Orenda Two

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05: headspace We then move into Headspace, a track which I feel is one of the weaker ones on the album, but yet a still very enjoyable song. With a more dreamy feel, the song mixes things up by adding in neat little sound features such as an echo here and there and a bridge that is more rocking than dreampop. I will say that I warmed up to this track a lot more once hearing it live, however I still feel they misstepped slightly with this track, as it seems pretty repetitive throughout, with the lone exception of the bridge.


06: this is not a party

07: isabel

However, the album recovers very well with a fantastic run of tracks in the mid section of the album, starting with This Is Not A Party, a track ironically made to blast at parties as a great opener. With a rather stripped back opening, the track builds during the opening verse to craft the scene of a shitty party while getting your foot tapping before the earworm main chorus leaps in. But where the song really kicks up a notch is the bridge where Matt Murphy uses different vocal techniques to break up the foot tapping with a heavier interjection for a brief period before leaping back to the main chorus.

The album then decides to take a break with Isabel and make one of the most unique Wombats songs to date. A slower and more relaxed track, this track almost purely relies on Matthew Murphy to carry the song on his vocals and this he fucking delivers in drones. Describing his talk with the titular girl, Murphy talks about his seemingly toxic relationship with her and how he’s much better “When you’re ripping my life apart.” The song is an emotional one and the second half of the song where the track seemingly stops before dropping again is one of the albums best moments in my opinion. I have discussed this song with some people who were not a fan, which is understandable as the track is seemingly oddly placed were it not for the concept of the album. Regardless of your opinion on this, the song is one that every Wombats fan should at least give a listen to.


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