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“News for the Neighborhood” #50
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March / April 2012
Inside Back Cover What’s Happening
. . . . . pg 5
New to the Neighborhood Three for Three . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 8 Know the Neighbors Celebrating Orange . . . . . . . pg 12 Old Towne Talent Sign Painter Patrick
. . . . . . pg
Talk of the Towne Foundation Games . . . . . . . .pg 27 Neighborhood Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 28 Old Towne Property
Meet Dale & Gayle . pg
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S H AG " I I B a l a t o i o "
Stor y on page 23
Ar tist Proof, Sold Out Edition. 15 color ser igr aph. 38c m x 5 1 c m ( 1 5 ” x 2 0 ” )
w w w. S h a g T h e S t o re . c o m
March / April
Building Character in
Orange. . . with your
May / June 2011 Dr. Paul Apodaca Roosevelt Hall
April / May 2010 Dean Bob Bassett Marion Knott Studios
friends &
July / August 2011 Dr. Marilyn Harran Holocaust Memorial Library
neighbors at Building Character
California’s sixth oldest educational institution continually hosts a wide variety of inspiring world class events. Open to the public, the following lectures and musical performances promise to inspire, entertain and educate.
September / October 2010 Dr. Vernon Smith & Dr. Stephen Rassenti Wilkinson Hall
Who invite you to . . . MARCH 2012
APRIL 2012
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Orange • FREE • 714-997-6871
Sandhu Conference Center • FREE • 714-628-7377
Memorial Hall • Public $10-$15 • 714-997-6812
THURSDAY, MARCH 15 • 10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. LEATHERBY LIBRARIES 6TH ANNUAL BOOK SALE $1 Books, CDs 4 for $1, LPs 10 for $1 • 714-532-7740
MARCH 15-17 and 22-24 • 7:30 p.m. SUMMERTIME by CHARLES L. MEE Waltmar Theatre • $15-$20 • 714-997-6812 (Recommended for mature audiences)
THURSDAY, MARCH 22 • 1 p.m. SCIENCE FORUM LECTURE SERIES: KAREN SETTY, SOCAL COASTAL WATER RESEARCH PROJECT Bush Conference Center, Beckman Hall 404 • FREE www.chapman.edu/scs/faculty/scienceforum.asp
June / July 2010 Dr. Esmael Adibi Beckman Hall
Wallace All Faiths Chapel, Fish Interfaith Center • FREE 714-997-6947
SATURDAY, APRIL 14 • 7:30 p.m CHAPMAN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Wallace All Faiths Chapel, Fish Interfaith Center FREE with Chapman ID • Public $10-$15 • 714-997-6812
www.chapman.edu/fowles THURSDAY, APRIL 19 • 7:00 p.m. AN EVENING OF HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE Memorial Hall • FREE with advance ticket • 714-628-7377
APRIL 25-28 • 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE-ACTS Waltmar Theatre • $10-$15 • 714-997-6812
MARCH 22-24 • 7:30 p.m. CONCERT INTIME: AN INTIMATE EVENING OF DANCE Partridge Dance Center 107 • $5 at the door • 714-744-7040
APRIL 27-28 • 7:30 p.m. or APRIL 29 • 3:00 p.m. OPERA PACIFIC PRESENTS MOZART’S THE MAGIC FLUTE Memorial Hall • $15-$20 • 714-997-6812
MARCH 30 • 5:00 p.m. - APRIL 1 • 9:00 p.m. STARTUP WEEKEND ORANGE COUNTY II Bush Conference Center, Beckman Hall 404 • FREE www.chapman.edu/launch
See the full Calendar at: 4
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
Please note that tickets are required for many events. A complete list of events and comprehensive descriptions are available by clicking the EVENTS tab on the Chapman University website: chapman.edu
134 South Glassell St / Orange, CA 92866 714 - 771 - 6919
Mar/Apr 2012
Publishing Team
What’s Happening MARCH 2012
Publisher Mike Escobedo MikeEsco@OrangeReview.com Writer Karen Anderson 123karen@earthlink.net Writer Julie Bawden-Davis julie@juliebawdendavis.com
Wed / Mar 7 / 6 pm Naturalist For You Toad Trek Up Black Star Canyon The rainy season has come and with the moist soil come the toads! Black Star Canyon / 714-649-9084 www.Naturalist-For-You.org
Photographer Will Hare will@willharephoto.com Photographer Jeanine Hill jhillfoto@aol.com Photographer Scott Montgomery scott@smontgomery.com Digital Artist Clyde San Juan crookedtrails@hotmail.com Web Developer Tyler Colby Tyler@irepairinc.com Printed by Freedom Press estella@freedomprinting.net Processed by Mailing Pros, Inc. MPI@MailingProsInc.com Distributed by the US Postal Services www.usps.com
Sat / Mar 10 / 2:30 pm Orange Public Library Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Celebrate Read Across America Day & the release of The Lorax, with Seussian stories, songs, and crafts. 407 East Chapman 714-288-2420 www.CityOfOrange.org Tue / Mar 13 / 3:30 pm Orange Public Library St. Patrick’s Irish Folk Tales & Dance Enjoy stories of talking horses, flying trees & wise old witches with bursts of traditional Irish dancing in this interactive program. 407 East Chapman 714-288-2420 www.CityOfOrange.org
. . .
Around the Plaza
Wed / Mar 13 / 1:30 pm Bowers Museum Art Workshop: Making Art from Your Heart Let a professional artist guide you through the creative process using your feelings, visions and imagination to make vivid works of art. 2002 North Main St, SA 714-567-3600 www.Bowers.org Sun / Mar 18 / 9 am Naturalist For You Wildflower Walk in Round Canyon An interpretive tour through an isolated wilderness rarely visited by the public. 714-649-9084 www.Naturalist-For-You.org Sun / Mar 18 / 9:30 am Tree of Life Community FREE Pancake Breakfast Join the community for a FREE Breakfast from the Tree of Life American Legion Hall 143 South Lemon St 949-633-6034
Sun / Mar 18 / 1:30 pm Bowers Museum Celebration of Irish Traditions Leprechauns & four leaf clovers make the day sparkle with culture & tradition. 2002 North Main St, SA 714-567-3600 / www.Bowers.org Mon / Mar 19 Assistance League of Orange Embrace Orange Golf Tournament Help support the Assistance League’s many charitable works. Yorba Linda Country Club 714-921-2616 / www.ALOrange.com Wed / Mar 21 / 10:30 am St. John’s Lutheran School Prospective Family Open House Preschool through Grade 8 154 South Shaffer St 714-288-4400 / www.SJLS.org Thu / Mar 22 / 11:30 am Orange Chamber of Commerce State of the City Luncheon Doubletree Hotel / 714-538-3581 www.OrangeChamber.com
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m
March / April
Since 2001
Old Towne Orange PLAZAREVIEW
From the Publisher I hope all is well with you as we move into Spring 2012! With this edition of the Orange Plaza Review, I want to express my sincere pleasure in sharing so many wonderful stories and activities. When I first started, I had little idea where my journey with the Plaza Review would take me. I simply enjoyed the friendships and alliances that developed along the way and the luxury of pursuing a satisfying career in the communicating arts. Initially, the relationships I developed with several Old Towne businesses afforded us all a modest win-win situation. Now, ten years later, I am deeply grateful to find many of those same advertisers still included on these pages. I’m also delighted with the many other supporters who entrust the Plaza Review to represent their interests to the community. With every issue, my team and I continue to expand and upgrade coverage. The hope is that you continue to enjoy the Plaza Review for the fun, accurate and useful information included here and on-line at OrangeReview.com. In this issue, see the pleasure and pride of new Orange homeowners, Dale and Gayle Ray, as they share their 1913 Craftsman-style bungalow in our cover story. I also encourage you to take a look at the “New to the Neighborhood” and “Know the Neighbors” columns, the latter of which highlights Orange’s first vitamin store, Licata’s Nutrition Center, now celebrating 50 years in Old Towne. As the parent of two young boys, I was pleased to read in “Sandy Sez” her advice to a 16-year-old on how to be treated like an adult. This is no doubt something I’ll be sharing with my sons. Don’t forget to peruse the “What’s Happening” calendar for the fine springtime events offered in our wonderful city. Enjoy!
What’s Happening . . . Sat / Mar 24 / 2:30 pm Bowers Museum Pacific Symphony Youth Ensemble in Concert Talented young musicians present an enchanting afternoon filled with harmonious instrumentals. 2002 North Main St, SA 714-567-3600 / www.Bowers.org Mon / Mar 26 / Midnight OCHS of the Arts Call for Submissions Seeking fiction, non-fiction & poetry inspired by three times of day. Max 120 lines, 500-4,000 words. For more info: titlewithbrackets.com
“ News For The Neighborhood ” Old Towne Orange Plaza Review © 2012 Mike Escobedo Design. All rights reserved. The material herein contained cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Mike Escobedo Design.
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
APRIL 2012 Wed / Apr 4 / 10:30 am Orange Public Library Easter Egg Hunt Make an Easter basket, then search for treat-filled eggs to fill it with! 407 East Chapman Ave 714-288-2420 www.CityOfOrange.org
Thu / Mar 29 Friendly Center Partnership Banquet Celebrate & Recognize the Volunteer & Community Partners of the Year. 121 S. Center St / 714-771-5300 www.FriendlyCenter.org
Fri / Apr 6 Copperwood Artware Works by Gallery Artists Art Exhibit through Jun 3 148-A N Glassell St / 714-633-8374 www.CopperwoodArtware.com
Ending Sat / Mar 31 Copperwood Artware “No Woman Stands Alone” Art Exhibit: An impressive collection of local female artists. 148-A N Glassell St / 714-633-8374 www.CopperwoodArtware.com
Sun / Apr 8 / 10 am - 4 pm Country Roads Antiques & Gardens Easter Sunday Sale Celebrate Spring with “I’d Rather Shop Than Hunt Easter Eggs Sale.” 204 West Chapman / 714-532-3041 www.CountryRoadsAntiques.com
Amazing Treasures at Affordable Prices Celebrating Our 5 Year Anniversary all of March Special Event: Fri - Sun, Mar 30 - Apr 1 Home Decor • Succulents • Topiaries • Garden Art Statuary • Jewelry • Wall Art • Gourmet Foods Beads • Boutique Clothing • Fairy Gardens Gifts • Children’s Boutique
Anniversary Coupon
Sincerely, Mike Escobedo 134 South Glassell St. / Orange, CA 92866 714 - 771 - 6919 MikeEsco@OrangeReview.com
Sat / Mar 31 - Apr 22 Discovery Science Center Bubblefest! XV Good, clean fun for the entire family! 2500 N Main St / 714-542-2823 www.DiscoveryCube.org
OFF your purchase of $25.00 or more. Expires 4 - 2 - 12
Check our
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for more information:
DragonflyShops and Gardens .com
Beading, Fairy Gardens, Jewelry, Mosaics, Kid’s Crafts & More.
1.5 Blocks North of the Circle
260 N. Glassell St. / Orange, CA 92866 / 714-289-4689
Around the Plaza Fri & Sat / Apr 13 Community Foundation of Orange Foundation Games This event brings families together & showcases community spirit, friendly competition & promotes a healthy lifestyle. 3920 East Spring St 714-288-9909 CommunityFoundationOfOrange.org Fri / Apr 13 / 1:30pm Bowers Museum Gold and the Deep Blue Sea: America’s Greatest Treasure Story. Go on the fantastic journey of the SS Central America. Experience the dramatic & heroic saga of America's greatest shipwreck. 2002 North Main St, SA 714-567-3600 / www.Bowers.org Ending / Apr 15 Discovery Science Center Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination Could the technologies of Star Wars actually become a reality? Find out at this out-of-this-world exhibit! 2500 N Main St, SA 714-542-2823 www.DiscoveryCube.org
Sat / Apr 15 / 8 am – 3 pm Orange Sunrise Rotary Orange Plaza Car Show 100’s of spectacular classic cars. Chapman Ave & Glassell St www.OrangeSunriseRotary.org Wed / Apr 18 / 10:30 am St. John’s Lutheran School Prospective Family Open House Preschool through Grade 8 154 South Shaffer St 714-288-4400 / www.SJLS.org Sat / Apr 21 / 9 am & 2:30 pm Paris in a Cup Tea Salon Launch Your Creativity Equips women with the basicS to start their own business. $65 Tea. RSVP 119 South Glassell St / 714-538-9411 www.LaunchYourCreativity.com Sat / Apr 21 / 2 pm Orange Library Earth Day Celebration Kids, save the Earth & reduce plastic bag use! Decorate a tote & use it for books. 407 East Chapman Ave 714-288-2420 / www.CityOfOrange.org
Sun / April 22 / 4 - 8 pm Orange Blossoms Auxiliary A Taste of Orange “Jazz Up Your Spring” fundraiser featuring music, food from top local restaurants, wine and beer tasting, a silent auction and opportunity drawings. $30 Pre-Sale / $40 at the door Assistance League Chapter House 124 South Orange St www.OrangeBlossomsALO.org Sun / Apr 22 Orange Public Library Foundation Library Legacy Gala An evening filled with food, beer tasting, fine wine, music and a live and silent auction. 2 Irvine Park Rd / 714-288-2470 www.OPLFoundation.org Sat / Apr 28 / 11 am Paris in a Cup Tea Salon Meet the Author Book Signing Author Jacqueline deMontravel signs her new book “Hers” Design with Feminine Touch. $60 Tea. RSVP 119 South Glassell St 714-538-9411 www.ParisInACup.com
For more events:
Sat & Sun / Apr 28 & 29 / 10 am-4 pm Floral Park Home & Garden Tour Stroll through the beautiful vintage homes and gardens and search for antiques & collectibles. Floral Park, SA / 714-835-5729 www.Floral-Park.com Mon / Apr 30 / 1 pm Friendly Center Golf Tournament Help the Friendly Center assist the less fortunate with their programs & services. Alta Vista Country Club 714-771-5300 x22 www.FriendlyCenter.org ONGOING Every Thu / 1 – 5 pm Old Towne Orange Farmer’s Market Fresh fruits, vegetables & more. 143 South Lemon St Every Sat / 9 am – 1 pm Orange Home Grown Farmers & Artisans Market Enjoy the outdoor market at Chapman University’s historic Villa Park Orchards Packinghouse, 304 North Cypress St www.OrangeHomeGrown.org
March / April
Three for Three
b y K a re n A n d e r s o n
hen Ezzy and Soheila Rohani took over the landmark Chapman Coffee House at 505 North Glassell, they wanted to continue the legacy of a neighborhood coffee shop that serves the local community, particularly students at Chapman University. With their daughter Millie currently attending film school at Chapman University, the couple decided the new venture was the perfect opportunity for Ezzy to do something fun in his retirement years while providing a nice venue for students to gather. A former civil engineer, Ezzy oversees the daily operation on site, while his wife, Soheila, continues to work as a registered charge nurse at Mission Hospital. “We always enjoy coming to Old Towne, and when our daughter started at Chapman, we came back more often,” Ezzy said. “That’s how we got connected with the coffee house.” After taking over the lease in November, the Rohanis remodeled the interior and re-opened in December. Everything is brand new, including the granite countertops and all the furniture. “We also bought a new automated espresso machine from Switzerland,” he said. “We are improving on the service and the quality of the beverages, as well as providing the opportunity for our
customers to order customized recipes.” Open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, with the exception of nine Bahai Holy Days and Christmas, Chapman Coffee House features an inviting setting that Ezzy calls, “a home away from home.” In addition to coffee drinks, the menu includes everything from smoothies and fresh orange juice to pastries
304 North Cypress St Orange, CA 92866
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
Serving Diedrich coffee and Persian tea, the staff at Chapman Coffee House brings old-fashioned customer service to their newly re-opened venue. From left: Soheila Rohani, owner; Millie, daughter; Ezzy Rohani, owner; Amee, daughter.
and panini sandwiches. One of their specialties is Persian tea. Since the grand opening, Ezzy says that they’ve received a lot of positive feedback from the community. They especially enjoy it when their Millie comes in with her friends.
“I love Old Towne, and this is a great place to be,” Ezzy said. “The students love the place, and neighbors are happy with this new addition. The ambience is cozy and dimly lit, with a fireplace for people who like to hang out and talk.”
ot many retailers can say they own three shops on the same block in Old Towne, but that’s exactly the case with Kristine Houston, proprietor of Joyride, Elsewhere Rare & Antique and Lost & Found on West Chapman. Specializing in rare apparel, accessories and collectibles dating from the 1920s to the 1960s, Kristine has recently taken over the former Chuck Jones Art Gallery space to unveil her newly re-branded Elsewhere Rare & Antique Dress Shop. At the same time, she has transformed her former Elsewhere Vintage space into Lost & Found Vintage, a destination catering to costume seekers and those looking for vintage clothing from the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s. The diverse and affordable inventory at Lost & Found appeals to college and highschool students, Kristine says. “With Lost & Found, we have the opportunity to sell items that are a little more funky than what we carry at Elsewhere,” she said. “What we’ve learned over the last few years is that we have two different kinds of customers. Elsewhere is known as a fashionista destination for people who are ahead of the fashion curve or those who wear specialized vintage head to toe as part of their lifestyle or who just have their
Owner Kristine Houston (seated with niece Charlotte), attracts a loyal following to her three vintage stores, including Lost & Found and Elsewhere Rare & Antique. From left: Scott Van Sickel, Carling Kaiser, Robert Houston (Kristine’s husband), Kalli Noel, Peter Hamilton, Gwyn Houston (daughter) and Anthoula Medenes.
own very distinct sense of style. Elsewhere has quickly become very well known as a must-shop destination to an impressive list of Hollywood and New York fashion stylists, major design house inspiration buyers, and even movie and rock stars. Lost & Found is for men and women looking for a fun t-shirt from the ’70s to wear with jeans or something unique for an ’80s, Boardwalk Empire- or Mad Manthemed party.” Kristine arrived in Old Towne almost seven years ago, leasing space in the Orange Circle Antique Mall. In 2008, she opened Elsewhere Vintage, followed in 2010 by another store, Joyride, which specializes in men’s styles from the 1920s to the 1970s as well as antique oddities & collectibles with a manly theme. Knowing that she wanted to expand even further, Kristine jumped at the chance to occupy the Chuck Jones gallery space in 2012. “I’m very thankful that we can have all three stores in one place,” Kristine said. “There are not a lot of towns where we are afforded two different customer bases: college kids and antiques enthusiasts.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
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March / April
Three for Three
he highly anticipated arrival of Wahoo’s Fish Taco in Old Towne marks another milestone for the popular eatery, which first opened its doors in Costa Mesa in 1988. With 60 locations in the United States — 40 of which are in California — Wahoo’s is known for its freshly prepared salsa, fish, meat and rice, highlighted by delicious fish tacos and favorites like the Banzai Burrito and Wahoo’s homemade Chicken Tortilla Soup. The venues feature a laid-back “North Shore Hawaii” vibe, with walls and tables colorfully decorated in surf stickers and action-sport posters. Occupying an historic building on West Chapman just a block from the Plaza, the new Wahoo’s location has been a long time in the making, said Ed Lee, company co-founder and partner. “We’ve always wanted to be in Old Towne, and we’d been working with the City for almost six years to find just the right spot,” he said. “The Plaza is amazing, and the community is fantastic. It’s what attracted us to come here.” Featuring more than 2,500 square feet, the restaurant includes an expansive outdoor patio pre-wired for a movie screen and a state-of-the-art
sound system. An additional 1,000 square feet of extra retail space allows Wahoo’s to bring another tenant on board. “We are contemplating what type of tenant we want to have here,” said Ed. “It has to be something that complements us and that’s fun and unique.” They also plan to hold fundraisers at the restaurant, such as the recent event they hosted
The Wahoo’s brothers (from left: Wing, Mingo and Ed) have established one of the most successful food chains in Southern California and beyond. They are pictured here at the VIP preview party of the new Wahoo’s Fish Taco on Chapman in Old Towne Orange.
for the local senior center. “The big patio will be awesome for gatherings, especially in the summer,” he added. Ed, whose appreciation for old buildings was a deciding factor in choosing the Old Towne location, credits Rutter Development with
ummerhillLtd. Antiques & Design
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
the renovation of the historic building. “I think the restaurant turned out phenomenal. Working with the City of Orange was a great experience, and all the city officials really helped us tremendously through the process.”
Have You Seen . . .
Santa Ana Vieja by Phil Brigandi
registered in the early 1930s, but the plaque didn’t go up until 1957. It’s located at the northwest corner of Lincoln and OrangeOlive Road, along the railroad
tracks, quite close to where some of the original Yorba adobes stood. The Olive Heights packing house and the Olive Volunteer Fire Department used to stand
Photograph by Phil Brigandi
If you don’t know where Olive is, it’s going to be tough to explain to you where Santa Ana Vieja was. Olive is at the north end of Orange, along Lincoln Avenue, west of Tustin. It’s where Eisenhower Park is and The Brickyard shopping center (which was once the site of an actual brickyard). It’s also one of the oldest communities in Orange County. This is where the Yorba family first settled on the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, around 1810. They eventually built several adobes up on the hill. The community became known as Santa Ana, but when the modern city of Santa Ana was founded in 1869, people started calling the place Old Santa Ana, or Santa Ana Vieja. Then in 1876, when they got their own school district, they named it Olive. Most of Olive has been annexed to the City of Orange, but a part of the hill is still unincorporated county territory. The only State Historical Landmark plaque in Orange honors Old Santa Ana. (We really ought to do something about getting some more state landmarks here one of these days). The site was
The State Historical Landmark plaque at Olive sits beside the railroad tracks on OrangeOlive Road. The Canyon Woman’s Club did the landscaping for the monument around 1967.
A Downtown Favorite
nearby, but fortunately there’s still plenty of other bits of old Olive there to be seen. Across Orange-Olive Road, what’s now Merlex Stucco was once the Olive Hillside Growers packing house, built in 1928. The old St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (built in 1912) is just east on Lincoln; it’s now part of the campus of the North Orange Christian Church. The old Olive Civic Center stands next to the Olive Elementary School. It was built by the WPA, and dedicated in 1939 as both a school auditorium and a community center. And up on the hill in Olive Heights are several interesting old homes. Sadly, the Olive Post Office is currently on the U.S. Postal Service’s closure list for 2012. First established in 1887, it became a station of the Orange Post Office in 1963. It’s just a little place, but there’s a lot of community identity tied up in things like post offices. Daralee Ota has put together an interesting website on old Olive which she calls “Olive Through the Ages.” You’ll find lots of history and photographs there at http://dragoon1st.tri pod.com/olive/.
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1 1 9 South Glassell St. March / April
Celebrating Orange W
hen Beth Davidson first opened Dragonfly Shops & Gardens five years ago, she envisioned a place where like-minded artists could come together to showcase their wares, offer unique gifts and merchandise, conduct crafting workshops and teach gardening classes. Today, Beth’s vision has exceeded all expectations, transforming the vintage home on 260 North Glassell into a homespun destination for the local community. “There’s a really cool vibe in our shop and we have a phenomenal customer base that is so loyal,” enthused Beth. “We’ve created a really nice environment that people want to be a part of.” A former executive recruiter for 20 years, Beth knows how to network and bring people together. After setting up shop in the historic 1920 home next to Rutabegorz, she opened her doors to neighbors and visitors, who soon became friends and added their artistic touches to the interior and the gardens. Vendors and artisans began occupying different rooms, and before she knew it, Beth was featuring up to 30 different artists showcasing items for home and garden and offering classes in beading, mosaic tiling, fairy gardens and even cheese making and summer craft camps.
“What sets us apart is that we have our own parking lot for easy access, plus we have ample space outside to try lots of different things such as our marketplace, gardening seminars and birthday parties,” Beth said. “There’s always something new going on here. I’m really open to fresh ideas, and I jump right in. We laugh, we have fun, and we work really hard, too.” Beth, who teaches beading every Tuesday and Thursday in the morning and evening, says patrons like to visit, have a conversation and share their latest creations. “The shop has evolved so much, and I just keep flowing with it,” Beth said. “The Dragonfly family is why this works. We love drawing new friends into our little circle.”
Beth Davidson (front) has created an enthusiastic community of artists and patrons at the Dragonfly Shops & Gardens in Old Towne. From left: Libby, Anne, Dani, Lisa and Linda.
elebrating 50 years in Old Towne, Licata Nutrition Center is a true landmark at 162 North Glassell. Owner Tom Licata recounts when his father, Vincent Licata, opened the store in 1962 in the space now occupied by Mr. C’s Records. A few short years later, the store moved two doors down where it’s been a cherished fixture in Old Towne ever since. “We have a lot of customers
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KNOW THE NEIGHBORS b y K a re n A n d e r s o n
who still remember my dad when I was a little kid,” Tom said. “Back then, North Glassell was the hub of the commercial district because of the JCPenney across the street. We were the first health food store in Orange.” Featuring a roster of vitamins, herbs, supplements, teas and tinctures, Licata Nutrition Center also carries whole foods like nuts, dried fruits, grain and flours. A selection of nutrition books provides excellent resources for customers, plus the stores offers a line of quality appliances including Champion and Omega juicers. Recognizing that his father was ahead of his time in the health food industry, Tom recalls when health food products were not part of the mainstream like they are today. “In those days, if you wanted vitamins, it was One-A-Day,” Tom said. “It took time to edu-
Judy and Tom Licata, at their landmark store, Licata Nutrition, celebrating 50 years in business.
cate the public about healthy options. We were able to really build the business by providing educational literature and expert speakers at the store.” At one time, Tom’s father
owned four health food stores in Orange County, including the flagship store he opened in Santa Ana in 1956. After Vincent’s sudden death from a heart attack in 1989, Tom took over the family
business. Today, the Old Towne store is the Licata’s sole location. Although competing with big box retailers might prove challenging, Tom has achieved staying CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
March / April
Celebrating Orange
power by remaining close with his customers. His wife Judy contributes to the store’s success. “Being here for so many years, you really get to know your community,” Tom said. “I can’t believe we’ve been around this long. It’s something to be proud of, and it’s certainly a legacy to my dad.”
traffic, and we’ve been surprised at the volume of people who know about us.” According to Brent, “Matoska” is the Lakota (Sioux) word for “White Bear.” They named the store after their dog, which they called Matoska because it resembled a shaggy, white bear. Brent has enjoyed a passion for Native American culture since he was a young boy. He started out selling goods at Indian powwows, evolving to larger shows before his business really took off. “We opened our first retail location after we had outgrown operating from our house,” he said. “We draw customers from all over Southern California because there are very few stores that do what we do.” Brent is an Orange County native, while his wife Nancy was born and raised in Orange. Matoska provides both with the opportunity to indulge their passion for art and culture of the North American Plains Indian. “I’ve been a student of the culture my whole life, and I’m a craftsman who uses much of the materials we sell, as well. I enjoy it and it’s a labor of love.”
n business for 21 years, Matoska Trading Company shines the spotlight on the art and history of Native Americans. In 2003, Brent and Nancy Schellhase opened a retail location on Chapman, specializing in books, periodicals, historical art, crafting materials, Pendleton blankets and apparel, feathers, baskets and more. Because of the vast inventory of amazing items, Matoska has become a premier mail-order company nationally and around the world. Their move to Old Towne proper in 2011 marks another chapter for the successful retailer, now located at 123 North Glassell. “We’ve always wanted to be in Old Towne, but locations don’t open up very often,” said Brent. “We found out that this space was available when we were eating dinner across the street one night. Old Towne has been very good for us. We have a lot of walk-in
Owner Brent Schellhase (left) pictured here with daughter Megan and long time friend and business associate Randy Bryant has specialized in Native American wares for more than two decades.
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Sign Painter Patrick G. Smith b y K a re n A n d e r s o n
In the 40 years that he’s been in business as a sign painter, Patrick G. Smith has created plenty of iconic signs in Southern California — some of them right here in Old Towne Orange. From Heavenly Hostess and The Bite Market to Cherry on Top and Ray’s Barber Shop, Patrick’s signs convey an old-fashioned artistry that is increasingly rare in this day of digital technology. Specializing in hand lettering, calligraphy and gold-leaf techniques, Patrick is also a woodworker who can build, restore and install antique and storefront signs. When living in Orange, he got drafted into the Army in 1967. After arriving in Vietnam, his artistic talent with the brush was discovered, and he was asked to paint directional signs and more for the military, establishing the first sign shop at Cam Ranh Bay. After his tour of duty in Vietnam, he returned home and took a correspondence course in sign painting from ICS. That’s when he discovered that sign painting could lead to a fulfilling career. “As a boy, I always loved calligraphy and the Speedball lettering books, but I never knew I could make a living at it,” Patrick said. “After Vietnam, I met up with my Army buddy Bob Babcock, who still owns RWB Party Props at the old Sunkist Packing House in Old Towne. I did the signs for the building and still do occasional
A business without a sign is a sign of no business, says veteran sign painter Patrick G. Smith, whose work can be seen throughout Southern California, including Disneyland.
work for Bob.” Self-employed for 30 years, Patrick couldn’t resist the opportunity to become a Disneyland sign painter. He worked there for seven years, making signs that can still be seen today at the Blue Bayou restaurant, all along Main
Street, throughout Tom Sawyer’s Island and more. “Disney has a great sign shop,” he said. “We did amazing stuff, like the Golden Anniversary signs we made with 23-karat gold leaf, and the many hand-lettered signs throughout the park.”
In addition to creating sand-blasted signs crafted of redwood or hand lettering for trucks and cars, Patrick also restores old signs, including “ghost signs.” “Ghost signs are old signs that are faded,” Patrick explained. “You see several of them in Old Towne on historic buildings. I have repainted these kinds of signs and have painted new ones, creating an aged look so they appear ‘old’.” Patrick says that computers (and he uses one) have allowed professionals to create their own fonts and designs for signs, but a hand-lettered sign will always occupy a special niche. When he’s not creating signs, Patrick enjoys playing the accordion and performing rock ‘n roll in a band called The Rockits. But there’s nothing like the feeling of seeing one of his iconic signs still gracing the façade of a business or residential community. “When I drive past a sign I’ve done that’s become part of the landscape, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction,” he admitted. “A good sign is something that stands the test of time.”
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March / April
Meet Dale & Gayle
ayle and Dale Ray never anticipated living in an historic home in Old Towne Orange, but that’s exactly what happened when the couple from Santa Clarita purchased a Craftsmanstyle bungalow on 181 North Center Street almost two years ago.
Wanting to be closer to their daughters who were attending college in Orange County and residing here, the Rays zeroed in on Old Towne at the suggestion of their realtor. Gayle admits they weren’t entirely familiar with the town prior to moving here.
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Written by Karen Anderson Photographs by Jeanine Hill / www.JHillFoto.com
“We liked the central location,” Gayle says. “Our realtor told us that if we had the money to renovate an older home, we’d be happy.” Built by Peter and Elizabeth Johnson in 1913, the Ray’s singlestory bungalow features a frontfacing gable and clapboard siding,
as well as a unique triangular element with crossties at the peak of the roofline. In 1928, the home passed from the Johnson family to Arthur and Eleanor Cannon, who were quite prominent in the community. A musician, Arthur taught piano lessons. His wife opened her own home décor
store, The Eleanor Store, in their home in 1939. In the mid-1940s, the bungalow changed hands to the Allen family. Glenn Allen served as mayor of Orange from 1950-51 and was also president of Orange Savings & Loan Association in later years. In the 1960s, Emma
McNealy lived in the house until her passing a few years ago at age 90. That’s when her family put the house up for sale. “We met several family members as the renovation was taking place and appreciated their interest in, and love of, the property,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
The front porch of the Ray’s old bungalow turned out to be the most beloved and surprising treasures of their recently purchased home, says Gayle Ray, homeowner.
Gayle saw this chandelier years ago in Architectural Digest and later found it in a local shop in their former hometown of Santa Clarita.
Dale and Gayle Ray enjoy a moment together on a comfy, old chair they had upholstered at J.C. Upholstery in Orange. Framed photos of the family surround them in the background.
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Meet Dale & Gayle Pastels and bright colors take prominence in the living room. The coffee table came from an antique store in Santa Barbara, while original art pieces were purchased at an art auction they attended on their honeymoon.
Gayle says. For the most part, the home was in good structural condition when the Rays first moved in, except for the electrical and plumbing. The kitchen needed the most work and had to be gutted
from the studs up. Removing the wall that divided the kitchen from the family room, the Rays created more space and light and also added flooring that matched the existing oak and Douglas fir in the rest of the house.
In the kitchen, a marble counter graces the cooking island, while matte-finish granite countertops complement the porcelain farmhouse sink. The original brick chimney still occupies a corner of the kitchen, and
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In the back room, the original fireplace received a facelift, while the existing windows, doors, mantle and ceiling beams remain intact. This room served as a “studio apartment” for the couple when they were renovating the rest of the house.
two original pillars still stand as remnants from either side of the old cabinets. “The brick chimney was attached to a wood stove at one time,” says Gayle, who notes that other original elements in the
house include the large bay window in the dining room and the chandelier that they relocated to the bedroom. Most of the wood floors in the house remain in pristine condition, mainly because they’d been covered in carpeting
for so many years. In renovating the home, the Rays sought the expertise of Karl Bonham, a general contractor from Orange specializing in historic homes. Richard Kohlwey of Costa Mesa crafted the custom cabinetry
in the bathrooms and kitchen. A woefully dated back room was added in the 1950s, replete with dark wood paneling and blue carpeting covering old Formica floors. The Rays CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
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Artists in Orange
Meet Dale & Gayle This beautiful guest bedroom is inspired by the décor at the Cupcakery in Old Towne. The bedroom now doubles as a nursery since the arrival of granddaughter Avery.
TALK OF THE TOWNE When people see that Amber Miller’s daughter has mastered the alphabet and is writing her name, they usually assume that the 3 ½year-old is advanced because her mother is a kindergarten teacher. Miller is happy to set them straight and explain that Kennedy is well on her way academically because of PamParr’d Kids, the Santa Ana preschool she attends. “Pam Parr does such a good job of preparing children for kindergarten that I don’t have to work with Kennedy,” says Miller, who teaches at La Veta 20
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
installed wood-plank flooring, creating a country cabin feeling in the room, which is where they keep their piano. Featuring a delightful color scheme and vintage decor, the tiffany-blue guest bedroom takes
its inspiration from The Perfect Circle cupcakery in Old Towne. “The best part of the renovating process was being able to choose colors and to decorate,” says Gayle, who favors the cottage style. “Our decisions were
PamParr’d Kids Elementary School. “Pam lays a strong academic foundation, which leads to lifelong learning, and she has a great teaching style. She cares for each and every one of her students, and the kids adore her.” Pam Parr, who refers to herself as the school’s “director of fun,” strives to give her young students, who range in age from infant to 6, the necessary tools to excel academically and socially. “My philosophy at PamParr’d Kids is to help children develop to their fullest potential while experiencing a fun way of learning in
affirmed when we received so many positive comments during the home tour.” Shortly after they completed the renovations, the Rays were approached to be a part of last year’s Old Towne Orange Home
by Julie Bawden-Davis
our exciting environment,” says Parr, who opened her school, which has a 500-square-foot classroom and large backyard, in 1995 when her daughter was young. “Learning through sensory activities, abstract thinking, problem-solving and language development makes learning enjoyable,” she says. “The program also teaches children respect and compassion for one another and how to verbally solve problems with peers.” In addition to using effective academic programs, such as the tactile Handwriting Without Tears technique and the Sullivan
Reading Readiness program, Parr includes a variety of social skill building, such as her “fine dining” lunches that teach manners. “When young children get to clear their own dishes and pour milk that teaches etiquette and builds self-esteem,” she says. And in order to encourage compassion, she uses her “little buddy” system.
P H O T O G R A P H B Y S C O T T M O N T G O M E RY / w w w. S M o n t g o m e r y. c o m
“Teddy” was a gift when the couple was dating.
A collection of glass jars on the kitchen window beckons fresh cuttings from the garden each week.
Tour. The experience turned out to be positive and educational for the couple. “The home tour was wonderful, and we got to meet a lot of people in the community,” Gayle says. “We learned a lot about our street, our neighborhood and how this little house was important to so many people. The woman who lived here previously, Emma McNealy, was super involved in the community and was a real sweetheart. She loved her gardens.” Expanding on Emma’s gardens, the Rays added new brick walkways, a spa and a fire pit. The yard features a bounty of blooming florals, including calalillies, hydrangeas and camellias. Gayle also planted a wisteria tree over the archway in the backyard, as well as an apple tree, blueberry
bush and miniature lemon tree. For their next project, the Rays plan to remove the wrought-iron pillars that had been added to the porch in recent years and replace them with replicas of the original pillars. “We spend a lot of time on our porch with our baby granddaughter,” Gayle says. “In fact, shortly after we first moved in, we found out that our daughter and her husband were expecting their first baby, which made our move really special. “We love living here,” she adds. “Being on the same street as the library, we see a lot of pedestrians and moms with strollers. The homespun community is really wonderful. It’s so different from where we used to live, and we so appreciate the down-home feel of our neighborhood and the Plaza.”
In many of her classes, Parr will enroll an infant or toddler student so that the older children can learn to effectively interact with a younger child. Jackie Turner is an Old Towne licensed marriage and family therapist whose two daughters attended PamParr’d Kids. “Both of my girls were well-prepared for kindergarten after attending Pam’s program,” says Turner. “Even more important to me was the welcoming atmosphere at the school. As a parent, you want your child to be someplace where she not only learns, but is totally enveloped in love. Pam really cares
for each and every child and treats them as her own. She teaches her students to learn in a kind, creative and gentle way.” • PamParr’d Kids will hold an open house on Saturday, March 31st from 10 am to 4 pm. Explore the school’s current curriculum and summer school program, which is open to 2½- to 6-year-olds. The summer session features fun theme days such as “Super Heroes,” “Little Chefs” and “Pirates Down Under.” Craft classes for ages 7-13 are also available and include fairy gardens and wind chimes. For more information please call PamParr’d Kids at 714-240-9223.
Building Character a t
Susan Jester, LMFT
by Julie Bawden-Davis
When it comes to career choice, it’s not often that an unremarkable childhood can be considered a benefit, but for Susan Jester, it is. Chapman University’s Associate Director of the Frances L. Smith Community Clinic finds that her pleasant, yet uneventful early years laid a solid foundation for her work as a licensed marriage and family therapist. “As childhoods go, mine would be classified as typical,” says Jester, who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s in Buena Park playing outdoors in the orange groves and living with both parents and two younger brothers. “Now that I’m older and have practiced as a therapist, I realize how fortunate I was for my upbringing. I can also see how my perspective helps me help others.” In our technology-driven, real-time world with its propensity to fractured family relationships, just about everyone longs to cling to something stable. The way Jester sees it, therapists provide people with an emotional life raft that in some cases may be their only safe haven. “Life is difficult. We live in a busy world with unsettling societal problems like financial instability and substance abuse,” says Jester, who graduated from Chapman in 1991 and joined the clinic in 1992, also opening an Old Towne private practice in 1995. “Many clients lack extended family support, which is where a therapist comes in. We provide a nonjudgmental ear so they can sound things out and explore their options.” This quest to provide patients with a safe haven is at the core of the Frances L. Smith Community Clinic that Jester has helped direct over the last 20 years. The nonprofit facility, which opened in 1965 to assist those affected by the Vietnam War, administers mental health services to individuals in the community on a sliding scale basis. The center is a part of the University’s nationallyaccredited Marriage and Family Therapy Program and provides a training and research environment for graduate students in the MFT master’s program. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
March / April
Building Character
“The clinic is a win-win for the students and community,” says Jester of the program, which is one of the few of its kind in Southern California. “All students in the final year of their graduate program are required to have a one-year practicum,” she says. “The students get excellent training and the patients receive top-quality care.” As associate director of the center, Jester is responsible for the overall management of the graduate students and acts as a clinical supervisor and advisor to some of them. “It’s a privilege to have Susan as my advisor,” says MFT trainee Selma Longoria. “It’s really enhanced my experience to be under her supervision. She’s highly approachable and provides great mentoring and guidance. She truly enjoys helping students so they can help patients.” Once out in the workforce, Jester’s students see even more clearly the value of her influence. “Susan is always available to answer questions and gets to know your strengths and weaknesses, imparting her wisdom through gentle instruction,” says 2008 graduate Jackie Turner, a LMFT with her own practice in Old Towne. “Susan’s influence and the program helped prepare me for my first job. My boss was really impressed with my knowledge and experience.” The clinic’s director Dr. Naveen Jonathan, LMFT agrees that Jester’s presence in the center is invaluable. “Susan is compassionate and empathetic and deeply cares about educating qualified students. She offers advice when students are stuck on cases and walks them through crisis situations.” Janeen Hill, Senior Associate Dean of Schmid College of Science and Technology and Crean School of Health & Life Science adds, “Susan is extremely dedicated to the MFT students and their education as the next generation of marriage and family therapists and to the clinic’s mission of providing affordable therapy.” While keeping a private practice in addition to advising students takes a substantial amount of time, Jester enjoys the diversity and likes to keep her skills up in the area of individual and couples therapy. “I have a lot of respect for my patients, who are dealing with real life issues,” she says. “Some of my clients have seen me on and off for years, and I care about them. I also find it rewarding to work with those who experienced difficult childhoods, such as abuse. It’s satisfying to watch them break long negative family patterns with their own children.” Ever since Jester can remember, she has enjoyed watching the behavior of others and talking to them about their troubles. “I was fascinated by what my classmates would do, and I was also an avid reader, particularly enjoying autobiographies,” she says. Jester first became interested in psychology in college when she read Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s partial autobiographical book Memories, Dreams, Reflections. It was several years before she pursued a career in mental health. After graduating from California State University Fullerton in 1978, Jester worked for a computer company during the 1980s. “It was a good learning experience that taught me a great deal about business, which has helped in the clinic,” she says. While she enjoyed the computer industry, Jester much prefers working with people. No doubt many students and patients are glad she made the career change.
Crean Hall Located at 501 West Palm in Old Towne, Crean Hall houses Chapman University’s Psychology Department and School of Physical Therapy. Formerly known as the Western Cordage Building, the 1923 28,000-square-foot structure experienced years of decline until Chapman performed a $5 million total restoration and adaptive reuse, opening the building in 2007. The Frances L. Smith Community Clinic is located in Crean Hall and is open to the public. The center consists of eight counseling rooms and state-of-the-art equipment used for training purposes. Call 714-997-6746 for more information.
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
Success in Orange . . . Past, Present, Future This year’s State of the City luncheon promises to be bittersweet for Carolyn Cavecche when Orange’s mayor delivers her sixth and last State of the City address to 400 business owners, community group members and citizens. “I plan to review the many accomplishments we’ve achieved over the past 5½ years, while looking forward to the work that still need to be done in the coming months,” says Cavecche, who finishes her last term as mayor this year. One poplar subject Cavecche plans to cover in detail is the local economy. “During my years in office, despite the worst economic downturn in a generation, the city council successfully navigated many challenging circumstances,” she says. “Thanks to a variety of factors, including increasing sales tax revenue from an influx of new stores, particularly at the Outlets, the city’s future is looking bright. We’ve been able to balance the budget this year.” Cavecche also plans to address the implications of the recent dissolution of the city’s redevelopment agency and share a variety of accomplishments, including completed infrastructure improvements and the recent
opening of the Santiago Creek Trail, which is something she pushed for since taking office. The Orange Chamber of Commerce also presents at the luncheon, and this year Laurie Weidner, Chairman of the Board for the Chamber, will touch on the strengthening local business economy and the organization’s various accomplishments, including the recent launch of a mentoring program. Other highly anticipated events at the luncheon include presentation of awards for “Citizen of the Year,” “Business of the Year” and “Legacy Business of the Year.” Past “Citizen of the Year” recipients include Mark Murphy, Shannon Tucker and the first woman to receive the award in 1979— Joanne Coontz. Businesses formerly honored include The Bookman, Watson Drugs and the Old California Lantern Company. The State of the City Luncheon takes place Thursday, March 22nd at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange from 11:30-1:30 pm. Individual tickets are $60. For reservations, contact the Orange Chamber of Commerce at 714-538-3581 or visit www.orangechamber.com.
SHAG When you think of acclaimed American artists, you might picture them creating in major metropolitan areas like New York and Los Angeles. It’s exciting to note that some well-known creators enjoy calling Orange County home. One such artist is Shag, whose real name is Josh Agle. The prolific American painter, illustrator and designer, who created his professional name by combining the last two letters of his first name and the first two letters of his last name, lives in Santa Ana. “I like all that the local area has to offer, including the hot rod and Rock-a-Billy culture,” says Shag of living here. “I really like the Orange Plaza and Santa Ana Artists Village for the art and restaurants.” Shag is known for his midCentury cocktail and Tiki-themed commercial images often associated with American idealism of the 1950’s. His patio, lanais and living room scenes are populated by stylized individuals in settings of luxurious calm and atmospheres of tropical ease. In SHAG’s world of images, people glide by as linedrawn figures in cocktail attire, passing through lounges as if transfixed by dreams of cultural utopia. The music of Esquivel or Pink Martini is the soundtrack of life, playing from a 33 rpm vinyl on a Heywood-Wakefield stereo console. In his work, neon-esque colors, including lime-green and citrus-tangerine, accent a life of euphoric casual bliss. A native Californian, Shag grew up in Sierra Madre and attended California State University, Long Beach as an art major while playing guitar in bands such as the Swamp Zombies and the Tiki Tones at night and surfing by day. He began his career in commercial illustration, working for independent record labels in the late 1980s, but changed course when his paintings garnered attention from galleries and collectors. Since his first solo gallery show in 1997, he’s held successful exhibitions in a wide variety of cities and countries, including the U.S., Europe, Japan and Australia. By 1999, in order to satisfy skyrocketing demand for his work, Shag began making multiple prints of his paintings. His gallery director, Douglas Nason, suggested
Faces of
Our Homeless by Sue Jackson, proprietor of Country Roads
creating serigraphs for his next body of work to better capture the bright colors, flat shapes and contour lines. In 2000, SHAG produced serigraphs for La Luz de Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles, Outre Gallery in Australia, Paul Frank Industries in Costa Mesa and for his brother Pieter Agle at Switched On Gallery in Costa Mesa. Then in 2003, he collaborated with fine art master printer Jeff Wasserman, whose work includes production of serigraphs for artists such as Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Ed Ruscha and Andy Warhol. That same year Disneyland commissioned Shag to help commemorate the Enchanted Tiki Room’s 40th Anniversary. In response to the popularity of the work he created for that project, Disneyland asked him to create images honoring their 50th Anniversary. These were used for limited-edition prints and led to one of his most ambitious projects ever—25 color serigraphs. Last summer, with the assistance of art consultant Annie Adjachavanich, 224 of Shag’s prints were exhibited at California State University Fullerton’s Santa Anabased Grand Central Art Center. The exhibit showcased the Disneyland commissions, his Zodiac series and images based on the theater production “Shag With a Twist.” When he isn’t creating, Shag surfs twice a week, enjoys watching his son’s Little League games (he also has a daughter) and likes traveling to other areas where his work is in demand, such as New York City, Europe and Australia. - The Old Towne Orange Plaza Review thanks Mike McGee and the CSUF Grand Central Art Center for assistance on this article.
I am one of those people who cannot ignore homeless people. It touches my heart so deeply because the faces of the homeless could be anyone these days. Our economy and the changes in employment throw many unsuspecting people and families into that category. I always ask myself if there is a solution to this problem. So many people pass the homeless by as if they are invisible. There are times that I honestly wish I could do the same, but my heart just won’t let me ignore them. I have to help, even in the smallest of ways—such as giving spare change or a warm smile. Sure, there are disreputable people asking for money, but wouldn’t you rather know that you helped make the difference in the lives of a few? A few weeks ago, we had an extremely busy weekend at Country Roads. I was exhausted and hungry. I love Bristol Farms sushi, but I only treat myself to it when I’ve had a good day at work. There is a Bristol Farms near my home in an area surrounded by housing. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed how very cold it had gotten and how the sun had set. Bristol Farms keeps their shopping carts outside of the store. As I grabbed my cart to go inside, I heard a faint voice say, “Can you help us? We are homeless.” It was a black gentleman and his 11-year-old daughter shivering from the cold. I can’t put it into words, but there was something different about them. I felt like it took all the man had to ask for my help, plus it was so cold outside. He and his daughter just made my heart ache. When he asked for heIp, he didn’t ask for money. I inquired if they were hungry, to which he replied, “Yes”! I asked him what they liked to eat, and he said maybe some chips and cookies. I headed into Bristol Farms on a mission. I bought some hot chicken for them, the cookies and chips and milk, and I don’t even remember what else. It ended up filling two grocery bags. After I paid for the groceries, I walked outside of the store, and I didn’t see them at first. In a matter of seconds, though, they headed my way with a grocery cart. I gave them the food and put some money into the gentleman’s hand, telling them to take care. The man gave me a big hug and said, “God bless you.” As I turned to depart with tears in my eyes, his daughter did the same. I watched them walk away and wondered if I could have done more. As I crawled into bed that night, my heart was heavy. I had my electric blanket on high, because I was so cold “inside” of the house. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dad and his daughter and where they were sleeping. I remember my mom telling me stories about growing up in Texas during the Depression. Her family didn’t have much, but they would always give what they could to people who came knocking at the back door. I feel so blessed that those values my mom taught me stay strong in my heart. My wish is that more of us would just “give” when we can. And never forget just a simple smile goes a long way as well. If we all just gave a little bit when we could, it would be like Louis Armstrong’s song “Wonderful World.” “…just think to yourself, what a wonderful world it would be!”
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“Sandy Sez”
OPLF Library Legacy Gala
by Sandy McCandless, M.A. MFT Sandy McCandless is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She earned both her Bachelors’s and Master’s degrees from Chapman University. She works with individuals, families, and children in areas of parenting, relationships and managing life’s many stressors. Sandy is a Certified Grief Recovery® Specialist. She specializes in working with people who are suffering from losses both individually and in groups. If you would like to submit a question, you can write to sandysez@earthlink.net and your question will be answered.
Dear Sandy, I am 16 years old. I want my mom to treat me like an adult. When I told her this, she said she will treat me like an adult when I act like an adult. How do I do this? R.L. Dear R.L., This is a great question. Perhaps the most essential part of being an adult is knowing that any and all of your actions affect other people. The following are some criteria that define an adult: • An adult accepts responsibilities with a good attitude. • An adult solves a problem once it is identified. • An adult anticipates a problem and makes decisions and takes actions to prevent the problem. • An adult can hear the truth about himself without being defensive or angry. • An adult can tell the truth to others without being hurtful or mean. • An adult takes the initiative to do whatever needs to be done (in a timely manner). • An adult thinks of others before himself. • An adult is kind to others. • An adult takes responsibility for himself at all times. Some things you can do to show your mom that you are acting like an adult would be to think about some chores you would like to perform on a regular basis. Consider chores that you would be willing to do to help out the family versus to get some money. Make a list of these chores and present it to your mom. I think three to four regular chores a week is enough. Do these chores regularly without any prompting from your mom. Do them with a good attitude. Don’t wait until the very last minute. Do the job properly. When you give your word to your mom, be sure to keep it. Be where you say you will be and be home when you say you will be home. Try your best in all that you do. Do not complain or
Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center whine if you are unhappy. Follow the rules at school and at home. Be respectful to the people around you. If you practice doing these things, they will become easy and natural. Your mom will be impressed by you and you will be proud of yourself. The fact that you want to be treated like an adult and are asking how to do this is a very strong step in the right direction! Sandy Dear Sandy, I have been married five years. My in-laws live in another state and would like my husband and me to move close to them. Every time we go to visit them, I feel a lot of pressure to move near them. After we come home, my in-laws call and ask how our plans to move are coming along. I know my husband would like to live near his parents. I don’t want to disappoint my husband or in-laws, but I don’t want to leave my own family. I keep being told that California’s economy is bad, that the cost of living is better in the other state, that there are more job opportunities and that we will have a better quality of life. E.M. Dear E.M., Leaving family and all that is familiar to go to another state is a big decision. Parents want to live close to their children, particularly if there are grandchildren. However, this is a decision that should only be made by your husband and you. You need to make this decision based on what would be best for the two of you. The tough economy is not limited to California and quality of life is not limited to financial opportunities. Take your time to make this decision. Speak honestly and openly with your husband and do more investigating into both choices to determine the one that will be best for both of you. Sandy Write Sandy at:
SandySez@earthlink.net O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
by Julie Bawden-Davis
Back in the late 1990s when the City of Orange Public Library Foundation (OPLF) formed to raise funds for pending library construction, those in the group decided that a gala would get the ball rolling. Their first event in 2004 highlighted a western theme, and the following year they hosted an “Orange Crate Cabaret.” “The galas always feature fun themes, and they’re a real treat for everyone who attends,” says Priscilla Selman, secretary of the OPLF’s board and director of special events. She oversees the galas, including this year’s festivities to be held on the grounds of the new 210-acre Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center. The wilderness-themed event on Sunday, April 22nd from 4-9 pm will feature smoker and mesquite-grilled BBQ, beer tasting, live music, native wild animal presentations and live and silent auctions. “We’ll enjoy music from a Chapman University percussion group, as well as guitarists,” says Selman. Local history will also be shared with the display of photos from a private collection featuring Irvine Park circa the 1940s. “We often tie historical events to the gala themes when appropriate,” says Selman. “For instance, the 2008 gala commemorated the 1940s, while at the same time celebrated the History Center at the library,” she says of the event, which featured the appearance of three song leaders who graduated from Orange High School in 1945. All
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April 22 in their eighties, Irene Gardner Hobbs, Norma Kustel Beck and Norma Christopher Winton, were happy to attend the event. Another highlight of this year’s gala is the presentation of the Library Legacy Awards by MC Ambassador Gaddi Vasquez, says Associate Director of the Foundation Julie Kramer. “Those distinguished individuals and organizations to receive special recognition this year are Joanne Coontz, who will be presented with the Community Leadership Legacy Award. The Education Legacy Award will go to the St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation, and the Mead Family will receive the History Legacy Award.” The annual gala is the main fundraising effort of the OPLF, which was established in 1998 as a collaborative effort by local leaders and municipal officials to develop an outstanding Orange Library system. Since 2002, more than 80 individuals, families, businesses and organizations made over a million dollars in cash and in-kind donations to the foundation to help fund the Main Library & History Center and maintain high-quality library materials and facilities. For information regarding this year’s gala, including tickets and sponsorship opportunities, contact Julie Kramer at 714-288-2470; julie.oplf@gmail.com, or visit w w w. o p l f o u n d a t i o n . o r g . Admission is $75 per person.
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The Playground Santa Ana by Don Cribb
Always your Favorite,
Never the Same. with
Created by Chef Jason Quinn, one of the founders of the Lime Truck traveling eateries, The Playground restaurant in Downtown Santa Ana recently opened its doors to crowds of expectant fans. The chef and ingredient-driven café-style restaurant specializes in a menu of modestly-priced gourmet food and drink. Consisting of a modern-style décor, the inviting space lures dedicated foodies who thrive on the playful, ever-changing, experimental menu. “Those who expect a regular day-to-day menu are not our customers,” says Quinn of his constantly-changing, ingredient-driven fare. “Our goal is fine dininginspired food at neighborhood prices. People come in, sit down, meet other people and enjoy great food they can’t get anywhere else.” At The Playground, Quinn takes pride in serving only the best food he can find. “We have $100 a pound A9 Wagyu New York on the menu tonight,” he recently noted. “It’s some of the best beef the world has to offer, and its only $36 for 4 ounces!” And satisfaction is guaranteed. If you don’t like your dish, Quinn and his team will redo your meal to try and suit you, or you don’t have to pay. “All we really want is
Showcasing the finest and freshest ingredients, every meal at The Playground is a new and different experience.
* for you to enjoy the food and your experience with us,” he says. Thanks to word-of-mouth and a dedicated Yelp!-based following giving 5-star reviews, The Playground attracts a wide fan base—from residents of the Artists Village, French Park or nearby neighborhoods, to hipsters, artists and music makers heading to or coming from another big night at The Yost Theater. Dedicated diners also travel from as far away as Los Angeles and Pasadena, so be forewarned. Reservations are suggested. Former Playground dishes guests have raved about include “Wild Boar Belly Poutine,” “Crispy Veal Sweetbread,” “Veal Marrow” and flash-fried Brussels sprouts, crispy and light in a tasty dressing. As for drinks, knowledgeable servers are happy to help complement entrées with frothy brews and fine wines. As evidenced by The Playground’s resounding success, Santa Ana’s Artists Village, with its dedication to urban reinvention, is the perfect home for this trendsetting restaurant. The Playground is located at 220 E. 4th Street, Santa Ana, 714560-4444, playgrounddtsa.com
Don Cribb served on the Santa Ana planning commission for eight years, is currently sitting on the Environmental and Transportation Advisory Committee and is the President of the Santa Ana Council of Arts & Culture.
Country Roads by Sue Jackson
The other day I was thinking about Country Roads. What it was like when we first opened back on January 2nd, 1993 and what it has become 19 years later. I’m proud of the store that Country Roads has grown up to be. With the assistance of some great dealers and a small, expert staff, we are now busier than ever! The majority of us here at Country Roads thoroughly understand what it means to provide great customer service. We all know how crucial it is to have constantly changing displays sprinkled throughout the store. I know even for myself if I’m off for two or three days in a row, when I come back I want the store to look different. I want to see fresh merchandise and displays that “pop” when you look their way. And I know I’m a bit prejudiced, but I think our pricing is pretty good, as well. I always mention the importance of giving back and paying it forward, and I hope all of you when you can also remember to help others who may need a helping hand. We still, after all of these years, support the Orange YWCA’s “My Sister Joanie’s Purse Project.” This is a very Access the latest Country Roads news and up-to-date product information.
www. CountryRoadsAntiques .com Check out our blog at: www.MyCountryRoads.Blogspot .com easy way to give back. All you need to do is drop off a purse filled with personal items, like the things that you have in your own purse. These purses are distributed throughout Orange County to various shelters. This is something so easy to do that has such a large impact on someone in need. Also back by popular demand, we now have Country Road’s bumper stickers that say, “Because Nice Matters!” Each bumper sticker is a one-dollar donation that goes directly to the Long Beach SPCA to help our furry friends who really need a forever home. I hope you will all mark your calendars and plan to join us on Easter Sunday for our big sale between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm. At this sale, our dealers offer our favorite customers some great percentages off items you just can’t live without! It’s usually a nice spring day, and I hope you and your family can join us for part of your Easter Sunday. As always, it sounds very simple when I write these words, but “thank you” for so many things. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be able to work with many of our same customers over all these years and the same staff. We all have a history together, and it touches me deeply. Wishing you a happy spring! I hope to see you soon!
“Life can be seen through your eyes, but it is not fully appreciated until it’s seen through your heart.” Mary Xavier March / April
Reach Out & Help! With spring in the air, many charitable organizations are taking advantage of the favorable weather and holding events to raise funds and help those in need. Find out how you can offer your support. Trinity Episcopal Church Annual Book and Bake Sale Readers alert! Gently-used books by the hundreds will be on sale at bargain prices on March 11th from 9 am to 1 pm. Sale to be held in the Youth Center at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Orange, 714-637-1390, www.trinityorange.org/ Embrace Orange Golfing and Dinner Event Join the Assistance League® of Orange on March 19th for golf, fine dining and silent and live auctions. The event starts in the morning at the Yorba Linda Country Club and moves to the nearby Richard Nixon Library for dinner. The Golfer Awards Ceremony includes fierce competition as bidders vie for exciting one-of-a-kind items. Proceeds from the event support a variety of local charities. To order your tickets on-line, go to www.embraceorange.com. Military Children’s Charity Easter Basket Holiday Toy Collection Military Children’s Charity has set a March 30th goal to collect 700 Easter Gift baskets and new stuffed animals for military children. Mail monetary donations or gift cards to Military Children’s Charity, Inc. 1575 East 17th Street, Santa Ana 92705. Drop off gifts at Orange County Windustrial, 1335 S. Allec, Anaheim 92705 from 8 am to 5 pm. For a list of suggested items, visit: www.militarychildrenscharity.org/spring_season_collection. Senior Center Seeking Food Donations Orange Senior Center has an Emergency Cupboard for those temporarily in need of basic foods. Bring your donations to the center at 170 S. Olive St., or call Gretchen Snyder for more information, 714-538-9633. Friendly Center Partnership Banquet On March 29th at the Woman’s Club of Orange, Friendly Center will celebrate the organization’s community of partners, donors, volunteers and staff. Chapman University will be honored for its commitment to supporting the organization, which delivers financial, emotional, educational and parental support to struggling families. $25 per person includes dinner. Contact Arian Ghiacy at arian@friendlycenter.org or 714-771-5300, or visit www.friendlycenter.org/springevents.php. Community Outreach Breakfast at the Orange Senior Center On April 4th, the Senior Center will serve breakfast to many local business owners and community leaders to promote knowledge and understanding of what a vital asset the center is to the community. The Center is located at 170 S. Olive St., Orange. 75th Annual Spring Garden Show On April 12th, the Women’s Club of Orange will host their Annual Spring Garden Show, Nature’s Jewel Box, at the clubhouse, 121 So. Center Street. Enter your flowers and plants, enjoy lunch and shop vendors’ booths. All proceeds benefit the St. Joseph’s Cancer Center. Information and entry forms available at www.wcorange.org, or call 714-538-2226. Orange North Rotary Acknowledges New Members Congratulations to Orange North Rotary’s newest members—owner of Hwy Auto Ernie Gonzalez and Chris Goldfarb from the Dayle McIntosh Center. The Orange North Rotary is a club of volunteers helping to make Orange a better place to live. For membership information, contact David A. Silva at 714-227-3822 or David@GiveMEaRing.com For a more comprehensive list of philanthropic volunteer opportunities and events, visit us on-line at: www.OrangeReview.com.
When Karen Vondrak takes a break from her Old Towne home office, she often walks outside to her succulent garden in the front of her house. There she admires her collection, which includes established aloes, echeverias, aenoiums and haworthias. “I enjoy gardening with succulents because they’re so sculptural and come in a wide variety of forms and stunning colors,” says Vondrak, who began collecting succulents in 2005. “They are constantly changing plants that bring out my creative side.” Succulents make eye-catching additions to the garden, agrees Anne Huber, The Barefoot Gardener, who teaches succulent growing classes at the Dragonfly Shops & Gardens. “They’re easycare plants that grow well in the ground or containers.” To have success with succulents in your garden, consider these tips. • Watch watering. The number one cause of succulent death is overwatering. While there are no hard and fast rules, it is best to err on the side of under-watering, says Huber. Vondrak agrees and adds, “Before watering, check the soil. I usually stick a hand trowel in about 4 inches and only water if it’s dry. Slow, deep watering with a garden or soaker hose is best.” A variety of factors affect how often you must water, including the size of the leaf. Thinner leaved plants tend to require water more frequently. The exposure the succulent is in will also affect when the plant needs water, as well as the weather. More established succulents need irrigating less often
by Julie Bawden-Davis
than new plants. For container plants, wait until the pot is dried out before watering. • Fertilize. Succulents survive without feeding, but they thrive when you give them regular meals, says Vondrak, who applies a 13-13-13 fertilizer monthly. • Lighting. Many succulents like a bright exposure and tend to flourish in morning sun and afternoon shade. Avoid growing potted succulents in a western exposure during the hot summer months. • Get creative with containers. Huber suggests enhancing the color and structure of succulents by planting them in decorative vessels like tea cups, coffee mugs and even seashells. Drill a drainage hole if possible, or add a one-inch layer of gravel at the bottom of the container. Water drain-less containers sparingly. - Join Huber at her monthly mini succulent garden classes at the Dragonfly. You’ll go home with your own succulent creation. The next classes are March 16th at 9 am; April 1st at 9:30 am and April 20th at 9:00 am. For details visit dragonflyshopsandgardens.com.
Julie Bawden Davis is a garden writer and master gardener based in Old Towne Orange. She is the author of various garden books, including Reader’s Digest Flower Gardening. Reach her at Julie@JulieBawdenDavis.com
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FOUNDATION GAMES by Julie Bawden-Davis
As a mom of elementary-age boys, Adriana Crisostomo approves of activities that get her little ones moving. That’s why she and her family look forward to Orange’s annual track and field Foundation Games.
Friday, April 13 / Saturday, April 14
“The boys participated in the games for the last three years, and they’re already excitedly training for this year,” says Crisostomo, whose children are 8 and 9 years old and attend Serrano Elementary School. Designed to bring area children, their parents and the community together, the annual Foundation Games held by the Community Foundation of Orange (CFO) are open free of charge to all Orange elementary and middle school athletes, says Susie Cunningham, Executive Director of the CFO. The $40,000 event is underwritten by the Foundation thanks to donations. The games give kids a day of friendly competition, says Lisa Blanc, president of the CFO and former chair of the Foundation Games. “Schools add track clubs to prepare for the games, and the kids love having this extra time to practice with their teammates.” All participants receive a rib-
bon whether they medal in their event or not, and the event is certified by the Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation (SCMAF), which means that athletes who place in the top four in certain events can move on to the county, regional and state levels. “Other SCMAF meets exist in the county, but the Foundation’s is by far the largest and the most professionally run,” notes Cunningham. “We hire a timing crew that has the latest timing equipment; have professional starters, and our meet managers are some of the best around.” The event is also the largest youth qualifying track meet in the state and continues to grow every year. In 2006, there were 750 participants, by 2011 1,825, and this year they’re expecting over 2,000. “The games are important in so many ways, says Sandra Brown, vice-president of the CFO and chair of the event for several years. “Athletes have fun, learn the spirit of teamwork and gain self-esteem,” she says. “The event also provides a chance for family and friends to appreciate the hard work and efforts of the students.” Over the years, Blanc has seen many children receive huge confidence boosts from participating. “Two years ago a boy from the Project Hope School ran neckand-neck with four other boys and ended up placing fifth,” she says. “When one of his competitors found out he was homeless, the boy offered to give him his medal. Another year a boy with Down syndrome ran in the race with his dad, and the crowd cheered him on to the finish line.” • The 2012 Foundation Games are on Friday, April 13th and Saturday, April 14th at Fred Kelly Stadium in Orange. The event is open to all elementary and middle school students born from 1997 to 2005, who attend any school within the Orange Unified School District. Registration is open until March 15th. Over 350 teen and adult volunteers are required to hold the Foundation Games. Find volunteer applications on the CFO website at www.communityfoun dationoforange.org.
In-Towne and AT
Does a tasty meal, great drinks, good company and a view of the game sound tempting? If so, visit the Plaza’s District Lounge. The popular Old Towne nightclub, which boasts the only live entertainment license in the city, is always brewing up fun. Recent highlights at the District include a new menu and exciting upcoming holiday events. Here’s what you can look forward to at the District Lounge. • Updated menu. Mouthwatering additions to the classic American and authentic Mexican fusion menu include Potato Cheddar Spring Rolls, Irish Nachos, the Lava Burger, Beer-Battered Fish Tacos, Potato Tacos, custom-built burritos and more. Come bite into something new or try a twist on an old favorite. • St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. Another decked-out event at the District, this St. Pat’s promises to be a rollicking good time with great drinks, live entertainment and dancing. • Angels Baseball headquarters. The District is the perfect destination for pre- or post-game drinks and dining. Or, if you’re not going to the game, enjoy all of the action while watching the 10 big-screen HDTVs and listening to a crystal-clear, unparalleled sound system. • Game central. The District provides the perfect place to watch all of the games. Come cheer on the Angels, Ducks and Lakers. • Great game carpool opportunity. Meet up with friends at the District before the game for a cool drink and a satisfying meal. Parking across the street at the Lemon Street parking lot is free and without a time limit, so you can park and share a ride without any worries. Stop by after the game to celebrate with drinks and dancing. • Varied theme nights. The District features weekly live entertainment throughout the week, including Throwback Tuesdayz” when you can enjoy $5 all-you-can eat gourmet tacos while listening to DJ Drew Pierce spin your favorite hits from the 80s and 90s.
To learn about up-to-the-minute events to be held at The District Lounge, visit www.TheDistrictLounge.com.
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D R . J AY K W O N
The Dentist Corner
Dr. Kwon, DMD
Hello City of Orange My name is Dr. Jay Kwon. I am excited to take over where Dr. Amelia Coe left off in providing high-quality dentistry. Dr. Coe is moving out of state with a turn of good fortune, and I wish her the very best. I am delighted to be one of your neighbors in this beautiful city, and I look forward to meeting you around town. Please don’t hesitate to stop by the office to say hi! A little bit about me. I studied dentistry at Goldman School of Dental Medicine at Boston University. After finishing my program at BU, I decided to return to my roots, Southern California, where I grew up. Since returning, I have attended seminars and worked with numerous doctors and practices in order to find the perfect practice for myself. And here we are! I pride myself in performing excellent work for my patients with my ultimate goal being to make you happy. Dentistry takes careful planning and good communication between the provider and the recipient. If you feel comfortable with your dental provider, you’re in a good spot. You should always be able to ask an honest question and receive an honest answer. With that said, let me give you a dental care tip. After drinking coffee, tea or red wine, take a sip of water and rinse out. This helps prevent staining of your teeth and keeps your smile brighter longer.
A group from the Orange Senior Center celebrated Valentine’s Day by posing for a photo in the Plaza. Sweethearts pictured include Front row (L-R): Joel Harkins, Cecelia Jimenez, Felicitas Singh, Rita Kellerman, Josefina Astudillo, America Miller, Alba Martinez, Ofelio Astudillo and Les Sandoval; Back row (L-R): Harlan Holmes, Dorothy Dix, Leila Guirguis, Jessie Avila, Jessie Flores, Elaine Traywick, Richard DeLeon, Judy Holmes, Byllie Brown, Maria Cruz, Marjorie Elliott, Jim Allen, Emma Felix, Willa Jaecke, Armand Cruz, Mabel Contri, Mel King and the Center’s Executive Director Tom Maldonado. www.OrangeSeniorCenter.com
Saturday mornings at the Orange Home Grown Farmers and Artisan Market highlight chef demonstrations. Seafood Chef Jose Hernandez of Manhattan Steak (front) created tasty fare recently. In the back (from left) are Nedra Kunisch, Deanna Durigon, Martha Turner and Brandon Kunkle. www.orangehomegrown.org www.manhattanoc.com
Sincerely, Jay Kwon, DMD
ALO Orange Blossoms Auxiliary members celebrated at the 2011 “Spring Fling” Taste of Orange. From left to right are: Back row: Kristen Davis, Lauren Anderson, Stephanie Mitchell, Kristin Taylor; Third row: Suzi Tack, Danielle McConnell, Nikki Krup, Amy Hendren, Danielle Scherf, Jill Zakaryan, Erin White Frieman; Second row: Alex Guzik, Jamie Ohanian, Jasmine Corapci, Michelle Cruikshank, Beth Gates, Jessica Jezowski, Kyndell Paine, Wendi Forrest and Front row: Sarah Gray, Julia Jezowski, Lauren Kacura, Nikki Doezie, Stephanie Facer and Kelly Borgen www.orangeblossomsalo.org/aboutus.aspx
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The Dentist Corner Geared up to raise donations so they can travel to this year’s USA Nationals, the Orange High School Panther Cheer Squad showed their school spirit on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Old Towne when they cheered for store owners and customers. www.OrangeReview.com
“Dr. Eddie” Pediatric Dentist CHOC Doc
General Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry A pediatric dental specialist’s main goal is to take care of children’s oral health and treatment needs in a safe, comfortable and atraumatic manner. Hospital dentistry and general anesthesia helps accomplish this goal for children with special medical and/or extensive dental treatment needs. In the past, it was customary and accepted to use passive or active restraint, voice control and other aggressive methods to complete dental procedures in young or uncooperative children. It is now known, however, that children treated in this manner develop a lifelong fear and apprehension of dental and other health care providers. Further, such dentistry can be substandard and require retreatment because procedures were performed under unfavorable circumstances. Today, there are advanced and safe methods in general anesthesia both in-office and in the hospital setting that allow children’s dental treatment needs to be taken care of while protecting their developing psyche. Dental restorative needs such as fillings, crowns or extractions are usually “awake surgeries,” but such procedures can sometimes be too much to ask of a young child or medically compromised individual.
Wahoo’s Fish Taco Director of Operations Steve Karfaridis jokes around with recently introduced mascot Ono. Wahoo’s enjoyed their Old Towne grand opening on Tuesday, February 28th. www.Wahoos.com
Is General Anesthesia for Dentistry Safe?
John W. Dean (center), former counsel to President Richard Nixon during the Watergate Scandal, addressed a curious audience at the Chapman Law Review Symposium Luncheon recently with his speech “Watergate’s Unanswered questions: 40 years of hindsight.” Also in attendance were Scott Armstrong (left), former Washington Post reporter and investigator on the Senate Watergate Committee and the event’s organizer Professor of Jurisprudence, Chapman University School of Law Professor, Ron Rotunda (right). www.Chapman.edu
Modern anesthesia is extremely safe. It is only because it is so safe - with millions of uncomplicated anesthetics administered every year - that such problems are considered news at all. The actual risk of a fatal event under anesthesia (for an otherwise healthy child) is about 1 in 300,000. To put that number into perspective, the risk of death from an unexpected reaction to penicillin is about 1 in 80,000. The risk of a fatal automobile accident while riding in a car (in the United States, over a one year period) is about 1 in 6,500. A careful evaluation of the benefits versus the risks involved is important for every child considered for general anesthesia. The pediatric dental specialist should take into account a child’s age, extensiveness of treatment needs and the medical necessity of the procedure. For more information about this topic or to set up a complimentary second opinion consultation, contact Dr. Eddie today!
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A Gift for Their New Home Whenever coupon winner Carlos Loaiza looks at the mailbox he bought from the Old California Lantern Company with his coupon, the Orange resident can’t help but grin. The distinctive box featuring an orange emblem represents the satisfaction of owning his own home in Orange. “I fell in love with the mailbox as soon as I saw it,” says Loaiza, who bought his first house with his wife
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Priscila six months ago. “The craftsmanship of the mailbox is high quality, and I’m proud to display it.” For Loaiza, who moved to Orange County from Boston six years ago, Old Towne holds an allure. “I lived in Boston around the Cambridge area, which has a rotary, so I really enjoy the Plaza and Plaza Park—especially the California twist with the palm trees,” says Loaiza, who likes to visit the park with his young sons Charles, 8, and twins Ethan and Greg, 7. Loaiza also finds a great deal of pleasure in walking the Chapman University campus. “Although Cambridge is much bigger, Chapman and Old Towne have the same sort of feel in terms of history and character,” he says. Loaiza and his wife also regularly visit the various restaurants in the Plaza. In February, they celebrated their 9th anniversary with breakfast at Felix Continental Café.
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Donny Wilson INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR Serving Orange & Villa Park CALL:
714- 418-8636
WIN $50.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE from any Plaza Review advertiser featured in this issue.
118 South Glassell Street
ORANGE, CA 92866
Mail to:
Old Towne Orange Plaza Review 134 South Glassell St. #C, Orange CA 92866
Winner is selected randomly by an advertiser of the Old Towne Orange PLAZA REVIEW.
www. OrangeAntiqueMall .com
Entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2012
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
Orange Antique Mall
Advertise to 30,000 of your
Old Towne Orange PLAZAREVIEW
Closest Customers! 30,000 published / 22,900 mailed / 7.100 placed (for two months) Contact: Mike Escobedo Design
mikeesco @ orangereview.com / 714-771-6919
“News For The Neighborhood” Since 2001
t o 9 1 F R E E W AY
34 33
Rambling Rose Jewelry
Spotted Moth
Summerhill Ltd. Orange Circle Antique Mall
Antique Station
18 8
Exchange Fine Arts Gallery
DINING & PUBS: Taco Adobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 121 North Lemon St (714) 628-0633 Tokyo Cafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 161 North Glassell St (714) 639-9536 EVENTS/ACTIVITIES: Sea-B Salt Water Guide Newport Beach (949) 533-0433 Orange Farmers Market . . . . . . 1 304 North Cypress St www.orangehomegrown.org OPLF Legacy Gala / April 22 www.oplfoundation.org 714-288-2470 GARDENING: The Dragonfly Shops . . . . . . . . 10 260 North Glassell St (714) 289-4689 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY: The Plaza Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 227 East Chapman Ave (714) 289-8085 Salon 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 190 South Glassell St (714) 532-6390
Bauer Properties
CC Old California Lantern Co
Titan Automotive
Orange Realty
Integrative Medical Institute
Villa Ford
Orangeland RV Park
Snap Fitness
19 26
Orange Cosmetic
Jadtec Security Alarm
Antique Depot
Paris In A Cup
Park Plaza Retirement Apartments
Orange City Hall
Orange Library & History Center
21 22
Plaza Salon Mirror Mirror
Knox General Insurance
N E W P O RT B E A C H ( 5 5 ) F W Y
Felix Continental Cafe 36 Watch & Wares Jewelry 35
Salon 9
Wells Fargo ATM
Citizens Business Bank
28 24 G
OC Estate & Jewelry Co.
Johnnye Merle Gardens
Cherry on Top
Wells Fargo Bank
Orange Presbyterian Pre-School
California National Bank
Matsoka Trading Company
Tokyo Cafe
Cafe Lucca
District Lounge
Country Roads Antiques
to 5 & 57 FREEWAYS
Renée Jewelers
The Perfect Circle Cupcakery
Taco Adobe
(57) FWY
O'Hara's Pub Copperwood Artware
(55) FWY
Licata’s Nutrition
th en
b et
N G E i s c e nt e r e d RA EO
(5 )
Orange Presbyterian Church
Moonlight Graham
W ) F (5
Shannon-Bryan Mortuary
Eduardo Correa, D.D.S.
OC Smile Factory
Rutabegorz Restaurant The Dragonfly Shops & Gardens
t o 2 2 F R E E W AY
91 Fr e ew a ys 57 & , in
5 5,
C ou n
, 22
Orange Farmers Market
ra n
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Antique Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 155 South Glassell St. (714) 516-1731 Antique Station . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 178 South Glassell St (714) 633-3934 Country Roads Antiques . . . . . 38 204 West Chapman Ave (714) 532-3041 Orange Circle Antique Mall . . . 33 118 South Glassell St (714) 548-8160 Summerhill Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 110 South Glassell St (714) 771-7782 ARTS & CULTURE: Copperwood Artware . . . . . . . . 7 148-A North Glassell St (714) 633-8374 Exchange Fine Arts Gallery . . . 25 195 South Glassell St (714) 997-8132 Santa Ana Artists Village . . . . . K www.aplaceforart.org AUTOMOTIVE: Titan Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . J 939 West Chapman Ave (714) 997-2311 Villa Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F 2550 North Tustin Ave (714) 637-8222 CHURCH / SCHOOL: Chapman University . . . . . . . . 12 One University Drive www.Chapman.edu Orange Presbyterian Church . . 15 191 North Orange St (714) 538-2341 Org Presbyterian Pre-School . 16 191 North Orange St (714) 538-2341 x 112 DINING & PUBS: Cafe Lucca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 106 North Glassell St (714) 289-1255 Cherry on Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 117 North Glassell St (714) 289-1683 The District Lounge . . . . . . . . . . 4 223 West Chapman Ave (714) 639-7777 Felix Continental Cafe . . . . . . . 36 36 Plaza Square (714) 633-5842 O’Hara’s Pub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 150 North Glassell St (714) 532-9264 Paris in a Cup - Tea Salon . . . . 23 119 South Glassell St (714) 538-9411 Perfect Circle Cupcakery . . . . 17 165 North Glassell St (714) 997-2253 Rutabegorz Restaurant . . . . . . 11 264 North Glassell St (714) 633-3260
Old Towne Post Office
Snap Fitness
Aborn Powers
Santa Ana Artist’s Village
HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY: 16 Orange Cosmetic & Laser . . . . 27 368 South Glassell St (714) 538-8556 30 Snap Fitness / Central . . . . . . . . E 303 East Katella Ave (714) 633-7627 30 Snap Fitness / East . . . . . . . . . . G 8412 East Chapman Ave (714) 633-7627 JEWELRY 12 Rambling Rose Estate Jewelry 32 118 South Glassell St (714) 538-6305 12 Renée Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 138 North Glassell St (714) 538-1956 12 Watch & Wares Estate Jewelry . 35 108 South Glassell St (714) 633-2030 REAL ESTATE: 29 Bauer Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . D 194 North Glassell St. (714) 702-4546 1 Orange Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 1537 East Chapman Ave (714) 997-0050
19 30
REAL ESTATE: Park Plaza - Assisted Living . . . 26 602 South Glassell St (714) 997-5355 SERVICES: Eduardo Correa, D.D.S. . . . . . . 13 245 North Glassell St (714) 538-5582 Cross Design & Construction (714) 639-6200 Integrative Medical Institute . . . I 707 East Chapman Ave (714) 771-2880 iRepair (Mobile iPhone Repairs) (714) 350-8703 Jadtec Security Services . . . . . B 1520 West Yale Ave (800) 474-3346 Knox General Insurance . . . . . 28 226 South Galssell St (714) 744-3300 OC Smile Factory . . . . . . . . . . . 13 245 North Glassell St (714) 532-5600 PamParr’d Kids Kenzba@aol.com (714) 240-9223 Patrick Smith Sign Artist www.pgsmithdesign.com (714) 282-7097 Reliable Pet Sitting (714) 744-1438 Sandy McCandless Therapist SandySez@earthlink.net Shannon-Bryan Mortuary . . . . 14 137 East Maple Ave (714) 771-1000 Window Restoration & Repair (562) 493-1590 SPECIALTY RETAIL: Alpine Fresh Drinking Water Ind. Dist. - Don Wilson (714) 418-8636 Licata’s Nutrition Center . . . . . . 9 162 North Glassell St Matoska Trading Company . . . 19 123 North Glassell St (714) 516-9940 Mirror Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 227 East Chapman Ave (714) 633-7100 Old California Lantern Co . . . . . C 975 North Enterprise St (800) 577-6679 Ready Office Furniture (657) 269-0011 Joe@ReadyOfficeFurniture.com Spotted Moth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 138 South Glassell St www.spottedmoth.com TOURISM: Orangeland RV Park . . . . . . . . . A 1600 West Struck Ave (714) 633-0414
22 PUBLISHER / ADVERTISING: Mike Escobedo Design 134 South Glassell St (714) 771-6919 www.OrangeReview.com March / April
134 South Glassell • Orange, CA 92866
HAPPY 42nd Birthday to Villa Ford
Thanks to Mom and Dad’s Hard Work and Thousands of Happy Customers, Villa Ford is Celebrating its 42nd Birthday in March 2012!
Armed with their Midwest work ethic and expertly balancing a shoestring budget, my mom and dad, Wanda and Herb Baldwin, started Villa Ford in 1970. Both possessed an entrepreneurial spirit and believed in the American Dream of owning their own business. In August of 2009, dedicated to carrying on their legacy, I took the helm as president of the business my parents worked so hard to build. Today, our whole Villa Ford Family is committed to providing customers with the same tried-and-true values-driven business principles and expert customer service that my parents believed in. Even with these tough economic times and our government’s lack of support for entrepreneurial businesses, we are proud to be celebrating our 42nd birthday, proud that Ford Motor Company did not take bail-out money and proud that the spirit of Henry Ford lives on in America. I hope that more Americans carry on this inspiring entrepreneur’s tradition that made America great.
Peggy Baldwin-Butler, President C.I.O. (Chief Inspirational Officer)
ENTER VILLA FORD’S 42nd Birthday Special Offer
iPAD DRAWING Winner will be drawn on April 15th, 2012. You don’t have to be present to WIN.
Auto Care Center 2550 N. Tustin St. Orange, CA 92865 www.villaford.com 714-637-8222
VILLA FORD’S 42nd BIRTHDAY Family Owned & Operated since 1970 • Proud to have 1,000’s of Happy Customers
2550 N. Tustin St. Orange, CA 92865 www.villaford .com
714-637-8222 SALES • LEASING • FLEET • W.B.E. Ford’s Red Carpet Leasing is Back!!!
Do Yourself a Favor . . . Test Drive a 32
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
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Reg. $39.95
Coupon can be used to upgrade to THE WORKS WHICH INCLUDES oil change, tire rotation, Multi-Point inspection and brake inspection. Coupon can’t be combined with any other special offers or coupons. Must be presented to Service Advisor upon arrival. Excludes diesels & synthetic oil. Offer expires 3/31/2012
Auto Care Center 2550 N. Tustin St. Orange, CA 92865 www.villaford.com 714-637-8222
!!! You’ll be Glad you Did.