Media in Multilingual Societies: Freedom and Responsibility

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in 2001 the “O rganization for the Developm ent of Turkishlanguage m edia in Macedonia� (w w w.turkishm k). The organization is currently investing efforts into im proving the professional and educational level for young journalists in order to provide their com m unity w ith better access to inform ation in their ow n language. 2 .4 . Romani-language broadcast media. There are tw o TV stations addressing the Roma community: TV BTR Nacional and TV Sutel. Both are based in the Roma suburb of the capital Skopje and broadcast in both Romani and (primarily) Macedonian. They provide an important public service by offering new s, educational, language and cultural programmes in Romani, but tend to focus primarily on entertainment. Interestingly enough these tw o stations have both Roma and Macedonian view ers w ho enjoy the traditional music and local comedies on offer. The situation regarding Rom a radio stations is rather unstable: Whereas Radio Cerenja (Stip) is able to survive due to donor support, others like Radio Ternipe (Prilep) and Radio Roma (Gostivar) are struggling w ith alm ost no incom e, bad technical equipm ent and insufficient m anpow er etc. Rom a TV and radio stations suffer in general from a lack of proper financing, leading to the use of obsolete equipm ent and frequent technical problem s. How ever, the Rom ani TV and radio stations are also am ong the few truly m ultilingual broadcasters w ith staff from Rom a and Macedonian com m unities w orking together. 2 .5 . Vla ch-la ngua ge broa d ca st m ed ia . There are very few TV and radio program m es in the Vlach language. M TV 3 provides an hour per w eek and som e radio stations are currently attem pting to include a Vlach-language program m e. 34



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