OTC Beauty Magazine, April 2019

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April, 2019 | $6.00 The Men’s Issue Male Hair Thinning Getting to the Root of It 12 Men’s Grooming Products to Stock Show Coverage The Big Show Jinny Miami and New Jersey Shows
2 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019

Renowned for centuries for its health and healing benefits, Black Seed Oil is rich in hair-loving Omega-3s and damage-repairing amino acids. You'll find this special essential oil infused into each product in our collection.


In Every Issue

We take a look at the Top 5 Men’s Items at Jinny Beauty Supply.

Male Hair Thinning

Getting to the root of it and finding the solution

Over 63 million people in the United States suffer from Alopecia, the technical term for abnormal hair loss. Male self-image can be significantly reduced by baldness, even though a correlation has been demonstrated between baldness and high levels of testosterone and thus, virility. Many balding men dream about a magic product will be found to restore the hair of their youth. Turns out, there are options available to them.

26 Knowledge To Know

The Necessity of Professionalism in the Beauty Supply Business Part I

Although the beauty supply stores of today are larger, with a wider choice of products, two important factors that distinguish them from the stores of the past are service and the time-honored code of For Professional Use Only. Many products that are available today display this statement on the label, but it is basically ignored by both the store management and the customers. Here’s why that’s problematic.

미용용품 분야의 전문가가 되라 - 1부

물론 뷰티 서플라이의 규모가 더욱 커지기도 했지만, 제품도

더욱 다양해졌으며 크게 달라진 두 가지 요소를 꼽는다면

서비스와 전문가 전용 제품일 것입니다. 오늘날에도 많은

제품의 라벨에 전문가용 제품임을 표기하고 있기는 하지만

스토어 관리자들과 고객들은 그러한 사실을 잘 알지 못합니다.

여기서 그 문제점을 파헤쳐 봅니다.

2 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 10 Editorial Letter The Well-Groomed Gentleman 멋지게 차려 입은 신사 12 Marketplace Hair Products for Men 20 How Should You Sell It? Men’s Grooming Merchandise 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 남성 그루밍 제품 47 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 94 BIR Bits 78 Therapy Trends Beyond Beard Deep 76 Clipper Tips Powerful and Compact: The New Andis CTX Clipper/Trimmer 80 Industry News 95 Show Calendar 97 Coupons 100 Ad Index 102 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 104 Product Spotlight Vitale Olive Oil Edge Rite 56 Top Sellers

Long-lasting scalp relief and luxuriously moisturized hair.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 3 BUY IT NOW RESPECT THE CROWN
©2019 P&G

Business Tips

4 Double-Edged Sword Philosophies that Lead to Destructive Company Culture

Whether we are conscious of it or not, the corporate culture of an organization can make or break how we feel about the organization and our place in it. While most awake and aware leaders say they want a constructive corporate culture, many are uncertain of what it really takes to shape it. Consequently, these executives and managers unintentionally lead their people toward the fatal, destructive side of the culture coin. They do this by buying into five double-edged sword philosophies: Winning above all else, commanding and controlling, opposing others, pursuing perfection, and keeping the peace. These philosophies will undermine your mission to craft a constructive corporate culture.

최악의 회사 문화를 만드는 양날의 칼과 같은 다섯 가지 고정관념

우리가 알고 있든 그렇지 않든, 우리 스스로가 회사와 직장에

대해 어떻게 느끼는지는 우리가 만드는 회사의 문화에 따라 크게 좌우됩니다. 대부분의 사람들이 건전한 회사 문화를 만들어야 한다는 점은 자각하지만 실제로 그러한 문화를 형성하는 방법은 잘 알지 못합니다. 결과적으로 그처럼 방법을 잘 알지 못하는 경영인들은 직원들이 완전히 잘못된 고정관념을 키우도록 부추기게 됩니다. 양날의 칼과도 같은 그러한 고정관념에는 5가지가 있는데 바로 다른 모든 사람을 이겨야 한다는 강박관념, 명령과 통제, 다른 사람을 적대시하는 것, 완벽 추구, 평화주의입니다. 이러한 고정관념은 여러분이 건전한 회사 문화를 형성하는 것을 방해합니다.

36 The Gift of Feedback

7 Steps to Move from Confrontation to Conversation By Dr. David Chinsky

Everyone depends upon the feedback they receive to appreciate and reinforce their areas of strength and to identify areas for personal and professional growth and development. There is no question that many people miss numerous opportunities to provide more frequent positive feedback that is specific, timely, and genuine. But the bigger challenge for most people is providing constructive feedback that reduces the wall of defensiveness that often accompanies their feedback. Here’s a seven-step constructive feedback process that will get you the results you desire.

피드백이라는 선물 모든 사람들은 피드백을 통해 자신의 장점이 무엇인지 깨닫고 그러한 장점을 더욱 극대화하는 반면 개인적으로 더욱 발전하고 보강해야 할 부분이 무엇인지도 알 수 있게 됩니다. 하지만 많은 사람들이 구체적이고 시기적절하며 진실한 피드백을 전달해 주지 못하는 것이 현실입니다. 또한 대부분의 사람들이 더욱 어려워하는 점은 그러한 건설적인 피드백을 상대방이 거부 반응 없이 받아들이게 하는 것입니다. 이글에 소개해 드리는 건전한 피드백을 전달하기 위한 일곱

단계의 과정을 통해 원하는 결과를 얻으시기 바랍니다.


Change Your Mindset or Suffer the Consequences 4 Steps to Thrive in Our Unstable World

We live in a world of unpredictable and uncontrollable change. How can we survive and even thrive when our environment turns against us? When you implement a few specific traits, you can gain a competitive edge in an unstable environment. The key element is the mindset shift to focusing on the things that lie in your area of control rather than constantly reacting to things out of your control. Instead of things getting easier, you get better! Learn how to withstand any business climate with these tips.


불안한 세상에서 성공하는 4가지 단계

우리가 살고 있는 세상은 끊임없이 변화하며 예측과 통제가 불가능합니다. 이러한 상황 속에서 살아남고 성공하려면 어떤 전략이 필요합니까? 몇 가지 특성을 기르면 어려운 환경에서도 경쟁력을 갖출 수 있습니다. 중요한 점은 여러분이 통제가 불가능한 상황에 끊임없이 대응하는 것에 초점을 맞추는 것이 아니라 통제할 수 있는 영역에 초점을 맞추는 것입니다. 상황이 바뀌는 것이 아니라 여러분이 변화하는 것입니다! 이러한 팁을 통해 어떠한 사업 환경에서도 적응하는 방법을 배워 보시기 바랍니다.

44 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Self-Care in Style

56 Jinny Beauty Supply Tradeshow

The Jinny Beauty Supply Big Show is well underway, with its first two stops held in Miami and New Jersey to record-breaking crowds in March.

Learn more about the new collection on page 96 or visit www.orshaircare.com ON THE COVER

The ORS Olive Oil relaxer products are perfect for achieving the shiny, straight tresses that many of your customers are wanting. The Full Application No-Lye Relaxer, No-Lye Relaxer and New Growth No-Lye Relaxer address your shoppers straightening needs and leaves their hair, smoother, softer and more manageable.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
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Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Sara Rueda Maggie Graziano Dr. David Chinsky Brad Wolff Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau David Wright

Columnists: Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine

6 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. CEO: Ann Jhin
De Vault Hale
Editor: Jessica
editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
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The Well-Groomed Gentleman

멋지게 차려 입은 신사

There’s an old song by ZZ Top called, “Sharp Dressed Man” that epitomizes the importance of a well-groomed gentleman who takes care of his appearance. The chorus is unforgettable, “Cause every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man.”

While that song was referencing a man’s attire, the same applies to a man’s grooming habits, too. Many women are attracted to men with beards, but chances are they’d find a nice smelling facial hair with a soft texture to be even more desirable. Textured hair is trendy in the multicultural community, but having the perfect fade and hairline to accompany that style would preferable to some women.

Gone are the days of the un-pampered man. Fellas care more than ever before about their appearance, and there are plenty of new grooming brands out there to prove it. There are so many products to choose from, including facial exfoliants, moisturizers, beard balms and co-washes, anti-thinning serums for hair loss. The list goes on and on.

However, the question is, are you prepared to accommodate this demand? Do you have all of the hottest products available in your store to cater to the male customer? We sure hope so. To ensure you do, we gathered a list of 12 popular male grooming products in our Marketplace column on page 12. You can also see which men’s products are flying off the shelves right now at Jinny Beauty Supply on page 54. And you won’t want to miss the details on how to merchandise men’s items in our How Should You Sell It column on page 20.

We’re sure that you feel inspired to find new ways to attract and retain your male customer. And by taking care of your male shoppers, I’m sure your female customers will appreciate you for it!

ZZ Top이 부른 “Sharp Dressed Man(멋쟁이 신사)”라는 옛날 팝송을 들어보면 남자들이 외모를 가꾸고 멋지게 차려 입는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 잘 알 수 있습니다. 그 노래의 가사에 이런 내용이 있습니다. “모든 여자들이 멋쟁이 신사만 보면 정신을 못 차리네.”

이 노래는 남자의 옷차림을 언급한 것이기는 하지만 그 외의 미용 분야에도 해당될 수 있는 내용입니다. 많은 여성들이 남성의 턱수염에 매력을 느끼기는 하지만 그에 더해 머리카락에서 좋은 향기가 나고 머릿결도 부드럽다면 더할 나위 없을 것입니다. 곱슬머리가 다문화 사회에서 인기를 얻고 있기는 하지만 그러한 스타일에 멋진 페이드 헤어라인 스타일을 더한다면 여성에게 더욱 호감을 줄 수 있습니다. 이제 가꾸지 않는 남성의 시대는 지났습니다. 남성들도 이전 어느 때보다 외모에 많은 관심을 가지고 있으며 그러한 추세에 맞추어 새로운 미용 브랜드들이 등장하고 있습니다. 안면 각질제거 제품이나 보습제, 수염용 밤과 코워시, 머리카락 손상 방지용 안티씬 제품 등이 수없이 많이 등장하고 있고 선택의 폭은 점점 더 다양해지고 있습니다.

그런데 관건은 여러분이 이런 늘어나는 수요를 감당할 준비가 되었는가 하는 것입니다. 여러분의 매장에서는 남성 고객이 좋아하는 모든 상품을 구비하고 계십니까? 그렇게 하시는 데에 도움이 되도록 12면에 있는 마켓플레이스 기사를 통해 12가지 남성용 인기 제품을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. 또한 54면에 있는 지니 뷰티 서플라이기사를 통해 어느 남성용 제품이 불티나게 판매되고 있는지 살펴보실 수 있습니다. 또한 20면에 실린 판매 전략 기사를 통해 남성용품 판매를 위한 상세한 전략도 놓치지 마세요.


10 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Editorial Letter
위한 새로운 방법을 찾고 계실 겁니다. 그리고 남성 고객을 배려하면 여성 고객들도 고마워할 것입니다!
아마 남성 고객을 이끌고 단골 고객으로 만들기

Hair Products for Men MARKET PLACE

Sometimes your male customers won’t go into a beauty supply store but will entrust their significant others to do it for them. In these instances, it’s good to know about the most popular products in men’s grooming and have them in store for your female customers. It’s also wise to keep a few professional items on hand for your shoppers who just so happen to be barbers, too. Here are 12 of our favorite men’s grooming products that you’ll never go wrong in carrying in your shop.

Shaving Powder

What can be the bane of a man’s shaving experience? Razor bumps.

That’s why many men swear by Softsheen-Carson’s Magic Shave Powder. It’s specially formulated for Black men and the common issue of razor bumps; perfect for coarse beards.

Hair Dress

If alopecia is an issue for your male customers, it would be smart to recommend the Barber Shop Aid Alopecia Amazing Hair Growth Dressing. This helps prevent hair from falling out and also strengthens the existing hair, thanks to a blend of essential oils and other natural, hair follicle-stimulating ingredients.


Say ‘bye bye’ to irritated skin post shave. The Master Cannabis Sativa Oil Aftershave banishes red, itchy skin with a glycerin-infused formula that soothes and hydrates the skin with its CBD oil blend.

12 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019

Beard Oil

There is nothing worse than a dry, dull-looking beard. If your customers want high shine and the right amount of softness, they’ll love RICH by Rick Ross Luxury Beard Oil. It not only gives the beard a glossy appearance, but it’s fragrant, as well.

Skin-Soothing Balm

Men’s grooming is not always about the hair and beard. The skin matters, too. The Mane Choice Hair Solution Head Honcho Hair & Beard Oil + Butter = The Balm covers all of your bases. Not only does it softens the hair and beard, but it also nourishes the skin underneath.


If your professional customers are looking for investment clippers, they’ll enjoy the Oster Model 10. It’s sleek, compact housing was made to be break resistant, and its motor was designed to endure all-day use. Plus, it comes with an extra long, 10-ft. power cord.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 13

Beard Balm

If oil isn’t your preference, the Murray’s Billey’s Beard Balm is the ideal choice. Formulated with Coconut Oil and Shea Butter, it ensures a soft, conditioned beard without oiliness or residue.

The best haircut is one that is executed with precision. There’s no better finishing tool for the job like the Wahl 5-Star Shaver. It comes with a rechargeable battery that allows the motor to run for up to 60 minutes per charge. And its hypoallergenic gold foil will protect skin from ingrown hair, razor bumps and any other skin irritation.


Hair Fibers

When men suffer from alopecia or thinning hair, they need something to conceal the sparsely-covered spots on their scalp. The Make It Fuller Hair Building Fibers are a great solution. It’s specially formulated for curly, textured hair and is undetectable to others. Made from natural fibers of Keratin Protein, this product will hide your imperfections perfectly.

14 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019

Gold Clippers

Cutting and fading the hair has never been so seamless as it is with the BaBylissPro GoldFX clipper. This clipper is equipped with a high torque, brushless, Ferrari-designed engine. It’s ideal for a professional to cut any hair texture with speed and precision.

Hair Cap

It doesn’t matter if a man has waves in his short cut hair or braids, men who want to preserve their hairstyles need a du-rag. The Dream World Du-Rag is a perfect choice. Not only does it protect a man’s style, but it also comes in a variety of colors.

Gray Brightener

For the gentleman who chooses to embrace his gray hair, there is the Godefroy Silver Fox Beard Brightener. Its non-greasy formula creates brightness and shine to a man’s facial hair. That means no more dull, yellow strands. Best of all, the application process is smooth and easy.

16 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Hot Color Products
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How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is…

Men’s Grooming Collection

Men have beauty needs, just like women. But men aren’t typically the target customer in beauty supply stores. Women are the primary shopper for beauty products. Understanding how to cater to men, when they are the least likely to come into the store can be challenging.

How should you sell men’s grooming products?

“Why not change things up? Today the men’s grooming collection area in your stores has grown enormously. From gift sets to individual use items, you have a great selection not only for your male customers but for women and men’s significant others to shop for them. In the OTC stores, women make up an average of 95% of the customer base. So why not put a full endcap in front of your store dedicated to the men’s grooming area? Women will buy what they need anywhere in the store; however this display will ensure they don’t forget about shopping for their men’s needs like shaving cream, razors, pomade, mousse and etc. Put the display right up, front, so they don’t miss it.

In your stores today, you have many lines to show off to your customers. Some of the most popular, fastest-moving items are Dax’s Wave and Groom, Murrays Pomade, Softsheen-Carson’s Rub on Scalp, and Cantu’s complete men’s collection that features beard oils, pre-shaves and shaving gels. Clubman also has a massive selection of shaving products and aftershave products, but they go back many years. Sunny Isle had great beard oil, and Uncle Jimmy’s is always a customer favorite. Magic Powder goes back a long way, as does Bump Patrol. And let’s not forget the full line of men’s hair colors like Just for Men.

Put all of these items in the front of your store, and you will see an increase in sales in the men’s lines!”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an e-mail to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the May issue!

20 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 21 Shine •
Frizz Control
Curl Enhancement

Scott Zangwill


남자들도 여자들처럼 가꿔야 합니다. 하지만 뷰티 서플라이 스토어들은 일반적으로 남성을 주요 고객으로 생각하지 않습니다. 뷰티 제품들은 주로 여성들이 주요 구매자들이죠. 매장에 들어올 가능성이 적은 남성들을 위해 준비한다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다.

“왜 상황을 바꾸지 않는 거죠? 오늘날 매장에서 남성용 그루밍 제품들의 위상은 엄청나게 높아졌습니다. 선물 세트부터 개별적인 용도에 이르기까지, 여러분의 남성 고객들뿐만 아니라 여성 고객들이 그들의 사랑하는 사람들을 위해 쇼핑을 하기도 합니다. OTC 매장에서 여성은 고객 기반의 평균 95 %를 차지합니다. 그렇다면 스토어 전면의 엔드캡 섹션에 남성들 정용 그루밍 제품들을 진열하는 것은 어떨까요? 이는 여성들에게 그들의 남자들이 필요로 하는 면도크림, 면도기, 포마드, 무스, 그리고 그 밖의 제품들 구입을 다시한번 일깨워 주게 만들어 줍니다. 디스플레이를 앞쪽에 걸어 꼭 기억할 수 있게 해주세요.

요즘 여러분의 매장에서는 고객에게 선보일 제품들이 많이 있습니다. 가장 인기 있고 빠르게 움직이는 품목 중 일부로는 Dax’s Wave and Groom, Murrays Pomade, SoftsheenCarson’s Rub on Scalp, 그리고 Cantu의 수염 오일, 쉐이빙 젤 등, 남성 면도에 필요한 모든 제품들이 있습니다. Clubman은 오래전부터 면도 제품과 애프터 셰이브 제품을 대량으로 생산하고 있습니다. Sunny Isle 은 뛰어난 수염 오일을 가지고있고, Uncle Jimmy 제품들은 언제나 인기가 좋습니다. Magic Powder 와 Bump Patrol 도 많은 제품들이 있습니다. 그리고, Just for Men 의 완전한 염색 라인도 잊지 마세요.

이러한 제품들을 스토어 전면에 진열하면, 남성용 제품의 많은 판매 증가를 보게 될 것입니다.

Merchandise Brand Specialist 법인. www.merchandisebrandspecialist.com

위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 으로 보내주십시오. 5월호에 여러분의 의견이

22 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
어떻게 판매해야 하나?
수도 있습니다!
달 판매의 초점은…
그루밍 컬렉션
남성용 그루밍 제품을 어떻게 판매해야 할까요?

Knowledge to Know

Part I

The Necessity of Professionalism in the Beauty Supply Business

미용용품 분야의

전문가가 되라 - 1부

Before the late 1970s, a beauty supply store was just as its name implied, a place where professional cosmetologists and barbers could go to purchase products, supplies and, tools of their trade. Today, most of these designated stores are little more than a neighborhood cosmetic shop.

Although the beauty supply stores of today are larger, with a wider choice of products, two important factors that distinguish them from the stores of the past are Service and the time-honored code of For Professional Use Only. Many products that are available today display this statement on the label, but it is basically ignored by both the store management and the customers. In the past, the majority of beauty store customers were licensed professionals. Today, less than 10% of the customer base are professionals, and the code For Professional Use Only is not adhered to.

Among the many aspects that sparks this concern is that when a product is labeled with this code, it should not, by law, be sold as a retail item to nonprofessionals, or in retail stores designed for the general public - such as drug, grocery, department or any other retail and discount outlets. If a non-professional buys a product with this label, and they experience undesirable results, they have little chance of recourse from the manufacturer because the product was produced especially for use by trained professionals and so noted on the label. Products with this notation enjoy certain licenses from the FDA in regards to listing the contents. Products that are designed for the non-professional retail customer has to list their contents in the order that they appear in the product. For example, if the product has more water than anything else, then water will be the first item listed. If you were attracted to a product

1970년 후반 이전까지의 뷰티 서플라이 스토어는 이름 그대로 전문적인 미용사나 이발사가 제품이나 관련 용품 도구들을 구매하는 장소였습니다. 오늘날에는 이러한 스토어들이 동네 화장품 스토어라는 것보다는 조금 더 의미를 지니게 되었습니다.

물론 뷰티 서플라이의 규모가 더욱 커지기도 했지만, 제품도 더욱 다양해졌으며 크게 달라진 두 가지 요소를 꼽는다면 서비스와 전문가 전용 제품일 것입니다. 오늘날에도 많은 제품의 라벨에 전문가용 제품임을 표기하고 있기는 하지만 가게 관리자들과 고객들은 그러한 사실을 잘 알지 못합니다. 이전에는 대다수의 뷰티 스토어 고객들이 면허를 가지고 있는 전문가들이었습니다. 반면 오늘날에는 고객 중 10 퍼센트 미만만 전문가이며 전문가용이라는 표기대로 사용되지 않고 있습니다.

이러한 상황과 관련하여 특히 우려되는 상황은 전문가용 코드가 표기된 제품을 전문가가 아닌 일반 사람들에게 혹은 대중을 대상으로 하는 약국이나 일반 가게 혹은 백화점이나 할인 아울렛과 같은 소매점에서 판매하는 것입니다. 이렇게 하는 것은 불법일 뿐 아니라 많은 문제를 일으킵니다. 일반인이 그러한 제품을 구입해서 사용한다면 예상치 못한 결과가 나타날 수 있고, 문제가 발생하더라도 이미 제품에 훈련받은 전문가가 사용하도록 제조된 제품이라는 사실이 표기되어 있기 때문에 제조업체로부터 보상을 받기도 어렵습니다. 전문 제품들은 제품의 구성 성분을 표기할 때 FDA의 인증을 표기하는 경우가 많습니다. 전문가가 아닌 일반인을 대상으로 한 제품은 제품에 함량이 많은 순서대로 구성 성분을 표기해야 합니다. 예를 들어,

26 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
해당 제품이 다른 성분보다 물이 많이 들어 있다면, 물을 제일 첫 번째로 표기해야

because of a specific ingredient shown on the front label, and the last or near the bottom of the content list is that ingredient, then that item is not the dominant ingredient in the product even though that was the item that drew you to the product. The FDA requires that in order for a manufacturer to list an ingredient on the label, there must be at least a trace element of that ingredient in the product.

Many products that contain pharmaceutical ingredients such as vitamins, hormones, etc., will refer to the amount as International Units (IUs). An international unit is one part of a million. If a product claims to have, for example, 5000 units, of an ingredient, in reality, that is only ½ of 1% of the total product; now that may or may not be enough of the ingredient to serve your purpose. Some products do not have to have a large amount of a key ingredient to do what you expect of it, such as hair relaxers. The key ingredient for relaxers has to be sodium hydroxide in order for the relaxer to serve its intended purpose, but the amount of Sodium Hydroxide in the product is 1 ½ & 2% of the total product. To add any more than that could render the product dangerous or unstable to use on human hair.

Products labeled for Professional Use Only are required by the FDA to list their ingredients in Alphabetical Order. This is allowed by the FDA in order for the producers of professional products to protect their formulations somewhat. However, most manufacturers of professional products do put enough of the beneficial ingredients in their products to perform in the manner advertised. This may result in the product costing more, but you get what you pay for. This aids the cosmetologist to render satisfying professional results to their clientele. The problem here is this, when a cosmetologist uses a product on their patron, and the patron can then buy the same product from the same source, this dilutes the professionalism of the cosmetologist in the minds of the patron, thinking that they can achieve the same results if they use the same products at home. What the patron does not realize is that the product is only a small (but important) part of the successful results of the service. The major factor of good results lies in the skills and knowledge of the cosmetologist who has attended manufacturers’ sponsored classes, seminars and professional trade shows to acquire the necessary information, education, and skills that cannot be obtained on the label, coupled with the knowledge and training they received in beauty school.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

합니다. 어떤 제품을 구매하려고 할 때

표기되어 있기 때문에 사고 싶은 마음이 든다 하더라도 해당 성분이 마지막이나 거의 끝 순서로 나열되어 있다면 그 성분이 제품의 주성분은 아닌 것입니다. FDA에서는 제품에 아주 미량으로 들어간 성분도 라벨에 표기할 것을 요구하고 있습니다.

비타민이나 호르몬 등과 같은 약의 성분이 들어 있는 제품의 경우에는 해당 성분의 양을 국제 단위(IUs)에 따라 표기합니다. 국제 단위는 1백만 분의 1단위로 표기합니다. 예를 들어 어떤 제품이 특정 성분을 5000 단위만큼 포함하고 있다면, 실질적으로 제품 전체에서 해당 성분이 1 퍼센트의 절반만 들어 있다는 의미입니다. 그러한 수치를 통해 해당 성분이 제품을 원하는 용도로 사용하기에 충분히 들어 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다. 어떤 제품들은 주요 성분이라 하더라도 여러분이 생각하는 것보다 조금만 들어 있어도 충분한 경우가 있는데, 릴렉서의 경우가 그러합니다. 릴렉서의 주성분인 수산화나트륨의 함량은 1 ½ 혹은 2 퍼센트 정도입니다. 이 함량보다 더 많이 들어간다면 인체의 머리카락을 손상시킬 수 있기 때문에 위험합니다.

전문가용으로 표기된 제품의 경우 FDA에서는 구성 성분을 알파벳 순으로 나열하도록 규정하고 있습니다. 이렇게 규정한 이유는 전문 제품의 제조사의 제품 제조 비법을 어느 정도 보호하기 위해서입니다. 그렇다 해도 대부분의 전문 제품 제조사에서는 해당 제품이 유효 성분을 충분히 함유하여 광고를 통해 홍보된 만큼의 효과를 낼 수 있게 하려고 노력합니다. 물론 그런 이유 때문에 제품의 비용이 비싸지기는 하겠지만 제품의 질도 더 좋아질 것입니다. 그렇게 되면 미용사들이 고객들에게 이 제품을 사용할 때 원하는 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다. 그런데 그러한 과정에서 만약 고객이 동일한 제품을 스스로 구매해서 집에서 사용해도 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있다고 생각한다면 문제가 생기게 됩니다. 사실 동일한 제품을 사용하더라도 미용사가 가지고 있는 전문 기술이 필요합니다. 고객들이 알아야 할 점은 제품 자체가 중요하기는 하지만 원하는 결과를 좌우하는 주된 요인은 제품만이 아니라 미용사의 기술과 지식이라는 것입니다. 전문 미용사들은 제조사가 후원하는 수업과 세미나, 직업 박람회 등을 통해 필요한 정보를 얻고 교육을 받으며 기술을 배웁니다. 또한 미용 학교에서 지식을 배우고 훈련을 받습니다. 이러한 것은 제품 설명서에 나오는 정보만으로는 얻을 수 없는 것들입니다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.) and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aol.com or call 310-283-7118.

Edward Tony Lloneau 박사는 National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.)에서 박사 학위를 받았으며 1985 년 워싱턴 D.C. 하워드 대학교에서 승인되었습니다. Lloneau는 학생 및 강사로 연구소에 참석했습니다. 그의 특수 연구 분야는 민족 미용학과 관련된 Trichology입니다. 그는이 주제에 대해 여러 권의 책을 저술했으며

310-283-7118로 전화하십시오

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 27
민족 잡지와 학생들이 일상적으로 마주 치는 일부 함정과 전문적인 문제에 관심을 기울이는 무역 잡지의 많은 기사를 저술했습니다. 그의 책 “Ethnic Cosmetology에 대한 책에서 제외 된 책 및 주권위원회”의 사본을 얻으려면 Lloneau 박사에게 liquidgoldbondng@aol.com으로 연락하거나 전화

Double-Edged Sword Philosophies that Lead to Destructive Company Culture Business Tips

Most of us spend the majority of our time at the office or actively working inside or as part of a human work system. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the corporate culture of an organization can make or break how we feel about the organization and our place in it.

While most awake and aware leaders say they want a constructive corporate culture, many are uncertain of what it really takes to shape it. Consequently, these executives and managers unintentionally lead their people toward the fatal, destructive side of the culture coin. They do this by buying into five double-edged sword philosophies: Winning above all else, commanding and controlling, opposing others, pursuing perfection, and keeping the peace. These philosophies will undermine your mission to craft a constructive corporate culture.

1Winning Above All Else

Winning is an incredibly powerful motivator. The desire to win can move mountains and bring in profits, however, when the need to win overwrites better judgment, fragments and erodes core values, runs over people, and leads people to the brink of exhaustion, it must be called out and new behaviors that promote and inspire must be integrated into the culture. In pursuit of results above all else can cost of relationships, health and wellness, trust, quality and safety.

Inside competitive work cultures, members are often expected to operate in a “win-lose” framework, outperform peers, and work against (rather than with) their coworkers. What begins with a healthy race often devolves into unproductive dog-eat-dog internal workplace behavior. A once healthy desire to “beat the competition” gone unchecked, very often, creates opportunities for unproductive behavior and perpetuating neural pathways and automatic ways of thinking and being that result in an organization eating itself alive. This shows up on the floor by people arguing for win/lose scenarios, in-fighting for power, control, rewards, promotions and resources; a focal shift from we to me, where silo’ and personalized thinking prevail.

Even though the intentions of leaders who want to “win” is most often

사람들은 오피스에서, 또는 실내에서 활발히 일을 하거나, 또는 사람들이 만들어 놓은 업무 시스템 속에서 시간을 보냅니다. 우리가 알고 있든 그렇지 않든, 우리 스스로가 회사와 직장에 대해 어떻게 느끼는지는 우리가 만드는 회사의 문화에 따라 크게 좌우됩니다. 대부분의 사람들이 건전한 회사 문화를 만들어야 한다는 점은 자각하지만 실제로 그러한 문화를 형성하는 방법은 잘 알지 못합니다. 결과적으로 그처럼 방법을 잘 알지 못하는 경영인들은 직원들이 완전히 잘못된 고정관념을 키우도록 부추기게 됩니다. 양날의 칼과도 같은 그러한 고정관념에는 5가지가 있는데 바로 다른 모든 사람을 이겨야 한다는 강박관념, 명령과 통제, 다른 사람을 적대시하는 것, 완벽 추구, 평화주의입니다. 이러한 고정관념은 여러분이 건전한 회사 문화를 형성하는 것을 방해합니다.

1다른 모든 사람을 이겨야 한다

이겨야 한다는 생각은 사람들에게 크게 동기를 부여합니다. 큰

성과를 이루고 많은 이익을 안겨 줍니다. 하지만 이기는 것에 집착한 나머지 훌륭한 판단력을 잃으면 정말 중요한 것들을 놓치게 되고 사람들은 완전히 지치게 됩니다. 따라서 그러한 고정관념을 버리고 새로운 방식의 문화를 형성하는 것이 반드시 필요합니다. 다른 무엇보다 결과만을 중시하면 다른 사람과의 관계, 건강과 복지, 삶의 질과 안전을 희생하게 될 수 있습니다. 경쟁적인 문화 속에 있는 직원들은 “이겨야 한다는” 압박감에 시달리며 동료보다 앞서려고 하고 서로를 동료가 아닌 적으로 생각하며 일합니다. 처음에는 건전한 경쟁으로 시작했다가 결국에는 먹고 먹히는 전쟁으로 치닫는 것입니다.

“경쟁에서 이기려는” 욕망이 처음에는 건전하다 하더라도 조절되지 않는다면 비생산적인 행동을 하고 조직 내에서 서로 먹고 먹히는 결과로 이어집니다. 힘과 주도권과 보상, 승진, 자원을 얻기 위해 치열한 싸움을 벌이며 승패를 가르게 되면서 ‘우리’가 아닌 ‘나’에 초점을 맞추게 되고 개인주의적인 생각이 사람들을 지배하게 됩니다. 물론 “이기려는” 리더들의 의도는 흔히 좋은 것이지만 다른 모든 사람을

32 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
최악의 회사 문화를 만드는 양날의 칼과 같은 네 가지 고정관념 4

well-meaning, a workplace culture that values winning above all else can be fertile ground for destructive behavior and employment brand erosion.


Commanding and Controlling

In power-driven organizations, hierarchy reigns and members of the management team are expected to take charge, control subordinates, and yield to the demands of superiors. Historically, this has been the ‘right’ way to lead, and for many decades it actually worked. This model is flawed, however, and those managed by people who admire and enjoy this model atrophy and stagnate. In workplace cultures where this type of behavior is rewarded, the powerful take over and the powerless surrender.

Those without power lose motivation and initiative and give less of their discretionary time to make the organization better. Commanding and controlling is a vicious cycle, and the only way out is to call it out and inspire a new way to lead and a new way to follow.


Pursuing Perfection

In other cases, there are leaders’ of quality-driven organizations who pride themselves with a commitment to excellence. While that intention may have been initially pure and congruent with the leader’s values, all too often the unconscious underlying behavior that is fostered with this value, is perfection. In a culture of perfection, people do not take risks, they do not try new things, and they almost certainly do not put themselves or their reputation on the line to color outside the lines.

Perfection, by nature of its definition, leaves very little room for risktaking and creativity in your organization. When curiosity is stifled and looking good is the primary focus, mistakes are hidden, learning is mitigated, and growth is constrained. In an environment where perfection is celebrated and rewarded, conventionality emerges as a safe bet for staying out of the boss’ crosshairs. In a workplace that prioritizes perfectionism, members are expected to conform and follow the rules and make a good impression, and the byproduct of making a good impression and following the rules is that creativity and risk-taking are thwarted and innovation becomes impossible. Resistance to change becomes a blocker to progress and complacency sets in. While certain roles demand perfection or someone could die, perfection as a culture, limits and constraints what is possible for the organization and the people in it.


이겨야 한다는 가치관은 파멸적인 행동과 기업 브랜드의 하락을 가져올 수 있습니다.


명령과 통제 힘의 논리로 운영되는 조직에서는 계급이 존재하고, 회사의 운영 팀은 권한을 가지고 아래 직원들은 통제하는 반면 상사 직원의 통제를 받습니다. 역사 전반에 걸쳐 이러한 방식은 ‘올바른’ 것으로 인식되어 왔고 오랜 세월 동안 성과도 이루어 냈습니다. 하지만 이러한 방식을 추앙하고 즐기는 경영인의 지배를 받는 사람들은 위축되고 활동이 부진하게 됩니다. 이런 방식의 행동이 보상을 받는 직장 문화 내에서는 강자는 지배를 하고 약자는 굴복하게 되는 것입니다.

권력을 지니지 못한 사람은 동기를 부여받지 못하고 적극성을 잃게 되며 조직을 더욱 발전시키기 위해 개인의 재량을 발휘할 기회를 많이 얻지 못합니다. 명령과 통제는 악의 고리와 같습니다. 이러한 고리를 벗어나는 유일한 방법은 이러한 방식을 벗어난 새로운 방법으로 경영을 하는 것입니다.

3완벽주의 품질을 중요시하는 회사의 리더들은 본인의 회사가 최상의 품질을 제공한다는 것에 자부심을 느낍니다. 그렇게 하는 것의 동기가 처음에는 순수하고 적절한 것일 수 있지만, 자신도 모르는 사이에 지나치게 훌륭한 품질을 강조하다 보면 완벽주의자가 될 수 있습니다. 완벽주의를 추구하는 문화 내에서 사람들은 위험을 감수하려 하지 않고 새로운 것을 시도하지 않으며 스스로의 평판을 생각하여 눈에 띄는 행동을 하지 않으려고 합니다.

Keeping the Peace and Getting Along

Everyone who is anyone in business understands the need to cooperate with others in the workplace and the need for teamwork and collaboration. However, creating a work culture where everyone has to be liked, and everyone has to get along with little to no emphasis on performance or results; most often leads to over-the-top consensus building, perceived favoritism, a loss of focus and ambition, inconsistent accountability and a very destructive fear of conflict.

완벽함이라는 기준은 사람들이 회사에서 위험을 감수하거나 창의성을 발휘할 여지를 남기지 않습니다. 호기심을 억누르고 단지 좋아 보이는 것에 초점을 맞추게 되면 실수는 감추게 되고 배우는 면에서 소극적이 되며 성장도 저해됩니다. 완벽성을 요구하고 보상해 주는 분위기 내에서 직원들은 사장의 시야를 벗어나려는 안전주의를 추구하게 됩니다. 완벽주의를 중시하는 직장의 직원들은 규칙을 따르고 좋은 인상을 남기려고 하며 그렇게 함으로 인해 창의성과 위험 감수는 줄어들게 되고 혁신은 불가능하게 됩니다. 변화를 두려워하여 발전이 저해되고 현재

됩니다. 완벽을 추구하는 문화

특정한 역할을 맡은 사람에게 완벽하지 않으면 끝장이라는 식의 요구를 하면 회사와 직원의 잠재력을 제한하게 됩니다. 4평화로운 관계를 유지하는 것 사업을 하는 모든 사람들은 직장에서 다른 사람과 협력하는 것과

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 33
팀워크 및 협동이 중요하다는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 하지만 모든 사람이 서로 잘 지내야 하고 실적이나 성과를 전혀 강조하지 않는다면 지나친 의견 일치 중시와 편애, 뚜렷한 목표와 야망의 상실, 책임감의 저하 및 갈등에 대한 지나친 두려움 등을 흔히 야기하게 됩니다.
상태에 안주하게

It‘s imperative to understand that “keeping the peace” workplace cultures can be an insidious thief of organizational and talent optimization. Keeping the peace has the potential to rob the organization and its people experiencing the highest levels of role fulfillment and role satisfaction. When people and the human system they operate in does not actively engage in productive ways of being including; constructive conflict, speaking their truth, giving new ideas, and sharing insights of what is not working; they can never really get to real engagement in the workplace.

These five double-edged sword philosophies can sweep the rug out from under your company’s overall mission and set you drastically off track. Shaping constructive culture is about intentionally causing the kind of corporate culture that exemplifies your brand promise. This takes a solid and palatable intention for that culture as a holistic human system, a system of people operating as a living and agile organism. Intentional culture is all about monitoring what you are creating and making necessary shifts along the way to ensure you are accomplishing what you set out to by creating the intentional culture in the first place.

Meet Magi Graziano

이루는 것을 방해할 수 있습니다. 사람들이 조직 내에서 건설적인 갈등 관계를 경험하고 진실을 말하고 새로운 아이디어를 제시하고 문제점에 대한 해결책을 공유하는 등의 과정을 거치지 않는다면 진정으로 의미 있는 기여를 할 수 없습니다.

지금까지 말씀드린 다섯 가지 고정관념은 여러분의 회사가 전반적인 목표를 이루는 면에서 방해 요소가 될 뿐 아니라 크게 잘못된 방향으로 유도할 수 있습니다. 올바른 회사 문화를 형성하면 여러분 브랜드의 장래 전망은 밝아질 것입니다. 그렇게 하려면 건전하고 적절한 의도를 가진 문화 내에서 사람들을 인격체로서 존중할 필요가 있습니다. 올바른 문화를 의도적으로 형성하기 위해서는 여러분이 어떤 문화를 만들고 있는지 잘 관찰하고 원하는 방향으로 이끌기 위해 필요한 변화를 할 필요가 있습니다.

Magi Graziano, as seen on NBC, is the CEO of KeenAlignment, a speaker, employee recruitment and engagement expert and author of The Wealth of Talent. Through her expansive knowledge and captivating presentations, Magi provides her customers with actionable, practical ideas to maximize their effectiveness and ability to create high-performing teams. With more than 20 years’ experience as a top producer in the Recruitment and Search industry, she empowers and enables leaders to bring transformational thinking to the day-to-day operation. For more information on Magi, please visit www.KeenAlignment.com.

마지 그라지아노는 NBC 방송에 출연하였으며 KeenAlignment의 CEO입니다. 또한 연사이자 직원 채용 및 관리 전문가이자 The Wealth of Talent(재능의 부)의 저자이기도 합니다. 마지는 폭넓은 지식과 훌륭한 프레젠테이션을 통해 고객들에게 높은 실적을 거두는 유능한 팀을 만들기 위한 실용적이고 실행 가능한 전략을 제공합니다. 그녀는 직원 채용 및 인재 발굴 분야의 주요 책임자로 20년 넘게 일해 왔으며 리더들이 혁신적인 생각을 가지고 매일의 업무를 수행할 수 있도록 도움을 베풀고 있습니다. 마지에 대해 더 많은 정보를 알아보시려면, www.KeenAlignment.com을 방문해 보시기 바랍니다.

34 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
단지 직장 내의 “평화를 유지”하는 문화 역시 조직의 역량을 서서히 침식시킨다는
중시하면 조직과 직원들이 최상의 성과를
점을 기억해야 합니다. 단지 평화를

7 Business Tips

The Gift of Feedback

7 Steps to Move from Confrontation to Conversation

Feedback is a gift that anchors your relationships in honesty. Everyone depends upon the feedback they receive to appreciate and reinforce their areas of strength and to identify areas for personal and professional growth and development.

While there is no question that many people miss numerous opportunities to provide more frequent positive feedback that is specific, timely, and genuine, the bigger challenge for most people is providing constructive feedback that reduces the wall of defensiveness that often accompanies their feedback.

The seven-step constructive feedback process outlined below offers a framework that converts the typical constructive feedback confrontation into a more productive feedback conversation.

The Seven-Step Process

Step 1: Describe the Performance Problem

Employees (or colleagues or bosses) must first understand the problem that you’re experiencing with them before they can be expected to improve. In this step, you should describe the actual performance or behavior and contrast it with the expected performance. To begin, simply describe the problem in a sentence or two. Remain as objective as possible and stick to one point—do not talk about multiple performance issues in the same feedback discussion.

Here’s an example: “Tom, I’d like to talk with you because I’ve noticed that you’ve been late to four of our last five meetings.” That’s it. If you can’t describe the performance problem in 30 seconds or less, you don’t know what the problem is yourself. In Step 1, state the performance problem in

피드백을 통해 자신의 장점이 무엇인지 깨닫고 그러한 장점을 더욱 극대화하는 반면 개인적으로 더욱 발전하고 보강해야 할 부분이 무엇인지도 알 수 있게 됩니다.

하지만 많은 사람들이 구체적이고 시기적절하며 진실한 피드백을 전달해 주지 못하는 것이 현실입니다. 또한 대부분의 사람들이 더욱 어려워하는 점은 그러한 건설적인 피드백을 상대방이 거부 반응 없이 받아들이게 하는 것입니다.

아래에 소개해 드리는 일곱 가지 과정을 통해 딱딱한 형식의 피드백이 아닌 대화 형식의 건설적인 피드백을 전달하는 방법을 소개해 드리고자 합니다.

일곱 가지 과정

1단계: 업무상의 문제점을 설명한다

직원들(혹은 동료나 사장)에게 개선할 점을 알려 주기 전에 먼저 당신이 그 사람과 어떤 문제를 겪고 있는지 이해하게 해야 합니다. 이 단계에서 상대방이 현재 하고 있는 행동과 바람직한 행동을 비교해서 알려 주면 좋습니다. 먼저 문제점을 한두 문장으로 간단하게 설명하십시오. 가능한 한 객관적이 되려고 노력하고 한 가지 요점에 집중하십시오. 한 번의 피드백을 제공할 때 너무 많은 점에 대해 이야기하지 마십시오.

예를 들어 이렇게 말할 수 있습니다: “톰, 최근 다섯 번의 미팅 중 4번 늦은 거 같아서 이야기를 하려고 해요.” 이게 전부입니다.

36 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
피드백은 여러분이 다른 사람들과
맺도록 도와줍니다. 모든 사람들은
정직한 관계를
30초 이내에 설명하지 못한다면 여러분 스스로가 문제점이 무엇인지를 이해하지 못한 것입니다. 따라서 처음 밟아야 할 단계는 문제를 간단하고 피드백이라는 선물 대립이 아닌 대화를 나누기 위한 일곱 가지 단계
해당 문제를

a concise, simple-to-understand fashion. There should be no ambiguity as to why you’re having this conversation.

Step 2: Explain the Impact

During the typical feedback discussion, leaders often jump from the description of the problem directly to the development of an action plan. They want to know immediately what the employee is going to do to resolve the problem. To assure meaningful feedback conversations, employees must know how their behavior is impacting others. In this step, convey the unacceptable impact of the behavior, or the unacceptable performance, on colleagues, the organization and perhaps even the individual himself or herself.

Let’s go back to the previous example of Tom being late to meetings.

Continue the conversation with: “When you are late, it causes us to have to stop what we’re doing while everyone acknowledges your late arrival, and this interrupts the momentum of our meeting and lowers our productivity.”

This second step is very important because many times the employee doesn’t even realize his behavior is causing a negative impact. If you don’t describe how his behavior affects others, he might quickly dismiss the problem, saying something like, “Yeah, so what’s your point? A lot of other people are late, too.” So, rather than just talking about the problem of being late, help him understand the impact he’s having by being late. It’s not just the lateness you’re talking about; it’s the diminished productivity, the lack of momentum, the interruption—and some might even say it’s the dishonoring of the punctuality of the other people who arrived on time.

Step 3: Identify the Cause

Don’t jump in and immediately propose what you believe is causing the problem. Let the employee take the lead here. Your job is to ask one good open-ended question that invites him to think about what might be causing his lateness—or what might be preventing her from listening before she shoots down a teammate’s idea.

The goal with this step is to develop a shared understanding of the situation and to identify causes of performance problems. Encourage the employee to discuss the performance from his or her point of view. For example, you could say, “What’s preventing you from getting to our meetings on time?” Your job is to let “silence do the heavy lifting.” Do not give in to the temptation of answering this question for the other person. What you think may be causing the problem is not always the case. 이해하기

대화의 목적이

모호하게 되는 일이 없을 것입니다.

2 단계: 문제로 인한 영향을 설명하십시오

일반적인 피드백 대화에서 리더들이 문제를 설명하고 나서 곧바로 개선 방안에 대해 말하는 경우가 많습니다. 해당 직원이 문제를 해결하기 위해 어떻게 할 것인지를 곧바로 알고 싶은 마음에서 그렇게 하는 것입니다. 하지만 좀 더 피드백 대화가 의미 있게 되려면 자신의 행동이 다른 사람들에게 어떤 영향을 주는지를 직원들이 이해하게 해야 합니다. 이 단계에서 잘못된 행동으로 인해 동료들과 조직에 그리고 심지어 그 사람 본인에게 어떤 결과를 끼치게 되는지 설명하십시오.

미팅에 늦는 톰의 예를 다시 생각해 보시겠습니다.

이렇게 대화를 이어 나갈 수 있을 겁니다: “당신이 늦으면 우리가 하던 일을 멈추게 되고 당신이 늦는다는 걸 모두가 알게 되요. 그리고 미팅의 활력이 떨어지고 생산성도 떨어져요.”

두 번째 단계는 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있습니다. 직원들이 자신의 행동이 어떤 부정적인 영향을 주는지 모르는 경우가 많기 때문입니다. 그 사람의 행동이 다른 사람들에게 어떤 영향을 주는지 설명해 주지 않는다면 그 문제를 대수롭지 않게 여기며 이렇게 말할지 모릅니다. “그래서 요점이 뭐예요? 다른 사람들도 다 늦는다고요.” 따라서 단지 늦는다는 문제만 말하는 것이 아니라 늦는 행동으로 인해 어떤 결과가 있는지를 이해하게 도와주어야 합니다. 당신이 말해 주어야 하는 점은 단지 늦는다는 것이 아니라 그로 인해 다른 직원들의 생산성과 사기가 저하되고 방해가 되며 심지어 제시간에 도착해 있는 다른 사람들을 무시한다는 인상을 줄 수 있다는 점입니다.

3단계: 원인을 파악하라

여러분 스스로가 문제의 원인을 알고 있다고 성급하게 판단하지 마십시오. 직원들 스스로가 원인을 파악할 수 있게 하시기 바랍니다. 자신이 늦은 이유 혹은 동료의 생각에 귀 기울이지 않는 이유가 무엇인지에 대한 의견을 물어보는 질문을 해 보십시오.

이 단계의 목표는 특정한 상황에 대해 함께 이해하고 문제의 원인을 파악하는 것입니다. 직원들이 자신의 견해를 이야기해 보도록 격려하십시오. 예를 들어 이렇게 말할 수 있습니다. “모임에 제 시간에 오지 못하는 이유가 무엇인가요?” 침묵이 흐르더라도 조급해할 필요가 없습니다. 질문에 대한 대답을 성급하게 대신 해 줄 필요가 없습니다. 여러분이 문제의 원인이라고 생각하는 이유가 항상 맞는 것은 아닐 수 있습니다.

38 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
쉬운 방식으로 설명하는 것입니다. 이렇게 하면



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Step 4: Develop an Action Plan

You will develop a more meaningful action plan once you’ve clearly described the problem, explained the impact and identified the cause. If you simply leap from performance problem to action plan, you’ll miss out on a lot of conversation that might help to customize the specific elements of an action plan.

At this step, you’re looking for the employee to tell you what he will commit to doing differently to ensure he’s able to get to meetings on time. This leads to the identification of a solution, a time table for any follow-up actions and an action plan that is specific and measurable.

Step 5: Confirm Understanding

Before the conversation ends, ensure that both you and your employee are on the same page. This is an opportunity for you or the employee to summarize what was discussed, who has agreed to what, and when you expect these changes to occur. If there is any disconnect, you can identify it and resolve it during this conversation.

Step 6: Document the Conversation

Take a few minutes to document the conversation, even if this is the first time you’ve had to talk with an employee about an issue—and certainly if it’s the second time you’re having the same conversation. When you document the conversation you’ve had, you’ll have the information available should this develop into a more serious performance management issue.

Step 7: Follow Up to Ensure Satisfactory Performance

More than likely, you or your employee will make some kind of commitment during the feedback conversation. It’s incredibly important to follow up on these commitments. This helps you determine if the employee has actually improved or changed behavior. Your efforts are wasted if you don’t take the time to follow up as needed.

When these seven steps are performed in the order in which they are presented above, you will engage more confidently and effectively when the need arises to provide constructive feedback. In about a minute or less, you will have set up the conversation by describing the problem, explaining the impact and asking one good question to turn the conversation over to the person receiving your feedback. This will ensure that you maintain control of the beginning of these conversations when others may attempt to derail your efforts or move you off point.

Meet Dr. Chinsky

행동 계획을 짜십시오

나면 좀 더 효과적인 행동 계획을 짤 수 있습니다. 문제가 발생하자마자 곧바로 행동 계획을 짜게 되면, 좀 더 많은 대화를 통해 행동 계획을 좀 더 올바른 방향으로 수정해 나갈 기회를 잃게 될 것입니다.

이 단계에서 당신은 미팅에 늦는 직원이 앞으로는 문제를 개선하기 위해 어떻게 할 것인지를 말하게 할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 함으로 해결책과 후속 조처를 위한 시간 계획표 및 구체적이고 적절한 행동 계획을 수립할 수 있습니다.

5단계: 이해했는지 확인하라

대화를 마치기 전에 여러분과 직원이 동일한 내용을 이해하고 있는지 확인하시기 바랍니다. 이렇게 함으로 여러분과 직원은 논의한 내용과 함께 동의한 내용, 그리고 어느 시점에 변화가 필요한지 요점을 분명히 이해할 수 있습니다. 서로 다르게 이해하는 부분이 있다면 대화를 통해 그 점에 대해 파악하고 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.

6단계: 대화의 내용을 기록하라

직원과 해당 문제에 대해 처음으로 이야기를 나누었든 아니면 두 번째로 그러하였든 잠시만 시간을 내어 대화 내용을 기록하십시오. 이렇게 하여 얻은 정보는 앞으로 경영과 관련된 더욱 중요한 문제를 다루는 데에 도움이 될 것입니다.

7단계: 만족스러운 실적을 거두기 위해 확인을 하십시오 피드백 대화 과정에서 여러분 혹은 직원이 특정한 약속을 하게 될 가능성이 높습니다. 따라서 그러한 약속을 시행하는지 확인하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 이렇게 하면 해당 직원이 문제를 실제로 개선했는지 혹은 행동을 변화시켰는지 알아낼 수 있습니다. 시간을 내서 이러한 확인 작업을 하지 않는다면 앞서 기울인 노력이 헛수고가 될 수도 있습니다.

앞서 말씀드린 단계들을 순서대로 밟아 나간다면, 더 자신감을 가지고 효과적으로 건설적인 피드백을 제공할 수 있을 것입니다. 대화를 시작하기 위해 먼저 일 분 이내의 시간에 문제를 명확하게 설명할 수 있습니다. 그리고 문제가 미치는 영향을 설명하고 좋은 질문을 통해 직원들의 생각을 말해보게 하십시오. 이렇게 하면 대화를 시작할 때부터 주도권을 쥐고 누군가가 방해를 하거나 요점을 흐리게 하려고 해도 흔들리지 않을 것입니다.

Dr. David Chinsky is the Founder of the Institute for Leadership Fitness, a celebrated speaker, and author of The Fit Leader’s Companion: A Down-toEarth Guide for Sustainable Leadership Success. After spending nearly 20 years in executive leadership positions at the Ford Motor Company, Nestle and Thomson Reuters, he now focuses on preparing leaders to achieve their highest level of professional effectiveness and leadership fitness. For more information on Dr. David Chinsky, please visit www.FitLeadersAcademy.com.

데이빗 친스키 박사는 건전한 리더쉽 협회(Institute for Leadership Fitness)의 설립자이자 유명 연사이자 The Fit Leader’s Companion: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Sustainable Leadership Success(훌륭한 리더들이 리더쉽을 성공적으로 발휘하기 위한 실용 가이드)의 저자입니다. 그는 포드 자동자 회사와 네슬레, 톰슨


40 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
문제가 무엇인지 그리고 그 문제로 인한 영향과 문제의 원인을 명확하게 설명하고
일한 경험을 바탕으로 리더들이 직원들의 효율성을 극대화하고 건전한 리더쉽을 발휘할 수 있도록 도움을 베풀고 있습니다. 데이빗 친스키 박사에 대해 더 알아보시려면 www.
유명 회사에서 거의 20년 동안 경영인으로
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Business Tips

Change Your Mindset or Suffer the Consequences

Steps to Thrive in Our Unstable World

We live in a world of unpredictable and uncontrollable change. How can we survive and even thrive when our environment turns against us?

Bill Evans was the CEO of Shifting Rocks Corporation, the dominant regional player in providing rocks for road construction. After 30 great years, they suddenly dropped behind two competitors. Due to a combination of unforeseen changes, sales plunged from $50mm to $25 million. They went from $5 million profit to a loss of $2 million in only two years. Bill hired a firm that helps companies thrive in a changing environment. After one year of working together, Shifting Rocks reached break-even. In two years, they climbed to a $6 million profit. Their engagement levels are now higher than the “good years,” and Bill enjoys his job more than ever.

Become a Flexible, Adaptive, Learning Organization

The turning point was when Bill’s mindset changed with the realization that what led to success in the past often doesn’t work today. The primary characteristics needed to thrive now are:

1. Flexibility - The willingness to change or compromise.

2. Adaptability - The ability to utilize flexibility to meet the demands of new conditions.

3. Learnability - The ability to quickly learn new knowledge and skills that are required to meet the demands of new conditions.

When you implement these traits, you become a Flexible, Adaptive, Learning Organization (FALO). A FALO provides a unique competitive edge in an unstable environment. A key element is the mindset shift to focusing on the things that lie in your area of control rather than constantly reacting to things out of your control. Instead of things getting easier, you get better!

How do you develop a FALO?

Below is a five-step process to creating a FALO:

1. Shift your mindset from solving problems via processes and technologies to solving people problems first. All business problems (including process and technology problems) are people

이러한 상황 속에서 살아남고 성공하려면 어떤 전략이 필요합니까?

빌 에반스는 해당 지역에서 도로 건설을 위한 돌을 공급하는 유명 업체인 시프팅 락스(Shifting Rocks) 주식회사의 CEO였습니다. 그런데 30년 후에, 두 개의 경쟁업체가 이 회사를 앞지르게 되었습니다. 예측하지 못한 변화 때문에 판매량이 5000만 달러에서 2500만 달러로 곤두박칠쳤습니다. 불과 2년 사이에 순수익도 500만 달러에서 200 만 달러 적자가 되었습니다. 빌은 이처럼 변화하는 상황에서 성공을 거둘 수 있도록 도와줄 수 있는 회사의 도움을 받기로 했습니다. 이렇게 한 후 불과 1년 사이에 시프팅락스 회사의 순이익은 손익분기점에 도달했습니다. 그로부터 2년 후에는 순수익이 600만 달러에 달했습니다. 이전에 사업이 잘 될 때보다도 오히려 상황이 더 나아진 것입니다. 빌은

이제 이전 어느 때보다도 즐겁게 일하고 있습니다.

융통성, 적응력, 학습력을 갖춘 회사가 되라

빌의 사고 방식이 바뀌는 전환점이 되었던 것은 과거에는 성공을 거두었던 방법이 현재에는 통하지 않을 수 있다는 것을 깨달은 것입니다.

우리가 지금 성공을 거두기 위해서는 다음과 같은 능력이 필요합니다:

1. 융통성 – 기꺼이 변화하고 절충하는 태도.

2. 적응력 – 새로운 상황에 따라 융통성을 발휘하여 적절히 대응하는 능력.

3. 학습력 – 새로운 상황에 필요한 새로운 지식과 기술을 빠르게 배우는 능력.

여러분의 조직은 이러한 융통성, 적응력, 학습력을 갖춘 조직(FALO) 이 되어야 합니다. FALO는 불안정한 환경에서도 경쟁력을 갖춘 조직입니다. 중요한 점은 여러분이 통제가 불가능한 상황에 끊임없이 대응하는 것에 초점을 맞추는 것이 아니라 통제할 수 있는 영역에 초점을 맞추는 것입니다. 상황이 바뀌는 것이 아니라 여러분이 변화하는 것입니다!

어떻게 FALO로 발전할 수 있습니까?

FALO로 발전할 수 있는 5가지 단계를 설명해 드리겠습니다:


42 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
우리가 살고 있는 세상은 끊임없이 변화하며 예측과 통제가
아니라 먼저 사람들이 겪는 문제를 해결하십시오. 사업상 발생하는 모든 문제들은(절차상이나 기술상의 문제 포함) 사실상 사람들이 겪는 문제라
기술을 통해 문제를 해결하는 것이
사고방식을 바꾸지 않으면 결과를 감수하게 됩니다 불안한 세상에서 성공하는 5가지 단계

problems at their root since people select, develop, operate and manage your processes and technologies. The perfect processes and technologies with the wrong people or with people who are not using them properly will never work. A process and technology focus is a convenient distraction away from the more challenging arena of human beings. However, starting with processes and technologies is treating the symptoms, not the cause. Your solutions will always be suboptimal with this approach.

Step 2: Create a personal development mindset as an organizational strategy

The key to your professional growth is your personal growth and development. We take ourselves with us everywhere we go, and your selfawareness, skills and character traits are your only tools. It’s critical to realize that these elements of personal growth are developed not inborn. Certainly, you have inborn gifts. However, none are very useful until they’ve been developed over time.

History’s most successful CEOs such as Jack Welch of GE, Lou Gerstner of IBM and Ray Dalio of Bridgewater shared a common philosophy. They recognized that as people work on their personal development, they contribute far more productivity, collaboration, and positive energy/ engagement as benefits. Each of these benefits enhances the others to create a multiplier effect throughout the organization. As people develop, they also adapt much better to ongoing life challenges. The organization’s knowledge and skills (learning) increase while becoming more flexible and adaptive.

Step 3: Develop a culture that supports ongoing personal development

Developing a strategy of personal growth requires that you develop a culture that supports this strategy. Organizations frequently fail to execute

사용하는 사람들이 잘못되었거나 적절한 방법으로 사용하지 않는다면 아무 소용이 없을 것입니다. 인간은 복잡한 존재이기 때문에 단지 절차나 기술에 초점을 맞추는 것이 좀 더 간단한 방법인 것으로 보일 수 있습니다. 하지만 절차와 기술 측면에서 접근하면 원인이 아닌 증상을 해결하는 것에 그칠 것입니다. 이러한 방식은 결코 바람직하지 않습니다.

단계 2: 조직의 전략을 염두에 두고 개개인을 발전시키십시오

직업 측면에서 더욱 전문적이 되려면 개개인이 성장하고 발전하는 것이 필수적입니다. 우리가 어떤 상황을 겪든 우리가 사용할 수 있는 도구는 우리 스스로에 대한 자각과 기술과 성향 뿐입니다. 개인의 성장을 위해 필요한 이러한 요소들이 선천적으로 정해지는 것이 아니라는 것을 반드시 기억하십시오. 물론 선천적인 재능도 있습니다. 하지만 그러한

재능도 충분한 시간을 들여 발전시키지 않는다면 소용이 없습니다. GE사의 존 웰치, IBM의 루 거스너, 브리지워터의 레디 달리오와 같은

역사상 가장 성공을 거둔 CEO들은 비슷한 철학을 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 사람들이 개인적인 발전을 위해 노력할 때 생산성이 향상되고, 더욱 협동적이 되며, 보다 활력있게 적극적으로 참여하며 일한다는 것을 인지하고 있습니다. 각 개인이 발전하게 되면 다른 사람들에게도 영향을 미쳐서 조직 전체에 파급 효과를 주게 됩니다. 사람들이 그처럼 발전을 하면 삶에서 겪는 여러 문제들에도 더욱 잘 적응하게 됩니다. 융통성과 적응력을 더욱 갖춘 조직일수록 지식과 기술(학습력)도 더욱 향상됩니다.

단계 3: 개인이 지속적으로 발전할 수 있는 문화를 형성하라 개인의 발전을 위한 전략을 개발하기 위해서는 그에 맞는 회사 문화도 발전시켜야 합니다. 반면 그러한 전략에 맞는 문화를 발전시키지 않은 조직은 전략이 성공을 거두지 못하는 경우가 흔합니다. 피터 드러커는 “문화는 전략보다 우선한다(Culture eats strategy for lunch)”고 말했습니다.

할 수 있습니다. 절차나 기술을 선택하고 개발하고 사용하고 관리하는 일은 사람들이
절차나 기술이 아무리 완벽하다 해도 그것을
하기 때문입니다.

Drucker said that “Culture eats strategy for lunch.”

Google provides one of many examples of an organization that focuses on culture as a key driver of its success. Here are their “three principles for a top-notch culture”:

1. Mission that matters - A clear mission and vision statement to motivate and unify employees.

2. Transparency of Leaders - A crucial element to build safety, trust and collaboration that requires openness and vulnerability.

3. Giving everyone a voice – A perspective that values everyone’s opinion and point of view.

Do these principles apply to other companies? Yes, in fact, it’s more difficult to apply these principles in large organizations like Google due to increased layers of complexity.

Step 4: Starting with upper management, take an open, honest inventory of weaknesses

A weakness is any habitual behavior that impairs your effectiveness, which prevents you from becoming who you want to be. Having weaknesses is an unavoidable part of being human. The key is to deliberately identify and acknowledge these habits rather than trying to hide or cover-up. Your weaknesses are obvious to others anyway, so attempting to deny or hide them impairs our growth and relationships.

The authenticity of leaders about their weaknesses builds trust and respect and creates a culture where people feel safe to do the same. Research and experience consistently demonstrate the importance of people safe feeling safe. People won’t allow themselves to be open about their weaknesses until they feel safe from ridicule or punishment.

Step 5: Commit to a process of ongoing improvement

The key is that the leaders’ commit with both their hearts (emotions) and minds (thoughts). Developing new habits that serve you better than the old ones requires committed effort over time. Demonstrating this commitment helps develop a culture of people committed to their personal and professional growth.

It’s also important to develop a culture of constructive feedback and encouragement since you often don’t realize when you revert to old habits. Ongoing improvement is difficult without a culture that supports people making a consistent effort.

Developing a FALO is not complicated. It starts with a mindset shift from focusing on the external environment to focusing on the source of your success and power—the ongoing development of human beings. You can try to control your external environment or adapt to meet (or exceed) the demands. Which approach will you choose?


1. 목표를 명확하게 정한다 – 분명한 목표와 비전을 알려 주어 직원들에게 동기를 부여하고 서로를 연합시킨다.

2. 리더들의 투명성 – 솔직함과 조심성으로 인해 얻을 수 있는 안전성, 신뢰감 및 협동심과 같은 중요한 요소들을 기르는 데 필요하다.

3. 모두에게 말할 기회를 줘라 – 모든 사람의 의견과 관점을 소중히 여겨라.

이러한 원칙들을 다른 회사들도 적용해 볼 수 있지 않겠습니까? 사실, 구글처럼 규모가 큰 회사는 워낙 다양한 사람들이 모여 있기 때문에 이런

원칙을 적용하기가 어려운데도 그렇게 하고 있는 것입니다.

단계 4: 경영진부터 솔선하여 약점을 솔직하고 정직하게 평가한다

약점이란 여러분이 효과적으로 일하는 것을 방해하는 습관적인 행동을 가리키는 것으로서 여러분이 원하는 것을 이루지 못하게 합니다. 인간으로서 약점을 가지는 것은 어쩔 수 없는 일입니다. 중요한 점은 그러한 약점을 숨기거나 가리려고 하는 것이 아니라 찾아내고 인정하는 것입니다. 당신의 약점은 다른 사람들에게 드러나기 마련이므로 그러한 약점을 억지로 부정하거나 숨기려 한다면 자신의 발전과 다른 사람과의 관계에 좋지 않은 영향을 줄 뿐입니다.

리더가 스스로의 약점에 대해 솔직한 태도를 나타낸다면 신뢰와 존경을 얻게 되며 다른 사람들도 약점이 드러난다 하더라도 지나치게 염려하지 않을 수 있게 됩니다. 연구 결과와 사례들을 살펴보면 사람들이 불안감을 느끼지 않는 것이 중요함을 알 수 있습니다. 사람들은 자신의 약점이 드러난다 하더라도 조롱거리나 처벌의 대상이 되지 않는다는 확신이 들기 전에는 솔직하게 약점을 드러내려 하지 않을 것입니다.

단계 5: 지속적인 발전을 위해 헌신적으로 노력해라 리더들이 마음(감정)과 정신(생각)을 다해 헌신적인 태도를 나타내는 것이 중요합니다. 이전의 습관을 고치기 위해 많은 시간을 들이는 것보다는 새로운 습관을 기르는 것이 좋습니다. 리더들이 헌신적인 태도를 나타내면 직원들도 개인적으로나 직업적으로 더욱 발전하기 위해 헌신적으로 노력하는 문화가 형성될 수 있습니다.

자신도 모르게 이전의 습관으로 되돌아갈 수 있기 때문에 다른 사람으로부터 건설적인 피드백을 받고 서로 격려해 주는 문화를 형성하는 것이 중요합니다. 지속적으로 노력하도록 서로 도와주는 문화 없이 발전을 이루는 것은 거의 불가능합니다.

FALO가 되는 과정은 복잡하지 않습니다. 먼저 고정관념을 바꾸어 외부의 환경에 초점을 맞추는 것이 아니라 성공과 힘의 원천인 사람을 지속적으로 발전시키는 것이 필요합니다. 외부 상황을 통제하려고 힘쓰시겠습니까 아니면 상황에 맞추어 적응하고 오히려 더욱 발전하시겠습니까?

Meet Brad Wolff

Brad Wolff specializes in workforce and personal optimization. He’s a speaker and author of, People Problems? How to Create People Solutions for a Competitive Advantage. As the managing partner for Atlanta-based PeopleMax, Brad specializes in helping companies maximize the potential and results of their people to make more money with less stress. His passion is empowering people to create the business success they desire, in a deep and lasting way. For more information on Brad Wolff, please visit www.PeopleMaximizers.com.

브래드 울프는 노동력의 활용과 개인 능력 최적화 분야의 전문가입니다. 그는 연사이자 People Problems? How to Create People Solutions for a Competitive Advantage(이익 창출을 위해 노동력을 활용하는 방법)의 저자입니다. 애틀랜타에 위치한 PeopleMax의

44 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
구글은 조직에서 문화를 성공을 위한 필수 요소로 여긴다는 것을 보여 주는 한 예입니다. 그 회사의
문화를 형성하기 위한 세 가지 원칙”을 소개해
파트너이기도 한 브래드는 회사들이 잠재력을 극대화하고 직원들이 스트레스를 덜 받으면서도 많은 이익을 낼 수 있도록 도움을 베푸는 면에서 전문가입니다. 그는 사업을 지속적이면서도 성공적으로 경영할 수 있도록 열정적으로 도움을 베풀고 있습니다. 브래드 울프에 대해 더 알아보시려면
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 45 NEW! Curlific! Hydrating Curl Serum Hydrate and Light Hold for Waves, Curls, and Coils NEW! Shea-Pro Leave-in Moisturizer Provides Healing Moisture to Coarse Dry Hair © 2019 KAB Brands LLC ...nothing works like ApHogee. From ApHogee

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Self-Care in Style

Self-care isn’t selfish. If you haven’t already said this to yourself at some point, prepare to adopt this mantra. Maybe it’s making time to read a book, or indulging in a soothing face mask, or even setting a daily beauty routine. Selfcare is not about masculinity or femininity. It’s for everyone, and it’s essential. It’s not even about beauty. It’s about taking ownership of yourself. Use grooming as a tool to embrace yourself daily and empower yourself to be the best version of ‘you,’ you know you can be.

The beauty industry can be largely skewed in catering to women, and that shouldn’t be the case! Beauty is for everyone. Really, the more, the merrier! A household in which there are plenty of hair appliances to go around is a happy one - and a stylin’ one. When it comes to hair care, the right tools and products are the answer to looking and feeling your finest. For anyone. Period. All it takes is determining what products are best to amplify your styling routine.

And how does one do that? Well, chances are, you know your hair type and have a thorough understanding of what your locks need. And if you don’t,

now is the time to find out. You should also spend some time visualizing the hairstyles you most often work into daily looks or the styles you’d really like to rock. Once you’ve got your mental “Pinterest” board ready to go, it’s easy to find the tools you need to bring it all to life.

Maybe you fall into the ‘on-the-go’ camp so, more often than not, it’s got to be a quick look. Natural looks are easy to maintain. A style with the Gold ‘N Hot Professional Ionic Ultra-Lightweight Dryer with Tourmaline is what you need. Designed with 1875-Watt power and tourmaline technology to provide you with quick styling and help your hair to look its healthiest (Got some natural wave? Boost it with the diffuser attachment.). Or, if you’ve got a full glam routine, and you’ve already got the dryer in your collection, amp it up with a versatile Gold ‘N Hot 1” Ceramic Straightening Iron. The concentrator attachment on your dryer works wonders for straightening prep. Whether you want pin straight, slight waves, or touching up, this one flat iron can do it all. The unique ceramic plates perfectly contour hair and help create a shiny, healthy-looking finish. Whatever your styling routine, there’s a tool for you.

Gold ‘N Hot aims to support stylists and hair enthusiasts with professional products for every step of their process. We provide a wide variety of quality styling tools to help you achieve the most gorgeous results and ever-changing trends. Be sure to check out all the first-rate styling tools and hair care products we have to help you behind the chair and add to your collection today. Follow Gold ‘N Hot on Facebook and Instagram @goldnhotelite.

46 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
/goldnhotelite ph. 888.738.1212

Urban Call Briefs

Dr. Melba Swafford,

Retired Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Melba Swafford, retired associate professor of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine, is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. She is married to Dr. Joseph Swafford, retired professor of Medicine in the Department of Cardiology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and a mother to two daughters, Erika Green and Jessica Marcella. She received her medical degree from Howard University College of Medicine in 1979.

From 1983 to 2001, she was a faculty member of the Baylor College of Medicine at the Fondren Brown Cardiovascular Unit of Methodist Hospital. In addition to her teaching responsibilities at Baylor, she has also served in many administrative positions. Melba Swafford was acting chief of the Cardiovascular Unit from 1997 to 1998. Her committee responsibilities at Baylor included membership on Admissions, Student Promotions and Academic Achievement, as well as Curriculum which she chaired from 2000 to 2001. She initiated or assisted in the development of several ongoing programs at Baylor College of Medicine including the Baylor Minority Faculty Association, the White Coat Ceremony for first-year medical students, and Accepted Applicants Weekend for Underrepresented Minority Students.

In the Community, Melba Swafford is a member of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church where she has served on the Emergency Care Unit team, Women’s Guild, and as a mentor for Transformation, the Girls’ Rights of Passage Program. She has also served on the boards of the Sickle Cell Association of the Texas Gulf Coast and the Howard University Medical Alumni Association. In 2002, Melba Swafford along with her husband, Joseph Swafford, received the Community Impact Award from the Sickle

Cell Association of the Texas Gulf Coast. In 2010, she was honored by the Houston Wellness Association during Black History Month. She served as the national President of the Executive Board of the Howard University Medical Alumni Association 2004-2005. Melba Swafford also served as a member of the Texas Medical Disclosure Panel for the Texas Department of Health from 1993 to 2007 and chairman of the panel from 1999 to 2005.

Professionally, Melba Swafford was a member of the Society for Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists under whose auspices she traveled to Ghana, West Africa in 2001 to teach cardiovascular and thoracic anesthesiology.

Since retirement, she has been a volunteer for The First Tee of Greater Houston and a volunteer physician at Shalom Health Clinic for the uninsured. She currently delivers meals to the sick and shut in as a part of the Meals on Wheels program, volunteers as a baby holder in the Neonatal ICU and as a participant of their First Memories Texas program, wherein photographs of NICU babies are taken and made into foldout cards for the parents.

Melba Swafford is also an author and a remarkable person who succeeded against all the odds, and now tells her story with honesty and insight in her new book, “Vital Signs are Stable.” In the book, she guides us through her improbable journey, forged in the harsh realities of the Jim Crow South. She succeeds triumphantly as she applies grit and determination in her rise into the rarefied air of clinical academic medicine. The journey is a breathtaking story of Melba Swafford’s triumph over the seemingly insurmountable challenges life placed in her way.

Both Melba and Joseph Swafford have served on the Advisory Board of Healthy Living Every Day - a national program of Urban Call publications that provides health tips

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 49
The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Dr. Melba Swafford Dr. Melba Swafford Cheryl Broussard Jet Set Girl International, LLC. Naja Rickette Cast Member of We TV’s “L.A. Hair” Joseph Swafford Cardiologist

Urban Call Briefs

for professional cosmetologists, barbers and beauty salon owners and operators via the publication’s relationships with the National Beauty Culturists League (NBCL).

Joseph Swafford, Cardiologist

Joseph Swafford, MD is a graduate of the Howard University College of Medicine. The majority of his professional life was as a cardiologist initially in private practice, then joining the faculty at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center where he later became a Professor of Medicine. Along with clinical cardiology, he had training in Medical Quality Improvement and Faculty Leadership and had the opportunity to participate and lead many committees and programs including those involved with promotions for clinical faculty, teaching quality improvement programs to faculty and clinical privileges for physicians in the institution. During his career, he volunteered with the American Heart Association and was President of the Houston Division in 2002 to 2003.

Towards the end of his career, he held the Deputy Division Head of Internal Medicine position. These committees and appointments allowed him to mentor both junior and senior faculty. His wife and fellow physician, Melba Swafford, were called to mentor high school and college students about career development in the medical field. When he retired from MD Anderson, he wanted to continue his mentoring efforts. The First Tee allowed him to mentor youth from 7-18 years of age. He spent the last 10 years volunteering with this organization and trained to become a certified First Tee Coach in 2013. He was designated as a Lifetime Coach in 2018. He was recently honored at the Inaugural Core Values Luncheon of the First Tee of Greater Houston. Joseph Swafford has have been married 40 years and has two wonderful and successful daughters, Erika Green and Jessica Marcella as well as two delightful grandchildren, Juliana Marcella and William Marcella.

Cheryl Broussard, Jet Set Girl International, LLC.

Cheryl Broussard is the principle of Jet Set Girl International, LLC and the former owner of Jet Set Girl Hair, a distributor of luxury synthetic hair and hair products for professional women. Broussard is a consummate entrepreneur with over two decades of experience. She believes that women must approach life from a holistic standpoint, and beauty plays a significant role in wealthbuilding and inner self-confidence.

Broussard has participated in the multicultural beauty world and was an honoree role model in Beyond Beauty. She has an established relationship with the Bronner Bros company and has been featured in their “Upscale” magazine.

She is also an author and has written over 14 bestselling books, selling over 250,000 copies worldwide. She has also spoken all over the world, becoming a media personality for CNN and the “Wall Street Journal.” She has built an online empire. Now her life’s work and passion are to empower entrepreneurs to have a lucrative business that impacts not only their lives but many others worldwide. Her mission is to transform the lives of entrepreneurs worldwide to have true financial and time freedom.

Broussard started her business career as a stockbroker with a major Wall Street firm and later left to start her own money management company where she managed $75 million in investment assets. She has appeared as a business and financial expert on CNN, CNBC, CBS Marketwatch and other major TV stations and has been featured in many national publications.

She has conducted and spoken at international conferences, workshops and seminars on business, investments, and entrepreneurship.

Broussard is also the former host of the “The Cheryl Broussard Show’ radio show on KBLX, San Francisco, California which featured leading beauty care business owners, and their brands.

Naja Rickette,

Cast Member of We TV’s “LA Hair”

Naja Rickette, also known as “The Naja,” is a Couture Nail Artist, Nail Stylist, or, to keep it short, “The Queen of Nails.” She is the pioneer of Minx nails and launched her own collection of eight custom designs sold to nail professionals worldwide. Rickette is also the former co-owner and host of Nail Talk Radio, a radio show dedicated to all things nails and promoting innovation within the professional nail community.


This talented nail stylist is from the mean streets of New Jersey. Since the age of 13, Rickette has been working and taking care of herself. She was a chef before she was a nail artist, so she knows what presentation is all about. Rickette is the undisputed master at creating high-end nail art not seen before by anyone. One of her proudest moments was in styling Fergie’s (Black Eyed Peas) nails for one of their most famous videos “Boom, Boom, Boom” in which she created long, sharp looking nails with metallic silver and black stripes which Fergie used in the video and on tour. She has also designed a nail look for Paris Fashion Week.

50 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
Cheryl Broussard Jet Set Girl International, LLC. Naja Rickette Member of We TV’s “L.A. Hair” Joseph Swafford

When you come to Rickette to get your nails done, you get an experience. Whatever you can imagine, and even some things you never thought could

Since then, Rickette has continued to keep herself busy. Along with establishing herself as an international educator and opening the Naja

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Male Hair Thinning

Getting to the root of it

We all lose some hair every day as a result of the normal shedding that takes place during its natural growth and replacement cycle.

Over 63 million people in the United States suffer from Alopecia, the technical term for abnormal hair loss. The chief causes of Alopecia are heredity, poor circulation, lack of proper stimulation, improper nourishment, certain infectious skin diseases such as ringworm or constitutional disorders.

Male self-image can be significantly reduced by baldness, even though a correlation has

been demonstrated between baldness and high levels of testosterone and thus, virility. Nevertheless, many balding men dream about a magic product will be found to restore the hair of their youth. The only two hair loss treatments that have proven to stimulate hair growth and are approved by the FDA are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is a topical treatment that is applied to the scalp twice a day. It is sold over the counter as a nonprescription drug and is available for both men and women, and is not known to have any adverse side effects.

Finasteride is an oral prescription medication for men only. Although it is considered more effective and

52 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Feature Article

convenient than Minoxidil, its possible side effects include weight gain and loss of sexual function. Aromatherapists and trichologists regularly use any number of essential oils that have the same function. Not only that, but essential oils, unlike chemical drugs, are harmless to the body if used correctly. So while the drug developers continue with their testing, aromatherapists and trichologists will continue stimulating hair growth in atrophied follicles.

Barber Shop Aid® Brand Products has developed an incredible, hair growth solution using aromatherapy which combines the right synergistic blend of essential oils for premature balding. These essential oils are blended in a base of all-natural carrier oils such as castor oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, olive oil and other natural oils along with vitamin E, menthol and infused with biotin (vitamin B).

prevent hair from falling out, strengthen and make the hair you still have thicker. In some cases, if hair follicles are still productive, this product can bring back a fluffy, downy hair. Premature balding can be lessened by the oils but don’t be impatient. The treatment must be continuous and don’t expect to see results for about three to four months. With these products, your patience will be rewarded.

At Barber Shop Aid, we’re often asked, “Will these products grow my hair?” I am always honest with my clients. I let them know that hereditary factors can play a role in balding problems. However, reducing the aging factor in the whole body by keeping the cell functions healthy and vigorously using the treatments can delay that hereditary trait. I also suggest they see their doctor to make sure they are not suffering from any deficiency and to have a hair follicle examination to ensure they are still alive. Treatments only work if the hair follicles are still viable.

Meet David

David (Bebe) Wright, the founder of Barber Shop Aid Brand Products, has relied on his skills as a Master Barber & Barbershop Owner to succeed in business. This knowledge helped to aid in the research and development of Barber Shop Aid Brand Products. Learn more at www. barbershopaid.com or contact David at 251-533-5625 or dwrightimage2006@aol.com

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 53
Barber Shop Aid® Alopecia Amazing Hair Growth Oil treatment will

Men’s Grooming Products

There are just some products that your male customers can’t live without in their lives. Razors, clippers, hair brushes or combs, the list goes on and on. To make sure you’re carrying the essentials your shoppers need, check out the Top 5 selling men’s grooming products at Jinny Beauty Supply.




Cantu Men’s Beard Oil


Keeping a beard moisturized is no easy task. That’s why many customers prefer to use a beard oil like the Cantu Men’s Beard Oil. It’s specially formulated for me with curly, coarse or wavy hair.


• It has a unique blend of hemp seed oil, caffeine and tea tree oil to nourish hair

• Works well with sealing in moisture.

• No sulfates, parabens and mineral oils

Barber’s Choice (Black)


Every man isn’t ready to embrace his gray hair. Luckily, they don’t have to with the Barber’s Choice Beard and Mustache Color. This demi-permanent color can last for up to six weeks and can cover resistant gray facial hair by 100%. Best of all, there’s no ammonia odor or harsh smell.

Beard Guyz Beard Butter with Grotein


What’s worse than a rough, coarse beard? How about a beard that won’t grow? Men dealing with either of those problems know that products like the Beard Guyz Beard Butter with Grotein will be the best solution. Made to moisturize and encourage growth, this beard butter is formulated with Mulberry extract, Shea Butter and Coconut oil to promote growth, soothe skin and reduce irritation.


Luster S-Curl 360 Style Wave Pomade LR914

If you’ve seen your customers sporting a wave pattern in their short haircut, then chances are, they’ve been using the Luster’s S-Curl 360 Style Wave Pomade. This product provides superior hold and enhances the hair’s natural wave pattern. The non-greasy formula is applied smoothly and can be rinsed out with warm water.

5Andis T-Outliner T-Blade Trimmer


Perfect for all-around outlining, dry shaving and fading, this trimmer has a close-cutting carbon-steel T-blade for detailing. It also has a high-speed motor and a contoured housing made to fit comfortably in hand, making this a barbers’ favorite.

54 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Top FIVE
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wear extensions, wigs, weaves, braids, fauxlocs, etc. Nourishes and grows their hair while wearing a protective style AVAILABLE NOW

The big show the biggest show in jinny history Miami

Jinny Beauty Supply of Miami and New Jersey held The Big Show to celebrate the biggest show in Jinny history on March 3 and 10 respectively. The company’s VIP customers were invited to partake in special promotions and unbeatable deals. Every show exceeds the one from the year before and this year’s events did not disappoint. Attendees walked away amazed, looking forward to the next Jinny Beauty Supply tradeshow. Shows for the Chicago and Atlanta will take place later in March.

58 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 59
Justin Lee and Damon Cho of JBS Hair, with Charles Seo (center). Vogue International booth. Shane Choi and John Rim of R&R Corp. work with a customer. Jinny Miami staff register visitors for the Big Show. Morrishane Collins talks about the Strength of Nature products with a customer and Derek Lee of First Choice Sales and Marketing Group. The Respected Roots team were happy to attend their first Jinny tradeshow. An attendee visits the Revlon booth.
60 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
Visitors flocked to the JBS Hair space. TJ Dickinson of Conair meets with a customer. Andrey Court of Ecoco Inc. laughs with customers. Dream Team Michelle Lee chats with an attendee. Grace Seong smiles for the camera at the JBS Hair booth. Andrey Court shows off Ecoco’s latest offerings. Miami Warehouse General Manager Saul Morales is happy to be at the Jinny Big Show. Miami Warehouse manager Sebastian Lopez.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 61
Dream team member Winnie Kim with a customer. Juliet Moore of Henkel tells attendees about the latest Henkel products. Dream Team member Petra Rampersad assists a Big Show visitor. Grace Seong showcases the variety of JBS Hair products with customers. Caio Andrade and Lulu Corral were eager to meet with attendees at the Wella booth. Visitors peruse vendor’s booths at the Big Show. Todd Smith shares Oster product details with attendees. Austin Russo of StyleCraft talks with attendees.
62 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
J. Strickland booth. Attendees were all smiles at the event. Jinny Miami Dream team representative Kevin Back points out the popular products to event attendees. Hair Illusion booth. Deborah Haynes Brannon shares information on a Murray’s Worldwide product. Visitors peruse the product wares at the vendor booths. Attendees visited the American International Industries booth. Jinny Miami sales rep Any Son met with a customer at the Big Show.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 63
A customer listens intently to a Universal Beauty representative. Jinny Miami Dream Team members Kevin Back, Manouchka Cesarin and Petra Rampersad Customers chat with vendors about the bell ringer deals at the Big Show. An Ampro rep completed a customer’s sales order at the show. Customers meet with a vendor rep to purchase products. PDC Brands booth. Customers stop by each booth to see the latest products. A customer visits the Strength of Nature booth.

Sales orders were placed at every booth.

64 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
The Just For Locs booth. Jinny Miami rep Chris Kim tells customers about the company’s products. Customers flocked to the Wella booth. Jinny Miami sales team members Kevin Back and Chris Kim were seen chatting with show attendees. Belal Ahmed of As I Am helped attendees place an order. Visitors flocked to advertiser booths to buy products.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 65
Dream Team Michelle Lee chats with an attendee. visitors from Diamon Girl Beauty and Classy Girl Beauty were in attendance. Dream Team member Chris Kim chats with a customer. Dream team member Winnie Kim with a customer. Jinny Sales team member Kevin Back talks with a customer about the revolutionary Spunge product. Jinny Miami staff welcomed visitors and assisted them with their registration.
66 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
Jinny Vice President Charles Seo visited vendor booths at the Big Show. Johnny Edwards of Summit Lab shows a customer one of his newest products. Henkel booth Damon Cho helped customers place their orders. Afua Odame of AFAM Concept chatted with visitors. Vogue booth. Jim Travagline of Sashapure helps a customer. Luster Products booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 67
Elegant Beauty Corp. owner George F. Mobassaleh, Fuad Ahmad and purchaser Tony. Strength of Nature booth. Jaredd Smith and Dawn Green chat with Jinny Corp. President Eddie Jhin. JBS Hair booth.
68 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
E.T. Browne booth. Shaherra Rolen of M&M Products was all smiles while working with a customer. Eddie Jhin, George F. Mobassaleh and purchasers Bashir and Tony. Damon Cho shares details about JBS Hair products with a visitor. Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham works with a customer. Jinny Corp. President Eddie Jhin was seen with Elegant Beauty Corp. owner George F. Mobassaleh and purchaser Bashir. Jinny Miami rep Chris Kim with two Big Show attendees. Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham assists a customer.

The big show

the biggest show in jinny history

New jersey

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 69
The Jinny New Jersey Warehouse team worked hard to prepare for the Big Show! Jinny’s Tim Gibson, Garrett Wright, Art Emm and Steven Fischman.
70 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
Kaleidoscope Hair Products booth. Jane Carter Solution booth. Cococare booth. L’Oreal Technique booth. Robert E. Lee of Ampro awaits the throng of customers waiting to enter the Big Show. StyleCraft booth. Conair booth. KAB Brands booth. The Wella O.P.I. booth Roc Cannon of Taliah Waajid was all smiles at the Big Show.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 71
Sashapure booth. Murray’s Worldwide booth. HOYU booth. Revlon booth. R&R Corp. booth. Johnny Edwards of Summit Labs. RICH by Rick Ross booth. Thoma Crumpton at the Wahl booth. E.T. Browne booth. House of Cheatham booth.
72 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
Luster Products booth Johnny Jung, Jae Kim, Lois Kim and Julie Ahn were happpy to be at the Big Show. Strength of Nature booth. Bronner Bros. booth. Nappy Styles booth. King Research booth. AFAM Concept booth. M&M Products booth. Sundial Brands booth. Ecoco Inc. booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 73
Fantasia Industries booth. Juliet Moore of Henkel was happy to be at the Big Show! The Hain Celestial Group booth. Ken Klibaner at the Andis Company booth. Marc Anthony booth. JBS Hair booth. Imperial Dax booth. The Mane Choice Hair Solution booth. Gilbert Landestoy of Vogue International. Posner booth.

Vendors were very busy keeping up with the customers’ orders.

74 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
A customer visits the Bronner Bros. booth. Ken Klibaner greets customers. FHI Heat Booth. Attendees took advantage of all of the bell ringer deals. Winnie Kim smiled for the camera. Jinny employees wait eagerly to greet attendees.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 75
Jinny Corp. President Eddie Jhin blew out the candles on the celebratory cake for another trade show well done! Ryan Kim And Johnny Jung were dressed for success at the Big Show. Brandon OK posed with two Ecoco Inc. models. Jinny New Jersey team celebrated the end of a successful trade show. The Dream World Products team were ready to meet new customers.


Powerful and Compact The New Andis®

CTX Clipper/Trimmer

Do you know any clipper-cutting hairstylists with small hands? Have you ever had a customer say that other tools are just too heavy? If you answered yes to either question, the Andis® CTX Corded Clipper/Trimmer should be your “go-to” response for customer recommendations.

The new CTX Clipper/Trimmer weighs in at an astounding 3 ounces – 20% lighter than similar tools on the market. But don’t let its light weight fool you. The CTX is a small tool that packs a big punch thanks to a powerful rotary motor that drives the blade at 8,000 blade strokes per minute. The CTX also has a newly designed, precision cutting blade that allows hair to feed through the blades faster. These two features combine to deliver more precision and power to cut through thick or wet hair.

Consider this: most stylists use wet products to provide hair care to their clients, and may need to trim their client’s hair after wet products are applied. In this case, the trimmer chosen must be powerful enough to cut through hair coated with product. Due to their power and speed, rotary motor tools are ideal for these types of jobs. The best new tool that satisfies this need is the Andis CTX, especially when performing the clipper-over-comb technique.

To sum it all up, the CTX is called a clipper because it has a highspeed, powerful rotary motor that works on all hair types. It can also be considered a trimmer as a result of its close-trimming blade. The ability to use one tool for both clipping and trimming helps clipper cutters save time and space at their work stations. And we all know time is money for all stylists and barbers!

As a result of all its innovative features – weight, size, blade, motor, – and the ability to cut through thick, wet hair with precision and ease, the CTX Clipper/Trimmer is sure to become one the most valued, versatile tools among professionals and at-home clipper cutters.

For more information about the new Andis CTX Clipper/Trimmer visit andis.com.

Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.

JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

76 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Advertisement


Beyond Beard Deep

By 2024, the global male grooming market is estimated to be worth about $29.14 billion. That’s nearly a 30% projected growth, on top of a 46% growth from the last 10 years. However, the male grooming market is beyond razors and shaving items. Male grooming is more than beard deep. Men’s interest in handling their facial hair is well beyond shaving and sculpting. They want to enhance their skin, improve their beard texture and sharpen their overall style. While nearly half of the category covers shaving related products, the remainder for the business comes from skin care, facial hair, and body hair. New products address the treatment and maintenance of beards. Men are interested in products that specifically address their moisturizing, conditioning, and exfoliating their skin. They want to condition and treat their entire body. For their beards alone, there are products that co-wash-cleansing without shampoo, moisturize with oils and balms. They’ve learned from women’s products which techniques are healthy and protective. They are now expecting to have technological innovation that is specific to manly stubble and skin types.

Men are shopping for male-specific products. They are buying products for themselves and expecting that the products are uniquely designed for their pampering. No longer do they have to make do with women’s products or brands. They want products designed to accommodate the male grip. They want to avoid feminine scents. They are shopping locally and online for the latest in male grooming. The men’s grooming market is experiencing growth as a result of increased awareness in the products that are needed just for men. They learned to moisturize, condition, use cosmetics, from women’s productions. But they no longer want to resort to women’s products to get the masculine job done.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

78 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019










Dual-Function, Hypo-Allergenic Gold Titanium Foil Shaver with Retractable Trimmer, Floating Foils and Cutters, Corded or USB-Charged Cordless, Longest Continuous Run-Time, Ultra Lightweight and Slim Precision Design

Gamma+ Italia, the international leader in progressive new technologies for hair, has introduced the unique Absolute Zero Finishing Foil Shaver, an innovative, dual-function foil shaver with a convenient retractable trimmer.

The ultimate in Italian style, quality and innovation, the professional Absolute Zero Finishing Foil Shaver has ultrathin, independently floating foils and cutters.

The gentlest of shavers, Absolute Zero’s advanced design is especially lightweight at under 5 oz., yet uniquely compact for greater precision. It consistently offers a closer, smoother and more even shave and also helps prevent skin irritation.

The Absolute Zero’s unique gold and titanium foil gives a razor-edge close shave when used on stubble or can flawlessly maintain a sharp or natural-looking beard. Its special, retractable

trimmer is finely calibrated to be multi-functional - from reducing bulk hair to shaping and defining sideburns, necklines and edges.

The Gamma+ Italia Absolute Zero Foil Shaver ($69.95 retail) can be used corded or cordless. It features a unique micro-USB charger and a lithium-ion battery that charges to full strength in as little as 30 minutes for a remarkable 120 minutes of continuous run-time. The Absolute Zero comes with a 2-year limited warranty and includes 2 free replacement cutters.

The new Gamma+ Absolute Zero Foil Shaver will be available through salons, dayspas and at www.gammaplusna.com.

Instagram: @gammaplusna Facebook: @gammapiu

About Gamma+ Italia: The crème de la creme of the professional appliance world, all Gamma+ Italia products are handmade in Italy in an eco-clean and conscious environment. All Gamma+ Italia products are high-performance and eco-friendly. They are built in a solar-paneled facility which reduces carbon emissions by over 1000 kilos a day (saving the equivalent of a forest every year).

80 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 81 OFFER ENDS APRIL 30, 2019 SPECIAL OFFER BUY 3 CASES OF ANY MILK & HONEY PRODUCTS (RR44834, 44835, 44837, 44839, 44838) FREE GET 1 CASE OF MILK & HONEY EDGE CONTROL (RR44838)

Creme Of Nature Launches New No Mix, No Mess and Easy To Apply Clay & Charcoal Collection

Say hello to beautiful and defined soft curls with the new collection featuring natural ingredients, Rhassoul Clay, Activated Charcoal and Bentonite Clay, all known to effectively detoxify, cleanse and replenish moisture

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --

Trusted hair care leader Creme of Nature® is excited to expand its portfolio with a new Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal Collection for women with natural textured hair. Infused with a blend of Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Activated Charcoal and Bentonite Clay, the new products target consumers who seek beautiful, defined curls with products to cleanse, purify and detoxify hair. The new collection will be available at Walmart and local beauty supply stores starting March 2019.

“Daily use of products and active lifestyles can result in dryness, product buildup and dull, lifeless curls,” said Teneya Gholston, director of marketing for Creme of

Nature. “Inspired by one of the most researched online DIY beauty treatments, our new Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal Collection takes the guesswork out of the process with no mix, no mess and easy to apply products. The new line is an easy three-step

process formulated to purify and replenish the natural moisture into the hair, resulting in beautiful popping curls.”

Individually, Rhassoul Clay is known to reduce dryness and restore moisture, Activated Charcoal effectively purifies hair, while Bentonite Clay detoxifies and restores hair balance by removing buildup. This detox and softening product line will thoroughly cleanse the hair while enhancing curl definition and curl clumping; ultimately, leaving your hair living its best life!

All products have been formulated without petrolatum or mineral oil and contain high-quality ingredients, resulting in healthylooking and clean hair for better management and styling.

Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal hair care collection, made with Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera, includes:

• Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal Pre-Shampoo Detoxifying Clay Mask 11.5 Oz. (SRP $6.48) – Detoxifies by removing buildup and infuses deep moisture.

• Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal Soften & Moisture Replenish Shampoo 12 Oz. (SRP $5.48) – Gently cleanses without stripping hair of its natural moisture and controls frizz.

• Creme of Nature Clay & Charcoal Soften & Moisture Replenish Conditioner 12 Oz. (SRP $5.48) – Enhances natural shine and softness.

We invite you to join the Creme of Nature family! For more information about Creme of Nature, please visit cremeofnature. com, or follow us on Instagram (@cremeofnature), Facebook (facebook.com/cremeofnature), YouTube (youtube.com/user/ CremeNatureOfficial), Snapchat (cremeofnature) and Twitter (@ cremeofnature).

82 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News

in-cosmetics Global lines up an exclusive educational programme to support R&D professionals in business growth

Leading cosmetics and personal care event, in-cosmetics Global returns to the cosmetics heartland, with three days of educational content.

in-cosmetics Global returns to Paris from 2-4 April with a wealth of presentations, seminars and workshops to give visitors an indepth view of the trends to set the agenda in the cosmetics and personal care industry over the next 12 months.

The programme is devised to cover all aspects of this fast-paced industry and keep R&D professionals up to speed on forthcoming developments.

The event kicks off with the second instalment of the Pre-Show Regulatory Conference on 1 April, for which delegates can book their places now to make the most of early-bird rates before 28 February. The topic up for the conference is ‘Regulations: opportunities or obstacles?’ and is open to both cosmetic manufacturers and suppliers of cosmetic ingredients. The conference will provide an analysis of the differing frameworks that constitute the world’s biggest personal care markets, making it unmissable for attendees from the European Union, Brazil, AsiaPacific, China and the USA.

immediate and mid-range development of the industry, covering issues affecting each and every manufacturer and supplier. Earlybird booking rates end on 28 February, with those keen to attend a workshop are advised to secure their places now.

Karl Lintner, President, KAL’IDEES, will host ‘Free radicals and ageing: a new look at anti-oxidant use in cosmetics formulations’, covering the most recent theories of free radical research. He will be joined by four leaders in the area, including Dr. Alain Mavon, Senior Director of Science & Innovation, Oriflame; and Prof. Dominique Vichard, Professor - Researcher, University of Versailles.

Dr Alan Khaiat, President of Seers Consulting and Chairman of ASEAN Cosmetics Association, will lead the conference, joined by four experts including Dr Jay Ansell, Vice-President, Personal Care Products Council; Anne Dux, VP Science and Regulatory Affairs, FEBEA; and Dr Gerald Renner, Director of Technical Regulatory Affairs, Cosmetics Europe. Delegates can expect to leave the conference with a deeper understanding of cosmetic regulations in the main markets of the world, and insight into what’s ‘hot’ in the industry right now.

Eight paid-for workshops will take place from 2-3 April, each offering delegates a wealth of information pertinent to the

Lintner will also moderate ‘Emotions in Cosmetics: Neuroscience, the newest trend in Personal Care’. He said: “It is increasingly evident, and now provable and proven that emotional and psychological aspects contribute measurably and importantly to the beneficial efficacy of cosmetic skincare products, perhaps even more so than the specific bioactive ingredients contained in the formulations. This new angle on neurocosmetic science and research will be discussed by eminent speakers from academia and well-known global brands.”

Elsewhere, personalisation continues its meteoric rise as consumers increasingly demand individual products to suit their own hair, skin and personal preferences and this will be addressed with a workshop on ‘From skincare to fragrance – how the digital revolution is personalising cosmetics’. This practical session will look at achieving personal fragrances and how DNA profile is now the blueprint for efficacious wellness and bespoke beauty products. Dr Barbara Brockway, Director – Personal

84 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News

Industry News

Continued in-cosmetic

Care, AppliedDNA Sciences, will lead Raya Khanin, Co-Founder, LifeNome and Penny Williams, Creative Perfumer, Orchadia Solutions Ltd in this topical debate.

Brockway said: “I cannot believe the amazing, once-in-a-lifetime team we have driving this workshop. It will be a full afternoon of truly hands-on experience, guided by six leading industry experts who are all company founders, and delegates will walk away with all they need to know to create winning personalised products.”

Meanwhile, Dr Theresa Callaghan will host a workshop on ‘Developing EU compliant claims. She said: “Key steps in any claim development process are: consumer insight, product raison d’être claim development strategy, body of evidence, and communication. If the developer cannot get these processes right, it does not matter what the trendy claim might be, they may well fail in the overall compliance.

former will host sessions addressing issues from how sensitivity and allergies are changing the beauty category to the evolution of private label in beauty and personal care. For the more technicallyfocused, seminars on offer include Substantiating anti-pollution, blue light and microbiota cosmetic claims and how to select from multiple vegetable oil options for cosmetic formulations.

in-cosmetics Global 2019 will also be remembered for the launch of the inaugural Global Beauty Day on 3 April – set to be an annual celebration highlighting the need for inclusivity to embrace the world’s diversity.

Roziani Zulkifli, Exhibition Manager of in-cosmetics Global, commented: “in-cosmetics has long led the charge on educational content for the cosmetics and personal care industry and this has become our portfolio’s raison d’être. Visitors trust us to provide a truly immersive, unmissable and – above all – useful experience from which they can report on their learnings when back in their businesses. Nothing stands still in this industry and our programme this year reflects that with sessions dedicated to the rise of AI, AR, personalisation and many more hot topics.

“My workshop will walk the delegate through the process of developing a claim using ‘on trend’ claims as examples. It will also help attendees develop a common-sense approach in achieving their claim objectives and an understanding of their ownership of the claims development process.”

Other topics addressed at the workshops include ‘Science meets nature: chemistry, A.I. and molecular physiological platforms for the rational design of performing natural cosmetic products’; ‘Developing certified green cosmetics’; and ‘The skin microbiome – the known and unknown in product development’. With so many fundamentally important areas of the industry up for discussion, R&D professionals should ensure they have booked their places before it is too late.

“As a leading show in the global beauty industry, we wanted to celebrate diversity and 2019 will provide a platform for this. For the first time, the second day of the show will become a calendar event to encourage cosmetic and personal care professionals to celebrate diversity and inclusion.”

Elsewhere, the educational programme’s free content spans the three days of the show with the Marketing Trends Theatre and Technical Seminars Theatre both packed with sessions. The

The show takes place at the Porte de Versailles, showcasing the world’s leading personal care ingredients amid unmissable networking opportunities. A host of interactive areas will be back, including the popular Formulation Lab, Sensory Bar, Make-Up Bar and the new Indie Trail. The Trail will help Indie brands overcome the challenge of sourcing suppliers that provide smaller quantities of ingredients with a guide listing potential supplier partnerships.

For more information, receive the latest updates and register, please visit www.in-cosmetics.com/register. The Pre-Show Regulatory Conference and Workshops programme offer limited availability – don’t miss out by booking your place now.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019

(SS6795, SS6788, CR1907, 1903, 1906, SS35011, SS35021, JP2020, JP2018)


Wahl Professional Welcomes New Head Educator

Sterling, IL (January 25, 2019) – Wahl Professional is pleased to welcome Lisa Finucane as the company’s new US Director of Education.

Finucane has considerable history in the barbering and beauty industry having started her career as a cosmetologist as a way to pay for college. Most recently she served as a regional sales manager with Babyliss Pro. Prior to this she was a field sales manager for Cosmoprof Beauty, a regional educator with L’Oreal Professional and a regional educator with Wella.

Finucane is excited to bring her experience as a cosmetologist and marry it with the barbering experience to give Wahl an edge over the competition by increasing its artistic vision. She knows that barbering is the future of the industry and is excited to be involved.

“The most important thing is to remain teachable in this industry because things change so quickly,” said Finucane.

The idea of sharing experience and giving back through education is what initially drew Finucane to Wahl. She saw Wahl’s initiative to start its Fade It Forward program to give underprivileged youth a barbering education and it made her realize working for Wahl would be the right fit for her.

“Education is so important in general because no one can ever take it away from you and it gives you power in life and opportunity,” said Finucane. “Specifically, education is so important within the barbering community because it gives more than access to new trends. It shows people that there is a bigger picture, barbers can see the world they fit in and they can they can create a network or fellow barbers on which to rely.”

“Wahl Professional continues to improve upon its educational offerings for barbers and stylists within the US and across the globe. We’re looking forward to Lisa making an important contribution to our US education team,” says Lance Wahl, Global Vice President – Professional Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation.

About Wahl Professional

Since 1919, with the invention of the first practical electric hair clipper, Wahl Clipper Corporation has been the leader in the professional and home grooming category. Today, with over 2,500 employees worldwide, Wahl is proud to carry forward the tradition of innovation and superior customer service that was created by Leo J. Wahl. Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, Wahl distributes to 176 countries and has eight global manufacturing facilities as well as 25 sales offices. At Wahl, we are proud of our heritage of excellence as well as our remarkable list of groundbreaking innovations for the present and future for the global market. Visit www.wahlpro.com for more details.

88 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News
Lisa Finucane
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 89

African Pride Launches Black Castor Miracle Collection to Improve How Protective Style Wearers Care for Their Hair

Black Castor Miracle collection nourishes and protects hair from damage before, during and after protective styles

SAVANNAH, GA., Feb. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- African Pride, a hair care manufacturer with more than 30 years of experience creating quality, affordable products, introduces its Black Castor Miracle collection. The eight-product range provides women with a simplified regimen to change the way they care for their hair before, during and after wearing protective styles; which include braids, locs, weaves, wigs or any other hairstyle that tucks the ends of your hair away from constant manipulation.

Each product in the Black Castor Miracle line was specifically formulated with black castor oil; the number one ingredient associated with hair growth and other premium, all-natural ingredients like coconut water, jojoba, tea tree, peppermint, coconut and soybean oils, coconut milk and shea butter.

“Through our research, we know that within the past 12 months, more than 65 percent of African American women have worn their hair in a protective style,” said Kendria Strong, Director of Marketing. “We also know that consumers experience breakage and damage while wearing these styles due to lack of knowledge around proper hair care so we made sure that Black Castor Miracle products were simple, multi-functional and created with the highest quality ingredients to help them protect what’s theirs.”

The simplified Black Castor Miracle regimen covers the key phases or steps in the life cycle of a protective style: (Step 1) moisturize and prep, (Step 2) style and protect, (Step 3) refresh and seal and (Step 4) takedown and detangle, all while nourishing the hair and scalp, sealing in moisture and protecting against styling damage that may cause breakage; helping to retain length while promoting healthy hair growth.

The eight-piece Black Castor Miracle collection includes:

• Prep & Leave-In Moisture Butter (8oz) – Moisturize and prep hair before braided, weaved or protective styles with this specially crafted blend of black castor oil, shea butter and

jojoba oil which penetrates hair strands, providing longlasting hydration and protection against breakage during styling.

• Anti-Humidity Heat Protectant Spray (4oz) – Provides 400°F heat protection and guards against heat damage when blow drying, flat-ironing or straightening leave out, weaves and edges. Specially crafted with a keratin complex, this lightweight formula blocks humidity, seals in shine and keeps hair straight for up to 2 weeks or until your next wash day.

• Braid, Loc & Twist Gel (8oz) – Smooths frizz and fly-aways while boosting shine, for longer lasting styles. Leaves braids, locs and twists neat and smooth and can be used to slick edges or finish desired styles.

• Hold & Cover Black Edge Gel (2.25oz) - Slicks stubborn edges, temporarily covers gray hair and fills in thinning edges or part lines.

• Braid & Scalp Cleansing Rinse (12oz) – Uses a special blend of micellar water, black castor, coconut and peppermint oils to gently cleanse and condition hair, edges and scalp during braided styles and under weaves without causing frizz. Soothes scalp and calms itching; leaving hair refreshed and styles lasting longer.

• Hair & Scalp Sealing Oil (6oz) - Locks moisture into hair strands and improves moisture retention, while helping to condition hair, soothe scalp, calm itching and prevent dryness. Great for braids, crochet styles, edges, under weave care and protective styles.

• Moisture & Detangling Masque (8oz) – Softens, conditions and removes knots or buildup from dry, tangled hair after braided, weaved and protective styles. Helps to prevent excessive breakage and shedding.

90 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News

• Moisture Restore Treatment (2oz) – Deep conditioning treatment infused with coconut milk and shea butter that hydrates and restores moisture to extremely dry, damaged hair.

Each item in the Black Castor Miracle collection is priced between $4.49 - $4.99 and is available beginning February 2019 at beauty supply stores nationwide. The Black Castor Miracle collection will be featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine’s popular series ‘THE BRAID UP’ on YouTube in mid-February 2019.

About African Pride

For 30 years, African Pride has addressed the hair care needs of all hair types and textures whether natural or relaxed with brands like Black Castor Miracle, Moisture Miracle, Shea Miracle, Olive

Miracle and Dream Kids. We believe in the unspoken power of a great hair day. The boost of energy that’s given when your beauty and confidence is intertwined should be accessible to all women. That’s why we created African Pride products with premium, natural ingredients at an affordable price to ensure that you’re less stressed about your hair and more focused on stepping into your best self.

For more information about the brand, visit AfricanPrideHair.com.

You can also join the African Pride conversation on Facebook (@ MyAfricanPrideHair), YouTube (@AfricanPride), and on Instagram and Twitter (@MyAfricanPride). To start your own conversation about the brand, use its official hashtag #FeelingMyPride and for Black Castor Miracle specifically, #ProtectWhatsYours.

92 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Industry News
TEARDROP FRAMES / UPRIGHTS AND BEAMS warehouse sale 96” X 4” Teardrop Beams • 96” beam length accommodates 2 standard sized pallets • 4-5/8” profile for extra strength under pressure • Standard teardrop design for greater compatibility • Color may vary • Almost like new condition 16’ X 42” Teardrop Frames / Uprights 500+ Available 4000+ Available • Frame Depth (Front to Back) : 42” • Frame Height: 192” (16’) • Standard Teardrop Design • Color may vary • Almost like new condition 16’ X 42” Teardrop Frames / Uprights 96” X 4” Teardrop Beams Interested? Please contact Tim Gibson: tgibson@jinny.com | 770-734-9222 Ext. 12120 great prices! great service!
African Pride



The Kirschner Group, Inc. welcomes Trevor Lin to its international team as a sales representative to cover Hong Kong, the Philippines and Taiwan markets.

Based in Hong Kong, Trevor is experienced in global brand-building and international business development for niche and lifestyle brands like L’Oréal and Davines. “We welcome Trevor’s experience in retail and professional distribution, and we are confident his support and expertise will boost our business and market penetration


in Asia!” comments Paolo Rezzara, president of The Kirschner Group. For more information, contact Trevor at trevor@kirschnergroup.com. To learn more about The Kirschner Group’s international representation programs, visit kirschnergroup.com.

According to the Denton RecordChronicle, Sally Beauty is consolidating its office and distribution space in Denton, Texas.

It’s closing its building at 3900 Morse Street and shuttering distribution operations in Denton by March 31. The change will impact about two dozen workers, who will be reassigned to other positions. The Denton facility is one of three distribution centers Sally is closing this year.


It has more than a dozen centers in total. The move to streamline operations will make way for a new 500,000-square-foot distribution facility for Sally Beauty Supply stores and Beauty Systems Group stores. Visit dentonrc.com and sallybeautyholdings.com

The biggest news for salons, Coty unveiled the Wella Professionals augmented reality (AR)enabled Smart Mirror, which is powered by the award-winning CareOS operating system.

The mirror’s technology enhances the hair-color experience from consultation to aftercare with live AR hair-color try-on, facial recognition that enables the retrieval of past looks and 360° video capture to view the hair at every angle, among other services. It was featured at CES 2019 as part of the CareOS Artémis connected Smart Mirror, which was named a CES 2019 Innovation Awards Honoree.

The Smart Mirror was co-created with Wella Professionals hair stylists and salon owners, based on research to identify the biggest opportunities for innovation in the hair salon experience. The survey of nearly 1,700 stylists and clients revealed that they

the salon. The new technology can run on any connected device, including tablet or mobile phone, making it flexible and portable enough to be scaled at salons of all sizes.

desire more personalized consultations in the salon and better connections outside of

Laura Simpson, Coty Professional Beauty chief marketing officer, said, “We are incredibly excited about this breakthrough innovation, allowing hair professionals, the original image- and change-makers in beauty, to take their consultation with their clients to the next level. With the new Wella Professionals Smart Mirror, clients can have an even more customized session with their stylist, visualize their desired color before application, as well as maintain the relationship and service after the salon visit. Codeveloped with stylists, with this new tool, we are enabling them to build stronger consultations and relationships with their clients, which is critical in our industry.”

94 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
BIR Bits


April 2-4

In-Cosmetics Global Paris, France in-cosmetics.com

April 3-5 Transitions Spring for Family Businesses Tampa Bay, FL familybusinessmagazine.com

April 4-6 IndoBeauty Expo 2019

April 6-7


Kemayoran, Indonesia https://indobeautyexpo.com

New York, NY https://beautycon.com/

April 7-8 Art of Business: The Event Philadelphia, PA www.artofbusiness.com

April 7-8 K eune Foundational Design Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

April 7-8 Keune Blonde Out Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

April 7-10 ECRM/EPPS Store Brand Health & Beauty Las Vegas, NV ecrm.marketgate.com

April 7-10 Strategies Incubator Seminar Centerbrook, CT strategies.com

April 10-11 Beauty & Money Summit Los Angeles, CA https://beautyandmoneysummitla.com

April 14-15 Revel in Beauty -Powered by Allied Beauty Association Toronto, ON, Canada abacanada.com

April 14-15 Spring Style Show presented by CosmoProf San Jose, CA licensedtocreate.com

April 15-16 Makeup in Seoul Seoul, South Korea https://makeup-in-seoul.com

April 15-17 Beautyworld Middle East Dubai, UAE beautyworldme.com

April 17-18 PBA’s Distributor Executive Conference Chicago, IL probeauty.org

April 18-20 Cosmobeauté Asia Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam www.cosmobeauteasia.com

April 19-20 Int’l Meeting on Cosmetology & Trichology Dubai, UAE scientificfederation.com/cosmetology-2019/

April 27-29 22nd Taliah Waajid: World Natural Hair and Healthy Lifestyle Event Atlanta, GA naturalhairshow.org

April 28-29 Keune ColorFSTR Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

April 28-30 Strategies Mastermind: Communication Centerbrook, CT strategies.com


May 4-6 Hair Now: Amer. Hair Loss Council Conf. Nashville, TN ahlc.org/annualconference

May 4-6 Hair Nation Expo 2019 Atlantic City, NJ https://www.hairnationexpo.biz

May 5 NailPro Pasadena Pasadena, CA nailproevents.com

May 5-6 Image Expo Houston Houston, TX theimageexpo.com

May 5-6 Keune Next-Level Color and Design Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

May 6 Texture Exposed ECRU NY Academy, Fair Lawn, NJ https://www.ecrunewyork.com/classes

May TBA 27th International Hair & Beauty Show Secaucus, NJ 800-676-SHOW, ihshow.com

May 13-15 BeautyWorld Japan Tokyo, Japan www.beautyworldjapan.com

May 18-20 CT Barber Expo Hartford, CT https://ctbarberexpo.com/

May 18-20 Keune the Collection Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

May 19-20 J. Beverly Hills Multi-Texture Coils, Curls, Waves Chatsworth, CA www.jbeverlyhills.com

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 95
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Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA
CHICAGO 1-800-535-6110 DALLAS 1-800-925-4669 DETROIT 1-844-421-9736 HOUSTON 1-713-343-5636 LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200 Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA
HOUSTON 1-713-343-5636 LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200 Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA 1-800-936-8733 CHICAGO 1-800-535-6110 DALLAS 1-800-925-4669 DETROIT
HOUSTON 1-713-343-5636 LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200


100 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 AFAM Concept 79, 101 www.afamconcept.com Ampro Industries ............................................................................... 51 www.amprogel.com Coty 7 www.coty.com Curls 93 www.curls.biz DevaCurl 21 www.devacurl.com Ecoco Back Cover www.ecocoinc.com Eden Bodyworks .............................................................................. 11 www.edenbodyworks.com E.T. Browne .............................................................................................. 5 www.palmers.com Fantasia 17 www.fantasiahaircare.com Helen of Troy 47 www.helenoftroy.com High Time Brands Poster www.bumpstopper.com House of Cheatham 23 www.houseofcheatham.com Innovative Beauty............................................................................... 41 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 29 www.inspiredbeauty.com JBS Hair 8, 9,18-19,30-31, 56-57 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands 45 www.aphogee.com Liquid Gold Bonding 103 www.liquidgoldbonding.com M&M Products ................................................................................... IFC www.mmproducts.com Murray’s Pomade 35, 79 www.murrayspomade.com Namaste Laboratories Cover, 96 www.orshaircare.com P&G 3 www.us.pg.com PDC Brands Gatefold www.cantubeauty.com Queen Helene .............................................................................. 35, 79 www.queenhelene.com R&R Corp ........................................................................................ 24-25 www.onnaturalusa.com SM Beauty 15 www.smbeautyusa.com Softsheen-Carson 99 www.softsheencarson.com StyleCraft 37 www.stylecraft.us Sundal Brands 39 www.sheamoisture.com Taliah Waajid ........................................................................................ 55 www.taliahwaajid.com Universal Beauty 91 www.universalbeauty.com Vogue Internatoinal Poster www.ogxbeauty.com Wahl Pro 78 www.wahlpro.com
2019 101

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

• What are the most popular men’s grooming products in your store?

여러분의 매장에서 가장 인기 있는 남성용 구루밍 제품은 무엇인가요?

• Are you seeing increased sales for beard maintenance products?

수염 관리 제품의 매출이 늘고 계신가요?

• Are gray coverage products still on demand at your store?

여러분의 매장에서 흰머리 염색 제품 수요가 여전히 있는 편인가요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication.

보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써,

Name (성함)

Store Name (상호명) ___________________________________

State (주)

Mail this form to: ( 보내실곳 : ) OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340

Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

102 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019
여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에
감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
Reader Feedback

Vitale Olive Oil Edge Rite

Everyone wants to smooth down their edges, but no one wants to lose them.

That’s why it’s important to have an edge control that has the ability to hold down those hairs and moisturize them, as well.

That’s why the Vitale Olive Oil Edge Rite is a great product to keep in stock. It sculpts and holds down edges while providing incredible silky shine. This non-flaking, nongreasy formula provides excellent hold to any style. Formulated with strengthening Olive Oil to deliver incredible moisture.

104 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2019 Product Spotlight

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