Wednesday May 8-14, 2019 Edition

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Ezeibe: World now convinced about Nigerian HIV/AIDS drug From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia oreign countries have continued to demonFstrate their conviction

about the efficacy of the Nigerian HIV/AIDS medicine even as Nigeria continues to foot-drag in recognizing the medicine, Prof. Maduike Ezeibe, Head of Department

•US scientific journal solicits article from Nigerian inventor •Nigerian authorities still foot-dragging

of Veterinary Medicine, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and inventor of the drug, has said. Ezeibe had, in February 2017, announced that he had

found a cure for HIV/AIDS, drawing flak from Nigerian authorities, who felt that the Professor of Clinical Virology had breached the process for announcing such a sensitive discovery.


Scarcely flustered by the commotion around him, Ezeibe bravely told the Nigerian regulatory bodies calling for his head to disregard his announcement but test the veracity of his claims.

After much hesitation and following pressure from the Nigerian Senate, the federal government set up a joint committee to investigate Ezeibe’s claims of discovering the Medicinal Synthetic

Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate (MSAMS), which he claimed normalized immunity and terminated HIV-infections. The committee came up with the recommendation that funds be made available to the Professor to carry out more research into his studies.


Cont’d on page 39


Economy gloomy, faces major threats VOX POPULI SACRUM



nless the government takes urgent steps to put it on an even keel, the economy might be in peril, experts have warned.

Cont’d on page 2

WEDNESDAY May 8 - 14, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869

VOL.4 No.18 N200

•Slow growth •Oil glut •Low power generation •Increase in pump price of petrol •General insecurity – kidnappings, killings, terrorism, etc. •Debt service burden •Rise in unemployment •Foreign Exchange rate may depreciate

Why marginalization of S’East, S’South persists, by Bishop Udeh By IBE NWACHUKWU


eneral overseer of the Mount Zion Faith Global Liberation Ministry Inc.,a.k.a By Fire By Fire, Nnewi, Anambra State, Bishop Abraham Chris Udeh has expressed concern that the marginalization of the South-East and South-South regions of the country would persist because Nigeria’s northern leaders have over the years given the world pow-

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ers a concession to suck Nigeria’s crude oil free of charge in order that those powers may overlook the impunity of those leaders. He specifically mentioned Britain, America, France, Germany and Russia as some of the beneficiaries of what he termed ‘conspiracy of suck- our-oil and keep quiet.’ In an exclusive interview with newsmen at the Ca-

Cont’d on page 2

•Vice President Yemi Osinbajo and some State governors shortly after a National Economic Council meeting in Abuja

Fed. allocations to states/LGAs as at March, 2019


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Economy gloomy, faces major threats Cont’d from Pg 1

To avert the looming danger, there is need for major institutional reorganisations—from the CBN to the Economic Team—the experts have further advised, warning that Nigerians face uncertain times in 2019 because of the troubling economic outlooks. The gloomy predictions arose from a series of threats including rising unemployment, intractable security challenges, large budget deficit, OPEC cut in Nigerian oil quota and global oil glut. Last December, OPEC cut Nigeria’s production quota from 1.738 million bpd to 1.685 million bpd. Nigeria was exempted from the previous production cuts deal because its economy was in recession. The government is yet to implement the new quota. Another threat is the rising cost of servicing its debts. Debt service to revenue this year will exceed 31% proposed in the budget. It is expected that OPEC cut coupled with fluctuations in oil price and potential supply disruptions will negatively impact on the 2019 budget. Experts have also predicted that food price inflation will rise to 15 per cent. This may be as a result of the security challenges being experienced in food producing areas in Northern Nigeria and Middle Belt regions of the country. The government has been injecting funds to stabilize the foreign exchange market. There are indications that the government’s attention will waver now that the elections have been concluded. This might result in depreciation of the exchange rate of naira to dollar to a range between N390 and N415 per US$ by year-end 2019. The result of a weaker exchange rate is astronomical rise in prices of local and foreign goods. In a bid to sustain its policy of exchange rate stability amidst sustained demand pressures, the CBN increased dollar injections into the foreign exchange market by 87 per cent to $40 billion in 2018. Indeed, experts from Price Water House (PWH), management consultants, have predicted

marginalization of S’East, S’South

Continued from Pg 1

thedral in Nnewi, Bishop Udeh who disclosed that this observation was reveled to him by the Holy Spirit of God in a vision, after a second round of 40-days and 40-nights of fasting and prayers, said he is worried that the conspiracy would continue unabated until the crude oil dries up before the north will break the country and push the south away. He also observed that Gold and other mineral resources have over the years been found in various parts of the north but few former northern head of state concealed them and are mining them for their own personal aggrandisement as private business, without letting other parts know about it and the revenues accruable to them but at the same time, having all their minds focused on the

Cont’d on page 10

that a mix of political and security shocks may result in zero economic growth in Nigeria’s GDP. This is despite the rapid growth in economies of other countries in Sub Saharan Africa. The World Bank predicted that the economies of Ethiopia will grow by 10.3%, Ghana 8.1%, Cote d’Ivoire 7.7%, Tanzania 7.1%, Senegal 7.2%, and Djibouti 7.0% in 2019. Unemployment rate is another major hindrance to economic growth. The National Bureau of Statistics reported that Akwa Ibom state recorded the highest unemployment rate in the country (37.7%), followed by Rivers state (36.4%), Bayelsa state (32.6%), Cross River state (30.6%), Delta state (25.4%), Abia (31.6%) and Borno state (31.4%) and Edo state (25.1%) in 2018.

The top five states with the highest unemployed population were Rivers (1,673,991), Akwa Ibom (1,357,754), Kano (1,257,130), Lagos (1,088,352) and Kaduna with (940,480). Katsina, Jigawa, Kaduna, and Yobe, recorded the highest underemployment rates during the reviewing period, of 39.5%, 38.1%, 31.0% and 30.0% respectively. However, there is a silver lining in the country’s economic sky. Nigerians in the Diaspora sent an estimated US$25 billion in remittances to the country in 2018, representing 6.1% of GDP. This figure translates to 83% of the Federal Government budget in 2018 and 11 times the FDI flows in the same period. The states, particularly those in South East, South West and South South regions, will benefit im-

mensely from the Diaspora population if they can coordinate and harness the inflow for development. Nigeria, the sixth largest recipient of diaspora remittances, has no strategic relationship with its citizens living abroad whereas India, Ghana, Pakistan, etc all have offices for Diaspora relations that coordinate and receive resources from their citizens as well as assist them. South East States are major beneficiaries of the Diaspora remittances because of large population of the Igbo in the United States. There are primarily two classes of people with Igbo ancestry in the United States--those whose ancestors were taken from Igboland as a result of the transatlantic slave trade and those who emigrated from the 20th century onwards

partly as a result of the Biafran Civil War and economic instability in Nigeria. Many of the enslaved Igbo people in the United States were concentrated in Virginia’s lower Tidewater region and at some points in the 18th Century, they constituted over 30% of the enslaved black population. The recent migrant population from Nigeria settled in many of the United States’ larger cities and urban centres and had come largely in search of economic opportunities. Since the turn of the 21st Century, genealogy tracing by means of DNA testing is in part revealing the Igbo ancestry of African Americans, including some notable celebrities like Quincy Jones, Blair Underwood and Pastor T. D. Jakes.

•Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director, Seplat Petroleum Limited, Engr. Austin Avuru (left), with Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr. Maikanti Baru and Engr. Saidu Mohammed, Chief Operating Officer, Gas & Power of the NNPC and Chairman of the new inaugurated Board of Directors of Anoh Gas Processing Company Limited …Thursday in Abuja

NNPC, Seplat to Deliver 300 Million Standard Cubic Feet of Gas Per Day to Boost Domestic Gas Supply N

igeria inched closer to its target of bridging projected shortfall in domestic gas supply with the inauguration of the Asa North/Ohaji South (ANOH) Gas Processing Company, a partnership between the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and Seplat Petroleum Nigeria Limited, expected to deliver 300millon standard cubic of gas per day to the domestic market. The project, an integral part of the 7 Critical Gas Development Project (7CGDP) of the NNPC, is designed to abridge the estimated 3.4 billion cubic feet of gas per day shortfall which could arise as demand increases to about 7 bcf/d by 2020. At the inauguration, Group Managing Director of the NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru, urged board members to sustain the momentum and ensure timely delivery

… As Baru Inaugurates Board of ANOH Gas Processing Company of the project not just within budget but below the budget without compromising the industry best practices of zero incidences. ‘‘We believe that a private sector driven project should deliver much faster, hence we came up with a structure outside the existing Joint Venture with the intent of getting the appropriate entities to participate in the project.’’ He emphasized that NNPC was fully committed to the initiative and would do whatever possible to keep the dream alive and ensure smooth delivery of the project. Speaking on behalf of Board members, Chairman of the Board, Engr. Saidu Mohammed, who also doubles as NNPC Chief Operating Officer, Gas & Power, affirmed the determination of the company’s

directors to work assiduously with Management to ensure attainment of set tasks and targets. Engr. Mohammed described the inauguration as history in the making, noting that this was the first time a midstream company had been unbundled to run on its own from a JV operations. He expressed confidence that board members would ensure full activation of the shareholders agreement and grow the company to enviable heights in line with agreed timelines. On his part, Engr. Austin Avuru, Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Seplat Petroleum, described the event as memorable for the indigenous firm. He noted that under the watch of the NNPC GMD, Seplat and the

corporation, had made progress in terms of cementing a partnership that is none acrimonious, saying that Dr. Baru had moved that level of support to the current venture. According to him the GMD demonstrated his confidence in indigenous operators by allowing “a modest Nigeria Company like Seplat, to strike this kind of JV with NNPC to deliver a project that is not far from a billion USD and to deliver 300mscf/d into the domestic market and to structure a company to do what others may start doing in future - establishing a stand-alone midstream company.’’ The AGPC functions as a partnership between Nigerian Gas Company (NGC), a subsidiary of the NNPC, and Seplat Petroleum under a 50-50 equity structure.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

NEWS ACROSS THE NATION Lagos recorded zero religious conflict – Ambode By VICTOR NZE


hurch of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Diocese of Lagos, has presented a Special Episcopal Award to Governor of Lagos State, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode for his monumental achievements in all sectors and sections of the State in the last four years, saying the Governor deserved to be appreciated for excellent performance and selfless service to God and humanity. Speaking while handing the award to the Governor on behalf of the Church during the first session of 34th Synod of the Diocese held at Our Saviours Church, Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS), Onikan, Diocesan Bishop of Lagos, Rt Rev Humphrey

Olumakaiye described Governor Ambode as an administrator with a patriotic drive who, through hard work and grace, rose to become distinguished among his peers. “We are very proud of you (Governor Ambode) for taking Lagos State much higher. You have proved beyond doubts that there is a great hope for a better Nigeria through your transformational touch in this State. “You are a man of courage who believes in possibilities against all odds; a man of focus and dignity. We are indeed very proud of you and we pray that God will grant your heart desires and take you to the next level of your political career. “Today, we have decided to honour you in due recognition of your

exceptional achievements as our Governor,” Olumakaiye said. Also speaking, the immediate past Bishop of the Diocese, Most Rev Adebola Ademowo congratulated Ambode for his achievements in the State in the last four years, saying his name was already written in gold. “I want to congratulate our Governor for a very successful tenure. Your name has been written in gold and I do hope that Abuja will do something,” the respected clergyman said. Responding, Ambode profusely thanked residents and faith-based organizations for cooperating with his administration to maintain law and order, saying it is on record that there was no single religious conflict

in the state in the last four years. The governor said he was particularly proud of the relationship and massive support extended to him by religious leaders which, according to him, resulted in peaceful coexistence and progress of the State. “To our Fathers in the Lord and clergymen, I thank you for all you have done to move Lagos forward in the past four years of my administration. I am proud of the relationship and support that has yielded the peaceful co-existence and atmosphere of love and brotherhood. For me, this is the strongest plank upon which the progress we have achieved rests. “It is also on record that no single religious conflict was recorded in the last four years. The peaceful co-

Election Observers confident in S’African elections – Jonathan

Boko Haram: UN launches software to track foreign terrorist fighters


ead of the election observer mission of the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA), former President Goodluck Jonathan, says the observer mission has confidence in the South African elections, based on what they have observed so far. Speaking to the SABC News at the Independent Electoral Commission’s Results Operation Centre in Pretoria Jonathan said the body that manages the elections plays an important role in ensuring safe and successful elections. “This year’s election appears to be one of the strongest contested elections so far in the history of SA democracy and everybody is interested in the outcome. We have observed some of the rallies and we are quite comfortable how things are going. He adds, “The key thing about elections is the body managing the election and of course the security, the police. If the stakeholders, the political parties have confidence in these two organisations, then of course we are quite hopeful.” The former President also expressed the optimism that management of elections is improving across the continent. “I have gone to many African nations as leader of different observation missions including the Commonwealth, African Union, National Democratic Institute, and of course EISA and I am quite impressed and hopeful that the standard of managing of our elections will continue to improve.” According to him, the trend of well managed elections would bring about marked improvement in leadership and development on the continent. “I believe that If we improve our standard of elections we will get to that point where people, using their vote, can remove a leader they feel is not leading them well.” Jonathan who admitted that young people have a role to play in governance however added that the issue of leadership in Africa should not focus on age alone but on competence and ability of leaders to understand new trends

existence of all religious sects is a testimony of our collective heritage in the State,” Governor Ambode said. The Governor specifically commended the Church for the support, goodwill and prayers for the State and his administration, and urged that such should persist for the State to continue to enjoy social and economic development. Speaking on the theme of this year’s Synod – “The Unfailing Faith Of Our Fathers: Ever Sufficient,” which coincided with the centennial anniversary of the establishment of Lagos Diocese, Ambode said it was very apt, and a call for Christians to remember who they are, and never despair even in the face of adverse circumstances.


nited Nations (UN) has inaugurated a software solution aimed at catching foreign terrorist fighters as they cross international borders. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that countering terrorist travel programme announced on Tuesday, should help countries share information to tackle the “major transnational threat’’ of fighters returning home or relocating following the territorial defeat of Islamic State. An estimated 40,000 people from over 110 countries have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join terrorist groups, according to the UN. “Many are well trained and could carry out future terrorist attacks. •President of the United Nations General Assembly, H.E. Maria Espinosa (l) with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, GeofOthers hope to radicalise and refrey Onyeama at a press conference inside the State House, Abuja, when the former paid a visit to the country, Tuesday cruit new followers to their cause,’’ Guterres said at the programme’s launch in New York. “Detecting and disrupting these terrorists and other high-risk criminals prior to them carrying out an attack is a high priority for the international community,’’ Guterres said. The software, based on a programme donated by the Netherlands, should help countries detect, ederal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) He explained that the safe corri- corridors to include Lagos-Ibadan prevent, investigate and prosecute has activated five out of the 18 dors were as a result of the imple- -Egbeda –Ife and the Abuja Metro- terrorist offences, the UN chief ‘Safe Corridors’ to reduce road traf- mentation of the World Bank-As- politan which focuses on Abuja Air- added. fic crashes across the country. sisted Safe Corridor Project. port road from the city gate to Giri The goTravel software is primarFRSC Corps Marshal, Mr Boboye “Towards the end of the project, among others. ily aimed at helping countries curOyeyemi, made this known at a we were asked to domesticate “With 18 corridors, we are sup- rently lacking the technical means workshop organised for Command- this. This is how the country was posed to have route command- to track terror suspects. ing Officers and newly promoted of- partitioned into 18 corridors. The ers,” he said. Especially in order to sift through ficers in Abuja on Tuesday. corps marshal listed the five critical He noted that the FRSC blueprint passenger data quickly to identify has the rank of route commanders threats and pass on that informawith officers assigned to specific tion to the relevant country or routes but this was not done over authority, the international police igerian Railway Corporation “We thank God that there was the years until recently. organisation Interpol, for example. (NRC) said on Tuesday that no no loss of life and it is the first in reOyeyemi further said the corridor EU countries and the “Five Eyes’’ lives were lost in the train accident cent times that we are having such commanders are to serve as special group Australia, Canada, New Zeawhich occurred on Monday de- incident. Our team has gone to site squad that would ensure that the land, Britain and the United States, railed in Beji village in Bosso Local to investigate the cause of the ac- visibility of the corps is sustained. already have advanced informaGovernment Area of Niger state. cident. So, for now we are yet to “They are to ensure that obstruc- tion-sharing networks. Managing Director of the corpo- ascertain the cause,” he said. tions are properly removed as well UN member states are already ration, Mr Fidet Okhiria, disclosed NAN reports that the incident as ensure that the personnel are this in an interview with the News happened at about 12: 47 p.m., doing what is expected of them,” legally obligated by a UN Security Council resolution to have transAgency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja. when a Lagos to Kano-bound train he said. port companies provide advance He said that the cause of the ac- passing through Minna in the vilWhile urging senior officers of the passenger information and a pascident was yet unknown. lage. According to him, an investigaThe train was carrying over 400 corps to live above board, Oyeyemi senger name record to the approtion team has been sent out to as- passengers many of whom sus- advised them to re-strategise their priate national authorities to detect operations for optimum results. certain the cause of the accident. tained varying degrees of injury. the movements of terror suspects.

FRSC activates 5 Safety Corridors to reduce road crashes in Nigeria


No lives lost in Lagos to Kano-bound train accident — NRC



The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

NEWS ACROSS THE NATION Lagos emerges overall best in 2019 National Jets Competition


Widen the space for women engagement – British envoy urges Nigeria

agos has emerged the overall best State at the year 2019 National Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists, (JETS) competitions nited Kingdom High Com- sonal level by making your personal responsibility is on your shoulder to there will come a time when you held at the Federal Government missioner to Nigeria, Ms contribution to Nigeria’s democ- ensure that integrity, fairness, inclu- will be faced with serious decision sion and accountability become the making whether to vote for this Catriona Liang says Nigeria racy. College, Keffi, Nasarawa State. or that but when that time comes “This is why the UK has been a hallmarks of your tenure. The State team won 11 trophies, must widen the space for women’s “You might have needed sup- vote your conscience ,’’ he said. four of which were the Star Prizes engagement in governance, if it proud supporter of this movement, Convener, Not-Too-Young-To-Run the UK supported convergence port in order to contest the 2019 namely - Overall Best State, Best wants to move forward. Liang said this at a conference 1 and we are supporting conver- elections but come 2023, be pre- Movement, Mr Samson Itodo, said Female JETS, Free Choice Project (Senior Category) and Basic Tech- for young elected representatives gence 2 for young candidates and pared to run on your own record of the clamour for the youth inclusion is not just about having youths in with the theme “the Convergence we did put some money behind achievements, ’’ she said. nology Competition. Liang said that the young par- offices. Lagos also won 2nd positions in 2.0, Leadership, Power and Politics it about 795 million pounds to be He said the point is that Nigeria is the Interstate Quiz Competition for Democracy Renewal,’’ organ- precise and we will continue to sup- liamentarians now hold a special place in Nigeria’s history but need- in dire need of excellent public leadby the Not-Too-Young-To-Run port this, ’’ she said. - Free Choice Project (Junior cate- ised Liang said that the UK is ready ed to decide whether they were ers, legislatures who would consult Movement in Abuja on Tuesday. gory), Chemistry Quiz Competition She said with the signing into law to support youths as long as the content just being the first young with their people and represent and Junior Mathematics Competi- of the Not-Too-Young-To-Run Bill, a young parliamentarians stayed on group of representatives, or would them well. tion among others. He said it is also about legislature rather be the first wave of change lot of young politicians contested course. The Deputy Governor of Lagos in the 2019 elections, but unfortuShe said frankly, there would be that brought a new dimension to who would hold the Executive to State Dr. Idiat Oluranti Adebule, nately the elections did not favour some difficult times, and some set- Nigerian politics. account and do quality oversight speaking on the feat achieved by women. Mr Abdulaziz Nyako, sponsor, to improve all sectors so as to probacks and they would be pushed the team, commended the particiShe said the UK government be- into a lot of personal pressure not Not-Too-Young-To-Run Bill at the vide the excel leadership the nation pants for making the State proud, lieves in a government of inclusion concede to things. senate, said now that the bill had needs. recalling that the team won 10 tro- so it supported Nigeria on that and “The burden is on you the young She encouraged them to stand been passed, there is need to phies and seven medals to emerge urged the newly elected parlia- firm and respect their own values strengthen its implementation for parliamentarians that is why we celebrate you today and to remind you the 2nd overall best State at the mentarians to embark on positive and be true to themselves adding full manifestation. Nyako said that with the Act, of that burden that as you become 2017 edition of the JETS competi- legislations that would bring about that people made the law for them to be able to participate now it is Nigeria’s institutions would get members –elect, be reminded of remarkable changes in Nigeria. tion. “You have moved from “Not-Too- their own turn to make to affect stronger and people would come the fact that you went through hell Adebule restated that while reto offices based on their character to get the votes of people and you ceiving and felicitating with the Young-To-Run” to being “Ready to citizens positively. “You were supported in the 2019 without having a God father any- are accountable to those people,’’ 2017 team, she expressed her dis- Run”; now it’s time to contribute, he said. comfort to students and teachers your presence here today is about elections but come next elections where. He said the Not-Too-Young-ToHe advised the newly elected about their second overall best Nigeria’s future, it’s about inclu- you will have to run on your own Run Act has brought in young peoyoung parliamentarians to be good achievements so think about the sion, it’s political participation. position because Lagos, being the legislatures and represent their ple into governance with about “It is really about how young legacy you want to leave behind. Centre of Excellence, could not af- people will lead the way and, spenine of them present at the con“I want to encourage you to sup- people. ford to trail behind any other State cifically, how you will lead the way; port each other, particularly the rel“To be good legislatures, you re- ference being under age and the and charged them to redouble it is about how to lead in a very per- atively few females among you, the quire courage to do this because youngest being 25 years-old. their efforts. “My joy knows no bounds that you took the challenge seriously and have delivered the Star trophy. I congratulate you and wish all of you the best as a group and as individual students”, Adebule said. The National JETS competition is an annual competition aimed at popularising the teaching and learning of Science and technology in Schools while exposing the young, talented and intelligent scientists and technologists to the world beyond their locality. The theme of this year’s annual National JETS competition was “Alternative Source of Energy for National Development” which was organised by the Federal Ministry of Education in collaboration with all the State Ministries of Education and the Federal Capital Territory (FTC), Abuja. The competition was keenly contested with oral and written quiz competitions in Biology, Mathematics, Basic Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Basic Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science and Project Exhibitions. Students who represented the State at the event were drawn •Governor of Lagos State, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode (m) flanked by Diocesan Bishop of Lagos, Rt Rev Humphrey Olumakaiye and the immediate past Bishop of from both private and public the Diocese, Most Rev Adebola Ademowo, when the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Diocese of Lagos, presented a Special Episcopal Award to the schools across Lagos. governor during first session of 34th Synod of the Diocese which held at Our Saviours Church, Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS), Onikan, Monday


FG inaugurates committee on internal security, community policing

ederal Government on Tuesday Finter-agency in Abuja inaugurated a 15-man committee to study the implementation strategies on strengthening internal security framework and community policing in Nigeria. Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Mr Boss Mustapha, said the inauguration of the committee was part of efforts by the government to tackle security challenges in the country. He said member of the committee Chaired by Dr Amina Shamaki are: Mrs Beatrice Jeddy-Agb; Mrs Odunbanjo Adebisi; Mr Sanusi

Galadima; Brig.-Gen. J.O Ochai; Cdr J.N Mamman and Air Cdr A.H Bakari. Others are: AIG David Folawiyo; Jimat Bakare; CP Olayinka Balogun; Dr E.0. Adeoye; Dr Joseph Ochogwu; Prof. Sani Lugga; Dr Nasirudeen Usman and Tukur Yahaya. He said the committee with terms of reference to study and analyse the findings, recommendations and implementation strategies of the Presidential Parley Report had eight weeks to submit its report. According to the SGF, the committee is also expected to come up with policy statement for the consideration of Mr. President.

Mustapha said that the committee was a follow up to a report of the Senior Executive Course 40, 2018 of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru. The SGF said that President Muhammadu Buhari had urged the course participants to undertake a study on the rising insecurity in the country with the theme: “Strengthening Policing in Nigeria: Policing Options and Strategies.” He said that the scope of the study was on ways of invigorating the internal security system from 1999 to 2018, adding that the period was chosen because it witnessed un-

precedented upsurge in insecurity. Mustapha said that the course participants had analysed various works of notable international and domestic scholars relating to the theme in addition to study tours within and outside the country. “The report of the committee which pointed out some factors militating against a comprehensive internal security framework and community policing in Nigeria, has been presented to government for consideration. “Some of the problems highlighted include, poor policy linkages, multiplicity and poor implementa-

tion of policies, centralised control of the Nigeria Police Force and weak monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms. “Others are poor application of technology and Innovation, absence of integrated database to aid internal security management and poor budgetary allocation to the security sector,” he said. According to him, the report proposed some far-reaching recommendations, including implementation strategies aimed at reinvigorating the internal security framework and Community Policing in Nigeria.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


UNIZIK’s 13th Convocation:

Igwe Achebe, others to be honoured JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


ice Chancellor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, on Monday said the institution would at its 13 convocation ceremony on Friday May 10, 2019 bestow honourary doctorate degrees on the former Minister of External Affairs, Alhaji Babagana Kingibe, the Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe and business

mogul in Anambra state, Sir Emeka Offor. Ahaneku, who disclosed this in a convocation press briefing, said the awards were based on their contributions in the country’s development. According to him, Achebe would be bestowed with the honorary Doctorate degree of Science, Emeka Offor would receive Doctor of Entreprenuership, while Kingibe would be given Doctor of Politics and strategy.

He stated that former chairman of the Independent National Electoral commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, and former Senate president, Chief Ken Nnamani, will be at the university for lecture on Wednesday. Nnamani will speak on ‘National integration, peace and Development,’ while Jega will be Chairman of the event. The Vice Chancellor added that a total of 790 Masters degree and 295 Post graduate

degrees (PhDs) graduands would be receiving their certificates, even as seven academics of the university including three former vice chancellors of NAU would be installed with emeritus professors. Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, also disclosed that President Muhammadu Buhari will on Friday, May 10 inaugurate 17 projects and lay the foundation for 16 others as part of activities to mark the 13th Convocation.

Ahaneku, who noted that the president would be represented by the Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, said the programme would commence with an interdenominational church service on May 6. “Some of the projects listed for the inauguration are the institution’s main entrance called the Beautiful Gate, six classroom blocks, professorial offices, the remodelled Multipurpose Hall and Uzodike Hall.

Police caution public on abuse of social media Theo Rays, Onitsha


From left to right: Bodunrin Olowolagba, British Airways Sales Manager Nigeria; Bukky Akintobi, Managing Director, Bravo Alpha Travels and Winner of Business class Ticket to London and Ademola Sanya, British Airways Trade Sales Manager Nigeria.

Ezechi scores Okowa’s administration high on infrastructure, human capital development JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


he administration of Dr Ifeanyi Okowa has received kudos for the giant stride already achieved in its developmental programmes. In a chat with The Oracle Today, the commissioner representing Ndokwa ethnic nationality in the Delta state oil producing areas development commission, DESOPADEC,Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi elucidated on how the present administration is working tirelessly to deliver prosperity to Deltans and other sundry issues. Hon. Nnamdi Ezechi commended the Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa for his developmental strides in the State particularly his economic empowerment and development of towns and villages in Ndokwa axis. “He certainly has performed beyond expectations, considering the situation he met on May 29, 2015. He has done a lot in terms of infrastructure, construction of roads that cuts across all 25 local government areas of Delta state. He has also done well in the aspect of human

capital development, in the entrepreneurship and training of youths. He has worked magic in the agriculture sector, and this is helped by the fact his road constructions were not limited to urban areas, it was extended to the riverine communities and these have resulted in all round development of the State.”he stated. Ezechi opined that Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has recorded tremendous success in the terms of infrastructure, construction of roads that cuts across all 25 local government areas of Delta state and in the aspect of human capital development. The renowned grassroots politician explained that Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has restored the confidence of the people with tremendous impact in the economic empowerment and development of towns and villages in Ndokwa axis. He further described the governor as source of pride and blessing to the vast majority, “Governor okowa has done well in Ndokwa area. There is an impressive road network linking our communities, poverty alleviation schemes for rural dwellers. Some of our youths have

been trained and equipped with skills to make them self-reliant. Okowa is working. Even with lean finances in the state’s coffers . We are grateful,” Ezechi said. The DESOPADEC commissioner revealed that the agency has empowered over 300 indigenes of Ndokwa East local government area with sewing machines, power generating sets, tricycles , hair dryers and sundry tools for self sustenance as well financial assistance While reacting to accusations that Governor Okowa’s administration is focusing only on his Ika area to the detriment of other parts of the State,Ezechi dismissed it as “mere allegations that are unjustifiable. The developments cut across all three senatorial districts, and in all 25 local government areas of the state, you will see the developmental strides of the governor. “ He added that the state governor had threaded the path of honour by putting the welfare of Deltans first in his administration, through the SMART Agenda policies and being focused and resultoriented.

nambra State Police Command image maker, Haruna Mohammed, has warned members of the general public of the dire consequences of deploying social media platform to violate basics rights of fellow citizens of Nigeria. State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), stated this in Onitsha, Anambra State commercial hub during the seminar/presentation of awards to some security personnel in and around Onitsha by Campaign for Democracy (CD) in the State. He said it was to stem the tide of abuse of social media users that necessitated the Cybercrime Act of 2015, which however has created fears among human right community in the country that the governments can use it against its perceived enemies. The Police image maker said section 8 of the Act stipulates serious punishment for one who allowed any other person to use one’s computer to send negative messages against people. He said Nigeria is third in cybercrime in the world after United States of America and Great Britain and the crime was

being perpetrated by young Nigerians who were notoriously called Yahoo boys. He warned that cyber criminals were not just after their victms’ money but their lives too, stating that some people have lost their lives through social media. “You must be very careful on the usage of social media. It is a double edged sword. Some use it to perpetrate crime and human right abuse,” he said. He lamented that cybercrime was a serious crime issue in Nigeria and even at global level as criminals use it for kidnapping and global terrorism. He advised users of social media not to use it in a manner it will contrravene the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other extant laws of the land. He also said that people should be careful what they post and forward because if they were offensive the law enforcement would come after them even if they were not the original author. In his speech, the chairman of Campaign for Democracy (CD) in Anambra State, Comrade Ekene Nnadi, said the essence of the lecture was to educate their members on their digital rights.

BA rewards travel partners in Nigeria


ritish Airways (BA), the flag carrier of the United Kingdom, has rewarded top performing Nigerian travel agents in Lagos. The airline said that this was done to foster relationships, honour and appreciate top travel agents, focus on updates on products and services as well as new initiatives in service delivery. Tiarhan Oghenejode of Quadrant, the agency that handles the media activities of BA said this in a press statement made available, Monday in Lagos. She said that the event was hosted by the airline’s Trade and Sales Manager for Nigeria, Ademola Sanya, and that no fewer than 100 top travel agents operating across the country attended. The Regional Commercial Manager for West Africa, Mr Kola Olayinka speaking at the event said: “It is always an exciting time when we gather with our Trade

Partners at events like this. “It gives us the opportunity to discuss and interact with them on various offerings and how to better equip and serve them,” he said. Oghenejode said that Mr Bernard Bankole, the Managing Director Finchglow Travels, commended BA for remaining a strong leader in the Aviation sector in the country. Bankole also the President of the National Association of Nigerian Travel Agencies (NANTA) thanked the airline for the awards and the training session for the various travel agents. He said, “This will sensitise us to do even more for British Airways.” The statement stated that some of the winners include; Finchglow Travel (highest selling agent countrywide), Quantum Travel (highest selling agent to the United States), Traveltron Reward Travels and HRG.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Baru tasks NUJ on fake news


he Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr. Maikanti Baru has charged the executive of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) to curb purveyors of fake news, saying such news items had impacted negatively on many organisations’ corporate reputation. The NNPC GMD, who was represented by the corporation’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), Corporate Services, Mr. Isah Inuwa, disclosed this at the 2019 Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Press Freedom Awards Night and Dinner where he was honoured with Distinguished Friend of the Media Award at the event, which held Monday in Abuja. He expressed deep worry over unprofessional practice by some journalists in the media industry, stressing that such acts were responsible for the downfall of some credible and notable establishments in the society. “Many corporate organizations have had their reputation dragged into the mud due to lack of professionalism in some sections of the media, a development which calls for urgent attention” he

said. The NNPC GMD, who spoke on behalf of other awardees challenged the NUJ as a professional body to urgently set up measures to curb the excesses in the social media platforms, noting that such ugly trend, if not checked, would in the long run affect the credibility and integrity of the union. Dr. Baru thanked the leadership of the NUJ for finding him and other awardees worthy of the honour, stressing that openness to the media was considered at the NNPC as a critical factor towards building robust and cordial relations with the corporation’s various stakeholders. The NNPC Helmsman seized the opportunity of the event to restate the position of NNPC on the reports trending in the social media that NNPC plans to move its gas marketing subsidiary, the Nigerian Gas Marketing Company (NGMC), from Warri to Abuja. Dismissing the relocation story as untrue, Dr. Baru, said that the purported N120million and N29million being peddled in the social media as costs of yearly rent and relocation were fake reports that did not have any basis in reality.

He said NNPC had its fair share of what he described as “Yellow Journalism” as evident in the fabricated gas company relocation story which was capable of inciting the public, particularly, NGMC’s host communities, against the corporation. Speaking earlier, the President of the NUJ, Mr.

Chris Isiguzo, stated that Press Freedom Award was an initiative of the union designed to promote some of its key objectives. “The NUJ Press Freedom Award is a high-profile event organized to motivate journalists, promote press freedom and freedom of expression, stimulate

good governance and democracy in Nigeria through recognizing courageous journalists and honouring friends of the media who have distinguished themselves through supporting and sustaining press freedom in Nigeria”, the NUJ President said. Some of the awardees

included: Director General, Infrastructure Concession and Regulatory Agency, Engr. Chidi Izuwah; Executive Secretary/ CEO, Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, Ms. Yewande Sadiku; and Executive Director, National Film and Censorship Board, Alh. Adedayo Thomas.







The general public is hereby notified that the above named foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for registration under the Companies and Allied Matters Act No. 1 of 1990. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: KARA LOOKMAN OLUYOMI SHITTU IBRAHIM LANRE EJAM RITA IFEOMA JIMOH IBRAHIM ALABA ADEBAYO LATEEFAT KARA KUBURAT ADENIKE OKUNOLA ADEDEJI ADETOLA

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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: •To organise and create empowerment opportunity to our citizens. •To serve as a charity organisation for the needs. •To promote and sponsor Talents Any objection(s) should be forwarded to the Registrar – General, Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28days of this publication.

This is to notify the general public that the above foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Abuja for registration under part “C” of the Corporate Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990.

This is to notify the general public that the above ministry has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Abuja for registration under part “C” of Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.



AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To promote the training of indigent students 2. To promote the welfare of widows and widowers 3. To promote the development of youths through skill acquisition 4. Building human resource capacities through workshop 5. Helping humanity through self actualisation Any objection(s) to the Registrar should be forwarded to Registrar general: Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28days of this publication.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To establish Churches. 2. To establish Schools. 3. To establish Hospitals. 4. To establish Agricultural Works. 5. To establish Charity Homes. Any objection(s) to the Registrar should be forwarded to Registrar general: Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28days of this publication. Signed By: SECRETARY









ULASi: I formerly known and addressed as MISS ULASI CHINAEMEREM STELLA now wish to be known and addressed as MRS NGONADI CHINAEMEREM STELLA. All documents remain valid. The general public SHOULD TAKE NOTE.

LAWRENCE: I formerly known as NWABUDE LAWRENCE now wish to be known as NWABUEDE LAWRENCE OKONKWO. former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

JOY: I formerly known as NWEKE CHIDIMMA JOY now wish to be known as MMUO CHIDIMMA JOY. former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

UZOAMAKA: I formerly known as ONWUKA UZOAMAKA JACINTA now wish to be known as IGWE UZOAMAKA JACINTA. All former documents still remain valid. Please General Public and Banks take note.

AKACHI: I formerly known and addressed as EMMANUEL AKACHI SUNDAY, now wish to be known and addressed as NWABUGHIOGU SUNNY AKAORUCHUKWU Fidelity Bank and Diamond Bank take note.

Shedrack: I formerly known as Okpaga Shedrack, Nwagede . now wish to be known as Charles Shedrack, Nwegede. Former documents remain valid. Banks and general public.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8-14, 2019


Wike reads riot act to communities with prevalence of kidnappings, cultism R

ivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has declared that communities with prevalence of insecurity, cultism and kidnapping will no longer enjoy state Government patronage. Addressing a Special Security Meeting at the Government House, Port Harcourt on Monday, Governor Wike said that the State Government will dethrone Traditional Rulers in communities where cultism and kidnapping are encouraged. The security meeting had in attendance the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Usman Belel, State Director of Department of State Services, Tosin Ajayi, Commander SOG 115, Nigerian Air Force, Air Commander E.O. E Ebiowei, Commander NNS Pathfinder, Commodore

Delta PFN leader preaches unity, peace for Nation’s growth

SJ Bura and State Commander of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, ML Haruna. Also in attendance were Local Government Chairmen, Traditional Rulers, CDC Chairmen and all Youth Leaders in the state. Governor Wike said: “All those Local Government Areas where there is no serious cases of cultism and Kidnapping, the State Government will give them more projects and attention. “But Local Government Areas where cultism and kidnapping have become entrenched, the State Government will depart. “For communities where cultism and kidnapping are encouraged, their Traditional Rulers will be deposed. We will not allow crisis in our communities. If you don’t want to take the war to them, we will take the war to you”. The Governor noted that all youth groups found to be involved in cultism will be dissolved by the State Government.

He noted that under the current dispensation, the Government and people of Rivers State will take their fate in their hands by collectively addressing the security challenges. He urged all stakeholders to work with security agencies to fight insecurity. “Enough is enough. Nobody arrested by security agencies and cultism will see the light of the day. If you say, we will not sleep, you also not sleep. Every logistic has been provided for security agencies to tackle the insecurity “, he said. He warned that any top Government Official caught in the process of trying to work for the release of arrested suspected cultist and kidnapper, will face the full weight of the law. The Governor directed council Chairmen to work with their respective Traditional Rulers, Community Development Committees and Youth Leaders to advance the course of peace. He also directed Council Chairmen to clear bushes along the East-West Road and other major highways

of the State. In his remarks, the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Usman Belel assured that the Security Agencies will fight to reduce crime to the barest minimum He said that the Police will use the community policing strategy to involve community stakeholders in the peace process. He called on Rivers people to support the police with information to tackle cultism, kidnapping and fake news. Chairman of the Rivers State Council of Traditional Rulers and Amayanabo of Opobo, King Douglas Dandeson Jaja urged the Security Agencies to take Traditional Rulers into confidence as they carry out their responsibilities. He, however, decried the situation where security agencies divulge information passed to them by Traditional Rulers. While saying that the Traditional Rulers will support the security agencies to fight insecurity, he regretted that Council Chairmen hardly consult Traditional Rulers on security matters.



ishop Kingsley Enakirerhi, Chairman, Delta State Chapter of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria and General Overseer of Heroes of Faith Ministries has admonished Nigerians to eschew all semblances of bitterness and embrace love, unity and peace regardless of their religious, ethnic and political inclinations as the remains of Major General David Ejoor (rtd) are interred. The cleric gave the admonition while chatting with The Oracle Today at Heroes of Faith Church, Ughelli shortly after the funeral service of Major General David Ejoor held at Ovwor-Olomu, Ughelli South local government area of Delta State;insisting that only in the environment of peace, unity and righteousness could a nation be exalted. While describing the late Major General David Ejoor as a man who lived a good life of service to the nation and humanity, he tutored that the lessons that the world should learn from the life of Jesus Christ were selfless sacrifice, peace and love without discrimination. He urged Nigerians to strive towards living a holy and righteous life so as to please God with their conduct. The cleric reasoned that God, from the beginning, had pre-negotiated that mankind should live in unity, peace and love. Bishop Enakirheri also described Governor Okowa’s reelection as a result of his sterling performance and godly disposition during his first term.

A cross section of traditional rulers in attendance during the Special Security Meeting convened by the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike that had in attendance the state Commissioner of Police, Usman Belel, State Director of Department of State Services, Tosin Ajayi, Commander SOG 115, Nigerian Air Force, Air Commander E.O. E Ebiowei, Commander NNS Pathfinder, Commodore SJ Bura, State Commander of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, ML Haruna, Local Government Chairmen, CDC Chairmen as well as all youth leaders at the State House, Port Harcourt, recently.

DSS arrests 59 commercial sex workers in Calabar


ifty-nine commercial sex workers have been arrested by the Department of State Security (DSS) in Calabar, the Cross River State capital. Director of the DSS Command in Cross River, Mr Ilupeju Adebayo, who disclosed this to newsmen on Saturday in Calabar, said those arrested were picked up around 2:15 a.m on Saturday. Those arrested, made up of 43 girls and 16 men, were picked up at the Peace Garden Hotel and Papsi Place, located along the Murtala Mohammed highway in Calabar. Adebayo revealed that there was a cartel responsible for luring the girls and making them to swear to an oath of secrecy. The oath involves a promise not

to abscond no matter what or divulge information about the business. “We got an intelligence report and swung into action. We have been on the matter for months. We discovered that the girls are mostly underage, mostly between the ages of 13, 15, and 19 years of age. “We also know that they were brought in by a cartel, deeply involved in the business of trafficking and using the girls as commercial sex workers. “The girls then bring returns to them at the beginning or close of the week, depending on their modus operandi. We have made some arrests including that of the owner of Papsi Place, a brothel that houses mostly underage girls who pay him N2,000 on week days and N4,000 at weekends as

lodging fees. “They operate from the hotel, to clubs were we arrested them stark naked. “We have contacted the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), while investigations are ongoing until all those involved in the illicit trade are arrested and charged to court,’’ he said. While speaking to journalists, Adaeze Abam, one of the 43 girls, said she was brought to Calabar from Rivers under the guise of being given a sales girl job. Abam however said she ended up becoming a commercial sex worker. “I was brought to Calabar through a friend who told me that I will be given a job as a sales girl. She took me to a lady who I only know her name as Aunty Favour.

They took me to a brothel at Atamu Street, Calabar South, from where I used to attend night clubs. “I ran away and then they traced me and brought me back. They wanted to force me to take an oath but I objected and absconded again to meet my friend whom I came with to Calabar then. “Aunty Favour came there with the boyfriend and some cult boys and beat me up, and told me that if I run again they will kill me or I will die. “So, I usually go to her house to make returns to her every week. But I am not happy with the kind of work I am doing. It was never my intention to do this, because my friend did not tell me that it was this kind of job,’’ she lamented.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Igboka’s murder: ‘IBB’ family protests in Obosi Oge Onyeanusi, Nnewi


here was protest in Obosi, Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra state, Monday over the arrest by the police of Chinwendu Alex Okoye, ( a.k.a IBB) in connection to the murder of the President General of Nimo Town Union, Hon Anthony Igboka. The protesters included the mother of the suspect, Mrs Obiageli Okoye, who told newsmen that the hands of her son, IBB was clean in the alleged gruesome murder. “There was a time they hired assassins for him but God saved him and this time around he is accused of being involved in the murder of a community leader. He is being attacked by the sacked leadership of our kindred, Umuikediugwu. Because he was elected chairman to succeed the leadership.” It is a plot against my son to nail him as one who has come to develop the community.” Speaking, the leader of the protesters and head of Umuikediugwu kindred, Ogbuefi Onuora Onubogu, stated that, “he

is not known as a thief, he is interested in our progress, it is a plot against him by his own people” “He is our leader in the community and the police should release him because he is innocent of the offence he allegedly committed. Let me die if he committed the murder. At my age, 80 years, I cannot lie” In his own contribution, another elder, Chief Mike Maduegbuna, said it was a lie that he was involved in the murder. The team manager of a national football team, Umuchineke foorball club, Obosi, that IBB floats, Mr Alex Agbanusi, hinted that he was devastated when he heard the news adding that IBB cannot be involved in the murder. “This club is playing in the nationwide league one” he said. The placards have inscriptions some of which read, “it is a complete set up against our leader IBB, IBB is pure and innocent of the allegation, this is family issue because he is made chairman and they planned against him, we need justice among others” The state Commissioner of Police in the state, CP Mustapha Dandaura, announced the arrest of IBB while addressing newsmen

on Monday in his Office in Amawbia as he added that the suspect was arrested at a hideout at old INEC Road Awka. It could recalled that the police had on April 29 had arrested a suspect, Chigbo Aniegbu, over the incident. “On Monday last week and paraded him as one of the kingpins who actively participated in the dastardly act and declared three others wanted,” he pointed. “I also assure Anambra people that the command under my watch will not relent in its efforts until it gets all the remaining perpetrators apprehended and bring them to justice. “It would also be recalled that in the same vein, Gov. Willie Obiano increased the reward to N5 million on each of the three suspects declared wanted in order to fast-track police investigation. “In view of the foregoing and following credible intelligence report, the command’s Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) had on Friday, May 3, at about 7.30 p.m. arrested the second principal suspect, Okoye Ernest, 34. “The suspect, aka “IBB’’ is from Obosi community Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State.”

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo presiding over the First Quarter of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Stakeholders meeting at the State House, Abuja, recently.

Onitsha newspaper vendors’ crisis deepens as members allege threat to life Theo Rays, Onitsha


he crisis rocking the Onitsha Newspaper Distributors Directors Association (ONDDA) has deepened with some members of the Association alleging threat to their lives saying that their lives are being threatened by one of those who broke away to announce that they now members of Onitsha Vendor Union (OVU) and no longer belong to ONDDA. It will be recalled that some members of ONDDA led by one Christian Ikpe earlier this week announced what it called the return of functions of OVU registered with Newspapers Directors Association of Nigeria (NDAN) declaring that they have pulled out of ONDDA. OVU in a Statement signed by Christian Ikpe, Linus Obisi, Ignatius Ihuonta and Mrs RA Ihuoma alleged that ONDDA is given Onitsha bad name by being indebted to publishers noting that properties belonging to ONDDA have been sold off. Reacting to the allegations, the Chairman of ONDDA Mr Emmanuel Uwakwe in a press conference addressed

in Onitsha said that ONDDA which is registered with Newspapers Proprietors Association of Nigeria (NPAN) is crisis free and dismissed the allegations with a wave of hands saying that there is no crisis in the Association if not that Ikpe and his cohorts are just hungry for power. Uwakwe in a counter accusations alleged that it was Ikpe and his loyalists who call themselves the Noble Ten that were in charge of distribution of Magazines in Onitsha but publishers of Magazines have stopped bringing their publications to newsstands in Onitsha because they are being owed by the distributors. “Today you cannot find any Magazine in the news stands at Onitsha because those who were in charge of distributing those Magazines such as Tell, Insider, Source, Ovation, Trendy, The Heart, The Hint, Encomium, City People and others are owing the publishers” he added admitting that ONDDA sold some properties such as L300 bus, a television set, a generator set, DVD machine and musical equipments based on agreement reached by the members in general meeting for those

things to be sold. He said that members agreed to dispose the above properties because they were no longer relevant to them noting that some of the properties were sold during the administration of Ikpe as the Chairman of ONDDA and during the administration of late Jude Oguzie as Chairman of the Association while some were sold under the present administration and the money were deposited in First Bank account of the Association. Mr Uwakwe also alleged that members of OVU are indebted to ONDDA on account of diversion of money meant the Association in different times adding that the move to break away won’t save them from paying back the money. On the way forward mostly on the issue of threat to life, the chairman said that they have prepared to report the whole matter to the Onitsha Police Area Command wondering why Ikpe who according to him had served the Association in various capacities like the Secretary, Vice Chairman and Chairman for many Year would decide to cause confusion overnight.

TheOracle newspaper partners with school for improved quality education IBE NWACHUKWU


ith a serene environment staring at their smiling faces, government officials, management, staff and members of Parents/Teachers Association (PTA) of Prince Memorial High School (PMHS), Onitsha, Anambra state concluded their termly general meeting and agreed on how to forge ahead for the progress of the school and its students. The school which is owned by the state government, took first position among the 32 secondary schools within the Onitsha Zonal Education Authority of the state during the zonal All Nigerian Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPPS) Quiz Competition last term and booked an automatic ticket to the forthcoming ANCOPPS National Competition coming up later in the year. During the PTA meeting which came up shortly after two public lectures, one on cancer detection and treatment and bullying, the Head of Department (HOD) of Educational Services in the Onitsha Zonal Education Authority, Mrs. Nkiru Oyeudo who represented the Onitsha Zonal Director of Education, Ugo Eze, commended the PTA for their encouragements and contributions towards the completion of the Onitsha Zonal office and urged them not to relent. Oyeudo therefore appealed to the parents to always consider the future of their children paramount in paying all the government approved levies, as according to her, such levies could be approved, government usually consider their positive impacts on their children before their approval. Chairman of PTA of the school, Chief Francis Udeoba identified some of the outstanding projects in the school as raising of the school wall, renovation of school gate, payment of salaries to PTA teachers in the school, among others and urged the parents to endeavour to pay their children’s school fees on time. Principal of the school, Chief Benjamin Nwachukwu Esimai, while receiving some copies of The Oracle Newspapers from a delegation of Oracle editorial crew, pledged to partner with the media organization for joint efforts at boosting education in the school. Esimai who identified paucity of funds as their major challenges, noted that there were some dilapidation that needed to be fixed if funds were available, even as he praised the parents for their meaningful contributions for improvement academic standards so far, adding that with funds available and renovations done in the school with expanded capacity, the school could admit more than 1,500 students which it is currently having as its students numerical strength and an increased number of classroom teachers which is currently standing at over 40, apart from casual teachers.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

NEWS Agbami parties build classroom block for Abia School BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


he Agbami parties have constructed, inaugurated and handed over to Abia State government, a multimillion naira, fully furnished and equipped modern two-storey, 12-classroom block at Isieke Community Model High School, Umuahia. The building also has three laboratories for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, each with a prep room; a Computer Room, a Fine Arts Studio, a Library, a Sick Bay, staff rooms, offices and other corresponding facilities. The Agbami parties comprising Star Deepwater Petroleum Ltd, a Chevron company, Famfa Oil Ltd, Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Ltd and Petroleo Brasileiro Nigeria Ltd operating in the Agbami oil field, explained that the project was one of their social investment plans aimed at improving education among secondary school students in Nigeria. “This is an integrated learning centre designed to provide quality secondary school educational services,” said the Director of Deepwater and Production Sharing Contracts, Rick Kennedy, during the handover ceremony. The parties, therefore, advised the beneficiaries to efficiently and effectively manage and sustain the facility. Kennedy, represented by the Manager, Policy, Government and Public Affairs , Chevron Nigeria Ltd., Michael Kabi, added the gesture was to improve access to and promote quality education in Nigeria as the “Agbami parties support the view that education is the key to unlocking the potential of the youth and developing their capacity for societal relevance.” Also, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Famfa Oil Nigeria Ltd, Mr Modupe Alakija, represented by Mr Obinna Iheonu, agreed with Kennedy that quality education was key for the development of any nation and a sound education, the bedrock of development and advancement in every sphere of life. “The provision of the model classroom block underscores our resolute commitment to promote quality science education in Nigeria in line with our corporate responsibility programmes,” he said, adding that the parties have also instituted specialized educational programmes in support of manpower development in Nigeria, through targeted scholarship for medical, nursing, laboratory sciences and engineering students.

Ambode, Otobo urge union leaders to sustain industrial harmony L agos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode and the Acting ViceChancellor of Eastern Palm University, Imo State, Professor Dafe Otobo have called on union leaders to sustain the industrial harmony in Lagos, saying that such harmonious relationship is necessary for effective and efficient planning and implementation of development policies, programmes and projects. The duo spoke on Monday at a Training/Seminar in Lagos for various labour unions in the State, tagged: “Effective Management Strategies in Labour Relations Practice”. Ambode, represented at the event by the State Commissioner for Establishments, Training and Pensions, Dr. Akintola Benson-Oke noted that the existence of the Joint Negotiating Council, NJC, and the modalities for conducting its affairs constitute a unique model for attaining and maintaining industrial peace and harmony in the State. According to him, “The prevailing harmonious relationship between the

government and the various trade unions in the State Public Service is an eloquent testimony to the harmonious relationship that characterised the entirety of his administration”. He expressed the hope that all stakeholders at the training would take full advantage of the opportunity to further deepen the relationship of mutual trust that exists between the government and the unions in Lagos State. The Governor added that it was expedient for all stakeholders in the human resources and industrial relations arm of the Lagos State Public Service not to rest on their oars in sustaining the existing atmosphere of industrial harmony in Lagos State and transform such harmony into even greater productivity. Ambode, therefore, advised participants at the training to continue identifying and bringing all matters that may degenerate or fester into an unmanageable crisis to the attention of the appropriate bodies. He also said that his administration

recognised the place of periodic training in the management of labour relations noting that “another value is the value of committing to a perpetual regimen of training and re-training of skills”. On his part, Professor Otobo reminded all the stakeholders at the training that successful industrial relations involve striking a balance of interests, where both parties need to continue to work together to strike the right balance and work towards doing with a sense of responsibility. The Vice Chancellor also charged the trainees to rededicate themselves to the advancement of the present status of Lagos and the expansion of the capacity of the State Public Service. Chairman, Lagos State Public Service Joint Negotiation Council, NJC, Comrade Razak Alade recalled that the training programme would be the third in a series organised by Lagos State government, through Ministry of Establishment, for the purpose of promoting mutual understanding and keeping union leaders abreast of happenings in other climes.

The Chief Executive Officer, FirstBank, Dr Adesola Adeduntan; Group Managing Director, FBN Holdings Plc., Mr UK Eke; Group Chairman, FBN Holdings Plc., Dr Oba Otudeko, CFR and Company Secretary, FBN Holdings Plc. Mr Seye Kosoko, at the 7th Annual General Meeting of FBN Holdings Plc, held in Lagos”.

FG awards contract for reconstruction of Umuahia-Ikot Ekpene road BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


he member representing Ikwuano/ Umuahia North/South Federal Constituency in the House Representatives, Chief Sam Onuigbo, has called on his constituents to join hands in ensuring the realization of the reconstruction of the Umuahia-IkwuanoIkot Ekpene federal road. The Federal Executive Council (FEC) approved the award of the contract for reconstruction of the dilapidated road during its meeting last Wednesday to Messrs Hartland Nigeria Limited/ Raycon and Company Nigeria Limited for the sum of N13.3 billion.

An excited Onuigbo in a statement made available to newsmen in Umuahia noted that the contract award marked the culmination of his numerous interface with the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola (SAN), who he commended for his cooperation and commitment to the realization of the road reconstruction project. Giving details of his efforts to attract the project, Onuigbo said that the deplorable condition of the road was a source of constant worry and caused him sleepless nights when he was elected in 2015. “When I was elected in 2015, the road, a major economic access point that links Abia State with Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Cross River states, and even on to Cameroon,

had completely collapsed. So it became for me a source of constant worry and sleepless nights,” he said. This forced him to move a motion on May 26, 2016, calling on the Federal Government to, as a matter of national urgency, mandate the Federal Ministry of Power, Works, and Housing to commence the process of fixing the road. “I had pointed out in that motion that the road had been awarded several times in the past, none of which was fully executed. This led to the total collapse of the road, bringing untold hardship in tow, to my people,” the federal lawmaker explained. He said he followed up the motion with visits to the Minister about a year after his

inauguration as a lawmaker, adding at the first meeting held on June 14, 2016, with the Minister and Coordinating Director Highways, Planning and Development, Engineer Bala Danshehu, in attendance, after his presentation supported with pictorial evidence of the total collapse of the road, he requested that palliative works be done on the failed sections of the road, to make it passable for commuters and total reconstruction thereafter. According to Onuigbo, Fashola granted his request s and palliative work on the failed sections of the impassable road was flagged off on December 16, 2016 and was completed few months later, adding that now, contract for the total reconstruction has been awarded.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Ugwuanyi has spread infrastructure across Enugu,


he Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, Most Rev. Prof. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, has expressed delight at the commitment of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s administration in entrenching peace and good governance in Enugu State as well as ensuring that infrastructure is spread across the state, through its rural development policy. Bishop Onah, who spoke during a thanksgiving Mass at St. Theresa’s Cathedral Nsukka, organized by a support group for Gov. Ugwuanyi, Gburugburu Support Group (GSG), for his victory at the polls, described the governor’s reelection as “a prayer answered”. The cleric stated that the people of Enugu State are happy with Gov. Ugwuanyi and enjoined them to sustain their support for his administration, appealing against any act that could undermine the progress of the state. According to him, “we have seen good governance in His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, because he has spread infrastructural

development in all the areas of the state through his rural development programmes, and Nsukka happens to be a great beneficiary of this his administration’s noble gesture”. He therefore, assured the governor of the people’s unceasing prayers considering the enormous challenges involved in governance, stressing that “we are very happy with him, there is no prayer said in this church that goes in vain”. Speaking at the church event, which was graced by the Deputy Governor of Enugu State, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, the leader of the group, Mrs. Josephine Nwokedike, extolled the leadership qualities of Gov. Ugwuanyi, adding that the virtues have distinguished him as a great achiever and “an epitome of goodness”. Mrs. Nwokedike maintained that the governor is a humble, Godfearing, seasoned administrator and prudent manager of scarce resources, disclosing that the Mass was organized to thank God for his victory in the last general election and ask God to continue to bless

his administration with the ability and commitment to provide more democracy dividends to the people of the state in the next four years. She, therefore, re-affirmed the group’s unwavering support to the present administration in Enugu State and urged the people to continue to support and pray fervently for the governor and his team to do more for the state. In her speech, the member representing Enugu South Rural Constituency in the State House of Assembly, Hon. Mrs. Onyinye Ugwu, pointed out that Gov. Ugwuanyi has bequeathed indelible legacies to successive generations in the state, adding that his administration has become a model for peace and good governance for other states to emulate. The honourable member commended the governor for the harmonious working relationship between the executive and the legislature, stating that “the house is now more rejuvenated and has been working as a family with other arms of the government”.

...Int’l body lauds Ugwuanyi on peace, security, good governance


eanwhile, an international organization that provides free services to the people especially in the areas of health and education, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO), has applauded Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State for enhancing business activities in the state through the provision of the needed peace and security. Speaking through its head of programme, Regina Afiono, when she led members of the team to the Government House on a courtesy call, the body added that the peaceful atmosphere in Enugu State and its secure environment informed the choice of the state as a place of assignment. Afiono, who expressed delight that “Enugu State is very outstanding in terms of security”, stressed that “our choice of places where we will work is a painstaking exercise based on research and among other things, security is the topmost because our workers have to be secured”. The programme head disclosed that the group came to Enugu and scheduled to visit Ibagwa Nike and Umuchigbo in Enugu East Local Government Area of the state

to assist the people of the area, especially the youths, in the areas of health and education. She further disclosed that their programmes were basically on inclusive education and livelihood with emphasis on the vulnerable people of the society who, according to her, are deprived of basic essentials of life. Afiono explained that the International organization has been operational in Kwara State for ten years, pointing out that it is made up of fifty members, comprising twenty-five foreigners and twentyfive Africans. Responding, Gov. Ugwuanyi, who warmly welcomed members of the delegation to the Government House, Enugu, described the body’s activities as noble ventures that are endearing to his administration. Represented by his deputy, Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, the governor maintained that the programme of the organization is in line with the policy thrust of his administration that touches the lives and wellbeing of the youths. Gov. Ugwuanyi reiterated the commitment of the state government to the success of the organization through the provision

of adequate security for the people of the state including their staff. He, therefore, expressed optimism that their stay in South East, Enugu State in particular will be fruitful and a longer exercise, and went further to express confidence in their ability to cover more communities as the programme progresses. While informing them that the government through the relevant ministries and agencies will be working with them to ensure the sustenance of the established relationship, the governor hoped that the arrival of other volunteers from United Kingdom and some African countries next week will go a long way in strengthening their local presence and activities that will bring a positive change in the lives of the youth. His words, “You have asked for security of your staff and the volunteers who would be residing and working at Ibagwa Nike and Umuchigbo, we can assure you that Enugu State remains the safest state in Nigeria, that notwithstanding, we shall take closer look at the security situation around the place of your deployment to ensure that you enjoy your stay and work in Enugu State”.

Why marginalization of S’East, S’South persists, by Bishop Udeh Continues from Page 1 According to Bishop Udeh, “If today, the oil wells dry up, the Hausa-Fulanis will divide Nigeria and go home to mine the abundant mineral resources secretly being mined already by the retired generals from the north. The spirit of God told me that President Muhammadu Buhari traveled to London recently to seek the support of these world powers to continue to rule Nigeria, even when he is sure that he did not win the election and it was the British that gave him the idea on how to suppress the southerners and malign everybody. The other time he traveled to Britain, he came back and declared IPOB a terrorist group and sent the military to Afara Ukwu to kill their leader, Nnamdi Kanu. This time around, he has traveled again to perfect another strategy for Islamizing the Nigerian nation and how to suck down the oil mineral deposit in the East. Because Britain gets more quantity of oil whenever there is fracas and unsettled situation in Nigeria, Britain will always have free and unfettered access to drill the oil and as such, they would not like peace to prevail. They will even go and tell the United Nations member states that they are firly in control of the situation in Nigeria and that the member states should ignore the social media reports that there are human rights abuses in Nigeria, instead of letting them know that people are being killed everyday, while many others are dying out of hunger, starvation, frustration and suicide. The muslim military and paramilitary men are in control of our borders and they are there to intercept and seize goods imported by the easterners and sell them auction to the public and pocket the sweats of easterners. Yet most of the northern military men are smuggling the goods into the country unchallenged and when they do, they sell them at exorbitant prices and the Hausa importers do not even pay customs duties. As for our Yoruba brothers, their own role has been to sabotage the rest of the South easterners in order to get promotion from the Hausa Fulani and they have been in it ever before the independence. So, it is obvious that Buhari was in London to get lectured on how to Islamize and stampede the south east/ south south in order to continue ruling . It is the spirit of those massacred during the civil war that struck Yakubu Goowon down at the burial of General Ejoor recently because the blood of those children starved to death during the war as ordered by Gowon will keep hunting him till Fulani people who he supported during the war will conquer Plateau state when he comes from and rule them Kudos to Biafra sit-at-home coming up on May 30. In the real sense of it, tt is no really IPOB sit at home but Biafra sit at home because the exercise is an avenue to remember our fallen heroes who went to war without weapons and were maqssacred and starve to death. So, if it iw Biafra sit at home, but certainly not only IPOB sit at home because the Hausa Fulani has proscribed IPOB by law, while Biafra remqined in our blood. I cant forget the menace of kwasiokor, the noise of the Jet fighters and bombs which sounded always while we were in the bunkers trying to save our dear lives. I therefore call on the UN and other world powers to give us Biafra sovereignty because I would not like my children and grand children to see what I went through . They should give ua Biafra beause we are dying and re being killed secretly on daily basis. I still send warning notice to members of the election petitions tribunal currently sitting over the presidential election to set themselves free by giving the judgement as they see it or they will attract the wrath of God. Senior ranking military men from the east are now being retired compulsorily bexause of the qattempt to Islamizr Nigeria, while the junior ranking ones are being pushed to the boko haram war front to be killed. But they should know that when boko haram insurgents finished with the easterners and have no one more to kill, they will face themselves because the blood have entered their eyes. Aisha Buhari, wife of Buhari had recently accused Modu Sherif in the social media of establishing boko haram and yet no one has ever bordered to invite Sheriff for questioning because he is from the north.

Alleged certificate forgery: Court admits Adeleke to N2m bail An Abuja Chief Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday admitted Sen. Ademola Adeleke, the flag bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party in Osun, to bail in the sum of N2 million. The police arraigned Adeleke in a Mpape Chief Magistrates’ Court, on five counts of certificate forgery. Adeleke was charged with alleged false statement that he attended Ede Muslim Grammar School in Ede, Osun State and he obtained WASC, attached

statement of result. The police also alleged that Adeleke forged the school letter of attestation purported to have been signed by one Mr Abbas Khalid, the principal of the school. The Magistrate, Alhaji Mohammed Zubairu, admitted Adeleke to bail with one surety in like sum. Zubairu also ordered that the surety must reside within the court’s jurisdiction. He also held that the court has

jurisdiction to entertain the matter. Zubairu then adjourned the case until June 24, for further hearing. Earlier, the Prosecution Counsel, Simon Lough told the court that the offence contravened the provisions of sections 164, 164, 362, 362 and 364. Adeleke pleaded not guilty to the charge. The defence counsel, Adebeyi Adeyosoye, prayed that the court to grant his client bail on liberal

terms or self recognition. He assured that his client will not jump bail as he is a reliable and well know citizen. Before the arraignment, Adeyosoye raised an objection over the jurisdiction of the court. His objection was premised on grounds that a Higher Court on Monday, May 6, 2019, granted him leave to travel to the U.S. for medical attention from May 7, to June 9. Adeyosoye also said that the

court made an order restraining the police from arresting Adeleke. He prayed that the court should adjourn the matter sine die, pending the determination of a similar suit before the Federal High Court in Abuja. Adeyosoye also said that the court has no jurisdiction to handle the matter. He said the arraignment was a ploy to embarrass the defendant and also impracticable to continue with the arraignment.



The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Again, Israel Thank God for fights for survival, set to Fashola and annex Gaza strip Okorocha Pg 14

Pg 12


o the residents and inhabitants of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Gov. Nasir el-Rufai’s name remains an anathema; it sends jitters down their spines as his destructive tendency, callously demonstrated during his implementation of the Abuja Master Plan as FCT Minister remains a major scar on his victims. To the non-Muslim communities across the nation, particularly the Christian group, and to the defenceless indigenous people of Southern Kaduna, “el-Rufai is a religious bigot, a terror in the day, ethnic extremist at night and bloody chief executive of all time.” Indeed, Nasir El-Rufai needs no introduction in the nation’s political sphere any longer. His name rings a bell in the minds of Nigerians for every sinister motive. He is a man sold to controversy, one stirs same at will and gets away with it. Reason: whenever the dimunitive Chief Executive speaks, his speeches only reveal a bigger plan, hatched by the elites—most probably his religious community, his Northern bloc or the Presidency. This time around, he appears to be taking on Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the Jagaban of Yoruba politics, no less a politically disruptive man but clearly less bloody. And it promises to be battle royale: for all intents and purposes, Gov. el-Rufai has taken on the daunting task and new assignment of retiring Tinubu, the largest landlord on the African continent, the Jagaban of Lagos and APC and, by extension, el-Rufai’s national leader, from his rarefied nestle as the godfather of Lagos, nay South West, politics. The dimunitive Islamist has dared the Lion of Bourdillon, right inside the lion’s den! And those who read Nigerian politics well say daredevil el-Rufai has been sent by the cabal to puncture Tinubu’s presidential ambition against 2023 before it gathers momentum. The day was Saturday, May 4, 2019. And the event, organised by the Bridge Club in Ikoyi, Lagos State, was tagged “An evening with His Excellency Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, Governor of Kaduna State.” Forever wedded to controversy, el-Rufai did not disappoint. Speaking at the programme, el-Rufai simply went for Tinubu’s juggler, advising Lagosians and, by extension, the Yoruba, on how to be freed and liberated from the clutches of the APC and el-Rufai’s national leader and the godfather of Lagos, Ahmed Bola Tinubu. The free, not to say, carelesslytalking chief executive then went on to narrate how he defeated and retired about four godfathers in Kaduna State, boasting that Lagos could borrow a leaf from him and send Tinubu home as godfather. “Godfatherism. This is Lagos. Let me tell you something sir; you know, Kaduna State used to be like that. There were three or four politicians in Kaduna that you could not become anything unless you had them on your side,” an online platform quoted Mallam el-Rufai as saying. “Those were the godfathers of Kaduna politics and you had to carry them along and you know, the three words, ‘carry them along’ mean paying them regularly. But we chose a different path and the long and short of it now is that after this election in 2019, we have retired all of them; we had to.” “The card reader and the biometric register have given us the tools to connect directly with the people. I assure

Can el-Rufai bring down the Bourdillon Wall? In this report, GWIYI SOLOMON more or less stirs the hornet’s nest as he adroitly points to the impending showdown between the Jagaban of Yoruba politics and the Fulani irredentist and le enfant terrible of Nigerian politics, Governor Nasir el-Rufai of Kaduna State. you, if you do that (talking about Tinubu), for the next four years, connecting with the people, the tin godfather, you will retire him or her permanently,” he oncluded. Recall that at the berth of the present democracy in the country some years back, many analysts had compared Ahmed Bola Tinubu to the late chief Olusola, the strong man of Kwara politics and late chief Adedibu, the political godfather of Oyo state; but he has surpassed the duo’s achievements politically. Then came his comparism with chief Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of the country and late chief Obafemi Awolowo, former premier of the western region, in terms of their command of influence among the people; yet asiwaju has remained unbent. In the Bourdillion where he lives, strategically quartered in Ikoyi, Lagos state; the only language discernible to the ears crested on the walls and prowling the power house is game; wriggling, outwitting and political horse-trading. It is the very reason for the gargantuan edifice. And the very essence for which it has exisited. Inside the bourdillon, destinies and fortunes of individuals have been incubated, nurtured to maturity and even harvested; yet inside the same edifice, many blooming fortunes have been truncated, stolen, killed and destroyed by the inhabitants, led by their lion.

Inside the bourdillon, destinies and fortunes of individuals have been incubated, nurtured to maturity and even harvested; yet inside the same edifice, many blooming fortunes have been truncated, stolen, killed and destroyed by the inhabitants, led by their lion

Put succinctly: Asiwaju, known and addressed as “the lion of bourdillon” has removed governors from their places of honor, and goaded others to same places of influence even beyond the west; he has installed Senators, as well as uninstalled many without hitches; he has shipped members of the House of Representatives, in their numbers across the Federal Republic

of Nigeria to the National Assembly as well as derobbed others. He has equally dethroned a president (with reference to 2015), and twice enthroned another. In the APC fold where he reigns supreme, he is like that biblical rock of ages: “whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” The governor Ambode’s humiliation and national embarrassment can best attest to the infinite possession of power by this Lion. His normination and elevation of prof. Yemi Osinbajo to the Vice president of the country is yet another confirmation that in inside bourdillon, everything is possible. The Rochas Okorocha’s travails, the Governor Amosun’s political impasse and many more are the footages of Bourdllon. In the South western region and across the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the Asiwaju of Lagos, has remained one looming and overbearingly embossing Image over every other political creature therein. But the big question remains: Can El-Rufai upstage the Asiwaju of Lagos and bring down the Wall of Bourdillon? The stage has been set. And Nigeria is the theatre. Let us wait and see. Gwiyi Solomon writes from Uzo Uwani LGA, Enugu State.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Thank God for Fashola and Okorocha By JIMANZE EGO-ALLOWES


henever I read or sight Babatunde Fashola, the Triple Minister, I thank God that my prayers over his head were answered. It is also the same with the outgoing governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha. The two are one of a kind. And by Jove, what has been the prayer? It is that it should please God that neither of the two ever enlisted in the Nigerian Army. And why? It is that one can swear, even before the most dreaded deity and survive, that if any of these two men was commissioned into any army, he would have ended up a coup maker and possibly plunged this country into chaos, even civil war. And the signs are all over. Give it to the two, together and separately, they have an over abundance of self, even if unearned, confidence. And perhaps, ignorance to match. Like with all such men trapped in their self-satisfying manners, their tragic play begins innocuously. In fact, often times their opening scenes make it look like their acts are for the greatest good of the greatest numbers. First, Okorocha. Many may have forgotten that just about the first week of resuming as governor of Imo State, Okorocha declared himself a socio-political theoretician, floating an imperious idea. It was the schema that there should be a fourth tier of government and that it shall begin with Imo State. The difficulty was that nobody, including Okorocha himself, understood exactly what a fourth tier of government meant. Finally, it turned out that the idea of the fourth tier of government was just a brainwave. The brainwave of a man who thinks being orator, even of the affected kind, is proof one is a genius. Expectedly, as is with such impetuous men, Okorocha didn’t wait to reflect, before he went for the rooftops and announced things. Today Okorocha is finished with Imo and the report card is? It is that Imo is a wreck, worse than Afghanistan after her civil war. Anyway, as we write, nobody knows what has happened to the Okorocha theories of four tier governances. If Okorocha is now gone to the dust, politically, Fashola the failed poster boy of governance, has chosen to toe the Okorocha path, step for step. According to a report: ‘’The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, has called for the elongation of appointment of the Minister of Works and critical directors in the ministry, saying a four-year term is too short to design roads, undertake procurement and building the roads.’’…/fashola-seeks-elongation-of-…/ It looks innocent enough. But look in and the iberiberisms, apologies to Okorocha, begin to show. First, this story. As Nigeria passes through unending security challenges, Channels Television, in her morning show, interviewed one retired police commissioner. His name is Nwagwu, I can’t be sure, but he once served as a Benue State Commissioner of Police. Nwagwu came up with one insight. It is that all the structures that the Nigeria Police inherited from the British were excellent and bespoke. They were uncommonly effective in preventing and tackling crimes. And he went further to remind us that a country like Ghana had left those structures as they inherited it. Of course Ghana he says has a better working policing system profile than Nigeria. The difference is that the Ghanaian policing was built on and around the excellent structures the British carefully thought out and instituted. But Nigerians decided they were wiser than the civilized. The result as it pertains to the police is that all kinds of innovations, poorly articulated innovations and reforms, have been visited on the Nigerian police. Today, the Nigerian police has neither head nor tail to it. And he gave the example of SARS. According to him, there were imbedded



It is a settled iron lore that it’s dangerous to theorize with power, or in power.

within the then Criminal Investigation Department, CID, a SARS-like body. But it was kept under control of a court of senior police officers. Today, he rued, even Divisional Police Officers, have their own micro or local SARS. And today the result is that the police hired to protect, may be killing more Nigerians than armed robbers. But that is not all to the storyline. According to Bishop Hassan Kukah, Nigeria is the only commonwealth country that re-configured her political delineations, after the British left. And this was done essentially by coup makers. And these coup makers, in the guise of the Fashola-Okorocha proclivity be-

lieved that oratory is genius. And to pepper up their delusion they had guns. And they began to ‘’alter all alterables.’’ In consequence, the coup makers began to reorder Nigeria in their tattered khaki images. That is why Nigeria is so ungovernable today. The structure of governance and the polity has been so mindlessly shredded that it will be easier to bind humpty dumpty together, than to have Nigeria work again as a civilized entity. To understand how we came to this bend the following is indicated. The point, which looks pointless after the fact, is that the British system which we inherited is a studied

design. It came out of a civilization of the highest order. And its provenance runs back to the great imperium, Rome, Rome the Model Empire. That is the British system we inherited is not a produce of the restlessness of mindless operatives whose only genius is that they have office and audience, aka power, whether stolen or otherwise. Of course, the case of the iberiberism governor is clear. Already APC as a party has made it clear, it prefers utility bills as the best certificates one can possess for office. Even as we write, it is known that the APC chairman magically graduated from a school before it was established. So he showed his utility bills in lieu. Or perhaps hired lawyers. Anyway, nobody really asks whether Okorocha has ever written a paper or defended a thesis on tiers of government or even sat for exams in his life? It is not impossible that it is blokes like him that El Rufai, the governor of Kaduna State, has in mind when he spoke of the absence of Ivy Leaguers running the states, etc. But Fashola is a different kettle of fish. Fashola runs around the streets of governance in guise of a scholar, with an orator’s voice to match. But he is actually an artisan, or better, a big name artisan, aka professional, here a lawyer, a SAN. The point needs to be underlined, being a scholar and being a brilliant professional are not one and the same thing. So where and when and how, has Fashola written and defended a paper on tenures of officers in government? And how much does he really know of governance structures? Or is he confusing his oratorical skills for genius, so much that he is behaving like coup maker colonels? It is these coup makers, who in their blissful, but armed ignorance, decided to give up the British Civilization we inherited for our current barbarism. It never occurred to them that development is court-like, a web of attachments, that cannot exist without each other. That is you can’t thoughtlessly retouch one strand, say tenure of work ministers, without bringing the whole court into peril. It is the fact of not appreciating the interwoven nature of governance that mislead Generals Murtala Mohammed and Ibrahim Babangida. Even if you granted them their claim to good intentions, the fact is now clear that it was the Babangida interventions with Professor Olukoye Ransome-Kuti to re-cast doctor’s remunerations that threw the entire health sector into perennial chaos since. And Muritala sacked, according to him, unproductive civil servants, over the airwaves. Today, the civil service is an engine of pure corruption. But that was in part a righteous reaction against the possibility of another precipitous Muritala, armed with a coup. Now, the difference between the impetuous Murtala-Babangida and Fashola is that one, Murtala-Babangida, has a coup and guns to kill, but poor Fashola has only an office, is a minion. However, behind this difference they have the same kneejerk manners. So, we beg of this nation to remark the following. First, that Fashola is a lawyer. Second, that Fashola is an orator. Third, that Fashola is not a scholar of public administration. Fourth, that Fashola if he wants to theorize should be humble enough to quit power, go to any faculties and defend his theorizing on tenures of works’ ministers. Fifth, Fashola should not abuse public trust by theorizing on offices he is appointed to. Sixth, Fashola a self-affecting egghead would have known that it is a settled iron lore that it’s dangerous to theorize with power, or in power. You ‘’memoirize’’ only after leaving office. It is only coup makers who mix up the two. Thank God, neither Fashola nor Okorocha ever made it to the military. Nigeria Ronu! •Dr. Ego-Allowes first published this article on Facebook


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Yar’Adua: The opportunity lost In a tribute to the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, COLLINS UGHALAA, taking into consideration the less than palatable political/socioeconomic events of the moment, writes that the death of the gentle, almost self-effacing but pragmatic President cost Nigeria a lot in terms of political, economic and social progress.


npleasant events in Nigeria, especially the events surrounding the civil war and events in the post civil war Nigeria, had forced many Nigerians, especially those from the Igbo extraction, to consider the mantra of one Nigeria as a boring, overused cliché often touted by those who preside over our commonwealth to make Nigerians look the other way while they pillage our treasury and run roughshod on the Nigerian people. Many people do not comprehend why the Igbo people who had just come out of the brutal civil war with millions of lives lost could be subjugated to very harsh economic conditions. Even a blind man could see clearly that the some people were carefully screwed in those policies, especially the indigenization policy. To capture succinctly the brazen hypocrisy that characterize the claim of one Nigeria, former President Goodluck Jonathan noted in his book, My Transition Hours: “When some individuals preach one Nigeria in public, those who know them better in private simply chuckle...One Nigeria assumes profound differences in the polity. While some people use it as a prop for sloganeering, there are only few who mean it...For some people one Nigeria is an organism with mutative powers. Nothing is constant. It is a virtual reality device which they alter, degrade and upgrade, depending on the trend of the hour and as it suits their ‘enlightened’ self and group interests”. Nigeria operated under this climate at the time Yar’Adua became President. But with him as President it dawned on many that Nigeria stands a chance to be one united country in words and in deeds. Born into an aristocratic family in Katsina State on August 15, 1951, Umau Musa Yar’Adua became the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2007. He died on May 5, 2010 and was buried in his Danmama home in Katsina State on May 6, 2010. Yar’Adua struck the international cord on his merit when he admitted that the presidential election of April 21, 2007, that brought him in as President was flawed. He initiated an electoral reform process to ensure that general elections across the country were transparent, fair and credible. This public acceptance and the subsequent action brought him international acclaim and also improved Nigeria’s chequered international standing. Though he was President for less than three years, due to the impact of his policies, Nigerians have the feeling that he was President for decades. President Yar’Adua was known across the country and beyond as a man of unquestionable integrity. He was seen as a man that was not corrupt. Though he was of an aristocratic family, he was more gentle than the dove and trustworthy. His integrity was attested to by his chieftaincy title, Matawalle, meaning, The Custodian of The Royal Treasury of the Katsina Emirate. Yar’Adua brought quality to governance. He was unarguably the first Nigerian President who was a graduate, having graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University in 1975 with B.Sc. in Education and Chemistry. He was also the first President who was Governor before becoming President. He served as the Governor of Katsina State from 1999 when Nigeria returned to democratic rule to 2007. His handling of the affairs of the country and the peace he brought signposted the hope that Nigeria could work again. Yar’Adua’s Vice and eventual successor, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, underscored his integrity when he eulogized the late President in his Facebook post on Sunday, April 5, marking the ninth year of the President’s death. He said that “President Yar’Adua was

•Umaru Musa Yar’adua a man of integrity with a humble spirit who always took upon himself the burden of national reconciliation, peace-building, and democratic consolidation”. He was noted for saving up to N40bn for his state, Katsina, upon leaving office in 2007 as Governor, at a time most governors left empty treasury. This also portrayed him as a prudent manager of public resources. Among the legacies Yar’Adua brought to Nigeria was the Rule of Law. It was one of the items on his seven-point agenda. Yar’Adua did not only preach the Rule of Law, he personified the Rule of Law in the Nigerian governance climate. Not long after he assumed office as President, he walked his talk on the Rule of Law by reversing Obasanjo’s twin increments on the Value Added Tax (VAT) and the pump price of fuel in the wake of protests by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC). He based his action on the fact that his predecessor did not follow due process and the rule of law. This action endeared him to the Nigerian populace and gave them trust in the government. This was more striking considering that Yar’Adua became President on the back of massive support by President Obasanjo. Many Nigerians and the international community did not only see this as the adherence to the Rule of Law but the demonstration of uncommon courage in tackling the myriad of challenges confronting the nation no matter whose ox was gored. President Yar’Adua also struck a critical cord with the Nigerian people when he deviated from what had become the norm and openly declared his assets and asked his appointees to follow suit. He also promptly enforced the Supreme Court ruling on the governorship of Anambra State, thereby making Mr. Peter Obi the first beneficiary of the rule of law as enunciated by the President. He also endeared himself to Nigerians when reversed the sale of refineries and other national assets by the Obasanjo administration and also refunded to Lagos State their federal allocation hitherto withheld by the erstwhile Obasanjo administration for years. Perhaps the most united era in the annals of Nigeria is the time Yar’Adua held

sway as President. Though a Muslim from the Northern part of Nigeria, he betrayed religious attachment when he embraced both Christians and Muslims alike. His love for Nigeria’s unity was also underlined by President Jonathan when he said in his post on his Facebook page that Yar’Adua used “the opportunity he had in public service to build bridges of love, foster unity and give hope to Nigerians”. In a similar vein, former Governor of Imo, Dr. Ikedi Ohakim who shared close friendship with President Yar’Adua also underscored the late President’s knack for the unity of the country. In a statement on Sunday, he noted that “Under his watch, an Igbo man, Air Marshall Paul Dike, was the Chief of Defence Staff. Under his watch, A Yoruba man, Air Marshal Oluseyi Petinrin, was Air Force Chief. He didn’t appoint all the Service Chiefs from his zone so as not to make it clear to others that they don’t belong. He made us all feel like Nigerians”. He added that during the Yar’Adua’s presidency, “an Igbo man for the first time in Nigeria’s history became the Inspector General of Police, and not only one but two Igbo men consecutively - Mike Mbama Okiro (2007 - 2009) and Ogbonna Okechukwu Onovo (2009 - 2010) were appointed Inspector General of Police. He understood the pains of marginalization and under his watch, peace returned to the creeks”. Ohakim also noted that the President handled the insecurity in the country, stressing that he “understood that the smile of a crocodile wasn’t the way to gain the trust and acceptance of a people neither did he allow pythons to dance across the Southeast as we see today which has turned the once restive Ala-Igbo into a pensive zone sitting on a keg of TNT”. As noted by former Governor Ikedi Ohakim, Yar’Adua’s era marked a watershed in proffering a holistic solution to difficult situations in the country. He did not unleash the full strength of his office in addressing the challenges posed by the Niger Delta militants both to the security and economy of the country. With effect from August 6, 2009, the federal government’s

amnesty programme for militants in the Niger Delta started addressing the militancy in the region. The programme was designed to reduce the unrest in the oil-rich Niger Delta and create a conducive environment for socioeconomic and political activities to thrive. As part of the programme, the President offered unconditional pardon, trainings and cash payments to the militants who agreed to lay down their arms and embrace the programme, with the target of 10,000 militants. The federal government gave the militants a period of 60 days during which they could embrace the programme. To further demonstrate his commitment to the programme, the federal government released Henry Okah, a leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the most active militant group with another agreement to release former Governor of Bayelsa State, late Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, who had been in detention. Earlier on July 25, 2009, while proclaiming Amnesty for Niger Delta militants, the President noted that the programme was “pursuant to section 175 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”, adding that “the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria acknowledges that the challenges of the Niger Delta arose mainly from the inadequacies of previous attempts at meeting the yearnings and aspiration of the people”. He assured that the federal government had “set in motion machinery for the sustainable development of the Niger Delta States”. The admission of the inadequacies of previous policies of the federal government in addressing the conditions in the region led the Nigerian people to believe that the federal government was sincere. The outcome of the sincerity of the Yar’Adua led federal government on the amnesty programme was that the programme was overscribed. Though with a target of 10,000 militants in the troubled Niger Delta region, over 15,000 of them subscribed and surrendered their guns to the federal government. According to a report by Reuters on October 8, 2009, the amnesty participants exceeded government’s target, posing rehabilitation and integration challenges to the federal government. “The number of participants in the amnesty programme, which expired on Sunday, exceeded government expectations and has already raised questions about how such large numbers of former fighters can be rehabilitated and reintegrated…Yar’Adua’s amnesty offer was one of the most serious attempts yet to stem unrest which has prevented Nigeria from pumping much above two-thirds of its oil capacity, costing it billions of dollars in lost revenue”, said the report. President Yar’Adua’s successful amnesty deal for the Niger Delta militants stands diametrical to the Operation Python Dance launched in the Southeast by the Buhari administration as a way of addressing the nonarmed agitation in the Southeast for the restoration of Biafra by the use of military force with heavy casualties. The takeaway is that while Yar’Adua would have preferred a peaceful resolution of the agitation in the Southeast region of Nigeria, President Buhari has no qualms allowing pythons to dance across the breadth and length of the Southeast or crocodile smiling across the South-South and South West. He would even declare that only the 95% that voted for him would benefit from his government, while the 7% would not, further aggravating the hot joints in the country. No wonder Nigerians miss President Yar’Adua, nine years after, and they will continue to miss him.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019




iving credence to the perception that the only language the Islamists understand is fire for fire and victory for the stronger, Israel, tired of the terrorist Hamas rockets attacks on civilian targets in the Jewish State, is set to invade the Gaza strip in its bid to chase Hamas out of the enclave and put a stop to the rain of rockets. Israeli Prime Minister, BENJAMIN NETANYAHU disclosed this in a broadcast in which he called on Hamas to stop the rocket attacks or risk the annexation of Gaza strip by Israel. Full text of the broadcast is reproduced below. To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas: We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the history of the modern State of Israel, has the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart. Everyone in Israel, from Left to Right, secular and religious, in united in the knowledge that there is no accommodating an enemy that is sworn to the genocide of our people. And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately, intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians - you continue to inspire us to hold strongly onto our unity. Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you. But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire - and I mean all rocket fire - will cease. Completely. Forever. I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will *never* be another attack launched at our civilians from there. Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence. It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not

•Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh attends a rally marking the 30th anniversary of Hamas in Gaza City

Again, Israel fights for survival, set to annex Gaza strip

•Rockets fired by Palestinian militants are seen over the Gaza Strip heading toward Israel, early Wednesday. (Hatem Moussa_AP)


•Hezbollah fighter choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal

savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much

•Israel’s Iron Dome defense system as you hate ours, this war would never have happened. To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should “show restraint”. When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is the murder of every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about “restraint”. Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population. Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead. Am Yisrael Chai. THE NATION OF ISRAEL LIVES!


BU$IN£SS The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

•Energy •Finance


igerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) says it paid out some N1.564 trillion to government and operating partners between January 2018 and January 2019, but did not specify whether the payment is from its operations profit or part of the revenues from the nation’s equity oil from industry operations. The corporation represents government’s interest in the commercial operations of all players in nation’s oil and gas exploration, production and processing business. Primarily, the corporation is various production agreements with different asset operators in the petroleum industry. The corporation also stated in its monthly financial records published weekend that it transferred N153.01 billion into the Federation Account in January this year following more than expected upstream earnings boosted by production upside in the operations of Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC). Out of the payments made by the corporation in 2018, N905.45 billion was remitted to the Federation Account while N658.66 was paid to operating partners to meet equity funding for joint venture operations. The payments to government and joint venture operators featured in the corporation’s Naira payments within the period. They do not cover overhead and sundry costs run by the corporation with the year. The corporation also posted bullish revenue performance for the first month of the year, declaring positive business balance sheet of N15.04 billion for January 2019, a 24 per cent increase from the N12.13 billion posted in December 2018. NNPC Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Mr. Ndu Ughamadu, said the corporation’s upstream activities turned in more than expected cash despite reduced operational activities in the month. The Oracle Today reports that exploration and production unit of NNPC was in position to make greater cash returns following the rising prices of crude oil in the export market, explaining the greater revenue from NPDC despite reduction in business activities as reported by the corporation. Revenue for the corporation also flowed from its trading units: the Petroleum Products Marketing Company (PPMC), and Duke Oil. However, NNPC reported that






NNPC spends Aiteo runs cycle N1.564 tr in 2018 ops with pipeline Energy


• Remits N153.01 b in January 2019



LG unveils new energy saving washing machines for Nigeria, others



Air Peace displays B777 aircraft on Kano, Abuja, P/H routes ahead Sharjah launch P23 earnings from the two trading arms were hampered by high operating cost. The NNPC declared total oil and gas export earnings of $381.70 million (N137.412 billion) in January, up from $345.68 (N124.444 billion) in December, 2018. NNPC stated in the report that revenue contributions from crude oil amounted to $269.43 million, gas revenue came to $111.75, while miscellaneous income from industry operations was $0.52 million. “Within the period under focus, NNPC transferred N153.01 billion into the Federation Account, while cumulatively, from January 2018 to January 2019, Federation and JV received N905.45 billion and N658.66 billion respectively, under the column of Naira Payments to the Federation Accounts,” the report stated. No income was declared for the corporation’s midstream and downstream marketing operations. The

CBN Exchange Rates APRIL 16th, 2019 Currency Buying(NGN) Central (NGN) Selling(NGN) US DOLLAR 305.95 306.45 306.95 Pounds Sterling 401.3146 401.9705 402.6263 EURO 346.1518 346.7175 347.2832 SWISS FRANC 305.0653 305.5639 306.0624 YEN 2.731 2.7354 2.7399 CFA 0.509 0.519 0.529 WAUA 424.7326 425.4267 426.1208 YUAN/RENMINBI 45.6075 45.6824 45.7574 RIYAL 81.5801 81.7135 81.8468 S/AFRICAN RAND 21.8806 21.9164 21.9521 DANISH KRONA 46.3673 46.4431 46.5189 SDR 425.3317 426.0268 426.7219


•Zainab Ahmed

•CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele

Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC), Rivers State; Warri Refinery and Petrochemical Company (WRPC) in Delta State; and the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC), all operated by NNPC are currently moribund. The domestic fuel market where NNPC holds supply monopoly is opaque and runs on controversial annual subsidy budget of N1.4 trillion, according to official estimates; but the costs and margin recovered from the subsidy budget are hardly declared in financial statements of the corporation. The corporation stated in its January report that it supplied about 2.0 billion litres of petrol to the market through the crude-for-product swap arrangement in January, up from about 1.8 billion litres supplied in December, 2018. It pointed at the challenge of fuel distribution in the country to be mainly pipeline vandalism by thieves that thrive on sale of stolen

petroleum products. The corporation reported 230 pipeline breaks in the month, down by 11 per cent from the 264 vandalized points recorded in December, 2018. Geographical mapping of distribution pipeline breaks in January showed drastic drop in cases of pipeline hacking in the Southeast and Southsouth zones of the country, and uptick in the Southwest areas of the country. According to NNPC, MosimiIbadan pipeline suffered 67 vandalized points or 29 percent of the total; Ibadan-Ilorin pipeline suffered 62 vandalized points or 27 percent; while and Aba-Enugu pipeline suffered 30 vandalized points or 13 percent of the total. The Warri-River Niger axis of the distribution pipeline also accounted for 10 per cent of total vandalized points, while other locations accounted for the remaining 21 per cent of the pipeline breaks.

Losses from cryptocurrency thefts, others hit $1.2bn in Q1 -- Report P24 Equity & Capital Market

Textile smuggling: CBN to blacklist banks, firms, individuals P25

Stock Market Highlights As At 16th april, 2019



29,746.24 2,979.00 321,357,743.00 N4,657,186,639.16 N11,172,913,393,038.20 N10,744,459,607,350.90 N5,621,606,917.78

Top 5 Trade S/N Coy 1. UBN 2. GUARANTY 3. AFRINSURE 4. CHAMS 5. UBA

5 Top Gainers


Current N1500.3 N10.1 N35.6 N20.9 N4.18

Change %Change 48.1 3.31% 0.9 9.78% 0.5 1.42% 0.4 1.95% 0.31 8.01%

N23 N2.7 N4.8 N0.47 N6.8

-0.5 -0.15 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05

5 Top Losers (By Volume) Value(N) 134,139,573 N912,177,948.80 61,050,779 N2,154,815,752.10 15,000,000 N3,000,000.00 14,020,683 N4,515,536.82 11,302,494 N72,054,057.00


N23.5 N2.85 N4.85 N0.52 N6.85

-2.13% -5.26% -1.03% -9.62% -0.73%


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

ENERGY NGMC remains in Warri, NNPC assures host communities

he headquarters of the Nigerian Gas MarTin Warri, keting Company Limited (NGMC) remains Delta State as the government has

no intention of relocating the company from the upstream host communities. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which owns the gas company stated Tuesday that social media reports about relocation of the company from Warri to Abuja were false. Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Mr. Ndu Ughamadu, assured members of the host communities who are said to lay siege on the company premises to return to their normal daily activities, saying NGMC office remains in Warri. He made it clear that the reported plan to spend N120 million as yearly rent and another N294 million to relocate NGMC to Abuja is false. Mr. Ughamadu said the clarification became necessary in view of reports of barricade of NGMC Office in Warri by some members of the company’s host communities, stressing that they should not allow the malicious fake news to incite them against the company which has been carrying out its operations peacefully within the communities for years. He affirmed that NGMC remained committed to staying and executing it business activities in the Niger Delta, saying the company was poised to sustaining the existing relations between it and its esteemed stakeholders and members of the public in the community.

Aiteo runs cycle with pipeline vandals By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


ndigenous independent exploration and production company, Aiteo, has activated another round of spill containment and pipeline repairs, making it the third attack on the operated Nembe Creek Trunkline (NCTL) in less than five weeks. It is not very clear whether the pipeline attacks and associated cycle of repairs on the highly vulnerable NCTL are connected to perceived political grievances in industry host communities where local communities alleged brutalization of indigenous people loyal to the state government. Aiteo has been persistent in blaming the pipeline fires on vandals that sabotage the industry, but none of the militant groups that champion political and economic demands has risen to claim responsibility for the pipeline attacks. The company declared Monday that the export pipeline which was reopened weekend has been sabotaged again even when it the alleged culprits were killed in the fire blast. The new spate of attacks might be pointers to resumption of hostilities against oil firms that hold assets onshore Niger Delta. Spokesman for the Aiteo Group, Mr. Ndiana Matthew, declared on Monday that two new leak points were reported along the

NCTL near Awoba riser manifold. He pointed out that the new leaks were coming “less than 24 hours after starting up the NCTL from repairs of identified leak points occasioned by activities of oil thieves.” As the asset operator, Aiteo is required by regulation to immediately respond to, and contain, incidents arising from its operations, and the company stated that it has already notified third party producers to shut in production while working to repair the pipeline once again. Mr Matthew stated that spill containment measures have been deployed to protect the environment while cause investigation and repairs follow respectively. “Our emergency response process was immediately activated, and containment boom deployed to limit oil spread on bodies of water whilst efforts to identify cause of incident as well repairs have been initiated. “Consequently, all injectors have been advised in accordance with NCTL shutdown procedure to shut-in production into the NCTL immediately. Appropriate Oil Leakage and Spillage Notification Report will follow shortly to DPR/NOSDRA. Before the latest incident, Aiteo had confirmed that its emergency pipeline repair teams had successfully completed repair activities on all reported leak points on the

NCTL. Consequently, it notified all producers that inject crude oil into the export conduit “to re-align and commence start-up formalities immediately and advise on their start up times.” The fire outbreak in Awoba on April 21 was the second that Aiteo had to put out after the initial fire which was reported around Nembe Creek Well 7, behind Mile 1 Community in Bayelsa State on March 1. Security forces deployed in the area had stated that some six suspected masterminds of the pipeline incident were killed by the fire blast. Expectedly, the regular outage of the pipeline trails a line of schedule failures at production sites that feed into the pipeline, and crude oil loading arrangements at the Bonny Terminal from where traders lift crude to the market. Shell declared force majeure on exports of Nigeria’s Bonny Light crude following the closure of the NCTL fire incidents, and the force majeure would likely remain in place until Aiteo achieves stability on the channel. The Oracle Today learnt that traders now await new loading plans after Bonny Light exports earlier planned at 222,000 bpd in June and 184,000 bpd in May were affected by the pipeline incidents.

ANOH Gas Processing Company takes 300 Mscf/d from flare

he joint venture vehicle conceived to Tic Assa commercialize natural gas from the prolifNorth and Ohaji South (ANOS) fields

•A section of Aiteo executives at a past event with representatives from the Nigeria Football Federation

Chevron committed to community development

hevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) has reacted Cstakeholders to protests by Ugborodo community over demand for jobs in the company’s operations, saying it would continue to partner with the community under a structured and peaceful development implementation programmes. The company’s General Manager in charge of Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Mr. Esimaje Brikin, said Chevron Nigeria Limited which operates onshore assets with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) under the NNPC/CNL Joint Venture has traditionally supported the community with social amenities, employment and contracts. “CNL has a long-standing relationship with the Ugborodo community which dates back to years before the establishment of its new community-driven participatory partnership model for community development known as the Global Memorandum of Understand-

ing (GMoU),” he said. The Ugborodo community is a constituent member of the Itsekiri Regional Development Committee (IRDC). In addition to the provision of water and electricity to the Ugborodo community, the River Boat Clinic provides free medical services to several communities including Ugborodo community, Mr. Esimaje stated. Between 2008 and now, the Itsekiri RDC has built over 60 houses, with over 390 beneficiaries, he said, adding that the IRDC has also organized a skills acquisition programme for 438 trainees and recently completed 54 projects inherited from the past executives. “We will continue to support the IRDC to boost their capacity to help sustain development in the area and exploit the resources and opportunities available to them for the benefit of the people. “CNL has continued to support socio-eco-

nomic development in Ugborodo communities through local community contracts, employment and scholarships. Annually, 100 secondary and tertiary scholarships are awarded to beneficiaries from Ugborodo community. “We have a reasonable number of Ugborodo community workers and contractors who have benefitted and have continued to benefit from the available employment and contract opportunities in the company,” he added. He noted that through the Escravos Gas To Liquid (EGTL) project, Chevron provided empowerment to several Local Community Contractors from Ugborodo and employment to many members of the community. Similarly, Chevron’s contractors from Ugborodo community have provided and con

in Imo State, ANOH Gas Processing Company (ANOH) Limited will assist government achieve the double aim of generating value from the resource while reducing potential flares by default. Share holders of the company weekend inaugurated the board, indicating imminent activation of development, production and processing operations on the asset. The plans for ANOS development comes at a time Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) declared in its January operations report that only 61.73 per cent of the gas produced in the country was commercialized, while the balance of 38.27 percent was re-injected, used as upstream fuel gas or flared. According to its monthly operations report for January, NNPC recorded 2.22 percent increase in natural gas production in the industry at 245.83 billion cubic feet in the month, translating to an average production of 8.2 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd). Out of the volume supplied in January 2019, a total of 151.50bcf of gas was commercialized, consisting of 38.03BCF and 113.47 BCF for the domestic and export market respectively. The corporation calculated gas flare rate at 7.52 per cent or 610.07 mmscfd compared with average gas flare rate of 9.76 percent or 770.31 mmscfd for the period between January 2018 and January 2019. With the establishment of ANOH Gas processing Company, NNPC and Seplat Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) Limited would now team up to harness about 300 MMscf/d for supply to the domestic market. The project, an integral part of the seven critical gas development projects conceived by government to fill some estimated 3.4 Bscf/d anticipated by 2020 when average daily gas demand in the domestic market is forecast to reach 7.0 Bscf/d.

Continued on P24


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

ENERGY Seplat drives production boost with cost efficiency By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


ndigenous exploration and production independent company, Seplat Petroleum Development Company Plc has declared first quarter financial results, showing dedicated steps towards boost in oil and gas output with lower operating cost. In the unaudited report, London listed Seplat declared a net profit of $33 million after adjusting for tax credit of $13 million though the figures could alter after an audit process. “The results showed positive impact of the 2018 debt refinancing and subsequent deleveraging, which resulted in a 38 per cent yearon-year reduction in finance costs to US$16 million (2018: US$26 million),” the company which is also listed on Nigerian Stock Exchange said. Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Austin Avuru, said: “Our operations have continued to perform in line with expectation, with the phasing of our 2019 work programme such that the production uplift will be felt throughout the second half of the year as we step up drilling activities to focus on capturing the numerous high margin and short-cycle cash return opportunities within our current portfolio.

“The next phase of growth for our gas business is now gathering pace following FID for the ANOH project, with government’s first tranche of equity investment received. We have continued to deleverage the balance sheet and self-fund investments into the existing portfolio from operational cash flow, while retaining the financial flexibility and available resources that will enable Seplat to capitalize on what we expect to be an increasingly busy pipeline of inorganic growth opportunities that fit our acquisition criteria.” The company stated that its first quarter results show that operations are falling in line with projections for the year, with full year production guidance stable at a range between 49,000 and 55,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) on a working interest basis. Target for oil production remains in the range between 24,000 and 27,000 barrels of hydrocarbon liquids per day. Gas production forecast remains in the range of 146 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscf/d) to 164 MMscfd or between 25,000 boepd and 28,000 boepd. The company does not expect significant change in production uptime and associated losses, explaining however that it was still working on the figures. Seplat said it is driving growth

with capital investment of $200 million in its sequenced 2019 work programme conceived to yield progressive production uplift from July. The 2019 guidance for capital expenditure does not include planned investments in a separate gas joint venture with the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The company’s revenue in the past three months was $160 million, trailing a gross profit of $81 million or stable 51% gross profit margin yearon-year. The company explained that the first quarter revenue reflects the lower oil production and oil price realization of $61.7 per barrel ($61.7/ bbl), down from $65.78/bbl recorded in 2018. Revenue from gas was based on price of $3.24/Mscf in the period, up from $2.79/Mscf in 2018. The report has it that operating profit dropped to $33 million from $84 million in 2018, reflecting adjustments for a $16 million overlift position and $12 million charge in relation to the company’s oil price hedges, comprising $5.0 million cost of hedges and $7.0 million fair value

loss, which reverses the $9.0 million fair value gain booked at the end of 2018. Despite the operating profit for the quarter, operations income rose 73% to $80 million from $46 million in 2018 while capital expenditure also rose to $16 million $3.0 million in 2018. Additional income of $17 million in the period flowed from liftings at OML 55, the company stated. In providing details of its loan performance, Seplat declared settlement of “$100 million on the fouryear RCF bringing balance drawn to zero while retaining significant headroom in the capital structure to fund growth initiatives.” It added that $4.5 million RCF fees were written off in finance costs. Thus, Seplat stated that its “gross debt of $350 million at 31 March 2019 solely comprised of the company’s bond issuance due 2023.” The company’s cash at bank stood at US$644 million, including $100 million temporarily held on behalf of Nigerian Gas Company (NGC) as the government’s initial equity investment into ANOH Gas Processing

Baru takes Nigeria’s deepwater to technology confab he Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National PeTtroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr.

NNPC Saves $2.2bn on petroleum products import through DSDP •132 Companies Bid for Crude, Products Lifting


he Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has saved $2.2bn through the Direct-Sale-Direct-Purchase (DSDP) scheme of petroleum products supply since its inception in 2016. This was disclosed by the Group Managing Director of NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru, at the public opening of bids for the 2019 term-contract for lifting crude oil and petroleum products under the DSDP scheme which held today at the NNPC Towers, Abuja. Speaking at the event, Dr. Baru said 29.5million metric tons or 39.6billion litres of petroleum products had been supplied under the scheme, representing 90% of the nation’s requirements. Highlighting other benefits of the scheme, the GMD said its competitive pricing framework which is lower than the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency’s (PPPRA) benchmark, led to about 84% reduction in products

demurrage cost. He explained that the public bid opening exercise was in keeping with President Muhammadu Buhari’s transparency and anti-corruption stance which the corporation had imbibed and championed relentlessly under his stewardship. He said the objective of the DSDP scheme was to engage reputable and qualified companies and ensure that selection of off-takers was carried out in a transparent and accountable manner in compliance with the Public Procurement and Nigerian Content Acts. The GMD noted that the ultimate aim of the scheme was to ensure value optimization to the federation. The bid round was witnessed by officials of Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), Bureau of Public Procurement and other Non-Governmental Oganisations (NGOs)

•Mr. Austin Avuru

Chevron committed to community development Cont’d from Page 22 tinue to provide employment for qualified persons from the community. “As a responsive company, CNL has continued to engage our communities and work within available resources to equitably contribute to social development of communities near our areas of operations. The statement has it that “CNL has been working collaboratively with the communities around its areas of operation (including Ugborodo), and other stakeholders, through the GMoU tocontribute to the improvement in the quality of life in the com-

munities close to its oil and gas producing facilities. “Through the GMoU, CNL continues to contribute funding to the Regional Development Committees (RDCs) that represent the communities in its area of operations to execute hundreds of projects in the communities through a governance model that ensures transparency and accountability. “The projects which cover the areas of education, health, housing, scholarships, economic development, etc., have benefitted over 600,000 people and assisted in enhancing the quality of life in these

Company (“AGPC”)). “Therefore, normalized cash at bank stood at US$544 million with an effective resultant net cash position of US$194 million,” the result stated. In providing outlook on its gas businesses, Seplat stated that the large scale ANOH gas and condensate project has achieved both final investment decision (FID) and $100 million equity investment from government; while first gas from the first 300 MMscfd midstream gas processing development is targeted for Q1, 2021. The company declared that gas revenue from the existing business was up by five percent year-on-year at $42 million from $40 million in 2018. Other projects driven with the company’s capital budget include the Amukpe to Escravos pipeline which is anticipated to be operational in the next three months with ramp up to initial permitted capacity of 40,000 bopd expected from October. The Oracle Today reports that the management of Seplat has efficiently maintained a delicate balance between debts, costs and shrewd growth budgets while keeping faith with shareholders’ dividend aspirations.

communities.” Mr. Esimaje stated that Chevron is committed to building partnerships with the communities around its areas of operations based on mutual respect, trust, high level of transparency and business ethics. “CNL reiterates its commitment, within available resources and opportunities, to continue working with its community stakeholders and other partners to maintain peace and contribute to sustainable community and socio-economic development. He however tasked the community people to approach the devel-

opment initiative under the GMOU from a united front, adding that “the Ugborodo community has been embroiled in leadership tussles which have hindered development in the community.” He said the Chevron GMoU recognizes the varied needs of different and many communities covered in the development initiative, adding that the governance model involves other stakeholders, including the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), the State Government, the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, NNPC and some non-governmental organizations in the developmental efforts.

Maikanti Baru, has addressed foreign investors at the 50th edition of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, United States on the potentials awaiting technology in the domestic terrain. Baru, who spoke on the topic “Deepwater Operations in Nigeria: The Journey so Far” engaged the participants on the different phases of deepwater developments, the place of Nigeria in global deepwater operations as well as capacity growth in the local industry for deepwater operations. The NNPC helmsman also highlighted NNPC’s desire to continue to support and provide opportunities for qualified Nigerian companies within the nation’s burgeoning deepwater space. Speaking on the conference, Chairman, OTC Board of Directors, Wafik Beydoun, said this year’s OTC would celebrate deep commitment to the people and companies who have helped the conference reached its 50th anniversary milestone, which made this year’s edition extra special. The first OTC was conducted in May 1969 in Houston, with just 2,797 attendees, 112 papers presented, and 368 exhibiting companies. Since then, the conference has been held in Houston each year, with over 60,000 participants from over 100 companies attending and about 400 technical papers set to be delivered in the conference this year.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


NCC to establish Internet code of practice for ISPs


igerian Communications Commission (NCC) has disclosed plans to establish an Internet Code of Practice for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). According to Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of NCC Prof. Umar Garba Danbatta, the scheme, when fully operational would also tackle issues relating to online child protection, privacy, data protection and objectionable content among others. Danbatta, who made the disclosure at the 48th town hall meeting of the commission held in Ile Ife, Osun state, spoke through the Deputy Director, Consumer Affairs, Alhaji Ismail Adedigba. According to the NCC chief, the Internet Code would be a regulatory interventions that would not only help to secure the Cyber space against imminent threats from Cyber attackers but also to address critical issues in the provision and usage of telecoms services. He said the theme of the town hall meeting, “Mitigating Effects of Cybercrimes: The Role of Telecoms Consumers” was apt and carefully chosen for the benefit of all stakeholders in the sector and the society. The NCC boss said as a major regulator in the industry, the commission would always rise to the challenges through different fora to sensitize telecoms consumers on the rising wave of Cybercrimes in its various forms. He said the fresh initiative by the commission was further informed by liberalization of the Telecoms Industries which had led to an unprecedented increase in the usage and dependence on Internet-based solutions and services. “These programmes have been put in place based on the commission’s understanding that telecoms consumers are important stakeholders in the telecommunication industry. The need to continuously keep them informed on new developments and issues of concern in the industry is therefore held in high esteem by the commission. “Let me emphasise that while the regulatory intervention and other initiatives are on-going to sanitise internet space, telecoms consumers, majority of whom now use internet- enabled and other smart devices must play their role. Thus the need for you all to take this meeting seriously as we educate you on what your roles should be in minimizing the effects of cybercrimes,” he said.

Number of domains reaches 138,060

Stories by VICTOR NZE


irector General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Mr Isa Pantami, has disclosed that the total number of registered .ng domains from inception till April 29, 2019 was now 138,060. Speaking at the Sensitization Forum and Presentation of the Reviewed, & Policy to stakeholders in Abuja recently, the NITDA chief said from this number, 2,274 are while 278 are According to Wikipedia, .ng is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Nigeria. On May 13, 2009, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) completed the process of re-delegation of the .ng domain name from temporary authorities to the current Nigerian ones. For many years, Randy Bush had been the Technical contact of the .ng domain name. With the IANA re-delegation, the technical contact is now the local Nigerian DNS administrator, while the administrative contact is the president of Nigeria Internet Regis-

tration Association. To speed up the process of registering .ng domain names, NIRA has accredited a first batch of 29 Domain registrars, most of whom are Nigerian companies. Registrars are categorized into Platinum, Gold, Silver and Standard categories. At the Abuja workshop, the NITDA DG said his agency has handed over the administration of the .ng string to the Nigerian Internet Registration Association (NIRA). NITDA is also mandated to ensure Internet governance and supervision of the management of the country code top-level domain ( on behalf of all Nigerians. The .ng string as we all know is Nigeria’s flagship identity and it is the role of NITDA to supervise the management of this huge national resource “In line with global best practice, where the country top level domain in every country is not directly managed by the government, but by multi-stakeholder bodies’ setup by the government, NITDA has delegated the management responsibilities of the .ng string in Nigeria to NiRA. The government then plays a supervisory role in the administra-

tion of the domains” he said. “We are happy to see the growth trend of and in Nigeria in recent times. The total number of registered .ng domains from inception till date, stands at 138,060 (as at April 29, 2019). From this number, 2,274 are while 278 are It is worthy to note that the total number of .gov. ng and domains registered from inception till October 2016 were 1,856. “This means that 418 new domains were registered between November 2016 and April 2019, which signifies a percentage increase of 18.3%. This can be attributed to the various drives embarked upon by the agency at ensuring the adoption of the and the,” Mr Patanni said further. According to him, the agency has embarked on various initiatives aimed at ensuring that government business is done on government domains. MDAs using domains will be ranked first when search is conducted through search engines like Google. Also speaking, President Nigeria Internet Registration Association,

Mr Muhammed Rudman has said that said using domain created platforms for business awareness, ensured security and enhance image. Rudman added that the use of government domain would ensure that data were hosted within government servers for protection. According to him, using generic domains can expose data supposed to be domicile within the country to irrelevant sources. “It is important we promote our domain name because when we host data in other domain names belonging to other countries, their server flourishes, while ours is diminishing economically, ” he said. Executive Secretary, NIRA, Mrs Edith Idiabu, said the association had 3R Model of registering domain names which include ‘Registry, Registrar and Registrant. According to her, the association has 66 accredited registrars with automated platforms and payment system platforms. Idiabu said they were working on getting registrars across the country, to ensure seamless registration processes for NIRA and NITDA.

LG V50 ThinQ 5G to launch May 10


•Apple smart watch-collections

Google to add ‘auto-delete’ option to location history feature


oogle’s Location History feature offers a look into the places you visited in the past, and if you have your phone with you, it does a fairly good job of tracking the information. I like to refer to my location history when I need to recall certain expenses made with a credit card. On Wednesday, Google is announcing a new way to manage this sensitive data. In the coming weeks, Google will begin to offer the option to automatically delete your location data as it ages. Google uses Location His-

tory data to recommend restaurants and find the quickest driving routes, it also ties in with the Location Sharing feature so you can keep tabs on your family and friends whereabouts. Of course, you are free to totally shut the feature off, but if you’d still like to take advantage of some of Google’s feature enhanced by Location History, you can opt to have the data deleted automatically after 3 months, 18 month, or you can delete your location data manually. Security of collected informa-

tion has become more relevant in the last few years as out devices collect countless amounts of information about the apps we use, the places we go, and the people we stay in touch with. As our lives become connected in so many aspects, this is the reality we face. The actual collection of information does frighten some people, but what is more cause for concern is when that information gets into the wrong hands by form of data breaches or loose regulations on users’ data.

he LG V50 ThinQ 5G was initially announced a day before MWC 2019 and scheduled to release on April 19 before LG decided to put it on hold for a while. The company decided to do so due to optimization issues with the processor and 5G modem but now LG has officially announced the phone will hit shelves in South Korea on May 10. According to sources, LG has agreed to schedule the release alongside the three main domestic carriers as it wants to provide consumers a no-compromise 5G experience. We’ve seen reports that Galaxy S10 5G users have complained about poor connectivity issues such as slow speeds and problems when switching between LTE and 5G. The rollout of the new generation network has been challenging and it’s good that LG has taken its time to tweak out its device rather than ushering a half baked product. The device will release alongside its secondary screen case which LG claims offers the functionality and feel of a foldable phone. Pricing for the V50 ThinQ 5G will start at KRW 1,199,000 ($1,030/€920) for the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage version. If you want to know more about LG’s first 5G phone check out our hands on review.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

e-Platform LG unveils new energy saving washing machines for Nigeria, others Stories by VICTOR NZE


t InnoFest Middle East & Africa (MEA), LG Electronic’s annual celebration of innovations in technology, the company displayed its latest washing machines headed to the region this year. LG’s new front-loader washing machine is powered by the company’s new AI DD (Direct Drive) with deep learning. It delivers thorough yet gentle care, determining the characteristics and volume of each load to minimize fabric damage. This guarantees exceptional results every time, and reduces the occurrence of fabric damage by 18 percent, prolonging the lifespan of favorite clothing items. Courtesy of TurboWash™360°, the front-loader provides the convenience of Fast Wash, which takes just 39 minutes to complete – 34 percent faster than the conventional TurboWash option. The washer sprays jets of water and laundry detergent in four different directions to get clothes cleaner, faster. Steam+ completes this comprehensive laundry solution, neutralizing 99.9 percent of allergens through a special sterilizing cycle, and removing 30 percent of creases via Wrinkle Care. Durable and reliable, the washer boasts an energy rating of A+++-50 percent and comes with a 10-year warranty. LG’s latest top-loader washing machine also comes with its own unique features. The new toploader employs TurboWash3D™ technology, which harnesses the combined strengths of TurboShot (the pairing of WaveForce and JetSpray) and TurboDrum™ to deliver

a high-quality performance. WaveForce sends powerful vertical streams of water from top to bottom, ensuring each and every load is thoroughly clean, while JetSpray provides quick and effective rinsing. At the same time, TurboDrum™ rotates the tub and pulsator to generate dynamic flows of water moving in opposite directions. Moreover, LG’s top-loader washer boasts improved efficiency; with the TurboWash option on, it can cut cycle lengths to approximately 39 minutes, while reducing energy consumption by up to 27 percent and water consumption by 14 percent when compared with conventional LG washing machines. Fitted with a Full Stainless Steel Tub and Wide Stainless Lint Filter, the washing machine offers convenient hygiene management, preventing contamination and guaranteeing cleanliness for every load. Taking away an annoying, timeconsuming chore, and removing the need for a separate cleaning program, the Auto Tub Cleaning function cleanses the tub during the laundry cycle. For delicate laundry care, users can add Steam™ to the Stain Care cycle to softly soak and wash items in warm water (40 degrees Celsius). Moreover, the Allergy Care cycle with 60 degrees Celsius Steam™ boosts the hygienic performance of this robust washer, reducing allergens by 99.9 percent to safeguard users’ health. Both the new front and toploader machines from LG’s latest lineup are compatible with the SmartThinQ app, letting users control their devices via their smartphones. With Smart Diagnosis™, consumers can also download

Group tasks government on Internet affordability A

digital rights advocacy group, Paradigm Initiative, Sunday urged government to ensure affordable Internet in Nigeria, especially in the rural areas. Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative, Gbenga Sesan, who said this in Lagos, noted that people literally spend about 60 per cent of their income on Internet in Nigeria and some other countries which should not be. Sesan spoke against the backdrop of the issue of non-accessibility and affordability of the Internet at the 2019 Digital Right Inclusion Forum in Lagos. Sesan said that since online was where the opportunities lie, there was no reason people’s income should be spent on Internet. “If online is where opportunities are, there is no reason why

we should spend large chunk of our income on that. “We can only make recommendations to government in that area, agitate about and basically build advocacy around it for the affordability of the Internet. “Paradigm Initiative is glad to partner with foundations who give report every year to highlight that people literally spend 60 per cent of their incomes on Internet which should not be,’’ he said. Sesan, who also spoke on the Digital Right and Freedom Bill, said that it was a win and loss case; a loss because of the inability to get the president to sign the bill. Sesan said that the Digital Right and Freedom Bill was to ensure responsible use of the Internet and sanction irresponsible users.

•New energy saving washing machines unveiled by LG Electronics at the InnoFest Middle East and Africa (MEA) show

custom wash programs, monitor energy consumption and manage cycles and setting. “We are delighted by the positive reception InnoFest attendees had to our latest front and top-loader washing machines,” said Song

Dae-hyun, President of LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. Continuing, Dae-hyun said: “Ensuring better washing results and energy savings, alongside greater flexibility, we strongly believe that our new washing ma-

chines for 2019 will impress consumers throughout the Middle East and Africa. LG will continue in its efforts towards championing innovative, providing differentiated products and solutions to help our consumers live better.”

Tizeti unveils voice calling service,


n Internet Service Provider, Tizeti, Tuesday unveiled an unlimited voice service app, “WifiCall. ng”, targeted at both individuals and businesses. Chief Executive Officer of Tizeti, Mr Kendall Ananyi, said that the app was made for Android and iOS mobile devices. He added that users will also make and receive crystal clear, unlimited voice calls to anywhere in the world via IP phones or web portal. According to him, the new product from Tizeti will be rolled out for Nigerian mobile phone numbers initially and subscribers with a +234 line will be able to use the service from anywhere in the world. “ is reinventing our traditional understanding of phone communication using nextgeneration Cloud and AI technology, bringing voice communications in Nigeria into the 21st century. “Our goal is to continue to reduce the cost of data and accelerate the rate of connectivity across the continent — this is a first step in continuing to bridge the digital divide that exists.

“We are excited to continue pushing boundaries in Information and Communication Technology infrastructure and maintain our competitive edge by offering quality and unlimited data service,” he said in a statement. Ananyi added that according to the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), affordable internet is defined as 1GB of data costing no more than 2 per cent of monthly income. He said that based on the current estimated national minimum wage in Nigeria of N30,000 (approximately 83.33 dollars) per month, the current average rate for 1GB of data at N1,000 (approximately 2.78 dollars) is significantly higher than the prescribed N600 (1.67 dollars). The CEO said that the app was built by the Tizeti team to tackle the issue of expensive phone calls on the continent, as WifiCall was a first for not only the Nigerian ISP space but the African ISP space. He said that it was also aimed at providing users with a versatile, user-friendly interface, giving them access to a modern version of the

“yellow pages”. He said that implementation of the WifiCall platform was expected to reduce calling costs for businesses by 30-50 per cent, with monthly subscriptions starting from N6,000 (16.67 dollars) a month. “Unlike WhatsApp, WifiCall subscribers can call any phone number in the world, using their data package. For businesses WifiCall allows ease of a variety of client services and internal communications,” he said. He listed some of the key product features for the WiFiCall app to include: customisable dashboard, calling statistics, personalised digital receptionist messages for multiline requirements, one click phone number search + search engine of business phone numbers. Contributing, Mr Ifeanyi Okonkwo, Tizeti’s Chief Operations Officer, said that Tizeti had developed a system that meets the needs of a wide selection of Nigerians. According to him, whether it is a household with a handful of users or a business who wants to setup a full-fledged call centre solution, they can all do this in minutes at a fraction of the cost. “Previously, setting up a voice service of any size was only available to mega businesses and multi-tenant estates and it will take months to develop and required significant CAPEX to deploy. “ has created a viable solution for Nigerians, further expanding our extensive reach nationwide,” he said. He added that Tizeti would operate widely as a “Comcast for Africa”, build and operate solarpowered towers in Nigeria, while also providing residences and businesses with unlimited high speed broadband internet covering over 90 per cent of Lagos to date. “ is now available for download in Google Playstore and Apple Store,” he said.

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869






EDITORIAL Who is the next CBN Governor?


federation itself? It is almost certain that the he tenure of Mr Godwin Emefiele as that the best way to rob a bank is to own one. president intends to replace Emefiele with governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria This bank-robbing “business” was booming another Muslim northerner, despite all the (CBN) expires in June this year. There is just before Soludo appearance on the CBN outcries against marginalisation of the entire a chance of renewing his term for five scene. south and especially the south-east. Emefiele We don’t want to see “business as usual”. Banks more years, but feelers from Abuja suggest is from the south-south but since he is Igbo, that President Buhari intends to let him go. should be able to collect deposits and lend to the south-east could well regard him as one of A decision is likely before June 1. customers at slightly higher rates. They should theirs. His best credential, perhaps, is that he Going by his antecedents, Buhari likely has not thrive on round-tripping – buying foreign is a development economist. already pencilled in Emefiele’s successor. We exchange from the CBN under the pretext of only hope he wouldn’t invite a cattle herder It is President Buhari’s prerogative to appoint meeting customers’ demands but diverting the next CBN governor. He needs help in to head the apex bank. His clannishness is same to the parallel market. Soludo and his making his choice, however. The job is not legendary. He has violated the Federal Charsuccessor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi (now Emir of one anybody can do. In view of the precariacter Principle several times without being Kano), brought honour to the banker’s bank. ous state of the economy, it should be left for reprimanded by other arms of government. During their tenures, we witnessed the fall of not just any qualified candidate but the best Emefiele’s tenure has not been spectacular, former “bank CEOs of the year”. Assets worth candidate no matter what part of the country when it comes to managing monetary hundreds of billions of naira were seized from they come from. We need a governor to lead policy. Most of the time, he simply kowformer “amazons of banking”. Unknown to an independent CBN – a governor who could towed to the demands of the presidency or many, the banking industry was just at the tipdisagree with the president and still retain his the cabal suspected to be pulling the strings ping point. job. There is little sense in getting a player in a The next CBN governor should be someone who in the corridors of power. Against all known commercial bank to head the same apex bank economic principles, the CBN on Emefiele’s can compel banks to bring down their lending that ought to supervise the former; Emefiele watch has used billions of our scarce dollars rates to less than 10%. He or she should initiate and Sanusi are examples. to defend the naira even after the Nigerian robust policies that would steer the ship of the Everyone remembers former CBN governor currency has been devalued. There are nation’s economy towards calmer waters. He Prof. Chukwuma Soludo’s banking consolidano fewer than four dollar rates in Nigeria, or she should maintain a single exchange rate tion policy of 2005 and the wonders it did to because “All animals are equal but some are and thereby abolish the parallel market run by stabilise commercial banking in this country. more equal than others”. While a favoured illiterate hawkers. We hope to see a monetary But for that policy, the bubble would have few get the dollar at the official N305, the policy aimed at encouraging small borrowers since burst, as it did in the early 1990s when majority source theirs at N385. Following so that Nigerians could employ themselves finance houses were everywhere and all 419 the introduction of the Treasury Single Acand not wait for non-existent white-collar jobs. fraudsters were bank owners. The crooks count (TSA), Nigeria’s deposit money banks President Buhari should, for once, play the statesregrouped into merchant and commercial are doing business with much difficulty. man and not the politician. The future of the banks. Others anticipated the housing loans They have since sacked many of their workeconomy and the nation itself may depend on promised by the Federal Housing Authority ers. Loan seekers are frustrated even at high the choice he makes this time round. and floated mortgage banks. The idea was to interest rates. carefully collect people’s deposits, steal them But the question remains: will Emefiele’s reOur Vision through non-collateralised loans, and then placement perform better than he did? Will TO BE among the top five newspapers in Niwatch the banks collapse from their hideouts the appointment help or hinder the stabilgeria and, in due course, the Numero Uno; abroad. Little wonder William K. Black wrote ity of the exchange rate and the Nigerian to be a newspaper of records that effective-

ly caters to the information needs of all segments and sections of the Nigerian society as well as all social classes and cultures. Essentially, we want to be a responsible corporate citizen, a commercially viable, properly organised media business, which meets its obligations to society, government and the workforce.

Culled from Asukwo

Mission WE INTEND to contribute to the development of an inclusive Nigerian society, with a view to getting rid of the dark sides of our national life (slothfulness, greed, corruption, nepotism, totalitarianism, etc); to continually engender and sustain national debates that would ultimately lead to the enthronement of healthy national values--hard-work, justice, equity and fairplay, transparency, good governance, resulting, in themselves, the egalitarian Nigerian society of our dream. We will give voice to the voiceless and at all times, strive to be balanced, objective, honest, truthful and fair to all sides; so that through The Oracle Today, our people, the Nigerian people can see a bright light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. And we shall do all this in absolute trust in God who blesses good intentions.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

OPINION Umaru Musa Yar’Adua: Remembering a great statesman By CHIMA CHRISTIAN


ine years ago today (on Sunday, May 5, 2019), Nigeria lost a great President-Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. Compassionate. Genteel. Unassuming. He was loved. Yar’Adua brought himself to transcend the barriers of ethnicity and religion. He was everything a complex Nigeria needed in a leader. By acknowledging that the election that brought him to power was flawed, and making genuine efforts to improve Nigeria’s electoral process, Yar’Adua truly reflected the virtue of integrity. Paradoxically, one of the greatest tributes paid to the late Yar’Adua came from Gov. Adams Oshiomole. Said he in 2010; “In confronting the key challenges of the nation, he demonstrated great statesmanship, which helped to re-focus the nation. Among this was the imperative of electoral reform, over which he took significant practical measures...” Yar’Adua, as I remember him, had his shortcomings. Discrimination was not one of them.

He would not use his exalted office to promote ethnic or sectarian agenda. His commitment to a better, united and prosperous Nigeria was never in doubt. Nepotism and incompetence, now elevated to statecraft, were far from him. He had people he could trust from all parts of the country. He didn’t claim it, but he belonged to everybody. As cloudy as they were, the issues surrounding Yar’Adua’s last days on earth did not diminish him one bit. If anything, it is the people who saw an opportunity to exploit that got diminished. I remember Yar’Adua’s queenly wife Turai and the famed “cabals.” Of a truth, power is transient. Yar’Adua was loved. He still is. To this day, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua occupies a prominent place in the minds and hearts of many Nigerians. Arguably though, no Nigerian President, dead or alive, has enjoyed that amount of goodwill. Critics say his frail health and his passing away contributed in part to this status. They contend that he would have been unraveled or vilified had fate not come to his rescue.

Though not to be waved off entirely, such arguments casually overlook the fact that Yar’Adua was not the first number one citizen to pass on while in office. While the nation mourned him, it couldn’t bring itself to do same for the other. It is also instructive to note that the same people that prayed for Yar’Adua’s recovery are today offering dissimilar prayers for another. Yar’Adua was a good man. He was a great statesman. History will be kind to him. It is already. Though Yar’Adua is of a different persuasion, this hymn written by Dr. Horatius Bonar of Edinburgh, and sung by Ira D. Sankey as a solo in London, at the funeral of the great preacher, C. H. Spurgeon, is befitting;

Only remembered by what we have done; Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. 2. Shall we be missed though by others succeeded, Reaping the fields we in springtime have sown? No, for the sowers may pass from their labors, Only remembered by what they have done. 3. Only the truth that in life we have spoken, Only the seed that on earth we have sown; These shall pass onward when we are forgotten, Fruits of the harvest and what we have done. Sleep on dearly beloved Umaru Musa Yar’Adua.

1. Fading away like the stars of the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. Refrain Only remembered, only remembered,

•Chima, a talkshow host and media consultant wrote from Nnewi, Anambra State. he can be reached on Tel.: +2348105104800 or via chimachris2@ Twitter/IG: @ChimaCChristian FB:

Tears for a twisted generation (1) By COLLINS UGHALAA


or in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark” Matthew 24:38. If Nigeria was Jerusalem and Jesus Christ was still around I wonder what he could have said looking at the crop of people we have in the country today as youths. Would he have called this “generation of vipers” like he did he confronted the Jewish Pharisees of his days? Or would he have had something better for the Nigerian people, especially the youths, who on daily basis co plicate their condition with inanities? Perhaps Norman Tebbit had Nigeria in mind when in 1985 he described the American society as a place where “Bad art was as good as good art. Grammar and spelling were no longer important. To be clean was no better than to be filthy. Good manners were no better than bad. Family life was derided as an outdated bourgeois concept. Criminals deserved as much sympathy as their victims. Many homes and classrooms became disorderly – if there was neither right nor wrong there could be no basis for punishment or reward. Violence and soft pornography became accepted in the media”. Norman’s description of the American society can hardly be faulted when applied to the Nigeria of today, where bad is good and good is bad, where white is black and black is white. We now live in a society where important things are not important but unimportant things become very important. We live in a society where the values have been eroded and most people tend to cling to the thought that the result is more important than the process. Such is the contradiction we live with in Nigeria. It is so bad that families who had stuck to teaching their children the right ways of doing things, assuring them that it is the means that justifies the end and not the end justifying the means, now look so foolish, if not outright wicked, before their children and the society whose values they struggle to protect on daily basis. In this confusion, the children who heard from their parents that there is a certain right way of doings things and that patience is virtue, now turn to their parents with doubts in their hearts as to whether what their parents had been saying holds the potency for a bright future. This conundrum in the society has gradually led to a reset of both the society and the rules of the society. In fact, we now have a new society with its fresh rules. This new society, the Internet, tends to breed indifference in the face of very important things. For example, on Friday, May 3, 2019, the media in Nigeria was awash with reports quoting the Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, saying that reports from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) says that the rate of unemployment in the country could reach a frightening 33.5%. This figure, the Minister disclosed, contained 23.1% high unemployment rate and 16.6% underemployment rate. Broken down further, the Youth Unemployment figure in Nigeria is a frightening 36.50%. The Minister went on to paint the true picture of the

unemployment quagmire, saying: “It is a worrisome status as the global poverty capital (World Bank, 2018); and concomitant high prevalence rate of crimes and criminalities, including mass murders, insurgency, militancy, armed robbery, kidnappings, drug abuse, among others”. In the midst of this bleak future for the youths, what do they do? Nigerian youths are carrying on as if nothing has happened. They are not worried about what the statistics say about their future but they are concerned about the marital affairs of others. Nigerian youths have occupied themselves with their android phones arguing, setting new standards and living codes for other people, while their own lives are still in misery. This is the reason you would see Nigerian youth, just because he possess an android phone, now thinks he knows Actress Regina Daniel and her billionaire husband, Hon Ned Nwoko, better than they know each other, and therefore he makes himself the judge over their affairs. These are people who clearly see the speck in other people’s eyes but cannot see the log in their own eyes. Despite possessing the android phone and having unfettered access to the internet, the Nigerian youth has not been able to effect change in his environment. He has a government that has been aloof for far too long a time, yet he does nothing but is very busy with other people’s matter. This attitude of indifference was part of the reasons for the poor voters turnout in most places during the just concluded general elections. Going by the volume of noise and acrimony generated in the media, especially the social media, on the ideal situation for Nigeria and the ideal leader, one would think that the Nigerian youth was ready to take his future in his hands. But what did they do? They went to the streets to play football while those who could grabbed their phones and became the electoral umpire, announcing figures from their bedroom. Surprisingly, the Nigerian youth has found his voice in condemning Tonto Dike over her flippancy but he loses his voice when it comes to telling the leaders of this country about his basic needs. He cannot talk to his oppressors but he can waste his time on other people’s matter. In fact, he has become an expert in the things that do not really matter. All over the country, electricity, food, shelter, education, employment, et cetera, remain huge challenges to the future of this great country, but the Nigerian youth would prefer to waste his data discussing Tonto Dike and her estranged husband. Curiously also, there has been a deluge of theories on the 40 seconds comment by Tonto Dike by Nigerian youths. Across the communities in the country there are numerous challenges waiting for solutions. From insecurity, environmental degradation, leadership tussle, poverty, lack of portable water and electricity, lack of good roads, lack of good hospitals, high infant maternal mortality rate, disease, lack of good educational facilities and lack of housing, etc, but the Nigerian youth is busy with his android phone, so much that he behaves as if his community begins and ends with the social media.

To him, a minute outside the social media is like an eternity without life. He could go hungry and naked but he must own an android phone. That is more than fine, because owning an android phone has become the measuring stick to most youths. There are obviously more impressing issues in the country - even those concerning women - especially issues of education and maternal health. Yet many youths, including the females, do not bother themselves about them. Recently, I was reading Fighting Corruption Is Dangerous – The Story Behind The Headline, a book written by the former Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr. Ngozi OkonjoIweala. The former CME raised the alarm that 814 die out of every 100,000 deaths in Nigeria. What she meant by that was that “in Nigeria 158 women die each day – nearly one woman dies every nine (9) minutes associated with child birth”. On the education of the girl child she noted that “Female illiteracy is 50.30 percent” in the country, while it is 69.3 percent in the Northern part of the country particularly. Ngozi OkonjoIweala holds the view that “girl child education is fundamental if we are to improve the life of poor people and their families”. But no one pays attention to these more important issues, not even the youths with the access to the internet has been able to muster any form of agitation for improvement on the education and health of the girl child. The Nigerian youths are not the only ones affected with the Negative Android Phone Syndrome. Among married men and women there are reports that the android phone is becoming a very important partner in their marriages. The android phone has become so important that some parents don’t mind starving their children or owing schools just to buy a new android phone. The android phone has also become the separator of the husband from his wife, to the extent a husband and wife might be sitting together, lying down in bed or eating on the dining table, yet they worlds apart. Each partner has a new community with new sets of rules and membership, and these new rules and members are threatening the old family order, where the parents and children constituted the most important members of the family. Among the youths and the elderly, the android phone has become a new companion. With all the social provisions such as games, videos, chatrooms, etc, most people tend to think that communicating with that new friend on Facebook or elsewhere on the social media is more important. With the wonderful features of the android phone, people can avoid interactions with their physical companions to engage another invisible person probably entirely unknown to them. They can play music as they want, and even buy and sale as they want on the internet. Outside the home, the android phone has taken over our religious books and stealthily eroding the religious life of many adherents. In the modern age blessed with the android phone, no one carries his religious books anymore, because they have them all on their phones. This phenomenon is greatly taking attention away

from a committed service to our God, because, while the pastor thinks he is communicating, his members are busy with their phones communicating with their internet community, snapping and sharing photos. Nevertheless, there are people who say that the youths alone should not be blamed for their over indulgence with the android phone. They posit that if the youths had better options they could do better. They claim that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. People in this school of thought argue that the rate of unemployment in the country is so alarming that the youths are left with no other option but to occupy their minds with the activities on the social media. According to them, if the government could sincerely fight corruption, address the inadequate supply of electricity, eliminate tribalism, enhance the quality and access to education, enact good policies and improve on agriculture, the youths might have brighter horizon to operate in. While these arguments might sound pleasant on the face value, there is need to guard against over indulgence in the social media. There is also an urgent need to preserve the society, so that the internet and the android phone do not destroy our society instead of blessing it. Moreover, instead of abusing the social media space those who use the social media should look out for opportunities for more meaningful engagements in the social media space. The same energy dissipated on other people’s matter could be used for more meaning engagement in or outside the social media. •Collins Ughalaa could be reached via email:, or via telephone: 07066222944.

THE GROUP Managing Editor/COO Felix Oguejiofor Abugu Deputy Managing Editor/COO Sopuruchi Onwuka Chairman Editorial Board Igwebike Mbanefo SE/SS Editor Odogwu Emeka Odogwu Acting BDM Kelechi Nze Head, Graphics & Designs Nnamdi Alex Chukwu Circulation Manager Felix Oti


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

HEALTH In Africa, preventive care medicine as an option for health management is rare in our setting compared to other parts of the world. Attention to our health is always drawn only when a patient is almost half dead. In the case of cancer, especially breast cancer, the only way out for care and cure are early detection and immediate treatments. Such treatment options include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, hormonal therapy and most recently, immune therapy. Radiation therapy is one of the fundamental options for breast cancer management and care, treatment and targeted cure. Radiation therapy is usually given daily for a set number of weeks-before or after surgery. Neoadjuvant therapy is given before surgery to shrink a large tumour which makes it easier to remove the cancer cells. This approach is not common but is considered when a tumour cannot be removed easily with surgery. Adjuvant radiation therapy is given after surgery. Most commonly, it is given after a lumpectomy and sometimes, chemotherapy follows. Patients who have a mastectomy may not need radiation therapy, depending on the features of the tumour. Radiation therapy may be recommended after mastectomy for a patient with a larger tumour, for those with cancer in many lymph nodes, for those with cancer cells outside of the capsule of the lymph node, and for those whose cancer has grown into the skin or chest wall and some other reasons. Post-lumpectomy: Standard radiation therapy after a lumpectomy is external-beam radiation therapy given from Monday to Friday for 5 to 6 weeks. This often includes radiation therapy to the whole breast, the first 4 to 5 weeks, followed by a more focused treatment to where the tumour was located in the breast for the remaining treatments. This focused part of treatment, called a boost, is for women with invasive breast cancer to reduce the risk of a recurrence in the breast. Women with DCIS-Ductal Carcinoma In Situ may also receive the boost; but not necessary in all cases. Post-mastectomy: Those who need radiation therapy after a mastectomy, it is usually given 5 days a week for 5 to 6 weeks. Radiation therapy can be given after breast reconstruction. Shorter schedules may not be an option for women who need radiation therapy after a mastectomy or radiation therapy to their lymph nodes. Also, longer schedules of radiation therapy after a mastectomy may be needed for women with very larger breast size. Proton/photon therapy: Standard radiation therapy for breast cancer uses x-rays, also called photon therapy to kill cancer cells. Proton therapy is a type of external-beam radiation therapy that uses protons rather than x-rays. At high energy, protons can destroy cancer cells. Protons have different physical properties that may allow the radiation

Breast cancer care: Quantum leap, options for cure & management therapy to be more targeted than photon therapy and potentially reduce the radiation dose. Partial breast irradiation (PBI): This is radiation therapy that is given directly to the tumour area instead of the entire breast. It is more common after lumpectomy. Targeting radiation directly to the tumour area more directly usually shortens the amount of time that patients need to receive radiation therapy. However, some patients with metastatic breast cancer may not be candidates for PBI. Results have been promising for those whose breast cancer are detected earlier and in small breast and small tumour. Although, clinical trials are still going on worldwide concerning these care options. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): This is a more advanced way to give external-beam radiation therapy to the breast. The intensity of the radiation directed at the breast is varied to better target the tumour, spreading the radiation more evenly throughout the breast. The use of IMRT lessens the radiation dose and may decrease possible damages to nearby organs, such as the heart, lung and probably the liver and the risk of some immediate side effects, such as peching of the skin during treatment. Systemic therapy is another treatment option where drugs are taken by mouth (orally) or through the vein that gets into the bloodstream to reach cancer cells wherever they may be in the body. There are three general categories of systemic therapy used for early-stage and locally


With Dr. JOHN

NWABUEZE •Calls only: +234-8127227226, Email:

advanced breast cancer: (1) Chemotherapy (2) Hormonal therapy and (3) Targeted therapy. Every treatment option is based on information about the cancer and overall health of the patient and preferences adopted by the medical oncologist. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells, usually by ending the cancer cells ability to grow and advance divisibly. Systemic chemotherapy gets into the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Common ways to give chemotherapy include an intravenous (IV), tube placed into a vein using needle, an injection under the skin (subcutaneous) or into a muscle (IM) intramuscular or a pill or capsule that is swallowed orally. Chemotherapy may be given before surgery to shrink a large tumour and make surgery easier, known as neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It may be given after surgery to reduce the risk

of recurrence, known as adjuvant chemotherapy. A chemotherapy regimen or schedule, usually consist of a specific number of cycles given over a set period of time. Chemotherapy may be given on many different schedules depending on what worked best in clinical trial for that specific type of regimen. There are many drugs used to treat breast cancer. Some of the common drugs are platinol, paclitxel, halaven, paraplatin and many others. A patient may receive one drug at a time or combinations of different drugs given at the same time. Combinations of drugs are more effective than single drug for adjuvant treatment. Some of such drugs are: AC, EC, CAF, CEF, TAC and many others. Consult your doctor for further details. Hormonal therapy is otherwise called endocrine therapy, is an effective treatment for most tumours that test positive for

either oestrogen or progesterone receptor (ER or PR+). This type of tumour uses hormones to fuel cancer growth. Blocking the hormones can help prevent a cancer recurrence and death from breast cancer when used either by itself or after adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Hormonal therapy may be given before surgery to shrink a tumour and make surgery easier. This approach is a neoadjuvant hormonal therapy. It is also given after surgery to reduce the risk of recurrence. This is known as adjuvant hormonal therapy. Tamoxifen is a popular widely used drug that blocks oestrogen from binding to breast cancer cells. It is effective for lowering the risk of recurrence in the breast that had cancer, the risk of developing cancer in the other breast and the risk of distant recurrence. It is also used to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women at high risk for developing breast cancer and lowering the risk of a local recurrence for women with DCIS who have had a lumpectomy. Tamoxifen works well in both women who have been through menopause and those who have not. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) decrease the amount of oestorgen made in tissues other than the ovaries in postmenopausal women by blocking the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme changes weak male hormones called androgens into oestrogen when the ovaries have stopped making oestrogen during menopause. These drugs include anastrozole, arimidex, exemestane, aromasin and letrozole or femara. All of the drugs are pills taken daily, orally. Only women who have been through menopause can take these drugs. However, targeted therapy is a treatment that targets the cancer’s specific genes, proteins or the tissue environment that contributes to cancer growth and survival. These treatments are very focused and work differently and faster than other chemotherapies. This type of treatment blocks the growth and spread of cancer cells while limiting damage to healthy cells. The first ever approved targeted therapies for breast cancer were hormonal therapies. Understanding to apply different treatment measures at due time, be it surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or any other methods to treat cancer of the breast is a quantum leap into the breast cancer cure, care or management. Professionals should always know that multidisciplinary team handling the issue gives the best result to the much dreaded disease-breast cancer. •Dr. John Nwabueze Calls only: +234-8127227226, Email:


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Air Peace displays B777 aircraft on Kano, Abuja, P/H routes ahead Sharjah launch Stories by VICTOR NZE


ndigenous carrier, Air Peace has given travellers on the Kano-Abuja-Kano route a feel of its soon-tolaunch international flight service. The airline said it had scheduled its Boeing 777 aircraft to service its Kano-Abuja and Abuja-Kano operations on Friday. A statement issued by Air Peace Corporate Communications Manager, Mr. Chris Iwarah, Friday, said the carrier would also repeat its Boeing 777 operations on the Abuja-Port Harcourt and Port Harcourt-Abuja routes on Friday. The carrier pulled a big surprise on the travelling public with the deployment of its wide-body Boeing 777 aircraft for its domestic operations on the Port Harcourt-Abuja

and Abuja-Port Harcourt routes on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Surprised members of the public praised the airline for giving its domestic passengers a foretaste of its long-haul service, saying the carrier was on the right track to provide an exceptional international travel experience. The airline had assured that the showpiece flights on Good Friday and Easter Monday were the first of a series of domestic flights it intended to operate with its Boeing 777 aircraft ahead of the launch of its international flights starting with Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Air Peace says it will also operate long-haul flights to Dubai, Johannesburg, Guangzhou, London, Houston and Mumbai. The airline

has so far acquired four Boeing 777 aircraft for its long-haul operations. Three of the wide-body aircraft have already been delivered to the carrier. Iwarah said the flights planned for Friday were in fulfillment of the airline’s promise to “give Nigerians and the travelling public a taste of the luxury to expect on our international routes launching soon.” He added: “The deployment of our beautiful big birds, the Boeing 777 on our Port Harcourt-Abuja and Abuja-Port Harcourt routes on Good Friday and Easter Monday was received with enthusiasm by members of the public. We are riding on the huge success of the Good Friday and Easter Monday operations to give many more members of the flying public the

exceptional experience we delivered on the Port Harcourt-Abuja route. “This time we are moving up North to give our esteemed customers on the Kano-Abuja-Kano route an opportunity to experience the wonderful service we plan for our long-haul operations. As an airline that listens to its customers, we are repeating our Boeing 777 operations on the Abuja-Port Harcourt route in response to the pieces of feedback we received after our hugely successful Good Friday and Easter Monday operations. “We are desirous of having members of the public make their contributions to our international offering. We want them to own the high-quality service we hope to provide to give Nigerians, Africans

Interswitch, British firm to enhance transportation ticketing with new MoU


nterswitch Group has signed a multi-billion Naira deal with Bekoz UK Ltd, a British transport ticketing company, to enhance transportation ticketing in Nigeria. The deal, which is worth £56 million (approx. N26billion), will leverage British technology to keep Nigeria’s commuters on the move through the launch of three products developed exclusively for the Nigerian market – the BeCard, the BeVal and the BeReader, with scope to expand this offer throughout Africa. The BeCard is a regular shaped card – like any bank card or the Oyster card in London. The BeVal is the device that is installed on the buses where the passenger taps on – just like on the London buses, while BeReader is the mechanism that makes all these work. Commenting on the partnership, Akeem Lawal, Divisional CEO for Payment Processing at Interswitch highlighted the tremendous potential the partnership offers for revolutionising the transportation system with attendant impact on millions of commuters in Nigeria. He said: “Interswitch believes that the transport system in Nigeria, Africa’s largest consumer market, is ready for innovation. This partnership is a key and timely milestone in our industry vertical markets’ focus. It is highly compatible with our vision for Interswitch Transport Solutions (Smartmove) which is essentially to progressively facilitate a multi-modal and multi-operator transportation system underpinned by best-in-class technology”. “This not only optimizes available infrastructural capacity, but also remarkably improves user experience for all parties in the transport and mobility ecosystem. Our partners, Bekoz, bring their expertise and experience to bear, and we are extremely optimistic about the multiplier effects that this initiative will ultimately have on economic activities across the nation,” he added. Bekoz has co-created the technology with Interswitch and owns the intellectual property (IP) while the

and other members of the flying public a great alternative on some important international routes. In a few days, we will be announcing a firm date for the commencement of our Sharjah, United Arab Emirates service. Dubai, Johannesburg, London, Houston, Guangzhou and Mumbai will join our international route network soon after the launch of our Sharjah service. We are sparing no effort to deliver a long-haul service members of the flying public will truly be proud of.” The airline said the flight departs Kano for Abuja at 8.35 a.m. and returns to Kano at 1.50 p.m. on Friday. The Port Harcourt sector of the Boeing 777 operations, it added, would take off from Abuja at 10.10 a.m. and return to Abuja from Port Harcourt at 12 noon.

Kano, P/H airports on course for certification – FAAN


• Akeem Lawal, Divisional CEO, Interswitch Group; Jeremy Hunt MP, United Kingdom Foreign Secretary and Jack Dangoor, CEO, Bekoz at the signing of a partnership agreement in Abuja to drive cashless multi-modal transportation in Nigeria

specifications and manufacturing is done by Delta Microelectronics, a global engineering company with a long and proud history of demonstrated excellence. Speaking in Abuja, at the signing ceremony Jeremy Hunt, the British Foreign Secretary announced that Bekoz will be providing the contactless transit token technology and associated electronic equipment that allows people to travel around Nigeria’s large and varied transport infrastructure, similar to London’s Oyster system. However this will be tailored to Nigeria’s unique needs. Hunt said: “This is a great example of British and Nigerian companies working side by side to deliver a better, more prosperous future for us all. Africa’s success really matters to

the UK, and this deal proves that we have a huge amount of expertise that we can share to contribute to that success. As we leave the European Union, now is the time to redouble our efforts, and commit to the partnerships we have with our African friends.” Also commenting, Jack Dangoor, CEO of Bekoz said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Interswitch to deliver a British-made fully custom transport ticketing system for Nigeria and other parts of Africa. Our technology offers an efficient and cost-effective solution for commuters and transport operators that satisfies local needs and utilizes the existing infrastructure provided by Interswitch. The ecosystem of the Bekoz solution will

provide significant retail business and job opportunities in Nigeria and beyond.” In the UK, topping up an Oyster card is quite easy. However, factors like limited network connectivity and little or no electricity might make topping the BeCard in Nigeria more difficult. That is why the BeReader is solar powered and does not require network connection all the time. It is a low-cost device and can transform anyone into an entrepreneur as every BeReader creates a business opportunity for the operator. Much of the manufacturing will be done in UK, and the deal is expected to create jobs in the Nigerian business and transportation environment.

ederal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), says it has fulfilled all necessary requirements for the certification of the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano and Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa, in the next few months. General Manager, Corporate Affairs, FAAN, Mrs Henrietta Yakubu, who said this Monday in Lagos, explained that this followed the successful certification of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos and the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja in 2017. She said “Sometime late last year, a team from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) visited Nigeria to conduct an airport audit.” It is from that audit that we now have a check list of open items which we will now try to close up. ”After we have closed all the open items, then ICAO will give us the go ahead for the certification of the airports; but I can assure you that we are still on course “Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport will soon be certified. Not too long after that, we will certify Port Harcourt. When the audit team came on that inspection, they went to Port Harcourt and went to Kano. “So, I can assure you that it will be not too long from now. The FAAN Managing Director, Mr Saleh Dunoma, promised that during his tenure, he was going to deliver at least all the international airports; and he has already delivered Lagos and Abuja. ” According to her, the current drive towards the certification of Nigerian airports is very significant not only as a requirement by ICAO and the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations, but even more importantly as one of the critical safety targets of the Abuja ministerial declaration. On the completion of the new international terminal buildings, Yakubu disclosed that Kano International Airport Terminal would be inaugurated within the next two months as work had already reached an advanced stage.

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

INSURANCE & PENSION Lagos pays N524.46M to181 retirees


agos State Government has presented Retirement Benefit Bond Certificates worth N524. 46m to another batch of 181 Public Service retirees, many of whom were from the mainstream of the civil service. Director-General, LASPEC, Mrs. Folashade Onanuga, who disclosed this while speaking at the 62nd Retirement Bond Presentation Ceremony at NECA House, CBD Alausa, added that there have been various challenges relating to the provision of pension entitlements but Lagos State has ensured that payment is given priority. She said that the Lagos State Government had always been in the vanguard of employees’ welfare because the current administration gives high priority to the welfare and wellbeing of all staff, both active and retired. The Director-General reiterated that the retirees need to take good care of their health by going for comprehensive periodic check-ups and desist from frivolous spending. She also advised them not to desire quick gains as fraudsters would make offers to defraud them of their hard-earned benefits.

Losses from cryptocurrency thefts, others hit $1.2bn in Q1 -- Report

Stories by VICTOR NZE


osses from the theft of cryptocurrencies from exchanges and fraud-related activities surged in the first quarter of the year to $1.2 billion, or 70 percent of the level for all of 2018, cyber-security firm CipherTrace said on Tuesday. The value of losses from crime in the digital currency sector in 2018 hit $1.7 billion. But cryptocurrency crime has ballooned as the market has slowed down, prices have plunged and business activity has stalled. In the first quarter of 2019, theft of digital currencies from exchanges and scams totaled $356 million, while losses from fraud or mis-

appropriated funds amounted to $851 million, the respected U.S.based CipherTrace said in a quarterly report. CipherTrace said it included losses at Canadian digital platform QuadrigaX, where roughly C$180 million (US$134 million) in cryptocurrencies have been frozen in user accounts after the founder, the only person with the password to gain access, died suddenly in December. “Crypto crime has gotten worse because regulations are still weakly enforced. Europe broadly has not implemented its regulations yet and the cyber criminal community continues to grow,” CipherTrace chief executive officer Dave Jevans told

Reuters. “I would also add that insider issues such as fraud or theft have grown mostly due to operations outside of the U.S. where regulations are poor, or simply due to greed and mismanagement by young management teams at these cryptocurrency companies that are managing hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.” Jevans is also the chairman of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, a global organization that aims to help solve cyber crimes. The CipherTrace report also said there was a major gap in the current cryptocurrency regulatory environment with respect to cross-border

Losses from cryptocurrency thefts, others hit $1.2bn in Q1 -- Report


osses from the theft of cryptocurrencies from exchanges and fraud-related activities surged in the first quarter of the year to $1.2 billion, or 70 percent of the level for all of 2018, cyber-security firm CipherTrace said on Tuesday. The value of losses from crime in the digital currency sector in 2018 hit $1.7 billion. But cryptocurrency crime has ballooned as the market has slowed down, prices have plunged and business activity has stalled. In the first quarter of 2019, theft of digital currencies from exchanges and scams totaled $356 million, while losses from fraud or misappropriated funds amounted to $851 million, the respected U.S.-based CipherTrace said in a quarterly report. CipherTrace said it included losses at Canadian digital platform QuadrigaX, where roughly C$180 million (US$134 million) in cryptocurrencies have been frozen in user accounts after the founder, the only person with the password to gain access, died suddenly in December. “Crypto crime has gotten worse because regulations are still weakly enforced. Europe broadly has not implemented its regulations yet and the cyber criminal community continues to grow,” CipherTrace chief executive officer Dave Jevans told Reuters. “I would also add that insider issues such as fraud or theft have grown mostly due to operations outside of the U.S. where regulations are poor, or simply due to greed and mismanagement by young management teams at these cryptocurrency companies that are managing hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.”


•CEO, UBA Africa, Mr. Victor Osadolor; GMD/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka; Ogun State Governor-elect, Mr. Dapo Abiodun; Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-olu; Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr Tony Elumelu; Kwara State Governor Elect, Alhaji AbdulRahman Abdulrasaq; Wife of UBA Chairman, Dr Awele Elumelu; Director, UBA Plc, Mrs Onari Duke; Former Governor of Ogun State, Aremo Olusegun Osoba; Director, UBA Plc, Erelu Angela Adebayo; Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade; and Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi; at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos on Saturday

payments from U.S. exchanges to offshore exchanges, which are beyond the purview of U.S. authorities. An analysis of 164 million bitcoin transactions showed that cross-border payments to offshore exchanges have grown 46% over the last two years, contributing to the $8.7 trillion, or 11.5 percent of the world’s wealth, hidden offshore, the report said.

Reps committee to submit report on missing N33bn PenCom fund

ouse of Representatives ad hoc H Committee investigating the alleged withdrawal of N33 billion

from the National Pension Commission (PenCom) account will submit its report to the house this week, Rep. Benjamin Wayo (APC-Benue) has said. Wayo, who is a member of the committee, disclosed this at the end of the public hearing on Thursday in Abuja. He said that the committee was determined to correct the wrongs in the sector and would submit a comprehensive report to the house for consideration and adoption. He said that the investigation was purely about improving the plight of retirees and not to witch-hunt anybody. The lawmaker called on all relevant stakeholders and the general public with any information or idea that would improve the pension system in the country to write to the committee within the next four days. He said that the committee was in the position to advise the government and was willing to take inputs from the public. Adjourning the hearing sine die, the Chairman of the Committee, Rep. Ekanem Asuquo (PDP-AkwaIbom) said that there was need to improve the sector.

Total reinsurance capital drops in 2018 -- Willis Re W

hile total dedicated reinsurance capital dropped in 2018, alternative capital continued its steady rise, according to a report published by Willis Re. Total dedicated reinsurance capital – which includes traditional and alternative capital – dropped 5 percent to US$462 billion at year-end 2018. At the same time, alternative capital grew by 6 percent, said the report titled “Reinsurance market report, Results for year-end 2018, April 2019.” The largest component of the overall figure for total reinsurance capital is the shareholders’ equity of 32 reinsurance companies tracked in the Willis Reinsurance Index, which was down 10 percent to US$335.7 billion in 2018. This reversed growth of 8 percent seen during 2017. (The Willis Re Index tracks the largest global reinsurers.) The second largest component affecting the reinsurance capital total was alternative capital which grew by nearly 6 percent to $93 billion, said Willis Re, the reinsurance business of Willis Towers Watson. Despite the fluctuations of tradi-

tional reinsurance capital tracked by the Willis index, alternative capital has risen steadily over the past five years from $65 billion in 2014; to $70 billion in 2015; $75 billion in 2016; $88 billion in 2017; and $93 billion in 2018. On the other hand, capital from those traditional reinsurers dropped from $369.6 billion in 2014 to $357 billion in 2015, rising again in 2016 and 2017 to $374 billion and $398 billion, respectively. In 2018 the level dropped to $369 billion, nearly level to that seen in 2014. (These figures are calculated by adding the capital levels of Willis Re’s index companies and other major regional and local insurers, which it also tracks). Reinsurance capital for the Willis Re Index companies dropped by 10 percent in 2018 to $335.7 billion, which was driven by mergers and acquisitions. The report explained that two acquisitions – AIG’s purchase of Validus and AXA’s purchase of XL Catlin – reduced the index’s capital in 2018 by $13.7 billion. Investment losses also played a role in the overall drop in the drop

in capital, said Willis Re, noting that falling equity markets and rising bond yields had a meaningful negative impact on investment performance. Willis Re said it conducted a more in-depth analysis on a subset of reinsurers within the index, which included a look at return on equity (RoE), which has seen “a relentless decline since 2013.” (The subset companies are those that make relevant disclosure of cat losses and prior year reserve releases.) Indeed, in 2013, the RoE for the subset of reinsurers was 6.7 percent, which had dropped to 3.8 percent in 2017 and 2.7 percent in 2018, said the report, noting that the main driver of the drop in underlying RoE was the combined ratio. The headline combined ratio for the subset recovered from 2017’s 107.4 percent to 99.2 percent, as a result of lower natural catastrophe activity from 2017 to 2018. (When a combined ratio is over 100 percent, the company loses money on its underwriting.) However, the report said that if 4.6 percentage points of reserve

releases are removed from the combined ratio as well as 8.6 percentage points of nat cat losses (significantly down on 2017’s 18.1 percentage points), the subset companies had an attritional (or non-nat cat) accident year combined ratio of 95.3 percent. The report said this represents a deterioration from 2017’s 94.6 percent. “Overall shareholders equity figures for the index suffered a negative impact due to unrealized investment losses, owing to external factors largely beyond the control of risk carriers, as well as shareholder buy backs and dividends,” said James Kent, global CEO, Willis Re. The report’s findings show that the remedial actions taken by many risk carriers in 2018 were essential and we are seeing an acceleration of these actions in 2019 as companies seek improved underwriting terms and rates to drive RoEs.” The Willis Re Reinsurance Market Report is a biannual publication providing analysis of the size and performance of the reinsurance market, based on the Willis Reinsurance Index group of companies.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

MONEY Market ‘AfDB processing zones will drive agricultural revolution’


enior Nigerian government officials and key investors have endorsed the African Development Bank’s Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones (SAPZ) initiative, describing it as a pathway to Africa’s agricultural revolution. SAPZs are designed to concentrate agro-processing activities within areas of high agricultural potential in order to increase productivity and competitiveness. The initiative will provide millions of youth and rural men and women with employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Speaking at an investment forum held at the Bank’s office in Abuja, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Audu Ogbeh, said the country was eager to work with the Bank to develop SAPZs. “I can’t thank the African Development Bank and all the investors gathered here today enough. “We need to make agriculture work again. It is with initiatives like this that we can truly create wealth and employment for our teeming youth population,” Ogbeh said. The investment forum was an opportunity to secure the commitment of key agribusiness companies and banks in the planning, investment and implementation of priority SAPZs in Nigeria. Key participants included top government officials and big industry players, including the Dangote Group, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Flour Mills of Nigeria, Olam International, the Nigeria Private Sector Alliance (NiPSA), the International Labour Organization (ILO), commercial and development banks, the United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO), and the Cocoa Association of Nigeria. Professor Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Special Adviser on Industrialization to the African Development Bank President, said the initiative could boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of rural regions and bridge the ruralurban divide. “Nigeria currently trails in the supply of quality agro-processing products. Nigeria must take advantage of the opportunities in this sector to create non-oil sector jobs and raise its GDP,” he said. Africa could become a net exporter of agricultural commodities, potentially replacing imports worth $110 billion. The continent could also double its market share for select processed commodities. The value of Africa’s agribusiness sector is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030 and has been described the next “oil sector”. “This investors’ forum is extremely critical. Those of us working in the sector will work closely with the African Development Bank and the government of Nigeria on this huge opportunity,” said businessman Mansur Mohammed Ahmed, Executive Director of the Dangote Group and Chairman of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN). “We support the SAPZs intervention of the African Development Bank. Our Group is interested in investing in agri-inputs production and supply across the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones to be set up,” said Sadiz Kassim, Director at Tropical General Investments Group (TGI Group) − a major industry player. Together with its development partners, the Bank is investing heavily to rapidly scale up agricultural production. The SAPZ’s depend on strong public and private sector partnerships.

Textile smuggling: CBN to blacklist banks, firms, individuals


o revive Nigeria’s moribund cotton, textiles and garments sector, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on Monday commenced the distribution of cotton seeds and other inputs to farmers in Katsina State. To encourage local textile production, the apex bank also threatened to blacklist individuals, banks and companies involved in illegal textile importation. Over 100,000 farmers collected the cotton seeds during the national flag-off of distribution of seeds/ inputs to farmers for the 2019 planting season. The CBN governor, Godwin Emefiele, who opened the distribution of the seeds said the exercise will help improve cotton production in the country from about 80,000 tonnes in 2018 to over 300,000 tonnes by 2020. Emefiele said the support of the bank to cotton production was part of the commitment to consolidate on the gains of the restriction of foreign exchange allocation on finished textiles and 42 other items in the country. The CBN governor identified insufficient cotton seeds as one of the major challenges cotton farm-

ers face in the country. He said the bank sought to change the narrative on the cotton and textile industry in Nigeria through the distribution of high yielding cotton seeds to farmers. The provision of seedlings to farmers cultivating over 200,000 hectares of farmland, along with extensive training on proper farming techniques, will boost the production of high-grade cotton lint from the current rate of less than one tonne to about four tonnes per hectare. Also, he said, the move would reduce the amount spent by Nigeria on imported textiles and readymade clothing estimated at about $4billion annually. Emefiele said the package included fertiliser, pesticides and knapsack sprayers, while the National Cotton Association of Nigeria will ensure compliance of its members with the stipulated terms for the support to be provided to farmers. He said the choice of Katsina was based on the immense potential of the state as the leading cotton producer in Nigeria. The CBN boss said, was commit-

ted to the revamp of the cotton and textiles industry, given its immense potential to Nigeria’s growth objectives as well as the bank’s efforts at creating jobs for a large number of Nigerians. “In the 1970s and early 1980s were the glory days of the textile industry in Nigeria. Nigeria was home to Africa’s largest textile industry, with over 180 textile mills that employed over 450,000 people, representing about 25 per cent of the workforce in the manufacturing sector,” he said. He recounted that the industry was supported by the production of cotton by 600,000 local farmers across 30 of Nigeria’s 36 states, with thousands of ginnery workers who processed the cotton from farmers, and a large number of distributors selling the finished clothes to consumers. Emefiele lamented that farmers and processors have had to deal with low-quality seeds, rising operating cost and weak sales in recent times. He attributed this to the high energy cost of running factories, poor access to finance and smuggling of textile goods estimated to cost Ni-

Divisional Head, Listing Business Division, The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Mr. Olumide Bolumole; Executive Director, Regulation, NSE, Ms. Tinuade Awe; Chief Executive Officer, NSE, Mr. Oscar N. Onyema OON; Senior Special Assistant to the President on Industry, Trade and Investment (SSA- ITI), Dr. Jumoke Oduwole; Honourable Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Okechukwu Enelamah; Executive Chairman, Arian Capital Limited, PEBEC Member (Private Sector Representative), Mr. Dotun Sulaiman and Ag. Director- General, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ms. Mary Uduk during a Closing Gong Ceremony in commemoration of the successful completion of the reforms under NAP 4.0 at the Exchange

geria over $2.2billion annually. According to him, only 25 textile factories were currently operating in Nigeria with a workforce of fewer than 20,000 people. A large proportion of clothing materials, he said, were now being imported from China and countries in Europe saying, the CBN was committed to addressing impediments to the growth of Nigeria’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors, as both sectors represent over 52 per cent of Nigeria’s gross domestic product (GDP). “If we are able to drive productivity gains in these sectors, it will undoubtedly translate to a higher growth rate for the broader economy, result in increased rural incomes, and improvements in living standards for a majority of Nigerians,” he noted. Threat to blacklist offenders Emefiele said the restriction of foreign exchange to 43 items was yielding the desired results, apart from driving interest by potential investors seeking to make investments to support improved production of textiles in Nigeria. To curb smuggling, the CBN Governor said the bank was gathering data as well as investigating the accounts of individuals and corporates currently involved in smuggling and dumping textile materials into Nigeria. He said individuals and companies involved in the illicit trade will be blacklisted, while all banks, their owners and top management involved in the illegal business would be barred from further conducting any banking business with the companies. “With a population of over 190 million people, Nigeria clearly stands out as a virgin market that must be tapped. If we are determined in our drive to create jobs on a mass scale and reduce youth restiveness in Nigeria, the cotton, textiles and garments industry cannot be ignored,” Emefiele added. The Katsina State Governor, Aminu Masari, said the federal government’s initiative to promote cotton production under the Anchor Borrowers’ Programme of the CBN would support the textile industry in the country by encouraging local production. His Kano State counterpart, Abdullahi Ganduje, who spoke on behalf of other governors in the North-West geopolitical zone, stressed the need for strong institutions to complement monetary and fiscal policies aimed at developing the Nigerian economy.

CBN Unveils 9%, 10-Year Creative Industry Loan Initiative


s part of efforts to help generate employment among the country’s teeming youth population, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), on Monday unveiled what it tagged “a Creative Industry Financing Initiative (CIFI).” In a notice on its website, the CBN said the initiative, which rests on four pillars, namely: fashion, information technology, movie, and music, was designed in collaboration with the Bankers’ Committee (comprising chief executives of the

nation’s banks and industry-wide organization). The statement set a maximum interest rate of 9.0% per annum (all charges inclusive) to all loans under the initiative, with the repayment period ranging from three years for software engineering student loan, to 10 years for movie production and distribution, fashion, information technology (IT) and music. In all, a total of N200bn is expected to be disbursed under the initiative.

Specifically, the notice urged interested applicants into fashion, information technology, movie production, movie distribution, music as well as software engineering student loan to submit applications to their banks for approval and disbursement. While applicants for software engineering student loans can get as much as N3m loan, those into movie production business can get up to N30m and N500m for the movie distribution business.

Such applicants are required to prepare their business plans or statement on how much they require for the business covering rental and service fees for fashion and IT business; training and equipment fees, in addition to rental/service fees for the music business. To access a loan under the initiative, applicants are to approach any bank of their choice, stating how much is needed, following which the application is scrutinized and the loan facilitated.



Head Office: 116 Awka Road, Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria. Lagos Bureau Office: 25 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Hotlines : 09061836916 , 08033580234, 09078310060

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9”x6 cols 257,148.00 9”x5 cols 214,290.00 9”x4 cols 171,432.00 8”x5 cols 190,480.00 8”x3 cols 114,288.00 7”x5 cols 166,670.00 7”x4 cols


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Quarter Page

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4”x3 cols 74,280.00 4”x2 cols 49,520.00 3”x3cols 55,710.00 2”x2 cols 24,760.00 1”x3 cols 18,570.00 1”x2cols 12,380.00 1”x1 col 6,190.00

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Loose Inserts Rate Per 1000 Copies 43,000.00 Handling Charge 45.000.00

For adverts placements and bookings contact the following number: 09061836916, 08033580234, 09078310060


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Love and Living

...With Ireto Temofeh



Revealed: The biggest MYTH about the clitoris and why the CAT position is the best for female orgasms


Name: Beauty Tel: +234 818 954 9698 • If you want to be our next ORACLE GIRL, e-mail or forward your photos/data to Call 07031028714.


hen you think of sex education classes, you might remember a sheepishlooking teacher, lots of awkward giggles and something about a condom and a banana. What you might not remember is lots of the facts about genitalia and their functions - which is something two women are out to change. Medical academics, Dr Nina Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl, are the co-authors of the bestselling book, The Wonder Down Under which arrives in Australia this month. The Wonder Down Under aims to explain everything you ever wanted to know about the vagina but didn’t dare ask, from the truth about the clitoris’ inner life to whether the elusive G spot really exists. ‘One new hypothesis is that the G-spot is not a separate physical thing at all, but simply a deep-lying inner part of the clitoris that’s stimulated during sex,’ Dr Nina and Ellen wrote for FEMAIL earlier this month. ‘Hold on, you might say. The inner part of the clitoris? What inner part? And this brings us to perhaps the biggest myth we discovered in our research,’ they continued. ‘We’ve been brought up to believe the clitoris, the site of all female sexual pleasure, is roughly the size of a raisin. ‘But the truth is this little button is just the tip of an iceberg, a small part of a large and extraordinarily sensitive organ that extends deep into a woman’s pelvis.’ It’s not just the G spot that’s exposed, either. The academics reveal that there is no ‘absolute physical ‘seal’ that acts as a proof of virginity’, rather just

an ‘anatomical structure which has caused the misunderstanding’. They also found that the pill does not in fact controversially make you gain weight. ‘Actually, the real cause of putting on the pounds could be that a lot of women put on a bit of weight when they find a partner, which is also likely to be the time they start taking the Pill,’ they wrote. Similarly, the missionary position doesn’t have to be seen as boring. Instead, if you try the coital alignment technique, or CAT, it can prove the best position for the female orgasm. To find this, instead of resting on his hands, your partner should rest on his lower arms and keep his body in contact with yours. Then, instead of thrusting, he should slide his body up along yours horizontally. The Norwegian pair behind the book met in 2011, when in their first year of medicine at the University of Oslo, they decided to start teaching free sex education classes to a mix of school students, refugees and other people. They soon realised that there is a wealth of confusion and misinformation around women and sexual health - and so started looking into the myths and misconceptions about female anatomy. After starting a blog in 2015 called Underlivit (or ‘The Genitals’), they later went on to write The Wonder Down Under, which was first published in January 2017. Since then, the best-selling book has gone on to be translated around the world - arriving in Australia this month. Source: Daily Mail

Heart attack threat ‘up 40% after an infection’


atients who suffer common infections have a much greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the years to come, a major study has found. The findings suggest hundreds of thousands should be given statins or other heart pills if they suffer a chest infection or bladder problem. A project tracking 1.2million patients found those admitted to hospital for pneumonia or urinary tract infections were 40 per cent more likely to have a heart attack within eight years. They were also 150 per cent more likely to suffer a stroke. This suggests infections have an even greater impact on heart health than obesity, which raises the risk of strokes and heart attacks by about 25 per cent. The research team, from Aston Medical School in Birmingham and the University of Cambridge, believe this is because infections cause long-term inflammation in blood vessels – making them more prone to clotting and clogging. Patients who suffer an infection should be treated in the same way as someone with high blood pressure, raised cholesterol or diabetes, the researchers said. This

Romantic Joke Stolen Credit Card

could involve prescribing statins or aspirin as a preventive measure to cut the risk to their heart. Nearly 600,000 people are admitted to hospital with chest infections such as pneumonia in England every year. About 300,000 are admitted with urinary infections. The study, which will be presented today at the American College of Cardiology conference in Orlando, also found that those who had had infections were more likely to die if they did suffer a heart attack or stroke. They were three times more likely

to die from a heart attack than those who had not had infections, and almost twice as likely to die if they had a stroke. Cardiologist Dr Rahul Potluri, of Aston University, said: ‘Our figures suggest that those who are admitted to hospital with a respiratory or urinary tract infection are 40 per cent more likely to suffer a subsequent heart attack, and 2.5 times more likely to have a stroke, than patients who have had no such infection – and are considerably less likely to survive from these conditions.’

Q: Why didn’t the man report his stolen credit card? A: The thief was spending less than his wife.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

True Confession

‘I found love with a prostitute’


don’t want to disclose my name so that people who are close to me won’t be able to detect my identity. All I can say is that I’m married to a former prostitute whom I met in Benin. But I did it for love. I grew up in Lagos and after I graduated from YabaPoly in the 90s, life was very hard for me. I walked about looking for a job all over Lagos until my feet were sore. I submitted so many job applications to many different companies and banks that I lost count. Sometimes I would write an aptitude test and pass, but still I wouldn’t get the job. I would be invited for an interview, but somehow, something always went wrong along the way to prevent me from getting the job that I badly needed to help my family and keep body and soul together. After three years of searching for a job in Lagos in vain, I was invited for an interview by a company based in Benin City. One of their officers had already assured me that they were going to offer me the job. The man had even collected some money from me as a bribe. So, I travelled to Benin City with the little money I could borrow from friends with the expectation that when I resumed work at the company, I would repay the money. But to my greatest shock, I traveled to Benin City and was turned down by the company. After that incident, I made up my mind to commit suicide. But I didn’t know which method I should use to kill myself. So I sat at a bus stop weeping from 7pm to 10pm. It was while I was crying and thinking of my life that a girl walked up to me and asked what the matter was. I poured out my story to her amidst tears. And she asked me whether I had a place to sleep in Benin that night. I told her that I had nowhere to sleep and had no money to return to Lagos because I had placed all my hope in the man who had promised me the job. She comforted me and invited me to sleep in her place that night. Esther took me to her room in a brothel and we slept there together that night. Before we slept, she told me her own pathetic story of how she was forced into prostitution because her parents died when she was five years old and her extended family members abandoned her and her siblings. I took pity on her too, and realized that I wasn’t the only one who had serious problems in the world. That was how I fell in love with her. From that moment, I and Esther started our friendship and promised to stand by each other forever. We got married five years ago, and I must confess that she is really a good and faithful wife. I now know that when people say that a prostitute can never change, it is not true. Prostitutes are the best wives to have because they have seen the world, so when they decide to change, they change permanently. That is why my wife always tells women that there is no amount of money she hasn’t seen before, which a man would now give her to make her unfaithful to me. Do you have a story or comment about this confession? Call 07031028714.

I took pity on her too, and realized that I wasn’t the only one who had serious problems in the world. That was how I fell in love with her. From that moment, I and Esther started our friendship and promised to stand by each other forever.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Relationships and Love Advice

My family don’t want me to marry him, because he is not from my tribe

Love Search Women seeking relationship/ marriage Gift, 35, from Imo, needs a man of 40-50 years for a serious relationship even if he is a widower. 09068433969. Vanessa, 20, chocolate, young, calm, supportive, patient and sweet needs a mature, wealthy man for a very happy relationship. Distance is not a barrier. Call +2348171590309. Precious, Igbo, with great potentials needs a genuine rich widower with 2 -3 kids, must be presentable, born again, educated, of 40 years & above for marriage. 07065658063. Stella; 32; fair; from Enugu; living in Lagos; needs a clean rich man for a serious relationship: 08028003811. Chiommy, very tall, fair, sexy, hippy, busty, needs a sugar daddy who will take good care of her and she will satisfy him very well. 09028379398. Chinyere, 35, dark, single mum, humble, works, seeks a hardworking man from 38 years and above for marriage.09038028331. Funke, 44, needs a man (widower or divorcée) of 50-55 years for a serious relationship. 08185083988. Ngozi, 28, fat, jovial, fair, in Onitsha, Anambra state, needs a God-fearing and buoyant man of 45 years and above to take good care of her. 08022792682.

Dear Love Doctor, Hello, my name is Ifeoma and I am from Anambra state. I am a 19-year-old girl and I am dating a boy of 23. He loves me so much that he has proposed to marry me. I love him too. However, the problem is that my boyfriend is not from the same tribe or ethnic group with me and for that

reason, my people, that is, my family members object to both of us getting married. Moreover, my aunt says that I am too young to get married now. Please what should I do? Thanks, From Ifeoma.

You are definitely not too young to marry now, especially considering the fact that you are now over 18 years. Secondly, it is wrong for your family members to promote tribalism or ethnicity as a barrier to true love and/or marriage. Ethnicity should not be used to separate two people who love each other. Ethnicity/tribalism should not be a barrier to true love and marriage. Ethnicity has been used as a divisive factor for a very long time in Nigeria and is partly responsible for the poor political, social and economic state of the country. Inter-tribal marriages ought to be a welcome development since it helps unite diverse ethnic

groups and promotes greater understanding and friendship among members of different ethnic groups. Basically, the two most important requirements for marriage are love and the mutual consent of both parties involved. Therefore, you are the only one to take the decision to get married now or not. Before making a decision, however, you must search your heart and ask yourself if you are actually ready to spend the rest of your life with that boy. Do you love that boy enough to want to live forever with him? Love is far different from infatuation because love or marriage involves sacrifice. True love and marriage involves making a lot of painful sacrifices. At your age, do you think you are old

E-Mail: Go to react60. com. Call Love Doctor: 07031028714, 08077821830, 08131161840 for Counseling.

Love Doctor’s Advice: Dear Ifeoma

Uchechi, 36, a graduate, tall, fair, needs a tall, fair, graduate, Igbo evangelist, pastor or God fearing Igbo man for marriage. 08052366993.

enough and ready to make such sacrifices? Marriage, my dear, is not a child’s play. It is a lifetime affair and needs careful thought and planning. Therefore, I strongly advise you to take your time to think very well before making a decision. It is wise to look before you leap. However, your aunt may have good reason to tell you to wait a little, instead of rushing into marriage at this time, considering the young age of your prospective husband. He is only 23 years old while you are 19. How do you hope to start raising children together now? Are both of you aware of the financial, emotional and psychological implications and consequences of raising a family? At this age, can both of you afford to rent an apartment and feed yourselves, not to mention your children?

Men seeking relationship/ marriage Derek, 26, fashion designer, black, 5.6ft, handsome, caring, kind and very rom mature minded lady from age 30-45 for a seriously relationship, a single mom is welcome. 08063448037. King, handsome, tall, fair, a graduate, from Owerri, wants a lady to date who will take good care of him financially and emotionally. 08069467804. Ifeanyi, 33, living in Abuja, needs a beautiful and loving woman that will love and care for him. 07089611030. Ugochukwu Raphael, 26, needs a rich sugar mummy who will help him financially.08087720682,07059911437.

Do you have advice on this problem? Please share your thoughts. Call 07031028714 or 08131161840. Email:

A man in Lagos wants a mature working woman who loves receiving oral sex or likes a man going down on her. 08077821830.

Do you have a marriage/wedding, birthday, anniversary or club or town meeting announcement to make? Call 07031028714 now!

John, an undergraduate in Akure, Ondo state, needs a lonely and sexually unsatisfied woman residing around the South-South or SouthWest regions to care for. 08106969227.

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Money t0 States


Federation-Account-Allocation-Committee (FAAC) Mar. 2019

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Money to LGAs

Federation-Account-Allocation-Committee (FAAC) March 2019



The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

Relationships and Love Advice

My family don’t want me to marry him, because he is not from my tribe

Love Search Women seeking relationship/ marriage Gift, 35, from Imo, needs a man of 40-50 years for a serious relationship even if he is a widower. 09068433969. Vanessa, 20, chocolate, young, calm, supportive, patient and sweet needs a mature, wealthy man for a very happy relationship. Distance is not a barrier. Call +2348171590309. Precious, Igbo, with great potentials needs a genuine rich widower with 2 -3 kids, must be presentable, born again, educated, of 40 years & above for marriage. 07065658063. Stella; 32; fair; from Enugu; living in Lagos; needs a clean rich man for a serious relationship: 08028003811. Chiommy, very tall, fair, sexy, hippy, busty, needs a sugar daddy who will take good care of her and she will satisfy him very well. 09028379398. Chinyere, 35, dark, single mum, humble, works, seeks a hardworking man from 38 years and above for marriage.09038028331. Funke, 44, needs a man (widower or divorcée) of 50-55 years for a serious relationship. 08185083988. Ngozi, 28, fat, jovial, fair, in Onitsha, Anambra state, needs a God-fearing and buoyant man of 45 years and above to take good care of her. 08022792682.

Dear Love Doctor, Hello, my name is Ifeoma and I am from Anambra state. I am a 19-year-old girl and I am dating a boy of 23. He loves me so much that he has proposed to marry me. I love him too. However, the problem is that my boyfriend is not from the same tribe or ethnic group with me and for that

reason, my people, that is, my family members object to both of us getting married. Moreover, my aunt says that I am too young to get married now. Please what should I do? Thanks, From Ifeoma.

You are definitely not too young to marry now, especially considering the fact that you are now over 18 years. Secondly, it is wrong for your family members to promote tribalism or ethnicity as a barrier to true love and/or marriage. Ethnicity should not be used to separate two people who love each other. Ethnicity/tribalism should not be a barrier to true love and marriage. Ethnicity has been used as a divisive factor for a very long time in Nigeria and is partly responsible for the poor political, social and economic state of the country. Inter-tribal marriages ought to be a welcome development since it helps unite diverse ethnic

groups and promotes greater understanding and friendship among members of different ethnic groups. Basically, the two most important requirements for marriage are love and the mutual consent of both parties involved. Therefore, you are the only one to take the decision to get married now or not. Before making a decision, however, you must search your heart and ask yourself if you are actually ready to spend the rest of your life with that boy. Do you love that boy enough to want to live forever with him? Love is far different from infatuation because love or marriage involves sacrifice. True love and marriage involves making a lot of painful sacrifices. At your age, do you think you are old

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Love Doctor’s Advice: Dear Ifeoma

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enough and ready to make such sacrifices? Marriage, my dear, is not a child’s play. It is a lifetime affair and needs careful thought and planning. Therefore, I strongly advise you to take your time to think very well before making a decision. It is wise to look before you leap. However, your aunt may have good reason to tell you to wait a little, instead of rushing into marriage at this time, considering the young age of your prospective husband. He is only 23 years old while you are 19. How do you hope to start raising children together now? Are both of you aware of the financial, emotional and psychological implications and consequences of raising a family? At this age, can both of you afford to rent an apartment and feed yourselves, not to mention your children?

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The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8-14, 2019

It happened to me:

I caught his side chick with an STD test My boyfriend Donny and I had been together for almost two years and although we didn’t live together we were inseparable. Every Friday night we would head to the local pub together and because we lived in a small town we knew most people there. One night, I returned from the bathroom to find him chatting to a flirty brunette who I’d never met before. He introduced me to Julie and quickly explained that they went to primary school together and hadn’t seen each other in years. I soon forgot about her until one day a friend told me that she had seen Donny and a mysterious brunette eating lunch at a local cafe. I decided to confront Donny about. Donny laughed

it off and said that he was having lunch with his sister and that I was being paranoid. But my suspicions didn’t leave me, and they weren’t helped by the fact that we began to stay together less and less. And when we did, upon his insistence, we only stayed at my place. When I received a phone bill of his a few days letter, I couldn’t help myself — I had to open it. Donny had made several late-night calls to a mystery number, which I soon confirmed was Julie’s. It seemed that they were making a lot of contact for two old primary school friends who hadn’t seen each other in 10 years. I was convinced that Donny was cheating on me but he wouldn’t budge, not matter how much I probed him, so

I decided to call Julie. I cleared my throat, dialled her number and put on my most officialsounding voice. “Hello Julie, this is Heather from the local healthcare clinic. I have something very private I need to discuss with you”. “OK,” she replied slowly. “It’s concerning your friend Donny. He is very embarrassed at the moment and has asked me to contact you on his behalf regarding the results of his STD test. Donny put your details on a list of people he has had intercourse with in the last six months. Is this correct?” I could hear Julie gasp before blurting out, “Yes, but what’s wrong with him? Oh my God ... Am I going to be all right?!”

I could hardly contain my anger and slight amusement at her freaking out, so I swiftly ended the conversation. “Well you better get yourself checked out then. Bye!” I was so hurt by what Donny did but I figured that there was little point in bringing it up with him, if he hadn’t been truthful to me all this time, why would he start now? I broke up with him two days later saying that we had grown apart and, between that and all of the STD rumours about him flying around, that it made sense to just put it behind me. Besides, I had a few old friends that I wanted to look up myself. • Do you have a story or comment about this confession? Call 07031028714.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


With Douglas Omoyooma

Why I want to create awareness about domestic violence –Toke Makinwa By Douglas Omoyooma


ontroversial blogger, OAP, TV host, and author, Toke Makinwa needs no introduction. Thanks to the power of social media. She has millions of followers on social media and YouTube and her controversial life style is always a hot topic. In this chat with Oracle Today, Toke who hosts the Morning Drive on Rhythm 93.7 FM opens up on her take on domestic violence and why she decided to write a book. “Domestic violence is something we cannot stop talking about in our society,” she begins. “Thank God, today we now have platforms and individuals stepping out of their comfort zones to speak out against it. And when people hear the phrase, domestic violence, they automatically think it is just about a man beating up his wife. No, it goes beyond that. Domestic violence is a canker worm that affects both genders. There is emotionally violence, financial violence, bullying and so on. So we need to understand that we have to respect ourselves and not go around hitting anyone. As a man, don’t hit a woman. As a woman, don’t hit a man. Let us stop domestic violence in every form. “I am passionate of it and that is why I am speaking out agains domestic violence. We have to understand that speaking against domestic violence is a collective responsibility. Until we begin to realise that, we have to keep our society and community safe. We must be our brother and sister’s keeper. We don’t have to wait to be victims by experiencing violence before taking a stand on the malaise. We need to create awareness, go to the rural areas. We must not keep our mouths shut about domestic violence because it can happen to anybody and it has claimed a lot of lives.” Today, courtesy of social media, Toke Mackinwa is a role model to millions of youths across the African continent. How does she feel? “I can never get used to the feeling. As I said earlier, to whom much is given much is expected. I feel God has been so faithful to me. I never imagined myself being where I am now. And I am also

“I am passionate of it and that is why I am speaking out against domestic violence. We don’t have to wait to be victims by experiencing violence before taking a stand on the malaise.

Giving back

Having benefitted so much from society, Toke Makinwa is giving back. Hear her: “There are a lot of mentorship programmes that I am involved in. There is also something called, On Becoming Empowered, which we are about to launch and it is about me giving grants to entrepreneurs struggling with their various businesses. There is so much suffering going on in the world right now and the best we can do is help in every way we can.”

conscious of the fact that this is a life that God has given to me in order to impact mankind. We are all living on borrowed time as long as you are living and breathing.” A while ago, Toke Mackinwa published her first book entitled, On Becoming. How is it doing? “So far, it is doing well. We have had an amazing run. We visited Abuja, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Ghana, USA, London and South Africa. It has been very inspiring and an eye opener. Meeting new people and getting to talk and interact with them was mind blowing. It has been very successful, the love and feedback has been massive!” Any plans to take On Becoming to campuses across Nigeria? “Most definitely, we are ending the tour at my Alma Mata, University of Lagos and we are working on that right now. We are also trying to secure a time when all the students will in school so that we can have a situation where we can have students come together and close the tour with a big bang!” Toke Makinwa also revealed that plans are ongoing to adapt On Becoming for a film. She said: “We have been getting offers but we are just taking our time. Right now we are just basking in the success recorded so far. I am talking about the book tours, sales and all of that. Surprisingly, Nigerians read a lot and the records are there to show for it. The feedback and love is beyond measure. I never imagine the book could be this successful. “I am thankful to God for the vision and also, the strength to go through it because as the popular saying goes ‘to whom much is given much is expected.’ So will say we have plans for the visuals but we are taking our time.” Any plan to write another book following the success of On Becoming? “On Becoming is an open ended title so it is definitely going to be a series of many books to come. My next book could be On Becoming A Media Mogul, On Becoming A Wife or On Becoming A Mother. I am really excited at the way my career is unfolding and the events happening around me.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019

SPORTS 2019 FIBA World Cup: D’Tigers to play Canada, Dominican Republic in friendlies By Maduabuchi Kalu


n its bid to adequately prepare the D’Tigers for the 2019 FIBA Men’s World Cup, the Nigeria Basketball Federation (NBBF) have lined up grade A friendlies with Dominican Republic and Canada ahead of the competition. D’Tigers’ two legged encounter against Dominican Republic will take place in Santo Domingo between July 19 and 25 before playing Canada in Quebec and Ontario between August 5 and 11, 2019. According to arrangements put in place for the team, D’Tigers will open camp in the United States of America before moving to Canada. Lagos, Nigeria will be venue of the final phase of preparation with NBBF already in advanced talks with a yet to be named World Cup bound team for a 2-legged friendly. NBBF President, Musa Kida, disclosed that the federation was determined to give the team the best preparation that it can afford to ensure that the team do the nation proud in China when the World Cup starts in August. “We have locked down two grade A games with Dominican Republic and Canada who will both be at the World Cup. These games alongside those we are still planning to organize when the team comes to Lagos, we believe, will provide quality tests for the team.” Kida revealed that though the choices of camp sites in the USA and Canada had not been made due to factors such as quality of facilities, playing personnel and most importantly funds but agreements have been concluded with the Canadian and Dominican Republic Basketball Federations for the games. Meanwhile, the team is also billed to participate in a friendly tournament featuring some teams that will take part in the mundial in China between 21 and 26 of August.


Federer glad to return to clay after 3-year absence

True Confession: I nearly died –Maradona But Spanish defender, Unai Bilbao slotted in the winning goal for the orld and home team in the 103rd Argentina minute, after Dorados football ‘keeper Gaspar Servio legend, Diego failed to clear a free kick. Amando Maradona The loss ended a 14has confessed that he game unbeaten streak almost died Sunday for Dorados, who faced after his hopes of a hostile crowd of nearly winning his first 25,000 that booed coaching title were Maradona relentlessly. dashed as his Dorados The 58 year Argentine team lost the Mexican •Maradona took the coaching job at second-division finals, the Sinaloa-based club in along with their shot at promotion. September — amusing skeptics who Rivals Atletico San Luis scored the questioned why the 1986 World Cup lone goal of the second leg in extra champion, who has publicly battled time to clinch the title and a spot in various addictions, would move to a the first division — the second time place better known for drug cartels they have left Maradona empty- than football. handed in two consecutive finals. But he has answered his critics by “I nearly died… But it’s fine. I’m coaching the struggling Dorados to sad for my boys, though,” Maradona back-to-back finals, both against San said after the match. Luis. The Argentine great and his team Having now won the spring faced a tough task heading into the finals, too, the club — an affiliate of second-leg match, having been held Atletico Madrid — gain automatic 1-1 in the first leg at home in Culiacan, promotion to the first division. Had in the northwestern state of Sinaloa. they lost, they would have faced a They managed to hold Atletico to playoff against Dorados to decide 90 goalless minutes playing away in which won promotion. the central city of San Luis Potosi.


By Maduabuchi Kalu with Agency Report


•Roger Federer

ormer world No1, Roger Federer says he is glad he made the decision to return to clay courts. The Swiss has been preparing for the Madrid Open this week, three years after his last match on the surface. Federer had skipped the clay court season the past two years since last competing in Rome in May 2016, but confirmed his participation for the tournament in Madrid earlier this year. “I’m happy that the decision I took last December, when I started feeling like I definitely want to play on the clay, was the right one,” Federer, 37, told reporters. “I haven’t looked back yet during the clay court build-up, thinking, `Ah, maybe I shouldn’t have.’ I’m happy I’m here, I’m happy I am on the surface. “It takes some time getting used to how to construct the points a little bit more because there is more baseline (play), a possibility to play with more angles and height. It’s been interesting and fun, but not so challenging.” Federer, who recently won his 101st singles title in Miami, is the tournament’s fourth seed behind world number one Novak Djokovic, Rafa Nadal and Alexander Zverev. However, the 20-times Grand Slam singles champion said he was not trying to burden himself with expectations when he steps out on court at the Caja Magica. “It will be interesting to see how this tournament goes,” Federer added. “I do not have high expectations in some ways. “But at the same time I also know that things are possible. Madrid always plays fast with the altitude here. I’m intrigued to find out.” Having received a bye to the second round, Federer will play the winner of the match between France’s Richard Gasquet and Spanish teenager Alejandro Davidovich Fokina. The Spaniard reached the semi-final of the Estoril Open last week.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8-14, 2019

SPORTS Rohr optimistic of Kalu making Eagles squad

S •Tiger Woods with President Donald Trump

Woods awarded America’s highest civilian honour Stories By Maduabuchi Kalu


ormer world’s richest sports personality, Tiger Woods who recently defied all odds to win his first major title after 11 years; has been honoured with the highest civilian award by President Donald in appreciation of tenacity, focus and no say die spirit. It is recalled that Tiger Woods on April 14, won his 15th major titles “the Augusta Masters National). What made his victory even sweeter was the fact that he came from behind to snatch victory at the championship. President Donald Trump was one of the earliest people to congratulate Woods after he won the Augusta Masters last month including former United States’ president Barack Obama, Serena

Williams among other celebrities. There is no gain saying that even before he became the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has been a fan of the golf king; having played alongside him in his golf course. Therefore, by honouring Tiger Woods with the award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honour, President Donald Trump is just saying thank you for your perseverance all these years of drought. It is recalled that the 43-yearold, last month claimed his first major title in 11 years after winning the Masters at Augusta National, was presented with the honour at a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House. Woods it is recalled is the fourth

golfer to have received the award after Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Charles Sifford. Other past recipients include the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Aretha Franklin, Billie Jean King, Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Ali. Woods wrote on Twitter: “It’s an incredible privilege to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “Considering the recipients, history, and what this means to me and my family, it’s also very humbling. “Thank you all for your support and I hope this inspires others to never give up on their dreams.” Woods’ Masters triumph was his 15th major title in total and left him three behind Nicklaus’ all-time record.

I was enrolled in karate to ward off bullies – Omu

Israel Folau found guilty of ‘highlevel’ code of conduct breach


srael Folau has been found to have committed a “high-level breach” in his code of conduct hearing set by Rugby Australia over homophobic social media posts he made last month. The 30-year-old devout Christian said on his Instagram account that “hell awaits” for “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolators”. The Wallabies full-back requested a code of conduct hearing after he was issued with a breach notice by Rugby Australia, which would warrant the termination of his employment contract. The three-day hearing ended with a three-person panel concluding “Folau committed a high-level breach of the Professional Players’ Code of

By MADUABUCHI KALU With agency report

The Belgium international, however, said it was an important win because Guardiola’s side anchester City captain, played against a strong team. Vincent Kompany has “I always feel am going to reacted to his side’s do something and today was a Premier League 1-0 win over little bit of frustration because Leicester City on Monday night. everyone was saying don’t shoot, According to the Belgium don’t shoot and I could really hear International, the match was very it,” the 33 year old told Sky Sport. frustrating and at the time he “And it was annoying me and wanted to unleash the shot that I said I will not come this far in my made the difference in the game career for young players to tell against Leicester City he clearly me whether I could take a shoot heard some of his teammates or not. So I just took it. saying “don’t shoot” but he “It was a big goal, we have ignored them because he couldn’t not achieved anything but it was imagine himself heeding such an important win against a strong suggestion from young players at team.” this stage of his career. The result against Leicester The first half ended goalless, keeps Manchester City top on before the Belgium international, the Premier League table with 95 Kompany unleashed an unstoppable points, while Liverpool have 94. effort to seal all three points for Pep City will now travel to Brighton Guardiola’s men against the visitors for their final game of the thereby returning to the summit of season, while Liverpool welcome the EPL table. Wolverhampton Wanderers.


•Joseph Omu patience, self-defence and independence,” he said. On his victory at the Nassarawa Open Championships held in April, Omu, who expressed happiness that the victory qualified him for the African Games, however, noted that he still had one final match in the closed camp. “Winning in Nasarrawa qualified me but I still have a final battle in ‘a closed camp trials’ which, only God knows when it’s going to be. “But for the mean time, I still want to maintain my shape and form as the champion

Conduct with his social media posts on April 10, 2019”. A statement from Rugby Australia continued: “The panel will now take further written submissions from the parties to consider the matter of sanction. “A further update will be provided after the panel delivers its decision on sanction.” Folau, who has played 62 Tests for Australia since making his debut in 2013, was warned a year ago for making homophobic comments on social media, but escaped disciplinary action. Having published similarly divisive views once again, however, Rugby Australia announced its intention to sack one of the sport’s most gifted players in a move that would rule him out of the World Cup.

Kompany reacts to Man City’s 1-0 win over Leicester City


arate national champion, Joseph Omu has revealed reason his father enrolled him in Karate saying his father enrolled him and his brother in the sport at their tender ages as a “weapon” for self-defence from bullies. Omu, champion in the karate -84kg category, told the reporters Tuesday in Lagos that ironically, the sport had helped to improve his self-discipline and independent lifestyle. “Karate for me has been a journey I started since childhood. My brother and I got enrolled by our dad into a karate school at National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos in the late 1990s. “He did that so that we could defend ourselves from bullies; there, we learnt how to back out from a fight. “’But funny enough, Karate is a way of life; it teaches you a lot about life, it’s like a life preparing process. “Martial art is one of the best sports in the world because it teaches self-discipline, tolerance,

uper Eagles’ Technical Adviser, Gernot Rohr has expressed optimism that GirondinsBordeaux of France and Super Eagles’ winger, Samuel Kalu could be aiming at his club’s last three matches of the Ligue 1 season, against Lille Metropole, Reims and Caen, in order to prove his fitness for Nigeria’s campaign at this year’s Africa Cup of Nations. It is recalled that Kalu has been out of action since copping a hamstring injury in March, which kept him out of Bordeaux’s last seven matches, including Saturday’s 1-0 loss at home against Angers. It is also recalled that the Abia State born striker’s mother was kidnapped by the men of the underworld and spent days in the kidnappers’ den before being released afterward after the Abia

State Police Command launched man hunt for them. Though the women was released unhurt a few days after the striker parted with some undisclosed amount of money and nothing has been heard from the security forces concerning those who committed the crime. The Eagles’ gaffer’s optimism on Kalu’s stemmed from the fact that the Nigerian striker resumed individual training last week, with the strong possibility of rejoining the squad this week. However, Rohr admits Kalu will need to get back into top shape in order to make the Eagles’ final roster to Egypt, hence the gaffer’s verdict that Bordeaux’s last three matches of the season will determine the Kalu’s fate. He is hopeful that Kalu’s inclusion in the Eagles’ squad for the AFCON competition will strengthen the team as they aim at doing well at the championship. Speaking further, the FrancoGerman football tactician hinted that the winger will be included in the team’s list of invitees to resume camp in Asaba on June 2, especially as he says team captain, John Mikel Obi and others are all rallying round the player.

and represent Nigeria in any international championship if need be,” he said. Omu expressed sadness in Nigeria’s failure to qualify for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. “Karate in the Olympic is a big blessing and achievement for all of us as karatekas though it was not easy getting in because the constitution was bent to fit in the Olympics. “Well, to qualify for the Olympics, you have to acquire a lot of points and how do you get these points? You must attend karate leagues and win medals each time you do so.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8-14, 2019

SPORTS Casillas leaves hospital, admits future uncertain panish goalkeeping great,


WAFU Cup: Dennerby names 20 players for tourney By Maduabuchi Kalu


uper Falcons’ coach, Thomas Dennerby, has announced 20 players for the WAFU Women’s Cup Tournament billed for Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from May 8 to 18. Topping the list of invitees are former team captain, Evelyn Nwabuoku, and midfielder Amarachi Okoronkwo. It is recalled that Nigeria finished in third place at the last edition of the competition in 2018, and will be playing in Group B, alongside Burkina Faso, Niger Republic and Mali. Host nation, Cote d’Ivoire will tackle Senegal, Togo and Ghana in Group A. The Oracle Today Sports gathered that the Super Falcons departed the shores of the country yesterday (Tuesday) aboard an Air Ivoire flight and

arrived Abidjan in the afternoon. It is noted that Coach Dennerby had disclosed last week that the WAFU Women’s Cup Tournament is important for the home –based professionals. He said the tournament will determine those he will include in his list for the final training camp at the Avita Resort in Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria ahead of the 8th FIFA Women’s World Cup finals taking place 7th June – 7th July in France. The Falcons will take on the Senior Women National Team of Burkina Faso in their first match of the WAFU Cup Tournament tomorrow (Thursday) May 9, before tackling their counterparts from Niger Republic on Saturday, May 11. Their last match of the group phase, against Mali, comes up on Tuesday, May 14.

Full list: Goalkeepers: Chiamaka Nnadozie; Christy Ohiaeriaku; Alaba Jonathan Defenders: Glory Ogbonna; Chidinma Okeke; Mary Ologbosere; Mariam Ibrahim; Evelyn Nwabuoku Midfielders: Osarenoma Igbinovia; Amarachi Okoronkwo; Cynthia Aku; Adebisi Saheed; Peace Efih Forwards: Uchenna Kanu; Alice Ogebe; Chioma Wogu; Esther Sunday; Rafiat Sule; Joy Bokiri and Rita Okoro.

1 Flying Eagles’ player for AFCON By Maduabuchi Kalu


uper Eagles’ Technical Adviser, Gernot Rohr has disclosed that he is planning to use at least one of the Under-20 players, currently preparing for the junior World Cup, in his 2019 Africa Cup of Nations squad. The most likely candidate is Villarreal attacker, Samuel Chukwueze, while the Enyimba pair of Valentine Ozornwafor and Ikouwem Udo are also on the radar of the German tactician after training with the senior Super Eagles in March. “We are following the Under-20s that are currently in Germany to prepare for the World Cup. I do not forbid taking one or two players from this group for my list,” Rohr told Goal. “We also communicate with the U-23s who are

NFF mourns two ex-internationals

•Amaju Pinnick


preparing for the qualification of the Olympic Games as well as the regular contacts with our injured players. The state of mind is still 100 percent focused on the AFCON.” According to All Nigeria Soccer, Rohr is backing Chukwueze to be one of the revelations of the Nations Cup, though his Spanish club are concerned at the prospect of him playing in two major international tournaments in quick succession. The German added, “He can become a very good player indeed but we have a problem with Villarreal, who does not want him to play the two competitions – the AFCON with us and the U20 World Cup. “We must see how we can solve this because he has not had much rest for two years. We must preserve his health.”

he Nigerian football family has once again been thrown into mourning following the death of two exinternationals; George Omokaro and Wilson Oboh. The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) General Secretary, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi, who described the death of the duo as shocking, further revealed that the deaths came within a few days of each other. Omokaro, a member of the respected Bendel Insurance FC squad of the 1970s and early 1980s (which among other accomplishments walloped 1977 Africa Cup Winners’ Cup champions, Rangers International of Enugu 3-0 in the final of the FA Cup in 1978), was reported to have passed on in Benin City the Edo State capital in the early hours of Monday, 6thMay 2019. Oboh, who represented Nigeria at Under-20 level, died on Thursday last week of complications from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. “We are shocked by the deaths of George Omokaro and Wilson Oboh, coming within a few days of each other. We remember Omokaro and his yeoman efforts in the midfield,” said NFF General Secretary, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi. “We also remember Wilson Oboh and his contributions to the Under-20 National Team of 1995 which finished in third place in the then African Youth Championship, now known as the Africa U20 Cup of Nations.”

Iker Casillas left hospital in Portugal on Monday and said that his football future was uncertain, five days after suffering a heart attack during training with his club. Casillas Porto’s Spanish goalkeeper Iker Casillas leaves a hospital with his wife Sara Carbonero in Porto on May 06, 2019 after recovering from a heart attack. – The 37-year-old, who has 167 Spain caps and played more than 500 games for Real Madrid, suffered what the Portuguese club called an “acute myocardial infarction” during training on May 2. The 37-year-old, who has played for Porto since 2015, was admitted to hospital last Wednesday after suffering what the Portuguese club called an “acute myocardial infarction” in training. “I feel much better,” he told reporters outside the hospital in Porto. “It will be rest for a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months. The truth is that I don’t care. “The important thing is to be here… I don’t know what the future may bring.” Casillas has 167 Spain caps, winning the 2010 World Cup and two European Championships, and also played over 700 games for Real Madrid. “The truth is, it’s something that can happen to anyone and at any moment,” he added. “It’s hard to talk about, but you also have to be very grateful because I’ve been very lucky.” He had assured fans that he was recovering well on Wednesday, saying on social media that “everything was under control”. Portuguese media reported Casillas had undergone surgery and that his season was over. Porto are second in the Portuguese league, just two points behind leaders Benfica with two games to play, and face Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Cup final on May 25. Casillas turns 38 later in May and recently extended his contract with Porto to next year with the option of an additional 12 months. He said Porto had told him they wanted to keep him until he turned 40.

I’ll always support Celtic – Brendan Rodgers


eicester City manager, Brendan Rodgers says “with my heart, I’d always be” at Celtic despite quitting the Scottish champions in February. Rodgers guided his boyhood club to seven trophies over his two-and-a-half years as manager. Celtic clinched their eighth Scottish Premiership title on Saturday under Neil Lennon, who has been interim manager since Rodgers’ departure. “The times that we had there were amazing,” he told Leicester City TV. “With my heart, I would always be there because - no matter where I have been in my life - I always look for the Celtic result and that’s in you from when you are young. “But there comes a time in your life that maybe the professional challenge means you have to look elsewhere. “But that doesn’t change who I support. I will always support Celtic.” Your comment on us reckless, AIBA chief tells Bach The Executive Director of the International Boxing Association (AIBA), governing body of amateur boxing, Tom Virgets, has hit out at Olympic chief, Thomas Bach, for suggesting putting together an alternative organisation to run the sport at next year’s Tokyo Games would “not be rocket science”. AIBA faces expulsion from the Olympic movement after an inquiry into its finances and governance reports at the end of the month, potentially leaving in limbo the boxing competition at the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. International Olympic Committee, President Bach said at the weekend, precisely on Saturday that alternative arrangements could be put in place to ensure boxing retained its spot at the Games and made light of concerns about the lack of time available to do so. “I heard Mr. Bach’s comment and it was very concerning because it certainly minimised what work goes into the preparation for such monumental event. “That wasn’t just minimising us, that was minimising every IF (International Federation). “I would certainly hope that was just a bad choice of words. I hope he is not that far removed from the work of Olympic programmes that he actually believes that.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 8 - 14, 2019


Katsina CP relocates to Daura over monarch’s abduction


atsina State Commissioner of Police (CP), Sanusi Buba, has relocated to Daura, as the force intensifies search and rescue operation of the abducted Daura monarch, Magajin Garin Daura, Musa Umar Uba. Sources said the immediate family of the traditional ruler and the Daura Emirate Council in general are agitated over the actual motive behind the abduction as well as his safety. “There is serious fear and apprehension in the family because the silence on the side of the abductors has left everybody in the dark,” a family source said. “Everybody including the Emir of Daura are in pains,” he said. Daily Trust gathered yesterday that CP Buba is in Daura to coordinate all investigation and rescue operations by police operatives to locate the kidnappers of the traditional title holder and ensure his rescue. When contacted, the spokesman of the Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Frank Mba, confirmed that CP Buba had relocated his office from the State Capital to Daura, where he is coordinating security and investigative operations aimed at rescuing the recently kidnapped victim in Daura. Mba explained that currently, there were massive strategic security operations, both covert and overt missions, taking place at different parts of the country, including Katsina aimed at subduing the criminal gangs and restoring sanity to the land. He said: “However, because of the covert and sensitive nature of these operations, I will not discuss them for now. But Nigerians should be assured that the entire law enforcement and intelligence community in Nigeria will not rest until we win the battle against crimes and criminality in Nigeria.”

EFCC nabs 37 ‘Yahoo Boys’ with 25 exotic cars in Imo S

outh-east Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), last Wednesday, arrested 37 suspected internet fraudsters in Owerri, the Imo State capital. The arrest followed a raid on some targeted residences in Okwu Urata, Aladinma and Egbu areas of the state. A statement by the commission’s Acting Head, Media & Publicitym Tony Orilad, explained that the action followed intelligence report which pointed that the suspects were living lavish lifestyles without any known means of livelihood, alleging further that they specialize in defrauding unsuspecting victims, through the internet. In the course of executing the search warrants, items which included laptop computers, 25 five exotic cars, which include several brands of Mercedez-Benz, Lexus, Toyota and expensive mobile phones, were recovered. Speaking on the development, the Zonal Head, Usman Imam, who said the exercise was in line with the Commission’s mandate decried the high rate of cybercrime in the zone which he blamed on the erosion and breakdown of country’s values. “It is true that no society has been able to totally eradicate crime, but we are ready at least to reduce it to the barest minimum”.

Police to regularise, standardise deployment of Mobile unit

Stories by VICTOR NZE


igeria Police Force will soon commence the regularization and standardization of its mobile unit in a bid to restore it to its original operational mandate. Addressing personnel during the Police Mobile Force (PMF) Commanders Conference which held, Wednesday at the force headquarters in Abuja, the Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr Mohammed Adamu, said the move, among others is geared towards enhancing the operational capacity of the Special and Tactical Units of the Force, which according to him, is ‘atop the prioritization scale of the current Police leadership dispensation.’ Adamu explained that the planned regularization and standardization in the mobile unit is also

to address challenges that are currently inhibiting the optimal operational capacity of the force as well as other Units. In addition, Adamu said training would also form a key part in giving the right orientation to personnel in meeting the complexities and risks associated with your specialized duties The conference which was convened to interact with newly-appointed Squadron Commanders across the 67 Mobile Police Squadrons in the Nigeria Police, also presented the platform to unveil the police’s broad re-organization plan for the Police Mobile Force. The IGP said this is aimed at strengthening the command and control framework of the Mobile Police Force towards positioning them to respond more potently to

the dynamics of crime in the country. “Our primary responsibility as Police Force is to ensure the safety of the citizens. In doing that, it is imperative to standardize the deployment of PMF. A situation where a single individual who is not qualified and has no authority to move about with PMF escort for his or her protection is found enjoying such individualized and specialized police protection is no longer acceptable. We must ensure justice and fair treatment to all citizens by way of giving more attention to the protection of the general public. As such, you should remain guided by this new Force Policy in the manner you deploy your personnel. “Commanders must embark on local training so as to prepare their men for the challenges ahead. The

Squadron Commanders; 2i/c Squadron Commanders, as well as Unit Commanders Combat Operation training will, henceforth, be given topmost priority so as to enable the Force contend with the various security challenges and give the right orientation to you all in meeting the complexities and risks associated with your specialized duties. “The rate at which personnel on special duty lose their lives and weapons to criminal elements is of grave concern to us. While framework for deployment shall be reviewed with a view to addressing gaps that occasion this, I must warn you as Commanders, that it remains your responsibilities to offer the appropriate supervisory control on your personnel to ensure that their level of alertness while on duty remains high at all times. This is in order to prevent unanticipated attacks on police personnel under your command. You shall, henceforth, be held vicariously liable for any such attacks that result you’re your supervisory negligence,” said Adamu.

Tips on how to behave at checkpoints, by the Police (verified Twitter handle, @PoliceNG) 1. Endeavour to slow down your vehicle. It shows that you are not reckless. It also douses suspicion that you are a criminal and may want to speed off. 2. Turn down the volume of your car stereo. Courtesy demands this. Besides, you are able to hear each other better. This simple act will also help you to win the confidence of the security operative. •Some of the ‘Yahoo boys’ paraded by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Owerri, Imo State

Gunmen abduct Taraba female perm. sec


known gunmen in the early hours of Sunday, abducted Mrs Suzzy Nathan, Permanent Secretary, Taraba Ministry of Water Resources, Jalingo from her home. Police Public Relations Officer in Taraba, DSP David Misal, confirmed the incident to newsmen in Jalingo. Misal said the command was deploying every intelligence to establish if it was a kidnapping case since no contact had been made with anyone claiming to be behind the abduction. “The police were not alerted on time about the incident, but the permanent secretary is missing, so we are using our intelligence to ascertain whether it is a case of kidnapping.” The gunmen, according to a resident who pleaded anonymity, came to the house at Kasuwan Mbera Area of Jalingo, at about 2:17 a.m., forcefully opened the gate and

•As Edo gets Operation Puff Adder’ threatened to shoot anyone who tried to stop them from abducting the permanent secretary. He said the gunmen, who were shooting sporadically for some time, scared away residents of the area before whisking Nathan away. Meanwhile, Edo Command of the Nigeria Police Force, in line with the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) directive, has inaugurated the force special security outfit, code named, `Operation Puff Adder’. In his opening remarks at the inauguration on Thursday in Benin, CP Mohammed DanMallam, Edo Commissioner of Police, complained about contemporary security challenges globally. DanMallam noted that the special security outfit was inaugurated to fight the security challenges.

He also explained that `Operation Puff Adder’ was based on the principle of community policing, intelligence-led policing, synergy with other security agencies, convoy/motorised patrols and stop and search operations. The commissioner explained that the security outfit was to checkmate the activities of criminals and their sponsors. He noted that since his assumption of office in the state in February, the command had arrested 356 suspects for various crimes, with 230 suspects charged to court and 49 suspects convicted. DanMallam said that 162 cases were reported at the command with 146 charged to courts, and 67arms and 198 ammunition were recovered.

3. Keep your hands visible to avoid unnecessary suspicion or fear by the officers that you are attempting to bring out a gun or other harmful objects to attack them. 4.Turn on the inner light of your vehicle while approaching the cops (if at night). It readily sends an unspoken message that you have nothing to hide. 5. Be friendly and cheerful. Commend the officers especially when you see them working under very unfriendly weather conditions such as the rains, the harsh harmattan conditions, excessive heat, cold or sunshine. We know it’s their job, but a little kind word from you will do a lot of good. Remember when you smile at the mirror, the mirror smiles back at you. 6. Endeavour to be polite even when answering questions put to you by the officers. 7. Don’t dare or challenge an armed security man to a duel. Oftentimes, you hear people say things like ‘shoot me if you can!” Note that this is a recipe for disaster! It is very provocative and an unnecessary call for war. So, please play safe, more so, as you do not know the state of mind of the officer concerned. •To be continued


The Oracle Today Wednesday April 17 - 23, 2019


Ezeibe: World now convinced about Nigerian HIV/AIDS drug Cont’d from Pg 1

Ezeibe had said that he was at the last stage of his research, which required testing the drug on about 300, 000 HIV patients at the cost of N71 per patient per day and needed funds for production of the drugs and other logistics. In what seemed to be the greatest recognition accorded The Nigerian HIV/AIDS medicine, the federal government, through the Ministry of Science and Technology, honoured Ezeibe as an inventor last year, with a grant of N350, 000. Since then, not much has been heard about the federal government’s commitment or lack thereof to the development and commercialisation of the drug, which is also used to potentiate other drugs for efficacy. However, Prof. Ezeibe was the

toast of American scientists as they celebrated their traditional Thanksgiving Day last November. A leading diagnostic laboratory, Seeding Labs, in the United States of America chose the Nigerian inventor as the personality to celebrate during the Thanksgiving Day in America, proclaimed by the first President of the United States, George Washington, in 1789 and celebrated every fourth Thursday in November as an annual holiday in the United States since 1863. In a letter she wired to Ezeibe on Thursday, November 23, last year, when the Thanksgiving Day was celebrated, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seeding Labs, Nina Dudnik extolled the university don for “giving hope to the world.” “Today we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday -- a day spent with friends and family sharing gratitude,” Dudnik wrote in the letter she personally signed.

“In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Seeding Labs would like to thank you for your life-saving and life-changing discoveries, believing in the power of research, and giving hope for the future of our world and our people. You motivate and inspire us each and every day,” she concluded. Apart from being invited to international fora to share his experience, Ezeibe’s research articles have been published in various reputable scientific journals across the globe. Ezeibe’s recent article published by CP Chembio Publishers in their journal, “Journal of Retro Virology and Anti-Retro Virology,” aroused the interest of International Journals Scitech Central Inc., United States of America, which is requesting Ezeibe to avail them of his article on his work. In a letter dated May 6, 2019 and signed by the Editorial Assistant

of Scitech Central Inc, Dr. Kane Hudson, the organization said it was impressed by the quality of Ezeibe’s work and research in the field of Microbiology and Microbial Infections. Part of the letter read: “Warm greetings from the whole team of “Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections. At the outset, we acknowledge and really appreciate your work and quality of research in the field of Microbiology and Microbial Infections. “We have gone through your recent Article on “Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate {Al4 (SiO4)3 + 3Mg2SiO4 → 2Al2 Mg3 (SiO4)3} normalizes immunity and terminates HIV-infections” article. Our Editorial board suggested to us to invite you to write a similar research/ review/ case report or any new article to be published in our journal. “I would like to invite you to

contribute a paper for publication in our upcoming issue of the Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections. Research/ Review/ Short Communication/Case study/ commentary etc., are welcome for possible publication in this issue. “If you have any Manuscript ready, we request you to support our Journal by submitting the manuscript as soon as possible.” Reacting after receiving the letter, Ezeibe said it was a sign that the US was paying compliment to The Nigerian HIV/AIDS medicine, adding that “it is a proof that our claim (that Nigeria has found cure for HIV/AIDS) is convincing to the world.” The scientist has persistently claimed that if Nigeria recognizes his drug, patents and commercializes it, MSAMS would fetch Nigeria more foreign exchange that crude oil.

Liverpool beat Barcelona 4-3 to reach UEFA final L

•Divock Origi (center) scored early and late on Tuesday as Liverpool beat Barcelona 4-0, overturning a 3-0 aggregate deficit and sending the Reds to their second straight UEFA Champions League final (Photo:AFP)

Federal Govt partners P&G to empower SMEs T

he Federal Government of Nigeria has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with Procter & Gamble (P&G), to launch the Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development Academy. The MoU was signed in Abuja last Friday by the Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment, Hajiya Aisha Abubakar, and P&G‘s Director of Government Relations for Africa, Temitope Iluyemi. The partnership is aimed at initiating the launch of the SMEs Academy Programme, to train SME Academy participants on key financial management principles and expose them to financial literacy and to enable SMEs contribute to the development of the country by becoming employers of labour. Another key objective isto enhance the skills of SMEs to be more competitive and operate on the global stage. Speaking shortly after the signing of the MoU, the Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment, Hajiya Aisha Abubakar said, “This partnership is one that we hope will open up the space for SMEs to contribute to the development of this country and for them to also become employers of labour. SMEs have proven to be an important part of our economy,

hence the need to help them scale up and achieve more. This partnership with P&G could not have come at a better time. The ministry is pleased that this public private partnership will support the programme of the government to train sme academy participants on key financial management principles and expose them to financial literacy, improve their access to

finance and promote business ethics.” Procter & Gamble , otherwise known as P&G, is an American multi-national consumer goods corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.It was founded in 1837 by an English-American, William Procter, and an Irish-American, James Gamble, the company specializes in a wide range of per-

sonal health/consumer health, and personal hygiene products. These products are organised into several segments including Beauty, Grooming, Health Care, Fabric & Home Care, Baby Care, Feminine and Family Care, among others.Meanwhile, in Nigeria, P&G ‘s Agbara plant manufactures pampers and other personal hygiene products for women and children.

Here below are the names of the various banks and the revenue generated, beginning with the top five banks that acquired high income from e-transaction in 2018. First Bank Of Nigeria Limited tops the list with the highest income of N34.03 billion in 2018, increasing by 36 per cent from e-transactions in 2017. This is followed by United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA), with revenue of about N27.92 billion in 2018, an increase of 33 per cent from N20.92 billion in the preceding year, while Zenith Bank Plc comes third place with a revenue of N20.42 billion, rising by 44 percent from N14.15 billion generated in 2017. Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTBank) is ranked as the fourth with a jump

in its revenue from N7.48 billion in 2017 to N9.59 billion in 2018, representing a 28 per cent increase. Access Bank Plc comes fifth place with an income of N8.38 billion in 2018, increasing by 45 percent from N5.79 billion in 2017. First City Monument Bank (FCMB) earned N8.32 billion from electronic payment in 2018, increasing 45 percent from N5.75 billion in 2017, while Sterling Bank Plc: earnings from electronic payment stood at N4.85 billion in full year 2018. Others in order of their performance are Union Bank Plc: N4.73 billion, Fidelity Bank Plc, N2.85 billion, Wema Bank Plc, N2.84 billion and Jaiz Bank Plc N323 million.

E-banking: Nigerian banks generate N124bn in 2018 By JEROME USHAKANG


espite inclement business environment, Nigerian banks have made total revenue of about N124.5 billion from electronic transactions in year 2018. The income generated by the banks from electronic transactions as the revenue is spawned through fees and commissions that are gotten from transactions that their customers do via Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), USSD and internet. According to a research, a breakdown of the audited 2018 yearly reports from 11 banks indicates that revenue from e-transactions in the banks increased by 43 per cent yearon-year, from the N86.72 billion acquired by the banks in 2017.

iverpool produced one of the greatest Champions League comebacks in history by overturning a three-goal first-leg deficit to beat Barcelona 4-3 on aggregate and reach the final. According a BBC report, after Barcelona won the first leg 3-0 at the Nou Camp, few gave Liverpool a chance of scoring the goals they needed to progress, let alone preventing the La Liga champions from scoring themselves. But an early strike from Divock Origi, who tapped in after Marc-Andre ter Stegen failed to hold Jordan Henderson’s shot, gave the vociferous Anfield crowd the belief that another European fightback from the Reds could be on the cards. Liverpool pressed against a lacklustre Barcelona, who struggled to get Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi involved, but the visitors managed to keep the deficit to 1-0 at half-time and leave the hosts with seemingly too much to do in the second half. However, Georginio Wijnaldum, on as a substitute for the injured Andy Robertson, made it 2-0 with a low drive nine minutes after the break before the midfielder almost immediately made it 3-0 on the night and 3-3 on aggregate with a superb header. And Origi, starting the game because of injuries to Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino, completed a remarkable victory for Liverpool when he swept Trent Alexander-Arnold’s low corner into the back of the net late on. The win means Liverpool are into the Champions League final for a second successive year and they will play either Ajax or Tottenham in Madrid on 1 June. It was deja vu for Barcelona, who were beaten 3-0 in the second leg of their Champions League quarterfinal with Roma last year to exit the competition on the away goals rule, having won the first leg 4-1. But for Liverpool it was another memorable European comeback that ranks alongside their victory against AC Milan in the 2005 final and their 4-3 win against Borussia Dortmund at Anfield three years ago.

WEDNESDAY May 8 - 14, 2019



racle Today


ISSN: 2545-5869

For the health of distressed Nigerians E

very health-conscious person must have benefitted from association with health workers – doctors, lab scientists, nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, radiologists and dentists. In several health conferences and programmes, the advice we get from these physicians is uniform: always go for a check-up to determine the state of your health, whether you’re sick or not. Those near age 40 and older, in particular, are advised to do comprehensive checks at least once every year. Most of the time, it is poverty that keeps doctors’ clients away in a country that has no health insurance scheme. For one to complete the normal tests, one needs upwards of N100, 000. And the likelihood of discovering one or two diseases after the tests is always high. Next is the treatment. See why the poor are afraid to even go for the tests? Even the rich and the not-so-poor (I’m afraid to call them “middle class” in Nigeria) are guilty of neglecting their own health. We take our cars to the mechanics at the first sign of trouble. We invite plumbers to fix our bathrooms. When the TV set, computer or generator malfunctions, we always seek the relevant technicians. But when it concerns our health – our life that is irreplaceable and upon which everything else depends – we refuse to pay attention. No irony could be greater. Ordinarily, many are health-conscious. But we tend to seek diagnoses of our ailments in unorthodox ways. Some choose faith healing. Even orthodox healers recognise that faith healing is real, however. Herbal medicine is another. Our ancestors depended on this from prehistoric times. Africans have allowed much of this knowledge to perish. The in-thing is to study Pharmacy in the university without acquiring any knowledge of the roots and leaves of certain plants. Many of the great med-

•Nigerian Libyan returnees


Nwamu icine men of old died without passing the knowledge of herbs to their offspring. Today, 419 healers have taken over, prescribing loads of cash to be delivered to them rather than medicine to be taken by their patients. The Asians have not been foolish like us Africans. I’m not preaching against orthodox medicine. I can’t do that – it’s what I depend on. But I also apply native wisdom. Any good doctor would tell you that every drug has a side-effect. You would have noticed that many doctors – those that prescribe basketfuls of tablets, capsules and injections to be taken thrice a day after meals – hardly take the drugs themselves. If your doctor doesn’t take drugs, why receive them from him? That’s one of the fears we nurse. And that’s why many fail to go for check-ups and possible treatment unless they are very sick. Negligence in Nigerian public hospitals is a source of fear too: some have met their own death on account of negligence. A few years ago, one of my friends went to the hospital to treat malaria when he felt the symptoms. The doctor, a young man like himself, ordered a few tests and confirmed he had malaria and an infection. He gave him an antibiotic – gentamicin, I think – which damaged my friend’s kidneys. For the next four years, he was on

dialysis that consumed all his money. By the time he died two years ago, his family was heavily indebted. Another fear is that of quacks. And quacks are not just those who have no medical certificates. Even some qualified doctors are quacks, thanks partly to exam malpractice, the collapse of the education system and admission rackets. The universities have been producing incompetent physicians. I know someone who never consults a doctor that is less than 60 years old! Then, there are misconceptions that prove difficult to clear. Those opposed to immunisation against diseases like polio, for instance, are not all illiterates. Even trained doctors have helped to spread dangerous rumours that, I guess, are sustained by politics – international politics this time. Have you noticed that the mortality rate among HIV/AIDS sufferers has declined? Twenty years ago, it seemed as if HIV/AIDS was about to kill all Africans. Perhaps the disease has killed an “appreciable” number of people in Third World countries and now has to be stopped. I learned that a cure has been found for it, but the cheap drug would not be in the market until some other pharmaceutical companies in the West recoup their investments in antiretroviral drugs. Who knows what to believe?

Malaria. Everyone seems able to identify this disease. Though it’s prevalent in Nigeria due to mosquito attacks, many have shortened their own life by receiving a wrong diagnosis and a wrong treatment. It shares symptoms with some killer diseases, and, by the time the patient rules out malaria as the problem, the damage to vital organs could have been done. Stress, for instance, makes one weak and sleepy just like malaria. Rather than take bed rest, the ignorant one may ingest drugs that are injurious to her health. Usually, the next suspect after malaria is typhoid fever. The number of positive cases recorded in Widal tests has eroded the credibility of many labs. But, since clean water is a luxury here and many foods hardly pass the hygiene test, people do not bother to seek a second opinion. Along with malaria, stress could be the harbinger of the silent killer called hypertension. I’m not a doctor but even doctors don’t know the actual causes of many diseases. Hypertension or high blood pressure (HBP), they say, has genetic sources but they have also not discarded tension or worry that lay people often attribute it to. The physicians agree that “environmental factors” play a role. There’s hardly any Nigerian today that can successfully ward off anxiety in everyday life. Unpaid school fees, unpaid rents, unaffordable hospital bills, lack of jobs, lack of food, lack of security, lack of spouse, loss of loved ones, political tensions, uncertainty about the future – who can avoid these stressors? Diabetes is HBP’s cousin that has been on the rampage also. Many Nigerians in their 40s have high blood sugar levels. Doctors implicate the pancreas’ inability to do its job, but consumption of sugar has equally been named as a culprit. Lack of exercise is also implicated. Sportsmen, farmers, labourers and others who do strenuous tasks – who sweat profusely on the farms and on the fields – are unwittingly taking great medicine. Despite the presence of numerous regulatory agencies, most foods we eat and offer guests are little less than processed sugar: the beers, the malt and soft drinks, the snacks. I wonder why these firms have not been put out of business by low demand for their products. I think Nigerians have to be saved from themselves. And one sure way is by making harmful products very expensive. Tobacco, brewery and certain so-called beverage companies ought to be taxed heavily. Good health depends a lot on our lifestyle – the things we eat, the exercises we do. Physicians advise us to eat everything in moderation. Bad cholesterol in fried/ processed foods is linked to obesity, HBP, stroke and heart failure. We Africans ought to be eating fresh foods – including vegetables and fruit, not processed or canned ones. Sweet things kill. writes from Abuja. +2348054100220 (SMS/WhatsApp only)

The Oracle Today is published by The Oracle Newspapers Limited. Head Office: 116 Awka Road, Onitsha. Lagos Office: 25 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA Ikeja. Abuja Office: 1st Floor, Plateau House, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT. ISSN: 2545-5869 Email:, Twitter: Facebook: Website: Advert hot lines: 09078310060, 09061836916. Editor: FELIX OGUEJIOFOR ABUGU.

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