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orders schmorders

Bandung, Indonesia

The Orders Schmorders is Bandung-based architecture+urbanism student group. founded in 2007 as sub division of HMPS Ars Parahyangan Catholic University class of 2007-2008. as years passed, orders has shifted its own structure to an Independent open source Architecture+ Urbanism think-do tank group in 2008, yet still concerning Several studies with the previous closest community. orders schmorders major commission is The Orders Magazine, an architecture+urbanism magazine that covers the super-interesting between contemporary independent youth culture and the architecture/urban design in the everyday life of Bandung. Its readership comprises controversial content, a new perspective to the urban problems, trigerred by the wisdom of popular system, it also often features multitude issues involving governance, social, politcis, low art matters, and else. The magazine has published 3 editions in the year of 2008.
