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News for the Neighborhood
March April 2021
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March / April
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O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
March / April
Since 2001
Old Towne Orange PLAZAREVIEW
From the Publisher I’m always so impressed with the people we feature in the Old Towne Orange Plaza Review. Reading their inspiring and encouraging stories puts a smile on my face. Some of the subjects we feature are new to me, while others I’ve known for years. All offer insight into what makes Orange a magnetic, connected community. We met Chapman University Provost Glenn Pfeiffer (pg. 29) back in our Sep/Oct 2018 edition when we featured him as the “Building Character” subject. In this edition, he shares his appreciation for the many strides Chapman has made in improving the university and community. Prominent Plaza property owner and architect Leason Pomeroy originally appeared in our Sep/Oct 2008 edition. In this issue (pg. 24), he shares some of his cherished childhood memories in Orange, along with details on several projects that will likely encourage many others to create their own memories here in Orange. With so much uncertainty this past year, it is our pleasure to highlight steadfast members of our community in our “Know the Neighbors” column (pgs. 13-15). For years, these friendly, helpful employees of local businesses have contributed to the Plaza’s welcoming reputation. As always, I am deeply grateful to our advertisers, who make this publication a reality. These include Byblos Café, Caliber Real Estate, Chapman University, Country Roads Antiques and Hilbert Museum, to name a few. If you know businesses or community members who would make good future subjects in the Plaza Review, reach out and share their stories with us. We’re always interested in hearing about the many residents and business owners who make the Plaza and Orange such a fun and inviting place to live, work, shop and dine. Sincerely, Mike Escobedo
Also available on-line at: www.OrangeReview.com/events
What’s Happening
. . .
MARCH 2021 Mon / Mar 8 / 2 - 3 pm City of Orange Main Library Monday Mysteries Book Club (virtual) This month’s topic is mysteries featuring female sleuths, written by women. cityoforange.org / 714-744-2225 Wed / Mar 17 / 11 am - 9 pm Citrus City Grille St. Patrick’s Day Kick up your heels & raise your glass with a traditional Irish 3-course meal. 122 North Glassell / 714-639-9600 facebook.com/CitrusCityGrilleOrange Wed / Mar 17 / Noon - 1 pm Orange Chamber of Commerce Business Networking Group Share information about your business & hear about other local businesses. orangechamber.com / 714-538-3581 Wed / Mar 17 / 7 pm Musco Center for the Arts Next Gen Emerging Artists Virtual Showcase with DJ set & performances with Q&A featuring Dot, Amy D & Bianca Oblivion. muscocenter.org / 714-997-6812
Sat / Mar 27 / 8 am - 1 pm Woman’s Club of Orange Plant Sale - A safe, social distanced, Easter themed container garden & potted plant sale, with spectacular heart wreaths & more, to benefit WCO charities. 3140 East Craig Dr, Orange 714-458-8718 Sat / Mar 27 Assistance League of Orange Scholarships for 2021 On-line application period ends. Open to all high school seniors residing in or graduating from an OUSD high school attendance area. scholarships@alorange.org alorange.org / 714-532-5800 Wed / Mar 31 / 12 - 1 pm Chapman University Dialogue Lecture Series A Zoom presentation with Andrés Irlando, Senior Vice President & President of Public Sector & Verizon Connect for the Verizon Business Group. chapman.edu / 714-997-6815
134 South Glassell St. / Orange, CA 92866 714 - 771 - 6919 Mike@OrangeReview.com
“ News For The Neighborhood ” Old Towne Orange Plaza Review © 2021 Mike Escobedo Design. All rights reserved. The material herein contained cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Mike Escobedo Design.
www. OrangeReview .com
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Around the Plaza APRIL 2021 Tue / Apr 6 / 4 - 5 pm City of Orange Main Library Digital Photography for Kids A free workshop exploring photo concepts for students 8-12 years old. cityoforange.org / 714-744-2225 Tue / Apr 13 / 6 pm Book Carnival Virtual Event Virtual discussion with authors Erica Ruth Neubauer & Diane Freeman. annesbookcarnival.com 714-538-3210 Tue / Apr 27 / 9 - 10 am Orange Chamber of Commerce Eggs & Issues - A virtual breakfast connecting business leaders to discuss a variety of timely topics that effect business & our city. Virtual on Zoom. orangechamber.com / 714-538-3581 Sat / May 1 / 8 am - 1 pm Woman’s Club of Orange Plant Sale A Mother’s Day themed container garden & potted plant sale. 10536 Covington Cir, Villa Park (714) 458-8718
Every Fri / 9:30 - 11:30 am Orange Home Grown Educational Farm Volunteer Farm Friday Try your hand at growing food. Plant, harvest, compost, mend soil & more. All ages invited, as new volunteers are paired with seasoned volunteers to work on farm projects together. 356 North Lemon St / 714-397-4699 Every Sat / 8:30 am - 1 pm Orange Home Grown Farmers Market A great way to begin your day, with quality produce & fresh healthy foods. 1st Sat Market Tour 2nd Sat Free Cooking Demo 3rd Sat Kids Club / Seed Lending 4th Sat Handmade Market Place 303 West Palm / OrangeHomeGrown.org Every Sat / 10:15 - 11:15 am Naranjita Flamenco Absolute Beginners Classes Live-streamed, easy-to-follow instruction with Justine Grover. naranjitaflamenco.com 714-400-2939
134 South Glassell St / Orange, CA 92866
Every Thu: 8 pm to Fri: 8 am The Dragonfly Shops & Gardens Auction on Instagram Every week, we offer an eclectic mix of 25+ items, including furniture, gifts, beads, jewelry, clothes or garden art. 260 North Glassell St / 714-289-4689 Instagram.com/DragonflyShopsAuction Through June 26 Hilbert Museum of California Art Los Angeles Area Scene Paintings An exhibit featuring more than 70 vibrant paintings of everyday life in 20th century Los Angeles. See ad on page 27. 167 North Atchison St hilbertmuseum.com / 714-516-5880
Mar/Apr 2021
Publishing Team
Publisher Mike Escobedo Mike@OrangeReview.com Editor/Writer Julie Bawden-Davis julie@juliebawdendavis.com Writer Karen Anderson 123karen@earthlink.net Writer Yuki Klotz-Burwell klotz105@mail.chapman.edu Writer Melissa Pinion AuthorMelissaWhitt@gmail.com Writer Mary Platt platt@chapman.edu
Musco Center for the Arts Go Virtual with the Musco Take a virtual tour of the Musco Center, and view many online presentations with Theatrical Designers, Voices of Our Time & a myriad of on-line archives. www.muscocenter.org
Photographer Jeanine Hill
Dragonfly Shops & Gardens Monthly Workshops Including Mosaic Tiling, Kokedamas, Fairy Gardens, Baubles & more. 260 North Glassell St / 714-289-4689 www.dragonflyshopsandgardens.com
Printed by Freedom Printing
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714 - 771 - 6919
jhillfoto@aol.com Digital Artist Clyde San Juan crookedtrails@hotmail.com Web Developer Chase Higgins chasehiggins@me.com
estella@freedomprinting.net Processed by Mailing Pros, Inc. MPI@MailingProsInc.com Distributed by the US Postal Services www.usps.com
March / April
HILBERT MUSEUM OF CALIFORNIA ART AT HOME Follow Chapman’s Hilbert Museum (@hilbertmuseum) on Facebook and Instagram to enjoy beautiful paintings and the stories behind them, from the comfort of your own home!
THE DISORDERED COSMOS: A POPULAR PHYSICS DISCUSSION WITH CHANDA PRESCOD-WEINSTEIN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 5 P.M. Recognized by Nature as one of 10 people who shaped science in 2020, Dr. Prescod-Weinstein researches cosmology, neutron stars and dark matter, in conjunction with Black feminist science, technology and society studies. Presented by the Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University. There will be a book giveaway and an opportunity for audience Q&A after the event.
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 10:45 A.M. - 2:15 P.M.
In this special online event, Dr. Thomas Piechota will moderate a conversation with Chapman faculty and .-,+*)-.('&%('$##("!*.*)-(-&*$!("*!."* -$ *. (#%% $) ( (%)*( * !( !% ('&*)( ( !.-($ " -*+( the U.S. Presented as part of Town & Gown’s Virtual Lunch at the Forum series.
AMYTHYST KIAH: LIVE FROM HOME FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 7 P.M. Join Amythyst Kiah for a free @THEMUSCO live at-home concert and Q&A discussion about bluegrass ,$- !( *#-$ ( ,.$ ( )+(-&*($)-*! $) #$) (% ( ,#-$ ,#-,! #($) ,*) *.(-& -( !* -*(&*!( %,)+ ! !%..$) ( “Southern Gothic alt-country blues” style.
NEXTGEN EMERGING ARTISTS VIRTUAL SHOWCASE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 & APRIL 28, 7 P.M. Immerse yourself in the future of music with this @THEMUSCO-online showcase that includes DJ sets and individual artist performances. These female-identifying artists are all a part of Unspeakable Records, an artist-owned production company focused on signing and mentoring innovative musicians of all gender
Hosted by the Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Entertainment and Sports Law Society, -&$.( )), #(. "%.$, ( % ,.*.(%)(-&*( *#+(% (."%!-.( )+(*)-*!- $) *)-(# ' ( &$.( * ! .( * )%-*(."* *!( is DeMaurice Smith, Executive Director of the National Football League Players’ Association (NFLPA).
FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE: THE SIXTH ANNUAL PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 8:30 A.M. %'( )( #$ %!)$ ( )+($-.( % ,)$-$*.( *( %!*("!% !*..($)(-&*( &- ( &$* $) ()%-( ,.-(!*+, -$%).($)( greenhouse gases but profound improvements in how we live? What sort of governance reforms do we )**+(#% ## (!* $%) ## (%!(.- -*'$+*( %!(-&$.( &- ( &*.*($..,*.( )+(%-&*!.('$##( *(+$. ,..*+( -(-&$.( !**( one-day conference.
THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY APRIL 12 – 25, AVAILABLE ON DEMAND This moving and unconventional song cycle bursts with originality as it examines the interconnectedness of us all through life’s shared experiences — from the hilarious to the heartbreaking. Music and Lyrics
identities, backgrounds, styles and genres.
by Neil Bartram. Book by Brian Hill. Directed by Matthew McCray.
SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 9:30 A.M. Celebrate the heritage of Chapman University on Founder’s Day. This year’s speaker is Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre, professor of social ethics and Latinx Studies at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, who will speak about decolonizing Christianity, helping us see and understand the unholy linking of racist white .,"!* $.-($+* .( )+( *!$ )( &!$.-$ )$- ( "%).%!*+( (-&*( *(% ( &,! &( *# -$%).
%$)(,.( %!( ( %) *!. -$%)('$-&( ! ( $ * $ ( ( %! *-- ( (!*.* ! &( *##%'( )+(-&*(. $*)-$ (#* +( %!( the Coronavirus Vaccines & Immunopathogenesis Team at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Corbett has been leading the development of a vaccine for COVID-19 that is now produced by industry partner Moderna. Hosted by the Grand Challenges Initiative.
CONCERT INTIME PROGRAM 1 - MARCH 18, 7:30 P.M. PROGRAM 2 - MARCH 19, 7:30 P.M. Chapman dancers perform new choreography by junior dance majors. Directed by Julianne O’Brien, Jessica Torres and Amanda Kay White. This performance will also be available on demand April 19 – May 9.
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Gearing Up for Spring As Orange gears up for spring, the new businesses featured in this issue are eager to get acclimated to the Plaza and its residents. Whether you are hungry for a savory brunch spread, planning to design a new residence or on the lookout for a new vintage piece, the proprietors at Bosscat Kitchen and Libations, MAHD Design + Planning and The White Rabbit are proud to share their new businesses and welcome Old Towne into their lives.
Bosscat Kitchen and Libations
From booze to brunch: After 70 years in Old Towne, the building that hosted Rod’s Liquor is saying goodbye and welcoming in Bosscat Kitchen and Libations, an American restaurant that features an impressive whiskey bar and menu. Bosscat Co-Founders John Reed and Leslie Nguyen are aiming for a March opening and have already started paying homage to Rod’s Liquor in their construction plans. “We recognize that there are so many great restaurants and antique shops in the Plaza, and part of the allure of Old Towne is honoring its history,” says Reed. “That’s important to everyone, and that’s something that we have every intention of doing.” The Old Towne location is Bosscat’s third venue, with others in Newport Beach and Houston, Texas. The menu is populated with southern-inspired offerings like whiskey okra and a 12-hour braised short rib, but it also includes local twists like a vegetarian quinoa burger and “kale-ifornia” salad. The eatery was crowned one of Yelp’s top 100 brunch spots in the U.S., but Bosscat originated as simply a bar that also had great food, says Reed. Now, he’s proud of both elements of his business, including a full whiskey bar with more than 300 varieties.
by Yuki Klotz-Burwell
Partner and Regional General Manager Chris Daily and Bosscat Co-Founder Leslie Nguyen stand inside of the building that previously hosted Rod’s Liquor. Once the restaurant is serving customers, Nguyen is excited to honor Rod’s by transforming the original ice bags into decorative to-go bags for Bosscat Kitchen.
Bosscat Kitchen & Libations 118 West Chapman Ave / 714-716-1599 / www.bosscatkitchen.com
The Bosscat journey began in 2009 when Reed first met Nguyen, who owned a small sports bar in Irvine. After getting to know each other, the pair realized they felt like something was missing from the local bar scene. After years of planning and brainstorming, the foundation for Bosscat began. Nguyen is a self-proclaimed foodie, so although her previous bar had a small kitchen, she wanted the opportunity to create memorable, original dishes. “My dream was to have real food because I’ve been in the service industry my whole life, and that was the one thing I was missing from the sports bar,” she says. The duo also wanted to construct a destination where customers who wanted high-end craft cocktails or basic drinks could feel comfortable. “We always said when we open up our own place, we’re going to have craft mixology stuff but we’re also going to have Coors Light and Jameson,” says Nguyen. “We’re going to welcome everyone because customer service has been the basis for everything I’ve done.” Over the years, Nguyen has seen countless weddings, birthdays and anniversaries celebrated at Bosscat. She’s looking forward to establishing that sense of connectedness at the Old Towne location.
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March / April
Gearing Up for Spring CONT. FROM PAGE 9
If you’re in need of a contemporary design for your new project, check out MAHD Design + Planning, a firm with headquarters right above Cafe Zocalo on Glassell. Ali Haddad, Principal and Owner of MAHD Design + Planning, is an Orange resident who started working out of Old Towne about a year and a half ago. Haddad started the business in 2017 and has since grown it to a full-scale firm offering designs for single and multifamily residences, commercial buildings and restaurants. In addition to countless other projects across the globe, he and his team redesigned and remodeled the Bubba Gump location in Hollywood. Although conceptualizing design strategies is his main passion, Haddad got his start in the industry with graphic design. He discovered Photoshop in middle school and grew his experience by experimenting with colors, fonts and appearances. “It clicked for me to go to architecture school where I can play not only with colors and locations, but also with the relationship between a place and a human,” he says. “I can play along
MAHD Design + Planning
with the human interaction and start creating buildings to see how it improves peoples’ quality of life.” After more than a decade in the industry, Haddad understands that human experiences drive him to produce creative designs. “My favorite part is the human interaction with my creation, even if it’s a big or small project,” he says. “I understand the client’s personality, goals and burdens, and getting to know them on a personal level helps me create a good design.” Norman Kai Lee, a bar and restaurant entrepreneur, worked
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Ali Haddad, Principal and Owner of MAHD Design + Planning, is looking forward to completing the final stages of a multi-family project in West Hollywood. He’s particularly excited about creating a landmark home in LA that looks over a view of the historic Wilshire Blvd.
with Haddad to get support on the design and engineering work for his ventures. He found that the personal connection helped him pinpoint the exact solution for his businesses. “It’s hard to find people who do what they love and put 100 precent into it every day,” says Lee. “Ali commits himself to what you want to do and makes it his own. To me, that’s dedication and someone who cares about what they do.” While most of his recent projects took place in LA, Haddad is looking forward to reaching new customers in Old Towne. He has a concept for a grab-and-go restaurant that would help businesses safely adapt to serve
customers during the pandemic. “With the grab-and-go idea, there’s minimal interaction and the process is more streamlined,” he says. “We’re doing research on how it should be done and how restaurants should be working together even after the pandemic.” In Orange, Haddad has already seen how the city and other local businesses quickly modified plans to be safe and responsible. He’s also fascinated by Old Towne from a structural perspective. “As a designer, it’s very inspiring to see Old Towne Orange because it’s such a unique space from a historical standpoint,” he says. “It’s a vibrant community and it’s an important hub.”
MAHD Design + Planning 134 Glassell St Unit #E / 657-223-6828 / www.mahddp.com
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Beth Mehau and her daughter, Morti, inside The White Rabbit, which is Mehau’s 13th antiques store. Her previous shops were located in Hawaii.
The White Rabbit
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owned. “He walked in and his eyes filled up with tears, and he cuddled that teapot and kept it around the store with him,” she says. “A teapot turned into a holiday treasure for him, and that’s precious.” With a name like The White Rabbit, inspired by the classic “Alice in Wonderland” character
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who leads Alice to the tea party, the store is bringing whimsy to Old Towne. Mehau encourages customers to stop by to browse the one-of-a-kind furniture, glassware and Mehau’s personal favorite, vintage dresses from the 1990s. The White Rabbit 146 North Glassell St Instagram.com/The_White_Rabbit_OrangePlaza
“Located in Old Towne Orange.”
Lisa Baldwin, who operated A&P Collectibles for 40 years, is looking forward to seeing The White Rabbit’s growth and its effect on Old Towne, not just the antique community. “When you go shopping at The White Rabbit, you’re acknowledged and you matter,” she says. “That’s what makes antique shopping in Old Towne so unique. It’s not just a transaction, it’s a relationship.” After working at Orange antique store Tea Leaf College, Mehau understands the vintage landscape and is ready to make her mark in the area. “She’s not just a shopkeeper, she wants to be a part of the fabric of the Orange community,” says Baldwin. “I think she’s going to be a good fit down there.” Although The White Rabbit has only been open for a few months, Mehau is already grateful for the opportunity to connect with the Old Towne community. “I feel like I clicked my heels three times, and I’m home again,” she says. “This is such a blessing.”
Old Towne Orange is known as the unofficial antique capital of SoCal, and Beth Mehau, owner of The White Rabbit, is adding another vintage shop to the mix. Mehau opened The White Rabbit in November and is hosting her pieces in the storefront that previously housed A&P Collectibles, an antiques shop that served the Old Towne community for 40 years. Although Mehau owned 12 thrift stores back home in Hawaii, she recently was doing contract project management work until she realized her true calling lay in antiques. “I always fall back on the love of being in the shop and making things look beautiful,” she says. “I love seeing treasure rehomed, appreciated and valued.” With The White Rabbit, Mehau aims to curate a new experience for customers every time they walk through her door. Her goal is to have a minimum of 100 new pieces a day. “We’re trying to create an experience for the customer, so that when they come in, they find that once-in-alifetime piece that really moves their heart,” Mehau says. Already, Mehau has seen customers fall in love with new pieces and instantly rehome them. In December, she had a shopper find the exact model of teapot his grandmother once
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O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Essential to Old Towne Running a business is hard work, and nobody knows that better than the key associates featured here, who have all become essential to their businesses throughout the years. Whether it’s enticing customers with excellent food and service, providing expert advice on antiques or fine-tuning a piece of jewelry, industry veterans Kevin Aguirre, Carol and Yesi Castillo and Perry Pace know what it takes to inspire a business.
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
When Felix Continental Café Manager Kevin Aguirre graduated from high school, he started working at the café by covering shifts for his brother. Now, 40 years later, the job has transitioned into much more than just a career. “The restaurant bug bit me, and the cafe is such a part of me now,” says Aguirre. Even as a college student, Aguirre was dedicated to working at the restaurant. He spent his weeks going to school in San Diego and would drive up to Orange every weekend to work at Felix’s. At the time, he loved the freedom that being a waiter gave him. He saved up his money to travel the world, taking several months off to visit friends from the international school he attended. Aguirre grew up with the restaurant and remembers how both he and Felix’s have changed over the years. When he first started, his uniform was an elegant white coat complete with a cummerbund and a tie, and the napkins were made out of decorative linen. But when first generation owner, Ramon Calderon, decided to change the original concept to a more family friendly atmosphere, Aguirre says that’s when he felt truly committed to Felix’s. With 99 cent breakfast specials and an expanded outdoor dining area, customers would sometimes wait an hour-and-a-half just to eat at Felix’s. And in 1994, he moved up from a waiter to a manager, kicking off a lifetime in the service industry.
Kevin Aguirre, Felix Continental Cafe
“When I became a manager, that’s when my life changed,” he says. “It flipped my world around.” Aguirre’s favorite part of the business is the relationships he’s made with customers and colleagues. Whether it’s celebrating a birthday or watching customers get engaged, he says every day is like a party. “My heart is so warm when I see our regulars coming in,” he says. “When I look at new customers, I think how they’re going to be regulars, so I better get to know them. They’re like a new child coming into the family.” While Felix’s has become an
When Felix Continental Café Manager Kevin Aguirre isn’t serving authentic Cuban and Spanish dishes, he loves to spend time surfing and bodyboarding. “As you paddle out, the noise of the world falls away,” he says. “It’s peaceful, rewarding and a great exercise.”
integral part of Aguirre’s life, Aguirre has also left an impression on the business. Second generation owner, Carlos Calderon, has known Aguirre since the beginning, when he was a college student. “He started off just as a waiter and now he’s my right-hand man,” says Calderon. “We would not have the success and longevity
we’ve had if it weren’t for his contributions and help.” As he heads into 2021, Aguirre is looking forward to serving Old Towne and turning customers into lifelong friends. “We’re like a family welcoming customers in,” he says. “It’s more than just serving food. We’ve become part of the community.”
Felix Continental Cafe 36 Plaza Square / 714-633-5842 / www.felixcontinentalcafe.com
March / April
Essential to Old Towne
Sisters and Country Roads employees Carol (right) and Yesi Castillo find joy in all things creative, which is fitting for their antiques duties. Carol loves to decorate, Yesi enjoys baking, and they both have a passion for painting during their downtime.
Carol and Yesi Castillo, Country Roads Antiques & Gardens
she left many memories, and her legacy remains,” says Yesi. “It still brings a smile to our faces to walk through the store, knowing this is what Sue created.” Sue’s children are the official owners of the store, but daughter Katie says that Carol and Yesi are vital to Country Roads and are part of the family. “Carol and Yesi are invaluable,” she says. “They’re so hardworking and caring. I couldn’t do the store without them.” The sisters learned everything about antiques from working at Country Roads, and they’ve also taken away some life lessons that have changed them. “I’ve learned how to decorate and how to treat people,” says Carol. “There’s so much knowledge that I have taken with me, and there’s still so much to learn.” Carol and Yesi continue to expand the Country Roads family by bringing their own children into the store, just like how they started as kids. “We want to keep Sue’s store going and see all the love and dedication that people give to the store,” says Carol. “Country Roads is where our hearts are.”
Sisters Carol and Yesi Castillo are now well-known fixtures at Country Roads Antiques & Gardens. They started serving customers when they were just kids. Carol originally worked part-time as a teenager, eventually bringing Yesi, just 10 at the time, along for the ride to work in the garden. The sisters were born and raised in Orange just blocks from the Plaza. Although they were surrounded by antique malls and vintage collections, it wasn’t until they had put in a few years at Country Roads before their passion for antiques truly kicked off. “When I first started, I didn’t know anything about antiques, but they grew on me, and I love them,” says Carol. “Now, our houses are full of antique items.” Aside from being surrounded by vintage items, one of their favorite aspects of Country Roads is helping customers discover the perfect pieces. “I love the happiness it brings people to buy something at our store,” says Carol. “It makes it fun that people appreciate what they’re buying. I love making people happy.” Working at Country Roads has provided Yesi with a lifelong learning experience, and she shares that knowledge with customers.
She feels that every piece has a The shop was established in history and finds joy in learning 1993 by the late Sue Jackson. and sharing that history. Carol and Yesi say she was their “Carol and I pride ourselves inspiration for devoting themon being nice to our customers, selves to Country Roads. Now, because it truly makes a world of their goal is to keep running the difference,” she says. “I love helping store as part of her legacy. customers and listening to their “We’re missing a big part of the stories. We feel honored that they store now that Sue is gone, but feel comfortable enough to share Country Roads Antiques & Gardens with us.” 204 West Chapman Ave / 714-532-3041 / www.countryroadsantiques.com
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KNOW THE NEIGHBORS Before entering the industry and working for his father-in-law’s jewelry store, Reneé Jewelers employee Perry Pace served in the Marine Corps and saved up money for his wife’s engagement ring. They eventually picked out the rings from her father’s store. Pace’s passion for gems and jewelry has grown stronger ever since.
If you’ve ever stopped by Reneé Jewelers in the Plaza, you know you’ve got a friend in the jewelry business with Perry Pace. For 48 years, Pace has been helping clients by making repairs, appraising pieces and crafting engagement rings. Pace began his adventure in the industry through his father-inlaw, a jewelry store owner who encouraged him to learn the trade. Although he was at first reluctant, Pace attended the Gemological Institute of America and fell in love with the business, dedicating his life to it. Since Christmas is the industry’s busiest time of year, Pace counts his years through the winters he’s worked. “This past Christmas season was my 48th,” he says. “Sometimes it’s challenging but it’s all a learning experience. I want to keep doing what I do and keep making people smile.” Reneé Mascola, owner of Reneé Jewelers, says that Pace goes above and beyond trying to make their customers smile, whether that’s by adjusting a ring three times or patiently answering questions about gemstones. “When he’s designing and repairing jewelry, you should see his face,” she says. “He gets so
Perry Pace, Reneé Jewelers
excited, and he loves to see people happy.” As a jewelry repairer, Pace bonds with his customers in uncommon ways. He finds joy in being part of peoples’ milestones, such as a young man who wanted his proposal to be a complete surprise. Pace worked hard to craft the perfect customized ring.
When the client proposed, he texted Pace immediately. For Pace, that close connection is exactly what he loves about the business. “It’s so nice to be part of that whole experience in people’s lives,” says Pace. “The look on their faces when they love the
jewelry is priceless. You get to be part of the deal.” Above all, he’s learned to cultivate authentic relationships by discovering exactly what his customers need. That process has gotten a lot easier as the industry shifts to include technology, as Pace says that he’s now able to create jewelry designs on the computer instead of composing them by hand. The modern jewelry business isn’t all computers and repairs, though. Mascola recalls a time when she, Pace and his wife flew out to Laughlin, Nev. to make custom toe rings for a group of clients at a casino. “All these hostesses had their feet up in the air for Perry to measure their toe ring sizes,” says Mascola. “That was a riot. He’ll do anything for his customers. Working with him has been such a great experience, and I’ve learned so much from him. Perry is one in a million.”
Reneé Jewelers 138 North Glassell St / 714-538-1956
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Photos by Jeanine Hill: jhillphoto.com
The Minimalist Wil and Jessica Dee stand at the atrium entrance of their Eichler home, located in the historic Fairhills Tract in Orange. A beautiful Japanese maple tree graces the entry.
Decades after they first began to appear in the 1950s and 1960s, Eichler homes in California continue to inspire a minimalist modernist way of living that has stood the test of time. Such is the case for Old Towne business owner Wil Dee and his wife, Jessica, whose Eichler home in Orange embodies the midcenturymodern ideals of simplicity and efficiency for his family of four. “When you live in an Eichler home, you learn to streamline your surroundings because there’s
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
not a lot of storage in these homes,” says Wil. “You come to embrace the modernism approach of not having as many things around you, which I very much appreciate.” The defining features of an Eichler home include floor-toceiling windows, flat roofs, abundant natural light, open-air atriums, open sight lines and vertical plywood siding. Named for the twentieth-century developer and visionary Joseph Eichler, the iconic homes were built from 1949 to 1974 in select areas of Southern and Northern California.
Of the approximately 11,000 homes total in California, Orange boasts 350 Eichlers split across three neighborhoods: Fairhaven, Fairmeadows and Fairhills. Wil and Jessica live in the Fairhills tract located between Hughes and Cannon streets just south of Santiago Blvd. Before purchasing their Eichler in 2016, the couple had considered expanding their previous home in Old Towne to make way for their new baby. Instead they decided to look for a larger home and went to an open house recommended by their realtor friend who specializes in Eichlers.
“This house was larger than our other home by 700 square feet, and with a kid on the way, it was perfect for us,” says Wil. “We liked the openness of the home itself, and the feeling you get when you walk into the atrium. It has four bedrooms, two baths and an office. The neighborhood is cool, and we are at the beginning of a cul de sac, which is nice for the kids.” Wil, says that the previous owner did a wonderful job of remodeling the interior and exterior—a much-needed improvement, as the home had undergone some misguided “renovations” through the decades. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Written by Karen Anderson
Located in the Fairhills tract, the home features a double gable with one frame above the carport and the other one above the living room. Their home embodies the many attributes of the classic Eichler design, including a flat roof, exterior paneling that extends across the garage door and a solid-wood door with trim around the doorknob.
Modernist Way In the kitchen, the couple bakes chocolate-chip cookies with their children, Owen and Olivia. “We do a lot of cooking at home,” says Wil. “We buy many of our food items from the Orange Home Grown Farmers Market on Saturdays.”
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
The kid’s playroom brims with books and toys from their favorite store in Old Towne, Tiddlywinks Toys and Games, located on North Glassell. “We love shopping there with the kids,” Wil says.
March / April
Behind Wil and Jessica, floor-toceiling glass windows impart an indoor-outdoor ambiance in the dining room
Wil relaxes in an original Eames lounger surrounded by midcentury-modern pieces. An antique Robert Shaw Lux Starburst clock hangs on the wall.
The Minimalist Modernist “Someone had gutted the house in a bad way, and it was utilized more as a business space,” says Wil. “There wasn’t even a kitchen. The owners before us brought back the kitchen, which is now twice the size of the original. We also have a good amount of storage in the kitchen, which really helps out.” Wil knows a thing or two about kitchens. As owner of several foodand-beverage establishments in Old Towne, Wil has been running restaurants, bars, and nightclubs in Orange County for most of his adult life. In 2009, he opened
In keeping with the midcentury interiors, the living room showcases a rounded couch and geometrical ottomans. The hand-sanded exposed beams reveal the natural wood of the gable above the fireplace and living room. CONT. FROM PAGE 16
Haven Craft Kitchen + Bar (originally Haven Gastropub) on South Glassell, followed in 2013 by Provisions Deli & Bottle Shop (originally Provisions Market) on North Glassell. In 2016, with his best friend, Randy Nelson, he unveiled his third operation in Orange: Chapman Crafted Beer on North Cypress. The brewery produces world-class lagers, pale ales, IPAs and stouts. In 2020, he and Randy then co-founded Chapman Crafted Coffee, also located in Old Towne. Living and working in Orange
is a “full-circle” moment for the Orange County native. “I was born in Orange and grew up in Anaheim, and we would always come down for the street fair every year,” says Wil. “When space opened up in Old Towne back in 2009 on the corner of Almond and Glassell, it was the right fit for opening up our restaurant. Being here in Old Towne was like coming home for me.” With a big backyard and plenty of room inside, Wil and Jessica’s Eichler property is spacious and practical for their growing family
of two young children. The floorplan works great for his family, he says, “The master bedroom has the office next to it that can be converted into a nursery. On the other side of the house are the two bedrooms for our kids, Owen and Olivia. It’s perfect for us because the kids have their own wing of the house.” Wil is active in the local community. In 2018, he was asked to be on the Orange Eichler Design Standards Committee with several other Eichler homeowners. That same year, the Orange City Council
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Building Character
Original to the home, classic globe lights hang above the dining table. Eames chairs surround the table, which features a butterfly leaf for expanded seating.
Thomas Piechota, PhD by Julie Bawden-Davis
approved historic designation for the three Eichler tracts in Orange, as well as adopted design standards for Eichler preservation. “The designations allow Eichler homeowners to apply for the Mills Act program, which grants property tax savings for preserving historic homes,” says Wil. In 2019, Wil and Jessica’s home was featured in the Eichler Home Tour sponsored by Preserve Orange County. Recently, he was invited to participate in a panel discussion in Palm Springs, where he shared his experience of living
in a historic home and also owning businesses in a historic area. Wil and Jessica shop at the weekly Orange Home Grown Farmers & Artisans Market and enjoy supporting local businesses. In addition to being president of the Orange County Brewers Guild, Wil sits on the board of the Orange Chamber of Commerce. “When you actually have the opportunity to make a difference in your community, it’s a great honor,” he says. “You take pride in your town, your home and your neighborhood.”
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Water and its accessibility are topics of great interest— especially in the western United States. For that reason, the work of researchers like Tom Piechota is valuable. Over Piechota’s career, which began in the early 1990s, Chapman University’s Vice President for Research and Professor in Schmid College of Science and Technology has worked on research related to how climate change influences hydrology (the movement, distribution and management of water.) Using the data from such research, Piechota and his colleagues have created models that forecast or predict shortand long-term changes in water availability. “Water is one of the first elements affected by climate change,” says Piechota. “The research I and my colleagues perform offers information for those who manage water resources as to how those potential changes to water resources can be mitigated.” A registered Civil Engineer in the State of California, Piechota holds a masters and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UCLA and a certificate from the Harvard Institute for Educational Management. He began studying climate three decades ago when scientists were just beginning to identify how current weather and climate change impact future weather, including drought. El Niño and La Niña “El Niño is an ocean phenomenon that occurs in the South Pacific, south of the equator. It features a warm pool of water that moves off the coast of South America,” says Piechota. “Although here in California that might not seem like a big deal, warming temperatures and the location of this phenomenon causes the release of heat into the atmosphere. That heat can create changes in circulation patterns and cause additional moisture in the atmosphere in various areas of the world, CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
March / April
Thomas Piechota, PhD
including California. When there is an El Niño year, we tend to have wetter weather. The opposite occurs with a La Niña year.” After graduating with his Bachelors of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Northern Arizona University in the early 1990s, Piechota worked for a few years in the private sector as a civil engineering field consultant for a land development firm before switching to academia. A desire to learn more about his field led Piechota to graduate school. He was accepted at UCLA where he was introduced to the great impact research can have. “My advisor at UCLA was Dr. John Dracup, who specializes in Hydroclimatology,” says Piechota. “He’s retired now, but he had a big influence on me and my career. I still point to his mentorship for a lot of my academic and research success.” Piechota was at UCLA from 1993-1999. He earned his PhD in 1997 from UCLA, then spent another two years there teaching and conducting research until he got a fulltime academic position as an Assistant Professor in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). He was at UNLV for 17 years, including as Vice President for Research and Economic Development. In 2003, he received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for the project “Improved Hydrologic Drought Forecasting Using Climate Information.” From 2008-2013, he was the co-principal investigator on a $20 million National Science Foundation study on climate change impacts in Nevada. In addition to colleagues, students work on Piechota’s research projects. “I find it especially satisfying to mentor students and then watch their careers develop,” he says. Glenn Tootle is one such student. He studied under Piechota at UNLV and went on to become a Professor at the University of Alabama, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. “Tom was an incredible mentor, and I owe my success (Full Professor and Fulbright Scholar) to him,” says Tootle. “You hear the term ‘player’s coach’ in various sports. Tom was a ‘student’s teacher’ in that he really put student interests first. I’ve taken that approach with me, and it really works and inspires students to do well.” Administrative Positions Though Piechota had never planned on working in administration, doing so was suggested while he was in Las Vegas, where he took the Vice President position in Research and Economic Development. He held that role for four years. “With administration, I find that I can from a broad perspective support and advance research and creative activity in the university for faculty and students,” he says. “In such administrative roles, you’re able to serve as a spokesperson for the university and interact with the community and see how the university can support the community.” When Piechota heard about the opportunity at Chapman to join in administration and as a Professor in the Schmid College of Science and Technology, he and his wife, Colleen, decided it was time for a transition for their family, including their two daughters, so he applied and was accepted. “Colleen grew up in Southern California, and I moved to Huntington Beach from New Jersey when I was 14,” he says. “When I heard about the opportunity at Chapman, it was an exciting prospect at a university on an upward trajectory. The university didn’t have a Vice President for Research position before I came in 2016. As I’ve done in various points of my career, I built up the Office of Research, including support for faculty and students to succeed in research and creative activities. Funding for research and creative activities has increased four-fold since I joined the university.” According to Laura Glynn, Professor of Psychology, Associate Dean for Research at Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences at Chapman University, Piechota has made
by Melissa Pinion
A Bounty of Home
When Thursday nights came around for Megan Penn in the late 1990s, she’d take a break from her college homework, grab her roommates and head out the door to the San Luis Obispo Farmers Market. That’s where she could immerse herself in the sounds of rock or reggae music, smell the aroma of barbecued brisket and grab fresh vegetables for the week. “It felt like we were part of the community when we were in that space,” Penn says. So when she came home to Orange after graduating college, she worked with friends and family to recreate that magical feeling. The Orange Home Grown Farmers & Artisans Market—a weekly event that began in 2011 with around 800 visitors—has blossomed into a way of life for the city, now drawing close to 2,000 every Saturday. The market will celebrate its 10-year anniversary this May.
“These past 10 years have brought the community together, supported local farms and businesses and acted as a common meeting place for shared smiles and laughs for friends and families,” says Brian Kunisch, President and Co-Founder of Orange Home Grown. The passion Orange Home Grown founders, staff and volunteers have for fresh, nutritious food goes beyond wanting healthy options for their own families. They believe that local farming is an essential ingredient for the health of the community and the nation’s economy. And while the market has grown and evolved over the years, its mission has not. “The one thing that has remained the same is our commitment to building community,” Penn says. Outside of COVID-19 conditions, the market hosts cooking demonstrations, free yoga classes, educational events, pet sitting and more. The market has worked to
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Grown Smiles
“Orange Homegrown is what every
make fresh food more accessible farmers market should be: Giving neighbors access to healthy, local food while building to a wider population by offering a strong, vibrant community that gives public assistance payment options back. Saturday mornings at the market through Cal Fresh and Market are easily the highlight of my week. I can’t Match. Visitors can find a vegan wait to see the market’s impact grow over coffee truck and an “Artists Alley,” the next 10 years!” Nikki Morgan giving added exposure to area Backyard Bees, Market Vendor small businesses. “There’s nothing like buying your food from OHG, with the help of someone you know, trust and enjoy. Nothing Chapman University, broke ground tastes better than our weekly Saturday on the Orange Home Grown outdoor shopping spree with friends!” Education Farm in 2016. Penn’s Denise & Mike Weyhrich Old Towne Residents father, Doug Turner, has served as farm manager the last four years, “The people who run Orange Home Grown teaching people how to grow their are genuine people who love what they do. My favorite part of the farmers market is own food. He also serves on the the live music. It’s a great place to bump into Orange Home Grown Foundation friends and neighbors!” board of directors. Alex Romero “We have volunteers—those in Orange Circle Optometry the community who just love “I’ve performed at multiple markets for working in the soil and those who many years. By far this is my favorite. If want to learn so that they can Mayberry had a farmers market, this plant their own garden at home,” would be it.” Bryan Leicher Turner says. Musician who performs at the Market The market has continued despite COVID-19, though it “We had such a feeling of hasn’t come without challenges. accomplishment on opening day After initially closing for a month in May 2011. Now when I look at starting in March 2020, the market the market, I feel even more pride reopened with social distancing in what a success it has become,” and other safety measures in place. she says. “This pandemic has shown us Penn hopes to see the market how we crave the social aspect of continue to grow and thrive for our lives,” Doug Turner says. “The generations to come. limited contact we must observe “The farmers market is such a these days just reinforces how magical place for me,” she says. important it is.” “It has become such a big part of Penn’s mother, Martha Turner, my life and is so important to our one of the market’s founders and a board members, staff, vendors current foundation board member, and volunteers.” says reflecting back on how the market has grown puts a smile on her face. Learn more and support Orange Home Grown at www.orangehomegrown.org
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Finding Inspiration Through Changes by Brande Jackson
I’ve found myself going back to some of my favorite garden books lately. In part, for “nostalgic comfort,” but also for a more specific purpose, too. Recently, a long-time garden design client announced that she wanted to “bring a bit of English garden” into her landscape. This is a landscape design currently done in a very drought tolerant style, featuring a mixture of California and Australian natives…and lots of palm trees! Another client, after years of boxwood and other pruned hedges, wants to change up her yard to be heavy on succulents and agave and the like, going for a more colorful, “natural flow” style. From a design standpoint, these are both doable requests. There are always “bridge plants” that can keep a garden “in the same general lane” in which it already exists (and might need to stay in to function), while providing more of the aesthetics that one is looking for. But I also like what these seemingly sudden “style changes” say about us as people. For they are powerful reminders that like the plants in our gardens, we too grow and change, and we don’t have to stick to our “usuals” just because it’s what we have always done. There are ways to embark on the new without completely losing touch with the old. It’s a matter of faith, I suppose, and a willingness to try it out. A garden can be an expression of the self in the same way that any type of decorating or design can be. These two most recent requests had me going back to some of my favorite garden designers for inspiration. Gertrude Jekyll was born in 1843 and designed more than 400 gardens, in addition to writing thousands of articles about gardening during the course of her life—a real inspiration! Her garden style was painterly, mixing color and textures in unique and very intentional ways, and she used plants of all types, not limiting herself to one style or approach. She likely wouldn’t have thought twice about blending in some Australian natives with English style, so long as they are compatible in regard to sun and water requirements. Another gardener I’ve long admired is Ruth Bancroft. Born in 1908 in Berkeley, she married into the Bancroft family, who in the 1880’s farmed in Ygnacio Valley, near present day Walnut Creek, Calif. The land, like many family farms of that era, was gradually sold off as real estate values increased, with Ruth inheriting the last of the original farm from her husband. At this point, widowed and her in 60s, Ruth set about to plant a 3-acre garden, primarily using succulents, a plant family she had become fascinated with. She gradually filled up the entire space, and today, the garden remains and is open to visitors. Through trial and error and good old-fashioned effort, she figured out what worked and what didn’t, creating a lasting legacy as a result. As a side note, it must be mentioned that Ruth passed away in November of 2017 at the age of 109! Gardening may in fact be as good for the body as it is for the soul! With the spirit of these gardeners in me, I’m excited to help my clients find some new styles for their yards, while also picking up a few lessons about change and adaptation along the way. Here’s to a spring full of blooms, growth and inspiration!
2 Stores / 100’s of Dealers / 1,000’s of Antiques w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
Brande Jackson is the owner of Johnnye Merle’s Gardens, located in Country Roads Antiques in Old Towne Orange at 204 West Chapman Ave. www.purtyplants.com. She can be reached at brande@johnnyemerles.com. She is also a teacher, and offers classes on art, creativity and gardening. www.brandejackson.com March / April
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O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
March / April
Building on a Legacy Chapman Avenue and Olive Street: Finney’s Crafthouse, a family-owned restaurant and bar specializing in local craft brews, will be coming to the building currently occupied by the Country Roads antique store. Main Street and West Palmyra Avenue: The vintage gas station structure on the northwest corner will be preserved and moved to make way for, possibly, a multistory medical office building. “We’re being approached by many people who would like to buy or lease the property, so its future is up in the air,” Pomeroy says. Glassell Street and Collins Avenue: Currently a vacant lot, the southeast corner of the intersection would be the new home for the gas station building now at Main and Palmyra. Behind it is space for a 2,000-square-foot structure that Pomeroy believes would be perfect for an independent retail shop or another small business. “The gas station—a cute little thing that looks like a Dutch hat—
Old Towne Gateway: The most prominent of the projects will transform the former Potting Shed, at 401 West Chapman Ave., into a mixed-use property that includes space for special events and social gatherings, outdoor dining and offices. Situated across the street from the Orange Metrolink Station, there also will be a paseo to connect the public transportation hub with Old Towne. Packing House: The home of Friends Church, which will remain the main anchor, will be upgraded and new tenants, to be determined, will be added. The site includes an 8,000-square-foot shed structure that will be demolished to make way for additional needed parking space and landscaping. When researching the history of the Packing House, Pomeroy learned that his grandfather, Lincoln Franklin Finley, had been president of the citrus growers co-op that designed and built it in the mid-1920s.
Leason Pomeroy has many cherished memories growing up in Orange, a short distance from the Plaza. “In the mid-1940s, I remember walking with my grandfather from his house to the bank, which is now Wells Fargo,” he says. “If it was the Fourth of July, there would be American flags along the curb. When we went in December, there would be small Christmas trees with lights. There were banners hanging across the street. It was so amazingly festive and wonderful as a child to have those experiences.” As an architect, Pomeroy, 83, has spent a decades-long career designing thousands of buildings and other spaces throughout the country and overseas for countless others to create their own special memories. Coming full circle, he’s now at work on five more projects, all in Old Towne…and only steps away from where Pomeroy’s story began. Here’s a closer look:
Leason Pomeroy Continues Working His Architectural Magic
would be a gateway that drivers will see as they approach the Historic District and Chapman University,” Pomeroy says. While the projects are working on separate timelines, Pomeroy believes that the Packing House will be the first one completed, and that all five should be finished within three years. Throughout his career, Pomeroy
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www.PacificConservatory .com F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
TALK OF THE TOWNE has had an important hand in shaping the look and success of Old Towne and Orange, working on more than a dozen projects in the city. An early, and notable, effort was when he purchased the old Orange Daily News building [currently a Starbucks coffee shop] and transformed it into an office for his fledgling company, Leason Pomeroy Associates (LPA), which he founded in 1965. As the company grew, he later acquired an old print shop next door on Olive St. that at one time was owned by John McInnis— and where a younger Pomeroy had worked as a janitor. With about 200 architects, LPA outgrew its space on the Plaza, and Pomeroy moved it to Irvine. The company’s roster of projects is impressive, featuring several Orange County landmarks, including the passenger terminal at John Wayne Airport and Tustin’s Market Place retail center. After selling his company to the employees in 1999, Pomeroy had little interest in retiring. “Architects are like artists—once you get started, you can’t stop,” he says.
Instead, he partnered with local real estate broker Al Ricci to purchase the old Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company building on North Glassell. Pomeroy designed and the pair developed, as their first venture, The Courtyard with Don Jefe Jalapeños Grill and Zito’s Pizza among the tenants. “That project was a catalyst for the rebirth of Old Towne Orange and a long-standing partnership,” Pomeroy says. “Over the past 22 years, Orange has experienced a renaissance in rehabilitation and restoration of the historic building stock, and Al and I have been involved in much of that activity.” About that same time, Pomeroy met Stan Laidlaw, the founder of Laidlaw Building & Development in Solana Beach, when they worked together on The Courtyard. Laidlaw was impressed with the architect’s ability to quickly sketch out solutions to challenges that cropped up during construction. “He came in, introduced himself, took out a pad and started sketching like one of those Disney cartoonists,” says Laidlaw, who has worked with dozens of
architects during a career that has spanned 30-plus years and is partnering with Pomeroy on the Packing House upgrades. “Leason will draw in the details, the nuts and bolts, and lay out [a big project like] a university campus over a weekend. He can outdo a whole team of architects,” Laidlaw adds. “He’s a visionary, a Steve Jobs without the nonsense, and a talented artist, a Leonardo da Vinci with the ability to draw whatever he wants. And he’s humble and cool.” Stephanie Shermoen, President and landscape architect at Terrain Integration in Orange, also enjoys collaborating with Pomeroy, describing him as a “cool cat to be around,” and a “force who stands up for his design ethic and won’t compromise to subjective views that differ from his goals.” She is working with Pomeroy on several of his current projects, including the Old Towne Gateway. “The community will be excited about the courtyards and usable open spaces,” she says, referring to the Old Towne Gateway. “Right now, it’s a clunky, fenced-in, utilitarian and
not very accessible space. But once the fencing is moved and the building is upgraded, it’s going to refine that corner and make it clean and new and vibrant. It also will bind the train station, the park and the Plaza. This will be the missing link between those nice spaces.” With all the changes over the decades, and the ones Pomeroy has in the works, would his grandfather even recognize today’s Old Towne? Absolutely, he says. “If you have an aerial photograph of the historic district, which is about a mile square, those four blocks and the Plaza jump out at you, because it’s so unique. I don’t know of another place in California with this inventory of old historic buildings all packed together. It’s truly wonderful. “And that’s why so many people come here—it’s for the food, but they’re also attracted to the environment, this historic cluster of buildings. If the Old Towne Preservation Association and the city’s historic planners get their way, it will stay that way—and I hope it does.”
Annus Horribilis 2020-2021 7 x 11 feet
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
Michelangelo & Marinus Welman
Studio: 714-998-8662
March / April
Letting in the Light: Walking the fine line between reality and whimsy in her art, as well as maintaining an equilibrium between creating art and teaching it, Orange-based artist Marian Stewart knows how to carry off a balancing act. Her art combines a sense of the present and the past; of an internal, deeply human awareness and of the surface beauty and ugliness of the world, all at once.
“Bruce Dankmeyer” Line Weight Variation Portrait
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
I NSIDE A RT by Mary Platt
The Art of Marian Stewart The artist, who teaches drawing and life drawing at California State University Long Beach, resides with her husband in the tract of midcentury homes designed by famed California architect Joseph Eichler, off Fairhaven in Orange. “I love living in this home and tract. We have this 1960s neighbor-
“Bruce Dankmeyer” Charcoal Reduction Portrait
hood feeling, and I’m not talking about the architecture. I’m talking about the people, the community —it’s wonderful. We all get along so well. She appreciates the open, airy, glass-enclosed architecture of the Eichlers. “I’m claustrophobic, so if I live in a dark, closed-in space, I find that depressing. Living in a house made essentially all out of glass is fantastic. For an artist, having all this light is the best.” Born in South Africa, Stewart grew up in the countryside and attended the Johannesburg School of Music, Art and Ballet. “Growing up there during apartheid made me appreciate people’s differences,” she reflects. “You recognize bigotry and hate, and you realize how bad it is, and how much a part of the culture and politics it was then.” Her Johannesburg arts school, though, was a refuge from all that. “It was a small school and very difficult to get into. And it was one of the only multi-ethnic schools, welcoming Blacks and
Whites, whereas all the other schools were segregated. I feel fortunate to have been exposed to that sort of acceptance from a young age.” Stewart met the man who is now her ex-husband while skydiving in South Africa. “He’s an American, so that’s how I ended up here. We married and moved here when I was 22. Now I’ve lived here longer than I lived in South Africa.” Stewart holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fine art with an emphasis in illustration from California State University, Long Beach, where she is now a Professor of Art and the head of the Foundation Program. As Foundation head, she oversees and administrates between 22 and 25 sections of foundation (required) art courses each semester and organizes the Annual Foundation Exhibition, as well as teaches foundation drawing classes. As an illustrator, she has collaborated with the J. Paul Getty Trust to produce drawings and paintings used in six books, on gallery wall panels, web imagery, book endpapers, fabric designs and packaging. As an art director,
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
she has collaborated with creative directors, copy writers and other creatives to take a variety of campaigns from concept to print. As a freelance artist, she has done work for several blue-chip clients, including Toyota. Besides a painting for their executive offices, her Toyota work included digital architectural illustrations
and the restoration of a mural originally housed in a car museum. Her exhibitions have included, most recently, participation in a group exhibition, “Left Coast Connections: California Artists Exhibiting on the Gulf Coast” at the Mitchell Gallery in Florida. She has also published an online art textbook, Fundamentals of Drawing, which, if printed, would have run 700 pages. Back in 2007, she decided the book should be digital, with accompanying online videos—a choice that seems prescient today. “Students today spend all their time on their phones. This way they have access to the book no matter where they are and don’t have to carry a heavy tome around. Plus, they can access the videos. How could you do that with a conventional textbook?” Her next textbook, Fundamentals of Life Drawing, will be digital and video augmented as well, similar to the last one, except the subject will be more narrowly focused: drawing the human figure from living models. She’s thinking of self-publishing, so she can give the book to her students for free. Fellow Orange-based artist
Mia Tavonatti, an acclaimed mosaicist and painter, praises Stewart’s dedication to her craft. “I have been a fan of Marian's work since she was in college. She has always had a way of taking her profound academic skills to a new level that is traditional in method while being fresh and unique conceptually.” Stewart’s current series of mixed-media works are based on vintage and antique toys. “I collect old pressed-tin antique toys because I love their volume and their surfaces. I just love the materiality of them, and I like the nostalgia of it. I’ve always admired Norman Rockwell and other great illustrators and the feeling of nostalgia you get from viewing their scenes of a perfect childhood. So that’s where this series comes from.” “Monkey Business,” featured on the inside front cover of this issue, is part of this series. “That’s actually the one toy in the series that I don’t own. It belongs to a friend of mine. These paintings are mixed media on wood panels, and they’re very experimental. I never
know what the painting’s going to look like in the end. I start with the color field, ink and charcoal, and the piece develops out of the process, ending up with acrylic paint and finally oil paint. I love to play with the tension between volume and pattern, so a lot of my paintings have that play between flat versus three-dimensional.” Stewart points out that there’s a structure in the background of the monkey painting that may be hard to decipher. “It’s a gold mine from South Africa. Around where I grew up, we were surrounded by these big mountains of yellow earth that they’d excavated. I’ve always had a fascination with these abandoned or ugly elements around industrial sites and mines.” She builds the wood panels for the paintings herself. “I don’t like the bounce of canvas, so I prefer wood. And I love building things! I built an Eichler-style shed to match our house. I have power tools, and my husband is the cook. I’ll be building things, and he’ll bring out some fresh-baked muffins. It’s the perfect match.”
For more information on Marian Stewart and her art, visit marianstewart.com/home.html
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March / April
Thomas Piechota, PhD
invaluable contributions to the university’s Office of Research. “Tom has improved the infrastructure and support for research and scholarship at Chapman,” says Glynn. “The IRB (institutional review boards) process, for example, is much more efficient and streamlined. He has also really improved processes involving human subjects’ compensation and support for grants management, both at the central and unit level. All these improvements are necessary for building the research agenda and have also helped achieve (and are critical for maintaining) our new R2 (high research activity) status. In terms of supporting faculty development, he significantly improved our internal funding program with the establishment of the Faculty Opportunity Fund. The Grant Writers Bootcamp he holds each summer has also been a success.” Future Plans for Chapman Always striving to move forward, Piechota has many more plans for growing research and creative activities. “One of the topics we’re looking at is what the future of health and engineering looks like,” he says. “What should we be involved in as a university to help advance healthcare and technology in Southern California? Technology and innovation are becoming a big part of that equation. Additionally, a university supports the growth of a region. We want to align what we do in our programs with the growth of Southern California and its economy.” For Piechota, his time at Chapman continues to be enjoyable and satisfying. “The university’s faculty and staff are talented and great to work with. The students are bright and enthusiastic and interested in being involved in many different forms of research,” he says. “I’m also impressed with the leadership and the plans they’ve mapped out and follow for Chapman’s growth. Exciting and creative research as you see here doesn’t happen without all those ingredients.”
A Springtime Favorite! by Brande Jackson
Spring is in the air! This is a time of year that has always been a favorite for us. This year we are adjusting to changes and things that we have lost, but it’s also a time for thinking about what we can plant and grow for the years ahead, too! To celebrate the memory of Sue in this column, I was looking over her blog posts (mycountryroads.blogspot.com) and found a few reflections on spring and gardening that she wrote some years back that were appropriate for this season…and our current state of life. We hope you enjoy them and find them inspiring, too! “I don’t know what it is about working in my garden, but I love it! As those of us that crawl around in the dirt, haul soil, and all the rest of the ‘work’ we do, it’s all for the rewards we get in the end that make it all so worthwhile.” - April 2013 As we make some updates to the shop and are literally hauling soil and planting new beds in our garden, it does feel like Sue is watching us, cheering us on! And in the minute by minute, though it might seem difficult, keeping the “eye on the prize” is what gets us through the thick of it all, isn’t it? In a post from later that year, Sue reflected on her love of roses and how they connected her to her mom: “I so love my yellow roses. My Mom was born and raised in Texas and she loved her beloved ‘yellow rose of Texas.’ When I’m out watering my garden, there are times when I see my yellow roses that it reminds me of my Mom! There is so much pleasure in having a garden. It gives you so much more than you have to give ‘it,’ if that makes sense. All my garden asks for is a little sunshine, some water, and in my heart, I believe a little “love” thrown into the mix makes it all turn out so sweet!” - August 2013 We certainly could all use a little more “love thrown into the mix” these days! Though we miss Sue very much, finding passages like this continue to bring us joy and inspiration. We keep her with us each and every day, her legacy guiding and pushing us ahead. And finally, even though I thought I was done and had all the quotes I needed, I scrolled a little further and came across this line: “Appreciate the simple things in life, and never give up on looking for meaning in each of your days. The good is there, you just have to be open to accept it!!” - March 2009
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Truer words have never been spoken. It’s such a treasure to be able to go back to her words and find little nuggets of wisdom like this! As we move into the months ahead, we hope that the season brings you growth and sunshine and lots of blooms, and most importantly, lots of love in the mix, and the good that is there! We are deeply appreciative for all the love and support you have shown our shop over the past year. It means a lot to us, and in turn, we hope that we’ve been able to provide our community with a place to find some inspiration and take a much-needed break from what has been a very intense 12 months for all of us! Come and see us soon!
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714-532-3041 Open Daily 10 am - 5 pm
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F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
Legacy of Success
by Dennis Arp, Chapman University, Sr. Editor
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Expires 4/30/21
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Expires 4/30/21
Provost Glenn Pfeiffer Leads While Chapman Rises to National Prominence Achievement marks the four-decade academic career of Glenn Pfeiffer. That has never been more true than during his tenure as Chapman’s provost and chief academic officer. Over the past five years, the university has increased the number of women and people of color in key academic leadership positions; earned recognition as a center of “high research activity” by the Carnegie Classification; launched the Fowler School of Engineering and opened the state-of-the-art Keck Center for Science and Engineering. Pfeiffer could point to any of these milestones or others as a measure of his success. Instead, he chooses to highlight the day-to-day work happening throughout the Chapman community, ensuring that each student and faculty member has an opportunity to succeed. “First and foremost, Chapman is a student-centered university,” says Pfeiffer, who in June will retire from his administrative duties to resume his role as a professor of accounting in the Argyros School of Business and Economics. “A hallmark of our faculty is that they care about our students, and as they create scholarly or creative programs, we want them to have the support to be successful,” he adds. “One reason we have such a good faculty is that for the most part we’ve done a good job of recruiting and empowering people who fit well into the Chapman University environment and support our mission.” As he prepares to leave administration, Pfeiffer reflects on his time as provost. He also looks toward the next chapter in his academic journey, which includes work on the seventh edition of his widely hailed textbook Financial Accounting. What have been the biggest challenges of your time as provost and chief academic officer? “Dealing with all the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the greatest challenge. We’ve followed state and county guidelines through each step in the process, and we’ve been conservative in bringing students back to campus. But we’re also committed to in-person instruction whenever possible within the guidelines. The university has spent an enormous amount to make our campus as safe as possible, and also to develop technology for remote-learning that’s effective and rewarding. As we’ve brought back to campus some in our community, last week we processed more than 2,000 COVID tests with only 10 positive results––none linked to on-campus contact. I think that speaks to the careful and comprehensive approach we’ve taken.” What have you liked most about being provost? “A highlight of the job is interviewing new faculty prospects. I like w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
learning about their research, which feeds my own intellectual curiosity and allows me to find out what they’re passionate about. That’s important because they’re going to have to convey that information and that passion to their students.” In what area have you achieved success that hasn’t garnered lots of attention? “I’m pleased that we’ve been able to support our junior faculty, because the momentum they build early in their careers can lead to great innovation as they progress. Each of these professors undergoes a review in their second year, and if they’re on the right track, they get a course off in their third year. By reducing their teaching load, we allow them to get their research programs going. That gives them a leg up on success, which also serves our students and our community.” What has surprised you about the experience? “It’s not a surprise, but during this time when so many in the Chapman community have been away from campus, we’ve seen how important those casual interactions are––passing someone in a hallway or on a sidewalk, having a conversation, building connections that lead to understanding. So for me, this moment has laid bare the challenges of effective communication. Then, during my five years in this administrative role, I’ve learned so much about the importance of listening to all the voices in our community and understanding their concerns. We’ve worked hard to make Chapman a tremendous asset to Orange and the wider community, and we’re continuing to work to make it an even better environment.” As you prepare to go back into the classroom, what excites you about teaching accounting and resuming your research? “One thing I love about accounting is changing preconceived notions. People think it’s boring, and it’s not. It’s about conveying important financial information to people who aren’t accountants. That information helps us run organizations more effectively. So often students come in thinking it’s going to be a boring class, but if I could do a student evaluation after that first class, those students would be uniformly excited. Now I’m not sure I always deliver on that excitement down the road, but I’m passionate about helping to create that spark.”
March / April
Circle in the Square by Kirk Sivertsen /
www.OrangeReview .com/archive/circle-in-the-square
Old Towne “New York Style” “What fun it was to grow up here in Orange,” says Madelene Macias, who has lived within walking distance of the Plaza most of her life. As a youngster, her favorite hangouts included Fikes Burgers, Poul’s Bakery and the Orange Theatre. All three have since closed, but remain pleasant memories.
“We didn’t have a lot, but we sure had a lot of fun,” she says. Macias also frequented an old record store on Glassell Street and would often duck into a sound room in the shop, put on headphones and listen to music before deciding which vinyl discs to buy. Nowadays, Macias says there are many restaurants and shops in Orange to enjoy, including the food at Zito’s New York Style Pizza—especially the pepperoni with extra cheese. And that’s why she quickly named the pizzeria —featured in the Aug/Sept 2020 issue of the Old Towne Orange Plaza Review—after learning she was this issue’s coupon winner. Macias also loves the lasagna and salads at Zito’s, which has three locations in Orange and another in Anaheim. The store in Old Towne’s Plaza is the one Macias visits most often—for lunch, dinner and even takeout. “Everything at Zito’s is tasty,” she says.
“Striving to bring an exceptional experience to life . . .
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: 21 Antique Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 155 South Glassell St (714) 516-1731 21 Antique Station . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 178 South Glassell St (714) 633-3934 22 Country Roads Antiques . . . . . 36 204 West Chapman Ave (714) 532-3041 11 Golden Bear Antiques . . . . . . . 21 208 East Chapman Ave (714) 363-3996 18 Orange Circle Antique Mall . . . 32 118 South Glassell St (714) 538-8160 14 Summerhill Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 110 South Glassell St (714) 771-7782 ARTS & CULTURE: 27 Hilbert Museum of Calif Art . . . 1 167 North Atchison St (714) 516-5880 25 Marinus Welman - Artist . . . . . . B 2402 North Glassell St (714) 998-8662 24 Naranjita Flamenco . . . . . . . . . . C 301 East Katella Ave (714) 400-2939 24 Pacific Conservatory . . . . . . . . . D 1311 E Katella (714) 545-1217
AUTOMOTIVE: 10 Titan Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 939 West Chapman Ave (714) 997-2311 32 Villa Ford of Orange . . . . . . . . . . E 2550 North Tustin St (877) 585-3090 DINING & PUBS: Blaze Pizza 101 South Glassell . . . . . . . . . . 23 (714) 783-9845 2139 North Tustin St . . . . . . . . . . F (714) 408-7361 9 Byblos Cafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 129 West Chapman Ave (714) 538-7180 27 Citrus City Grille . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 122 North Glassell St (714) 639-9600 7 1886 Brewing Company . . . . . . 7 114 North Glassell St (714) 922-8130 1 Jaxon’s Chix Tenders . . . . . . . 17 149 N Glassell (714) 602-8220 7 Smoqued Barbeque . . . . . . . . . . 9 128 N Glassell (714) 633-7427 1 Taco Adobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 121 N Lemon (714) 628-0633 29 Zito’s New York Style Pizza . . . 12 156 N Glassell (714) 771-2222 3
from any Plaza Review advertiser featured in this issue. NAME PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL COMMENTS, ETC. Mail to:
Old Towne Orange Plaza Review 134 South Glassell St. #C, Orange CA 92866 Winner is selected randomly by an advertiser of the Old Towne Orange PLAZA REVIEW.
in Old Towne Orange!” Entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2021
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W
F i n d o u t W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g i n t o w n e a t :
A DVERTISER I NDEX & A DVERTISER M AP EVENTS / ORGANIZATIONS: Chapman University . . . . . . . . 14 One University Dr CUSafelyBack.Chapman.edu 12 Holocaust Education . . . . . . . . 14 One University Dr (714) 628-7377 6 Orange Farmers Market . . . . . . 2 303 West Palm Ave www.orangehomegrown.org
10 28
w w w. O r a n g e R e v i e w . c o m / e v e n t s
Old Towne Plumbing
Rambling Rose Jewelry
25 Antique Depot
Jadtec Security
(5 )
F Blaze Pizza
M Syrentis Clinical Research
SERVICES: (cont) 13 Sign Painter - Patrick Smith (714) 282-7097 pgsmithdesign.com 19 State Farm - Adam Guss . . . . . . 6 60 Plaza Square (714) 978-4200
Titan Automotive
(57) FWY
26 ANT Group
Pacific Conservatory
Knox General Insurance
Naranjito Flamenco
Guardian Roofs
Orangeland RV Park
Villa Ford of Orange
Artist Marinus Welman
H & H Income Tax & Insurance
(55) FWY
A (5 )
24 Army-Navy Store
Real Estate Establishment
Orange City Hall
Orange Circle Antique Mall
Antique Station
21 Golden Bear Antiques
Orange Realty
Shannon Family Mortuary
Summerhill Ltd.
Caliber Real Estate
7 & 91 Fr e ew a y s , i nt 5, 5 he He
22 23 Blaze Pizza
we SA
Smiles of Orange
Starbucks Coffee
Orange Main Library & History Center
Country Roads Antiques Johnnye Merle Gardens
2 ,2
Wells Fargo Bank
Old Towne Post Office
Orange Circle Optometry
Citizens Business Bank
Byblos Cafe
Adam Guss State Farm
18 Matoska Trading Company
1886 Brewing Company
17 Chix Tenders
Citrus City Grille
Smoqued BBQ
Circle City Barbers
Taco Adobe to 5 & 57 FREEWAY
Reneé Jewelers
C ou n
ra n
SERVICES: The ANT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 385 S Glassell St (949) 354-4434 Color World Housepainting (714) 477-7175 Guardian Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 1010 North Batavia St 714-633-3619 H&H Income Tax Insurance . . . 27 480 S Glassell St (714) 288-2088 Jadtec Security Services . . . . . A 1520 West Yale Ave (714) 282-0828 Kevin Groot Group Aron.groot.KGG@gmail.com (714) 270-0333 Knox General Insurance . . . . . 28 226 S Glassell (714) 744-3300 Old Towne Plumbing . . . . . . . . 22 info@oldtowneplumbing.com (714) 213-5211 Shannon Family Mortuary . . . . . K 1005 E Chapman (714) 771-1000
1 Hilbert Museum of California Art
Zito’s NY Pizza
15 Seven Gables Real Estate
b et
Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education AVENUE
16 Willits Real Estate Group
N G E i s ce nt e re d
The Dragonfly Shops
REAL ESTATE: Caliber Real Estate Group . . . . 30 134 South Glassell St (714) 988-6339 Melissa Earickson MelissaEarickson@gmail.com (714) 904-2449 Orange Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 1537 East Chapman Ave (714) 997-0050 Real Estate Establishment . . . 20 550 East Chapman Ave (714) 744-5711 Seven Gables Real Estate . . . . 15 227 & 229 North Glassell St (714) 497-3550 Willits Real Estate Group . . . . 16 229 North Glassell St (714) 315-8120
JEWELRY 14 Rambling Rose Jewelry . . . . . 31 118 Glassell St (714) 538-6305 15 Renée Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 138 N Glassell St (714) 538-1956
Orange Farmers Market
HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY: 15 Circle City Barbers . . . . . . . . . . 4 133 W Chapman (714) 453-9765 1 Orange Circle Optometry . . . . . 19 227 East Chapman Ave (714) 538-6424 1 Smiles of Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . J 743 East Chapman Ave (714) 997-5495 26 Syrentis Clinical Research . . . . M (714) 542-3008
SPECIALTY RETAIL: Army Navy Store . . . . . . . . . . . 24 131 South Glassell St (714) 639-7910 Dragonfly Shops & Gardens . . 13 260 N Glassell (714) 289-4689
SPECIALTY RETAIL: (cont) 21 Johnnye Merle Gardens . . . . . 36 204 West Chapman Ave (714) 532-3041 7 Laurenly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 142 N Glassell (714) 538-7567 20 Matoska Trading Company . . . 18 123 N Glassell (714) 516-9940 TOURISM: 20 Orangeland RV Park . . . . . . . . . G 1600 West Struck Ave (714) 633-0414 March / April
134 South Glassell • Orange, CA 92866
O l d To w n e O r a n g e P L A Z A R E V I E W