The Color Issue OTC August 2016

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August 2016 | $6.00 The Color Issue

Latest Industry News Men’s Hair Color

Does Color Variety Affect Product Sales?


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


august 2016

c ont en t s

i n t hi s i s s ue Editorial Letter �������������������� 10 Add a Dash of Daring

조금은 더 대담해 지세요

Expert Advice ��������������������� 12 Colored Tools Boost Sales

Marketplace ������������������������ 16 Live Vibrantly

How Should You Sell It? �� 22 Nail Color

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은 네일 컬러입니다

Notes From the

Natural Nation ��������������������� 53 Be Bold with Color

Clipper Tips ������������������������� 66 An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Therapy Trends ������������������ 68 Coloring Beyond the Basics

Tonsorial Times .................. 70 Benefits of Color Hair Fibers

Industry News ������������������� 78 BIR Bits ���������������������������������� 92 Coupons ������������������������������� 95

Feature Article

Men’s Hair Color ���������������������������������������������������� 56

by Mezei Jefferson

Male grooming is always in style and an increasing number of men are coloring their hair, whether to cover up gray, darken natural hair color, or just for a change to their style. Let’s explore these three reasons for coloring, and how to achieve great results.

August 2016 | $6.00 The Color Issue

On The Cover

Show Calendar ��������������� 100 Ad Index ���������������������������� 100 Reader Feedback ���������� 102 Product Spotlight ���������� 104 Which ApHogee Shampoo is Right for You? 4

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Latest Industry News Men’s Hair Color

Does Color Variety Affect Product Sales?

OKAY Henna Natural Hair Color provides long-lasting, vibrant and rich color that can be applied to all hair types. This natural hair coloring solution is free of harmful chemicals like PPD, ammonia and peroxide which are known to cause hair damage. Premium quality, finely sifted henna powder enhances shine, conditions and protects hair.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


august 2016

c ont en t s

Knowledge To Know

Help Your Hair Color Customers Keep Their Hair Healthy ����������������������� 28 by Maria Cerminara When your customers buy hair color, discussing ways to keep colortreated hair healthy will go a long way to ensuring their happiness and repeat visits to your store. Stock your shelves with what they need, and be ready with information accordingly.

염색한 고객의 건강한 모발 유지를 도와주세요 고객이 머리 염색제를 구매한 경우, 염색한 머리가 건강하게 유지되는 방법에 대해 조언을 해주는 것은 고객의 만족도를 끌어내어, 단골로 만들 확률을 높게 만들어 줍니다. 선반에 제품을 채우고, 유익한 정보들을 준비하세요.

How to Permanently and Safely Color Relaxed Hair �������������������������34 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Generally, relaxed hair that has also been tinted appears to be dry and lifeless. This is due to the fact that relaxed hair should not be tinted in the same manner as virgin hair, but usually is. Read here to learn how to correctly color processed hair, what to use, and discover interesting hair facts.

스트레이트 헤어를 안전하고 영구적으로 염색하는 방법 일반적으로, 스트레이트 헤어에 틴트를 하게 되면 건조하고 생기가 없어 보입니다. 펴진 머리는 자연모와 다른 방식으로 염색되어야 하지만 대부분의 경우엔 그 구분이 없이 시술되기 때문입니다. 이 글을 읽고 염색한 모발을 어떻게 관리하고, 어떤 제품을 써야 하는지 알아보도록 하세요.

Business Tips

Can a Bedtime Routine Anchor the Entire Day? ���������������������� 40 by Lorin Young The components of a bedtime routine will vary, of course, from family to family, but being consistent is important for everyone in the family. Striving for balance in these four areas can help keep your entire family on track for success.

취침 시간이 하루를 결정하는 기반이 될 수 있나요? 물론 가족마다 취침 시간대는 다를 수 있지만, 취침 시간의 일관성을 유지하는 것은 모두에게 중요한 사항입니다. 여기서 소개하는 네 가지 주요 사항에 균형을 맞춰보세요.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

How to Help Customers with Hair Color Purchases ������������������������������������������������� 44 Hair color and business building go hand in hand. We sat down with an industry expert to learn how to better work with hair color customers.

고객들의 헤어 컬러 구매를 돕는 방법 헤어 컬러와 비즈니스는 서로 공생하고 있다.자리를 마련하여 업계 전문가의 조언을 들어보았다.

Manufacturer Profile

Sundial Brands ���������������������������������������� 58 Change is unavoidable, but keeping true to one’s roots while evolving for the better is one way to keep a business successful. As Richelieu Dennis, CEO and Founder of Sundial expressed, “innovation, a greater focus than ever on the consumer shopping experience inside the store, and a renwed focus on profitable growth in the channel” are three intriguing attributes about the multicultural beauty industry today. We were lucky enough to speak with Richelieu to learn more about the unique and personal history of his company that has stood the test of time for 25 years.

변화는 불가피하지만, 더 나은 발전을 이루면서도 그 뿌리를 충실이 지켜나가는 것이 성공적인 비즈니스를 유지하는 방법 가운데 하나다. Sundial의 창업자이자 CEO인Richelieu Dennis는 “혁신, 매장 내에서의 소비자 쇼핑 경험에 더욱 집중, 혁신과 채널에서 수익성 있는 성장에 대한 새로운 초점”은 현재 다문화 미용 산업에서 볼 수 있는 세 가지 흥미로운 속성이라고 말한다. 우리는Richelieu와의 대화를 통해서 20년 이상 시험의 시간을 버텨온 이 회사의 독특하고 고유한 역사에 관해 자세히 알아보는 시간을 가졌다.

Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ��������������������������������������������������������� 48 Color Me Healthy

Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article ������������������������������ 50 The Latest Super Hair Oil: Jamaican Black Castor Oil

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Art Director:

Anthony Camacho

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Carla Alexander Maria Cerminara Diana Czarny ReGia Davis Mezei Jefferson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Detra Smith Lorin Young


Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations.

OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 8

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Editorial Letter

Add a Dash of Daring 조금은 더 대담해 지세요 Cooking new foods is an enjoyable pastime I have discovered. I find myself searching Pinterest often for new recipes—fresh ways to prepare chicken on the stove top, a delectable dessert to bake, or an entire meal that can be created easily overnight in a Crock-Pot. All foods ultimately serve two purposes: to fuel our bodies and keep us healthy. The need is simple and undeniable, but who says you can’t have fun with it? Sure, you can eat a baked chicken breast plain, but it’s much more fun to season it and give it a little personality. The same idea can be applied to everyday beauty. It is vital that we all bathe regularly to stay hygienic. This leaves us with a fresh, blank canvas with which to face each day. It’s now up to us to make it exciting and create a style that is uniquely ours. In regards to your customers, this leaves them searching for the perfect makeup, lotions, oils, nail polishes, hair accessories, and perhaps hair dyes they can use to express their individual beauty. A common variant in beauty products is color, and it adds just a little dash of daring to life. It’s like seasoning…why be plain when you have the option to be exciting? This month we have jumped head-first into the topic of color. Within this magazine we cover topics such as keeping dyed hair healthy (page 28), how to safely color relaxed hair (page 34), men’s hair color (page 56), and even how you can help customers with hair color purchases (page 40). I know it sounds like this book only talks about hair color, but we go beyond that. Nail color is discussed on page 22, and we have an array of products from across the industry showcased in the Marketplace section. We hope this issue encourages you, both personally and as a store owner, to embrace what makes you unique and color your world with beauty. Spice up life!

새로운 음식을 요리한다는 것이 즐겁다는 것을 알았습니다. 그래서 요즘은 종종 핀터레스트를 검색해서 스토브에서 닭으로 할 수 있는 새로운 조리법, 맛있는 디저트 만드는 방법, 냄비로 하룻밤에 쉽게 만들 수 있는 요리들 등, 새로운 요리 방법을 찾아보곤 합니다. 모든 음식은 궁극적으로 2 가지의 역할을 하고 있는데, 그것은 우리 신체에 연료를 공급하는 것과, 우리의 건강을 유지시키는 것입니다. 그 필요성은 간단하고 명백하지만, 음식으로 우리가 재미를 느낄 수 없다고 누가 말할 수 있겠습니까? 물론, 간이 되지 않은 구운 닭 가슴살을 먹을 수는 있지만, 그것에 양념으로 맛을 더하고 약간의 개성을 가미하면 훨씬 감칠맛이 날 것입니다. 이와 마찬가지로 이러한 컨셉은 일상적인 미용에도 적용될 수 있습니다.

청결을 유지하기 위해서 정기적으로 목욕을 하는 것은 중요합니다. 이를 통해 우리는

날마다 청결함을 유지할 수 있는 것입니다. 독특한 스타일을 만드는 것은 우리 의지에 달렸습니다. 여러분의 고객들도 완벽한 메이크업이나, 로션, 오일, 매니큐어, 헤어 액세서리, 그리고 그들 각자의 아름다움을 표현하는데 사용할 헤어 염색법을 찾고 있습니다. 우리 외모에 쉽게 변화를 줄 수 있는 것은 염색이며, 이것은 우리의 일상에 약간의 대담함을 추가하는 것일 뿐입니다. 마치 맛을 내기 위해 약간의 양념을 더하는 것처럼…… 재미있어질 수 있는데, 왜 지루함을 택하겠습니까?

이번 호에서 저희는 색을 주제로 꾸며 보았습니다. 이 잡지에는 염색 모발 건강하게

유지하기(28 페이지), 릴렉서 사용 모발을 안전하게 염색하는 방법(34페이지), 남성 헤어 컬러 (56페이지), 그리고 고객들의 헤어 컬러 제품 구매를 돕는 방법(40페이지)까지 실려있습니다. 물론 이번 호가 마치 헤어 컬러에 관해서만 얘기하는 것처럼 들릴 수도 있습니다만, 그 이상을 포함하고 있다. 페이지 22에서는 네일 컬러에 대해 이야기하고 있으며, 마켓 플레이스 섹션에서는 업계 전체에서 선보이고 있는 다양한 제품들을 소개하고 있습니다.

이번 호가 여러분이 개인적으로나 매장 주인으로서 더욱 특별하게 만들어 줄 것이고

여러분의 세상을 아름다움으로 색칠할 수 있는 격려가 되길 바랍니다. 인생 재미있게 사세요!!

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Expert Advice By Detra Smith

Colored Tools Boost Sales

Stylists like tools that match their décor. I recently sold seven blow dryers to a lady who wanted all her stations to match. I’m sure she probably has matching flat irons and curling irons as well. Hairstylists look and feel more professional when they have a matching set of tools. These are the same customers that will change their tools if the salon changes colors.

Who May Be Interested?

Booth renters are great colored tool customers. I laughed once when I “These stylists like to walked into a salon and the stylists had have different tools decorated their flat irons with printed duct tape. I realized immediately they that set them apart.” needed to see our colored and printed tools. These stylists like to have different tools that set them apart. Mothers of teenage girls come to my salon at Christmas asking for tools to match their daughters’ bathrooms. They will buy matching sets as gifts. Matching colors make them feel special in their pretty spaces. The girls also like those tools for pictures and videos. We see our colorful tools on social media quite often.

Meet Detra Smith

We Are Visual People.

Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to look at wall of blow dryers in a store and wonder which one to buy. Many times the color is the deciding factor. Most hairstylists zoom in the color before they ask about weight, temperature settings, or wattage. We are visual people. If the color doesn’t appeal to us, we don’t bother learning about a product’s performance. If I can get everything I like in a dryer and it is the right color I’m thrilled! If it is the right color, but does not have every desired feature I will still buy it. If it has every feature I’m looking for, but it is the wrong color I will leave it on the shelf.

Spice Up Your Sales

Colored tools add spice to your marketing and sales. Pretty tools are appealing to buyers during holidays and special occasions. With colored tools you can change your retail “Every display needs to display to match whatever is in make customers want to season. The tools can draw extra attention to colored bottles and take something home.” styling lines that need an extra boost. When customers see a pretty display they will compare it to what they have at home or in their salons. Every display needs to make customers want to take something home. Colorful displays should be seen from the top of the market to the bottom line sale. That builds momentum and drives sales for all. There is some truth to the phrase “Color speaks louder than words.”

Detra Smith is the Artistic Director for Helen of Troy


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



Live Vibrantly

Let’s be honest, your customers are anything but boring. They work to be at the top of their fashion game, stay on-trend, stand out from the crowd and look uniquely beautiful while keeping healthy. As their beauty supply provider it is important to stock all the items they want—in a variety of colors and styles to fit all of their individual needs—so they can live vibrantly.


Pink Kiss

Berry Ice®

Now shoppers in your store can indulge in the prettiest pink around, thanks to Sparks. Their unique vibrant, permanent Long Lasting Bright Hair Color options (like Pink Kiss shown here) produce the brightest shades imaginable. The formula conditions hair as it colors, leaving hair healthier looking.

Users can throw ‘n go with Berry Ice Protein Styling Gel from Ampro, using it to spike and control hard to manage hair. It is also perfect to keep hair from expanding in extreme humidity, and can be used to define natural curl patterns. The formula calms frizzies, manages curls and delivers an ultimate hold.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Color for Clippers Perfect for safe, accurate clipper cutting, the Master Dual Magnet Small 5-Comb Set is a great addition to any barbers’ collection. The long-lasting, quality magnets will not wear out and the secure snap-on design fits an array of Andis clippers. These patented magnetic combs eliminate the need for clips that bend or break.

Pick Color Fromm offers customers 3 different sizes of hair lifts packaged together in this Assorted Plastic Lifts item. Whether the shopper in your store purchases them for a beauty salon or personal use, having a variety of brush sizes in differing colors is always valuable and fun.

Rich Color. Shea Butter Soft. This hair color from Creme of Nature yields multidimensional color with radiant shine. Formulated with Ultra-Moisturizing Mango & Shea Butter Conditioner, the Moisture-Rich Hair Color is a liquid permanent product with long-lasting results. It is ammonia-free and provides 100% gray coverage. OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



Fabulous Fuchsia

The Answer Do your customers battle with thinning hair? If so, introduce them to Jerome Russell’s Hair Color Thickener. This spray-on formula easily covers up light to medium bald spots, hides gray and makes hair look fuller without damaging it.

The direct Ion Technology® engineered into the Hot Tools Fabulous Fuchsia Turbo Ionic® Salon Dryer is simply stunning. It injects a high volume of ions into the airstream, depositing them directly onto the hair to break apart water molecules for easier evaporation and faster drying. This helps condition and smooth, and makes hair shinier while reducing frizz.

4 Sizes, 4 Colors More rollers in more sizes means more styles! The BaBylissPro™ Nano Titanium™ Professional Ionic 30-Roller Hairsetter includes ceramic rollers in 4 sizes—small to jumbo—easily recognizable by color. The cores generate far-infrared heat in 2 heat settings to eliminate damaging hot spots, and keep hair looking healthy without frizz. Included butterfly clips ensure ease of use.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



Flawless Facial Hair The Just For Men Mustache & Beard color brings out the best in users’ facial hair. The easy brush-in application eliminates gray for a fuller, thicker look in just 5 minutes! Powerful enough to penetrate coarse facial hair, this color lasts until the gray grows back. Available in a variety of colors.

Color Creme

Intense Color

Your hair coloring customers can enjoy beautiful, uniform color results thanks to the rich, creamy formula of L’Oreal Technique’s Oreor® Creme 20 Volume Developer. For lifting action up to 2 levels, suggest they try this product!

Are your customers looking for perfectly balanced color dyes that deliver intense, visible high reflect color? More specifically, do they need a formula that is made for dark hair of all textures? If so, look no further than Dark and Lovely’s go intense!™ Ultra Vibrant Hair Color. This permanent non-drip gel hair color is formulated with olive oil to nourish hair with moisture as it colors, leaving tresses smooth, shiny and soft.

The Perfect Pre-Poo Balance, soothe and protect the scalp while relieving itching, flaking and irritation with Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Dandruff Control Pre-Poo Rinse. Natural and certified organic ingredients help to moisturize, detoxify and remove buildup while active ingredients help reduce inflammation, while calming scalp and sebaceous activity. It leaves the scalp balanced and relieved. 20

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Living Color Via Natural® Living Colors™ are designed to add dimension and art to the hair coloring experience. These semi-permanent hair colors are formulated with safe dyes, moisturizing conditioners, and hair strengtheners. The hair dyes are formulated with no alcohol, peroxide or ammonia, and provide vibrant, long-lasting color.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Nail Color!

One of the most fun ways for someone to express their personality is through nail color. Whether adorned with bright, fluorescent paint for summer, or a subtle, classy neutral for a professional look, shoppers’ nail colors can change quicker than their food cravings for lunch.

Why is it important for OTC store owners to carry an array of nail polishes at different price points? Does a wide choice of varied colors beneficially affect sales totals? “It’s essential for OTC store owners to carry an array of nail polishes at different price points to appeal to a wide array of consumers. OTC customers range in age and socio-economic levels, and with a few designer exceptions, nail polishes are a relatively low priced way to change your look. Color has the ability to change your mood, get you ready for a special event or even get your nails office ready. Whether customers are doing at home manicures or taking their signature polish to the salon, having a ‘something for everyone’ philosophy on nail polish and nail treatments will help sales. Nails are also a great way to test out a trendy color or texture without the commitment and damage of hair color or other complicated cosmetic items; nail polish is here today and removed tomorrow. Offering a wide selection of this beauty impulse item will only be beneficial to sales.” Nancy Hinojosa, ibd Brand Manager American International Industries

“It is more beneficial for store owners to carry an array of nail polishes at different price points as it will cater to every customer base. Customers who are looking for a lower price point may try that specific brand of polish and see a less successful result, leading them to try a more expensive price point for perhaps better results. Also, customers are more prone to pay any price point if the color of choice is what they are seeking.” Ecoco, Inc.

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the September issue! 22

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


어떻게 판매할 것인가?

이 달의 판매 초점은 ... 네일 컬러! 자신의 개성을 표현하는 가장 재미있는 방법 중 하나는 네일 컬러를 이용하는 것이다. 여름에 잘 어울리는 밝은 형광색으로 꾸미든, 프로페셔널 룩을 위한 은은하고 고급스러 운 중성 색상이든, 구매자들의 네일 컬러는 그들이 점심 식사로 먹고 싶어하는 음식보다 빠르게 달라질 수 있다.

OTC 매장 주인들이 다른 가격대의 매니큐어들을 다양하게 구비하는 것이 중요한 이유는 무엇일까? 다양한 색상의 다양한 선택이 전체 매출에 유리한 영향을 미치는가? “OTC의 상점 주인들은 넓은 범위의 소비자 군에 어필할 수 있도록 다른 가격대의 매니큐어 제품들을 다양하게 보유하는 것이 중요합니다. 네일 폴리쉬는 가장 저렴한 가격으로 여러분의 겉모습을 바꿔줄 수 있는 도구 입니다. 컬러는 여러분의 감정을 변화시키는 능력이 있으며, 당신이 특별한 이벤트에 참석하거나 심지어 직장에서도 어울릴 수 있도록 여러분의 스타일을 만들어 줍니다. 소비자들이 가정에서 직접 매니큐어를 바르든, 자신의 매니큐어를 살롱에 직접 가져 오든, 매니큐어와 네일 트리트먼트에 관해 ‘모든 이들을 위한 특별한 무엇’ 이라는 철학을 갖는다면 매출에 도움이 될 것입니다. 네일은 또한 유행하는 색상이나 텍스쳐를 시험해 볼 수 있는 아주 좋은 방법이며, 헤어 컬러나 다른 복잡한 미용 아이템을 사용할 때의 수고나 그로 인한 손상의 위험도 없습니다. 매니큐어는 오늘 바르고 내일 지울 수 있습니다. 충동적으로 구매가 쉬운 이 미용 아이템의 다양한 선택을 제공하는 것만으로도 매출 증가에 도움이 될 것입니다.” Nancy Hinojosa, ibd Brand Manager American International Industries

“다양한 가격대의 매니큐어들을 보유해서 모든 고객 기반을 충족시키는 것은 매장 주인에게 큰 이득이 됩니다. 저가 제품을 찾는 고객들은 특정 브랜드의 매니큐어를 시도하고 그다지 크게 만족스러운 결과를 얻지 못하게 될 경우, 좀 더 비싼 가격대지만 사용 후 결과가 좋은 제품을 시도할 수도 있습니다. 또한 고객들은 선택한 색상이 자신이 찾고 있던 것이라면 어떤 가격대이든 기꺼이 지불하는 경향이 있습니다.” Ecoco, Inc.

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 9월호에 게재됩니다! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Maria Cerminara

Help Your Hair Color Customers Keep Their Hair Healthy When your customers buy hair color, discussing ways to keep color-treated hair healthy will go a long way to ensuring their happiness and repeat visits to your store.

염색한 고객의 건강한 모발 유지를 도와주세요 고객이 머리 염색제를 구매한 경우, 염색한 머리가 건강하게 유지되는 방법에 대해 조 언을 해주는 것은 고객의 만족도를 끌어내어, 단골로 만들 확률을 높게 만들어 줍니다.

Brunettes, reds, blondes and crazy colors. It’s obvious that everyone is buying hair color in all its ranges. Helping your shoppers starts with observing who is buying color most often. Are your customers primarily licensed cosmetologists or consumers? Are they looking to change their natural color or are they women who want to cover gray? Stock your shelves and be ready with information accordingly.

Wide-Ranging Brunettes

When you plan inventory for brunettes, be sure to carry black as well as dark, medium and light brown. Stock shelves with permanent hair color in all these shades for natural gray coverage that lasts 4 to 6 weeks. The biggest mistake consumers who are buying brunette color make is misinterpreting their natural level. These shoppers should always be asked politely if you can look at the root area of their hair so you can help them select the proper shade. For healthy hair, it’s always best to stay within two shades of the natural level. For example, for dark brunette roots and gray coverage, suggest a light brown. Also Suggest: To be sure the hair is in optimal condition to accept color, suggest a quality conditioner.

Reds Both Warm and Cool

Reds are best showcased when you carry a variety of cool (mahogany) and warm (copper) tones. The trick to great red results is understanding skin 28

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

흑갈색 머리, 빨강 머리, 금발 및 화려한 컬러를 위한 염색제가 있습니다. 사람들 은 그러한 모든 색상의 염색약들을 구입하고 있습니다. 우선, 자주 구매하는 쇼핑 객들을 관찰하는 것부터 시작해보세요. 여러분의 고객은 주로 면허가 있는 미용사 인가요 아니면 일반 구매자인가요? 자연적인 모발의 색상을 바꾸길 원하시는 분 들인가요 아니면 흰머리를 감추길 원하는 여성분들인가요? 선반에 재고를 채우 고, 이에 따른 정보들을 준비하세요.

광범위한 흑갈색 머리 흑갈색 머리를 위한 제품을 구비할 때, 다크 브라운, 미디엄 브라운, 라이트 브라 운뿐만 아니라 블랙 브라운 염색제도 구비해야 합니다. 흰머리를 위한, 4주에서 6 주까지 지속되는 모든 색조의 퍼머넌트 모발 염색제를 선반에 채우세요. 흑갈색 모발 염색제를 구매하는 고객들이 저지르는 가장 큰 실수는 자신의 자연 머리색을 잘못 아는 것입니다. 그러므로 이러한 쇼핑객들이 적절한 색조를 고를 수 있도록, 모발의 뿌리 부분 확인을 공손하게 요청해야 합니다. 건강한 모발의 경우, 자연 레벨의 두 개의 색조 범위에서 선택하는 게 항상 최선입니다. 예를 들 어, 다크한 갈색 뿌리와 흰머리가 있는 경우, 밝은 브라운을 고객에게 권하세요. 또 다른 제안 사항: 모발이 색상을 흡수할 수 있는 최적의 상태인지 확인하세요, 그리고 품질 좋은 컨디셔너를 제안해주세요.

따뜻함과 차가움을 담은 레드 다양한 쿨 톤(적갈색)과 따뜻한 톤(적갈색)을 구비할 때, 레드가 최상의 쇼케이스

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Maria Cerminara

tones. If a woman has yellow or orange in her skin tone, copper red is never a good choice. For brunettes who are bored and want to give red a try, suggest an auburn semi- or demi-permanent color. These will provide a taste of red without the commitment of a total color change. Also Suggest: Reds are notorious for fading the fastest because the eye notices any color change quickly. To help preserve red, recommend quality shampoos and conditioners that are gentle and sulfate-free, and tend to suds less. Suggest waiting 48 hours after coloring to shampoo and always using tepid (lukewarm) water.

Born Blonde and Beyond

Blondes are the trickiest hair color in the shade palette. As a rule of thumb, those who are born blonde can maintain a single-process, permanent blonde without getting too brassy. Anyone breaking this rule should not go too light with a color choice, and should be prepared to paint-on a few highlights to cut the brass and create an individual look. For this reason, always carry a few different highlighting kits, as well as bleach lighteners and developers. To remain in control and maintain hair health, 20-volume is the developer of choice. Do not suggest a developer volume higher than 20, unless the customer is a licensed hairdresser. Also Suggest: Blonde color-treated hair requires a different level of protection when it comes to keeping hair healthy. Always recommend a heat protector for curling and flat ironing addicts. It’s also advantageous to carry and suggest blonde-specific hair care products, which maintain a moisture/protein balance and are guaranteed not to weigh the hair down.

가 될 것입니다. 훌륭한 레드의 결과를 나오게 하는 요령은 피부 톤을 이해하는 것 에 있습니다. 한 여성이 노란색 또는 오렌지 색의 피부 톤을 가지고 있다면, 적갈 색 레드는 절대 좋은 선택이 아닙니다. 흑갈색 머리에 질려서 레드 컬러를 해보고 싶어 하는 분이 있다면, 적갈색의 세미 또는 데미 영구 염색제를 제안해주세요. 이는 전체 색상의 변화 없이 레드의 느낌 을 만들어 줄 것입니다. 또 다른 제안 사항: 눈은 어떤 색상 변화를 빠르게 눈치채는데, 레드는 가장 빠르 게 색상이 바래지는 것으로 악명이 높습니다. 고객이 레드 헤어를 보존할 수 있도 록, 부드럽고, 설페이트프리(sulfate-free) 이며, 비누가 덜 뜨는 좋은 품질의 샴 푸와 컨디셔너를 추천해주세요. 염색 한 지 48시간이 지난 후에 샴푸를 하는 것이 좋으며, 항상 미지근한 물(미온)을 사용하는 걸 권장합니다.

타고난 금발 금발은 색조 팔레트에서 가장 교묘한 헤어 컬러입니다. 경험과 상식에 비추어 보 면, 타고난 금발을 가진 사람들은 과도한 황동 빛이 되지 않도록, 단일 과정을 통 해 영구적인 금발을 유지할 수 있습니다. 이 규칙을 깨는 이는 색상 선택을 너무 가볍게 해서는 안되며, 황동색을 자르고 나만의 룩을 만들기 위해 몇 가지 하이라 이트를 더 할 준비를 해야 합니다. 이러한 이유로, 탈색제와 현색제뿐만 아니라 여 러 하이라이트닝 세트를 항상 구비하셔야 합니다. 모발을 건강하게 유지하기 위 해, 20-볼륨이 현색제로 선택 될 것입니다. 고객이 전문 미용사가 아니라면, 20보 다 높은 현색제 볼륨을 제안하지 마세요. 또 다른 제안 사항: 금발 염색 모발은 건강함을 유지하기 위해 다양한 레벨의 보 호를 필요로 합니다. 컬링과 고데기를 위한 열 보호기 사용을 항상 권장하세요. 또 한, 수분/단백질 균형을 유지하는 금발 모발 케어 제품을 구비하도록 제안하세요,

Blondes can also benefit from using a semi- or demi-permanent hair color as a toner, which helps avoid a brassy look. Stock these in both violet and light blue/violet or pearl, and display them with the clear coloring products that they can be mixed with and then applied once every three weeks. Alternately, suggest a color conditioner to those customers who want to keep their color cool and platinum.

이는 모발의 짓눌림을 방지해 줍니다.

또한, 금발은 황동색을 피하는 데 도움을 주는 토너와 세미 또는 데미 영구 염

색제를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 보라색, 밝은 파란색/보라색 또는 진주색의 재고 를 갖추고, 섞을 수 있는 명확한 컬러링 제품과 함께 디스플레이하세요, 그리고 세 주에 한 번씩 응용하세요. 멋진 색상과 백금색을 유지하고 싶어하는 고객들에게는 컬러 컨디셔너를 제안하세요.

*Note: These blue and violet shades are not the crazy colors you might be thinking of. Toners like these are used on blondes either right after a bleaching or coloring service, but most often in between services when brassiness becomes pronounced. 30

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

*참고: 이 파란색과 보라색 색조는 여러분이 생각하는 크레이지 컬러는 아닐 것입 니다. 이와 같은 토너는 탈색 또는 염색 서비스를 받은 직 후인 금발 머리에 사용되 지만, 머리가 황동색이 될 때, 이 두 서비스가 가장 자주 언급됩니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Crazy Color Concerns

Crazy colors are a unique breed onto themselves. For these looks, it’s necessary to carry both bleaches and the vivid colors that create the look in two steps. Hair must be pre-lightened to platinum before applying the vivid color, and you should offer both powder and oil lighteners, as well as developers in higher volumes. The darker the natural hair, the higher the developer volume required to do the job. It’s highly advised that you sell these products to licensed cosmetologists only, because the potential for hair damage is high, and strand tests must be performed often during the lightening process. Also, you can’t expect crazy colors to last 4 to 6 weeks. In fact, a user will see a noticeable color change within a week. For this reason, suggest purchasing two of the selected vivid colors, so that one can be used as a refresher once the color begins to fade. Also Suggest: To prep the hair for crazy colors, suggest a heavy cream conditioner be used for a few weeks before coloring. Also recommend infrequent shampooing to allow the natural oils to build up on the scalp and act as a protective barrier. Advise customers that after the two-step coloring process, they should rinse until the water runs clear and wait 48 hours to shampoo. Recommend mild shampoos and conditioners intended for color-treated hair, and always suggest a heat-protecting product to use before any heat styling. Whether your hair color customers are consumers or licensed professionals, always stress maintaining the hair’s integrity. Think of each shopper as a learning lesson in helping you understand which products you need to keep fully stocked.

크레이지 컬러에 대한 우려 크레이지 컬러는 그 자체가 독특합니다. 이러한 룩을 원하신다면, 탈색과 선명한 색상을 사용 하는 이 두 단계가 필수 사항입니다. 모발은 선명한 색상을 바르기 전에 플래티넘으로 탈색을 해야합니다, 그리고 더욱 높은 볼륨의 현색제와 파우더 및 오일 라이트너를 제공해야합니다. 자연 모발보다 어두울수록, 필요로 하는 현색제의 양은 더욱 높아집니다.

이러한 제품은 잠재적인 모발 손상이 높고, 라이트닝 과정 동안 모발 테스트가 종종 수행

되어야 하므로, 면허가 있는 미용사에게만 판매할 것을 강력히 권고합니다. 또한, 크레이지 컬러는 4주에서 6주 이상 유지될 것이라고 기대해서는 안 됩니다. 사실, 사용자는 한 주 안에 도 색깔 변화를 눈치챌 수 있습니다. 이러한 이유로, 선택한 선명한 색상들 중에서, 두 개를 구매하는 것을 제안하셔야 합니다. 색상이 흐려지기 시작하면, 다른 한 색상은 기분 전환으 로 사용할 수 있습니다. 또 다른 제안 사항: 크레이지 컬러 염색을 준비하길 원하는 고객의 경우, 염색을 하기 전에 몇 주 동안 헤비 크림 컨티셔너를 사용할 것을 제안해주세요. 또한, 자연 오일이 두피에 구축되 어 보호 장벽의 역할을 하도록, 드물게 샴푸질을 할 것을 권장해주시기 바랍니다. 2단계 염색 과정 후에, 물에 깨끗이 씻길 때까지 린스를 하고 샴푸로 48시간을 기다려야 한다는 것을 고 객에게 조언해주세요. 그리고 염색 헤어용 마일드 샴푸와 컨디셔너를 추천하세요. 마지막으 로, 열로 스타일링을 내기 전에 열방지 제품을 사용할 것을 권장해주세요. 귀하의 염색제를 산 고객이 일반 구매자이건 자격증이 있는 미용사이건, 모발의 강도를 유지 하는 게 중요하다는 것을 항상 강조하세요. 모든 쇼핑객이 배워갈 수 있도록, 여러분은 재고 를 완벽히 채우고 상품을 이해하도록 도와주어야 합니다.

Meet Maria Cerminara

Maria Cerminara is the Vice President, Marketing at L’Oreal Technique. All the tips and tricks included in this article are from her. Her vast knowledge of hair color is the result of years of working with color artists and chemists, and of being a hair color client herself.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

How to Permanently and Safely Color Relaxed Hair 스트레이트 헤어를 안전하고 영구적으로 염색하는 방법 This article is designed to help Cosmetologists better serve their customers in regards to hair color products, so they can better understand their needs and wants with practical answers to their concerns. Generally, relaxed hair that has also been tinted appears to be dry and lifeless. This is due to the fact that relaxed hair should not be tinted in the same manner as virgin hair, but usually is. To begin with, if your patron wants both a permanent tint and relaxer service, you should always give the relaxer first and the tint afterward, but not on the same appointment. If you do it the other way around the relaxer will lift most of the color. The permanent tint formula consists of two formulas blended together to form the finished application. They are the tint and the peroxide or developer, usually mixed half-and-half. This formula is fine for virgin hair; however, if you follow this procedure on relaxed hair, the hair will become over-processed.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

다음의 항목은 고객들의 염색 약품 선택을 돕기 위해 작성되었습니다. 고객들 의 필요를 이해하고, 궁금점들에 대한 현실적인 대답을 목적으로 쓰여졌습니다.

일반적으로, 스트레이트 헤어에 틴트를 하게 되면 건조하고 생기가 없어 보입

니다. 펴진 머리는 자연모와 다르 방식으로 염색되어야 하지만 대부분의 경우엔 그 구분이 없이 시술되기 때문입니다.

고객이 영구 틴트와 머리펴기를 동시에 원할 경우, 반드시 릴렉서를 먼저 사용

하고 염색약을 나중에 써야 합니다. 또한 이 시술은 같은 날에 행해져서는 안됩니 다. 순서를 바꾸게 될 경우, 릴렉서가 대부분의 색깔을 들어올리게 됩니다.

영구틴트 약품은 두 가지 성분으로 만들어졌습니다. 틴트와 과산화수소과 대

개 반반씩 섞여져 이루어집니다. 이 성분은 자연모에는 괜찮지만, 펴진 머리에 착 상할 경우 머리카락이 과다 변화됩니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

The purpose of the peroxide or developer is to oxidize and penetrate the cuticle layer by rendering it to a porous condition (by forming little microscopic holes throughout the cuticle layer, allowing the tint to enter these holes [porosity] and adhere to the cortex). After hair is relaxed the relaxer has actually removed as much as 30 percent of the cuticle layer; the cuticle structure that remains is left in a porous condition. Therefore, if you use the amount of peroxide or developer called for in the manufacturer’s instructions, the hair will become over-processed. This is because the peroxide or developer will go beyond the cuticle and will penetrate the cortex—seeing as there will be no cuticle resistance—allowing the natural oils and moisture in the bonds to escape. The manufactures of hair color, in describing the use of their product, are assuming that the product will be used on virgin hair. Therefore, they are not taking into consideration the special conditions and requirements of performing this procedure on relaxed hair.

The correct formula for tinting on processed relaxed hair is as follows:

Use the same amount of tint as originally called for in the formula, but reduce the amount of peroxide or developer by one half. Replace that one half with distilled, deionized water (this water can easily be found in any supermarket; be sure that it is clearly labeled deionized), or use skim milk that will also condition the hair. You can also create a color soap cap by using a low pH or neutralizing shampoo. Add a few drops of liquid protein to this formula; this will act as a filler-all for the over porous condition. Shake well and apply to the hair according to the manufactures’ instructions. You will find that this diluted formula will allow your color to come up just as fast on this previously relaxed hair as a full strength formula will on virgin straight hair, and the hair will not appear to be dry and lifeless a few days later. It’s a good idea to give a liquid protein treatment a few days prior to the color to repair much of the cuticle deterioration and porosity caused by the relaxer treatment. When using water in the formulation of hair color mixtures, do not use tap water. Tap water goes through miles of metal pipes and becomes “metallic,” resulting in the hair picking up green and purple highlights. Note: Peroxide and/or developers actually serve two functions. They are to oxidize the cuticle in order to render it porous so that the color can reach the cortex, and to allow the color to grab to the cortex so that it stays permanently embedded in the cortex. When using only half as much peroxide as described above, you are only using what is needed to allow the color to grab onto the cortex, because the cuticle that was not dissolved by the relaxer is more porous than the peroxide would ever render it, plus about 30 percent or more of the cuticle is gone. Never use any form of bleach on relaxed hair because it will deteriorate already weakened hair from the relaxer. The same holds true for permanently waved hair. If you want a lighter color on dark hair, try using color that is two or three shades lighter than the shade you want.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

과산화수소나 디벨로퍼의 목적은 큐티클 층을 뚫어 다공화(미세한 구멍을 다

수 뚫어 틴트가 통과할수있도록)하는것입니다. 머리카락이 펴진후엔, 머리카락 의 큐티클 층은 약 30%까지 제거됩니다. 그렇기에, 일반적인 양의 과산화수소를 사용할경우엔 머리카락이 과다변화됩니다. 왜냐면 과산화수소나 디벨로퍼가 큐 티클을 지나 피질까지 뚫게 되며, 자연적인 기름이나 수분이 빠져나가게 되기 때 문입니다.

염색약 제조사는 이 제품이 자연모에 사용되어질것이라고 상정하고 설명서를

작성합니다. 그렇기에 그들은 펴진 머리에 사용될 경우에 필요한 농도를 설명하지 않습니다.

펴진 머리를 틴트하기 위한 바른 사용양식은 다음과 같 습니다. 틴트 양은 그대로 두되, 과산화수소나 디벨로퍼의 양은 반으로 줄입니다. 그리고 탈염 증류수와 1대1의 비율로 섞습니다. (탈염 증류수는 마트에서 쉽게 찾을수 있 습니다. 증류수라고 명시되었는지 반드시 확인하세요). 아니면 탈지우유를 사용 하셔도 됩니다.

산성, 혹은 중성 샴푸를 사용하여 색소 비누를 만드실수도 있습

니다. 액체 프로틴을 이 혼합물에 떨어뜨리면, 과다 다공화를 방지합니다. 잘 섞 으신후, 설명서대로 머리에 바릅니다. 희석된 약품이 기존 제품과 같은 속도로 염 색할수 있다는 사실을 알게 되실것입니다. 또한 며칠후엔 머리카락이 푸석푸석 하고 건조하지 않게 됩니다.

염색하기 며칠전에 액체 프로틴 시술을 해두면, 머리 펴는 시술로 손상된 머리

를 재생하기가 쉽습니다. 염색 혼합물을 반들때 절대 수도물을 쓰시면 안됩니다. 수도물은 수도관을 통과하는 동안에 금속성을 띄게 되기 때문에 머리카락이 녹색 혹은 보라색 색깔이 들게 됩니다.

노트: 중화제와 디벨로퍼는 두가지 작용을 합니다. 머리카락을 다공화 시켜

색깔이 피질에 닿게 하고, 또 색소가 피질에 영구적으로 붙게 합니다. 위에 말한대 로 절반의 중화제를 사용할경우엔, 색소가 피질에 붙는 용도로만 쓰이게 됩니다. 스트레이트된 머리는 이미 30%의 큐티클이 제거되어 있기 때문입니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Note: To color virgin unprocessed hair, the process will take longer because natural Afro hair has twice as many overlapping cuticles in any given area of the hair shaft. It takes longer for color to penetrate those additional cuticle layers.

Can hair color help grow hair?

염색을 하면 머리가 빨리 자라나요?

The reason that people believe that perms, relaxers, and hair colors help to grow the hair is because in such services there is a very clear and defined line of demarcation when the new growth appears. They can now actually see the new natural growth as distinguished from the treated hair. However, if they measure the length of the hair, they will discover that the hair is the same length or shorter than before. Chemical services such as those mentioned above actually weaken hair, not make it stronger, so hair growth is not one of their advantages. If they did aid in promoting and stimulating hair growth, then the manufactures would proudly say so in their advertising.

펴진 머리엔 절대 탈색제를 쓰시면 안됩니다. 이미 손상된 머리가 더욱 상하

게 되기 때문입니다. 영구 펌된 머리도 마찬가지입니다. 머리에 밝은 색을 입히 고 싶으시다면 원하는 톤보다 2-3 톤 더 밝은 색을 사용해보세요.

사람들이 흔히 파마, 스트레이트, 혹은 염색이 머리를 빨리 자라게 한다고 믿는 이 유는, 새로 자라나는 머리가 쉽게 확인이 되기 때문입니다. 하지만 머리길이를 직 접 재본다면 머리가 전과 같거나 더 짧다는것을 알게됩니다. 위에 언급된 화학 시 술들은 머리카락을 약하게 하기에, 머리가 빨리 자라게 하지는 않습니다. 만일 그 런 효과가 있다면 제조회사들이 대대적으로 광고를 했겠지요.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-283-7118.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Business Tips By Lorin Young

Can a Bedtime Routine Anchor the Entire Day?

취침 시간이 하루를 결정하는 기반이 될 수 있나요? The components of a bedtime routine will vary, of course, from family to family, but being consistent is important for everyone in the family. I strive to balance four important things: cleaning up and getting ready for the next day, getting ready for bed, reviewing the day and transition time with a parent.

물론 가족마다 취침 시간대는 다를 수 있지만, 취침 시간의 일관성을 유지하는 것

1. Cleaning up and getting ready for the next day:

1. 다음 날을 위해 정리하고 준비하기:

은 모두에게 중요한 사항입니다. 저는 다음과 같은 네 가지의 주요 사항에 균형을 맞추기 위해 노력합니다: 바로, 다음 날을 위해 정리하고 준비하며, 잠들 준비를 하고, 하루를 점검하고, 부모로서의 역할을 하며 시간을 보내는 것입니다.

Personally I prefer having the kids clean up before dinner because it’s easier than cleaning up after dinner and toys, with a “family fifteen” or other clean up game. Whenever you clean up, I do believe that tidying up one’s personal and common space is an important habit to have (and I’m not just talking about the kids, people!)

개인적으로 저는 식사 전에 아이들이 정리하는 걸 선호하는 편입니다, “Family

Getting ready for the next day could mean setting out clothes for the next day, or at least just deciding what to wear. It also might involve knowing your child’s school schedule. If it’s a school night, you might want to make sure kids have what they need for the next day (Is it library day? Does he need gym clothes? Does she have all her homework? Where is the backpack anyway?)

2. Actually getting ready for bed:

가방이 어디에 있지?)

This is the part of the bedtime routine that is probably pretty similar from household to household. This would include at a minimum getting into jammies, brushing teeth, and putting dirty clothes in their hamper or dirty clothes basket/crate.

3. Reviewing the day together:

For me, this is the part of the bedtime routine that is tempting to blow off some days in the interest of time. It is also the most important: spending time with you. In our family, this is the part of the day where I like to go over the kids’ reward charts (true confessions: I usually don’t get to this every night) and we talk about how the day went. This generally helps with 40

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

fifteen” 또는 여러 정리 게임으로, 식사 전에 정리하는 게 식사한 후에 정리하는 것보다 더 쉽기 때문입니다. 저는 정리할 때마다, 누군가의 개인 공간과 공동 공 간을 정리하는 것이 중요한 습관이라고 생각합니다(어린이들이 정리하는 것에 대 해서만 말하는 게 아닙니다!)

다음 날을 준비한다는 것은, 다음 날을 위해 옷을 미리 진열해 놓는 것을 의미

합니다, 또는 적어도 무엇을 입을지 미리 정해 놓는 것을 의미합니다. 이외에도, 아이의 학교 일정을 아는 것도 이 사항에 포함될 것입니다. 전날 밤에 미리 준비 해 놓으려는 경우, 아이가 다음 날에 필요로 하는 게 무엇인지 알고 싶으실 겁니다 (예: 도서관에 가나? 아들 운동복을 챙겨야 하나? 딸이 숙제를 다 했나? 아이의

2. 잠들 준비하기: 가정집마다 아마 꽤 유사한 취침 시간 일과를 가지고 있을 것입니다. 최소한 가 장 유사한 일과로는 잠옷 입기, 이빨 닦기, 바구니/상자에 더러워진 옷 넣기가 있 습니다.

3. 하루를 함께 점검하기: 저 같은 경우, 시간 관계상 며칠을 그저 날려버리게 되는 것이 취침 시간입니다. 하지만 취침 시간에, 또 다른 가장 중요한 점이 있습니다: 바로, 당신과 시간을 보 내는 것입니다. 저희 가족의 경우, 아이의 보상 차트를 살펴보는 것으로 하루를

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Business Tips By Lorin Young

sibling relations and reduces sibling fighting, because my kids talk to each other about problems or disagreements after the emotion is behind them. We occasionally do love games and write in our day book.

돌아봅니다(사실대로 말하자면, 매일 밤 아이들의 보상 차트를 보지는 않습니다),

4. Time with YOU

니다, 왜냐하면 아이들이 이 시간에 감정적인 것을 뒤로한 후, 문제 사항이나 동

If you’re still awake at this point, it’s a nice time to have some private time with each child, even if it’s just a few minutes. This could be reading or just cuddling together and talking; anything that gives them your undivided attention, even for a short time. This is especially crucial with multiple kids. Give these ideas a try for creating a successful bedtime routine. Like anything else, implementing a routine consistently is the key, but I bet you’ll start to look forward to this special time with your kids. Furthermore, the more efficient your routine is, the sooner you get time for YOURSELF to recharge! Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Meet Lorin Young

Lorin Spangler Young is a mom with three boys, and is also a contributing writer for


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

그리고 하루가 어떻게 지나갔는지에 대해 말합니다. 이러한 일과는 형제, 자매, 남 매 사이의 관계를 좋게 유지시키는 데 도움을 주고, 싸움을 줄여주는 효과가 있습 의하지 않는 사항에 대해 서로 이야기하기 때문입니다. 또한, 우리는 가끔 게임을 하고 일기장을 쓰는 걸 정말 좋아합니다.

4. 당신과의 시간 (부모로서의 역할 이행): 현시점에 아직도 깨어 계신다면, 몇 분 동안만이라도 아이와 사적인 시간을 갖는 것이 정말 좋을 것입니다. 책을 읽거나 그저 껴안고 있거나 이야기하는 것만으로 도 충분합니다. 짧은 시간 동안, 아이에게만 전념하여 관심을 주는 것도 좋습니 다. 특히 여러 아이가 있는 분이라면, 이 사항은 특히나 더 중요한 작용을 합니다.

성공적인 침실 시간 일과를 만들길 원하신다면, 이 아이디어를 활용해보세요.

다른 것과 마찬가지로, 이 침실 시간 일과도 지속적으로 유지하는 게 성공의 열쇠 입니다. 하지만 그 무엇보다도 자신의 아이와 특별한 시간 보내기를 원하실 거라 생각합니다. 더욱이, 여러분의 일과를 더욱 효율적이게 보낼수록, 자신을 재충전할 시간을 더 욱 빠르게 얻게 되실 겁니다!

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Business Tips By Lindsay Perez

How to Help Customers with Hair Color Purchases 고객들의 헤어 컬러 구 매를 돕는 방법

Lindsay Perez, Education Manger for Clairol Professional, knows hair color! With over 14 years of experience, Lindsay knows that hair color and business building go hand in hand. Consumers need to ensure they have all the right tools in addition to their color to ensure they have a good experience. Maintaining hair color provides additional opportunities to help store owners increase consumer’s shopping carts while building customer loyalty.

Clairol Professional의 교육 매니저인 Lindsay Perez는 헤어 컬러를 잘 알고 있

We sat down with Lindsay and asked her thoughts about how to work with hair color customers. Lindsay notes, “If you notice a customer perusing the color aisle, this is a great opportunity to not only help them find the right shade, but also ensure they have the right tools and care products. A great color result ultimately starts with the right shade and the right developer. Encourage your customers to check the mixing ratio to make sure they have enough developer for each application. Another important piece to consider “The better the customer experience is the method at the store and the more products of application, the consumer purchases, the more meaning a bowl loyal they are to you!” and brush, or a bottle applicator. Your customer may already have a preferred tool in mind, but a bowl and brush is ideal for cream color applications while a bottle is best suited for liquid color.”

In addition, Lindsay noted that plastic duckbill clips are also a great add-on, because they will help your customer evenly color their hair one section at a time. And of course, she noted to not forget to show consumers where they can find reusable colorist gloves.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

다! 14년 이상의 경력으로, Linsay는 헤어 컬러와 비즈니스가 서로 관련이 있다는 것을 알고 있다. 소비자들은 자신이 원하는 색상으로 좋은 경험을 갖기 원할 뿐 아 니라 자신에게 꼭 맞는 기구를 갖고 있음을 확신할 수 있어야 한다. 다양한 헤어 컬 러 제품들을 보유하는 것은 매장 주인들이 소비자들의 쇼핑 카트를 더 많이 채우게 하는데 도움이 될 뿐 아니라 고객 충성도를 구축할 수 있는 추가 기회를 제공한다. 우리는 Lindsay와 함께 앉아서 헤어 컬러가 소비자들에게 어떤 역할을 하는

지에 관한 그녀의 의견을 물어 보았다. Lindsay가 말하기를, “만일 헤어 컬러 제 품 섹션을 자세히 살펴보는 고객을 보게 된다면, 그것은 고객이 자신에게 맞는 색 상을 찾도록 도움을 줄 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 그들이 올바른 기구와 관리 제품을 갖 고 있는지 또한 확인할 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다. 멋진 헤어 컬러의 결과는 궁극적 으로 올바른 색상과 현상액으로부터 시작합니다. 고객들이 헤어 컬러 제품을 사용 할 때 충분한 현상액을 사용할 수 있도록 혼합 비율을 확인할 수 있게 하세요. 또 한가지 중요하게 생각해야 할 것은 제품의 적용 방법인데, 그릇과 브러시를 사용 할 것인지 병 모양의 용기를 사용할 것인지를 말합니다. 당신의 고객들은 이미 마 음 속으로 맘에 드는 도구를 정했을지도 모르지만, 그릇과 브러시가 크림 타입의 염색 제품 사용에 이상적이며, 병 모양의 용기는 액체 염색 제품에 가장 적당합니 다.”

또한, Lindsay는 플라스틱 집게 또한 염색 시 유용하게 사용되는데, 염색액을

한 번에 한 섹션씩 고르게 바르는데 도움이 되기 때문이다. 그녀는 또한 소비자들 에게 재사용이 가능한 염색용 장갑이 진열된 위치를 알려주는 것도 잊지 말 것을 언급했다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Business Tips By Lindsay Perez

Lindsay called out how important it is to not stop there. After-care is one of the biggest opportunities to increase sales while building customer loyalty. She recommends you help your customer keep their color vibrant by recommending color protective care products like the award winning Clairol Professional iThrive Color Vibrancy regimen. The CHROMALock technology found in the shampoo, conditioner, and treatment creates a protective shield around each hair strand for longer lasting color that shines. Lindsay closed by saying, “The better the customer experience at the store and the more products the consumer purchases, the more loyal they are to you! Don’t be afraid to offer these recommendations – the recommendation is exactly what they are looking for.”

Lindsay는 중요한 것은 여기서 끝이 아니라는 것을 강조했다. 애프터 케어는

고객 충성도를 구축하는 동안 판매를 증가시킬 수 있는 가장 큰 기회 중 하나이다. 그녀는 고객들이 선명한 헤어 컬러를 유지할 수 있도록 수상 경력이 있는Clairol Professional 의iThrive Color Vibrancy와 같은 색상 보호 관리 제품을 고객들에 게 권할 것을 권유한다. Chromalock 기술이 샴푸와 컨디셔너, 트리트먼트 제품 에 접목되어, 모발 하나하나에 보호막을 형성하여 모발 컬러를 더 오래 지속하면 서도 윤기 있게 한다.

Lindsay는 마지막으로 이렇게 말했다, “고객들이 매장에서 더 나은 경험을

할수록, 그들은 더 많은 제품을 구입할 것이며, 당신의 매장에 대한 그들의 충성도 는 높아질 것입니다! 두려워하지 말고 그들에게 이런 것들을 권유하세요- 당신이 추천하는 것은 그들이 찾고 있는 바로 그것입니다.”

Meet Lindsay Perez

Lindsay Perez is the Education Manager for Clairol Professional.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Beauty Ambassador By Carla Alexander

Styling Tools

Color Me Healthy

Beautiful hair color can add amazing depth and clarity to our overall appearance. There are many important steps in maintaining healthy hair, especially when you are adding color—like washing with color protecting as well as using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. Adding nutrient supplements are a great health boost for your overworked locks—but there are also other ways to bring out the color in radiant hair as well as maintaining superb health.

At Gold ‘N Hot, we don’t stop there. We have specialty tools that add curls, crimps, waves and shine to all hair textures. Did we mention our Conditioning Heat Cap? This professional tool activates conditioners, leaves hair soft and manageable

Stay away from harsh detergents, damaging ingredients and chemicals. Use color with the least amount of harsh ingredients. Once you achieve your color, focus on deep-moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, oils and treatments which will help your hair’s elasticity and will result in resilient, fast-growing hair. By diligently selecting the right conditioners and moisturizers, you can keep that beautiful color and those gorgeous locks. Finding the right mix for both beautiful and healthy hair can be tedious. At Gold ‘N Hot we care about all aspects of your hair health— and your busy schedule—so we do the research for you to find the best hair care technology available. We’re confident that Ceramic, Tourmaline, and Ionic Technology all work together to ensure that your hair has style, shine and great health. Choosing the right hairstyle is also a critical part to showcasing and protecting healthy hair. An ideal style minimizes damage by tucking delicate hair ends away from the harsh sun rays, and also requires less time under the heat of your dryer or styler. Smooth updos, creative braids, and soft buns, for example, can be achieved with only a few seconds of heat, but look amazing! These styling methods help hair retain moisture and protect the delicate ends of hair. A glamorous hairstyle is not possible without a smart selection of styling tools. For perfect drying, we recommend the Gold ‘N Hot Professional 1875 Watt Ionic Ultra-Lightweight Dryer with Tourmaline. Whether your hair is natural or relaxed, this dryer gives you the power and technology to dry hair quickly and gently. Integrated tourmaline conditioning and an ionic generator emit negative ion heat that dries hair faster, reduces static frizz and seals in moisture for healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. Straight and healthy hair is a breeze with our Gold ‘N Hot 1” Professional Ceramic Tourmaline Iron. Reaching heats up to 430°F and with tourmaline-infused ceramic plates, heat is distributed evenly for fast styling and sealed-in moisture that leaves your hair shiny, silky-soft and frizz-free.

and assists in restoring damaged hair. Once you get your hair product in and the cap on, you are free to relax and let the cap do the work. Regardless of the length, style or condition of your hair at the moment, Gold ‘N Hot has the tool to get you from where you are to where you want to be. There is no reason not to look your best all the time. Our Gold ‘N Hot Ionic Professional Soft Bonnet Dryer is another great option to dry your hair faster, with healthy, shiny, beautiful results. The dryer’s portability makes it convenient for travel, allowing you to take your show on the road. Healthy hair and robust growth start with vitamins and good nutrition. With that foundation, you can easily develop and follow a healthy hair regimen to fix issues like rough, dry, frizzy, dull, unmanageable hair. At Gold ‘N Hot, we pride ourselves in giving you the look you need, while ensuring you have healthy, vibrant hair. We put control in your hands by offering a wide array of technologies, temperatures and sizes, and are continually innovating to bring you the best haircare appliances available. Black and Gold will become the top colors you want to see in your hairstyling kits, so get them while they’re hot! Gold ’N Hot Products provide quality, professional tools to hairdressers. We also empower customers to get professional results from the comfort of their homes. Gold ’N Hot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact us at feedback@ or visit our website at Be sure to follow (or like us!) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways and more.

Meet Carla Alexander

Carla Alexander is a Brand Manager in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. Since earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Dallas Baptist University, she has pursued her passion in the marketing field and finds particular satisfaction in helping people be their own kind of beautiful.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care

The Latest Super Hair Oil: Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis). Containing Vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids, Jamaican castor oil has many topical uses and is a natural hair treatment. Jamaican Black Castor is processed differently, resulting in a higher content of nutrients that thicken the hair. During processing, the seeds of the castor oil plant native to Jamaica are roasted. This roasting results in a darker, or “black” castor oil, that is more effective than the clear pharmacy castor oil due to the increased ash content. Containing Vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids, Jamaican Black castor oil has many topical uses and is a fantastic natural hair treatment for all hair types and textures. This oil works for so many hair types because the oil works on the roots/follicles and not the hair itself to moisturize, thicken, strengthen and fortify hair growth. A healthy scalp means healthy hair. Increasing blood flow to the scalp and supplying valuable nutrients to hair follicles, Jamaican Black Castor Oil prevents breakage, dandruff, eczema and dry, itchy scalp. Palmer’s® has taken this super-star we lovingly call “JBCO” and reformulated the entire Olive Oil Formula® range to contain Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Formulated for a wide range of hair types, these Olive Oil products eliminate the guess work of how much to use and how to apply without leaving hair greasy or weighed down. The entire range of Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® products is now also free of harsh chemicals like parabens and mineral oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil’s rich, moisturizing properties and high level of monounsaturated fatty acids make it ideal for use on the hair. Olive oil is one of the best hair moisturizers and conditioners because of a rich yet lightweight emollient property that can penetrate the hair shaft. All Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula products also contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant with fantastic hair benefits like protecting strands from color fade, moisture retention and even preventing split ends. It’s important to layer moisture from the very beginning of the hair care process. Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Smoothing Shampoo imparts the benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil right in the shower, in a rich sulfate-free formula that won’t strip the hair, leaving the natural moisture balance undisrupted. A key part of moisture retention is to refrain from over-washing, which is a major factor in dry hair and scalp. 50

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

To avoid this, Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Clean Scent Dry Shampoo can be sprayed directly on roots between washes to refresh, volumize and revive the hair, keeping a clean look and fresh feel for days longer. Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Restoring Conditioner fortifies the hair with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, antioxidant Vitamin E, and Keratin protein for added strength and repair. Using this conditioner starts the moisture building process right in the shower. For those who need added moisture for drier or coarser, textured hair, Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Strengthening Leave-In Conditioner can be applied to damp or even dry hair prior to styling to detangle and tame unruly strands, leaving hair glossy and beautiful. Olive oil’s unique lipid structure is also able to penetrate the hair shaft quickly to repair hair, and protect from future damage. Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula® Spray Oil is an easy way to impart dry, brittle strands with moisture in a convenient spray pump. This product can be sprayed onto the roots to soothe itchy scalp, or only on hair’s ends for a shiny finish. For finer hair textures, the Weightless Shine Dry Oil Mist can be lightly spritzed over dry hair for the ultimate sheen on your finished style.

Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula line includes a complete regimen of products including:

Olive Oil Formula® Smoothing Shampoo Olive Oil Formula® Replenishing Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Conditioning Spray Oil Olive Oil Formula® Weightless Shine Dry Oil Mist Olive Oil Formula® Super Control Gel for Edges Olive Oil Formula® Strengthening Leave In Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Clean Scent Dry Shampoo Olive Oil Formula® Co Wash Cleansing Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Gro Therapy Olive Oil Formula® Curl Extend Hair Pudding Olive Oil Formula® Moisturizing Hair Milk

These products can be found in mass and chain drug retailers across the country, and even around the world.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Notes From The

Natural Nation By Diana Czarny

Be Bold With Color

Hair color adds a new dimension of personality to your customers’ appearance, inciting individuality and an empowered look. What better time to spice it up than summer? We all spend less time indoors and more time out and about, so hair color is a wonderful element to change up how customers feel and look. Many people are looking to let go of conventional hair colors and branch out in the hotter spectrum—this means brighter, bolder colors. There’s a movement toward accent pieces as well as a full root-to-tip color, but each year the season always brings about new trends and styles. Bright colors are here to stay, made famous by celebrities and fashion icons from all over the globe. Bold colors are fantastic statements to make your customers stand out and look their very best. For those unsure of whether they want to fully commit to a color, consider a semi-permanent color, like the Via Natural® Living Colors™ Jewel Collection. These hair colors are available in a large variety of shades to satisfy curiosity and allow for experimentation with different looks on a budget, while staying away from the commitment of a permanent color.

There has been a rise in popularity for ‘mermaid’ hair, a look consisting of alternating strands of colors which create a rainbow look and incorporates a multitude of dyes; this prompts customers to go out and buy more than one color to mix or add on. In conjunction with this style, pastels are popular in particular for those not looking to commit to a full deposit of color. Lavender, rose and seafoam are just some of the gorgeous colors that can be obtained creatively. Opal hair is on the rise this season, meant to mimic the iridescent gemstone, which incorporates strands of hair transitioning through a gradient of color throughout. Rose gold hair is also rising in popularity, which is a play on the colored metal that appears as a light pink color with copper and silver tones. When these colors catch sunlight they are more pronounced and dynamic, making for a brighter and more interesting style. While adding color and lifting to get the desired shade is routine, your customers should know the facts on color hair care. Using colorsafe shampoo and heat protectants for styling are staples in maintaining a fresh color, and it’s a great idea to keep these products close to the dyes in store. This can help make sure each customer is satisfied when they leave with their purchased products and continue to come back as loyal customers. Happy coloring!

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Feature By Mezei Jefferson

Men’s Hair Color

Blending Grey is a great place to start for men with over 20% grey who do

Male grooming is always in style and an increasing number of men are coloring

their hair, whether to cover up gray, darken natural hair color, or just for a

not want an immediate drastic change, or for men who like the distinguished

change to their style.

look, but want it to appear subtler. The grey blend process will not totally cover the grey hair, but rather lessen it. This can be achieved by a couple of different

Gone are the days where men’s hair color kits resemble black shoe polish,

techniques such as level up or the comb method.

leaving men with an un-natural look. There are any number of coloring kits on

the market today for DIY coloring with natural results. Men’s hair color kits

provide everything you need for the process, and they come in various shades to

(shade) lighter than the natural hair color. For example, your hair is dark brown,

match or enhance a man’s natural hair color.

you would choose a medium brown shade to apply. The end result will be a

The level up method is achieved by selecting a hair color that is a level

toned down grey effect by creating less of a contrast between the natural hair

Companies have created men’s kits geared towards the African American

color and the grey hair.

male, featuring darker shade selections and are specially formulated for courser

hair textures. Many of today’s hair color technologies also feature easy to use

“shampoo-in” applications and are designed to process the color in 5 minutes,

to the spine of the comb and then comb through the hair. The key to keep the

leaving the hair soft and conditioned. Today’s at-home coloring kits for men

results natural is to only comb through each section once so the color doesn’t

will create a very natural finish to the hair that looks masculine. The results

look patchy. This type of application can be repeated over time, removing more

give a healthy matte finish to the hair versus traditional women’s hair color

and more grey each time until he is ready for all of his grey to be covered. For

that produces a glossy finish. If you’re not ready to let the world know you are

the man that wants more of his grey covered or just wants a different shade, the

coloring your hair, the key is to have the results almost un-detectable; start the

covering grey or full coverage option is for them.

In the comb method, a wide tooth comb is used by apply the hair color

coloring process early when you are seeing 10-20% grey hair. Covering Grey/Full Coverage is an option for the man that doesn’t want to see Let’s look at 3 reasons why men would color their hair and provide tips on

any grey or doesn’t like the natural color of his hair. We see this trend, especially

having the best possible results with each.

in barbershops for African American and Latino men to darken their natural

Blending Grey

color. This trend of darkening the hair after a close haircut gives a sharper

Cover Grey/Full coverage

appearance to the outline of the haircut. For this type of coverage, use a shade

• Beard 56

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

of men’s hair color that is the same as the natural color. If a more distinctive

look is desired, use a shade darker than the natural hair color. Because this is an all over coverage, the shampoo-in method can be used for even color results. Now that all the grey is gone on your head, it is time to tackle beards! Beards on men have become all the trend from beaches to boardrooms! Men want their beards to look full and healthy to complete their look. There are many new beard care lines that promote a well-conditioned beard. A quick and easy way to make your beard appear thicker, fuller and healthier is to use hair color. This can be done with a full shampoo-in application on the hair and beard, or just the beard to have a subtler effect. It doesn’t matter if men color their hair to have a sharper outline as a trend, or if they color to blend away grey…with men’s DIY hair coloring kits and the right application, anyone can take care of their grooming needs with natural results.

Meet Mezei Jefferson

Mezei Jefferson is the Director of Education for SoftSheen-Carson.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Manufacturer Profile

Richelieu Dennis Change is unavoidable, but keeping true to one’s roots while evolving for the better is one way to keep a business successful. As Richelieu Dennis, CEO and Founder of Sundial expressed, “innovation, a greater focus than ever on the consumer shopping experience inside the store, and a renewed focus on profitable growth in the channel” are three intriguing attributes about the multicultural beauty industry today. We were lucky enough to speak with Richelieu to learn more about the unique and personal history of his company that has stood the test of time for 25 years.

변화는 불가피하지만, 더 나은 발전을 이루면서도 그 뿌리를 충실이 지켜나가는 것이 성공적인 비즈니스를 유지하는 방법 가운데 하나다. Sundial의 창업자이자 CEO인Richelieu Dennis는 “혁신, 매장 내에서의 소비자 쇼핑 경험에 더욱 집중, 혁신과 채널에서 수익성 있는 성장에 대한 새로운 초점”은 현재 다문화 미용 산업에서 볼 수 있는 세 가지 흥미로운 속성이라고 말한다. 우리는Richelieu와의 대화를 통해서 20년 이상 시험의 시간을 버텨온 이 회사의 독특하고 고유한 역사에 관해 자세히 알아보는 시간을 가졌다. 58

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both Sundial and the beauty business? How did the company get its start? Richelieu Dennis (RD): My background is originally from Liberia, West Africa and I came to America to go to college. Afterward I could not go back home because there was a civil war there, so my best friend and I started making and selling soaps along with different hair and skin care preparations on the streets of Harlem, New York. My grandmother had made different hair concoctions with local produce, so we made the same things and sold them here in America. That is where Sundial got started. OTC: Is there a primary focus of this company? RD: The biggest focus of the company is to provide the highest quality, most efficacious natural products in the market. OTC: Likewise, is there a certain philosophy or belief that the company is founded on? RD: We focus on the fundamental principle of creating natural products for underserved consumers—meaning those whose needs aren’t met, whether from having difficulty finding products and brands that appeal to them, or having needs that aren’t addressed by mainstream brands. For us, that’s our North Star. I like to think that we deliver on that better than anyone else on the market.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): Sundial과 미용 산업에서 귀하의 배경은 어떻게 됩니까? 회사는 어떻게 시작되었습니까? Richelieu Dennis(RD): 저는 서 아프리카 Liberia에서 대학 진학을 위해 미국으로 왔습니다. 당시 우리 나라에서 내전이 있어서 다시 고향으로 돌아갈 수가 없었습니다, 그래서 가장 친한 친구와 뉴욕 할렘가에서 다양한 모발 및 스킨 케어 제재를 이용한 비누를 제작 판매하기 시작했습니다. 저희 할머니께서는 예전에 주변 지역에서 생산되는 원료를 이용해서 다양한 모발용 혼합물을 만드셨습니다, 그래서 저희도 같은 것을 제조하여 미국에서 판매하게 되었습니다. 이것이 Sundial이 시작된 배경입니다.

OTC: 회사는 어디에 중점을 두고 있습니까? RD: 회사가 가장 크게 초점을 두고 있는 것은 고품질의 가장 효과적인 천연 제품을 시장에 제공하는 것입니다.

OTC: 회사 설립에 대한 특별한 철학이나 신념이 있습니까? RD: 저희는 충분한 서비스를 받지 못하는 소비자들 – 다시 말해 원하는 제품이나 브랜드를 찾는데 어려움을 겪는 사람들 혹은 주류 브랜드로는 해결되지 않는 요구를 갖고 있는 사람들을 위한 천연 제품 생산의 기본 원리에 초점을 두고 있습니다. 저희에게 이것은 북극성과 같습니다. 시장에서 어느 누구보다 저희가 나은 제품을 제공하고 있다고 생각하고

OTC: What is one distinguishing fact that sets the company apart from others within the beauty industry?


RD: Our Community Commerce business model—it focuses on how we leverage business to drive commerce and underserved communities. For instance, in our supply chain there are over 12,000 women in cooperatives in West Africa that provide raw materials and ingredients. That is bringing commerce throughout the mutual system we touch, and it is a differentiator; the fact that we continue to develop other businesses around our business in the community. Ten percent of our revenue goes back into investing in those initiatives, supporting those women and establishing their businesses.

OTC: 귀사가 미용 업계의 다른 업체들과 차별화될 수 있는 점은

We also work with various scholarship programs. Opportunities are provided for 10 local high school kids who wouldn’t ordinarily get the chance to go to a summer intern program, and 6 scholarships through Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business Minority Programs.

이것이 바로 차별화입니다. 커뮤니티에서 저희 사업 주변의 다른 기업들을

The whole business model is to generate revenue and reinvest it into people within the communities we serve to help them build up their businesses as well.

무엇입니까? RD: 저희 커뮤니티 상거래 비즈니스 모델입니다. – 이것은 충분한 제공을 받지 못하는 커뮤니티와 상거래에 몰두할 수 있는 비즈니스를 활용하는 방법에 초점을 두는 것입니다. 예를 들어, 저희 공급망은 서아프리카의 12,000명 이상의 여성들이 협력하여 원료 및 성분을 제공하는 것입니다. 이것은 우리가 접촉하는 상호 시스템을 통해 상거래를 이루고 있으며, 지속적으로 개발한다는 점이죠. 저희 수익의 10%는 다시 이런 여성들을 지원하고 그들의 비즈니스를 확립한다는 취지로 재투자되고 있습니다. 또한 저희는 다양한 장학 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.

일반적으로 여름 인턴 프로그램에 참가할 기회를 얻지 못하는 지역의 10개 고등학교 학생들에게 기회가 제공되며, 다트머스 턱 경영 대학 소수인종 프로그램을 통해 6개의 장학금도 제공하고 있습니다.

전체 사업 모델은 수익을 창출하고 지역 사회의 사람들에게 재투자

함으로써 그들의 비즈니스를 성장시키는데 도움을 주는 것입니다. OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Manufacturer Profile OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 브랜드에는 어떤 것들이 있습니까? RD: SheaMoisture, Nubian Heritage, 그리고 Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Culture 입니다. 이 세 브랜드 모두 상당한 수의 소비자층 중복과 함께, 특히 네추럴 제품을선호하는 소비자들의 요구를 충족하는데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

OTC: 제품 출시 시, 사용법 및 일반적인 정보에 관해 소비자들과 매장 주인들을 어떻게 교육하고 있습니까? 소셜 미디어도 그 역할을 합니까? RD: 저희는 소셜 미디어를 통해 많은 것을 하고 있습니다. 그것은 아주 크고 강력한 플랫폼이며, 분명 거기에는 거대한 결속이 존재합니다.

또한 저희는 많은 매장들을 직접 방문해서

일대일 교육과 트레이닝을 실시하고 있습니다.

OTC: What are the brands that make up your product portfolio? RD: SheaMoisture, Nubian Heritage and Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Culture. All three of our brands serve and focus on the differing needs of different audiences, with a considerable amount of consumer overlap in mass, natural, specialty and prestige.

이것은 최전선에서 교육을 유지할 수 있는 가장 큰 방법이지만, 저희에게는 진정한 교육을 제공할 수 있는 가장 큰 기회를 얻는 것이기도 합니다.

OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? Does social media play a role? RD: We do a lot through social media. It is a very large and robust platform, and there is certainly a lot of engagement there. We also do a lot of store direct one-on-one education and training through visits. That is the biggest way of keeping education at the forefront, but for us that’s where we have the biggest opportunity to really drive education. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? RD: The natural trend has grown quite dramatically. As we continue to drive towards more growth and try to figure out where to grow, it will continue to be in natural, but we also can’t forget that not every consumer styles her hair naturally. So we all as an industry need to refocus on all consumers’ needs and not just one consumer. What has happened over the years has been a strong focus only on natural consumers; it started with a heavy focus on relaxed consumers and now has shifted to a strong focus on natural consumers. We have to make sure we’re balancing this out so all consumers are getting their fair share of attention and innovation. OTC: What are the company’s goals for the rest of 2016? Any big plans you can share? RD: For us, it’s a lot incrementally; nothing big and major, but lots of small, important increments. We are going to strive for better education and training at store level, and implementing better programs for driving awareness and promotion in the store. So that’s really our next focus—doing a better job in the store for the consumer.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC: 미용 업계의 귀사의 분야에서 최근 가장 크게 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이라고 생각하시는지, 또한 회사는 그런 트랜드에 관한 소비자들의 수요를 어떻게 충족하시는지? RD: 네추럴 트랜드가 매우 극적으로 성장하고 있습니다. 저희는 더욱 많은 성장을 위해 매진하고 있으며 어떤 분야가 성장하고 있는지를 파악하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다, 네추럴 분야가 지속적으로 성장할 것이지만, 저희는 네추럴 헤어가 아닌 스타일의 다른 소비자들도 잊지 않고 있습니다. 그러므로 단지 일부 소비자가 아니라 모든 소비자들의 요구에 집중할 필요가 있습니다. 처음에는 릴렉서를 사용한 소비자들에 집중적으로 초점을 두고 시작했지만 지금은 네추럴 헤어 소비자들에게로 그 초점이 이동되고 있습니다. 저희는 이 모든 소비자들에게 공평한 관심과 혁신을 촉진시킬 수 있는 모든 것에 관해 균형을 맞추려 노력하고 있습니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Manufacturer Profile OTC: 2016 남은 기간 동안 회사의 목표는 무엇입니까? 공유할 수 있는 큰 계획이 있는지? RD: 저희는 점진적으로 많이 성장하고 있습니다. 단지 크고 주요한 것만이 아니라, 사소한 많은 것들까지 중요한 진전이죠. 매장 수준에서의 더 나은 교육과 트레이닝 제공에 지속적으로 힘쓸 것이며, 매장에서의 홍보와 제품 인식 촉진을 위한 더 좋은 프로그램을 시행하고 있습니다. 저희의 바로 다음 중점은 소비자들을 위해 매장에서 더 나은 일들을 하는 것입니다.

OTC: 마지막으로, OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 생각이나 비즈니스 팁이 있습니까?

OTC: What final thoughts or business tips would you like to share with OTC readers? RD: What I would say is let’s band together, hold hands, and really drive value for our consumers. This is a rapidly shifting marketplace and consumers are looking at all kinds of options and all kinds of channels. This channel we’re in has the opportunity to become more relevant to them, and we want to partner with the retailers in the channel to make sure that we capture the customer, keep her, and bring her back where she may have left. It’s an opportunity for real partnership, but in order to have it there has to be a lot of change attitudinally and structurally. It means different thinking, more focus on the consumer experience, and better assortments are needed. Additionally, less focus on discounting as a way to compete or on strategies that don’t provide the consumer with value is also needed. This is a unique time and we have a tremendous opportunity as an industry.

Company Name: Sundial Brands Address: 11 Ranick Dr. Amityville, NY 11701 Contact Number: 631-842-8800 Website: Years in Business: 25 62

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

RD: 제가 말씀 드리고 싶은 것은 함께 손 잡고 밴드를 결성해서 소비자를 위한 가치를 진정으로 구현하자는 것입니다. 빠르게 변화하는 시장과 소비자들은 모든 종류의 옵션과 채널을 찾고 있습니다. 저희가 속한 이 채널은 그들과 더 연결될 수 있는 기회를 갖고 있으며, 확실한 소비자층을 점유를 하고 지속적으로 그들이 다시 찾을 수 있도록 이 채널의 소매업체들과 협력하고자 합니다. 이것은 진정한 파트너십을 위한 기회이며, 그것을 얻기 위해서는 구조적으로나 태도적으로 많은 변화를 가져야 합니다. 그것은 사고의 변환, 소비자 경험에 더 많은 집중, 더 나은 종합적인 모음이 필요함을 뜻합니다. 또한, 경쟁의 방법으로 행해지는 가격 할인이나 소비자들에게 제대로의 가치를 제공하지 않는 전략들을 줄이는 것도 필요합니다. 특별한 시기이며 저희는 이 분야에서 엄청난 기회를 가질 수 있습니다.

회사명: Sundial Brands

위치: 11 Ranick Dr. Amityville, NY 11701 연락처: 631-842-8800

웹사이트: 사업 년수: 25

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure You may recall the Benjamin Franklin quote, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” He could have easily been referring to clippers and trimmers. When a customer sends in a product for a warranty claim to the Andis Company, the tools are analyzed to determine the problem. The majority are found to suffer from oil deficiency. Most of these problems could be avoided if the hair care professional simply followed the easy maintenance routine detailed below. Start by making sure your customers have the following items: clipper oil, Andis Dry Care™, Andis Cool Care™ and a cleaning brush. Every time a clipper or trimmer is used, the blade should be cleaned and lubricated. With the tool in OFF position, use a brush to clean out large surface debris on the blades. Next, use Dry Care™ with the concentrator nozzle to remove finer hair particles from the hardto-reach areas such as the gap between the upper/lower blades. Follow this up by spraying lightly with Cool Care (the tool should not be running). After it is sprayed with Cool Care, wipe residue with a dry towel. Next, place three drops of oil across the front of the blade and one drop on each side near the back where the blades touch. Turn the clipper on for about 15 seconds to make sure the oil lubricates the interior blade surfaces. Finally, wipe off any excess oil. I call this “clipper insurance” because the process ensures the tool is well maintained and it will operate at peak performance. The end result of this process is that the blade is clean, disinfected, lubricated and ready for the next cut. So make sure your customers know the proper clipper/ trimmer maintenance steps. Not only will it keep their investment running smoothly, but it’s also an opportunity to upsell maintenance-related products and boost your bottom line! Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company. 66

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter

Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.

Revolutionizing clipper technology. Again. Introducing the Pro Alloy™ clipper with XTR™ motor technology.

Our professional Pro Alloy clipper runs so cool it’s hot! Thanks to our new patent-pending motor technology – XTR (Extreme Temperature Reduction) – it runs up to 35 percent cooler than comparable clippers. XTR motor technology also delivers less vibration and less noise while providing the power and blade speed needed to cut any hair type. It’s also built to last with an alloy body for durability and long life. Visit to learn more.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



THERAPY TRENDS Coloring Beyond the Basics Hair, makeup and nail color trends have presented a kaleidoscope of dramatic color. Bold and extreme choices have become acceptable and popular. Consumers are comfortably selecting makeup and hair shades from various hues beyond basic primary colors. As OTC consumers prepare to purchase their shade selections for the upcoming 2016-2017 season, they will shop beyond the basics. Reds, blues and yellows will be evident in their very muted, and blended hues of mauve, cobalt and teals. Experimenting with color and color combinations has become the norm for the health and beauty industry. Consumers are taking more risks and becoming more energetic in their application techniques. Daring evening looks are creeping into daytime. What’s really shocking is that these designs and hues work for all nationalities. Shade trends are coming directly from the fashion runways and movie theatres. For instance, super-heroine movies and movies beyond the looking glass are teaching consumers that a basic black eyeliner is not the only choice. Eyeliners and eyebrows can be tinted green or violet. Hair coloring does not have to be brown or red—it can be fuchsia or teal. And, basic foundation shades can be selected with more control. One major manufacturer has launched 22 different shades of foundation to reflect the full range of skin tones from around the world after researching more than 7,000 global skin tones. Consumers are becoming individualistic about color, but it’s not in the direction of punk rock. It’s in sophisticated, elegant hues that go beyond the basics.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



TONSORIAL TIMES Benefits of Color Hair Fibers The use of color fiber concealers have become a great alternative or supplement to concealing hair loss as they are effective and affordable. There are many options and colors available to help effectively cover up those thinning areas and balding spots. Apart from the health challenges that can be avoided by using hair loss concealers, the other interesting benefit is the fibers’ ability to blend in naturally with existing hair. These hair building fibers offer a more sensible and suitable solution when compared to a hair augmentation solution. Professional barbers are using these fibers to help their clients achieve a natural looking hair line and a fuller scalp. The fibers thicken hair shafts and reduce the visibility of the bald parts of an individual’s scalp. Recently, I have come across a product specifically designed for curly textured hair called Make it Fuller by NouriTress Perfect Hair Products. The NouriTress product line was created to help resolve hair issues as they relate to hair thinning, shedding, breakage and hair loss. Make It Fuller Hair Fibers is a new breakthrough technology in hair thinning and hair loss solutions specifically formulated for curly textured hair. What I personally like is this product is made with all natural ingredients. Make It Fuller Hair Fibers are different from similar products because their proprietary advanced formula is designed to mimic the texture of curly hair and appear invisible to the human eye. Similar products on the market not designed for curly textured hair can look powdery and unnatural when applied. Some products can give the appearance of a painted, dull, stained look on the hair and scalp. Make It Fuller Hair Fibers will stay attached to the hair and become resistant to perspiration, wind or rain. Check out the product at and keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry

JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016




OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016




OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News

Men Embracing the New Nappy and Natural Movement Written by ReGia Davis

Let’s admit it, we’ve all encountered men who we either know, or have walked past, to where the first thing we noticed was their hairstyle. The style is so bold that it catches your attention and makes you wonder, “What do they do to their hair?” Society has grown accustomed to seeing men with fades, afros and locs as the only hairstyles for men. Well, it is safe to say that men have unapologetically taken their hairstyles to another level and have proudly embraced their natural manes. Even though the term “natural” is normally referred to a woman with an unaltered mane, men too have natural hair. Frohawks, nappy temp fades, high top fades, and tampered fades and fros are natural hairstyles. Men wearing their natural mane can now purchase Nappy Styles, a product line that focuses on men’s natural hair. Nappy Styles is the first product line specifically developed for today’s unaltered nappy and natural hair. These products were inspired by Master Barbers to help manage and maintain these hairstyles.

The Nappy Styles line consist of five products: 3N1 Napping Shampoo, Napping Quick Soft Leave-In Conditioner, Napping Crème Paste, Napping Gel, and Hair and Beard Oil. These products are infused with today’s most wanted natural ingredients including Black Castor Oil, Shea Butter and Coconut oil, providing the hair with all the nutrients, moisture, shine and softness. Whether a man is looking for a cleanser, a moisturizer or a styling product that will get their hair just the way they want it, Nappy Styles offers it all at an affordable price. The great thing about Nappy Styles products is that men can ditch the brush and comb, and embrace their soft, nappy hair with products made specifically for their unaltered hairstyles. Learn more at Regia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She has written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. Regia is currently doing freelance writing for numerous companies.

In-Cosmetics North America Reveals New Alliance with PCPC

The personal care ingredients show partners with industry’s leading national trade association

in-cosmetics North America, the new personal care ingredients event has announced its collaboration with the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC). Announced with just months to go until the inaugural exhibition takes place in New York on September 7-8, the partnership will help to promote a commitment to product safety, quality and innovation within the industry. Based in Washington D.C., PCPC is a leading trade association that represents the global cosmetic and personal care products industry. Representing more than 600 member companies that manufacture, distribute and supply the vast majority of finished personal care products marketed in the US, PCPC will be exhibiting at the show to raise awareness of product safety. Other exhibitors already booked at the show include a range of new and well-established companies. Lipotrue, for example, will offer insight into new technology developing active ingredients. Meanwhile, Gattefossé, renowned for its expertise in plant extraction, will also run a stand showing an exciting range of active ingredients. Natural cosmetics is a popular development in the current US market and these exhibitors will provide in-depth insight into how the market is developing. The show’s speaker line-up is structured to be a topical and content rich program addressing pertinent trends the industry is facing today. The latest confirmed speaker is Belinda Carli, Director of the Institute of 78

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Personal Care Science. Carli will showcase how manufacturers can look to create disruptive formulations for foaming products as part of the innovative ‘Formulation Lab’ programme. Daniel Zanetti, Exhibition Director of in-cosmetics North America, commented: “We are very excited to announce a collaboration with PCPC. in-cosmetics is committed to the importance of high quality standards in product safety within the industry. Maintaining these standards is top of the agenda and we’re looking forward to working closely with the team at PCPC to raise awareness and continue educating our audiences.” Mark Pollak, Senior Executive Vice President & Assistant Secretary, Personal Care Products Council, added: “Every day, millions of families around the world rely on and trust their personal care products. From moisturizer, lipstick and fragrance to sunscreen, soap and anti-cavity toothpaste, these products are essential to living better, healthier lives. incosmetics North America is a fantastic platform for us to connect with more manufacturers and suppliers to spread the message about product safety, quality and innovation, and educate them on trends moving forward.” The first show in the in-cosmetics North American event series takes place September 7 - 8 2016, in New York City. For more information, visit

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News Andis® Releases Pro Dry™ Tourmaline Ionic/ Ceramic Hair Dyer in New Inferno Red Color Andis expands its line of professional Pro Dry™ tourmaline ionic/ceramic hair dryers to include a new and vibrant Inferno Red color. Designed for all-day salon use, the Pro Dry Tourmaline Ionic/Ceramic Hair Dryer has 1875 watts of power for creating shiny, silky and frizz-free styles.

“If you’re looking for a lightweight and versatile dryer that can do it all, this is it. The tourmaline, ionic and ceramic technologies work together to break down water molecules faster to lock in the moisture that healthy hair needs,” says Karen Formico, vice president of marketing for Andis. “Perfect for blowouts, this dryer features a Hyper DC motor that is able to dry hair in the quickest amount of time while preventing heat damage for healthy, beautiful hair.” The Pro Dry Tourmaline Ionic/Ceramic Hair Dryer’s features include two speeds, three heat settings, a removable filter cap for easy cleaning


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

and a cool-shot button for locking in desired looks. Each dryer includes a snap-on concentrator and a pick attachment to provide professionals with additional drying and styling options. The Pro Dry Tourmaline Ionic/ Ceramic Hair Dryer from Andis includes a one-year warranty. Visit

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News

Andis® Launches #AndisNation Ambassador Program

Andis® Company announced the launch of its first social media ambassador program, #AndisNation. The program was open to all men’s grooming experts in the United States who exhibit Andis’ commitment to delivering cutting-edge style to become third-party ambassadors for the brand.

Any men’s grooming specialists, including barbers, stylists or cosmetologists, who are passionate about using Andis’ industry-leading tools to deliver the very best results in the men’s grooming space could apply to become an #AndisNation Ambassador. As part of the program, ambassadors will have access to new products, including exclusive product launches to review via social media. “Through Andis Nation, we are looking to discover brand ambassadors who are not only masters at their craft, but also passionate about using Andis professional tools to create both classic and eclectic looks,” says Karen Formico, vice president of marketing. “At Andis, we want to foster the amazing growth we’re seeing in men’s grooming and our #AndisNation program is way for us to work closely with men and women who share that passion for our brand.”

To be considered for the #AndisNation program, applicants were required to upload a photo of a finished men’s haircut to Instagram with a description of why they want to become an #AndisNation Ambassador. All Instagram submissions must include the #AndisNation hashtag. Andis will select the top 20 men’s grooming specialists who post to Instagram before Friday, July 22. For more information about #AndisNation, please visit Andis on Facebook (@AndisCompany), Instagram (@andisclippers) or Twitter (@AndisCompany) to learn more.

Lottabody Wants You to #CoWashandChill with its New Cleanse Me Co-Wash The co-wash is the first cleansing product in the brand’s coconut and shea oil infused product range.

Lottabody has added a Cleanse Me Co-Wash to its range of coconut and shea oil infused styling products. The move was a natural next step for the brand’s offering, which includes six other styling products designed to cut down on styling time and increase manageability for women with all hair types and textures. The Cleanse Me Co-Wash is a cleansing conditioner that gently cleanses and removes product residue while deeply penetrating and hydrating hair. This cleanser is enriched with coconut oil and a blend of both shea oil and shea butter in a formula that not only leaves hair clean and moisturized, but also detangles, conditions, tames frizz, adds brilliant shine and reduces shrinkage; the latter of which is a huge pain point for women with textured hair. Women with curly, coily or coarse hair textures often experience excessive dryness, which can worsen when routinely using shampoos that strip the hair of its natural oils (called sebum) and lead to hair damage. Co-washing has the opposite effect using the hair’s own natural oils to cleanse and condition the hair and scalp while replenishing and locking in moisture which makes the styling process a breeze. “Our goal with Lottabody has always been to create a range of products that meet the manageability, affordability, maintenance and styling needs of today’s woman on the go, so in that regard adding the Cleanse Me Co-Wash was a no-brainer for us,” said Jolorie Williams, Vice President of Multicultural Marketing at Revlon Pro. “We’ve also found that once women begin using a system of products that works well for their hair,


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they generally want to continue using items with that same formula, which is a sentiment we’ve heard from Lottabody’s consumers on social media who’ve been asking us to add cleansing products since last year,” Williams added. The Cleanse Me Co-Wash joins existing products in the Lottabody signature collection with coconut and shea oils, which launched in June 2014 and includes: Style Me Texturizing Setting Lotion, Moisturize Me Curl & Style Milk, Wrap Me Foaming Mousse, Shape Me Custard Gelée, Control Me Edge Gel and Love Me 5-n1 Miracle Styling Crème. Visit, or join the conversation on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @LoveLottabody.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News Inaugural Premiere Barber Challenge Powered by Andis® Draws Hundreds as Men’s Grooming Competitors Create Cutting-Edge Styles It was standing room only at the inaugural Premiere Barber Challenge Powered by Andis®, as top men’s grooming specialists from around the country—both professionals and students—competed to create awardwinning styles using Andis® professional tools.

The professional competition was the best-attended competition at the Premiere Orlando Show and drew more than 400 attendees, which included barbers, cosmetologists, stylists and students who watched intently as the barbers worked quickly during the competition.

“We’d like to thank everyone for their participation at this first-time event—the competitors put on an amazing show,” said Karen Formico, vice president of marketing for Andis. “The finished looks created reflect some of the best work being done in the men’s grooming space today and show what’s possible when talented barbers and stylists express their passion, creativity and expertise using Andis clippers and trimmers.”

In the student division, Jamarcus Phipps won first place, with Shaneil Lorenzo and Jose R. Madrigal securing second- and third-place, respectfully. On Sunday, June 5, Christopher Quinones of Gainesville, Ga., who is also manager of Legends Barber Shop, won first place in the professional competition for his finished cut that included a vibrant red high-top mohawk with an intricately designed undercut. With the win, Quinones took home a massive champion’s trophy, $250 and an Andis tool package. All competitors received an Andis tool package valued at more than $150.

Jesse Almodovar, of Walden, NY, and The Barber Lounge, was the Challenge’s runner-up for his execution of a high pompadour coupled with an undercut whirl design. Third place went to Orlando’s Steve Trujillo, from Art of Fades barber shop, for his aggressive, electric blue mohawk paired with a flawless skin fade.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News NEW Flowery “Starry Night” File Catty Collection! Make a wish upon Flowery’s new 4-in-1 File Catty featuring three dreamy fall designs.

Maintain the perfect “onthe-go” manicure with one of Flowery’s new Starry Night File Catty’s which are now available. This exclusive collection features three dreamy designs including “Dazzled in Gold,” “Chevron” and ‘Starry Night”. Each high-quality nail file is packaged in a sleek protective case that also serves as a manicure tool, featuring a nail snag quick fix window, cuticle pusher and under nail clean sweep.

Flowery is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. Learn more at

Flowery 4-in-1 File Catty™ – Starry Night Collection

• •

4 features in 1 manicure tool: • Sleek Case • Nail Snag Quick-Fix • Cuticle Push • Under Nail Sweep 180/240 grit nail file with 3 new dreamy designs: “Dazzled in Gold,” “Chevron” and “Starry Night” A perfect “grab-and-go” holiday gift!

ATTENTION INDUSTRY INFLUENCERS: Wahl Professional Unveils New Ambassador Program Do you have what it takes to represent Wahl?

Calling all passionate barber-stylists influenced by style and inspired by Wahl’s role in the beauty and grooming industry! Wahl Professional has launched an ambassador program to recruit those interested in everything Wahl—including the latest news and product launches. Wahl Ambassadors are industry influencers: licensed professional barbers and cosmetologists who are excited about the industry’s possibilities and how Wahl can help shape it. Will you be a part of what’s to come? “We’re really looking for Wahl’s most loyal fans,” says Aaron Flick, Marketing Associate, Professional Division, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “We want to make sure they are equipped with the proper information to achieve excellent results and thoroughly explore their creativity with Wahl Professional tools.” The Wahl Professional Ambassador program gives influencers a first look at new products and information on Wahl classes and events, provides tips from members of the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) and provides followers with the latest news from Wahl. Join today to receive exclusive content only available to Wahl Professional Ambassadors, including: • Sneak peeks at new products • Industry insights • Barber and stylist spotlights • Trade show demonstration first-looks • Product maintenance tips and techniques • Latest news and offers 86

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Screenshot from Wahl Ambassador website.

Wahl enthusiasts will be equipped with behind-the-scenes looks and the most upto-date information to best represent the latest and greatest from Wahl. The program presents the opportunity for professionals to unite in what they love: performing polished cuts using their innovative Wahl tools. “The inspiration for the program emerged from our loyal social media followers,” says Flick. “They’re always open and want to learn more about the products. And we want to reward them with exclusive first-looks at new items before they’re released.” Do you have the passion to represent Wahl? Joining the ambassador program is simple. Just visit to fill out the official form.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Industry News

Daytona State College Teachers Complete WAHL Men’s Method Training

Students at Daytona State College School of Cosmetology and Barbering will be among the first to gain the knowledge from the Wahl Men’s Method program! Lorraine Gerrity, Chair of Cosmetology and Barber Department for Daytona State College, wanted to participate in the Men’s Method program as soon as she heard about it. As an advocate for her students and staff, she believes her students need to be able to execute men’s cuts to be successful in the industry—Wahl Men’s Method delivers just that. “Wahl was the first to approach our school to better educate our teachers, who in turn can better teach our students,” says Gerrity. “With the new Wahl Men’s Method of haircutting, students will have a greater knowledge of what to expect when they graduate and enter the work force.”

Daytona State teachers recently received the first chance to train with the program to then teach their students. The launch presented the opportunity for teachers to be back in the students’ seats as they learned new techniques.

“To see all the instructors really involved, wanting to learn, and agree with what the program has to offer was outstanding,” says Tracey Nugent, Education Specialist, Wahl Men’s Method. “The training was executed at the highest level where the instructors were reminded of what the student goes through both mentally and physically when learning. This created an awareness that escalated the instructor’s enthusiasm which was inspiring to watch.” With a fresh and consistent curriculum, Daytona State teachers were excited to learn what Men’s Method has to offer and are now ready to launch the program at their campuses. “We had thirteen teachers in the Wahl Men’s Method 2-day training. Teachers attended from both our Cosmetology and Barbering programs. They all feel comfortable introducing men’s clipper cutting to our students enrolled in the fall,” says Gerrity. Men’s grooming is such an integral component in the beauty and barber industry. Not only is it a prominent trend, it’s also essential to learn in schools. The Men’s Method is a program that can enhance the basics in barbering and cosmetology curriculums. For more information about Wahl Men’s Method, please visit Photos courtesy of Wahl Professional.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


BIR Bits

TextureMedia and global market research firm Phoenix Marketing International partnered for the fifth year to deliver TextureTrends 2016, a 200-page report providing a comprehensive assessment of the texturedhair market. It provides detailed and actionable market intelligence for both brands and retailers. The report draws from more than 5,000 consumers, including more than 500 straight-haired consumers, and explores many areas of purchasing behavior and product usage, including awareness, spend, retail preferences and brand loyalty. The textured-hair category shows the transformative power of the consumer to reshape an entire market. It’s not surprising, considering the category was created by women increasingly frustrated by the lack of products for their wavy, curly and coily hair. More than 60% of the population has natural curls, coils or waves—with more people embracing their natural texture every day. Findings include:

• 50% continue to buy even after they’ve found their Holy Grail product. • 77% cocktail products regularly. • 47% rank reviews as the most important purchasing consideration of a new product. • 44% rank ingredients as the top purchasing consideration of a new product. • 50% say a sample encouraged them to purchase a product. • 54% consider shea butter as the most desirable ingredient, followed by argan oil. • 11% of coily consumers rank frizz as a concern; 46% rank it as their top concern. • 42% of women with coily hair wear their hair natural most often.

• The textured-hair consumer spends on average $37 a month on product—20% more than straight-haired consumers.

Visit, or follow TextureMedia on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Kline recently identified makeup’s new power trends for 2016

In 2015, retail sales of makeup in the Unites States soared to $13.2 billion, which is the largest growth for the market since 2011. Kline’s soon-to-be-published edition of “Cosmetics & Toiletries USA” pinpoints that such stellar growth of the makeup market is partly attributed to viral trends initiated by celebrities and social media makeup artist influencers. Kline recently attended The Makeup Show in New York City, and its team takes a look at the makeup trends they saw at the event, as well as other trends driving market growth in 2016.

• Face makeup – It’s all about color correctors. They come in a variety of different shades like purple, blue, green, apricot, yellow and red, and are used to conceal dark circles, as well as yellowness or redness of the skin.

• Eye makeup – Will consumers ever be tired of the smoky eye look? One trend that never seems to go out of style is the smoky eye look. Of course, there are new ways to wear the smoky eye, and new products are developed to enhance the trend, but the smoky eye remains one of today’s staple trends in eye makeup.

• Lipsticks and lip glosses – Liquid lipsticks have staying power. Super-bold and pigmented lips remain a staple of today’s selfie culture. • Nail polishes – Celebrity and influencer endorsements attempt to revive the category. The nail polish category, which had a rough year in 2015, experiences new launches supported by collaborations/endorsements with celebrities in an attempt to revive itself in 2016.

These trends alone have created much hype on social media sites like Instagram and YouTube, foreshadowing that 2016 will be another year for strong growth of makeup sales in the United States. For more insights, visit

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 92

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Deborah Summa joins the Kirschner Group, Inc. as a sales executive covering the Southwest territory, where she will join Bobby Jones in servicing customers.

Reach her at Visit

Miami is the Most Facial Hair Friendly City in America, says an annual study by Wahl, which refers to itself as the Official Sponsor of Facial Hair.

Rounding out the top 5 were Washington D.C., last year’s winner; Dallas; Atlanta and Austin, TX.

The Kirschner Group, Inc. has a new regional office in Minnesota.

It is located at 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite 180, Minnetonka, MN 55343, just a few miles from the previous location and is home for the sales and marketing management departments, as well as Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Midwest sales and support. The Kirschner Group’s headquarters remain in Valencia, CA. Reach the new office at 800-328-4353. Visit

American International Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of innovative, quality beauty and skin care products, and Gerry Udell Inc., exclusive sales and marketing agents covering the Northeast United States for some of the most prestigious lines and brands in the professional beauty field, recently celebrated their long-term relationship in Los Angeles. Said Gary Udell, “Zvi Ryzman, AII’s CEO, is the ultimate entrepreneur and AII continues to be one of the largest and most successful companies in our industry. Zvi and the Ryzman family continue to innovate within their own brands, as well as via acquisitions, to help expand their product

reach. AII is one of the pioneers and leaders in the nail, waxing and eyelash categories, which has enabled distributors to increase their share of the beauty market.” For more details, visit and

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Show Calendar Ad Index AUGUST: 6-9 NACDS Total Store Expo Boston, MA 14-15 IRIE Mega Beauty Expo Daytona Beach, FL 20-22 Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show Atlanta, GA 27-28 Ubiquitous Beauty, Hair and Health Expo Washington, DC

SEPTEMBER: 18-19 Armstrong-McCall World’s Fair Austin, TX 21-24 Natural Products Expo East Baltimore, MD

AFAM Concept Inc...........47, 79, 101

Fantasia Ind......................................... 37

Mitchell Group.................................... 23

American International................... 35

Giovanni Cosmetics......................... 87

NEOX.............................................. 38, 69

Andis Co........................................ 19, 66

Global Beauty Alliance.................... 27

One Bottle Products........................ 25

Beauty Man, LLC................................ 39

Helen of Troy....................................... 13

Beauty Perfection............................. 11 Beauty Ventures......................... 72, 94 Belson................................................... 49 Biocare Labs...................................8, 61

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

Innovative Beauty Products, LLC.. 73 Inspired Beauty Brands............ 32, 63 J2 Beauty...................................... 65, 77

PDC Brands......................................... 76 Queen Helene............................. 42, 80 RA Cosmetics.............................. 66, 89 Salon Commodities, Inc.....................7

Brittny Professional......................3, 26

JBS Beauty Club................................ 70


Colomer USA...................................... 90

JBS Hair............................. 2, 54, 55, 64

Spilo Worldwide................................ 46

Conair................................................... 21

KAB Brands.................................45, IBC

Strength of Nature............................BC

DRM-JPC Brands...........IFC, 1, 81, 91

Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products.............................................. 74

Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products.............................................. 29

Luster Products, Inc.......................103

Ten Pro.................................................. 70

M&M Products.................................... 43

Universal Beauty Products, Inc..... 52

Mane Selection.................................. 68

Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G.....................................5

Maranatha Soon Co.......................... 85

Xtreme Beauty International............Cover, 14, 15, 83

DreamWorld Products..................... 75 DeMert Brands................................... 71 E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc...51, 99 Ecoco, Inc.............................. 31, 41, 67


Hoyu America..................................... 33

Oster Prof. Products........................ 57

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard!

In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What nail polish color has been the most popular seller in your store this year? Do you think it is a trend? 1. 올해 당신의 매장에서 가장 인기 있게 판매된 매니큐어 색상은 무엇입니까? 그 색상이 트랜드라고 생각하십니까?

2. When you offer customers different colored goods (electric tools, brushes, styling accessories, etc.) does the variation help increase your sales? 2. 고객들에게 다른 색상의 제품들(전기 제품, 브러시, 스타일링 액세서리 등등)을 제공할 때, 다양성이 매출 증가에 도움이 됩니까?

3. Is there anything new you learned in this issue that you plan to use or implement to help your business? 3. 이번 호에서 당신의 비즈니스에 도움이 되도록 사용하거나 시행할 계획을 세울만한 새로운 것들을 배운 것이 있습니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name(성함)_____________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) ___________________ State (주) _______________________________ 102

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

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OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016


Which ApHogee Shampoo is Right for You?

With the recent launch of the ApHogee Keratin & Green Tea Shampoo, ApHogee now has four shampoo offerings. The Shampoo for Damaged Hair is the best shampoo to use on hair that is damaged to the point that it is breaking off, porous, has difficulty retaining color, split ends, rough cuticles, or hair that has been chemically or heat abused. It is fortified with four different proteins to maintain damaged hair while gently cleansing the hair. Chelators help remove toxins with ample levels of humectants. The Keratin & Green Tea Shampoo is great for minor breakage and hair that needs increased body, control and shine. It uses sulfate free cleansers and a balance of amino acids and antioxidants to maintain body and control. Great choice for frequent shampooers or people with color treated hair.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2016

The Deep Moisture Shampoo is for generally healthy hair that tends to frizz in humidity, lacks softness and tangles easily. It is enriched with emollients, humectants and light proteins to improve body and manageability. It works wonders for dry hair. The Curlific Textured Hair Wash is for natural, textured hair. It is a sulfate free, paraben free formula that is loaded with Quinoa protein, humectants, botanical extracts, and polymeric sealers to keep hair healthy. For more information, visit

Stop Breakage & Repair Damage ...nothing works like ApHogee.

Activated with heat, Proteins & Magnesium bond to the hair shaft infusing deep into the cortex to repair and strengthen.


Buy Two-Step Protein Treatment 4oz with Balancing Moisturizer 8oz,

SAVE 30%

Š 2016 KAB Brands LLC


Buy Two-Step Protein Treatment 16oz Get Balancing Moisturizer 8oz. plus Keratin & Green Tea Shampoo 12 oz,


Available while supplies last. For more information visit OTC Beauty Magazine June 2016


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