Orange Beach City Schools

Reflecting on the past school year, we recognize that there is always room to grow and improve. However, I acknowledge that there have been many successes inside and outside the classroom. Thank you, teachers, staff, and students, for a well-done job. While the determination and self-sacrifices made will likely never be made public, we know that so many of you have given so much to benefit our students and community. For that, I sincerely thank you.
We chose a theme for the first school year as a new system: Creating a Lasting Legacy. We challenged our school leaders, faculty, staff, and students to create the foundation of Orange Beach City Schools. We challenged them to think about what type of school they wanted and set the tone for how our system would be shaped for countless years.
The Mako Family rose to the challenge and demonstrated that relationships would be at the heart of our legacy. Our seniors spoke at Baccalaureate about the strong bonds they have made with classmates. Our teachers strengthened their commitment to our students. Our school leaders dedicated themselves to making our school an exceptional place for students and staff to thrive.
As we prepare for the coming school year, I hope we continue the legacy that began last year. We focus on relationships and the importance of the positive impact we can have on our students and staff.
Wishing all of Mako Nation a safe and enjoyable summer,
A "new" tradition for OBCS, our seniors returned to Orange Beach Elementary School to walk the halls for the last time Greeted with cheers and high-fives from the student-lined path, they were cheered for their accomplishments. However, the members of the Class of 2023 were not the only ones celebrated. Our kindergarten graduates enjoyed the same fanfare! They were precious in the matching caps and gowns as they walked through the "spirit tunnel" created by the seniors. Building a tradition takes time, but this will certainly be an event that we will now look forward to each year. A special thank-you to the OBES administration staff for making this a possibility! We are truly creating a lasting legacy!
You are the class that is starting our legacy as a city system! The Class of 2023 has been the part of a lot of ‘firsts’ since your Freshman year I have been thinking back over the years and just wanted to take you down memory lane with me for a minute:
This class started with 75 students 53 of the original 75 are graduating tonight, however this class has grown to have 100 graduates! A wonderful combination of old and new that came together to start the Orange Beach City Schools Legacy.
There can only be one ‘first’. You were the first ninth grade class who started in Mako Village - only to have your year cut short due to COVID, but there were a lot of firsts that happened.
We selected our first drum major - from this class- who led our band for four years. We had the first homecoming parade on the water (which was super cool). You had your first houses (yes I know you hated them). Our first pep rally, first sports teams. I remember the very first serve made and point scored for the volleyball team, our very first sporting event as Makos! I remember our first cheerleading squad and first dress up days
Our first EVER state champion in anything came fr Homecoming King and Queen were crowned, also fro there were matching suits and dresses for the court T Program was something special - the WWII Veteran wh a sense of pride.
This group contains leaders in our Performing Art difficult to replace. I remember the first performance Center with risers for seating and a tiny performance come a long way to the Performing Arts Center and And the talent of our students has grown tenfold! All d and your willingness to grow a program and take a risk
We had our first clubs - some of which remain and s The first National Honor Society induction and the firs
Your sophomore year we started varsity play in s team gave us our first state championship - to be fol next year and now a third! The football team went to girls soccer team became our first ever ranked team
Dorian Emma Lindley ValedictorianWe moved into the beautiful facility we have today to start your sophomore year and made sure the mask covered our noses!
The first honor societies for high school formed along with Isurus Graphics and our school became much more colorful with those designs Peer Helpers expanded to include high school, and we had Makos on Main!
Last year was full of firsts for the very first OB graduating class - but as Juniors you experienced Homecoming, Prom and your first AP Classes, more wonderful theater productions and success at Trumbauer, and some of you were selected to participate in the Junior Leadership Program.
And finally it was senior year! You had many changes as we moved to a City System, and you continued to shine as a class! Not being on campus as much, I can only speak to those things from afar but some highlights in my mind were the Senior breakfast, homecoming tailgate, the ESPN crew and watching you support one another in rigorous classes and typical teen challenges. Then senior awards, Baccalaureate and Senior Picnic. I am so proud of the class of 2023!
I did not name any students because I would certainly leave someone out - but as I typed this so many of you went through my memory I am sure I forgot something, but I tried to hit the highlights
One definition of Legacy is something that is passed on You are passing on core values of GRIT, kindness, determination, and hard work As a class, you have shown us what is important when starting something from the ground up and how to see it through - Congratulations!
When I think of our theme this year “Leave a Lasting Legacy,” I find it so special that this is the group tied to that theme. You, with or without knowing it, have been the foundation for that legacy. What you leave for the future cannot be put into words because right now it is just the beginning. Helen Keller is quoted as saying: The best and Most Beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
The OBMHS Class of 2023 certainly has left a footprint (or fin print?) on the heart and soul of Orange Beach
Thank you for caring, thank you for investing, and THANK YOU FOR BEING A MAKO!
-Dr. Robbie Smith Director of Curriculum and InstructionPrice Salutatorian
"As we move on to the next chapter of our lives, let us remember the lessons we’ve learned here; like the fact that it’s okay to fail and persistence is key."
"So let us dream big, let us pursue our passions, and let us seize every opportunity that comes our way. The future is ours to shape..."
Our kindergarteners have completed their first year in Orange Beach City Schools. In regalia matching our seniors, they were recognized for their accomplishments and celebrated their successes with our faculty and friends. They have started the first step of their journey here. We are so proud that they are Makos!
Our 6th graders are growing up! Completing their last classes at Orange Beach Elementary School, they are ready and prepared to take on middle school. After receiving awards and recognized for honors, they were "clapped out" as they exited the halls. These students have excelled in countless ways, and we can't wait to see what they will do. Next stop, OBMHS!
At Orange Beach High School, the Senior Class of 2023 chose to preserve a tradition begun by the Class of 2022 to have a student-led Baccalaureate Service. Instead of inviting a speaker, our seniors elected to address or perform for their classmates themselves. Offering words of advice, encouragement, tributes, and farewells, this ceremony is one of the most special graduation events. Seniors personalities shone brightly, as they took to the stage for their fellow graduates and honored guests They spoke about overcoming obstacles together, being the firsts in so many ways, about the fun memories, and the excitement of what is to come. Most importantly, they remembered the relationships formed with each other and with their teachers.
"I remember walking into this school on my first day, nervous and unsure of what to expect But as soon as I walked through the doors, I was greeted with open arms by my classmates They welcomed me with warm smiles and friendly hellos, and I knew right then and there that Orange Beach was a special place " - Eliza
Vallier"Orange Beach will always have a special place in my heart because I grew up here. Some of the people I’m sitting with today are the same people I was sitting with at our kindergarten graduation. I’m so thankful my parents chose to raise me in this small community that was filled with nothing but love and support. " - Audrey
Boyd"I believe that is truly a legacy. To overcome all obstacles and stick together. To put the bad days behind us and keep moving forward... We leave the underclassmen with an example of what it means to keep pushing forward We kept our heads high and finally reached the end of our race We created a legacy " - Cate Courtney
On May 1st, students and families gathered in the Performing Arts Center to celebrate the academic scholarship awards earned by the Class of 2023. These deserving students had the opportunity to "sign" their scholarship offers, declare their intent to enroll, and be celebrated by their classmates. These seniors collectively earned over $3M in scholarship offers. We could not be more proud of the Class of 2023!
Our National Elementary Honor Society students did a great job planning, organizing and executing the Walk-A-Thon for the American Cancer Society. Students had a swimming good time, dressed up as marine life. Despite the weather, fun was still had playing games and walking for this great cause! Students and parents raised over $10,000 for ACS! A very special thank-you to Ms. Hollis for all her efforts in making this event a tremendous success!
The Orange Beach Elementary School TIKIS held the 2nd Annual Cardboard Regatta at Bear Point Beach on Saturday, May 6. Students were tasked with creating sea-worthy vessels using only cardboard and tape. The creativity and innovation was astounding! Thank you to all who braved the water and supported our TIKIS!
Based on the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship, 35 middle school students were inducted into the National Junior Honors Society on May 18th At OBMHS, the minimum GPA is a 3 5 in core content classes, coupled with a demonstration of the organization's values. Congratulations to this exceptional group!
For their end of the year project, students in Mr Castillow’s Honors Algebra 2 with Statistics class had to research, design, build, and test a trebuchet. A trebuchet is one of the most mathematically precise medieval siegeweaponseverdesigned.
This project lasted for three weeks Students were asked to research trebuchets and determine how they work, and the specific rations needed to make a this successful tool They then had to design a two dimensional drawing, convert their 2-D drawing to a 3-D model, and use these models astheirblueprintsforbuilding
Thanks to the MAAAC, each group had a budget of $75 to purchase all of their supplies Teams created a supply list before taking a field trip to Lowes of Foley, where each team had to search for their planned supplies, but make adjustments based on available materials. A huge thank you to Lowes of Foley for being so accommodating and helping support our students!
After a week of building, each team had at least one successful launch The farthest and tallest launch belonged to the team of Libby Tierce, AddisonRoach,andRylieErwinwithalaunchof 139 feet!
After launching, students had to write a reflection paper about their experience of designing, building, and testing a machine for the first time They were asked to identify flaws in their design, how they could improve, and information about quadratic functions and the parabolic path of the tennis ball (projectile) This hands-on STEAM experience incorporated creative thinking and problem solving in a fun, engaging way A very special thankstoall thosewhohelpedourstudentslearnbeyondtheclassroom!
Thank you to Sign Gypsies South Baldwin. With very little notice, they jumped in without hesitation to make the homecoming special for our THREE-TIME 4A State Championship Softball Team!! Thank you so much for this gift! For more information about this local company, please see their website:
Our seniors enjoyed the last day of school with a picnic in the courtyard. Waterslides and a dunking booth made the afternoon a fun time for the students and chaperones alike! Thank you to all the parents who helped make this possible! A very special thank-you to Mr. Matt Fetner and Mr. Chandler Adkins for grilling the burgers for our lunch!! It was a wonderful last school day with the Class of 2023!
Legacy...The theme for the first year of the new Orange Beach City Schools System. What is a legacy? To quote one of my favorite sitcoms, The Middle, "it's not the speaking at graduation, or the awards, or the cords, or the plaques, it's the thousands of moments where you touched people, even when you didn't know you were." Seniors, you have touched our lives in so many ways. You have each become part of this school, part of our foundation. You have truly left a legacy. We are all so proud of you and look forward to all of the amazing things you will accomplish.
-Mary Courtney, Director of Student AffairsVisit our websites for the latest information:
District-Wide Site: