The Tan an OL. I.
No. 1.
Rev. E. E. Burtner, pa tor of the nited Brethren church f r th e the past thr ee year s. was reappointed to th e \,Vestcrville charge for another ycar at the Southeast Ohio conference held at the Fifth Avenue nited Brethren church , Columbus, last Wt'.Ck. R ev. R . A. Hitt was r e-e lec ted confe rence sup erintendent. He will move to Westerville soon. These desi,:rnations of intcn, s t to Otterbein people were also made: Presi dent of Otterbein college, W. G. Clippinger; professor in Otterbein college. T. J. Sanders; professor in Otterbein col lege, N. E. Cornetet; field sec r eta ry of Children's Home Society, V,.T. \V. Rymer; field secreta ri es of Anti-Sa loon League of America, E. H. Daiky and Lloyd Mignery. Pasto ral assignments of loca'l inter est wer e: Carroll, Fay M. Bowman. Otterbein s tud ent; Circleville, Glen D. Spafford; Burgess Avenue, E. B. 'W hite, Otterbein student; East Lin den, Seth Drummond, Otterbein stu dent and Y. M. C. A . sec reta r v o f the Columbus Barracks; St. Clair ·Aven ue, Columbus, J . G. Spears; '\;Va hington Avtnue , Columbus, Carl Sweazy, Ot- 1 terbein student; Franklin. E. E. Har ris, Otterbein student; Hillsboro, J. 0. Emerick; Galloway, H. C. Elliott; Jackson, George Geiger; Logan, W. E . Riebel.
y Slight Falling Off Due to War Fir t
Conditions-Freshman Class Big.
Much to th s urpri e of the co ll eg official Otterbein ope ned at ten o'clock \ Vedne sday morning with a de-er a e in enrollm ent of twenty-two a co mpared to th e same tim e la t year. and with a fre shman cla s sur pa si ng t·hat of la st year. To date 250 1tave registered . Bishoo W. M. Weekley of Parkers burg, W. Va., gave the opc ninR" ad dr •ss in th e chapel W t:dnesday morn ing. At th e last Gent:ral Conference he was elec ted Bishop Emeritus and may choose vVes tervill e as hi s future home. The Bishop's address which wa basccl upon the esse ntial s of a h istian college, was directed to th e fac1ltv members rath er than to th e stu lc1its. H e said that th e faculty m e hers of a church college sh0uld 11phold those tea chin g. and principles for which that church tands and any pr fessor who refu ses to do so sh nld not accept a I osition on such a f cult v. He declared the teach ii of the evo lution theory, as taught hy omc, to be a crim.e- against the church. He al o made: a violent at1,,-t, 1111,,n th,. •n-r:,l1•~"''"' th""* v J n the cour e of his talk the bi hop paid a splendid tribute to Dr. T . J. Sanders. declaring that "H c always eave tudents on the right side f ;dl questions in refcrt:nce to G d. New Students. New tudtnts co ntinu e t o com in. :At pres nt 73 have regi tered. Th e fo llowing li st givt' S th e name and ad dre ses o f new student~ r egularly ,·n rolled in the co ll ege. Anderson, larc nce L. Jam estown, N . Y. Arno ld . Emilv Ruth. Fostoria. Rake r . Marv ·waddell . W es terville. Barthlow, Lloyd Earl Logan. Bav . Donald Copeland . \Vestervi ll e. Bi llman . Marie. cw Madison . Bingham. Edith Gray, Ironton . Cam.pe ll. Hel e n , Galena. ampbe ll , Ma~y Louise, Blu fftnn . Ind . ave. Edythe- Forr ·t. Lan aster. lark. Loi Miller. Chicago Jct. ollins, Maurice Mackenzie, Staunt n. V,t. Darling. Evelyn Grae , cottdal , I'a. Deem. Ruth. Eaton. D<· itsc h, Mildred Bernice, Lima. Dixon. Florence Mari , Vv t rville. Ellsworth, atharinc, West Carrollton. Eubanks, Ethel Lucille, Jack on. Ewry, T h elma. Dayton. Fausey. J. \ adc. Gib onburg. Fun k, Mary Neff, John town, Pa. Givin Olive Ione. Hopedal e. Gleason, Rufu Henry, A hvill e, N. Y . Goodman, Rose Esther, Akron. G odman. H a l \ Villiam. Akron. Halderman. Harold Dwight. Lanca ter. Harmon. Lloyd. Wauseon . Harley. E ther Anne. Dayton. Ha ' . Earl Raymond, Punx utawn ey. Hooper. Edna . Bradford. Pa. Howe, John Ruskin. Custar. 1n keep. ordelia. E . Liberty. Jaynes. Orr A., D !aware.
(Continued on page four.)
F . H. Gorton Is on the Ground for Fall Training on the Gridiron . Otterbc in 's Board of Control select ed F. H. Gorton, form r Rutge rs col lege coach and for the past three years dir ec tor of athletics at th e \ ' ir ginia Military Institute, as director of college athleti cs. Mr. Gorton was sel ected from a numb er of appli cations as t h e man best fitted as an all around athleti c director. His rec ords show him to be especia ll y profi cit' nt in football, basketba ll and track wit h a , coachin:g lfnowh!clge · of . base ball. H e is a lso a capab le military in s tru cto r. Mr. Gonon arrive<l Saturday and began laying plans at once fo r a st renuou s seaso n. Mr. Gorton was educated at Peddie J n stitute, Richmond coll ege, and took the cour se in physical educatio n at Yale. His experience as a coach is varied. Peddie 1n stitutc had him for a co upl e of years from where h e went to Rutgers, producing exceptional teams. Next he served two years at Redlands high ~c hool, Redlands,
ASSOC~IA-TI-ON_S.. . G_IVE_ .. 1 PLEASANT RECEPTION New Students Guests at Affair Satur- I day Evening in Association Parlors. aturday eve nin g the Associati n parlors were the scen e of o ne of the· best and mo t successfu l reception to new students eve r held . liy eight o·clock · the rooms we re full of tudents and members of the Faculty ren ew ing old a cquaintances a nd makin g new one . Vance E. ri bbs, chairman of the social co mmittee of the Young Men's C hri stian ssociation and master of ce rem o nie fo r the e,·ening, in hi j vial manner encouraged the forming of new friendships by means of co nte ts and games gi,·in g all a chance to us e their wit or deve lo p. their dramat ic inclinations. One stu nt e pccially deservin g of credit was g iven by the people represent in g the month of May. In keeping with the spirit of the month a May dance was given, L. S. Hert se r ing a a May-pole. At the co nclusion o f this part of the program the company repaired to the assemb ly hall to Ii ten to the program, in charge of Gladys Lake, ocial committee ch;&irman of ,th e Young vVomen's hristian A cia tion. The prog ram opened with a piano duet by Mis es Vance and Farley. Follow in g thi s Mis Freda F razier favored the company with two humorous readin g . As usual the audience wa s mor e than pleased with her work. T.o make the musical part o f the program complete I. M. Ward sang a solo g iving as an enco re the new popular patriotic song '·Goodbye Broadway, Hello France." Conclud in g the literary pr,ogram gree tin gs and we lcome were extended from both the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A .. Miss Alice Ressler re(Continued on page two.)
F. H . Gorton, who was chos n as d ' ector of Otterbein Athl etics at a 11;~eting of the Board of Co n~ro l last w ee k. He is a former Rutger's coach. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ HIT OTTERBEIN HARD BY SELECTIVE DRAFT. Two \ cstervi ll e boys and three Otterbein tud cnts were included in th e five percent quota which r eported at Camp Sherman. hillicothc , Sept. 6. as th e fir t contingent of the new national army. The Ott rb ein tu d en ts were: Frank L. chwecheimer, Otterbein tudent of Bowlin g Green. '\;Va lter H . '\;Vh etz cl, West Walnut tr ec t, Otterbein student. Walter P halor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phalo r, East Park street. Glen 0 . Ream, Otte1bein studen t and football captain elect, of Rising Sun. Other in th fir t draft wi ll be: Francis F . Recob, Otterbein student and custodian of the First United Brethren church. H enry lark Weaver, son of Rev. and Mrs. D . E. Wea v er, South Vi n e -street. A. Wayn Nea lly, graduate of Ot terbein, I 917. Claiming Exemption. Jud on . Siddall, Otterb ein student. These Were Rejected. Jam es H. McCloy, professor of phy ic , Otterbein college. Gilbert E. Mills, city mail carrier.
I was put here on the front page to draw your attention to the fact that perhaps you haven't as yet subscrib ed. See subscription blank on an other page.
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11 tJ.l \..Vti.,;:~c .
At all th ese places he made good rec ord and his athletic teams have bet:n among the best. Endorsements from men in charge of athletics at the dif ferent institutions stamp him as a man of character as we ll as athletic ability. First Game September 29. As soon as 1fr. Gorto n arrived h e took charge of the football team to get it in shape for the first game with D enison, September 29. T h e new coach will have big odds to fight for practi\:ally all last year's team have eit her ·· enli sted or graduated. Three veterans, ,,.Bjll" Evans, Earl Barnhart and Ros o e Mase, are back. Some of last yea r' s s ub stitu tes hav e returned a11d new material looks pretty good . In addition to his duti es as foot ball coac h Mr. Gorton will have charge of military training and will co nduct classes in physical education . Mr. Gorton is forty years old, is married a nd has a four year old son. H e will move hi s family to \Vcste r ville. Scheaule. Sept. 29-Denii:on at Granville. Oct. 6-Muski ngum at N ew Concord. Oct. 13-Kenyon at '\;Vestervillc. Oct. 20-Marshall at Huntington . Nov. 3-Heid elberg at W este rvill e. Nov. JO-Ohio Wesl yan at Delaware. Nov. 17-Ohio Northern at Ada. Nov. 24-Wooster at Wooster. Best Gives Chapel Talk. No lan R. Best of the class of 1892 and editor of the "Continent" talked to the student body during the chapel period Monday morning. Mr. Best spoke as a member of the Board of Trustees and as an interested alum nus. He recalled several traditions of the school and urged that these be upheld by the students of the pres ent generation . Mr. :f3est is an occa sional visitor in Westerville 1 this be ing his parental hb'me, and he is al ways welcomed td' lhe chapel service upon each visit.
Page Two
GRIDIRON BUMPS "Bill" Evans, concerning whom ther e has b ee n considerabl e doubt for th e last w ee k, is back in school. "Bi ll" th e h eavy guard of last year's varsity will help immense ly in th e forming of th e t ea m s.
Our coach looks like a football man and one whose word will go. Brown, Barnha,·t, Mas c, Evans and Meyers will mak e a good nucl e us for the new t eams.· ·· Hayes o f Pun.xut.a wncy, Pa. who played 0 11 the econd team t wo years ago loo ks mighty good for an end position. T h e fellows have ·· bee n coming out well for the last week, but · we need m ore me n . Come on. out Fres hmen. Ho w about a footbal l rall-y thi s wee k ? W c need a el,-cc r-kad c'r to o ! Only tw o ~~<,! k~,ti!I th e first game. L et' boost the team. ,; ; -· T hank s "Chuc k:: for. your h elp la st week. Prospects arc looking good right now for a winning __tcam..
COCHRAN HALL GI RLS of his drea ms and proposed, only to GET BETTER ACQUAINT E D fi nd that s he wa a colored la dy. Refreshments were se rved after At ochran Hall on la t Friday thi s. Just before it was "time to go eve ning a ll th e new girls were given ho m e," there wa s a '·so lubrio us" sere an opportunity to become better ac nade w hi c h th ough it wa pretty qua inted a t th e receptio n given in s ho rt, was ve ry mu ch appreciat d. their honor. A lt hough this is an an nual custom the affair thi s year ASSOCIAT I O N S R E CEPT I O N vas uniqu e in th e spirit and con ge niality which both "old an d young'· (Continued from page one.) raa nifested. Th ere seemed to be no need of .. brea kin g th e ice" a nd ever y J r esenting th e fo rmer and L . S . .Her.t . on e had a g.ood time from th e begin the la tter. Bo th emphasized the va lue and impo rta nce of th e work of mn g. The o- ues ts were each o-iven a slip the Associations and th e need of of paper soon after they arrived o n stud en ts fo r their h elp and inspira~i.on. The third and las t part of the pro v hi ch was written several s pi cy tQ'p ics . These sen·ed to introdu ce g ram ca me in th e form of refresh a co n ve rsation with some ot her g irl ments. These co nsisted of punch and each time with a different o ne. It ice cr ea m. At ia pp·ro ximately ten wa no ti ced that o ne topi c '·Th e Man thirty th e crowd broke up , every one From H o me' · see med quite ab o rbin g apparently havino- e njoy ed the entire t::> some. After the gi rl s had become eve nin g. acquaint ed in this way a pleasing pro To the new s tud ent th ese reception5 oram was g iv en. Jo sep hin e Foo r and a nd o th er s.ocial function a t the be Ruth Co nl ey gaYe r ea din g , there g innin g of the year o ften eem mere wer e piano solos by Mi ss Vance and sc hemes to trap him and he may even <>'nes •v\l ri g ht. and Mary Griffith en discredit t heir s in ce rity. On the co ntrary th ey are a part of our life te.rtain ed with a violin solo . Tn conclusion a littl e farce called her e in co ll ege a nd th ey are given n o t "\,Va nted A \,Vife," was prese nt ed in to deceive bu t to h elp. It is hoped that ,,hich a man after a ha rd struggle thi s year may see th e be t attendance to fi nd th e ri g ht kind o f a wife, and intere st eve r witnessed in the hi t10ught he .had disco ver ed the ideal to ry of the associations..
A new captain h ~s as y et not bee n elected. · · Coach Gorton ·•took charge of th e gridiron Mond;.y afternoon.
U . B . S. S. E lects New Officers. Officers to · fake' · charge of the United Brethrerl Sunday school during the approachi:ng year have been ~-n_n~~nc e.d. ~u1>~rinte.nde~1t, L. A.
GLEN 0 . REAM If he bucks the Kaiser like he bucks the line Ge rmany will call time out in the fir t quarter. Ream has been of Otterbein's football 1a member .,, '-' u1u.11G, u -> , ti . • l , !) \.. a\J • L~t \,; (!' C :, 1(1 ~ tary \\' endell Cornetet, a sistant Ir- tain-elect for this year. He is one of vin \\'indom, tteasurer Eva Sher- the school' best athletes and a potent wood, tati tical secretary Dr. W. M . member of the student body. He !eft Gant;!, a ~sistant Ha Grindell, orches- for Camp Sh erman at Chillicothe tra leader Mary Griffith, assistant Es- S e ptember 6. ta Hambel. pianist No rris Grabill, - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- cho ri ter \V. A. Kline, librarian Ray Herald Plott to Teach at Galion. Cheek, sup erintendent of junior de Herald Plott goes to Galion Mon partment Mrs. R. :H. Brane, assistant Mrs. \\. A. Kline, superintendent of day where h e will teach science in the primary department Mrs. E. W . E. high school and direct athletics. Mr. Schear, assi taitt Mrs. Charl es Fritz, Plott had charge of athletics in Mari cradle roll Mrs. L. A . 'Weinland, su etta high school las t year. During ummer Mr. Plott will hav e perintend ent ·of home depa rtment the Mrs. ]. E . Guit11er, assistant Mrs. N . charge of th e Galion playgrounds. E. Cornctet, executive committee Dr. Mr. and Mrs. P lott hav e spent th e E . A. Jones, Prof. R. H. \Vagon er, Dr. 5ummer on th e McFarland farm north of Westerville. W . G. Clippi nger.
Freshmen Get Orders . No <!ates for the fr e hm en if the ed ict of th e Sophomore class is car ried o ut. Tu esday morning found the campus and village s trew n with dod g er etting forth the rule by which fr es hm en ar c to he gov crn.e d. Ac cording to the class of '20, first year stu<l nt. must stay off the gras , r e main in their rooms at night un less give n pennis ion by seniors. hav e no dates t>xce pt with chaperons until Oc toh cr fir t. mu t not smo ke. may not go to Co lumbus unless accompanied by upp r classmen, tip hats to upp er cla s men. "obey Sophomore or s ever e puni -- hment will be inflicted up on th ee." On Friday morning the freshmen app ea r ed in chaJ)e l wearing variou insignia of th~.i.r rank. The boys wore gree n neckties (furnished by the " oph " at five cents per); the girls wor e gre n hair ribbons and s ho es that d id not match . So far no seri ous difficulties hav e a,·isen betw ee n th e cla c and from th e present 0 •1 t look t here wi ll be non e. L et us giv e you tickets. 14 cash prizes every atur~ay night. E. J . orri . -Adv. B ring your film s to Ve rnon & Stearns. First class work at standard pric l!s. atisfaction guaranteed.
Wanted-A New Head. S in ce rhe person who suggested i he nam e for the new pap er does not want th e life subsc ription , that offer has been ex t end ed to th e person who shall se nd in the b es t d esign for a head for th e paper. Ke e p the meaning of the na·m e in mind and get busy with your p ncil. L eave your drawings with Ralph Smith at the Public Opinion office or hand to any memb er of the staff. H e re is a chanc e to win a life sub scriptio n if you have an id ea. CALE NDAR Tuesda v 4 :00 p. m.-Meeting of Pub lishing Board. 6 :00 p. m. -Y. W. C. A. Wednesday 6 :00 p. m.-Choir P racti ce. 7 :00 p. m.-Prayer Meeting. Thursday. 6:00 p. 111.-Y. M . C. A. 6 :10 p . m.-Gir ls' Litera ry · ocietie Friday 6 :15 p. 111 .-Philophronea Literary ociety. 6 :30 p. m.-Philomath ean Literary ociety. tag e sion. Sunday 9:00 a . m.- unda y sc hool. 10 :15 a. m.-Morning service. 6:00 p. m.-Christian Endeavor. 7:00 p. m.-Evcning se rvice.
JUST A WORD If thi paper come to you free, read this article. If you have already se nt in your subscription it will be an unpardonable siin for you to r ead the following : tJfC,: .t <: ,~.~'..io v "tfft, ir.rrf 0 ~ I ardinal e rved their newspape r apprenticeship on th e Otterbein Aegi or Otterbein Review Staffs. We learn ed a few things there, but one thing e pecially was im pressed upon us. If our paper is to succeed we mu t hav e money to pay our bill . If we ar e to hav e money w e must hav e paid up in full, cash, payable in advance subscriptions. Please read the last sentence, again. You receiv ed a lett er from the Circulation Manager this summer. If you hav e fai led to answer it, now is the time to do so. This is the only free copy of this paper that you will receive. If your dollar and a half is not here by next Monday, a paper will not be sent to you. ow, it is up to you to get a dollar and a half. W e can't get th e money for you, but we can offer you ug gestions. Above all things, try to g et it honestly,-but get it. You might pawn your st raw hat or low cut shoes. If th ey will not bring you th e capita l n eces ary, mortgage your Ford. Seriously, we want to say that This new project is g oing to succeed. With the support we ar e already re ceiving. failur e is an impossibility. Alumnus, Faculty m ember, Cleior h etean , P hil a leth ean, Phi lomath ean, Phi l ophronean, Trustee or friend-do you know that th Alumni Association. the Faculty, th e Board of Tru · tee and the four literary o<;ieties are all United and backing this project. Fill out the subscription b lank found be low and return it at once with the nec e sary amo unt ($1.50) to R. L. Roos e. Circulation Manager, Wes te rville, Ohio. Sub cription Blank.
R. L. Roos e, Circulation ;\[anager,
The Tan and Cardinal W e terville, Ohio Enclo ed find $ 1.50 for which J)l ea e end The Otterb ein Tan and Cardi nal for one year t 1 ame
...................................................................................._.. .
tr eet ........................ ....................................................... . P . 0. .......................................... Date ...............................- ..........- .....
ta te....... _................ .
TAN AND CARDINAL P ubli sh ed W eekl y in t h e inte r es t o f Otterb e in by th e O T TERBEI PUBLl HI G B O ARD , W cst er ville, O h io.
Member of the O hio College Press A ssociation. Staff Editor .... .............. Chas. W. Vernon, '18 Ass t. E di tor .......... L y le J. Mic ha e l, '19 Co ntribu t in g Edi to rs-G ra ce Arme ntro ut, ' 19 a n d He len Bov ee, ' 19 Business Mgr. .. .. W . H. Wh etzel, '19 Ass t. Bu s. Mgr....... W al t er Schu tz, ' 19 A ss t. B us. M'gr. .. Ke n ne t h Arno ld, '20 Circulation Mgr. .. R. Lisle Roose, '18 Ass t. B us. Mgr. .... .... A . C. S idda ll , ' 19 Asst. C ir. Mg r .... ..... Vida Wi lh elm , ' 19 Loca l E di tor .. .. ...... W . 0 . S ta u ffe r, Ass t. L ocal Ed . ........ R u t h Co n ley , Alumn a ! ........ .......... F . M. Bo w m an, Exchan g e ... ............. .. H elen Ke ll er, Athl et ic ........................ E. L. D o t y,
'20 ' 18 ' 18 '20 ' 18
Otterb ein Ta n a nd Ca r dina l, 20 yV . M ain St., W es tervill e, Ohio. Subscripti o n P r ice, $1.50 P e r Y ea r, pay ab le in ad va nce. A pplicati on for second-class p os ta ge rat es mad e to pos toffice a t W cs ter vill e, 0 ., und er a ct o f March 3, 1879.
s uc h h e mu s t be in a pos it io n to r e fl ec t thi s with o u t p r ejudice a nd w ith o ut da mage to th e in s titution w hi ch hi s pa per is m ea nt to co n se r ve. A s s uch he can do much to pro m o te th e idea ls a nd bes t inter es t s o f t he co l lege. He sh o uld have an in sigh t a n d a fo r esigh t of s it ua ti o n s so as to be ab le to lead in t h e ri g h t d irect io n t hose w h o a r e r ead ers of hi s p ap er . T hird. Th e co llege pape r sh o ul d not a im to imita te th e pub li c n ewspape r . T h e co mmon in te r est of th e pu b li c press coup led w it h th e se n sationa l s p irit of t he r eaders d em a nds th at t h e spectacular a n d s tr ik in g events be g ive n chi ef atte n tio n. A s such it b e co m es co ld, h ea rtl ess a n d unsympa th e ti c. T h e coll ege pap er ca n avoi d t he tempta ti o n w hi ch comes to t h e av erag e r ead er a nd editor to exp lo it certa in in te r ests at the expen se o f the fee lin g a n d we lfare o f others . To be able to g ive co n s t ru ct iv e a n d a ggr es sive d ri ft to t he thou g h t of the read ers w it ho u t exposin g those th ing s w hi c h wo u ld do da m a g e to t h e in sti tu t ion s houl d be t h e aim o f th e p ub lis h e rs a n d w ri te r s. A slogan u sed by s o m e bus ine ss fi r m s '·If yo u like our g ood s tell o t hers . if you do n ot li ke th e m te ll us ' wo uld be su ggest ive to co ll ege ed itors. A r t icles look d if fe r entl y t o stra ng ers th a n th ose w h o un de rs ta n d m ost clea rl y th e local situa ti o n . T h e tw o paper s for m er ly pub lis h e d by Otte r be in Co lleg e h ave served a s pl en d id p ur pose. T h e s tud en ts of t h e lite r a r y so ci e ties int eres te d a r e to be co ng r atu la ted up o n th e n ew v e n ture up o n w hi c h t h ey enter a nd o ug ht t o r eceive th e h ear ty sy mpa th y a nd co-ope ra ti o n o f s tud ents, fa cul ty, a lumni a n d t ru stees. We a ll e xte n d our bes t wi she s for su cce
P a ge T h re e 16. Mr. C. D . LaRue is p r incipal o f t h e Ca rd ington, 0 ., sc hoo ls.
Mah u el S. M a n on g do leaves W e t e rv ill e S e pte mb er 18 to e nte r Co n iversity in N ew Yo r k . Mr. e umdia M a no n g do wi ll t a ke sp ecia l wo rk in Sch oo l A dm in i trat io n and up e r vis io n. '17.
W e extend o ur co ngratula ti o n s t o th e su rnm e r' s be n ed icts : Rev. E. H . Dail ey , 15, a nd M iss V e rda M iles, ' 16; R ev. ] . P. H endrix, ' 17 ; M iss Rut h Co wgi l, L ewisb ur g; R ev. G. T. R oss elo t, ' 16 and A lta W h ite, forme r s tud ent ; Wm. P. Ho ll a r, ' 17 ; R u ss ell S en g er, ' 16, and Ir en e We ll s, ' 17. R ev. Geo. S. J. Brown e, Secre tary of th e Cen tra l Age ncy of th e Am e r ica n Bib le Society , a nd we ll k n own t o t h e an nual co n fe r en ces in th e Otterbe in coop er ating- t er nt ory di ed d ur in g th e su mm er.
'95. L ieu t. S te ph en Ma rkl ey of Rich mon d, Ind., a cousin o f J. W . M ark ley, attend e d th e fun er a l of hi s mot h er- i n◄ law, Mrs. J . L. Ma uge r, of Colu m bus, Satu rday. Lie uttnan t Markley was graudated from Otterb ein in '95, and is a physicia n wit h a large p ra ct ice in Ric hm ond . T hi s h e h as g iven up to serv e hi s co un try as sur geo n with ra nk of lie u ten a n t. H e w ill b e station ed in M ississippi or M isso u ri. His moth er is a s is ter of Bishop Geo. M . Math ews, '70.
'06. Wm. B ea l is spend ing t he wm ter w it h hi s so n, J o hn Bea l, and fam ily at Casp er, Wyo m in g . '00. W . 0 . Lamb e rt, ha s b ee n n a m ed v ice presid ent of t h e Central Ohio Natio na l Farm Loa n Association . Mrs . Frank J . Res ler and son F ra nk C. R es le r, vis it ed r ecently at t h e ho m e of Mr. F. 0 . Cle m e nts , '96. Th ey v is ited t h e Dayto n aviation fi eld a n d saw fo urt ee n mac hin es in op er a ti o n at on e tim e. Mrs. C lem ents e n te rtai n ed with a lun ch in hon o r of Mr s. R es ler .
'82. D r. A. P . F u n kh o u se r of D ay t o n, ' 11. R. E . E mm e tt o f Bowlin g Gr ee n Va ., d ied d uri ng t h e s umm e r. wa s a W est er ville vis itor la s t wee k.
T h e East O hi o Co n fer e nce m a de t h e fo ll owin g a ss ig n me nt s o f inter est t o O tte rb ein p eo pl e. G. F . Hart ma n , A kr o n ; M. L. H a rtman, Akro n ; W . E . R o u sh , 'IS, A llian ce ; W. E . Bov ey , '92, Barb erto n ; W. S. White, '99, Bower s tow n ; I ra D . Warn er , Ca nt on ; ager Ty r o n , '06, M an s fi eld.
R ev. ] . H . Gr ov es of Warsaw, Ind. v isi t ed w ith his da ug h ter, Mrs. W . M. Ga nt z w hil e a tt endin g th e Un ited B r eth r en Co n fere n ce at Co lumbus.
F UNCTION OF A COLLEGE PAPER -1.J (P r esident C li ppi nger ) '00-01. A . L. Ga n t z a nd family s top p ed off in Westerville Friday to (Ji Hav in g bee n a s ked by th e editors concernmg the fun c tion of a college '11. Wal te r R. Ba il ey ha s m o ved from visi t hi s brothe r, W . M . Gantz. The p aper 1 ta ke thi s occa s io n fi rst of all P iqua to Colu mb u wh er e h e is Gantz's buri ed th eir eleven months' to pypre s n~y , . kJ•! -O f n Vnu !' Rit t c::ac ni ng in til e t..ommc rce high v lJ Odu ) io1 L .. u 1..d ' '• r;'r ' u d · the value to tne college of a college A r e you a loa [er r a hustl er ? The sc h ool. p eriodical. One of til e c hief assets q uestion is for you, as a student at ' 17. Alta N elson, who is tea ch ing in ~ o f the college life is a student puoli Otterbe in , to an s w er b e for e you can ' 13. We n dell Co rnc te t vi sited the th e hil!"h schoo l at Canal W inch ester • - c ation whic n thoroughly re pres ents " d o yo ur b it" o r serve y,o ur co untry past wee k with his sis ter and h er hu s- s pe nt th e week-e nd a t ho m e. f-- th e inter es ts of th e institutio n . T h er e effective ly . Yo u ma y .think. th a t y o ur ban d, P r o f. and M r s. J. R. Mi)l er , ~t I, " . ,, . . a r e ce rta in r a th er specihc fun c ti o ns op po rt u n it ies fo r service w ill be few , Pa ~k crsb ur~, Y.,. Va. M r . M ill er 1s 11_7. D ick .Bradfi eld, w ho. 1s p rmt-....... which it sh o u ld fult ill. in thi s s m a ll co m m u nity; so th.ey ass is t a n t P;m c1pal o f th e Pa r k e rsburg c1pa l a t th e high sc~<;>o l at Lill y Ch :ip V F irst. l t s ho uld be a n ew spa p er. w ill if yo u d ecid e to be a loafe r 111 - sc hoo ls tl11 s y ear. c l wa s a S un day v1s1to r. cf) A s such it should seek to co mpre hend s tead- !pf a hus t le r . If yo u ,str o ll 1- - - -- -- ----------- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - ---, in its co lumn s in r easo na b le ba lance a r o und tow n " just to ki ll tim e" you a nd symmetry a s ur ve y of a ll t he h ap a r e was tin g prec io u s time a nd en er g y pe nings in a nd a r o und th e in s titu ti o n th a t so m eo n e in t h e wo rl d w ill have ~ whi ch a r e wo rth printing. As su ch it t o m ake up in some way o r o th e r. - s hould s imp ly recite in c lea r cut la n - Th e law of co m pe n sa ti on is sti ll in 0 g uag e w itho ut e mb e llis hm e nt o r co m - fo r ce y.o u kn o w, you r loss w ill be m ent th e happ enin gs o f th e in stitu- a n o tl~er' s ga in . I f yo u h abitua lly go 6> tion fr o m wee k to w ee k. A ll stud ent t o yo u r classes un p r e pa r ed , a nd pay act ivities, a ll a lumni inter es ts a nd a ll little o r n o a ttentio n w hil e th er e, you a dmini stra ti ve inter es ts m ea nt fo r the ar e was tin g talent a n·d ti me t h a t is p ubli c no tice s ho ul d receive th e ir fair n ee ded a t thi c ri t ical t ime. After a vacation we are p leased to greet the Otterbein s ha re of a ttenti o n. T h e r e is dan ger If yo u w ri g ht a poo r th eme wh en s tudents again and serve them in anything in the line of always th a t ed ito r s in the ir zeal t o r you a r e capab le of w r itin g a go,o d o n e, ce rtain interes ts or d epa rtm e nts or if yo u fa il t o reci.te in math e m a tics s hould ove r emph as ize so m e a t th e w h e n yo u mi g ht have m ade a brill ia n t expen se o f o th ers . ln t h e w ritin g o f r ec ita ti o n , yo u a r c n o t trul y p a t new s paper it" l11S too mu ch of eulo- r iotic howe ver lo ud ly yo u m ay s in g We m a ke a s p ecialty o f q uick, n eat work for college g is ti c com m en t is ou t o f p lace a nd w h en t h e ba nd p lay s " Star Spa ng l o rganiza t ions a nd societies. ser ves o ft en as a n un fai r a n d u n k in d ed Ba nn er." di sc rimina ti o n aga in s t oth er in d ivid Ju s t supp ose that Otte r bein s h o uld uals or in te r es ts. ad o p t t h is fo r a motto " Do yo ur best Seco nd. T h e college pape r s ho u id a n d yo u w ill b e do in g yo ur bit." be a reflec t o r a nd a ge ne ra to r o f co l So m eo n e h as aid, " T h er e ca n he L et us show you samples of callin g cards and embo ss a rcH ec to r it sh o uld n o back wa r d s te p in t h e wo rl d' s lege spi rit. ed mon ogram stat io nery. s erve as a kin d of m irro r g ivin g back p r og r e s, but prog r ess in a demrocracy to t he reader s a n imp r ess ion of th e is slow. for t h e w h o le mas s mu s t be spi r it and li fe of the in stituti o n . lea r ned .'. How mu ch a r e y o u P'Otn g Through its editor ials a n d other to h elp o r h in de r in t h e lea rni n g pr o for m s of commen t fr o m t in,e t o t im e cess of th e wo rl d ? it can g ive s ig n itica nce and m ea nin g T hi nk it o v er! to th e r eade r o f th e do ings o f th e in s ti tu t ion . 1 t s h ou ld a lso be a ge n W anted. era to r and a p romote r o f s pirit by Eve r y g irl in Otter bein :i t ~h e Y . p lacing a co ns tru c t i,·e e mph as is up o n t he life and th e a ctiv ities of the col w . C. A . o n T ue sday even m g at lege. Th is is w h e re th e ed ito r ia l a r 6 o'clock . A sp ecia l invitatio n is ex t icle fi nd the ir chi ef va lu e. It is on e te nd ed to a ll th e n ew g irls a s w ell as R . W . SMITH, ' 12, G eneral Manager thi ng to w ri te a n ew s articl e, it is an th e o ld. T h e m ee t in g promises to b e 18-20-22 W. Main Street o t her to g ive it qua lity a nd s ig ni ti o f a n att ra ctiv e na t ur e. Bes ides t h e can ce thr o ug h prope r edito r ial inte r r egu lar m ee t in ir prog ram, t here w ill \Veste r ville, 0 . Both Phone be a fro lic. M a ke the Y . W . C. A . a pretation . H er e is require d th e fi n es t pa r t o f y o ur co ll ege life. kind of di sc riminati o n an d a se ns i ti vitiy and sympathy such a few p eo S pa ld in g Age n cy- W e' ll ge t a ny ple are a ble to d evelop . T h e ed it o r m ust b e ab le to feel th e pul se of hi s th ing y ou want in th e ir lin e t hat we re ader s and o f the in titu tion a nd as do n' t h av e in s to ck. E . ] . Norris.
Again at Your Service College and Society Printing Engraving and E mbossing
Printers of '' The Tan and Cardinal''
The Buckeye Printing Co
Y. M. C. A.
After ca r ef ul co n ide r a t ion of forty fi ve a pp li cants for th e positi o n o f cit y 1n pite f the fact th a t the yo ung mana ge r, Ralp h \ V. Orebaugh of men in sc hoo l numb er some what I ss New Y o rk Cit y, was chosen for th e than in former years, th e at te ndan c · lace by th c \V t:s t c, r vill e co uncil. a t Y.M.C.A. o n T hur sday eve nin g was Re\'. k 1\ . Ilitt. co nference supe r excee din g ly good. Th e n ew men an- intendent of t he Southeast Ohio dis tak ing a good interest and the ol d tr ict o f the nited Breth r en chur ch, men eem to have a n e w appreciation wi ll mo,·e to \ Veste r vill e in t he P ri es t of th e wo r k of th e Ass c,ation. T h e meeting was addrc 5scd by Dr property o n ' o rth Vine street r ecent ly purchased by him . He li \'es in E . A. J ones. As us ual h e g a ve a bnd informa l ra lk. full of interc t and good Ch illi co th e at presen t. advice. The main thought o f hi s P rof. J. A. Be ndin ger returned last talk m ay be summed uo in th e phrase He week from Dawes, \ V. Va., where h , "Manliness and S elf-contro l." spent the summer testin g g as wclb said th e man who is tru ly great and who rea 1ly succe els is th e man who for the Ohio Cities Gas company. dar es to stand a lone. Daniel was a Prof. A. R. Spessard and family re • man of influence in Babylon and had turned t h e fi rst of the week fro m much at stake b ut h e stood alon e for Smithsb urg, Md., wh ere they spent t h e principles he kn ew to b e r ig h t . the summe r o n Mr. Spessar d' s peach "Dare to be a Daniel." W h en yo u fa r m. He repor ts a splendid crop of have exe rc ised self control in eating, peac hes in Mary land. d r in kin g an d t he li ke, yo u h av e on ly begun t he li st. \Ne must learn to b e Mrs. Ne llie Nob le and daught er men, r ea l men to w h om t hos e abo u t Louise and Miss Cora McFadden, u s may look a nd say, "He is a man dean of wome n , Otterbein, have re w ho has lea rn ed how to live right." turne d from St. Ignace, M ich., where they spe nt the past six weeks.
ip e, G eo r ge Edward. Mt. P l a ·ant. Wagoner. Vvilbur. Westervill e. . n e ll ing, lda ~Iarie . ;\,l iddl epo rt. \\"a rson. Luc ill e . \ cstc rvi lle . Staat , Ia,·i , Ripl e . . \ V. \'a. \ \'<:a n:r , ~! ary E liza beth , Columtauffe r. ~lar gare t. Scott sda le, Pa . b u s. Stubbs, Mary Pa ulin e, \;\lest E lk Will ett. \ ' irgi l. Hick v ill e. ton . \ \ ' indom, Golda L ee, W cs t e rvi11 e. tca n 1s, F e nto n V ., Suga r Gro ,·c. \ ,Vinclom. Irvin Gu y, \ Vestervill e. Pa. \\' hit c . La u ra, \\"e ton. VI/. Va. Thrcewits . J osep hin e, New Madi \\' h it11ey . . farga r · t E lea nor. \Ves. 0 11 . t c n ·il! e. V ance, \\' illiam H arri on . Green Young. 1Vl ar·y Ethe l. F o rr e t. vil le. Younce, Farland L o , W esterv i11c. Vernon. I a lph E ., ~ Orth L awr nee.
Pennants, Pillows, Fountain Pens, and College Jewelry.
University Bookstore
Hu r ra h ! o n ce more th e cor r idors of Cochran Ha ll ar e fu ll of hurry ing fee t and m erry laug h ter. Seco nd Lie ute na n t Mundh enk ca m e back to O ld Otter b ein Saturday for a short v isit. W e a ll w ere g lad to see him. Fresh man Da y prov ed to b e a suc cess, and t h e " W ear ing of the G r een" com es twice a year. Th e F r esh man gi r ls see m to ha·v e a peculiar tas te all their own for sho es. c g1r s wer , onderfully pl as d when . Annet t e Bran . '17, cam in on Thursday evening a nd surprised th em. Tennis shoes, ba ll s, racket.s, whit e duck pants, whit e hats. E. J . 1':orris. Bring your films to Vernon & Stearns. First cla ss work at stand ard prices. Satisfaction g uaranteed. , D uri ng th e summer qu ite a crop of hav e appear ed in the Dorm, and sca tt er ed through town.
(Co ntinued fr om page o ne.) J cnn y, Edith Emily , W esterv ill e. Keise r, Thob u rn D oa n e, W es t er vi 11e. Lombard. H elen , \,V es t J efferson. M ead , Ward R., Toledo. Moor e, Howard Fisher, L e ban o n. Nicho ls, Manson , \,V~stfi eld. Nic ho ls, A lbc:rt Sy lvanius, Ce ntervill e, P a . Orebaugh , John, \ Vin ch es te r. Pace, Lcland Ern es t. Columbus. Patterson. Viol et, Findlay. Payne. Hazel, W s te rvill e_ Pifer. E.ve lyn La vi ll a , Cleveland. Pifer, Marga r e t G e r trude , C lev land. Radabaugh , Lois Ruth. Bilington , W . Va. Reed , Winifr ed, W es tervi ll e. R ee se, F lorence Davis, Co lumbu s. Ro u ch, J esse Cha rl es. Columb u s. · Sand ers , A lbe rt, W stervi ll e. Sebert, Manuel E., C leveland.
Attention! Girls! GET ONE O F OUR
Brane Dry Ga>ds ©mpanj No.3 N.State St.• "Hones!), fir.si:.. Westerville .Ohio
: Best ye t! Th e Y . M. C. A . and Y. Wl C. A. joint r ece ption . Ev er y bod y ad a good tim e. : Mr. M a n o ng do' s farew ell talk was njoyed by a ll who heard him. W e II wi sh him succ ess in hi s work at ~ olumbia and throu g ho ut life. ! B ring yo ur fi lms t o Vernon & Stearns. First clas s work at stand ard prices. Satis facti o n guaranteed. ; The gir ls ar e surely glad to have :Betty H end e rso n back, even if it is only for a few days. Fall Shirts, Ti es and Ho se. A sp lend id lin e at prices that will save you money.. E. J. Norris. We play Denison at Granville in two weeks. How many a r e goi ng over? Rememb er what we did last ;year.
GREAT YEAR FOR OTTERBEIN W e wish for each student and the old school a great year. Call on us--We wi ll be glad to help in any way we can. Yo u will want clothing, shoes. hosiery, hats, caps, sweater coats, pants, shirts, belts, underwear, gloves, etc. · Splendid 1ine--at prices always the lowest. Make our store your head-quarter when up town. Come to us for any accommodations.