during part of which time he ail cl e will be econdary and for come a permanent part of our in titu- is to be cho en. It i und e r tood that wa chairman of th building com­ o nce, at lea t, all will be seriou mind- tion. severa l per ons are now ha r d at work mittee that wa ent r usted with the ed. The chedulc a announced is a To get the thing upon a working making a de ign but not enough have pening of many ·miJJion of dollars ~ilow : la e reciting at 9 a . m.- , ba i the following officer "".ere el~ct- entered the contest. The more peo- for new chool bui lding in the city. hur day at a. m. lasses reciting ed: Pre ident, R. J. Harmehnk, 1ce- pie taking up this matter the be tter Hi e lection a on of the even to ~ 2 p. m.-Thur day at I p. m. pr id·ent, F lorence Loar ; ecretary the final design will u re ly be. have charge of the school interests la e reciting at !O a. m.-Friday irgi l Wi ll et; Trea urer, C. 0. Altman. This thing i worthy of some ef- in the large t city in our country i ;~ 8 a. m. lasse recitmg at It may be found nece sa ry in th fu- fort in itself were there no other re- an indication of th h igh esteem in ;45 a. m. -Friday at 1 p. m. 11 ture to create some new office but at ward. However, a life ub cription which hi previous work there i he ld. ~ clock cla e -Tue day at a. 111 • pre e n t t h e e w ill con tit ute t he ex- to yo ur college paper i offered as a A member of cho I· boa r d receive o'clock cla e -Tue day at 1 p. m . ecutive body of the new ociety. A prize for the best ugge tion. The no r muneration u h a long period C!a e reciting at J p . m.-Wedne day definite time of meet ing ha not yet d rawi ngs m u t be ubm itted on o r be- of public ervicc ~ M r. W ii ey' me r ­ at 8 a. m . pecia l case are being ar- been dec ided on nor ha the frc- fore February I. They may be left its th e highe t appreciation . For ~anged for by the vario us profes or ' quency of meeting been fixed. These at the office of t h e Tan and Cardi na l more tha11 thirty y ats M r. \ ,\Tilsey Ut where no exception is made, the things will be worked o u t at t he ec- or given to a member of th e Publi h- ha been in bu in s in New York general chedu le will govern. (Cont inu ed on page two .) ing Boa rd. (Continued o n nage two.)


rage Two



D C A R D I N c\ L


co uld and should gi\'c their s upport


were present \\'ednesday night. There is to he no co t connected with the project, hence, that need not hinder anyone from jo ining the Club. ~lem­ hership will not be limite d to students o nly but may e xtend into the faculty a nd even among the townspeople a well.

CROWDED HOUSE (Continued from.pai;-e one) that he meets cvl' ry d3.y of his life make up the bulk of the s tory. Be­ fore go ing to p rison his o nly desire w as to win a young lady, the only <l au~htcr of a wea lthy resident on Fifth :\venue. The girl accid ntally found him a nd lat e r learn of his in11occnce. . he a lso learn of ome of WESLEYAN TAKES OPENER the inhuman ac ts o f her father. As a ~r father and goe Team Being Snowbo un d at Pandora resu 1t s1e . I Icaves .1h f · I ho 1· branded a an A ccou nts For No Wnte-up of to Iier ricnc w . . Last W eek's G ames. outca:'t and a th•cf. 1 hu s the s tory . - tlie lesson ;,To him On January 8, Otterbe111 began her cncs , _ 1 cI1aw111 g that hath shall he given but to him ha ~eth~ll season . by meeting _th e that !nth not s hall be tak e n away . Oh1 \\ es leyan quint e t at De la _ware. \ even that which he hath." All arc 1The game was we ll play ed and 111ter· tory to have a clean e ting throughout. In the first h 3.lf 1 ex 11ortecI I)Y ti11s . life · rather than great po sessions. ~he con_te t wa clo e. Otterbein holdThe next nu mber of the lecture course \ 111g their opponent to the core of 14 will he th Musical Guard men on to 21. In the last half 'N e leyan got March 25, 19 18. away and the game ended with the score 39 to 2 1 in fa>'or of \ Vesleyan. 13ASK ETEERS LOSE Fox was the big point getter for OtTO MUSKINGUM terbein. making 13 points of the tota l score. (Contin•1ed from pa ge o ne.) n January 10_, the Otte rb e in quin­ "\\' agoner played a good game for Otterbein and caged some clever tet lef t for a two days' trip to the -hots from difficult posi ti o ns on the northern 1nrt o f the lat e. Th ur day flo or. Boyd wa th e big man for night they pl3.yed Bluffton o ll e~e at Muskingum, making thirteen fie ld Bluffton. B lu ffton won by the close core of 31 to 27. goals. F ri day night Otterbein p la yed at ReYenge wi ll be sweet when th e Tan and Ca r d ina l five again meet Pa ndora . The game res ul ted in the I :M.u kingum, Wedne day night , J 3.11. core of 27 to 27. 23, in the loca l gym, at eight o'clock. ALUMNUS HONORED AGAIN Everybody out to the game to h e lp! (Co ntinued from paae one.) get rc\'enge from Muski ngu m. C ity , being pre id e nt of th e )l ew York Otterbein (25) Muskingum (57) Boat Oar ompany. H e is a lso a R. F. )-loore h ead \ agonrr di r ector in the ·oal 3.11d Ir o n Nation­ L. F. Boyd I yer a l Bank and a member of the excl uFro. t Miller ive c lub , th Hoi co la tic i. In Funk R. G. Pric June, 19 16, tterbein conferred UJlO n \ Brown L . G. ·1eland him the degree of Doctor f Law in . fr;Jb tituti n : For Otterbe in , ·mith, recognition of hi di tingui bed abi l­ ior 'funk: ornetet for Smith: Brown ity. for 11iller; Funk for Br w n ; :Miller .f or Brown. for 11u kingum . Fer- '17. larence L. Booth of Dayton on for Price. spent · un day with friend 111 \V ester­ Field goals: Wagoner 3, ~lyer 3, villc. Miller J, Brown, 1 [ oore h eacl 6, Boyd Join the Press Club! J3 Fro t 2, l'ricc 4, -iev e hnd 1. Free T h rows: Wagoner 4, ).lill er I ,




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Moorche3.d 5. Refcrce-\ Vatkin . Timer-Given. c Continued fr0m page one.)

ond · ,,,,;ion of the ·1ub \\' ed n e day ' vcning. January 30, at . cn:n-thirty in J>rof. Fritz' room. 1t i . p lanned, at each 111 eting that jt is po ibl c, to have ome man who }ns had exper ience in new paper work give a practical talk on omc vha c of th work. ~Jr. Larimor_e, liimsdf. has had , idc cxpenence 111 1 1 -connection with the Ohio - tate Journal and will be able to. he lp a 1 great deal. At the next meet111g i\.lr. R. \\' . :mith. bu inc manager of the Public pinion, will talk 3.l)out 1 the making of a country weekly news­ vap~·r. Jt i aid by tho e who ought to know that at ome later date . . Hooper of olumbu , former edi to r of the Dispatch and at pre ent h ead\ of the Department of J ournali m at Ohio · rate Univer ity will lect u re to


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Page Three


concern ing one place, TH E "E FILUO" C LUB. I These all ar e but 1 '·\\'ell, T o m. got your sched ule th e demands to be made o ut yet,,, inquired ,'.\la c as Tom made at various time upon th e in- took hi regi tration card out of hi s Publi hed \V eek lv in the interest of dividua l. when h e goe out to combat I pocket. Otte rbein by the the "cold, cruel world." lf w e could "Y es, just got it finished. how are OTTER.BET:-- PC"BUSHIXG 1 but loo k at the on-coming cxamina- you com ing?'' BOARD. 1 ti ons as something that would work "l'm taking th e same s tudi c \Y estervil le , Ohio. Press toward th e strengthening of our m e'.11as last semester so mine wa s easy but Membe r o f the Ohio College taI· mak e-up w e would not c nt e rtam I guess Doc is having an a\\'ful time As sociation. th e dread now so prevalent. deciding what he want ." S taff As th e scrmonizer says. "Le t us add " l'\o it's not that boy . I could decide Editor-in-Chief .... Lyle J . Michael, '19 in conclusion," that a great deal of th e I easy enough, it's getting omething A i tant Editor unsati factory part of the e xam i11a - 1I can fit in with the r e t of my sc h ed- 1 J: C. Siddall, ' 19 tion would be e liminated by the a cl op- ul e," said Doc. who had bee n frown- I R. J. Harm clink, ' 19 tion of the so-called Honor Syste m. I ing over a catalogue and his already C. W. ST O UGHTON, M. D. C ontributing Editor · J half-fi lled r egistration card. "This job 1 Grac e Arm e ntrout. '19 For a Great Endowment. i " o rse than a question in calculus, at 29 \ V. College Ave. H ele n Bovee , ' 19 Otte rbein Co ll ege is making a driv e j i t'3S you.'d hav:, some idea what to \\. esterville, o.· Business M gr. .... R. Lisle Roose, ' 18 £or a 400.000 addition to her endow- look for 111 that. "~l ust be something lik e the quesBell Phone 190 A t. Bus . .Mgr. .. K e nneth Arnold. '20 m e nt. This ed ucationa l institution Citz. Phone 110 A st. Bus. Mgr. .......... . L. mith , '20 is entit led to a most generous consid- tio na ires." "\\·orse than those. they' re fully ex- , , , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Circulation Mgr. .... H . E . Michael, ' 19 eration . It is contro ll ed by t~e very I t A t c· 'I C E· 1I ll' '19 high es t educationa l ideals and is turn - plai ned but there eems to be no exB. C. Y OUMANS, Barber 2nd . ,\ s .t CI~. 1\~fr. .... . . l u in. ing into the world a lot of superi or plana tion to thi thing. Got you r : 37 N. S tate St. • ss . 1r. n gr.• f h · ·h · notification Tom,., ~[an on ::slichols. '2 1 young men . The mstruct ors o t is c , ' , Shoe Shine in Connection. Lo ca l Ed', t or H e en K e !! er. ,_ co ll ege are the highest type of edu ca- 1• .. •·· o t lyet, expecting it any h diday. k but Ij Shop closed at 8 o'clock except 70 1 ............ tors-men of sp irit, of ympathy. an rl m Ill c ass one anyway. ar y now Cochran Hall ........ Flore11ce Loar, '19 lofty purpose. It i a good f or w I1a t t o cl o a IJou t th'I seme ter •s I Saturday. Alunrnal ................. ... Prof. Guitner, '97 t u ne for the youth to come under t he wo rk." . Ex change ............... ..... Ruth Conley, ' 18 infl uence of these professors, for th l'} "I' m going to tart in any way, ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t h Athl e tic ........................ E. L. Doty, '18 1 make cha racter as much as schol ar- l om . I'm in e same fix aucl if I get W . M. GANTZ, D . D . S. ship t h e object of their instructi on. ca lled I can easily stop school." ·1 D E N TIST Addre all commun ications to T h e 'We say all this to inform the m an '·J-low'd yo u enjoy the lecture t h e Otte rbein Tan and Cardinal. 20 \ V. or woman who has to give to educ,,- ot her day, Bill? Heard yo u've been I 15 \V e t College Ave. Main St., Westerville, Ohio. tion that here is an opportunity th ey atte nd ing all such affairs lately ." Bell Phone 9 Citz. Phone 167 Sub cription Price, $1.50 Per .Yea r , can acc.cpt without hesitation . Ottt- r'' Only two. That one \.Yednesday ,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, payable in advance. bein is a churc h school, but. it is_ a wa s fine . if that's the one your t a lk ing iberal schoo l where the g racious III - abo ut. Did you hear how he started, I 1 J · out l_J Y, a.y 1·, 11 ,g,,. 'It' s a cl oggone goo d s liow, Prints guaranteed from properly c~tE n tere b d a second class matter ff- ep- Auence of the' churc h ·,s felt with em er 25, 1917, at the posto ice at . . . f . cl 1sn t 1t. "' Westerville O. und er act of ?\Iarch 3. the l1m1tat1ons o ci_ee . t J . posed negatives. 18 _ ' ' _ O 1110 ta c o urn a 1 ''Yes, I h eard all about it, thought i't mighty good my e lf, but that i n't 79 the one I had reference to. I wa , 145 W . H o me St. ~[akc but few explanations. The Thy College C omman d men t s. . . thmk,ng of th e ~lormon Lecture." ~haracter that can not defend itself I J. Thou ~halt love thy country _and "Oh that one, well my opinion i 1 not worth vindicating.-F. W. its lofty princ ipl e more than th )_sc lf 1 that it might have done ome of the Rob ert on. and thou halt be willing to acrdice other boy around here a little bit of j . . that which thou ha t. for thy country. good." W hy Exammattons? · · me at all boy , so .. It may be thy e If , or ti1Y l ov ed ones • "Your not k1ddm' \\ Ithin the next week th e re come or thy tim e. or thy money or thine in- ke ep it up all you want," said Doc. j Upon u that dreaded occa ion: loo~ed Auence, but what oever thou hast / ''That was some sled load we had Formerly The White Front. forward to for months. yet which I shalt thou giv e. la st night Bill . wish you'd been along Give Us a Trial. often catche - us unprepared: always , 2. Thou shalt be loyal to Otterbein don't know wher e I've had uch an fea: ed but equally es - cntia l.-exami- and shalt do all in thy power to pro- , :ill around big time." O ur Specialty nation week. It is afe to ay that 1 mote her welfare. Even in th e cam· "You had nothin~ on me at that, To treat everybody r ight. neYer wa ther e a tuclent who came paign shalt thou help her. I r was 'at a little pu h my elf and up to thi e ventful period of the I 3. Thou sha lt make many friend · had a fine time." sch ool year. without ome degree of and sha lt alwavs be true and faithful '·It's about the time of yea1· you fear. \\'e are prone to consider the e to them. • · / boys arc having all kinds of thing; cx~mination as nece ary vi! : a 4. Thy shalt have lofty purpose in I going on, ju t before exam," said reli cs of barbarism: ort of spiteful the college life and shalt stead fa tly Mac. as he picked up a book and tart­ affair cond ucted by th e profe ors to follow it. forgetting not the longing I eel to read. Choice L 11t Flowers and Corsage ~ct re,·engc for our c utt ing or sleep- and de ire of those at home. " ur e and there are about a dozen Bo uquets. Ing in clas : a better opportunity for 5. Thou halt treat with re pect all thing going on this week too, o we th c in tructor to '·run us up ." thy teachers for th ey arc thy wort hy have a big chanc to do any tudyOf co ur e there are two ides to friend . ing." hv ery. que tion. but it i omctimes 6. Thou shalt not take part in or " \\'ell why don't you do a little S. State St. Citizen 345 ard tor u to be convinced that there uphold any p litic . now?" any u e in an examination. 'vVc 7. Thou shalt not flirt with anyone. "Too late tonight, we better have JU t cram our head full of fact for 8. Thou shalt not Runk. neither a little hand before bed time." one day . long enough to take the ex- sha lt thou bluff. but alway halt th0 u amination·. and then forget all about have thy le son . 'Buy a trunk. Pat." aid a dea ler. the c9urse.-provided that we do not 9. Thou halt not put off thy hard ". nd what for hould I buy a get an encore. But; there 110 good work longer. A ll eme ter ha t thou trunk?" ~~min~ from an exam inati ~n? urc- , put off thy notebook work. thy out"To put your clothe in." explained ) a fairly conducted exam , of ome ide reading . thy review and o the dealer. value. Tt at lea t teaches the student forth, but the la t week i the week •·. nd go naked?" exclaimed Pat, ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G. H. MAYHU G H , M. D. to a· emble all that he know about of exam . ·' not a bit of it!" -Ex. a ubject in an orderly relation hip. 10. Thou halt not cheat in these Ea t College Ave. Again. one mu 1 be able to touch th cxaminations.-\\ ' ith . pologie to Thur day. January 24 scheduled mo t important item brought out in '·The Dynamo." as a day of prayer for coll gc-. It i Bell 84 I hone -Citizen 26 a !1appy coincidence that this .the co ur e, or the tudent ,nay be called upon to make a ummary of hi Join the Press C lub ! fall on the fir t day of examination . kn owledge



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, I









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Page Fou r



Jrcu l Dort who was in tt erbein two year ag~ , ha s rec ently been given a p it ion in the qua rt er ma ter g en era l's office in \ Vas hin g t o n, D. .



'87 . Dr. f\ndr ew Timberman wa . o n e \ of a party o f tw e nty -o ne business and profes iona l m e n of o lumbu s wh went t Tor~nto , _ anad a. w ee k befor e la t to 111ve s t1gat c matt e r s per­ Elmer Barnharr. of amp Hanco ck. taining t war sa ving and war mon ey A ugu ta, Georgia, made a short vi it ra1- mg - ti1e C a na e1·1an c·i ty . .[d ,,·as 111 1:o Otterbe in fncnd , t h1 week. gained 0 11 thi s trip wi ll b e u sed in th e o lum ''Lym" Hert happi ly su rpri cl u coming \ Var Che t driv e in wi t h a vi it over the we ek -e nd . bu s n ext month. The party wa now! o uncl for nin ' hour s n ear H amOf cour e th e on ly explanation i ilton , ntario o n th e r e turn trip and late hour (t h o ug h we can't under ­ o lumbu s until la st did not r each sta n d why) but Dr. "he rr ick clro1 peel T ue clay. a leep in h er one o'clock cla s th

. .


Men! The Union Has Bought


l J

' 10. :'If e mb e1·s of th e n ew ly-elected sc hoo l board of randvi cw H eights Dav id H ess, wh o ha been a st uden t at th eir first 111 , tin g thi yea r se lect­ in the academy h er e for o m e time, ed a th eir pre id ent J o hn H . Nau . ha given up th e id ea of preparing o­ for th e h1ini stry, and is taking a short '91. At th e la t meeting of th e agricultura l co u rs e in Ohi . t:ite lumbu s ity Co un cil, E dgar L. \ Vcin­ land , who took hi s scat in that body n iver ity. at th e beginning o f the year . wa ap ­ \,\lant ecl-A position a hou epointed on several imp o rtant comm it ­ breaker. ;ctting into Science Ha ll a specia lty. Sec a refe r ences J es ie te e .

other day.


All Hart, Schaffner ti Marx and Fashion Park's Small Lots of Overcoats and Suits for One-third Less than the Regular Price. These Fine Garments have been added to the Splendid Stock in the January Clearance at Sweeping P:rice - reductions

wig- ' 17. Announcement has been received of th e marriage o f J ose ph 0. Todd and Mi s Ruth Taomi ri ckard . whi c h Speak in g of s nowclrif h ts, if yo u had q uestioned Prof. Rosse lot, or Prof. occ ur r ed in Oakland , a liforn ia, ,veinland, or Prof. A ltman la t Tues - Tu esday, Jan uary 15. The co upl e day morning co n ce rning the j o ys of a wi ll be at home at 1132 Thii-t~r- fourt_h hom e in th e suburbs do you uppo s I tr ee t, ak lancl,. wh ere Mr . f o dd 1 the rep ly wou ld hav e been very en- \ pa t r of th e United Brethren church.

eir and the janito r. art.

Glady s


thu ia tic?


'96. Frank 0. lem e nt s of Da y t o n wa a week-end gu e t at th e h o m e o f hi s mother, 1Ir . arah lc m e nt o n \ Ves t o ll cge aven ue.

T he lma Ewry r eturned to c I100 I after spending three wee ks at home '95. Dr. tep h en . Markley o f Rich ­ wi th her mother who is ill. mo ncl, lncliana, ha . en list d in th e 111 dica l depa r tm nt of t h e army and Per u ua l, ·va left Friday for h er amp Tay lor, Loui s vi ll e, vi it to ·hil licoth e.

D n't you think tunt night . once Th e Rich er Evange li ti c Party r e­ pe r wee k wou ld be fu n? Li t t le in ­ nt ly clo eel a very su cce s fu l eries forma l affair s wo uld k ee p ·o ur pirits of m ee ting at N ew Hav e n , Ohi o , from lagging th e e cold winter cla y . wh e r e Rev. C. \V . nyd cr, '03, is th e \ Vi lma \ \looclarcl from \ \ illa r d, ., uc ce fu l pa tor. R ev. B. F . Rich e r, ,vas Loi lark ' gue t over t he wee k - ' II ; Harry E . Richer. ' 14. and Mrs. end. H arry E . Rich er ( Et h e l hup e , ' I I , Ru th Frie r eturn ed uncl ay fr o m con ·tit ut e t he evangeli tic party. her home in Dayton . H e wi ll come back.

Cheer up Bet.

Fine line of spring samples. Cleaning and Pressing done on short notice.

\ c arc orry that this i u e of the Tan and Cardina l is late but th e weather man bro ug h t cold w eath er with low ga and its accompanying tro ub les. Next wee k th e exa ms wi ll claim rig h t-of-way so t he r e wi ll be n i u unti l F e bruary 4.

What more acceptable present can you make than your photo? Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents. Have the bes t.

The Old Reliable State and High Streets For special rates to all Otterbein st udents sec Fred Gray.

Special Monogram Stationery

B. W. W ELLS, Merchant Tailor

Th e guest room has tw o patients Loi and Virginia. Hurry and get w ell, girl , we mi ss yo u.


Remember the folks at home- Order Your Photos Early.


Cor. Main and State St. G. W. HENDERSON, M. D. Office Re idenc e tate and Plum 99 . tate 10 to 11 A. M . l to 4 P. M . Sunday a n d Evening by Appointment.

Thos~ who wish xclusive Monogram Stationery mad up to order should look over our samples. ew and stylish design. Engraved visiting card and stationery

Printers of" The Tan and Cardinal" Otterbein Pin ·-·-··-··-··-·-··--·-···· ·-··--·-·-········· $ .50 1.00 Fountain Pen ···········-··············-·········· ·-·-··· 1.50 Laundry Case -··--·-···-·--··············-···· ···-····­ Royal Typewriter•···-····-···-··-···-··-·-·---·-·---- 75.00

The Buckeye Printing Co. R . W. SMITH, '12, General Manager 18-20-22 VI. M.::in Street Both Phones \Vestervillc, O.

University Bookstore Patronize TAN & CARDINAL Advertisers.

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