Ōtaki Mail July 2020

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Maoriland Film Festival 2020 is back ON! M oriland will e remounted from Septem er 24 27, 2020. Covid 19 forced the closure of MFF2020 on day two in March however, the M oriland team carefully packed everything away including 100 films from across the ndigenous world. The MFF2020 Remount in Septem er will e the first of a month of film festivals across otearoa. ur aim is to give our community a much needed oost y ringing as many visitors from across otearoa as possi le to Ōtaki in Septem er said Festival director Li y Hakaraia. The MFF has rought significant visitor spending to the Ōtaki and K piti region since it egan in 2014. nd whilst the Septem er edition will not include nternational filmmakers, M oriland will ring those filmmakers to the festival via digital technology. We hope that our community here in Ōtaki will get a huge oost from eing a le to gather together to watch film and likewise that our ndigenous filmmakers will e energised y the opportunity to have their films seen. We often say here at M oriland that ndigenous cinema is healing and we know the world needs that more now than ever, said Li y The announcement of the remounted MFF2020 is one of many exciting developments for M oriland. uring lockdown, the team launched the production company arm and successfully applied for development funding from the Film Commission for a slate of feature and short films. M oriland Productions uilds on the

production efforts of M oriland over the past seven years including the T E Slam and rangatahi filmmaking and will see thirteen new M ori films including ten shorts and three features in production or development over the coming year. M oriland Productions success was no easy task. FC CE nna elle Sheehan said that a record num er of 90 applications were received. The num er of applications indicates the importance of these funds to the industry during these challenging times. ssessors were all impressed y the high uality of the usinesses

and pro ects pitched, making the decisions tightly de ated. t s clear that ew ealand screen companies are ready to move forward with some great pro ects. The esta lishment of M oriland Productions is part of M oriland s development pathway for rangatahi in Ōtaki and across otearoa to thrive within the film and creative technology industries. t heralds a new phase for M oriland as an organisation and great opportunity for Ōtaki. Within the next year M oriland will employ a further 10 staff with four roles currently availa le. We are looking for self motivated individuals to support the growth of Te ru Maire the M oriland Rangatahi Strategy in three key areas, said Maddy de oung, the manager of Rangatahi pro ects Te ru Maire unites film, creativity, innovation and technology to develop rangatahi for the future of work as story leaders, creatives and entrepreneurs. t is a vision to create high value employment opportunities for the next generation within our own community, connected to the world. etails on all availa le positions can e found on the M oriland we site under news, www.maorilandfilm.co. n /category/news. n updated MFF2020 timeta le and programme is also availa le on the we site and from the M oriland Hu .

Local honoured P3

Pottery club new venue p5

Arts in taki P12



open daily from 6.30am-4pm

06 364 6742


10% d i s c o u n t M o n to F ri

Photo taken pre-Covid lockdown

Chris Derbridge P22


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

ellbeing booklet piloted at Enliven s Levin homes

free phone


with Enliven in Horowhenua Enliven creates elder-centred communities that recognises elders as individuals and supports them in a way that’s right for them. Across Horowhenua, Enliven offers lively welcoming communities with specialist offerings.

In Levin, Enliven offers:

• Levin Home for War Veterans • Reevedon Home and Village retirement villages rest home hospital dementia short term respite health recovery day programmes For more information please visit:


Residents at Enliven s Levin Home for The resource was initially intended to e War eterans and Reevedon Home have for Enliven residents who identify as piloted a new resource that gathers M ori, ut then we realised that it could information a out a person s cultural, work for every ody. emotional and spiritual needs. The aim is to introduce the resource Enliven s ranga Kaumatua Wellness across all of Enliven Central s rest homes Map has een co designed with iwi and during the year. tangata whenua representatives, as well as In Levin Enliven offers a full continuum Enliven staff and residents from many of care from independent retirement living different cultural ackgrounds. to rest home, hospital and dementia care, What we re trying to work out is what s short-term respite, health recovery care critical for each individual to maintain and an engaging day programme. their overall well eing, explains Enliven To learn more about Enliven’s philosophy eneral Manager icola Turner. and services, visit She says having this knowledge will help www.enlivencentral.org.n . You can also staff to cater to each resident after they call 06 368 7900 (Reevedon Home) move into a home. or 06 366 0052 (Levin Home). Following initial testing of the concept at . some of Enliven s rest homes in 2019, a ooklet has een designed for residents and their families to complete. uestions in the ooklet range from asking a out cultural and spiritual traditions or practices to what makes people laugh, to how they like to dress, when they like to go out and what makes them feel like part of the community. icola says the pro ect came from the need to update evin ome for ar eterans resident avid lar and ealth Enliven s M ori are Assistant Alicia Morgan loo through the ranga aumatua health plan. ellness Map together

Include online accounts in your will B FLE R H BS The digital age is well and truly upon us, even more so today as many of us are working from home as a result of Covid 19. We are now a le to do so much remotely, thanks to our computers. ndeed, there is a sense in which we have rapidly rought ourselves up to date as a result of the pandemic. really good uestion to ask ourselves now is whether we have rought ourselves up to date digitally in terms of things like our wills. Many of us have one or more online accounts. We may have a Face ook Page, for example. r we may have a PayPal account, cloud storage, an iTunes account and other accounts too, such as Spotify, Fly uys or Linked n. We will also likely have an email account. What happens to these accounts when we die

n some cases, it will e important for our loved ones to have access so they can manage the account – our Face ook Page or our email for example. n other cases our online accounts can actually e worth a lot of money, which you may want to transfer to a particular person or people when you die. Many of us think that they will simply e covered in the part of our will that says we are leaving our monetary assets to the person or people named in the will. That, however, is not necessarily the case. ne of my colleagues has a family among her clients. When the father of the family died, his wife tried to access his Paypal account. She did not know her hus and s password, and found she could not reset it. n the end, she needed to pay uite a lot of money to get a court order to access the Paypal account. This event highlights ust how important it is to make sure that you include or

reference online accounts in your will. ncluding online accounts will ensure that you can decide who will look after your accounts when you die. ou can look at issues such as whether you want the account deleted or memorialised if it is something like a Face ook page. ou can also decide whether you want any accounts transferred to someone or gifted to people, if it is something like a Paypal or iTunes account. ot only can this save your family money for example the cost of having to get a court order , it also means that your family is not left wondering what to do with the accounts and their content. ow would e a good time to check your will and see what online accounts need to e included. pdating your will to include reference to your digital assets does re uire some expertise, and it is important to get assistance and advice from a good lawyer.

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uite apart from looking at digital assets, it is important to update your will regularly. Experts in wills advise people to review their will at least every five years, or sooner if a ma or life event happens. f it is time for you to review your will, we will e happy to help. Contact Fleur or Susie at Susie Mills Law, 364 7190, 282 Mill Road – opposite Farmlands.

Ōtaki Mail is produced y Lloyd, nn Penny at 176 Waerenga Road. Printed y Beacon Print. elivered to every house ur an and rural at the end of every month. f your paper doesn t arrive, please tell us and we ll sort it. For news, please tell us on 06 364 5500 or y email at otakimail@xtra.co.nz


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Liz Hird awarded MNZM B


Te Horo s Li Hird, has een a leading light amongst a small group of dedicated health activists which Ōtaki is lucky enough to have. She rightly deserves the honour of Mem er of the ew ealand rder of Merit, estowed in the recent ueen s Birthday honours. t was the Cartwright n uiry into the cervical screening programme at ational Women s Hospital that started Li on her advocacy ourney. Her realisation a out how vulnera le women were, and that the concept of informed consent was non existent was the prompt to set this lawyer off to resolve what she saw was a failure in the health system. Women didn t know where to get information and felt they needed to feel empowered enough to uestion the health services provided. Being informed. Knowing where to go, is key, she says. She arrived in Te Horo with her partner in 1983 and has een an active part of the community since then, fitting activism together with her role as a arrister and new mother. Her son Ben was orn in 1986 which was when she met up with the Ōtaki midwives. Since then she has always had an interest in the need for a community to have a say. Li was always a strong and articulate voice for Ōtaki Women. Li was a multi tasker, managing the care of her young son, com ined with her work as a arrister in Wellington and community activism in her spare time.

To see her at the front of a hall full of people, challenging the then Chief Executive of MidCentral HB over the provision of maternity services in Ōtaki was a thing of wonder. Li prosecuted the CE relentlessly until proper answers were extracted and the community informed. Ōtaki was lucky in that a core group of activist women supported her. Li together with midwife loria Johnston esta lished the Ōtaki Women s Health roup. The 1990s was a usy time for oth the ŌWH and the Ōtaki Community Health Committee. ot only was the n uiry rolling on nationally, ut changes were also happening locally. Work was needed to keep health services local as the governing legislation was changing. overnment wanted health oundaries for their proposed istrict Health Boards to align with local government oundaries. Ōtaki wasn t going to have a ar of it following su missions and a pu lic meetings, where Palmerston orth rea Health Board said, we want to keep you , and Wellington rea Health Board said, we don t want you. Li led a delegation to the Minister of Health Helen Clark to present the communities concerns and re uest a oundary change. Minister Clark said, f you can find a legal way for me to do it, will, ut you only have 24 hours. That s when having a lawyer leading the charge ecomes really useful and Li found a way, drove into Wellington, and at 11.30pm on the day efore Helen Clark

taki gets a G RC Rates Decrease n the next financial year Ōtaki and Kapiti Coast rural ratepayers will have a small decrease in the amount of Wellington Regional Council rates that they pay. Kapiti Coast s WRC councillor Penny aylor said that after considering the impact C 19 for the Wellington region, WRC made the decision that its previously intended 2020/21 regional rates increase would e cut from the long term plan, which had een proposed at an average of 6.3 . The cuts to the increase mean the average across the Wellington region will e 3 , says Cr aylor. The average increase across the rest of the Kapiti Coast will e around that regional average percentages, ut lower in terms of actual dollar figures. Two years ago WRC changed the Ōtaki funding formula to a special rate, said Cr aylor. The policy says: The capital value of the Ōtaki Residential category is lower than the other categories in the district – Kapiti Coast residential, Kapiti Coast usiness and Kapiti Coast rural. The Pu lic Transport differential rate applied to taki residential is lower than Kapiti Coast residential. t aligns with the similarly lower differential rate used for Wairarapa residential property. Cr aylor said the Reason for Ōtaki s special rate is that the pu lic transport rate on Ōtaki residential properties is lower than that for other residential properties on the Kapiti Coast. Which is fair enough of course, ecause we don t have the same level of pu lic transport services as the rest of the Kapiti Coast yet, said Cr aylor. The savings have een achieved through a mixture of savings, reserves, and orrowing, so reater Wellington can continue to invest in key work programmes such as ood defences, environmental work, implementing changes from the us network review, and improving pu lic transport services. This council is committed to its goals of eing a regional leader in environmental matters, upholding our car on neutral goals and uilding trust with our communities through sound fiscal responsi ility, said Chair aran Ponter.

was a out to y overseas, presented her with the legal rationale to move Ōtaki ack into the Palmerston orth health oard. This was successful, and the oundary was changed. The threatened closure of the Maternity Hospital created another urry of activity. Li was a leading advocate along with the ŌWH and the ŌCHC in trying to retain the services there. Partial success was achieved. The hospital remained open ut only as a Birthing unit. Eventually the Birthing nit moved, and a newly esta lished Ōtaki Community Health Trust under the leadership of the late Mar ory ordon, took over the lease and management of the uilding ensuring that some services remained in the town. The Trust relin uished the management of the uilding to focus on providing a different supportive role in the community. The Trust provided funds for the esta lishment of the taki PH . Since then, community support undertaken y the Trust includes the providing grants to Ōtaki College students undertaking tertiary study. Six defi rillators were purchased y the Trust and donated to community groups. The Trust continues involvement in this pro ect through support for periodically replacing atteries. part from a rief period when Li s partner died and Li concentrated on the care of her young son, she has een an active participant of the ŌCHT since its inception in 1995 and Chair for most of that period.

Thumbs up

• • • • •

No COVID-1 cases in taki Volunteers National Volunteer Cafes and pubs open taki ard Daffodils

Li s health role extends outside Ōtaki. She was appointed to the Medical Council in 2003 and her aim was to increase pu lic awareness of the role of council. She was the eputy Chair of the Council. s eputy Chair of the Education Committee she was involved in development of policies for the pu lic such ou and your octor . For the last 18 years, she has een the istrict nspector for Mental Health Services for the MidCentral HB region with three key roles to ensure the safety and well eing of mental health patients. She s een a key person in visiting and advocating for patients under compulsory treatment orders, receiving complaints and investigating any reaches of the ct or treatment with the a ility to arrange a formal in uiry and finally the oversight of the provision of mental health services.


as in June

Thumbs down • Too many vehicles hooning on the beach • Tra c


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Friends o the B M R





And so to Level one

The past two months have een a trying time for all. However, the Te Horo community stepped up to the challenge, with the district pulling together to support local usinesses and one another. Chief among these must e Te Horo School, where a huge amount of administrative and support work went on in the ackground to support oth distance learning efforts, and to prepare for the return of children to school. The school s Home School Committee has always played a vital role in the Te Horo community, and their recent contri utions to the school include funding for classroom udgets, gymnastics, swimming, Reading Eggs su scriptions, the chickens and garden, maths and literacy initiatives, play ased learning, PE, and staff well eing packs during lockdown.

Ruth Pretty at Home

This wonderful, lockdown inspired offering is here to stay, part of the furniture, said Ruth. The focus is on winter comfort food, tasty dishes from the past which are delivered to your door. Linked with the comfort food idea is the ugust Sourdough Class 9.15 am ugust 1 , with Ruth and her aker, John Hornyak feeling the power of our as they take you on the sourdough ourney.


taki River planting


The rain held off for the Friends of the Ōtaki River s F T R first pu lic planting day for this planting season on June 17. Many of F T R s mem ers and a group from oodman Contractors were usy planting out 1000 native trees and plants alongside the Chrystalls Bend walkway and the r oretum. This planting is for the oodman family – last year we needed topsoil for our planting site, oodman s rought in 1600 cu ic metres of topsoil. n return we have done this planting for them, F T R president Max Lut told those present during the unveiling of the oodman Contractors pla ue. The soil came from the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway construction works. Rick oodman s sons, Lance and aughan were una le to stay very long as they were en route to collect a new ulldo er from further up the orth sland, ut nephew, anny oodman did the honours at the formal unveiling.

Te Horo Country Market and the Seasonal Surplus Stall

t s wonderful to have our markets up and running again, and e a le to uy fresh, locally grown fruit, veggies, eggs and her s such as those at Te Horo Country Market s Seasonal Surplus Stall. have always thought this a wonderful concept, and even more so in the current economic climate – growers can ring along any surplus produce from their veggie garden and orchard clean and agged , and e paid 80 of what it is sold for. ll profit raised is returned to your community, and any left over produce is donated to a local charity such as Food Bank. ext market is Sunday 5 July 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at Te Horo Hall, School Road. s well as the seasonal surplus stall there will e more than 30 outlets, including locally grown olive oil and preserves, n il talian cheeses and meat, and a coffee cart.

Looking at the transformation since we ve een here is ama ing. t s a real asset loody awesome, anny said. The area of this planting is where there was a huge erosion of the river ank ust days efore Christmas in 1998, the first time oodman s came to F T R s rescue, Mr Lut told those gathered. ou guys came and filled it in. This is where the washout was – it could e called the oodman Erosion. n three days we rought in 30,000 cu ic metres of rock for the emergency stop ank repair, Lance oodman replied. We rought all our staff here and they had a picnic on the river ank for three days. ad Rick oodman is always keen to support community groups doing good things. oodman s had een a supporter of F T R for many years and this planting session of 1000 native trees and plants is in appreciation of their support, Mr Lut said. The r or ay planting with Waiopehu College students was postponed the previous week as the Covid 19 restrictions were still in place.

Drinks and Nibbles

Te Horo community will e pleased to know the popular, monthly get together at Te Horo Hall has started again. Touch ase with your friends and neigh ours on Friday, 3 July, 5.30 pm. B drinks and a plate of ni les to share. ll welcome.

Friends Of The Ōtaki River planting for our future

First National

t the end of every financial year, all usinesses re ect on their successes and failures to see how they have compared to themselves in the preceding years, as well as to others in their industry. t First ational Ōtaki, we have much to e happy a out, ut the real oy in our industry comes from marrying people with property. Finding the perfect fit for a prospective purchaser and the perfect price for a vendor. The est negotiations are those where all parties feel like winners, and we are very happy to say that this happens far more often than not. We are proud to have een acknowledged for

taki -


our performance in our industry and have een awarded Top Small ffice and Top Rural ffice again this year, as we have done for the past four consecutive years. We have placed 4th in the country for volume of sales, which we re pretty chuffed a out when you consider that we are a far smaller town than most. nce again, it s not a out the awards, ut the recognition. We would like to share that recognition with you, Ōtaki. ur industry revolves around the fa ric of our town and the interweaving of all the colourful characters who make it up.

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Otaki First National is the real estate specialist for Otaki, Te Horo, Manakau and surrounds.



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R e a lty L td



D e re k , J o & G ra n t s u rro u n d e d b y a w a rd s So many true friendships have evolved from what many might perceive as a commercial transaction. Money is a corollary, ut what makes us get up every morning and stay on the phone all evening is really a out the fulfilment of dreams. oing everything we can to make people happy. commercial transaction, yes, ut always also a personal, emotional transaction. Thank you once again for trusting First ational taki with what is often the largest transaction of a lifetime – something we always feel honoured to e a part of and which we never take for granted.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Ne B

li e or E


taki Pottery Club


Ōtaki and pottery have een linked for many decades. The town has a wealth of emerging and esta lished potters, and is a vi rant art community. Ōtaki is a good place to e a potter, says Rod raham, president of the Ōtaki Pottery Clu . nd he should know – Rod has held the position of president since 1999, and has een a driving force since the clu s inception in 1989, and efore. The nucleus of the clu started in the early 1970s at Ōtaki Primary School.Working in partnership with Creative , the Clay in the Community pro ect involved pottery classes with school children and the local community. Later, a move to Ōtaki College meant classes were focused on adult clay making, making use of the college s art classrooms. guess in today s world, you could say we had a few health and safety issues, explains Rod. Those kilns gave out a pretty noxious mixture of gases. change from the dusty, possi ly unhealthy classrooms was needed as interest in the pottery classes grew. Led y Ōtaki College rt Master, rant Mc a , the indomita le Rod, and a group of enthusiastic locals, a non profit organisation, the Ōtaki Pottery Clu originally the Ōtaki Community Pottery Clu was formed. Most importantly, it rought into reality the concept of a fully e uipped pottery workroom situated on campus, ut separate from the college s art room the pottery workrooms were at the ack of the college . The purpose uild classrooms under the wing of the College were a uni ue idea in ew ealand at the time, and egan a new phase in the history of pottery in Ōtaki. We had a really good relationship with the principal and the Board of Trustees – it was the time of adult education classes, the clu continued to grow as a community asset, says Rod. That spirit of sharing knowledge, and encouraging each other in the clu , was shared with Ōtaki.

The Ōtaki Pottery Clu was ased at the College for 30 happy years, fulfilling the wish of the college in its work for and with the community, and keeping pottery and clay making alive and well in the town. espite mishaps, cracked pots, running gla e, explosions in the kiln, there has een plenty of rewarding moments of pleasure, satisfaction, anticipation and delight. The clu has ena led a lot of people, young and old, to experience all these aspects of pottery. Rosamond gar and rene Walker, Ōtaki Pottery Clu : 1989 1999 . The ld Tote Building, new home to the Ōtaki Pottery Clu , is a far cry from my memories of the Ōtaki College site. Located in the Ōtaki Maori Racing Clu grounds, Te Roto Road, the first impression is one of space, more space and light. But the result hasn t come easy, and weeks and weeks of local manpower, and womanpower, voluntary professional la our plum ing and electrical work ta i Pottery lu president Rod raham a ove with one of his has een incorporated into the clu uilding. Rod large signature wor s, and elow in the classroom with sla roller tells me the initial udget was 200,000 with and two wheels in the ac ground materials and resources, ut a good, skilled committee, and an input of inspired, enthusiastic working ees, saved the clu a lot of money. t s a super facility, says Jude Bismark, pu licity officer for the clu . We ve got three times the space. The clu had een on the look out for a suita le site for a considera le time, and when the Te Roto Road property ecame availa le, it was the perfect solution to their space concerns. Purchasing the uilding, the clu took a 35 year lease from the racing clu . Ōtaki Maori Racing Clu has een really supportive, and we ve also had great support from the Philipp Family Foundation, Rod says. Clu vice president, Brent Craig managed the pro ect giving up many hours , which meant uilding and e uipping two classrooms, it s een nice to have the space to e a le to extend outwards.

orey Pugh at wor in the light, right, e pansive classroom ude Bismar , Pottery clu s pu licity officer with some of the clu s recent pieces

uring the 90s community events, such as pit firings, and the annual raku days, popular with families, lifted the clu s profile, and the Festival of Pots and arden rt, esta lished in 2009, and an annual fundraiser for the clu , further enhanced the future of pottery in Ōtaki. Currently set in the pictures ue gardens of nam Cara, the festival egan life at Trinity Farm, positioned among glorious old roses, only moving after several years to its present location. t has grown in si e and mana, drawing not only renowned, local pottery makers such as Pamella nnsouth, ut guest artists and a national list of potters. arden pottery ust ecame more and more popular, gaining an edge over the domestic kitchen and dining ware, Rod says. But the surge in the popularity of clay making had a downside. The classrooms, once deemed large and open, egan to feel cramped, and access with ig lumps of clay ecame tricky. The time was fast approaching for a need to cap mem ership, due to lack of space.

The purpose designed uilding includes attractive windows dividing various rooms, a o lot off Trade Me, and we painted them up, a li rary, managed y mem er, Kaye Stead, a kitchen and toilet facilities, two dedicated classrooms, one for wheel work ten wheels and two sla rolling machines , the other for hand uilding, a workroom for mem ers, an office, a gallery to display artwork, a kiln room with 3 electric and 2 gas kilns , a gla e room for wax gla ing and a spray area , and a clay room with a wide selection of different types of clay moulds, texture materials, tools and other e uipment as well as plenty of working places. t is a giant leap from rant Mc a s long held dream many years ago to a specially designed and constructed, spacious and well lit facility. Pottery is alive and well in Ōtaki. For information on oining the Ōtaki Pottery Clu contact Stephanie Tidman geeup outlook.com 021 267 7052 or check out www.otakipotteryclu .org

Rac s of wor from the iln, awaiting application of gla e efore they are fired again


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020 By nn Chapman

Cancer Society Horowhenua

MidCentral s chairman s report B BRE

Levin, o ton and Ōtaki iary u y Thursday 2

Massage: (post treatment) Winchester Hse. ph 06 3688624

By Appointment

Thursday 2 Living With & Beyond Cancer Palmerston Nth Series. Week 1. Topic: New Normal. At Addis House, RSVP to Fran or Kasey

10 – 11am 06 356 5355

Monday 6

Foxton Support Group (St Johns Hall, Avenue Road)


Wednesday 8

Otaki Support Group. Gertrude Atmore Supper Rooms.


Wednesday 8

Pure Breast Care. Ph Liz 0800 259 061. Winchester House.

By Appointment

Thursday 9 Living With & Beyond Cancer Palmerston Nth Series. Week 2. Topic: Post radiotherapy – Non medical. RSVP to Fran/Kasey

10 – 11am 06 356 5355

Tuesday 14

Volunteers Meeting. Winchester House.


Wednesday 15

Rimu Group – Men’s Support. Winchester House.


Thursday 16

Lymphoedema Support. Winchester House.


Thursday 16 Living With & Beyond Cancer Palmerston Nth Series. Week 3. Topic: Sleep & Relaxaion. Addis House.RSVP to Fran or Kasey

10 – 11am 06 356 5355

Thursday 23 Living With & Beyond Cancer Palmerston Nth Series. Week 4. Topic: Exercise & Nutrition. RSVP to Fran or Kasey.

10 – 11am 06 356 5355

Tuesday 28

Coffee Club. Women’s Support. Winchester House.


Wednesday 29 Thursday 30

Natural Wear. Ph 0800 622 397 for appt. Winchester House.

Thursday 30

Pure Breast Care. Ph Liz 0800 259 061. Winchester House.

By appointment

Living With & Beyond Cancer Series. Week 5. Topic: Fear of Recurrence. RSVP to Fran or Kasey.

10 – 11am 06 356 5355

Winchester House Hours

10am to 2pm

For further information on any of the above please contact: ennie y ie, Support Coordinator, orowhenua Services 112 Winchester Street, Levin 5510 Ph , Fax , Mob email jennie wy ie cancercd org n

Old School Beauty & Electrolysis • • • • • • •

At The Old School House 174 Waerenga Road tel 06 364 7075

Facials Microdermabrasion Eyebrow shape & tint Eyelash tints Manicures Pedicures Makeup

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'Make Time for You'





Like many in the community, watched the release of Heather Simpson s long awaited Health and isa ility System Review with much interest. The report signaled the need for significant changes for ew ealand s health sector and istrict Health Boards, with the recommendations expected to e implemented over five years. These changes include a proposal to reduce the num er of HBs from 20 to etween 8 and 12. The report also suggests these Boards e governed y fully appointed oards and that the num er of regions e reduced to two or three. Meanwhile, two new independent national agencies are set e created to work alongside the Ministry of Health. These are the Maori Health uthority, which will advise the Minister and guide the development of services and workforce, and Health ew ealand, which will e responsi le for operational aspects of health and disa ility services. MidCentral HB supports any changes designed to improve the sustaina ility of the system and our a ility to positively in uence the health and well eing of the people and wh nau in our communities. t was pleasing then to see the Review included a strong focus on Maori health, e uity and population health. t is vital that M ori en oy improved health and well eing that is at the very least e ual to that of the general population. The report emphasi es locality planning and

coordinated activity across primary, community and intersectoral agencies to address the health needs of communities. These themes align strongly with MidCentral s direction of travel over recent times. s many will know, the HB launched a Locality Planning process in 2017 that involved speaking to people in our communities to gain a greater understanding of the challenges they faced, while also providing an ongoing forum for engagement etween the health sector and the population they serve. The Review recommends more regional and national planning with an integrated approach. This recommendation very much aligns with work already under way in MidCentral, which, in 2018, moved to an integrated service model, known as Te Wao nui a Tane. This model promotes greater integration etween community, primary and secondary care to create a health system that places people at the centre of everything. t also proposes the creation of a charter guiding the culture, attitudes and ehavior to which all providers must commit. mplementation of the recommendations of the Report will egin after the Septem er eneral Election and are expected to e overseen y the epartment of the Prime Minister and Ca inet. The team at MidCentral HB is thoroughly reviewing the content of the review and given the indicative timeframe, we expect there will e sufficient time for any changes of note to e discussed and examined y health professionals in hospital and in primary and community settings.

omen s unit opens at PN ospital Women will now have their own dedicated space in Palmerston orth Hospital for surgical recovery and assessments with the opening of the new Women s ssessment and Surgical nit W S . pened with a lessing on Tuesday 2 June, the W S is an eight ed short stay surgical unit for women, ased ad acent to the maternity ward on Level 2. The unit will have a specialist focus on gynaecology, however, women recovering from other surgeries will also e a le to e utilise the facility. MidCentral istrict Health Board Healthy Women Children and outh perations

Executive Sarah Fenwick said the unit would provide a safe space for women to recover. We are excited to have the opportunity to open this unit to assist the women of our district in having a dedicated space of their own within the hospital, Ms Fenwick said. The unit is going to e especially helpful for women dealing with pregnancy loss . We hope this unit will provide them with a space where they can recover with privacy and dignity. The unit would also help to improve patient ow through the hospital y providing extra capacity for surgical eds across the facility, Ms Fenwick said. Palmerston orth ospital omen s urgical and Assessment nit nurse Anu uttappan, charge nurse Michelle uinn and nurse i itha arghese

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020


Many years of work have gone into the planning for the opening of Kapiti’s Loss and Grief Centre which, and even in these uncertain and changing times, is still on schedule to go ahead on 31st July 2020. Under level 3 and 4 of the Covid lockdown, funerals were either not allowed, then the bubble was allowed, then an extended bubble was allowed. At Level 2 restrictions were only allowed gatherings of 10, and even now with no restrictions on gathering, the impact of Covid is still being felt, with restrictions on coming in from overseas. Because of this, there unfortunatly have been many, who's farewell choice to gather with others as part of the grieving process have had that opportunity denied to them. Consequently they are now suffering emotionally, and struggling with a sense that the opportunity to grieve properly was taken from them. This is why the loss and grief centre team thought it essential to talk about this new venture now, so locals know there is somewhere to turn. Our Facebook page www.facebook.com/LossGriefKapiti/ and our web page have a raft of helpful information. https://lossandgriefkapiti.business.site/

Until the centre officially opens there are still a lot of useful resources such as: brochures, booklets on loss and grief; children’s work-book resources; and a library of books on loss and grief. Now we are at level 1 and the Loss and Grief Centre can formally open, the available resources and support will be expanded to include, support group meetings; drop-in days; one on one support sessions, seminars and more. Cost is of course always a factor, which is

why it is our intention that wherever possible, the Loss and Grief Centre will operate “free of charge”. All the support services we provide on an ongoing basis such as: support groups, one on one support visits, resource materials, library books and general follow up contact will all be completely free, though of course Koha are always welcome. The only exception to our “free of charge” policy will be in relation to the regular seminars that we will be running, a small charge for these will be to help offset the costs of holding these seminars. Sponsorships will be available through the Centre for those who would like to attend but can’t afford it. It is also our intention to use the Loss and Grief Centre Kapiti to support other organisations, including professional counsellors, community support groups etc, by offering the use of our space to them at a heavily discounted rate of just $10 (+GST) per hour, while Kapiti Coast Funeral Home will cover the overhead costs of the facility, including rent, power, and admin wages. The reason Kapiti Coast Funeral Home discounts the ‘Loss and Grief Centre, Kapiti’ facilities to other caring professionals is to encourage community groups and like-minded caring professionals to be involved in the loss and grief work. We also want to see the Loss and Grief Centre become a ‘hub’ for all of those who find themselves ‘in times of need’ no matter what the particular loss or grief they may be suffering. In this way we help everyone to be connected as we support those in need through rough times. The ‘Loss and Grief Centre, Kapiti’, was born out of the free after care service that Kapiti Coast Funeral Home has run through its Funeral Home now for over 28 years. This service was originally started by owner Andrew Malcolm with simple follow up phone calls and visits, cards on significant dates such as the first birthday or first wedding anniversary after a loss and staying in touch with helpful resources over that first year of bereavement. This activity grew to be too big a role for Andrew to handle on his own, so he employed his wife, Merryn, to help and the

work has continued to grow. There is now a part time team working in this area, all supported financially by the Kapiti Coast Funeral Home. The Loss and Grief Centre is located at 1 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu, in the Kapiti Old Mill building, a character filled historic site of the original Mill and Baker, from the late 1800’s. The building backs onto the transport railway station hub for easy access to public transport and is opposite the Funeral Home on the corner of Kapiti Road and Hinemoa Streets, which is situated just over the railway line. This is the physical place to which people can come to be with other people. The support offered by such a centre as ours is very different to that offered by others. These Funeral Homes often simply offer a telephone ‘follow up’ service from a call Centre in another town or area. Whilst this is a great service, it is limited as people are only contacted by telephone whereas many people prefer, or even need, personal contact. Presently, as such, personal contact is of course is not possible in the current ‘lockdown’ scenarios, but will be an integral part of the service again in the future as we move down through the alert levels. The heart of all the work of Kapiti’s Loss and Grief Centre is the provision of a place to gather, a place to meet ‘one on one’, a place for seminars and support groups, a place that has resources on tap for people to take away, a place for people to sit with and mentor other people through their pain.

The Centre 1 Kapi� Road

Andrew Malcolm

Diane Supporter

David Administrator

Merryn Co Ordinator

Up until now, all the work has been focused around loss after a death, but we are increasingly seeing the need for wider support around loss and grief, this has been highlighted by the current Covid-19 situation we are all in.

If you would like to contribute to this worthy cause financially or through your time as a volunteer, or you are in need of this free service, please contact us by email: lossandgriefkapiti@gmail.com

we’d love to hear from you

The Centre 1 Kapi� Road


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020


taki ard a resounding success K


Thousands of people ocked to the new Ōtaki ard on its 13 June opening day. t s een fantastic, Richard nnes, who manages properties for K ased owner igel Ross, told the Ōtaki Mail. t s een etter than we expected really, he said. People crowded the market, the first of what will e a weekly event, for the hours it was open, from ust after 8am until 2pm. n fact, the market was a solutely full for almost all that time. ot only was the turnout a ove even the organisers expectation, the market – on ust its first day – proved itself one of the est in the country. This was well summed up y experienced marketer Brent Ro inson of Batch 10 Spirits. We do hundreds of markets and this one had a good vi e to it, he said. t s one of the etter markets. f people aren t coming to this market, they are missing out. From Matakana, Mr Ro inson has family in the Wairarapa and Manawatu. When asked why he had travelled so far to e a part of Ōtaki ard s opening day, he said: t s all a out coming home and supporting the wh nau . Community is a ig part of what Ōtaki ard is a out. We wanted to make a place where people come, Mr nnes said. t s great for usiness and it s going to draw people off the expressway too. The new Ōtaki ard is not only a out private profits, it is a out uilding communities, K piti s Mayor, K urunathan, said when opening the facility. Rather than making money, the focus was on the small people – the stallholders – coming together. Something like this uilds community resilience. Ōtaki Ward Councillor James Cootes, who oined the Mayor in opening the new Ōtaki ard, said it had een a pleasure to work with the owner of the former Caltex site and his team over the last two and a half years. They could have done this set up a new market anywhere in ew ealand, ut they chose Ōtaki. Like the Mayor, Cr Cootes noted that the market organisers motivation was not ust profit. Their vision was to create a community. look forward to seeing the whole Ōtaki

usiness community grow and ourish, eginning today, Cr Cootes said. fter the Mayor and Cr Cootes spoke, they cut a hedge to formally open the market. Earlier, Rawiri Rikihana egan the day with a karakia. n opening day, people ocked to the 40 stalls and six food trucks. The longer term plan for Ōtaki ard is to uild up to 100 stalls. ther plans are also in the pipeline, such as educational activities. Matt nnes, who is involved in the management, descri ed one possi le educational activity – doing Saturday morning art classes with Theo rra , who painted the new mural that provides a ackdrop to Ōtaki ard. The new mural, named aia s ift represents Mother Earth and her giving nature, Mr rra says. Being a space where you will e hosting markets wanted to incorporate fresh fruit and vege in a uni ue way, while also creating a piece with meaning and impact. So that whether the markets are on or not the artwork will speak to the people passing y and tell a story of respect and eauty for the life the earth gives us each day. We couldn t have asked for a etter opening day for Ōtaki ard, the organisers said. The place was humming with locals and out of towners y the time the market started at 8am and was ustling with people for most of the day. The feed ack from market goers and stallholders had een fantastic . We ve had stallholders report huge sales with many sold out y lunchtime and

rtist Theo rra with the mural named

K piti Mayor uru left and Cr James Cootes cut the hedge to formally open the new Ōtaki ard. we ve een approached y several local artisans keen to e involved in the next market, which is a real testament to the success of the opening day. We look forward to many more successful markets and are incredi ly grateful for all the support y the local community, the organisers said. t was exciting to see the town come

aia s

ift, the ackdrop to the Ōtaki ard.

alive, with a mix of local wh nau and visitors, Cr Cootes said when looking ack on opening day. The addition of the Ōtaki ard to our diverse range of retail shops in Ōtaki will continue to secure the town s name as a destination. t adds to the new Hunting Fishing uilding, new owners at Mc ndrews Menswear and our new pi eria ntonio s. t was encouraging to see car parks full and all ut one of the retailers have spoken to had seen increased foot traffic through their stores on the day. Mr Ross, the developer who owns the site where the Caltex service station once stood, was not a le to travel from the K for the opening, ecause of the Covid 19 restrictions. ne of the market s aims, Mr Ross says, is to turn Ōtaki into a renowned destination a destination to travel to, not ust through . This market will ring the much needed additional customers to Ōtaki, revitalise the region and also help local usinesses get ack on their feet after a difficult period, Mr Ross says.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

ernard Long B

Green Party Candidate or


This is the third in our series of Ōtaki candidates following the profiles on the ational and La our candidates run in the last two months. Waitarere Beach resident, Bernard has had a long time interest in climate change and social ustice – an unusual com ination for a man whose ackground was in finance. That rather conservative sounding ackground has never stopped him from standing up for his eliefs and he has a history of protesting to prove it. French nuclear testing, the ietnam War, the 1981 Spring ok tour, and recent involvement in Extinction Re ellion are all part of elief in social ustice. He says that we face persistent challenges in social ustice and climate change and that is something he s never shied away from. Putting his hand up for the reens is ust another example of putting his money where his mouth is. The reens philosophy aligns with his perfectly. We need a strong reen presence in government to ensure we deal with Climate ction on a crisis footing. The effort we have mounted against Covid19 demonstrates this is possi le, he says. But more importantly is the proposal for ero Car on y 2050, and we need more reens in Parliament to achieve this and make sure it s not forgotten. d like to see it ought forward to 2030.

On Climate Change

Bernard says: While we might anguish over saving the planet, its not the planet that is at risk ut rather, mankind. s aomi Klein has said in the Burning Case for a ew eal, we will not destroy the earth: it will lose us when

He is a strong proponent of a Citi ens ssem ly on Climate and Ecological Justice, supports a Capital ains Tax and would like to see a pilot niversal Basic ncome program B . B could e part of an E uality solution and the health crisis we are in. nd if you re anxious a out climate change ut unsure of how to fight it a party vote reen is a good way to go. He and his wife Lynne and act on their reen values. They drive a hy rid car, grow their own vegeta les, run chooks and use solar power to heat our water and supplement electricity. n addition to his reen credentials he is an accomplished speaker with the occasional acting parts over the last 40 years. He has een trained y the nstitute of irectors, holding various Board positions along with voluntary positions like Rotary, Supergrans and the Levin Budgeting Service. Bernard has a continuing interest in economics. lthough now retired ve een involved in financial services for nearly 50 years in advisory, sales, sales management, marketing and administration functions. was also one of the early participants in development of financial planning as a profession in , esta lishing and managing the financial planning operations in ational Mutual and T WER. we ecome sufficiently irritating. ature has given us a hint of our vulnera ility with raging storms and wildfires, encroaching seas and the Covid pandemic. rgent political action is called for to address climate change.


Bernard paused for reath as he ran through the rest of his financial capa ilities. was the Chief Executive for oldridge from 2002 till 2007. mong other things, in this role initiated and was part of the management uyout of Tower s ma ority interest in oldridge. long with his wife Lynne, he ran a multi site oldridge then dviceFirst

practice from 2008 till retirement in 2017. His name might e recognisa le to readers of the Horowhenua Chronicle as he was a regular columnist for a num er of years on Money Matters . He has also a iploma in Business Studies Personal Financial Planning and has een a Certified Financial Planner until his retirement three years ago.


constable loves




K piti Coast orn and red, Ōtaki s newest Police officer Joshua Fur e has returned to the area he loves. Consta le Fur e lived in Paraparaumu until he was 13, then moved to Waikanae. Before oining the Police, the Paraparaumu College alumni worked at K piti Cheese, working there full time since he was 16. So what made him change direction and oin the Police had een at the cheese factory for 14 years. loved it there. was told would e good at the Police, and so gave that some thought. thought could e a positive in uence, and give to those who don t have such a good mindset a out the Police and in uence them in a more positive manner. His aim, he says, is to get that face to face interaction and to leave them with a smile on their faces where can . also oined the Police ecause felt needed to get out of my comfort one. Working with the Police has definitely grown me in that manner, he said. Consta le Fur e moved to Ōtaki ecause loved the location. love the culture here and love the close team that we have got, and the opportunity to interact with the community. Family was another reason for his move. ll of his family live on the K piti Coast and he now lives in Ōtaki. have a young family and we are pretty settled here. plan to e here for the foreseea le future, he says. t a small station like Ōtaki, you get to go to a large variety of different o s . Consta le Fur e attended the recent murder in Mill Road – ust one of the ig variety of assignments he has had. Consta le Fur e oined the Police in cto er 2016. fter serving in reymouth for 2 years he moved to Levin, where he was stationed for four months. keen foot all player, he played for reymouth Marist while serving with the Police on the West Coast. Just how valua le was his contri ution to

taki s culture

foot all in the region can e udged from the fact he won the 2018 West Coast Player of the ear award. He has also played for Waikanae and Paraparaumu nited, and he played a pre season friendly match for K piti Coast nited ust efore the Covid 19 lockdown. His plan is to play for the clu this season. Before leaving for the West Coast he coached unior foot all in K piti, winning the Waikanae Junior Coach of the ear award in 2016. lthough he does not play rug y league he is, he says, a num er one Warriors supporter . ne of Consta le Fur e s ma or life interests is church. He is a mem er of Connect Church in Paraparaumu, and served as a youth leader there efore he moved to reymouth.

ta i s newest Police officer, oshua ur e.

onsta le


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Musical Muse: Simcha Delft - Luthier B


Simcha, an sraeli name meaning a eautiful thing, has spent her life amidst eauty the eauty of old, new, and interesting musical instruments and the look, sound and feel of them. She makes, repairs and plays them: guitars, lutes and mandolins. She was orn in Southport, in the industrial north of England near Liverpool. She descri es herself as a ankers rat , the family moved around every two or three years depending where her anker father was sent. lthough living in the north of England, she felt she didn t elong anywhere and now she lives in Ōtaki where she feels at home. t was her electrical engineer grandfather who fostered her curious mind. He had a ookshelf filled with mechanical things. She would interrogate them: take them apart and put them ack together again. She learned how things worked. He taught her the language of engineering. But it wasn t until her school years that she ecame interested in music and the instruments which ecame her life s work. She got a guitar at school which eventually needing fixing. She couldn t afford to send to the repairer so using her grandfather s lessons she mended it herself. Re uested y friends, and then their friends, she turned herself into the local repairer of stringed instruments. By the age of 16 she was in a and, which remarka ly is still performing in England. When the time came for her to leave school, her first choice of career was dentistry until she found out that what really interested her was dental mechanics. She dallied with the idea of teaching, ut her father persuaded her to oin the ank instead. She lasted three years ut meanwhile had discovered the oy of the folk music scene in Manchester and London. She d take herself off to London on the overnight train and spent

the weekend prowling the folk clu s efore returning in time for work on Monday morning. Her epiphany came when she discovered Les Cousins, a folk and lues clu in the asement of a restaurant in reek Street, in London s Soho district. t was the place to e during the folk revival of the 1960s: the venue where musicians of the era learned from each other. She spent most of her weekends there, learning a out eclectic acoustic music, efore staggering to work on the Monday. She says of that period, slept next to Jimi Hendrix s amp. She was eventually asked to oin them up on stage for short spots of playing and singing. When she moved to London she eked out a living playing the guitar at gigs until reality set in and she decided she needed to do more than ust play. She set up a studio working on instruments. ua i cations t s etter to earn a living doing something you love, running a usiness making and repairing instruments, ut she needed a ualification, so doggedly set out to get one. She found what she need at what was originally called The London College of Furniture, where the art of polishing and tuning pianos and violin making was taught. t eventually was renamed the London Musical nstrument Technical College. The college didn t provide what she was looking for, so they challenged her to research, and develop her own course of lute making. She liked the sound it made so she did some digging and discovered an ancient Latin manuscript at the British Museum which descri ed how to make a lute. She couldn t photocopy or take it away, so she photographed every page. She was assessed and passed, received her ualification, and still has that first lute she made. She is a mem er of the nstitute of Musical Technology.

A Lockdo n o Food Parcels B M R



The Ōtaki Food ank was kept usy throughout the Covis19 restrictions with increased demand for assistance. People who were essential workers, particularly those on minimum wage were among a new group of people needing help during this period. thers who were relocated into Ōtaki for family reasons, were also recipients of oxes of groceries. With Work and ncome doors now open people are a le to access appointments for food grants and other needs face to face with the staff mem ers, rather than through the call centre with paper work sent out via internet or cell phone, as was re uired during the lockdown, making it very difficult for people who only had landline telephones. Food ank manager, Lucy Tahere said she appreciated the help from the people who

helped with delivering food parcels especially the district nurses who took parcels to their elderly clients they were seeing. Thanks Lucy and committee and the people who have donated to the Food ank, we ve een through a hell of a time, chair Ro Kofoed said at the close of the meeting. s with all volunteer organisations, the Ōtaki Food ank needs a management committee to take care of the ackground work, especially when it comes to applying for grants from various organisations to this end the Ōtaki Food ank will e holding its nnual eneral meeting on ugust 19 at 7pm in the Food ank rooms. The committee meets every two months on the third Wednesday of the month, meetings are held during the day and are usually no more than an hour long, the workload is very light for most mem ers.

Last month, the Ōtaki ail and its journalists supported Ōtaki Foodbank with donations of $357 ta i ood an manager, ucy Tahere, treasurer ath Blewman and secretary and volunteer avinia ia ita with a partly filled o of groceries, perisha le foods - mil , read, fruit and vegeta les, meat and eggs are added efore delivery. uantities of products depends on the family si e.

She formed her own and, The Patriarch of Glastonbury played gigs in youth clu s, rock n roll venues, toured the nited Kingdom, played in The Mar uee Clu where every musician wanted to play. Her and opened a show for The Who. t was frenetic life, running her usiness y day and gigging y night. Her usiness was usy and via le. She took on apprentices who themselves are now taking on apprentices. Simcha was not only a good luthier ut also a good teacher. She and her partner Judith, herself a noted musician came to ew ealand in 1982 after a long and tortuous application process. Judith was a refugee from Hitler s ermany with no passport or papers readily availa le. However in frustration Simcha got on a plane, arrived in Wellington, rocked up to mmigration and asked, what do you need She showed them a lute she d made. They were impressed. They gave her a list of re uirements which she returned to them

the next day. reat. o home. Take a medical. We need to know you don t have TB or syphilis. nd then you can come. Judith and Simcha settled in pper Hutt, where Simcha continued her work with instruments until Judith ecame ill, when they moved to Kapiti. fter Judith s death, Simcha moved to Ōtaki with her new partner lys, where she continues to write and play music and repairs stringed instruments. She oined another acoustic and The Kitchen Hands. Simcha now in retirement, is happy in Ōtaki where she still attends to the more complicated mechanical repairs of musical instruments, while making herself a mandolin.

Energise taki signs Solar Farm agreement

nergise ta i s chairman eigh Ramsey and s ustaina ility and Resilience Manager ien e t eshorst sign the formal agreement that will allow nergise ta i to erect a 1 5 w olar farm at the astewater treatment plant in River an Road. The solar farm, with funding assistance from the ellington ommunity Trust will e operational y year end, procurement of e uipment having een delayed y ovid-1 . t is anticipated that revenue from nergise ta i s solar farm pro ects will generate an annual income in e cess of 5, which will e availa le for community energyrelated pro ects.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Ōtaki Update July 2020

Help shape our transport future Consultation on our refreshed Sustainable Transport Strategy is now open – have your say! Being able to move around – or not – has an immense impact on day-to-day life and our ability to do the things we want and need to, whether that’s shopping, getting to the doctors, school or work, or enjoying our beautiful environment. The refreshed strategy will take into account both old and new challenges to help us continue planning our transport future. Transport impacts all of us so check out the draft strategy on our website and complete a short survey to have your say. Submissions close 31 July.

 For more information about the strategy and to have your say visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/whats-on/have-your-say

Changes coming for plastic recycling

Annual dog registration now open

Grassroots arts get funding boost

From 1 July, Kāpiti Coast transfer stations and recycling collectors will only accept plastic types 1, 2 and 5 for recycling. These types make up 87% of our plastic products and can be recycled and repurposed here in New Zealand.

Annual dog registration for 2020/21 is open. Between now and 31 July, Kāpiti dog owners need to register their dogs with us, switching out the old yellow collar tag with a new blue one.

Local creative projects have been given a boost with the awarding of Creative Communities Scheme funding grants.

Plastics numbered 3, 4, 6 & 7 have historically been sent overseas to be recycled. The international markets for these plastics have been reducing since 2017 and most countries that used to take our plastics are not taking it anymore. This means that these plastics are ending up in landfill, so many councils and collection companies around New Zealand are changing the way plastics are collected.

 For more information about recycling in Kāpiti visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/waste

It’s easy to register, you can do it online and we will post tags to you, or you can visit any of our service centres. The information we, along with all local Councils, collect goes straight to the national dog control information database. We then use the registration fees to help maintain services that ensure all Kāpiti dogs are cared for properly by their owners and that keep our communities safe for everyone. Dog registration is a legal obligation. Remember to register your dog before 31 July to avoid penalties.

 For further dog registration information or to register your dog online, visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/dogs

We’ve awarded $23,000 to 13 local projects, including a jazz music festival, Māori arts and cultural programme for Matariki, classical music concerts and workshops, pottery and arts and crafts courses, and a fashion catwalk presentation in dance. The Creative Communities Scheme is funded by Creative New Zealand and Council to support and increase participation in local arts and culture at a grassroots level. Funds are distributed locally twice a year. In these strange times it’s great to see creative endeavours taking shape.

 To read more about the recipients of this latest funding round visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/ creativecommunities



Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

The Arts Return to

taki s Covid-1 casualty

taki Post Covid-1




Shakespeare s The Taming of the Shrew made an appearance in Ōtaki in an updated 2020 version with a twist. This dark comedy was condensed into a 13 minute scene entirely in keeping with a more modern viewpoint from the central characters a ly performed y ri Leason and Stevie Metin, oth from Ōtaki. Sarah

elahunty rewrote the play to accommodate the re uirements of the Shakespeare festival for a 13 minute condensed version to contain the elements of the original play. Last year s thello, featured y the Ōtaki Mail, won the regional competition and was also written y Sarah, who is working on an idea to produce a trio of plays with modern interpretations.

Transport strategy consultation open B FR



People who have ideas on sustaina le transport in K piti can now help develop the new strategy. KC C is currently consulting on a refreshed sustaina le strategy. The aim of the strategy, the council says, is to achieve an attractive, well connected, responsive, and safe transport system that ena les mode choice . The Sustaina le Transport Strategy was

first written in 2008. t is eing refreshed to ring it into line with today s issues and expectations. The updated strategy needs to e in place efore reater Wellington adopts an updated Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan in 2021. Consultation is open until 31 July. survey is availa le on the council s we site at https://www.kapiticoast.govt. n /transportstrategy.

1 3 Main Monday – Friday 9am – 2pm or by appointment

(06) 364 6123 0800 367 467



wa Ōtaki



The Sunrans Spa showroom and shop has een a casualty of Covid 19. wner Julian nky S ytkiel has had to close the showroom doors, although he still operates his usiness from his Waikanae home. f it was not for Covid 19, would still e there, Mr S ytkiel says, referring the shop that was on the corner of State Highway 1 and Mill Road. m disappointed. feel that ve let down my customers, even though it wasn t my fault. can t give them anywhere to view spa pools. However, even though m not there at the showroom , people can still call me. ve sold spas since the retail store has closed. can show people what have got, and can deliver and get the pool up and running. n addition, Mr S ytkiel provides pool servicing and chemicals, and he can provide people with uotes. Sunrans Spa s pro lems egan even efore Covid 19 hit the news in ew ealand. Mr S ytkiel was sourcing his spa pools from China. t took a long time from placing the order to receiving the pools – typically four weeks to fill the order, a week to organise shipping, and seven to eight weeks in a container on a oat from China to ew ealand. He would order three containers, each containing 15 pools, a year. The issues for Sunrans Spa started a out the end of last year, when Mr S ytkiel was no longer a le to have his orders filled. He tried to get containers over here, ut the company supplying him egan laying off staff. t snow alled from there, he says.

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realise couldn t get anything out of China so m ringing local companies up and down the country. managed to get hold of a company called Spa ndustries – was lucky to get them – and got four spa pools. week efore lockdown managed to sell the last spa pool. t was delivered 24 hours efore lockdown. Mr S ytkiel misses working in Ōtaki. t s a nice community, he says. liked working here. n addition, he misses eing a le to help the local community – for example providing a local church space to run a car wash. ow, his place of work is in the second lounge at his Waikanae home – next to my cat, Star . nd he is still uite usy, he says. That was evident during Mr S ytkiel s interview with the Ōtaki Mail. uring that 40 minutes, he received three phone calls and got one new o . still keep three people employed. had to claim the government su sidy and that helped a lot. For those passing y the now closed showroom, there is a sign on the door. We are sorry to announce that due to the enforced lockdown and high overheads that it is not via le to keep this small family run usiness in operation, the sign says. We are shutting the doors on the shop ut are still open for servicing and purchase/delivery of chemicals to keep your spa or pool running in optimum performance. Thank you for your support – nky or ick 027 467 8891. nother contact for the usiness is its we site, www.sunransspakapiticoast. co.n .

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020




t proved to e a usy first meeting for the Ōtaki Community Board post Covid 19, with applications for grants and reports ack from Transport and mem ers. pdate Peka Peka to Ōtaki PPT Expressway. The new pro ect director of the PPT , lenn Hunt, along with Waka Kotahi Transport gency s len Prince, outlined the Covid19 response over the lockdown, and showed aerial photos of the pro ect and progress made. They are currently working through the impacts of the shutdown and what this will mean for the opening date, originally scheduled for mid 2021 ut were una le to give any commitment at this stage for an opening date. Public Speaking Community Grants Te Puna ranga o Ōtaki was granted 500 to help with costs of a short film clip which showcases Ōtaki. Moko Morris spoke to the application. Energise Ōtaki was granted 500 towards costs of curtains and LE light ul s for homes in Ōtaki. Hanna Wagner icholls spoke to the application. The Board discussed the possi ility of providing an additional grant to Energise Ōtaki to help mem ers of the Ōtaki community to have healthier warmer homes. Energise Ōtaki will collate additional information and provide it to the Board for consideration, for retrospective approval at the next ŌCB meeting in ugust.

Sporting Activity Grant Motion: The ŌCB approved a Sporting ctivity rant of 500 to the Ōtaki Bowling Clu , which was confirmed during the Covid 19 lockdown, to assist with costs of purchasing new e uipment. The ŌCB noted a KC C resolution that any unspent money from the 2019/20 year will e carried over to the 2020/21 year. Members Activities Board mem ers Chris Papps Chair, Shelly Warwick and Marilyn Stevens and Councillor James Cootes have een usy during the three months of the Covid 19 restrictions with many meetings held via oom. Stephen Carkeek was a sent from the meeting. Ms Papps attended many meetings including Council and riefing meetings via oom, and with Cloudy Bay Clams and the Friends of the Rotunda group. She attended the opening of The ard market and confirmed her position on the Museums Trust. Shelly Warwick attended meetings of the Ōtaki Community etwork Forum and Takutai Kapiti via oom and a meeting of the Cycleway walkway and Bridleway. Marilyn Stevens attended oom meetings of the Ōtaki Community etwork Forum and Ōtaki Health and Well eing group, also an Ōtaki Promotions roup meeting and range of CBEC meetings. Councillor James Cootes wanted to acknowledge the efforts of Council staff who went a ove and eyond in supporting our government, elected mem ers, and communities through the Covid 19 pandemic. He attended various meetings including Cloudy Bay Clams and nnual Plan workshops, noted the Regional Transport Committee 10 year investment priorities

which went out for consultation. Council signed off on progressing the application to the Provincial rowth Fund for a Kapiti ateway at Paraparaumu Beach and attended the opening of The ard market. He noted Elevate Ōtaki mem ers did check in calls with usiness owners to see how they were doing and what support they needed, this feed ack was passed onto the Economic evelopment team. Elevate Ōtaki has finalised their Strategic Plan for 2020 and almost completed the Ōtaki dentity pro ect. Matters Under Action Tasman Road Speed Issue noted the completion of the survey and design for ker realignment and pedestrian refuge island to the us stop, ut work was delayed due to the Covid 19 lockdown. Work was scheduled to egin June 8 for completion y the end of July. Haruatai Tennis Courts Lease: resurfacing is complete and the courts were open for use y ugust 2019, signs are in place noting when courts are availa le to the pu lic, and the Lease and M documents are finalised and currently eing signed. Ōtaki Rai way Station ui ding renovations are held up y discussions etween T and Heritage ew ealand re the ad ustment and modification work to the platform canopy. T are also in discussion with FCL to resolve the issues and currently council has no further input. Winstones Lake Easement Te Roto Road steering group has een formed and all work associated with Te Roto Road access is eing channelled through the group.

ree i on Main Street Council staff are waiting to confirm the implementation with the contractor so the traffic management plan can e su mitted to Council for approval. The Covid 19 lockdown delayed the completion of the pro ect. roup Manager Janice Mc ougall later provided a further update and the costs associated with this pro ect. Ōtaki Civic Theatre was inspected y a registered uilding survey along with other council uildings. The surveyor recommended further investigation and a report and update will e provided to the ŌCB for the ugust 4 meeting. Counci ats in Ōtaki ll pensioner ats in Kapiti have een inspected, Council s current approach is to consider refur ishing as they ecome vacant. This approach and a programme of renewal and maintenance is to e incorporated in Council s wider sset Management mprovement Plan. Te oro each Reserve und Council staff are availa le to discuss potential pro ects when the community us ready, otherwise no further progress. Haruatai Park Signage The Parks team is considering improved signage at the Haruatai and a udget will e applied for through the Long Term Plan. Stride and Ride Programme for PP2O Ms Mc ougall stated council staff could ring proposals to the Board as the programme was developed as part of Long Term Plan. The meeting closed at 8.49pm.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Gardening with ower garden

Watson’s Garden Ltd

Clim er H a r d e n b e r g ia v io la c e a , a s u p e r h a r d y c lim b e r w ith p a n ic le s o f v ib r a n t p e a - s h a p e d owers from inter into S p r in g . 2 - 3 m x 1 .5 m w id e .

ati es S o p h o r a D r a g o n s G o ld , a long owering dwarf owhai from inter into . S u m m e r. G r o w s w e ll in m o s t s ite s to a b o u t 1 m Flowering V ib u r n u m E v h e d g e r o r s ta F lo w e r in g fr o S p r in g , a h a r a b o u t 1 .2 m .

e P n d m d y

r ic e - a lo n o w e v e

, a g re a t n e s h ru b . in to rg re e n to

ith atson s Garden Ltd you ll nd the promise of a spectacular and satisfying garden experience!

Garden tasks or July

f your polyanthus and pansies are slow to get growing, give them a light dressing of dried lood or, if soil is not too sodden, a li uid fertiliser to encourage owering well into spring. Winter is a good time to plant mem ers of the protea family, such as leucadendrons and leucospermums. Plant in a sunny, airy, well drained spot with free draining soil, and you can also dig in a little well rotted compost – ut don t add fertiliser to the planting hole. Cut ack untidy growth of perennials, divide and replant. Towards the end of the month plant gladioli, dahlias and calla lilies for summer owering – gladioli will ower approximately 100 days after planting. Pick a fine day and start pruning roses and shru s such as hydrangeas and fuchsias. Protect roses with Champ P and Con ueror il to guard against scale, mites, aphids and fungus diseases. Sow seeds of wall ower, delphinium, nemesia, snapdragon, dianthus, stock, larkspur, primula, salvia and sweetpea. Plant out seedlings of pansies, primula, sweetpea, lupin, stock, lo elia, larkspur and dianthus. Keep up with planned tree and shru planting as the weather allows. The earlier in the season you get plants in the etter, except for those that resent cold conditions.

Gift Vouchers, giftware, garden and pest products & pots are available year round. M o n d a y - S a tu r d a y 9 a m - 5 p m c lo s e d S u n d a y s a n d p u b lic h o lid a y s .

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A s in g le s p r ig o f D a p h n e c a n fill a room with p e rfu m e . S u c h p o w e rfu l fra g ra n c e o n a s m a ll e v e r g r e e n s h r u b is e s p e c ia lly p r e c io u s in m id w in te r !

Continue to plant garlic, shallots and asparagus crowns. on t forget to get some early potatoes sprouting in a sunny spot ready for planting out later. Sow seeds of roccoli, turnips, ca age, swede, road eans, silver eet, cauli ower, spinach, peas, lettuce, onions and radish. Plant out Jerusalem artichoke tu ers – it can take several weeks efore green shoots appear – so e patient. They grow without fuss and produce cheerful, yellow, daisy like owers in late summer or autumn. t s a good idea to plant them in a large container or an out of the way corner if you have a small garden – Jerusalem artichokes will grow up to 3m tall. Seedlings of cauli ower, lettuce, onions, silver eet and ca age can e planted out. Continue planting your new fruit trees – citrus, apples, pears, plums, peaches and nectarines. Plant and divide chives. Straw erry plants can also e planted this month. Prune deciduous fruit trees and protect from pests and diseases with Champ P and Con ueror il.


Renovate and re sow towards the end of the month.

Second thoughts

et any planned shifting of larger dormant or deciduous plants, including roses, completed. Root growth may start underground in some plants y the end of July.

A winter wonder Snowdrops Galanthus are hardy ul s, not to e confused with the more common, spring owering snow ake which is considera ly smaller and with slightly glaucous foliage. Galanthus emerge through frosty soils to ower, often as early as June when there s nothing in loom – truly a winter wonder. The genus of around 19 species is native to Europe and western sia. Small, white, nodding, sometimes perfumed, owers appear a ove leaves much like those of daffodils ut a lot shorter. The ower has three inner petals, much shorter than the outer three and usually with green markings, distinct features which make it instantly recognisa le as a snowdrop. The ul s prefer a cooler climate they grow well in Te Horo, and a rich well rotted compost and ul food , moist soil in part shade two to three hours of sun each day . n very cold areas they can e grown in full sun. However the ul s will not thrive in areas where shade is dense and the soil dry and impoverished. de uate water is necessary during the growing period

N e w S e a s o n ’s F r u it T r e e s r e a d y n o w : A p p le s , A p r ic o ts , N e c ta r in e s , P e a r s , P lu m s , P e a c h e s

TE HORO GARDEN CENTRE Main Highway & Te Horo Beach Rd TE HORO PH 364 2142 we have some treasures for you....

Fruit and vegetable garden

for good esta lishment and increase. ou can propagate from fresh, ripe seed or divide clumps immediately the owers fade and while still in leaf. Galanthus nivalis is the most commonly grown species, reaching 15 cm tall with lue green leaves. The ell

shaped owers are scented, appearing late winter and early spring, and have white outer petals and inner petals have a green tip. There are many cultivars including the dou le owered, Flore Pleno, a delightfully dishevelled, honey scented loom, and one of the oldest known snowdrops 1703 . However the pendulous owers are so close to the ground that the effect is sometimes lost, so it s est in a pot where it is more easily admired. Known as the giant snowdrop, Galanthus elwesii is a larger than usual snowdrop 20 cm high which looms mid winter, earlier than others, and tolerates hotter and drier conditions. Many snowdrop aficionados recommend Sam rnott a sturdy, tall variety which happily multiplies to form large colonies, and is not too fussy a out soil conditions. ts si e and delightful scent make it a great cut ower. Straffan is another little eauty, first noticed as a superior plant in reland in 1858. The snowdrop s special ualities are the two ower stems per ul of an extra, Persil white. Margaret Barker of unedin s Larnach Castle fame elieves Emerald Hughes is the most magnificent snowdrop of all. Bred in tago, the giant snowdrop has distinctive green markings – on the outer petals there is an elegant green lotch near the tip, and the inner petals have the inverted shaped green lotch near the edge, and additional green lotch nearer the ase of the petal. Snowdrops are lovely planted around deciduous trees they like it dry in summer , or naturalised in grass or lightly shaded areas, and they also do well in a rockery situation. Wherever you place them, these ul s will reward with a solid, sparking and prolonged display.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

the the

NN AL viv. ailey xtra.co.n

Focus on growing celery

Instant delight

t s getting a tad late to plant tulip and daffodil ul s, ut you could cheat a little in spring s oral stakes with potted ul s sold in ower, or coming into ower. While your mini spring show may not e as lasting as owers go as in the garden , you can take steps to maximise their longevity. With daffodils, and particularly tulips, it s risky to plant potted up and growing plants directly into the ground – there s a good chance the root all will reak up when you take them out of their pot, and the plants die as a result. However, you could cheat and plant ul , pot and all for an instant display.

f you decide to en oy your potted ul inside – crocus, hyacinths, dwarf tulips, freesias and miniature daffs are eautiful potted choices for indoors. ou could e hands on and raise your own hyacinth. The ul s are pretty easy to grow or force indoors for early looms in a glass ul ar. Put a piece of charcoal into the ar to keep water clean , then fill it up and pop ul on top. The water level should e a few millimetres elow ase of the ul if your ul sits in water, it may rot . Position ul ar out of direct sunlight – as the roots grow down, you may need to top up water. When the owering stalk emerges, put a card oard cone over the ar to encourage a taller stem. t generally takes a out 12 weeks for the ul s to ower. Whatever ul you choose, the key to maximise owering time inside is to

keep it as cool as you can around 8 14 degrees Celsius is ideal . deally the room should have good light and even warmth – not too hot. Sunlight is also good ut not if it means exposing the ul to warmer temperatures. Whether inside or out, check your potted ul regularly – containers dry out uickly, and if your ul ecomes too dry that will also shorten its display. Tulips need uite a lot of water, and although daffodils aren t usually uite as thirsty you ll still need to keep an eye on them. However if the soil is already wet, don t water – they oth hate soggy soil. When your potted tulip finishes owering, it s pro a ly easier to treat it as an annual or cut ower, and toss it out. lternatively you can move it from view, cut off the dead ower, feed your ul use a ul fertiliser or one relatively low in nitrogen , and leave to die down naturally outside. ig the ul up in summer when it s dried out completely and store in a cool, airy place – you ll need to chill your ul in the fridge for six weeks ust efore planting it out early next winter.

Celery, with its distinctly avoured leave stalks, is a vegeta le that doesn t seem to go out of fashion. May e it s the plant s versatility all parts of the stalk taste good , and a ility to e used in a variety of dishes – sauces, soups, stir fries, and as a dipping vegeta le that keeps celery high in the popularity stakes ut possi ly the high food value is also a factor . lthough not difficult to grow, celery re uires a deep, fertile, well drained soil, warm temperatures and regular watering to do well. f you don t feed and water enough you will get thin stalks and strong avour.

t can e planted out, in a sunny spot, from ugust until March – soil needs to e well dug over prior to planting. Celery seed is tiny and can e challenging to germinate in the garden germination is slow and erratic . f you decide to grow from seed, it s a good idea to soak overnight then sow thinly in trays, pressing seed into the soil. Seedlings are delicate, so transplant carefully when around 10cm high. Space plants a out 30cm apart, with 60cm etween rows if you re having more than one row.

affodils are more straightforward. f you choose to keep them, deadhead and feed them, and firm soil around the neck of the ul s – top it up if necessary, and allow foliage to die ack naturally outside – when planting out, firm the soil well so narcissus y larvae can t get to the underlying ul .

Celery is one of the most sensitive crops to water – if the plant dries out it will olt and go to seed immediately – add a layer of mulch efore planting to keep moisture in the soil. Keep well watered ut not soggy during the warmer months, and apply general fertiliser during the growing season to the side of plants.

Blanching whitening of celery stalks isn t as fashiona le as it was, ut if you want to produce white stems, during the last month stems can e wrapped in paper or foil to exclude light. Empty milk cartons are often used ecause they stand up to constant moisture. Cut celery once stalks reach 20 25cm long – you can either harvest the whole plant or gently cut off stalks as you need them – as soon as your plant goes to seed, the celery will taste itter. ne of the most popular celery varieties is Tall tah, which grows up to 60cm and produces lots of dark green leaves and crisp, crunchy stalks – it also has good olt resistance. reen Crunch is a crisp variety that produces sweet, moist stalks with few strings, and the vigorous, early maturing French celery Elne has upright heads packed with crisp, avourful stalks. n excellent dwarf variety, Celery for Cutting, can e grown as a pot her in containers. rich, green colour, oth stems and leaves can e used fresh in salads and as a lunch ox ni le, or cooked in soups and stews as you would for regular celery.

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

allets stolen rom unlocked cars




s reported in the last issue of the Ōtaki Mail, Ōtaki is continuing to experience theft from vehicles We are concerned at the increase of theft of wallets from vehicles left unlocked in supermarkets and service stations, said Sergeant Phil rimstone, Ōtaki s officer in charge. The offender then goes on to use paywave. Police are following positive lines of en uiry in relation to the offending. ne of five drivers prosecuted for driving with excess alcohol during May had the highest lood alcohol reading Sergeant rimstone has seen. Following a complaint from the pu lic, a 26 year old man was stopped on State Highway 1 on 22 May. He had a reading of 288 milligrams per millitre of lood and was charged with driving with excess lood alcohol, third and su se uent. n 10 May a 26 year old man was stopped on Ōtaki orge Road and charged with excess reath alcohol third and su se uent, driving while dis ualified and failing to stop for a Police officer. His reath reading was 812 micrograms per litre. 24 year old man was stopped on Rangiuru Road on 17 May and recorded a reath alcohol reading of 600. He was charged with driving with excess reath alcohol and driving while dis ualified. When a vehicle was seen driving at 133km an hour on Mill Road, which has a speed limit of 50km an hour, the 29 year old male driver was stopped and gave a reath alcohol reading of 518. He was charged with excess reath alcohol third

and su se uent, dangerous driving and driving contrary to a ero alcohol licence. The same person was stopped again on Mill Road on 31 May and gave a reath alcohol reading of 774. He was charged with driving with excess reath alcohol, driving while suspended and driving contrary to a ero alcohol licence. 19 year old woman lost control of her car while travelling east on Tasman Road on 9 May. Her car collided with another vehicle, hit a power pole and ended up a paddock. The vehicle following her then struck the vehicle she had hit and oth vehicles ended up in drains on either side of the road. The driver of the vehicle the woman struck had to e extracted from the vehicle y the Fire Service and received multiple fractures. lcohol was not a factor in the crash. ndou tedly wearing seat elts prevented more harm, he said. ll the people in the three vehicles were wearing seat elts and a a y in the woman s car was properly restrained. Had people not een properly restrained it would have resulted in more serious in uries with long term implications, if not death . The Police investigation is ongoing to determine the appropriate charges to e laid. Police executed a warrant at a Waerenga Road property on 22 May and as a result a 32 year old man has een charged with possessing methamphetamine and fantasy. He is due to appear in the Wellington istrict Court on 3 July. Sergeant rimstone also noted that there had een a higher than average num er of family harm incidents over the last two months. There were 34 during May and 37 from 1 to 25 June.

O2NL news B T M FREWE There s going to e a whole lotta sharing going on this month as transport agency planners emerge from Covid 19 lockdown to resume their preliminary work on the proposed 02 L four lane highway to e uilt from Ōtaki to north of Levin. eotechnical testing started when working restrictions were lifted towards the end of May. Rigs egan drilling oreholes up to 30m deep and soil and rock samples were collected for testing. Meanwhile, the team that had een working from home egan transitioning ack into the office and having face to face meetings while work continued on making the existing state highways safer in the short term. This winter we ll have two updates to share with you, T promised in its June pro ect update. our feed ack on our work in progress can help guide and shape the work as it develops. s Covid 19 alert levels have een changing, we ve considered how we can share details with you and hear your feed ack. We d prefer to meet face to face when possi le, ut we will also have online and other options so we can have conversations in ways that work for you. n SH57, side arriers and wide centre lines are eing considered along with a rounda out at the ueen Street intersection. Concept plans for this section of highway have een completed and the plans will e fine tuned in the detailed design phase after gathering more feed ack this month. We ll e updating property owners within the preferred corridor and then hosting pu lic events to give you the opportunity to talk with the team and

have your uestions answered efore providing your feed ack. We re continuing to work with our partners on safety improvements on SH1, and look forward to sharing an update with you a little later in the year. We spoke with hundreds of community mem ers and received su missions from nearly 600 people when we invited feed ack on shortlisted options for the Ō2 L corridor ack in 2018. This feed ack provided not only valua le information for the corridor selection, ut it also provided details that have guided further investigation work – such as on noise, social and community impacts. The social effects of the new highway are still under investigation. n independent researcher will e contacting some local community mem ers to gather feed ack on how people move around their area and access local services, as well as their thoughts on how the new highway could affect their environment, household and community. rones will e used to get a ird s eye view to generate more realistic pro ect visuals to share. Residents on the ight path will e warned in advance. pro ect reference group formed earlier in the pro ect had provided a valua le local perspective. We re looking to expand this knowledge sharing y shifting to working with several locally focused Ō2 L community groups. We re looking forward to chatting with the whole community at drop in sessions and will ask for feed ack through a variety of channels, says T .

Successful swimming year B FR



The Ōtaki Titans Swimming Clu cele rated a successful year at the clu s annual general meeting on 25 June. nder its new name, the clu s swimmers had a good season. This included winning the Personal Best Trophy for the old Coast one swimming competition. espite eing the smallest clu in the old Coast one, which stretches from Tawa in the south to Ōtaki in the north, the Titans have now won the trophy four years in a row. fficers elected at the annual meeting are:

President, Renee Cohen Secretary, Carla Baille Treasurer, Tony Hartevelt Race Secretary, nita Lawton elegate 1, Kylie ardner and elegate 2, Kerry Bevan. The clu s competitive s uad trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The six mem ers are currently training for the Matson Trophy, a old Coast one meeting that will e held at the Coastlands uatic Centre on 2 ugust. The clu s Marlins and olphins initiative, mainly for eginners, takes place on Monday and Wednesday nights from 5pm to 6pm at the Ōtaki pool..

What’s On Election meeting: Meet the Candidates, Rotary Lounge 6.30pm, 20th ugust Co we s Trust A M 5.00pm, 28 July Ōtaki Pres yterian Church Hall. Mahara Gallery. 3 July 29 ugust Toi Whakarākai: Ngā Aho o Te Whenua, Te Wānanga o Raukawa staff and tauira, past and present. emonstrations: 10am 3pm, Thursdays 9 16 July free entry enerously supported y Creative Communities Scheme FREE School Holiday Workshops with Harriet Bright. Creating Creatures, Wed 8 July, 1 3pm ges 10 . Making Monsters, Wed 15 July, 1 2:30pm ges 5 12 Text or call Harriet to ook: 027 281 4040 Kindly supported y the Philipp Family Foundation g Manu Tree Workshop at g Manu with g Manu Staff and Harriet Bright, Thurs 23 July, 10am 1pm, 10 g Manu entry fee rawing a Musician with Harriet Bright, Wed 29 July, 1 3pm free entry Text or call Harriet to ook: 027 281 4040 Kindly supported y the Philipp Family Foundation Ōtaki Co unity po, 5 Septem er at Memorial Hall from 10am to 1pm. For information, please contact carol at otakicommunityexpo gmail.com. Canoe Polo AGM. Tuesday 4 ug 6:30pm, Ōtaki Pool Foodbank AGM. Wednesday ugust 19th at 7pm in the Food ank rooms. utward ound scho arships are availa le for individuals living with physical or intellectual disa ilities. The Hori ons, ctivate and spire courses are taking place over the next six months and scholarship places are availa le. ccamp ell outward ound.co.n


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Hurricanes Alumni fundraise for Sam B PE


The Hurricanes rug y players lumni held a virtual fundraiser last month for Ōtaki s Sam oyle who is undergoing treatment for leukemia. Mike Russell of the lumni says they raised 15,700 on the night of the internet fundraiser the ultimate in utilising a oom meeting in the new post Lockdown environment. uring C 19 Lockdown Sam was diagnosed and immediately went in to treatment in Palmerston orth hospital. With Sam s wife Tracey oyle providing support at the hospital, Mike says the alumni set a out organising practical support for the oyle s four daughters who were ack home in Ōtaki. So far they ve had 12 weeks of meals provided for them, from the Let s Cook meals. Meanwhile the online fundraiser took shape, with people y tickets and auction items eing sourced through the lumni contacts. range of usinesses donated products and experiences to e auctioned, as well as items like Tana maga donating a Blues ersey. n the night current player ane Coles won the id for Jon Preston s player s ersey. ll up 131 people were wrangled on the oom meeting. Wellington s multi media company donated their resources to manage the technology side of the event, a practise was done the week efore with all the special guests to ensure they could do the section, and then on the night six Multi Media staff worked ehind the scenes to ensure everything worked like clockwork. Mike said the event was scheduled for an hour, ut with so much happening it went for two hours on the night. The evening started with the special guest Sam making an appearance, from his hospital ed, hooked up to his , efore then setting off for a second round of treatment.

Sam s appearance and talking to us all was a really powerful way to start the evening, says Mike. The irtual Cele rity Chat show and auction included icons of the rug y community Frank Bunce, an Kirkpatrick, Chris Jack, Josh Kronfeld and Ma onu who were there to support Sam and his whanau. People on the oom event were a le to place their auction ids through the use of the Chat Box, and that s how people also asked uestions for the popular section. We had such great support on the night from wide and far including from the old Coast to Sydney, and from Whangarei down to unedin. Without this fantastic support of yours, the night would not have een the success it was. So TH K an Klinac was the MC and auctioneer for the night, and Michelle Berriman was co host. Mike says the o ectives of the Hurricanes lumni are to provide help and support in times of need to former and current Hurricanes and their families. From everyone in the community, Kia kaha Sam.


oyle in his

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

yrons Resort community gro ing B FR



What is now a diverse community of people at Byrons Resort continues to grow. n what was once a traditional caravan and camping ground, there is now uite a community of people who have ought their own camp sites. ver the last 10 years, Byrons Resort has een offering people the opportunity to own their own site – sometimes complete with caravan and a small uilding and sometimes are sites. n that time, the resort has sold some 70 sites. There were, when the Ōtaki Mail went to press, 26 sites still availa le for people to uy. road spectrum of people are now owners at the resort, says avin Case, who formerly owned Byrons Resort and is now marketing the sites for the current resort owner Tony Morrissey. Some people were living at the resort permanently. thers were using it as a home ase from which they would travel around the country with their caravans. The owners included single people, couples and families. There is a road spectrum of owners, Mr Case says. What people are uying is a share of the whole land that comprises the caravan park. They will have exclusive use of the site, which comes with a certificate of title with the owner s name on it. s well as owning the site, they have access to common areas, such as the a lution lock, a swimming pool, the tennis court, a s uash court and a playground. The owners will pay certain fees, including a ody corporate fee, Mr Case says. People interested in uying sites can find them on Trade Me Properties for Sale. ne are site on Trade Me had an asking price of 65,000. Sites with caravans and uildings ranged from 135,000 to 157,500. s well as using their site themselves, the owners can also give other people permission to use their site, Mr Morrissey adds. Those people will need to check in at the resort office, pay the fees and follow the caravan park s regulations. While there are still vacant sites at the caravan park, people can still ook in with Byrons Resort ust as they would with a traditional motor camp site. However, once all the sites have sold, people wanting to stay at the park would need to make an arrangement with one of the site owners, Mr Morrissey says. The caravan park is ust one facet of Byrons Resort, which is located on Tasman Road, close to Ōtaki Beach. The resort also has 15 motel units. These are fully self contained one and two edroom units and are very popular, particularly with people wanting to stay at Ōtaki Beach.

nother facet of the resort is the conference centre, which can cater for events of up to 30 people. We have had uite a few conferences here over the years, Mr Morrissey says. t is a nice, central place for the lower orth sland. fourth facet of Byrons Resort is the restaurant, which has een closed recently, ut reopens on 10 July as a new caf . Some time ago, Byrons Resort put a proposal to the K piti Coast istrict Council to uy a site next to the caravan park. This would have allowed it to have another 18 to 20 camp sites, Mr Morrissey says. When that proposal was advertised a out 60 people signed a petition to the council asking it to retain the land and develop it as a playground. The site is next to the playground area in Tasman Road, ut it is currently sitting empty and unused. othing has een done to make it look part of the Tasman Road playground, Mr Morrissey says. n the last two years nothing has really happened with it. t seems a shame this site is not eing utilised for anything. t could e developed as a playground or as camp sites, he adds. Byrons Resort is named after Byron Brown, one of the early usiness and local government leaders in Ōtaki. Mr Brown moved to the town in the early 1890s and opened the Ōtaki eneral Provider Store in Main Street. He chaired the Ōtaki Town Board from 1918 to 1920, ut perhaps his greatest contri ution to the town was when he gifted large areas of land to a variety of causes. That included donating 70 acres so the

children s health camp could e esta lished. His links to Byrons Resort go ack to the 3thearly 1920s when he uilt the Kiosk guest house and ca ins, with accommodation for 90 holiday makers. That later ecame Capital uest House and then, in 1989, a new restaurant, which was named in his honour.

yrons Resort restaurant reopening

The new Byrons Resort restaurant manager

aydan- aye a e in the restaurant

The well known restaurant at Byrons Resort will reopen Monday 13th July. nitially the service will run as a caf , rather than a place to dine, and will e open 8am 4pm each day, last orders 2.30 The longer term plan for the family run usiness that runs the caf is to move towards a full restaurant. s well as the caf , the usiness will also provide a catering service for functions. Reopening the Byrons Resort restaurant is going to e very exciting, says the caf s manager Kaydan Kaye Lake. This is the highlight of the year for me. see so much potential in this place. The new caf menu will have a very strong focus on locally sourced produce – from the local utcher and greengrocers, for example, she says. The menu will also provide keto friendly, gluten free and vegetarian options. The ice cream on offer will e made with real fruit and will e all organic. t s going to e a caf for every kiwi, Ms Lake says. The new caf will also provide a special price for the students and staff of Te W nanga o Raukawa. Byrons Resort owner Tony Morrissey is making a ma or contri ution to the reopening of the restaurant. He has signed a lease for the family usiness that gives them use of the restaurant area rent free for one year.

hiti Te Ra begins ith massive victory B FR



Whiti Te Ra kicked off their Rug y League season with a massive 52 8 victory over Porirua ikings at the Ōtaki omain on 20 June. Last year s Wellington Rug y League premier champions, Whiti Te Ra wasted little time in snuffing out any challenge the ikings may have mounted. The team also receives a huge amount of support locally, including its sponsors – Concrete octors, ardner Homes, Riverslea Retreat, Couriers, Most Faded Bar ers, Hideout Coffee, Tall Poppy, ll rea Scaffolding, Hammer Hardware, Body n Soul Fitness, ll Things utomotive and out Kitchens.

photo credit




Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

taki s istory

Contributed by the Otaki Historical Society and the Otaki Museum Contri uted y the taki Historical Society and the taki Museum

taki Museum s ne The next exhi ition at the museum opens on 17 July and from that date the museum will e ack to its pre Covid 19 times – opening at 10am and closing at 2pm Thursday to Saturday. The new exhi ition, As Time Goes By – the Changing Face of Main Street, tells the story of Main Street from the time when it was merely a unction on the old coach road route along the each from Paekakariki to the Rangiatea and Pukekaraka mission stations in taki and eyond to Foxton. t was the place where horses were changed, their shoes and saddles repaired and coachmen rested. Mail ags were picked up and delivered and refreshments and a ed were availa le at several guest houses. From 1872 the Telegraph Hotel was up and running with a roaring trade and the places selling wares and services ecame more plentiful and su stantial.

e hibition highlights the history o Main Street

t was not until 1921 that the section of road etween otaki Street and the Rangiuru Road Te Rauparaha Street intersection was named Main Street. Prior to that it was part of Mill Road. The exhi ition provides many snippets of information, memories and photos of some of the shops and services that have operated from Main Street over the past 150 years as well as some of the events that have shaped the Street up until the 1960s. There will e ui es for students – one for primary and another for secondary students – with all correct entries going into a draw for a pri e. t is hoped that this will encourage our younger generation to visit the museum and increase their knowledge of the town in which they live.

E press ay progress B LL


t the first meeting of the Expresway Community Liaison roup s since Lockdown, chairman Max Lut welcomed a large audience in Ōtaki College s staffroom to June 29th. Steve Findlay, Fletcher s spokesman said they shut down on 26th March, and were ack at work on pril 28th under Level 3. He estimated completion date had een put ack y 3 5 months. Progress since has een good. Bridge 1 over the Waitohu stream should e completed in cto er. Bridge 5 over the Ōtaki river is going well, due to e finished year end, the intersection at orge Road will e complete, when the earthworks team links the ridge to the slip roads at the interchange. Bridge 8 at Te Horo Beach Road is going well. nce the Mangaone stream culvert is complete, earthworks will commence to Western side of the ridge, and the slip road will e completed. Bridge 9 at Marycrest has the western

side complete. Soon a reinforced a utment will commence on the eastern side. The good news is that provision is eing made for a dou le track railway line, so may e Ōtaki will, one day, have etter railway access. The local road from Te Kowhai to Marycrest will e complete in cto er. Helen Pickering of Fletchers said Te Horo School will soon start an art pro ect to decorate underpasses. Ōtaki College s film crew continues to document expressway progress. Chairman Max Lut said his mission was to see the Winstone Lakes / Te Roto Road CWB Com ined Walkway / Bridleway completed. While the plan was always to extend the Makays to Pekapeka CWB through to Ōtaki and thence to Taylor s Road, a more creative approach was to integrate the CWB with Winstone s Lake and oin up with Te Roto Road. With the assent of landowner Camp ell ndrews, and agreement from KC C, WRC, Winstones and T , this would integrate the CWB with the Crystalls

Bend walkway, and provide uni ue pu lic access to Winstones Lake, which is currently accessi le only outside working hours. len Prince of T was enthusiastic a out the pro ect, which while un udgeted has the support of all parties. Max hopes KC C will commit 5 million to the CWB, as they did for the Mackays to Pekapeka CWB. The Ōtaki Community Board will need to ensure Max gets maximum support here. The uestion remains how the CWB gets across the Ōtaki river. T has a fi reglass clip on in the design phase, which will attach to the existing Ōtaki river ridge. The CWB would then proceed under the railway past Winstones Lake to Te Roto Road, efore connecting ack to the CWB at Pareomatangi, and thence to Taylors Road and eventually the planned Ōtaki to Levin expressway. n interesting uestion arose: what a out dogs and horses defecating on the CWB Right now, if a dog does its usiness on the pathway and the owner doesn t pick it up, he/she is lia le to a 300 fine.

What a out horses sked a mem er of the audience There s a uestion for the e uine crowd to think a out.

Te Roto Road news

Ōtaki Maori Racing Clu have a andoned their plans for property development on Te Roto Road, having faced difficulties in gaining consent from neigh ors. nstead, they ve sold the land to The Wellington Company, headed y Te Horo resident an Cassells, who s currently em roiled in Wellington in a dispute over his Monark apartment pro ect, near the Basin Reserve. ŌMRC had planned to develop afforda le duplex housing modelled on the Levin Racing Clu s Trackside Villas. What the Wellington Company plans for Te Roto Road is unclear at this time.

Body N Soul Fitness is expanding

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020


Supporting Global ees




m feeling a little shaken, uavered my neigh our ldilocks, clasping his teacup tightly. They ust came out of nowhere, Howie, he trem led. Who did When Where ueried, anxiously watching his cup progressing shakily towards his mouth. He gulped a large swig of his tea and gave a ig sigh. waited. Cyclists he lurted. was ust en oying a peaceful walk along the river ank escarpment, admiring the scenery and en oying the eautiful weather ... and then.... and then.... He shuddered. There was no warning, he continued. didn t hear them coming up ehind me, Howie. m guessing the grass muf ed the sound of their tyres. f d happened to step sideways, would have een owled over and rolled down the ank He shuddered at the thought. They EE T BR THEM B CK Bring them ack The cyclists ueried, a little emused. , Howie. on t you remem er the good old days when an essential article was attached to every handle ar don t know when or why they ecame o solete. hhh–yes The icycle ells. nd the option of horns, too... They re so BSE T, sighed ldie. But we still need them – even in the Ōtaki village there are people on wheels, riding on the pavements. ot only cyclists, ut scooters and Mo ility Scooters. They come up so uietly from ehind pedestrians. step in the wrong direction could cause a nasty accident. uite right, my friend, agreed. Why icycle ells or horns stop ecoming a re uisite ldie shook his head morosely. o idea, Howie. But it would e a idea to ring them ack ou know what m thinking now, and how you may possi ly manage to spread the word on ehalf of allvulnera le pedestrians.

Beach Bylaw planning under way B FR



Planning the next steps of the Beach Bylaw review is currently under way. K piti Coast istrict Council staff were, when the Ōtaki Mail went to press, working towards setting up some of the pre consultation community workshops that are re uired efore the formal consultation process will egin. ates for the workshops had not een set, ut the council was expecting the dates to e announced y the time the ugust edition of the Ōtaki Mail is produced. Following the workshops, the council will call for su missions on the Beach Bylaw review, giving people the opportunity to have input into what they would like to see included in the revised ylaw. n the meantime, ecause of the delay that has happened due to the Covid 19 lockdown, the government has extended the deadline for the council to complete its review of the Beach Bylaw. The Local overnment ct 2002 dictates that a ylaw must e reviewed 10 years from the date it was adopted or it will e automatically revoked. There is a provision for a two year grace period for local authorities to undertake this work, which means that a review of the K piti Beach Bylaw was originally due to e completed no later than 7 May 2021. The government has now extended the deadline for this review until June 2021. The Beach Bylaw covers a range of activities, including: • how people behave on the beach; • dumping litter or green waste on the beach (which is unacceptable); • horse riding; • harvesting sand, stones and wood; • life saving; • vehicles; and • trading and events on the beach. The current Beach Bylaw can e found on the council s we site, at www.kapiticoast.govt.n /media/20894/ each ylaw 2009 amended 2017.pdf.


The eekeeper has een disappearing most mornings ust after dawn. Which is actually no longer that early really ut definitely old one achingly cold and only ust getting light. This is supposed to e the off season ut after reading a couple of chapters in his Cycling after Fifty guide and demolishing a ig plunger of coffee, he s raring to go. Having dealt to the wasps, he is now cleaning up his gear. The worst thing a out using plastic frames is that they are hard to clean. There are 100s of them. They re uire water lasting to get the old wax and propolis off them and then a 24 hour soak in a leach solution to remove any possi le disease efore reuse. We are coming to the end of a three year effort to clean the acklog of many years. The cleaned, leached frames are then stacked in freshly painted hive oxes and stored ready for the coming spring. t is factory work repetitious, tedious, ut also oddly satisfying. ver the past few years, we have in icted this o on innocent wwoofas, visiting relatives and have even paid people to do it. But it simply never ended. ow it s up to us. Well him. The new season for eekeepers always starts much earlier that you d expect. This is the time of year when we hope that honey producers are reviewing the past season and calculating how many spring ueens they will need and then getting their orders in nice and early so that we can get things chugging along come the first mating days. t s the time for updating the we site so it re ects the new pricing structures and any other changes we have made since this time last year. The eekeeper pauses and straightens his ack. othing can e heard a ove the vi rating thrum of the water laster so he checks his phone for messages or missed calls. He is wondering how the forthcoming season will e and the general vi e of uncertainty among the eekeeping community. Whether there will e much spending happening or if people will e sitting on their wallets. He always recommends setting strong new hives up early to catch the honey crop and then after the ow, re ueening to ensure the ees are strong for the next season. The emphasis is always on looking ahead to the next season rather than where you are now. ver winter there are always a few hives that don t make it. Stretches of cold weather mean they diminish in strength and ee num ers to the point where they are una le to sustain themselves. t s time to put a load of syrup on to mix, load up the tank and head off to feed the hives. The year is racing on and its good to see people out and a out doing normal stuff . There was a murmur of glee recently as we passed a unch of road workers hunkered around the ack of a ute. ep, the eekeeper is ack on form.


16 July

Public Forum


Council Chambers, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu


16 July

Strategy & Operations Committee


Council Chambers, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu


21 July

Paekākāriki Community Board Meeting


St. Peters Hall, Beach Road. Paekākāriki


30 July

Public Forum


Council Chambers, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu


30 July



Council Chambers, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu

Attendance at Meetings (1) Cancellation - Meetings are sometimes cancelled for a variety of reasons. To confirm w h e th e r a m e e tin g is o n , p le a s e r in g th e D e m o c r a c y S e r v ic e s M a n a g e r o n ( 0 4 ) 2 9 6 4 7 0 0 o r to ll fr e e o n 0 8 0 0 4 8 6 4 8 6 . (2) Venue – P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a l l m e e t i n g s w i l l b e h e l d i n t h e C o u n c i l C h a m b e r s , C i v i c Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, unless otherwise specified. (3) Public Forum – a 2 5 - m i n u t e s e s s i o n w i l l b e h e l d b e f o r e e v e r y C o u n c i l a n d m a j o r c o m m i t t e e m e e tin g ( 9 .0 0 a m – 9 .2 5 a m ) in w h ic h y o u c a n s p e a k o n a n y to p ic . B o o k in g s a r e e s s e n tia l. P le a s e b o o k a h e a d w ith th e D e m o c r a c y S e r v ic e s A d v is o r – o n lin e b o o k in g fo r m c a n b e fo u n d o n w e b s ite . (4) Public Speaking Time – U n d e r C o u n c i l ’ s S t a n d i n g O r d e r s ( A p p e n d i x I ) a p e r i o d w i l l b e p r o v id e d a fte r th e s ta r t o f e a c h m e e tin g fo r P u b lic S p e a k in g T im e to a llo w fo r o r a l s u b m is s io n s r e la tin g to a g e n d a ite m s , a n d a t th e e n d o f m e e tin g fo r o th e r ite m s n o t o n th e a g e n d a . If y o u w is h to a d d r e s s th e C o u n c il o r its C o m m itte e s d u r in g P u b lic S p e a k in g T i m e please book ahead w i t h t h e D e m o c r a c y S e r v i c e s A d v i s o r d e m o c r a c y . s e r v i c e s @ k a p itic o a s t.g o v t.n z a n d y o u w ill b e g iv e n a n a p p r o x im a te tim e s lo t. P e o p le w h o b o o k a h e a d fo r P u b lic S p e a k in g w ill b e g iv e n p r e c e d e n c e o v e r th o s e w h o d o n o t. (5) Live-streaming: C o u n c i l a n d S t a n d i n g C o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g s a r e l i v e - s t r e a m e d . (6) Agendas a r e a v a i l a b l e t w o d a y s b e f o r e t h e m e e t i n g a t : • O u r w e b s ite w w w .k a p itic o a s t.g o v t.n z ; • C o u n c il’s L ib r a r ie s a n d S e r v ic e C e n t r e s . W a y n e M a x w e ll C h ie f E x e c u tiv e

PB 60601 Paraparaumu | Ph 04 296 4700 | Fx 04 296 4830 | www.kapiticoast.govt.nz

Bigos or Hunters’ Stew Penny Bee A big hearty economical meal for growing families. Bigos or Hunters’ Stew is a wellrounded filling winter meal that is cheap to make, seasonal and delicious. This recipe is from my sister-in-law Basia who raised three tall handsome young men, often on the smell of an oily rag, but who never went hungry. It has been handed down from her parents who were Polish migrants to New Zealand and has become a family favourite. The beauty of it is that you don’t need to measure anything, and you can use leftover bits and pieces from the fridge to pad it out.

You need 1 white/green cabbage —reasonably thinly sliced 1 jar of sauerkraut (available at the supermarket) 1 onion — sliced A few cloves of garlic — chopped A carrot or two — diced A variety of smoked meat such as a few slices of bacon, a sliced chorizo, bits of ham, a couple of sliced frankfurters — just whatever you have. Youcanhaveasmuch or as little as you want. Last time I made it I had a lovely piece of venison that the builder next door gave me that I diced and added in as well. 1 can of chopped tomatoes Stock —usually I use a carton of beef or vegetable or about 4 cups of water and stock cubes. Salt and pepper

Method Fry the onion, garlic and smoked meats gently until the aroma fills the house. The gentle frying releases the garlic from the chorizo and the fats from the other bits of meat. Add in the cabbage, the sauerkraut, the carrot, the tomatoes, the stock and cook gently until the cabbage has wilted right down and is hardly showing a sign of having previously being a green vegetable. Season to taste and serve in bowls. If you want to posh it up a bit par-boil some potatoes, drain and shake around in the pot a bit. Chuck them on a really hot roasting pan and drizzle olive oil and cover with grated cheese. Bake at 220℃ until crisp and golden and crunchy.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Media Muse

Do readers really care The annual media awards have a category for est headline, caption or hook ut there is no pri e for the most stupid uestion. That may e ecause stupid uestions fre uently dou le as hooks. lso known as click ait, hooks have the same function as teasers and headlines, to catch the eye of readers and pi ue their curiosity. nlike headlines and captions, however, hooks deli erately leave out the most vital information. t is no accident that Fatal crash on SH1 gives no clue as to the location of the actual accident. Right up and down the country, readers of we pages have to click their mouses mice to get the information that, in a newspaper, would e right up front. What, when, where, who, why Sometimes with digital news you get two out of five, if you re lucky. Then there is the much overworked rhetorical uestion that has no answer, like s enough ever enough or Will we ever run out of oxygen Hooks and stupid uestions are ust two of many reasons why getting your news off a screen is a different experience, shallow and often disappointing, compared to reading a newspaper or maga ine. ews items on we sites such as Stuff s are like individual uskers trying to get your attention. The Herald, or ME we site, has some uskers demanding coin. They re called premium uskers and may even include Mike Hosking off ME s ewstalk B radio where he performs as a mouth on auto pilot. ewspapers and maga ines, y comparison, are like fulls circuses with elephants, lions, trape e artists, clowns and candy oss all in the same tent and covered y the one admission charge. To ask whether readers really care what s actually in their maga ines as Radio ew ealand s Mediawatch programme did for an item a out the loss of maga ines during the Covid 19 lockdown is to insult the intelligence of their millions of uyers. Journalists can e terri le sno s. They don t class women s maga ines as ournalism. But maga ine usiness model works. ccording to the most recent circulation audit, the most relia le measure availa le

By Manakau’s Tom Frewen

hat s actually in their maga ines

although now over a year old, 245,000 people were spending a total of 834,600 every week 43.4 million a year on the country s five est selling mags T uide, Woman s ay, Woman s Weekly, Listener and Lucky Break. ll ut T uide, pu lished y Stuff, are now unavaila le after eing a andoned y their erman pu lisher, Bauer Media, at the start of pril, arely a week into the Covid 19 Level 4 Lockdown. lthough the a sence of the Listener, which sold 43,000 copies per week, was emoaned y readers who missed its smug and self righteous editorials, tepid political commentary, turgid reviews, weight reduction and healthy living tips, the loss of the women s mags was even more keenly felt y their com ined circulation of 108,500. s for the 90,000 uyers of T uide, od knows how they coped having to channel surf every night. Journalists descri ed the Listener as iconic while women s mags were much loved , an emotional involvement not shared y their erman pu lishers. Bauer Media couldn t wait to walk away, retreating to their more lucrative usiness across the Tasman after firing their 237 ew ealand employees via oom. The ermans are very pragmatic in the way they decide things and they don t have the emotional links to the products, Bauer s former general manager in ew ealand and ustralia, Paul yk eul, told Mediawatch. yk eul s successor, Brendon Hill, descri ed the decision as a devastating low for our committed and talented team who have worked tirelessly to inform and entertain ew ealanders, through some of the country s est loved and most read maga ines. The depth of Bauer s emotional links with its ew ealand titles, however, was evident in comments from their chief operating officer, eit engler. We have een proud to e the custodian of these iconic rands in ustralia. would like to thank our talented teams for their commitment and the contri ution they have made to Bauer Media. wish them well for the future.

o mention of their readers, condolences or expressions of sympathy for their loss. dd, ecause readers have to e the main reason for any maga ine s existence. They pay to read copies which then ecome vehicles for advertisements, providing two revenue streams and, hopefully, profits for their pu lishers. f there had een time for a funeral service for the maga ines, readers would surely have een in the front pews. But they re still waiting to hear whether any of their favourite reads will e coming ack from the dead and, if not, whether pre paid su scri ers will get refunds, reported to amount to a total of some 2 million. n indication of readers emotional links with their est loved and most read mags emerged in calls to Simon Barnett and Phil ifford on their ewstalk B talk ack show. The Woman s Weekly had real Kiwi stories, said Heather. Kerre Mc vor doing her column was in it. Colin Hogg and his column, stories a out genuine Kiwi women, things you can relate to. nother caller confessed to eing a maga ine addict t s my wine or eer money, actually, ut spend it on mags. They were scornful of Bauer s attempt to score off their loyalty to the maga ines y adding a little ew ealand content to their ustralian editions. The role of maga ines and newspapers, the information and entertainment to e found etween their covers and their reading experience alongside all other forms of literature, was addressed in Kristy Mc regor s de ut editorial in her first issue of the Shepherdess. Receiving a maga ine that you treasure in your letter ox is a real treat. n goes the kettle, as you settle down to read. t s to e poured over, gently icked through, savoured. t s an offering of our most precious resource our time. Echoing those sentiments, congratulatory letters from grateful readers in the second issue availa le on su scription and from Farmlands and various outlets including the Manakau Store included one from Jane White of Hawke s Bay. What a wonderful surprise to get my first copy of Shepherdess in the mail Thank you.

wasn t expecting it until after lockdown and can completely relate to what you say a out receiving something in print and sitting down to savour it ve een reading far too much online and it really was a welcome change. The emotional and intellectual stimulation that underlies consumption of all media y newspaper and maga ine readers, radio listeners and television viewers is lost on the executives and management of pu lishers and media companies. Their increasing reliance on the internet as a low cost alternative to roadcasting and pu lishing has caused them to lose touch with their customers their wants and needs and their willingness and a ility to pay to have them met. For them, the future looks leak. Three months have passed since the ermans retreated and no uyer has een found for their maga ines. Pro a ly that is ecause they are looking to sell them all to one pu lisher. But if they are to continue eing much loved they will need loving owners. Corporates and their musical chair oards and am itious executives are not known for their sentimentality. Then there is the impossi ility of making money y pu lishing news on the internet when the same information is widely availa le elsewhere. o worries on that score, though, for Sinead Boucher, Stuff s chief executive who recently ought the company for a dollar. ournalist with a love for digital news that ecame a full on addiction she talks a out the 1.5 million people who turn to Stuff every day to get local, national and international news. n a recent feature cele rating Stuff s 20th anniversary, she appeared unconcerned a out not getting any money off them and eing reduced to egging for contri utions to support Stuff s trustworthy, accurate and relia le news stories. Meanwhile, Stuff s regional papers, such as the Horowhenua Mail, are still missing post lockdown. iven their new owner s infatuation with digital pu lishing their return seems increasingly unlikely. Eventually, though, the demand of a nation of readers with a million dollars a week to spend on maga ines they love to read, will have to e satisfied.

Morepork, start their night even earlier. Seeming more comforta le in the low winter sunlight, Ruru are more commonly spotted during the daytime, sitting along paths waiting for smaller things to cross. Pairs that have hunkered through the day egin their territorial and social chatterings in the early afternoon. While day time irds are still active, encounters with Ruru ecome more likely a group of Korimako Bell ird , P pokatea Whitehead , Toutouwai Ro in and P wakawaka Fantail can often e found grouped together surrounding a Ruru, offering a com ined alarm call to inform all other small irds in the neigh ourhood where the threat sits. nd Ruru is not the only threat that exists, nor the most finely honed. ove them all sits the K rearea, the ew

ealand Falcon, unmatched in speed and aerial com at. pair of K rearea are resident on the island, and spend most of their day in the valley around us. uvenile oined the whanau this year, and our short days of sunlight at Waiorua have een filled with the hunting cry of the three resident K rearea, as the young learns it s place in the pecking order.

Winter Nights on Kapiti Island B M


The short days and long nights of winter turn the ta les in favour of Kapiti sland s more nocturnally natured residents. While our usually visi le day time irds hunker down into a torpor, the hours of darkness open up opportunities for others. Kapiti sland is home to over 1,200 Kiwi Pukupuku, or Little Spotted Kiwi. ne of five species of kiwi remaining, the smallest y far, and one that y the 1970 s existed nowhere ut Kapiti sland. This population ecame the life oat that saved the species, with translocations of kiwi from Kapiti successfully esta lishing multiple other populations around the country. Kiwi find most of their food under the soil, using a keen sense of smell, touch, and hearing to locate insects,

inverte rates, and other general gru ery. uring hot and dry summers, which we expect to experience more fre uently, the hard soil offers little. While we might think that spring or summer, full of fruit and nectar, are the most productive times for irds, when your life is down in the shadows the autumn and winter are est dark, damp and full of all the gru y stuff you love. They ve een seen from the edroom window here as every availa le patch of soil, including lawns, ecomes a potential feeding one. ll that vigorous Kiwi living makes for a very vocal nightlife on Kapiti sland. t Waiorua Bay, at the north end of the island pairs of Kiwi are calling loudly and often from early in the evening, around 6pm, as they egin to stir from their urrows. The large population of Ruru, or


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020




a learning eco-system

taki School Fare ells Long Serving Principal B M R



With 44 years of teaching experience ehind him, Chris er idge, principal at Ōtaki School, is looking forward to retirement when Term 2 closes on July 3. t has indeed een an honour to e a le to lead this team and to know leave the school very well positioned to continue providing the est possi le learning environment for your tamariki, he said. Chris s last two terms have een very different from his many years working in schools, with the school only open 13 of 20 weeks since the Fe ruary Covid – 19 Lockdown. With ew ealand at a virtual standstill, teachers worked through the first two weeks preparing for online lessons and classes which egan on pril 29. t s an unusual way to finish teaching, ut m glad to e ack with the face to face meetings with the teachers and the kids, he said. good teacher is always going to e a good teacher. ver the years there have een many changes at the school and in teaching as a

whole. Many, many changes a out teaching and learning, changes in ideas and strategies are constant, the only thing which never changes is the kids, he said. The most important thing is the relationships with the kids, families and the school community. This was very evident during the Covid lockdown the kids working alongside their parents in the on line class times. Some of the iggest changes came with the introduction of digital e uipment in classrooms computers and Smart oards replacing lack oards and chalk, Chrome ooks were introduced to classes in years five to eight, seven years ago, then learning programmes for students to use oth at home and in the classroom. igital changes, particularly over the last five to six years, more so the last three years. This really showed its enefit during the lockdown, we were well prepared for the change to online learning, he said. Ōtaki School has four classes using Chrome ooks, pupils in the younger

taki School

classes log in to the school we site with activities and teacher times. ther avenues are Face ook and messenger. The educational packs, sent out from the Education epartment, arrived a it late ut they were good, and they were useful, Mr er idge said. nd during the lockdown the kids said it was their mates and teachers they missed the most. People in Ōtaki are very lucky with the num er of educational options availa le, he said. Here we have three pathways English immersion, Maori immersion and ilingual with small class groups there is more room for individual teaching. He was first appointed to Ōtaki School as deputy principal in 1996 and principal in 2009 after principal eoff Brooks retired. He grew up in Kapiti and went to Paekakariki School, Kapiti College and Wellington Teachers College and apart from a two year E, Chris has een in and around the classroom ever since. His wife, lice is also a teacher, currently deputy principal at Ōtaki School, she is

elcomes ne

isits to Ōtaki with its each, schools and community led Rauru Walker and his family to move to Ōtaki and take up teaching positions here. He egan the year teaching at Ōtaki School. Rauru s previous position was deputy principal at South Wellington ntermediate, and next term he will e the new principal as Chris er idge retires on July 3. m looking forward to working with the staff and kids we ve got here, he said.


Community is a ig part of why we came up here. Rauru has een teaching for 16 years, including teaching in schools in London during his two year E very different, huge schools and very little outdoor playground, children had staggered playtime and lunch reaks, so everyone had an opportunity to get outside. He wants to take up surfing and play more golf in his down time. Rauru s wife Jade Walker is a lecturer in social work at Te

The online e perience (aka the roadband igh ay) B K H K R KEMP This month we will look at one of our academic programmes, P taiao Kaitiakitanga environmental studies which has presented two online noho. Pataka Moore delivered his course in March, ust efore the lockdown period. He was asked y the programme director to share some of his experiences so that others could pick up helpful tips to enhance their own deliveries. Pataka stated that he is not a specialist in the online space ut willing to share learnings that could enefit all students and staff alike. He created a simple PowerPoint presentation that tracked his experience. He covered preparation for noho in the online space tikanga for students and tutors navigating the teaching space examples of the type of recording a le to e captured trou leshooting and technical support. ne of the first things he mentioned was that he and another tutor oth said to themselves we can do this and proceeded with the intent to relay confidence to students. The other tutor had prior experience with oom technology and online work with another tertiary provider which ena led Pataka to draw on her experience and supplement it with what he knew from our own lended learning system and thus enter the teaching space confidently. Students need to know well in advance the expectations – how long they will e in class for, the need to e free from

distractions, ensuring their online preparation is complete. oho success is largely due to good planning, clear communication and student engagement. ll usual delivery preparation and organisation remain the same ut practicalities differ, often in things we might normally take for granted. Class resources need to e prepared and loaded into the computer. nternet connections need to e good. Ensuring the power cord is on. Lighting and camera angle needs to e considered. Links and video clips keep things interesting ut they need to e tested well prior to class. Finding a uiet space and working out childcare arrangements to e free of distractions for the teaching period. pproved programmes delivered at noho re uire a set num er of teaching hours regardless of delivery mode. Content delivery was roken into segments of supervised learning and self directed learning with oth day and evening sessions. Pataka used lock style delivery, with fre uent reaks. He mapped out the day with set times for teaching, discussion and uestions, taking care to ensure that all the material got delivered y eing firm on start ack times. The est advice he could give others was to e really well prepared. escri e at the start how you are going to run your class – not unlike a classroom. Explain it. se your inclination and your instinct. lot of tutors have also een students in the classroom so know how to

retiring at the end of this school year. Chris is looking forward to the future, an outdoors person, he will spend time swimming and cycling, fishing and white aiting, golf and time in the garden and family time. Later overseas travel, temporarily postponed with the coronavirus pandemic restrictions, is planned, especially Bali een there often, love the warmth, sea and people.


operate a tikanga Maori classroom or space, and if that is followed, this online space will e good as well. Kai whina voluntary tutors play an important part in this w nanga s offerings. ne remarked that students received the information well, asked good uestions and he en oyed the session. t was new for him, he had not done online classes efore and felt he gained as well. thers who already possessed some technical knowledge also had good experiences, relishing the opportunity to share PowerPoint, documents, recordings and interview transcripts in the online forum. So that s the tutor s experience. What a out the students We surveyed our students to ascertain their needs prior to and during the lockdown and su se uent levels as this was no ordinary online learning situation. Student familiarity and comfort in the online space is essential. ften it was ust a matter of them finding their feet. Some who had initial reservations, were within an hour completely at home. t also, in many cases, re uires wh nau cooperation. pening up the session an hour prior to start time to helped everyone get comforta le and ready for the day. onetheless, there are draw acks which provide food for thought. Learning o ectives were met ut in a streamlined version which necessitated cutting ack on planned fieldwork

Wananga o Raukawa. Mihimarino aged eight, attends Te Kura a iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano and is delighted she can ride her ike to school. Rauru and Jade are currently uilding a new home at Ōtaki Beach. Ōtaki welcomes the Walker family. En oy your time with us.

is it going

activities, an essential element of practical knowledge ac uisition. Concentration levels were tested to a much higher degree than in the physical classroom. Physical reactions and cues to determine meaning and nuance were a sent. These were overcome, to a degree, y discussion of ideas ut the process is inevita ly slowed, re uiring more screen time. The most fatiguing part of digital learning is sitting in front of a screen for hours in addition to the lack of human contact, it is especially grueling on one s eyes. Broad and may e the new highway for now ut we accept that we will need some service stations on it. Two, a Student Call Centre and a uality and nnovation Hu , have already een uilt. o dou t as we travel further we will come up with other ideas to make the ourney more comforta le. We will reach our destination at the end of Semester 1 and some may continue on in Semester 2. There are lots of things for us all to learn. He waka eke noa. isit us at 144 Tasman Road, taki Phone us at 0800 W isit our we site at www.wananga.com Email us at tetomonga twor otaki.ac.n


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Ōtaki Colle e June 2020


otakicollege school n

From the Principal Andy Fraser Ko te Tamaiti te Pūtake o te Kaupapa The Child – the Heart of the Matter t has een really encouraging to see staff and students settling ack into teaching and learning at the College. n my recent Board report have een a le to look closely at senior CE results to date and am encouraged y the fact that our students are still relatively on track despite the C 19 interruptions and impact that we have seen in recent times. While it is great to see things ack to almost normal this has een a very long term and am aware that staff and students are looking forward to a reak over the upcoming holidays. s people get run down, this can lead to illness and would like to remind everyone of the guidelines that we still have in place: in rief – if you feel ill, stay home continue to wash hands fre uently and snee es and coughs should e made into the el ow – simple precautions ut effective.

Student Parent Teacher nterviews We are really looking forward to seeing wh nau at our interviews, which will e conducted on Thursday 2nd July. The information provided will e focussing on students a ility around key competencies and the way that they have settled ack into College over this term. t is a really vital part of us all working together to get the very est educational outcomes for your children so we hope we will see many parents at this event.

Catherine Page Retirement

t is with a tinge of sadness that we will e farewelling Catherine Page, Canteen Manager, from Ōtaki College on Friday 3rd July. Catherine started at College in the ffice and then from there moved into the Canteen in 2004 to support Beryl Bevan. When Beryl left at the end of 2010, Catherine continued in the role as Canteen Manager. Catherine has worked hard over the years to provide students with a canteen menu that is oth tasty and nutritious and was rewarded with a Heart Foundation ward. Catherine has also een the mainstay ehind the catering for school events and has always provided fantastic service and food that rings nothing ut positive comments.

While the making and servicing of uality food is core to Catherine s work, what has also een significant is her love of the College and the students. Students who have worked in the Canteen have nothing ut kind words to say a out Catherine and a ove all the feed ack is that she really cares for young people. Catherine s love of the College is also seen in our gardens where she often over the weekends pops in to weed or plant owers, something that not many people know a out, ut is certainly evident when the gardens look so stunning. n ehalf of the staff, students and wider school community, would like to sincerely thank Catherine for her service to the College. While Catherine will e missed, we do wish her all the very est for the future in her retirement and do hope that once orders re open that she fulfils her travel dreams. SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival Success Huge congratulations to Matthew Brooker and Helen Koenig who won the Sheilah Winn Festival Cup for their five minute student directed scene at the regional festival. This year, due to C 19 restrictions, all entries were su mitted y video. Matthew and Helen were thrilled to learn that their piece had een selected for the ational festival, which takes place later in the month. ll participants in the ational event are eligi le for selection for a trip to England to perform at the lo e Theatre in 2021 – travel restrictions permitting. Their piece was from the Taming of the Shrew ct , scene i and was directed y Matthew and Helen. n this scene Petruchio meets Katherine for the first time and attempts to woo her to e his wife. Katherine o ects to this ut he turns Kate s insults and o ections into sweet words and compliance y completely reversing their meaning. The students interpretation of this scene takes in uence from the talian physical theatre form of Commedia dell rte, which they studied in rama class. Talking of their experience Matthew and Helen said: Putting this together was a lot of fun and filming the final performance made it all seem very professional. We learnt a lot a out

Eli a ethan theatre and Shakespeare s language while putting the piece together and we are very excited that our piece has made it to the national competition Through this experience we feel we have improved oth our knowledge of this style of theatre and our performance skills. We feel it is a great experience and encourage more students to enter the competition next year. screening of the scene will e shown at the ariety Concert next term.

The College has a long history of successful Sheilah Winn Shakespeare entries. This is the second consecutive year in which Ōtaki College students have gone through to the ational festival. n 2019 Pare Finlay, after performing at nationals, was selected to perform at the lo e and we are currently waiting to hear when her trip, postponed due to C 19, will take place.



utdoor ducation

With C 19 restrictions lifted there was nothing stopping E2 and E3 may e the weather from getting out into the outdoors. E3 were the first to strike with the Survival Trip. This was a 3 day trip ased on survival in the ush focusing on skills such as off track navigation, identifying edi le ora, water collection, outdoor first aid, constructing emergency shelters y using only what

the forest provides and safe fire lighting. Students en oyed the challenge of fashioning spears out of wood to spear eels they speared one which was later cooked over an open fire, which most students took part in eating . This outdoor experience gave the students an appreciation of surviving the ush in its raw form shelter, fire, water and food. The idea of living a sustaina le life is ecoming more apparent, there is so much to e gained from the outdoors, fresh water, fresh food and a way of living that will definitely enefit the mind, ody and soul. From survival trips and sleeping under ferns to the luxury of a lodge and heated rooms. E2 spent 5 days in Tongariro ational Park. This is one of the highlights on the E2 calendar ased on the variety of outdoor experiences it provides caving, rock clim ing indoors and outdoors , a seiling and tramping. We managed to dodge any sign of inclement weather and all activities were completed with determination and enthusiasm Highlights were most pro a ly rock clim ing and a seiling on the shores of Lake Taupo and caving through the kupata Caves. massive thank you to Ben and Kylie Tuck at the Taylor Lodge for hosting such an ama ing group of students and Emily Kell and Howard Manins for their help and support.


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

R hui netballers victorious B FR



Ōtaki s two senior net all teams oth came away with wins in their matches on 20 June. R hui T defeated Foxton 44 30 in one of the matches. n the 3 2 1 scoring system to acknowledge the est players, Riria Ropata was awarded 3 points, Karla Puhipuhi 2 points and Jade Ratapu 1 point. n the other encounter, R hui Whero eat thletic 24 22. Rongorito Ellison was awarded 3 points, riana R weti 2 points and Esm Hunt 1

The two teams were playing in a new Levin ased net all competition. The new competition was launched y the Levin ndoor Events Centre after the Horowhenua et all nion folded as a result of the Covid 19 lockdown. The new competition is played indoors. Most of the R hui players are mothers, and their main aim is to ust have fun and play net all. With oth teams eing very social, they don t train and a message goes out a few nights efore a out who is availa le for the game and who isn t.

Te Pou

haka hirinaki o Aotearoa C


and is cele rating moving into Alert evel 1 y opening its offices at a ai treet Ōtaki between 10 am – 1 pm, Monday to Friday e at the AB promise you throughout Alert evel 1 our staff and offices will remain vigilant with correct hygienic and cleanliness standards to ensure the safety of our community. e welcome community mem ers to ta e advantage of a face-to-face meeting with one of our e perienced AB volunteers, or alternatively feel free to telephone our office on or email ota i ca .org.n

R hui kicks o season B FR R hui T in action in their game against o ton, which ended with a


victory for R hui

Dirt duathlon a great success B FR



The first dirt duathlon adventure race for 2020 proved a great success, says Manakau resident Carrie axley, who organises the event. Held at Waitarere Beach on 28 June, the event attracted 113 entrants. iven the recent Covid 19 lockdown, this num er was higher than expected, Ms axley says. The race saw contestants having to navigate their way through the course, where they cycled for some of the distance and were on foot for the rest.

fter travelling some 30 to 35km, Emily and Chris Mc owall from pper Hutt, competing as The Terri le Toesome , emerged as the winners. Their winning time was 2 hours 49 minutes and 55 seconds. The three race series will next move to somewhere in the Wellington region for the next race in the three race series. This will e contested on 26 July. The locations are kept secret until the event. The final race of the series will e held in the K piti region on 22 ugust and will e a night meeting.



R hui kicked off the premier Rug y season with a victory over Paraparaumu at the Ōtaki omain on 20 June. t proved a nail iting match, where ust one point separated the two teams at the finish. R hui won 13 12, after withstanding a Paraparaumu come ack. The home team led 13 0 well into the second half efore the visitors mounted a late challenge. The two teams were evenly matched, as the final score line showed, and provided an entertaining spectacle for the season opener. Having said that, R hui came within a metre or two of scoring on another three occasions and had those attacks succeeded they would have won comforta ly. They also looked the etter of the two teams for long periods of the game, if only y a small margin. The man of the match was Sam i son. He was given this award for his huge work rate oth on attack and defence, and his solid work in the lineout. Manaia s ourne and Teaariki Peneha also played outstanding games for the home team. Tama Cook and Moko Cooper scored tries for R hui and Tiakina Manga picked a penalty. week earlier, the R hui premiers won their pre season encounter with Levin College ld Boys. fter trailing 0 5 at half time, the team from Ōtaki lifted their game to win the match 17 12. Cale laga, Tawhiri Kereama and Paora Connor Phillips scored tries. s well as R hui and Paraparaumu, the premier competition includes Levin College ld Boys, Waikanae, Shannon

ith victory

and Toa. The teams will play seven rounds efore heading into the semi finals on 8 ugust and the final on 15 ugust. The R hui senior reserve team also came away with a victory on the first day of the competition. They defeated Paraparaumu 17 5 at the Ōtaki omain. Paoro Connor Phillips and Leon Ellison scored tries, while Jack Tatu Ro erston kicked two conversions and a penalty. The senior reserve competition features seven teams – R hui, Paraparaumu, Levin College ld Boys, thletic, Shannon, Foxton and Waikanae. They will also play seven rounds efore the semi finals on 8 ugust and the final on 15 ugust.

garongo el y-Ric it, who was outstanding in the lineouts for R hui, gra s another ta e. garongo is a mem er of the famous el y-Ric it family, mem ers of whom shine in oth Rug y and et all. garongo s rother Manaa i plays for the ighlanders.

alf ac Tia ina Manga a out to feed the scrum for R hu


Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

Kia ora from the Ōtaki Pu lic Li rary – Te Wharepukapuka o Ōtaki

L RAR ANS C Reviewed y Tiriata


Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson: Step Into Paradise by Glynis Jones Step into Paradise explores the creative practice of iconic ustralian designers Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson. t s a ook you can most definitely udge y its cover. visual explosion and an a solute feast for the eyes. ny ody with any appreciation of textiles, old fashion and design or even ust colour will love it. remem er these two designers eing everywhere in fashion maga ines of 80s and 90s. But they first came to prominence in the early 70s. pparently, famous visitors to their agship Sydney store included avid Bowie, Christie Brinkley, Lauren Bacall, and every ody s favourite style icon livia ewton John. Remem er pregnant Princess iana in her Blinky koala That was a Jenny Kee signature knit. The ook s vivid photography rings to life the pair exu erant designs, inspired y the colour and culture of ustralia. t s at out gorgeous – and had me trawling the internet looking to find a vintage piece for my wardro e.

The Red Lotus

ne hundred ears o

A Natura ear Living Si p y Through the Seasons


by Chris Bohjalian

by Rick Morton

lexis meets usten in an emergency room when she sutures a ullet wound in his arm. Six months later, on the rink of love, they travel to ietnam on a icycling tour. usten wants to show her his passion for cycling and pay his respects to the place where his father and uncle fought. But as lexis sips white wine and waits at the hotel for usten to return from his solo ride, two men emerge from the tall grass and usten vanishes into thin air. The only clues he leaves ehind are two right yellow energy gels dropped in the dirt road. s lexis grapples with this ewildering loss, navigating the FB , usten s prickly family, and her colleagues at the hospital, lexis uncovers a series of strange lies that force her to wonder: Where did usten go Why did he ring her to ietnam nd how much danger is she really in

Rick Morton doesn t let a good story get in the way of the truth. One Hundred Years of Dirt egins as a compelling family saga, cataloguing violence and aggression stretching across generations. Morton s grandfather, eorge, was the owner of cattle stations in remote ustralia the total si e of which was similar to that of Belgium. His treatment of his wife, Lorrie, and their children was terrifying the a use was made worse y isolation. Morton s mother tells him that your father was treated worse than a dog . Morton has shifted a lot of dirt himself in finding his own sanity. He is candid a out his issues with drugs, depression and, a ove all, intimacy. His honesty is oth tender and dignified and is at painful odds with the drug addled existence of his rother. His cele ration of his mother is glorious. This family saga makes for tough ut compelling reading.

ll these signs can e related to pain from arthritis. There is a large amount of treatment options availa le. Provide warm, dry, draught free, comforta le edding. Special memory foam osteo pet eds and dog coats when eing outdoors can help immensely. verweight animals enefit from reducing weight and therefore strain on their oints. Special veterinary formulated diets can help with weight loss. Special slow feed owls which force your pet to eat more slowly and not ust inhale their food can e eneficial. Encouraging your pet to e more active is a vital part to achieve weight loss. Shorter ut more fre uent walks, toys that encourage activity, including special feeding toys all can aid. So called neutraceuticals supplements as well as special veterinary diets can

e a first line of oint support. There is a lot of variety on the market. Where the a ove options aren t enough we can add in pain relieving drugs. These needs to e prescri ed y a vet and re uire regular 6 monthly check ups and lood tests. There is no need to uietly suffer. Winter is coming ut we can help you en oy it.

by Wendyl Nissen A Natural Year follows writer Wendyl issen s life in the peaceful ew ealand countryside over one year. t s the story of what happens in her garden, her kitchen and her life over twelve months, and the thoughts inspired y each passing season. She writes a out the freedom that she has found in ageing and the oy that comes along with it. She addresses her depression, anxiety and the mental well eing she s gained from her ack to asics lifestyle and the practical things she does to live in a sustaina le, natural way. With photographs taken at her home in orthland, Wendyl shares 100 new recipes, including how to make yeast from grapes, yoghurt using chilli stalks and many others she has discovered. n a world which can e full of stress and confusion, A Natural Year is a guide to a simpler, less complicated life.

Winter is coming Even though we have had some stunningly sunny days recently there is no denying that winter is on its way. nly a few days ago we had a first frost overnight and the fireplace seems an appealing place to e at the end of a day. This is the time of year when we might start noticing our pets arthritical changes most fre uently. With age ut also old in uries the ody starts to develop changes to the ones and oints. ampness, cold and too much weight are some of the factors that can increase symptoms. Have you noticed your dog or cat eing stiffer than normal in the mornings or after a rest during the day o they struggle to get up, to clim stairs, ump onto the couch o they lick parts of their ody noticea ly more than usual o they not want to play anymore

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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020

andy olk to kno Health Womens Health AA Arthritis Ambulance Shuttle Cancer Support Stroke support Plunket Helplines Mental Health Crisis Depression helpline Healthline Lifeline Samaritans Victim Support Youthline Alcohol Drug Helpline Community Citizens Advice Budgeting Foodbank Menzshed Community Club Timebank Birthright Cobwebs Community Patrol Amicus Pottery Mainly Music Genealogy Bridge Museum Historical Let’s Sing Ōtaki Players RSA Rotary Lions FOTOR Transition Towns Waitohu Stream Care Energise Ōtaki Older People Age Concern Kids Scouting Toy Library Marriage celebrants Colleen Logue Penny Gaylor Roofer Ryan Roofing Taxi Ōtaki Shuttles Vets Ōtaki Animal Health Windows Window & Door Repairs

364 6367 0800 229 6757 364 6883 368 6369 06 367 8065 021 962 366 364 7261 0800 653 357 0800 111 757 0800 611 116 0800 543 354 0800 727 666 0800 842 846 0800 376 633 0800 787 797 364 8664 364 6579 364 0051 364 8303 364 8754 362 6313 364 5558 021 160 2710 027 230 8836 364 6464 364 8053 364 7099 364 7263 364 7771 364 6886 364 6543 364 8731 364 6491 364 6221 06 927 9010 021 267 3929 364 8918 364 5573 364 0641 364 6140 0800 243 266 364 8949 364 3411 027 688 6098 027 664 8869 027 243 6451 364 6001 364 7089

Auto Central Auto Services Otaki Collision Repairs SRS Auto Engineering Builders

368 2037 364 7495 364 3322

Concrete Work Bevan Concrete 0800 427522 Rasmac Contractors 0274 443 041 Koastal Kerb 027 554 0003 Estate Agents First National 364 8350 Harcourts 364 5284 Professionals 364 7720 Tall Poppies 0274 792 772 Property Brokers 06 920 2001 Funeral Directors Harvey Bowler 368 2954 I.C. Mark Ltd 368 8108 Kapiti Coast Funeral 04 298 5168 Waikanae Funeral 04 293 6844 Funeral Celebrant Annie Christie 364-0042 Insurance Inpro 364 6123 Nurseries 100&1 364 7084 Talisman 364 5893 Te Horo Garden Centre 364 2142 Watsons Garden Centre 364 8758 Kapiti Coast District Council General Inquiries 364 9301 Toll Free 0800 486 486 Ōtaki Library 364 9317 Ōtaki Swimming Pool 64 5542 Lawyer Susie Mills Law 364 7190 Simco Lawyers 364 7285 Locksmith Ōtaki Locksmith 021 073 5955 Mowers Mower & Engineering 364 5411 Plumbing About Plumbing 364 5586 Henderson Plumbing 364 5252 Ryan Plumbing & Gas 027 243 6451 Rest Homes Ocean View 364 7399 Enliven 0508 365483 Computers TechMan 022 315 7018 Sports Clubs To come, (when you let us know!) Storage Otaki Secure Storage 0800 364 632

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Ōtaki Churches welcome you ANGLICAN

Ōtaki 9.30am 47 Te Rauparaha St 1st and 3rd Sundays Eucharist 9.30am Te Horo St Margarets 38 School Rd 2nd and 4th Sundays Eucharist 9.30am Manakau St Andrews 23 Mokena Kohere St 5th Sunday 9.30am Eucharist Ōtaki Rangiatea Church Services 37 Te Rauparaha St Sunday Eucharist: 9am Church viewing hours, school terms: Mon–Fri 9.30am–1.30pm tel office: 364 6838 email: rangiatea.church@xtra.co.nz

Acts Churches The HUB Tel: 364 6911 ShannonTurongo Church, Poutu Marae 157 Tasman Rd, Ōtaki 10.15am Family service Shannon/Foxton Highway 10.15am Big Wednesday 3rd Sunday 11.30am Baptist Levin Ngatokowaru Marae Tel: 364 8540 Hokio Beach Road Cnr Te Manuao Road/SH1 4th Sunday 11am 10am service CATHOLIC Ōtaki St Mary’s “Pukekaraka” 4 Convent Road Weekend Mass Sunday Mass 10am Kuku St Stephens Last Sunday of the month, 9am

Presbyterian Rev. Peter L. Jackson Tel: 364 6346 249 Mill Rd, Ōtaki Worship: 11am Cafe Church: 2nd Sunday, 10.45am


ĹŒtaki Mail – July 2020


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Ōtaki Mail – July 2020




Following on from last month s award notices, we d like to say a ig pu lic Congratulations to the following clu ies who have received Service awards.




Justine Fleming Justine oined the Ōtaki Clu in 2006 and was awarded a Clu Service ward in 2017. Justine s service to the clu includes 3 years as Clu Captain, Patrol Captain 6 years, Surf Lifeguard nstructor 7 years, Refreshed Lifeguard 10 years, and she competed as a Master in the canoe for 2 seasons. t Regional level Justine has een on the Local Lifeguard Committee for five years, Chair of that group for 2 of those years, and she has een a Surf Lifeguard ward Examiner for six years. Justine has added to her experience and expanded her view of surf lifesaving y working for the Region and thoroughly deserves this award. utta Crowe Jutta oined the Ōtaki clu in 2006 and received a Clu Service ward in 2017. Jutta has een a Refreshed Lifeguard for 14 years, on the Committee for 7 years, a Patrol Captain for 8 years, Junior Surf dministrator 2

years, eputy Clu Captain, and a Master competitor in the canoe for two seasons. lthough not holding any positions at Regional level Jutta has earned this award through her dedication to surf lifesaving. Kirsty Doyle Kirsty oined the Ōtaki Clu in 2006 and was awarded a Clu Service ward in 2017. Kirsty was a Refreshed Lifeguard for 2 years, and has een Clu dministrator for 12 years, Junior Surf coordinator 7 years, Coaching coordinator 9 years, Team Manager 11 years, and Clu Captain for the last two seasons. t Regional level Kirsty served on the Local Sport Committee for three years. Kirsty is the go to person for the clu with a wide knowledge of the workings of Surf Lifesaving Central Region and . She has een a dynamic worker for the clu and has certainly earned this award. Liam Grattan Liam oined the clu in 2002 and has een an active Lifeguard for eighteen years. He has een a Patrol Captain for 8 years, Coached Junior Surf for 2 years and RB skills for 6 years. Liam has nstructed Surf Lifeguard candidates and RB candidates to pass their appropriate exams, has een a Team Manager, and served on the Committee for six years. Liam, of course, is our poster oy appearing on the ew World

sign on our uilding. Liam is an experienced Lifeguard willing to share his knowledge with up and coming mem ers and received a Clu Service ward this year. Liam has also een recognised with a Clu Service ward. He deserves these awards for his dedicated service to surf lifesaving.




Li e Me ership Award Ann Marie Housiaux nn Marie oined the clu in 1995 and gained her SL in 1998. She was awarded a Service ward and istinguished Service ward in 2010. nn Marie initially ecame involved when Josh and Jordan oined as ippers and she and Peter ran the ipper programme. To summarise nn Marie s service she has een a Lifeguard for 4 years, on the Committee 15 years, Pu licity fficer 9 years, Junior Surf Coach 6 years, Team Manager 10 years, P M SLS data ase Manager 10 years which task she is still performing for the clu . She received a Western istricts Service ward in 2007. nn Marie has een extremely dedicated to the clu over the past 25 years and thoroughly deserves eing awarded Life Mem ership of the clu .

istinguished Service Award Ro igwood Ro ecame a Lifeguard in 1996 and arrived at Ōtaki in 2008. He has previously received a Clu Service ward ut his continued service to the clu over the past five years deserves acknowledgement. n his lifesaving career Ro has een a refreshed Lifeguard for 24 years and a competitor for 14 years. t Ōtaki Ro has een Clu Captain, Patrol Captain, RB nstructor, Marine S R liaison, and Committee mem er. He is also an RB Examiner and received a Regional Service ward in 2015. Ro is a dedicated Lifeguard and has wide experience and skills, which he is happy to share with our mem ers. Service Award Ash eigh Mc eth shleigh oined the clu in 2002 and has een an active Lifeguard for sixteen years. ver the years she has competed for the clu , een a Surf Lifeguard ward nstructor, Competition Coach, and has served on the Committee. n recent times shleigh has een a Patrol Captain and is a keen RB operator. shleigh is an experienced Lifeguard, a mentor to younger mem ers, and has earned this award over almost two decades.

Footballers top of the table B FR



Ōtaki s senior foot all team has roared well ahead of its competition after ust three games of the 2020 season. Ōtaki Purutaitama Reserves have three wins from the three games, giving them 9 competition points in the K piti Horowhenua division 2 grade. This puts them five points clear of the next two teams, Paekakariki Central and Manakau nited, who oth have 4 points. The Ōtaki team had a very comforta le 8 1 victory over Waikanae Wanderers on 20 June. Playing at Haruatai Park, the home team led 3 0 at half time. Six of the team found the ack of the net, with ordon Masters and Brendan Heenan scoring twice. Troy Cook, Sam Ward, Jamal Rautao and ikhil Singh also scored. Most of the team are masters players – the

ig On the second Monday of the holidays, Ōtaki Pool will be having our first ever Raft Challenge event. Participants can either, help build one on the day or BYO raft. Contact us on 06 364 5542 or check out our Facebook page for more information.

ta i Mail


core of the Ōtaki masters team that competed last year. long with the younger players, it is proving a very well alanced side. The season opener, played on 6 June, was a much tighter affair. lso played at Haruatai Park, it saw the home team eat KC The Force 2 0 after leading 1 0 at half time. week later the Ōtaki team was again completely dominant. t defeated Waikanae Coasters 10 1 at Waikanae Park after leading 4 0 at half time. Ōtaki s next match will e the local der y, where it will play Manakau nited at Haruatai Park on 4 July. Ōtaki had a ye on 27 June. Ōtaki Purutaitama Reserves 2020 season will continue until their last match against Paekakariki Central at Haruatai Park on 1 ugust.

in or Manakau ootballers K


dominant victory over Waikanae Hawks on 20 June has seen the Manakau nited foot all team move up its competition standings into third place. Playing on its home ground, Manakau defeated Waikanae Hawks 4 0. The scoreline could have een much higher ut two Manakau shots hit the cross ar, and the Waikanae keeper pulled off a num er of ama ing diving saves. tain Healey scored two goals for Manakau while Hassan li and Boyd Wallace also put the all in the net. The ig win came via a complete team effort, with the entire team contri uting to the est performance they have put together for some seasons. t came after a disappointing showing the week efore, where Manakau went down

to the KC Thirds. Hassan li and Ray Lenaghan each scored in the 2 5 loss to KC . The first game of the season, at Manakau omain, saw the home team play Paekakariki Central on 6 June. either team was a le to open their season s scoring account as the match ended in a 0 0 draw. lthough Manakau is third on the K piti Horowhenua division 2 competition ta le, it has the same num er of points as second placed Paekakariki Central. Both teams have 4 points, ut Paekakariki has the etter goal difference y a mere 1 point. Manakau s 2020 season will continue until their last match against Waikanae Wanderers at Manakau omain on 25 July. Manakau has a ye for the final round of the season on 1 ugust.

a community newspaper produced monthly y Ann, loyd Penny, from 17 aerenga Road, ta i. Printed y Beacon Print, f you have any news, or don t receive your paper y the end of the month, please let us now y phoning 55 .

ha atane.

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