Building a Smart Future for Sustainability (January 2024, Issue 11)

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Newsletter Issue 11

Building a

Smart Future

for Sustainability









Embracing the



o ensure that students continue to meet society’s evolving needs, innovation will be paramount. Under Prof S Joe Qin's presidency, Lingnan University (Lingnan) will become more research-intensive, demonstrating a commitment to continuously revising its curricula and incorporating cutting-edge content. Digitalisation will be another focus. With generative artificial intelligence set to transform workplaces around the world, Lingnan, under the stewardship of Prof Qin, will prepare its students to adapt to the changing demands of a rapidly evolving world.

Even before taking office in November 2023 as Lingnan's new president, Prof S Joe QIN has already heard variants of one question more than a few times. People are curious to know what a highly-regarded specialist in the fields of data science and engineering hopes to bring to an institution long known for its focus on liberal arts and the humanities. It is a point to which he obviously gave close consideration in the months leading up to his appointment. And the upshot of those reflections is a forward-looking agenda which aims to build on Lingnan's traditional strengths, extend its reach and reputation, but also prepare graduates for a world where familiarity with the tools of technology will be a prerequisite. “I asked myself what I could contribute to the change and transformation of the organisation,” says Prof Qin. “If the focus remains mostly on liberal arts and undergraduate programmes, there might not be much I can do. But if the vision is to move steadily into the digital era, then I can definitely contribute. AI will change everything we do and how we live. So, educators must rethink how we teach, make use of these new tools, and be ready to innovate.”

Based on his own experience, Prof Qin believes Lingnan is well placed to capitalise on the o p p o r t u n i t i e s. Th a t d e p e n d s, t h o u g h , o n recognising liberal arts education is at a juncture and being pioneers in the push for digitalisation in the curriculum. Behind that is the need to ensure graduates are competitive and have essential skills when the time comes to enter the workplace. But just as important is the whole spectrum of exciting possibilities that awaits scholars, researchers, writers, composers and many more, once they master the tech tools now at their disposal. “There are a lot of things to figure out,” Prof Qin says. “Course content has to be rethought, and we need to create an environment where digital learning is integrated into all aspects of what we do. We want faculty and students to be AI and data literate, so we can build new strengths to take Lingnan to the next level.” As part of that mission, he aims to take full advantage of the close links already established with partner institutions in Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and extend the network of international connections. 2

Prof Qin also hopes to make both the academic and the wider community better acquainted with Lingnan's own tradition and heritage, from its founding in Guangzhou in 1888 to the later evolution in Hong Kong, and the achievements of many illustrious alumni. And, with an eye to the future, he would consider the probable need for a new school of data science, more data-based courses, and further opportunities for students to combine arts and sciences. The latter, in particular, ties in with the approach taken by top liberal arts universities in the United States, as well as Lingnan's ongoing commitment to the concept of whole-person education.

Looking ahead, we need to strengthen our presence on the science side, especially where it relates to sustainability and carbon neutrality. Huge urbanisation and all the talk about sustainable cities requires understanding based on a fusion of sciences and the humanities. Our students should have options for these and other things to complete the education package.

Ideally, that will include more opportunities for overseas exchanges, not just in North America and Europe, but also with new partners in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. I want this to be a solid study experience, where you can bring back credits and learn about different cultures and different parts of the world. That means going for more than just a few weeks. Prof Qin’s own academic journey saw him heading to the United States for postgraduate work - and he ended up staying there for over 30 years.


to do cutting-edge research in China. We didn’t have access to the latest journals, there was no internet then, and we didn't have enough equipment for experiments. I was the first student from Tsinghua admitted to the department in Maryland, which wasn’t easy because the US side didn’t know much about universities in China.” After completing the PhD, his first step was to go into industry as a principal engineer with Fisher-Rosemount Systems, which is now part of Emerson Electric, in Texas.

Originally from Rizhao in Shandong province, he had breezed through high school and, in the mid-1980s, entered Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University at the age of 16 to study automation.

Remembering the advice of a previous adviser in Beijing, the broad career plan was to get real-world experience before taking up an academic post. And, three years on, when he was offered an assistant professorship in chemical engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, everything fell into place.

Over the next decade, a five-year undergraduate degree led on to a master’s and initial work towards a PhD in chemical engineering which, through a fortuitous meeting with a visiting professor, he was invited to complete at the University of Maryland on a full scholarship.

“That was by design,” Prof Qin says. “I’ve always been passionate about education and research, but I also wanted to understand engineering problems in a way that was different from the textbook answers. Somehow, I was able to follow my plans without too many constraints.”

“For me, it was luck,” he says. “I had always liked maths and physics and found automation fascinating. It doesn’t have to be in manufacturing; it’s about what any machine can do. At the time, though, it was difficult

Subsequently, he was able to combine academic responsibilities with breakthrough research projects and assignments in industry.


For instance, during one sabbatical with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), he developed optimisation and monitoring technology for next-generation wafer fabrication. And, in choosing research topics, the key objective was always to explore areas that were academically interesting, but which also had practical relevance to industry or society at large.

his role was to nurture the right kind of educational environment before everything could be officially approved by the Ministry of Education and to set out frameworks and standards.

“I think I made a contribution by having this practical orientation,” he says. “Manufacturing conditions change over time, so there is no way to just copy what you did in the lab. At AMD, we used as much data as possible for the feedback from the control system and, in the mid90s, I did an investigation and study of ‘model predictive control’, which was an industrial practice before academia knew how to explain it. That paper now has over 6,000 citations on Google.”

A similar pioneer spirit was required when Prof Qin arrived in Hong Kong in 2020 to be the first Dean of Data Science at City University of Hong Kong. And, no doubt, he will draw on the experience gained, adjusting as and when necessary, as he embarks on the task ahead at Lingnan.

Having moved on to the University of Southern California in 2007, Prof Qin later took leave to help establish The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Shenzhen campus. As vice-president for three years,

“The aim was to build an education system that is really up to date, with the goal of educating global citizens.”

I always try to build a collegial environment and will apply that philosophy in my new job. I must learn how each part of the university works and how to make them better. And we must do everything around what is best for the student because the student is the centre of the university.

Top awards recognise research with real-world impact Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Technical and Environmental Sciences class Prof Qin is the first scholar from Lingnan to receive this prestigious honour. The recognition follows Prof Qin's election as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, marking another distinguished membership in a globally renowned scientific academy. EASA is one of the world's leading scientific academies, with the highest proportion of Nobel laureates among its Fellows including 32 Nobel Prize laureates. In addition, Prof Qin is elected as Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) for the year 2023. As an engineering and data science expert, I am committed to advancing scientific knowledge, leveraging the power of data, and applying engineering principles to address pressing global environmental challenges. I look forward to working closely with fellow members to create innovative solutions that impact wider society positively.

2022 CSS Transition to Practice Award by IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) for Prof Qin’s distinguished contributions to the field of data-driven control engineering, particularly for methodological advances and knowledge transfer in model predictive control, systems safety, health monitoring, and diagnosis.

2022 Frontrunner 5000 Top Articles in Outstanding S&T Journals of China by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China for the research paper “Perspectives on datadriven operation monitoring and self-optimization industrial process” co-authored by Prof Qin and collaborators. ■ 4

% 2 Scientists

World’s Top

Prof S Joe QIN President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science

by Stanford

Prof Joshua Ka Ho MOK Vice-President, Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy and Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Prof Xin YAO Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning

Prof Sam Tak Wu KWONG

Prof Xi CHEN

Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence


Chair Professor and Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Studies

Prof Ngai PUN

Prof Oi Ling SIU

Chair Professor and Head, Department of Cultural Studies

Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor of Applied Psychology and Head, Department of Psychology


Prof Lianjiang LI Prof Haoran XIE

Professor and Head, Department of Government and International Affairs

Associate Professor and Head, Department of Computing and Decision Sciences

Prof Man Leung WONG

Prof Lucy Baohua YU

Professor, Department of Computing and Decision Sciences

Prof Di ZOU Associate Professor, School of Graduate Studies


Associate Professor, School of Graduate Studies

Prof Xiaopeng TANG Assistant Professor, Science Unit

n 2023/24, Lingnan has more than double the number of active Top 2% Scholars by the Stanford University List. 17 Lingnan University scholars are among the World’s Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University in the US.

The recognition acknowledges the research and academic strengths of Lingnan scholars, and the impact that each of them has made on both academia and society. The Stanford list is based on the SCOPUS database and adopts a composite indicator based on standardised citation metrics, including the number of citations, h-index (measuring scientific research output) and co-authorship. ■




Prof Xin YAO Vice-President (Research and Innovation) Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning




ingnan warmly welcomes world-class scientists to promote research in data science, artificial intelligence, nature sciences, and interdisciplinary studies for its transition toward a world-leading research-intensive liberal arts university.

Prof Yao is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of AI. Recognised for his outstanding contr ibutions to evolutionar y computation, intelligent optimisation, machine learning, and AI, he was elected as a Fellow of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2003. In 2000, Prof Yao was the first Chinese recipient of the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award, and he was Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation from 2003 to 2008, as well as an associate editor for seven other prestigious international journals. He was also the President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society from 2014 to 2015. Prof Yao has been one of Stanford University World's Top 2% Scientists since 2021, and is on the 2022 and 2023 lists of Highly Cited Researchers. According to Google Scholar, his research studies have been cited over 74,000 times by other scholars, with an H-index of 122. Prof Yao obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science and technology from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1982. Three years later, he earned his Master's degree in

computer science and technology at the North China Institute of Computing Technology, and then received his PhD in computer science and technology from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1990. Between 1992 and 1999 he was a lecturer, senior lecturer, and associate professor at the School of Computer Science at the Australian Defence Force Academy and the University of New South Wales, and from 1999 to 2016, he was a Chair Professor of the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham in the UK. From 2016 until joining Lingnan University, Prof Yao was the Chair Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, and a part-time Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. Prof Yao will oversee and steer the development of research, innovation and knowledge transfer at the University, and provide leadership for the research institutes and centres with the Associate VicePresident (Strategic Research).

I am deeply honoured to have this opportunity to assume the role of Vice-President (Research and Innovation) at Lingnan, playing a contributing role for the development of the University. Moving forward, I will dedicate myself to transferring Lingnan's outstanding research achievements into tangible impacts that benefit the wider society. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address various social challenges, I aim to elevate Lingnan's global influence in research. With the core spirit of Lingnan’s liberal arts education, I will collaborate with the Lingnan community to nurture the next generation of talent in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), affirming Lingnan’s motto: Education for Service. ■


Prof Sam Tak Wu KWONG Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence

Prof Kwong is a distinguished scholar in evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, and image/video processing, with a strong record of scientific innovations and real-world impacts. He was Chair Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the City University of Hong Kong. Prof Kwong was listed as one of the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists, according to the Stanford University report. He was also named on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2023 by Clarivate. Out of the 6,849 scholars from 67 countries and regions worldwide who were named as Highly Cited Researchers for 2023, this recognition is given to those whose work ranks in the top 1% by citations for their fields and publication year over the past decade. He has also been actively engaged in knowledge transfer between academia and industry.


Being elected as Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) in 2023, Prof Kwong is one of only two Hong Kong scholars to receive this prestigious recognition. The NAI Fellows Selection Committee chose Prof Kwong for induction for his spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on the quality of life, economic development, and welfare of society. Prof Kwong is also elected as Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) for the year 2023. His research project "Cross-modality interaction and remote perception theory and method for salient attribute mining" has won the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award of the 2023 Science and Technology Award of the China Society of Image and Graphics. In 2024, his research paper


"Boundary Guided Semantic Learning for Real-time COVID-19 Lung Infection Segmentation System" has received the Best Paper, Chester W. Sall Memorial Awards 2024 from the IEEE. This honour was published in their monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal “IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics”. H e w a s e l e v a te d to I E E E Fe l l ow i n 2 0 1 4 fo r h i s contributions to optimization techniques in cybernetics and video coding. He was a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) in 2022, and President of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMCS) in 2021-23. Prof Kwong has a prolific publication record with over 350 journal articles, and 160 conference papers with an h-index of 76 based on Google Scholar. He is currently the associate editor of a number of leading IEEE transaction journals.

In the face of rapid technological advancements, computational intelligence plays a pivotal role across diverse fields and industries. I am committed to advancing my research in computational intelligence, delving into the limitless potential of this field, and making impactful contributions to society.

Prof Kwong delivered a lecture as an AI expert on “Creating a Better Future: Harnessing AI for Social and Environmental Responsibility” in December 2023 for the fourth session of the Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series organised by Lingnan’s School of Graduate Studies, analysing how the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and robots in recent years will affect human work and daily life. Prof Kwong emphasised the importance of considering environmental and social responsibilities when developing AI technologies. He believed that researchers and societies should focus on how to make better use of technology and AI, rather than just pursuing technological advancements. “By taking a responsible approach to AI development, we can ensure that the benefits of these technologies are maximised while minimising any negative impacts.” ■


Prof Xi CHEN Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Studies Chair Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Prof Chen is an inter nationally ack nowledged leading scholar in material science and mechanics who addresses real-world challenges in energy, environment, nanotechnology, and biology. As one of the international leaders who pioneered distributed carbon dioxide capture, utilization and sequestration, Prof Chen received the Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 2010, Young Investigator Medal from the Society of Engineering Science (SES) in 2011, and the Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award from ASME in 2012. He was awarded the Career Award (CAREER) by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Prof Chen was elected as a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 2014.


Prof Chen graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University's Gifted Youth Program. He obtained his Master in Science from Tsinghua University and PhD degree in Solid Mechanics from Harvard University. He was a tenured Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering from 2017 to 2022 and Director of the Earth Engineering Center from 2018 to 2022 at Columbia University. He had been Distinguished Professor at the Institute of Advanced Structure Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT ), and had served as Director of the Institute of Energy and Chemical Engineering Shaanxi.

Interdisciplinary and Disruptive Solutions toward Sustainable Future


The School of Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS) positions at the fusion of excellence of interdisciplinary research and education, which is centred around sustainability and is underpinned by fundamental engineering science for a smart future.

Three Pillars



SIS is at a unique position of promoting Lingnan’s broader impact, in particular translational knowledge transfer through transformative research-academia-industry capacity building, and aims to become a leader in science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and globally.

Big Team

Big Platform

Big Project

SIS aims to attract top talents from all over the world to establish 4 “big teams” on climate change and carbon neutrality, clean energy and energy storage, material genomics and AI/MLdesign of advanced materials, and sustainable environment/ infrastructure of AI adoption.

By working with our partners in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and Mainland China, and establishing the Shenzhen Research Institute, SIS endeavours to form strong Research-Academia-Industry relationship, promote the transition of disruptive technologies, and close the loop of research-prototypecommercialization through service learning and entrepreneurship.

In meeting national, societal and industrial needs, SIS seeks to lead and participate in major national projects, particularly interdisciplinary projects and major innovation and industry-universityresearch projects in critical areas, and will encourage the founding of start-up/spin-off companies from research and development outcomes. ■


Groundbreaking Discovery in

Crystal Language

empowering AI to design novel energy materials

A research team led by Lingnan's School of Interdisciplinary Studies Assistant Professor Hang XIAO recently devised a “crystal language” that enables artificial intelligence (AI) to create new materials with desired properties. This groundbreaking discovery holds the potential for creating the next revolutionary semiconductor material that makes solar energy abundant and affordable, and opens possibilities for the development of novel superconductors that effortlessly transport clean electricity with zero losses. The findings of this breakthrough research have been published in the prestigious academic journal Nature Communications.

Conceptual visualisation of the new crystal language “Simplified line-input crystal-encoding system” (SLICES) encodes the arrangement of atoms in crystals into texts


he “crystal language”, created by Prof Xiao and his research team, is called "Simplified line-input crystal-encoding system” (SLICES). This technology can encode the arrangement of atoms in crystals into texts, much like musical notes capturing melodies. An example is the crystal structure of diamond, both the composition and connectivity of the diamond structure can be obtained by parsing the SLICES string. This new method, in comparison with the conventional "Crystal Diffusion Variational Autoencoder" (CDVAE) adopted by the scientific community, significantly enhances the accuracy of crystal structure decoding. The research team conducted experiments on SLICES, decoding over 40,000 different crystal structures, and the results revealed an outstanding accuracy of over 94%. Prof Xiao points out that SLICES can precisely decode the actual structure of crystals from their SLICES texts, indicating its great potential to become a standard tool for the development of new AI driven materials.



“Existing representations of crystal structures often cannot be reliably converted back and forth between texts and actual atomic arrangements. This lack of ‘invertibility’ has hindered the deployment of AI for materials discovery. SLICES meets this key prerequisite, guaranteeing the code strings being able to recreate original crystal structures. SLICES also satisfies “invariance”, which remains unchanged when cr ystals are rotated, translated or reordered. The topological essence encoded in SLICES persists irrespective of rotational or translational variations, allowing more efficient AI learning. This pivotal invertibility empowers the deployment of AI models to design and discover novel materials,” said Prof Xiao.

Representing diamond structure as SLICES text

SLICES enables fully autonomous discovery of 14 new semiconductors tailored for renewable energy technologies

In terms of evidence, SLICES has enabled the fully autonomous discovery of 14 promising semiconductor candidates tailored for renewable energy technologies. This allows AI to gain insights from known materials, proposing hypothetical new structures dissimilar from existing ones and rigorous quantum mechanical validations.

SLICES as the first text-based invertible and invariant crystal representation opens up many exciting opportunities in the inverse design of crystalline solids. In the past few years, we have witnessed tremendous advances in generative models ranging from images, videos, speech, to proteins and molecules. We envision solid materials being the next frontier, thanks to this new capacity for data-efficient, chemistry-integrated exploration empowered by representations like SLICES. ■



Disease Control


osquitoes transmit diseases easily, and some are fatal. In view of this, Lingnan’s Science Unit (SU) has developed a Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) system, which combines GeoAI technology, an internet of things platform, and geographic information to generate a Mosquito Risk Index and a Mosquito Risk Map for the general public with real-time information about mosquito infestations on a regional basis, and assist Hong Kong in predicting mosquito infestations and controlling mosquito-borne diseases with the use of big data analysis. The GeoAI Cloud Analytics Platform analyses the mosquito population and meteorological data provided by Lingnan’s Intelligent Mosquito Killer Lamps system, which has been installed in 16 districts in Hong Kong, coupled with environmental data such as the location of vegetation and water sources in the area and mosquito trap indices from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of the HKSAR Government.

Mosquito Risk Platform is open to the public for real-time predicted mosquito situations in various districts, so as to avoid going to areas with serious mosquito problems.



The project led by Prof Paulina Pui Yun WONG, Head of SU, has received HK$3.3 million funding support from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Partnership Research Programme of the HKSAR Government and the industry partner, Triple Faith Engineering & Supply Limited. Lingnan's continuous efforts in Government-Industry-Academia Collaborations ( 政產學研合作 ) is further boosted by the HK$8.5 million Smart Traffic Fund project of Prof Wong in putting together technology, industry support and our care for the well-being of the community. ■


Unfair to


In order to better understand Chinese-language media representations of MDW in Hong Kong, and their wider significance and effects on societal perceptions of MDW issues, Prof Janet Nga Man HO, Head of ENG, and Prof Andrew SEWELL, Associate Professor of ENG, embarked on a project analysing MDW mistreatment reports in the Chinese-language media. They read 398 reports published between 2010 and 2019 in three popular Chinese-language newspapers, and examined the discursive representations of perpetrators and victims in the reports. The study placed media discourse within a broader sociological framework in order to highlight its important role, and to stress the inherent intersectionality of MDW issues. The study was supported by the Early Career Scheme of the Research Grants Council.

their social context, Prof Ho and Prof Sewell employed conceptual tools of social control and structural inequality. Social control refers to the processes, approaches, and resources for imposing order on individuals, so that their behaviour conforms to moral norms and expectations. Structural inequality may occur in the form of exploitation, penetration, fragmentation, and marginalisation.


To understand the relationship between issues such as discrimination, power differentials, and mistreatment in 17

o s t C h i n e s e - l a n g u a g e m e d i a re p o r t s concerning migrant domestic workers (MDW ) in Hong Kong fail to report their mistreatment factually, independently and critically, and focus on news appeal while neglecting the deeper roots of this important issue, related to power and the interplay of gender, race, ethnicity, and class, according to a recent study by Lingnan’s Department of English (ENG). These news stories distance the community from the sufferings of MDW, reinforcing inequalities, and inhibiting any discussion that might lead to improved policies, practices and awareness.

The study noted that the way MDW mistreatment was framed in Hong Kong’s Chinese-language news reports, and the discursive representation of both perpetrators and victims contributed to community-wide stereotypes about MDW, while maintaining existing relations of employer dominance, as well as social control and structural inequality, which in turn set the stage for continued domestic abuse. In fact, social exclusion and stigmatisation of Filipinos and Indonesians are still common in Hong Kong. ■





ingnan’s School of Graduate Studies (GS) has initiated a research project, in collaboration with the AD & FD POHL Mrs Cheng Yam On School, to address growing concerns regarding the emotional well-being of Hong Kong students and the academic stress they have faced since the COVID-19 pandemic. The project focuses on "Enhancing positive values among primary students through digital storytelling". Research findings indicate that incorporating digital storytelling in primary schools’ English language classes helps inculcate positive values among students. It is found that this pedagogical approach not only improves students’ engagement in class, but also significantly contributes to their holistic development, and emotional and mental well-being, and cultivates positive values in young learners.

Digital storytelling (DST) is a technique of telling stories through digital media such as video, music, and images. It is an effective way to convey information in an engaging and specific manner, and it helps in developing creative thinking and communication skills. Additionally, DST involves sharing personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions through various digital media formats. Prof Lucy Baohua YU, an Associate Professor of GS, led a project adopting a student-centred approach to teaching and learning, where teachers act as facilitators of lessons rather than just relaying information as in traditional storytelling. The project involved various inclass and homework activities such as love tree and poster design, which enable students to showcase positive values like love. These classroom interventions have shown that this approach has a holistic effect, enriching students' social and emotional, cognitive, and literacy skills, as well as life satisfaction, which in turn increases their resilience as they grow up. Prof Yu emphasised the increased need for teachers in Hong Kong to develop innovative teaching and learning methods due to mental well-being concerns about Hong Kong students since the COVID-19 pandemic. In future, it is hoped that teaching students to create and share their own digital stories may improve their reflective learning and collaborative skills as well as exploring meaningful themes. This evidence-based approach demonstrates the potential of DST to provide multi-dimensional developmental benefits in primary, secondary, and even higher education by fostering both learning abilities and positive mindsets from an early age. It is especially important to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past few years, as students may have developed potential physical and mental health issues associated with the lack of interpersonal contact.

Schools that took part in the study have noted that the project has been useful in nurturing well-rounded and compassionate young minds, and also that adopting DST in language classes has helped them to complement their educational goal of instilling moral character alongside academic achievement. The team from Lingnan plans to expand the scope of their research to regions outside Hong Kong. The paramount importance of integrating value education into other subjects such as Chinese, English and General Studies in order to empower young minds and improve their subjective well-being is advocated. ■


Awardees of

Research Output Excellence Award Young Researcher Output Award






Research & Knowledge Transfer

Excellence Awards


ingnan successfully held the Research & Knowledge Transfer Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2023 in September 2023. More than 120 participants from Lingnan staff and students had a joyful time with our award-winning faculty members for their achievements in academic research and knowledge transfer. Honorable guests attending the event included Mr Tim LUI, Chairman of the University Grants Committee, Prof James Tuck Hong TANG, Secretary-General of the University Grants Committee, and Lingnan’s Council Deputy Chairman Mr Augustine Ho Ming WONG. ■


Video of the ceremony


Awardees Research Output Excellence Award Prof Tzu Pin HSU Department of Chinese

Prof Ling PENG

Department of Marketing and International Business

Prof Larry Dongxiao QIU Department of Economics

Young Researcher Output Award Prof Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA Department of Cultural Studies

Prof Nan WANG

Department of Management

Prof Ruby Yuen Shan LAI Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Prof Helen Huimin DU School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

Awardees Prof Tzu Pin HSU Department of Chinese

Publications ◆ 從「衞侯出奔齊」看《春秋》書法—以楊伯峻說為討論中心,人文中國學報 ◆ 禮書侯制尺度鄭玄注辨析,中國經學 ◆ 《左傳》「凡去其國」例楊伯峻注訂補,人文中國學報 ◆ The Faces of Success: Beauty and Ugliness Premiums in e-Commerce Platforms, in

Prof Ling PENG

Department of Marketing and International Business

Journal of Marketing

◆ Speaking the Same Language: The Power of Words in Crowdfunding Success and Failure, in Marketing Letters

◆ The Importance of Being Earnest: Mandatory vs. Voluntary Disclosure of Incentives for Online Product Reviews, in Journal of Business Research

◆ Export Scope, Managerial Efficiency, and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese

Prof Larry Dongxiao QIU Department of Economics

Firms, in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

◆ Export to Elude, in Journal of International Economics ◆ What you import matters for productivity growth: Experience from Chinese manufacturing firms, in Journal of Development Economics

◆ African Transnational Mobility in China: Africans on the Move, in Routledge

Prof Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA Department of Cultural Studies

◆ The Han saviour behind the blackface: racialised and gendered media

representations in Africa-China popular geopolitics, in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies

◆ "Race" and "racism" in contemporary Africa-China relations research: approaches, controversies and reflections, in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies

◆ When there is a will there is a way: The role of proactive personality in combating COVID-19, in Journal of Applied Psychology

Prof Nan WANG

Department of Management

◆ Crafting job demands and employee creativity: A diary study, in Human Resource Management

◆ When the past is strongly involved in the present: Examining the transference effects of past psychological contract violation on present deviance, in Human Relations

◆ Premarital Sexuality, Abortion, and Intergenerational Dynamics in China, in

Prof Ruby Yuen Shan LAI Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Modern China

◆ Birth Tourism and Migrant Children’s Agency: The ‘Double Not’ in Post-Handover Hong Kong, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

◆ Sex Work and Stigma Management: The Role of State Policy and NGO Advocacy, in China Quarterly

◆ Peasants are peasants: prejudice against displaced villagers in newly-built urban

Prof Helen Huimin DU School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

neighbourhoods in China, in Urban Studies

◆ Residential mobility in Hong Kong 1991-2016: Demographics, policies and housing market dynamics, in Population, Space and Place

◆ Inter-generational differences, immigration and housing tenure: Hong Kong 19962016, in Housing Studies


Awardees Research & Knowledge Transfer Fund Award - RGC Grant General Research Fund Prof Haomin GONG Department of Chinese

Prof Ngai PUN

Prof Tzu Pin HSU Department of Chinese

Prof Sang Joon LEE

Department of Cultural Studies

Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries


Prof Bo LI

Department of Philosophy

Department of Translation

Prof Ray Rui WANG

Prof Tracy Hau Yi YEUNG

Prof Nancy Yifeng CHEN

Prof Nan WANG

Department of Accountancy

Department of Accountancy

Department of Management

Department of Management

Prof Yiwei LI

Prof Grace Ga-eun OH

Department of Marketing and International Business

Department of Marketing and International Business

Prof Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA Department of Cultural Studies

Prof Feifei ZHOU Department of English

Prof Ying MAO

Department of Accountancy

Prof Zhiyao CHEN

Department of Finance and Insurance

Prof Geng CUI

Department of Marketing and International Business

Prof Wenshu GUO

Department of Economics

Prof William Gordon HAYWARD

Prof Fuhai HONG

Prof Larry Dongxiao QIU Department of Economics

Department of Psychology / School of Graduate Studies

Prof Shixin HUANG

Prof Francisco Javier OLIVOS RAVE

Prof Mark Hansley Yang CHUA

Prof Chi Ho IP

Prof Ho LEE

Department of Economics

Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Prof Yusuf Ikbal OLDAC School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Science Unit

School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

Science Unit

Early Career Scheme Prof Yixin GU

Department of Chinese

Prof Miao LU

Prof Jessica Li Wen TAN Department of Chinese

Prof Fong Fong CHEN

Department of Cultural Studies

Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries

Prof Fanglei HUANG


Prof Yunfei BAI

Prof Billy Hon Wing CHIU

Prof Han YE

Prof Genghua HUANG

Department of English

Department of Translation

Department of Economics

Department of Philosophy

Department of Computing and Decision Sciences

School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

Prof Benjamin Joseph KINDLER

Department of Cultural Studies

Prof Wesley Aaron JACKS Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries

Prof Fei SONG

Department of Philosophy

Prof Randy Xue Ren LEE Department of Management

Prof Jing HUANG

School of Graduate Studies / Institute of Policy Studies

Government-Industry-Academia Collaboration Prof Paulina Pui Yun WONG Science Unit



Research Grants Council



awardees of Lingnan were honoured for their achievements in research at the Research Grants Council (RGC) Award Presentation Ceremony held in November 2023. Prof Shalendra SHARMA, Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation), represented Lingnan to join the Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government to congratulate the awardees.

Prof Randy Xue Ren LEE of Department of Management was given the Early Career Award (ECA) for his Early Career Scheme proposal “When customer gratitude makes surface acting more worthwhile: The role of self-enhancement” that scored the full mark and has a good education plan. Only 7 researchers across the eight UGC-funded universities won this award in this round, and Prof Lee is one of them. The award was presented by the RGC Chairman, Prof Yuk-shan WONG. Dr Kwaku ABREFA BUSIA of Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Dr Jessica Siu Yin YEUNG of Centre for Film & Creative Industries, Dr Kai ZHAO of School of Graduate Studies and Dr Yang ZHOU of Department of Cultural Studies received RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme Awards, which encourage worldwide postdoctoral researchers to take up a university career to strengthen Hong Kong’s research talent base. ■



Prof Randy LEE Department of Management


RGC Early Career Scheme Project title

Project fund

Project brief


When customer gratitude makes surface acting more worthwhile: The role of self-enhancement

HK$227,174 Surface acting is often thought to be an undesirable emotional labour strategy. Yet, this assumption is typically made based on the theoretical understanding of sur face acting without considering factors that may shape the ser vice experience of employees. Drawing from self-enhancement theory (Swann et al., 1987, 1989), Prof Lee proposes that service employees feel a greater sense of self-worth when customers react with gratitude to their surface acting than when they engage in deep acting. Specifically, these service employees would perceive themselves to be more competent. Further, to enhance their standings in the organisation, service employees perceiving themselves to be more competent would engage in more helping behaviour to their co-workers and engage in more creativity at work. Taken together, the present research challenges the dominant c o n s e n s u s t h a t e n g a gi n g i n s u r f a c e acting often leads to negative outcomes. Consequently, Prof Lee highlights potential theoretical and practical implications that future research and practice should pay more attention to.


Prof William HAYWARD

Prof Feifei ZHOU

Department of Psychology / School of Graduate Studies

Department of English

RGC General Research Fund Project title

Project fund

Project brief

Manipulating familiarity in human face recognition

RGC General Research Fund Project title

Temporality, Embodiment, and Creativity: A Critical Multimodal Study of New Practices on Chinese Social Media

HK$1,021,300 Face recognition is a fundamental visual task for humans. In recent years it has become clear that facial familiarity is a key variable that influences face recognition. As such, finding laboratory-driven methods of establishing facial familiarity in a controlled environment i s e s s e n t i a l fo r p r o g r e s s i n t h e o r e t i c a l development. A number of studies have adopted a variety of different methodological protocols for establishing familiarity with faces, but there is a lack of understanding of how familiarity emerges and the extent to which laboratory-driven familiarity can be considered similar to familiarity with faces that develops in the natural world. Therefore, in this project we carefully apply a variety of methods for establishing face familiarity, using a longitudinal design to track changes over time. We will adopt a range of measures, including perception, electroencephalography (EEG), and eye -track ing, to examine how changes in familiarity affect responses to faces, and then we will compare these to measures derived for faces which are naturally familiar to participants. After the initial longitudinal study, we will follow up with comparisons of different familiarity methods to establish clearly the conditions under which laboratory-driven familiarity has external validity. The variety of methods will allow us to develop conceptual models that integrate behaviour, its underlying neural basis, and eye-movements, giving a more comprehensive basis for understanding familiarity and its physiological and cognitive markers than current formulations. In turn, this will allow the field to undertake more precise and efficient manipulations of familiarity for the purposes of model-testing and theoretical development.

Project fund

Project brief

HK$510,315 Responding to recent calls to conduct more situated and ethnographic studies in digital discourse studies, sociolinguistics, a n d s o c i a l s e m i o t i c s, i n t h i s p ro j e c t , Prof Zhou will adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective to study social media users’ experiences and practices. The complex interactions between digital technologies, users’ creative prac tices, and wider social, economic conditions within the increasingly commercialized Chinese social media will also be explored. ■




gaining the status of NSFC Supporting Institution


e celebrates the achievement of Lingnan University being approved to be a new Supporting Institution (Hong Kong and Macau) ( 港 澳 地 區 依 託 單 位 ) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) ( 國家自然科學基金委員會 ) upon a vetting process by the Foundation. Gaining the status of a NSFC Supporting Institution opens up a multitude of research and funding opportunities for our scholars, and marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter that underlines our scientific research strengths. This also reaffirms our position as a leading researchintensive liberal arts university. ■




Virtual University Park


n November 2023, Lingnan University and the Shenzhen Technology and Innovation Commission signed an agreement at the 2023 Assembly of Shenzhen Virtual University Park, announcing that Lingnan University will officially become a member of the Shenzhen Virtual University Park.

Upon joining the Park, both parties will collaborate to advance academics, scientific research, and industry development. Lingnan will also strengthen its collaborative ties with Shenzhen's educational and scientific research institutions, as well as enterprises. Furthermore, Lingnan has plans to establish the Lingnan University Shenzhen Research Institute within the Park. The Institute will serve as a comprehensive platform for Lingnan, facilitating engagement in scientific research, academic exchanges, talent cultivation, enterprise incubation, and knowledge transfer. Prof Joshua Ka Ho MOK, Lingnan’s Vice-President who signed the agreement on behalf of the University, stated, “The Institute will fully leverage Lingnan's strengths in business studies, big data, artificial intelligence and zero-emission sustainability to enhance its capabilities in serving the industry and enterprises, providing crucial support for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and reinforcing the innovation of the University.” ■


Lingnan@WestKowloon Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023

exploring cultural heritage in the GBA transportation hub


ingnan University held the opening ceremony for Lingnan@WestKowloon and Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 Digital Art Exhibition “Digital Matter” at M+ Tower of West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) in December 2023. The unveiling ceremony of it was officiated by Lingnan’s Council Chairman Mr Andrew Cho Fai YAO, Council Treasurer Ms Katherine Marn Kay CHEUNG, Chairman of the Court Dr Patrick Chi Kwong WONG, and Prof S Joe QIN, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science. They marked the launch of the Lingnan@WestKowloon by presiding over the switching-on ceremony.

Located on the 12th and 13th floors of the M+ Tower, the brand-new 20,000-square-foot Lingnan@WestKowloon officially opened in the 2023/24 academic year, it is the third off-campus venues in Kowloon set up by Lingnan apart from the Main Campus in Tuen Mun supporting various teaching and research activities. The 13th floor features five classrooms that can accommodate 40 people each, with some classrooms being flexible and able to accommodate up to 120 people. There are also teacher and student discussion spaces and public rest areas. The 12th floor offers study rooms, offices for faculty and staff, lecture rooms, and exhibition areas that can be used for various activities and academic exchanges. All classrooms are equipped with audio-visual facilities and digital technology. Among other teaching and learning ac tivities, programmes related to arts and innovation, including 29

Master of Arts in Arts and Cultural Heritage Management (Concentration in Cultural Management and Digital Future), Master of Arts in Arts and Cultural Heritage Management (Concentration in Heritage Tourism and Management), Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Master of Science in Humanitarian Technology and Inclusive Business, Master of Arts in Creative and Media industries, and Master of Cultural Studies (Concentration in Digital and Cultural Innovation) are conducted in this learning hub. The new learning hub has an artistic ambience that fosters the exchange of ideas among faculty members and students. “This off-campus learning hub shows the unwavering commitment of Lingnan University to enhancing campus infrastructure and expanding our physical footprint. The project symbolises our dedication to fostering innovation, nurturing growth, and enriching the learning experiences


of our students. It is a dynamic platform that encourages active community involvement, stimulates creativity, and facilitates interdisciplinary exploration,” said Mr Andrew Cho Fai YAO. “The learning hub not only delivers the quality education that Lingnan has to offer, but also provides a comfortable ambiance and environment for our faculty and students to exchange ideas. Its flexibility also enables us to transform classrooms into function rooms, such as the exhibition areas. None of this would be possible without the support of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, and for that I sincerely thank the Authority,” said Prof S Joe QIN. A ten-day Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 Digital Art Exhibition - Digital Matter was also held at Lingnan@WestKowloon on the same day, exhibiting over

ten pieces of digital artwork from pioneering artists in the Chinese-speaking world from Hong Kong, Macao, Shanghai, and Taiwan, as well as digital art pieces created by professors and students of Lingnan's Animation and Digital Arts programme. The Lingnan Arts Biennale showcased how the digital world has transformed our daily lives and the way in which we communicate with the world around us. With cutting-edge digital art, immersive music performances, traditional Chinese art exhibitions, and workshops on technology in art practices. The Biennale offers a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of “digital” and “matter,” gain a new perspective on how technology has revolutionised contemporary art, and learn from experts and explore the impact of technology on the art world, immersing in the boundless world of digital art and technology. ■ 30

Chamber of

Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall


ingnan held the naming ceremony and the first exhibition of the Chamber of Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall on campus in October 2023. Supported by Lingnan’s Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries and the Chamber of Young Snow, the five-year cultural project received generous funding from the Chamber of Young Snow to support the establishment of the Chamber of Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall, and for graciously sharing its collection with the public. The theme of this exhibition, “Sensing Things”, showcased private collection and treasures on loan from the Chamber of Young Snow, mainly of historic Chinese paintings and ceramics spanning from the Song Dynasty to the 20th century. About 30 exquisite artworks are displayed to illustrate the meanings and sensibilities of the ancients had expressed and accumulated, and reflect on how they can offer inspiration and motivation to the present life, highlighting the philosophies, values, and worldviews of artists throughout different periods in China. ■



CONFERENCES High-profile Asia-Pacific Summits see Lingnan take centre stage


ingnan University successfully hosted the QS Higher Education Pre-Summit APAC 2023 on campus in November 2023. The pre-summit was particularly focused on liberal arts, and it explored the ongoing evolution of these disciplines along with the increasing impact of technology in and beyond the classroom. Lingnan University, in collaboration with QS (Quacquarelli Symonds), the global higher education analyst renowned for its annual World University Rankings, organised this Pre-Summit. The event was presented in a hybrid format and attracted more than 450 participants from around the Asia-Pacific region, surpassing expectations. The agenda featured four main sessions, including a keynote talk on how liberal arts universities can adapt and thrive in the digital era, and another on teaching as a design science. A special Presidents’ Forum on "The Art of STEM" was held, examining how best to integrate scientific thinking into a predominantly liberal arts curriculum. The expert panelists for this discussion included Prof S Joe QIN, Lingnan’s President; Prof Shoichiro IWAKIRI, President of International Christian University in Japan; and Prof Tao TANG, President of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, among others.




Lingnan University was also well represented at the QS Higher Education APAC Summit in Kuala Lumpur. More than 1,000 academics, senior government figures and representative from business and industry gathered for an impressive kick-off ceremony hosted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and then engaged in three days of high-level discussion on themes that will shape and direct the next few years. The agenda touched on everything from the future of work and building talent to translating higher education outcomes into community well-being. There were also sessions on the respective roles of universities and industry partners in developing sustainable cities; strategies to maximise the value of research; and the impact of the 4th industrial revolution. One of the best-attended sessions, though, was the opening panel in which Lingnan’s President S Joe QIN played a full part. The given theme was “Higher education in APAC: defining and measuring success”, and the speakers were invited to consider aspects ranging from global engagement to research and discovery. A subsequent panel, featuring Lingnan’s Vice President Joshua Ka Ho MOK, was invited to debate the topic “Quality and quantity: refining and improving international student enrolment”, with a particular eye on student and programme demand and the predominant trends.

At the Gala Dinner, Lingnan was one of the recipients of QS Star Certificates for certain notable achievements, winning the highest accolade, the QS Five Stars Plus rating, alongside the University of Wollongong from Australia. The rating system assesses performance in at least seven categories including research, teaching, innovation, inclusiveness, and environmental impact. And, among other things, the results give prospective students of a university’s strengths and priorities. On this occasion, the citation also highlighted Lingnan’s impressive scores for internationalisation, the employability of its graduates, and its commitment to providing an outstanding academic experience.



Toward the end of the Summit, both were on stage once again as part of the official handover ceremony to the next hosts. This confirmed publicly that Lingnan has been selected as co-host of the QS Higher Education APAC Summit 2024 and host for the post-event aspect of the QS Higher Education APAC Summit 2024, for which Macau University of Science and Technology will take the lead. ■


Conference for Higher Education Research -

Hong Kong 2023


ingnan’s School of Graduate Studies kicked off its much-awaited Conference for Higher Education Research (CHER) – Hong Kong 2023 in November, over 180 participants from 12 regions registered for this two-day conference, including scholars from Australia, United States, Finland, England, Turkey, Singapore, Kazakhstan, China. The conference is centered on the theme of "Education for Sustainability: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education”. The conference aims to bring together scholars, policymakers, and practitioners from around the world to explore the latest trends, challenges, and good practices to promote education for sustainability in the higher education setting.

More Conferences 37


China and Higher Education Conference 2023 - New spaces and places in education: Technology and innovation in Chinese Higher Education (13-14 Dec 2023)


Harvard-Lingnan Symposium: The Avant-Garde X Hong Kong and the New South (4-5 Dec 2023)


International Conference - Health and Well-being: Promoting Mental and Cognitive Outcomes (9-10 Nov 2023)


The Origins of the South Korean Film Renaissance Conference (2-4 Nov 2023)


NCCU-LU Joint Symposium 2023: New Norms and Innovation in Education (27 Oct 2023)


Symposium on AI and the Future of Comparative Analysis (24 Oct 2023)


One of the highlights of the conference was the opening address by Lingnan’s President, Prof S Joe QIN. In his speech, he emphasised the importance of education for sustainability and the role that higher education institutions can play in promoting sustainable development. He also highlighted the need for collaboration among universities, policymakers, and other stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The first day of the conference was a huge success, with a series of inspiring keynote addresses and panel discussions on various aspects related to education for sustainability. Attendees had the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions and learn from leading experts in the field. Another highlight of the conference was the announcement of new partner institutions to the Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP). Lingnan’s Vice-President, Prof Joshua Ka Ho MOK, also co-director of APHERP welcomed the new partner institutions, including the Peking University, the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, and the National Chengchi University. The partnership aims to promote collaboration among higher education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region to advance research and innovation in higher education. The addition of these new partner institutions will strengthen the network and enhance opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange. ■


International Symposium: Handing the World the Key to the Treasures of Chinese Literary Theory (13-14 Oct 2023)


The 19th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy: Sustainable Development and Social Policy in East Asia (14-15 Sep 2023)


Strategic Competition and Great Power Politics in the Indo-Pacific: Issues and Implications (12 Oct 2023)

10. CRESSE-Lingnan International Conference on Competition Policy (7-8 Sep 2023)

11. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Applications (1920 Jul 2023) 12. 10th South South Forum on Sustainability (7-30 Jul 2023) 13. Challenges and Prospects of Hong Kong Education in the AI Era (24 Jun 2023) 38



Scientific Progress

The Spectacle of Expertise: Why Financial Analysts Perform in the Media



Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

Alexandru-Codru PREDA

Greater China's Olympic Medal Haul: Beyond Sports Excellence

The Chinese Internet: Political Economy and Digital Discourse

香港中式長衫和 裙褂製作技藝

港式奶茶 製作技藝





Marcus Pok CHU

Vicky Yuqi NA

Chi Pang LAU

Chi Pang LAU

Kenneth Kwan Kin WONG & Frances Wai Ling LO

Kenneth Kwan Kin WONG & Frances Wai Ling LO

Department of Government and International Affairs

Lingnan University Creative and Cultural Innovation Research Institute

Department of Philosophy

Department of History

Hong Kong and South China Historical Research Programme

Department of History

Hong Kong and South China Historical Research Programme

人生心理學: 關於人生這回事, 心 理 學 理 論 怎 樣 說?

冷戰時期的 美國與東亞社會

Walking on the Edge of the Abyss: Conversations with Gustavo Esteva

The Fukushima Catastrophe: To What End?





On Ting LO

Chunmei DU

Kin Chi LAU

Kin Chi LAU


Xiaomei HUANG


Zhixiong HE

Department of Psychology


Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Department of History

Centre for Cultural Research and Development

Centre for Cultural Research and Development

Lingnan Research & Innovation

Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Lingnan University Tuen Mun Hong Kong SAR, China Tel: (852) 2616 7728 Fax: (852) 2591 9618 Email: Lingnan University Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer

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