ORIGIN Magazine Issue #23

Page 38


What’s Your Passion? (Continued)

Mary Jordan

Mary Jordan is a professional conceptualist, social entrepreneur, award-winning filmmaker, artist who likes to challenge paradigms, water activist, and armchair cultural anthropologist. I have a continuum of passions universal in character: film, art, activism, performance, and music. I am employed by the New Water Culture to protect water from exploitation, oppression, persecution, and deprivation. It is time to give a turning point to the life of human beings, and every person working with a highly intelligent mind with new innovations and talent should direct their attention to the most challenging problem of our time: water. THEWATERTANKPROJECT.ORG | MARYJORDAN.COM PHOTO: YANG WANG

Winsome Brown

mj David Rothenberg

David Rothenberg’s latest book is Bug Music, latest CD is Cicada Dream Band, and latest films are Song of the Cicadas and Song from the Forest. I engage with the natural world with music that connects with birds, whales, and bugs where words cannot. Playing with brilliant more-than-human musicians like humpback whales, nightingales, and seventeen-year cicadas makes our surrounding environment so much more exciting and alive. Evolution includes survival of the beautiful, not just survival of the fittest, and engaging artistically with nature is one more way to change the fractured human relationship with the planet. DAVIDROTHENBERG.NET | TERRANOVAMUSIC.NET


Winsome Brown is a writer, director, and Obie Award-winning actress. She comes from Toronto, and she lives in New York. I am interested in how we love. What we show, what we know, how we feel it, deal it, reveal it. I want to say that nothing human is foreign to me. It would be a lie. But I’m trying to get there, to the heart of our shared humanity, through my writing and acting. You can see me in This Is Mary Brown at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015. Photo: Mick Cantarella

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