Wednesday February 6, 2019 Edition

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Nnamani syndrome as bulldozer pulls down house in Imo By COLLINS UGHALAA


mo State may be re-enacting the ugly syndrome of government pulling down opponents’ houses that was so prevalent under former governor of Enugu State, Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani. Nnamani who christened himself lion of the Lion Building (Enugu Government House) was known to brook no opposition while in power and was reported

to have bulldozed some opponents’ houses out of existence for the simple reason that they dared to oppose him. Similarly, there is palpable fear in Imo State among politicians and their followers as a bulldozer last week pulled the down the country home of Mr. Henry Okafor, the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) candidate for Ohaji-Egbema/Oguta/Oru West Federal Constituency, in the



remote Osemoto community in Oguta Local Government Area. Reports emerged with pictures showing a bulldozer pulling down the house, while the place looked deserted. Though nobody has been identified as being responsible for the demolition, a bulldozer was seen at the premises demolishing the building, leading to many pointing fingers at the state government. Politicians have lamented that

the spate of violence in the state, warning that if not curtailed, it could spell doom for the state. Speaking to The Oracle Today in Owerri, a candidate of the Action Alliance (A.A), said the development was condemnable, adding that if it is not curtailed it could lead to problems of bigger proportions before and after the general elections. It would be recalled that Hon


WEDNESDAY February 6, 2019

Cont’d on page 16

ISSN: 2545-5869

VOL.4 No.4 N200

World Bank: Enugu, Imo bad for business

•Ebonyi, too, parades indices that are businessunfriendly•Abia plagued

them in seven days •Three likely scenarios playing out but status quo ante unlikely •Confusion, outrage in South East, South South

Page 32



•Directs Onnoghen, Mohammed to respond to petitions against

The National Judicial Council (NJC), the body

Rivers State needs new narrative


NJC moves to resolve Onnoghen logjam appointed by the Nigerian Constitution to recommend appointment, removal and discipline of judges may have reclaimed its mandate with what appears to be disciplinary measures the body has instituted against ‘factional’ justices at the Supreme Court. After an emergency meeting of the body on


CBN, MPC recycle policy instruments despite inflation

by low technology and infrastructure inadequacy, decay •Mostly green indices for Anambra but tax collection by violent touts bad for business •WB tasks SE States on elimination of double taxation



during the week, the body resolved that the suspended Chief justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen and the Acting CJN, Justice Tanko Mohammed be given seven days to respond to the petitions alleging criminal activities against them. Lawyers who spoke with The Oracle Today said that

“by this singular action, the NJC has boldly reclaimed its mandate,” noting that “had president Muhammadu Buhari’s coup succeeded, the NJC would have been the biggest casualty as the body would have been completely stripped of its constitutional powers.” Lawyers also pointed out that NJC’s refusal to

comment on the current logjam at the apex court was a subtle way of not acknowledging the coup, which had proven to not be completely effective. If the President’s ‘coup’ had succeeded, the NJC would have ratified Justice Mohammed’s appointment, the lawyers further

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How to preserve local languages through movies


SPORTS Mikel’s Eagles position not contestable – Rohr


SEC to State govts: Revitalize moribund industries


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019



nugu is the worst state to do business in Igboland, the World Bank has said in its latest Ease-of-Doing Business report released in December last year. It is closely followed by Imo State. Business in Enugu State faces severe challenges in eight critical areas, namely transparency (corruption is endemic); infrastructure (poor state of its roads a deficit); energy (inadequate power supply); access to credit (high cost of funds); lands (limited access to land and high cost of acquisition); security (insecurity of lives and property still high) and commitment to open government (there is lack of transparency), among others. However, in the report under review, Enugu was classified as one of the five states that showed the most advance towards the global good practice frontier and one of the most consistent since 2010 in implementing World Bank reforms. Others are Kaduna, Abia, Lagos and Anambra For instance, Enugu put its tax registration form online, scanned most of the land titles preparatory to moving online and reduced in half the time to resolve cases by the state Chief Judge issuing practice direction, and by recruiting more magistrates, registrars and training all court staff and bailiffs. IMO STATE is the second worst state to do business in, in Igboland. Businesses in Imo State face similar difficulties with their counterparts in Enugu State, but they face less hurdles in obtaining land documents and enforcement of contracts. They, however, face severe hurdles with government bureaucracy as there is no use of computers and Internet, meaning that customers still chase papers from desk to desk, thereby encouraging corruption. EBONYI STATE also has a challenging environment for business, although it is less severe than those of Enugu and Imo States. Ebonyi boasts better roads, better access to land and less difficulty in obtaining land documents; it is, however, encumbered by multiple taxation and corruption. ABIA AND ANAMBRA STATES provide considerably less threatening environment for the business community. But, Abia needs to pay urgent attention to poor state of its roads, inadequate power supply, limited access to credit, high cost of credit and low level of automation and technology in its civil service. According to the World Bank, most documents in Abia are still typed with manual typewriter. The State should also fight corruption and promote transparency. Although the indices for Anambra are mostly green, there are worries about multiple taxation in the State and the frequent use of touts recruited by private agents to collect taxes for the State government. This state of affairs creates fears and anxiety in the minds of business tourists and investors and has been identified as bad for business. Governments all over the world are not big employers of labour or creators of wealth but good gov-

... Declares Enugu, Imo bad for business ernance requires governors to provide enabling environment for business to thrive, create wealth and jobs that pay living wages. Despite the differences in their performance, the Igbo States share common problems of lack of security, infrastructure, policy stability and supportive financial system. They are also plagued by pervasive bribery and corruption, worsened by inadequate training of workers.

It is obvious that South East governments are the reason for poverty, death of businesses and large-scale unemployment in the region, no thanks to constant harassment of business and refusal to implement measures to open up the economy of the zone, a step that would be of immense benefit to the zone, which is home to the highest number of entrepreneurs in Nigeria. As a first step, the World Bank has recommended that immedi-

ate steps be taken to ensure that politics does not stifle business. The bank has also recommended the immediate use of technology to stop desk-to-desk movement of files, which promotes bribe taking and excessive red tapes. Specifically, the World Bank noted that none of the governments in South Eastern Nigeria had any clear tax or IGR-related incentives to promote inward investment, and even where

•APC governorship candidate for Enugu State, Senator Ayogu Eze (left) in a warm handshake with President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja while Dapo Abiodun, APC governorship candidate for Ogun State looks on with admiration.

there were ‘one-stop investment shops’, information was not easily available (e.g. on their website) about the tax and related charges business should expect. The World Bank recommended the elimination of illegal and arbitrary collection of funds by private individuals in markets particularly in Onitsha, Nnewi and Abakaliki adding that governments in the region should also: • Ensure better collaboration between state and LGAs to eliminate the incidence of multiple taxation in Abia, Ebonyi and Imo States; all the five South Esates should ensure that tax appeal tribunals or similar bodies are in place to provide avenue for tax dispute resolution; • Introduce the Presumptive Tax regime, which is specifically aimed at the MSMEs that form the bulk of the businesses in the South East. • States should explore the possibility of exploiting the existing tax incentive schemes and promote regional tax and IGR incentive schemes for businesses in the zone. • Ensure more business engagement by the state and provide needed information on websites and media where more appropriate. • Professionals in the BIRs should ensure tax laws are applied consistently so that businesses do not suffer arbitrary taxes and have clear complaint and objection routes when they feel aggrieved or disagree with assessments. • Ensure professionalism in the

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Onnoghen: NJC moves to resolve logjam Continued from Pg 1 argued, stressing that that would have been a sadder development for the judiciary. Failure to comment on the matter and request to Onnoghen to recuse himself from the meeting, were evidences that the suspended CJN was still reckoned with. However, apparently not wishing to be drawn into the fray, the NJC was careful in its statements, not to refer to any of the embattled justices by any title. Analysts said that with the NJC’s intervention, there are three possible scenarios playing out in the ongoing judicial drama in the country. One is that that the NJC may, in the end, recommend the sack of both Onnoghen and Mohammed and two, their replacement by the Justice next in rank to them. And three, the NJC may uphold Onnoghen’s suspension and let Mohammed continue. What is, however unlikely, authoritative sources told The Oracle Today is a return to the status quo ante. Meanwhile, lawyers, activists and scholars in South East and South –South are unhappy about the suspension of CJN Onnoghen by President Buhari. The removal of CJN Onnoghen, who hails from Cross River State in the South South geopolitical zone or what used to be the old eastern Region political bloc, has been described as unjust and premeditated by the presidency. He

was removed last Friday by Buhari and Justice Ibrahim Tanko sworn in, in Acting capacity. NJC nominated Onnoghen to President Buhari in 2016 as the 17th substantive CJN but he did not act immediately until Prof Osinbajo did the needful while the president was away in London hospital. Onnoghen was accused of failing to declare his assets and maintaining five foreign accounts. The Federal government took him to the Code of Conduct Tribunal based on a petition to the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB and that failed the existing judicial precedent in line with Appeal court decision in Nganjiwa v Federal Republic of Nigeria (2017) LPELR-43391 (CA) which says that any misconduct by a judicial officer must be first handled by NJC. NJC had during the Abia judicial crisis said: “The suspension of the Chief Judge of Abia State (Justice Theresa Uzokwe) by the State House of Assembly without a prior recommendation by the National Judicial Council violates the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. “Consequently, the subsequent act of appointing and swearing-in of Justice Obisike Orji as the Acting Chief Judge is invalid for being unconstitutional. Furthermore, the conduct of Justice Obisike Orji in presenting himself to be sworn in raises potential questions of misconduct that Council is now looking into. Council therefore resolved to que-

ry and suspend Hon. Mr. Justice Obisike Orji pending the outcome of its investigation.” From the foregoing, the subsequent act of appointing and swearing in of Justice Tanko Mohammed as the Acting CJN is obviously invalid because there was no input from NJC. IT’S ABOUT NIGERIA Asked what he feels would be the impact of the suspension of the CJN, Chairman of Umuahia Branch of Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Barrister Nnamdi Eluwa, posited that the issue was about Nigeria and should not be reduced to sectional interests. “You should be talking about the nation, Nigeria, not particular regions, seriously. The suspension is against the Rule of Law, that is the truth. That is why we are in Abuja now for this NBA NEC meeting. It is a rape of democracy and of course, functions against the Separation of Powers. That is what we are looking at generally, not trying to look at its effect on a section of the country. We are beyond that,” Eluwa said. Eluwa subscribed to the views that the suspension of the CJN is the product of a high-wire politics aimed at getting Onnoghen out of the way before the Supreme Court delivers the APC court case and to have their men as members of the Elections Petition Tribunals that would handle cases arising from the outcome of the general elections. “That is the truth because if you look at the motives behind that, if

you notice from the background, it came from Rotimi Amaechi, they were the ones who sponsored this issue and, of course, he has not denied that. “If you also notice from the background, the Vice President who is a Professor of Law, has been at loggerheads with Rotimi Amaechi over this particular issue. This issue started because they perceive that the composition that will make up the Supreme Court Panel that will try this Rivers State APC issue might not go in their favour. They have their ears on the ground and of course, feel the impulse of the people. “So, the important thing is to remove this Onnoghen man, that he is going to be the one that will constitute the panel and then put in their own man, an Hausa man, who will do their bidding. That is just the issue.” “So, you see what Tanko did, immediately he was sworn in by Mr President, the first thing he did immediately was to inaugurate members of the Elections Petition Committees,” Eluwa alleged, adding that those inaugurated were not the same judges recommended by the various branches of NBA. For Ibuchukwu Ezike, Executive Director, Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO), “it is very clear that everybody has condemned what President Buhari did as a clear violation of the constitution and the law.” “His (President Buhari’s) action

Cont’d on page 9


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS ACROSS THE NATION Nigeria ‘neither improved nor progressed,’ says TI corruption index Stories by VICTOR NZE


N a damning submission against the Federal Government, the 2018 Corruptions Perceptions Index (CPI) released globally by Transparency International, Tuesday, said that Nigeria has neither improved nor progressed in the perception of corruption in public administration in 2018. The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) aggregates data from a number of different sources that provide perceptions by business community and country experts of the level of corruption in the public sector. The newly released index published in Nigeria exclusively by the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), the Transparency International Chapter in Nigeria, reveals that Nigeria scored 27 out of 100 points in the 2018 CPI, maintaining the same score as in the 2017 CPI. In the country comparison, Nigeria ranks 144 out of 180 countries this year as opposed to 148 out of 180 countries in the 2017 CPI. Nigeria is thus still perceived as highly corrupt, and although the ranking shows that Nigeria moved up four (4) places, it only means that four other countries have scored worse while Nigeria stagnated. The report had noted that the public image of the anti-corruption campaign in Nigeria is ‘tarnished domestically and internationally with extremely slow progress to move on numerous anti-corruption commitments made by the Government.’ “14 commitments were made as part of the Open Government Partnership effort. In some cases, a modest progress has been made. However, majority of the 14 commitments are unfulfilled. 20 commitments were also made by the President Buhari’s administration in London 2016 dur-


ing an anti-corruption conference. Of this number, not a single commitment has been completed three years thereafter. 50% of anti-corruption commitments are under way while 25% are inactive. 25% of commitments are in progress.” Commenting, Head of Transparency International in Nigeria, Auwal Musa Rafsanjani, said the report released by the body indicates that the country has neither improved nor progressed in the perception of corruption in the public administration in 2018 because Government has not mustered the political will in the fight against corruption. The global anti-corruption body noted that since the current administration came into power on the anti-corruption ticket, a very few politically exposed persons have been duly sentenced on anti-corruption charges while many, despite some indisputable evidences have not been diligently investigated, neither prosecuted nor convicted. “Many low performing countries have several commonalities, including weak political rights, limited press freedoms and a weak rule of law. In these countries, laws often go unenforced •State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, receiving NIWA’s Managing Director, Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora and institutions are poorly resourced and top management staff of the agency on courtesy visit at Lagos House in Alausa, Ikeja. with little ability to handle corruption complaints,” Rafsanjani said. He therefore, urged government to “strengthen the institution responsible for maintaining checks and balancATIONAL Judicial Council man of the Code of Conduct Tri- Rights & Civil Education. es over political power, and ensuring “Petition against Hon. Mr. Justice (NJC) on Tuesday served bunal (CCT), Mr Danladi Umar was their ability to operate without intimiembattled Justice Walter On- also obliged to respond to a petition Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad, CFR dation, while closing the implementa- noghen, suspended Chief Justice by Centre for Justice and Peace tion gap between anti-corruption leg- of Nigeria (CJN) and Justice Tanko brought against him. Initiative. Petition against Hon. Mr. “The National Judicial Council held islation, practice and enforcement. Muhammad, Acting Chief Justice of an Emergency Meeting today and Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad, He also appealed to government Nigeria a 7-day notice to respond to considered four (4) petitions filed at CFR by Olisa Agbakoba, SAN, OON to effectively supporting civil society petitions brought against them. its Secretariat. The petitions are peti- and organizations to enhance political en“Petition against Hon. Danladi Director Information of the countion against Hon. Mr. Justice W.S.N. gagement and public oversight over Yakubu Umar, Chairman, Code of government spending, particularly at cil, Mr Soji Oye, who said this in a Onnoghen, GCON by Zikhrillahi Ibrastatement made available to news- him of Resource Centre for Human Conduct Tribunal by Centre for Justhe state and local level.

NJC serves Onnoghen, Muhammad 7-day notice to defend selves


tice and Peace Initiative’’, Soji said.

men in Abuja, added that the Chair-

Atiku berates Buhari over constitutional breaches, writes U.S, U.K, EU

ORMER Vice President and Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the forthcoming general polls, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of constituting a threat to the country’s democracy by ‘undermining organs and institutions of State. In a letter titled; ‘Constitutional Breaches Under The Watch of President Muhammadu Buhari,’ addressed to governments of the United States, United Kingdom, as well as the European Union (EU), Abubakar carpetted Buhari for ‘breaching the provisions of our constitution… in order to advance his personal interest.’ The former VP in the letter outlined the five constitutional breaches committed by the Buhari administration to include; the Purported suspension of CJN Onnoghen, the illegal purchase of the Tucano aircraft, disregard for Orders of Courts, the approval of $1 billion for military expenditure before approaching the National Assembly, and the Executive Order No. 006 (On Preservation of Suspicious Assets and Related Schedules). Abubakar, therefore, called on these governments to ‘pile pressure on the Federal Government to desist from these violations and ensure a level playing field for the General Elections that are only a couple of weeks away.’ The letter read: “President Muhammadu Buhari is threatening our democracy by serially breaching the provisions of our constitution and undermining organs and institutions of

State in order to advance his personal interest. While the President has ironically taken oath to safeguard and defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the reality of his selective and wanton violations of its provisions means that his oath is observed only in the breach. “And as Your Excellency very much knows, respect for the rule of law is integral to promoting and preserving the values and principles of democracy. Sadly, however, by the actions of the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, one is forced to think otherwise. As a Presidential Candidate in the forthcoming General Elections that will be conducted and supervised by the Government of President Muhammadu Buhari, I feel the urgent need to share with you some of these key violations of the provisions of our constitution and to demand that you pile pressure on the Federal Government to desist from these violations and ensure a level playing field for the General Elections that are only a couple of weeks away. “We acknowledge with profound appreciation the positions taken by some members of the International Community in Nigeria and urge Your Excellency to add your country’s very strong voice against these breaches of Nigeria’s constitution. Your Voice is very important to the survival of Nigeria’s democracy. Some of these constitutional infractions are highlighted below for your information and action as you may deem appropriate.” On Onnoghen, the former wrote: ”The fact that the unlawful sus-

pension of Chief Justice Walter Onnoghen was announced just as it became public knowledge that the CJN was constituting the election petition tribunals is not lost on discerning Nigerians and the international community. This act of desperation is geared towards affecting the outcome of the 2019 Presidential elections. Indeed, it is not just the CJN that has been “suspended”, it is the Nigerian Constitution that has been infracted and, in effect, suspended, under the guise of the suspension of the CJN. The case involving the legality or otherwise of the charges against Chief Justice Walter Onnoghen is in court, as it should be. So far, the judiciary has ruled in Justice Onnoghen’s favour. So, why not allow the court to adjudicate on the matter? What is the pressing urgency about this matter?” On the purchase of Tucano Aircraft for the Nigerian Military at the sum of $496 million, Abubakar wrote that President Buhari took the decision ‘without seeking prior approval of the National Assembly contrary to Section 80 (3) and (4) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) which states very clearly, how the President can spend monies belonging to the Federation.’ While on the disregard for court rulings by the Nigerian government, Abubakar raised the cases against detained Col. Sambo Dasuki (Former National Security Adviser), who, according to him, ‘various courts have granted Col. Dasuki bail on at least six different occasions; the Buhari led government has persistently refused

to comply with the court orders.’ “A former Minister of State for Finance, Bashir Yuguda; former Sokoto Governor, Attahiru Bafarawa; and three others were granted bail by Justice Peter Affen on December 21, 2015 by the Federal Capital Territory High Court in the sum of N250 million each and two sureties in like sum. The Federal Government cherry-picked the order whilst disobeying the part that concerned the former NSA. “Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, Leader of a Shiite Group, IMN, Sheikh El-Zakzaky has been in detention without trial for over 3years after his followers were massacred in broad daylight; his wife and family killed and his home burnt, in a gory and shameful show of brute force by the Nigerian Army. This particular state violence is nothing short of genocide. • On December 2, 2016 the Abuja Division of the Federal High Court Presided by Justice Kolawole ordered the release of Sheikh El-Zakzaky and berated the Nigerian government for violating his rights, the ex VP wrote. On the approval of $1 billion for military expenditure before approaching the National Assembly, Atiku said ‘the Federal Government acted contrary to the provisions of the Section 80 (3) and (4) of the 1999 Constitution, which states: “(3) No monies shall be withdrawn from any public fund of the Federation, other than the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation, unless the issue of those moneys has been authorized by an Act of the National Assembly.’ While on the Executive Order No.

006 (On Preservation of Suspicious Assets and Related Schedules), Atiku said the enactment of the controversial Executive Order No. 006 as an Executive legislation which permits security agencies to freeze the assets of persons standing trial or undergoing investigation without recourse to court orders, ‘is a usurpation of legislative and judicial powers of the National Assembly and the judiciary as enshrined respectively under sections 4 and 6 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and reminiscent of the military era of decrees.’ Concluding, the former Vice President said the five breaches ‘and many more that did not make it into this very short letter, are the unfortunate actions of the Government of a man who merely pays lip service to being a reformed democrat. General Elections are upon us yet again.’ He urged the addressed governments ‘to partner with Nigerians to defend our constitution and play an active role in building our country. The choices facing all of us is either to stand aside and watch Nigerians reelect a President who has been in constant violation of the laws of the land without remorse; or to support them show him the way out and elect a true democrat.’ “Even if Nigerians opted not to elect me as President, the incumbent must go into the polls on his own record of lack of respect for the Rule of Law and not on the spurious perception of his ‘Integrity.’ We need to set precedence for successive leaders not to take democratic mandate for granted,” Atiku wrote.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Lagos Assembly moves to impeach Ambode over alleged misconduct •Plot to remove governor ‘ludicurous,’ says aide


AGOS State House of Assembly has threatened to commence impeachment process against state Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode on allegations of gross misconducts. The House also summoned Ambode to appear before it within one week over his failure to formally present the 2019 Budget before the Assembly. There has been disagreement between the two arms of Lagos State Government over the 2019 budget presentation. Ambode had sent the 2019 budget to the House in December and the House insisted that the governor must lay the budget properly before it before the House could commence work on it. During the House plenary on Monday, the lawmakers took turns to condemn the governor, alleging that the executive had commenced spending the 2019 Budget without approval of the Assembly. Speaker of the House, Mr Mudashiru Obasa, however, urged the lawmakers to give the governor a fair hearing over the issue involving the executive and the 2019 Appropriation Bill. Obasa noted that there had been violation of the constitution and infractions on the part of the governor over the 2019 budget.

“The Attorney General, Finance Commissioner and Commissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, that ought to have advised the governor did not do so. The most important thing is that we should let the people know that a budget that was yet to be approved is being spent. “We must give the executive a fair hearing to come and explain what happened. The point has been made that there must be something before the House before you can commence expenditure. We want to call on the Governor to come within a week to explain himself along with the relevant commissioners. “We can’t start gathering signatures for impeachment. We need to exercise patience and wait till another time,” the Speaker said. Also speaking, Mr Gbolahan Yishawu, Chairman, House Committee on Budget and Economic Planning, said that there were some specific expenditures in the budget that ought to have been approved by the House which funds were being expended in 2018 budget. However, reacting to the development, a source close to the embattled governor, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the threat to impeach the state’s chief executive as ‘ludicrous.’ “The main veiled allegation was that he was funding Jimi Agbaje,

though this was not mentioned on the floor of the House of Assembly yesterday (Monday).But the allegation of misconduct is ludicrous, his accusers having previously failed to establish that he sponsored thugs to disrupt the party rally weeks ago. Is it possible for Ambode to fund the opposition without Abuja knowing, when he knew that all eyes were on him and was being closely monitored? Ambode has substantially supported the Sanwo -Olu campaign. “All these campaign publicity materials all over Lagos, where do you think they are coming from? Do you

know that there are hundreds of campaign staff working for Sanwoolu and they are being paid? Who do you think is picking the bills? The Governor of course. The problem is that some party leaders, claiming to be acting for the Sanwo-Olu campaign council, are asking for the Governor to give them N3.5billion for the campaign but the governor refused because he knew it would end up in their pocket. “Don’t forget he is an accountant. He deals directly with the party’s governorship candidate. Coupled with this is the crazy campaign financial demands of members of the House of Assembly. They want the governor to finance their campaign, making unreasonable demands, telling the governor that that was

the tradition. But Ambode refused. “Reason they first refused to allow him present the 2019 budget until he settled their campaign expenses. When that blackmail did not work, they started their last night’s impeachment moves, accusing the governor of spending money without House’s authorisation. It’s just a smokescreen. That is the truth. “If there is anyone working for the opposition, they are members of the House, otherwise why this move barely two weeks to the presidential election? Is it not to sabotage the president’s election? They would be shocked that everyone would go down in this exercise, including them,” the source said. The House adjourned plenary till February 4.

Respect rule of law, due process – Nigerian authors urge FG, politicians


ORRIED by the rising political tension in the country, Nigerian authors have called on the Federal Government and its relevant agencies as well as politicians to ‘work towards curbing this ugly development by ensuring strict adherence to due process, rule of law and the constitution of this country.’ Rising from its 4th National Executive Council Meeting which held at the Grangehill Hotel, Mpape, weekend, in the Federal Capital Territory, the authors under the umbrella body of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) expressed dismay over the rancor ahead of the general elections, next month, further appealing to politicians and ‘power players in and out of government allow us have a country after the elections.’ “National Executive Council of ANA hereby expresses consternation at the desperation that has settled into our political arena whereby those angling for political power to be secured during the forthcoming General Elections have resorted to discrediting the process even before it began and employing all sorts of self-help methods; all geared towards opportunistic ends. “Like we asked before, where will all these leave the people of Nigeria? Careless and inciting utterances and disorderly conduct by political players in the country constitute a threat to the peace and harmony in our nation at a time like this. “The association calls on concerned agencies and the government to work towards curbing this ugly development by ensuring strict adherence to due process, rule of law and the constitution of this country. Politicians are advised to go about their campaigns and electioneering in ways that will not release further heat on the polity and allow the will of the people as will be expressed at the polls to prevail. “We appeal to the politicians and power players in and out of government to allow us have a country after

the elections,” the statement read. The 9-point communiqué issued after the meeting and signed by Mallam Denja Abdullahi alongside Dr. Ofonime Inyang, National President and General Secretary, respectively, which was made available to Oracle Today, Monday, also urged the developer and all persons connected to the ongoing development of the ANA’s Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village in Mpape, Abuja to intensify work, as it intensifies efforts towards commissioning some aspects of the project later in the year. Other resolutions reached at the end of the meeting include: “That the current leadership of the Association is committed to its inaugural objectives of building on the values of the founding fathers of the association in upholding and maintaining its status as the foremost and authentic umbrella body of all creative writers and literary persons in the country and therefore will continue to pursue programmes and initiatives that will unify and build the capacity of writers and strengthen the bonds that has sustained the nation as a whole. “That the Yusuf Ali Literary Campaign initiative this year shall be open to chapters with innovative literary programmes and projects involving educational institutions in the host states and with the collaboration of key stakeholders in the field. “That state chapters that have failed to conduct elections or change its leadership for many years and chapters that are moribund are hereby mandated to handover the leadership to sole administrators to be appointed by the National Executive Council who will be mandated to conduct elections and get the chapters back to operation within three (3) months for effective functioning of such chapters. “That the 38th International Convention of the Association has been slated for the 31st October -3rd November, 2019 with the theme: “Literature, Nationalism and the Poetics of National Integration.” The hosting state will be announced later.

•(From right): Chairman, Akwa Ibom State Council of Chiefs, Ntoi Effiong Udoakpan conferring Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar with the chieftaincy title of ‘Obong Emem Akwa Ibom,’ when the latter paid homage to royal fathers in the state to flag-off his campaign rally in Uyo, Monday.

Reps adjourn sitting, as Dogara, others officially dump APC


EDERAL House of Representatives, Tuesday, adjourned its plenary session till until February 19, just as Speaker, Yakubu Dogara officially resigned membership of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) to join the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Dogara has for some time been participating in activities of the PDP. The adjournment was sequel to a motion moved by the Deputy House Leader, Rep. Idriss Wase (APC-Plateau), at the plenary session presided over by Dogara, in Abuja. The lawmakers on January 16 resumed for the 2019 legislative duty after the Christmas and New Year break. Moving the motion, Wase, who represents Wase Federal Constituency of Plateau, said that the adjournment became imperative because of prepa-

rations toward the forthcoming general elections. He said that the postponement of plenary sittings would allow members vying for one position or the other to focus on electioneering and other political activities of their political parties. The Speaker, therefore, put the motion to vote and it was unanimously supported by the members. The legislators after passing the Minimum Wage Bill did not deliberate on the 2019 Appropriation Bill, which still before the House, before moving for the adjournment. Earlier at the plenary, Speaker Dogara, Reps Ahmed Yerima and Edward Pwajok formally announced their defection from the All Progressives Congress (APC) to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). While Pwajok represents Jos South/

Jos East Federal Constituency of Plateau in the House, Yerima represents Missau/Dambam Federal Constituency of Bauchi State. The legislators announced their resignations from APC in separate letters to the House of Representatives, which were read on the floor of the House by the speaker. Dogara, who represents Bogoro/ Dass/Tafawa Balewa Federal Constituency of Bauchi State, said that they resigned their membership of the APC due to irreconcilable differences. The legislators said that they defected to the PDP after due consultations with their constituents. A gale of defections has continued to affect the lower chamber in the aftermath of the party primaries, in which several members failed to secure their parties’ tickets for the 2019 elections.

otic thing to do, and that it would also in the best interest of all, especially the economic prosperity of the people. He said without prejudice to the matter currently before the Supreme Court on the issue, the State Government nonetheless was ready to implement strategies to engender peaceful resolution of the grey areas and points of conflict in the overall interest of the people. The Governor said it was particularly instructive and beneficial that NIWA was being headed at this particular point in time by Mamora, just as he expressed optimism that the development would translate to the end of hostilities that had been go-

ing on for decades between the federal agency and LASWA. According to him, “We are doing this not just for ourselves; we are doing it for Nigeria and Lagos. I believe strongly that the appointment of Senator Mamora is divine and even prior to his assumption as MD of NIWA and ever since he has taken over, there has not been any major complaints from the controversy between the State Government and NIWA and we are very happy for this. “Let me reiterate here that I give my total support for the amicable resolution of the issue irrespective of the legal tussle that we have been having over the decades and we also respect the rule of law.”

Lagos Govt., NIWA commence talks on ending conflict over inland waterways


AGOS State Government and the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) on Monday expressed readiness to go into talks to facilitate amicable resolution of the age-long tussle between the federal agency and the Lagos State Inland Waterways Authority (LASWA) over regulation and control of the waterways. State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, who said this while receiving NIWA’s Managing Director, Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora and top management staff of the agency on courtesy visit at Lagos House in Alausa, Ikeja, said putting the perennial conflict between NIWA and LASWA behind was the most patri-


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Onnoghen: Group issues Buhari 7-days ultimatum to reverse suspension By IBE NWACHUKWU


coalition of different political stakeholders comprising various political parties in the Eastern part of Nigeria, namely APGA, PDP, UPP, SDP, YPP and ADC, under the auspices of South East Youth Movement for Atiku / Obi campaign, SEYMAC, has issued a 7-day ultimatum to President Muhammadu Buhari to reverse the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen. In an emergency meeting held in Onitsha, Anambra state yesterday with some civil rights groups, namely, Movement Against Electoral Fraud, Youth Solidarity for Progressive Change, South East Movement for Resource Control, South East Movement for Restructuring Nigeria, Lawyers Advocacy Forum, Christian Women for Democracy, South East Christian Women for Justice, Nigeria Social Congress for Good Governance and Civil/Legal Justice Congress, unanimously condemned the suspension of the CJN. The group, at a press conference, through their spokespersons, Hon. Tochukwu Emmanuel Obi, Comrade Azubuike Imoka, Comrade Wisdom Okoye, Ezekute Jeff Mcsyndey, Stellamaris Agwaziam, Mrs. Madueke Ifeyinwa and Barrister Michael Akubowe, described the suspension of Onnoghen as a Coup de’tat. They further stressed that the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT lacks the competence under the constitution to recommend the suspension of the Chief Justice. They emphasized that by Section 3 of the Code of Conduct Tribunal Act, once a public officer’s attention is drawn by the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB that certain assets of the public officer was not declared or properly declared and the same public officer admits owning such assets and then declares them, the issue of non-declaration or insufficient declaration of assets will not proceed to the Code of Conduct Tribunal as obtained in the Onnoghen’s case. Therefore, the group stated that the admission of the CJN upon being confronted by the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB that he owns the sums of money contained in his bank account should not have been treated as a breach of the Code of Conduct for judicial officers in line with the true spirit of the provision of section 3 of the Code of Conduct Bureau Tribunal Act. They condemned in its entirety, the suspension of the CJN and described same as rape on democracy and calculated attempt by the APCled federal government to install a CJN that will favour APC in the event of a legal tussle in court after the 2019 general elections, which was why Justice Abrahim Mohammed Tanko immediately constituted a tribunal to perfect the script of APC led federal government. They therefore gave President Mohammed Buhari the 7 days from Monday, January 28, within which to reverse Onnoghen’s suspension or be prepared for a shut down of government activities in various parts of the country and plethora of legal actions against the federal government.

Abia’s ‘equity charter’ promoting mediocrity -- APGA candidate From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


ederal House of Representatives candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) for Ikwuano/Umuahia Federal Constituency, Ochiagha MacDonald Uba, has taken a swipe at those rooting for equity in the state, branding them as promoters of mediocrity. Speaking to newsmen shortly after a Church Service at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Umuoriehi, a suburb of Umuahia in Umuahia North L.G.A, of Abia State, Uba urged the electorate to ignore the crusade for equity. He insisted that it was not contained in any Abia statute or the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, rather a mere Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) contraption to promote mediocrity and incompetence in the system and deny the people effective representation and desired dividends of democracy.

Given the strong challenge to Governor Okezie Ikpeazu’s re-election bid, champions of equity has stepped up their campaign, urging Abians to reject other governorship candidates, except Ikpeazu. The Equity proponents are insisting that since Abia North had eight years in Government House with Chief Orji Uzor Kalu in charge; Abia Central also governed for eight years with Senator Theodore Orji on the saddle, it would only be equitable for Ikpeazu to be allowed to complete eight years in office for Abia South. Abia Charter of Equity which suggests rotation of elective political offices among the components of the state to forestall any form of domination by any section of the state, was promoted by Abia Founding Fathers. Since 27 years after the creation of the state, the charter has yet to made a law by the House of Assembly, neither has it been adopted as

a convention by politicians in the state. However, Uba is kicking against its adoption, saying that it would limit the choices of the people even as people clutch to it only when it favours them. He said that anybody preaching the gospel of equity must come with clean hands and urged people from the constituency to reject, totally, the equity song in the state. Uba was optimistic that he would coast home to victory in the February 16, 2019 House of Representatives election in his drive to rewrite the history of the federal constituency. If he wins, the retired Naval Officer will be the first person from Ubakala to occupy that position since 1999. All other clans that make up the federal constituency have produced members of the National Assembly except Ubakala, which has also not been given the opportunity to pro-

duce a commissioner, House of Assembly member and even a Permanent Secretary in the state. Uba called on Ikwuano/Umuahia electorate to vote for APGA candidates at the polls, arguing that PDP has failed woefully. In another development, Uba has urged tricycle operators in Umuahia to continue to work hard for APGA’s victory in the forthcoming elections, assuring that better times await them if APGA wins. He equally commended the union for being resolute in their support for the APGA governorship candidate, Dr. Alex Otti, urging them to remain steadfast. Chairman of the Keke tricycle operators, Comrade Kalu Orji, expressed happiness that APGA leadership was identifying with the union, adding that though the union was non-partisan, it would support any credible candidate who would end “unnecessary imposition of levies on members.”

Ndigbo stand to gain from Buhari’s re-election -APC Reps candidate By Oge Onyeanusi, Nnewi

A • Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar (m) inspecting farm produce at the newly-commissioned Green House Farm of Akwa Ibom State Government, accompanied by state governor, Udom Emmanuel (r) and the party’s National Chairman, Uche Secondus, at the Airport Road, Uyo, Monday

Ikpeazu urges int’l footwear company to protect Aba local shoe industry


kezie Ikpeazu of Abia has urged Nibra Footwear and Leather Company to protect and integrate local shoe industry in Aba for socioeconomic development of the state. Ikpeazu gave the charge at Obuaku City in Ukwa West where the groundbreaking ceremony of the company was held on Monday. Nibra Footwear and Leather City Project is a Public-Private Partnership involving Abia Government, Nibra Brazil, an international footwear company and Nibra Designs Ltd owned by the Abiola Family. He said that the coming of Nibra to Obuaku would enable the Omenka people (Aba Shoe-makers) to scale up their production and “become better shoe-makers, designers, manufacturers and shoe engineers”. “The time has come when all the states in Nigeria will raise their hands and heads and become known for at least one thing. For us in Abia, it is now impossible to ignore us when you speak about leather and garment in Africa. “We are proud to say that with this development today, we are going to push the frontiers of our recognition beyond Africa to compete with the

rest of the world in terms of leather works. The reputation of Brazil in terms of making beautiful shoes, bags and belts is no longer in controversy, therefore, this partnership today will rub off on us positively,” he said. The governor said that the revolution for the industrialization of the entire Aba land, Abia state, even West Africa had begun with the coming of the footwear and leather company in the state. Chairman, Nibra Designs limited, Mrs Wura Abiola said that the footwear and leather company was the most important investment the company had been involved in lately. She said that the company had succeeded so far because of the support of Abia Government and the land owners in Obuaku City in Ukwa West. Abiola said that Nibra Designs and Nibra Brazil were coming together in this international partnership that would bring Brazilian technology and know-how across the value chain to Nigeria. She said that the company would transform the neighbouring communities through providing electricity, infrastructure, and capacity development for their young people. Abiola promised that they would

ensure employment for the local community, provision of educational, health and sporting facilities to make the communities self-sufficient. She also said they would bring Abia economy closer to the world through creating an Export Free Trade Zone in the community to ensure movement of goods in and out of the state. Abiola said that the company would collaborate and not compete with the Aba shoe and leather manufacturers to grow the made-in-Aba brand with a stamp of quality and would train entrepreneurs. Managing Director, NEXIM Import and Export Bank, Mr Abubakar Bello, said the company would improve on technology and processing for the stakeholders in Aba. Bello said that they wanted to create a leather works cluster that would be marked for excellence in Nigeria starting from Aba. He said that the NEXIM intervention would be in the investment into the company and secondly, would ensure that stakeholders already in the business in Aba would benefit. Abubakar promised the financing of the importation or local fabrication of machines that would ease local production of Aba shoes.

ll Progressives Congress (APC) candidate for Nnewi North/Nnewi South and Ekwusigo Federal Constituency, Anambra State in the February 16 2019 election, Engr Jude Kingsley Onyeka has said that the Igbo would have a lot to gain, if they vote APC all through especially for presidential and National Assembly in the five States of the South East to be part of the majority and have more voice and avoid mistakes of the past. Onyeka made the comments, Tuesday, while addressing journalists at his campaign office, Ozubulu, Ekwusigo Local Government Area on the difference he would make when elected to represent the area in the House of Representatives. Speaking, Onyeka noted that an APC president with majority of the APC lawmakers in the National Assembly from the South East geopolitical zone like other geo-political zones would give the Igbo a strong bargaining power in national politics “and that would lay to rest all complaints of not having enough from the federal government. This means a lot to the Igbo.” He said that the APC from every indication would take the lead nationwide in the forth-coming elections and that it would be a wrong calculation if the Igbo could not avail themselves of the opportunity offered by the party to be part of the”envisaged” majority in the National Assembly. “Ndigbo stand to gain by supporting the APC in the up-coming elections. When you have a President who is an APC man and lawmakers of Igbo extraction who are members of the APC, for us there will be that synergy and co-operation. And that will mean we will have stronger voice to speak for the Igbo. Our voice will be our strength. That will give us a better opportunity to demand and receive more infrastructural development and other democracy dividends with ease,” Engr Onyeka said.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS Cattle take over farmlands in Anambra By Theo Rays, Onitsha


ew months after surviving disastrous flood that displaced residents and washed away millions of Naira worth farmlands in various communities in Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State, another trouble has visited the Local Government as cows belonging to nomadic herdsmen are destroying farmlands and cash crops worth millions of Naira also. Residents who spoke to The Oracle Today cried out that all the communities in Anambra West are victims and suffering the same fate with no solution in sight as according to them, the traditional rulers, elders and the town union are prevailing on the youth against violence. The youth are ready to take action in defence of their father land. A resident of Owelle community Chief Peter Udora confided in The Oracle Today said a bunch of yam tuber worth over N120, 000 belonging to an elderly man with 7 children were eaten up by the ravaging cattle adding that the people at various days have defencelessly lost yam, rice, vegetables and cassava worth a reasonable amount of money. Udora a former President General of Owelle town union explained “It is a terrible situation. N120, 000 is a big amount of money for a local farmer here and think about the gain he was expected to make during harvest from such amount of yam. Assuming they want to make use of the yam, at least the family can use them for some weeks. Now they didn’t eat the yam nor used them in the farm, everything gone just like that. He said that the residents have

drew the attention of security agents but the security agents in response told them to avoid violence approach and endeavour to give the herdsmen a friendly attention that they will wade into the matter but nothing is being done to address the issue “Unfortunately similar things are happening to other farmers not just in Owelle but in other communities in Anambra West. For now we are calm because the traditional rulers, the elders and town unions have succeeded to hold the youth against violence but the situation is getting out of hand” he added Speaking on the matter during the Anambra West version All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) 2019 election campaign rally at Community Secondary School, Umueze Anam, the chairman of the Local Government Hon Sylvester Orji, sent a save our soul message to Governor Willie Obiano who was present at the rally telling the Governor that a lot of things have been destroyed in the • President Muhammadu Buhari with the All Progressives Congress (APC) National Chairman, area by cows belonging herdsmen Comrade Adams Oshiomhole presenting the Abia State APC Governorship Candidate, Hon Uche Ogah who move freely unchecked. Hon. Orji told Governor Obiano with the party flag that he is an eye witness because he has gone round to see thing for himself and took pictures adding that if nothing is done to address the situation the people would have no option than to defend their farmland in their own way. Responding, Obiano urged them to vote for the candidates of APGA who are standing for the positions of Also in attendance were a former way, construction of the Second Anambra North Senatorial District, From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia Senate President, Ken Nnamani, Niger Bridge and provision of elecAnambra East/West Federal Conr. Sampson Uche Ogah, Tues- Minister of Science and Technol- tricity to Ariria International Market stituency and Anambra West State day, received the All Progres- ogy, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu; Minister in Abia. Constituency seat respectively at the sives Congress (APC) flag as of Labour and Productivity, Dr Chris He said that Buhari believes that polls during the elections. the governorship candidate of the Ngige; Imo State Governor, Rochas government should work for the party in Abia State. Okorocha, among other South East ordinary citizens, hence the welfare Both Ogah and High Chief Ikechi political leaders. programmes of the federal governEmenike, who want to fly the party’s In their speeches, Buhari, Os- ment, including the school feeding flag in the state, have been engaged hiomhole, Abia North Senatorial programme. The APC national chairman urged tions including the ICC located oppo- in a grim struggle for the APC’s gov- candidate, Chief Orji Uzor Kalu and Abians to switch to APC and vote ernorship ticket. Both have rulings Ogah, maintained that the Peoples site Okpara Square at the Independin their favour from different High Democratic Party (PDP) did not do for Ogah and other candidates of ence Layout, Enugu. Offor said the 2019 budget was Courts in Abuja, pronouncing them well during its 16 years rule in the the party, insisting that voters in the state made mistake in 2015 by voting aimed at growing the economy of as the authentic governorship candi- country. for PDP which must be corrected in date of the party. But Ogah had an Buhari said he took over when the the state in a sustainable manner as well as tackle observed gaps in previ- edge on Monday, the eve of the APC economy was in shambles, urging the forthcoming general elections. Kalu called the PDP administration campaign rally in Aba, Abia State, Nigerians to appreciate his efforts ous budgets. The commissioner said that the when the Court of Appeal in Abuja to revamp the economy and rehabil- in Abia a debtor-government, claimstate government was willing to ruled that he was the authentic APC itate decaying infrastructure despite ing that since he left power in 2007, dwindling resources. no new road has been constructed take development to all corners of flagbearer for Abia. National Chairman of APC, Adams He appealed to Nigerians to re- in the state. the state. The former governor assured BuShe said that the 2019 budget sum Oshiomole, who, during the flag off ward APC by voting the party back of N109.2 billon was predicated on of APC campaigns in Umuahia earlier to power in the forthcoming gen- hari that Abians would give him 70 per cent of their votes in the presicrude oil benchmark of 60 US Dollars this month, had disowned Emenike eral elections. Oshiomhole told the crowd that dential poll. with oil production rate of 2.3million and announced that he (Emenike) In his speech, Ogah lamented the barrels per day and an exchange rate has been expelled from the party, Buhari has done more for the South presented the flag to Ogah at the East than the PDP. backwardness of Abia and reiteratof N305 to one dollar. Offor further said that the budget remodeled Enyimba Stadium, Aba, He listed achievements of the ed his promise to fix the state in two was also predicated on expected in- venue of the APC Mega campaign APC-led federal government in the years, if elected. ternally generated revenue of N27.7 rally which had President Muham- South East to include rehabilitation billion and N65.96 billion from the madu Buhari in attendance. of Enugu-Port Harcourt ExpressFederation Account.

Ogah receives APC flag at Aba Campaign rally

Enugu Govt. budgets N1.5bn for completion of abandoned projects


nugu State Government has made a budgetary provision of N1.5 billion for the completion of abandoned projects including the International Conference Centre (ICC) in the 2019 fiscal year. Commissioner for Finance, Mrs Eucharia Offor made this known on Monday in Enugu during the 2019 Enugu State budget breakdown. The commissioner said that the state government would also revitalize the state owned Hotel Presidential also abandoned 12 years ago by previous administrations. Reports that building of the ICC which commenced with Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani’s administration as governor of the state was abandoned for over 11 years. Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, on assumption of office in 2015 promised to complete structures started and abandoned by previous administra-

Abia APC chairman, Nwankpa, abducted From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


lthough the All Progressives Congress (APC) staged its mega rally in Aba, Abia State, yesterday, the state party chairman, Hon. Donatus Nwankpa, was conspicuously absent, as he was reportedly abducted by gunmen hours before the event. Sources said that Nwankpa was abducted by heavily armed gunmen around 11pm on Monday at Arungwa Junction section of the EnuguAba Expressway. Nwankpa was abducted alongside his Driver, Ibeto, and an Assistant, Chigbu who were in the car with him.

His driver was said to have escaped while the abductors released Chigbu based on his health condition. Close sources quoted Chigbu as having said that there was no communication yet between the abductors and the family of Nwankpa as at Press time. Nwankpa was returning to Aba from Umuahia around 11 pm when the incident happened, The Oracle Today gathered. The Police in Abia is yet to confirm the incident as the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Geoffrey Ogbonna, could not pick a call put through to his phone line.


IPOB to hold referendum on presidential election day


he Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) says it will conduct a referendum for a sovereign state of Biafra on February 16. IPOB spokesman, Mr. Emma Powerful, made the announcement in a statement issued on Monday. The presidential and national assembly elections are scheduled to hold on the same date. Mr Powerful said Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB leader, is currently in London where he will be discussing the referendum with members of the group. “We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu wish to

announce officially to the people of Biafra both home and in the diaspora, friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom that our supreme leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is currently in London to join his family and see a new born child he hadn’t seen because of his illegal incarceration and detention since 2015,” the statement read. “He will also discuss with IPOB top family members in London to finalize the way foward for Biafra referendum that will hold on February 16, 2019 along with the Nigeria presidential poll.” He said Kanu’s relocation to the UK from Israel is “actually to perfect ar-

rangements” on the referendum in a bid “to ascertain number of those who want Nigeria politics and those who want Biafra freedom through a peaceful and democratic process for the sovereignty of our dear nation Biafra”. “Our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is currently meeting with IPOB high command in Europe to perfect plans for the referendum which will go side by side with the February 16 presidential poll,” he added. The secessionist group had asked the Igbo to boycott any election in the south-east until the federal government agrees to hold a referendum on Biafra.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


No lassa fever from Ebonyi - Commissioner


bonyi Commissioner for Health, Dr Daniel Umezurike, says there is no report of Lassa fever from the state as being speculated. Umezurike said in Abakaliki that the two patients, who died of the disease at the South-East Virology centre Abakaliki, were admitted from other states. “The virology centre attended to

suspected lassa and other hemorrhagic fever cases from the zone and beyond as the victims were from Enugu and Cross River. The victim from Enugu, a male child, was not brought to the centre on time by his relatives but the doctors did their best to save his life. “But unfortunately, he died after three hours at the centre. The sec-

ond victim, a female from Cross River died on her way to the centre,” he said. “The public need not to panic because there is no report of lassa fever from the state. The situation has been brought under control as we are ready to protect the people of the state from the disease and other related diseases at all times,”

he said. He however, urged them to keep their environment clean, desist from bush burning, and avoid touching or eating rats especially, during the dry season. “People should desist from keeping foods carelessly in their various homes, bearing in mind that during the dry season rats migrates into

Abia monarch decries spate of abandoned projects

Trader drowns girl, 23, in Onitsha


By Oge Onyeanusi, Nnewi


n Abia monarch has appealed to the federal government to prevail on contractors executing federal projects in his domain to return to site and complete the abandoned erosion and road projects. His Royal Highness, Eze John Ibezim, Traditional Ruler of Amuzukwu Ibeku Autonomous Community, who made the appeal in an interview with The Oracle Today, lamented that his people have been subjected to untold hardship, including flooding of their homes, since the projects were abandoned. According to him, the one-kilometre Asaba Street - Umuwaya Mbara road project awarded by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has been abandoned. “The contractor did it half-way and abandoned it for two years now, thereby complicating matters for us. Whenever it rains, people’s homes are flooded, which was not the case before,” the Royal Father said. He also said that the contractor handling an electricity project awarded by NDDC claimed that the project has been completed but noted with dismay that “for nine months now, he cannot hook it to the national grid. The contractor has absconded and the site is now a jungle.” The Electrical Engineer praised the federal and Abia State governments for coming to the rescue of his community by embarking on controlling the threatening Oriete gully erosion. “Amuzukwu has many erosion sites. We are happy that for the past three years, the federal and state governments are working on the Oriete erosion site, a major erosion site that made many people refugees and sent others packing from the community. That project is about 70 per cent completed. We thank the workers and the Abia NEWMAP team for the good job they are doing there,” he said. While urging the governments not to relent until the rampaging erosion in the community was tamed, he disclosed that the community was employing traditional methods to ensure that another gully developing along Umuchime Amuzukwu-Mbom road from expanding. Eze Ibezim said he was greatly pained that the proposed Forensic Laboratory, a federal government project, for which Amuzukwu community was made to hurriedly donate large acres of land was now overgrown with bush. He said the site of the project started about five years ago was acquired without any compensation but on the promise that the Laboratory would provide jobs for youths. He lamented that the project has been abandoned while his people could not access the land for agricultural purposes and called on the authorities concerned to restart the project or return the land to the owners. The monarch praised Senator Theodore Orji for paving the only road that leads into the community when he was the governor of Abia State and the current Majority Leader of Abia State House of Assembly, Engr Chinedum Orji, for doing the Okoko electricity project in his community.

homes indiscriminately when bushes are being burnt. “People should also avoid selfmedication and visit the hospital as early as possible to avoid deterioration of suspected cases. “Health workers on their part should be adequately prepared and adorn required medical kits when treating patients at hospitals.’’


• Lagos State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, Tuesday launching a 1000-hectare modern satellite city in EpeIbeju Lekki axis projected to create over 200,000 jobs and housing schemes for all the major projects coming on board within the Lekki Free Trade Zone

Wike to Nigerians: Vote out ‘dark’ APC


ivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has stated that the 2019 general elections represent a contest between darkness and light, saying that Nigerians must vote out the darkness that APC represents. Addressing thousands of supporters during the PDP Campaign Rally in Bonny Island on Monday, Governor Wike said while PDP represents light, APC is the worst form of darkness. He said: “What is happening in Nigeria now is between dictatorship and freedom. It is better you choose freedom. The only party that can bring freedom is the PDP. “APC is known for dictatorship. When Jonathan was the President, he obeyed every court order. If you want dictatorship, go to APC and if you want freedom come to PDP. This election is between darkness and light. APC is the symbol of darkness. PDP is the symbol of light. “ He said that Nigerians must end dictatorship at the Federal level by voting for all PDP candidates. The governor urged the people of Bonny Kingdom to vote the PDP Presidential Candidate, Atiku Abubakar for the creation of employment opportunities. He said the refusal of the Buhari administration to pay the counterpart fund for the construction of the Bonny-Bodo is a proof that their hatred for the Niger Delta is irreversible. “The APC Federal Government has refused to pay N60billion to fund the Bonny Bodo Road. This is when the NLNG has already paid her own part. Uptill now, because it is the Niger Delta and Rivers State, the Federal Government has re-

fused to pay the counterpart fund. “But they have gone to take 1billionUSD from the Excess Crude Accounts to say they are fighting insurgency. One billion dollars is ₦370billion. To bring N60 billion to make Bonny people travel home by road is difficult. “What that tells you is that the APC Federal Government does not believe that you and I belong to this country. Therefore, if anybody says you are inconsequential, you will tell the person you are important. The only way you can teach them a lesson is to vote out the APC Federal Government”, he said. He said though the PDP has never lost an election in Bonny Island, the people of the area must be vigilant to stop the APC Federal Government from robbing them of their mandate. The governor noted urged Bonny PDP leaders to ensure the victory of the party in all the polling units. He said leaders who lose their units will lose political relevance. On the plot by the Buhari administration to destroy the judiciary, Governor Wike said that all wellmeaning Nigerians are standing up in defence of constitutional democracy and separation of powers He said: “We are working to ensure that the unconstitutional removal of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) is reversed because it did not follow the rule of law. This dictatorship must end. The APC has failed Nigerians and we need to sack the party”. Deputy Governor Ipalibo Harry Banigo lamented the fact that the APC Federal Government makes empty promises in Rivers State without fulfilling any of them.

• Gov. Wike Rivers State PDP Chairman, Bro Felix Obuah said that the visit to Bonny was to celebrate a governor who has wiped away the tears of the people. He commended the people of Bonny for their mass mobilisation to ensure the victory of all PDP candidates. The Rivers State PDP Chairman presented flags to the PDP Candidates contesting the elections for Rivers West Senatorial District. Flags were presented to PDP Candidate for Degema/Bonny Federal Constituency, Doctor Farah and PDP Candidate for Bonny State Constituency, Abinye Blessing Pepple.

23 year-old girl, Miss Chukwusom Nwoko, has drowned after reportedly falling into a deep gutter, subsequently throwing the family and residents of the city into mourning. The deceased, a sales girl in the Ochaja market had reportedly rushed to another nearby shop to seek shelter from the pouring rains alongside her other colleagues within the market who had all closed for the day, as they waited to go home. Few minutes after arrival, the shop owner ordered them to leave his premises, claiming that he wanted to lock up for the day as it was getting late. The girls were said to have pleaded with him to allow them tally a little as it was still raining heavily but the man ignored them and was locking up his shop. Consequently, the girls were said to have reportedly grudgingly left in turns by crossing a wooden plank used as bridge across the deep gutter in front of the shop which channels water into the nearby River Niger. One of the girls first crossed the gutter using the plank that was kept across for customers who want to come to the shop to make purchases. Then the second girl followed suit and crossed and as the deceased was crossing, the shopowner reportedly rushed and raised the plank while she was still on it causing her to fall into the deep gutter that was already overflowing due to the heavy downpour, and drown immediately. On seeing that she has drowned, the shop owner hurriedly shut his shop and ran away before sympathisers and on-lookers who defied the rain to try to rescue the girl could start to look for him. The corpse of the girl was then taken to the Borromeo Catholic Mission hospital morgue by traders within the scene. Speaking to this reporter, the father of the girl, Mr. Ndubuisi Nwoko said: “The man had just killed my daughter and ran away and he has not been seen up till now. I have lodged the matter at Fegge police station and we have gone to the mortuary where the police took photograph of the corpse.” Confirming the incident when contacted, the Fegge Divisional Police Officer, DPO, Mr Garba Rabiu said, “we are looking for the man, he has not been seen since the incident happened”. Meanwhile co-traders of the runaway trader who went to plead with the father on how to go about the matter reportedly met a brickwall as the father of the deceased insisted on seeing the alleged killer suspect.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS PANDEF rejects removal of CJN Onnoghen, demands immediate reversal From Emmanuel Ogoigbe, Warri


he Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) has rejected the removal of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Honourable Mr. Justice Walter Samuel Nkanu Onnoghen by President Muhammadu Buhari, demanding for the immediate reversion of the decision. The forum stated that the action of Mr. President in suspending the CJN, relying on a purported court order of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) was “so sad, unfortunate, a show of brigandage and sheer demonstration of institutionalization of illegality.” PANDEF in a statement signed by its National Secretary, Dr Alfred Mulade and made available to Journalists in Warri on Sunday, noted that the action of the Federal Government was akin to suspending the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and enthroning dictatorship, anarchy and principle of self-help. The statement reads in part: “It is important to recall that PANDEF had raised concern that the hasty arraignment of Honourable Mr. Justice Walter Onnoghen at the Code of Conduct Tribunal, coming barely one month to the general elections, was politically motivated, and was a ploy to force the CJN out of office without recourse to due process of law, to make way for enthronement of their own person, in this case, the Hon. Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad, to their bidding. “Clearly, the Judicial Arm which is the pillar of integrity upon which our democracy rests is under siege; Separation of Powers and Rule of Law is threatened. “Indeed the independence of the Judiciary shall be subjugated and consumed if this brazen action is allowed to stand. The principles and tenets for Rule of Law, and Judiciary, being the hope of the common man is being jeopardized.” The forum also called on Wellmeaning Nigerians irrespective of political divide should rise against this monumental absurdity of the century until it is reversed. “Let all Nigerians of goodwill stand united on this matter and challenge this despotic action of the President, which remains illegal and unconstitutional, and therefore null and void,” the statement reads. “Let us restate that PANDEF and indeed the peoples of the Niger Delta region and the South-South shall not tolerate the lawlessness and continued persecution of our people by this Buhari-led Federal Government. “We shall employ all legitimate means to demonstrate our insistence and demand on the reversal of the illegal removal of CJN Walter Onnoghen. This country belongs to all of us, and we are critical Stakeholders in the Nigerian State,” PANDEF stated further. PANDEF also declared that the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) should call for total boycott of Courts until the alleged illegality is reversed. “Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad should be sanctioned by the NJC for his willful participation in this ‘coup’ against the office of the CJN and the Nigerian constitution. “The Courts should not sit until Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad is barred from parading himself as the CJN and Honourable Mr. Justice Walter Onnoghen promptly reinstated. The National Assembly should pass a resolution condemning this violation of the Constitution and to ensure that it is reversed with immediate effect,” PANDEF declared further.

APC candidate promises 10-yr development plan for Ohuhu From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


ouse of Assembly candidate for Umuahia North (Ohuhu) constituency on the platform of All Progressives Congress, Obiloh Ogbonna, has promised to develop a sustainable framework for wholesome and equitable development of Ohuhu land, if elected. Ogbonna made the promise during an interview with The Oracle Today in Umuahia, saying he has identified lack of visionary leadership and absence of a development plan as the bane of development of the area. Accordingly, he promised that his pre-occupation as a member of the Abia State legislature would be to roll out a 10-year development plan for the constituency. “I am one person who has always believed that leadership is critical to

community development. “The current position where we find ourselves in Umuahia North (State Constituency) tells a story of unpreparedness, it tells a story of leadership without vision, which are some of the basic necessities of development. “I found, by my experience from the business environment that planning precedes success. I don’t think our leaders in Ohuhu land who have represented us at the House of Assembly have come out with a plan that will enable us to have a progressive development which is what I have come out to do; to say we can actually plan our growth and development; we can actually make laws that will have the interest of the Ohuhu man at heart; laws that will engender creative development for our people, which will start by creating a vision

for us, first of all, then building on it. “It is my desire and ambition to create the first 10-year plan which will serve as a roadmap for the development of Ohuhu, as a member of the House of Assembly,” Ogbonna said. “I do not plan to depend on stipends from the House of Assembly alone, I also plan to leverage on existing networks that I have built over the years which cut across the business world,” added Ogbonna who has spent his working career in the private sector. He said the development plan would boost infrastructural development, job creation and other empowerment programmes, under his watch. The Environmental Management and Toxicology graduate said he was not particularly in the race because of the marginalization of his

Nkwoachara Ward but admitted it would be an added advantage. “I am actually prepared for this job, not just because I am Nkwoachara man, but that is an added advantage in order to display our brotherly relationship in Ohuhu land. Of course, it is true that out of the whole five wards in Ohuhu, four have produced members of the House and other positions but Nkwoachara ward has not,” he noted. Ogbonna said he joined the APC because its framework, particularly its anti-corruption mantra, resonated with him, adding that the party has done well in the fight against corruption. He urged Nigerians to close all avenues of corruption because the malaise was weakening the economy.

Umeh upbeat on APGA’s chances in Anambra’ll elections By IBE NWACHUKWU


• Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike receiving flowers on his arrival for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Campaign Rally in Bonny Island, Monday

‘We don’t discriminate in project execution’ – Okowa



elta State Governor, Ifeanyi Okowa has said his administration does not discriminate in dishing out democratic dividends to Deltans because he sees the people as belonging to one united family. Governor Okowa spoke at OtorUdu, Udu local government area of the state during Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) campaign rally ahead of the February 16 and March 2, 2019 general elections. The campaign team was also at Ogbe-Ijaw, Warri South local government area of Delta State. According to the governor, “we run an all-inclusive government, we don’t discriminate, we don’t execute projects based on the level of support we receive from people because, Deltans are one united people, we believe that if you don’t support us today, you will support us tomorrow.” “We are impressed with the crowd we are seeing here, it is a clear evidence that the people appreciate the road we are constructing in the area, the schools we have constructed, our empowerment programmes; we are committed to doing more,” the governor said, ad-

dihe ng, “I want to seize this opportunity to thank Deltans, especially, the people of Udu for agreeing that we should work together.” He thanked the people for agreeing to live in peace with their neighbours, the people of Ogbe-Ijaw, noting that with peace, the area will witness unprecedented development in the next four years. Okowa who attended the rallies with his wife, Dame Edith and his Deputy, Barr. Kingsley Otuaro, appealed to the people to vote for all the candidates of the PDP. At Ogbe-Ijaw, he thanked the people of Warri South-West local government for their support over the years, expressing confidence that with the number of registered voters in the area, they will beat their previous records in terms of number of votes cast for candidates of the PDP. “People are testifying about PDP because of our good work; I can testify that Warri South West is doing very well politically, your leaders are united; remain resolute in delivering high number of votes to the PDP by voting for all the candidates of the PDP,” he said. Okowa continued, “there should be no anti-party activity, all the

votes should go to the PDP.” While listing the projects his administration has executed in the area, he also, thanked the people of Ogbe-Ijaw and Aladja for agreeing to live in peace, saying that with peace, the area will witness tremendous development. Those who spoke at the rallies include Chief Eddy Onosorueh, Chief Frank Omare, Rt. Hon. Funkekeme Solomon, Prof. Sam Oyovbaire, Barr. Kingsley Esiso, among others. Chief Onosorueh stated, “this is the first time Udu is witnessing monumental government presence; Udu will reward you (Governor Okowa) by voting for the PDP 5/5, all the candidates of the PDP in the elections.” To Chief Omare, PDP should expect more votes in the 2019 general elections than what they got in previous years because, Governor Okowa has wooed more Deltans to the PDP through project delivery. Hon. Solomon Funkekeme, Prof. Oyovbaire, and Barr. Esiso in their separate speeches, stated that apart from electing Governor Okowa on the basis of rotation, the governor had delivered projects that have impacted greatly on the lives of Deltans.

enator Victor Umeh representing Anambra Central Senatorial Zone has expressed optimism that the land mark achievements so far recorded by the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA since it took control of Anambra state would propel the party to win all the elective positions during the February 16 and March 2 general elections in the country. He emphasized that since 2014 when the incumbent Governor Willie mounted the saddle, the state has gradually witnessed rapid transformations in terms of infrastructural and economic advancements, which gave Obiano victory in all the 21 local government areas of the state during second tern re-election in 2017. Umeh who spoke yesterday at Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra state while receiving an award of excellence from the local council authority, as a friend of Njikoka, said he would not be surprised if APGA wins all the three senatorial seats, 11 House of Representatives seats and all the House of Assembly seats during the elections. He insisted that no amount of cross-carpeting from one party to the other would save those he described as political harlots who jump from one party to the other in every election period, adding that what earns a politician victory is performance at any given chance not the political party he or she decamped to. Umeh commended the chairman of Njkoka locla government transition committee, Hon. George Ozor for organizing the award and described him as one of APGA’s best hands in local government administration and charged the electorate to vote massively for APGA during the election to enable him and other elected office holders continue to show quality representation for the electorate in the state. Earlier in his opening remarks, the chief host, Hon. Ozor had explained that the council thought it wise to recognize all prominent indigenes of Njikoka, as well as their friends and well-wishers and consequently selected about 55 and 50 of their illustrious sons for the award in this maiden edition. Also speaking, Hon Pete Ibida representing Njikoka II constituency in the state house of assembly commended the local council authorities for the recognition and pledged to do more if re-elected by his constituency.



The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Father Mbaka, why Season of political always you? rallies and violence in Imo Pg 10

Pg 15

Cont’d front page 1 “His (President Buhari’s) action cannot stand in any sane society. So, it is a sacrilege! There are three arms of government; each arm runs independent of the other and there are agencies that appoint and discipline erring members of such arms of government. In the case of the judiciary, it is the National Judicial Council. So, you cannot just rise one day and say that a judicial officer is corrupt or that he has violated the lay without having followed the due process of the law. And the process stipulates that somebody must make a complaint, that complaint must be made to the NJC who must investigate such petition. And if such a person is found guilty, the body would recommend disciplinary action. Those steps were not followed and the CJN has not been found guilty of anything, as yet. And the CCT had been stopped by the Court of Appeal, which had superior jurisdiction, to stop entertaining Onnoghen’s matter. So, the reasons given by Buhari, that informed his decision to suspend Onnoghen, lack merit,” he said. Prof Race Achara, a Constitutional Lawyer and two-time Chairman of NBA, Enugu State chose to speak only on legal aspects of the matter. He said: ‘’If the allegations are true that the top judge in a relatively poor country has hidden and declared funds in excess of N1bn; that there were massive dollar payments into these accounts peculiarly at the time of the 2011 general elections and petition hearings, and allegations that the major opposition party candidate is apparently not campaigning as vigorously as might be expected on the leading party’s claim that the opposition is trusting on the power of the allegedly compromised top judge rather than the votes of you and I (one way or the other), it would be hypocritical for me to blame the chief executive of the country to act promptly to prevent such subversion of the democratic rights of us all especially when so directed by a yet to be upturned judicial order. ‘’The Hon. Court of Appeal has the opportunity to review the circumstances and reverse the underlying CCT directive if further facts so warrant. ‘’There are different legal questions with appropriately different responses for the various issues that have been kicked up by facts previous to the seeming denouements. Unfortunately, however, these scenarios are often conflated even by very senior legal minds leading, regrettably, to much confusion. ‘’One example is whether or not a CJN is by virtue of his status as a judge shielded from the laws of our land as are made to apply to the humblest citizen? No. ‘’Equality of everyone before the laws of our land is the central ingredient of the idea behind our constitution that ours is a country under the rule of law. Unless the law itself immunizes you from prosecution as section 308 of the Constitution does for 4 office-holders (the President, the Vice President, a Governor and a Deputy Governor), you have a duty under the law that guides all of us, to pay respect to court summons and other such processes. ‘’Nothing could be more embarrassing and smack more of hypocrisy than to see the most senior judge in the land who bears ultimate control of the nation’s judicial administration, offer arguments suggesting lack of confidence in a fair trial in one such tribunal under him. What was he saying then to the rest of us in the society? That we should distrust the judicial system? ‘’As to the CCT order for the CJN to step aside, however, I would respectfully submit that it is based on a misconception. ‘’A stepping aside or recusal is something significantly different from a suspension in respect of the holder of a statutorily or constitutionally protected office. In my respectful submission, while recusal is a decision of honour left to the office holder to make or refrain from making, a suspension

Onnoghen: NJC moves to resolve logjam does not depend on him but on external disciplinary or administrative authorities. Now, the Constitution makes provision only for outright removal not interim suspension except when section 11 of the Interpretation Act comes into play. Regardless, the National Judicial Council [one of the special executive bodies like the Code of Conduct Bureau, the Civil Service Commission, the Judicial Service Commission, etc, which the constitution has set up] has laid a, respectfully erroneous, precedent in the 2011 suspension of the now retired head of the Court of Appeal, that the President of the country can pending proceedings for eventual removal of such protected officers, suspend them when so recommended by a body that can recommend total removal of such officer. ‘’In the Justice Salami, PCA, instance, that body was the National Judicial Council (NJC). Apparently, the case for the President is that in the current instance, applying the principle of that same precedent, that the authority is the CCT. ‘’And the syllogism is not outlandish. The 5th Schedule to the 1999 Constitution does indeed mention the office of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) as one of the otherwise protected public officers who, in respect of the specific infractions specified in the Code of Conduct therein listed, is subject to the exclusive investigation by the CCB and the exclusive trial and punishment jurisdiction of the CCT. The CCT can impose any, some, or all of three possible punishments for a person it convicts for contravention of that code: disqualification from office for a maximum period of 10 years. This means that if found guilty, the CCT does have an independent power to impose punishment which in

effect can remove any of the listed public officers, including the CJN, from office.” Rev Fr Barr Anthony Nnaji, Spiritual Director of Upper Room Ministries, Enugu frowned at President Buhari’s suspension of the CJN, describing it as desperate move. Fr. Nnaji, who spoke at the 2018 Men’s Prayer Camping at the ministry’s permanent site at Ugwuomu-Nike, totally condemned the President’s action and criticized Buhari’s advisers, for misleading him. “Nigeria needs a revival because this nation is in ruin,” the clergyman said. “When a nation loses her integrity, when somebody like Professor Itse Saggay, a well-known lawyer and human rights activist, has been bought over, then things have fallen apart. When such a legal colossus is defending an illegal, unconstitutional action of Mr President, such as his suspension of Justice Onnghen as the CJN, then something is wrong somewhere, and the country needs revival.” Barrister Chidi George who spoke with The Oracle Today in Port Harcourt said the removal of Onnonghen has grave implications for South East and South South geo-political regions. “Ordinarily, the suspension/removal will not have any serious negative impact on the people of both regions. No doubt, the CJN is seen as the representative of the south as head of one of the three arms of government and removing him and replacing him with another northern Muslim is a bitter pill to swallow which also clearly shows the president’s northern agenda. His office as the CJN has not impacted us that much that his removal will now impact negatively on us. The CJN is an upright man who will not want to do anything contrary

to the oath he swore to, which is to uphold justice, equity and good conscience.” “No doubt, one of this regime’s cardinal points is the fight against corruption. But this fight against corruption has clearly shown that the fight is against the perceived enemies of the ruling party. Therefore, when the judges handling such cases did not convict these persons at the end of the day against the expectations of the president then he sees them as frustrating his so- called anti-corruption war. That allegation is not enough reason to remove the CJN. The removal of the CJN is a plan to replace him with his stooge, somebody that will carry out his bidding” INTERSOCIETY UPRAIDS FALANA, OTHERS OVER ONNOGHEN For its part, the International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Intersociety) has raised an alarm on what it described as meddlesome interlopers business some eminent lawyers are doing with the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria as it concerns the suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria. A release by Intersociety signed by Comrade Emeka Umeagbalasi stated that the CJN saga has again introduced an alarming and shocking dimension into the Nigerian legal system and profession, whereby personal legal opinions and biases of some lawyers have taken over the operations and functions of the Constitution and constitutionalism in Nigeria, to the extent that the Constitution and its provisions are brutally relegated and personal legal opinions and biases elevated in place of the Constitution

Cont’d on page 12


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Bold ‘N’ Blunt I

t is important to note that the church of God is very much under attack. We seldom read the bible and even when we do, we choose those things that best suit us. Christianity has become more of religious logic and no more faith and believes of the gospel. I know from my upbringing that the church is a denominator of moral justice. It has shaped our world to a greater extent. To most Catholic faithful, the church defines character, aspirations and way of life because it is sacred. This sacredness pertains to the sanctity or Holiness of the church because of Jesus whose body we are, because of the Holy Spirit who is the soul of the church, because of the holiness of the teachings of Jesus, because of the holiness of the sacraments, because of the holiness, heroic and extra ordinary holiness of the saints, because of the holiness of her members, and because of the sanctifying influence of the church in the world upon individuals. This sanctifying influence will form the fundamentals of this little discourse, “Why always you?” To many who do not know Fr Mbaka, he is not just the spiritual director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria but a God’s design approach to enthroning the Adoration of “Jesus in the Holy Eucharist (Blessed Sacrament)” in a confluence of pilgrim within the sub region. While other ministering pastors (priests) of the holy Catholic Church like the popular Fr. Edeh of Elele, Rivers State and Late Fr Njoku of Upper Room Ministry (Mbaka’s mentor), who were before Fr Mbaka, had had their niche, none had such characteristics of Eucharistic Adoration like Mbaka’s. Fr Mbaka’s Ministry was characterized with the lifting up of the monstrance in adoration and passing through multitude of pilgrims gathered at the prayer ground. Sometimes, the monstrance was carried in a motorcade while pilgrims adore “Jesus in Holy Eucharist” especially while in GTC prayer ground Enugu. God was at the time using him to introduce HIS LOVE in the Blessed Sacrament to the now adorers within the region. The ministry was designed with countless miracles and thus became agog with matters of the “POOR”. Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, Why always you? The reign of the then Enugu Governor Chimaroke Nnamani heralded the Mbaka Destiny as voice of the voiceless, friend of the widows, help of the helpless and brother to the poor. He is living it and enjoying the consequences. He challenged the Government on the death of Okada man who was killed on his way to the hospital to see the wife and a newborn! He challenged the Government on the death of Sunday Ugwu! He challenged the Government on the rise of cultism in high institutions in Enugu! HE Challenged the Government on the incessant litters of human corps everywhere in Enugu state! He challenged the Government on killings and maiming of opposition! He challenged the Government on insecurity in Enugu State! He challenged the government for turning our youths into cultism since cult members were heavily empowered! HE WAS A VOICE TO MANY AND SUFFERED THEIR FATE EQUALLY. However, he did not stop at challenging the Government but he also took his evangelical resurgence to higher institutions to snatch from the grip of satanic forces the souls of young innocent undergraduates from cultism. The spiritual exercise was code named DENOUNCEMENT across higher institutions in Enugu State. Many lives were saved by the denouncement and so many of them were also empowered. Some of them saved today are Commissioners, SPAs, LG Chairmen, Bankers, Civil servants and Entrepreneurs without which they would have been long forgotten” Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? In all of these, what did he get? Assassination attempts, Character assassination, slandering, criticisms and alleged threats from co-pastors (priests) who the Government used to attempt to suppress his voice, but to no avail, to the glory of God. They killed 14 innocent adorers, just to stop the growth of the Adoration Ministry. But fortunately, the power of God, through the Holy Spirit, is always supreme. Isaiah 14:27 said “the lord of host himself has planned it, therefore who can stand in its way? It is HIS hand that

Father Mbaka, why always you? IBEZIMAKO CHURCHIL writes that the controversies around Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka of Adoration Ministries Enugu may well be part of the cross he has to bear for being God’s approach to “enthroning the Adoration of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist (Blessed Sacrament)” in a confluence of pilgrims within the sub region.” is outstretched, so who can turn it back? The anger and pain of the death of the 13 worshippers provoked Fr Mbaka to challenge the then Governor Chimaroke Nnamani before the alter of God that he will not win a second term if he contests by free and fair election otherwise, he will remove his garments. At that time the Governor was gallivanting the entire Enugu in chants of “Chimaroke - Ebeano” in show of popularity and acceptance of a hero Governor. Fr Mbaka then challenged him, declaring that if free and fair election were held and he won, that he ‘would remove his priestly garments’. Let us be mindful of the situation as Catholics, both priests and the lay faithful. We know the potency of the altar where “consubstantiation” always takes place, except if we do not believe in it anymore. The matter should be God’s matter and thus we should be mindful of our statements. Analyzing the statement therefore Mbaka said…Free and Fair election that Chimaroke will not win. Our partisan nature controls mostly what we do because we fear God less than we fear men we choose to chorus Chimaroke as a hero of our time regardless the negatives associated with him. We started changing the words of Mbaka to our own words minus the “free and fair” just to defame him and make mockery of the alter. The most annoying part of this is that the rumors are done by mostly Catholics and Adorers who has chosen the part of prediction in place of total faith and trust in God. I tried to bring in this statement at this crucial moment to set the records straight so that those people who are still very sincere with their faith will understand that Fr Mbaka did not contradict their belief in God who has consistently spoken through him at difficult moments. If Satan has used

men to change the wordings of the Bible then changing Mbaka’s wordings to make mockery of the Alter and the Prophesies is a little and easy task. All these were planned to create doubts about Fr Mbaka’s Ministry”. Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? Like I said Chimaroke Nnamani heralded the Mbaka Destiny. His destiny is like that of Jeremiah. A prophet ordained priest from the very beginning… Jeremiah 1:6-10 “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Alas, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young. But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD. Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” Fr Mbaka has since spoken out against the very ills of the Government and was tagged political priest. Mbaka’s ministry became like that of Jeremiah who was commissioned to fight the injustices in the land and bring hope to the poor and downtrodden. In Jeremiah 1:18 “Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD. Dear people of God, Catholics and non-Catholics, adorers and non-adorers there is noth-

ing anyone can do to overcome this conurbation of God. Fr Mbaka has the anointing of Jeremiah in him. He has fought Government and Kings alike for the sake of the poor and not for himself. They do not fight Mbaka or deny him anything he wants rather they fight you the electorate, the people and the governed. They impoverish the masses and steal the tax payers’ funds. They maim you and intimidate you and render children homeless. Lots of children are out of school hawking around the corner and they see it without compassion. They destroy shops without alternative because they need the space or land to erect a new house; they ban Okada because someone has a franchise to import Keke (tricycles) and make money from it; and they make anti-people policies for their selfish gains. And Mbaka said NO! You called him names and criticized him. Like Jeremiah the lord has said to him... “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you” Fr Mbaka is wealthy and lack nothing. He is very comfortable. He is an employer of labor and has more workers than the Government of Enugu state in his employ. If he keeps quite who then will speak out for all these injustices? Fr Mbaka helps the poor more than any individual in Nigeria and has empowered people more than anyone in Nigeria. Fr Mbaka has over 50 individuals on scholarship abroad and pays for over 1000 undergraduates every year. It is uncountable the number of children in primary and secondary school under his school fees care. People in Enugu can attest to the fact that Fr Mbaka pays off hospital bills of the sick in many hospitals in Enugu especially Annunciation and Niger Foundation hospitals even more than the Government has ever done. Fr Mbaka


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Bold ‘N’ Blunt

•Bishop Onaga has empowered many people off the street without knowing them or where they came from. No priest, no Bishop, no politician, no theologian has ever done this except Mbaka. They were all blindfolded by envy and sow seeds of jealousy...”. Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? Have you been to Adoration ground at the Umuchigbo, Enugu permanent site? If you have not, please try and visit the adoration arena on 31st December 2019, or any Friday adoration programme and you would appreciate the Man, Fr Mbaka. You would be amazed! The number of people that converges there, at least thrice every week (Sunday, Wednesday and Friday programmes), to seek the face of God and pray for liberation and cure for one ailment, challenge or the other; you will marvel! How scorching the environment is, yet they always manage to cope, under rain and baking heat. Thanks to the current Governor of Enugu State His Excellency Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi who has made available access road to the place. God will remember him with this generosity in due time. I will forever be indebted to the Adoration Ministry because I see God in the faces of people there and I have witnessed the amazing miracles in my life too. No rightthinking human being will have money and not want to help change the environment. The church in Enugu knows this and the Bishop has been there yet could not find a way to help put the place in a better worship condition. The Bishop has not even spoken about it talk more of finding help. What a Christian brotherliness. I think that the bible is right when it says, “Judgment will start in the house of God” Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria has witnessed the administrations of three Bishops, namely; Late Bishop Michael Eneja, Bishop Anthony Gbuji and the current Bishop, Callistus Onaga. Thank God it was late Bishop Eneje (the people’s saint) that consented to the institutionalization of Adoration ministry, otherwise, Enugu, Nigeria and the world would have been denied of this amazing spirit-filled worship center. Bishop Onaga, posterity will hold you to account should anything happen to the faithful and Adoration ministry. In Ezekiel 34: 2, the lord says “woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves. Should not shepherds take care of the flock”? Please note, dear Bishop, that GOD’S CONCERN FOR THE CHURCH IS UNITY, ITS PURTY, AND DEFENSIVENESS; it is some autocracy, tyrannical ideology. IT IS A FATHER’S PASSION

TO PROTECT HIS CHILDREN…this passion is lacking in you where Fr Mbaka is. Please be a FATHER this once and protect your child from wolves. You cannot enthrone a single individual over the sacredness of the church because he appeases to your conscience. My Lord Bishop recall that you removed Fr Mbaka from GRA Enugu because of the 2015 election. You may say a lot of things in defense of your action but we know the truth and you know the truth equally. What you did was in disappointments of every good conscience person Catholics and non-Catholics. You exposed your hatred for Adoration Ministry and Fr Mbaka. Even if the entire Bishops in Nigeria conspires to kill Mbaka, you should stand for him, HE IS YOURS…. YOUR CHILD! If our Lord Jesus protected the adulterous woman in the manner he did he sets a good example of leadership, a shepherd and the flock...yours was to ban and destroy or send on compulsory study leave abroad…1 peter 5: 2-3 says “As a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings, and a partaker of the glory to be revealed, I appeal to the elders among you: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is among you, watching over them not out of compulsion, but because it is God’s will; not out of greed, but out of eagerness; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock ”….Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka….. why always you? YOU ARE JUST A PRIEST LIKE FR MBAKA AND SHARE SAME FACULTIES EXCEPT THAT YOU ARE THE PREFECT (CLASS MONITOR) SO TO SAY. It was same with the apostles of Christ whom you represent between peter and other apostles. This was what Jesus said in John 21:15-17 “When they had finished eating, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I love you.” Jesus replied, “Feed My lambs” Jesus asked a second time, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I love You.” Jesus told him, “Shepherd My sheep.” Jesus asked a third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was deeply hurt that Jesus had asked him a third time, “Do you love me?” “Lord, you know all things,” he replied. “You know I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.… Please permit me to take you through the chronicles of politicians visiting Fr Mbaka… In 2003, they all came from various political parties to seek for Fr Mbaka’s endorsement

and prayers. It was not Mbaka that invited them but they came on their own to seek for his prayers and endorsements. In 2007, they came back seeking his consent again. Please note Fr Mbaka will always tell them something that will make some political issues. During those years the Bishops before you never got involved because they did not come to them nor seek their endorsement. In 2010, they came again and Fr Mbaka reprimanded the ones supposed and even supported someone to challenge the former incumbent Governor. That was when you started showing your dislike on him because the governor then was from your side of Enugu State. You supported him good or bad without thinking of the faithful. I remember 2010; you forced Fr Mbaka to drop his support for a candidate of his choice because you used the church to support the then Governor. In 2014, they gathered again seeking for Mbaka’s consent and endorsement. This time it went beyond states as usual to federal. I guess you became uncomfortable that this your son was getting more popular than the diocese itself. You forgot that God makes kings and decides how they will rule. The threat of destroying Mbaka came into you and the enemy of the church supported your actions. Eventually, you removed Mbaka and spoke ill about him everywhere even during Cathedraticum and other places you deemed fit. How can you allege that the 15million Naira he gave at Cathedraticum was a scam, when the brand-new bus of higher financial value, which he had donated earlier is still being used by the church till date? Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? There is something in the scripture I want to liken to Fr Mbaka ordeals with these politicians. According to the story of the kings and Micaiah in 1 king 22, “they all gathered…”. Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, “First seek the counsel of the LORD…” So, the king of Israel brought together the prophets - about four hundred men - and asked them, “Shall I go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall I refrain?” “Go,” they answered, “for the Lord will give it into the king’s hand.” But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there no longer a prophet of the LORD here whom we can inquire of?” The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, “There is still one prophet through whom we can inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah.” The critical assumptions…that there is something of importance that needs to reclaim. Political position as it is in this context so they had to seek the Counsel of the Lord through the Man Fr Mbaka for prayers, consent and endorsement. It is the right thing to do though...they all knew what he can do…... he will always tell you nothing but the truth. He is fearless and will tell you exactly what God wants him to tell you without compromise. THAT’S WHY ALL OF THEM WANT TO SEE HIM NO MATTER HOW THE MESSAGE FEARLESSNESS AND BOLDNESS WHEN HE (FR MBAKA) ASKED HIM TO GO AND DO “I AM SORRY CAMPAIGN”. PETER OBI ALSO KNOWS THAT FR MBAKA DOES NOT SPARE IN HIS MESSAGE BUT JUST THE TRUTH WITHOUT RESERVE YET HE FELT HE COULD CON THE HOLY SPIRIT TO MAKE MBAKA SUPORT HIS COURSE”. Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? The messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him, “Look, the other prophets without exception are predicting success for the king. Let your word agree with theirs, and speak favourably.” But Micaiah said, “As surely as the LORD lives, I can tell him only what the LORD tells me.” The king said to him, “How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the LORD?” Then Micaiah answered, “I saw all Israel scattered on the hills like sheep without a shepherd, and the LORD said, ‘These people have no master. Let each one go home in peace.’ The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn’t I tell you that he never prophesies anything good about me, but only bad?” THEY ORDERED HIM TO BE PUT INTO PRISON. I told you earlier that Fr Mbaka has the spirit of Jeremiah in him but with this passage of the scripture you will see that he also has that boldness and resoluteness of Micaiah.

They all gathered like Jehoshaphat and the cohort trying to force Fr Mbaka make a prophesy that will propagate their course but the Lord Almighty whom Fr Mbaka represents exposed them (PDP, ATIKU, Bishop Onaga, Catholic Bishop Conference and Co). Let me quickly state this... the PDP presidential aspirant Atiku Abubakar has being wanting to speak with Fr Mbaka but the Lord has not permitted it. Until the lord permits, he would not speak with your kind, dear Atiku/ Obi. What baffles me so much was your craftiness getting the entire Bishop conference of Nigeria lose their sanctity to support you at the detriment of the faithful. Peter obi what you have done is called ANATHEMA SIT. Let us even talk about Peter Obi. Ask him his relationship with the Obazes. Peter Obi however is very far from what people think he is. Ask him about his spirituality and relationship with the UFUMA ministry. He is a cross bearer in “UKA UFUMA”. Using his family pedigree to deceive the catholic community should stop. Telling the whole world that his elder sister is a Rev. Sister and younger brother a Rev Father is highly immaterial. Peter Obi leave Fr Mbaka’s Church and attend your younger brother’s parish for all your spiritual needs and activities. You will not because your brother knows the truth and you cannot deceive him. My only pity is Bishop Onaga and the Catholic Bishop Conference of Nigeria that PDP, Atiku/OBI and other demonic agents are using to destroy the inviolability of the church. Please CBCN investigate Peter Obi Spiritual allegiance before supporting him. Meanwhile Dear Bishops, let me advice as a member of the laity. It is not true that you will make heaven before me. Mat 8:11 Jesus says “…I say to you that many will come from the east and the west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”… The secretary general of the catholic secretariat sorry to say is a big disgrace to the church and priesthood in general. How can Rev. Fr. Raph Madu represent the church? Does he have the moral justification to answer a priest? Has he kept faithful to the code of chastity and celibacy? Yet the church condones these? CBCN please do your investigations properly and sanction where necessary and not attacking FR Mbaka altercation so to so. What of Bishop Onaga? How many of his priest friends in Enugu diocese has he condoned their evil deeds? Where is Fr John Nwafor? Has he come back to Nigeria or is he still outside Nigeria? There are lots of issue bordering the church than Fr Mbaka and PDP Peter Obi. If the church in Nigeria refuses to respect her position in the lives of the faithful then let’s go western, where it is said the way it should be said without minding our so-called Christian upbringing where “father” is Jesus Christ and does not sin. The church I know does not wash her dirty linen in the public. CBCN is not fit to direct the spiritual route of any dedicated catholic. They are full of bias and errors of faith. Rev Fr. Ralph Madu where were you when the Bishop of Sokoto Diocese Martin Kuka brokered peace between Atiku and Obasanjo for the interest of PDP 2019 election? Cardinal John Onaiyekan, during the last election of President Goodluck Jonathan had openly, expressed his support for the President, contrary to the position of the Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) of the church. Publicly he denied the opinion of the JDPC, to the shame of the international community. No one sanctioned him neither did we get any press statement from the CBCN. The President of Christian Association of Nigeria, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor’s private jet. according to them. was recently stopped in South Africa with millions of dollars for whatever mission, which resulted in a bitter diplomatic row between the Nigerian government and that of South Africa but no press statement was in regards of that…” Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, why always you? Next volume: Fr Mbaka, Atiku/Obi, Ralph Madu and 2018 Adoration Bazaar. Prof. Churchil (KSJ) writes from CATHOLIC PENTECOSTAL MISSION Intl...


The Oracle Today Wednesday february 6, 2019


Rivers State needs to change its narrative --Dumo Lulu-Briggs Dumo-Lulu-Briggs, a lawyer, is the governorship candidate of the ACCORD Party for the March 2, gubernatorial election. He earned an LL.B degree in law, in 1985, from Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria. He also obtained an LL.M degree in 1987 from the London School of Economics (LSE). He has attended management courses in Harvard; Southern Methodist University (SMU) Texas and the University of Cambridge in England. He is a member of the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorers and Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Managers and Public Administrators of Nigeria. He was Executive-Director/ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Moni Pulo, an indigenous oil and gas production company, from 1998 to 2004. Dumo-Lulu-Briggs is currently the Managing Director of DLB Concerns Ltd and Chairman, Platform Petroleum Limited. He had an interactive session with journalists at the unveiling of his blueprint titled: “My Binding Engagement With Rivers People.” NATH OMAME, Jr, was there for The Oracle Today. Your family pedigree as the son of a billionaire oil mogul almost always dominates your political exposure and profile. Does it bother you? It doesn’t bother me because life wasn’t as rosy for my family as many people would always want to assume. I am the son of a truck-pusher. And I also sold water on the streets of Port Harcourt to enable my mother put food on the table. My father only had a formal education up to Standard One and, he, thereafter, developed himself through correspondence studies and by reading as many books as he could buy or lay his hands on in public libraries. He was also a policeman. He built his businesses from nothing, so, I understand what poverty is because I have tasted poverty and that’s why I have a passion to assist the poor and the less privileged. How do you assist the poor and the less privileged? I strongly believe that capacity building remains the bedrock of the development of any society. So, I give grants to women to start small trades. I also pay for vocational training for young men and women in computer skills; fashion designing and craftsmanship. I also give scholarships to indigent students from Rivers State across the 23 local government areas and I don’t even know most of the beneficiaries. As a governorship candidate, what, indeed, is your vision for Rivers State? My vision for Rivers State is that of a developed and modern State, which is globally recognised as a primary destination for business, residence and tourism in Africa; the vision for a state with multiple cities that boast peace and security and good road networks. Such ambience enables a multiplicity of industries; expanded employment opportunities; 21st century educational facilities and all of these will be supported with a worldclass health-care delivery system. So, what is your mission in evolving a culture of peace and security of lives and property, considering the increasing spate of crime and criminality in Rivers State, essentially kidnapping, cultism and armed robbery, amongst others? My mission to be the governor of Rivers State is driven by six pillars. Ensuring peace and security; industrialisation and urban development; education and human capital development; poverty eradication and financial employment; health, safety and social security as well as good governance and increased revenue base. Without a peaceful and safe environ-

ment, it will be impossible to convince any investor or tourist to choose Rivers State as the choice destination to settle in. My first mission, therefore, is to bring lasting peace to Rivers State: peace that will engender growth. I feel very sad that since 2000, hundreds of persons have been killed in Rivers State as a result of political violence, forcing several companies to either close down or move out of Rivers State to more peaceful states thus pushing up the level of unemployment rate in Nigeria to 41.8 per cent by 2017. (Source: 2017). For every 10 persons you meet in the streets of Rivers State, over four (4) have nothing to do and out of the remaining six (6) another two (2) or three (3) are just getting by without enough to put bread on the table. Rivers State has become the 9th poorest state and more and more of our people are thrown into destitution even as we speak. The is a state that gets the second largest amount of money from the Federal Allocation Account. These are sordid figures, indeed. Any gov-

ernment or administration that can shamelessly preside over such statistics has no business being in power and should be denied the opportunity to further inflict the same tragedy on us for another four years. Rivers people are tired of several years of violence, bloodshed, hatred, and the militarisation of the political process and space in the state where our youths have been conscripted as political soldiers in a war, which has never yielded them anything but despair. The peak of this violence was in the gubernatorial election in 2015 between the PDP and the APC. This grave situation is best summed up in the November 2015 briefing by the Washington-based Fund for Peace, which stated that: “Political tensions in 2015 were sharply elevated in Rivers State in the run up to the March federal election, the April gubernatorial elections, and the May local elections. Based on Peace Map analysis of Nigeria Watch data, political tensions far exceeded ethnic/communal tensions during the period.”

Are you bothered by the political rivalry among political parties in Rivers State before, during and after the period of elections? Of course, yes! While shouldn’t I? We cannot continue to allow a ruinous rivalry between political parties or the caprices of any group of any politicians to hold Rivers State to ransom and continue to drag the people down the path of despair, poverty and anarchy. We need to change the narrative in Rivers State to one that offers peace, security and development. We need to do away with the old yoke around our neck and usher in a new and progressive government that can take Rivers State to our promised land. The new torch of progressive liberalism must pass to a new generation of people whose common enemies are poverty, tyranny, joblessness and disease. Assuming you win the governorship election, what would be your first action in improving the lives of the people of the state?


The Oracle Today Wednesday february 6, 2019


system worked for us in the past and the creation of a strong and independent inspectorate regimen. You earlier elucidated on your youth empowerment programme. How do you intend to align your youth empowerment programme with poverty eradication programme to usher prosperity for the people? Poverty pervades every aspect of our lives. Poverty is the reason our people cannot protect themselves from abuse and macroeconomic shocks. Poor, hungry people often face social and political exclusion, unable to defend their rights. My goal is to reduce the poverty level to at least 50 per cent over the next four years. This amounts to removing at least 1.8 million people from the poverty trap, using 2018 as a baseline. Our people have little access to education, healthcare services or safe drinking water. Poverty is a source of major health risks such as insufficient and improper nutrition, poor sanitation and hygiene, toxic indoor smoke and unsafe and underaged sex, all of which determine almost 5 per cent of the disease burden in our community. Should I be elected as governor, I will use my position to create and develop a vibrant economy with additional seven to 10 per cent growth poles, diversified industries, each employing an average of 3, 000 people. A policy of enhancing the capacity of existing Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SME’s) and facilitating the emergence of up to 4, 000 more SME’s each employing at least 10 persons. Up to 110, 000 additional jobs in the state, facilitated by a rejuvenated and purposeful industrialisation policy. A vibrant and wellto-do middle class by a renewed emphasis on tourism and agriculture, which will see our rural areas beaming with rapid growth in wealth and development. A situation where employees and contractors are paid as at when due whether working for the government or private sector. Indeed, I shall be judged by the number of Rivers people who have been moved to prosperity and into greater prosperity through job creation with the establishment of industries by the private sector. I will be known as Mr. Jobs due to the phenomenal rate of job creation and employment.

•Dumo Lulu-Briggs Simple: Peace and a safe environment where people no matter their political persuasions can live together in harmony. For, it will be impossible to convince any investor or tourist to choose Rivers State as a choice destination to settle in. My first mission, therefore, is to bring lasting peace to Rivers State--peace that will engender growth. How do you intend to ameliorate youth unemployment in the state? Poverty is the reason our young people are drawn into life of crime and criminality. The eradication of poverty is in compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and it will be our focus to attain growth and development in our society. With the exodus of businesses out of Rivers State due to the high level of insecurity, hundreds of thousands of young people roam the streets with nothing to do for selfsustenance. Many of these young people are qualified from universities with young families that need to be catered for. Out of desperation, they fall prey to the whims and caprices of devious politicians who recruit them; brainwash them and convert them to political things. We will bring back many of those businesses that have migrated out of Rivers State while encouraging the establishment of new ones by ensuring adequate security? My brief is that of security and added business incentives. We will not only see added business incentives, we will not only see old businesses returning, we will see new

businesses coming in to take advantage of the prevailing peace and security to grow the economy through the private sector to reap from the enabling environment that we would have put in place. My economic policies will build on the platform of stability and growth by creating a high-employment economy with increased investment in public services like roads, transport, housing, etc. I will also encourage small and medium-size enterprises, and facilitate large joint stock companies; all these sectors will be backed by business-friendly laws. You said you are not impressed with the healthcare sector under the current administration. How do you intend to improve on what is on ground now? Healthcare is too precious to be left to chance and too critical to be left to your wealth. Illnesses deny our people the opportunity to work. Access to healthcare should be based on crucial needs and that cannot exclude the poor. For the records, Rivers State has one of lowest life expectancy rates at 47 years; the highest infant mortality rate at about 58/1, 000 and one of the worst maternal death rates at 77/1000. 65 out of 1, 000 live births. Nothing highlights the failure of our health services more than these stark statistics. The central objective of our health policy and system would be to “reduce morbidity and mortality by 60 per cent by 2023 from the current 2018 baseline.” I will provide and equip more primary

health centres in all local government areas and community. Continuous retraining of doctors and nurses and ensuring skills upgrades, which will include the introduction of information technology by the healthcare sector to provide easily accessible patient health history. Mobile clinics will be funded and operated to supplement the primary health centres and will be present in all the local government areas; such that they will be community based. We will also have modern 21st century hospitals; test centres that will also encourage free and confidential walk tests for HIV/AIDS and other early warning tests. What are your plans for education and human capital development? Educating our young people will offer them an opportunity to fit into a technological and knowledge-driven 21st century workplace. It is my mission to educate the next generation to be functional in the economy. Our educational policies will include accessible, free compulsory education in primary and secondary schools; establishment and the intensification of an ICT -driven curriculum; enforcement of teacher registration conditions, including enhanced service scheme leading to better management of teachers, including special salary scheme; vocational training and apprenticeship programmes; students control and boarding system to enforce discipline and eradicate violence and cultism in schools. Restructuring of education administration into the ministry of education; teaching service commission and the schools management board--this

One reoccurring problem for state governments is how to expand their internally generated revenue base. How do you intend to do this? A meaningful expansion of the revenue base of the state can only be achieved through accountability and eradicating wastage in government. Corruption causes wastage in the system as economic resources that can be used to develop and enhance the welfare of the people are foolishly squandered and wasted by those who hold government offices. Our goal is to reduce over reliance of the state on the federal government allocation as the main source of income. This will mean creating many more sources of internally generated revenue and improving on our methodologies of collecting revenue from businesses in the state. Corruption is the reason why law and order have completely broken down in every corner of the state. Even a simple activity like driving on the roads has become a disastrous venture. Corruption is why our educational system is producing low quality graduates and economic development in our state has become stagnant. We shall have zero tolerance for corruption. Our focus will be to strengthen institutions by conducting an audit of all government agencies and improve the monitoring and system therein. We shall adhere to the time-honoured principle of the separation of powers among the three arms of government. The legislature shall enjoy its pride of place in order to perform its statutory functions of constituency representation, law-making and oversight functions of government business. The local government shall operate as empowered by the constitution with a visible ambience of autonomy so that they can harness and manage their resources better.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

POLITICS Cont’d from page 9 and constitutionalism as the new laws of Nigeria. The statement read in part: ‘’Intersociety had in the past warned and specifically called on the likes of Femi Falana, Itse Sagay and Yemi Osinbajo and foremost criminologists like Femi Odekunle and Abdulrahman Dambazzau to always relegate and quarantine their personal “learned” opinions and biases to their private intellectual orchards and allow the Constitution and constitutionalism to operate and function.” ‘’Intersociety is deeply concerned and alarmed and had empirically observed that almost all the blunders and governance misdeeds including state butchery perpetrated and perpetuated in the present central Government of Nigeria are linked to elevation of personal legal opinions and biases and brutal relegation of the country’s Constitution and constitutionalism,” the release added. Meanwhile, a Public Affairs Analyst , Austen Young insisted that that development “is already impacting negatively on the image of Nigeria . Almost the same time the new CJN was sworn in, the Chief Justice of West Virginia Supreme Court, in the USA, Mr Allen Loughry was suspended for lies and misconduct in June, 2018. But his case followed a judicial procedure without any form of executive involvement. “The governor of West Virginia only advised Allen to resign if the allegations against him were true. The APC government appears to be impatient and thus opening their flanks for attack on what would have been a test case for the sanctity of the judiciary Unfortunately, it has taken the political colouration, which it is. Am beginning to think that people are given public appointment based on the skeletons in their cupboard which make them vulnerable to blackmail and when they want to assert themselves, someone somewhere will open the Pandora’s box and you begin to hear things that the intelligence community had for long placed on the desk of those in authority. This is not a South East , South South issue, it is a national embarrassment , impacting negatively on every segment of Nigeria.” Reacting to the development, the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders described Onnoghen’s suspension as a coup against Constitutional Democracy in Nigeria by President Muhammadu Buhari. “This is a constitutional crisis foisted by desperation and morbid desire to foist rule of thumb,” the forum of elder statesmen said. “We have checked through the constitution and the President has no power to unilaterally suspend the CJN. Section 292 of the amended 1999 Constitution is clear that the President can only remove the CJN with 2/3 of Senate resolution… “We reject the illegal suspension and demand its immediate reversal.” However, for Dr. Baldwin Okezie Maduagu, a medical doctor, the issue boils down to corruption “I sincerely have no doubt, from all the evidence, that the suspended CJN is a very corrupt person & deserved what he got. They, judges/justices, are to a large extent, responsible for the mess that’s Nigeria today,” the medical doctor said. “The worst decisions/judgements ever, in the history of any judiciary the world over, was recorded in Nigeria because of corruption in the system. The worst is denying the people of this country their right to choose their leaders in free and fair elections and imposing the wrong leaders on the people. Same cases; different judgments.” “In 2014 or thereabout, the Ghanaian government who felt they had had enough of corruption in their judiciary, investigated the system, indicted 10 judges, suspended them from office, prosecuted & jailed them. Nothing happened. Today Ghana is better off for that executive decision. We were colonised by the same Britain, have similar laws, including NJC or “due process-. Why must we condone criminals of

...NJC moves to resolve logjam disrespect for the rule of law, to swear-in Justice Ibrahim Tanko Mohammed, as acting Chief Justice of Nigeria. According to him, what Buhari did was an affront to the rule of law and a debilitating assault on Nigeria’s constitutional democracy. “His action here is akin to his overthrow of Nigeria’s democratic government of President Shehu Shagari on 31st December, 1983,” he asserted. Ubani alleged that bringing Justice Ibrahim Tanko Mohammed as acting Chief Justice of Nigeria about three weeks to the presidential election, constitutes part of his plans to “consolidate his scheming to rig the 2019 elections;” adding, “this is a rape on Nigeria’s democracy and must not be allowed stand.”

•Buhari note and think they are untouchables,” Madunagu agonised. “I subscribe to those who cite the constitutional provision that matters of fraud, corruption and other criminal offences committed by judicial officers outside their judicial functions, have nothing to do with NJC, presided over by the accused, in this case.” But for Soalabo West, a lawyer, the suspension would impact negatively on the psyches of the people of South East and South South. Onnoghen’s suspension, he said, has a vicarious effect on the voting pattern in the South South and South East in the 2019 elections. Barrister Leonard Anyougu, constitutional lawyer said that President Buhari should do the needful so that there will be no constitutional crisis. “We have suffered to bring the Nigerian Constitution into being and our democracy is what we have hence we are protecting this democracy. If we throw away the constitution, then we no longer have democracy. We have a constitutional democracy, which comprises the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. An attempt by an arm of government which is the executive to be the accuser and the judge is not guaranteed by the constitution. The constitution states that there is presumption of innocence and there is rule of law. The constitution is supreme and the president must abide by it. We are not in a dictatorship and that is the message to all Nigerians and we must as a people defend the constitution.” According to Barrister George Ekpungu, Constitutional Lawyer, who spoke with The Oracle Today in Calabar: ‘’We want to sound it to the world that Cross river state people and Nigerians of good conscience decry the unconstitutionality of the actions of the President by taking over the judicial arm of government in a Gestapo style and we are demanding as Nigerians that we want to be law-abiding and peaceful. The removal of the CJN in an unconstitutional and Gestapo style has to be reversed within seven days otherwise the people will march to the presidency to make this known. We are not absolving the chief justice of blame in whatever allegation they have levelled

against him. We are only demanding that due processes be followed.” In his own contribution, Dr. Dorncklaimz Enamhe, a public affairs commentator in Calabar said: “There are three arms of government and each of them is independent. There is no reason why one from one arm of government will intimidate the other. The issue that was raised, the constitution has spelt out clearly how to sort this out. Immediately after the suspension, the new CJN swore in 250 members of the elections tribunal and about 10 of them are dead, always making mistakes. ‘’The CJN is from our community and we will demonstrate against it; we are going to resist this injustice. This injustice should not stand and no man should act God. It was the same CJN in the Supreme Court in a judgment against Buhari. The same Buhari that lied that he does not know anything about the trial of Onnoghen. The same Buhari that said the South South governors are the best and they said to him, please there is something wrong with one of us and he ignored them and went ahead to suspend Onnoghen. We will resist and stop him, Onnoghen must continue as the Chief Justice of Nigeria and there is no going back.” For a member of the Publicity Committee of Atiku Campaign Organization, Sir Don Ubani, every effort should be made to reverse the suspension of Onnoghen because it is illegal. For the Chief Justice of Nigeria to be arraigned before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, Ubani said, his case would have been tabled before the National Judicial Council (NJC) which would, if convinced the CJN has a case to answer, recommend for his arraignment and prosecution. He said it was rather shocking that the cabal ignored this fundamental step and went ahead to arraign the Chief Justice of Nigeria, even when a reprieve had come the way of the embattled Chief Justice from an Abuja Division of Court of Appeal which is superior in judicial hierarchy and which had asked that proceedings at the Justice Umar Danladi-led Code of Conduct Tribunal be temporarily suspended until 30th January this year when it will rule on the substantive matter, as President Muhammadu Buhari went ahead, in utter contravention of and

NIGERIA IS HEADED FOR ANARCHY – CROWNWELL Mr. Chibuzo Crownwell a Barrister and Executive Director, Youth Education on Human Rights and Civic Responsibilities, noted that the current situation in Nigeria portends anarchy, if the suspension of the CJN was not reversed. “First of all,” he said in a telephone interview, “what took place, from the view of the constitution, although there seem to be arguments in support and against, but all of these arguments, if you reconcile them by being bipartisan, resolving it in the interest of the society will mean that the constitution has actually been overthrown, for some obvious political reasons; “And the supremacy of the constitution has also been pulled down as an altar upon which every other person, including the highest office holder, should have worshipped. That altar is now put in the pocket of few persons and that may upset the entire national architecture in terms of sovereignty, in terms of living together,” the youth leader warned . ‘NIGERIA DESCENDING INTO AUTOCRACY’ An Associate Professor of Mass Communication, Dr. Uwaoma Uche, described the suspension of the CJN as an attempt to emasculate the judiciary in the country and announcement that Nigeria was descending into autocracy, not democracy. Uwaoma said that “the rule of law has been brought to its abysmal level and to ridicule; and brought to serious abuse within the period of Muhammadu Buhari’s regime,” adding that “it is also a way of heating up the polity.” And for Stanley Damabide, former Chairman of NBA, Yenagoa Branch it is indicative of the fact that we are losing our country to a complete misfit and unpretentious despot because there is no basis for that kind of action and I think that the president is daring Nigerians. He is daring us to see how much resilience we have within us to fight against anarchy and lawlessness, and I think that we should be challenged as a people to rise up and tell Mr. President that, look you cannot act the way you are acting,” Damabide argued. Barr. DiseShielaOgbise, the incumbent Chairman, NBA Sagbama Branch said: ‘’My take on the purported suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Honourable Justice Walter Onnoghen, by President Muhammadu Buhari is that it is unconstitutional. “What President Buhari has done, putting it mildly, is a complete disregard for the Principle of Separation of Powers. It is a serious interference with the activities of the judiciary without regards for due process. “The office of the CJN is not a ministerial or extra-ministerial position going by the provisions of Sections 230 (1) (a) and 231 (1) and (2) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended)

Cont’d on page 44


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019



werri, the capital of Imo State is alive again, hosting one political gathering or the other. Like in previous political seasons, the 2019 general election is no different. The season of rallies is a season of throwing jabs at opponents and courting controversies. It is a season when the political gladiators engage the youths in political rallies and thuggery, creating enemies here and there. Oftentimes, eruption of violence and infliction of fear in the people, especially the supporters of political opponents characterize the political season. The 2019 political season has come with all of its characteristics in Imo State. Political violence has come back and there is widespread fear among the people of the state. On Thursday, January 24, 2018, the country home of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) candidate for the House of Representatives for Ohaji-Egbema/Oguta/Oru West Federal Constituency, Mr. Henry Okafor, was pulled down in his remote Osemoto community in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State. Though nobody has been identified as being responsible for the demolition, a bulldozer was seen at the premises demolishing the building, leading to many pointing fingers at the state government. However, it could be recalled that Mr. Kingsley Uju, House of Representatives candidate for Action Alliance from Ohaji/Egbema for Ohaji-Egbema/Oguta/Oru West Federal Henry Okafor, House of Representatives candidate for the All Progressives Grand Alliance, in December 2018 clashed over the allegation of campaign billboards destruction. Okafor had raised the alarm that his billboards were been destroyed by Uju. In a press release signed by Kelvin Nwaka, Director of Media and Publicity of Christ Alliance Campaign, Okafor called on the police and the DSS to call Kingsley Uju to order. Describing the development as “frightening and dangerous trend”, Okafor said that “thugs believed to be recruited and remunerated by Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Imo State Governor and a candidate of one of the political parties participating in this year’s general elections, have for quite awhile now, embarked on systematic destructions of campaign materials, particularly billboards and posters belonging to Prince Dr. Henry Okafor and some candidates of rival political parties across Ohaji/Egbema and Oguta LGAs with ultimate aim of using instrumentations of violence, intimidation and coercion to extract fears, submission and hence secure vanquishment of opponents”. He added: “Our conviction in the culpability of Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima in this cowardly acts of desperation stemmed from an impeccable insider information who narrated to us how Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima had visited Awarra Community in Ohaji/Egbema on December 16th, 2018 and frowned at the realization that it was only Prince Dr. Henry Okafor campaign billboard that was standing in the whole length and breadth of that community. Instead of making effort for possible erection of his own campaign billboards, Hon. Uju Kingsley had chosen the inglorious and unenviable path of dishonor, mischief and clownishness and gone ahead to give instructions for the destruction of Okafor’s bill board in that community”. The police in the state had also warned the political actors in the state to desist from destroying billboards, posters and other campaign materials of their opponents, but this has not solved the problem as on daily basis campaign materials such as billboards, posters are destroyed by loyalists of political opponents. Recently, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri, His Grace AJV Obinna, cried out over the level of violence in the state as a result of political activities, noting that he had envisaged the high level of violence in the state since 2018 and called for peace and unity in the state. Speaking during the Holy Mass and Prayer for Political Aspirants in the state, the Archbishop lamented that Imo State is about to sink, saying that the state is like a boat in a sea storm that is threatened to sink. He added that there is violence and fear in the state. He called on the people to vote for someone who is modest, patriotic and not given to mundane acquisition of wealth, someone who would use the resources of the state for the development of the people and place the welfare of the people above his and his family’s. He said that the right person that should be voted is someone who will not tyranize the people, even as he urged them not to vote for someone who bought his way to power. He said that such people will use public office to empoverish the people. The renowned clergy said that a patient, peace loving person should be voted by the people, stressing that anyone

•Rochas Okorocha

•Comrade Adams Oshiomhole

•Senator Hope Uzodimma

Season of political rallies and violence in Imo COLLINS UGHALLA, in Owerri, writes on the spate of violence that has dogged electioneering campaigns in Imo State. who manipulates the people with money should not be voted for as he will become a tyrant. Describing Imo State as a boat in a sea storm, the Archbishop said that politics in Nigeria is turbulent due to how some people seek political power, adding that if correcting the charter of equity and zoning will bring the needed peace, joy and unity of the people, “it should be welcome”. “We are in a turbulent situation and Imo is about to sink”, he said, warning that if the charter of equity is not corrected peace and unity might continue to elude the state. The rich and the wealthy have now gone into competition over power. Often times money is spent but it should not be so. Since March 2018 when I realized that this may create problems because if we continue this way it could create problems for the state. I suggested peace and equity but accepting this became difficult for many. There are 97 but 67 candidates, the highest in the country. This is why the ship of the state is not going the right way and I keep asking God whether he is not bothered. That is why we are here so that God will rebuke the turbulence. If we continue this way it might become the survival of the fittest and Imo may be in trouble. This excessive ambition and brutal quest for power is worrisome. Why the obsession? “You cannot use the money of pensioners, money that could have been used to develop the state for charity. A lot of our people became millionaires and billionaires through pen robbery and armed robbery. Danger is lurking because some people want to use the tyranny of money and gun to get what they want”. Meanwhile, politicians have once more taking the center stage with their political rallies as they sell their candidacy to the voters. On Monday, January 21, 2019, the governorship candidate of the Accord party and the immediate past governor of the state, His Excellency Dr. Ikedi Ohakim, held a mega rally in Owerri, promising to revive the economy of the state and make money circulate again. This is even as the National Chairman of the party, Hon Mohammad L. Natado, said that Ohakim would save Imo State from further destruction. Addressing the mammoth crowd at the rally, Ohakim noted that “Our God is a God of second chance”, calling on the people to vote him for the second time. He assured that his gov-

ernment will take the welfare and happiness of the people very serious, adding that the welfare of the people is more important than brick and mortar. Ohakim who likened the state to a broken down vehicle said that the state needs an experienced mechanic to fix it, even as he noted that he is the mechanic with huge experience to fix the state. He said that his new government will bring back the economy and make it working again, bring back the 10,000 jobs, the Imo Roads Maintenance Agency (IROMA), the Clean and Green Initiative, stressing that he will also bring back the the Heartland Football Club and place her back to the top position as when he was governor between 2007 and 2011. Also speaking at the rally, the National Chairman of Accord party, Hon Muhammad L. Nalado, who handed over the party’s flag to Ohakim noted that Ohakim worked very well for the state when he was governor, assuring that he would do better in his second term, even as he said that Ohakim’s cognate experience stands him out. Earlier in December, the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Hope Uzodimma, flagged off his governorship campaign in Owerri. Speaking at the rally which was held at the Okigwe Road campaign office of the governorship candidate, the National Chairman of the party, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, accused Imo State Governor Rochas Okorocha of anti party activity for preventing the APC governorship candidate in the state, Senator Hope Uzodimma, from using the stadium for the flagging off of his governorship campaign. Expectedly, the flag-off of the APC’s governorship campaign attracted the bigwigs in the party, including the National Chairman of the party, Adams Oshiomhole, Ali Modu Sheriff, the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prince Eze Madumere, the governorship candidate of Abia State, Uche Oga, Senator Andy Uba, the National Organizing Secretary of APC, Emma Ibediro. Also present at the flag-off were the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship primaries, Ahmed Gulak, that of the Enugu State, Ayogu Eze, Senator Benjamin Uwajumogu representing Imo North, Spokesperson of the Allied Forces, Dr. Theodore Ekechi, as well as other former governorship aspirants who contested under APC

in the state. Others were Senators and members of the House of Representatives. Speaking during the flag-off, the National Chairman of the party, Adams Oshiomole, lamented that Governor Okorocha did not allow Senator Hope Uzodimma to use the Dan Anyiam Stadium, saying that the stadium was built with tax payers money and not Okorocha’s personal money. He added that Okorocha had neglected the people of the state in his style of governance and wondered how an APC governor would lock the stadium against an APC governorship candidate. Oshiomhole said that with Senator Hope Uzodimma, as the next governor of the state, he would address the problem of “family” kind of governance practiced by the present government. “Let me appreciate the members of the National Working Committee for coming to join the next governor of Imo state. We approach with one simple message. It is a message of Hope. Not a message of lamentation, not a message of family business, I want you to listen, because for me campaign is not about entertainment. Today, we have come to deliver the message of Hope, although things have gone wrong in the past. We have come to return the government of Imo state to the great people of Imo State. Also, on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, held his Southeast rally in at the Dan Anyiam Stadium, where he promised to revamp businesses in the Southeast that will lead to a robust economy for the region and the country when elected. He added that the PDP would take over the state, come February 16. “Let me tell you, the reason why we are having this rally in Imo State today, is because we are going to take over Imo state. Come February 16, I want you to vote and protect your vote. The APC are not campaigning, because they believe in rigging. “I want to assure you that we will restructure Nigeria and rebuild your business. Don’t vote for APC. APC is (an) evil party. They have destroyed our economy, they have made Nigeria the capital of poverty in the world. We promise to create Jobs and empower our youths and women,” Mr Abubakar said, while charging the people to rise and defend their votes”. The Vice Presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, who also spoke at the rally assured the people of smooth business environment. “The man (Atiku) is aware that we are predominantly businessmen and as such, he would make our businesses work again,” he said.


The Oracle Today Wednesday Jan€uary 30, 2019


Nnamani syndrome as bulldozer pulls down house in Imo Cont’d from page 1 Kingsley Uju, House of Representatives candidate for Action Alliance from Ohaji/ Egbema for Ohaji-Egbema/Oguta/Oru West Federal Henry Okafor, House of Representatives candidate for the All Progressives Grand Alliance, in December 2018 clashed over the allegation of campaign billboards destruction. Okafor had raised the alarm that his billboards were being destroyed by Uju. In a press release signed by Kelvin Nwaka, Director of Media and Publicity of Christ Alliance Campaign, Okafor called on the police and the DSS to call Kingsley Uju to order. But Uju had also denied the accusations. Describing the development as “frightening and dangerous trend”, Okafor said that “thugs believed to be recruited and remunerated by Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Imo State Governor and a candidate of one of the political parties participating in this year’s general elections, have for quite awhile now, embarked on systematic destructions of campaign materials, particularly billboards and posters belonging to Prince Dr. Henry Okafor and some candidates of rival political parties across Ohaji/Egbema and Oguta LGAs with ultimate aim of using instrumentations of violence, intimidation and coercion to extract fears, submission and hence secure vanquishment of opponents”. He added: “Our conviction in the culpability of Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima in this cowardly acts of desperation stemmed from an impeccable insider information who narrated to us how Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima had visited Awarra Community in Ohaji/Egbema on December 16th, 2018 and frowned at the realization that it was only Prince Dr. Henry Okafor campaign billboard that was standing in the whole length and breadth of that community. Instead of making effort for possible erection of his own campaign billboards, Hon. Uju Kingsley had chosen the inglorious and unenviable path of dishonor, mischief and clownishness and gone ahead to give instructions for the destruction of Okafor’s bill board in that community”. The police in the state had also warned the political actors in the state to desist from destroying billboards, posters and other campaign materials of their opponents, but this has not solved the problem as on daily basis campaign materials such as billboards, posters are destroyed by loyalists of political opponents. The Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri, His Grace AJV Obinna, had recently voiced his frustrations out over the level of violence in the state as a result of political activities, noting that he had envisaged the high level of violence in the state since 2018 and called for peace and unity in the state. Speaking during the Holy Mass and Prayer for Political Aspirants in the state, the Archbishop lamented that Imo State is about to sink, saying

that the state is like a boat in a sea storm that is threatened to sink. He added that there is violence and fear in the state. He called on the people to vote for someone who is modest, patriotic and not given to mundane acquisition of wealth, someone who would use the resources of the state for the development of the people and place the welfare of the people above his and his family’s. He said that the right person that should be voted is someone who will not tyranize the people, even as he urged them not to vote for someone who bought his way to power. He said that such people will use public office to empoverish the people. The renowned clergy said that a patient, peace loving person should be voted by the people, stressing that anyone who manipulates the people with money

should not be voted for as he will become a tyrant. Describing Imo State as a boat in a sea storm, the Archbishop said that politics in Nigeria is turbulent due to how some people seek political power, adding that if correcting the charter of equity and zoning will bring the needed peace, joy and unity of the people, “it should be welcome”. “We are in a turbulent situation and Imo is about to sink”, he said, warning that if the charter of equity is not corrected peace and unity might continue to elude the state. The rich and the wealthy have now gone into competition over power. Often times money is spent but it should not be so. Since March 2018 when I realized that this may create problems because if we continue this way it could create problems for the state. I suggested

•Mr. Henry Okafor

peace and equity but accepting this became difficult for many. There are 97 but 67 candidates, the highest in the country. This is why the ship of the state is not going the right way and I keep asking God whether he is not bothered. That is why we are here so that God will rebuke the turbulence. If we continue this way it might become the survival of the fittest and Imo may be in trouble. This excessive ambition and brutal quest for power is worrisome. Why the obsession? “You cannot use the money of pensioners, money that could have been used to develop the state for charity. A lot of our people became millionaires and billionaires through pen robbery and armed robbery. Danger is lurking because some people want to use the tyranny of money and gun to get what they want”.

Ngwa Social Club awards 70 scholarships S eventy indigent students of Ngwa origin would be beneficiaries of the 2018/2019 Ngwa Social Club scholarships scheme, club President Uzoma Ogbonna has announced. Cheques for the scholarships would be handed out on February 1 at Elder Emma Adaelu’s Office Complex in Osisioma. “It’s the club’s contribution to assist the

students in higher institutions,” Mr. Ogbonna said. “We wish we could do more. There are thousands of these students who need assistance to pay their fees and upkeep in school.” He said the criteria included the students being indigent and intelligent. Their academic performance would be at least 3.5GPA. They were also to be in the first or

final year of their studies. He explained that the criteria are based on discussions with managers of educational institutions. “The first year is usually tough for this category of students. Some lose the admission, others manage under excruciating circumstances. In the final, the students harbour fears of losing what they struggled for, if they don’t get

help. These informed the choice of those years,” he said. Each awardee would get N100,000. Ten awardees were selected from each of the seven Ngwa local government areas in Abia State. The 55-year-old Club began the scholarship scheme some years back. Abia State Governor Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu is expected to be the Special Guest of Honour at the event.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


•Energy •Finance





CBN, MPC recycle policy instruments despite galloping inflation By JEROME USHAKANG

NITDA to regulate free wifi access for Nigerians under new guidelines P22 Travel

Nigeria, others gain 7% int’l tourist arrivals for 2018 provement in the security situation, and continued stability in the foreign exchange market would enhance aggregate demand and output growth. Yet, there is no concrete proactive measure put in place to weather any storm that would arise in business or investment circles post-election; rather the CBN said it would be involved in regular mop up exercises through its Open Market Operations (OMO) and the sale of Treasury Bills (T-bills) and Bonds. Experts who commented on the prevailing economic and monetary policy control mechanisms view the measures mapped out by the CBN as adhoc and not a tactically targeted to solve a problem “based on understanding and knowledge of the subject matter.” As for businesses that have no local content, especially those who depend on raw material from abroad and those importing what is already being produced in Nigeria, Emifiele promised them tough times, adding that he plans to partner with Economic and financial Commission (EFCC) to deal with them. The CBN has 41 items in the import ban list, from raw materials to consumer goods and especially grains. The apex bank believes that local production of such goods could spark economic growth but some analysts

Central (NGN) Selling(NGN)

US DOLLAR 305.75 POUNDS STERLING 401.8778 EURO 348.8608 SWISS FRANC 307.9984 YEN 2.792 CFA 0.5098 WAUA 425.1598 YUAN/RENMINBI 45.3229 RIYAL 81.5203 S/A RAND 22.4019

306.25 402.535 349.4313 308.5021 2.7965 0.5198 425.855 45.3975 81.6536 22.4385

306.75 403.1922 350.0018 309.0057 2.8011 0.5298 426.5503 45.4721 81.7869 22.4752

perceive the measure as blind to the acute facility deficits that build cost in the domestic business environment. Some of them that commented on the import ban list pointed at inadequate power supply, infrastructure and facility deficits as limiting factors for local production of goods for globally competitive market. They pointed at mass relocation of industries from Nigeria to neighboring West African countries which currently overtake Nigeria as preferred investment destinations. They argued that it has become increasingly more commercially viable to produce goods for the Nigerian market outside the country where means of production exist. On the retention of the exchange rate at existing level, the CBN boss explained that the measure was to control devaluation of the Naira especially at the parallel market where regulation and intervention are not available. He explained that if the exchange rate becomes free float, it would result in capital flight from the country, lead to a massive depreciation of the Naira and also spur currency crisis in Nigeria. He explained that the mounting pressure on the nation’s foreign exchange reserves added to the prompt to curtain mass importation of goods that have local alternatives.

He stated that the apex bank would get even more aggressive in its bid to curtail the importation of goods into the country. The MPC concluded thus: “In the light of the observed risk confronting the economy, including the global and domestic inflationary pressures, which have intensified the risk of currency depreciation, the MPC was of the view that a loosening option was very remote. Weighing the balance of its judgment on price stability conducive to growth, the MPC felt that tightening would result in the loss of the gains so far achieved, noting that this may drive the banks to re-price their assets; thus increasing the cost of credit as well as elevating credit risk in the economy. It will also worsen the position of non-performing loans of the banks. The Committee also felt that tightening would dampen investments and hamper improvements in output growth, given the already fragile growth performance so far achieved.” The implication of the MPC decision is that generally, business ventures are further exposed to danger and it is obvious that many that barely exist will close shop. Even few that will manage to survive the harsh operating environment may be forced to wait on the sidelines at least for


Fiscal war: e-Platform

CBN Exchange Rates JANUARY 29, 2019 Currency


NNPC, OPTS explore truce P20


ITH available statistics showing that the Nigerian economy is weak and inflation expected is to rise sharply following increase in the volume of money in circulation pumped from election spending, economic and business planners are surprised that the 11 member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) voted to retain the same set of monetary policy instruments in operation since 2016. Prior to the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, there were speculations that there would be alterations in some or in all of its fiscal policies to contain obvious hyperinflation that may likely arise from election spending in the first quarter of 2019. An Economists, investment and Management experts whose opinions were surveyed by The Oralce Today before the MPC Committee meeting had reasoned that since the economic system is dynamic, coupled with expected increase in the volume of money in circulation, the committee would adjust or readjust its economic controlling instruments to absorb the shocks or cushion the effects of prevailing harsh economic pressure on the people. However, this was not the focus of the committee as the MPC decided by a vote of all 11 members to keep the policy parameters unchanged from their current levels. The committee voted to retain the Monetary Policy Ratio (MPR) at 14 per cent; retain the asymmetric corridor of +200/-500 basis points around the MPR; retain the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) at 22.5 per cent; and retain the Liquidity Ratio at 30 per cent. The outcome of the committee’s meeting was a surprise as the same committee agreed that the outlook for growth remains fragile, saying that the late implementation of the 2018 budget and the residual impact of flooding and security challenges constitute impediments to growth. The CBN had said fragile economic growth and a lot of uncertainty would dominate economic decisions over the next eight weeks as pre and post-election issues dominate the public space and prompt investors and other economic actors to sit on the sidelines until the atmosphere becomes less tense and much clearer. According to the apex bank, the effective implementation of the 2018 capital budget and the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), im-




Nigeria still low in insurance penetration – Expert

P28 Equity & Capital Market

SEC advises State Govts to revitalize moribund industries P30 Money Market

Only efficient banks will make reasonable profit in 2019 – Okeke


Cont’d on Page 21

Stock Market Highlights As At 29TH JANUARY, 2019



31,178.71 3,773.00 359,511,081.00 N1,912,515,533.81 N11,626,698,447,922.00 N10,251,311,439,547.90 N6,086,083,896.33

5 Top Gainers


5 Top Losers

S/N Coy (By Volume) CHIPLC 100,410,570 UBA 48,843,296 STERLNBANK 30,150,183 DIAMONDBNK 24,025,326 REDSTAREX 20,732,000

Value(N) N31,115,662.22 N354,749,563.10 N66,155,733.04 N55,591,976.04 N109,016,843.60


N79.9 N23.45 N34.25 N6.35 N14.3

Current Change N12.15 0.85 N5.5 0.5 N10 0.2 N1.72 0.15 N2.3 0.06

%Change 7.52% 10.00% 2.04% 9.55% 2.68%

N78 N22.95 N33.8 N6.05 N14.1

-2.38% -2.13% -1.31% -4.72% -1.40%

-1.9 -0.5 -0.45 -0.3 -0.2


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Elumelu canvasses business friendly environment in Africa Stories by KAYODE OGUNWALE


OUNDER of Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and Chairman of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA), Mr. Tony Elumelu, has called for enthronement of business friendly environment that would retain global capital inflows in order to develop and eliminate poverty in Africa. While speaking to CNBC on the sidelines of World Economic Forum in Davos, said that partnering with global leaders in Davos will widen entrepreneurship opportunities for Nigeria and other African countries. He stated: “I believe that the development of our continent requires massive private global capital into Africa to fire and power investments in the area of infrastructure to create employment and eradicate poverty. I came to Davos to interact with global leaders who have control capital and that to me is important for the development of our continent. I believe strongly that entrepreneurship is key for eradicating poverty in Africa and more importantly, getting our youths busy, empowering our youths so that again they will all team up to create employment that we need on the continent. “As you know, capital goes to where it is most welcome, or where the investment destination is more hospitable, so for us as Africans, the issue is not about attracting private global capital, they are ready and willing to come to Africa, but we need to work

with our political leaders to ensure that we create the enabling environment that will attract and retain the capital we need in Africa. I speak as someone who invests in other Africa countries, infact, we have investments in 23 African countries and I know that there is a lot of investment opportunities, what we need to do more of in Africa is to ensure that the enabling environment is good. “Because if this is done, SMEs will do well, Big businesses will also do well and as our foreign associates and partners see that business is flourishing in Africa, they will come to invest in Africa. There is nowhere else you get the kind of return on investment that you get in Africa and that is good for Africa, but we need to make sure that the global capital attracted is retained in our continent.” Speaking further on the need to prioritize private sector, Elumelu said; “We need to encourage entrepreneurship and our young ones, we need to encourage SMEs, and we all are in agreement that that is the way to go to develop Nigeria, and if Nigeria develops, Africa develops. I believe that is can only progressively get better, so I as an investor in Nigeria am extremely optimistic about the future and that is what I have been preaching to global partners here to come invest in Africa and Nigeria, the returns are good and the environment and outlook is going to get even better.” Elumelu disclosed that TEF plans to train more than the usual one thousand African youths in entrepreneurship.

•Comedian and Instagram content creator, Emmanuel Edunjobi (EmmaOhMaGod); Head, Commercial Operations and Marketing, Cars45, Mayokun Fadeyibi; Car auction winner, Emmanuel Ugwuoke and VP Trading, Cars45, Mohammed Iyamu.

AMCON to process Polaris Bank sale after elections


HE Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) has said that it will commence the process for the sale of Polaris Bank, after the incoming general elections. Spokesman for AMCON, Jude Nwazor, said that the corporation will advertise for investors to express their interest which will help the process of the sales after the

Nigerian economic confidence at a 12-month low – Report


REPORT by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and Institute of Management Accountants, on Global Economic Conditions, have said that Nigeria faces its lowest economic confidence scores in a year, after a fall in the final quarter of 2018. The group in a statement said, “In the midst of a poor near-term outlook, a fall in oil prices is expected to weigh on exports and government revenues. These were highlighted in the poll of 82 Nigerian accountants.” The Head of ACCA IN Nigeria, Thomas Isibor, said about these findings in Nigeria: “The report finds that despite an improvement in the non-oil economy, consumer demand is soft, restrained by a 23 per cent unemployment rate. Overall GDP growth in 2019 is likely to be very modest at between two per cent to 2.5 per cent. Presidential elections in February increase uncertainty in the near term but the outcome may result in more businessfriendly policies.” Speaking on the global results, the Head of Business Insights at ACCA, Narayanan Vaidyanathan, said: “Economic confidence over 2018 has been turbulent, with end of calendar year results downbeat compared to the start of 2018. “It has been interesting to look back at the GECS from the start of 2018, when we recorded economic confidence at its highest since the first survey was issued assessing Q1 2009. Last year was clearly a roller-coaster ride and the outlook for 2019 is also uncertain.” According to the ACCA statement, the global poll of 3,800 accountants showed that all key regions recorded a negative confidence score with

signs of growth weakening in the world’s three biggest economies the US, China and the Eurozone. The report further explained that global economic confidence fell for the third consecutive quarter in Q4 2018, ending the year at an all-time low. “The survey revealed respondents to be pessimistic about the outlook ahead, with the lowest scores recorded in Western Europe and the Carib-

bean. The least pessimistic part of the global economy was again South Asia, followed by Africa and North America”, the report said. The GECS Q4 showed that the biggest concern for respondents was again rising costs, with 55 per cent citing it as an issue, with forty-seven per cent of respondents globally were considering laying off workers, with just 18 per cent considering taking on new workers.

election. According to the spokesman, the corporation is seeking to recover non-performing debts owed to Polaris Bank and has asked for proposals on repayment. Polaris bank was set up in 2018 to take over the assets of Skye Bank Plc, which collapsed and had its operating licence revoked by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). N786 billion had been injected into the bank through the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to ensure the bank is sound and profitable. The Central Bank of Nigeria’s governor, Godwin Emefiele, had in September 21, 2018 announced the take over of Skye Bank. Emefiele said the decision was reached following the inability of the owners of the bank to shore up the capital of the distressed bank which had earlier received

a N350 billion intervention in July 2016. “Skye Bank requires urgent recapitalisation as it can no longer continue to live on borrowed times with indefinite liquidity support from the CBN. “We have decided to establish a bridge bank, Polaris Bank, to assume the assets and liabilities of Skye Bank. “The strategy is for AMCON to capitalise the bridge bank and begin the process of sourcing investors to buy out AMCON. “By this decision the licence of Skye Bank is hereby revoked,” he said. Also the management of the distressed Skye Bank would be retained to continue to manage the newly licensed Polaris Bank. According to the CBN governor, given the good performance of the board and management, the CBN shall retain them.

Why proposed CAM bill seen as boldest reform in Nigeria’s corporate environment


HE Companies Allied Matters (CAM) Bill has passed the third reading at the Federal House of Representatives. The Bill, which passed by the Senate in 2018 is the largest business reform bill to be passed in Nigeria in over 28 years, as it represents the re-enactment of the existing Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 (CAMA). The CAM Bill signifies meaningful progress towards aligning business practices, which had been heavily constrained by several provisions in the old 1990 Act, with global standards as it speaks to all matters affecting a company, from incorporation to winding up and insolvency. The Bill directly affects the influx of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Nigeria due to its relevance to the ease of doing business and investing in Nigeria. According to the legislative brief of the new Bill, it has new features that will make doing business in Nigeria a lot easier. “In order for Nigeria to improve it’s standing in World Bank Doing Business (WBDB) Ranking Index, it needs to improve on its ease of establishing and running

businesses and bring its business legal regime in tandem with modern advances,” the legislative brief explained. A key thrust of the Bill is therefore aimed at simplifying the process of starting and growing a business in Nigeria by abolishing the requirement for a company to have authorized share capital, enabling a single person to form a private company, introducing for the first time a business rescue process, and introducing the concept of limited liability partnership. It also ensures more appropriate regulation for micro, small and medium scale enterprises, by making it optional for smaller companies to have a company secretary, comply with accounting requirements, and for one-man and small companies to hold an annual general meeting, as well as introducing separate models of articles of association for private companies. In line with Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) mandate, this re-enactment is a strong demonstration of the Ad-

ministration’s commitment to improving the business environment, and ultimately Nigeria’s competitiveness. The passage of the Bill was promoted by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), and was made possible through the collaborative efforts of several public and private sector stakeholders supported by the Enabling Business Environment Secretariat (EBES), including the Senate, the House of Representatives, the National Assembly Business Environment Roundtable (NASSBER), the Nigerian Economic Summit Group, and a number of leading commercial law firms in Nigeria. Speaking on this positive development, Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, the Secretary of the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) and Senior Special Assistant to the President on Industry, Trade and Investment, stated “This is a significant hurdle crossed in our efforts to help businesses grow in Nigeria, and in driving our Ease of Doing Business ranking as a nation. “We congratulate every Nigerian on this achievement, and we ap-

plaud the several partners that came together in partnership to make this work. We look forward to receiving the Bill for Mr President’s assent, and we are confident of the benefits this will bring to businesses to drive exponential growth in the next few years.” Some other benefits of the landmark reform Bill include the promotion of policies that will enhance the regulatory environment for growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), reduce entry barriers for smaller businesses, enhance transparency and shareholder engagement, align regulatory frameworks with international best practice for competitiveness, and increase the efficiency of the regulatory process in line with today’s realities. Further benefits are faster and cheaper registration of companies limited by guarantee, easier authentication of documents, prevention of asset shielding, and combating money laundering, terrorism financing or other illicit or criminal activities using companies as vehicles; among others.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


LCCI wants auto policy, vehicle cost reviewed



HE Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has welcomed the decision of the government to review the Automotive Policy which was proclaimed by the Jonathan Administration in 2013. Director General of LCCI, Muda Yusuf said, five years after the policy has not only failed to achieve the desired outcomes, it has adversely impacted the cost of doing business, welfare of the people, government revenue and the capacity of the economy to create jobs. The policy has also penalized stakeholders in the sector that are compliant with extant rules, taxes and tariffs applicable to the automobile sector. According to him, “The cost of vehicles had risen beyond the reach of most citizens and corporate bodies. The impact has been largely negative with far reaching consequences. The automobile sector was hit by the double shock of over 100 percent currency depreciation over the last five years and an import levy of 50 percent on new cars and 25 percent on used vehicles and commercial vehicles. This is in addition to the import duty of 20 percent on new cars and 10 percent on used vehicles and commercial vehicles.” He stressed that, auto policy was an import substitution industrialization strategy to re-

duce importation of vehicles and incentivize domestic vehicle assembly. Import substitution strategy thrives in the context of high domestic value addition. It is within such a framework that the economy could benefit from the inherent values of import substitution which includes backward integration, multiplier effects, conservation of foreign exchange, job creation and reduction of import bills, he said. “The automotive policy, in its current form is not sustainable. It is also not in consonance with the Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) which is the main industrial policy document of the current administration. The NIRP espouses the strategy of resource-based industrialization. Five years into the implementation of the auto policy not much progress has been made, even though over 50 Vehicle Assembly plants licenses have been issued. Total annual sales of new cars in 2017 and 2018 were estimated at less than 10,000 units. The truth is that, the high cost of vehicles has taken a toll on the economy, from a logistics point of view. Practically all aspects of our economic and social lives had been negatively impacted by the situation. This is because over 90 percent of the country’s freight and human movements are done by road, which implies heavy depend-

•Olumide Orojimi, Head, Corporate Communications, The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE); Abimbola Babalola, Head, Market Surveillance, NSE; Bola Adeeko, Head, Shared Services Division, NSE; Orondaam Otto, Executive Director/Founder, Slum2School; Tobi Oyewole, CSR Analyst, NSE; Clifford Akpolo, Team Lead, Brand Marketing, NSE with students from Slum2School Initiative, Bridge Academies and Dialogue School during the Closing Gong Ceremony in commemoration of 2019 International Day of Education at the Exchange in Lagos.

ence on cars, commercial buses and trucks.” Muda said, manufacturers and other real sector investors suffer from high cost of delivery vehicles, sharp increases in haulage cost because of the high cost of trucks; school buses have become unaffordable by many institutions; many hospitals cannot afford ambulances; many corporate organizations have drastically cut down on

Stakeholders seek Aero, Arik Air merger


TAKEHOLDERS in the Nigerian aviation industry have advised the Federal Government to merge Aero Contractors and Arik Air together. The stakeholders wants the government to merge the two airlines to establish a national carrier. On why the merger should take place, Group Captain John Ojikutu (rtd) said that it is almost impossible for Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to get investors to buy the Arik Air with its N300 billion debts. Ojikutu maintained that for AMCON to offset the N300 billion debts from the airline, it should be making a net profit of N10 billion annually for 30 years, stressing that this would be difficult for the corporation to achieve. He added that AMCON did not have the resources to run an airline profitably. Lookman Animashaun, an industry expert and former Director of Engineering at Medview Airline, suggested that the best option for AMCON and the Federal Government is to establish a national carrier with the airline. Just like Ojikutu, Animashaun said because of the airline’s debt burden, no investor would be interested in the airline, and if AMCON decided to manage the carrier, it would take it about 30 years to recover the money it invested in the airline, considering the airline’s turnover. Animashaun maintained that it would be a waste of resources and spending a longer time trying to establish a new national carrier

when Arik Air and Aero Contractors, which were under the Federal Government management could be used to establish a national carrier. He explained that Arik Air had structure and it had a fleet, which government could maintain and put them back in the air and then grow a national airline from there. “Arik air has structure, although AMCON claims it does not have. so my thinking is that there is no need starting a new national carrier; what government should do is to earmark funds and carry out maintenance of all the aircraft in the fleet and start the new national carrier. “this is the only window AMCON has because it cannot let go of the money it sank in the airline and managing the airline to get back the money through its revenues

will take about 30 years because of the airlines profit margin. this is better and easier way out,” Animashaun added. Recall that in May 2017, a proposal was already in place by the Federal Government to merge Arik and Aero in order to create the new national carrier.

their fleet. We have witnessed an increase in the price of vehicles by between 200 to 400 percent over the last five years, not many investors and the citizens have the capacity to pay these outrageous prices, he stated. He affirmed that, the auto policy in its present form is most inappropriate for an economy that is heavily dependent on road transportation. Other implications of the Auto Policy for the economy according to LCCI boss are: high transportation cost resulting from the prohibitive cost of vehicles largely because of the high import tariff and levy; increase in smuggling resulting from the high import duty and levy as well as the huge duty differential with our neighboring countries; huge loss of customs revenue as vehicle imports from official

Union Bank introduces techventures to support tech-based businesses


NION Bank has announced the launch of TechVentures, a unique banking proposition which provides tailored services to technology companies. The solution was unveiled at TechPoint Build, a leading technology conference for tech experts, investors, start-ups and owners of tech-enabled businesses, that held in Lagos recently.

TechVentures supports techbased businesses in various stages of their lifecycles, providing them services which include access to venture capital funding, business advisory and mentorship as well as accelerator partnerships. Union Bank’s Head of Commercial Banking, Mr. Kunle Sonola, who was present at the event and unveil said that the Bank is fo-

Verve card to make payment on the Remita platform. In a report by The Nation, the partnership will increase the card payment options available to customers on the Remita platform. “we continually seek out viable opportunities and partnerships that expand functional coverage of verve’s physical and digital tokens, and such collaboration as this is testament to that relentless drive. “it is an exciting development, not only for us as an organisation, but more essentially to millions of verve customers, as it means there are now even more things they can do with their verve cards and digital tokens.

“more so, this partnership further consolidates our service footprint across the nigerian and african financial ecosystem and guarantees that more customers would enjoy the benefits that accrue from using a verve card,” mike ogbalu said. Meanwhile, the Divisional Head, Products, Services and International Business at SystemSpecs, owners of Remita, Demola Igbalajobi, said the e-payment platform also serves as a strategic partnership. “the acceptance of verve cards on Remita represents increased convenience to Remita customers, and a strategic partnership for markets in which verve operates”.

Remita, Verve partner to offer more payment options


ERVE and Remita have signed a partnership agreement that will incorporate both companies’ products and create more payment options for both merchants and their respective card and platform users. The partnership agreement between Verve and Remita was described by Verve International Chief Executive Officer, Mike Ogbalu, as an exciting development that offers the public seamless payment experience. Both Verve and Remita partnered to provide millions of customers an advancement in payment during business transactions with merchants, that affords the public to use

channels drop and smuggling increases; huge loss of revenue by the Nigeria Ports Authority among others. He however recommended that, the auto policy should be immediately reviewed in the light of its copious shortcomings. “Import levy of 50 percent on new vehicles should be reduced to 15 percent, this will be in addition to the 20 percent import duty. Import levy of 25 percent on commercial vehicles should be reviewed downwards to 15 percent; in addition to the 10 percent import duty.” He also, recommended that, import levy on used cars should be reviewed from current 25 percent to 15 percent. He said, vehicle purchase finance facility at single digit should be put in place to boost demand for automobiles.

cused on developing services that offer real value adding solutions for emerging and established sectors and ecosystems in Nigeria. According to Mr. Sonola: “We designed TechVentures in response to the emergence and accelerated growth we see in the tech space. Our goal is to capture these businesses from startup stage, when they are just nursing an idea, and support them until they build unicorns because we believe that these businesses will drive a new economy in Nigeria. “The bank launched an annual innovation challenge in 2017 to encourage budding entrepreneurs who are working on innovative solutions which address social and business challenges. Last year, in partnership with Co-Creation Hub, the Bank also launched a first-ofits-kind business acceleration programme ‘Startup Connect’ which provides an opportunity for Nigerian businesses creating technology-based solutions for the emerging African market, to partner with the Bank and the social innovation center for rapid growth.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Fiscal war: NNPC, OPTS explore truce By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


EDERAL government is working to reach a truce in its fiscal disputes with the investors in the Nigerian petroleum industry in a desperate move to restore vibrancy in the sector which has suffered investment apathy despite huge oil discoveries in the deep offshore terrains. Whereas Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which holds government’s interests in all commercial ventures operated by the oil companies appears to share the frustration of the industry over issues of fiscal clarity for investments, the parent Ministry of Petroleum Resources works to review operating terms for deepwater exploration and production. However, Group Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer in charge of the upstream businesses of NNPC, Mr. Rabiu Bello, told The Oracle Today that position gaps are closing between government and the industry investors over terms of operations. He said measures are being worked out to evolve a win-win position between the industry players and government’s regulators in order to progress with other issues that bind together with fiscal components of the disputes, especially funding. According to him, whereas funding remains one of the concerns in the joint venture between the corporation and its partners, solutions to liquidity will be roundly achieved in an industry that drives vibrant oilfield exploration, development, and production activities. He said NNPC and other government agencies in the industry are currently working together not just to evolve workable funding arrangements to defray a backlog of government’s cash call debts but also evolve a smooth process for migrating existing joint venture agreements into a self funding model. The models under consideration, according to him, are production sharing agreement (PSC) and incorporated joint venture (IJV): both of which relieves government of regular cash call obligations to different operators, and also empowers the commercial players to source funding from the market to drive work programmes as scheduled. The short routes to accord comes after the expected resolution of the fiscal dispute between mainly multinational oil companies that dominate deepwater operations and the government agencies that exact rent from commercial activities of the companies failed to reach legislative conclusion at the National Assembly after 10 years. The disputes and subsequent investment apathy followed proposed fiscal reforms in the original versions of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) by the executive to the National Assembly in 2008. The PIB was conceived not just aggregate numerous and different petroleum legislations into one updated version, it also aims to change the organizational structure and fiscal terms governing the oil and natural gas industry when it becomes law. Commercial players that stake huge investments in the industry have consistently expressed worry that that the proposed changes to fiscal terms may render deepwater projects unprofitable. They also fear that the bill would pave way for alteration of existing production sharing contracts with NNPC, change tax and royalty structures, and commit the companies to additional development taxes consisting of 10% of their

monthly net profits to the Petroleum Host Communities Fund (PHCF). On the administrative side on which the investors have no qualms, the PIB also proposed deregulation of the downstream sector, restructuring of NNPC, a concentration of oversight authority in the Minister of Petroleum Resources. Vehement polarization of camps between investors gathered under the auspices of Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS) of the Organized Private Sector (OPS) and state agencies that oversee activities in the sector had slowed passage of the PIB at the national legislature between 2008 and 2015. A switch of government administration after the 2015 election that enthroned the All Progressive Congress (APC) caused further delays as the new government took a different strategy of breaking the omnibus bill into four smaller units that stand the new fiscal model as a separate bill. However, legislation started from less contentious successor bills including the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB), Petroleum Industry Administrative Bill (PIAB), Petroleum Host Community Bill (PHCB), and Petroleum Industry Fiscal Bill (PIFB) in that order. And given the slow pace of the legislative processes and seeming friction in the relationship between the legislature and the presidency, leading to decline of executive assent to some passed bills, concerns in the industry are founded that the resolution of the fiscal disputes and investment impasse in the petroleum industry might linger much longer. Over the past 10 years that the PIB lingered at the National Assembly, project drivers in the deepwater terrains have missed opportunities for significant revenue and low budget projects as oil prices went through the boom-burst cycles. Within the period, The Oracle Today reports, investment decisions for big ticket deepwater field development projects by key members of OPTS including Shell, Eni, ExxonMobil, Chevron, CNOOC Addax and others have also stalled. Disputes and seeming legislative quandary on the PIB caused freeze of investments in the Nigerian upstream petroleum industry as both regulators and players wait for the fiscal cloud to give way to clarity. Other activities have also frozen, including licensing rounds and marginal field rounds. Apart from Total which took advantage of low price cycle to embark on a string of low cost development activities in the deepwater, other offshore development plans by Shell, ExxonMobil, Chevron and others have failed to progress to final investment decision, and are definite to miss first oil target dates. Shell’s Bonga Southwest/Aparo field development project in the deepwater billed to start production next year is yet to attain final investment decision. The $12 billion project expected to drive a stand-alone development model involving a floater is estimated to hold a nameplate production capacity for 225,000 barrels of light sweet crude per day. Also, the Bonga North field development scheduled to pump at about 100,000 barrels per day after a $10 billion project phase will miss the 2020 production target as no FID has been reached on the field development plan which might involve a floater or a tie back to existing 13 year old float-

ing production vessel at Bonga Main. Another $12 billion deepwater development plan by Eni’s Nigeria Agip Exploration (NAE) at the controversial Zabazaba-Etan expected to have progressed deep into project stages by now is also dragging as Shell and Eni battle legal issues in Europe and fiscal issues in Nigeria. Thus, the production of 125,000 barrels per from the field also stalls. If not the fiscal impasse, ExxonMobil’s Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited (EEPNL) would have been deep into Bosi deepwater field development to contribute about 140, 000 barrels per day of oil and 260 million standard cubic feet per day of natural gas into the national production figures. The American supermajor which leads Nigeria’s offshore petroleum play also penned down production of about 120,000 barrels per day from Uge deepwater field, if fiscal climate had enable investment decision to happen. Besides oil, Uge would be pumping some 20 million standard cubic feet of gas per day for valorization. According to the company’s project plan sighted by The Oracle Today at the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), government had permitted ExxonMobil to proceed with its second phase of Satellite Field Development programme expected to yield some 80,000 barrels per day of production. Chevron also awaits fiscal clarity to take investment decision worth about $12 billion on the development of its deepwater Nsiko field to produce 100,000 barrels per day of oil using a

floater. Instead, some of the international oil companies that traditionally play in Nigeria and even indigenous independent companies have dispersed investment funds in chasing exploration opportunities elsewhere in the continent. International advisories providing financial information services to the industry calculate that Nigeria loses as high as $15 billion in investments every year to PIB delay. Mr. Bello stated that NNPC has started wooing back the companies and convincing them to reactivate their project pans in the country while government would work to provide the right set of fiscal and regulatory incentives for reasonable returns of investments. He did not give us details of the incentives nor confirm any concession to the demands of the OPTS over emerging fiscal models. Mr. Bello however gave assurance that activities would soon pick up in the industry, hinting that the investors were already aware of what is underway. “Just wait. You will see the changes that government is going to make. Almost all the concerns you have raised will be addressed. They (the operators) already know what is going on and they are cooperating,” he told The Oracle Today at a private meeting in Lagos. He stated that whereas the government was working to ensure that old cash call debts are defrayed in quick installments, new funding arrangements are being evolved to permanently address liquidity issues in operations, while mechanisms are in motion to migrate existing joint venture operations to incorporated joint ventures, Mr. Bello explained. “As you know, fiscal terms will govern all of them, including the PSCs. So you cannot address one and leave out another.” The industry appears to be responding cautiously with commitments to grow Nigeria’s production status, as speakers at the ongoing Nigeria International Petroleum Summit (NIPS) pointed steadily at the need for right environment that would host commercially viable projects. Chairman of the OPTS and Managing Director of Mobil Producing Nigeria (MPN) Unlimited, Mr. Paul McGrath, declared at the summit hosted by the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, that achievement of government’s aspirations in the industry would rely on agreement between investors and

“ With ever increasing opportunities in other markets, it becomes urgent and critical that we build the right policy and regulatory framework that position Nigeria as an oil and gas investment destination of choice,” he said.

regulators. “We are confident that these continued stakeholder engagements, complimented by a conducive industry regulatory and legal framework will help achieve the country’s Oil and Gas objectives,” he said. He noted that Nigeria has immense investment opportunities and tasked policy drivers to galvanize stakeholders’ concurrence in translating great promise into maximum value. “With about 37 billion barrels of Oil reserves and about 179 trillion cubic feet of discovered natural gas, the world’s 11th and 9th largest respectively, Nigeria has the resource base to remain a leading hydrocarbon economy for the long term,” he pointed out, adding: “It follows, therefore, that we continue to pursue and promote all genuine initiatives and efforts aimed at improving the fortunes of the industry for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders.” In pointing at global competition for investible funds, Mr. McGrath advised government to cause fiscal correction in the industry environment in order to come up with practical solutions towards securing Nigeria’s oil and gas future. “With ever increasing opportunities in other markets, it becomes urgent and critical that we build the right policy and regulatory framework that position Nigeria as an oil and gas investment destination of choice,” he said. Mr. McGrath reminded government of the critical role that upstream petroleum investors play in the Nigerian economy, saying “The upstream Oil and Gas industry continues to be at the centre of the Nigerian economy, accounting for over 90% of foreign exchange earnings, with OPTS membercompanies collectively accounting for over 90% of total output.” Also speaking at the event, Managing Director of Shell Companies in Nigeria, Mr. Osagie Okunbor, called for the right terms for investments in the petroleum industry to create multiplier effects in the larger Nigerian economy. “Under the right conditions and terms, we remain committed to keeping the investment pipeline going in recognition of the contribution of the industry and the multiplier effect that can be created in the larger economy to the overall growth desired by Nigeria and to our collective pride and benefit,” he said. Group Managing Director of NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru, declared at the event that the petroleum industry community must unite in pursuing and delivering collective national economic aspiration for the country.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Dangote Refinery to produce 650 million liters/day By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


HE 650,000 barrels per day Dangote Refinery will target to saturate the domestic market as its primary market before exporting excess production to the regional and export market respectively as the company works to optimize capacity to meet demand for various products in the country. Chairman, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, stated at a forum in Paris, France, that the greenfield refinery would be configured to meet demand structure in the domestic market for premium motor spirit also called petrol (PMS), automotive gas oil (AGO), and aviation turbine kerosene (ATK). Alhaji Dangote said the $16 billion project comprising petroleum refinery, fertilizer plant and petrochemical plant would activate next year despite doubts by project analysts who point at longer delivery time. Edinburgh-based Wood Mackenzie doesn’t see the refinery starting production until 2022. “By next year, we’ll be exporting almost 2 million metric tons of urea and ammonia,” Dangote said. The complex will include a $2.5 billion fertilizer factory with a capacity of 3 million metric tons annually, set to be ready this year, and a petrochemical plant. They will be powered by gas, which will be sent from the Niger River delta via two 550-kilometer (341-mile) underwater pipelines, also costing Dangote about $2.5 billion. Edinburgh-based Wood Mackenzie doesn’t see the refinery starting production until 2022. “There are quite a lot of challenges, but we’re moving,” Alhaji Dangote said, adding that

the 650,000 per day plant would churn out over 65 million liters of products daily. Out of the total production volumes, he said, the refinery would export about 35 percent of the refinery’s products, while the rest would serve the local market. The company had declared earlier that the plan was to produce about 50 million liters a day of petrol and 15 million liters of diesel, adding that output could be changed according to demand. Feedstock to the refinery would be sourced from the market, and the company has engaged oil traders including Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Vitol Group and Trafigura Group Pte on input supply and output offtake. In a presentation delivered for him at the Nigeria International Petroleum Summit (NIPS), Alhaji Dangote said the refinery is a product of innovation and efficiency in the full petroleum value chain, adding that the company is committed to the concept of energy efficiency and innovation in the oil and gas sector. His presentation at the Abuja conference was delivered by the Group Executive Director, Government and Strategic Relations, Dangote Industries Limited, Engr. Ahmed Mansur, who stated that the prime motive for the refinery project was to boost economic development of the country. In restating the refinery’s market targets, he said, the plant could meet 100 % of the domestic requirement of all liquid petroleum products including petrol, diesel, kerosene and aviation fuel. He said surplus production would be for export. “This high volume of PMS output from the Dangote Refinery

•L-R: Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, who Represents President Muhammadu Buhari; Group Executive Director, Government and Strategic Relations, Dangote Industries Limited, Engr. Mansur Ahmed and the Group Managing Director, NNPC Engr. Maikanti Baro at the Dangote Exhibition Stand at the Two-Day Nigeria International Petroleum Summit in Abuja.

will transform Nigeria from a petrol import-dependent country to an exporter of refined petroleum products. The refinery is designed to accommodate multiple grades of domestic and foreign crude and process these into high-quality gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and aviation fuels that meet Euro V emissions specifications, plus polypropylene,” he said. He added that the fertiliser unit with capacity to produce 3.0 million tonnes of Urea per year consists of Ammonia and Urea plants with associated facilities and infrastructure.

“Nigeria will be able to save $0.5 billion from import substitution and provide $0.4 billion from exports of products from the fertiliser plant. Thus, supply of fertiliser from the plant, which is set for commissioning before the second quarter of 2019, will be enough for the Nigerian market and neighbouring countries,” he added. “Our economy in particular cannot afford to ignore these massive changes. Our decades of dependence on this industry for our economic well-being and the urgent need for diversification has been widely recognised and is clearly

the most critical challenge for our policy makers. “But even as we seek to diversity from oil, and we are, indeed, making observable progress in this regard, we cannot ignore the need to continue to exploit this God-given resources in a more efficient and innovative manner,” he added. He commended the Management of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for its unwavering support in Dangote’s quest to make Nigeria selfsufficient in the production of petroleum products.

CBN, MPC recycle policy instruments despite galloping inflation

Continued from Pg 17

the first quarter of the year, even if the general elections end peacefully. But if there is crisis, the first half of the year may be lost. Speaking on the implications, an economist, Mr.Obidike Nwolu, said, “Every investor is going to be affected seriously.” He stated that at the moment, the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is flat. He stressed that apart from Telecommunications and petroleum other investments are vulnerable. In proffering solution, Mr. Nwolu advised investors to diversify their portfolios to other sectors of the economy. In his assessment, a chartered accountant and management expert, Mr. Okezie N. Favour said the fiscal policy is very harsh on the economy, adding that it is not being managed properly, especially on taxation and exchange rate. “I know a company that applied for import licence early on the first quarter of 2018. It was released last December and it expired the same month. Another company has shut down because of difficulties in sourcing for foreign exchange needed for its operations”. He said. One of the major criticisms

against the government, analysts say, is the introduction of multiple exchange rates, a move that has been lamented by many people, including some foreign investors. But despite the criticisms, the CBN has maintained that the multiple exchange rates are the only way to ensure that forex liquidity is maintained, while simultaneously allowing investors to trade their own dollars at a more market-determined rate. The Oracle Today reports that the country has struggled with rising inflation despite measures deployed by the CBN. The MPC has consistently retained key rate at 14 percent since 2016. It stressed that any move to float the Naira is tantamount to a disaster for the economy. It would be recalled that former CBN Governor and current Emir of Kano, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, while delivering a lecture titled, “Nigeria in search of new growth model” at the joint planning board and National Council on Development Planning in Kano had spoken about the urgent need for the country to return to the drawing board and expand the economy through a range of policy options capable of yielding economic growth and development. He said the current economic

policy and its inconsistency do not favour business and investment in the country. He warned President Muhammadu Buhari to act fast to save the country from slipping back into recession. Sanusi warned, “We are always blaming the past administration, but we have also made mistakes in this administration. The problem is that there is nothing we are facing today that we did not know what happened. That is the truth. We made mistakes, many of them deliberate. We created billionaires from oil subsidies in the past. We

are making the same mistake with forex subsidies.” “As an emir, I can sit in my garden and make phone calls to access $10 million at N197 per Dollar then sell it off at nothing less than N300. With just a phone call, I’m making a profit of over a billion naira. That is what people are doing now. Any system that allows you sit in your garden and make a billion naira without investing a kobo is a wrong system,” the emir stressed. However, Sanusi while proffering solution said, “If government must subsidize anything, it should be for production rather than consump-

tion. According to him, the ways to get the country out of woods include use of forex rate to incentivize capital inflows, catalyse FDIs and FDI funding; set interest rates at levels that deter capital flight dollarization; eliminate wasteful and abuse prone subsidies; address failure in the power sector value chain starting with the DISCOS; digitize state land registries and streamline relevant legislations; re-prioritize public spending towards investment in human capital; and lastly, protect infant industries specifically labour intensive manufacturing.

the oil and gas sectors of individual countries to opportunities for the economic growth. According to him, the huge opportunities in the African oil and gas industry would not be fully tapped if African countries fail to address critical issues of lack of infrastructure, legal and regulatory impediments, and transparency issues. Citing the proposed NigeriaMorocco Gas Pipeline as an example of the type of infrastructural collaboration needed across, Dr. Baru disclosed that the project

would traverse at least 15 WestAfrican countries with intake and offtake points in the various countries before it links with the existing Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline in northern Morocco. “The feasibility study has been concluded and the pre-FEED (Front End Engineering Design) optimisation study is currently ongoing. While this pipeline will help in electrification and industrialization of these countries, it will also meet the needs of European consumers for heating”, Dr. Baru disclosed.

NNPC canvasses pan-African pipeline grid


FRICAN countries could dismantle bottlenecks in their oil and gas flow systems with cross-border infrastructural linkages in order to be globally competitive. Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr. Maikanti Baru, stated in his goodwill message at the ongoing Nigerian International Petroleum Summit (NIPS) in Abuja that cross-nation collaboration among oil producing countries in Africa was essential to convert the challenges in


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


NITDA to regulate free wifi access for Nigerians under new guidelines Stories by VICTOR NZE


ATIONAL Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) will regulate activities of private individuals and firms who wish to provide free wifi access to Nigerians under its newlyreleased guidelines and regulatory framework unveiled last Friday. It would be recalled that Microsoft’s much lauded scheme to boost information technology and knowledge by opening free wifi hotspots across the country to Nigerians was blocked by the Nigerian government, although no reason was given for the decision. However, new regulatory guidelines and framework unveiled by the agency explained that the reason for the blocking of the Microsoft move was informed by security concerns. Director General of the agency, Dr Isa Pantami, who unveiled the guidelines at a public presentation in Abuja, Mr Lazarus Ikoti, urged the public, institutions, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to adhere to the provisions of the guidelines. Pantami explained that the public presentation of the guidelines was necessary following the agency’s mandate to develop the IT sector and ensure promotion of locally made products. The guidelines are: “Rulemaking Process of NITDA, Nigeria Data Protection Regulation, Guidelines for the Use of Social Media Platforms in Public Institutions, Guidelines for Clearance of Information Technology Projects by Public Institutions and Guidelines for Public

Internet Access. “The Frameworks and Guidelines for Public Internet Access (PIA) provide guidelines for providers of public internet access services to maintain appropriate systems and policies to protect Nigerians who use these services. “Free Wi-Fi is commendable but there will be abuse if not regulated because of security reasons. We don’t want the security of the nation to be compromised.” NITDA unveiled the five Information Technology (IT) guidelines and regulatory frameworks to ensure ease of doing business in the sector. “As a country, it is good to produce what we need and consume what we produce to build our economy. This is the first time NITDA is rolling out Rulemaking Process to allow the public to know the steps for guidelines and regulatory framework. “It will also allow engagement to help the public to understand all processes involved in the issuance of regulatory documents by the agency. NITDA from now will be generally bound by the Rulemaking Process as an integral part of the operations of the agency,” said the NITDA boss. Pantami said that the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation was in accordance with Section 6 of NITDA Act 2007, adding that there had been circulars on Guidelines for Clearance of Information Technology Projects but the enforcement was the challenge. “This guideline is for public institutions which include MDAs, federal institutions, Federal Govern-

•Panelists during a discussion session at the just-concluded 2019 edition of Techpoint Build, partnered by HMD Global, which took place at the Landmark Event Centre in Lagos under the tag of; “Built for the Next Billionth User.”

ment-owned companies and it is to guide federal institutions in procuring IT goods and services. “It will ensure that government money is not mismanaged in the execution of IT projects, harmonisation in the execution of projects and also ensure that institutions carrying out IT projects have the capacity,” he said. The third guideline on Nigeria Data Protection Regulation, Pantami said, was to empower the agency to regulate, monitor the use of electronic data interchange and other forms of electronic communications on governance, commerce, private and public sector. “These guidelines will form the

basis for which personal data of Nigerian citizens will be protected and managed. On the Framework and Guidelines for the Use of Social Media Platforms in Public Institutions, he said it would ensure public institutions had processes in the creation of social media accounts. According to him, important information and records are lost when handlers of platforms are changed due to the absence of clear policies by federal institutions. He said that such situation constituted risks to information management and public accountability, adding that the agency would

Don’t buy pre-registered SIM cards – NCC to Nigerians


IGERIAN Telecommunications Commission (NCC) has warned Nigerians against buying pre-registered SIM cards, saying the dangers inherent in such act is enormous. The commission gave the warning yesterday during the 102nd edition of its Consumer Outreach Programme, which had the theme: “Mitigating Effects of Cybercrimes: Roles of Telecoms Consumers” at Mapo Hall, Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. Deputy Director of Consumer Affairs (Protection Advocacy Group), Mr. Bamiji Ojo, urged all and prospective subscribers to register their SIM cards before using them, warning that anybody who uses pre-registered SIM, which had been used to commit crime, would pay dearly for it. He said: “Don’t use pre-registered SIM. Don’t buy it. Someone must have used it to carry out crime and return it. If you buy it and you’re caught, you will be held responsible. Go and register your SIM. Nobody can use your SIM because your face and fingerprint are not the same with others,” he said. The NCC official also allayed the fear that base stations and masks caused ailments and kill those staying closer to them. He said: “Base stations don’t kill. Without it, we can’t communicate. Today, there have been some negative public perceptions and conceptions about telecoms consumers of electromagnetic radiation. It does

not cause cancer,” he stated. Also, Deputy Director, Consumer Affairs Bureau, Alhaji Ismail Adedigba, said the commission understood the importance of critical stakeholders in the industry. He, therefore, said that in line with the commission’s mandate to continuously educate and enlighten the consumers on industry issues, the theme of the event was chosen to sanitise telecoms’ consumers on the rising wave of cybercrime in various forms, its dangers

and the roles of the consumers in reducing impacts of cybercrimes. The Director of Consumer Affairs Bureau of the agency, Mrs. Felicia Onwuegbuchulam, who was represented by Alhaji Bashir Idris, said: “The Commission is committed to using its various outreach programmes to embark on a series of awareness campaigns with a view to keeping consumers abreast of the risks associated with being online, enlightening them on safety measures to be taken once they

use connected devices as simple as feature phone, smartphone and other more sophisticated Internetenabled devices.” Onwuegbuchulam, who disclosed that the event was being held in major cities in the country on a rotational basis, reiterated the commission’s belief that without consumers becoming aware of cybercrime trends and making efforts to ensure safe use of connected devices, cyber criminals would continue to make cyberspace unsafe.

continue to monitor social media platforms of federal and public institutions for consistency. The director general said that in 2019, NITDA focused on enforcement of guidelines and frameworks to ensure the country’s cyber space was not compromised. He stressed that the IT sector cannot be effectively developed without relevant regulations and guidelines which create uniformity, consistency and careful investment in the right technology systems. Chairman, Standards Review Committee in the agency, Mr Lazarus Ikoti, said that some of the guidelines had to undergo review to suit the needed processes in IT regulation. National Coordinator, Office for Nigeria Content Development in ICT (ONC), Mr Kasim Sodangi, said that the guidelines became operational upon the signing by the director general. Sodangi added that the guidelines were full legal documents and its violation was punishable by law. He further said that the agency was working with critical stakeholders, active enforcement team to facilitate compliance. According to him, NITDA encourages self-compliance before the agency can deploy enforcement which is the extreme measure.

CSquared plans ‘Fiberising’ Africa through affordable broadband internet connectivity


AN-AFRICAN broadband infrastructure provider, CSquared has spelt out its operational priorities that are destined to shape Africa’s digital future and trigger technological advancement that will bootstrap the continent’s youth into a digital revolution. Top among CSquared’s priorities is ‘Fiberising’ Africa through synergizing all the technologies that can enhance the ingenuity of Africans and jolt the restless youth to be gainful in their thinking and change the dynamics of Africans from illiteracy to digital literacy. In his debut interview with the media recently in Monrovia, Liberia, the newly-appointed CSquared’s Group CEO, Lanre Kolade expressed his optimism that Africa would experience digital revolution if both the private sector and policymakers work together to empower and tap into African youth‘s huge potential. ‘Now more than ever, there is a

dire need to have broadband that would bring internet to everyone, thus making available such revolutionary technologies as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to spur efficiency in our digital infrastructure, thus digitizing education, health care, agriculture and other sectors”, said Kolade. According to him, fiberising Africa is about creating value by changing the way Africa perceives internet. “The continent should transition from being just consumers of the internet and move to the extra mile of generating its own local content.” Further stated Kolade. He singled out the example of African data centers which can harbor the continent’s ‘library’, enabling efficiency in internet exchange among African countries. “CSquared envisages a situation where African internet exchange doesn’t have to go to Europe before it cascades back to Africa”, said Kolade, noting that localized

content will mean reduction of costs thus easy accessibility of data in the continent. Fiberising Africa, Kolade, added, is about empowering the people and the continent to carry the right kind of data that ensures ease of doing business, enhancing e-commerce and creating other value chains that impact people’s livelihoods. Elaborating on how this ambitious feat will be achieved, he said that CSquared believes in collaboration through harnessing the power of Public-Private Partnership (PPT) where possible in a bid to bring stakeholders together in the data delocalization value chain. Kolade however, acknowledges the inherent challenge in changing the people’s mindset on the quest to transform access to internet in Africa, adding that educating and teaching Africans on the transformative role of delocalized data are key to African technological renaissance. Speaking on Africa’s ‘scarcity of

role models’, Kolade however, was optimistic that Africa’s elusive success stories will soon be told with the proliferation of broadband, spearheaded by empowered youth who would seize the myriads of available opportunities provided by the resultant digital technologies. Challenging African governments to appreciate the significant role played by ICT in the development of the continent, Kolade decried Africa’s ‘archaic’ intellectual property rights laws that had derailed the continent’s technological progress through redundant regulations, strongly advising that such policies have to be reviewed to fast-track Africa’s evident bright digital future. “Africa is the next frontier”, an enthusiastic Kolade noted, foreseeing a rising continent, “and it will take collaborative efforts from the private and public sectors to get rid of bottlenecks that stand in the way of our continent’s glory.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday January 30, 2019


Facebook working on integrating Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, late 2019 Stories by VICTOR NZE


ACEBOOK is currently working on integrating its three chat services - Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, however, ruled out a merger of the platforms, as he disclosed that they will continue to function as standalone apps, even as he said he wants users to be able to message each other across platforms. Facebook is planning to integrate the chat tools on the WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger services, a move that could help the social media giant identify users’ identities across all of its properties, and bolster its case against a breakup by regulators. The plan would involve stitching together the three apps’ messaging products behind the scenes, though consumers would still interact with each service separately. Facebook says the move would also enhance users’ privacy by introducing encryption to protect the messages from being viewed by anyone except those involved in the conversation. “People want messaging to be fast, simple, reliable and private,” Facebook said in a statement. “We’re working on making more of our messaging products endto-end encrypted and considering

ways to make it easier to reach friends and family across networks. As you would expect, there is a lot of discussion and debate as we begin the long process of figuring out all the details of how this will work.” Zuckerberg’s goal is for all three apps to incorporate end-to-end encryption once the integration is complete in late 2019 or early 2020. Currently WhatsApp has end-toend encryption on by default for all conversations, while in Messenger you can opt into end-to-end encrypted chats. In the statement, Facebook says it wants to “build the best messaging experiences we can; and people want messaging to be fast, simple, reliable and private”. The company is “working on making more of our messaging products end-to-end encrypted and considering ways to make it easier to reach friends and family across networks. As you would expect, there is a lot of discussion and debate as we begin the long process of figuring out all the details of how this will work”. WhatsApp, which Facebook bought in 2014 for $19bn, and Instagram, which was purchased in 2012 for $715m, had been operated relatively independently within Facebook until they grew to become more important parts of Facebook’s business.

• LG staff displaying one of the 2019 CES Awards at the show.

LG shines at CES 2019, wins 140 awards


G Electronics (LG) took home more than 140 awards and honors at CES 2019, led by the Engadget Best of CES Award in the TV category (the official award program of CES) for the fifth consecutive year, this time for the revolu-

Embrace business solutions – HMD Global chief urges Nigerian SMEs


VER the weekend, thousands of tech enthusiasts and experts gathered at the Landmark Event Centre in Lagos for the 2019 edition of Techpoint Build, partnered by HMD Global, the Home of Nokia Phones. The event, tagged; “Built for the Next Billionth User,” x-rayed the development of tech in Africa, with huge focus on startups and SMEs potentials and growth. Not only did HMD Global, the Home of Nokia phones partner with the event organisers, the brand was also heavily represented, driving on-ground engagement with event attendees. The Nokia Phones experiential booth witnessed the presence of many event attendees who were keen on experiencing the range of Nokia devices running on pure, secure and up-to-date Android, as well as participated in the Nokia phone selfie competition with three winners emerging and getting rewarded with Nokia de-

vices. Speaking on a panel session tagged; the Challenges of Building a Pan African Business, Olumide Balogun, Head of Marketing, West Africa at HMD Global hinted that there is the need for businesses, especially startups and SMEs to understand the importance of solving problems with their business solutions. According to him “As a Global startup, HMD Global understands the need for startups and SMEs to connect their ideas to problems,

just as the firm is doing with its range of Nokia devices, looking at consumers’ pain points such as battery life, camera, pure, secure and up-to-date operating system, and developing devices that meet such needs.” He called on businesses to prioritize structuring their models just the same way they pay attention to their solutions, as this will help them focus more on the business side of things rather than the technical bits only.

Microsoft releases Office 365 on Mac App Store


ICROSOFT has finally released Office apps on the Mac App Store. All Office apps are now available to download, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, and OneDrive. Customers will also be able to purchase an Office 365 subscription from within the apps directly, which is required to use the apps.

Microsoft has updated the apps to play nice with macOS, which includes features such as Dark Mode added in Mojave, Continuity Camera (which lets you scan a document with your iPhone and have it instantly appear on your Mac), as well as support for the Touch Bar on compatible Macs. Microsoft Office has been available on the Mac for years now but it

tickets, and stories that generally cause false panic. This is the issue that WhatsApp has begun to address: the spread of misinformation. WhatsApp is used by billions of people around the globe and as a result, the messaging platform experienced a lot of spread of

misinformation, mostly by offenders spamming WhatsApp accounts with hoaxes and fake news. If you receive these kind of messages on a regular basis, tell us if you notice a difference over the next week as more folks update the application.

WhatsApp sets limit for forwarding messages


ITH viral content rampant on the platform, WhatsApp has set a limit to all users all over the globe. WhatsApp users will only be able to forward messages to five contacts at a time. In a press release sent via email, WhatsApp explained: “All users on the latest version of WhatsApp can now only forward to five contacts at once, which will help keep WhatsApp focused on private messaging with close contacts.” This comes a few months after reports surfaced in India about mobs killing 25 victims that were apparently tied with viral messages spread through WhatsApp. People would also regularly receive fake messages along the lines of predicted earthquakes, fake job offers, free airline

tionary LG SIGNATURE OLED TV R (model 65R9) – a 65-inch rollable OLED TV. The LG Soundbar (model SL9YG) and LG V40 ThinQ smartphone were also honoured by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) with CES Best of Innovation Awards in their respective categories. LG received top accolades from Engadget, TechRadar, Popular Mechanics, SlashGear,, Techlicious and others in addition to 17 CES Innovation Awards from the CTA across home appliance, home entertainment and mobile communications categories. The LG SIGNATURE OLED TV R – the world’s first rollable television – stole the show this year, bringing in more than 70 awards and honors from a wide range of respected technology media publications. LG’s

has always been available through Microsoft’s website. This was fine back in the day but in today’s day and age where more and more users are relying on the App Store to get all their apps, not having your software on the store introduces additional friction for the user and in some cases, ensures they don’t download it at all. So while this move has been a long time coming, it’s good to see Microsoft finally make the shift and even going as far as offering in-app subscription, even though they have to give a cut to Apple out of that.

2019 lineup of LG grams ultra-lightweight laptops served notice that they will be a force to be reckoned with in 2019 with major awards from publications including Reviewed. com, Trusted Reviews and Techlicious. Top awards earned by LG at CES 2019 include: LG SIGNATURE OLED TV R: Engadget: Best of CES, PC Mag: Best of CES, Editor’s Choice Award, SlashGear: Editor’s Choice Award, Techlicious: CES Top Picks, Popular Mechanics: Best of CES 2019, Tom’s Guide: Best in Show 2019, TechRadar: The Best Tech at the Show, Pocket-lint: Best of CES, HD Guru: Best in Show, CTA Mark of Excellence: Video Display Product of the Year, CES 2019 Innovation Award: Honoree LG 88-inch OLED 8K TV: CES 2019 Innovation Award: Honoree, Mashable: Best Tech of CES 2019, Digital Trends: Best TVs of CES 2019 LG gram 17: Editor’s Choice Award, Techlicious: CES Top Picks, Windows Central: Best of CES, CES 2019 Innovation Award: Honoree LG gram 2-in-1: Trusted Reviews: Best of CES LG Soundbar (SL9YG): CES 2019 Best of Innovation: Best of Innovation, HD Guru: Best of CES LG HomeBrew: CES 2019 Innovation Award: Honoree, Trusted Review: Best of CES 2019 LG Styler: CES 2019 Innovation Award: Honoree, Dealerscope: 2019 IMPACT Awards LG V40 ThinQ: CES 2019 Best of Innovation: Best of Innovation.

LG to announce a 5G smartphone 2019


G’s next mainstream flagship phone would not come with 5G connectivity and the company will instead launch a separate 5G handset during this year’s MWC at Barcelona. The information comes straight from LG, so it’s official as it gets. The company also adds that the phone will feature a big copper

vapor chamber, which will be 2.7 times the size of the one on the LG V40 ThinQ and will hold twice the amount of coolant. This will significantly improve the cooling capabilities of the 5G-capable LG smartphone while utilizing the full potential of the Snapdragon 855 SoC.

•The all screen, button-less vivo Apex 2019

The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869







Onnoghen: The coup this time M

uhammadu Buhari has, by his action ing in the Senate. Almost immediately after, running Nigeria. He is sick and old — signs of last Friday, clearly established himself Buhari swore in Justice Tanko Mohammed as amnesia, senile dementia and certain other disas a master in the art of coup plotacting CJN. Everybody smelled a rat. orders are visible wherever he goes and whenting. In 1983 he emerged head of state after We believe, however, it is high-wire politics ever he speaks off the cuff. A cabal is in the sadoverthrowing an elected government. Now playing out. The incumbent APC government dle, not Buhari! That his wife Aisha has sounded as head of the executive branch of a civilian probably feels that CJN Onnoghen would work this warning note twice is enough proof. government, he has overthrown another arm for the opposition PDP by delivering favourBefore the judiciary is thrown to the dogs – and of government. able judgments to the latter after the general the Nigerian state fracture permanently – all Buhari’s announcement that he had suspended election in February and March. Allegations eyes are on the National Judicial Council. It is the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Walter of corruption, apart from non-declaration of noteworthy that no Supreme Court justice Onnoghen, was actually a declaration of war. assets, have been levelled against the CJN: it is witnessed their colleague Tanko Mohammed’s He said he acted on an order of the Code of said that millions of dollars were paid into his swearing-in by the president or his first task Conduct Tribunal (CCT) that had commenced bank accounts. the next day (swearing-in of 250 election tribua trial of the CJN at a speed not usually associ- Whoever wanted to remove the CJN should have nal members, some of whom are presumably ated with the Nigerian judiciary. A civil society followed the due processes provided by the dead or retired). Before press time, The Oracle group led by a former aide of the president constitution. That is the minimum expected Today reported that the NJC, which convened had petitioned the CCT, accusing Onnoghen from a president in a democracy. Even a baby an emergency meeting on Monday, had issued of failure to declare some of his assets as would understand that the presidency has query letters to both the suspended CJN, Justice required by law. While the competence of something to hide by using underhand tactics Onnoghen, and the acting CJN, Justice Mohamthe CCT to try the CJN was being contested, to remove the country’s chief law officer three med, asking them to respond within a week. members of a cabal in the presidency and weeks before a general election. The internaOnnoghen, we learned, was asked to respond their friends in the executive were calling tional community represented by the E.U., the to allegations of corruption levelled against him on the CJN to resign “as is done in western U. K., the U.S. and others have issued stateand why he failed to declare all his assets as stipcountries”. Then, out of nowhere, Buhari ments pointing to a disobedience to the rule of ulated by law. Mohammed was to explain why “suspended” the CJN citing an order from law and undermining of the electoral process. he allowed himself to be sworn in by President the CCT. He ignored the provisions of the President Buhari’s explanation that he was fightBuhari without the recommendation of the NJC Nigerian constitution as regards the process ing corruption in the judiciary convinces no as stipulated by the constitution. for removing a judicial officer from office: one. If he was fighting corruption, he would The coup might still be foiled. Yet, it might not be a recommendation by the National Judicial have since moved against the chairman of correct to dismiss the president as ignorant or Council (NJC) and a two-thirds majority backthe CCT who has a case of corruption hanging the cabal (which clearly calls the shot) as stupid. around his neck. He wouldn’t have After all, they are achieving their aim already: to been in bed with many APC chiefget Onnoghen out of the way before he could tains known to be the epitome of constitute an election petitions panel. At least, corruption. His election in 2015 was the elections would have been over by the time bankrolled with the proceeds of corthe Supreme Court (which the Senate has apruption, just as his present electionproached for interpretation) or the NJC could eering is driven by funds stolen from compel the president to reverse the illegality. the public treasury. In view of this major assault on the ju- Our Vision TO BE among the top five newspapers in Nigediciary, Nigerian democracy is threatria and, in due course, the Numero Uno; to be a ened. And this is not the Buhari that newspaper of records that effectively caters to many used to associate with integthe information needs of all segments and secrity. By appointing another northern Muslim like him to head the judiciary, tions of the Nigerian society as well as all social classes and cultures. Essentially, we want to be a he has effectively put the three arms responsible corporate citizen, a commercially viof the Nigerian government into the able, properly organised media business, which pocket of one section of the country. meets its obligations to society, government Northern Muslims head not just the and the workforce. Supreme Court but also the Court of Appeal and the Federal High Court. Mission Besides, northerners now head all WE INTEND to contribute to the development the 17 security agencies, as well as of an inclusive Nigerian society, with a view to the army, air force and police, the getting rid of the dark sides of our national life Independent National Electoral Com(slothfulness, greed, corruption, nepotism, totalmission (INEC) and many other key itarianism, etc); to continually engender and susministries, departments and agentain national debates that would ultimately lead cies. Clearly, this is a violation of the to the enthronement of healthy national valuesFederal Character Principle provided -hard-work, justice, equity and fairplay, transparin the constitution. Nepotism itself is ency, good governance, resulting, in themselves, a form of corruption! the egalitarian Nigerian society of our dream. We While campaigning in the southeast will give voice to the voiceless and at all times, recently, President Buhari said he strive to be balanced, objective, honest, truthful made his appointments on the basis and fair to all sides; so that through The Oracle of competence. Does it mean the Today, our people, the Nigerian people can see most competent Nigerians could be a bright light at the end of what has been a very found only within his region? dark tunnel. And we shall do all this in absolute Like many, we are inclined to suspect trust in God who blesses good intentions. the president is no longer the one


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

OPINION Interrogating Omegara’s N4.5bn accusation and Ihedioha’s defence By KIZITO DURU


ne of the things that characterize every political period is propaganda. Some of these propaganda are too watery to deserve a rejoinder, hence it is allowed to die a natural death, some are professionally shaped and manufactured to the point that the receiver or the target would have to engage media warlords to counter and change the narrative. But overtime, events have shown that, no matter how watery or unbelievable a narrative appears to be, there is need to combat it with truth before the little false story grows into a monster and causes so much damages to one’s political career. Propaganda are essential tools, when used expertly, especially by the opposition parties. This tool was instrumental to the ousting of President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015. Not a few are still of the opinion that the Chibok news that greeted the country and the world at large on April 15, 2014, was a hoax. Whether the narrative was true or not, the media department of the APC, ably led by Alhaji Lai Muhammad, made the most of it, by ensuring that it gets the attention of international media and the story exaggerated and sustained until desired result, winning the presidential election, was achieved. However, when one is accused of a related crime by different quarters, the need to investigate the issue becomes pertinent. In an an electioneering year when the torch lights are beamed on candidates of various political parties vying for one elective position or the other, stories that tell of their alleged shoddy financial dealings paint bad pictures of their images. The credibility of such stories most times is hinged on the personality, credibility, knowledgeability of the writer. Hence the recent stories that have the name of Ihedioha crested in them are deserving of discourse

and analysis. A forth night ago, the former chairman House of Reps Committee on Reform of Government Institutions, Hon Matthew Omegara, accused Chief Ihedioha who is the governorship candidate of the Imo PDP of siphoning the 4.5 billion naria earmarked for the Sam Mbakwe cargo Airport project. Responding to a comment by one Ogu Bundu, a media aide to Ihedioha, in a whatsapp forum, Omegara wrote, “ You Certainly do not know Emeka Ihedioha till you met him running to become the Governor of Imo State. When next you met (sic) him ask him what happened to over N4.5bn Sam Mbakwe Cargo Airport Project awarded to his company for which he once told my Committee during Oversight inspection that the Supper (sic) Structure was being Fabricated in Germany and will arrive soon and installed as a complete building. Ask him for or better still go to NDDC and demand for four copies of Imo State Budget for the past 16 years while he was a principal Officer. You will discover that 80 per cent Imo State Budget on NDDC mainly Roads we’re (sic) sighted in Mbaise an Average of 4.5b every year and the said Roads were never done but were fully paid for. If they were built Mbaise will be another London today at least Imo Government will then face other LGAS. That is how he became so rich and can Continue to run to Govern Imo State for as long as possible but God will continue to disappoint dishonest people.” Sadly, in his response to Omegara’s claim, the spokesman of Ihedioha Campaign Organization, Barr Kissinger Ikeokwu decided to attack less fancied issue while deliberately dodging a concrete issue raised by the House member of Okigwe North Federal Constitu-

ency. Kissinger failed to debunk the allegation and address if actually Ihedioha received 4.5 billion naria for the Imo Airport project and possibly explain why the project stalled. Thus leaving his readers with no other option than to believe the revelation of Okigwe born Omegara. In fact, the tone of the rebuttal which was laced with verbal attacks on Hon Mathew Omegara’s personality suggested that Omegara touched an issue that wasn’t made for public consumption. If there is one thing Ihedioha and his team achieved with the rejoinder, it was that Omegara claims are far from propaganda. Kissinger was more concerned with reeling out projects attracted by Ihedioha and calling Omegara unprintable names than discussing the issue. Below were the issues Kissinger Ikeokwu rebuked and one is left to wonder why he failed to address the issue of N4.5 billion Imo Cargo Airport Project. Is silence an admission of guilt to Omegara’s revelation? 1. That Hon. Ihedioha attracted many NDDC Road projects but diverted them to only his Federal Constituency while he served as Deputy Speaker. 2. That Hon Ihedioha’s company did all the Road contracts he attracted from NDDC and diverted the monies. 3. That Hon. Ihedioha had the opportunity but failed to make Mbaise London in Nigeria. An issue as serious as this shouldn’t be swept under the carpet. For a man who is justling to become the number one citizen of Imo State to have allowed such grievous accusation unattended to means he is either not ready to challenge Omegara and his claim or that he feels Imolites are uneducated and too ignorant to pay attention to it. N4.5b could set up two standard factories in Imo with a work force of a thousand heads, or even revitalize moribund ones in Mbaise land.

The opposition and Aisha’s turnabout By EHICHIOYA EZOMON

Until lately, Aisha Buhari was the “darling” of the opposition, as she presented herself as a “shadow cabinet” to or an in-house critic of her husband, President Muhammadu Buhari and the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) government that he heads. In those days, the opposition didn’t need to do much to checkmate the government, as members were sure that Aisha would, sooner than later, throw a bombshell to titillate her husband’s critics, but discomfit the president, his administration and the APC. Accordingly, they hailed her as a “truth teller”, “straight shooter” and the “right woman for the job.” Indeed, some Nigerians mooted the idea of President Buhari stepping aside for his wife to assume the reins of power. So, to diehard “Buharists/Buharideens” and APC members, Aisha was “working for the opposition” in a made-from-heaven “political romance.” Her “homilies,” not reproduced here in chronological order, began in October 2016. Like a bolt out of the blue, she complained that the Buhari government was populated by “strangers”: people who didn’t work to install the administration. In an interview with BBC Hausa, Aisha said a “few people” were behind the presidential appointments, stressing that, “the president does not know 45 out of 50 of the people he appointed and I don’t know them either, despite being his wife of 27 years.” “Some people are sitting down in their homes folding their arms only for them to be called to come and head an agency or a ministerial position,” she said, adding, “you will know them if you watch television.” Due to the said anomaly, she vowed: “He (Buhari) is yet to tell me, but I have decided, as his wife, that if things continue like this up to 2019, I will not go out and campaign again and ask any woman to vote like I did before. I will never do it again.”

Her damning assessment was sweet music to the disparate power blocs in the APC that felt shortchanged in the appointments, and to the opposition, which sensed an internal resistance to a second term bid by Buhari. In October 2017, at a stakeholders’ meeting on reproductive health and nutrition at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, Mrs. Buhari told the stunned audience that despite huge yearly budgets, the Aso Rock Clinic was bereft of basic medical essentials, such as equipment and drugs. She related her experience at the supposed state-of-the-art hospital designed to cater to members of the Presidency and other high-profile Nigerians, but whose X-ray machine, she’s told, had packed up when she wanted to do a scan. As she queried: “There is a lot of construction going on in this hospital, but there are no consumables, no single syringe there. What does that mean? Who will use the building? We have to be good in reasoning.” Then came Aisha’s reiteration of a “cabal” in the Presidency, accusingly dictating and controlling the affairs of the government - a narrative that aligned perfectly with the view by many that Buhari was reportedly not in charge of his administration. At another occasion, she proclaimed that, very soon, the “hyenas and jackals” in Buhari’s government would be flushed out - perhaps a hint of an imminent cabinet reshuffle, which never happened. Following the August/September 2018 controversial primaries of the APC, Mrs. Buhari accused the party National Chairman, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, of favouring some aspirants with “automatic tickets” while others, who paid the relevant fees for nomination, were shortchanged. Many had surmised that she’s fighting on behalf of her brother, Mahmoud Ahmed, who failed to get the ticket for the governorship of Adamawa State. But she was also holding brief for the hundreds of aggrieved

APC aspirants that didn’t scale the primaries. Not the least of Aisha’s verdicts on her husband’s governance was her December 2018 complaint that two persons in government were sabotaging Buhari’s efforts, and “slowing down” what would have been many of his achievements since 2015. At a National Women Leadership Summit, organised by ‘Project 4+4 for Buhari & Osinbajo 2019,’ in Abuja, she alleged that some politicians were going to the “two men” in the night “to beg for favours,” a situation she described as “disappointing.” Again, it’s almost a rebuke of the Buhari government, prompting the president to deny the existence of such a “cabal” and urged Aisha to name any of his decisions and actions that were influenced by the “cabal” or hold her peace forever. However, the main opposition candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, pounced on these accusations coming at the peak of electioneering for the February 16, 2019 presidential poll, and pleaded with Aisha to mention the names of the two-man cabal. As in her previous public censures, she didn’t identify the duo, but commended President Buhari “for doing well in delivering dividends of democracy to Nigerians even in the face of massive opposition.” Thereafter, she did the unprecedented by composing a women and youth parallel but complementary campaign council that’s larger and more representative than the one launched by her husband for his re-election. And to add insults to the opposition’s injury, Aisha tattooed four fingers of her hands with the slogan 4+4, indicating four more years for President Buhari in office. This taunting probably quickened the severance of her “political romance” with the opposition. Now, the questions: Why has Aisha changed her mind on the promise to withhold endorsement of her husband for a second term in office? What has changed? Has Buhari remedied the anomalies she spotlight-

Quoting a financial expert, Dr Nnaemeka Obiaraeri, “Imo state today has a debt burden that is estimated to be over N200bn . To service the interest elements of these huge debt overhang will take average of N3642bn annually. We are not even addressing the principal repayments . The next Governor of Imo state will have to contend with these unusual atrocious fiscal deformities. The average Imo state monthly civil service wage bill is N2.08bn . The overhead cost is N2.8bn monthly. The next Governor of Imo state will have a monthly recurrent expenditure of over N4.8bn to contend with. This is outside the monthly debt service charge of over N3.5bn.” Going by the above analysis, Imo State cannot afford to have another governor who is not sincere with finances as that will finally spell doom for the state. We deserve an explanation on how the N4.5bn was spent. Anything short of that, it is safe to say that Imo State may be making an outrageous mistake voting Ihedioha as the next governor of the state. I have said in my previous articles that come rain come shrine, Okorocha will not be the governor of Imo beyond June 12, 2019. It behoves on us to scrutinize and pay more attention to the various guber candidates of the political parties in Imo State, their antecedent and character, to ensure Imo State does not go from frying pan to fire. Conclusively, legally, Ihedioha remains innocent of every accusation until proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction. However, politically, accusations such as this does more harm than good to him and his ambition, especially, when it is treated with silence. •Egbe bere Ugo bere.

ed in his governance style? To her, certainly yes! Hence, her commendation of him “for a job well done.” Remarkably, an Esan proverb counsels: “It’s not what traders say when going to the market that they will repeat when returning.” To wit: Aisha cannot hold the same opinion about her husband in off season and during election period in which Buhari has a higher stake. Doing so would be to cut her nose to spite her face. Thus, her volte-face is a big, and an enduring lesson for the opposition, as depicted in the maxim: “The tongue and teeth do quarrel but they know how to settle.” After all, Muhammadu and Aisha, as husband and wife, can resolve their differences, over form and style of his governance, without an interloping opposition. •Mr. Ezomon, Journalist and Media Consultant, writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

THE GROUP Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief Ikeddy Isiguzo Editor Felix Oguejiofor Abugu Deputy Editor/Head, Lagos Bureau Sopuruchi Onwuka Head, Graphics & Designs Nnamdi Alex Chukwu Circulation Manager Felix Oti

The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Travel & Hospitality


Nigeria, others gain 7% int’l tourist arrivals for 2018 • Grow 6% above world average yoy Stories by VICTOR NZE


IGERIA and the rest of sub Saharan Africa gained 7% in international tourists arrivals with North Africa reached a 10% increase, all representing a total number of 67 million tourists to the continent for the same year under review, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) in its new report released, last week. The new report from UNWTO also showed that 2018 was a very good year for global tourism, with 1.4 billion worldwide traveler arrivals. According to the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, the organisation’s long term forecast issued in 2010 had originally predicted that the 1.4 billion mark would be reached in 2020, ‘yet the remarkable growth of international arrivals in recent years has brought it two years ahead.’ Similarly, International tourist arrivals up 6 per cent in 2018. According to the report, tourism to the Middle East and Africa grew above the six-percent world average, year over year, with a 10-percent increase in the Middle East and a seven-percent jump in Africa. Asia and the Pacific and Europe both grew by six percent. Middle East (+10%) and Africa (+7%) grew above the world average while Asia and the Pacific and Europe grew at 6%; 2018 totalled 1.4 billion international tourist arrivals

(+6%), consolidating 2017 strong results and proving to be the second strongest year since 2010; for 2019, UNWTO forecasts a 3-4% increase, in line with the historical growth trend. UNWTO estimates that worldwide international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) increased 6% to 1.4 billion in 2018, clearly above the 3.7% growth registered in the global economy. In relative terms, the Middle East (+10%), Africa (+7%), Asia and the Pacific and Europe (both at +6%) led growth in 2018. Arrivals to the Americas were below the world average (+3%). “The growth of tourism in recent years confirms that the sector is today one of the most powerful drivers of economic growth and development. It is our responsibility to manage it in a sustainable manner and translate this expansion into real benefits for all countries, and particularly, to all local communities, creating opportunities for jobs and entrepreneurship and leaving no one behind” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “This is why UNWTO is focussing 2019 on education, skills and job creation.”, he added. UNWTO’s long-term forecast published in 2010 predicted the 1.4 billion mark of international tourist arrivals for 2020. Yet stronger economic growth, more affordable air travel, technological changes, new businesses models and greater visa facilitation around the word

•Murtala Muhammed International-Airport Terminal, Lagos.

have accelerated growth in recent years. International tourist arrivals in Europe reached 713 million in 2018, a notable 6% increase over an exceptionally strong 2017. Growth was driven by Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+7%), Central and Eastern Europe (+6%) and Western Europe (+6%). Results in Northern Europe were flat due to the weakness of arrivals to the United Kingdom.

Bab Al Shams Resort offers Nigerians unique Valentine’s Day in Dubai


HE 5-star desert luxury Bab Al Shams Resort & Spa has an irresistible offer for Nigerians planning to spend this year’s Valentine’s Day in the United Arab Emirates. Located 45 minutes away from the city of Dubai and Dubai International Airport, the 5-star desert luxury resort situated in the heart of Dubai desert, is the perfect destination for families, couples or desert lovers who want a lavish experience. On Thursday, February 14, Romantic Dinner at Sunset Point offers an exclusive experience under the stars of Dubai, while Italian restaurant Le Dune presents a special Valentine’s Candlelit Dinner. To extend the celebration of this occasion, an exclusive Valentine’s Garden Brunch awaits guests on February 15 at Al Forsan restaurant. Couples looking for a personalised and romantic Valentine’s Day experience are invited to celebrate this special day with a unique culinary experience at their private decorated tent at Sunset Point area, surrounded by bonfire and relaxation majlis under the stars of Dubai. Every couple will experience an extravagant four-course menu, carefully prepared by the resort’s professional culinary team headed by executive chef Clive Micallef, together with a bottle of sparkling rose grapes beverage, presented by a dedicated butler while enjoy-

ing the live tunes of the violinist With an elegant fusion of Italian and Arabic inspired décor and Al fresco terrace overlooking the Palm courtyard, Le Dune restaurant is the ultimate destination for all couples to celebrate their love journey in a unique atmosphere with the exclusive ‘Candlelit Valentine’s Dinner’. Every couple will enjoy the fourcourse Italian menu, prepared primarily by the culinary team for this occasion together with soft beverages or a bottle of sparkling grapes beverage while listening to romantic background music. On February 15, ‘The Garden brunch’ will transform into Valentine’s Garden Brunch offering a special Valentine-themed brunch, whether with its culinary delicacies or with its Valentine decorations. Couples and families are invited to enjoy this one-day-only brunch, from its extensive buffet, spread at the garden area and inside Al Forsan restaurant, its live-cooking stations offering cuisines from the different part of the globe or with the live tunes of the four-piece band and the kids’ dedicated entertainment corner that includes pony and camel rides. In a related development, the Dubai government in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), last Sunday announced the waiver of a mandatory requirement for hotel establishments, tourism companies, and event organizers.

According to this waiver, these entities will no longer be required to obtain a public relations officer (PRO) card, the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) announced. The PRO card was a mandatory requirement for conducting travel industry transactions in Dubai such as requests for permits and approvals for a range of tourism and travel-related activities and services. Henceforth, hotels and tourism companies including travel agents, tour operators and event management businesses can now submit

Asia and the Pacific (+6%) recorded 343 million international tourist arrivals in 2018. Arrivals in South-East Asia grew 7%, followed by North-East Asia (+6%) and South Asia (+5%). Oceania showed more moderate growth at +3%. The Americas (+3%) welcomed 217 million international arrivals in 2018, with mixed results across destinations. Growth was led by North America (+4%), and followed by South America (+3%), while Central America and the Caribbean (both -2%) reached very mixed results, the latter reflecting the impact of the September 2017 hurricanes Irma and Maria. Data from Africa points to a 7% increase in 2018 (North Africa at +10% and Sub-Saharan +6%), reaching an estimated 67 million arrivals. The Middle East (+10%) showed solid results last year consolidating its 2017 recovery, with international tourist arrivals reaching 64 million. Growth expected to return to historical trends in 2019 Based on current trends, economic prospects and the UNWTO Confidence Index, UNWTO forecasts international arrivals to grow 3% to 4% next year, more in line with historic growth trends.

As a general backdrop, the stability of fuel prices tends to translate into affordable air travel while air connectivity continues to improve in many destinations, facilitating the diversification of source markets. Trends also show strong outbound travel from emerging markets, especially India and Russia but also from smaller Asian and Arab source markets. At the same time, the global economic slowdown, the uncertainty related to the Brexit, as well as geopolitical and trade tensions may prompt a “wait and see” attitude among investors and travellers. Overall, 2019 is expected to see the consolidation among consumers of emerging trends such as the quest for ‘travel to change and to show’, ‘the pursuit of healthy options’ such as walking, wellness and sports tourism, ‘multigenerational travel’ as a result of demographic changes and more responsible travel. “Digitalisation, new business models, more affordable travel and societal changes are expected to continue shaping our sector, so both destination and companies need to adapt if they want to remain competitive”, added Pololikashvili.

NIS to commence issuance of new 10-yr-validity passports from March


HE Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) says it will commence issuance of new passport in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) from March 4. This was disclosed by NIS Public Relations Officer, Mr Sunday James in Abuja, on Monday. It will be recalled that the new epassport was officially launched by President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, January 16. According to James, the existing passport booklet will run concurrently with the new enhanced passport booklet until the former expires. Other scheduled dates James said include: Ikoyi in Lagos; March 25, Kano April 1; Alausa, Lagos April 8;

London, United Kingdom April 15. He said the phase two multiple roll out in New York, Washington, Atlanta, USA would follow immediately after London on April 22 while other locations, local and abroad, would follow in sequence from April 29. The PRO further said that the passport reforms which included introduction of new enhanced passport booklet and passport with ten year validity had various category of passports and approved fees. He said that the cost of 32-page five-year standard passport stood at N25,000; 64-page five-year standard passport at N 35,000; Sixty-four page 10-year standard passport at N70,000 and 32-page fiveyear official passport at N15,000.

According to James, the new passport has enormous advantages which comprised ten year validity, self-tracking of application and express centers for urgent application. Other advantages, he said, include; weather friendliness, compliance with latest ICAO standard, polycarbonate technology that reduced incidence of damage as well saves Nigerians in the Diaspora time of frequent visits to Nigerian Embassies. “We urge Nigerians to take advantage of the reforms, avoid patronising third party or touts and utilise the online platforms provided by the service for their passport application,” he said.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


SAA, AWA provide connections for Nigeria travellers to W/DC via Accra Stories by VICTOR NZE


OUTH African Airways (SAA) has signed an interline e-ticket agreement with Africa World Airlines (AWA) to offer Nigeria travellers seamless connection to Washington DC, United States via Accra. The South African Airways and Africa World Airlines partnership will result in one flight ticket issue to intending passengers flying to Washington from either Lagos or Abuja in Nigeria. With 37 frequencies weekly flights from Lagos and Abuja to Accra, Africa World Airlines provides veritable connection service to feed the 4 weekly South African Airways Accra Washington flight. According to Ohis Ehimiaghe, South African Airways Regional Manager, North, West and Central Africa, “The South African Airways and Africa World Airlines partnership is the shortest gateway to travel to Washington providing about 11 hours trip from West Africa to Washington. And with the core values of reliability and exceptional service, both airlines are poised to give passengers wonder-

ful flying experience.” South African Airways through the interline agreement with Africa World Airlines is permitted to issue the direct ticket from either Lagos or Abuja to Washington via Accra. The South African Airways Accra Washington flight is serviced with state-of-the-art Airbus A330 aircraft fitted with High quality on-demand inflight system. The Business Class seat have a flat-bed design that is almost two metres long when fully extended alongside exquisite dining while the slim-line economy seats have generous leg-room for travelling comfort. This interline agreement is the beginning of a stronger relationship with Africa World Airlines as South African Airways is in continuous discussion with the airline for a full codeshare agreement soon,” Kemi Leke-Bamtefa, South African Airways National Sales Manager Nigeria stated. Kingsley Chima, Africa World Airlines Country Manager Nigeria described the interline agreement as a “win-win development for both airlines and most importantly, the passengers now have a seamless connection from West Africa to Washington, USA.”

BA marks Centenary; to paint aircraft with much-loved design


RITISH Airways (BA) will paint one of its Boeing 747 aircraft in the much-admired design of its predecessor, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), to mark its 100 years of flight operations. A statement issued on behalf of the airline by Nigerian media representatives, Quadrant msl. com, said: “The livery from the 1964 to 1974 BOAC era will adorn a B747 with Reg No. : G-BYGC,” adding further that the aircraft would leave the paint shop in Dublin, arrive Heathrow on February 18, and would begin service the following day. The statement which informed that this would coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first Boeing 747 flight only a few days earlier, said that the B747 would be the first aircraft to receive a popular design from British Airways’ past heritage. It added that more details of further designs would be made public. “The aircraft which will receive the retro liveries will fly British Airways’ routes, proudly showcasing some of the popular designs as part of the airline’s centenary celebrations. All new aircraft entering the fleet, including the A350, will continue to receive today’s popular Chatham Dockyard design,” it said. The statement quoted Alex Cruz, the British Airways’ Chairman and CEO, as saying: “So many British Airways customers and colleagues have fond memories of our previous liveries, regularly sharing their photos from across the globe. ”So it is incredibly exciting to be re-introducing this classic BOAC design. Our history has shaped who we are today, so our centenary is

the perfect moment to revisit our heritage and the UK’s aviation landscape through this iconic livery.” He said that the B747 had been deliberately chosen for the BOAC livery because it was a later variant of the same aircraft type that adorned the design when it was initially in operation. “The BOAC livery will remain on the Boeing 747 until it retires in 2023. By this time, British Airways will have retired majority of its 747 fleet, replacing them with new state-of-the-art long-haul aircraft.” Cruz was also quoted as saying that the airline would be taking delivery of 18 units of A350s and 12 Boeing 787 Dreamliners in the next four years. They would feature new cabins and would be more environmentally efficient. He added that BA would also take delivery of another 26 shorthaul aircraft, all part of the airline’s £6.5bn investment for customers.

•Senior management staff, crew of Ethiopian Airlines along with other stakeholders cutting the cake to mark the commencement of flights into the new Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (NAIA) terminal Abuja, last Thursday.

Boeing unveils world’s biggest twin-engine jet


NITED States aircraft maker, Boeing has unveiled the world’s largest twin-engine jet, the new B777X. Building on the cabins of the Boeing 777 and 787 Dreamliner, the new 777X will create a more spacious flight experience. According to Boeing, the 777X family will include the 777-8X and the 777-9X. The 777-9X can seat more than 400 passengers, while the 777-8X can seat some 350 passengers. Its cabins will be four inches wider thanks to wall reductions of two inches on each side, and windows will be 16 percent larger than those found on the current 777 to provide every passenger with better views throughout their flight. The windows will also be raised by two and a half inches to allow for more light and views even for passengers who won’t be at a window seat. According to the reveal, the business class cabin will have mechanical window shades and the option for dimmable windows (at the discretion of each aircraft owner).

Airlines will also be able to customize ceilings. Overhead bins are sculpted concavely to once again provide a more spacious feel while still allowing passengers one overhead bag per person. The design is also meant to make it easier for passengers to close bins, reducing effort by 40 percent compared to previous models, according to Boeing representatives. LED lighting features will provide a calming ambiance throughout, while wider cabins will also allow airlines to customize cabin alignments that include direct aisle access in business class. In addition to its customizable and more spacious cabin features,

NCAT to sign MoU with Sierra Leone’s CAA Feb. 5


IGERIAN College of Aviation Technology (NCAT) has stated that it would sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sierra Leonean Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on February 5, this year. Rector and Chief Executive Officer of NCAT, Capt. Abdulsalami

Ethiopian Airlines wins Africa’s outstanding Airline award


HE Africa Project Against Suicide in Conjunction with South West Nigeria Excellence Awards has honoured Ethiopian Airlines with the Africa Outstanding Airline of the year. The event held, Sunday, at the Conference Centre of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife, Osun State was attended by members of the Association from all over the Africa. Airline’s Manager in Nigeria, Mrs. Firihiewot Mekonnen while receiving the Award on behalf of the Group CEO of Ethiopian Airlines GabrielMariam Tewolde thanked the organisers for the Award. “Ethiopian Airlines will always support great ideas that will uplift the standard of Living for Africans. As

this program will also be launched in different African countries including Ethiopia. I am proposing that you take ET as the official carrier whenever you fly. ET is a pan African carrier that supports any project which aims for the betterment of Africa. Ethiopian Airlines is the biggest Airline in Africa and has been recognised as the African four star Airline. It is a member of the Global Star Alliance and flies the newest Aircraft Brands in Africa including the B787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350,“ she said. The conference follows the recent partnership by the United Statesbased organisation-Leadership in Obscurity Network, with the African Project Against Suicide (APAS) on a

the 777X fleet will also allow for 12 percent lower fuel consumption, utilizing the world’s biggest engine. The aircraft will include folding wingtips that make it possible to taxi into normal gates at airports but also reach a huge amount of lift and minimize drag while in the skies. It’s important to note that the business class cabin in Boeing’s reveal is just a model concept, and airlines will have the option to customize as they see fit. The first flight of the Boeing 777X is currently scheduled for 2019, with the first delivery slated for 2020. Boeing already has over 300 orders for the new 777X.

one-year-long crusades being undertaken by the latter. Overall Coordinator of APAS, Pastor Honey Olawale; South Africa Coordinator, Reholegile Mehlape, and Eastern Africa Coordinator, Daniel Madalanga jointly stated that the terms of the partnership include training of selected African leaders on suicide prevention. According to him, 10 countries within Africa are participating in the first phase of anti-suicide project. The countries are South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Egypt and Mauritius. As for Nigeria, however, cities listed for the war-against-suicide crusades and concerts are Lagos, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Benin, Abuja, Kaduna and Enugu.

Mohammed disclosed this to 60 participants, including aviation correspondents, who graduated from the college, last Friday. The NCAT boss explained that signing of the MoU with a fellow West African country Sierra Leone followed the Regional Training Centre of Excellence (RTCE) status conferred on the foremost aviation training institution by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). He said that the school had to sign the agreement with Sierra Leone, as the college had to sustain the new designation. Mohammed added that the event to boost training partnership between both countries will hold on February 5, 2019. He commended the sponsors; the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) for their efforts and LAAC for bringing the large number of Participants to the college. Among the participants that were graduated today by the school were those from Gambia and Cameroun.


The Oracle Today Wednesday January 30, 2019


Nigeria still low in insurance penetration – Expert Stories by VICTOR NZE


XECUTIVE Director, Technical, Old Mutual General Insurance Company, Mr Japheth Duru, has disclosed that despite the efforts of insurance firms in the country as well as rising natural and man-made disasters challenging the people, the country was still low in the area of insurance penetration. Speaking in Lagos during a media interaction session with the media, in Lagos, Thursday, Duru called on Nigerians to embrace insurance as a means of mitigating all forms of risks in their lives and businesses, noting that increasing rate of insecurity of lives and property in Nigeria, occasioned by some natural factors, political and ethno-religious factors, calls for urgent response. “At 0.3 per cent, Nigeria has a staggering low insurance penetration in comparison to counterpart markets in Africa. South Africa has 14.7 per cent; Kenya 2.8 per cent and Angola 0.8 per cent penetration rate,” he said. While noting that in recent years, there has been increase in natural disaster, terrorism, financial crisis and disease outbreaks, that have affected the quality of life of an average Nigerian, Duru lamented that despite all these, ‘many Nigerians are averse to taking insurance cover.’ “Families have to deal with loss

of loved ones, health emergencies caused by accidents or illnesses; home and property owners face the risk of burglary, flooding, fire attacks and building collapse; business owners have to deal with the risk of damage and theft to their business premises and assets; vehicle owners are also faced with risks of motor accidents, aggravated theft and third party liabilities. “Apart from the grief experienced with these risks, the resultant financial loss can be more destabilising. While these risks may seem distant from our comfort zones, they cannot be completely eliminated and since man has not devised a means to ascertain when risks will occur; the need to mitigate against exposure to acute financial loss becomes crucial.” He said insurance has been identified by experts as an important tool to mitigate against exposure to risk, adding that insurance guarantees peace of mind and financial security to the insured, even as he regretted that despite these critical realities, current trends showed that Nigerians were yet to truly embrace insurance as a tool for risk management. Duru pointed out that even with an estimated population of over 196 million people and a growing middle class, the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) had reported that only 1.8 million of the over 96 million adult population has any form of insurance.

•Cross section of members of National Association of Insurance and Pension Correspondents at the one day training on going in Lagos.

Annuity tops life business as operators income hits N77bn


IGERIAN Insurers Association (NIA) data has revealed that annuity provided the largest chunk of premium income, amounting to N77.77 billion, and representing 48 per cent of total

earnings to Life Insurance companies in 2017. Leadway Assurance Company Limited topped the charts in earnings as it posted N56.17 billion with Custodian Life Assurance Limited,

Insurance in Nigeria to grow stronger in next decades – Allianz Nigeria Chief


NSURANCE in Africa, especially Nigeria, will grow stronger in the next decades due to the demographic transition, combined with a growing insurance penetration, an insurance expert, Mr Ceonraad Vrolijk, has said. Vrolijk, who is the Regional Chief Executive of Allianz Africa, spoke at a dinner in Lagos, where he announced the opening of the Nigeria branch; through new underwriting outfit, “Allianz Nigeria Insurance Plc”. Allianz Nigeria Insurance Plc is a composite Insurance company licenced to transact Life and NonLife Insurance business in Nigeria. Their products range from retail products such as Motor, Life, Home Insurance and corporate products. Vrolijk said: “We believe insurance in Africa, especially, Nigeria, will grow stronger in the next decades. “This is due to the demographic transition, combined with a growing insurance penetration, which is still below two per cent.” Vrilijk said that the group had penetrated Nigerian market to optimise insurance service for all citizens in personal or commercial lines. He said that in nearly two decades, Africa had witnessed significant population growth, rapid transformation in financial sector, digital disruption, telecommunication and accessibility to internet. Vrolijk said the Allianz group

with its headquarters in Munich, Germany, had offered micro insurance solution to 500,000 low income households on the continent. He said that the group had also floated a contemporary risk for business in the area of cyber security. Speaking about the future; he said that Allianz would like to look more closely into the Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage (CLIC) in Nigeria. “As one of the largest investors, we manage over €650 billion (Euros), on behalf of insurance customers and additional €14 trillion

in third party assets in more than 70 countries with 150,000 employees. “The group recorded a total revenue of €126 billion (Euros) in 2017 and an operating profit of €11 billion for the group. “The success story highlighted our commitment to investment, as our presence is now imbedded over 70 countries,” he said. In his remarks, Mr Olasunkanmi Adekeye, the Managing Director, Allianz, Nigeria, said that the company officially transformed from “Ensure Insurance Plc to Allianz Nigeria Insurance Plc in December 2018.

Adekeye said that this was after the meeting of all the regulatory requirements. “The Allianz Group has fulfilled all the regulatory requirements to rebrand the company to Allianz Nigeria Insurance Plc,” he said. The managing director said that the company would dismantle the complexities of insurance in the country, by making insurance accessible to all citizens. According to him, Claims’ payment will be automated; purchase of insurance products will become 100 per cent digital, among others. “Allianz will bring micro insurance to the homes of many Nigerians,” he assured.

Secretary /Legal Adviser! Muhammad Sani Muhammed, Head, Corporate Communications Department, Peter Aghahowa and Principal Manager, South West Zonal Office, Akinsola Adeseun. It will be recalled that under the stewardship of the Ag. Director General, Mrs. Aisha Dahir-Umar, the Commission had witnessed innovations such as Pension Enhancement for retirees under the Programmed Withdrawal and the Multi Fund Structure amongst others. Public confidence and acceptability of the CPS has soared and membership has grown to 8.41 million contributors as at December 2018. The scheme has accumulated up to N8.50 trillion

as at November 2018 and a total of 260,808 retirees are receiving monthly pensions regularly and since the inception of the scheme, there has never been any reported case of fraud, which is largely due to the regulatory measures applied by the commission. The Commission posited that it is poised to bring the informal sector into the Contributory Pension Scheme, through the Micro Pension Plan, which is to attract over 20 million workers and N3 trillion into the Pension Assets. PenCom said this plan avails pension services to self-employed persons and persons working in organisations with less than three employees.

PenCom wins Outstanding Regulator for 2018


HE National Pension Commission (PenCom) has been awarded the Outstanding Regulator of the Year 2018 by the Independent Newspapers Limited, publishers of Daily Independent Newspapers. The Newspaper publication outfit, said at the award presentation in Lagos, that the honour was in recognition of PenCom’s relentless pursuit of excellence in regulating the pension industry. The Commission was extolled for its strides in implementing the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) and moving pension administration to new heights. The award was received on behalf of the Commission by the

N7.71 billion; FBNInsurance Limited, N6.76 billion; AIICO Insurance Plc, N3.22 billion; and ARM Life Plc, N2.71 billion. Data also showed that Life Insurers earned N44.58 billion, 28 per cent from group life policy and N39.27 billion from individual life business. However, the crisis that rocked annuity business in 2017, may have affected the net written premium income as life operators were mandated to open operational accounts with Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs). According to the National Pension Commission (PenCom), after the embargo was lifted, it approved a total of 5,243 applications for annuity plan in third quarter 2017, and the 5,243 retirees paid annuity premium of N27.74 billion to life insurance companies. PenCom had in November 2016 mandated life insurers to stop annuity business for three months and within the period, transfer their annuity assets to PFAs. According to PenCom, the decision to move annuity assets from life insurers to PFCs is to ensure consistency with Pension Reform Act (PRA) 2014 and strengthen the processing of administration of retirement benefits.

Acting DG, PENCOM, Aisha Dahir Umar


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Majority of Nigerians not represented in insurance space – Expert Stories by VICTOR NZE


XA Mansard Insurance Plc, Chief Digital Officer, Mr Bayo Adesanya, has observed that the low coverage of insurance in Nigeria is responsible for the nonrepresentation of a majority of the citizens in either the industry of the non-banking financial services space. Adesanya who said this Saturday in Lagos at the Techpoint Build Conference, also explained that AXA Mansard Insurance firm collaborated with the Techpoint Africa, organisers of the conference, to enhance insurance penetration among tech entrepreneurs and youths. The Techpoint Build organised by Techpoint Africa is a Conference and Exhibition aim at unlocking the potential within the tech and business sector while projecting its future growth. The platform would connect the startup and SME community with all industries, converging people from different states across Nigeria and other neighbouring countries. “Nigeria has a huge youths population, which is about 60 per cent of our population and most of them are under 30 and doing great things with technology. Majority of the country is not well represented in the insurance or nonbanking financial services space because coverage for insurance in the country is below one per cent. “We feel that if we are going to address that and spread the benefits that come from the services of that sector, it is important to engage youths and in a technologydriven way,” he said. Adesanya said the firm had set

up a team that was dedicated to e-commerce and digital transformation and intends to use various digital channels to reach as many people as possible. According to him, the Techpoint Build Conference is a platform that it will leverage to convey its message across to various businesses and tech entrepreneurs, largely youths. Adesanya said: “Technological disruption to insurance has begun in advanced climates; insurance is going digital and technological solutions used to deepen penetration. We understand the role that technology plays and we intend to use it to take our services beyond the traditional insurance.” Remarking, Mr Adewale Yusuf, Founder, Techpoint Africa, said that the conference was borne out of the need to support startups and small businesses with necessary skills to develop a profitable business. “For years, my team and I have documented the journey of startups and SMEs in Nigeria and Africa, and discovered that the problems attributed to businesses were the same “We have brought experts, founders in different fields to help businesses understand the intricacies of having and building a successful business in Africa. Technology is having a huge disruptive effect on businesses, health and even our existence, we need to get ourselves abreast with the evolving trends,” he said. Yusuf said that the SME/Startup Clinic session of the programme would rejuvenate startups with diagnostic advice from advisors and assist them unlock their potentials for economic growth.

‘Insurance left 60% protection gap in 2018’


HE economic costs of last year’s 394 natural catastrophe events came to US$225 billion with insurance covering US$90 billion of the overall total, creating the fourth costliest year on record of insured losses, according to an Aon report titled “Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight – 2018 Insight Report.” This means the insurance protection gap, which is the portion of economic losses not covered by private sector or government-sponsored insurance programs, was 60 percent, said the report, noting that the protection gap was at its lowest level since 2005. The biggest driver of catastrophes in 2018 was the tropical cyclone peril following several significant landfalling storms, which included Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence (United States); Typhoon Jebi and Typhoon Trami (Japan): Typhoon Mangkhut (Philippines, Hong Kong, China), and Typhoon Rumbia (China). Indeed, $89 billion of the overall insured price tag of $90 billion came from weather-related disasters, said Aon. The report noted that 2017 and 2018 brought the costliest back-toback years on record for both economic losses (US$653 billion) solely due to weather-related events, and for insured losses across all perils (US$237 billion). Andy Marcell, CEO of Aon’s Rein-

surance Solutions business, commented: “2018 was another active year for global natural disasters. While there was not a singular ‘mega’ catastrophe event, there were 42 billion-dollar events which aggregated to a slightly above-average year. The re/insurance industry continues to withstand the payouts backed up with US$595 billion of capital but focus on managing the cost of changing climate and weather events by helping to close the protection gap.” Additional major events during the year included a series of major wildfires in Northern and Southern California. The costliest insured loss event of 2018 was the Camp Fire at US$12 billion, which also became California’s deadliest and most destructive fire on record, said Aon. “Among the takeaways from the events of 2018 was the recognition that catastrophe risk continues to evolve,” said Steve Bowen, director and Meteorologist at Aon’s Impact Forecasting team. “The complex combination of socioeconomics, shifts in population and exposure into vulnerable locations, plus a changing climate contributing to more volatile weather patterns, is forcing new conversations to sufficiently handle the need for mitigation and resilience measures,” he added. “Natural disasters are always going to occur. How well we prepare can and will play a key role in future event losses.”

•A cross section of AIICO Insurance Plc’s first set of 40 trainees under its mentoring programme called “AIICO’s Internship Skill Acquisition Programme,’’ who graduated recently from its training school in Victoria Island, Lagos.

AIICO Insurance graduates 40 under Internship Skills Acquisition Programme


IICO Insurance Plc has graduated the first set of 40 trainees under its mentoring programme called “AIICO’s Internship Skills Acquisition Programme’’. Head, Strategic Marketing Communications Department who made this known in Lagos, Friday, in a statement, said that the initiative was aimed at developing Nigerian undergraduates. Jose said that the company planned to achieve the aim by initiating the undergraduates into the corporate world. “The AIICO’s Internship Skills Acquisition Programme enables the undergraduates to gain working experience and to know how organisations operate.’’ “AIICO Insurance Plc aims at developing undergraduates of

schools by initiating them into the corporate world. It is a platform for undergraduates of schools to gain experience of activities and the workings of the organization,

something to corroborate and make clear, the theoretical knowledge in terms of its applicability in the corporate sphere,” she said in the statement.

NAICOM confirms Egbaran as Goldlink Insurance MD


ATIONAL Insurance Commission (NAICOM) on Friday confirmed the appointment of Mr Edore Egbaran, as the new Managing Director of Goldlink Insurance Plc. NAICOM spokesman, Mr Abudulrasaq Abudulsalam, who made the confirmation in Lagos, said Egbaran’s appointment came as a result of the restructuring of the Interim Management Board, formerly headed by Mrs Olufunke Moore.

The spokesman said the interim management board had completed its mission of repositioning the company through an upward review of its capital base. According to him, Mr Nahim Abe Ibraheem, has also been appointed as the new Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors. Messrs Olanrewaju Sulaimon, Adeyinka Olutungase, Farouk Yola and Mrs Tonbofa Ashimi, were also appointed as members of the Board, he added.

the cancelled tier-based minimum solvency capital policy proposed by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM). The board was given the authority to create 5 billion new ordinary shares of 50 kobo each to increase its authorised share capital to N10 billion of 20 billion ordinary shares of 50

kobo each. Shareholders also approved the proposal to raise additional equity capital for the company up to the maximum of the authorised share capital with additional mandate to the board to absorb excess money in the event of oversubscription of the initial offer.

NSE clears Sovereign Trust Insurance for N2.1b rights issue


IGERIAN Stock Exchange has now cleared the the board of Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc to carry out its proposed rights issue aimed at boosting the company’s operations. The insurance firm is planning to raise the sum of N2.09 billion from its existing shareholders through a rights issue. The company’s management had earlier written an application to the NSE seeking its approval for the exercise. The NSE came Wednesday, January 23, 2019, with Dynamic Portfolio Limited being the stockbroker for the exercise and Cordros Capital Limited acting as the financial adviser to the transactions. Details of the approval showed that Sovereign Trust Insurance is issuing rights issue of 4.170 billion ordinary shares of 50 kobo each at 50 kobo per share on the basis of one new ordinary share for every two ordinary shares held as at January 15, 2019. Business Post reports further that recently, shareholders of Sovereign Trust Insurance approved a new capital raising plan on the back of

Anambra pensioners urge Obiano to pay 11 months arrears


IGERIA Union of Pensioners (NUP) Anambra branch has urged Gov. Willie Obiano to pay the 11 months arrears amounting to N490.19 million. Chairman of NUP in the state, Chief Anthony Ugozor, made this known at the opening ceremony of the quarterly meeting of the South East zone of the body in Awka on Friday. Ugozor said the arrears belonged to the 2002/2003 primary school pensioners, adding that it was approved by the previous administration in 2014. He said those affected by the arrears should be made to enjoy their due just like others. “Presently, pensioners in Anam-

bra are still enjoying some degree of comfort for the fact that monthly pensions are still paid as and when due. “The struggle for a new minimum wage is protracted and challenging; we wish to encourage the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to continue in spite of all odds,’’ Ugozor said. In his goodwill message, Mr Jerry Nnubia, the Chairman of NLC in Anambra, said that the council is on top of the situation. He expressed hope that the state government would make a pronouncement on the issue soon. Nnubia said that pensioners deserve great care in retirement having spent their productive time and energies in service of the father land.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

EQUITY & Capital Market SEC advises State Govts to revitalize moribund industries Stories by JEROME USHAKANG


HE Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC has called on state governments in the country to take advantage of the enormous opportunities available in the capital market to revitalise moribund companies in their states in order to create wealth for the citizens. This was the objective of Acting Director General of the SEC, Ms Mary Uduk stated in Akure, Ondo State at an e-dividend enlightenment campaign, last Thursday. She said some of the companies still have potentials adding that the capital market has instruments to revamp such companies through private equity funding and partnerships.The Acting DG also advised investors to take advantage of the on-going e-dividend registration as well as the regularisation of multiple subscription accounts in a bid to reduce the unclaimed dividends profile and increase liquidity in the capital market and the economy. Uduk emphasized that the forbearance window for shareholders with multiple subscriptions has been extended by another year from the December 31, 2018 deadline previously communicated to December 31, 2019. And therefore , enjoined those who have not come forward for the regularization of shares purchased with mul-

tiple identities, to do so. She said, “The essence of the EDividend Mandate Management System is to eradicate or reduce to the barest minimum the incidence of unclaimed dividend. Unclaimed dividend is an undesirable feature of the Nigerian capital market which denies investors/shareholders the gains of participating in the capital market. It denies the economy access to the huge amount of money which should have accrued to shareholders and would have gone into circulation to oil the wheel of the economy.It is a consequence of the bottlenecks which are inherent in the erstwhile paper dividend warrant regime such as postal system inefficiency, change in investors’ addresses, poor fidelity and human fallibility in dividend payment processes, amongst others.” The SEC boss stated that the E– Dividend regime bypasses these limitations by ensuring that dividends which do not exceed 12 years of issue are credited directly to an investors account after declaration by the paying company and within a stipulated payment period through simple interbank transfer. Uduk was represented by Head, Zonal Offices Coordinating Department, Mr. Edward Okolo In his paper, presented at the occasion, Head of Lagos Zonal office of the SEC, Mr. Stephen Falomo said over the years, the quantum

•SYNTAXIS, L-R, Managing Director, Afrinvest (West Africa) Mr Ike Chioke, Acting Director General, Securities and Exchange Commission , Ms Mary Uduk and Managing Director, Syntaxis Capital Africa, Mrs Adesuwa Okunbo during the Official Launch of the Syntaxis Nigeria Growth Fund in Abuja yesterday.

of unclaimed dividends, within the Nigerian Capital Market, has witnessed tremendous growth. As at January, 2018, the total amount was confirmed to be over N100Bn. He said that companies would continue to declare dividends, this figure is expected to further grow. The huge figure and continuous

growth of unclaimed dividends clearly suggest an urgent need to stem the trend. Falomo said the way out is for Nigerian investors to enroll for the e-dividend regime by completing an e-Dividend ‘Mandate Form’ and submitting same at the nearest branch of his/her Bank or Registrar’s office, for identity validation leveraging the BVN plat-

form of the NIBSS. Also speaking , the Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Ifedayo Abegunde, commended the SEC on its efforts at sensitising investors and assured that the Ondo state government will assist in any way possible to ensure that its citizens derive the benefits of their investments.

International Day of Education May & Baker lists 745.2m more shares on NSE NSEHECommemorates Nigerian Stock Exchange the UN system, private sector, and


AY & Baker Nigeria Plc has recently made a supplementary listing of seven hundred and forty-five million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and eighty-six ( 745,234,886 ) Ordinary shares on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The Exchange said that with the listing of the additional 745,234,886 Ordinary shares, the total issued and fully paid up shares of May & Baker Plc has now increased from nine hundred and eighty million (980,000,000 ) to one billion, seven hundred and twenty-five million two hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and eighty-six (1,725,234,886) Ordinary shares

Head of Listings and Regulation Department, Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Mr. Godstime Iwenekhai, in a statement disclosed that May & Baker Nigeria Plc, has listed additional 745,234,886 Ordinary shares on the daily official list of the NSE. Iwenekhai explained that the additional shares listed arose from the company’s rights issue of 980,000,000 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each at N2.50 per share, which were offered on the basis of one new ordinary share for every one ordinary share held as of September 4, 2018. Meanwhile, a review of the company’s third quarter financial results showed that despite the difficult op-

erating environment during the year 2018, May & Baker unaudited third quarter financial statement reveals a relatively positive performance. For instance, profit after tax increased to N414.7 million from N218.5 million in third quarter of 2017.However, Revenue decreased from N6.9 billion in third quarter 2017 to N6.5 billion in 2018.Based on this performance, there are strong indications that the company is on the right path to an overall positive performance by the end of full-year 2018. May & Baker Nigeria Plc manufactures, sells, and distributes human pharmaceuticals, human vaccines, and consumer products in Nigeria.


(NSE), on Thursday January 24, 2019, joined the rest of the world to commemorate the first-ever International Day of Education with a special excursion programme and a Closing Gong ceremony on the floor of the Exchange in Lagos. The Exchange in a statement said this was in line with its commitment to enhance cooperation in supporting efforts towards the realization of Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2018 adopted the International Education Day to bring together the voices of governments,

Backdoor dealings hinder NAICOM’s N1tn target – Thomas


HE Deputy Commissioner for Insurance, Technical, Mr. Sunday Thomas has blamed backdoor dealings and irrational behaviour by Insurance operators for the failure to meet N1 trillion, National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) projected for the industry. Thomas who was speaking at a seminar held in Lagos, said backdoor dealings by Insurance operators affected the projection, giving instances when operators sell third-party motor insurance lesser than the required amount. He stated that the behaviour of insurance companies regarding the collection of the required funds prevented NAICOM from achieving the N1 trillion premium income projected target for the industry According to him, the N1 trillion projection was made under certain circumstances, with many assumptions as well. And one of the assumptions identified by the commission is the effective enforce-

ment of compulsory insurances which Insurance operators failed to abide by. Reflecting on the modus operandi of the banking industry, Thomas said Insurance operators violate laws to hurt their business, while the banking institution violates the laws for their own advantage. He decried the attitude describing it as irrational behaviour as it resulted in the market producing N200 million premium income. In his own words, He said “If they decide to charge N5000, what is the market likely to produce? I am just telling you why we are not at N1 trillion. I did a comparative analysis between the banking sector and the insurance sector. The Central Bank of Nigeria will put a cap on interest rate for certain sector. The banks would violate this rate, not by reducing the rate, but by increasing the rate, using other terminology like administrative fee. If CBN for instance says the rate

should not be more than nine per cent, the banks would charge 12 per cent.”. According to him, “There was a time that CBN also gave a directive to the banks to have branches, even at rural areas. The banks would violate such directive and pay the penalties for not having branches in those areas because they consider these areas as not being viable. However, in Insurance Industry, we also commit the same offence by violating the law. But rather than do it to their own advantage, the operators would reduce it, I just don’t get it. There was a point in this market when 10 per cent for comprehensive insurance was sacrosanct, but later, it came down to five per cent and that became the standard. But you and I also know that there was a point that some operators were charging as low as one per cent. Thomas said. Despite his condemnation of the

Insurance operators, Thomas said the regulator can’t go after all operators. But stating that the illegal activities of Insurance operators are bewildering to him, as he’s shocked that an individual would purposely hurt his or her own business. Meanwhile, Thomas said to have insurance operators pay their claim, government agencies must pay the right premium because NAICOM is committed to taking the industry to lofty heights. Adding that the commission has taken the responsibility of ensuring the Federal Government comply with industry rates and others. “The Federal Government through the office of Head of Service reach out to the commission. They told us to be considerate, that the budget has been passed, we insisted that we will not change our position and that is why you find today that government pay the rate the commission has stated,” he added.

youth organisations. The resolution demonstrated the world’s political will towards providing quality education to all and achieving sustainable development by 2030. The theme was :“Education: A Key Driver for Inclusion and Empowerment” echoes the focus of the UN High-Level Political Forum that will take place in New York in July this year, to review SDG4, among other goals. The event featured students from Slum2School Africa Initiative, Bridge Academies, and Dialogue School Otta, who visited The Exchange to learn about the capital market, Sustainable Development Goals and interact with the stockbrokers. The event ended with a Closing Gong ceremony, to further draw attention to the collective effort to drive inclusive and equitable quality education. Speaking on this development, Mr. Bola Adeeko, Head, Shared Services Division, NSE, said, “Promoting access to quality education is a responsibility we take seriously at the Exchange, as we have a resolute belief in its ability to unleash the potentials for individuals to stimulate economic growth through skilled labour and innovations that lead to the development of sustainable economies. It is this ideology that has driven us to donate books to schools; establish a learning and development centre in Oke Odo Junior College, Abule Egba, Lagos; and donate the Maisandari Alamderi Model Nursery and Primary School to the Borno State Government in 2017, towards the education revitalization of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). We are therefore excited to engage Non-profits Organisations in the educational space for this maiden edition of the International Day of Education”.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

MONEY Market

Only efficient banks will make reasonable profit in 2019 – Okeke Stories by KAYODE OGUNWALE


ORMER Chief Economist/ Group Head, Research & Economic Intelligence Group at Zenith Bank Plc, Marcel Okeke has said only creative and efficient banks will make reasonable profit by the end of 2019. He spoke at the Finance Correspondents Association of Nigeria (FICAN) 2018 Economic Review and 2019 outlook held in Lagos at the weekend. Okeke, who is now the Lead Consultant, Mascot Consult Limited said that banks do not operate in a vacuum but are product of the domestic economy where they do their business. “They are parts and parcel of the economy. All these variables, if the economy is doing well, generally, the banks will also be doing well. On the other hand, how well a bank does, is also a function of creativity. The truth is that even in an economy as bad as this, some businesses are still doing well in the system. And so, a bank that is efficient, no matter the odds in the system, will keep on doing well,” he said. Continuing, he said: “If you check, and if one of us have one or two accounts or three, you will notice that whatever you do with your phone, there is a service charge. Those charges were not there years back. It means those banks are becoming more creative. And you cannot on the course of that,

decide to keep your money under your pillow in your house. As long as you keep banking your money, and they keep making those gains, and adding them to their performance, and balance sheet, they will keep doing well”. According to Okeke, banks are also careful as to who to lend money to because of interest rates on loans. “The essence is that if the rates are high, they will not be keen on lending to everyone that comes. So, that means that want to give money to borrowers with capacity to repay the loans”. “In a nutshell, those banks that have been doing well will keep doing well. That means there will not be undue exposures to the banks. I will say that the banks the are doing well to do well, head or tail. Some of the banks are going into forced mergers and acquisitions, but many other banks are still waxing stronger,” he stated. Speaking on Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) single currency for the region by 2020, Okeke said the plan is no longer realistic. He said single currency for the region comes with some challenges and criteria that many of the members countries will not be able to meet. According to Okeke, the ECOWAS common currency has been on for many years and needs the member countries to attain key milestones for its successful takeoff. “It is not certain that it will hap-

pen in 2020. For instance, a country like Nigeria and other countries must not have inflation rates that are double digits. They must not have exchange rates that move up and down. So, there must be stability in all those indicators across board. As I stand with you, many member countries have not attained this feat,” he said. Continuing, he said there are pros

and cons for its implementation. “You see, some member countries of the Euro zone are having serious economic problem, which is robbing off on the rest of the members.That is the type of challenge we might have in ECOWAS and I do not believe that the common currency plan will happen by years 2020,” he added. Speaking on the economy, he

that would aid government’s developing approach of the “Ease of Doing Business”. In a presentation, Chris Dodwell, Director, UK’s Climate Change and Clean Growth Ricardo Energy, called on stakeholders in the financial sector to collaborate towards financing developmental projects. Dodwell said the CFA was an innovative international initiative supported by the UK Government and other international donors including Nigeria, Colombia and Mexico. According to him, the aim is to accelerate the transformation of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into bankable projects to attract investment from the private sector.

The CFA, he continued, is a powerful example of creating a productive dialogue between financiers and policymakers, focused on scalable opportunities. “The CFA progresses financing proposals for identified projects while ensuring Technical Assistance is provided to policymakers across ministries so that planing for delivery of the NDC is better aligned with available capital from local and international markets. “For its actualisation and success, there is need for dialogue and collaboration among policymakers, governments, project developers and financial experts,” Dodwell said. For Kyari Bukar, former Chairman, Nigeria Economy Summit Group (NESG) said the CFA

According to her, “You are assuming duty at a time when the Nigerian financial system is still facing some challenges and requires efforts aimed at addressing issues such as corporate governance, high level of non- performing loans etc. “You are also coming at a time when the system is grappling with the issues related to meeting the target of reducing financial exclusion in Nigeria to about 20 percent by year 2020”. She added: “The potential benefits and risks associated with the financial technology and block chain technology are also on the front burner. “These and other challenges can cause threats to the stability of our financial system and must be addressed promptly for the sector to

play its role in facilitating the implementation of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP).” Inaugurated members of the NDIC board include Barrister Festus Keyamo, (SAN); Alhaji Garba Bello; Bri-Gen. Josef O. J. Okoloagu; Mustapha Adewale Mudashiru and Mr. Adewale W. Adeleke. Responding on behalf of the board members, board Chairman, Mrs. Ronke Sokefun, gave assurance that the board members would put their wealth of experience gathered over the years to impact positively on the corporation overall mandate. She assured the Minister and all stakeholders of the Nigeria financial system that they will live up to the responsibility reposed in them by President Muhamnadu Buhari.

programme was the kind of investment initiative the country currently needed to boost its investment portfolios for enhanced economic growth. Bukar said the initiative would help to diversify investment portfolio of the banking sector and also transform the capital market. “There is a driven finance community that is growing in the Nigerian economy, which needs to be identified and developed. “With the much-valued support of the Nigeria Economic Summit Group, since October 2018, we have been engaging with private sector companies interested in undertaking ambitious low carbon development projects. “This is with a view to creating a mature pipeline of bankable projects contributing to Nigeria’s NDC and strengthening the climate finance capacities of public and private sector institutions,” he said.

•Director, Climate Change & Sustainability team at Ricardo Energy & Environment; Chris Dodwell; Representative of Finance Minster; Israel igwe; Acting Executive Commissioner Operations, SEC, Isyaku Tilde; Managing Consultant, Cerase Environmental Services Ltd; Mrs. Uzoamaka Egbuche and Head of prosperity, British Deputy high commission Lagos;Mr Guy Harrison at the Closing of UK Nigeria climate Finance accelerator conference in Lagos, weekend.

FG, UK, others to partner on economic development – Finance Minister


HE Federal Government said it is ready to partner with any stakeholder to transform and economic develop the country. Minister of Finance, Mrs Zainab Ahmed stated this at the closing session of the UK-Nigeria Climate Finance Accelerator workshop (CFA) held at the Zonal office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in Lagos at the weekend. Ahmed, who was represented by Israel Igwe, Director, Economic Research and Policy, Ministry of Finance, noted the need for a coordinated green climate finance platform like the CFA in the economy. According to her, the CFA programme is an innovative concept

NDIC remits N7bn operating surplus into Consolidated Account in 2018


HE Managing Director/Chief Executive, Mallam Umar Ibrahim of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) said the corporation has remitted N7 billion into Consolidated Revenue Account as its operating surplus for 2018 operations. TheNDIC boss disclosed this at the inauguration of newly appointed board of Director of the Corporation by the Minister of Finance Hajiya Zainab Ahmed. Ibrahim stated that the fund was Corporation’s normal contribution as required by the fiscal responsibility Act. Inaugurating the NDIC Board, Minister of Finance Zainab Ahmed urged members of the board “to exhibit high ethical values in the discharge” of their responsibility.

said foreign exchange reserves in Nigeria decreased to $41.99 billion in November from $42.13 billion in October of 2018 adding that the Nigeria’s external reserves inched up to $42.54 billion at the end of December. The figures, he said, showed a decline by $5.25 billion, compared with the $47.788 billion it was as at the end of June, 2018. “It stood at $43.28 billion as at January 21, 2019. The combination of rising yields in advanced economies, particularly in the United States coupled with growing concerns about the global economy due to the trade spat between the US and China have led to a reversal of capital flows in emerging markets. Elevated tensions in the political economy will further compound the concerns of foreign investors, leading them to migrate to safe haven high-quality assets in advanced economies,” he added. Speaking on inflation, he said the annual inflation rate in Nigeria fell to 11.26 per cent in October of 2018 from 11.28 percent in the previous month. “According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the headline index rose to 11.23 per cent (year-on-year) in August 2018, up from 11.14 recorded in July 2018. It has risen to 11.28 per cent in November and ended 2018 at 11.44 per cent. The rise in the headline index is traceable to the persistent surge in food inflation index. Inflation rate stood at 15.37 per cent in January, 2018,” he stated.

eTranzact get Shareholders’ approval to raise authorized share capital to N9bn


TRANZACT International Plc, Africa’s premier electronic payment solutions provider has gotten the express approval of Shareholders of the company to raise its Authorized Share Capital from N2.1 billion to N9.1 billion. The capital raise proposal of N7 billion was tabled by the Mr. Wole Abegunde, Chairman of eTranzact, at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held in Lagos recently. He stated that the decision to raise additional capital became imperative considering the need of the Company to expand its operations, deepen its market share and to remain competitive in the financial technology industry.

According to Mr. Abegunde, the capital to be raised will be used to upgrade and enhance the Company’s technology infrastructure and network security systems and also to improve on its service delivery. He further stated that the Company will also invest in its Agent Network Expansion Program, Human Resources and Employee Development. Also, speaking with journalists at the EGM, the Managing Director/ CEO of eTranzact, Mr. Niyi Toluwalope, believes that the injection of additional equity will enable the Company’s Management to strategically maintain the Company leading position as a key market leader within the electronic payment industry.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS Extra Learn from wealth creation programmes of Okowa -- Atiku advises FG



ormer Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has called on the Federal Government to study and adopt the empowerment module of the Delta State Governor, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa. Alhaji Abubakar who is the Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the February 16, 2019 presidential election, made the call in Asaba at the second Job Creation Exhibition for beneficiaries of Skill Training and Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurship (YAGRP) and Graduates Employment Enhancement Programme (GEEP) skill acquisition and entrepreneurial programmes of Governor Okowa’s administration. According to Alhaji Abubakar who was represented at the event by his running mate, Mr Peter Obi, “these wealth creation programmes are practical and realistic and the Federal Government should visit Delta State to understudy the schemes and implement them for the benefits of Nigerians and the speedy industrial revolution of the country.” The PDP Presidential flag bearer commended Governor Okowa’s administration for the initiative, assuring that his administration would explore sustainable means to create wealth for Nigerians, saying, “I want to urge the Federal Government to come to Delta State to learn how to create jobs, trader money is wasteful as it does not create jobs; for peace to reign in Nigeria, we must create jobs for the youths as it is done in Delta State; this Delta State job creation projects not only train the youths but, mentor them, empower them and monitor them to be successful entrepreneurs; this is what we will do for our youths when we take over government.” Governor Okowa had in an address, said, “after three full cycles of implementing these flagship programmes, I can boldly say that we have inched closer towards our goal of a more prosperous, diversified and resilient economy.” “There is no better evidence of this assertion than the scores of previously unemployed youths who have become successful entrepreneurs and are here today to exhibit their products and services,” he stated, adding, “4, 253 previously unemployed youths have become business owners across various skills areas, notably, Catering, Event Management, Beauty Services, Agricultural Production, Agricultural Processing, Food Packaging, Tiling, Plumbing, Electrical Installations, among others.” While noting that the job creation efforts of his administration is a resounding success, Okowa congratulated the beneficiaries of the programme for the success stories assuring that the number of beneficiaries of his programmes will triple in the next four years. Chairman, steering committee on job creation in the State, Mr Kingsley Emu, thanked Governor Okowa for his commitment to job creation for Deltans while the Chief Job Creation officer in the state, Prof. Eric Eboh urged Deltans to patronize the exhibitionist as the exhibition will last for two days.

FG begins refund of N1.3trn owed NDDC – Acting MD


ederal Government has begun the refund of over N1.3 trillion owed the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) since inception. Prof. Nelson Brambaifa, Acting Managing Director of the commission, made this known in a statement by the commission’s Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr Ibitoye Abosede, on Tuesday in Port Harcourt. Brambaifa spoke during his inaugural meeting of the new management of the commission, noting that President Muhammadu Buhari had love for the Niger Delta region. He said that “The new management team is response to the growing unhappiness in the region over

government’s commitment to developing the region and improving the living conditions of the people. “The Federal Government has indeed begun refunding over N1.3 trillion owed the commission since inception. “The Niger Delta had suffered enough and President Buhari recognised this and has taken prompt action to redress the situation and reassure the people on government’s commitment to their welfare’’. Brambaifa, whose appointment was announced by Buhari on Friday, said the present administration had ensured the commission’s statutory financial obligations were paid in full. “President Buhari also ensured

that all other statutory contributors to the funding of NDDC met their obligations. “Also, the president also worked to restore peace and security in the region by tackling all grievances of the people. The appointment of the management team is another step in the effort to offer hope to the Niger Delta people and restore their confidence and faith,” he said. The NDDC boss said that management would respect and implement the commission’s mandate of ensuring sustainable development of the region. He noted that more efforts would be made to ensure a socially stable; economically prosperous; politically

peaceful and ecologically regenerative Niger Delta. According to him, the task of developing the Niger Delta is too important to be toyed with as well as too compelling to waste time on. “Therefore, we urge all stakeholders in the Niger Delta to join hands with members of the new executive management to ensure a smooth transition and contribute to immediate delivery of Mr President’s mandate. “We also urge members of staff of NDDC to embrace teamwork. I will change NDDC and take it to the next level,” he assured.

Red Cross prepares staff, volunteers for general elections From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


• Executive Chairman, Cross River Internal Revenue Service (CRIRS), Mr. Akpanke Ando Ogar, addressing a press conference at the Hit FM, Calabar, as part of sensitization and enlightenment campaign on the Voluntary Tax Compliance initiative in the state, Monday

Buhari inaugurates Ariaria Market power project From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


resident Muhammadu Buhari, Tuesday, inaugurated the Ariaria International Market Independent Power project, saying that reliable power was central to ease of doing businesses and ensures sustainability and improvement. Under the first phase of the project, 4,000 of the 37, 000 shops in the market have been energized, boosting the activities of 15,000 small and medium scale enterprises in the market. At the inauguration Buhari noted that “by providing a dedicated electricity supply to the traders and small businesses, (SMEs) in the market, we have strengthened the Made-inNigeria programme for which Abia and, particularly, Aba and Ariaria are already known.” “This market, I am informed has 37,000 shops, all of which will be connected one after another. I am pleased to be here today for the milestone connection of 4000 shops to have a dedicated power, being a market that supplies shoes, bags, clothing and many household accessories to other countries like Chad, Cameroon, Gambia and Central African Republic,” the President added. He said he was informed that before the intervention, traders Ariria market only got four hours power supply daily and paid exorbitantly for it which consequently affected the inability of many businesses to survive. He said in this new arrangement, the federal government was replacing the old order with cleaner and environmental-friendly steady power supply. “What is happening in Ariaria today by way of clean, independent

and reliable power supply to market and small businesses is happening in Kano, Lagos and Ibadan. “To all the traders, business men and women in this market, I say welldone for contributing to national productivity and job creation,” Buharo said, assuring that they would “experience better days, prosperity and market in order to provide support to more businesses in pursuit of economic growth.” Commending the Abia State governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu, for his support to the project by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing, Buhari said “you have demonstrated that if the common good is our vision and objective, it can be achieved irrespective of our party differences and constitutional limitations. Your Excellency has no political colour.” Ikpeazu of Abia, praised the Federal Government for ensuring the successful execution of the Ariaria Market Independent Power project. He said that the state government would continue to align with the policies and programs of the federal governments to enable small businesses in Abia to thrive. Welcoming the president and his entourage, the APC governorship candidate, Dr Uche Ogah, appreciated the President for inaugurating the power project in Ariaria with other facilities, emphasizing that many companies have closed shop in Aba and promised to revive the ailing economy of Abia. Also speaking, Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola, said that the policy that facilitated the execution of the power project has provided an avenue for the federal government to create an impact that would strengthen small

businesses. “There used to be 6,000 generators that used to supply power in the market by an inefficient way. By that policy and their investments, they are helping you and Nigeria fulfill the agreement you signed when you signed the Paris Climate Change agreement,” Fashola said. In her address, the Managing Director of Rural Electrification Agency, Mrs Damilola Ogunbiyi, said the decentralized power was an important part of the Power Sector Reform Programme aimed at giving small businesses an enabling environment to thrive. She said that first phase of energizing 4,000 shops had been completed, which had boosted the activities of 15,000 small and medium scale enterprises in the market, pointing out that a metering system had been installed in each shop to enable consumers pay for what they used. In his remark, the Managing Director of Ariaria Market Energy Solutions Limited, AMES, Mr Nkaginieme Ubani, said that AMES had deployed modular environmentally-friendly natural gas fuel generators to power the market, stating that the project had facilitated the reduction of emissions from the market by over 85 per cent and reduced the ambient noise in the market by over 50 per cent. In a chat with news men later, the National Chairman of APC, Comrade Adams Oshiomole and some chieftains of APC, including APC candidate for Ikwuano/Umuahia Federal Constituency, Ikechukwu Apugo, and the state Publicity Secretary of APC, Benedict Godson, said the President has touched lives through his policies, adding that the testimonies of Ariaria people prove what the President has done in South East.

he Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) has organized trainings for its staff and volunteers to prepare them to render humanitarian services during the forthcoming general elections. According to NRCS, the objective of the training of trainers (ToT) and step-down workshops for 1, 872 participants for Red Cross Volunteers and staff drawn from 26 states of the country, including Abia State, was to expose the participants to best global practices in rendering humanitarian services during emergencies. “The whole training is intended to prepare and equip the Emergency First Aid Team (EFAT) of NRCS, Abia State branch, with the new trends in global best practices in rendering Emergency First Aid Services before, during and after the elections with psychosocial support and other humanitarian services which will be provided during the forthcoming general elections slated for February 16th and March 2nd, 2019,” said the Chairman of Abia Branch of NRCS, Chief Emeka Bob Ubani. Declaring open the Umuahia cluster training at the Branch Secretariat, Ngbarakuma Ubakala in Umuahia South Local Government Area, Ubani charged the participants to follow the rules of engagement and the Red Cross Seven fundamental principles at all times. Ubani said that next training would be held tomorrow Thursday and Friday at Aba for divisions around the Abia commercial hub. It was gathered that 72 participants from 12 local governments would be trained in Abia. The training is being organized by NRCS, in conjunction with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Cross Societies (IFRC). The chairman disclosed that the training session, which is going on simultaneously nationwide, was led by the Assistant Secretary-General for Programmes of the NRCS, National Headquarters, Abuja, Mr Adeyemo Andronicus. Facilitators for the Abia training include the Assistant Secretary General, Andronicus, Branch Secretary, Mr. Chris Ebere Okite, Branch Training Officer, Mr Victor Okoroafor Okorie and the Branch Disaster Management Coordinator, Mr Chibuike Mokwe.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Love and Living

...With Ireto Temofeh



Why can’t Meghan Markle keep her hands off her bump?


the bonding hormone, but it also affects the strength of your contractions in labour. The more oxytocin in your system, the stronger your contractions will be, which can lead to an easier birth. Placing your hands IT’S LIKE THOSE IRRITATING on your bump comforts the baby, comforts you, and helps create the BABY ON BOARD SIGNS Sometimes it’s a single-handed optimum conditions for labour. cupping. At the British Fashion Awards last month, it was a smug encircling, causing much opprobri- DUCHESS OF SHOWBIZ IS JUST um – ‘You’re pregnant. We KNOW!’ SEEKING A PHOTO OP – on Twitter. Not since Demi Moore was na- Jo Elvin, Editor of You Magazine ked on the cover of Vanity Fair has I’VE tried not to find it annoying, a mum-to-be stirred such ire. Is the but I’m sorry, it just is. A casual gesture a signal to everyone in the cradling of one’s bump is to be exroom (Harry, the Queen, minions) pected. It’s new, it’s exciting and to treat her like cut glass? Does she there really is nothing like feeling not want to be accused of spending that thing kick and jump around in even more money on bigger coats there. that do up, so is opting to leave her But Meghan’s positioning is always so fixed into one singular, rigexisting coat open instead? Personally, I find the cradling a bit id pose that it’s becoming uncomlike those signs in the back of cars: fortable to watch. I’m getting arm Baby on Board. Virtue signalling, as aches just looking. It’s all very Baby though the rest of us barren harri- Bump Barbie. dans deserve to burn alive in our Kinder people would point to an excited new mother’s natural, uncars. I do wonder what is to come conditional love already blossomonce Meghan begins to breast- ing. True enough, in which case feed… will she milk it for all she’s I hope its sibling isn’t far behind, or that poor kid’s clearly in for a worth? smothering. SHE’S BUILDING A BOND WITH But come on, this is the Duchess of Showbiz we have here. It smacks THE BABY... IT’s JUST BIOLOGY Cradling a bump is something to me of a focus that’s contrived that’s hardwired into women from and relentlessly photo-op ready. Meghan would be well advised to a biological perspective. Women are instinctively drawn take the ‘world’s only pregnant to touching their babies because, woman!’ vibes down a notch or even when they’re in the womb, two. it produces a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone is known as Daily Mail t’s the subject that has got the nation talking: why does Meghan constantly cradle her bump? Here we identify the different types of embrace... and ask experts to explain why they think she does it.

Name: Cee-c

• If you want to be our next ORACLE GIRL, e-mail or forward your photos/data to Call 07031028714.


AirBnB invasion: Hundreds of drug-fuelled partygoers take over £2.5million Kensington flat


hen Elizabeth Sterling received the latest request to rent out her luxury property on Airbnb, she agreed without hesitation. After all, the five-bedroom apartment in a stucco-fronted mansion is nestled on one of ’s safest and most prestigious streets, Phillimore Gardens in Kensington, where properties change hands for up to £60 million. Over the past three years, Elizabeth, an elegant American divorcee, has let the immaculately maintained, £2.5 million flat to a series of paying guests, all without incident. As requested, these discerning visitors had always taken particular care of the flat’s special white resin floor, not to mention the spectacular art collection including paintings by Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Joan Miro and Picasso. The priceless silver antiques, exquisite silk rugs and crystal Baccarat ornaments were routinely left on display – a real attraction to the ‘right’ kind of clientele. So when a softly spoken young lady asked to hire the apartment


for a surprise dinner party last Saturday, Elizabeth, or Libet as she is known, happily agreed. She was told a small group of women would be celebrating both a pregnancy and an impending wedding and, ever the consummate hostess, Libet bought pink prosecco and pink balloons for her guests. Yet what followed would leave her fearing for her life. Rather

than the genteel ‘baby shower’ she had anticipated, her property was taken over by hundreds of party-goers, many high on nitrous oxide, also known as ‘hippy crack’. She was abused, jostled and called a ‘bitch’ in her own home, a traumatic ordeal which only ended when police secured a court order to force the drug-fuelled revellers out.

Compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, love her, stroke her, comfort her, protect her, hug her, wine and dine her, buy gifts for her, listen to her, respect her, stand by her, support her, go to the ends of the earth for her. HOW TO IMPRESS A MAN Arrive naked... with beer.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

True Confession

I deceived my husband that I was barren M

y name is Flora and my story is quite painful. But please don’t blame me until after after reading my story to the end. I was 25 years old and had been married less than a year when I got pregnant. Jimi and I had been together for 3 years and were married early in 2005. We had always talked about having a family together. Jimi had said he wanted a girl and a boy. Little did he know, I never wanted kids because I felt I was ready to have children yet, especially considering my career as a high flying banker. I took the contraceptive pill religiously. My life was like clockwork and contraception was always high on my list of priorities. To my regret, I didn’t take action soon enough. A mere 8 months after I became Mrs. Jimi, I found myself praying for menstruation to come while I had already started throwing up in the morning. The doctor confirmed I was 8 weeks pregnant. I loved Jimi and never had the intention to hurt or betray him. I just could not afford to have a child. Not because I was scared of losing my job, but because I felt having a child would completely change everything about my life. To me, the thought of procreation also seemed unnatural. I was always happy to be with children, and people often said that I look like someone who would one day make a loving mother. But I never thought of myself as a mother, maybe because I am perhaps too selfish to ever dedicate my life to raising a family. I realized that the way I thought about parenting was frowned upon by many of my friends and family. Above all, Jimi always appeared sad whenever I told him that I wasn’t ready to have children. For that reason, I vowed not to talk much about the issue of children anymore to anybody so that my real feelings would never be known. I had hoped that our honeymoon period would last throughout our marriage, so that children would never be able to interfere with my life. In fact, I had expected my husband to continue loving me without demanding for kids. However, this delusion of mine was shattered as soon as my doctor announced with glee that in approximately seven months time, I would become a new mother. I was so determined never to get pregnant in the first place, that I had never actually thought about abortions. It was strictly against my parents’ religion to even consider such an act, so my first feelings after hearing the dreaded news was complete panic. I went home to Jimi and told him with a fraudulent smile that I was in fact pregnant with his son or daughter. He was over the moon and would not stop kissing my stomach. His actions made me feel even more nauseous than I already was. It may seem strange looking back on the situation why I even bothered to tell him. But Jimi was my best friend and lover and because of that I actually thought of keeping the child for no other reason but to please him. I tried to convince myself that having a child might bring happiness into my life and that I was devilish to think otherwise. This self-loathing tactic only made me hate the child even more for provok-

ing me to hate myself. I then decided that I could not go through with the pregnancy. My husband would have divorced me on the spot if I had asked him to consider having an abortion. So I thought of another way to get rid of the child without making it look suspicious. So a few days before my abortion, I began to fake having stomach cramps and bleeding, in order to ensure that Jimi wouldn’t be so surprised when I eventually announced that I had had a miscarriage. I told my husband that I was bleeding and that the bleeding had become very serious. I also warned him of the high risk of complications in the first trimester of pregnancy. During that period I began to feel so guilty about betraying my husband. All the betrayal and deceit began to eat away at me and I was depressed. However, regardless of the guilt I felt, I couldn’t face the alternative of bringing a child of my own into the world. I went through with the abortion while on lunch break from work. The doctor was very careful and the entire process was simple and clean and took not more than an hour. I went home to my loving husband and allowed the weeks of pent up emotion to overflow in an effort to convince Jimi that I was truly devastated as a result of increased bleeding which happened at

the office. Of course Jimi insisted I go straight to the hospital and see a doctor. I lied and told him I had already gone, where they confirmed that I’d had a miscarriage. Naturally, my husband was devastated that I had lost the baby. His pain only strengthened my guilt which contributed to an uncontrollable outburst of emotions and I wept for a long time after that. To my husband, my weeping appeared natural, since he thought I had just lost my child. But to me, I wept because I had intentionally killed his baby. Over the next few years we continued to try to have another child. I continued to deceive my husband for five more years that I was either infertile or barren, and he started running all over the place looking for solution and taking me round different churches and pastors praying for the fruit of the womb, until I suddenly realized that my husband was living in bondage because of me. Instead of marrying a second wife, my husband had continued to place all his hopes in me to give him children. It was at that point that I realized how wickedly I had acted towards my husband, and then I decided to actually start having children for him. Even though I knew that I was very fertile, I started taking fertility pills to complement my effort at trying to conceive, and I did get pregnant and gave

birth to a baby boy last year, after almost ten years of marriage. At the thanksgiving in the church, my husband told the parish priest and the entire congregation that God had finally done his miracle in our lives by making me conceive and bear a child again, after the miscarriage we suffered several years ago. Unknown to my husband, God never closed my womb after my so-called miscarriage. I had never been barren. I was the one who had refused to get pregnant. The truth was that I had actually closed my own womb by myself! I have finally realized that life is not all about my career or profession. I now realize that my lies and deception almost destroyed the wonderful and happy married life I could have had with an amazingly wonderful and generous man. I commend my husband for his maturity and faith in God in not marrying a second wife or having children outside during all that time. But I blame myself for everything that went wrong with our marriage, but I thank God that the many bad years of my lies and deception in marriage have now ended well with my having a child for my husband. Do you have a comment on this story? Call 07031028714. Do you have a story for us? Call 07031028714 or 08077821830.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

Relationships and Love Advice

I’m attracted to another man apart from my husband

Love Search Women seeking relationship/ marriage

Chiommy, very tall, fair, sexy, hippy, busty, needs a sugar daddy who will take good care of her and she will satisfy him very well. 09028379398. Chinyere, 35, dark, single mum, humble, works, seeks a hardworking man from 38 years and above for marriage. 09038028331. Viky, 52, widow, working, Igbo, chocolate, average height, wants to get connected to a man of 53-60 years (not a divorcee) from any tribe. 08036309809. Humble, 40, needs a sponsor in her theology school. 09026452405. Rose, in Lagos, just rented a shop, needs someone to support her in starting a business. 08107458039. Funke, 44, needs a man (widower or divorcée) of 50-55 years for a serious relationship. 08185083988.

Dear Love Doctor,


y name is Sarah and I am 35 years old. I reside in the Northern part of the country. I have a problem and my problem is that I just can’t stay with only one man. I got married five years ago and my husband is a very caring and loving man. However, after these few years of marriage, I seem to have gotten tired of my husband

and now I am desperately attracted to another man. I feel like cheating on my husband or even leaving him with our two children and eloping with the new man I fancy. How do I go about it? Please tell me what to do.

Dear Sarah,


finds out you have cheated, especially if you are the only person your partner has his or her eyes on? Put yourself in your partner’s position and feel what he or she would feel. Temptation is all around us but only weak people fall for it. It is people that cheat that make other people feel insecure in life. However, one

A single mother needs a responsible man for a relationship. 08140599563. E-Mail: Go to Call Love Doctor: 07031028714, 08131161840.

From Sarah.

Love Doctor’s Advice: his is actually not acceptable. If you are after more than a relationship or can’t stay with only one man permanently, then don’t get married. You shouldn’t have got married in the first place. Your partner might adore you more than anything in this world, but what happens when he or she

Lora, graduate, works, HIV Positive, based in Jos, wants a HIV positive man of 35-40 years for marriage. 08090925014.

way to resolve this issue is for you to try to rekindle the love you have for your husband for the sake of your children. That will help you to remain with your husband. However, if you know you can’t be faithful to your husband, tell him, so that both of you can find an amicable way to dissolve the marriage.

Men seeking relationship/ marriage Uche, a graduate in Lagos, needs a kind woman or man to help him in his new business. Text 08131161840. Divine, 36, wants a beautiful, highly educated, tall, fair, working class lady from 25-30 years for marriage. 09054199030. Diamond Prince, 28, living in Lagos, needs a sugar mummy. 07069498904. Emmy needs a mature lady or widow in Lagos for companionship. 08077821830.

Do you have advice on this problem? Please share your thoughts. Call 07031028714 or 08131161840. Email: Do you have a marriage/wedding, birthday, anniversary or club or town meeting announcement to make? Call 07031028714 now!

Godspower, 33, tall, from Kogi, based in Abuja, wants a sugar mummy from 40 years and above based in Abuja, to satisfy her very well. 0810069625, 07018735547. Emeka, 54, in Lagos, needs an educated woman between 32-35 years for a wife. 08118482541.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

It happened to me:

I had an arranged marriage


had an arranged marriage. It was a marriage where my mum chose my husband for me and I was just expected to turn up for the wedding. My mum had been very hard on me throughout my life and I wanted her to love me - I wanted her approval so badly. So thinking that it would make her finally approve of me, I agreed to the arranged marriage. It has been almost six years. No one except my husband and I know why I still do not have a baby yet. The truth is my marriage remains unconsummated. Being strangers, my husband and I were never able to feel that type

of passion for each other. We have grown to love each other as a brother and a sister and are very loyal to each other. To the outside world, we successfully pass off as a normal husband and wife. But of course we are struggling to have a baby, albeit for different reasons than most couples in this awful predicament of a childless marriage. Due to the fact that we do not have an actual marriage, we are forced to go to fertility clinics to find an artificial way to have a baby. I find it heartbreaking to go through the treatments, knowing that if my life had turned out differently all this

may not be necessary and I could be enjoying trying for a baby the natural way. I come from a family where divorces are not allowed and are frowned upon. I have kept all this pain in my heart and I struggle to sleep at night. I yearn for a baby and the love of a child. Even more, I yearn for a ‘real’ husband. One who can touch me and make me feel loved in a passionate way. But I have grown to accept the brother that I found in return for the arranged marriage. My mother does not know how she

has ruined my life. I would never want her to know the truth. What makes it worse is that I still live without my mother’s approval today – oh the bitter irony! Being young, I sacrificed myself, trying to make others happy. By the time I realised my mistake, it was too late. I love my husband like a sibling and a friend but sometimes when I watch romantic movies, my eyes fill up with tears. If only my life could have been real like other couples. I am slowly learning to love myself, but sometimes I smile on the outside but cry so deeply within me.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

The Law and You

With Barr. Ken Akpom 08162016410

Critical review of some sections the police act with the aim of criticizing and giving some advice

POLICE ACT Part II, Section 3; ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICE FORCE There shall be established for Nigeria a police force to be known as the Nigeria Police force.

Section 4; GENERAL DUTIES OF THE POLICE The police shall be employed for the perfection and detention of crime, the apprehension of offenders, the preservation of law and order, the protection of life andproperty and the due enforcement of all laws and regulations with which they are directly charged, and shall perform such military duties within or outside Nigeria as may be required of them by, or under the authority of this or any other Act. Section 12; COMMAND OF POLICE IN CASE OF ACTIVE SERVICE When required to perform military duties in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of this Act, such duties entailed services with the armed forces of Nigeria or any force for the time being attached thereto or acting therewith, the police shall be under the command and subject to the orders of the officer in command of the force in Nigeria, but for the purposes of interior economy shall remain under the control of a superior police officer. Part III, Section 20; APPOINTMENT OF SUPERNUMERARY POLICE OFFICER WHERE NECESSARY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST (1) If at any time the President is satisfied, as regards any police area that it is necessary in the public interest for supernumerary police officers to be employed in that area, he may authorize the appropriate authority to appoint persons as supernumerary police officers in the force under an in accordance with the authorization. (2) Every authorization under this section shall be in writing and shall specify the police area to which it relates and the maximum number of supernumerary police officers who may be appointed under that authorization. (3) Every supernumerary police officer appointed under an authorization given under this section – (a) Shall be appointed in a respect of the police area to which the authorization relates; (b) Shall, in the police area in respect of which he is appointed and in any police area adjacent thereto, but not elsewhere, have the powers, privileges and immunities of a police officer; and (c) Subject to the restriction imposed by paragraph (b) of this subsection and to the provisions of section 22 of this act, shall be a member of the Force for all purposes and shall accordingly be subject to the provision of this Act and in particular to the provisions thereof relating to discipline. Section 21; APPOINTMENT OF SUPERNUMERARY POLICE OFFICERS FOR ATTACHMENT AS ORDERLIES (1) The appropriate authority may at the request of the Inspector General or of the Commissioner of Police of a state appoint any person as a supernumerary police officer in the force with a view to that person’s attachment as an orderly to – (a) A Minister; or (b) A Commissioner of the government of a State; or (c) A police officer of or above the rank of assistance commissioner (2) Every supernumerary police officer appointed under this section – (a) Shall be employed exclusively on duties connected with the activities of the person to whom he is attached; (b) Shall, while so employed, have throughout Nigeria the powers, privileges and immunities of a police officer; and (c) Subject to the restriction imposed by paragraph (a) of this subsection and to the provisions of section 22 of this Act, shall a member of the Force for all purposes and shall accordingly be subject to the provision of this Act and in particular the provision thereof relating to disci-

pline. Part IV, Section 26; SUMMONSES Any summons lawfully issued by a court may be served by any police officer at any time during the hours of daylight. Part VI, Section 36; POLICE OFFICERS NOT TO ENGAGE IN ANY PRIVATE BUSINESS No member of the Force shall, while he holds such appointment, engage in any private business or trade, without the written consent of the Nigeria Police Council or any person to whom such power is delegated. Part VII, Section 44; ORDINARY COURSE OF LAW NOT TO BE INTERFERED WITH Nothing in this Act shall be construed to exempt any police officer from being proceeded against by the ordinary course of law when accused of any offence punishable under any other Act or law. Part XII, Section 273; RANKS The different ranks of superior police officer of the Force shall be as prescribed below – (a) Inspector-General (b) Deputy Inspector-General (c) Assistant Inspector-General (d) Commissioner (e) Deputy-Commissioner (f) Assistant Commissioner (g) Chief Superintendent (h) Superintendent (i) Deputy Superintendent (j) Assistant Superintendent (Substantive rank) (k) Assistant Superintendent (on probation or trial) (l) Cadet Assistant Superintendent Part XV, Section 353; CONDUCT OF POLICE OFFICERS GENERALLY A police officer shall not conduct himself in such manner as to bring his private interests into conflict with his public duties or in such manner as is likely to cause a suspicion in the mind of any reasonable person that he has – (a) Allowed his private interests to come into conflict with his public duties; or (b) Used his public position for his private advantage. Section 354; RECEIVING OR GIVING OF PRESENT PROHIBITED

(1) A police officer may not receive presents (other than gift from close personal, friends or relative) whether in the shape of money, goods, free passages or other personal benefits, and may not give such presents. (2) For the purpose of these Regulations, a present received by any member of the immediate family of a police shall be deemed to be a present received by the police officer. Section 358; ACCEPTANCE OF ENTERTAINMENT (1) A police officer may not, except with the prior permission of the Inspector-General, accept entertainment of any kind from any association with which he is in contact by reason of his official duties. (2) Save as provided in paragraph (3) and (4) of this regulation, a police officer shall not accept entertainment of any description offered in his honour by a police officer subordinate to himself in rank, or by the members of any club, institute or association, where membership is to any considerable extent composed of police officers subordinate to himself in rank. (3) A police officer proceedings on leave prior to retirement may, with the prior approval of the Inspector-General, be permitted to attend a function given in his honour. (4) A police officer may be given permission by a commissioner of police to accept inexpensive entertainment from brother police officers on his departure from his duty station on transfer or on vacation leave. SOME OF THE REFORMS OF SARS AS ORDERED BY THE IGP AND MY HUMBLE OPINION 1. Retraining of the officers 2. Appointment of a Commissioner of Police in his office at Abuja to be in-charge of SARS Nationwide. I wish to state that these reforms by the IGP is not really the solution of the SARS as compared to the numerous outcries by the large population of citizens of this great country in the following reasons which i shall highlight more in my subsequent writing; RE-TRAINING This is good if only the attitude of those to be re-trained is justifiable and willing to accept changes in the training. It is extremely difficult to bend a dry crayfish. In my opinion, outright redeployment and sacking of the bad ones among them is the best order the IGP would have recommended. No one is indispensable in life.

• Do you have questions or seek legal clarification on issues concerning your marriage, probate, property, etc? Call or send a text message to Barr. Ken: 08162016410, 08075763840. Email:


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


With Douglas Omoyooma

How we can preserve local languages through movies

– Judy Austin, actress

That local languages are in danger of extinction is one fact that cannot be ignored and one actress, Muoghalu Uchechukwu Judith aka Judy Austin, who hit Nollywood in 2013 is bent on reversing the trend through her works as an actress and moviemaker. The indigene of Umuoji in Idemilli North, Anambra State in this chat with Oracle Today opens up on her career and her latest movie effort among other issues.


ommenting on the state of the Igbo language she began: “Stopping the language from going into extinction is a very difficult task and I don’t think it is something only one person can achieve. But personally, the only way I know how now is through my work and my daily encounter with people that speak the language. I love speaking Igbo to those that understand it. I also hope that through my work, I get to inspire people to embrace their languages as something to be proud of.” Recently she shot a movie which prominently featured the Igbo language entitled, Native Girl. What inspired Native Girl? “In this industry, most times people don’t get to act challenging roles that could showcase their talents. Most times, role are being given to the same set of artistes. I ‘m not saying it’s wrong but sometimes, it rubs of new talent in the industry depriving them of a platform to showcase their innate talents.

“That was how I realised that the best way for me show the world the stuff I’m made of was to produce my own film and take on the most challenging role in it. I also got inspiration from my colleagues, Ruth Kadiri and Chioma Okoye. “And that’s how the thought of producing my own movie was berthed. That was how Native Girl came to light with the help of my director, Yul Edochie. I had told him I wanted to produce and I wanted him to direct and he told me to find a strong story and also somehow different and unique.” What’s the story line behind the movie and the message its passing across? “It’s actually about our igbo language. In this present time, it’s like we somehow don’t appreciate our native languages again. People teach their children how to speak English but not their native tongues. “People travel and come back and all of a sudden they don’t speak their languages

again. The most painful part is that they’re irritated by those that speaks their language. So, that’s what the movie is all about. Showing a girl that proudly speaks her language and a guy that’s irritated by it. Also teaching that we all should be proud of our language.” Acting career Unlike a lot of people, acting was never her dream. She reveals that she came into Nollywood accidentally. She begins: “I had always dreamed of being an artist and a model. The modelling part I achieved but the music part didn’t really click. Venturing into acting accidentally started the day I met Sylvester Mmadu, who is also an actor and a director. He auditioned me with his own camera and told that I could do so well in the industry only if I give it a trial. “And that’s how I started thinking about acting. To cut the long story short, he gave

me my first role ever in a movie he was directing in Asaba. The title of the movie was Secret of the Riches and today, the rest is history.” Does she still want to try music? “Well, singing is still my first love as I can sing really well and write songs too; my friends will attest to that. However I’ve really sang in front of a crowd before except for karaoke or for my family and friends.” Talking about sexual harassment, did you encounter any of such as a fresher? “Not really. But I definitely got toasters, which is normal you know, but never a harassment.” Advice “I’m just a model and the whole world is my runway darling. I can’t wait to wow everyone again very soon. And I’d like to encourage my family as I like calling my fans to never give up on any of their dreams just because it seems unattainable at some point in time. If I had given up, I wouldn’t be here today.”

How sexual abuse made me attempt Ras Kmono’s suicide four times – Ruva Ngundu, author daughter, Oge


t was fun and excitement on UK-based talk show, Minasdollz Show, which continues to gather momentum as a platform for inspiring, empowering and impacting lives positively. On the show this week, award winning author, Ruva Ngundu reveals how her Dad’s best friend sexually molested her, resulting in her getting pregnant. The author of Beauty for Aches said: “The book is a story about my life. I wrote Beauty for Aches with the intent to inspire and uplift other women that have gone through what I have been through. “I was suicidal as a result of what I went through. I nearly committed suicide four times. I remember four days before I gave birth to my daughter, I walked out of my house, went to the middle of the road and

lay there, waiting for a car to crush me.” How did she overcome? “People’s reaction and words basically made me want to take my own life. A lot of lies were spread and I digested it all and as a result, I was not in a very good place in my mind. So, I would say to anyone going through something similar, your mental health is very important. Talk to someone, pray, have a relationship with God and your parents; take a decision to be positive. This was how I overcame. My daughter is seven now.” Would she forgive cheating in her relationship or marriage? “As a Christian I will forgive if a man cheats on me but I will never have anything to do with him again,” Also on the programme, Oludre, a UK-

based artiste talked about how he balances having a job and doing music at the same time. “The job always gets in the way,” he told Minasdollz. “I wish to do a lot more musically but the job takes care of the bills. So I just try as much as possible to balance both,” said the Jupa Juse crooner. Speaking on the topic of the show he continued: “If I have a part to play in why my wife or girlfriend cheated, for instance, If I wasn’t doing my duty as a man; I can forgive and work on my relationship. But whereby I fulfil my responsibility as a man and she cheats, that is the end.” Another UK artiste and blogger, Chica Michelle, performed her latest single, True Love at the close the show.

Kimono drops new single


aughter of late reggae legend, Ras Kimono, Oge Kimono is set to step into her father’s shoes as she drops an new single entitled 24 hours, a few moths after she dropped her debut single dedicated to her late dad. An excited Oge Kimono had posted the following message: “It would be fair to say she is no longer new to the industry. Months after the release of her debut single dedicated to her late veteran father, Oge Kimono opens 2019 with a follow-up single entitled 24 Hours.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS Extra Okowa’s popularity based on performance, not Equity - Onuesoke From JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


eoples Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain, Chief Sunny Onuesoke has affirmed that the popularity of Delta State Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa has to do with his excellent performance and not equity as being argued in some sector. Onuesoke who made the statement while addressing PDP loyalists in his office in Warri, Delta State explained that the people of Delta state are calling for Okowa re-election not because of equity or zoning, but in recognition of his ground-breaking performance as the foremost Nigerian governor with the largest number of road projects, youth empowerment, skill acquisition, infrastructure development, small and medium scale industry empowerments for indigenes of the state, as well as promotion of peace, security and human capital development, which have altogether created prosperity for all Deltans within the record time of three and half years that Governor Okowa has been in office. According to him: “Okowa popularity is in recognition as the governor with the highest number of infrastructure development projects in Delta state. He is the foremost governor in terms of being the governor who most frequently visits project sites, completing abandoned projects as well as kick starting, inspecting and commissioning new projects, thereby, creating comfort and prosperity for Deltans through his SMART administration.” He stated that the people of Delta State are elated with the performance of Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa as Governor of the state and are determined to vote for him enmass for tenure in the 2019 general elections. Onuesoke maintained that the people understand that the best way to appreciate the governor for the good works is to support him to victory to consolidate on the remarkable achievements of his administration. He stated that even those in opposition APC can attest to the good works of Okowa as Governor of Delta State, but for politics of bitterness, they chose to remain silent. Hear him: “You can feel the bitterness and unrelenting efforts of the opposition leaders to blackmail and misinform the public on the performance of Okowa as Governor in the past three and half years. But despite the blackmails, distortion and misinformation by the haters of the government, the popularity of the administration is increasing by the day. Okowa’s good works are speaking for the party. Deltans are happy and will cast their votes for Okowa and PDP candidates.” He said that APC is not a threat to PDP in the state, stressing that no political party without a structure can uproot the PDP from Delta State. He noted that it will be difficult to differentiate PDP from Delta or identifying another party in Delta State apart from the PDP. Onuesoke pointed out that because of Okowa’s performance, different organizations both in Nigeria and Diaspora took note of him by honouring him with different awards, adding that the latest is Vanguard’s 2018 Governor of the Year Award.

NBA’s court boycott gets mixed compliance T he order by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) directing its members to boycott the courts nationwide for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday over Federal Government’s suspension of the Chief Justice of the Federation (CJN), Walter Onnoghen, received full and partial compliance in some states of the federation, just as lawyers in other states flouted the decision. Findings across the country to assess the level of compliance with the NBA directive showed that while courts in states like Enugu and Ebonyi observed full and total compliance with the directive, some in Lagos and Abuja were partial in adhering to the decision by the national body of practicing lawyers. This is also as some other courts in some states conducted business as usual in disregard of the NBA direc-

tive. It would be recalled that rising from its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, Monday in Abuja, the NBA resolved to embark on a `two-day warning boycott’ of courts nationwide. NBA President, Mr Paul Usoro, who made the announcement after the meeting, said that the lawyers reached the agreement to drive home their displeasure of the suspension of Onnoghen without due process. ”The decision of NEC is that, to show the displeasure of the body of lawyers with regards to what has happened so far, it has been decided by the NBA NEC that lawyers should go on a two-day boycott of courts nationwide. ”That is from tomorrow, Tuesday January 29 and also Wednesday, January 30, all lawyers should stay

away from courts. ”This is to register the discontent of the NBA with the incident that has happened, and the fact that due process was not followed with regards to the matter of the Chief Justice of Nigeria,” Usoro said. He said there would be no need to sanction lawyers for flaunting the directive as the preponderance of responses from lawyers on the issue was to emphasise that the rule of law was important. He reiterated that the NBA NEC made it clear that the issue was not personalised. ”It is not because Justice Onnoghen is the one that is involved and it is not because of where he comes from or his religion or his politics, if he has any. It is the principle of it and that principle is held sacrosanct by all lawyers and to that extent, what the NBA NEC expects

• Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike (r) welcoming Rev Mosignr Pius Kii (l) of Catholic Institute of West Africa, as Deputy Governor, Deputy Governor, Ipalibo Gogo Banigo (second left), watches during the Special Mass at Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA), in Port Harcourt

FG flags off N14bn 73km Calabar-Ogoja highway rehabilitation


inister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, has flagged off the rehabilitation of the 73km Odukpani Junction-Ikot Okopra-Akpet 1 section of the Calabar-Ikom-Ogoja road. The Minister flagged off the rehabilitation of the road on Monday in Biase local government area of Cross River. Fashola said the project, which would cost N14, 017, 170, 597.90, is a demonstration of the commitment of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to bridge the infrastructural gap in the country. He said this was geared towards providing the much needed stimulants for economic growth and ease of doing business. The project handled by a local contractors, Sermatech Construction Company, is expected to be completed in 24 months. Fashola, who was represented by the Minister of State in the Ministry, Alhaji Mustapha Baba-Shehuri, said

the Federal Government is investing heavily in the provision of critical infrastructure with at least one ongoing road project per state. “This project is a 73km single carriage way. It links the industrial town of Akamkpa to Biase-Yakurr road. Its frequent plying by industrialists around the area led to its deterioration. The shoulders of the road have been completely eroded, while the entire alignment is riddled with alligator cracks, as well as characterized by potholes. “The scope of work for the contract entails site clearance of shoulders, scarification of the existing failed carriage way and the provision of asphaltic concrete surfacing. The scope of work also include, surface dressing of shoulders, concrete lined drains, de-silting of blocked culverts, reinforced concrete pipe culverts among others. “When completed, the road will greatly reduce vehicle operation maintenance cost, improve travel

time, reduce accidents as well as loss of lives and properties. “It will also enhance the socio-economic wellbeing of the people along the corridor, generate employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled labour and assist in the fight against crime,” he said. Director in charge of Highways, Construction and Rehabilitations in the Ministry, Mr Yemi Oguntominiyi, said the massive infrastructure development was embarked on by the present administration across the six geopolitical zones in the country. According to Oguntominiyi, the rehabilitation is aimed at providing the much needed impetus to stimulate the economy and improve the lives of the people. Minister and his entourage also inspected other completed and ongoing rehabilitation projects along the Calabar-Ikom-Ogoja federal highway led by the Federal Controller of Works in the state, Mr Bassey Nsentip.

is that everyone will comply with that directive,” Usoro said. According to him, NEC also underscores that individuals impacted by government’s decisions can go to court to seek redress. ”The principle of it is what the NBA cannot simply stand by and not get involved in making sure that the principle is underscored. This is because the fallout from some of these actions go beyond the individual involved and affects our structure as a democratic society as well as our governance and our practice. ”So it is necessary to reinforce the principle in the minds of those who govern us not only for the protection of NBA members but also for the protection of members of the bench, who generally do not have a voice. ”The security of their tenure needs to be respected, and if we start a process that undermines that security at the federal level, sooner than later, it will be picked up and replicated at the state level,” the NBA president said. Whereas activities were stalled at FCT High Court, Apo, in Abuja as well as the National Industrial Court also in Abuja, as lawyers complied with the NBA directive some lawyers in Lagos who had cases fixed for hearing, Tuesday came to court in defiance of the order. The Igbosere High Courts and Magistrates’ Courts conducted business as usual. Similarly, the Jigawa branch of the NBA defied the order. The association, in a statement signed by its chairman, Mr Bashir Hussaini, said the state chapter would not participate in the nationwide court boycott. “The NBA, Dutse branch, expresses its deep concern over the suspension of Chief Justice of Nigeria. However, the branch will not embark on any strike or boycott of our proceeding,” it said. The association described the suspension as “trying time” for the legal profession, and called on the parties to seek redress through legal means. “The situation is a trying time for the legal profession. “The parties should seek redress through legal means by appealing against the order of the tribunal for the suspension of the CJN, instead of boycotting courts that will be detrimental to the parties,” it advised. The Kano State Branch of NBA, on its part, stated that it will not comply with its national body’s order to boycott courts nationwide from Tuesday, January 29. The branch made its position known in a statement signed by its Secretary, Malam Mujtaba Ameen, in Kano on Tuesday. “We at Kano NBA Branch have decided that we will not ask any member of our branch to boycott courts for two days. We should be responsible enough to do the best for our country, Nigeria, families, clients and the system as a whole,’’ he said. “We should endeavor to preserve the nobleness of our highly respected profession by being fair to the society and our children yet unborn,’’ Ameen said. However, Enugu and Ebonyi courts were grounded as the boycott took its toll on court proceedings.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS Okowa donates N2m to baby born at campaign ground


ov. Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta has announced a donation of N2 million to a baby that was born at the venue of a governorship camapign rally of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Mrs Otiri Benjamin of Ward 10 in Ekaka community, Kokori, was on Tuesday delivered of a baby girl at the Council Pavilion, Isiokoko, Ethiope East Local Government Area, with the help of the state government medical team. Okowa described the birth as an indication of victory for the PDP candidates at all levels. He said: “The birth of the new baby is a sign from God, a victory for all of us. “I will open a N2 million account in the bank for the baby,” he said. Addressing the large crowd of supporters, Okowa urged the electorate to stay back after voting to defend their votes at the polls. He also advised them to get their Permanent Voters Card (PVC) ready a day before the elections. He gave assurance that his administration would continue to execute meaningful projects that would improve the lives of the people. The governor said: “Some of the PDP executive members are from Ethiope East, so I urged you not to disappoint them. “I know that your brother is also contesting as governor in another political party but I am more of a brother to you. “My administration has done a lot of projects in Abraka and other parts of Ethiope East. “I am a governor that believes in equity, I have done projects in all the local government areas (LGA) in the state. “We have completed the construction of 19.7 kilometre road in Ogulaha, Burutu LGA and in my second tenure, I will do more. “I will double the youth and women empowerment and the number of widow beneficiaries in the state,” he said. Also, Mr Solomon Funkekeme, the Director-General, Delta PDP Campaign Organisation, urged the people to defend their vote. “PDP is an unbrella that can cover everybody, do not allow anybody to deceive you, cast your vote and also defend it at the poll,” he said. Prof. Sam Oyovbaire, Chairman, Delta Campaign Organisation, urged the people to vote massively for PDP at all levels of the election. “We are expecting the highest number of votes from Ethiope East,” Oyovbaire said. Highlights of the campaign was the defection of some All Progressive Congress (APC) leaders in the area and their loyalists to PDP. The governor later moved to OtuJeremi, the administrative headquarters of Ughelli South, where he also solicited their support.

General elections: INEC accredits 144 observer groups


ndependent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has accredited 144 observer groups that will monitor the conduct of the forthcoming general elections in the country. The figure, as published on the commission’s official website, www., comprised 116 domestic and 28 international observer groups. The commission advised all the accredited observers to abide by its

code of conduct for election observers. “INEC is pleased to announce the successful applicants to observe the 2019 general elections holding on 16th Feb. 2019 and 2nd March, 2019. “All accredited observers shall abide by the code of conduct for election observers, which is available for download on the INEC website ( “INEC reserves the right to cancel

and withdraw the accreditation of any organisation if its members or agents breach the code of conduct,’’ the commission said. It, therefore, advised the accredited groups to obtain and complete form EC 14A (ii) from its Elections and Party Monitoring Department, at its Headquarters in Maitama, Abuja between 8am to 4pm (Monday to Friday) starting from Jan. 28 to Feb. 1. The commission, however, warned

• Chairman and Board members of the State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM), taking their oath of office during their inauguration by the Lagos State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, at the State Government House, Monday. Chairman of the Board is Mrs Olabisi Ariyo, others members are Mr. Jacob Ashaka, Mrs Sidikat Smith, Mr Adeleke Oluseun Kara and Mrs Adijat Kuburat Hassan

Elections: Whole world watching us — Anyaoku


ormer Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, on Tuesday urged the Federal Government and the relevant institutions to ensure that the February and March elections are free and fair. Anyaoku gave the advice while speaking at a symposium to unveil the new logo of The Nigerian Tribune in Lagos. The theme of the symposium was “Electoral Integrity, Legitimacy of Democratic Institutions and Good Governance”. Anyaoku said the expectations of the people and indeed the international community were that the elections would be credible. He urged the government, particularly the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the security agencies and other relevant institutions to meet the expectations. Anyaoku said the rest of the world was keenly watching Nigeria and the conduct would determine how the country would be viewed and treated by the international community. “As our country is preparing for the general elections in two weeks time, I have three observations to address the Nigerian government, INEC and others. “First, Nigeria’s friends and the whole of the international community are watching. Watching the behaviour of Federal Government and its agencies, including especially the police, the army and the other lawenforcement agents, to see how far we respect the country’s constitution, the rule of law and the obligation to act well in playing their roles in respect of the elections.

“From my long experience in international politics, I must say no country is an island unto itself, especially in our increasingly globalising world. “Therefore, our Nigerian government, like other governments all over the world, while of course guarding its sovereignty, should pay heed to the views of the international community. “Otherwise, the country would return to the pariah status which happily exited in 1999 when it once more embraced democracy. “My second observation is that INEC had earned deserved compliments for its commendable handling of the last gubernatorial elections in Ondo and Anambra States. “But it must be admitted that it attracted criticisms for its conducting subsequent similar elections in both Ekiti and Osun. “I urge INEC to remain aware of the fact that the credibility of the results of our forthcoming elections will depend on the level of impartiality and transparency it demonstrates in ensuring all aspects of the elections are free and fair, thereby making the results to truly represent the will of the people. “Indeed, the image and standing of our country within the international community will be significantly affected by how INEC and the Federal Government as a whole are seen to behave in all matters relating to the elections,“ he said. Anyaoku decried what he called the debasement of lives by incessant killings in the country, saying the problem should be tackled holistically The former diplomat said a return

to true fiscal federalism was imperative to move the country forward. He commended African Newspapers PLC, publishers of Nigerian Tribune for its great contributions to the media industry. Anyaoku said the contributions of the media organisation to nation-building were as note-worthy as those of its founder, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo. He said he had no doubt the unveiling of a new logo by the newspaper would herald another chapter of service to the people and the nation. In her address, Chairman of the media organisation, Dr Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu, said Nigerian Tribune had played its part in nation-building since it was founded 70years ago. She said the unveiling of the new logo was in continuation of the newspaper’s long-standing vision to be the voice of the people and advocate of a better Nigeria. Prominent Nigerian including Bishop Matthew Kukah, who delivered the keynote address; a leader of Afenifere, Chief Ayo Adebanjo; a former governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel: a former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Mr Femi Pedro: and Convener of Save Nigeria Group, Pastor Tunde Bakare were present at the occasion. Presidential candidate of Young Democratic Party, Prof. Kingsley Moghalu and the Peoples Democracy Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Lagos State, Mr Jimi Agbaje, were also present at the occasion where the new logo of the newspaper was unveiled.

that it would hand over to law enforcement agencies any group other than those accredited, found in any state for the elections. “Also, accredited field observers found in states other than where they are posted will equally be sanctioned. The accredited foreign observer groups are African Bar Association; African Parliament of The Civil Society; African Union; British High Commission; Democrat Union of Africa; ECOWAS; Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) Republic Of Cameroon; and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa. Other accredited foreign observers are Embassy of France; Embassy of Japan; Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt; Embassy of The Republic Of Korea; European Centre For Electoral Support; European Union; German International Agency; High Commission of Canada; and the International Foundation For Electoral System. The International Human Rights CommissionI; International Peace Commission; International Republican Institute; the National Democratic Institute; the Network for Solidarity; and the Empowerment and Transformation for All were also accredited to cover the elections. Other international obsevers accredited are Nigerians in Diaspora Organization; Pan African Women Projects; Pan African Youth Training and Enlightenment Centre; Queen Zara Foundation for Human Resources Development; The Commonwealth; and the United States Embassy On the domestic scene, Action Aid Nigeria; Advocacy for Quality Leadership and Health Awareness Foundation; African Centre For Leadership, Strategy and Development; African Christian Care Trust Organization; Transition Monitoring Group; and YIAGA Africa Initiative are some of the observer groups accredited. Others are African Initiative for Sustainable and Positive Development; African Youth Leadership Roundtable Initiative; Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society; Alliance for Credible Election; Asabe Shehu Yar’adua Foundation; Centre for Citizens With Disabilities; Centre for Strategic Conflict Management; and the Centre for Transparency Advocacy Still on the domestic list are Children and Youth Awareness Development Foundation; Christian Association of Nigeria; Christian Council Of Nigeria; Church Of Nigeria Anglican Communion; Citizens Rights And Leadership Awareness Initiative; and the Citizens Rights For Peace And Good Leadership Initiative. The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre; Cleen Foundation; Conscience Women of Africa Initiative; Jama’atu Izalatau Badi’ah Wa Ikamatu Sunnatu; Justice Development And Peace; Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria; and the National Orientation Agency also got the approval to cover the elections. The others are the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room (Policy And Legal Advocacy Centre); Nigerian Bar Association; Northern Patriotic Front; Northern Youth And Elders Awareness Forum; Police Service Commission; Shehu Musa Yar’adua Foundation; and The Albino Foundation.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019

NEWS AIFCE inaugurates Anyanwu as 12th substantive provost From LARRY ONWUTA, Enugu


uthorities of the Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State recently inaugurated its 12th substantive Provost, Dr Dan Anyanwu, to pilot the activities of the institution. Declaring the event open, chairman of the occasion, Prof Josephat Ogbuagu, mni, former Provost of Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State, expressed delight at what he described as “smooth transition” of office. Commending the staff and students of AIFCE for their support to the out gone Provost, Prof Blessing Ijioma, he charged the college community to also show their maximum support to the incumbent Provost, Dr Dan Anyanwu. According to him, the event marked an end of a glorious era and the inauguration of a new tenure of transformation in the institution. Ogbuagu said, “Nigeria needs our collective efforts to move forward, live her full potentials, to become a better society, to achieve a sustainable development with the rest of the world and become a home the future generation would be proud of. We will continue to pray that the labours of our heroes past shall never be in vain”. He continued, “For us in Teacher education, the talk has always been quality education, sustainable education and functional education. When you look at the world in general, you will agree with me that developed countries of the world thrive on quality education. Quality education is a pillar of development, a key to industrialization and societal growth in any nation. To achieve quality education is a task before all of us. It demands selfless contribution, mutual cooperation /working together as a team”. The College Council led by the Chairman, Arc. Alex-Hart A, said the occasion marked a new era in the history of the institution. Alex-Hart noted that the installation of Dr Dan Anyanwu as the new substantive Provost, through a process that had been widely accepted as fair and transparent, will usher in a new beginning in the College even as he described Anyanwu as one that will bring the college community together as one family, in their giant collective step towards the repositioning of the institution. In her valedictory speech, the outgone Provost, Prof Blessing Ijioma expressed gratitude to God for granting her a successful tenure. He thanked the staff and students of the College for their prayers and support throughout her administration. She also listed out her achievements in the College while praying God to see her successor through. In his remark, the new Provost, Dr Dan Anyanwu, said with the cooperation of staff and students, his administration would take the college to an enviable heights through academic excellence and staff development. He said: “I will build on the legacies of my predecessors in AIFCE and with your cooperation together we will take the college to an enviable height.

Court of Appeal reserves judgment in APC governorship candidacy for Abia


he Court of Appeal in Abuja on Monday reserved judgment in the decision of the FCT High Court to uphold Chief Ikechi Emenike as Governorship Candidate for the All progressives Congress (APC) in Abia. Justice Abubakar Yahaya reserved the appellate court’s decision after Counsel to parties had adopted their addresses. Dr Uchechukwu Ogah, who contested the Oct.2, 2018 governorship primary election along Emenike had approached the court with the appeal. The APC and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) were the other respondents in the appeal. Earlier, the court had dismissed an interlocutory application seeking the setting aside of the Jan.24 ruling of the court which granted leave to the appellant to file the appeal. Mr N.A Nnawuchi (SAN) had filed the motion challenging the jurisdiction of the court to grant the leave after the expiration of the 14 days required by law. Mr Paul Erokoro (SAN), Counsel to Ogah raised objection on Nnawuchi submission, adding that his client’s Notice of Appeal was filed within the period specified by the Constitution.

He therefore urged that court to dismiss the application for lacking in merit. Yahaya held that the application was incompetent because it was not accompanied by the Jan.24 record of the court. The dismissal of the application set the stage for the adoption of addresses on the main appeal. The appellant had raised three issues for determination including whether the FCT High Court had territorial jurisdiction to hear the suit. Ogah also prayed the court to decide whether the court was right when it dismissed his application to be joined in the suit. Emenike had through his counsel raised objections on the argument canvassed by the appellant, adding that he (Ogah) out rightly failed to give attention to the suit at the trial court. Nnawuchi therefore urged the court to dismiss appeal and affirm the judgment of the trial court. In his statement of facts, the appellant claimed that he won the Direct Primaries Election conducted on October 2, 2018, by the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party observed by INEC. The appellant claimed his name was forwarded by APC to INEC as its candidate at the forthcoming gov-

ernorship election in Abia State. He further claimed that the first respondent (Emenike) took part in the primaries but lost. Emenike, aggrieved by the outcome of the primaries approached the court on Oct.22, 2018. Ogah however, averred that he became aware of the pendency of the suit on Nov.14, 2018, 23days after hearing in the suit had commenced. The appellant further averred that he had on Nov.15, 2018 filed an application to be joined. He said his application dismissed and judgment entered in Emenike’s favour without fair hearing. Governors’ Forum pledges supports to security agencies during election The Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) has pledged its support to security agencies to ensure that the forthcoming election is conducted in a conducive atmosphere devoid of violence. NGF Chairman and Gov. Abdul’aziz Yari of Zamfara stated this while reading the communiqué issued at the end of the forum’s emergency meeting on Tuesday in Abuja. Yari said the meeting which was held with the National Security Adviser (NSA), retired Maj.-Gen. Mohammed Monguno, deliberated on

• Akwa Ibom State Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel at the Palace of His Eminence, Nteyin Solomon D. Etuk, the Oku Ibom Ibibio, IV and Paramount Ruler of Nsit Ubium Local Government Area on a consultation visit during his campaign, Tuesday

Abia Debate: Ikpeazu fails to show up


ouse of Representatives Committee of the Whole House on Tuesday approved and adopted the report of the ad hoc committee on a bill for an Act to repeal the National Minimum wage act to prescribe a New National Minimum Wage for workers. The adhoc Committee recommended and adopted the sum of N30, 000 minimum wage. According to the bill, any employer who fails to comply shall be liable to pay fine not exceeding 5 per cent of the offenders’ monthly wage. The House presided over by the Speaker, Mr Yakubu Dogara, re-

solved in the Committee of the Whole to consider the report. It resumed with the synopsis of the bill. According to the chairman of the Committee, Mr Yussuff Lasun, the bill did not cover employers whose staff strength was below 25. Raising a point of order, the House Majority leader, Mr Femi Gbajabiamila, was of the opinion that the bill should take effect from six months after assent. On the contrary, the lawmakers moved that the bill should take immediate effect as soon as the president signs it into law.

But the speaker held a different opinion, noting that with the absence of appropriation, the bill however, could not be implemented. To save the House from further debate, the Chairman House Committee on Rules and Business, Rep. Edward Pwajok, moved for an Amendment to include that the bill becomes effective from the date it is assented to. The bill therefore, passed third reading on the floor of the house. The House is to harmonise with its counterparts in the senate for onward transmission to the president for his assent.

election security assessment. He commended security agencies including Nigeria Police Force (NPF), Department of State Security (DSS) and the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA),for putting in place necessary arrangements to ensure that the election is violence free. He sought for stronger synergy between the governors and heads of security agencies in various states to strengthen preemptive measures of curbing election violence and other antisocial vices. “Members of the NGF are committed to collaborating with all security agencies to ensure that the forthcoming elections are free, fair and are conducted in an environment conducive for peaceful election. “Governors are however concerned about the proliferation of arms and ammunition, and the spate of kidnapping across the country. “The forum recommends strong collaboration and intelligence sharing among security agencies in the country to ensure that all lives and property are protected, regardless of individual or group affiliations,’’ Yari said. He said governors came into power through the ballot and would make sure the forthcoming elections are free, fair and meet the international standard like those of 2015. “President Muhammadu Buhari did not in any way take the election as a do or die affair, and he has promised that the election is going to be credible. “We as his representative in our various states are going to ensure that there is enabling environment. “We will also ensure that we work with security agencies to keep their oath of office, do their work without fear or favour, and apprehend anybody who is trying to cause problem during the election,’’ Yari added. He explained that the meeting was held following the last council of state meeting where the NSA requested to brief the governors. Monguno earlier in his remarks warned politicians against arming political thugs during the general election, saying that government would demonstrate zero tolerance to thuggery and illegal bearing of fire-arms. He said that the Nigeria Police Force had instructed all state commands to arrest anyone who bore fire-arms illegally or engage in acts of violence during the election. Monguno said that intelligence reports had indicated plans by some individuals and groups to instigate violence during and after the election. “Reports reaching me revealed that some individuals that are uncertain of their fate in the election are plotting to participate in widespread violence aimed at scuttling the poll,” Monguno said. Speaking in an interview with newsmen, the acting Inspector General of Police (I-G), Mohammed Adamu, said that security agencies were ready for the election. “All the security agencies are going to be professional and neutral in the process of the election. Nobody should be in doubt in the neutrality of the security agencies,’’ Adamu said.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Cross Rivers lawyers protest FG’s suspension of Onnoghen


igeria Bar Association (NBA), Cross River chapter, Tuesday, held a peaceful protest against the suspension of Justice Walter Onnoghen, the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) by President Muhammadu Buhari. The chapter, which comprises Calabar, Ogoja and Ikom branches, held the protest after an emergency meeting in Calabar. The lawyers marched from the State High Court along Mary Slessor Avenue to Government House, Calabar, where they presented a letter to the Governor to transmit to President Muhammadu Buhari. Mr Julius Idiege, the leader of the protest and Vice Chairman, Calabar branch of NBA, said the letter contained a joint resolution by the three branches after their emergency meeting over Onnoghen’s suspension. Idiege said that the state chapter of the NBA totally rejects Buhari’s suspension of Onnoghen and the

appointment of Justice Tanko Mohammed as Acting CJN. He urged the National Executive Committee of the NBA to take the necessary steps in the defence of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Deputy Governor, Prof. Ivara Esu, who received the letter on behalf of the governor, commended the lawyers for conducting themselves peacefully. He also promised that the document would be forwarded to the President after the governor had gone through it. In compliance with the nationwide boycott order issued by the Nigeria Bar Association, activities at the Federal High Court, National Industrial Court and other courts in the state were paralysed. Even though some administrative staff were in their offices, court sessions did not hold and all court rooms were empty

I formerly known as MISS EZEANI BLESSING UKAMAKA now wish to be known as MRS AGWUNOBI BLESSING UKAMAKA. former documents remain valid .NYSC, Banks and General public take note

I formerly known as HIGHTENSION now wish to be known as OKEIYI CHIMAOBI. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

I formerly known as BLACK now wish to be known as OKEIYI CHINONSO. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

I formerly known as MATTHEW IMOH now wish to be known as OGBONNA MATTHEW. BORN ON 6TH SEPTEMBER 1968. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

I formerly known as ANADEBE JUDITH OGOCHUKWU now wish to be known as OKOLOCHA JUDITH OGOCHUKWU. former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

I formerly known as ONWUNYILI MAUREEN GINIKACHUKWU now wish to be known as ONWUNYILI NADINE GINIKACHIKWU. former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note

I formerly known as AROH FRANCIS .N now wish to be known as AROH FRANCIS NNAEMEKA. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note

I formerly known as NWOKOYE IFEOMA GRACE now wish to be known as DESMOND IFEOMA GRACE. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note

This is to inform the general public that my name was wrongly spelt in my BVN as ONUOHAH EUCHARIA EKWUTOSI, instead of OHUOHA EUCHARIA EKWUTOSI now wish to be known and addressed as OHUOHA EUCHARIA EKWUTOSI. Former documents remain valid, Diamond bank, ASUBEB and general public please take note.

I formerly known as Miss OGUH SOMTOCHUKWU MARY. now wish to be known as MRS. OKEKE SOMTOCHUKWU MARY. former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

I formerly known as NNABUO RAPHEAL Now wish to be known as NNABUO RAPHEAL ODIDIKA. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note

I formerly known as OKAFORASOGWA CHINEDUCHARITY EBERECHI now wish to be known as UKWUEZE CHARITY RBERECHI. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

I formerly known as NWACHUKWU OBINNA KENECHUKWU. Now wish to be known as NWACHUKWU CHRISTIAN NONSO. All documents remain valid, Banks and General public take note.


• Delta State Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa (3rd left); his wife, Dame Edith (middle); His Royal Majesty, Oharisi the III, Ovie of Ugheli Kingdom (2nd left); Olorogun Oscar Ibru (3rdright); Chief Steve Oru (2nd right); Barr. Fred Majemite (right); Mr. Mudiagha Enaijemo (left) and others, during the commissioning of Government Collage Roundabout, Ughelli Delta State. Photo: JONATHAN AWANYAI

Group tips Umeh, others for victory in Anambra By IBE NWACHUKWU


socio-political organization, the Anambra Central Senatorial Zone People Assembly (ACSZPA) the umbrella body of all eligible voters in the Anambra central Senatorial Zone, Tuesday, released an opinion poll result for all the candidates in the area contesting for National Assembly seat, declaring the incumbent Senator representing the area in the senate, Sir Victor Umeh of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) as its choice. The group therefore urged other candidates in the contest to possi-

bly step down and support Umeh to go back to the senate and continue with the good work he is currently doing in the hallowed chambers. Unveiling the final result of the opinion poll in Ojoto, the headquarters of Idemili South Local Government Area, Chief Steve Ben Arinze Anyaorah, leader and facilitator of the group said the group considered a lot of factors on integrity, pedigree, achievements, programmes, among other of various candidates before arriving at their decision, adding that the candi-

dates were considered and chosen based on merit. According to them, other winners in the opinion poll included Chief Ferdinand Dozie Nwankwo for Njikoka/Anaocha/Dunukofia Federal constituency, Chief Ifeanyi Ibezi for Idemili North and South federal constituency, as well as Chief Anayo Nebe for Awka North and south federal constituency They further appealed to other candidates and the electorate in all these constituencies to support whoever they have chosen during the elections.

Oyigbo APC leader to work for Wike


housands of All Progressives Congress (APC) members from 10 wards of Oyigbo Local Government Area in Rivers State led by their former council chairman, Hon Uche Felix Nwaeke have defected to the PDP. The new PDP members who were received by Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike pledged to work for the re-election of the governor. The defection rally which took place at the Umuhueze Clan of Oyigbo was witnessed by the Director General of Rivers State PDP Campaign Council, Ambassador Desmond Akawor, PDP Candidate for Rivers South-East, Bari Mpigi and PDP Candidate for Oyigbo/Eleme/Tai Federal Constituency, Mr Chisom Dike. Speaking at the event, Former APC Leader of Oyigbo LGA, Uche

Felix Nwaeke said they resolved to join PDP because they want to support the re-election bid of the governor. He said his defection will unify PDP in Oyigbo and make the party stronger for electoral victories. The Former Commissioner announced that all his structures have been collapsed into the PDP. Responding, Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike charged Oyigbo leaders to work in unity for the development of the area. He said that the defection of the Former Commissioner marks the end of opposition politics in Oyigbo Local Government Area. The governor urged the supporters of the political leaders of the area to desist from unfounded rumours Governor Wike called on the people to vote for all PDP candidates

across the state. He said a vote for Atiku Abubakar will lead to the revival of Nigeria. He said: “All of should work hard to vote out this failed APC Federal Government. Already, God has placed the spirit of confusion on the APC. They are on their way out”. Also on Sunday, the Chiefs-incouncil of Umuhueze Clan of Oyigbo endorsed the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike for a second term. Eze Sylvanus Nwaeke said the endorsement is based on the outstanding performance of the governor. Governor Wike assured the traditional rulers that his administration will continue to develop the communities of Oyigbo Local Government Area during his second term.

collection (direct bank payment system) linked to automation on a robust platform, that provides efficiency and effectiveness and counters leakages. • Ensure clear linkage between taxes paid and services received with associated taxpayer education and enlightenment at all stages so that businesses can understand how the taxes and charges they pay are providing them with some benefits, even if indirectly. • Ensure that the revenue administration agencies (i.e. BIRs) are fully functional with administrative and financial autonomy so that they can respond to the changing needs of taxpayers while ensuring that all pay their fair share. • Develop detailed operating manuals and where possible put these on websites to ease business engagement. • Ensure that tax and related infor-

mation is clearly provided through the ‘One-Stop Investment Shops’ where they exist. The World Bank urged the states to consider seeking technical assistance from development partners and other stakeholders; and • Use CSOs and other non-state stakeholders to sensitize taxpayers of their rights to appeal. Some of the immediate actions recommended by the World Bank are: •Publication of business regulations and processes in the media and on the Internet •Encouragement of online processes and payments to reduce time wasting and improve ease of doing business •Recruitment of computer savvy workers and retraining workers for computer and Internet age; every governor must commit to cut off date to move from physical files to complete computerisation of its pro-

cesses. • Review all laws for obsolescence and lacuna and widely share the outcome for transparency. • Integration of actions such as taxes with company registration processes and discouragement of use of contractors for revenue collection as monies collected end up in private pockets. • Reduction of fees and cumbersome processes to bring more people into the tax bracket--more people and business will pay taxes if it is seen as fair and transparent. • Discouragement of the increase in towns and touts to collect illegal taxes from traders and road users. As the zone with the highest number of entrepreneurs in the country, the South East, when these measures are implemented, will benefit from the governors’ biggest push for wealth and job creation in Eastern Nigeria.

...Enugu, Imo bad for business



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The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Onnoghen: NJC moves to resolve logjam Cont’d on page 9 ‘’ The Chief Justice of Nigeria is the head and symbol of authority of the Nigerian Judiciary. The Judiciary is neither an agency of the federal government nor a department in the Executive. The CJN is to the judicial arm of government what the President is to the executive arm. The three arms are coequals and none is more powerful than the other. ‘’The President cannot appoint or remove the CJN unilaterally. The Constitution has explicitly stated the procedure for the appointment and removal of the CJN and no court, tribunal, president or other authority or person in Nigeria can derogate from, override or alter the said procedure.” “I have perused the Certified True Copy of the enrolled ex-parte order made by the Code of Conduct Tribunal dated Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019. I find the said order extremely offensive to the Rule of Law. The Order seeks to achieve that which the Constitution has unarguably forbidden.” “The enrolled order signed by the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), Hon. Danladi Y. Umar, and one other member of the Tribunal (Hon. Mrs. Julie A. Anabor), purports to direct Hon. Justice Onnoghen to ‘’step aside’’ as the CJN and Chairman of the NJC pending the determination of the Motion on Notice dated the 10th day of January, 2019. On the face of the said order, the name of the legal practitioner who moved the motion ex-parte is not stated. This is rather strange. Did the Tribunal suo moto (on its own motion) move the motion? ‘’Interestingly, the same Tribunal sat on Tuesday, 22nd January, 2019 and adjourned to Monday, 28th January, 2019 to rule on the Preliminary Objection filed by Justice Onnoghen challenging the jurisdiction of the CCT to try him without recourse to the NJC contrary to the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of NGANJIWA v FRN (2017) LPELR-43391(CA). ‘’The law is firmly settled that once the jurisdiction of a court or judicial tribunal is challenged, the only jurisdiction the court has is to determine whether it has jurisdiction. The CCT having been seized of the frontal challenge to its jurisdiction, could not have granted an ex-parte order on the 23rd of January, 2019 without determining whether it has jurisdiction. In the recent case of ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION v. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF LAGOS STATE (2017) LPELR-42769(SC), the Supreme Court restated this sacrosanct principle thus: “There is no gainsaying that issue of jurisdiction is radical and a crucial point which when raised, is challenging the competence of the Court to hear and determine the case. Any proceedings conducted by a Court which does not have jurisdiction, no matter how well or brilliantly it was conducted is a nullity. See Dapianlong vs Dariye (2007) 8 NWLR (pt. 1036) 332. That is the more reason why when Court’s jurisdiction is challenged, the Court must first of all assume jurisdiction to decide whether in very clear and unambiguous terms, it has or lacks jurisdiction. See State Dosunmu Mansion vs Halliburton Energy Services Ltd (2007) 2 NWLR [pt.108) 211; Nnonye v Anyichie (2005) 2 NWLR (pt. 910) 623. Per SANUSI, J.S.C. (p. 43-45, pp. D - A). ‘’ The CCT, without determining

whether it has jurisdiction over Justice Onnoghen as required by law, proceeded to give a flagrantly illegal order purporting to suspend the CJN from office. That order, with the greatest respect, is reminiscent of the inglorious order given by Justice Bassey Ikpeme stopping further announcement of results of the June 12, 1993 presidential election which crystalized into the criminal nullification of the June 12, 1993 election by the Babangida junta.” ‘’ I have read the long statement made by President Buhari while swearing-in Hon. Justice Ibrahim Tanko Mohammed as the Acting Chief Justice of Nigeria. Buhari struggled unsuccessfully to justify his unlawful action by relying on the order of the CCT. The Constitution does not say that the President shall suspend the CJN based on the order of a court or tribunal. It is a desecration of our Constitution for Buhari to suspend Justice Onnoghen. ‘’ Those arguing that the President merely suspended the CJN and has not removed him are either oblivious of the law or willfully mischievous. The CJN is not an appointee of the President and does not hold office at the pleasure of the President. ‘’ President Buhari cannot suspend the CJN. The CCT cannot give an order directing the President to remove or suspend the CJN. The CCT cannot ask the CJN to ‘’step aside’’. This conspiratorial attack on the institution of the Judiciary is a dangerous precedent. Can a judge give an order suspending the President from office without recourse to the National Assembly? If the answer is in the negative, why should the President suspend the CJN whose tenure is constitutionally protected without recourse to the NJC and the Senate as prescribed in the Constitution? But, in his own contribution, Barr Eric Omare, President of Ijaw Youth Council said the suspension of CJN is a ‘coup against democracy’. Omare said he received with shock the news of the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria and immediate swearing-in of Justice Tanko Muhammed as the Acting Chief Justice of Nigeria with surprise. “This is a coup against democracy and the rule of law. Nigeria is under a constitutional democracy that is governed by the rule of law and the action by President Buhari lacks foundation in law,” he warned. “President Buhari lacks the powers to suspend the Chief Justice of Nigeria without the recommendation of the National Judicial Council. “And It is even unthinkable to suspend Justice Onnoghen in the light of the multiple valid and subsisting orders of the National Industrial court, federal High court and the court of appeal which bars the Code of Conduct tribunal from going on with the trial of Justice Onnoghen. “President Buhari claimed to have acted pursuant to an order of the CCT made on the 23rd of January, 2019, however from the records of proceedings of the CCT, no such order was made. “The pending motions are yet to be taken hence it is surprising for the President to be relying on a non-existing order. “This is desperation taken too far and the IYC in the strongest terms condemn this display of impunity by President Buhari. This is the height of lawlessness and the greatest threat to democratic rule in Nigeria,” Omare stated. The IYC called on President Buhari to immediately reverse this il-

judiciary which is one of the arms of government, then, the judiciary might as well wake up one day and order the removal of Mr. President from office and the resultant effect would be chaos and anarchy”. “Due process is a corner stone of rule of law which is the quintessence of a constitutional democracy like ours. What the President of Nigeria did was a military coup de’tat against the judiciary, which is not permissible under a democratic dispensation. It is a charade which should be condemned in its entirety”. “Even if the CJN is a criminal of the worst order, he is entitled to his day in the court of law and suspending him from office was tantamount to judging him guilty even before trial. Under this same administration, the President was once taken to court for certificate issues but he did not step aside, resign or was removed from office until that matter was finally disposed of.”

legal decision, calling on Nigerians and all lovers of democracy all over the world to rise up and defend our democracy in Nigeria. He said that Anti democratic forces that truncated democracy in the past must not be allowed to truncate democracy again. Meanwhile, a coalition of different political stakeholders comprising various political parties in the Eastern part of Nigeria, namely APGA, PDP, UPP, SDP, YPP and ADC, under the auspices of South East Youth Movement for Atiku / Obi campaign, SEYMAC, has issued a 7-day ultimatum to President Muhammadu Buhari to reverse the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen. In an emergency meeting held in Onitsha, Anambra state with some civil rights groups, namely, Movement Against Electoral Fraud, Youth Solidarity for Progressive Change, South East Movement for Resource Control, South East Movement for Restructuring Nigeria, Lawyers Advocacy Forum, Christian Women for Democracy, South East Christian Women for Justice, Nigeria Social Congress for Good Governance and Civil/Legal Justice Congress, unanimously condemned the suspension of the CJN. The group, at a press conference, through their spokespersons, Hon. Tochukwu Emmanuel Obi, Comrade Azubuike Imoka, Comrade Wisdom Okoye, Ezekute Jeff Mcsyndey, StellamarisAgwaziam, Mrs. Madueke Ifeyinwa and Barrister Michael Akubowe, described the suspension of Onnoghen as a Coup de’tat. They further stressed that the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT lacks the competence under the constitution to recommend the suspension of the Chief Justice. They emphasized that by Section 3 of the Code of Conduct Tribunal Act, once a public officer’s attention is drawn by the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB that certain assets of the public officer was not declared or properly declared and the same public officer admits owning such assets and then declares them, the issue of non-declaration or insufficient declaration of assets will not proceed to the Code of Conduct Tribunal as obtained in the Onnoghen’s case. Therefore, the group stated that

the admission of the CJN upon being confronted by the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB that he owns the sums of money contained in his bank account should not have been treated as a breach of the Code of Conduct for judicial officers in line with the true spirit of the provision of section 3 of the Code of Conduct Bureau Tribunal Act. They condemned in its entirety, the suspension of the CJN and described same as rape on democracy and calculated attempt by the APC-led federal government to install a CJN that will favour APC in the event of a legal tussle in court after the 2019 general elections, which was why Justice Abrahim Mohammed Tanko immediately constituted a tribunal to perfect the script of APC led federal government. They therefore gave President Mohammed Buhari the 7 days from Monday, January 28, within which to reverse Onnoghen’s suspension or be prepared for a shut down of government activities in various parts of the country and plethora of legal actions against the federal government. ONNOGHEN’S SUSPENSION INDEFENSIBLE—OKOKO Barrister Ben Okoko, a former Chairman of Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Idemili branch, said the suspension was illegal in the sense that a certain court order which President Buhari claimed to be obeying was a black market order from an inferior court, adding that there was a prior order from the superior court of Appeal restraining the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) from going on with the prosecution of Onnoghen, the head of judiciary arm of government. Okoko further noted that the action was outrageous in the sense that in a constitutional democracy, a government is made up of three arms, namely the executive, legislature and judiciary, adding that non of these arms of government has the right to suspend the other arm without recourse to the constitutional means of doing so as each of the government constitute a check on the other arms. According to Okoko, “If it were so easy for the President to wake up one day and oust the head of

LAWYERS IN IMO CONDEMN ONNOGHEN’S Prominent lawyers in Imo State have condemned the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen, by President Muhammadu Buhari, over his non-declaration of his assets. Speaking with The Oracle Today in Owerri, Chief Mike Ahamba (SAN) described the President’s suspension of the CJN as unfortunate and very sad, saying the issue is not whether Onnoghen is guilty or not. Ahamba said the President does not have the powers to suspend the CJN, noting that even a clerk cannot be suspended through an exparte motion. According to him, those who are against the action of the President are not pro-Onnoghen but pro-constitution, stressing that actions like the suspension of the CJN by the President is how dictatorship begins. He called on the National Judicial Commission (NJC), the Nigerian Barr Association (NBA) and all professions and civil society groups, including leaders of thought to rise up and condemn the act, even as he called on the members of the NJC to protect themselves. Similarly, Barr Emperor Iwuala described the action as unconstitutional and unknown to law. He argued that by the extant provisions of the Code of Conduct Bureau Act, the CJN did not commit any offence, stressing that the Act provides that one might forget to declare his assets or under declare. Describing the action of the President as a usurpation of power, overzealousness and executive recklessness, Barr Iwuala called on the President to reverse his action. Barr Mike Anyanwu also spoke on the development, describing it as unconstitutional and avoidable constitutional crisis. “The President does not have the prerogative power to suspend a Judge. That power lies with the NJC who recommends such to the President. The President does not also have the prerogative power to appoint a Judge of the Federal High Court, Justice of the Court of Appeal and those of the Supreme Court,” he said. “What the President did was an affront to the constitution and a rape on our nascent democracy, because the NJC never recommended such actions.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


stripped Mikel’sEaglespositionnotcontestable–Rohr Malaysia of Paralympic swimming event over Israel ban



UPER Eagles’ Technical Adviser, Gernot Rohr is adamant that despite his captain’s inactivity for some time now, he remains the leader of the team until Mikel says he is no longer going to be in the national team thereby effectively ending speculations that his vice, Ogenyi Eddy Onazi or Ahmed Musa will be replacing him in no distant time. According to the German football tactician, the status quo remains in the national team over the captainship, saying Mikel Obi still leads the team until he makes a formal request that he wants to quit the national team. Rohr stated this on the sidelines of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) Match Day 4 between MFM FC and Rangers International FC of Enugu last Wednesday at the Agege Township Stadium- Lagos. Mikel, who penned a new deal with the English Championship side, Middlesborough after quitting Tianjin TEDA in the Chinese Super League has disclosed that he still wants to win trophies. The former Chelsea star, Mikel, 31, disclosed his reason for joining Middlesborough is because he wanted to be close to his family living in London, hence his decision to choose the North East Club that currently sits on the fifth position in the Championship. Rohr said though Mikel had yet to play for the national team since the three time African champions exit the 2018 FIFA World Cup at the group stage, his dependable midfielder and captain does not only remained an integral part of his team,


•Super Eagles Captain, John Obi-Mikel and Coach Gernot Rohr but the leader as well. team, he stands a chance of coming “We are very happy with the news back to us, but he has not told me about Mikel joining Middlesbor- he will quit the team. ough because it has been a long “He remains the captain of the time he played last for the team, but team till he says otherwise, we will he is a player who really wants to be happy to have him back for his play for the team. experience,” he said. “He wishes to return to Europe to On another Nigerian plying his be with his family and find a good trade in the Chinese Super League, club which he has done. Right now, Odion Ighalo, Rohr said he hoped he needs more time to be back in that the goal poacher finds another the team because we have yet to club in Europe. see him after the World Cup. “The same issue like Mikel goes “We want him to come back to to Ighalo, there is now a big winter the national team like other play- break in the Chinese league, even if ers. If he is playing well with his new the league is on, I am not sure that

Portugal considers revoking Ronaldo’s honours after tax fraud fine


ORTUGAL is considering revoking Cristiano Ronaldo’s public honours after he was fined millions by Spain for committing tax fraud while at Real Madrid, the country’s president disclosed on Thursday. The Five-time Ballon d’Or winner, was awarded the Grand Cross of the Portuguese Order of Merit in 2016, when the national team won the European Championship, but on Tuesday, was ordered by a Spanish court to pay 3.57 million euros ($4.1 million), part of a broader 18.8-million-euro payout. He was handed a two-year jail sentence that was immediately reduced to a fine of 365,000 euros and another penalty of 3.2 million euros, according to the sentence. Football rings the changes in 2018 “The law is very simple: it is up to the chancellors of the national orders to see if anything has happened that could lead to the loss of an honour,” President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told reporters. This means it would be the current chancellor of Portugal’s civil Order of Merit, one of several branches of the country’s honours system, to decide whether the 33-year-old’s conviction is enough to strip him of his honour. “We should let those with the legal power to decide to do so and

see whether the law applies or not in this case.” However the Juventus attacker’s honours from his home island of Madeira are safe. Ronaldo received the Madeira Medal of Merit, the autonomous region’s highest honour, in December 2014 before the inauguration of a bronze statue in his likeness at Madeira airport. “Here in Madeira, Cristiano Ronaldo has always been seen as a good person … He is not a criminal,” said regional president Miguel Albuquerque, who dismissed Ronaldo’s conviction as an “interpretation of a tax issue”. “He is the most prestigious Portuguese in the world,” he added


he wants to remain there. “Ighalo wants to come back to Europe, though he still has a contract with his Chinese club. Right now, he wants a club in England or Turkey, I hope he can play again in a good club, just like other players, I want him to be fit. “He has also contributed well to the national team, we enjoyed his contributions to the team,” he said. Meanwhile, reacting to his debut appearance for Middlesbrough who are desirous of gaining promotion to the English Premier League at the end of the season, the Nigerian captain said he was still hungry for trophies after his distinguished time at West London side, Chelsea FC. Mikel, who has won all trophies and medal available at club level with Chelsea locally and internationally, believes he could contribute his quota to Middlesbrough’s promotion ambition. In his words Mikel said: “I’ve achieved a lot in my career and I’ve been very, very fortunate, but I am still hungry and ambitious to achieve more,” he said. “I always want to win more. I want to make sure I can help this team get promoted and then we will go from there. “I will give everything. I will give my all to this team and this club and to the fans to make sure that come the end of the season we are all very happy and that we get promoted.”

HE International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Sunday stripped Malaysia the Paralympic host Right following their ban on Israel. The IPC said Malaysia failed to guarantee that Israeli swimmers could safely participate in the upcoming Paralympic world championship. Malaysia recently barred Israelis from taking part in any event held in the country. A major Paralympic swimming event will no longer take place in Malaysia due to that government’s ban on Israeli athletes taking part in events, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) said on Sunday. Malaysia was due to host the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships, a qualifying event for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. In a statement, the IPC said the decision to strip Malaysia of the right to host the event was taken after the Home Ministry “failed to provide the necessary guarantees that Israeli Para swimmers could participate, free from discrimination, and safely in the Championships.” “When a host country excludes athletes from a particular nation, for political reasons, then we have absolutely no alternative but to look for a new Championships host,” IPC President Andrew Parson said. The IPC said it is currently looking for an alternative site to host the event, which was due to take place from July 29 through August 4. Israel hails move as ‘victory of values’. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon praised the IPC’s decision, saying that it was “a victory of values over hatred and bigotry, a strong statement in favor of freedom and equality.”

Rangers defeat Enyimba in Oriental derby

ANGERS International Sunday defeated rivals, Enyimba 1-0 in a Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) match day five fixture held at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu. After securing back-to-back victories over Bantu FC of Lesotho in a CAF Confederations Cup qualification match, Rangers maintained the winning momentum with a morale-boosting win over their fierce foes from Aba, to record their first victory of this season’s league campaign. The Flying Antelopes as Rangers

are called by their fans, scored in the 38th minute off a strike by Ibrahim Ajani, who beat Theophilus Afelokha, in goal for Enyimba. The goal got Rangers fans packed into the Cathedral to watch this top end game celebrating Ajani’s goal and were the even more delighted as their players held on to grind out a deserving 1-0 win over Enyimba. It is recalled that the Flying Antelope lost their first game of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) last Wednesday

in Lagos as their hosts, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Football Club handed them their first defeat of the season in a game that was played at the Agege Stadium, Lagos. The Dr. Olukoya boys who had suffered a 2-0 defeat in the hands of two time continental champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba in their second game of the 2018/19 NPFL season succumbed 2-0 at the refurbished Enyimba International Stadium despite Coach Ilechukwu expressing the desire to end Enyimba’s dom-

inance of his side. Before the match against Fidelis Ilechukwu’s MFM, the Coal City based side had gone unbeaten in all their CAF Confederation preliminary matches which saw them qualified for the group stage of the continental club competition. Of course the encounter lived up to expectation as usual. Both sides gave good account of themselves but unfortunately for Enyimba, they could not make use of their chances hence, Rangers pip them 1-0 in the first oriental derby of the season.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Rohr raises alarm over Uzoho’s poor form By MADUABUCHI KALU


HE Super Eagles Manager Gernot Rohr has raised the alarm over the inability of the team’s first choice goalkeeper, Francis Uzoho, to get a playing time at his Spanish second division side, Elche. Nigeria’s first choice has seen his place taken over my Elche’s new goalie and the Eagles’ gaffer is worried and he is now seeking a loan move for the shot stopper. The former Niger coach wants all his players to be playing regularly so as to be in top shape for the national side. He said: “We also have a little problem with our goalkeeper, Uzoho, because his club bought a new goalkeeper which has reduced his chances in the team. “I will like to see him play and not be a number two in Spanish second league, that’s why he is trying to seek for a loan somewhere in Europe so as to play regularly, but the level in Spain is very high and we are happy to have some of our players playing very well there,” he said Apart from Uzoho, he also hope that the team striker, Odion Ighalo, return to match fitness and also secure a move away from China before the end of the transfer window. Rohr also expressed happiness over the movement of the national team captain, Mikel Obi, to Middlesbrough after the former Chelsea midfielder put pen to paper for the Championship side on

Wednesday. Rohr, who was in Lagos to watch the Nigeria Professional Football League game between MFM and Rangers, said it was a good move for the captain who last played for the national team at the 2018 World Cup. “We are very happy about his movement to Middlesbrough, it has been a long time he played and he is a player who really wants to play hence his decision to move back to Europe where his family are based,” Rohr said. “I am happy for him for finding a good club and now we are going to be watching him because he needs time to get back to match rhythm. “We last saw him at the World Cup because he wasn’t fit, but he is an integral part of the team and he must be playing regularly to really get back into the team.” “We also have Samuel Chukwueze, Kenneth Omeruo and the returning Simon Moses doing well for their respective club sides in the LaLiga.” Meanwhile, Rohr has promised to unleash a strong team against the Super Eagles next opponents in the qualifiers, Seychelles and also against Egypt in an international friendly game. According to him, the technical crew are going to invite fittest players for the next two games and the best ones in training will play. “We can see what they are doing for their clubs likewise what they did with the team already, but we are going for our best in the two games,” he said

Joshua keen in Fury’s clash


IGERIAN born British boxer, Anthony Joshua, has disclosed his renewed interest in a “massive” British battle with Tyson Fury, but admits he will have to wait for WBC champion, Deontay Wilder, Sky Sports reports. Britain’s unified heavyweight champion is set to make a decision about an opponent for his next title defence, which could be staged either at Wembley in April or New York in May or June. A rematch with Dillian Whyte or a US debut against Jarrell Miller are among his options, while Joshua has also admitted that he hopes Fury is part of his future plans. Asked about Fury, he told The Graham Norton Show, “That would be massive. I would love to. The fight that Wilder and Fury had, I felt that Fury won, so it would be amazing to have two British heavyweights and we would be combining the belts up. “In the eyes of a lot of people,

Fury is a champion as such. We’re the top three, so I would love to fight him. Even though he hasn’t got a belt, it’s still fighting one of the top three.” Wilder has been ordered to agree a rematch with Fury after retaining his WBC belt in a split decision draw in December. Joshua praised Fury’s performance after he returned from a lengthy break from the sport last year, insisting that Wilder should have suffered defeat after underestimating his British rival. “Three years is a long time to take out and I think it was a good name, but he must have thought it was an easy fight, because he thought he was getting him when he was a bit cold,” said Joshua. “Tyson Fury is very talented, very skilled and showed that to the world when he boxed him, so it ended in a draw.” Negotiations over a fight between Joshua and Wilder have broken down again, with the WBA ‘super’ IBF and WBO title holder accepting that he needs to take an alternative fight. “He’s got other options in the States that he’s interested in fighting, but my view is that I’ve got four, you’ve got the last one,” he said. “Like ‘Lord of the Rings’, let’s combine them together. “You can fight in front of the biggest audience, the best UK crowd there is, and fight for the heavyweight championship of the world. “That’s a great offer, but he’s interested in fighting someone else, so I have to go a different route at the minute. We’re playing the waiting game.”

•Super Eagles goalkeeper, Francis Odinaka Uzoho

Dalung, Yakmut, others mourn Fashikun


HE Nigeria sports journalism was on Sunday thrown into mourning as news filtered in about the death of renounce sports journalist, Olajide Fashikun. It was a rude shock to the men of the pen profession when they learnt of the sudden death of the foremost investigative journalist who was said to have died at the Federal Medical Centre Jabi Abuja. Reacting to the news of the demise of the 54 year old journalist from Kwara State, the Minister of Sports and Youth Development, Hon Solomon Dalung expressed deep shock at the death of one of Fashikun. Dalung lamented that death the death of Fashikun describing his death as a colossal loss to journalism and the sports ministry. In his words: “It is a very sad day for sports journalists and athletes in the country,” the minister began. “Jide created a platform to support athletes and stimulate perfor-

mance through his mobilization of training funds to assist athletes. This made us look forward to a better podium performance in the years ahead. Today, the curtains have been drawn on that project,” the Minister said. Also reacting on the death of Mr. Olajide Fashikun, former Director General of the defunct National Sports Commission (NSC), Alhassan Yakmut, lamented the death of the publisher of Gong News. According to Yakmut, “This is a sad one to the entire family.” On his part, ex-international, Segun Odegbami said Fashikun’s death has shown that life is meaninglessness just as Olympian, Enefiok Udo-Obong, admonished everyone to learn to live in love while also learning to appreciate and support each other while alive. Meanwhile, his partner, Mary Onyali, was inconsolable as she continued to mourn the loss of the former national team athlete turn journalist.

“It’s with a heavy and broken heart that I inform you that my best friend, partner, confidant and publicist, Olajide Ayodeji, passed on this morning in Abuja (Sunday). For those that knew him well, he lived a life without limit. Will keep us posted on the burial arrangement after his family meeting,” she said.

• Late Jide Fashikun

Osaka back on top after winning Australia Open


APANESE born United States of America tennis star, Naomi Osaka who on Saturday claimed her second grand slam is now ranked No1 following her victory over Petra Kvitova in the Australian Open final. The 21-year-old’s 7-6 (2) 5-7 6-4 win earned her the world number one ranking and saw her become the first woman since Jennifer Capriati 18 years ago, to follow up a maiden grand slam title by winning the next tournament. Judging by what will surely be the first two of many slam finals, Osaka does not do routine. But, while her victory over Serena Williams at the US Open was about controversy and meltdowns, this

time the drama was all on the scoreboard. At a set and 5-3 with Kvitova facing three match points, Osaka looked poised to stroll over the finish line only to lose four games in a row and the second set. She had lost her head, too, but one of the most impressive things about her this fortnight has been the way she has overcome every mental hurdle placed in front of her and so it proved again, as she refocused and powered her way through the decider. Osaka had been in tears on the podium in New York as the deafening jeers rang around Arthur Ashe, and there were more tears at the end of the second set, but this time a much happier ending.


The Oracle Today Wednesday February 6, 2019


Robben targets J-League move after Bayern exit By MADUABUCHI KALU with agency report


ORMER Chelsea and Netherland’s superstar winger, Arjen Robben is targeting a move to J-League outfit FC Tokyo, after he leaves Bundesliga giants, Bayern Munich, local media reported on Tuesday. The 35-year-old Bayern star has already confirmed he is leaving Bayern at the end of the season after a glittering career that saw him win seven Bundesliga titles and nearly 100 caps for the Netherlands. If confirmed, it would be the latest high-profile transfer to the Japanese league, after Spanish World Cup winner, Andres Iniesta and German striker, Lukas Podolski joined Vissel Kobe. Iniesta’s World Cup-winning teammate Fernando Torres is also

playing at J-League rival Sagan, Tosu. The Sports Nippon daily said there was a “rapidly emerging” chance of Robben playing in Japan next season. “Robben’s family, who are believed to have a big say (in his decision), seem positive about coming to Japan,” it said. “Several Japanese clubs are interested but FC Tokyo are close to clinching his signature,” the paper quoted anonymous sources as saying. A spokesperson for the club declined to comment when contacted by AFP. The 35-year-old, in his prime considered one of the world’s best wingers, told German football magazine Kicker last month he had no plans beyond the end of this season. “That’s not entirely clear, per-

haps I will stop playing — it’s about waiting and seeing what possibilities there are,” he said. “If offers come in, I’ll really consider them 100 percent and if it’s something nice, I’ll play on, but if no ideal offers come, then that could be it. “I have three children and they also must be happy… The family plays a very important role in every decision of mine.” After spells at Chelsea and Real Madrid, Robben joined Bayern in 2009 and spent nearly a decade with the Bavarian giants. His winning goal in the 2013 Champions League final at Wembley sealed a 2-1 victory over Borussia Dortmund. The fleet-footed, injury-prone veteran has won 19 trophies with Bayern and was named Bundesliga player of the year after his first season in Germany.

Wenger receives 17.1m pounds payoff A RSENAL’S decision to bring Wenger’s reign to a premature end cost the club a whopping 17.1 million pounds in pay-off to him and his staff, report The Times of London. Wenger’s reign ended after 22 years in the job last season when

he had a year left on his contract. Account seen by the newspaper reveal Wenger was paid in full for the final year, coasting the club 17.1 million pounds. Meanwhile, the North London club have offered Ivan Perisic a 250,000 a week to join the Gunners on an initial loan with a view to a permanent move in the summer, according to the Sun of London. Sky sports in Italy reports that Arsenal proposed an initial loan for Perisic, with an option to buy for 34.5million pounds, but Inter appear to prefer a permanent move for the Croatia international. According to Milan newspaper Libero, Perisic has agreed person-

al terms with Arsenal despite the two clubs not agreeing on a loan transfer deal. Additionally, Arsenal are eyeing a move for Napoli right-back, Kevin Malcuit as a replacement for Hector Bellerin, also according to The Sun. Stephen Lichtsteiner and Carl jenkinson are not long-term prospect in terms of replacing Bellerin, leaving the Gunners short of options. Therefore, Unai Emery has reportedly turned to the Seria A star. Arsenal could send Mesut Ozil to Paris Saint Germain in a swap deal for Andrien Robio7t, according to Daily Star.

Okowa condoles Musa on mother’s death


OVERNOR Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State has commiserated with Super Eagles’ star, Ahmed Musa on the death of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Moses, who joined her ancestors last week. According to a statement by Governor Okowa’s Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, in Asaba Monday, the Governor joined all well-meaning Nigerians, members

7 Zamfara football fans kidnapped


EPORT has it that gunmen stormed a television viewing centre in Zamfara State, and forcefully whisked away seven innocent football fans who were relaxing and watching a football match according to residence and police. It was reported that the evil men who numbered about 20 in military and police uniforms stormed the viewing centre and seized the spectators in Birnin Magaji town, on Saturday night during the Italian Serie A league match between AC Milan and Napoli, acording to the owner of the viewing centre, Sanusi Ishie. In his words according to AFP: “They came dressed as soldiers and police and abducted seven people while watching the match.” Ishie said others in the venue at the time fled and believed those responsible belonged to criminal gangs who have carried out similar kidnappings for ransom in Zamfara. “They will certainly demand mon-

ey to release the victims,” he added. Zamfara State Police spokesman, Mohammed Shehu confirmed the kidnapping and said police search and rescue teams were “mobilised to find and rescue those abducted”. Farming and herding communities in Zamfara have for years been wracked by cattle rustling and kidnapping for ransom. In April last year, troops were deployed to fight the gangs. Birnin Magaji is one of the areas worst hit. Last December the police claimed to have killed 104 bandits in Birnin Magaji district, in a clash in which 16 policemen were also killed. An influential traditional ruler in the state called for civilian militia members to be given assault rifles to defend themselves. The security situation in Zamfara State is one of a number facing President Muhammadu Buhari, who is seeking re-election at polls next month.

of the family, the NFF and football fraternity in mourning the mother of the Super Eagles Deputy Captain. He noted that the deceased single handedly nurtured Ahmed and her other four daughters when her husband passed on 21 years ago, adding that the generality of Deltans and football lovers are with him in prayers in this time of grief over the unfortunate demise of his mum. “We received the news as a huge shock and we are pained because a few months ago, Ahmed Musa led a team of the Super Eagles of Nigeria to Asaba on a friendly match with the Cranes of Uganda at the Stephen Keshi Stadium. “We share in Ahmed Musa’s sorrow and pains at this period and we pray that God will grant him the courage to bear the loss even as we pray for the repose of the soul of the departed mother. “On behalf of my family, the government and people of Delta State, we mourn with our brother, Ahmed Musa on the unfortunate demise of his beloved mother Mrs. Sarah Moses. As a state, we are in grief because Ahmed has always shown a high level of dedication, commitment and patriotism in all the matches he has played for Nigeria.” The Governor prayed that Almighty God grant her soul eternal rest and comfort and grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss.

LMC commiserates with NRA, SWAN


HE League Management Company (LMC) says it’s been saddened by the news of the death of one of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) Referees, Femi Okebukola in a motor accident on his way home to his base after the match day 4 fixture in Maiduguri. Shehu Dikko, the LMC Chairman in a statement said the sad news came shortly after the shocking death of Sports Journalist, Jide Fashikun. “We mourn the death of the two gentlemen and commiserate with their families, the Nigeria Referees Association (NRA) and Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) on these untimely deaths”. Dikko said to honour the late

gentlemen who are has contributed to the development of the NPFL through their respective professions, the LMC has directed the observation of a minute silence and wearing of black armband by all players and Officials during the Match day 6 of the NPFL this midweek. “In honour of the departed Referee and Journalist, all players and Referees are to wear black armband during this Wednesday fixtures of NPFL Match Day 6”, the LMC Chairman directed. Okebukola handled the Match Day 4 fixture between El-Kanemi Warriors and Nasarawa United on Thursday in Maiduguri. Fashikun of online publication, the Gong News reportedly died after a brief illness.

How Bayelsa Queens emerged Nigeria WPL champions


AYELSA Queens are the Nigeria Women Premier League champions after defeating Nasarawa Amazons 2-0 at the Agege Stadium on Sunday. Bayelsa started on the front foot, with the striking trio of Charity Reuben, Joy Bokiri and Tessy Biahwo in the thick of the action but the Mariam Ibrahim-led defence stood resilient. The Lafia based ladies troubled Bayelsa with the duo of Abiodun Deborah and Aishat Bello but both sides lacked the cutting edge as the first 45 minutes ended in a drab goalless draw. After the restart, the Bayelsa side took control of the game

and saw their dominance rewarded in the 58th minute when Uzoamaka Igwe broke the deadlock. Three minutes later, Bokiri doubled her side’s lead in what guaranteed their victory after they superbly thwarted late efforts from their foes to secure their first league crown since 2007. On account of being champions for overall fourth time, Bayelsa Queens received a cash prize of three million naira, while runners-up Nasarawa Amazons got two million naira. Earlier, Sunshine Queens defeated reigning Federation Cup champions Rivers Angels 1-0 to place third in the Super Four tournament and they went home with a million naira.

WEDNESDAY February 6, 2019



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ISSN: 2545-5869

For ‘Silicon Valley’ in the South East


white man I met at Apo Mechanic Village in Abuja, recently, stood stupefied as near-illiterate young men dismembered his car to work on it. In no time, they replaced a few motor parts and re-fixed the car. “You mean you don’t use a manual?” he asked. “No,” one excited auto electrician who was working with an auto mechanic replied. “The manual dey for my head.” I watched as the European shook his head. He must have murmured to himself, “These people have got talent! These blacks don’t know what they’ve got!” Ndigbo’s ingenuity is no longer debatable. What is perhaps debatable is the quality of their political and business leaders over the years. A technology hub in Nigeria and Africa, if it must exist, should of necessity be sited in the southeastern part of this country. I say so because almost all the mechanic and computer “villages” in Lagos, Abuja, Kano and other towns and cities are populated by mainly Igbo people who amaze their clients with technological wizardry. Why, I sometimes wonder, have southeast businesspeople and governments failed to build hubs to harvest the wasting talent of their people? As a young business reporter in the early 1990s, I used to visit Nnewi and Onitsha to interview businessmen and see things for myself. A few times in those days, I published articles describing Nnewi as Nigeria’s Silicon Valley because of the several plants I visited where motor parts, electrical cables, and paints were manufactured. Even the hotels I stayed in looked better than many found in Lagos, though they were cheaper. It was in those days that traders at Alaba International Market were preparing to replicate Alaba in the eastern heartland. They said they were doing so because the Lagos State government was fond of exploiting them, without considering that Alaba was a wilderness before they relocated there and developed it. The expectation then was that an airport proposed to be built at Oba (near Onitsha) would be completed and River Niger dredged to take ships within a few years. A quarter-century later, neither has happened. Nor have Alaba traders built their market in Igboland. What’s the problem? But I’m not even eager to see new markets and more traders. I want to see entrepreneurs with workable ideas – young people with skills needed for manufacturing many of the items currently imported from China, India, the Koreas, Malaysia and other countries that were less developed than Nigeria in the 1960s. Although mimicries of technology hubs exist in towns like Nnewi and Aba, they have been unable to fly. An exception must be a company like Innoson Motors. But, given the right environment, many entrepreneurs in Enugu, Umuahia, Abakaliki, Calabar, Owerri, Port Harcourt, Nsukka, Asaba and Uyo would be making vehicles as well. It’s easy to attribute this anomaly to Nigeria’s flawed education system, policy somersaults and the perceived marginalization of areas in the former Biafran enclave – the civil war of the late 1960s has not really ended in a “no victor, no vanquished” as mouthed by several of Nigeria’s former leaders. The Yakubu Gowon military government launched the policy of 3Rs – Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation – but the 3Rs were never implemented in the southeast where they



•Emeka Offor were needed. The war ended 49 years ago. Is it not time the Igbo rediscovered themselves? Ndigbo say that he who is rejected doesn’t reject himself. Perhaps what the southeast and other parts of the country lack is good leadership. Since the return of democracy, 20 years ago, any governor with vision ought to have built a hub for entrepreneurs in his state. Just as the state of California has done in the United States: California owes its stupendous wealth to Silicon Valley, the birthplace of most modern inventions – Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google and thousands of other multi-billion-dollar companies all dwell in Silicon Valley. State governments ought to have since made conscious efforts to accommodate traders and craftsmen, most of whom currently work in every corner of the world, in their own homelands. Every now and then, rioters descend on southeasterners not because of any religious or tribal sentiments but simply out of jealousy. When I complained to one director from the north about “religious riots”, sometime in 1988, he interrupted me with “Which religion?” From him I learned that what the media

used to call “religious” riot was indeed “economic” riot! Some indigenous people couldn’t understand why settlers would prosper in their midst while they, the original inhabitants, couldn’t get by. Accordingly, I propose that the unexploited talents of the people of southeastern Nigeria be merged with our education system to trigger a technology revolution that would bring both prestige and economic benefits to the states and the country. It would be more profitable than crude oil. It’s time for every southeast governor to map out areas to develop with necessary infrastructure – good roads, electricity, clean water, hospitals, and others – so that the creative energies of the youth could be fully exploited. Our experiments with polytechnics, monotechnics and innovative enterprise institutions have failed; let’s try something fresh. It remains a mystery that, almost 50 years after Biafra, the southeast remains bereft of technology hubs. Emeka Ojukwu once recounted: “In the three years of the war, necessity gave birth to invention. During those three years of heroic bound, we leapt across the great chasm that separates knowledge from know-how. We built

rockets, and we designed and built our own delivery systems. We guided our rockets. We guided them far, we guided them accurately. “For three years, blockaded without hope of import, we maintained all our vehicles. The state extracted and refined petrol; individuals refined petrol in their back gardens. We built and maintained our airports, maintained them under heavy bombardment. “Despite the heavy bombardment, we recovered so quickly after each raid that we were able to maintain the record for the busiest airport in the continent of Africa. “We spoke to the world through telecommunication system engineered by local ingenuity; the world heard us and spoke back to us! “We built armoured tanks and cars. We modified aircraft from trainer to fighters, from passenger aircraft to bombers. In the three years of freedom, we had broken the technological barrier. “In three years we became the most civilised, the most technologically advanced black people on earth.” What has happened? A poster on WhatsApp comments: “Out of jealousy and malice, the Biafran research documents were destroyed, and a nation destined for technological progress chose to stake its life on foreigners and imported technology and got set on irreversible decline.” Another commentator identified as Sunday Folayan wrote on Facebook: “Perhaps Nigeria has not worked because we have failed to recognize the labours of our true heroes past: The sheer technological ingenuity, manufacturing sagacity and resilience of a nation within a nation that thrived on research and development par excellence. A people with swag too strong to break. ‘“Igbo-made’ was the slogan when I was in secondary school and the Malaysians were taking our palm seeds. ‘Made in China’ was the slogan when I became a freshman and we started to import palm oil. We thought we could build telecommunication switches. Now that my generation and our unexplored ingenuity is almost wasted owing to crass ineptitude, our children will probably continue to import petroleum and telecommunication switches from China – what the blessed team of Ojukwu engineers worked, not dreamed, should be exported out of Umuahia. Now we are left with reminiscences.” Ajaokuta Steel Complex has failed to take off after 45 years. Yet, when the proposal for that edifice was written in 1973, the consultants recommended that if Nigeria desired a steel company it should site it in Onitsha. Nigeria chose Ajaokuta because of “the Igbo problem”. Like many members of my generation – the generation born before the civil war – I desire to see Africa’s Silicon Valley in my lifetime. There is no better place to site such hub than southeast Nigeria, a place brimming with talent, the birthplace of many intellectuals. I have mentored many young people bursting with suppressed talent. These skilled individuals want to get somewhere but don’t know how to actualize their dreams. Those with the needed funds and political power should kindly provide a platform for these frustrated but talented individuals to express themselves. •Nwamu is the CEO of +234-8054100220 (SMS/WhatsApp only)

The Oracle Today is published by The Oracle Newspapers Limited. Head Office: 116 Awka Road, Onitsha. Lagos Office: 25 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA Ikeja. Abuja Office: 1st Floor, Plateau House, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT. ISSN: 2545-5869 Email:, Twitter: Facebook: Website: Advert hot lines: 09078310060, 09061836916. Editor: FELIX OGUEJIOFOR ABUGU.

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