The Kids Issue - July 2013

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July 2013| $6.00 The Kids Issue

Jinny Corp. Targeting

Caucasian Market ORS

Manufacturer Profile

OTC Store Interview Inside K Beauty Supply - North Augusta, SC

Children and Hair Care New in the Industry

Back To School Basics

Scan to visit OTC website

CONTENTS July2013 in this issue

Editorial Letter ................... 10 Back to School Basics 백 투 스쿨을 준비하세요

Expert Advice ....................12 Hair Time is the Best Time

MarketPlace .......................18 Back to School

How Should You Sell It?.....24 The hunt for children’s products

Feature Article The Story of Graff*Etch Hair Art Pencils ........... 74 by Dwayne Thompson

Barbers are artists and coloring their designs brings hair art to a whole new level. Linda Eisner understands this and created Graff*Etch Hair Art Pencils to make it even easier. Learn how her eyeliner pencils grew to become highly sought after detailing tools for barber artist and stylists.

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은..... 아동용 제품 입니다!

Urban Call Briefs ................52 Black Celebrities on Magazine Covers (Part II)

King of Locs .......................70 Youth and the Hair Care Dollar

Clipper Tips ......................... 94

Retailer Profile

K Beauty Supply ................ 86

Bridging the Gap

by Tony Bae

Therapy Trends ...................96

정신적인 여유가 해피 바이러스를 만들어 줍니다

Starting the Semester in Style

Tonsorial Times ..................98 Thriving or Surviving

업계소식........................... 102

Jinny News .....................104 Industry News ................108 Coupons .........................113 Show Calendar ...............116 Ad Index .........................116 Reader Feedback ............. 118 Product Spotlight ............ 120 Creme of Nature 100% Pure Argan Oil 4

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

On The Cover Advanced Beauty Systems is proud to offer customers Cantu Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream Cream. Formulated for severely damaged, dry or coarse hair and made with pure shea butter, it stops and mends hair breakage while leaving hair soft, shiny, and manageable. To learn more, visit and see page 46.

CONTENTS July 2013 Knowledge To Know Scalp Disorders that are Most Notable on Afro Centric Children .......................... 36 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Scalp burns, ring worm, cradle cap and head lice are a few scalp disorders found among children. Learn about them and common ways to treat these conditions.

흑인 아동들에게서 두드러지게 나타나는 두피 장애 두피 화상, 백선, 유아지방관, 그리고 머릿니는 아이들에게서 주로 일어나는 피부 질환들이다. 이에 대한

Finished Product

Texture Softener™ vs. Relaxer ........................ 30 by Tarannum Rahman

In the US, more than 51 percent of children under 5 years old are multi-cultured, with diverse hair needs that that are very different from previous generations. Moms face several challenges in dealing with these unique needs, but sometimes relaxers aren’t the styling solution they are looking for.

Business Tips

Children and Hair Care .... 40

Easy Tips and Tricks to Get Small Business Accounting Right .........................................60

Today, parents are very busy carpooling, running errands and participating in their children’s school activities and they often forget about overall hair care. Review a few hot topics in the hair styling and health procedures for youngsters.

Making mistakes in your accounting can have serious implications for any business, such as significant fines for suspected tax evasion. For a large corporation, this can damage both the finances and the reputation of the company. For a small business however, it can have a huge impact and possibly even cause the company to go under, if there is not enough money to pay the fines. Practice good accounting from the start!

아이들의 헤어 케어

소규모기업의 올바른 회계를 위한 간단한 조언과 방법들

치료법들을 알아보도록 하자.

by Toni Love

요즘, 부모들은 자녀들을 등하교 시키고, 그들을 위한 이런 저런 심부름을 하고 아이들의 학교 활동에도 참가하는 바쁜 시간들을 보내느라 종종 자녀들의 헤어 케어에 관해서는 잊어버리곤 한다. 요즘 뜨고 있는 아이들을 위한 헤어 스타일링제품들에 대해 알아보도록 하자.

How to Apply Sunscreen for Effective Protection Against Sunburn, Skin Cancer and Premature Aging ............ 44 by American Academy of Dermatology

“People who get sunburned usually didn’t use enough sunscreen, didn’t reapply it after being in the sun, or used an expired product,” said Amanda Friedrichs, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist. Discover tips on how to correctly apply it and start a healthy habit for children early.

햇빛에 타거나 피부암, 빠른 노화를 효과적으로 방지하기 위한 자외선 차단제 사용법 피부학박사인 Amanda Friedrichs씨는 “사람들은 대부분의 경우, 충분한 양의 썬스크린을 사용하지

by Sarah Shore

회계상으로 실수하는 것은 어느 비즈니스든 탈세 의혹으로 인한 상당한 벌금과 같은 심각한 상황에 연루될 수 있다. 대기업의 경우, 이것은 회사의 재정과 명성 모두에 손상을 줄 수가 있다. 그러나 소규모 비즈니스의 경우, 이것은 막대한 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 벌금을 지불할 충분한 재정적 여유가 없는 경우라면, 회사가 파산하는 원인이 될 수도 있다. 처음부터 올바른 회계정리 습관을 익히도록 해야 한다.

Work With Intention ..................................................64 by Brian Moran Everything you want to accomplish in life requires an investment of your time, so when you want to improve your results, you must consider the fact that your supply of time is limited. To become great, you must choose to allocate your time to your greatest opportunities.

목적을 갖고 일하라. 인생에서 당신이 수행하고자 하는 모든 것들은 당신의 시간을 투자해야 한다. 그러므로 당신이 결과를 개선하고자 할 때, 당신이 공급하는 시간이 한정되어 있다는 사실을 고려해야만 한다. 보다 훌륭한 사람이 되기 위해서는 여러분의 시간을 잘 활용해야 한다.

Manufacturer Profile

ORS..............................................................................80 by Haley McNeal You may know it best by the name Organic Root Stimulator instead of ORS, but have no fear—the new title is simply a revamped, more user-friendly identification for the company. Venetta M. Coley, Vice President of Marketing for Namasté Laboratories provides an in-depth look at the company that prides itself on making women look and feel gorgeous.

않거나, 햇볕에 노출되는 동안 보충하여 발라주지 않거나,

ORS라는 이름 대신Organic Root Stimulator로 더 잘 알고 있겠지만, 걱정은 없다- 새로운 이름은

유통기한이 지난 제품을 사용하는 경우 햇볕에 그을리게

단순히 회사를 개편하고 보다 더 사용자 친화적인 식별일 뿐이다. Namasté 연구소의 마케팅 부사장인

됩니다”라고 한다. 썬스크린 제품들의 올바른 사용법을

Venetta M. Coley은 여성의 외모와 아름다움을 만드는 것에 자부심을 갖고 있는 회사의 진정한 모습을

알아보도록 하자.



OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

American Academy of Dermatology Cyrus Jackson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Toni Love Brian Moran Tarannum Rahman Sarah Shore SoftSheen-Carson


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

Post Master:

Please send address changes to:

OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

Editorial Letter

백 투 스쿨을 준비하세요 t is almost “Back to School” time when parents of eager

정적인 학생들의 부모가 새학년을 위한 책가방에 채워

students will be stocking up on binders, pencils and new

넣을 바인더, 연필, 크레용 등을 사 들이는 “백 투 스쿨” 시기가

crayons to fill backpacks for the new year. Although beauty

다가오고 있습니다. 비록 미용 용품들은 교사들이 작성한 수업용품

supplies may not be written on the teachers’ list of necessary

리스트에는 기록되지 않겠지만, 그것들은 의심의 여지없이 모든

supplies for class, they will undoubtedly be on the minds

부모들의 마음 속에 있습니다. 아이들은 산뜻한 헤어컷과 스타일로

of moms and dads everywhere. Kids want to start the new

새학년을 시작하고 싶어하며, 여러분의 매장은 그들이 이것을 할 수

school year with fresh haircuts and styles, and your store can

있도록 도움을 줄 수가 있습니다.

be the one to help them achieve that.

아이들은 미용 시장의 전문 분야를 만듭니다. 우리는

Kids make up a specialized section of the beauty

여러분이 그들의 모든 요구를 수용할 준비가 되어있다는 확신을

marketplace and we want to make sure you are prepared to

원합니다. 18페이지에서 아이들의 일상적인 뷰티 관리에서 가장

cater to their every need. On page 18 you can find the hottest

인기 있는 제품들을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 어리고 부드러운 두피

products for every aspect of their beauty routines. We have

(페이지40)를 가진 연령층을 위한 모발 정보와 뜨거운 여름철(

also gathered information on hair concerns for young, tender

페이지44) 자외선 차단을 위한 효과적인 자외선 차단제 사용법을

scalps (page 40) and effective sunscreen application to protect

한데 모았습니다. 영리하고 건강한 습관, 특별히 스킨 케어에 관한

against the harsh summer sun (page 44). It is never too early

습관을 갖는 것은 빠를수록 좋습니다.

to implement smart and healthy habits, especially in regards to skin care.

올 해는 늦지 말고 서두르세요! “백 투 스쿨” 시즌을 위해 충분한 시간을 갖고 여러분의 진열대를 채우길 바랍니다.

So this year, don’t be tardy! Beat the rush and get your shelves fully stocked in plenty of time for the “Back to School” season.

Editor 10

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

June 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice

Hair Time is the Best Time s

With SoftSheen-Carson® Dark and Lovely’s Beautiful Beginnings

ay goodbye to tears and discomfort and welcome beautiful, healthy looking, happy hair! SoftSheen-Carson®, the #1 ethnic haircare global brand, takes children’s haircare to new heights with Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings® relaxers and maintenance haircare products for young girls with relaxed or natural hair. The line also includes an assortment of haircare products: Beautiful Beginnings Tear-Free Gentle Cleansing and Moisturizing Shampoo, Beautiful Beginnings Deep Conditioner, Beautiful Beginnings Detangler, Beautiful Beginnings Oil Moisturizer and Beautiful Beginnings Curl Cream. Recognizing the growing need for moms’ desire for more manageability for easy combing and styling to their daughter’s hair, whether textured or curly, Dark and Lovely’s Beautiful Beginnings addresses these needs in every step. The Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings boasts mild formulas and natural ingredients for healthier looking and more manageable hair. The kits are available in two formulations: Beautiful Beginnings No Mistake Curl Softener and Beautiful Beginnings No Mistake Smooth Relaxer. For mothers who desire looser curl patterns and more manageability, Dark and Lovely developed the Beautiful Beginnings No Mistake Curl Softener. This system gently loosens natural curls and is perfect for moms who do not desire bone-straight hair. Also included in the kit is the Beautiful Beginnings Curl Cream to instantly soften and condition hair for bouncy, shiny curls. Moms can style their little girls’ hair to achieve great, soft curls that are free of frizz. For added maintenance, the Beautiful Beginnings Curl Cream is also sold separately for daily use. 12

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

For mothers seeking straighter strands and more manageability, the Beautiful Beginnings No Mistake Smooth Relaxer gently smoothes natural curl pattern for more manageable hair. This kit also includes Beautiful Beginnings Conditioning Oil Moisturizer, with a dual action cream that moisturizes and conditions hair, adding perfect shine, while controlling frizz and fly-aways. For added maintenance, the Beautiful Beginnings Conditioning Oil Moisturizer is also sold separately for daily use. For optimal moisture, protection and nourishment, the Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings line ensures more manageable styles with healthy looking hair and features Shea Butter and Coconut Oil. These ingredients are in every step to provide five times the conditioning power for easy combing, protection and comfort for the scalp and hair. As an authority in children’s ethnic haircare, Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings has dedicated a website to address and answer questions on caring for your little girl’s specific hair texture. This site features a series of educational “how to” videos, expert commentary and a forum where parents can share their hair time stories, making it the perfect online destination for parents who need additional information on styling and maintaining their little girl’s healthy hair. Now, hair time is everything it should be thanks to Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings. Parents can now bond with their little girl while styling their hair with the peace of mind that their daughter’s hair is being treated with mild formulas and natural ingredients for healthy looking, beautiful hair every step of the way!

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




O T K C A B Help kids prepare for the new school year with these A+ items.


Beautiful Beginnings Curl Cream instantly softens

and moisturizes curls leaving hair shiny and bouncy without frizz. Infused with Coconut Oil and Shea

Butter, it provides superior protection and comfort for hair.

Perfect Ponytails Light weight and non-sticky, Olive Oil Girls™ Hair Pudding leaves a smooth and shiny hold while moisturizing the hair. This alcohol-free formula will not dry hair or cause flaking.

Kinky, Wavy, Natural Taliah Waajid’s Kinky, Wavy, Natural Hair & Scalp Oil with Vitamin E is a non-greasy natural formula that easily absorbs into the hair and scalp to provide moisture and hydration. Promotes hair growth, adds nourishment, strengthens hair and helps maintain natural moisture, softness and shine.


OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December July 2013 2008 OTC

Soft & Beautiful The Just for Me!™ Scalp Conditioner and Hairdress provides extra moisture

L O O H C to children’s dry, flaky scalps while revitalizing delicate hair. It contains

natural oils and vitamins A and E to help improve overall hair and scalp health.

Makari Baby Shampoo

Be sure to keep the kids clean too! The Makari Baby Shampoo respects the fragile skin of babies. The exceptional formula softens and thoroughly washes hair, all without irritating the eyes. The tall pump bottle is designed for easy dispensing and includes a safety lock.

CombEasy® End hair time drama with Olive & Sunflower CombEasy® Shampoo. It has a gentle, nutritious lather that strengthens young hair, and makes it more flexible and much easier to comb.

Baby Soft Love My Baby™ Naturals was created to help users lovingly and naturally care for the special needs of the delicate skin of babies. Love My Skin™ Petrolatum Free MoistMent™ hydrates and softens baby’s skin from head to toe. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



No More Tangles Trying to brush through tangled hair is a pain, not just for children, but moms too. PCJ Pretty-n-Silky Wet-n-EZ Detangling Spray contains proteins and leave-in conditioners that helps stop breakage and tames tangles of wet hair, making it easier to comb.

Mango Moisture Keep skin soft and moisturized with Taha African Shea Butter Natural Lotion. Shea butter provides essential vitamins needed to make skin look and feel smoother, softer and healthier. It also protects skin from wind, cold, sun and helps heal wounds faster.

Miracle Moisturizer Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme is created to hydrate dry, parched curls, kinks and waves. Smooth out and condition hair while giving it more elasticity and spring without the brittleness. “There’s bounce in this baby’s every buttery ounce.”

Dream Kids Specially formulated for children’s delicate hair and sensitive scalp, African Pride’s Dream Kids products provide the special nourishment tender locks need. Ask your distributor about new displays for your store!

KID’S ORGANICS HAIR SOFTENING SYSTEM Moms asked for a gentle, easy and worriless way to soften their daughter’s hair without over-straightening and Kids Organics by Africa’s Best listened! The Olive Oil Ultra-Gentle Hair Softening System uses natural, organic conditioning to gently release hard to manage, coarse hair texture. 20

OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine July December OTC 2013 2008

July2008 2013 OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

the hunt for children’s products! Let’s be honest, walking into an OTC store can easily be overwhelming. With fingernail polishes, numerous lotions and hair styling products lining the shelves it can easily appear to be a grown-up’s beauty wonderland with just a few kid’s products mixed in randomly. We know better than that, but make sure your customers know it too by making children’s goods easy to find.

What are some ways OTC beauty supply store owners can make their establishments more attractive and shopping-friendly for children’s products? Is having their own section a good idea, or what tips do you have for sales success?

“OTC beauty supply stores should have a specific section for children’s products. Amongst the sea of products for adult hair, the children’s products get lost because they are not standing out as much as they should. Also, proper signage and in-store promotions will help boost awareness and eventually sales of the children’s products.” TaRon Joyner, Social Media Strategist Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the August issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

아동용 제품 입니다! 솔직히 말하자면, OTC 매장으로 걸어 들어가는 순간 쉽게 압도되는 느낌을 받을 것이다. 매니큐어는 물론, 수많은 로션들과 헤어 스타일링 제품들이 가지런히 진열되어 있는 것을 보면 가히 어른들의 뷰티 제품 천국임을 쉽게 볼 수 있지만 아동용 제품들은 이 가운데 몇몇만이 섞여있을 뿐이다. 우리 모두 잘 알고 있긴 하지만, 고객들이 아동용 제품들을 아주 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 해야한다.

OTC 뷰티 매장 운영자들이 아동용 제품을 보다 매력적이고 쇼핑 친화적으로 만들 수 있는 방법에는 무엇이 있을까? 아동용 제품만을 위한 섹션을 만드는 것은 좋은 아이디어인지? 성공적인 판매를 위한 방법들은 무엇인지?

“OTC 뷰티 매장은 아동용 제품을 위한 특정 섹션을 갖고 있어야 합니다. 성인 헤어 제품의 홍수 속에서, 아동용 제품들은 그다지 눈에 띄지 않기 때문에 쉽게 묻혀버립니다. 적절한 사인이나 매장 행사가 아동용 제품에 대한 이목을 끌고 결국에는 매출을 증가시키는데 도움이 될 것입니다.”

TaRon Joyner, Social Media Strategist Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 8월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

April 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Tarannum Rahman


What’s the difference anyway?

n the US, more than 51 percent of children under 5 years old are multi-cultured, with diverse hair needs that that are very different from previous generations. Moms face several challenges in dealing with these unique needs. Multi-ethnic children, especially little girls, tend to become much more aware of the value society places on outer appearance, leading to questions about their own unique appearance. To complicate matters, hair products that may have worked for a mom may not necessarily work for her child, creating frustration on how to best manage her child’s hair. In addition, tightly curled hair tangles and causes breakage when combed, which can lead to even more


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

frustration, tears and an unpleasant experience for both mom and daughter. Just for Me® Texture Softener™ helps loosen curly, coarse or kinky textured hair while keeping the youthful look of a child’s natural hair texture. Hair is left easier to comb and more manageable to style. One of the key benefits of Just For Me® Texture Softener™, particularly for multi-ethnic children, is that it works on a variety of hair textures, loosening curls and kinks of all types. Once Just For Me® Texture Softener™ is applied the effects can last up to 12 weeks! This is great for both moms and girls who

are looking for hair solutions that offer worry free manageability. For moms, this added manageability comes with a number of benefits:

formulated with no lyes and contains an Anti-Breakage Sunflower Oil Formula that conditions the hair as part of the treatment process. Once the treatment is complete, • Less hair breakage than natural, untreated hair it’s important to regularly condition hair to maintain manageability and keep it healthy • Combing and styling take less time and effort looking. There isn’t a specific time period after • Gentle enough for girls as young as 5 years old which a child’s hair should be washed after using a texturizer—this is a personal preference. If the child engages in an activity like swimming, The benefits for their girls are just as powerful: moms should apply a leave in conditioner in her child’s hair before swimming since chlorine can • Combing hair is easy and “ouch-less” make the hair dry and tangled. In addition, hair • Enjoying long hair that grows without the should be washed and conditioned after every swim in chlorinated water. Just For Me® offers a breakage of combing* line of conditioning Hair Milk products to keep • Getting fun styles is easier hair manageable, from cleansers to conditioners to detanglers, formulated with a blend of Shea There are often questions around the differences Butter, soy milk protein and natural honey. between Just For Me® Texture Softener™ and By combining Just For Me® Texture a relaxer. A relaxer is a crème that is used Softener™ with a regular conditioning routine, to chemically straighten naturally coiled or both moms and daughters can enjoy hair that’s curly hair textures. The Just For Me® Texture softer, silkier and much easier to manage— Softener™ is a mild relaxer that loosens the replacing all those tears with smiles! natural curl pattern of hair and produces easier manageability. While a Texture Softener™ is *Tightly curled hair tangles causing breakage when milder, the application is a permanent process combed. Just For Me™ Texture Softener™ softens the and must grow out of the hair like a regular natural hair texture to prevent breakage caused by relaxer. combing and styling. Just For Me® Texture Softener™ is * Nielsen L52 W/E April 2013

Tarannum Rahman

is currently an Associate Brand Manager on the Multi-Cultural Hair Team at Unilever. While at Unilever, Tarannum has worked primarily in beauty with a breadth of experience across the facial care, hand and body care, personal wash and hair categories. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Scalp Disorders that are Most Notable on Afro Centric Children 흑인 아동들에게서 두드러지게 나타나는 두피 장애 Scalp burns are caused by hot pressing combs and/or curling irons (thermo burns) coming in contact with the scalp. Other source of scalp burns is hair relaxers that were left on the hair too long, resulting in the relaxer gravitating to the scalp and causing a chemical burn. Both types of burns are different, but can be treated with the same medication—Neosporin—or a similar type product. Other forms of scalp disorders found mostly on children:

RING WORM is not a worm; it is a rash that is usually round. It is fungus that is caused by coming in contact with a person or animal that has it. It can form on any moist area of the skin, but is most noticeable on the scalp or anywhere on the body where there is hair. It is very visible on the scalp of Afro heads due to the short, kinky hair that reveals it because hair will temporarily not grow in that area. It is unsure why the term “worm” is associated with this fungus. It is not classified as a disease, but a temporary aggravation of the skin that can be treated with over the counter remedies such as Neosporin.

CRADLE CAP is a form of eczema and is most prevalent on babies and young children up to the age of three. It can form on most any area of the body, but is most noticeable on the entire scalp of new born babies, hence the term Cradle Cap. It is a form of skin rash that is yellowish, patchy, scaly and crusty on the entire scalp. The cause is usually the result of medication taken by the mother shortly before giving birth, resulting in over active sebaceous glands in the baby producing an access of Sebum (natural scalp 36

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

두피 화상은 뜨거운 프레싱 콤이나 컬링 아이언(열 화상)이 두 피와 접촉함으로 인해 발생한다. 두피 화상의 또 다른 원인은 모발에 너무 오랜 시간 남아 있는 헤어 릴렉서인데, 릴렉서가 중력에 의해 두피로 스며들어 결과적으로는 화학적 화상을 유 발하게 된다. 이 두가지 화상은 형태는 다르지만, 같은 약물로 치료될 수 있다 -네오스포린- 혹은 유사 형태의 제품. 두피 장애의 다른 형태는 주로 아이들에게서 발견할 수 있다: 백선(Ring woRm)은 벌레가 아니다. 일반적으로 둥근 형태 의 발진이다. 이것을 갖고 있는 사람이나 동물을 접촉함으로써 발생되는 곰팡이이다. 이것은 피부의 습한 부분이면 어디서든 형성될 수 있는데, 두피나 신체 중 털이 자라는 부위에서 가장 눈에 띄게 발생한다. 백선이 생긴 부위에는 일시적으로 모발이 자라지 않기 때문에 짧고 곱슬한 모발을 가진 흑인들의 두피에 서 가장 잘 보여진다. “벌레”가 곰팡이와 어떤 관련이 있는지 는 확실하지 않다. 이것은 질병으로 분류되는 것이 아니라, 네 오스포린과 같이 처방이 필요없는 약품으로 치료될 수 있는 일 시적인 피부 악화로 본다. 유아지방관(유아의 머리 정수리 부분이 건조하고 누렇게 되는 피부 질 환)은 습진의 한 형태로 주로 3세까지의 영유아들에게서 가 장 일반적이다. 신체 모든 부위에서 발생할 수 있지만, 신생아 의 두피 전체에서 가장 눈에 띄게 발생하기 때문에, 용어 또한 Cradle (요람) Cap(모자)이다. 이것은 전체 두피 군데군데 가 황색의 비늘처럼 각질화되는 형태이다. 원인은 주로 출산 전 산모가 잠깐 복용한 약물에 의한 것인데, 결과적으로 아기 의 피지선을 지나치게 활성화시켜 곰팡이들이 좋아하는 피지 (천연 두피 오일)를 과도하게 생산하여 이런 상태를 초래하게 된다. 이것은 다른 인종보다 특히 흑인 아기들에게 유전적으

oils) that attracts fungus, resulting in this condition. This occurrence is more likely in Afro genetic babies than others for the reason shown in the next paragraph. The treatment for this is to use anti-fungal soap and/or medications designed to treat athlete’s foot or Neutrogena T Gel.

Why is “head lice” almost nonexistent on Afro heads? Head lice feed on natural secreted scalp oils (sebum) and most Caucasian scalps produce more scalp oils then the hair can absorb. The rest is a build up of oils that are a feast for lice and have to be shampooed out quiet often. Afro scalps produce almost twice as much scalp oils then most other cultures; however Afro hair has up to three times more internal bonding to absorb the oils. Although Afro scalps produce more sebum the hair absorbs all of it, and usually more oil-based products must be used to achieve the desired style and appearance. This is why hair care products designed for Afro hair have more oil content then products for the general market. Afro hair does not need to be shampooed as often. Head lice are attracted to natural scalp oils and feed on it, often biting into the scalp, causing irritations to it. Head lice reject Afro hair because the hair absorbs most of the scalp oils and the added oils are not to their taste. Also the relaxers used on Afro hair are like poison to the lice. In fact lice will not attach to any hair that has been perm treated, colored or bleached for the same reason. Hot pressing combs and curling also kill head lice. 로 많이 발생하는 경향이 있는데 그 이유는 다음 단락에서 설명하겠다. 치료 방법 은 항진균 비누나 무좀 치료를 위해 고안된 약품 혹은NeuTrOgeNa T gel을 사 용하는 것이다. 왜 “머릿니”는 흑인들에게는 거의 존재하지 않을까? 머릿니는 자연 분비되는 두피 오일(피지)을 먹는데 대부분의 백인 두피는 모발이 흡수할 수 있도록 많은 두피 오일을 생산하다. 모발이 흡수하고 남은 오일은 머릿 니들의 잔치를 위해 축적되기 때문에 가능한 자주 샴푸로 씻어내야만 한다. 흑인 들의 두피는 다른 인종보다 거의 2배 이상의 두피 오일을 생산하다; 그러나 흑인 모발은 오일을 흡수하기 위해 거의 3배 이상의 내부적인 결합을 갖고 있다. 비록 흑인의 두피가 보다 많은 피지를 생산하지만 모두 모발로 흡수가 된다, 그래서 주 로 가장 오일 성분이 높은 제품을 사용해야만 원하는 헤어 스타일을 만들 수가 있 는 것이다. 이런 이유로 흑인 모발을 위해 만들어진 헤어 케어 제품들이 일반적인 시장의 제품들보다 더 많은 오일 성분을 함유하고 있는 것이다. 흑인 모발은 너무 자주 샴푸할 필요가 없다. 머릿니는 천연 두피 오일을 좋아하고 그것을 먹는다, 종종 두피 속으로 파 고들기도 하는데, 이것이 피부 염증을 유발한다. 머릿니는 흑인 모발을 싫어하는 데, 모발이 대부분의 두피 오일을 흡수하며 남은 오일 또한 자기네들의 기호가 아 니기 때문이다. 또한 흑인 모발에 사용한 릴렉서는 머릿니들에게는 독극물과도 같 다. 사실상 머릿니들은 같은 이유로, 퍼머나 염색, 탈색을 한 어느 모발에도 붙어 있지 않을 것이다. 뜨거운 프레싱 콤이나 컬링 역시 머릿니를 죽인다

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Toni Love

Children and Hair Care 아이들의 헤어 케어

Today, parents are very busy carpooling, running errands and

participating in their children’s school activities and they often forget about overall hair care. Many parents look for hair styles that are quick and simple, as their schedules are already filled with activities and taking care of the home. For little girls, the ponytail is quick and simple. To dress the style a bit, a few decorative ribbons are used to add a little flair. When the little girls need to be dressed for a special occasion, the style may include two or more ponytails, with ribbons. For little boys, it tends to be easier on parents, as a basic short haircut usually serves the purpose. Although achieving hairstyles can be simple, parents need to be aware of infections and diseases easily acquired by children. 40

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

요즘 부모들은 자녀들을 등하교 시키고, 그들을 위한 이런 저런 심부름을 하고 아이들의 학교 활동에도 참가하는 바쁜 시간들 을 보내느라 종종 자녀들의 헤어 케어에 관해서는 잊어버리곤 한다. 많은 부모들은 여러 활동과 가정 일로 일정이 빼곡히 차 있기 때문에, 빠르고 간편한 헤어 스타일을 찾는다. 어린 여자 아이들에게는, 포니테일이 빠르고 쉽다. 약간의 스타일을 위해 서는, 장식용 리본 정도 더해주면 된다. 어린 소녀들의 특별한 날 옷차림을 위해서는, 두세개 정도의 포니테일로 묶고 리본을 더할 수도 있다. 어린 남자 아 이들의 경우, 부모들은 더욱 손쉬운 것을 원하는데, 짧게 자른 헤어컷을 흔히 선호한다. 물론 헤어 스타일을 간단하게 할 수는 있지만, 부모들은 아이들에게 쉽게 생기는 감염이나 질병을 인 식할 필요가 있다.

One of the most common known “conditions” among children is the spreading of head lice. Lice are small, wingless, parasitic insects and live on the skin of mammals and birds. Lice are not dangerous and they do not spread disease, but have a tendency to be annoying. They are contagious and spend their entire life on the human scalp and live exclusively on human blood. Crab lice can be found on pubic hair and body lice can be found on the inseam of clothing. Usually, children ages 3 to 12 are most affected by lice. Lice eggs are called nits and are also found on or near the scalp area. Children tend to scratch constantly when infected. Most children are cured through prescribed medications and shampoos. There are overthe-counter medications and shampoos available for home usage. Many parents opt to apply chemicals to little girls’ hair at an early age to make it easier for them to manage. This is good for the parent and/or guardian, but bad for the child. The hair goes through three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. When a baby is born, the hair is usually soft and silky or soft and curly. The hair is in the anagen phase. When they become pre-teens, the hair texture has changed, and is almost nothing like it was when they were born. This phase is the catagen phase. After puberty, permanent teeth are developed, as well as our true hair texture. This is referred to as the telogen phase. It is in this phase, the hair is strong enough to receive chemicals. When applying chemicals to the child’s hair before puberty is completed, the hair growth phase has been interrupted, and usually results in hair loss. Although the parents feel good because the hair is easier to manage, the child’s self-esteem is affected by the loss of hair. Also, when the hair is chemically treated, be it from a relaxer or permanent wave, parents have to be careful when applying tension. The hair is in

어린이들에게 가장 흔히 번질 수 있는 것은 머리에 기 생하는 이 이다. 이는 작고 날개가 없는 기생 곤충으로 포유류 나 조류의 피부에서 산다. 이는 위험하거나 질병을 퍼트리지는 않지만, 성가신 경향을 가지고 있다. 이것은 전염성이 있고 인 간의 두피에서 평생을 지내면서 인간의 혈액을 주로 먹고 산다. 사면발이는 음모에서 발견되고 이는 의복의 안쪽 솔기에서 발 견된다. 3세에서 12세까지의 어린이들에게 이가 주로 발생한 다. 이의 알은 석해라고 부르는데 두피와 그 주변에서 발견된 다. 감염이 되면 아이들은 지속적으로 긁게 된다. 대부분의 아 이들은 처방약이나 샴푸로 치료가 된다. 처방없이 사용할 수 있 는 가정용 샴푸와 약품들도 있다. 많은 부모들이 보다 쉬운 관리를 위해서 이른 나이에 어린 소녀들의 모발에 화학제품을 사용한다. 이것이 부모나 보 호자들에게는 좋을지 모르지만, 아이들에게는 그렇지 못하다. 모발은 3단계를 거친다: 성장기, 퇴행기, 휴지기. 아기가 태어 나면, 모발은 일반적으로 부드럽고 매끈하거나 부드럽고 곱슬 하다. 모발이 성장기 단계에 있는 것이다. 10대 초반이 되면, 모발의 질감이 변하게 되어, 태어났을 때와는 거의 다르게 된 다. 이 단계는 퇴행기이다. 사춘기가 지나면, 영구 치아뿐 아니 라, 진짜 모발의 질감이 형성된다. 이 단계를 휴지기라고 한다. 이 단계에서, 모발은 화학 약품을 받아들일 수 있을만큼 강해진 다. 사춘기가 끝나기 이전에 아이들의 모발에 화학 약품을 사용 할 경우, 모발의 성장 단계가 중단되고, 일반적으로 탈모가 발 생한다. 물론 아이들의 헤어를 좀 더 쉽게 관리하면 부모들은 기분이 좋겠지만, 머리카락이 빠지는 것으로 인해 아이들의 자 부심에 영향을 주게 된다. 또한, 모발에 릴렉서나 퍼머넌트와 같은 화학적인 손질을 할 경우, 부모들은 주의해야 한다. 화학 약품을 모발에 사용하면 모발은 약해진 상태가 된다. 그러므로 고무밴드나 머리핀, 머리 리본으로 너무 세게 잡아 당기면 안된 다. 그럴 경우, 머리카락이 더 많이 빠지게 된다.

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K a weakened state when chemicals are applied; therefore rubber bands, hair barrettes and hair ribbons are not to be pulled too tight. If so, more hair loss will occur. Today, some little girls’ hair remains natural and free from any chemicals, because parents are more educated. Therefore, to make styling the hair easier they apply braids, dreads, afro puffs, ringlets and even the press and curl technique and ribbons to create a “child friendly” hairstyle. Little boys are receiving style cuts, such as the mohawk, fades, and all over low cuts to stay trendy. Many little boys wear dreads and cornrows as early as 5 years old. From a marketing perspective, children are the key to a very lucrative business. Parents will spend their last dollars to be sure their children are taken care of and have the proper hair care products. Children need shampoos, conditioners, scalp oils, hair gels, ribbons, beads and more. Many are also wearing chemicals in their hair. A lot of store owners forget about this niche market, as they focus on the adults, but children want to look good too. Therefore your store should be the “one stop shop” for parents!

요즘은 부모들이 많은 교육을 받아서, 어린 소녀들 의 모발에 화학 약품을 사용하지 않고 자연 그대로 두는 경 우가 많다. 따라서, 보다 쉬운 헤어 스타일을 만들기 위해서 땋거나, 드레드락, 아프로 퍼프, 곱슬머리, 심지어 펴거나 컬 을 만들기도 하며 아이들이 좋아하는 헤어 스타일을 위해서 리본을 사용하기도 한다. 어린 남자 아이들은 유행을 따라 모호크(머리의 가운데에만 띠 모양으로 모발을 남겨두는 스 타일), 페이드, 로컷과 같은 스타일 컷을 하고 있다. 많은 소 년들이 빠르면 5세 정도부터 드레드나 콘로(머리털을 딴딴 하게 여러 가닥으로 땋아 머리에 붙인 흑인 머리형)를 한다. 마케팅 관점에서 볼 때, 아이들은 매우 수익성이 있 는 사업의 핵심이다. 부모들은 아이들에게 적당한 헤어 케 어 제품과 헤어 케어를 위해서 아낌없이 돈을 쓸 것이다. 아 이들은 샴푸와 컨디셔너, 두피 오일, 헤어 젤, 리본, 비드, 그 외 많은 것이 필요하다. 또한, 많은 아이들이 화학 약품으로 헤어 손질을 받고 있다. 수많은 스토어 오너들은 어른들에게 집중하느라 이 틈새 시장을 잊고 있다. 그러나 아이들 역시 멋지고 예뻐보이고 싶어한다. 그러므로 당신의 매장은 부모 들이 자신은 물론 자녀들을 위한 제품도 함께 구매할 수 있 는 “ONe sTOp shOp”이 되어야 한다!

Toni Love is a published author of “The World of Wigs, Weaves, and Extensions” sold on,, and all other book outlets. She is the owner of Toni Love’s Advanced Training Center in Atlanta, Ga. (Attendees are licensed professionals throughout the U.S. and abroad.) For more information, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by American Academy of Dermatology

How to Apply SUNSCREEN for Effective PROTECTION Against S UNBURN , S KIN C ANCER AN ER AND P REMATURE A GING 햇빛에 타거나 피부암, 빠른 노화를 효과적으로 방지하기 위한 자외선 차단제 사용법 Sunscreen can protect your skin against the effects of the sun, yet it is not as effective unless it’s applied correctly. A new video from the American Academy of Dermatology, “Sunscreen: How to Apply,” demonstrates dermatologists’ tips for applying sunscreen for optimum protection.

자외선 차단제는 태양의 영향으로부터 피부를 보호할 수 있다, 그러나 정확하게 사용되지 않는 한 효과가 없다. 미국 피부 학 회에서 새로 출시한 비디오 “ 자외선 차단제 사용법” 에서는 최 적의 보호를 위한 자외선 차단제 사용법에 대한 피부과 전문의 의 조언을 보여준다.

Find the video at sunscreen-how-to-apply.

이 비디오는 hTTp://www.aad.Org/dermaTOlOgy-aTO-z/healTh-aNd-beauTy/geNeral-skiN-Care/ suN-prOTeCTiON/hOw-TO-apply-suNsCreeN/suNsCreeN-hOw-TO-apply에서 볼 수 있다.

“People who get sunburned usually didn’t use enough sunscreen, didn’t reapply it after being in the sun, or used an expired product,” said Amanda Friedrichs, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in private practice in Sycamore, Ill. “It’s important that people take the time to choose an effective sunscreen and properly apply it.” Dr. Friedrichs recommends people follow these tips when applying sunscreen: 1. Choose sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher, is water resistant, and provides broad-spectrum coverage, which means it protects you from UVA and UVB rays. 2. Apply sunscreen generously before going outdoors. It takes approximately 15 minutes for your skin to absorb the sunscreen and protect you. If you wait until you are in the sun to apply sunscreen, your skin is unprotected and can burn. 3. Use enough sunscreen. Most adults need at least one ounce of sunscreen, about enough to fill a shot glass or the amount you can hold in your palm, to fully cover all exposed areas of your body. Rub the sunscreen thoroughly into your skin. 44

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

“햇빛에 타는 사람들은 일반적으로 자외선 차단제를 충분히 사용하지 않거나, 자외선에 노출된 후 다시 바르지 않거나 혹 은 유효 기간이 지난 제품을 사용했습니다.” 미국 피부 학회 선 임 연구원이며 일리노이 시카모어에서 개업중인 피부과 의사 amaNda FriedriChs가 말합니다. “효과적인 자외선 차단제 를 선택하고 그것을 적절하게 바르는데 시간을 갖는 것은 아주 중요한 일입니다.” FriedriChs박사는 자외선 차단제 사용에 관해 다음과 같은 방법들을 권장한다. 1. spF 30 이상으로 물에 지워지지 않으며, 광범위한 스펙트 럼 범위를 제공하는, 다시 말해 uVa(장파장 자외선)와 uVb(중 파장 자외선) 광선으로부터 보호가 되는 자외선 차단제를 선택 한다. 2. 외출 전에 자외선 차단제를 넉넉히 바른다. 자외선 차단제가 피부로 스며들어 보호 효과를 발휘하기 위해서는 약 15분 정도 가 걸린다. 만일 햇빛에 노출된 후 자외선 차단제를 바른다면, 당신의 피부는 보호받지 못하고 탈 수가 있다. 3. 자외선 차단제를 충분히 사용한다. 대부분의 성인들이 햇빛 에 노출되는 모든 신체부분을 커버하기 위해서는 최소 1Oz 정

4. Apply sunscreen to all bare skin. Remember your neck, face, ears, tops of your feet and legs. For hard-to-reach areas like your back, ask someone to help you or use a spray sunscreen. If you have thinning hair, either apply sunscreen to your scalp or wear a widebrimmed hat. To protect your lips, apply a lip balm with a SPF of at least 15. 5. Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours to remain protected, or immediately after swimming or excessively sweating. “Your skin is exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays every time you go outside, even on cloudy days and in the winter, so remember to always use sunscreen when outdoors,” said Dr. Friedrichs. For more skin cancer prevention tips, visit the Academy’s to learn how to perform a skin self-exam, download a body mole map for tracking changes in your skin, and find free skin cancer screenings in your area. Those affected by skin cancer also can share their story on the website and download free materials to educate others in their community. SPOT Skin Cancer™ is the American Academy of Dermatology’s campaign to create a world without skin cancer through public awareness, community outreach programs and services, and advocacy that promotes the prevention, detection and care of skin cancer. The “Sunscreen: How to Apply” video is posted to the Academy’s website and YouTube channel. This video is part of the Dermatology A to Z: Video Series, which offers relatable videos that demonstrate tips people can use to properly care for their skin, hair and nails. A new video in the series will be posted to the Academy’s website and the YouTube channel each month. 도의 자외선 차단제가 필요한데, 이것은 작은 유리 잔을 채우거나 손바닥으로 담 을 수 있을 정도의 양이다. 자외선 차단제를 피부에 바르고 골고루 문질러라. 4. 모든 피부 노출 부위에 자외선 차단제를 바른다. 목, 얼굴, 귀, 발등과 다리를 기억하라. 손이 닿기 힘든 등 부위는 다른 사람에게 도움을 청하거나 스프레이 타입의 차단제를 사용하라. 만일 머리숱이 적은 경우라면, 두피에도 자외선 차단 제를 바르거나 창이 넓은 모자를 착용하라. 입술 보호를 위해서는 최소 spF 15 의 입술 보호제를 사용하라. 5. 지속적인 보호를 위해서는 최소 2시간마다, 수영이나 과도하게 땀을 흘린 후 에는 즉각적으로 자외선 차단제를 바른다. “여러분의 피부는 외출 시 유해한 자 외선에 항상 노출됩니다, 심지어 흐린날이나 겨울철에도 말입니다, 그러니 외출 시에는 언제나 자외선 차단제 사용을 명심하십시오” 라고 FriedriChs박사는 말한다. 피부암 예방을 위한 더 많은 정보는spOTskiNCaNCer.Org에서 볼 수 있다. 이 사이트에서는 피부 자가 진단 방법을 배울 수 있으며, 피부 변화를 추적할 수 있는 신체 점 지도 다운로드와 지역별 무료 피부암 테스트 정보도 얻을 수 있다. 피부암을 겪고 있는 사람들이 자신의 이야기를 웹사이트에서 공유할 수 있으며 지역 사회에서 다른 사람들을 교육할 수 있는 자료들을 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있다. spOT skiN CaNCer™은 피부암에 대한 대중 의식을 고취시키고, 피부암 의 예방과 탐지 및 치료를 촉진하는 지역 사회 봉사 프로그램 및 서비스를 통해 피부암없는 세상을 만들기 위한 미국 피부학회의 캠페인이다. “자외선 차단제 사용법” 비디오는 학회 웹사이트와 유투브에 게시된 다. 이 비디오는 피부과 a부터z까지: 비디오 시리즈의 일부분으로, 사람들이 피 부와 모발, 손톱을 적절하게 관리할 수 있는 방법들을 동영상으로 제공한다. 이 시리즈의 새로운 동영상은 매달 학회 웹사이트와 유투브에 게시될 것이다.

The American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), founded in 1938, is the largest, most

influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. The Academy is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. For more information, contact the Academy at 1-888-462-DERM (3376) or Follow the Academy on Facebook (American Academy of Dermatology) or Twitter (@AADskin). July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Black Celebrities on Magazine Covers Part Two of a series The success of Black Americans has consistently been reflected on the covers of magazines. With advertising being a multi-billion dollar industry, the identification of black celebrities creates relatable role models for the black community. In a generation that is consumed with beauty, success and a rags-to-riches lifestyle, individuals such as Robin Roberts, Muhammad Ali, Kerry Washington, Kevin Hart, Carmelo Anthony, Iyanla, Evelyn Lozada, and Magic Johnson, serve as inspirations and empower the Black Community. Although there are numerous reasons to be featured on the cover of a magazine, there is no denying that covers equal success. Media is power and Black celebrities are being recognized as the center of attention.

Lafayette Jones

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Reader’s Digest Magazine: Reader’s Digest Magazine Website: Article: “A Chat with the Most Trusted Woman on Television” On the Cover: Robin Roberts Profession: News Anchor, Broadcaster Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Pass Christian, Mississippi Biography: In early 1990 Robin Roberts was known for being a versatile commentator on ESPN’s Sports Center. She furthered her experience in news by being an anchor for 7 stations in the south. It was then that she would be destined to be 1/2 of the voice for ABC’s “Good Morning America”. Roberts’ leadership in broadcasting has won “Good Morning America” 3 consecutive Emmy Awards. With her charisma filled with sincerity, Roberts has been noted to be the most trustworthy woman on television. In 2007, Roberts was diagnosed with breast cancer. Robin Roberts has taken on a public fight with cancer winning her many more awards. Article Beauty Quote: “Go on with your bad self.”


Magazine: WebMD Magazine Website: Article: “On the Ball” On the Cover: Carmelo Anthony Profession: Professional Basketball Player Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Pass Christian, Mississippi Biography: Carmelo Anthony’s passion for basketball led him to be 3rd pick in the 2003 NBA Draft. Anthony’s dreams came true when he landed a small forward position for the Denver Nuggets in 2003. Anthony has won NBA Rookie Challenge MVP, NBA All-Rookie First Team along with 3 Gold and 3 Bronze Olympic medals. After marrying his Hollywood actress wife, Lala, Carmelo Anthony was traded to the New York Knicks in 2011. Article Beauty Quote: “I didn’t have anyone to show me which steps to walk, which way to go. But I had my peers, and we pushed each other.”

Muscle & Fitness Magazine: Muscle & Fitness Magazine Website: Article: “The Greatest” On the Cover: Muhammad Ali Profession: Professional Boxer Celebrity Website: Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky Biography: Muhammad Ali is one of the most famous American boxers of all time. At age 22 he became the world’s heavyweight champion. Ali was known for his unusual grace of fighting, clever rhymes and metaphors. Shortly after he won a Gold Medal in the 1960 Summer Olympics. In 1984 he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Syndrome due to head injuries and he continued to fight for some time. Muhammad Ali holds a record of 56-5 with 37 wins by knockout. In 1999 he was crowned “Sportsman of the Century” by Sports Illustrated. He remains “The Greatest” holding the number 1 boxer of all time. Article Beauty Quote: “I must be the greatest.”


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

Magazine: Ebony Magazine Website: Article: “Little Big Man” On the Cover: Kevin Hart Profession: Comedian, Actor Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Philadelphia Biography: Kevin Hart is a comedian and actor who began his mainstream career in 2000. His career began after winning several amateur awards throughout New England where he got his “big break.” After one season on the TV series “Undeclared,” Hart’s first stand-up album “I’m a Grown Little Man” (2008) increased his fan club and his comedic reputation. Article Beauty Quote: “I don’t believe that because I’m famous or I make this [amount] or I live [a certain lifestyle] that it makes me any better than the next person.”


Magazine: Juicy Magazine Website: Article: “Go Hard” On the Cover: Evelyn Lozada Profession: Reality Personality, Author Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Brooklyn, NY Biography: Evelyn Lozada is a Latina reality personality who is 1/6 star of the hit reality services Basketball Wives. In 2007 she moved from the Bronx, NY to Miami, FL when engaged in a 10 year relationship with NBA star Antoine Walker. After the split she later became co-owner of Dulce shoe boutique. Following the 3rd season of the show, she wrote a best-seller’s novel, “The Inner Circle.” Article Beauty Quote: “People think I’m done up all the time, but it’s like, Chile, you have no idea. I’m so plain Jane... and that’s when I really feel the most comfortable and sexy, in my own natural skin.”

Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide Magazine: Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide Magazine Website: Article: “The People’s Queen of Style” On the Cover: Kerry Washington Profession: Actress, Director Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: The Bronx, NY Biography: Raised in The Bronx, NY, ABC’s “Scandal” superstar Kerry Washington is a wellknown actress, director and narrator. Washington was commonly known for her dramatic roles in films like “Ray” and “The Last King of Scotland,” Washington now carries the title of the sexiest woman on television. Kerry Washington has been featured in 33 films and over 20 TV series, winning 5 out of 21 Best Actress Award nominations in 10 years. Article Beauty Quote: “I like to try different things. If I feel good about what I see in the mirror, who cares if what I’m wearing is a ‘Don’t’ or ‘Do.’” July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Essence Magazine: Essence Magazine Website: Article: “Iyanla says... Claim your Joy Now” On the Cover: Iyanla Vanzant Profession: Life Coach Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Brooklyn, NY Biography: Iyanla Vanzant is a motivational speaker, TV personality, author and life coach. Known for her renowned spiritual and life coaching books, Vanzant has been frequently featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “Oprah’s Life Class.” In 2000, Vanzant was named one of the “100 Most Influential Black Americans” by Ebony magazine. She is also the founder and director of Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development along with having her own reality TV show, “Fix My Life” on OWN Network. Article Beauty Quote: “It’s important that we share our experiences with people. Your story will heal you and your story will heal someone else.”

Urban Call Publication Magazine: Urban Call Publication Magazine Website: Article: “Get Smart about Health” On the Cover: Earvin “Magic” Johnson Profession: Retired Professional NBA Basketball Player, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Broadcaster, Spokesperson Celebrity Website: Social Media: Hometown: Lansing, MI Biography: After leading both his high school and college teams to championships, Earvin Johnson, better known as Magic Johnson, was the overall number 1 NBA Draft pick in 1979. Entering the professional league Johnson led his team to yet another championship and won MVP of his rookie year. In 1991, he was diagnosed with HIV/Aids and retired for the first time. Johnson later retired a total of 4 times and accumulated 5 NBA championships, 3 NBA Finals MVP Awards, 3 NBA MVP Awards, 2 NBA All-Star MVP Awards, and was an Olympic Gold winner in 1992. This 12-time NBA All-Star and 4-time leader of assists attributed his qualities off the court with entrepreneurial goals and has become this generations’ Renaissance Man. Article Beauty Quote: “I want to make sure our community is healthy and strong and that we are wealthy and strong.”


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Sarah Shore


Tips and Tricks

to Get Small Business

Accounting Right 소규모기업의 올바른 회계를 위한 간단한 조언과 방법들 Making mistakes in your accounting can

have serious implications for any business, such as significant fines for suspected tax evasion. For a large corporation, this can damage both the finances and the reputation of the company. For a small business however, it can have a huge impact and possibly even cause the company to go under, if there is not enough money to pay the fines. Good accounting is therefore essential right from the very start. Many small business owners believe that they do not need to do any kind of accounting, or do only basic bookkeeping, but this is wrong. It is critical for every business, no matter its size, to start accounting from the moment it starts trading. Simply keeping hold of customer receipts and invoices is not enough, the business must set up a simple but thorough system to record all transactions made and to produce reports as and when needed. Getting off to a good start with accounting will set your business up for long term success. When you launch your small business, open a separate bank account for it. It is not uncommon for sole traders for example to simply use their personal checking account for their business but this then makes it impossible, or at least extremely difficult and time consuming, to carry out a reconciliation, which is a check to ensure that the figure your bookkeeping tells you should be in the account is indeed the 60

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

회계상으로 실수하는 것은 어느 비즈니스든 탈세 의혹으로 인한 상당한 벌금과 같은 심각한 상황에 연루될 수 있다. 대기업의 경우, 이것은 회사의 재정과 명성 모두에 손상을 줄 수가 있다. 그러나 소규모 비즈니스의 경우, 이것은 막대한 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 벌금을 지불할 충분한 재정적 여유가 없는 경우라면, 회사가 파산하는 원인이 될 수도 있다. 비즈니스의 시작부터 좋은 회계 습관은 매우 중요하다. 많은 소규모 비즈니스 운영자들은 별다른 종류의 회계는 필요없다고 생각하거나, 기본적인 장부 정리만 하는데, 이것은 잘못된 것이다. 규모에 상관없이 모든 비즈니스는 거래를 시작하는 순간부터 회계를 시작해야 한다. 단순히 고객 영수증이나 송장을 모아두는 것만으로는 부족하다, 비즈니스는 쉬우면서도 모든 거래 내역을 기록하고 필요할 때는 보고서를 만들 수 있는 철저한 시스템을 마련해야만 한다. 회계 시스템을 갖춘 좋은 출발은 당신의 비즈니스를 장기적으로 성공시키는데 큰 도움이 될 것이다. 소규모의 사업을 시작할 때는, 별도의 은행 계좌를 열어야 한다. 흔히 자신의 개인 은행 계좌를 비즈니스용으로 사용하는 자영업자들은 실제 은행 잔고와 장부상의 잔고를 대조하는 작업에 어려움과 시간이 소요되며 불가능할 때도 있다. 매주 또는 매월 정기적으로 장부와 계좌를 대조해보는

amount in the account. Reconciling your books and accounts regularly, such as weekly or monthly, is a great way to avoid accounting errors. This way if the figures do not add up you will have more chance of being able to correct the mistake. Imagine trying to find a small receipt from 10 months ago, for example. That is the kind of problem that can occur and be impossible to correct if you only check your books against your bank right before you have to submit your annual tax return. Good bookkeeping and accounting such as producing monthly cash flow statements not only benefits you when it comes to submitting your tax return, which is much easier when you have all of the necessary figures and documentation already in place, but it also benefits you because you can see if you are overspending on particular items or services, and predict whether you will make a profit or loss. You can also start to see trends, such as seasonal increases and decreases in profit, which may otherwise have gone unnoticed. Another great tip is to find out if you are entitled to any tax credits as a small business owner. Too many small companies do not realize that they may be able to claim certain expenses such as travel, home office costs and even childcare as untaxed. Be sure to do your research to make sure you are not overpaying. For small businesses who want to keep their accounts in good order but who perhaps do not have the expertise needed to do their own accounting, there are a couple of options to choose from. It is possible to buy accounting software online that will produce reports for you. These are relatively cheap and easy to use, however the reports are only as good as the figures you enter into them so if you make an

것은 회계상의 오류를 방지하는 좋은 방법이다. 만일 합산되지 않은 숫자가 있을 경우, 당신은 실수를 수정할 수 있는 기회를 얻게되는 것이다. 예를 들어, 10개월 전의 작은 영수증을 찾으려 애쓴다고 상상해봐라. 이것은 일어날 수 있을법한 일이고, 만일 당신이 세금보고 직전에 이것을 발견했다면 수정하는 것도 불가능하게 된다. 월별 자금 유동표를 생성하는 것과 같은 좋은 부기 및 회계는 세금 보고를 할 때, 필요한 모든 자료가 이미 한 곳에 모여있다는 이점을 줄 뿐 아니라, 특정 아이템이나 서비스 분야에 지나친 지출을 하고 있지는 않는지 한 눈에 볼 수 있으며, 이윤과 손실에 대한 예측을 하는데도 도움이 된다. 또한 미쳐 알지 못하고 있던 계절별 이윤의 증가와 감소의 추세를 볼 수 있게된다. 아주 좋은 조언을 하나 더 하자면, 중소 기업 소유자에 대한 세금 혜택을 받을 수 있는 분야가 있는지를 알아보는 것이다. 너무도 많은 중소 기업들이 여행 경비나 홈 오피스 비용, 심지어 보육 관련과 같은 특정 항목에 대해 비과세 혜택을 신청해볼 수 있다는 것을 모르고 있다. 세금 보고 금액이 초과되고 있지는 않은지 정확히 알아보아야 한다. 회계 정리를 순서대로 잘 유지하고는 싶지만, 스스로 회계를 담당할 전문 지식이 없는 중소 기업을 위한 몇 가지 옵션이 있다. 보고서를 생성할 수 있는 온라인 회계 프로그램을 구매할 수 있다. 이런 소프트웨어들은 비교적 비용도 저렴하고 사용도 쉽긴 하지만, 여기서 만들어지는 보고서들은 단순히 당신이 입력한 숫자를 토대로 생성되는 것이기 때문에, 만일 당신이 실수를 한다해도, 간과하게 될 것이다. 소규모기업 회계사를 고용하는 것은 세부 사항까지 세심한 July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


error, it is likely to go unnoticed. Hiring a small business accountant, however, ensures that your accounts will be prepared by a knowledgeable and experienced person who pays meticulous attention to detail. You can opt for a local accountant or, to keep costs down, you can find an accountant online who generally charges lower fees. It would be highly recommended to any small business to hire a small business accountant as a consultant right from the start of the process, which gives them time to familiarize themselves with your business before the busy period at the end of the tax year. However, you want to ensure that you are working with an accountant who understands your position and can advise on how best to handle your finances, so wherever possible opt for someone who specializes in small business accounting and, preferably, who has already worked with small businesses that are in the same industry as you are. If you live in a large city such as London, accountants tend to be readily available with the necessary background, but if none of your local accountants can offer what you need then it would be best to find one online, rather than opt for someone who only knows how large corporations work.

관심을 기울이는 지식과 경험이 풍부한 사람에 의해 당신의 회계가 준비된다는 것을 보증하는 것이다. 지역의 회계사를 선택할 수도 있고, 비용 절감을 위해서는, 일반적으로 낮은 수수료를 청구하는 온라인상의 회계사를 찾을 수도 있다. 어떤 소규모기업이든 시작 단계에서 회계사를 고용해 자문을 구하고, 바쁜 세금보고 시기가 오기 전에 그들이 당신의 회사에 대해 좀 더 익숙해질 수 있도록 시간을 줄 것을 강력히 추천한다. 당신의 위치를 이해하고, 당신의 재정을 최상으로 운영할 수 있는 조언을 해 줄 수 있으며, 소규모기업 회계 분야에 전문성을 가진 사람, 아마도 당신의 기업과 같은 산업 분야의 소규모 비즈니스를 회계한 경험이 있는 회계사라면 더욱 좋을 것이다. 당신이 런던과 같은 대도시에 거주하고 있다면, 필요한 경험을 소유하고 이미 준비가 된 회계사들이 많겠지만, 당신 주변의 지역 회계사들 가운데 아무도 당신이 원하는 조건을 갖고 있지 않다면, 온라인상에서 찾아보는 것이 단지 대기업 회계에 관한 노하우만 갖고 있는 사람보다는 더 낫다.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at: http://www.

Sarah Shore writes for Choose Your Accountant, an online service where you can find small business accounting professionals. For a dedicated small business

accountant who really knows your industry, or experienced London accountants, a quick visit to Choose Your Accountant ( is all that is needed.

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OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine July July 2013 2013

September 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Brian Moran

WORK WITH INTENTION The 3 Components of Performance Time

목적을 갖고 일하라. 수행 시간의 3가지 요소 Everything you want to accomplish in life

인생에서 당신이 수행하고자 하는 모든 것들은 당신의 시간을

requires an investment of your time, so when you want to improve

투자해야 한다. 그러므로 당신이 결과를 개선하고자 할 때, 당신이

your results, you must consider the fact that your supply of time is

공급하는 시간이 한정되어 있다는 사실을 고려해야만 한다. 심지어 혁신과 기술적인 진보의 시대인 지금에도, 시간은 다른

limited. Even in this era of innovation and technological advancement, time, more than any other resource, is the limiting factor. Let’s face it, everything requires time. It is the one truly universal condition. Even more vexing is the fact that the supply of time is completely inelastic. No matter the magnitude of demand, the supply is fixed. Moreover, it’s perishable. And yet, time is perhaps the most squandered of all personal resources. To become great, you must choose to allocate your time to

어떤 자원보다 제한적인 요소이다. 현실을 직시하라, 모든 것은 시간을 요구한다. 그것은 진정으로 보편적인 조건이다. 가장 짜증스러운 것은 시간의 공급은 전적으로 비탄력적이라는 사실이다. 아무리 많은 수요가 있더라도, 공급은 고정되어 있다. 게다가, 변질되기 싶다. 그러나 여전히 시간은 모든 개인적 자원 가운데 가장 낭비가 심한 요소이다. 훌륭해지기 위해서는, 당신의 가장 큰 기회를 위해 당신의 시간을 할당해야한다. 당신에게 가장 큰 보상을 가져다 줄 어려운 문제들에 시간을 소비해야만 할 것이다. 위대해지기 위해서 당신은 목적을 가지고 살아야 한다. 이것은 어떤 문제이든 당신이 가장

your greatest opportunities. You will have to choose to spend time

분명해지기를 요구하며, 당신의 집중을 방해하는 것들에 대해서는 No

on the difficult things that create your biggest payoffs. To be great

라고 말할 수 있는 용기가 필요하다. 당신의 시간을 열심히 지킬 필요가

you will need to live with intention. This will require you to be clear

있으며, 당신의 강점 가운데 하나가 아니거나 목표를 향해 전진하는데

on what matters most, and then to have the courage to say no to

도움이 되지 않는 모든 가능성의 것들을 위임하거나 제거해야 한다.

things that distract you. You will need to guard your time intensely,

시간의 귀중한 가치에도 불구하고, 많은 사람들은 매일의

delegating or eliminating everything possible that is not one of your

상황에 관여하고 있다. 다시 말해, 자신들이 대면하는 하루 동안의

strengths or does not help you advance your goals.

다양한 요구에 만족한다. 활동의 상대적 가치에 대한 깊은 고려없이

In spite of the priceless value of time, many people engage each day on its own terms. In other words, they satisfy the various demands of the day as they are presented; spending whatever time 64

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

반응하는 것은 시간을 아무렇게나 쓰는 것이다. 이것은 최상의 수행을 가로막으려고 하루가 당신을 제어하는 반응성 접근이다.

is needed to respond without giving much thought as to the relative

시간 차단

value of the activity. This is a reactive approach in which the day is

성공적으로 시간을 사용하는 핵심은-목적있는 시간의 사용-예상치

controlling you thus preventing you from performing at your best.

못한 방해 요소를 제거하려고 애쓰는 것이 아니라, 중요한 업무에 전략적으로 전념할 수 있도록 매주 일정 시간을 차단하는 것이다.

Time Blocking The key to successful time use—intentional time use—is not trying to eliminate these unplanned interruptions, but instead to block out regular time each week dedicated to the strategically important tasks. We call this Performance Time and find that it is the best approach to effectively allocating time. Performance Time is an easy-to-use system

우리는 이것을 수행 시간이라고 부르는데 시간을 효율적으로 할당할 수 있는 최선의 방법을 찾을 수 있다. 수행 시간은 당신의 가장 귀중한 자산인-당신의 시간-을 목적을 가지고 사용함으로써 당신의 업무와 삶을 CeO처럼 운영하게 해주는 사용이 쉬운 시스템이다. 간단히 시간 차단 시스템을 활용함으로써 당신이 하루를 통제하고 당신의 노력을 극대화할 수 있게된다.

that allows you to operate like the CEO of your business and life by

수행 시간의 3가지 주요 구성 요소가 있다: 전략적 차단, 버퍼(완충

spending your most valuable asset—your time—with intention. It

장치)차단, 브레이크아웃 차단

utilizes a simple time-blocking system to regain control of your day and maximize your effectiveness.

전략적 차단 전략적 차단은 사전에 예약된 3시간 동안의 연속적인 시간 차단이다.

There are three primary components of Performance Time: strategic

이 차단 시간동안 당신은 전화도 팩스도 이메일도 방문자도 받지

blocks, buffer blocks, and breakout blocks.

않는다-정신적인 방해도 없다. 당신은 미리 계획된 아이템-전략과 돈-을 만드는 활동에 모든 에너지를 집중한다. 이렇게 당신의 지성과


창의력을 집중하면 획기적인 결과를 얻을 수 있다. 당신이 생산한

A Strategic Block is a three hour block of uninterrupted time that

작업의 양과 질에 놀라게 될 것이다. 대부분의 사람들에게는, 주 당

is scheduled in advance. During theses blocks you accept no phone calls, no faxes, no e-mails, no visitors—no mental interruptions. You focus all your energies on the preplanned items—the strategic and money-making activities. Doing so concentrates your intellect and creativity and produces breakthrough results. You will be astounded by the quantity and quality of the work you produce. For most people, one strategic block per week is sufficient.

한번의 전략적인 차단이면 충분하다. 버퍼(완충 장치)차단 버퍼(완충 장치)차단은 전형적인 하루 동안 발생하는-대부분의 이메일과 음성 메일-과 같은 미리 계획되지 않거나 가치가 낮은 모든 활동을 처리하는데 만들어진다. 단지 끊임없는 방해를 처리하는 것일 뿐 비생산적이고 당황스럽기만 한 것들이지만, 우리는 계획되지 않은 항목들이 우리의 시간을 지배하는데 하루를 온통 소비한다. 다른 사람들을 위해서는, 하루 30분의 버퍼(완충 장치)


차단이면 충분하지만, 어떤 사람들에게는 1시간을 둘로 나눈

Buffer Blocks are created to deal with all of the unplanned and low-

각각의 차단 시간이 필요할 수도 있다. 버퍼(완충 장치)차단의 힘은

value activities—like most email and voicemail—that arise

비생산적인 경향의 활동들을 그룹으로 묶는데서 나오는데, 그것들을

throughout a typical day in one period of time. Almost

처리하는 효율성을 높일 수가 있고 하루의 남은 시간들을 더욱 잘

nothing is more unproductive and frustrating than

조절할 수 있다.

dealing with constant interruptions, yet we’ve all had days when unplanned items dominated our time. For some, one 30-minute buffer block a day is sufficient, while for others, two separate one-hour

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips blocks may be necessary. The power of buffer blocks comes from

브레이크 아웃 차단

grouping together activities that tend to be unproductive so that you

안정기를 수행하는데 기여하는 핵심 요소 중 하나는 자유 시간의

can increase your efficiency in dealing with them and take greater

부재이다. 너무도 자주, 기업가와 전문가들은 보다 오랜 시간 더 힘들게

control over the rest of your day.

일에 묶여있다. 이 방법은 에너지와 열정을 죽이는 것이다. 보다 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것은 더 많은 시간이 아니다. 반대로, 더 많은 자유 시간일 수도 있다.

BREAK-OUT BLOCK One of the key factors contributing to performance plateaus is the absence of free time. So often, entrepreneurs and professionals get caught up in working longer and harder. This approach is an energy and

브레이크 아웃 차단은 업무와 관련된 어떤 활동이나 생각을 갖지 않는 최소 3 시간의 예약된 시간 차단이다. 그것은 다시 활기를 찾고 보충하기 위해 따로 떼어 놓은 시간이다. 이 시간을 즐겁게 사용해라. 취미 생활을 즐기고 가족이나 친구들과 시간을 보내라. 당신의 힘을 다시 비축하고 신선한

enthusiasm killer. To achieve greater

아이디어와 관점으로 스스로를 오픈하려면

results what is necessary is not more

이 시간이 필요하다.

hours. On the contrary, often it is more free time.

벤자민 프랭클린은 “우리가 몇 분을 잘

A Break-out Block is a minimum

돌보면, 몇 년간은 시간이 스스로 알아서

three hour block of scheduled time that is

돌 볼 것이다(작은 일을 차곡차곡 성실하게

devoid of any work related activities and

하다보면, 큰 일은 저절로 이루어진다는 뜻)”

thoughts. It is time set aside to rejuvenate

라고 말했다.

and replenish. Use this time for fun: enjoy the hobbies in your life and spend time with family and friends. You need this time to rebuild your reserves and to open yourself up to fresh ideas and perspectives.

우리가 삶에서 얻는 모든 것들은 시간의 맥락에서 발행한다. 현실은 만일 당신이 어떻게 시간을 보낼 것인가에 대한 목적이 없다면, 결과는 기회를 놓치고 말 것이라는 것이다. 잠재력을 실현하기 위해서, 당신은 시간을 보내는 방법에 대해 더욱 유념하는

Benjamin Franklin said, “If we take care

것을 배워야한다. 명확한 목적을 갖고

of the minutes, the years will take care of

산다는 것은 우선 순위를 정해서 당신의 삶을


정리하고 당신의 목표와 비전에 부합하는 활동을 의식적으로 선택할 것을 요구한다. 당신의 시간을 목적의식을

Everything that we achieve in life happens in the context of time.

갖고 사용할 때, 보다 적은 시간 낭비를 할 수 있고 당신이 가치를 높게

The reality is that if you are not purposeful about how you spend

생각하는 활동에 더 많은 시간을 쓸 수 있다.

your time, then you leave your results to chance. To realize your potential, you must learn to be more mindful about how you spend your time. Living with clear intention requires you to organize your life around your priorities and

큰 목적을 가지고 시간을 사용하는 방법을 배워라 그러면 당신은 더욱 효과적일 뿐 아니라, 더 큰 통제력과 적은 스트레스, 증가된 자신감을 느끼게 될 것이다. 시간 차단을 시도해보라, 효과가 있을 것이다!

consciously choose those activities that align with your goals and vision. When you use your time intentionally, you waste less of it and spend more of it on your high-value actions. Learn to use your time with greater intention and you will not only be more effective, but you will also feel a greater sense of control, less stress, and increased confidence. Try Time Blocking, it works!

Brian Moran, President and Founder of Strategic Breakthroughs, has amassed over 30 years of expertise as an executive,

coach and consultant. Brian realized that most people don’t lack ideas but struggle with their effective implementation. His new book, “The 12 Week Year” is a powerful guide to creating results through focus, commitment and accountability! Brian is a recognized expert and speaker in the field of leadership and execution. To learn more, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

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OTC Beauty Magazine July 2012

King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson

Youth and the Hair Care Dollar


There is a true correlation between hair and self identity. There is no wonder that the hair care industry is a billion dollar business. Even during the direst of times for our national economy the health and beauty industry still flourished. Though hair care products are considered a luxury and not a need, the fact that the average consumer spends so much on health and beauty items speaks to the importance of hair care for self image and self esteem. I recently attended a youth conference on economics and was surprised to see a workshop dedicated to health and beauty. There is defiant buying power in the youth category. This is due large in part to purchases by parents and care givers. Statistics show that over 60 percent of hair care purchases by individuals with families are for their children. This is significant as we know that during adolescence there can often be issues with self esteem and self identity. These are the crucial years of self discovery and I think it is fascinating to see how hair can affect this development. Providing quality products at affordable prices are not only promoting positive self image among youth but also provides good customer service for the adult consumer. I definitely know about hair care as it relates to children and adolescence. I have three daughters myself and they each have unique styles, tastes and interests. I can remember spending a small fortune on their need to keep up with the latest styles and trends but looking back on it now I can truly understand how important it was to allow my children to find their own identity. I developed a product based on this experience call III Sisters of Nature. III Sisters of Nature is specially formulated for natural hair and is offered at a fraction of the more expensive natural hair care brands on the market. My daughters are all adults now but I can see how unique and varied their styles are. I believe that the investment I made in their needs for style and fashion helped to develop their confidence as adults. The natural hair care trend is a

good example of the importance of self identity as it relates to hair. A decade ago you would see very little images of ethnic natural hair in society, but today ethnic hair in its natural state is part of the full range of options for consumers. Healthy hair is important at any age but it is a valuable asset to make young people feel good about their hair texture and style. It is also truly vital to help them understand the importance of hair health and maintenance and providing quality products and services that instill these principles at adolescence is paramount. III Sisters of Nature is a cleaner natural hair care line for the everyday consumer that wants quality at affordable prices and when you are shopping for a family this can make all the difference. I believe that natural beauty comes from within and consumers should not have to pay a penny more than they need to. The consumer comes first and they deserve to have the highest quality, chicest style and naturally based ingredients at a reasonable price. III Sisters of Nature products are free of alcohol, waxes, silicones, petrolatum, mineral oil, parabens, formaldehyde and carbomer. III Sisters of Nature is free of harsh chemicals and preservatives. This is the perfect product for developing adolescents. OTC stores have always provided a more personalized aspect of customer service, and being current on the latest trends and styles in popular culture can make all the difference when selling products to youth and their parents. This can definitely be something to consider as a retailer at the OTC level. This is the time of year for running back to school specials and providing products that feature the latest trends to boost business. One key aspect that appeals to every parent is affordability and the market is saturated with over-priced products for natural hair. Giving parents affordable options is a good way to provide the ultimate customer service.

Cyrus Jackson has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products and Leisure Curl. Jackson is the owner and president of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. makers of one of the first complete products lines in the industry for the care and maintenance of natural ethnic hair types, Jamaican Mango & Lime. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self proclaimed King of Locs. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Dwayne Thompson

THE STORY OF GRAFF*ETCH HAIR ART PENCILS For me, The Barber Ambassador, it all began in Freeport, Long Island, NY at the Mr. Beauty Equipment home office. Mr. B is a specialist in the finest beauty, barber, skin care and spa equipment in the world. They have won more design awards than any other beauty equipment company in the industry. Alan Lipman and his family at Mr. Beauty opened their huge showroom to host “The Barber Academy Tour.” The Barber Academy Tour was a 10 city educational symposium designed to train barbers on infectious disease control in the barbershop from 2009-2011. During this training is where I met Linda Eisner, a cosmetic pencil expert and the owner and creator of the Graff*Etch Pencils. These pencils were a highly sought after detailing tool for barber artist and stylist who desired to add color to their hair designs. After the training at Mr. Beauty I shared several hair show events with Linda which would be a great platform to launch her products in the barbering market, and she then joined our team along with Robert Tagatz, owner and creator of Clocca Capes (an innovative magnetic closure cape) at the Premiere exhibition in Orlando in 2009. Ironically, I never really knew all the research and hard work Linda put in to create the pencils along with the consultative assistance of a Barber named Sam the Barber out of Mississippi. He was really the first barber to create designs and help Linda find the right formula and consistency for proper application and design retention. When you can’t afford a real research and development firm to test the pencils you take to market. It is an advantage to have a well-trained individual who is also your end user, and for them to have the right understanding of your vision helps as well. Sam stated, “When I received the pencils in the mail from Linda a light went on and I was able to create designs with greater control and I knew there was a need for this product in our industry.” It started as a simple eyeliner pencil… Linda Eisner was exhibiting her brand of eyeliner pencils called “pencil me in” and during the exhibition many barbers were attracted to the booth to purchase Linda’s eyeliner pencils. As the day progressed and more barbers came to buy her eyeliners telling her they have “looked everywhere for the pencils,” she became curious. The 74

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

These incredibly talented barbers had been filling the designs in with eyeliner pencils to enhance it. The designs looked amazing!

barber magazine booth was very busy so her step-daughter, Stephanie, accompanied some of the barbers back to their booths to see what they did with the pencils. Stephanie returned to our booth with a model that had a geometric design cut into the back of his head. These incredibly talented barbers had been filling the designs in with eyeliner pencils to enhance it. The designs looked amazing! At that moment, Linda knew she had to sell pencils for the hair. This was the most innovative concept she had ever seen. She thought her eyeliner pencils would be perfect for hair art and it would be such an easy transition from eyeliner to hair art. During this time she had lots of inventory. This would be an entirely new clientele vertical with no additional investment. What a perfect way to expand an already thriving business. She soon learned that she would need to make some changes to the cosmetic pencils to make them work well for application to the hair and this indeed cost more money and time to invest in this product. Trial and Error After the show, Linda planned on adding in the missing primary colors and then begin to sell “pencil me in” as hair art pencils. Before she went ahead with her plan she needed to learn more about hair art and what barbers wanted in a quality product. Linda is neither a barber nor a hair stylist; she is a cosmetic pencil expert with over 25 years’ experience in cosmetics industry. She creates cosmetic pencils for other companies and private labels them under their company name. Linda created “pencil me in” after years of formulating cosmetics for other companies. She created the perfect eyeliner pencil and began marketing her own cosmetics in 2007. Since Linda was new to the hair industry, she questioned many barbers and watched them create hair art for hours. Fortunately, numerous barbers gave wonderfully detailed feedback. Linda began testing not only her eyeliner pencils but numerous other brands for hair art usage. She tested $.99 brands to $25 cosmetic pencils to see what worked best and why. Some products were acceptable but none of them were ideal; not even hers. Cosmetic pencils were created to perform a specific job. Linda knew she had to change the formula for hair art. Many barbers believed that a pencil is a pencil and they are all basically the same. They were about to find out the exact opposite. Now Linda was on a mission to create the perfect hair art pencil and finally offer the barbers a proper tool. Linda and her factory worked together to create new samples. They changed the formula to maximize the payoff, the amount of product deposited during application and increased the pigment content while maintaining the integrity of the texture. If there is not enough pigment in the pencil, the color will not transfer to the hair and you can injure your July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature clients’ tender scalp during application. The creaminess or dryness of a formula must also be monitored. If a pencil is too creamy or oily, the color won’t stay-put and can melt into other colors and smear. The points can squish or break during application. Temperature can also affect application. Ideally pencils should be applied at room temperature. If the pencil core is cold, warm it up in your hands before applying or draw a few lines on the back of your hand before using. Conversely, do not leave your pencils next to a hot trimmer or any other heat source. When sharpening, do a half turn to a full turn and pull straight out to check the core. Do not keep twisting or you are just chewing up the pencil and wasting it. The barbers’ biggest eyeliner complaints were color selection, staying power, ease of application and cost. Linda needed to create the proper combination of ingredients to make the colors blend, be long lasting, waterproof and easily remove with soap. You want eyeliners to stay where you apply them, glide on easily and stay put. Hair pencils need to be much creamier with a lot more pigment. You want to be able to move and blend the colors and then have them stay put. This is very different from eyeliners or lip liners for Many barbers believed that matter. Linda instructed the factory to keep tweaking the formula until it that a pencil is a met her specifications and the barbers’ needs. This supposedly “easy” edition pencil and they are to her current brand turned out to be a full blown project.

all basically the same. They were about to find out the exact opposite.

Success! Barbers started trying her product and told her it worked well and much better than what they had been using. They understood and appreciated why Graff*Etch is better for hair art. Just like barbers can immediately tell a quality trimmer from a run of the mill type, you can feel and see the difference as you are applying it. Linda created this brand especially for the barbering industry. Barbers are artists and coloring their designs brings hair art to a whole new level. Linda has been welcomed into the barber community for her contributions. She attends numerous shows and has embraced hair art. She sponsors barber battles and offers her pencils for promotions and giveaways. You can always find her with a hair art design carved into her own head. She takes great interest in both the barbers and their industry. If you have a barber or beauty supply business, and you would like to add Graff*Etch pencils to your inventory please contact me at to request a sales sheet and get the best pricing. *Photos courtesy of Dwayne Thompson.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed

to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013


Profile by Haley McNeal

ORS (FormerlyOrganicRootStimulator) 제조업체 프로필

You may know it best by the name Organic Root Stimulator instead of ORS, but have no fear—the new title is simply a revamped, more userfriendly identification for the company. Venetta M. Coley, Vice President of Marketing for Namasté Laboratories provides an in-depth look at the company that prides itself on making women look and feel gorgeous. ORS라는 이름 대신Organic Root Stimulator로 더 잘 알고 있겠지만, 걱정은 없다- 새로운 이름은 단순히 회사를 개편하고 보다 더 사용자 친화적인 식별일 뿐이다. Namasté 연구소의 마케팅 부사장인Venetta M. Coley은 여성의 외모와 아름다움을 만드는 것에 자부심을 갖고 있는 회사의 진정한 모습을 보여준다. 80

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OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What do you find most interesting and/or fascinating about the beauty supply industry? Why? Venetta M. Coley (VC): What I find most interesting about the beauty industry is that we are able to make products that make women look good. When women look good they feel good which leads to the greatest confidence booster, increased self-esteem. At ORS we strive to meet all the hair needs of our consumers and I take personal pride in the fact that I am able to see women transformed after using our products.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 뷰티제품 분야에서 가장 흥미롭고 매력적인 것은 무엇입니까? 또 그 이유는 무엇인지? Venetta M. Coley (VC): 뷰티업계에서 제가 발견한 가장 흥미로운 것은 여성들을

아름답게 만드는 제품을 저희가 만들 수 있다는 것입니다. 여성들은 자기가 아름다워진 것을 볼 때, 더 큰 자신감과 자부심으로 기분이 좋아집니다. 저희 ORS는 헤어에 관해 고객들이 원하는 모든 것을 맞추기 위해 노력합니다. 여성들이 저희 제품을 사용한 후 변화한 모습을 볼 수 있다는 것에 개인적인 자부심을 갖습니다. OTC: ORS의 역사를 간략히 말씀해 주세요. 회사는 어떻게 시작되었고 무엇으로

OTC: Please briefly describe the history of ORS. How did this company get started and what is it founded on? VC: ORS was founded in 1996 by Gary E. Gardner and his wife, Denise Gardner. Their mission was to honor the beauty within by providing women of color with therapeutic hair care which addressed their unmet needs surrounding damage, hair thinning and hair loss. From these healing hair care beginnings, the company expanded to provide healthy hair care for an entire spectrum of hair care needs, hair types and hair textures, from relaxed to natural. OTC: The company recently underwent a name change from Organic Root Stimulator to ORS. Please explain this change and what effect it is having on business. Has it proven to be a successful strategic move? VC: Organic Root Stimulator is now ORS because of consumers’ need for shorter, more telegraphic communication. The packaging design was also enhanced by a more contemporary, simpler and unifying imagery across sub-brands. The update has experienced an overwhelming response from all stakeholders, trade and consumer audiences. This has been evidenced by positive sales in first quarter and a well-received media tour touching over 14 million consumers nationally and locally in five key cities.

설립되었는지요? VC: ORS는Gary E. Gardner와 그의 아내Denise Gardner에 의해 1996년에

설립되었습니다. 그들의 미션은 유색의 피부색을 가진 여성들의 모발 손상이나 적은 머리숱, 탈모 등과 관련해 그들의 충족되지 않는 요구 사항을 해결하는 치료적인 헤어 케어 제품을 제공함으로써 아름다움을 존중하는 것이었습니다. 이런 치유적인 헤어 케어를 시작으로, 회사는 릴렉서를 사용한 모발부터 자연 모발까지, 모든 헤어 타입과 모발 형태, 전체 헤어 케어를 총망라하여 건강한 헤어 케어 제품을 제공하는 것으로 범위를 넓혔습니다. OTC: 최근 회사 이름을Organic Root Stimulator에서ORS로 변경했습다. 이 변경에 대한 설명 부탁드립니다. 그리고 이것이 회사에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있는지요. 성공적인 전략적 이동이라는 어떤 징후는 보셨는지요? VC: Organic Root Stimulator는 보다 간략하면서도 전신 커뮤니케이션적인 것을 원하는

소비자들의 요구로 인해 이제 ORS가 되었습니다. 포장 디자인 또한 하위 브랜드와 연계된 더욱 현대적이고 단순하며 통합적인 디자인으로 향상되었습니다. 이러한 변화는 모든 이해 관계자, 무역 및 소비자들로부터 압도적인 반응을 경험했습니다. 첫 1/4 분기 긍정적인 매출과 5개 주요 도시의 1400만명 이상 소비자로부터 좋은 평가를 받은 미디어 투어에 의해 입증되었습니다. OTC: 회사 구조는 어떻게 되며, 어떤 브랜드들이 ORS를 이루고 있습니까?

OTC: How is the company structured and what brands make up ORS? VC: The company is structured under the ORS master brand, which is comprised of sub segments: Relaxer/Maintenance/Styling, Hair Therapeutics, Hair Restoration and Natural Hair Care. OTC: What is the distinguishing factor that makes ORS stand out from other companies in the industry? What makes it different? VC: ORS carved its niche as the first to claim the ‘healing hair care’ position. That position has really remained constant, having evolved to “THE ONE for Healthy Hair.” This is because of its roots in the therapeutic category, its integrity in product formulations featuring some of the best-known and effective ingredients, and the brand’s innovation in the ethnic category.

VC: 회사는 ORS 주요 브랜드 아래로, 하위 부분: 릴렉서/유지 보수/스타일링, 헤어

치료 및 헤어 복원 그리고 자연 모발 케어로 구성됩니다. OTC: 업계 내 다른 회사들과 차별화되는 ORS만의 눈에 띌 만한 요소는 무엇입니까? VC: ORS는 “치유적인 헤어 케어”를 주장하는 선두의 위치로서 틈새 시장을

공략했습니다. 그 위치는 지속적으로 유지되어 왔고, “건강한 헤어를 위한 유일한 브랜드”로 진화해왔습니다. 이것은 치료 범주에 근본을 두고, 아주 잘 알려지고 효과적인 성분으로 제조된 제품의 완전성, 그리고 인종적인 특색의 범주 안에서의 브랜드 혁신때문이죠.

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile

OTC: What prompted the need for your brand of products within the beauty realm? VC: The consumer! The dialog is maintained with women of textured hair through close relationships and ongoing research. She tells us what her greatest unsolved problems are, and what is important about her hair and its care, and we provide solutions within the business model of making the best healthy products that work for her. OTC: Who is the main audience for your products and what steps are you taking to ensure you meet their needs? VC: Our expertise is in the care of textured hair. So, in the U.S. the main audience is African-American women, and increasingly Hispanic women. Outside of the U.S. we appeal to women of African and Latin descent in Europe, Africa, South America and the Caribbean. OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for OTC beauty store owners to know when recommending your company’s products to their customers? Also, what marketing tips would you suggest for selling success? VC: The most important thing to know is that our company is a leader, an innovator, and a consumer-centric company. ORS is the one that will give you the results when it comes to healthy hair.

OTC: 미의 영역 내에서 귀사 제품 브랜드의 필요성을 유발하는 것은 무엇일까요? VC: 소비자들이죠! 긴밀한 관계와 지속적인 연구를 통해 질감이 있는 헤어를 가진

여성들과 끊임없는 대화를 유지하고 있습니다. 그녀들은 풀리지 않는 자신들의 가장 큰 헤어 문제와 자신의 헤어에서 가장 중요한 것, 그리고 헤어 케어에 대해 저희에게 얘기하죠, 그리고 저희들은 그녀들이 효과를 얻을 수 있는 가장 건강한 제품을 만들겠다는 비즈니스 모델의 범주 내에서 솔루션을 제공합니다. OTC: 귀사 제품의 주요 대상은 누구이며, 그들의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 준비하고 계신 다음 단계는 무엇인가요? VC: 저희의 전문 분야는 질감있는 헤어의 케어입니다. 그래서, 미국의 주요 고객은

아프리카계 미국인 여성들이며, 히스패닉 여성들도 증가하는 추세입니다. 세계적으로는 유럽과 아프리카, 남미, 카리브해 지역의 아프리카와 라틴계 여성들에게 인기를 끌고 있습니다. OTC 뷰티 매장 운영자들이 귀사의 제품을 고객들에게 추천할 때 알아야 할 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? 또한, 성공적인 판매를 위해서 어떤 마케팅 방법을 제시하시는지? VC: 가장 중요하게 알아야할 것은 저희 회사는 리더이자 혁신가이며, 소비자 중심의

회사라는 것입니다. ORS는 건강한 모발에 관해서는 여러분께 결과를 제공할 것입니다. OTC: 최근 가장 크게 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이라고 생각하세요? 그와 관련해

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently and how has the company met consumer demand for it? VC: The trend is that women’s interests are more diversified than ever due to textures, style choices, and honestly, all the relevant product support companies like ORS provide. For example, women know that they can be more of an expert in designing their own regimen because of the education and innovation we provide with products like ORS Olive Oil Edge Control. She has become an expert at sustaining her relaxer, styling her naturally-styled updo, and more because of such an excellent and versatile product. She likes products that perform multiple uses and take her through her many choices from week to week, or day to day.

회사는 소비자들의 수요를 어떻게 충족하고 있습니까? VC: 트랜드는 여성들의 관심이 헤어의 질감이나 스타일의 선택에 따라 아주

다양화되었다는 것입니다, 그리고 솔직히, 모든 관련 제품 지원업체들이 ORS의 공급을 좋아합니다. 예를 들어, 여성들은 자기 스스로만의 방법으로 전문가 수준이 될 수 있다는 것을 압니다. ORS Olive Oil Edge Control과 같은 제품에 대해 저희는 교육과 혁신을 제공하기 때문이죠. 그녀들은 훌륭하고 다재다능한 제품들로 인해 자신의 릴렉서를 유지하고, 자연스럽게 올림머리 스타일이나 그 이상의 것들을 만드는데 전문가가 되고 있습니다. 그녀들은 다용도로 사용할 수 있고 자신들의 선택을 일상에서 익힐 수 있는 제품들을 좋아합니다. OTC: 제품 지식에 관해 소비자와 소매업체들을 어떻게 교육하십니까? 신제품에 대한

OTC: How do you educate consumers and retailers on product knowledge? What is your preferred marketing technique for new products? VC: There is an extensive education program which is primarily targeted to hair stylists. With the phenomenon of women styling their hair at home more, this education is more in demand on the consumer side. Women of color seek information online through vlogs, blogs, meetups and websites geared to her interests. Again, we stay abreast of her lifestyle, and meet her needs in the various media she uses to access information.

선호하는 마케팅 기법은 무엇입니까?

OTC: What does the future hold for ORS? Do you have any big advancements, releases, etc. planned for the coming months that you can discuss? VC: Coming soon, there will be innovations in almost every category from relaxer to therapeutic to natural! You will see in the last quarter of the year our interpretation of the healthiest ways to address the most common areas of concern which are still damage, breakage and dryness.


VC: 주로 헤어 스타일리스트들을 대상으로하는 광범위한 교육 프로그램이 있습니다.

집에서 직접 머리 손질을 하는 여성들의 스타일링 현상으로, 이 교육은 소비자 측면에서의 요구를 더 많이 포함하고 있습니다. 유색 피부를 가진 여성들은 동영상 블로그, 블로그, 모임 및 웹사이트를 통해 자신들의 관심 분야에 관한 정보를 찾습니다. 다시 말하자면, 저희는 그들의 라이프 스타일과 나란히 하며, 그녀들이 정보 수집을 위해 이용하는 다양한 매체들에서 그녀들의 요구에 맞추고 있습니다. OTC: ORS의 미래는 무엇입니까? 몇 달 안에 실행하게 될 계획된 큰 발전이나 출시 등이 VC: 곧 있을 것입니다, 릴렉서부터 모발 치료, 자연 모발까지 거의 모든 부문에서 혁신이

있을 것입니다! 올해 4/4분기쯤이면 여전히 손상되고 부서지고 건조해지는 모발에 대한 가장 일반적인 염려들을 해결하기 위해 저희의 방법으로 해석된 가장 건강한 방법을 보시게 될 것입니다.

Company Name: Namasté Laboratories Address: 13636 S. Western Avenue Contact Number: (708) 824-1393, ext. 270 Website: Year in Business: 16 82

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Profile by Tony Bae

정신적인 여유가 해피 바이러스를 만들어 줍니다. K Beauty Supply. • North Augusta, SC 윌리엄 제임스라는 심리학자는, ‘행복하기 때문에 웃

augusta 에 위치한 k beauty supply 의 김경동, 김화

는 것이 아니라, 웃기 때문에 행복한 것이다’ 라고 하 자 사장부부는 편안한 인상의 얼굴로, 그야말로 스트 였다. 이 말은 방송인 노홍철씨 덕분에 세상에 널리 레스라는 단어를 모르고 사는 사람들처럼 보였다. 물 알려진 말이다. 이 말은 무엇이 먼저인지를 따지는 말

론, 내색을 하지 않는 것일 수도 있지만, 그들과 인터

이 아니라, 기준점을 어디에 두느냐에 따라 삶의 질이 뷰를 하는 내내, 웃음이 끊이지 않았으며, 여유롭고 결정된다는 말이다. 스트레스가 건강에 커다란 적이 편안함을 느낄 수 있었다. 그러한 편안함은 스토어 내 되고 있음은 수 많은 학회의 보고와 실험들을 통해 밝 에도 한껏 묻어있었다. 그들의 편안함은 어디서 나오 혀져 왔다. 아이러니 한 것은, 사람들은 본인의 성공 는 것인지 그들과의 인터뷰를 통해 알아보도록 하자. 과 행복추구를 위해 일에 매진을 하지만, 그 일들로 인해 스트레스를 받아서 오히려 건강을 헤치고 있다 는 것이다. 스트레스를 받지 않고 일을 한다는 것은 불가능에 가까운 일이다. 하지만, 약간의 생각변환으 로 스트레스를 덜 받을 수는 있으며, 이는 모두 본인 의 결정과 의지에 달려 있는 것이다. 이번 달에 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서 인터뷰한 south Carolina 의 North 86

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

긍정의 힘으로 시작된 무모한 도전 89년도에 미국으로 이민을 온 김사장 부부는, 도미한지 얼마 되지 않아 그로서리 스토어를 경영했다고 한다. “영어를 한마 디도 못하는 상태에서 무작정 스토어를 열었어요. 그래서 손 님들이 어떠한 제품을 물어보면 무조건 ‘저희 스토어에는 그 러한 제품이 없습니다’ 로 일관했습니다”. 어떻게 보면 매우 무모한 도전이 아닐 수 없었으나, 김사장 부부는 특유의 긍정 적인 생각으로 그로서리 스토어를 10여년 동안 운영하였다고 한다. 하지만, 김사장 부부의 무모한 도전은 여기서 끝나지 않 는다. 10여년 전인 2002년, 김사장 부부는 또 한번 사고(?)를 치고야 만다. 대부분의 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 운영하는 사 람들은, 업종의 특성상 처음에 지인들이나 가족들의 도움을 받아 스토어 경영을 시작한다. 하지만 김사장 부부는 그 누구 의 도움 없이 덜컥 뷰티 업계에 발을 들여 놓았다고 한다. “그 로서리 스토어는 시간이 너무 길어서 다른 업종을 찾다가 뷰 티 서플라이에 관심을 갖게 되었습니다” 라는 김사장 부부는, 케미컬 제품이 무엇인지, 헤어 제품이 무엇인지, 어디서 구매 를 해야 하는지 조차도 모른 상태에서 1,500 sq ft 의 스토어 를 오픈하였다고 한다. “처음엔 어느 도매상에서 제품을 구매 를 해야 할지 몰라서 이것저것 안 해본 경험이 없습니다” 라 는 김사장 부부는, 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 경영하면서 그야 말로 파란 만장한 스토리를 만들어 냈다고 한다. “헤어 도매 상을 한군데도 몰라서, 지인이 이곳 저곳에서 사다 준 머리로 얼추 구성을 맞춰놓고 판매를 시작하였는데, 지금 생각하면 웃음밖에 나오질 않습니다” 라고 그때를 회상한다. 케미컬 제 품들도 뭐가 뭔지 몰라서 시간 날 때마다 제품의 라벨을 읽으 며 한 제품 한 제품씩 섭렵하였다고 한다. “일일이 도매상에 물어볼 수도 없어 스스로 공부를 하기시작 했는데, 어느 정도 지나다 보니 감을 잡기 시작하였습니다”. 심지어 스토어 안에 어떤 제품이 있는지를 몰라 고객들이 스토어 안에서 직접 제 품을 찾아 다니며 필요한 제품들을 구입하였다고 한다. 이렇 게 시작한 뷰티 서플라이 스토어 경영이 어느새 10년이 훌쩍 넘어버렸고, 처음엔 1,500 sq ft 규모의 스토어에서 시작하여, July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Retailer Profile

라이 스토어의 가장 골치 거리 중 하나인 절도에 대처하는 방 법도 가히 파격적이다. 물건을 훔치는 현장을 목격하면, 대부 분의 스토어 에서는 화를 내거나 심지어 몸싸움이 일어나는 경우도 있는데, 김사장 부부는 그러한 상황이 벌어지면 말없 이 다가가 활짝 웃으며 “뭐하고 계세요? 도와드릴까요?” 라 고 한다고 한다. 그러면 손님들도 훔친 물건을 멋적게 내려놓 고 그냥 나간다고 한다. 물론, 그 동안 경찰을 부른 일도 한번 도 없다고 한다. “동네가 시골이라 사람들이 순박하고 착합니 다” 라고 김사장 부부는 말을 하지만, 어찌 착하고 순한 사람 만 동네에 살 수 있단 말인가? 다만, 김사장 부부의 여유로움 이 그러한 생각을 만들어낸 것인 것 같다. 2012년 12월에 지금의 8,000 sq ft 규모로 옮겼다고 한다. 무 언가를 시작할 때 이것저것 재보고 부정적인 측면만을 부각

“대부분의 고객들은 저희 스토어를 방문해서 웃으면서 나갑 니다”. 어떤 특별한 방법이 있는 것은 아니지만, 가급적 손님

시키는 사람들이 많이 있다. 만약, 김사장 부부가 이러한 사고

들에게 맞춰주다 보니 별로 인상을 찡그리며 나가는 손님들

를 가지고 있었다면, 지금의 k beauty supply 는 존재하지 않

이 없는 것 같다고 한다. 그러다 보니 스토어에는 수다를 떨

았을 것이다. 너무 무모하다고 생각하는 사람들도 있을 수 있

러 오는 손님들도 많이 있다고 한다. “빈손으로 스토어를 나

지만, 그들의 긍정적인 사고방식을 그대로 보여주는 사건들

가는 손님들도 미래의 고객이 될 수 있기 때문에 최선을 다해

이 아닐 수 없다.

서 제품 설명을 해주곤 합니다”. 오늘 당장 주머니가 비어있 긴 하지만, 돈이 생기면 다시 돌아와서 제품을 구입할 수 있

해피 바이러스

는 미래의 고객이기 때문이라고 한다. 매우 추상적이긴 하지

k beauty supply 를 들어서면, 뻥 뚫린 시야와 낮은 선반 때

만, k beauty supply 에서는 해피 바이러스가 온 스토어 안에

문에 스토어가 한눈에 바로 들어온다. 작은 기둥 몇 개만이 스

퍼져 있음을 느낄 수 있었고, 그러한 것이 k beauty supply

토어 안에 존재할 뿐, 스토어 전체가 한눈에 보이는 스토어 구

를 발전시키는 원동력이 되어온 것임을 확신할 수 있었다.

조는 스토어 문을 들어서는 순간 편안한 쇼핑환경을 직감할 수 있다. “저희 스토어를 방문하는 많은 고객들은 스토어 안 을 돌아 다니면서 구경하는 것을 좋아합니다. 그래서 편안하 게 시간을 보낼 수 있는 환경을 만들어 주려고 합니다. 또한,

요즘은 보통의 뷰티 서플라이 스토어들이 헤어의 비중을

저희와 함께 일하시는 분들이 정말 친절합니다” 라는 김사장

늘리고, 케미컬 제품의 비중을 줄이는 추세이다. 하지만 k

부부는, 고객들의 편안한 쇼핑을 위하여 그들을 감시하거나

beauty supply 는 케미컬 제품들의 비중을 계속 유지하려 한

오랜 시간 머물러 있어도 눈치를 주지 않는다고 한다. “하지

다고 한다. “저희 스토어는 케미컬 제품들이 다양하게 있는

만, 도움이 필요한 고객들에게는 바로 대처할 수 있도록 항상

편입니다” 라는 김사장 부부는, “고객들 주머니가 가벼우면

신경을 쓰고 있습니다”. 라고 한다. 김사장 부부는 뷰티 서플

헤어제품을 구입하지 못하고 케미컬 제품으로 유지를 하려고


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

합니다” 라며, 헤어와 케미컬의 비율을 잘 맞춰놔야 전체적인 매상에 차질이 없다고 한다. 또한, 지역이 백인들이 많이 거 주하는 지역이라 백인 손님들도 상당수 있는 편이라는 김사 장 부부는, 백인들을 위한 제품들도 점차 늘려 나가려 계획하 고 있다고 한다. “백인 고객들은 주로 잡화 제품들을 구입하 고 있지만, 요즘은 헤어 익스텐션도 많이 구입하고 있습니다. 그래서 백인 제품들도 조금씩 늘려 나가려고 합니다”. 새로 운 케미컬 제품들이 하루가 멀다고 쏟아져 나오고 있어, 스토 어 오너들이 어떠한 제품을 취급해야 하는지로 충분히 머리 가 복잡할 것이다. 하지만 이럴 때 일수록 시선을 다른 쪽으로 돌려보는 것도 하나의 돌파구를 만들어내는 방법이 될 것이 다. 어떠한 제품을 구비하고 있느냐가 어느 정도는 고객층을 바꿔 놓을 수 있는 도구가 되기 때문이다. k beauty supply 의 김사장 부부는 마지막으로 업계에 하고 싶은 말이 있냐는 질문에, “손님 한 명이 다른 도시를 방문했었는데, 뷰티 서플 라이 스토어들이 가격 경쟁을 심하게 하는 것을 보고, ‘you guys are killing each other’ 이라고 말을 했습니다. 그리곤 ‘ 이는 너희들의 비즈니스만 죽이는 것이 아니라 시장 전체를, 나아가서 경제를 망치는 일이다’ 라고 덧붙여 말을 하였습니 다. 이 말을 듣고 많은 생각을 하게 되었습니다” 라고 답하였 다. 가격경쟁에 관한 문제는 정말 끊임없이 야기되는 문제이 다. 그 누가 먼저 시작했느냐를 따지기 전에, 내 자신부터 그 러한 경쟁에서 발을 먼저 뺄 수 있도록 노력하는 것이 중요할 것이다. 취미활동 하나를 갖지 못할 정도로 열심히 살아온 김 사장 부부는 현재의 스토어를 잘 운영하다가 퇴직을 하고 싶 다고 한다. 시종일관 웃으며 인터뷰에 응해준 김사장 부부에 게 앞으로도 그 웃음들이 영원하길 바래본다.

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Bridging the Gap Many barbers and stylist struggle with creating clean lines with their trimmers. There are various reasons why this issue plagues numerous trimmer users. Lucky Andis has heard the cry of their loyal Andis Outliner and Styliner fans and have done something about it. The solution to this problem is the Andis Blade Gapper. The Blade Gapper is a tool designed to adjust the trimmer blades in a way that perfectly reduces the gap between the comb blade (stationary blade) and the cutter blade (moving blade). Perfecting the parallel alignment equally and with accuracy every time has a huge value to everybody who values the time they save by relying on the Blade Gapper and not themselves. Stylists and Barbers alike can benefit from the clean lines that can be achieved as a result of this tool being used to set their blades. Barbers have been known to spend hours aiming to perfect their blade adjustments when relying on themselves. The Blade Gapper returns the investment after the first haircut with the time that is saves its users. I would call the Andis Blade Gapper an asset to any Andis trimmer user who has multiple trimmers as a result of imperfect blade settings that they have to settle for. The frustrations can be ceased, and beautiful music can be played as long as you, the local Andis Retailer, can make this tool available to your customers. The need is there, a solution has been created, and you can be the supplier of the solution and provide your customers with satisfaction. As a way to cause your trimmers to sell faster, consider using the Blade Gapper and any Andis trimmer together, but advertise the trimmer at a reduced price with the purchase of the Blade Gapper. The potential for the Andis trimmers being a loss leader is only possible because of the Blade Gapper. It literally bridges the gap for your customers’ blades and potentially for you and your customers too. For more information, visit

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 94

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013





THERAPY TRENDS Starting the Semester in Style The “back to school” frenzy triggers grooming and image spending on school kids, ages 8 to 18. Over the summer they have majored in the images of social media and reality TV, and minored in the fashion icons targeting the teen and preteen community. Toiletries and accessories are back-to-school basics. Not only will they seek the latest hair accessories, they also want messages and identity woven or braided into wristbands. They want to mix and match California chic with east coast swagger and blasts of color. When the school bell rings, they want to be modern and relevant in a retro, adult way. In the United States moms typically have the most say when it comes to back-to-school spending, but as early as eight years old, preteens want to make autonomous decisions about their image. They want the latest gear, gadgets and grooming aids. According to the National Retail Federation, kids ages 6 to 12 have more money to spend this year than they have had in the previous five years. Between allowances and extra credit earned from babysitting and other jobs, the back-to-school image is a key topic. Teens mimic the style and appearance of reality stars and pop idols. Girls want big hair or asymmetric haircuts that need sprays, gels and color. Boys with sculpted haircuts require upkeep just like the girls, and they also want to be fragranced like a rock star. To get straight A’s OTCs should study up on the profit in student power.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 96

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.


TONSORIAL TIMES Thriving or Surviving Does your supply store currently have a website in place for your customers to visit and shop online or simply print out valuable coupons to drive them into your store? Have you considered creating a mobile app or offering coupons on sites like or You may be surviving, but is your business thriving? Bill Gates, Owner of Microsoft stated, “In our new economy there will soon be two types of businesses, those with a website who will remain in business and those without a website who will be out of business.” A business cannot survive today relying only on foot traffic from a drive by of your establishment.Word of mouth, social media, advertisement and additional strategic marketing plans are a must. It takes six to seven contacts or impressions before you can turn a prospect into a customer. All that contact can be expensive and time consuming if you do not create a plan of attack.That’s where email marketing becomes a critical part of any organization’s marketing efforts. How are you addressing the retention of your existing customers? Since it is roughly six to 12 times less expensive to sell to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one, the value of customer loyalty and repeat business is just too compelling to ignore. Consider the following points! Communication: Communication is a critical part of any business relationship. Reaching out to your customers keeps your business fresh on their mind although they have been bombarded with thousands of impressions before they even reach your establishment. Reward Loyal Customers: Offer them opportunities to connect with your establishment through your website and social media, offer weekly incentives to drive business. Example: offer member and reward cards for barbers and stylists. Educate Your Customers: Information and education makes your customers and prospects much more valuable because they are more likely to buy when they can make an informed decision. Keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 98

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013


조지아협회 조지아 뷰티협회(회장 김일홍)는 지난 6월 2일 조지아 클라우드랜드 케니언파크로 제 2회 한마음 등반여행을 다녀왔 다. 70여명의 협회원들이 참석한 이날 동반대회는 작년에 노스 케롤라이나의 Chimney rock park 으로의 등반대회 가 반응이 좋아 올해도 다시 계획하게 되었다고 한다.

NFBS 총 연합회 NFbs 총 연합회는 오는 7월 21일 meadowland exposition Center에서 제 6회 트레이드쇼를 개최한다. 쇼 참석에 관한 문의는 NFbs 사무국 551-497-0266으로 하거나 nfbsusa@gmail.com으로 하면 된다. 이날 쇼가 끝나고 저녁 8시에는 미드웨이와 뷰티플러스사에서 협찬하는 브로드웨이 쇼 ‘moneky Journey to the west’ 공연이 마련되어 있 다고 한다.

뉴욕협회 뉴욕 협회는 지난 6월 20일에 협회 사무실에서 임시총회를 열고 지난 3월에 개최된 회원의 밤과 6월에 치뤄진 골프 대회에 관한 결산을 했다. 또한, 협회는 지역내 과다 경쟁으로 회원들간에 피해를 가져온 사례가 있어, 지난 일년간 각각의 회원사들을 설득하여 서로 상생할 수 있는 최대의 결과를 이날 임시 총회에서 이끌어 냈다고 한다. 박헌 협회 장은, 이에대한 자세한 사항을 협회원, 임원, 그리고 당사자들의 의견을 수렴하여 공론화 여부를 결정한 뒤 자세한 사 항에 대한 공표 여부를 결정하겠다고 하였다. 이러한 사례는 전국 어디에서도 보기 힘든 사례로, 앞으로 경쟁지역의 과다경쟁을 타파할 수 있는 좋은 예가 될 것으로 기대된다.

뉴저지 협회 뉴저지 협회는 지난 5월 월례회의를 통해 올해 6월로 임기를 마치는 김영중회장의 임기를 올 12월까지 연장하기로 하였다. 이는 FNbs와 회계연도를 맞추는 취지도 있지만, 7월 FNbs 6차 트레이드 쇼 및 9월에 개최 예정인 뷰티인의 밤 등, 많은 행사들이 즐비해 있어 회원 및 임원들의 요청을 김회장이 수락하게 된 것이다. 한편, 오는 9월 29일에 개 최하기로 한 뷰티인의 밤은 뉴저지 palisades park에 위치한 파인플라자에서 개최될 예정이며, 협회원들, 관련업체, 지역 단체장 등 100여명이 참석할 예정이라고 한다 102

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013


시카고 협회 시카고 미용재료상 협회(회장 이상신)가 주최한 미 전국 미용재료 도,소매인과 함께하는 한마당 출제 자선기금모금 시카고 골프대회 (대회장:홍별길)가 지난 16일 열려 150여명이 참석하였다. gurnee에 위치한 bittersweet golf Club 에서 열린 이번 대회에는 인디애나, 미조리, 위스칸신, 미네소타, 미시간, 오하이오협회가 공동 주최하였고, 아시아나 항공과 중서부 미용재료상 광역협회, 미주 뷰티서플라이 총연합회가 후원 하였다. 이날 대회의 그랜드 챔피언으로는 최건형씨가, 그로스 챔피언으로는 김영철, 1등 장동조, 2등 황병도씨가 수상 하였다.

NFBS 여성회 NFbs여성회는 오는 7월 20일 오후 5시 뉴저지 Fort lee에 위치한 poong lim restaurant & banquet(풍림)에서 제 4차 총회를 개최한다고 한다. 지역 협회의 여성 회원은 누구나 참석할 수 있으며, 항공료는 1인 $200까지 후원을 해주고, 2박 호텔을 제공한다고 한다. 이날 총회는 환영회를 시작으로, 여성회 총회, 저녁식사, Ors 세미나 및 강사 유인경씨를 초청하여 ‘우리와 차세대의 차이점’ 이라는 주제로 강연을 한다고 한다. 참가 문의 및 신청은 아래의 연락처로 하면 된다. paula 방: 571-215-0535, sunny kim: 919-607-3161, email:, 신청서 Fax 보낼 곳:703-934-0188

NFBS 총 연합회 한상대회 및 여행 모집 공고 2013년 제 12 차 한상대회에 참여 하실 분들 신청 받습니다(등록비 $400.00). 한상대회 기간 중 만찬 (총 6 번) 등 일 체. 이번 한상대회는 특 일급 호텔에서 3 박 4 일간 묵게 되며 호텔에서 아침 조식이 제공 됩니다. 또한, 이번 한상대회 는 광주를 중심으로 전라 남,북도가 힘을 합하여 각종 토산품을 주제로 한 만찬이 총 여섯 번 제공될 계획이어서 예로 부터 맛의 고장인 전라도의 제대로 된 맛을 한상대회가 열리는 동안 특별히 즐기실 수 있습니다. 우리 NFbs 협회에서 는 특 1 급 호텔을 미리 예약할 예정이오며 위의 등록비에 숙박 및 만찬, 아침 조식이 모두 포함되어 있습니다. 회원님 들은 가능한 빨리 등록 하셔서 이번 한상대회가 열리는 김대중 컨벤션 센터와 가장 가까운 곳에 위치한 특 1 급 호텔인 홀리데이인 호텔을 예약할 수 있도록 협조 바랍니다. 등록은 행정 편의상 이메일로만 받습니다. 혹 이메일이 없으신 분 은 전화로도 받겠으나 원활한 진행을 위해 이메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 등록 신청 후 5 일 이내에 등록비를 납부하시기 바랍니다. 아래에 한상대회 홈페이지로 가셔서 참고 하시기 바랍니다. • 연락처., 804-852-1723. 임종표NFbs 부회장. July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


ShowReport JinnyNews


Starting July 2013, Jinny Corp.,the largest multicultural distributor in the world, will branch out to a new market segment of the beauty industry—the general market, or the Caucasian beauty market. Eddie Jhin, top manager of Jinny United, stated, “Our company had been wanting to get into this market two years prior to opening our Los Angeles branch in 2010. “I believe that this new market for our company will bring many new changes and numerous good opportunities for the entire corporation.” Jinny Corp. will utilize its existing eight distribution warehouses to service and cater to the new Caucasian OTC stores located nationwide. Jinny Corp. also intends to invest millions in purchasing new inventories and products to support this new market. They have also ramped up several more millions into new software and hardware to support all the details and technical issues associated with servicing various types of customers for Jinny United down the road. Jhin added, “This new venture excites me in many ways because this could lead to having a global impact for our company if we can be successful this time around.” “My father left behind a great niche business for my family members and Jinny Staff members. Now is a good time to show the whole beauty industry what Jinny United is really capable of accomplishing. We need to emerge and stand up and show our real strength now.” “Jinny needs to lead our current OTC business to a new market and build a much stronger industry for the future. ‘Once the stadium is built, the coaches, players and the fans will come soon enough.’” 104

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

전세계적으로 가장 규모가 큰 다문화시장 유통업체인Jinny Corp는 2013년 7월, 새로운 뷰티 산업 분야로 진출할 것이다. 일반적인 시장, 다시 말해 백 인 뷰티 시장이다. Jinny united의 eddie Jhin 사장은, “저희 회사는 2010년 la 지점을 오 픈하기 2년전부터 백인 뷰티 시장으로 진입하고자 해왔습니다.” 라고 한다. “이 새로운 시장이 저희 회사에 많은 변화와 무수히 좋은 기회를 가져올 것 이라고 믿습니다.” Jinny Corp.는 전국 각지의 새로운 백인 겨냥 OTC 매장에 서비스를 제 공하기위해 기존의 유통 창고 8곳을 활용할 것이라 한다. Jinny Corp는 또한, 이 새로운 시장을 지원하기 위한 신제품 구매를 위 해 수백만불을 투자할 계획이다. 그들은 앞으로 Jinny united의 다양한 고객 서비스와 관련된 세부적이고 기술적인 문제들을 지원할 수 있는 소프트웨 어와 하드웨어를 위해 수백만불의 투자를 늘렸다. Jhin사장은, “이 새로운 모험은 많은 부분에서 저를 아주 들뜨게 합니 다. 만일 이번 일이 성공한다면, 저희 회사가 전세계적으로 미치는 영향력 을 크게 높일 수 있게 될 것이기 때문이죠.” 라고 덧붙였다. “제 아버지께서는 저희 가족들과 Jinny 직원들을 위해 아주 훌륭한 틈 새 시장을 남겨 두셨습니다. 지금이 바로 Jinny united의 진짜 능력을 전체 미용업계에 보여주기에 좋은 시기입니다. 이제 등장하고 두각을 나타내서 저희의 진정한 힘을 보여줘야 합니다.” “Jinny는 현재 저희의 OTC 비지니스를 이 새로운 시장으로 이끌어서 미래를 위한 보다 강력한 사업을 구축할 필요가 있습니다. ‘경기장이 건설 되면, 감독과 선수들, 그리고 관중들은 금새 몰려올 것입니다’”.

Jinny Corp. Customer AppreCiAtion DeAl Winners The following OTC stores purchased the highest quantities of the brands below in May and were rewarded for their efforts of taking part in the Customer Appreciation Deals. Jinny Corp. and the participating manufacturers congratulate the winners.

Andis Winners: Angie BeAuty supply #13 971 n. HAirston rd. stone MountAin, gA 30083 AtlAntA BrAncH HAir toWn BeAuty 470 rockAWAy Ave. Brooklyn, ny 11212 cHicAgo BrAncH HAir toWn BeAuty 470 rockAWAy Ave. Brooklyn, ny 11212 cHicAgo BrAncH

A-Z BeAuty supply 114 Front Ave. indiAnolA, Ms 38751 dAllAs BrAncH AlAMo city BArBer college 8910 BAnderA rd. ste. #204 sAn Antonio, tX 78250 Houston BrAncH king Wig & BeAuty 6100 MAck rd. #100 sAcrAMento, cA 95823 oAklAnd BrAncH Betty’s BeAuty supply 6313 11tH Ave. los Angeles, cA 90043 los Angeles BrAncH

XtreMe BeAuty Winners: BeAuty 4 u 6333 livingston rd. oXon Hill, Md 20745 AtlAntA BrAncH Jenny BeAuty 4238 lincoln HWy. MAtteson, il 60443 cHicAgo BrAncH nAture’s giFt 9469 W. AtlAntic Blvd. corAl springs, Fl 33071 MiAMi BrAncH

MAJestic BeAuty supply 14580 7tH st. #1 victorville, cA 92395 los Angeles BrAncH cAsABellA int’l liMited 13180 AsHFord point dr. Houston, tX 77082 Houston BrAncH BeAuty supply WAreHouse 2601 telegrApH Ave. oAklAnd, cA 94612 oAklAnd BrAncH

cHois Wig BeAuty supply 9155 dyer st. ste#A-45 el pAso, tX 79924 dAllAs BrAncH

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2013

April 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Derby Brunch Hatwalk Sponsored by ORS and Upscale

3rd Annual Derby Brunch Hatwalk brings Kentucky Derby flair and garden fashions to Atlanta just in time for Mother’s Day weekend What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than by getting gussied up for an ultimate ladies morning out on the town? Women from all over gathered in Atlanta at the Villa Christina at Perimeter Summit, donning their fanciest Derby hats and most fabulous dresses for the 3rd Annual Derby Brunch Hatwalk®. Before leaving for the charity event, attendees were sure to pack their sassy struts, fun-loving attitudes and plenty of smiles to go around. All in all, there was no happier or more unified group of ladies to be found in the city. Shopping, dancing, networking and styling were a few of the highlights found at the event. This celebration—sponsored by ORS and Upscale Magazine—allowed mothers, daughters, girlfriends and sisters to come together and fellowship sisterhood in high style. Sold


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

out every year, the charity event raised funds to benefit T.R.I.P. (Travel. Rebuild. Inspire. Progress.), a not-for profit organization that helps rebuild and revitalize distressed African-American communities. Hatwalk guests enjoyed exquisite food and conversation, a Shopping Marketplace with more than 20 vendors, souvenir photos and live jazz music from Atlanta’s very own Sol Factor Band, just to name a few attractions. The afternoon culminated with the much anticipated Hatwalk Competition, judged by Cha’Kiva Latrell Felder, Ms. Georgia Plus America 2013, where ladies strutted their magnificent hats and styles down the runway. Start TRIPPIN’ and make a difference at


Carino by Gold ‘N Hot Professional Ionic Turbo Dryer Carino by Gold ‘N Hot is an Italian inspired three-item collection that offers innovative technology and sleek design. First to launch is the Professional Ionic Turbo Dryer, featuring a compact design with 1875 watts for professional power. An ionic generator helps dry hair faster without damage. Versatile enough to dry all hair types, it features two speeds, six heat settings and a cool shot button. A snap-on pik attachment and snap-on concentrator are also included. For more information, please visit

CPNA U.S. Multicultural Market Session The African-American Perspective

At one time the only cosmetic lines available to African-American women were Flori Roberts (1965) and Fashion Fair (1973). Later, when mainstream companies finally addressed the need for makeup and skincare for darker complexions, more often the products were still not where they should be to meet the needs of this particular consumer. Today, there is still an enormous opportunity, and many brands are trying to capture this market share, in addition to the black hair category. While the rest of the economy was in a recession, black beauty and hair care had a recorded sales of over $8 billion a year even amid its own significant community unemployment and shifting beauty categories. This is an emgering and rapidly growing category fueled by the importance of America’s fastest growing populations including African-Americans (14%), Latinos (25%) and Asians (5%), totaling nearly half of U.S. population. Black beauty and hair care are global businesses greatly influenced by U.S. multicultural beauty and fashion trends and buying habits. The multicultural market is very segmented with trends, styles and sales constantly growing and shifting between various elements. Some categories are represented as a part of marketing campaigns and others are not, but in today’s

landscape innovation and change is inevitable. So what is the state of this particular market in 2013? Cosmoprof North America announces the first-ever educational session on multicultural beauty. A candid round table featuring experts will discuss the state of this untapped business. This session is of particular interest to the retailers catering to this market segment, especially the OTC community. The African-American Perspective session will take place on Monday, July 15 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Speakers include Lafayette Jones, Publisher of Urban Call Communications; Geri Duncan Jones, Executive Director of the American Health & Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI); and Sam Ennon, President of the Black Owned Beauty Supply Association (BOBSA). The session is open to all CPNA event attendees. PBA members can register for $40, while non-members can register for $50. Cosmoprof North America will take place July 14 – 16 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. For more information, visit

PBA Announces Postponement of ISSE Midwest The International Salon and Spa Expo Midwest (ISSE Midwest), held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Ill., has been postponed indefinitely starting with the 2013 event. Although the event was projected to be viable in upcoming years and the beauty industry showed tremendous support, the Board of Directors and Executives of the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), producers of ISSE Midwest, have determined that the resources used would be better allocated to PBA’s other programs, including new regional networking and educational events and legislative efforts. PBA is continually working to advance our industry. Our primary goal is to meet the demands of our members. As the industry’s leading trade association, we will continue exploring new opportunities, working with beauty organizations, and striving to


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

support the growth of the industry. “PBA has competing priorities and manages many programs to cater to the needs of our members.This decision will open doors to new opportunities to strengthen other efforts, such as our fight against industry deregulation, developing relevant education for our regional events and online, and to invest in premier industry research and studies,” said Steve Sleeper, PBA Executive Director. PBA is known industry wide as a leading producer of industry trade events. Our renowned events, including the International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach (ISSE Long Beach), the North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA), and PBA Beauty Week, are a catalyst for forging industry relations and advancing beauty careers.


Ad Index

JULY: 13-16 PBA Beauty Week

Advanced Beauty House of Cheatham .............73 Procter & Gamble .................... 3 Systems ..................... Cover, 46

Las Vegas, NV

14 NAHA Awards 2013 Las Vegas, NV

14-16 Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas, NV

**OTC Reader SPECIAL** Complimentary 3-Day CPNA Show Pass (Value: $140)! Use the special code “OTC13OB” when registering online to get a free pass.

AUGUST: 4-7 ASD Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV

17-20 Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2013 Atlanta, GA

Hoyu America .......................95 Professional Products American Dawn Inc ..............98 Unlimited .....................27, 70, 90 American International ... 2, 63 Idelle ................................ 47, 99 Queen Helene ....................... 105 Imperial Dax .........................77 Ampro .......................... Poster RA Cosmetics ..................96, 117 Inspired Beauty Brands .......49 Andis Co. .................................5 Reshma Distributors, LLC ....... 9 J & D Beauty Products .........25 Belson ....................................11 Royal & Langnickel ........8, 89, 94 J. Strickland ............... 29, 56, 97 Bonfi Natural/Wet-n-Wavy ..42 JBS Beauty Club ............. 84, 96 Schwarzkopf & Henkel .....22, 72 Brock Beauty, Inc. ...............109 JBS Hair .............. 48, 58, 59, 92 SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. .................... 50 Colomer USA ............ 120, IBC JF Labs/AFAM ...7, 35, 45, 101, 112 Smooth Care ........................ 115 Conair ............... IFC, 1, Poster Jinny Corp. ...................106, 107 SoftSheen-Carson .............13, 28 Cosmoprof North America .................... BC KAB Brands, LLC .................91 Spilo Worldwide ..................... 62 DRM-JPC ...............................55 Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ..............................111 Dream World, Inc. ............15, 16, 17, 32 M&M Products .................... 79 Dudu Osum Group ...............38

Starlet International ............ 119 Straight Arrow/Mane ‘n Tail ... 85

Taliah Waajid/Black Earth Products .................................. 67 Ecoco, Inc. ...................... 68, 100 Makari ....................................57 Miss Jessie’s ..................... 23, 69 Toni Love ................................. 98 Fantasia Ind. .........................34 Mitchell Group ......................43 Xtreme Beauty Fisk Industries .......................93 International ......................33, 78 Nature’s Protein ................. 21 Fromm International ...........37 ORS ........................................83

Genieco/Gonesh ...................41 Oster Prof. Products ............39 Helen of Troy .........................14


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

Reader Feedback 독자 의견

Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요!

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What efforts do you take to make men feel welcome in your store? 1. What children’s product does your store sell the most of? What makes it so popular? 1.당신의 매장에서 가장 잘 팔리는 아동용 제품은 무엇입니까? 그 제품이 인기를 얻는 이유는 무엇입까_______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you run seasonal sales specials during “Back to School” summer months? If so, are they successful? 2. 여름철 “백 투 스쿨” 시즌 동안 특별한 판매 행사를 실시합니까? 하신다면, 성공적인가요? _________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What bookkeeping tendencies do you have that keep your business running smoothly? 3. 당신의 비지니스를 원활하게 유지하기 위해서 어떤 회계방법을 사용하고 있습니까?__________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. How often do you change out the posters that hang in your store? Do you receive a good amount of feedback from customers because of them? 4. 매장에 걸린 포스터는 얼마나 자주 바꿉니까? 이로 인해 고객들로부터 좋은 반응을 얻습니까?______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) ____________________ State (주) _____________ 118

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




The multiple benefits of Creme of Nature 100% Pure Argan Oil include helping with: • Dry skin • Cracked feet • Stretch marks • Moisturizing baths • Promoting radiant, youthful skin • Dry hair • Split ends • Reducing frizz • Strengthening nails • Nourishing cuticles Creme of Nature 100% Pure Argan Oil is the allnatural, multi-purpose beauty treatment that helps to moisturize, renew and revitalize hair, skin and scalp. Argan Oil is a rare, precious moisturizing oil used for centuries as a beauty treatment in Morocco. Extracted in pure form, the lightweight daily moisturizer has absolutely zero synthetics, fillers, mineral oil or parabens. For radiant, youthful skin, lightly apply to face, neck, hands or liberally to your total body. Add a few 120

OTC Beauty Magazine July 2013

drops to skin after bathing to seal in the moisture and add glow. Use as a night time beauty treatment to moisturize dry skin and soften wrinkles. It also nourishes weak nails and softens dry cuticles. For healthy-looking, shiny hair, massage a few drops between your palms and distribute evenly throughout hair, focusing on roots and ends. Add a few drops to your favorite Creme of Nature conditioner or treatment for even more benefits!

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