Script for The Noctem #1

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PANEL 3: (small link to next sequence) Outside, looking over a dockside and out over the ocean. The moonlight illuminates a small fishing boat (guess who) under a mile off shore now. This sets the stage for our next move to… PAGE 11: PANEL 1: On the docks at night. Two gangs are around their cars. Two men with briefcases stand center stage as everything going on hinges around their transaction. We should see several storage sheds and cargo containers around them, shielding them from casual observers. This is the first appearance of MARCUS DE RAIS and JEAN FRANCO. This is obviously a high stakes transfer of drugs and the two men seem friendly in posture, even though they have all the muscle around for their individual protection. PANEL 2: The same scene of De Rais and Franco continues on, but from a different perspective. We are above them, on top of a storage container. Two armed men in combat gear with headset communication equipment are perched on the edge and keeping watch on them. Behind those two we are seeing between the heads of SHERIDAN ZELASCO and JASPER KALISEK. They are here to rip off the transaction below. 1. CAPTION (Jasper): Are we sure about this? 2. CAPTION (Sheridan): Hell no… but we are into Min-Woo Hyung’s money over our ass cheeks and we had best just pull this off and get it done with. It sure looks like we might just have some extra for that vacation. PANEL 3: A medium shot of Sheridan and Jasper, who are even more equipped with weapons and gear than the two mercs we just saw a the edge of the roof. Both look intent and are crouched low on the roof of the storage container. 3. DIALOGUE (Jasper): Great… well that might be a bit much. Good. These goons are prepped and ready? 4. DIALOGUE (Sheridan): We have enough equipment to dunk this place into the ocean pal, even without them. Let’s get it going and finished. I’m buying later… if you make it. PANEL 4:

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