Life in Oregon

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April-May 2012 “Director” continued from page 2

Religious leaders oppose contraception mandate In February, President Obama, through the Department of Health and Human Services, mandated that all religiously-affiliated universities, hospitals, and charities carry health insurance that covers sterilization and contraception, including so-called “contraceptives” which abort a developing embryo (such as the “morning-after” pill, ella). Recognizing that this mandate is an unprecedented assault against the First Amendment, which has protected the religious freedom of Americans since the foundations of the country, leaders of churches and church-affiliated organizations of all faiths have responded in unison. “Never before has the federal government forced individuals and organizations to go out into the marketplace and buy a product that violates their consciences. This shouldn’t happen in a land where free exercise of religion ranks first in the Bill of Rights,” said Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Over 500 heads of various churches and religious organizations have signed a letter in strenuous opposition to the HHS mandate. Many will also testify in Congress. Following are some quotes from those leaders: “We deem this recent government mandate as an infringement upon the

beliefs and practices of various religious communities . . . We add our voice to the long list of those who have championed their God-given right to freely exercise their religious beliefs according to the dictates of their faith and to provide compassionate care and clear Christian witness.” Reverend Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod “The policy is an unconscionable intrusion by the state into the consciences of American citizens. Contrary to portrayals in some of the popular media, this is not only a Catholic issue. All people of faith — and even those who claim no faith — have a stake in whether or not the government can violate the consciences of its citizenry.” C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University “In refusing to extend religious liberty beyond the parameters of what the administration chooses to deem religious conduct, the administration denies people of faith the ability to define their religious activity . . . also, the administration impedes religious liberty by unilaterally redefining what it means to be religious.” Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University “When Thomas Jefferson talked about

a wall of separation between church and state, he was opposing persecution of people for their beliefs, but that is exactly what this mandate does. Simply put, this mandate forces people to violate their conscience. A government that will force its citizens to violate their consciences has stepped over a critical boundary.” Craig Mitchell, Ph.D. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary “Today, the administration is trying to force us to provide our employees with abortion-causing drugs. And, it tries to avoid the obvious constitutional problems with the mandate by deciding that we are somehow not religious enough for protection. If the government can force Catholic monks to dispense birth control, what can’t it do? If the government can decide that East Texas Baptist University is not religious enough to have the right to religious liberty, what can’t it do? If this administration can decide that religious beliefs are less important than its chosen policy goals, what can’t it do? Dr. Samuel Oliver, president, East Baptist University “Governments do restrict and do deny freedom of religion. But, those that do are not called free democracies. They are called authoritarian dictatorships.” Chuck Colson, president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview

uses the power that was given to him via the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), there is no way to stop him. After his original statement about the health care mandate, Obama proclaimed a “compromise.” In reality, he did no such thing, and his original declaration has since been codified. Now, according to Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in an interview with MSNBC, repealing this contraceptive mandate would set a dangerous precedent of religious rights trumping the right to be insured. So, one week Americans enjoy the 200-year-old constitutional right of freedom of religion, and the next week this right is trumped by the newly-declared “right to be insured.” How quickly we are losing our most important freedom! I am grateful for the good Catholic bishops who are rebelling against this outrageous grab for power and trashing of the U.S. Constitution. I am grateful for the Protestant leaders of different denominations who are joining them. This is a grave situation and one that should terrify every one of us, no matter what faith we hold, as we see Obama destroying one of the very basic freedoms upon which our country was founded, the freedom of religion. What can we do? Like Paul Revere, we must warn our fellow Americans. We must VOTE to ensure that Obama does not have a second term. All Republican candidates in the presidential race are pro-life. All have promised to undo Obamacare, which is the root of this travesty. We must do all we can so that we do not have to echo Neimoller’s sad words.

40 Days for Life saves 772 babies this spring and 5,817 total

Jackson County pro-lifers regularly picket the Planned Parenthood clinic in Medford. Their picket takes place at a busy downtown intersection, which gives them good visibility. Planned Parenthood’s clinic is near Rogue Community College buildings, giving the pro-lifers many opportunities to talk with students.

The 40 Days for Life campaign reports saving the lives of 772 unborn babies during their spring campaign from February 22 through April 1. Organized in 2007 by Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life is a campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism to bring an end to abortion. Since the beginning, ten campaigns have been held in the fall and spring. A total of 440 cities across the U.S. and Canada, as well as cities in Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belize, Denmark, England, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Poland, Puerto

Rico, and Spain have hosted events. More than 500,000 people have participated in these life-saving efforts and a total of 5,817 unborn babies lives have been spared — and those are just the ones we know about. Since 2007, 69 workers in the abortion industry have quit their jobs and 22 abortion facilities have shut down during or following 40 Days for Life campaigns outside their doors. To learn more about 40 Days for Life and how to participate in the next campaign, visit

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