1 minute read

Need For Forest Rangers

“Forest Rangers to state the obvious know the terrain and will be of crucial importance in reconnaissance, offense and defence. They will work hand - in - glove with the regional security outfits such as Amotekun and the governors of the states must be involved in operational decisions and control. We have to accept that unconventional warfare has it’s own modus operandi.” the problem. Unfortunately, no amount of aerial a acks alone can do the job, we have to bring in specialised forces.

Key here will be Forest Rangers. That we are actually talking about Forest Rangers at this stage says a lot about the structural dysfunc on of the country. This is a fall out of the abroga on of the federalist cons tu onal arrangement we once had. There is no other federal set up in which large spaces become unaccounted for by the State; the sub-na onals should have their forest patrols in charge. This is the reality in Canada which has its famous coun es on patrol, Australia, Brazil, the United States of America and so forth. We had them
