Tuesday August 20-26 2019, Edition

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The Dead Sea: The only place where Palestenians can order Israelis about •P14 & 15




Air Peace applauds closure of Enugu airport for repairs

Cross into Anambra with AK47 and be arrested, Obiano warns Fulani herdsmen •P10

racle •P28



TUESDAY August 20 - 26, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869

Why IPOB must stick T to non-violence, by stakeholders

VOL.4 No.32 N200


• I have forgiven my attackers—Ekweremadu • Attackers are cowards—Umahi • Igboezue condemns attack, tasks FG on security • IPOB warns Igbo leaders against sabotage, threatens Ekweremadu treatment • Return Igbo under one umbrella—APC chieftain •P4 Let’s be passionate but reasonable—ADF

HE Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has been warned against violating its own creed of nonviolent agitation for its cause and the restoration of a state of Biafra, the breakaway Republic that was forced back into the union after the three year, 1967-1970, brutal Nigerian Civil War. The warning, handed down by a number of Biafran stakeholders who spoke with The Oracle Today, came against the backdrop of the recent attack on former Deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, by people suspected to be members of IPOB, at an Igbo cultural (new yam) event in Nuremberg, Germany. In a statement he released shortly after the attack, Ekweremadu said: “Much as I am disappointed in their conduct, especially as I am one of the persons who have spoken up on justice for Ndigbo, the Python Dance, judicial

killings in Igbo land and elsewhere, both on the floor of the Senate and in my written and personal engagements with the Presidency as well as rallied the South East Senate Caucus to secure Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s release with Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe taking him on bail to douse tension in the South East, I nevertheless do not hold this to heart against them, for they know not what they do.” The statement was released just as footages of a video by an amateur photographer, showing how Ekweremadu was manhandled, went viral. In one of the videos, a man was heard pouring scorn on Ekweremadu and other Igbo leaders for keeping quiet while Fulani herdsmen “killed and raped our mothers, wives and sisters.” In an interview with The Oracle Today, an Onitsha-based legal practitioner who opted to remain anonymous, said: “This is not right. IPOB acted out of character. Although this

Cont’d on page 4

Contract breach: FG may face bigger contests By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


•Sen. Ike Ekweremadu

•Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

FIBA AfroBasket 2019: Buhari salutes gallant D’Tigress •P37 Page 35

he $9.0 billion asset forfeiture starring in the face of the Nigerian government amplifies the numerous issues bordering on the management of business agreements with international investors that sourced private capital for development of mineral resources in the country. While numerous others are being muffled within the Nigerian sovereign territory, the case of Process and Industrial Developments Limited which is claiming whopping $9.0 billion or N3.3 trillion has stoked a vehement judicial benchmark that might give valid expression to lingering disputes over commercial agreements with government that are currently stuck in administrative quagmire. From the raging disputes over the fiscal arrangements that

govern the 1993 production sharing contracts (PSCs) to fiscal changes proposed in the controversial Petroleum Industry Bill, through waivers and guarantees that formed the commercial considerations for investments in the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited; it does appear that contracts and agreements with the Nigerian government is amorphous. Consequently, key investments that hold potentials for huge value creation in the domestic economy are serially lost in disputes that post scary signals for future investors. In the prevailing instance, a project initiated in 2010 with projection to harness gas from oil production sites in the Niger Delta and boost much needed electricity supply for homes and businesses is now a litigation contest in

Cont’d on page 4

BBNaija vox populi: Khafi Kareem

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019



The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Why IPOB must stick to non-violence, by stakeholders Continued from Page 1 event did not take place in pursuit of its normal pro-Biafra agitation, the hint of violence in any IPOB encounter with a second party is not good for its image. It must stay the course of non-violence, which is its self-declared method of agitation for the actualisation of Biafra.” The legal practitioner added: “Let’s face it, the IPOB has gained international respect for its non-violence modus operandi. The world saluted its uncommon self-restrain t when in September 2017 the authorities clamped down on its members and reportedly killed many of them without any retaliation. Its leadership must not allow any of its members anywhere in the world to soil that image; it must be kept sacrosanct.” IPOB is a non-violent, free-

Nigerians spend N730bn on sports betting annually – Report

dom-fighting organisation whose stated objective is the actualisation of the independence of the State of Biafra. Led by a swashbuckling activist and fiery speaker, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who founded the controversial Radio Biafra, the group, following in the tedious but most enduring footsteps of legendary Indian leader, the late Mahatma Ghandi and his African American counterpart, the late Martin Luther King, who adopted the principle of nonviolence in their fights, at different times in history, for the freedom of their peoples, adopted nonviolence as its modus operandi in the fight for Biafran independence. In the case of Ghandi, his nonviolence philosophy was encapsulated in what he called AHIMSA, which he translated as LOVE and implying total nonviolence, no physical violence, and no passive violence.

Twice in major security operations, in 2015 and 2017, IPOB’s AHIMSA was tested by the Nigerian Army, which rolled out its tanks against unarmed IPOB members whose only offence was that they were asking for a referendum on Biafra independence from Nigeria. By the time the tanks came to a halt, tens of unarmed youths had been remorselessly mowed down by soldiers who violated every rule of engagement with the unarmed ‘enemy.’ Although many thought the army had gone too far and had stretched the patience of members of IPOB to a limit, they took their humiliation and pains with equanimity and earned world acclaim for their civilised approach to freedom fighting in the process. According to the Onitsha based lawyer, the violent encounter with Ekweremadu may have dented an aspect of IPOB’s AHIMSA, that of

no passive violence. “IPOB has done well in big things; it must not allow internal disagreements over modalities for the actualisation of Biafra get the better of it as to goad it into actions that might end up making a mess of its enviable image as a freedom fighter of the mind not muscle and blood,” he said. I have forgiven my attackers, says Ekweremadu Meanwhile, Ekweremadu has returned to the country, declaring that he has put behind him the physical assault suffered at the hands persons suspected to be members of IPOB. Ekweremadu landed at the Abuja International Airport, Monday, from Nuremberg, Germany where he was guest of honour at the 2nd Annual Cultural Festival and Convention organised by Ndi-Igbo Germany. Ekweremadu, who declared


T least N2 billion is generated daily as Nigerians spend over N730 billion annually on sports betting according to recent research. Data from the research indicate that over 60 million Nigerian punters spend over N3, 000 daily placing bets in the 50 betting sites in Nigeria. Respondents, who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday, said they placed bets to generate quick and easy income, and turn their passion for football into cash. A 28-year-old fashion designer, Segun Mukoro who bets at least once weekly said that it was the fastest way to double his income and although he might lose sometimes, the wins come big. He said, “I bet weekly, especially when there is a league match. When you have been betting for long, it’s easier to know what odds to play and what teams to bet on. “It is a guessing game and you get better with time. I know that it is addictive but I see it as an investment, a way to double my income.” Similarly, 23-year-old Eronini Kolapo explained that he used betting to augment his allowance as a student. He told NAN that he started for fun, at first but soon built a network from Kolapo’s almost-perfect predictions made him a leader of his sport betting ring where his peers pay him extra to place ‘sure’ bets for them. His model is not strange as website and online channels where predictions are sold to help punters maximise betting stakes, populate social media. However, there are tons of fraudulent platforms. 30-year-old Noble Obiora sold his agro-business and combined the proceeds with his savings to purchase predictions from a fraudulent channel that swindled him. He spent almost one million naira trying to place a ‘sure’ stake with hope of making over N10 million in return. He told NAN that losing all his money helped him realise how addicted he was to betting and how much he had given to the greed and dissatisfaction that came with regular betting.

• Takwaendo: Anambra vigilante personnel training in unarmed combat

Atigwe, Udenu/Igbo-Eze North Rep, promises quality representation • Thanks Governor Ugwuanyi, stakeholders for support • Show love to one another.-Ugwuanyiu • Represent, don’t replace us – Fr Odo tells Atigwe From CHINAZOMU OKENWA, Nsukka


he governor of Enugu State, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has asked the people of Igbo -Eze North and North to eschew bitterness and rancour as the elections are since over. “Show love to one another as elections are over and no more party this and that, but one people,” the governor said. He gave the charge at a thanksgiving event in honour of Hon.Atigwe Simon Atigwe, the Member representing Udenu/Igbo-Eze North Federal Constituency of Enugu State. Rev.Fr Dr.Eugene Odo, the Catedral Administrator of the Catholic diocese of Nsukka, Enugu state who officiated at the Thanksgiving Mass noted that “most politicians abandon the electorate once they are sworn in to political office.In the same way, most of them fail to represent their constituents well.” He appealed to the people to work hand in hand with the lawmaker for him to achieve success, urging Hon. Atigwe to carry everybody along as elections were over. The high point of the event was

the conferment of the Chieftaincy title of “Muoneme 1” of Aji Essodo community as well as Igbo Eze North local area by the traditional rulers of the council. The conferment ceremony was performed by Igwe Osisi Itodo, the Ezeoha 1 of Essodo kingdom on behalf of the traditional rulers in the council area. On the motive for the Thanksgiving event, the celebrant said: “I cheated death. Honestly, I was close to death, but God saved me and gave me more days. Secondly,I was elected and sworn in as member of the House of Representatives. Thirdly, my Birthday coincided with the double barreled social events. My birthday was 8th August, but I shifted it to today Sunday 11th August so as to give all glory to God. Perhaps this would have been my funeral, but I thank God that I am alive today and celebrating.” He added: “I know the problem s of my people. I am for representation and not replacement. It is my people that took me to the national assembly. I will never desert nor abandon them. I am well equipped academically and prepared to strug-

gle to make life better for my people. I will do my best to give them effective representation.” Earlier during the mass, the celebrant read the first reading from the book of Wisdom :18:6-9.The second reading and gospel came from Hebrews :11:1-2,8-19 and Luke 12:32-48. Rev.Fr Chijioke Attah while delivering the homily asked Christians not to forget their covenant with God, but should have faith and trust in God no matter the situation. He urged Christians to imitate Abraham, the father of faith. According him, “our blessings are of grace and not by our wisdom nor strength .Therefore, we should appreciate God through good works, obedience to God’s words as a passport to Heaven. And this is how we shall keep our wealth where it would never rot. Our lives are opportunities for restitution as to come back to God.” The Chief Celebrant donated a Toyota SUV to the parish for evangelization. The event was graced by the ruling PDP heavy weights in Enugu North senatorial district and beyond, traditional rulers and well wishers.

himself hale and hearty, said his aggressors did not realise the enormity of their actions, as he further described them as ‘misguided.’ Maintaining that he had long forgiven his attackers, the lawmaker said this was in the true spirit of Christianity. He said: “I am fine. The incident in Germany is in the past and I have put it behind me. Most of the young men who attacked me were misguided. Indeed, they did not understand the import or weight of their actions. Nevertheless, I have forgiven them, long before I returned to Nigeria. “There are many ways of expressing a grievance or passing a message across. I was formally invited for the event, which I duly honoured. Therefore, I found it quite shocking that learned individuals could behave in such a manner. However, I have let it go in the spirit of Christianity.” “I must express my gratitude to well-meaning Nigerians from all walks of life for their support. In fact, I have been overwhelmed by the deluge of goodwill messages, even from opposition politicians. It shows that we have a collective conscience for what is right in Nigeria. This gives me hope.” Indeed, huge reactions had trailed the incident in Germany. In addition to calls from various quarters condemning the action, a number of Nigerians and groups like the Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, roundly condemned the action of the IPOB members, calling for the arrest and prosecution of the attackers. Ekweremadu: IPOB warns Igbo leaders as Umahi describes attackers as frustrated The Deputy Coordinator of the proscribed IPOB in Ebonyi State, Mr. Ugochukwu Nweke, said that the State Governor David Umahi and every other Igbo leader must receive ‘the Ekweremmadu treatment’ for failing to rise up against the activities of Fulani herdsmen in the South East. Nweke who spoke in a telephone interview with our Correspondent in Abakaliki, said what happened to Ekweremmadu in Germany was a tip of iceberg as the group was determined to get every Igbo leader to support their cause or regret it. He said: “Was Ekweremmadu killed in Germany? What happened there was a lesson to him and every one of them will get same treatment for allowing their brothers and sisters to be killed and their women raped by Fulani herdsmen. “Ekweremmadu has been there in the National Assembly without doing anything. What happened in Germany is a tip of the iceberg; because more is coming to them. Umahi will get his own when the time comes. “They shoot us and maim us whenever we protest here and they do it and go scot free; but there abroad, civilized people exist and they can’t go there to mesmerize themselves. “And why did Ekweremmadu wear an attire inscribed with Nigeria Coat of Arms to an Igbo event? Why are they celebrating New Yam festival in a foreign land instead of coming here to do it? IPOB remains non-violent group till tomorrow. What our people did is kind of teaching them a lesson. So, we are not violent and we

Cont’d on page 18


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Amanogu community celebrates new yam festival From JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


t was excitement and display of culture and tradition as people of Amanogu autonomous community, Ihitenansa in Orsu local government area of Imo state celebrated 2019 new yam festival with the traditional ruler of the community, His Royal Highness N. O Akuneziri; the Eze-udo of Ihitenansa clan leading the pack in grand style. Members of his cabinet, some traditional rulers in the State and top government functionaries, political gladiators, friends and

well-wishers attended the ceremony. Performing the ceremony, HRH Akuneziri, described the new yam festival as a moment of thanking God, for his mercies, pointing out that the history between God, Man and yam is very mysterious. The chairman of the occassion, Chief Chibuzor Pius Iddi also known as Orimiri maintained that the new yam festival equally affords the people the opportunity to come together to showcase their rich cultural heritage. He described Amanogu community as a peace-loving community .Adding that

the significance of the new yam festival is to officially present the newly harvested yams to God and the ancestors of the land. “The festival is an avenue to thank God for sustaining the life of the farmers, the indigenes of the land and the farm product through a successful planting season.” Contributing, comptroller Felix Uche of Nigeria immi-

gration training school,Ahoada,Rivers State described the New yam festival as a period when the people thank God for giving them good health and gift of life. The President-General of Amanogu Community, Sylvester Osigwe described the new yam festival as biblical because according to him it is a moment of giving thanks to God with the first

fruits harvest. Also, ichie Jerry Alagboso;the traditional prime minister of Amanogu, stated that the new yam festival celebrated by the people of Amanogu is an annual cultural festival held every fifteenth day of August. “Each year, thousands of sons and daughters troop out enmasse to celebrate the

annual new yam festival in the kingdom. This age long festival comes up shortly after the rainy season.” For chief Chukwudi Okparakwu,Chief Paulinus Ezedimbu and High Chief Ezike Nonso Akunwata, parents and teachers should always teach the children and wards Igbo language and culture to save it from going into extinction.

5 killed as 2 buildings collapse in Jigawa


ive persons were killed on Monday when two residential buildings collapsed in Kuraduge and Madachi villages of Kirikasamma Local Government Area of Jigawa, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports. Our correspondent, who visited the area, reports that the buildings were among several others that gave way following days of rainfall in parts of the north-western state. Alhaji Salisu Garba-Kubayo, Chairman, Kirikasamma Local Government, who spoke on the development, said that the houses collapsed “during a heavy rainfall”. “Three persons – a mother, Halima Manu, her daughter, Aisha Manu, and son, Dauda Manu, were killed in Kuraduge village, while a man, Musa Wuliwuli, and his wife, Hauwa

Musa, were killed in Madachi village. “The rain also destroyed 200 houses in Kukadabu, 100 houses in Mattafari and 30 houses in Kuraduge,” he said, adding that most parts of the local government were affected by the flood disaster. He called on the Jigawa and Federal Governments to come to the aid of the victims. “As we speak, more than 30 villages in Kirikasamma have been taken over by flood as a result of heavy rain. “We have provided thousands of sacks to residents of these villages to erect sand-bag embankments to check the flood; they have spent days and nights doing this. But, containing this problem is beyond our capacity; we want the Jigawa and Federal Governments to come to our aid,” he pleaded.

•Chief Chibuzor Pius Iddi with His Royal Highness N. O Akuneziri; the king of Amanogu autonomous community during the new yam festival

Recruitment: Police to investigate, prosecute applicants with forged credentials

Service Commission Pfy olice (PSC) says it will disqualiand handover applicants

seeking employment into Nigerian Police Force with forged or fake credentials to the police for investigation and prosecution.

Head, Press and Public Relations of PSC, Mr Ikechukwu Ani, disclosed this in a statement on Monday, in Abuja. He said the clarification followed a publication in the editorial of one of the

Court nullifies Okorocha’s in-law’s Imo governorship candidature

Federal High Court, TderedheAbuja,the on Monday, orIndependent Na-

tional Electoral Commission (INEC) to remove the name of Uche Nwosu as a governorship candidate in the last election held in Imo. Justice Inyang Ekwo voided Nwosu’s candidacy on the grounds of double nomination by two political parties, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Action Alliance (AA), in violation of section 37 of the Electoral Act. The ruling came as Nwosu, a son-in-law to the immediate-past Governor of the state, Rochas Okorocha, is currently pursuing an election petition at the state’s Governorship Election Petition Tribunal as the candidate of AA, challenging the victory of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its candidate, Emeka Ihedioha, in the March 11 poll. In his judgment on Monday, Justice Ekwo upheld the the case of the plaintiffs, the Action People’s Party (APP) and its Deputy National Chairman, Mr Uche Nnadi, to the effect that Nwosu’s governorship candidature was null and void

on the grounds of multiplicity of nominations as a governorship candidate of both the APC and AA. According to him, the nomination of Nwosu by AA as a governorship candidate is invalid, null and void, having been made at the pendency of similar nomination of the 2nd defendant (Nwosu) by the All Progressives Congress for the same position. The judge noted that Nwosu affirmed to be the APC’s governorship candidate in his statement on oath sworn before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory. The judge similarly declared that Nwosu “has not been validly nominated by the 3rd defendant (AA) as its governorship candidate for the state governorship election having been made at the pendency of the order of Justice Valentine Ashi of the Abuja High Court recognising the 2nd defendant as the candidate of the All Progressives Congress for the Imo 2019 governorship election.” He noted that Nwosu participated in the APC’s primaries held on October 6, 2018 and was subsequently nominated as the party’s governorship candidate.

While laying claim to the APC’s governorship ticket, amidst stiff opposition from members of the party, he was said to have on Oct. 9, 2018, obtained an order of Justice Valentine Ashi (now deceased) of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, recognising him as the valid candidate of the party. In the midst of this, Nwosu was also offered the ticket of the AA. In his judgment, Justice Ekwo said, “There is no controversy that, on Oct. 6, 2018, the 2nd defendant (Nwosu) had himself nominated as the governorship candidate of the APC. “Furthermore, there is no controversy that, to secure his nomination by the APC, the 2nd defendant on October 9, 2019, obtained an order of the High Court of the Federal High Court which subsists having not been set aside.” Justice Ekwo held that Nwosu, through his lawyers, failed to offer any valid rebuttal to the plaintiffs’ evidence that he was nominated by both the APC and the AA, while INEC filed no papers in the case. The judge ruled, “It is illegal in the eyes of the law.

No one is allowed to benefit from an illegal act. “The 2nd defendant allowed himself to be nominated by the APC and the 3rd defendant (AA).” He therefore said, “It is hereby declared that the nomination of the 2nd defendant by the All Progressives Congress and Action Alliance, the 3rd defendant, is invalid, null and void and constitute violation of section 37 of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended). “An order of this honourable court is hereby made directing the 1st defendant (INEC) to remove the name of the 2nd defendant (Nwosu) as the governorship of the 3rd defendant (AA) in the 2019 Imo governorship election for multiple nomination in violation of the provision of section 37 of the Electoral Act 2018 (as amended). “An order of this honourable court is hereby made restraining the 1st defendant (INEC) from recognising the 2nd defendant (Nwosu) as the governorship of the 3rd defendant (AA) and/or any other political party for the 2019 Imo governorship election.

National Dailies on Aug. 15, with caption “police recruitment and credential verification”. According to him, the editorial seems to find fault with the commission’s position that authentication of certificates of applicants are not restricted to the screening/interview stage of the recruitment. “The editorial seems not comfortable with the fact that the certificates of some already successful candidates are sent to the awarding Institutions for authentication during their training programme. “In the judgment of the editorial, the recruitment was being trivialised by the commission. This conclusion, no doubt, is unfair as efforts are on ground to ensure the emergence of good materials.’’ Ani said that the commission had gone through the publication and discovered that it was obviously lacking in knowledge of the recruitment process in the public service, and the Nigeria Police Force in particular. He said that the recruitment in the public service was a process and not an event adding that, it starts from the point of advertisement where qualifications and requirements were clearly defined. Ani said that the process would not be concluded until the candidates were certified successful during training, after being subjected to prescribed examinations

and interview. He said investigation into the certificates or other credentials of applicants that were in doubt were usually extended to the awarding institutions. “For entrants into the Nigeria Police Force, successful candidates are required to undergo training in designated Police Colleges and are subjected to examination, especially during the concluding part of the training programme “It is important to state that a candidate must satisfy some screening stages before he/she is considered suitable to join the Nigeria Police Force. “These stages include medical screening, physical screening, written examination and authentication of certificates,” he added.

CHANGE OF NAME NNEKA: I formerly known as OKEKE NNEKA APPOLONIA, now wish to be known and addressed as NWAFOR NNEKA APPOLONIA.. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME UGADU: I formerly UGADU MONDAY AGBO now wish to be known and addressed as UGADU TIMOTHY AGBO . All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019

Anambra monarch tasks leaders on peace with subjects From THEO RAYS, Onitsha


he traditional ruler of Uke, in Idemili North Igwe Surv. Charles Agbala has called on leaders at all sides in Nigeria both religious, political and traditional to embrace peace by giving listening ears to their followers. The monarch who made the call at his palace recently while celebrating new yam festival with his people noted that the country cannot progress without peace. According to him “concerning the state of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari should toe the path of dialogue, listen to understand the need of the mass-

es, that is what will bring peace. No nation can succeed without peace. Leaders at various levels should be accommodative and accessible to their citizens to know how to impact their lives and address teething problems.” He thanked God for the agricultural harvest of this year expressing joy that the merciful God has made food abundance for the people. He however prayed for more blessings to the people and the land of Uke hoping that the harvest of next year would be double and triple because they have appreciated God for this year’s harvest. “We thank God for this


year’s harvest. We sowed tiny seedlings but look at the big tubers we harvested. By Next year we shall be harvesting twin and triple tubers to one seedling”, said Agbala. In their felicitations, visiting traditional rulers Igwe Peter Uyanwa of Ukwulu, Igwe George Okaa-Onwuogu of Nawgu and Igwe Nich Obi of Nnobi in their separate speeches described Igwe Agbala as a kind gentleman and peace lover who passionate about the progress of his people that explains the reason why they came to celebrate the new Yam festival with him.

Expatriates in oil, gas sector drops by 80% – NCDMB xecutive Secretary, NiEopment gerian Content Develand Monitoring

•Gov. Ortom

Benue Govt. owes over N22b gratuity - Ortom B enue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, says the State Government is owing over N22 billion as gratuity of the state’s workers. Ortom stated this on Monday during the inauguration of the Chairman and members of the State Pension Commission in Makurdi. He disclosed that he inherited N18 billion gratuity liability in 2015, and that because of paucity of funds to upset the debt coupled with additional number of retired workers overtime, the debt had risen to N22 billion. He further disclosed that the monthly pension bill of the state was now N800 million as against the N400 million bill he inherited in 2015. The governor said the state needed to urgently commence full domestication of the National Contributory Pensions Scheme Act 2004 to mitigate the sufferings of retirees. He specially commended the 8th State Assembly for passing the PENCOM bill and expressed optimism that in no distant time retirees would have cause to smile home after retirement. “The members are all victims of non-payment of gratuities and pensions; so,

they understand the pains of not being paid. “Benue pensioners have been very patient with me and that has given me a lot of burden on my shoulder to ensure that something is done about it urgently,” he said. Ortom warned the commission members to be wary of people who may want to sabotage their efforts with the aim of enriching themselves to the detriment of the pensioners. He urged them to bring their experience to bear on the job and block all leakages in the pension sector. Speaking on behalf of the inaugurated commission members, the Chairman, State Pension Commission, Mr Terna Ahua, pledged to provide a permanent solution to the problem of retirees. Ahua, a former Head of Service of the State, commended the governor for his political will to address pension and gratuities issues in the state. Other members to serve as commissioners on the commission include: Mrs Ruth Ijir, Administration and Technical Services, Mr Joseph Venda, Technology and Pension administration and Pius Idoko, Finance and Investments.

Board (NCDMB), Mr Simbi Wabote, says that the number of expatriates working in the Nigerian oil and gas sector has been reduced by 80 per cent. Wabote disclosed this on Monday in Abuja at the NCDMB’s third quarter engagement with the media, which focused on the major achievements of the board. “From 2010 till date, the board has reduced the number of expatriates in the Nigerian petroleum industry by 80 per cent. “Nigerians now occupy key positions and deliver critical services in the industry,’’ he said. The executive secretary said that before the implementation of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act, oil welding activities were done outside Nigeria because of lack of world-class welding facilities. “Today, we are fabricating about 60,000 metric tonnes per annum in Nigeria, which never existed before. “We have about five world-class welding yards as we speak today. These welding facilities can compete with any of their peers outside the country. “Today, 95 per cent of service companies in the oil and gas sector, be it onshore and swamp drilling activities, well intervention facilities, well simulation activities and others, are being done by Nigerians. “These used to be the exclusive preserve of multinational companies like Schlumberger, Haliburton and others; but Nigerians have taken all those responsibilities in the land and swamp areas, especially in the area of drilling,’’ he said. On the operations of the upstream sector, Wabote noted that in the past, it was the multinationals that were operating all the existing fields.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019

NEWS ACROSS THE NATION IPOB offers N1m reward for Buratai, S/East govs’ travel


he group, Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB,) has pledged N1 million reward for information on the foreign travel plans of all the governors in the South East region as well as the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai. Leader of the group, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, announced the reward in a broadcast to members of his movement, Monday. The announcement meant the group has decided to escalate the attack against political leaders in the South East, following the one on immediate past Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, in Nuremberg, Germany, Saturday. “Anyone who will provide any reliable information about any country that any of our corrupt politicians will be travelling to will be awarded one million naira. Give IPOB accurate information on their whereabouts and collect one million naira. Example, people Like David Umahi, Okezie Ikpeazu, Nnia Nwodo, Buratai, Willie Obiano and many others”, Kanu announced.

…Says attack on Ekweremadu ‘a family affair’ Kanu on Saturday praised the attack against Ekweremadu and in a statement on Sunday, the spokesman of the group, Emma Powerful, said the attack was the beginning of a ‘revolution’ by the group, craving for the break-up of the South East region, from Nigeria. In the broadcast monitored on Sunday, Kanu also warned South East governors over the military exercise slated to begin tomorrow, saying that his group would go after any governor of a state, where any IPOB member is killed.

He also extended the threat to the governor’s children staying abroad. “They are about to start another Operation Python Dance III exercise Tomorrow In Biafra land. I’m Sounding This Warning, If Any IPOB Is Killed Again In Any South-East State, We Will Come After The Children Of The Governor In The State Any IPOB Member Is Killed. We Will Go After Your Children, Because We Know Where They Are In Europe And Abroad”. The fugitive Biafran leader also warned Yoruba and Hausa Fulani

leaders for condemning the attack on Ekweremadu, which he called ‘a family matter’. “And for those Yoruba and Fulani leaders who are getting involved with what happened in Nuremberg, Germany, you should stay away from it because what happened with Ekweremadu is a family matter. Stay away or we come after you too. South-East governors were responsible for the killings of IPOB members during Operation Python Dance exercise and we’re coming for them”.

Lagos: Cabinet to be inaugurated, Tuesday – Sanwo-Olu


agos State Executive Council will be fully inaugurated on Tuesday, State Governor Babajide SanwoOlu, has said. The Governor said he would not delay the swearing-in of Commissioner- and Special Adviser-designates already cleared by the State House of Assembly. He spoke at the weekend while receiving a body of retired top civil servants under the aegis of the Association of Lagos State Retired Heads of Service and Permanent Secretaries (ALARHOSPS). Sanwo-Olu said that the wheel of governance would be in full gear before the end of the coming week, in fulfillment of his campaign promise to inaugurate his cabinet within 90 days. He added that new Permanent Secretaries would also be sworn in on Monday to complement the activities of Commissioners and Special Advisers. He said: “Next week, by God’s grace, we are swearing in all other complements of cabinet and also Permanent Secretaries to have the engine of governance on full swing. At that point, we believe that all the campaign promises we made can come to reality and Lagosians can benefit more from the choice they made at the last election.” The cabinet members are expected to be allocated their individual ministries during the inauguration ceremony, scheduled to start at 9am. The Governor described the body of retired civil servants as “valuable assets” to the state, noting that their actions while in service contributed to the “enviable height” Lagos attained among states in the nation.

Ortom expresses satisfaction with renovation of schools in Benue overnor Samuel Ortom yesterG day expressed satisfaction with the pace and quality of ongoing

renovation of Government Girls Model Secondary School and Special School for Exceptional Children, both in Aliade, Gwer East Local Government Area. The Governor who spoke with journalists after inspecting the ongoing work stated that he had been assured by the contractors that they would meet the deadline of 10th September given to them to complete the work, stressing that based on the job done so far, he was optimistic that the target would be met. He stated that the new strategy of his administration is to use the internally generated revenue for the execution of projects so that people of the state would see greater results for the taxes they pay. According to the Governor, the education sector is very key to the state and so it would be given priority, pointing out that at the basic education level, N6.6 billion had already been accessed and would be channelled to renovation of primary schools and provision of instructional materials. He noted that special schools in the state would also be given the desired attention, disclosing that the sixty-four government owned secondary schools which had not been renovated for about thirtyfour years would be given facelift. Governor Ortom stated that measures had been put in place by his administration to reduce the wage bill of the state by plugging leakages and dealing with the issue of salary padding to give room for employment of more youths. The supervising architect, Patrick Ayila gave assurance that the work would be completed as scheduled.

Tambuwal visits IBB, describes ex-Head of State FIRS boss, Fowler not under investigation – Presidency as ‘a patriot’

•From left: Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo; President Muhammadu Buhari , Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, and All Progressives Congress (APC) National Chairman, Adams Oshiomhole (right) at the opening of the Presidential Retreat for MinistersDesignate, Presidential Aides and other top government functionaries, which held at the State House Abuja, Monday


he Presidency has refuted reports making the rounds that the Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Babatunde Fowler, is not under investigation. According to the Presidency, the letter from the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari, on which the purported rumour of an investigation is based, did not amount to an investigation of the FIRS chief, but ‘merely raises

concerns over the negative run of the tax revenue collection in recent times.’ A statement, Monday, by the Senior Special Assistant to the President, Garba Shehu, (Media and Publicity), in dismissing the investigation theory, explained that the government was only raising concerns over a seeming fiscal crisis over revenue projections. “Taking a cue from today’s (Mon-

New standard gauge rail line in Lagos to be fenced -- NRC

igerian Railway Corporation N (NRC) said that the Lagos corridor of the 156 kilometers Lagos-

Ibadan standard gauge rail line would be fenced to avoid casualty within the metropolis. NRC Lagos District Manager, Mr Jerry Oche, said the fencing would stop human and vehicular accidents along the rail line. “The standard gauge is going to be fenced. When there is a barrier, it will prevent people from encroaching on the rail line. It will be faster and people will be prevented from indiscriminate intrusion,’’ he said.

Oche said that with the barrier in place, it would be illegal for people crossing the blockade for any reason at any point in time. “It will not be business as usual. It won’t allow suicide mission and we wouldn’t want that to happen. “That is why we are warning people now before the operation start,” he said. The district manager said that barricade initially built for the old narrow gauge rail line was pulled down by the people around the corridor. When completed, the standard gauge would travel at 150 kilometers per hour.

day) presentation of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo at the Presidential Retreat for Ministers-Designate, Federal Permanent Secretaries and Top Government Functionaries , which dwelt on an ‘Overview of the Policies , Programmes and Project Audit Committee,’ a body he chaired, projected revenue of government falls behind recurrent expenditure even without having factored in capital expenditure. “Consequently, it would appear that the country might be heading for a fiscal crisis if urgent steps are not taken to halt the negative trends in target setting and target realisation in tax revenue. “Anyone conversant with Federal Executive Council deliberations would have observed that issues bordering on revenue form the number one concern of what Nigeria faces today, and therefore, often take a prime place in discussions of the body. “It is noteworthy and highly commendable that under this administration, the number of taxable adults has increased from 10 million to 20 million with concerted efforts still on-going to bring a lot more into the tax net,” the statement read.

State Governor, Aminu Smerokoto Tambuwal, has described forMilitary President, Retired Gen.

Ibrahim Babangida, as a “patriotic Nigerian and a leader who served the country meritoriously. He said this when he and Gov. Abubakar Bello of Niger, visited IBB at the UpHill Mansion to felicitate with him on his 78th birthday in Minna on Monday. Tambuwal described the former Military president as a “stateman and a leader who touched many lives with many programmes. “I am here to identify with him on his birthday and to pray to almighty Allah to continue to grant him good health to continue with the services to the country,” he said. He noted that the programmes initiated by Babangida if sustained, would address some of the challenges facing the country today. “His programmes on National Directorate of Employment (NDE), Normadic education, community and peoples bank and a lot more addresses some of the deep root causes of what we see as challenges. “These programmes if followed up and sustained will reduce the challenges of insecurities, youth unemployment and job creation,” he added.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Boko Haram: UN urges more protection for aid workers


nited Nations has called for protection of aid workers engaged in humanitarian services in the North East, just as 37 aid personnel were killed in the 10-year Boko Haram insurgency. Head of UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Nigeria, Mr Peter Ekayu, made the call in a statement issued in Maiduguri on Monday, to mark the 2019 World Humanitarian Day. Ekayu disclosed that the UN celebrated the day to honour aid workers around the world who risked their lives to help, save and improve that of others. He described the aid workers as heroes who were working tirelessly to provide needed assistance to the vulnerable people affected by the crisis in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe.

Kwara gov locks out civil servants for lateness

Ekayu noted that women were active in every aspect of humanitarian action including negotiating access to people in need, addressing deadly diseases such as measles and cholera as well as provision of shelter, access to potable water, food, health and education. “Saifura Hussaini Ahmed Khorsa and Hauwa Mohammed Liman; they were midwives with International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), and executed after being held in captivity by non-state armed groups for more than six months. “Both aid workers were abducted from Rann town, Borno State in March 2018 along with a nurse from United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), who is still held in captivity. “Faye Mooney was a British Communications and Learning specialist with a Non-Governmental Organi-

zation (NGO) Mercy Corps. “She lost her life in an attack by gunmen in Kaduna State earlier this year. In the past year, tragic events befell women humanitarians working in Nigeria. “In total 37 aid workers have lost their lives in service of humanity since the beginning of the conflict. “We are here to salute their commitments and recognize the sacrifices they and their families are making every day,” he said. Ekayu said that the UN and its humanitarian partners called for the immediate release and return to safety of abducted aid workers, and thousands of civilians in insurgents’ captivity. “Latest data show that about 35,000 people lost their lives in the conflict since 2009. These are 35,000 too many”. The UN official warned that pay-

ing less attention to the crisis in the northeast would expose aid workers to more risks in the extremely volatile areas struck by violence and devastation. Ekayu added that: “As respect for the laws of war weakens, aid workers are increasingly vulnerable, though they are more needed than ever before. March 2018 has marked a turning point, humanitarian workers are a target in Nigeria. “Since the attack in Rann, when three humanitarians were killed and three women and others abducted, incidents involving or directly targeting aid workers have persisted unabated. “I want to say enough to armed attacks against humanitarians; enough attacks against aid convoys, enough kidnappings and enough to lootings of vital assistance meant for the millions in Borno, Adamawa


wara State Governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, Monday paid an unscheduled visit to state secretariat and locked out hundreds of civil servants that came late to work. Gov AbdulRazaq arrived at the secretariat at 7.55am and when it was 8.00am, ordered security men to lock the two entrances into the secretariat complex. Hundreds of workers were locked out of the complex and the few workers that had arrived for work rushed to their offices. Large crowd of onlookers were seen at the Offa Road gate of the secretariat singing praises of the governor for taking such a step to visit the complex unannounced. Many of the workers were still locked out by the time the governor left the secretariat at about 9.52am. A statement issued by the Governor’s Chief Press Secretary, Rafiu Ajakaye said that AbdulRazaq was decried the lateness of civil servants to work. Ajakaye quoted the governor as saying that he was very unhappy at the lateness of many civil servants to work and might consider imposing appropriate sanctions for late coming. According to him, such attitude was unhelpful to government business in the 21st century. “Late coming and poor attitude to work certainly will not be tolerated. The civil service should be business-like and efficient in service delivery. “As we try to support the civil service to deliver on its mandate, we expect a drastic shift from old practices that have taken our state nowhere,” the governor said. AbdulRazaq also directed the Kwara State Scholarship Board to present a memo detailing the state of students’ bursary and scholarship. He gave the directive during the tour of the secretariat and asked the board to communicate to all students beneficiary to open accounts. AbdulRazaq also directed the board to henceforth adopt e-payment for the disbursement of bursary.

•Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu meeting with Chairman, Nigerian Diaspora Commission, Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa (all middle) and other officials of the commission at Lagos House, Marina on Thursday

Ekiti moves to recover N1.5bn MSMEs debt E kiti Microfinance and Enterprise Development Agency (MEDA) has vowed to recover the N1.5billion debt owed under the MSMEs Development Fund Loan initiative. Director-General of MEDA, Chief Kayode Fasae, said this on Monday in Ado-Ekiti at a meeting of the agency with microfinance banks and MSMEs operators. Fasae said the agency was adopting strategic means of recovering the unpaid loans. “We have sent out bulk messages and letters to all the guarantors of the N1.5 billion MSMEs Development Fund loans. The aftermath of the messages has seen us recovering up to N30.3 million. ”Since then, other guarantors, whose subjects are yet to pay up, have been trooping to our office, seeking lasting solutions to their plight. Majority of them never thought the new government could launch a recovery plan as they thought this was one of the numerous loan facilities they could get and never pay back. ”Some of them are not even prop-

erly tutored on the implications of being a guarantor. Therefore, we look to reconciling all the loan applicants with their various guarantors. This is a continuous step toward recovering the loans before we begin another programme of such. “We are taking drastic steps on these guarantors by effecting deduction of certain amount from their salaries starting from September 1. This is not a threat move but rather a means of resolving the problem as we realise that majority of these guarantors are civil servants,” he said. He added that the agency was working with banks to ensure recovery of the loans. Zonal Chairman, National Association of MFB in South West, Mr Oluwatoyin Famoroti, said guarantors who found themselves in the unfortunate situation owed it a duty to discharge their responsibilities. Famoroti, who is the Chief Executive Officer of EK Reliable Microfinance Bank, said such persons lack enough information and orientation on the implications of standing

as guarantors for loan seekers. He said that the MFB community in Ekiti would do its best to assist MEDA in resolving the issue. “The MSME Development Fund is a national programme and the conditions for implementation say a sum of N2 billion each must be disbursed through MFBs in each state of the federation. ”Ekiti State accessed N1.5 billion in two tranches. Each beneficiary of this fund is supposed to have one or two guarantors, depending on the amount pushed for and the sectors which are the Micro and the SMEs,” he said. Some guarantors under the loan scheme,however, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) at the forum that they were not fully enlightened on the implications of standing surety for loan seekers. Some of the guarantors from Oye and Ifelodun Irepodun Local Government Areas said they stood surety for colleagues who collected loans of between N800, 000 and N750, 000 while the beneficiaries had yet to complete payment.

and Yobe States, who desperately need it. “Enough burnt villages; enough attacks against civilians, schools, hospitals, violence and fear. In honour of all of those who lost their lives in the conflict.” Ekayu further stressed the need for sensitization activities to create awareness on the work humanitarian actors do; humanitarian principles and the humanities guiding its operations, international humanitarian laws as well as need to protect civilians.

Ekiti moves to recover N1.5bn MSMEs debt Microfinance and Enterprise EhaskitiDevelopment Agency (MEDA) vowed to recover the N1.5billion

debt owed under the MSMEs Development Fund Loan initiative. Director-General of MEDA, Chief Kayode Fasae, said this on Monday in Ado-Ekiti at a meeting of the agency with microfinance banks and MSMEs operators. Fasae said the agency was adopting strategic means of recovering the unpaid loans. “We have sent out bulk messages and letters to all the guarantors of the N1.5 billion MSMEs Development Fund loans. The aftermath of the messages has seen us recovering up to N30.3 million. ”Since then, other guarantors, whose subjects are yet to pay up, have been trooping to our office, seeking lasting solutions to their plight. Majority of them never thought the new government could launch a recovery plan as they thought this was one of the numerous loan facilities they could get and never pay back. ”Some of them are not even properly tutored on the implications of being a guarantor. Therefore, we look to reconciling all the loan applicants with their various guarantors. This is a continuous step toward recovering the loans before we begin another programme of such. “We are taking drastic steps on these guarantors by effecting deduction of certain amount from their salaries starting from September 1. This is not a threat move but rather a means of resolving the problem as we realise that majority of these guarantors are civil servants,” he said. He added that the agency was working with banks to ensure recovery of the loans. Zonal Chairman, National Association of MFB in South West, Mr Oluwatoyin Famoroti, said guarantors who found themselves in the unfortunate situation owed it a duty to discharge their responsibilities. Famoroti, who is the Chief Executive Officer of EK Reliable Microfinance Bank, said such persons lack enough information and orientation on the implications of standing as guarantors for loan seekers. He said that the MFB community in Ekiti would do its best to assist MEDA in resolving the issue. “The MSME Development Fund is a national programme and the conditions for implementation say a sum of N2 billion each must be disbursed through MFBs in each state of the federation.”


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Cross into Anambra with AK47 and be arrested, Obiano warns Fulani herdsmen By IBE NWACHUKWU


overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra state has warned Fulani herdsmen to stop crossing into the armed with AK47 or be prepared to be arrested and prosecuted. He also warned that any farm crop or crops destroyed by cattles must be paid for by the herders, as contained in a terms of reference handed to a cattle menace committee established by the state government. Obiano who spoke at a thanksgiving service organized by the lawmaker representing Orumba North/South Federal Constituency in the national assembly, Hon. Okwudili Ezenwankwo, declared: “If you cross into Anambra state with an AK47, you will be arrested and if your cattle destroy a farm crop, you will pay for it,just like if you kill a cow, you will pay for it”. Obiano who who further disclosed that he would soon launch “Operation Kpachapu II” to mop up all the criminals terrorizing the good people of the state, reminded criminals that the state is still unsafe for them to operate or dwell in as according to him, he would soon procure a sophisticated CCT camera which could go round all crannies of the state and monitor all movements of the people in every part of the state, whether electricity light is on or not. He also noted that the recent oxygen plant established by the state government at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, COOUTH, Amaku, Awka would solve the oxygen needs of all the patients to the extent that henceforth, all the oxygen related deaths in the state has become a thing of the past. He commended Hon. Ezenwankwo for organizing the thanksgiving service to thank God for his success in the recent national assembly election and in all his his other human endeavours and urged others to form the habit of giving thanks to God atall times. In their separate speeches, the Ogilisi Igbo, Chief RommyEzeonwuka and Chairman of All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Aguata Local Government council, Hon. Obiora C. J. Ezechukwu, commended Ezenwankwo for thanking his God and at the same time looking up to God to do more for him in life. On the recent threat by the All Progressives Congress, APC, Anambra state chapter to wrestle the Governorship power from APGA in 2021, Ezeonwuka and Ezechukwu dismissed the threat as ranting of an empty vessel, adding that APC has since expired and outlives its usefulness in the state.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known as MBANEME CHUKWUDI CHRISTIAN now wish to be known as MBANEME CHIDIEBERE CHRISTIAN. All former documents remain valid, Banks and General public take note

Ekweremadu: ‘I’ve put incident behind me, I’ve forgiven my attackers’ F ORMER Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu has returned to the country, declaring that he has put behind him the physical assault suffered at the hands persons suspected to be members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Ekweremadu landed at the Abuja International Airport, Monday, from Nuremberg, Germany where he was guest of honour at the 2nd Annual Cultural Festival and Convention organised by Ndi-Igbo Germany. Ekweremadu, who declared him-

self hale and hearty, said his aggressors did not realise the enormity of their actions, as he further described them as ‘misguided.’ Maintaining that he had long forgiven his attackers, the lawmaker said this was in the true spirit of Christianity. He said: “I am fine, as you can see. The incident in Germany is in the past and I have put it behind me. Most of the young men who attacked me were misguided. Indeed, they did not understand the import or weight of their actions. Neverthe-

less, I have forgiven them, long before I returned to Nigeria. “There are many ways of expressing a grievance or passing a message across. I was formally invited for the event, which I duly honoured. Therefore, I found it quite shocking that learned individuals could behave in such a manner. However, I have let it go in the spirit of Christianity.” “I must express my gratitude to well-meaning Nigerians from all walks of life for their support. In fact, I have been overwhelmed by the deluge of goodwill messages,

even from opposition politicians. It shows that we have a collective conscience for what is right in Nigeria. This gives me hope.” Indeed, huge reactions had trailed the incident in Nuremberg, Germany where Ekweremadu was attacked. In addition to calls from various quarters condemning the action, a number of Nigerians and groups like the Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, roundly condemned the action of the IPOB members, calling for the arrest and prosecution of the attackers

Attack on Ekweremadu: APC chieftain champions unity of Ndigbo



• Newly ordained priests at St. Theresa’s Cathedral, Nsukka...recently

Ekweremadu: IPOB warns Igbo leaders, Umahi describes attackers as frustrated By CHINEDU NWAFOR Abakaliki


he Deputy Coordinator of the proscibed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Ebonyi State, Mr. Ugochukwu Nweke, said that the Ebonyi State Governor David Umahi and every other Igbo leader must receive ‘the Ekweremmadu treatment’ for failing to rise up against the activities of Fulani herdsmen in the South-East region. Nweke who spoke in a telephone interview with our Correspondent in Abakaliki, said what happened to Ekweremmadu in Germany was a tip of iceberg as the group was determined to get every Igbo leader to support their cause or regret it. He said: “Was Ekweremmadu killed in Germany? What happened there was a lesson to him and every one of them will get same treatment for allowing their brothers and sisters to be killed and their women raped by Fulani herdsmen. “Ekweremmadu has been there in the National Assembly without doing anything. What happened in Germany is a tip of the iceberg; because more is coming to them. Umahi will get his own when the time comes. “They shoot us and maim us whenever we protest here and they do it and go scot free; but there abroad, civilized people exist and they can’t go there to mesmerize themselves. “And why did Ekweremmadu wear an attire inscribed with Nigeria

Coat of Arms to an Igbo event? Why are they celebrating New Yam festival in a foreign land instead of coming here to do it? IPOB remains nonviolent group till tomorrow. What our people did is kind of teaching them a lesson. So, we are not violent and we can never be. “All the Igbo leaders will get their own share of Ekweremmadu experience because they are there to protect our interest but they are not doing it. Instead, they are the ones giving the Fulani people opportunity to come and do what they want with our land. “What we want to let them know is that we want Biafra and they have to rise up and speak for their people. So, when once they rise up to speak for their people, nobody will attack them. And for the fact that they are not speaking for their people and allow Fulani herdsmen to carry cows into our land, rape our wives and kill our children, what do you want our people to do? “They are just showing their grievances and what happened there was an international disgrace so that the world will start asking questions about what is going on in Nigeria. “IPOB is here to restore Biafra and Umahi will get his own whenever he travels abroad and a token of one million naira has been set aside by our leader as a bounty to anyone who gives information about the travel itinerary of Umahi and other

Igbo leaders.” Meanwhile, Umahi attributed the attack on Ekweremmadu in Germany to illiteracy, insisting no educated individual or group will take such action. Umahi who spoke at flag off of Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) at Akanu Ibiam International Conference Centre Abakaliki said lack of education causes frustration. He said: “I was addressing the press today on the unfortunate attack of our brother the former Deputy Senate President, Ekweremadu in Germany. Those that attacked him were not medical doctors or Engineers or Lawyers or Chief Executives of parastatals or industries. “Even if they were the least educated people of IPOB members, they wouldn’t do what they did. And so, it is lack of education. Lack of education brings frustrations and that is a clear case of what happened. “And so as we make efforts today, to bring back these children who probably would be attacking us in England, or in America tomorrow. “We should know that the slogan in our dear state that every child is your child; whether is your biological child or not. We should bear in mind that the only way to safeguard the future of your children and your own future and to have a very peaceful evening, is to preserve the future of the children”

n the wake of the attack on former Deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, in Germany, South East leaders have to be urged to urgently initiate a process of returning Ndigbo under one umbrella to enhance cohesion and make them speak with one voice. A non-Executive Director of the Rural Electrification Agency Board (REAB), MacSolomon Alozie, in Umuahia, stressed that Ndigbo must embrace peace, unity, cooperation and respect for their leaders for them to remain relevant in the political architecture of the country now and in the future. Describing the attack by members of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Ekweremadu as most unfortunate, a serious affront and disservice to both Nigeria and Germany, Alozie called for in-depth investigations into the incident, insisting that the perpetrators must be brought to book. “It was most ridiculous to say the least, for Ekweremadu, who has twice occupied the position of the No. 4 citizen of the country to be humiliated by his very own people for whatever reasons,” he said. Alozie equally condemned the threat by the IPOB to attack the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Dr. Nnia Nwodo, South East state governors and leaders who they suspect to be against their cause. He said: “It is a pity that the IPOB has gone beyond the shores of the country even as far as Europe to press home their agitation. And by this, they have given the world cause to believe they are terrorists. “By this very act, the IPOB has attracted international attention to itself. Both countries must do thorough investigations into the attack, those behind them and deal with them accordingly.” The Engineer who represents South East zone on the REA board commended Germany for their quick response to the attack, stressing that provision of security was very important at such gatherings in future. Alozie, a member of All Progressive Congress (APC), also commended Ekweremadu for taking the attack in his strides, adding that he has exhibited the statesman in him.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


NDLEA take possession of 26 parcels of drugs found inside luxury bus By IBE NWACHUKWU


TASK Force set up by the Luxury Bus Owners Association of Nigeria (LUBOAN) discovered about 26 parcels of substance believed to be Indian Hemp inside a luxury bus loading passengers to the northern parts of the country from Onitsha. The task force, which made the discovery at the popular Izuchukwu Motor Park, at Upper Iweka Onitsha, said that each parcel was wrapped with striped polythene bags, concealed inside an Ecolac bag and Ghana-mustgo bag and dumped at a corner of the luxury bus, by an anonymous drug trafficker. Displaying the parcels and bags to newsmen shortly before handing

them over to officials of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, (NDLEA), Onitsha Zonal Command, Chairman of the Task Force, Uchenna Joe Maduakor, said when they found the bags, none of the passengers on board the luxury bus agreed that they belonged to them. Maduakor bemoaned the rate at which drug peddlers were concealing hard drugs inside luxury buses only to inform NDLEA officials who would go after the buses, stop them, and know exactly where the drugs while arresting the driver and conductor and impounding the vehicle has become too rampant. He said the development has compelled members of the task force to search all bags belonging to passengers boarding luxury buses inside mo-

tor parks. Maduakor who lamented that under such circumstances, the NDLEA officials had detained luxury buses belonging to different transport companies in the recent past and extorted so much money from them before releasing the vehicles. The Vice President of LUBOAN, Nonso Ubajaka, said that! “we suspect conspiracy between the drug traffickers and law enforcement agencies to undermine the existence of LUBOAN but it is our sincere desire to work together with law enforcement agencies instead of working at cross purposes.” Chief Godwin Ubaka Okeke of the GUO Motors Limited; Chief Sebastine Udemba of Chiemezie Motors Limited, a trustee of LUBOAN and Chief

Joseph Ejiofor of God’s Time Transport Services, LUBOAN’s National Task Force Chairman, regretted that their businesses are going down as a result of this menace. In a telephone chat with newsmen, the National President of LUBOAN, Prince Emeka Mamah of Ifesinachi Motors Limited, explained that these peddlers deviced many tactics in carrying out their nefarious activities. He noted that there are cases where the peddlers would wrap tramadol, codeine or other substances and deceive the conductor into believing that it is a vehicle brain box or spare parts, then do a way bill of about N2,000 or N3,000 only for them to inform NDLEA that such an exhibit is hidden inside the bus. And usually the NDLEA would

flag down the vehicle and punish them without fair hearing. Mamah appealed to law enforcement agencies to always give transporters a listening ear under such circumstances, instead of impounding their vehicles and extorting huge sums of money from innocent luxury bus owners. The Public Relations Officer of NDLEA in Anambra State, Charles Odigie who confirmed the recovery of the exhibits, told newsmen that the agency has a cordial relationship with LUBOAN in the fight against drug trafficking, adding that they were investigating the alleged conspiracy between their officials and drug peddlers.

Sigh of relief as new Anambra monarch gets certificate of recognition



or the people of Ochuche Umuodu community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra state, it was a sigh of relief as Governor Willie Obiano presented a certificate of recognition to their newly crowned traditional ruler, Igwe Vincent Ijomah, a lawyer and Lagos-based enterpreneur. The sigh of relief started at the Governor’s Lodge, Amawbia where the certificate was presented and extended to the Igwe’s palace at Ochuche Umuodu where different kinds of traditional dances and other cultural carnivals were lavishly displayed in admiration of their new king whom they unianimously selected after the demise of their former Igwe few years ago. Igwe Ijomah who is addressed as (Eze Okubata Ifeadi and Onye Chukwu Nyereze 1 of Ochuche Umuodu), a retired public servant and the fourth traditional ruler of the community, after the late Igwe Stephen Akpati, late Igwe Obitube and late Igwe Paul Agaba, had emerged the new king as a result of the demise of his immediate predecessor, Igwe Paul Agaba who joined his ancestors in 2015 and had his last Ofala celebrated in 2017 in conformity with the tradition of the community which states that when an Igwe dies, he must be mourned for three years after which a new king could be crowned. Before the issuance of the certificate, the state government had set up a panel of inquiry headed by the traditional ruler of Nteje community, Igwe Roland Odegbo which looked at the petitions concerning the selection process during which they invited some elders and politicians from the area to make imput before clearing Igwe Ijomah. The panel of inquiry arose from complaints by some laid by some indigenes of the community, including the former Secretary to Anambra State Government, SSG, Chief Oseloka Henry Obaze. Obaze who was the Gubernatorial candidate of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP during the 2017 governorship election in Anambra state, specifically told newsmen in Onitsha that Ijomah’s emergence was neither here nor there because according to him, he is not from the village whose turn it is to produce the next Igwe this time around. But while presenting the certificate to the new monarch, Obiano warned that he would not hesitate to with-

draw the certificate and or dethrone any traditional ruler using his throne to cause crisis in his domain, adding that more sanctions await any monarch who failed to expose or report cult members or criminals operating his his community to the appropriate quarters. Obiano who lamented the high level of cultism and criminalities in various communities, also advised monarchs to shun rivalries between themselves and their town union leaders in the interest of peace and harmony. The Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe, charged monarchs to be honest, humble and patience in piloting the affairs of their respective communities, adding that they should always stand for peace and tranquility. Achebe who is also the state Chairman of Traditional Rulers Council, attributed major problems pushing our youths to indulge in crime and other vices to unemployment, adding, “youths feel neglected and relegated and the monarchs should support and guide them to become somebody in life and at the same time be useful to themselves and to the society”. Responding, Igwe Ijomah pledged to carry everybody along with fear of God and respect for humanity, adding, “I will stand on the path of truth and all those right things deprived from people will be restored so that together, we can now think of better ways of improving our dear community”. Igwe Ijomah commended the governor for issuing him with the certificate as duly elected Igwe, adding that he did not request for the Igweship stool because if he had done so, he would have been given a condition, rather the people found him worthy to occupy the position. He advised those writing petitions against him and fronting one Stephen Akpati as their own choice of monarch to sheath their sword and join hands with him (Igwe Ijomah) for the purposes of developing the community, adding that Akpati could not be the monarch because his brother is still holding unto power as President-General of Ochuche Umuodu town union till date. Some of the cabinet members, community leaders and king makers of the community, Chief Francis Ojini (Ikenga Ogbaru) and Oduah Izuchukwu Nworji, insisted that the new king was generally selected by the community and as such should be allowed to reign as the authentic Igwe of Ochuche Umuodu.

• ah, a lawyer and Lagos-based enterpreneur displays his certificate of office after recieving it from the Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano.

Anambra vigilante group adopts training strategies on e-security, unarmed combat By IBE NWACHUKWU


n its determination to retain Anambra’s current status as the safest state in the country, in terms of security of lives and properties, the state Vigilante Supervisory Committee has embarked on rigorous training and retraining exercise for it vigilante personnel to enable them withstand more security challenges in the state. For a start, no fewer than 40 male and female personnel were grilled for three weeks in the areas of unarmed combat, physical exercises, foot drills, professional and legal studies, use of English language, communication skill, guard duties and e-security. In his keynote address at the colourful passing out parade for the trainees at the weekend at Nimo community in Njikoka Local Government Area of the state, Chairman of the State Vigilante Supervisory Committee, Chief Ikechukwu Ayo Aduba, a retired Commissioner of Police, disclosed that the training exercise which was co-ordinated by a Senior Zonal Supervisor for Anambra North Senatorial District of the committee, ACP Charles Osegbue, a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, maintained that the essence of the exercise was to prepare them to face the current security challenges facing us today in Nigeria.

Aduba who is also a Senior Special Assistant to Governor Willie Obiano on Vigilante Matters, commended the traditional ruler (Owelle) of Nimo, Igwe Maximus Ike Oliobi for shouldering the expenses of the three-week training programme, thus demonstrating the need for the 179 communities in the state to partner with the state government in sponsoring certain security projects as according o him, government cannot do it alone. According to Aduba, “respective AVG units need retraining of their operatives in the face of herdsmen menace, rising crime rate, cultism and prevalence of drugs in various communities”. He therefore called on other traditional rulers in the state to borrow a leaf from Igwe Oliobi, even as he reiterated the need for functional town supervisory security committees to be headed by respective traditional rulers, with Presidents-General of town unions in the state as the secretary; Divisional Police Officers, DPOs as chairmen and AVG commanders as members of vigilante committees in their various communities. He also commended the traditional Prime Minister (Onowu) of Nimo, retire Justice G. U. Ononiba, a one-time Chief Judge of Anambra state; Secre-

tary of the state vigilante supervisory committee, Ostar Christopher; Senior Zonal Supervisor for Anambra Central, ACP Matthew Uyanna, a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police and the DPO at Nimo, P. D. Obasi for their efforts so far in putting the training programmes together. In his speech, Igwe Oliobi commended Aduba and his lieutenants for a wonderful training programme and warned the trainees against dereliction of duty or misuse of the opportunity given to them to serve their community. According to the monarch, “ I will do my own bit and expect you to do yours because to whom much is given, much is also expected, adding, I will make Nimo a safe haven for each and all”. The DPO, Obasi commended the efforts of AVG and urged other communities to emulate them in terms of retraining their own operatives, so as to continue being of immense assistance to the Nigeria Police in the general fight against crime. Obasi also advised all criminals, cultists and drug peddlers to vacate Nimo or face the full wrath of the law. Highlight of the occasion was the presentation of certificates to the trainees by the monarch.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Obiano liberates Aguleri from native midwives


t was indeed an atmosphere of celebration and jubilation at Umuorom village, Aguleri, Anambra East Local Government Area of Anambra state following the commissioning, by Governor Willie Obiano, of an ultra-modern hospital in the area thereby giving the people of Aguleri community a new lease of life and hope of longevity. The occasion left indelible impressions in the minds of the old and young people who graced the grand opening of Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital, which marked the end of patronage of quack midwives, native doctors who have done more harm than good to the rural populace and general lack of access to quality medicare by the people. The hospital, which was a mere clinic funded by the Immaculate Heart Sisters of the Onitsha Catholic Archidiocese has metamorphosed into a cutting-edge hospital thereby ushering in an era of unlimited and unhindered access to quality healthcare services for the people of Aguleri in particular and the entire Anambra State and beyond in general. Gabriel Nwakwudo Alor, 75, a native of Okpu Ifite-Aguleri said the hospital would enable them live longer because, as old and senile people who could not afford exorbitant medical bills, they would no longer have to travel to Onitsha and other distant places to access medical care where they would also be required to pay high medical bills. He said the governor not only commissioned the hospital for use but has also begun to save lives in the area . Mrs.Theresa Nwaigbo, 60, of Umuorom village Aguleri could not hide her joy over the birth of Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital in their domain. She said that apart from the hospital, the governor has brought Aguleri community to limelight through his philanthropy and humanitarian services. Mrs. Nwaigbo therefore emphasized that the hospital is one out of the numerous people-oriented projects the governor instituted in the area. Another indigene of the area, 65year old Mrs.Georgina, who hails from Umuokpoko in Enugwu-Otu Aguleri expressed profound gratitude to the governor for commissioning the hospital, adding that the hospital would be of immense benefit to her because she always falls sick due to her old age. Meanwhile Chief Mark Chukwudozie of Ezi-Agulu Aguleri, 85, disclosed that the hospital is the first of its kind in Aguleri and that they were happy about it. He said that the governor has increased their life-span by commissioning the hospital and subsidizing it to make it affordable to the people. On the hand, Mr.James Ekwealor, 82, who hails from Ifite-Aguleri noted that they now have a good hospital at their doorsteps and therefore have no reason whatsoever to travel far in search of medical care. Ekwealor said the governor did tremendously well by commissioning the hospital so they can access it to treat themselves of ailments especially as they have become old and frail. The President-General of Aguleri Town Union Barr. Hipo Onwuegbuke described the hospi-

• Commissions cutting-edge hospital

An ultra-modern hospital opens in Aguleri, Anambra East Local Government Area and the people are hailing it as a great towards liberating the people of the area and, indeed, Anambra as a whole, from the grip of modern health challenges. OZO RAY who witnessed the opening ceremony reports.

•Anambra commissioner for health Dr. Vincent Okpala , Gov. Obiano and wife , Archbishop Valeria Okeke, flanked by others during the official opening of the Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri Anambra-east, Anambra state .

•The Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri

tal as a timely response to the medical and health needs of the people of Aguleri community and beyond. He said such intervention in his community was the climax as it is intended to save lives as well as provide quality healthcare services to the rural populace. According to him , “ we have been traveling outside for medical treatment. We called it a clinic which is more or less inferior to a hospital. It is a mere consulting centre. So this time around, we can now rank with Onitsha waterside hospital. We now have the facility and the place has been upgraded to a specialist hospital. “ Hitherto, pregnant women used to deliver their babies at the shrine of native midwives. For instance, one Eliza Ashia gifted with natural proclivities in delivering

pregnant women of their babies at her shrine administered native medicine on expectant mothers and they put to bed safely. Onwuegbuke said other women also exist in the area that apply orthodox method but that they are not too qualified, stressing that their services cannot be compared to what obtains in a specialist cum conventional hospital like Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri where there are qualified medical personnel with professional prerequisites for certain areas of medical practice. The President-General further disclosed that “now that we have a full-fleged hospital, our people are happier and we are ready to exploit every opportunity on that . He said: “This hospital that has been upgraded, we used to call it

maternity clinic. It has been existing even before the war. But because of the inadequacies, people consult those women that are gifted in the art of native midwifery. From 1970, people have been going to the clinic and at the same time patronising those women gifted in the art of native midwifery. But from 1980 and above, the awareness came up, two hospitals were built - Chinedu hospital and First Foundation hospital. Chinedu hospital was built in Aguleri and First Foundation hospital was built in Umuleri. But the emergence of Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri meant that henceforth the people will access medicare with ease and less stress.” Onwuegbuke further bared his mind on the new health facility in

his domain saying that the governor has indeed given the people reason to live longer and better through access to subsidized quality healthcare services . Meanwhile Obinna Chris Emeneka the lawmaker representing Anambra-East state constituency where Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri is situated said the hospital met international requirements . Emeneka said he aligned himself with the position of Governor Willie Obiano that the hospital fulfilled medical best practices and that it would help to curtail medical tourism outside Anambra state. The state commissioner for health Dr.Vincent Okpala described the hospital as one of the best things that happened to the people of Aguleri community. Okpala recalled that the hospital was abandoned for donkey years but has also witnessed a transformational growth from a mere small clinic to a gigantic modern specialist hospital . The commissioner further elucidated the fact that the hospital will serve four immediate local government areas of Ayamelum , Anambra-east , Anambra-west and Oyi respectively. He said they would benefit immensely from the care the hospital will provide stressing that the goal is to bring medical tourism to Anambra state even as he pointed out that the likes of Ekwulobia General Hospital in the South Senatorial Zone , Enugwu-Ukwu General Hospital in the Central Senatorial Zone and Onitsha General Hospital in the North Senatorial Zone are all currently receiving treatments and at various stages of completion . The Chief Executive Officer of Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Rev.Father Chimaobi Okoye who disclosed that the hospital was the place of birth of Governor Willie Obiano when it was a maternity , said the clinic had been in existence since 1950 and that they were delighted that the governor has transformed the place of his birth to a world class hospital to ameliorate the state of health care delivery in the area . While the governor Chief Dr. Willie Obiano during the formal commissioning of the Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri said his administration has restated its commitment to partner the mission as well as other key players in the health sector for effective and quality healthcare services in Anambra state . However the ground-breaking ceremony commenced with a Holy Mass officiated by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha Archidiocese Most Rev.Valerian Okoye together with the Auxiliary Bishop of Onitsha Archidiocese Most Rev.Dennis Isizo alongside other catholic priests while the likes of the traditional ruler of Aguleri community Igwe Michael Idigo , his Umueri counterpart Igwe Sir Ben Izuchukwu Emeka , the Chief of Staff Mr.Primus Odili , Special Adviser to Governor Willie Obiano on Political Matters Barr.Ifeatu Obi-Okoye and a host of other very distinguished personalities attended the grand opening of the Immaculate Heart Multi-Specialist Hospital Aguleri in Anambra-east local government area of Anambra state .

POLITICS The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Stakeholders deplore monarch’s alleged high-handedness •Elders council passes vote of no confidence in him, suspends chairman of vigilante group

From Nsukka, CHINAZOMU OKENWA reports of creeping restlessness in the agrarian village of Imufu in Enugu-Ezike town, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State over alleged high-handedness of the community’s traditional ruler.

•Gov. Ugwuanyi Ugwuanyi


here is an uneasy calm in Imufu, a community in Enugu-Ezike, in IgboEze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, following a vote of no confidence in its traditional ruler, Igwe Remigius Attah. The Imufu Elders’ Council passed the vote of no confidence in the monarch in the wake of protest by youths over what they described as the monarch’s highhandedness, impunity and alleged maladministration of the community. The oldest man and spiritual leader of Imufu, Oluoha Mamah Apeh who addressed reporters said Igwe Attah had been ruling the community as his fiefdom, disclosing that there had been several court cases in the community in the past 11 years following his emergence in controversial circumstances but that the elders council had been managing it until the Igwe decided to impose the chairman of the Neighbourhood watch on the people. Said the Oluoha: “Imufu is a peaceful community. The Igwe came to my palace during one of the regular meetings of the council of elders to complain that the suspended chairman of the Neighbourhood Watch…is not competent and that he had not been transparent in his handling of money and other issues affecting the Neighbourhood Watch. “All of the elders deliberated on the matter and invited the said Chairman to defend the allegations levelled against

•Comrade uwakwe Ezeja

him by the Igwe, who incidentally is his supervisor, but he refused to defend himself. He told us that he was not accountable to the community but the governor. The Igwe, President General of the Town Union, chairmen of Neighbourhood Watch at both Enugu and Igboeze North and security agencies were here when we suspended him and wrote letters to appropriate authorities in that regard. “We also asked his deputy, Augustine Iyidah to act in his position while the community investigated the suspended chairman. Augustine Iyidah is the vice chairman of the Neighbourhood Watch, so it was proper for him to act in the absence of the chairman. “However, the next thing we saw was that Remigius went back to the suspended Neighbourhood Watch Chairman and both reported the acting chairman and 16 other members of the vigilante group to the police saying they were impersonators. So, whom were they impersonating? “These are people who are married with wives and children and providing free services to us. He did not consult the elders, the Town Union President or any of the stakeholders, because he thinks he is the sole administrator of Imufu, and we then decided to cry aloud so that the Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi will hear our cries and save us from the tyranny of Remigius Attah. “In fact, trouble started when the mon-

arch, Igwe Remigius Attah, defied the order issued by the state governor, which asked each community to consult key stakeholders before selecting the members of the vigilante group. Attah, instead, singlehandedly selected those alleged to be his cronies and men of questionable characters and imposed them on the community.” The Onyishi, who was visibly angry at the duo’s actions, said while addressing the Elders Council, that the monarch and the suspended Neighbourhood Watch Chairman have assaulted the authority, which the community reposed in him as the eldest in the land by taking laws into their hands. He explained that the monarch was in the meeting where the community agreed to the governor’s order to consult the critical stakeholders before selecting members of the vigilante group, adding that he was disappointed to hear that the Igwe decided to select men with criminal records and questionable characters into the security group without consulting anybody, a situation which, according to him, would further plunge the community into worse security status. The eldest man also frowned at the arrest and detention of Iyida and his security personnel, who he said were going about their lawful duties of safeguarding the community from breakdown of law and order.

He said the community had passed vote of no confidence in the monarch and the suspended chairman of the vigilante and would not associate with them until further notice. Reacting to the development, another member of the elders council, Joseph Ogbuja Ali said the community decided to suspend the former chairman due to his alleged corrupt tendencies, alleging that he had been collecting N7000 each from any community member whom his vigilance team found guilty of going against their easy-to-break rules. He also alleged that he had been going to widows’ houses at odd hours to demand security levies, which, according him, has made some widows faint on some occasions because they were harassed with guns. The Town Union President, Lawrence Mamah, when contacted said: “We agreed that the chairman of our Neighbourhood Watch be suspended due to his alleged illegal activities so that his deputy, Augustine Iyida, will take over in acting capacity from him. Along the line, he reneged and that was where the problem started. “The governor said that he will recruit 5,200 members of neighbourhood watch in the state and that the monarch, the town union President, church leaders and other critical stakeholders should come together and select the people that should form the watch group. “To my greatest surprise, when I returned from the meeting with the state governor where this issue was discussed, I learnt that our monarch, without consulting anybody, selected some criminal elements to be in the Neighbourhood Watch group... “Even the widows in Imufu protested against him for exploitation. He was suspended because of his irreconcilable activities,” Mamah said. Also, reacting to the vote of no confidence in him by his community, the monarch, Igwe Attah, said he was being attacked because he refused to endorse the suspension of Mr. Augustine Eze, the Neighbourhood Watch Chairman. He said he also refused to sign the list of watchmen brought to him by the Elders Council because he had already endorsed the one brought by the suspended chairman as he was the one recognised by the government. Also, when contacted, the suspended chairman, Augustine Eze said he was not aware of his suspension, adding that only the state government, and not his community, has the power to remove him, just as he denied all the allegations of misconduct levelled against him. The youths who carried placards at the Onyishi’s palace also protested, asking for the removal of the monarch and the suspended chairman. Some of their placards read: “Augustine Eze not our neighbourhood Watch Chairman; Augustine Eze not Chairman of Imufu Neigbbourhood Watch; we need peace and development; not police harassment/ cases; Imufu in 11 years of Igwe crises: Enough is enough,” and “we don’t need criminals as members of neighbourhood watch,” among others.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


The Dead Sea: The only place where a Palestinian can give orders to an Israeli The Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth, also offers the only beach open to West Bank Palestinians, write GIDEON LEVY and ALEX LEVAC


ie on your back” – in 12 languages. In Korean, for example: “Tora do.” It’s only in Japanese that he doesn’t know how to say it, because the Japanese don’t come here, he says. They work hard, he explains, so they don’t have time to travel. On top of which, their Foreign Ministry warns that it’s dangerous here. Welcome to the realm of hallucination, the place where most notions unravel, the lowest place in the world, and apparently the only place where a Palestinian can give orders to an Israeli. It’s also the only seashore to which West Bank Palestinians have access; in their language, too, it’s called the Dead Sea. Tens of thousands of children who live less than an hour’s drive from the Mediterranean grow up without ever seeing this body of water. Even at this sea of death, they can only get to the leftovers – the only sliver of the beach that’s in their territory and is supposed to be under their control – although it is under Jewish ownership, of course. “Lie on your back” in 12 languages, courtesy of Mohammed Haddad, a Palestinian lifeguard from Jericho, who’s been working at Kalya beach, at the Dead Sea, for the past 11 years. The Dead Sea is dying here, too, receding apace from the land in a melancholy scene. There are three regulated beaches along the Palestinian Dead Sea, north of the checkpoint at Dragot that prevents them from entering Israel proper. These three beaches are Jewish-owned. They were all buzzing this week, during Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice – marking Ibraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, out of obedience to God. The area was packed with Palestinian

cars, Israeli cars and busloads of tourists from around the world. This is their only sea, yet in the past few years there has been a decline in the number of Palestinian vacationers coming here. That is due to the high prices charged for entry, combined with the deterioration of their economy, as well as the opening of more and more water parks and swimming pools in West Bank cities. The initial enthusiasm over this place has worn off, too. About 12 years ago, after access to these beaches was denied during the second intifada – despite the fact that they are under official Palestinian control – they were reopened. At first the Palestinians came in their masses to see the wonder: the sea. “But now they’ve gotten used to it,” says Haddad, the lifeguard. Even so, here on the shores of the Dead Sea,in the broiling August heat, scenes were played out this week that you won’t see anywhere else. The beach at Kalya originated in 1929 as a place where miners working for the Palestine Potash Company at the Dead Sea would sleep during the week. Three years later, the Kalya Seaside and Health Resort, Ltd. was founded under joint British, Jewish and Arab ownership – something rare, even for those days. Some years later, a hotel opened at the site; its guests included the king of Jordan, David Ben-Gurion and Arturo Toscanini. Following the years of Jordanian rule, an Israeli army base was established there, which in 1974 morphed into a kibbutz – a settlement in every respect. The source of the name is the Latin word for potassium, kalium. But it is

also said that Kalya is a Hebrew acronym for “the Dead Sea returns to life,” and the government names committee maintained in 1980 that the origin of the name is a local plant, mentioned in the Talmud. But such a plant was never found here. Kibbutz-settlement Kalya owns the beach. The late Prime Minister Shimon Peres once waxed poetic in praise of Kalya: “City of refuge, realm of the imagination, end command post, desperate hope… You can travel to it, but never reach it.” This week we reached it. It’s unlikely that Peres had in mind what we saw. A ghost camp leads to the beach that disappeared. These are the huts of the Jordanian Army, which became the barracks of the Israel Defense Forces Nahal Brigade outpost that preceded the kibbutz, completely desolate now for decades. About a year and a half ago, artists from all over the world were recruited to paint colorful wall pictures on the remaining structures there as part of something called Gallery Minus 430, the lowest artistic project in the world, like everything else here. Only Palestinian and Jordanian painters couldn’t be found for the undertaking, which was supposed to signify coexistence. It’s not really a gallery but a collection of buildings, not all of which were painted, but it’s still a very colorful sight. Above the abandoned base is another abandoned project, Atraktsia (Attraction) water park, which shut down in the early 2000s, when the second intifada erupted. Itai Maor, 32, who manages the beach and was one of the initiators of the gallery project, was born in Kalya to parents who were among the founders of the settlement. In his eyes, as in the eyes of most Israelis, this is a kibbutz, no way it’s a settlement. But, I ask, we’re in the occupied territories, right? “That’s a joke. I promote peace more than all the politicians. My parents established a home in the desert,” says Maor. “No one would have settled here

in their place” – the age-old claim of Zionism. He sees the beach he manages as a microcosm. In the morning there are Palestinian vacationers celebrating the Festival of the Sacrifice. And in the evening there is separate bathing for the ultra-Orthodox, during the period of bein hazmanim, the “between the times” vacation period for yeshiva students, lasting nearly three weeks from the fast day of Tisha B’Av until the start of the Hebrew month of Elul. “And the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb.” Maybe the country will look like that some day. Almost all of the 60 employees of the beach site are from nearby Jericho. Muhand Hawati, from Tul Karm, is in the bar – “the lowest bar in the world” – drinking a Heineken. A driver who transports workers to a checkpoint and back, he can drink beer here without getting snide looks. There’s no beer to be had in his city; the closest place to buy alcohol is Nablus, thanks to the Samaritans residing there. The bar here offers mojitos, margaritas and Aperol Spritz for inflated prices almost like those at Tel Aviv’s Banana Beach. Hawati is wearing a large, gilded Versace watch, maybe genuine, maybe fake. He says he left his wife and children at home and is here with friends. It’s not his first visit. The entrance price of 60 shekels ($17) for an adult makes a family outing here impossible for most Palestinians. Only those who work in Israel can afford it, says Mahmoud Hisham, a 39-year-old construction worker from A-Ram, which abuts Jerusalem on the northeast. He has an entry permit to Israel and of late has been working in Rishon Letzion. “This is our only sea,” he says, “but bringing your family here will run you 500 shekels. If you work in the territories, that’s 10 workdays. I work in Israel, so I can come here once or twice a year. We only have two holidays, not like you. If I worked in Ramallah, I wouldn’t be able to afford it. For you people, 500 shekels isn’t a lot; for us it’s a great


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


deal.” Hisham is here with his wife, Halima, and their three daughters. Two other children stayed home; his car holds only five people. The swimming pools in Jericho have a cold-water fountain, but there isn’t one here, he complains. The beach offers a somewhat surrealistic panorama: There are bathers smeared in grayish mud from head to foot. The color of the mud matches the uniform of the Border Police – though only we make that connection. Most of the Palestinians don’t do the mud thing. With the body covered in it, identity is obscured and it’s hard to tell who’s who – a tourist from Mexico, a pilgrim from Korea, an Israeli from Sakhnin or a Palestinian from Jenin. Everyone is mired in it. Women in their traditional black dresses float on the surface of the water. Nearby are women in bikinis. A national-religious Jewish family occupies easy chairs. The smoke of barbecues rises from above. Atop his tower, Haddad, the lifeguard, bides his time in a straw hammock, swaying from side to side, his eyes darting about ceaselessly in every direction. He issues orders constantly through a loudspeaker in his host of languages. “Don’t go far, it’s dangerous,” in Hebrew. “Lie on your back,” in Arabic. “Lie on your back and relax,” in Russian. “Pay attention, there are holes,” in Italian. “Don’t go past the buoys,” in Spanish. “It’s very hot today, you need to drink,” in Chinese. “Roll, or just relax,” in English. Haddad, 39, was a driver who transported workers from Jericho to Kalya, until 11 years ago a friend from Kalya told him that they were looking for a lifeguard. He learned the profession at a pool in Jericho. Since then he’s been here, at the beach he loves. He is less muscle-bound than a typical Israeli lifeguard, with Ray-Ban shades covering his eyes and binoculars on a tripod. “People think it’s like a swimming pool and that you can do anything here,” he says, in an annoyed voice. One

•The Dead Sea person a year dies here on average, usually from a heart attack in the water. No Palestinian or Israeli has drowned here, however. “People from this country know how to swim,” says Haddad. About 85 percent of the visitors are from abroad, Maor, the manager, says. Haddad: “The Palestinians aren’t like the Israelis. The Palestinian sees the sea and is thrilled. They jump into the water, don’t know it’s salt. For those things, there are lifeguards. The best are the Americans. They do exactly what they’re told. They have a brain. After them come the Russians. Disciplined. Japanese don’t come here, so I didn’t learn Japanese.” A few times a year, Haddad obtains a permit and goes to the beach in Tel Aviv. “Here it’s a closed sea. It’s not an open ocean, like in Tel Aviv.” There have been no fights here between Arabs and Jews over national-political issues, he says. “Arabs will sometimes go and look at a bikini. For the Arab the bikini is forbidden. Sometimes they will take a picture of the bikini. That sometimes causes

tension, but it’s not connected to politics.” To work here, Haddad needs a permit from the Civil Administration – “Work Permit for Judea and Samaria Region” – as in every settlement. People come here from every part of the West Bank, most of all from Hebron, notes Haddad: “In Hebron they have money. The Hebronites are like the Israelis – they know how to make money.” Opposite us are the luxury hotels on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea. Haddad’s sister lives in Jordan, he’s been there quite a few times. One time he rented a water motorcycle and rode around in the water next to his wellkept beach in Kalya. The menu of the lowest bar in the world is in English and Hebrew only. Almost the whole staff is from Jericho. Falafel, sabih and schnitzel, “Israeli” food. Greek music. The internet site of the neighboring beach, Neve Midbar (Desert Oasis), declares, “The beach hosts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year: tourists from every part of

the world, as well as Israeli families and organized groups.” Are the hundreds of Palestinians who this week filled the parking lot of Neve Midbar beach counted among the Israelis, or perhaps among the organized groups? Says Hawati, the driver from Tul Karm: “The way we’re sitting here together, Jews and Arabs – what’s the big deal?” A blue Star of David is emblazoned on the sign of the third beach here, which is called Biankini. In Jericho, a huge line has formed at the entrance to Water Land park, and local ushers are directing the traffic. The sculpture of the “Key of the Return,” at the entrance to the city, is hidden in the shade of the trees. The casino has been shut down for a long time, Mickey Mouse is handing out flyers for the water park on the main highway, and sheep sprawl miserably in a narrow, makeshift pen by the side of the road, waiting their turn to be slaughtered. •Courtesy: Haaretz, Israeli English Language newspaper

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019

EDUCATION A Abia Poly yet t 25, Abia State Polytechnic, founded in 1994 seems to have experienced more of vicissitudes than progress. Years of mismanagement has almost relegated the state owned polytechnic to the backwaters of academic progression and excellence. For about a decade now, the institution has been mired in intractable industrial disputes occasioned by a failure of some past managements to meet their obligations to the staff, leading to deterioration of staff welfare and a disruption of the school academic calendar, leaving the school in disarray. The government continued to tinker with the management in a bid to recapture the reputation of the school as a centre of excellence, an institution poised to continually open the vista of polytechnic education to teeming Abia youth. As the decline continued, the government inaugurated committees to unravel the problems besetting the institution. Findings by the committees were not cheering. For instance, the former Commissioner for Finance, Mr Obinna Oriaku, told news men in February 2017, that corruption, a bloated workforce, amongst others, constituted the greatest woes of Abia Poly. According to Oriaku, the school had 99 gatemen manning the two gates of the institution while 30 persons worked in the canteen; 40 more worked in the school library and 50 in the medical unit, with three matrons and doctors. Worse still, the school revenue travelled in different directions as collection of school fees and other revenues were done manually even when the institution had 44 accounts in about 23 banks. By the time Prof. Ezionye Eboh assumed office on February 7, 2017 as the Rector of Abia Poly, it was clear that the school was in great dilemma and in dire need of drastic “surgical operation.” Eboh, a Professor of Management, with his management team, set out to work, with the belief that “God who brought us here will do that which no man can do,” because of myriads of seemingly insurmountable problems, which confronted them. According to Eboh, some of the challenges his administration inherited included a staff strength of 1, 400, over 100 part-time lecturers, a monthly average wage bill of N180 million; arrears of honorarium to part-time lecturers dating to the 2014/2015 sessions and a monthly average pension of N5.5 million; overdue bank facility of N164 million with Union Bank Plc, a court judgement debt of N119 million in favour of EO Jonas & Associates, seven and half months unpaid salary, 15 months arrears of pension, huge unremitted union checkoff dues, Cooperative Society contributions, unremitted PAYE deductions and back duty audit liabilities; gratuity debts of over N300 million and liabilities to contractors as well as unremitted TETFund Academic Staff Training Sponsorships to the beneficiaries, among others. The institution was also plagued by high level of truancy among employees, even as the school management portal deployed by Lioydant remained dormant, which accounted for revenue leakages due to a manual collection process and control lapses; suspension of TETFund intervention on projects in the school because three of its projects were abandoned as a result of the inability of past managements to account for the funds. Other pressing problems were recurrent industrial action that interrupted flow of academic activities, shutdown of strategic business units like the school bakery, pepperoni, guest house and bookshop. With zeal and determination, the Ebohled management team confronted these issues and recorded tremendous successes in two years. To check truancy, the management introduced a biometric clock-in system and after various age and certificate verification exercises, staff strength was reduced to 1, 252, and part-time lecturers to 60. Accordingly, the monthly average wage

to reach full potential, says Rector Abia State Polytechnic, the state’s premier polytechnic, has fallen on hard times. Prof. Ezionye Eboh was drafted from Abia State University to rescue the polytechnic. BONIFACE OKORO examines the task and the efforts to reposition the institution.

•Prof. Ezionye Eboh

bill has dropped to N165 million and monthly average pension increased to N6.5m. Arrears of honorarium to part-time lecturers has been paid up to 2017/2018 session in most departments, just as 10 months salaries were paid to staff in 2017 and 2018 respectively, while pensioners were paid for 10 months in 2017 and nine months in 2018, with remittance of union check-off dues for the same period. The management has paid off the Union Bank facility of N164 million and is currently free of any fresh bank liability. It has been paying gratuities and servicing contractors as fund permit. Eboh explained that in order to liquidate the PAYE arrears, the management

reached an understanding with Abia State Board of Internal Revenue and has been honouring that agreement. To address revenue leakages, the management activated the dormant management portal to drive admissions, screening, fee payment, e-receipt, course registration, clearance and online result functionalities. Expectedly, revenue leakages have been eliminated as all fee collections go through the portal and direct to the bank now. Also, the school business outfits have been reactivated. The management also restarted the abandoned three TETFund intervention projects. The auditorium is at painting stage, the two-storey classroom block at Osisioma, the permanent site of the insti-

16 tution, is at plastering stage while the science block has been roofed. In response to this step, TETFund has restored interventions to the polytechnic with construction of three new blocks of classrooms and offices going on simultaneously at Osisioma. Apart from tackling the challenges it inherited, the Eboh-led management has made forays into new areas. It was gathered that the management has attracted the most academic staff training sponsorship to employees, teaching and non-teaching, including overseas scholarships, with no beneficiary having his fund misapplied or diverted. Still, in its bid to improve the quality of education in the school, the management has equally deployed and launched a campus-wide wifi internet facility for the community and established a collaboration with ICT University of Louisiana, USA, for e-learning, exchange and scholarship programmes to benefit teaching staff and students. It has attracted College of Maritime Studies for courses in Marine and shipping as well as Minda Technologies for courses in cell phone repairs, both on PPP bases, as well as signed an MoU with Association of Tailors and Fashion Designers (ATFAD) and Leather Products Manufacturers Association of Nigeria for three months training programme on basic skills for doing business for artisans. Similarly, the management has an MoU with GreenField Health Insurance Providers for students to access health care at no extra cost from anywhere in the country. Most importantly, the management has been able to manage relationship with industrial unions to achieve peace. This is responsible for normalization academic programmes. With all these efforts, Abia Poly is being repositioned as a front liner in the comity of polytechnics in Nigeria. “I want to also let you know that Abia State Polytechnic is one of the best technologically-driven institutions in this country. In one of our policy meetings at National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), the regulatory body for polytechnic education in the country, last year, we received a standing ovation as the best technologically-driven institution in the country,” Ezionye told The Oracle Todayin his office in Aba. He added: “We are not yet there, let no man be deceived. We are not yet where we want to be but every step we take is geared at ensuring that we fulfill the dreams of the founding fathers.” Aside from the students, he said the school was striving to impact on its host community and add value to innovation skills of industrialists in Aba. The Rector said: “It wasn’t for nothing that the founding fathers chose Aba for the location of this institution. Aba is the Japan of Africa. There is no invention in any part of the world, whether in China or Japan or any part of Europe that you will not see in Aba the next day; we can do it and we can do it better. “And as the second most important public institution in the state, we are doing everything to partner with the industry. We have remarkable inventions already and we are providing the needed education for the artisans to ensure that they meet the needed requirements for the 21st Century.” He attributed the successes recorded by his management so far to “team work. For us at the management, team work is critical and this is what has got us to where we are. It is difficult to move an inch these days without collaboration, without team work, without partnership, without the synergy, without tapping the best from individuals and so we will continue to do that. “Since 2017, we have not had any crack in this management because at each point we will always agree. “We will give our all, our best, to ensure that Abia Poly is exemplary and used as a positive reference point.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019



he growth and opportunity displayed by a diverse spread of international funds, DFIs, Banks, PE firms, institutional investors and others is evidence that despite apparent indifference to African opportunities in SA boardrooms, the continent’s real estate sector has evolved As Central and Eastern Europe become increasingly popular for South Africa’s property sector due to subdued growth potential and earnings locally, should these funds not be investing closer to home? This is the view of Kfir Rusin, the host of the most significant annual gathering of capital investors in African real estate, the 10th annual Africa Property Investment (API) Summit taking place on October 2 & 3 in Johannesburg, whose stakeholders have been more active in the first half 2019 than in the previous 24 months. “In the first two quarters of 2019, we’ve tracked 10 significant transactions in excess of more than half a billion dollars across multiple jurisdictions and sectors by API Summit stakeholders,” says Rusin. The growth and opportunity displayed by a diverse spread of International funds, DFIs, Banks, PE firms, institutional investors and others is evidence that despite apparent indifference to African opportunities in SA boardrooms, the continent’s real estate sector has evolved, and become increasingly more liquid and provides value in key nodes and sectors. Some of the most high-profile deals include well known listed funds and global investors including Growthpoint Investec African Properties Investment Fund (GIAPF); Grit Real Estate Income Group; WeWork, Centum Real Estate, Nedbank; Standard Bank, the IFC and the UK’s CDC. For investors and developers looking for data and partners experienced in African development or looking to sell prime assets, these are the men and women responsible for structuring and executing these mega deals who will be at this year’s conference, confirmed Rusin. These include GIAPF’s Managing Director Thomas Reilly; Grit’s CEO Bronwyn Corbett; multiple senior investment officers from the IFC; Standard Bank’s Head of Africa real estate, Niyi Adeleye, the CDC’s Illaria Benucci, Centum’s RE MD Samuel Kariuki and many more in attendance. “The market has moved forward in the past six months, and we’re thrilled that so many major dealmakers will be at the API Summit to transact and share their experiences with our delegates,” he says. These high value transactions, while not a repudiation of the South African listed sector’s muted view of the African opportunity, do provide a compelling narrative that the continent’s property markets are investable, but require nuance and insights. It’s not simply a copy and paste what’s worked here (SA) will work elsewhere says Rusin. According to noted real estate analyst Craig Smith of Anchor Stockbrokers, Africa’s top markets are “definitely a more attractive entry point than 18-24 months ago” but cautions that investors still need to exercise a “higher level of diligence” when investing. And while deal many South African funds continue to look at Central and Eastern Europe for scale (sizeable transactions) and positive funding spreads, says Smith, the transaction spread by API Summit’s investors point to a market that is expanding, which is in line

Billions poised for Africa’s real estate sector

with his view that the “the opportunity set over the long term is immense.” Says Rusin: “We’re witnessing sophisticated deal structuring in Affordable Housing; Hospitality; Logistics; Office spaces and Mixed use, across countries and regions.” Top 10 African Real Estate Deals in 2019 •Growthpoint Investec African Property Fund to acquire malls in Ghana & Zambia Deal Size: Undisclosed •Centum RE & Nedbank ±$75M Debt Deal for their Two Rivers development project Deal Size: $75M •IFC invests in Hilton in Lusaka Protea Hotel (Zambia) Deal Size: $9M •African Logistics Properties (ALP) Signs Debt restructuring deal with Standard Bank

Deal Size: $26.5M •Shelter Afrique in Affordable Housing Deal with Habitat International Deal Size: $100M •Grit buys Senegal Club Med Deal Size: $12.5M with development plans of $28.8M •CDC commits to mezzanine debt investment in Teyliom Hospitality Deal Size: $30.7M •WeWork opens its first of many African Office locations in Johannesburg Deal Size: Undisclosed •Actis & Shapoorji launch affordable housing Joint Venture in Kenya Deal Size: $120M •Westpark & Siemens to build sustainable industrial Park Deal Size: Undisclosed Regarded among local and international decision makers as

Africa’s Property gathering, the API Summit is recognized as a platform for investing, but is also vital in developing deeper layers of transparency for investors looking to meet and understand the continent’s divergent and complex markets to avoid previous mistakes committed by SA developers. As Smith comments, “Africa’s markets are still relatively opaque, and it is vital that these markets continue with their efforts to improve transparency.” Adding that, “The experience of GIAPF is crucial in my view as this will provide evidence of performance to the SA market.” The Africa Property Investment Summit (API): The Africa Property Investment Summit (API) is Africa’s largest and most premier real estate event.

Over the past ten years, the African Property Investment (API) Summit has helped formalise Africa’s emerging real estate markets. During this period the investment case on the continent has evolved, and today Africa’s divergent markets require dynamic and inspired business strategies that prioritize affordability, future demand, sustainability and inclusive economic growth. As we move into the next cycle of development, this year’s conference theme – Africa RE-Inspired – will reveal: • How Africa’s real estate markets have formalised over the last decade • How global real estate trends will impact its future • How the African real estate investment case compares to other emerging markets •CULLED FROM APO GROUP


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Why IPOB must stick to non-violence....

Continued from Page 4 can never be. “All the Igbo leaders will get their own share of Ekweremmadu experience because they are there to protect our interest but they are not doing it. Instead, they are the ones giving the Fulani people opportunity to come and do what they want with our land. “What we want to let them know is that we want Biafra and they have to rise up and speak for their people. So, when once they rise up to speak for their people, nobody will attack them. And for the fact that they are not speaking for their people and allow Fulani herdsmen to carry cows into our land, rape our wives and kill our children, what do you want our people to do? “They are just showing their grievances and what happened there was an international disgrace so that the world will start asking questions about what is going on in Nigeria. “IPOB is here to restore Biafra and Umahi will get his own when-

ever he travels abroad and a token of one million naira has been set aside by our leader as a bounty to anyone who gives information about the travel itinerary of Umahi and other Igbo leaders.” Meanwhile, Umahi attributed the attack on Ekweremmadu in Germany to illiteracy, insisting no educated individual or group will take such action. Umahi who spoke at flag off of Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) at Akanu Ibiam International Conference Centre Abakaliki said lack of education causes frustration. He said: “I was addressing the press today on the unfortunate attack of our brother the former Deputy Senate President, Ekweremadu in Germany. Those that attacked him were not medical doctors or Engineers or Lawyers or Chief Executives of parastatals or industries. “Even if they were the least educated people of IPOB members, they wouldn’t do what they did. And so, it is lack of education. Lack of education brings frus-

trations and that is a clear case of what happened. “And so as we make efforts today, to bring back these children who probably would be attacking us in England, or in America tomorrow. “We should know that the slogan in our dear state that every child is your child; whether is your biological child or not. We should bear in mind that the only way to safeguard the future of your children and your own future and to have a very peaceful evening, is to preserve the future of the children”.

Igboezue condemns attack on Ekweremadu, tasks FG on security THE Igboezue International Association of Nigeria and in the Diaspora (IIAND), an Igbo socio cultural group, has condemned the attack on former deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu in Nuremberg, Germany by members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). At the end of its National Ex-

#NanoCell – LG’s Best LCD TV • Outstanding Color and Clarity from Every Seat in the House


s a market leader in consumer electronics, LG is committed to ensuring innovation remains at the forefront of its television lineup. Over the years, LG Electronics (LG) has fine-tuned its premium LCD TV offerings. LG’s advanced televisions have been rebranded under the NanoCell TV name to highlight their NanoCell Display technology. LG’s NanoCell TVs provide a clear and distinct brand identity, which emphasizes their capabilities to provide a more vivid array of colours and outstanding picture quality from a range of perspectives. Until recently, larger families and groups would have to sit strategically to ensure they were in view of the TV. With the introduction of IPS displays, consumers can now benefit from wide viewing angles and watch content with ease. Advancing this, LG’s NanoCell technology was developed out of the desire to enhance viewer experience further. Using Nano Color, LG’s NanoCell TVs reproduce pure colour by applying nanoparticles which work as purifiers to filter dull colours and enhance purity. With a richer colour palette, NanoCell TV supports over one billion colours, with added vibrancy and clarity. Crucially, these colours are not

simply overamplified or filtered for dramatic effect. They are more understated in their difference, providing accurate colours for a greater sense of realism, from a range of viewpoints. LG’s NanoCell televisions also feature Nano Black – controlling backlight units individually to render deeper shades of black in finer detail. With Full Array Dimming, NanoCell TVs preserve contrast and minimize light bleeding – ideal when watching darker scenes. LG’s 2019 NanoCell series comprises of fourteen AI-enabled models, in sizes varying from 49 to 75 inches, including the flagship 75inch 8K LCD TV (model SM99). The company’s 86-inch 4K NanoCell TV model was recognized at the start of the year with a CES 2019 Innovation Award. Featuring intelligent processors, NanoCell TVs can analyze content and deploy a deep-learning algorithm to heighten picture and sound quality. Many of LG’s NanoCell TVs also support premium HDR content, mastered by Dolby Vision™. Dolby’s technology sets a new standard in image quality, dramatically expanding the color palette and contrast range, optimizing picture quality for the screen frame by frame.

Complimenting advanced visual capabilities, new NanoCell TVs also make use of Dolby Atmos®, the company’s revolutionary audio technology designed to enable sound to flow around the room and users in three-dimensional space. With elevated clarity, richness, detail and depth, NanoCell TV owners can benefit from more engaging and immersive content. “The Middle East and Africa market in which we are continuing to experience vast technological advancement. As more consumers become tech-savvy, they require more immersive experiences and expect the best from their home electronics. At LG, our philosophy follows a people-orientated approach, designed to provide customer value and new opportunities for our consumers around the world. We are proud to be leading the way with our NanoCell TV range, ideal for large families and social groups. LG will continue to invest in innovation and keep people at the heart of what we do,” said Mr. James Lee, President of LG Electronics Middle East and Africa. The NanoCell models currently available in the Nigerian market are the UK75 and SK80, series ranging from 55 to 65 inch sizes.

ecutive Council (NEC) meeting in Awka, the Anambra State capital, Monday, IIAND called for the establishment of State Police, to tackle the myriad of security challenges facing the ethnic nationalities in the country. Addressing newsmen after the Awka meeting, the President General of the Association Chief Pius Uchenna Okoye described as unfortunate the attack on Ekweremadu, saying such action is not in tandem with Igbo culture and traditions, as the Igbo are known to respect their elders. Notwithstanding the reason for the attack, Igboezue noted that “IPOB behaved in a manner, which we totally condemn.” Okoye described as worrisome, the security challenges in the country, and called for the convocation of a security summit by the ethnic nationalities, to proffer a lasting solution to the menace. He noted that no nation could thrive under insecurity and that unless urgent measures are taken by the Federal and State governments, the country risk becoming a jungle. The Igboezue Chieftain described as a bad omen, the incidence of killings and armed banditry in the country today, which if not addressed is capable of plunging the nation into anarchy. He tasked the Federal Government to live up to its primary responsibility of securing lives and properties of the citizenry. Said Okoye: “Recently in Enugu State, a Catholic Priest Rev. Father Offu, was killed by suspected armed herdsmen. Two days later within the same axis, a traditional ruler and his wife were kidnapped, with their abductors demanding huge some of money for ransom. “Our hearts bleed over these incidents, just as our heartfelt sympathy goes to the family of the slain Priest, and the people of Enugu. We are glad that arrests have been made.” He told the newsmen that the group supports the position of the South East Governors on the controversial Ruga scheme by the Federal Government. According to him Ruga cannot be implemented in the South East “because we have no land for such.” The Igboezue leadership also called on the Federal Government to hasten work on the second Niger bridge and to also rehabilitate the eastern highways, which are in terrible shape especially with the impact of the raining season on the roads. Ndigbo must balance passion and reason The Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) in a statement signed by Professor Uzodinma Nwala (President), Professor Nath Aniekwu (Deputy Secretary) and Dr. Onyi Gbujie (Secretary) the Foundation bemoaned “the grave historical circumstances that have given rise to such incident.” They stated that, “we have had occasion in the recent past to advice that we, Ndigbo, must balance passion for our freedom with political realism based on strategic planning in the current struggle for survival. “In the light of the current lifeand-death struggle of our people, extreme state of humiliation and provocation – yes, in the light of the brutal occupation and seizure of our ancestral land, destruction of our farm lands and the imminent starvation that stare us in

the face, only a man who has no conscience, only heartless men who live for their property, can look the other way while the people are faced with starvation and death. “The recent incident in Germany may be seen as a case of a people overwhelmed by their feelings of what their people are going through in Nigeria and what they consider the failure of those who claim to be their political leaders. “But in doing so, they lost rational control of their emotion, they felt that they were living in a democratic environment as against the fascist regime in their land. In their assumption of the free society in which they live and act, they failed to realize that the same society, is under international law and protocol which determine how they judge incidents affecting those with diplomatic status. “The enemies of our people are going to call for their heads, screaming “Deport them and hand them over to the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Fulani butchers.” But is that the way to go. The answer is definitely no. “Those who understand the extreme situation that have driven them to the frenzy of being dominated by their passion would wish they are not so treated. Therefore, we call on our brothers and sisters involved in the German show to acknowledge that they allowed themselves to be overwhelmed by emotion. “That is what the lawyers call justified anger, and this may be one such case. Hence, it is our duty not to call for their heads, but ask that justice be tempered with mercy, and first ask our brother, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, to forgive the embarrassment. “As a politician, he should know that throwing of eggs and raw tomatoes are part of the common experience of those who go into partisan politics. He should also consider that we non-parliamentarians are used to watching similar scenes in the Parliament where his colleagues fight, tear each other’s shirts, break mace, etc. The next session they are back cracking jokes with their assailants. “As for IPOB we must continue to caution that passion must be married to strategic reason and experience. They must learn how to express justified anger. They must learn to work with their patriotic elders. “IPOB and other pro-Biafra and pan-Igbo organizations are important actors in our struggle, and we must ensure they continue to play positive role in our struggle. At least, they are not like the Myetti Allah who defend the murderous Fulani Herdsmen and make no pretenses about their desire to take over our ancestral lands. “This incident raises one nagging limitation in the political life of Ndigbo today. There is a yawning gap between those in political authority and the people; we mean the people in their various organized groups. This is bad for a people under siege as we are at this critical moment in our history. “Politicians reach out to the people only during the election period, to offer them peanuts in order to get their votes. After that they run away to Abuja and only come back home again to humour them during certain social events. Like the proverbial ostrich, the politicians pretend that the people are just simpletons. But it is they who are simpletons, who do not appreciate how much the people know, their patience and their power.”


BU$IN£SS The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019







NSE: Market sheds N185.9b on economic gloom BY KAYODE OGUNWALE


he equity market continued to plunge deeper into the negative region at the end of last week transactions, reducing hopes of a nearterm rebound as investors continued to price stocks lower, in absence of bold economic reforms. The Nigerian Stock Exchange All Share Index declined by 1.4 percent week on week to end the week at 26,925.29 points, breaching the 27,000 support level. Additionally, year till date return touched a new low of -14.3 percent while market capitalization shed N185.9 billion to close the week at N13.1 trillion. Activity levels in the market were up, as average value and volume traded rose 45.1 percent week on week and 12.1 percent week on week respectively. Market watchers tagged the week “Downhill”, as all major sector indices closed the week at lower levels. The Consumer Goods lost 6.6 percent during the week as sector index plunged the most, owing to price declines in Nestle Nigeria Plc to the tune of 10.0 percent and NASCON with -10.0 percent. Also, the Oil & Gas dropped -1.9 percent, Banking sub-sector with -1.2 percent, Industrial Goods with -1.2 percent and Insurance -3.9 percent sector indices trended southwards, dragged by sell-offs in Oando (-9.5%), Stanbic IBTC (-13.4%), Lafarge Africa (-6.7%) and Wapic Insurance (-10.3%) respectively. Notably, Guaranty Trust Bank released its half year 2019 financial results. According to the report, gross earnings declined by 2.1 percent year on year to N221.9 billion while profit before tax inched higher by 5.6 percent to N115.8 billion. The Bank declared an interim dividend of N0.30/share. Consequently, we saw some buying interest in the stock, up 1.0 percent after the result was release. Although, investors sentiment improved slightly, as market breadth appreciated marginally. This was as 15 stocks recorded price appreciation, while 33 stocks receded. Investment analysts expect sentiments to remain tepid this week as risk-off sentiment across the globe, culminated by sluggish domestic economic momentum dampens

…Analysts fear push-and-pull effect on reserves




Contract breach: FG may face bigger contests



LG grows AI brand ThinQ portfolio



• CEO, NSE, Oscar Onyema investors’ appetite for equities. However, they believed that the release of the outstanding Banks’ first half 2019 earnings scorecard could possibly sway sentiments. Consequently, the direction of liquidity in the money market space was mixed in the prior week. This was as bond coupon payment N47.1 billion, OMO maturity N122.9 billion, NTB maturity N34.4 billion and retail FX refunds to banks provided a boost to the overall liquidity level while prompting a fresh OMO mop up by the CBN, worth N88.7 billion. Furthermore, inflows from Nigerian Treasury Bills (NTB) maturity and retail FX refunds were later mopped up via NTB and retail FX funding sales. In all, average interbank funding rates (OBB & O/N rates) trended higher from 12.5 percent to 18.8 percent. At the NTB and OMO auctions, the apex bank sent stop rates higher, especially on the long-dated bills, to spur a continued patronage of offshore investors and ease the recent pressure on the naira. At the secondary NTB market, market bears continued to dominate the bulls as market players sought to fund their winnings at the OMO auctions - selling down their low



Buying(₦) Central (₦) Selling(₦) 305.9 306.4 306.9 371.852 372.4598 373.0676 338.6925 339.2461 339.7997 312.1747 312.685 313.1952 2.8782 2.883 2.8877 0.5008 0.5108 0.5208 419.7409 420.427 421.1131 43.4366 43.5081 43.5795 81.5516 81.6849 81.8182 20.1107 20.1436 20.1765 45.4066 45.4809 45.5551 419.603 420.2889 420.9747

yielding bills. Thus, on a week on week basis, average yield spiked 128 basic points week on week to close the week at 13.6 percent. This week, the major liquidity inflow is via an OMO maturity worth, N92.3 billion. Elsewhere, at the secondary market, financial experts envisage a continued pressure on yields occasioned by CBN‘s expression of willingness to maintain the attractiveness of fixed income securities. On Bond Market, bearish sentiments continued to cloud the secondary market in the prior week. This was as yields across the curve trended higher amid a continued selling interest from offshore investors. Consequently, average bond yield rose c. 43bps week on week to close the week at 14.2 percent. The recent selloffs within the market has been largely spurred by risk-off sentiments by foreign investors amid fears of recession in the developed market signaled by the current inversion of the US and UK Treasury yield curves. Specifically, for Nigeria, players remained on the sidelines and stayed cautious due to regulatory uncertainties. Analysts at United Capital Plc, maintained their recent outlook that

uncertainties in both the global and domestic market as well as a below $60/b Brent price, will continue to keep foreign investors off naira notes. However, local investors will be looking to issuance at the primary market and fiscal policy pronouncements for guidance. On the other hand, exchange rate remains relatively stable while reserves falter, save for a marginal appreciation in the Investors and Exporters (I&E) rates, FX rate across the major windows remained relatively stable in the prior week. This was as the CBN continued to intervene at the FX market. In all, rates at the parallel market and official window remained stable at N359/$1 and N306.9/$1 respectively. However, the rate at the I&E window appreciated by 1bp w/w to N363.4/$1. Meanwhile, average daily turnover at the I&E window rose 56.0 percent week on week to $534 million, with turnover reaching its highest point on August 15th, attributable to the OMO auction held by the CBN. Notably, following continued daily declines, the CBN Gross reserves shed 43 basis points week on week settling at $44.43 billion as at August 15th its lowest point in six weeks, as offshore investors continued to sell their exposure to naira assets.

Air Peace applauds closure of Enugu airport by FAAN P28

Equity & Capital Market

NSE indices up by 0.71% P25 Money Market

Forex restriction on food import is favourable to MSMEs –NASME P31




27,115.89 4,116.00 250,743,761.00 N4,170,451,797.13 N13,214,119,487,341.67 N12,490,669,880,371.90 N6,423,077,329.83

Top 5 Trades S/N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


5 Top Gainers


Current Change %Change N138.7 3.7 2.74% N34 1 3.03% N164.5 0.5 0.30% N17 0.4 2.41% N21 0.35 1.69%

5 Top Losers (By Volume) Value(N) 47,152,867 N660,020,720.80 41,069,814 N36,962,941.87 26,717,641 N452,634,966.95 17,197,210 N97,344,589.70 16,526,624 N77,622,848.35


N1143 N10.3 N9.6 N14 N1.8

N1113.9 29.1 N9.3 -1 N9.1 -0.5 N13.75 -0.25 N1.7 -0.1

-2.55% -9.71% -5.21% -1.79% -5.56%

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869


racle www.oraclenews.ng





On Buhari’s directive on forex for food import


ecently, President Muhammadu Buhari diIf the answers to these questions are in the posiInevitably, the cost of poultry feed as well as rected the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to tive, then, President Buhari may well have the cost of maize as a staple food will increase. stop forex grants to importers of sundry taken the necessary bold step that many beAs for cassava, it is estimated that we consume food items in the country. fore him had failed to take to free us from the nearly everything we produce. Even industries The directive has been interpreted as the Presibondage of foreign food. If in the negative, that make use of cassava for starch, for high dency’s way of saving foreign exchange so then an already overburdened population is in quality cassava flour, and for fufu production it could be deployed to the nation’s more urfor another bout of untold hardship. are all producing below their capacity utilisagent economic needs instead of being used Now, let’s consider a few statistics. We are not tion so the industries are competing seriously to finance food importation. When impleyet self-sufficient in milk, rice, maize, yam, caswith local consumption needs of the people for mented, the policy or, better still, directive, is sava and other staple productions. Although cassava. expected to reduce food importation and aswe are the biggest producer of yam, the What all this means, in essence, is that this policy sist the local industry to increase production second largest producer of cassava and one of or presidential pronouncement is coming at a with a view to exporting in the near future. the largest producers of maize in the world, wrong time. This is because the necessary faciliOn the face of it, this seems like a courageous we are not yet self-sufficient in any of them. ties to midwife this drive towards self-sufficienmove, which is long over due. As they say, a Besides, even the ones we produce, we don’t cy in food production are not yet in place. And nation, which cannot feed its population can have enough storage facilities to safely store they have to be in place for the directive and never lay any claim to greatness. So, any efthem so we could access them on a year-round the implementation thereof to be effective. fort towards making Nigeria self-sufficient in basis. Which is to say that while the policy is We are of the opinion that the President should food production is welcome. good because its implementation would reinwithdraw that directive for now and work toBut the question remains, is this a clearly vigorate the local industries, the timing isn’t wards first putting in place the necessary facilithought-out plan of action that will take us exactly very good. ties to drive this process. Our fear is that if the to the Promised Land of food self-sufficienright things are not done now, it will be difficult cy? Can Nigerians cope with the likely spike Were we the President of Nigeria, for example, to implement this directive efficiently and we in the cost of food prices in the wake of a we would, before enacting that policy or makwould simply have created, in the end, another foreign exchange policy that makes food ing that pronouncement, have seen that with level of corrupt bureaucracy from which only importation an entirely private business afthis season’s production, farmers would have corrupt civil servants and politicians would fair, with importers having to source foreign the opportunity to store their produce and be benefit to the detriment of the masses whom exchange at black market to import food? able to access efficient facilities to preserve the President set to empower by making the their produce in terms of pronation self-sufficient in food production. We cessing so that food would be must sit back to think through this otherwise available on a year-round basis. good policy that could regenerate our failing As it is now, that isn’t yet the economy if well implemented. case here. What is, thus, likely to hapOur Vision pen is that the prices of local TO BE among the top five newspapers in Nistaples such as rice, maize, casgeria and, in due course, the Numero Uno; sava and milk will skyrocket. to be a newspaper of records that effectiveAs is well known, our local ly caters to the information needs of all segrice has been adjudged by ments and sections of the Nigerian society dieticians as richer in protein as well as all social classes and cultures. Esand fibre than foreign rice sentially, we want to be a responsible corpoand, as such, is good for diarate citizen, a commercially viable, properly betic patients. The result is the organised media business, which meets its price of local rice like Ofada, obligations to society, government and the Ada Rice and Abakaliki has workforce. increased. And because of the circumstances under which the Mission polished foreign ones will now WE INTEND to contribute to the developbe imported, they will also ment of an inclusive Nigerian society, with a be as costly as the local ones, view to getting rid of the dark sides of our so there will be no easy way national life (slothfulness, greed, corruption, out for the common man. As already pointed out, we expect nepotism, totalitarianism, etc); to continually engender and sustain national debates that that the price of local rice will would ultimately lead to the enthronement increase because the farmers of healthy national values--hard-work, justice, will also want to maximise equity and fairplay, transparency, good govtheir profit now that they know that it is only the produc- ernance, resulting, in themselves, the egalitarian Nigerian society of our dream. We will tion of their rice that is being give voice to the voiceless and at all times, encouraged. strive to be balanced, objective, honest, truthThe other product that will suffer is milk solid or milk pow- ful and fair to all sides; so that through The Oracle Today, our people, the Nigerian peoder whose consumption will definitely be affected. Ditto for ple can see a bright light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. And we shall do maize, a common ingredient all this in absolute trust in God who blesses in livestock feed, which constigood intentions. tutes about 70 per cent of the energy content of poultry feed.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 - 26, 2019

OPINION The unmasking of Obiora Okonkwo (1) By Achilleus-Chud Uchegbu


fter he delivered a deeply engaging lecture titled ‘The Value of Diversity: Restructuring to Save Nigeria’, at the Faculty of the Social Sciences of Nigeria’s only university, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), which earned him a standing ovation from the students and lecturers, a professor that chaired the event said: “when they were telling me that High Chief Obiora Okonkwo holds a doctorate, I was thinking it is one of those doctorates from the market. I did not know that he is a Ph. D holder from the Russian Academy of Science, Institute of World Economy and International Relations”. Like many people at the university, he was encountering Dr. Okonkwo for the first time. And he was not disappointed. Leadership of the faculty got all the accolade from the University management for fishing out Dr. Okonkwo to deliver the lecture wherein he agitated minds and left the students asking for more. That was in May 2018. Again, at Enugu in June 2019, Okonkwo mounted the podium to deliver another lecture titled ‘Media and National Integration in Nigeria’. Event was a colloquium organized by the Enugu State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalist to commemorate the 50th birthday of a journalist, Nze Magnus Eze. Among those that listened to Dr. Okonkwo were Senator (Elder) Anyim Ude, Mrs. Bianca Ojukwu and Amb. Lazarus Agubuzu, chairman of Enugu State Council of Traditional Rulers. They were all on the podium alongside leadership of the NUJ. As they listened, Okonkwo took the audience through a discourse on the role the media must play to achieve national integration.

Okonkwo started off as a trader (schooling and trading) at the Main Market in Onitsha. He traded from the Fancy Line before travelling for university education in Russia. Today, he stands out as one of Igboland’s very successful businessmen and philanthropist. And he has not forgotten Onitsha. His delivery of was masterly. He turned the colloquium into an erudite discourse that left many wondering who he was. As they wondered, Magnus smiled away his time in a manner to suggest that the audience hadn’t seen anything yet. Okonkwo left no one in doubt about his academic credentials and mastery of issues. Bianca Ojukwu was later to make a confession when adding her voice to the issue in discourse. She said: “I never knew you to be an intellectual. I have always known you as a club owner. Never knew you have a doctorate and with distinction”. Like Bianca, not many people know that Obiora Okonkwo is an intellectual with academic background in economics with special appeal in political economy. He is ordinarily associated with The Dome, Nigeria’s iconic entertainment hub housing some of the finest outlets for leisure and business meetings including a bowling alley and a hotel, ranked by guests among the finest in the Federal Capital Territory. However, he is first and foremost, an intellectual who started off as a trader at Onitsha, then, veered off into an academic pursuit that took him to Russia where he earned all his university degrees, before

returning to Nigeria in fulfilment of a promise he made to himself not to settle outside Nigeria. For love of country, Okonkwo returned to Nigeria with a vision to add value to the entertainment and relaxation industry. Interestingly, he returned to nigeria at a time when family relaxation was mostly about sitting over drinks at gardens. He believed that there was room for value addition. For this, he looked out for opportunities in Abuja and invested in The Dome, creating an entertainment outfit that offered residents and visitors options other than sitting out at gardens over drinks. Deciding to invest in Abuja, Okonkwo chose a part of the city that was less visited by the public and invested in his passion. He created jobs and wealth out of his passion. As a visionary, his eyes were on the future. Today, The Dome sits pretty well in the heart of Abuja town which at the time, was considered outof-town. Such was his investment insights. He looks into the future working out the possibilities of another decade while his peers looked at now. This is why he believes that the southeast, with its deficiency in landmass, cannot favourable compete in the commercial farm-

ing that demands large land space. He says that investors from the geopolitical zone would do great exploring opportunities in the technological world, especially, information technology and green house. After the Nsukka and Enugu lectures, Okonkwo had gone ahead to deliver several others including: ‘Leadership and Service in the Nigerian Democratic System’ which he delivered at the 2019 retreat of the southeast zone of Heads of Federal Establishments and Parastatals Forum held at Golden Tulip Hotel, Agulu; ‘Managing Business in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects’, delivered at the maiden convocation of Executive MBA of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Business School (Unizik Business School), Awka; and, ‘SDGs And Their Impact On The Youth’, which he delivered at the 2019 International Youth Day (IYD) celebration jointly organized by Pro-Value Humanity Foundation (PVHF), Development Centre for Orientation, Discovery and Empowerment (DeCODE) and Justice, Development and Peace/Caritas (JDPC) at Shanahan Hall, Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity, Onitsha. Okonkwo started off as a trader (schooling and trading) at the Main Market in Onitsha. He traded from the Fancy Line before travelling for university education in Russia. Today, he stands out as one of Igboland’s very successful businessmen and philanthropist. And he has not forgotten Onitsha. He recently instituted a research chair at the Unizik Business School for an entrepreneurial study of Onitsha Main Market and its place in the promotion of Igbo enterprise. He announced this after the Business School conferred on his its prestigious Business Philanthropist of the Year award in June 2019. He is a demonstration that with tenacity and sense of purpose, one would rise beyond the skies.

Kogi 2019: Another Zamfara, Rivers in making By EHICHIOYA EZOMON


ogi State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) is looking set to attain the unenviable status of its counterparts in Rivers and Zamfara during the 2019 general election: disqualification from fielding a candidate in the November 16, 2019 governorship poll. In the February 23 and March 9 National Assembly, and House of Assembly and Governorship elections, respectively, the courts outrightly banned the Rivers chapter from fielding candidates, and turned over the party’s wholesale victories in Zamfara to the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). What was the offence of both chapters of the APC? They failed to conduct valid primaries, in line with the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended); the party’s constitution; the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended); and the guidelines for the general election issued by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). The Kogi chapter bears imprints of the political rumbles that ensured the party lost in its strongholds, and promising terrains: unbridled ambition of incumbent or former officeholders; desire of big wigs to enthrone cronies; and opposition by other aspirants. The result was a plethora of court cases prior to and after the conduct of cantankerous primaries across the country. Some of the cases are still running alongside election petitions initiated after the polls in February and March. As it’s in Zamfara and Rivers, several court cases, filed within and outside Kogi, have dogged the APC primaries scheduled for August 29. The party may be playing with breaching court injunctions! The National Working Committee (NWC) of the APC, as the organ mandated to pick the mode of primaries, and conduct same accordingly, has chosen “indirect” primaries for the Kogi chapter. But about 20 “aspirants” are opposed to the process, and call for a “direct” primary contest. The opponents of “indirect” primaries argue that it favours Governor Yahaya Bello, who’s seeking re-election. And they allege of plans by the governor to substitute the delegate list for the primaries.

But over 30 “aspirants” are in support of”indirect” primaries, as a method they claim has brought victories to the Kogi chapter in elections since 2015, and as such, “you don’t change a winning formula.” Whereas the indirect election is by delegates chosen in ward and local council congresses, who vote to pick the candidate at a state convention; the direct primaries involve all cardcarrying members casting ballot at the wards to return a candidate at the convention. The real headache for the APC in Kogi isn’t the conduct of the “indirect” primaries per se, but how the delegates would be chosen, as there’re two factions laying claim to the leadership of the chapter. Besides the “aggrieved aspirants” getting the court to put the APC on notice for a hearing on an injunction to stop the primaries; some “stakeholders” have also dragged the party to court, to determine the authentic State Executive Committee (SEC) of the chapter. Among issues canvassed are: Whether, during pendency of the suit, the APC, through persons claiming to be members of the Kogi SEC, can adopt indirect primaries; whether the party can ignore the suit, which seeks to determine the authentic members of the Kogi SEC; and who constitutes the delegates to the primaries. The implication of this case, with the hearing adjourned toOctober 2 - four days after the primaries slated for August 29, is obvious: Any primaries conducted before the court day would be in breach, and contempt of the court order. Will the APC abide by the order, and save the Kogi chapter the odium of being disqualified from fielding a candidate for the governorship contest billed for November 16? During their protest to the APC secretariat in Abuja, the dissatisfied aspirants drew the party’s attention to an untoward fallout from using a delegate list from an “illegitimate” state executive. Their spokesperson, Mohammed Ali, said: “Arising from the pendency of the various suits to determine the legitimate party executive council in the state, the use of any factional delegate list may amount to an exercise in futility. “And lastly, we may have unconsciously set

booby-traps for our party and the stage for the replay of the unfortunate Zamfara scenario.” The APC can ill-afford a repeat of that occurrence! The main problems in the Kogi chapter, as in all other APC chapters nationwide, are: The adoption of one of three methods of conducting primaries; indiscipline and impunity among powerful members; and failure of the party leadership in dispute resolution. The constitution of the party recognizes consensus, indirect and direct methods of primaries, and it empowers the NWC to pick any of the modes for each election. Direct method is popular with the majority of party members, but unpopular with incumbent and former governors, who lobby to get consensus or indirect primaries, or impose same on the members. In the Kogi example, it’s alleged that Governor Bello, through stakeholders of the chapter, got the NWC to approve “indirect” primaries for the November poll. Though the governor has denied such indiscretion, and said he’s ready to contest under any method picked by the party, the aggrieved “aspirants” have insisted there weren’t adequate consultations for the adoption of indirect primaries. The die is cast, and as usual, the APC leadership is found wanting at resolving the Kogi logjam. The party’s failure to intervene, or as some alleged, intervened and sided with one faction against the other camp, led to its loss of several Government Houses and State Assemblies in the 2019 general election. So, is fictionalization in the Kogi chapter a recipe for poor outing at the poll? Or, in the worst case scenario of conducting yet invalid primaries, get slammed by the courts or INEC with zero participation in the franchise? Whatever the outcome of the election, it would be to the eternal good of the APC to adopt one method of primaries - preferably the direct process - for all chapters, and for all elections. Direct primaries allow for mass participation, and provide ordinary members, who are actually the voting blocs, a say in the choice of candidates for elective offices. Any other method is

subject to hijack and manipulation by the powerful and mighty in the party. Adopting the direct primaries would curtail, if not curb their scheming excesses, and thus enhance party supremacy, which has suffered incalculable disregard and disrespect in its barely six years of existence as an “agent of change.”

• Mr. Ezomon, Journalist and Media Consultant, writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

THE GROUP Managing Editor/COO Felix Oguejiofor Abugu Deputy Managing Editor/COO Sopuruchi Onwuka Chairman Editorial Board Igwebike Mbanefo Political/Production Editor Kodilinye Obiagwu SE/SS Editor Odogwu Emeka Odogwu Acting BDM Kelechi Nze Head, Graphics & Designs Nnamdi Alex Chukwu Circulation Manager Felix Oti


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019



omorrow’s homes are becoming smarter and more personal. And the rollout of 5G will accelerate the evolution of the connected home. This evolution brings with it a level of anticipation for how our homes will change the way we live and what new tech-infused devices and appliances will adorn our kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms over the coming years. An exciting time for industry and consumers alike, but not one without its challenges as consumer expectations become even more difficult to meet. The best home appliances deliver maximum convenience while also adding something exciting to the home. Builtin artificial intelligence has transformed normal appliances into smart ones that can learn residents’ usage patterns and utilize them to improve performance. AI not only enhances convenience, but the technology also makes appliances safer and more energy-efficient, perfect for the growing concerns over the environment and the seemingly ever-increasing utility bills. LG is committed to creating a consumer-centric smart home ecosystem with the ultimate aim of allowing homeowners to control all their appliances and devices from one spot. A combination of long-lasting, premium appliances and the unrivalled the intelligence of LG ThinQ will position LG as a trendsetter in this fiercely competitive market. According to Mr. Hari Elluru, Head of Corporate Marketing, LG Electronics, West Africa Operations, “Today’s smart speakers can keep everything in order in the home by turning lights on and off, adjusting the temperature of the room or reading the news, all with a voice command. Smart speakers can now recognize voices for a more personal experience and can act as an individual’s personal assistant by reading that day’s agenda, offering a reminder to pick up milk on the way home and even recommending the fastest route to get to work in the morning. With such technology in the home, it’s easier now than ever to multitask and save time.” “Life is about more than having the latest technology. It is about the experiences technology creates. From TVs to home appliances and computer products, LG delivers consumer electronics that let you embrace life and prepare you for its greatest moments. We’re committed to providing electronics that work best for the way you live and to keeping you updated with the latest technological advances. After all, life’s better when you’re prepared”, he said. LG has continued to take a leadership role in advocating the beneficial role of AI in consumers’ lives. Since its launch in 2017, the company’s AI brand LG ThinQ has seen its portfolio grow rapidly to include air conditioners, washing machines, TVs, smartphones and robot vacuum cleaners. “AI is just one-way appliances are being personalized to meet the lifestyle needs of today’s consumers”, Mr Elluru averred. A big push to tap markets with single-door refrigerators, semiautomatic washing machines

Making Your House a Home with LG

designed for rural consumers is in the offing. LG already has 20,000 retail touchpoints and a vast after-sales service network. Speaking at the CES 2019, LG’s president and CTO Dr I.P. Park outlined the company’s vision for the future in his keynote, titled AI for an Even Better Life. According to him, the three key pillars of artificial intelligence – Evolve, Connect and Open – could deliver a robust AI ecosystem with diverse solutions for the real world. LG’s ambition is to unlock the potential of AI technology in a much larger scale by connecting hitherto individual units into intelligent systems. LG Electronics believes that life can be “Made Better with LG ThinQ,” its contribution to the AI ecosystem. With products such as the LG TV AI ThinQ, LG InstaView ThinQ refrigerator, LG TWINWash ThinQ and LG XBOOM AI ThinQ smart speaker, LG is delivering personalized, proactive, efficient and easy solutions to today’s consumers. From cooking a Sunday morning breakfast to planning a lastminute trip, LG ThinQ makes each step as easy as possible. LG TV AI ThinQ LG TVs with AI ThinQ have the Google Assistant built-in, bringing higher intelligence to your living room. You can find the best entertainment, or ask the Assistant to change the light settings, adjust the room

temperature, and more. The included remote control has an onboard microphone, so if you don’t have a compatible device, you can use the Google Assistant integrated into the AI ThinQ OS. However you choose to do so, you can tell the TV to play your favourite shows on Netflix, look up funny pet videos on YouTube, and more. LG InstaView ThinQ refrigerator Want a refrigerator that will recommend recipes, create shopping lists and play music for your meal? LG InstaView ThinQ can. The refrigerator lets you create and share shopping lists between your smartphone and refrigerator, or check on the contents of your refrigerator, anytime, anywhere. The company first showcased the smart refrigerator at CES 2019 and have received great reviews ever since. LG TWINWash ThinQ LG’s Award-winning and revolutionary TwinWash washing machine comes with some interesting features including the ability to simultaneously wash two separate loads of laundry and of course the much talked about LG ThinQ technology. It is a dream come true for those that may experience some anxiety around washing clothes and choosing the right settings. TWINWash will not only give you recommendations for which

wash cycles to choose based on the clothes you’re cleaning, but also send you alerts when you’re running low on laundry detergent using their AI smarts. LG XBOOM AI ThinQ smart speaker The Xboom AI responds to voice commands, and you can use the 8-inch touchscreen to watch videos, make video calls, check the steps of a recipe and control your smart home. It

also has a camera for making video calls, along with a physical shutter. It’s High-Resolution Audio at 24bit/96kHz is capable of reproducing High-Quality sound from the original recordings, including formats like ALAC, WAV and FLAC. The company has also reinforced it’s committed to making life better for everyone through its smart home innovations.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019


Contract breach: FG may face bigger contests

Cont’d from page 1

which the country is struggling to save its solid assets on the technicalities of breaches that led to project failure. While standing on solid technical grounds in law, a micro-multinational Irish investor, Process and Industrial Developments Limited (PIDL), secured a judgment from a British court at the weekend to be paid $9.0 billion primarily as compensation for Nigeria’s failure to meet its part of a gas supply and processing agreement. A lawyer representing PIDL said the firm has already activated processes of laying claim on Nigeria’s foreign assets to fast track implementation of the court order. The amount claimed by the Irish firm founded by two Irish business partners represents 20 percent of Nigeria’s $45 billion total foreign reserves. And if the court ruling is faithfully implemented, the tiny firm could become one of the biggest independent multinational midstream petroleum companies in the world. The business partners who had arrived Nigeria with only technical expertise for a mutual benefit arrangement with the government to “build a state-of-the-art gas processing plant that would strip rich natural gas from oil producing fields of valuable liquids while feeding lean gas into the domestic grid for industrial energy. Under the arrangement which would cost government zero cash, the international firm was to build and operate the plant for 20 years under a Gas Supply and Processing Agreement (GSPA) while the government, through the Nigerian Gas Company (NGC) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) would supply upstream feedgas for the plant. On the benefit side, government gets free lean gas to fire turbines in the upstream electric power sector, while the Irish firm harnesses and commercializes stripped natural gas liquids (NGLs) for cost recovery. PIDL, according to its position in the dispute had calculated its profits in billions of dollars before entering the agreement which it contends remained binding on both parties. Project implementation, according to the company, failed to activate in 2012 without the two parties agreeing to disembark. No plant was built and no gas was supplied. But the dispute now centers on which party failed to press the button; and PIDL points at the government for failing to take preliminary steps. It sued Nigerian government in a British court for breaching the agreement by failing to provide the gas, or install the promised pipelines. In January 2017, the London tribunal ruled in favour of the company and awarded it $6.6 billion or N2.4 trillion in compensation; but PIDL argues that accrued interest of $1.2 million a day had pushed that amount to more than $9 billion. The government’s legal team had countered that English courts did not have the jurisdiction to settle the dispute since the locus of the matter was Nigeria. It told the English court that the original agreement was struck under Nigerian

“The government’s legal team had countered that English courts did not have the jurisdiction to settle the dispute since the locus of the matter was Nigeria.” law and that as a matter of Nigerian law the seat of the arbitration was Nigeria. They argued that the settlement was “manifestly excessive and penal.” But Justice Christopher Butcher of the Commercial Court in London agreed with PIDL that it was up to the English arbitration tribunal to decide where the case should be heard -- and who should issue the final ruling. “I am prepared to make an order enforcing the final award,” he wrote in his ruling on Friday. “I will receive submissions from the parties as to the precise form of order appropriate. In what seems to be last minute struggle to claw back government weekend promptly instructed its lawyers to appeal against a British court ruling, arguing that PIDL “never began the construction of the project facility although it alleges it incurred about $40 Million in preliminary expenses.” The Solicitor-General of the Federation and Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Justice, Dayo Apata, stated on Friday PIDL’s claim was mainly for loss of profit for the entire 20 year term of the GSPA, initially claiming the sum of US$1.9 Billion and later increasing its claim to US$5.9 Billion. Mr. Apata pointed out that the tribunal had based its consideration on the assumption that the project would operate at 93 percent uptime during the 20 year of the GSPA “despite the well-known risks of operating such a project in the Niger-Delta.”

He also faulted the judgment on fixed oil price template used in calculating the compensation for PIDL, pointing out that “the average price of Natural Gas Liquids (the main revenue earner for PIDL assuming the GSPA had been implemented), should be based on an average oil price in excess of $100 per barrel over the twenty-year life of the project.” He also argued that the judgment assumed “to apply a discount rate to P&ID’s supposed lost profits of 2.65 %, the same interest rate paid on United States treasury notes thereby adjudging P&ID, a start-up company that never commenced any physical work on the project but planned to operate in the midst of the Niger-Delta crisis, using a novel and unproven technology, a virtually “risk free” investment.” He said government had pursed its case for seat if jurisdiction in both United Kingdom and United States of America (USA), adding that efforts would be exhausted to protect the interest of Nigeria. “As regards the recent Judgment of the English Court of 16 August 2019, the Federal Government’s Counsel has been instructed to pursue an appeal on the judgment of the English Court dated 16 August 2019 and at the same time seek for a Stay of Execution of the said judgment. In view of the above, please be informed that the Federal Government of Nigeria is making vigorous efforts to defend its interest in this matter and would not relent in exploring every viable option in doing

so.” It is not clear which direction government is going with the matter. It is not also clear whether separate proceedings in both the UK and US would find convergence. What is indisputable is that government has been pushed to very narrow space due to lack of details in framing and implementation of its commercial agreement with PIDL. The current predicament which is likely to worsen the nation’s economic woes amplifies similar disputes in-country where government and multinational investors in the upstream petroleum industry are vehemently disagreed over issues of sanctity of contracts. Some of the commercial investors already angry over shifts in the terms for commercial investments in exploration and production are also involved in a separate feud with government agencies over violation of waivers and guarantees for investments in the midstream petroleum industry. In the upstream exploration and production industry, the group of oil companies gathered under the aegis of Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS) of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LACCI) are in heated disagreement over interpretation of the 2003 PSCs under which the companies claimed to have sunk huge investments in risky deepwater exploration. Under the PSCs, government had floated generous incentives that allows full cost recovery and graduated royalty rates to encourage huge cash initial gamble to deter-

mine the prospectivity of the nation’s deep and ultra-deep water terrains. The OPTS alleges in a position paper that the initial incentives have been downgraded to allow government take more than its due share of production at loading terminals. They also accuse government of shunning commercial arbitration in the dispute, and also wielding sovereign force to override its partners during revenue sharing. In the midstream, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) is also accused of wielding sovereign force to exact dues and sundry payments from the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited. After being brought under duress over the dues, NLNG stated that it has been forced to pay over N130 billion in violation of its establishment laws, waivers and guarantees that formed the basis of investments by Shell, Total and Eni. The contest over the fees which are still enforced by NIMASA has since become the subject of legal pendulum as high courts and appeal courts in Lagos continue to swing the case forward and backward. In sum, the country as a sovereign partner to international investors may have started accumulation of reputation of rascality in operating commercial agreements, contracts and even its own laws. And the current stand-off at the international stage with a midstream minnow may signal an important remedial direction for aggrieved upstream multinational behemoths.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

ENERGY FG selects 36 firms for fuel swap deals By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


ederal government has selected indigenous Brittania-U Nigeria Limited among the 36 oil trading firms that would feed the domestic economy with transportation fuels in the next one year contract tenure. Brittania-U, run by Africa’s only female integrated energy player, Mrs Uju Ifejika, is among the 20 indigenous oil and gas trading firms that scaled the Direct Sale of Crude Oil and Direct Purchase of Petroleum Products (DSDP) contract selection. Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which administers the arrangement on behalf of the government also dominates the list of contractors with its trading subsidiaries: Duke Oil and /CalsonHyson. The corporation’s spokesman, Mr. Ndu Ughamadu, stated that the new DSDP contract selection process was in line with avowed commitment of the new Group Managing Director, Mallam Mele Kyari, to transparency and accountability in all the corporation’s activities. He said 15 consortia made up of reputable and experienced international companies and

indigenous companies emerged successful in the arrangement following the completion of the 2019/2020 DSDP tender exercise. “Under the DSDP arrangement, the 15 consortia shall over the contract period, offtake crude oil and in return, deliver corresponding petroleum products of equivalent value to NNPC, subject to the terms of the agreement.”Mr Ughamadu declared. In the list of the 15 consortia are 30 companies that comprise BP Oil International Limited in consortium with AYM Shafa Limited; Vitol Sa in consortium with Calson-Hyson; Total Oil Trading SA and Total Nigeria Plc consortium; Gunvor International B.V. in consortium with AY Maikifi Oil & Gas Co. Limited; Trafigura Pte Limited in partnership with A. A. Rano Nigeria Limited; and Cepsa S.A.U. in partnership with Oando Plc. Other companies in the list include Mocoh SA in collaboration with Mocoh Nigeria Limited; Litasco SA in consortium with Brittania-U Nigeria Limited and Freepoint Commodities; MRS Oil & Gas Company Limited; Sahara Energy Resource Limited; Bono Energy Limited in consortium with Eterna Plc, Arkleen Oil & Gas Limited and Amazon Energy.

Addax deploys TCP jumpers in Okwori field

By Sopuruchi Onwuka


ddax Petroleum, the local subsidiary of Sinopec, is working to install thermoplastic composite pipeline (TCP) for gas lift in Okwori field, in conventional offshore Niger Delta. According to declarations from the contractor, Airborne Oil & Gas, the programme involves delivering two gas lift jumpers using the newly launched TCP technology. TCP is a non-conductive, noncorrosive flexible pipe that can be installed subsea easily through subsea pallet or off the back of a vessel from a reel, avoiding expensive metrology and reducing the project throughput time. Airborne Oil & Gas states that its TCP products can be (re)terminated in the field in a matter of hours, providing flexibility and de-risking the project schedule. According to the company, the gas lift programme which entails supply of two 180-meter-long TCP Jumpers is the second order for the products I Nigeria and would be introducing the technology as permanent application for the first time in the West Africa region. The first was for a TCP Jumper Spool which is expected to be deployed by a supermajor in the region later in the year. This is the first time one of its

TCP technologies has been ordered through its newly launched, the company stated. The contractor stated that the Okwori gas lift field which would run for eight weeks marks the second order for its TCP products in Nigeria this year. “Jumper on Demand” service which sees long lengths of its Jumpers being manufactured, prepared with dedicated end-fittings and held in stock allows for a significantly improved turnaround of pipe supply, termination and installation in any location Addax technical advisor, Tony Kirkby, said: “The flexibility and ease of re-termination makes TCP a great product for gas lift and other applications within Addax in Nigeria. It allows us to cut pipe to length and install quickly, thereby ensuring that production is maintained with minimum disruption.” Airborne Oil & Gas Vice President for Europe & Africa, Paul McCafferty, said: “This scope of work for Addax involves the delivery of two TCP Jumpers within a very short timeframe, which in turn provides the support the Sinopec Group subsidiary require in the most optimal way. Throughout this project we look forward to further developing our client relationship while delivering our effective highquality TCP technology to support their future pipeline needs.”

Representative of the NNPC GMD and Chief Operating Officer, Downstream, Engr. Adeyemi Adetunji, exchanging hand of partnership with the representative of Commandant General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and Deputy Commandant General, Aminu Abdullahi, at the NNPC Towers in Abuja, Monday.

Industry holds breath as NNPC evaluates Komani River Wells Sopuruchi Onwuka


layers in the Nigerian petroleum industry eagerly await results of the vehement efforts of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) at reentry and drilling campaign in the Gongola Basin, in the northesteastern part of the country. The corporation, according to hushed discussions about the politically tinged exploration campaign, is working with technology leaders in the industry to accurately assess the commerciality of hydrocarbon pays encountered in the drilling. The flow test would now confirm whether the outcome of the highly hyped drilling the spud of which was witnessed by excited President Muhammadu Buhari would call for further celebration or whether it would turn out to be another embarrassment. While suspense pervades the entire exercise, the Frontier

Exploration Services of the NNPC has deployed world class well technology specialist, Halliburton, to pierce the Kolmani River-2 well at specified pay zones and measure the flow performance. The flow test would signal to the operator whether commercial development of the field would worth the budget or whether capping and abandoning the well to limit commercial losses would be a better option. The Oracle Today reports that the well reentry has technically been an appraisal campaign since the initial spud was done by Shell in 1999 with finds that were not worth the commercial expectation of the multinational major for inland operations, especially in locations that have no existing upstream production facility. Shell had declared discovery of estimated 33 billion standard cubic feet of gas (33 Bscf) reserves in Kolmani River-1. Since 1999, The Oracle Today

reports, exploration technology has significantly improved, leading to opening of new petroleum pays across the African sedimentary basin onshore, swamp, shallow water, deep water and ultra-deep water provinces. Consequently, almost all coastal African countries including South Africa have made significant oil discoveries even in most difficult terrains. NNPC had declared at the inception of its extensive exploration campaigns in sedimentary basins of the northern Nigeria that improvement in seismic data retrieval technology as well as enhanced interpretation and imaging provided leads for revisit of earlier exploration efforts in the area. Besides, sizable gas discovery would be good news for the corporation which is also driving ambitious domestic pipelines that would create gas based industrial corridors in the northern parts of the country.

Total drops $23 B gas investment in Mozambique


ow that the Occidental deal to acquire Anadarko Petroleum is complete, French firm Total said it was committed to developing the Mozambique natural gas project that prior to the acquisition, belonged to Anadarko. During the bidding period for the US independent, the French firm entered a deal with Occidental for

Anadarko’s African assets. Total says the Mozambique project is part of its expansion in Africa. The development of the project is estimated to cost as much as $23 billion. This will be the continent’s single largest investment. “I would like to reaffirm the importance of Mozambique LNG for Total, where we will become the

operator,” Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of Total was quoted as saying in an agency report. “This is a unique asset which perfectly fits our strategy and our skills.” Besides the Mozambican assets, Total gains oil and gas assets in Ghana and Algeria through its deal with Occidental.

H1 2019: Explorers drilled more, found more gas


he first half of 2019 saw a substantial increase in drilling activity over the same period from 2018 according to Douglass Westwood. The analyst firm said that highimpact exploration drilling activity saw 51 exploration wells completed, compared to 36 in the same period in 2018. While some oil discoveries were made, the majority of the successes were natural gas.

Douglass Westwood also said that H1 2019 saw a higher commercial success rate compared to 2017 and 2018, with 2019 coming in at 37% so far compared to around 27% for the previous two years. 16 discoveries estimated to be larger than 100 mmboe have already been made in H1, with the largest discoveries all being gas at Dinkov (~14 Tcf) and Nyarmeyskoye (4.3 Tcf) in the Kara Sea offshore Russia, and Glaucus (4.5 Tcf) in the

Eastern Mediterranean offshore Cyprus. The largest oil discoveries are considered to be at Yellowtail and Tilapia offshore Guyana, both at more than 300 million barrels. The report revealed that 18 frontier play tests were completed in H1 with only one potential commercial play opener, at the Brulpadda-1AX well in the Outeniqua Basin offshore South Africa. High-impact emerging play exploration was dominated by the

Upper Cretaceous Liza play offshore Guyana, the Pliocene deepwater clastic play offshore Trinidad and the Cretaceous gas play in the South Kara Sea. High-impact success was also seen in maturing/mature plays, including ENI’s prolific Block 15/06 offshore Angola (Agidigbo and Agogo) and at CNOOC’s Glengorm discovery in the Central N Sea. H2 is expected to see around 3540 high impact exploration wells, according to Douglas Westwood,

resulting in more than 85 for the year, a ~35% increase on 2018 levels. The firm estimates that a total of ~10 billion boe could be found by the end of the year, delivering the highest volumes from high-impact exploration since 2015. Drilling in maturing and mature plays is expected to drive the increase in the well count with the frontier program expected to remain roughly in line with 2018, at around 32 frontier wells


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

EQUITY & Capital Market

NSE indices up by 0.71%


igerian equities market opened trading for the week on Monday on a positive trend due to price appreciation in high capitalised stocks. The crucial market indicators appreciated by 0.71 per cent to reverse the bearish mood. Specifically, the All Share Index inched 190.60 points or 0.71 per cent to 27,115.89 compared with 26,925.29 achieved on Friday. Also, the market capitalisation which opened at N13.121 trillion rose by N93 billion or 0.71 per cent to close at N13.214 trillion. The upturn was impacted by gains recorded in medium and large capitalised stocks, amongst which are; MTN Nigeria, Stanbic IBTC, Dangote Cement, Zenith Bank and Dangote Flour Mills. Capital market analysts attributed the positive growth to Zenith International Bank impressive half year results released in the market. hief Operating Officer, InvestData Ltd. Mr Ambrose Omordion, said that investors seem to have reacted positively to the result. Meanwhile, analysts at Afrinvest Limited noted that “in the absence of a positive catalyst that would move the market, we expect investor sentiment to remain weak.” Market breadth turned positive with 20 gainers and 13 losers. Courteville Business Solutions recorded the highest price gain of 10 per cent, to close at 22k per share.

UACN came second with a growth of 6.67 per cent to close at N4.80, while FCMB Group appreciated by five per cent to close at N1.68 per share. AIICO Insurance rose by 4.92 per cent to close at 64k, while Oando appreciated by 4.48 per cent to close at N3.50 per share. Conversely, Cadbury Nigeria led the losers’ chart with a loss of 9.71 per cent to close at N9.30 per share. Chams trailed with 8.70 per

cent to close at 21k, while Unity Bank went down by 5.80 per cent to close at 65k per share. AXA Mansard Insurance lost 5.56 per cent to close at N1.70, while Jaiz Bank shed 5.41 per cent to close at 35k per share. The total volume traded declined by 2.92 per cent to 250.74 million shares worth N4.17 billion exchanged by investors in 4,116 deals. This was in contrast with a turnover of 258.29 million shares valued at N4.17 billion achieved in

4,662 deals on Friday. Transactions in the shares of Lafarge Africa topped the activity chart with 47.15 million shares valued at N660.02 million. Transcorp followed with 41.07 million shares worth N36.96 million, while Zenith Bank traded 26.72 million shares valued at N452.63 million. United Bank for Africa (UBA) sold 17.2 million shares worth N97.34 million, while FBN Holdings transacted 16.53 million shares valued at N77.62 million.

From left: Mario Gomes, Chairman, Board of Directors, Institute for the Prevention and Investigation of Aeronautical and Maritime Accidents, Cape Verde; Ms Shamicka Fulson, Program Manager, National Transport Safety Board, USA; Engineer Akin Olateru, Commissioner/CEO, Accident Investigation Bureau Nigeria; Dennis Jones, former MD, NTSB; Eng Muhammed Wali, Director of Engineering, AIB and Captain Godfrey Ogbogu, Safety Manager, Air Peace at the AIB Nigeria symposium on Aviation Safety in conjunction with NTSB, USA held in Lagos at the weekend.

N324.4m allotted to 408 savings bond subscribers in Aug. –DMO


ebt Management Office (DMO) says N324.4 million was allotted to 408 subscribers during its sale of savings bond in August. The results of the sales obtained from the DMO website on Friday in Abuja, showed that N81.03 million was allotted for Aug. 2021 at 10.301 per cent. It also indicated that N243.3 million was allotted at 11.301 per cent for the Aug. 2022 papers. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that savings bond issuance is expected to help finance the nation’s budget deficit. The bond issuance is part of the Federal Government’s programme targeted at the lower income earners to encourage savings and also earn more income (interest), compared to their savings accounts with banks. The bonds are debt securities (liabilities) of the federal government, backed by its ‘full faith and credit’. Interests are to be paid at regular periods and principal repaid at maturity. The bonds have a tenure of between two to three years and a minimum size of investment of N5,000 and maximum of N50 million. The bond is aimed at deepening national savings culture, diversifying funding sources for the government and providing opportunity to all citizens, irrespective of income level to contribute to national development.

Investment diversification: NSE lists Greenwich Alpha ETF


igerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Monday listed Greenwich Alpha Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) tagged: “Greenwich Alpha” on its platform at N100. Greenwich Alpha is an openended ETF which tracks the NSE 30 Index, an index which constitutes 30 of the most liquid and capitalised stocks trading on the Exchange. It is designed for investors to access the constituent companies of the NSE 30 index,

thereby getting performance of the index. Speaking at the listing, Mr Dayo Obisan, Greenwich Asset Management Ltd., said that Greenwich Alpha ETI was designed for and offered to investors seeking exposure to the Nigerian equities market. Obisan said: “It offers the full benefits of diversification through a single transaction, thereby reducing associated transaction cost and helping investors spread their risk.

“We will continue to encourage retail and institutional investments in this Fund based on its potential,” he said. Also, NSE Head, Trading Business Division, Mr Jude Chiemeka, commended the company for the listing aimed at growing list of ETF providers. “We are delighted to welcome Greenwich Asset Management Limited to our growing list of ETF providers, ” Chiemeka said. He said ETFs globally had continued to make an impact

as effective tools for accessing the market and investments’ diversification. According to him, it serves as an alternative investment solution for intermediaries to recommend to their clients. “As the leading stock exchange for listing and trading ETFs in West Africa, we will continue to lead innovation in the market as well as support the issuance of products and investment vehicles that meet the objectives of investors.

“We operate an efficient, orderly and transparent market based on cutting edge technology, to support product development efforts for the benefit of all investors. “We remain resolute in our commitment to partnering with all market stakeholders to continue to build and develop the Nigerian capital market, while offering a wide range of investment vehicles for all investors,” he said.t

FMDQ explains name change, says not out to compete with NSE


MDQ Securities Exchange Plc, which recently became a full blown securities exchange, has explained that it is not out to compete with the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in equities trading but to create new entities for the future. FMDQ Managing Director, Mr Bola Onadele, said on Saturday at a media parley in Lagos that the new securities exchange would work with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and private companies to create new entities for the future. Onadele said the company’s intention was not going into the equities market to compete with

the exchange or ask companies to delist. The exchange recently secured necessary approvals for a name change to ‘FMDQ Securities Exchange PLC, thereby aligning its name to its upgraded status in the capital market. It also in June 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered its wholly owned central securities depository subsidiary – FMDQ Depository Limited – positioned to provide collateral caching, custodian and settlement services. He noted that the exchange

was looking at how to create new entities for the future, work with and nurture SMEs and private companies in Nigeria that had no access to long-term financing. “We are not playing the game of attacking the NSE, that is not our role or our job or the way we do business. “Rather we are looking at how to create new entities for the future, to work and nurture them, to work with SMEs, private companies in Nigeria who have not had access to long term financing. “So, we are in the business of planning 20-30 years ahead and working

with Nigerian entities in getting prosperity to Nigerians,” he said. The managing director stressed the need to position the nation’s capital market to become number one in terms of standards, governance and transparency. Onadele said FMDQ would continue to work with government and regulators develop the Nigerian capital market. He assured that the exchange would continue to trade in all securities including fixed income, derivatives, commodities and foreign exchange.

Also speaking, Ms Tumi Sekoni, Associate Executive Director, Capital Markets, FMDQ, said the exchange would continue to educate and enlighten investors and operators on its products and services. Sekoni said the exchange would launch the first derivatives product in the first quarter of 2020. She said preparations were in top gear to ensure the launch of the product, noting that the exchange would continue to meet the yearnings and aspirations of its stakeholders.

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019



42% of $44bn global catastrophe losses in H1 insured –Report

Stories by VICTOR NZE


atural catastrophes and man-made disasters in the first half of 2019 were responsible for USD $44 billion of economic losses globally, according to Swiss Re Institute’s preliminary sigma estimates. This figure is well below USD $109 billion, the average first-half economic losses of the previous 10 years. It is also lower than the losses

of USD $51 billion reported for the same period a year earlier. Of the total global economic losses in the first half of 2019, about 42% or USD $19 billion were covered by insurance, the main driver being thunderstorms and flooding events in different parts of the world. More than 5,000 people lost their lives or went missing in disaster events during the period. Of the USD $44 billion

AXA Mansard grows shareholders’ funds above N22bn, H1


XA Mansard Insurance Plc in its unaudited financial results for the half-year ended June 30, 2019, showed a growth of eight per cent in shareholders’ equity. The shareholders’ funds for the group rose to N22.49 billion, up from N20.9 billion reported as at the end of December 2018. Similarly, the shareholders’ funds of the insurance arm also increased to N18.2 billion up from N16.7 billion in the same period under review. Speaking with The Guardian on the result, the Chief Executive Officer, of AXA Mansard Insurance Plc, Kunle Ahmed, said: “The performance bodes well for our insurance business and puts us in a very good place for the future in terms of the impending change in

capital requirements. “AXA Mansard Insurance plc will continue to operate as a composite insurance company, delivering service to our teeming customers across both general and life businesses.” At the end of the half-year, the company succeeded in growing gross written premium by 25 per cent and underwriting profits by nine per cent, with no growth in operating expenses compared with the previous year. Gross written premium for the insurance firm increased to N29.36 billion from N23.54 billion in June 2018, thanks to the firms cost management strategy as operating cost within the period remained flat at N3.52 billion. Underwriting profits for the firm jumped to N2.5 billion from N2.2 billion the previous year.

in total global economic losses, natural catastrophes accounted for the majority, or USD $40 billion in the first half of 2019, compared with USD $45 billion in the year-earlier period. The remaining USD $4 billion of losses were caused by man-made disasters. Global insured losses from natural catastrophes fell to USD $15 billion from USD $21 billion the year before, while insured losses from manmade disasters decreased to USD $4 billion from USD $5 billion. Only about 42% of the global economic losses were insured (compared with 52% in the first half of 2018) as several large-scale disaster events, such as cyclone Idai in southern Africa and cyclone Fani in India, occurred in areas with low insurance

penetration. Cyclone Idai, which caused strong winds and severe flooding across Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Madagascar, was the deadliest natural catastrophe in the first half of this year, claiming more than 1 000 victims. Economic losses from cyclone Idai are estimated at least at USD $2 billion, of which only about 7% were insured. “The experience of the first half of this year has once again exposed the existing protection gap issues in emerging countries,” commented Martin Bertogg, head of Catastrophe Perils at Swiss Re. “For example, cyclone Idai showed just how fragile African coastal communities are. And in India, cyclone Fani inflicted widespread

damage and large uninsured losses. Similarly, the nature and location of the events underline the theme of secondary perils taking a larger share of the overall loss burden, as we analyzed in more detail in our last catastrophe sigma.” Secondary Perils Secondary perils such as thunderstorms, torrential rains and snowmelt caused the highest losses through wind and water damage in the first half of 2019 in many regions of the world, including the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, China and Iran. Swiss Re Institute’s sigma estimates the total economic losses of these events at USD $32 billion. Approximately USD $13 billion of these losses were

insured. As in the first half of 2018, several parts of the world also experienced heatwaves and dry weather conditions this year, with temperature records broken in several locations, particularly in Europe. The full impact of the extreme summer weather is yet to be determined. “Intense heatwaves and dry spells of the like we’ve seen over the last few years are expected to become more frequent, exacerbating the conditions conducive to wildfires and agriculture losses,” Bertogg said “We also expect more variable rain patterns, as rising temperatures load the atmosphere with more vapour. Society will need to adapt and prepare for these increasing occurrences.”

STI gets approval for extension of rights issue


overeign Trust Insurance Plc (STI) has extended its Rights Issue offering, which opened on Monday, June 24, 2019, following the approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Rights Issue which ought to have closed on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, will now run through August 2019. According to a statement by the company’s spokesperson, Segun Bankole, said the extension of the Rights Issue was to allow shareholders ample time to subscribe fully to the offer. He said such unique opportunity does not come that often which was what informed the decision of the Management to request for an extension in the closing date of the Rights Issue offer. Consequently, the management enjoins all shareholders of the company to take advantage of this extension in date to fully exercise their rights as that will guarantee

the consolidation of their ownership in one of Nigeria’s very dynamic and forwardlooking underwriting firm. The company, more than ever before, is poised to take the insurance business to a greater height as it gravitates to the next phase of its growth agenda. A total of 4,170,411,648 units of ordinary shares at 50 kobo each has been placed on offer for existing shareholders at 50 kobo per share on the basis of one new ordinary share for every two ordinary shares of 50 kobo held in the company as at the close of register on January 15, 2019. The Managing Director of the company, Olaotan Soyinka, also reiterated that the company has set a growth agenda, which is aimed at positioning the insurance company as one of the top players in the industry, particularly, in the oil and gas sector where it has developed very unique expertise and professionalism over the years.

From left: Federal Commissioner, Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC), Dr. Adekunle Wright; Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu; Chairman of RMAFC, Mr. Elias Mbam and Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat during a courtesy visit to the Governor, at Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja, Friday,.

STI gets approval for extension of rights issue


overeign Trust Insurance Plc (STI) has extended its Rights Issue offering, which opened on Monday, June 24, 2019, following the approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Rights Issue which ought to have closed on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, will now run through August 2019. According to a statement by the company’s spokesperson, Segun Bankole, said the extension of the Rights Issue was to allow shareholders ample time to subscribe fully to the offer. He said such unique opportunity does not come

that often which was what informed the decision of the Management to request for an extension in the closing date of the Rights Issue offer. Consequently, the management enjoins all shareholders of the company to take advantage of this extension in date to fully exercise their rights as that will guarantee the consolidation of their ownership in one of Nigeria’s very dynamic and forwardlooking underwriting firm. The company, more than ever before, is poised to take the insurance business to a greater height as it gravitates to the next phase of its growth agenda. A total of 4,170,411,648

units of ordinary shares at 50 kobo each has been placed on offer for existing shareholders at 50 kobo per share on the basis of one new ordinary share for every two ordinary shares of 50 kobo held in the company as at the close of register on January 15, 2019. The Managing Director of the company, Olaotan Soyinka, also reiterated that the company has set a growth agenda, which is aimed at positioning the insurance company as one of the top players in the industry, particularly, in the oil and gas sector where it has developed very unique expertise and professionalism over the years.

He also called on the company’s Shareholders to lend their support to the Rights Issue with the new date extension. He said the actualization of the set objectives of the growth agenda of the company remains sacrosanct. Soyinka equally noted that the company is committed to creating exceptional value to all its shareholders. “In achieving the huge tasks that have been placed before us, we have identified that a very robust capital base is critical to the success of the set agenda; hence the need to call on our Shareholders to fully subscribe to the Rights Issue,” he said.

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

Travel & Hospitality


Foreign airlines account for 90% of passengers from Nigerian airports Stories by VICTOR NZE


mbrella body of indigenous airline operators in the country, the Airlines Operators of Nigeria (AON), has frowned at the seeming domination of the nation’s aviation sector by foreign airlines, a situation the group said was unwholesome for local stakeholders. According to AON, foreign airlines currently account for 90 per cent of the four million international passengers that travel through Nigerian airports annually. AON in its findings on the industry said the capital flight involved within the period is in excess of $3 billion (N1.050 trillion). Additional facts from the AON report revealed that no fewer than 34 foreign carriers operate in and out of Nigerian cities almost on a daily basis. Among them are nine African carriers. Some of the airlines making their money from the weak operational base of local carriers and the absence of a national carrier include Ethiopian Airlines, the largest carrier on the continent, operates into Enugu, Kano, Abuja, and Lagos daily. Besides, Turkish Airline operates in four cities of Abuja, Kano, Lagos, and Port Harcourt. Emirates Airline currently has four frequencies daily from Lagos and Abuja. Reacting, President of the National Association of Travel Agencies (NANTA), Bernard Bankole, said the Nigerian

market is viable and a feeder for other markets, stressing that “The statistics goes to show the enormous gains that await the country if we are able to get it right with our national carrier plan”. It would be recalled that last month, Managing Director of Air Peace, Mr Allen Onyema also raised the alarm on the what he termed ‘undue favouritism’ extended to foreign operators in the country’s commercial aviation industry by the Federal Government, in the form of multiple frequencies allocated them. Speaking at the 2019 League of Airports and Aviation Correspondents (LAAC), in Lagos, the Air Peace boss warned that the local aviation industry cannot grow as long as foreign airlines like the Turkish airlines are allowed to round trip from Istanbul through to Abuja, Port Harcourt and back to Abuja before returning to Istanbul. “This is not done anywhere; the government should help us stop the proliferation of designation and frequencies to these foreign airlines. Protecting us is not just bringing up policies to hound any airline but also stopping some of the decision giving this multiple frequencies. It will go a long way to protect Nigerian airlines,” Onyema said. “We should form alliance among ourselves as local airlines and also in Africa and our agreement should be based on a win-win situation.” “Since the foreign carriers have been operating into Nigeria, how many jobs have they created for Nigerians? Since we began four

Vice Chairman of the Clement Isong’s Foundation, Obonganwan Nne Clement Isong presenting an Award of Excellence to Akwa Ibom State Governor Mr Udom Emmanuel, during a book presentation in honour of the late Dr. Clement Isong in Abuja, Friday. years ago, we have created over 3,000 jobs; we have employed over 150 pilots and we only have 30 expatriate pilots. “The earlier Nigerian airlines begin to come together, the better for us. “In America foreign carriers do not do multiple destinations; in Nigeria, not only do we have multiple destinations for the foreign airlines, we also give them multiple frequencies at the detriment of our own local airlines. “If we support Nigerian airlines, 95 percent of them will succeed. We must begin to have deliberate policies to support our local airlines,” said the Air Peace boss, who also insisted that the single aviation market remains a fraud because ‘there is no level playing field among Nigerian and other foreign airlines.’

FG tightens noose on unlicensed foreign travel agencies


igerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is set to publish list of licensed travel agencies in the country sequel to an earlier directive to the operators to register their operations and obtain identification tags in the country. It would be noted that the National Association of Nigerian Travel Agencies (NANTA) had over the years waged a relentless battle against the strategy of foreign travel agencies who collude with their national or state carriers to corner businesses from local travel operators. This is just as some foreign airlines offer travel plans to Nigerians and other residents in collusion with their foreign travel agencies. These travel agencies are usually unregistered and hence, do not protect the interest of their Nigerian customers. However, following the policy guidelines powered by NANTA’s protests, NCAA, in June 2018 launched a mandatory

Identification (ID) card scheme – the Nigeria Travel Practitioners Identification Card (NTPIC) – for travel agencies to protect the travel industry, guarantee public transaction safety and boost transparency. Already, the ID card system has started sieving away usurpers because as at last year, only 157 out of over 6000 travel agencies including defiant foreign operators were licensed by NCAA. Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulation Act (2006) mandates travel agencies to register with the NCAA – the apex regulatory body for all service providers in the local aviation. In his recent remarks on the planned clampdown of unlicensed operators, the Director, Air Transport Regulation at NCAA, Group Capt. Edem Oyo-Ita (rtd), said the rule is clear on mandatory registration of travel agencies in the industry for transparency, fairness and security in all dealings. He revealed that the federal

agency had reached agreement with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that all operating agencies must have registered with NCAA by the end of the year. According to him, “The high rate of illegal and sharp practices was quite disturbing and needed to be curbed. Incidences of fraud; where agents collect fares but issue fake tickets, or tickets that have not been paid for, and tickets sold at exorbitant rates, were getting reported almost on daily basis.” Responding, President of NANTA, Bernard Bankole, said: “Air travel is growing but not so in Africa. What we need in Africa is to set aside the geopolitics and adopt liberalisation, without which even the single market arrangement will not work. “Many Kenyans dream of coming to Nigeria, Cameroon and so on but the cost of travelling is huge. A travel of about four hours costs $800. We should be looking at the cost too.

Africa-African Diaspora Tourism Association set to be launched at 2019 Akwaaba


frican Travel Quarterly, publishers of the ‘Atqnews.com,’ has unveiled a shortlist of Diaspora winners of the Africa Travel 100 Global personalities awards. The award recognizes personalities of African Origin, living in Africa or outside the continent, irrespective of their current citizenship or nationality that has been contributing to the development of the continent and its Diaspora in the area of Tourism and Travel. This comes as plans to launch a Global Tourism Association for Tourism players in Africa and the diaspora nears completion. The African Travel 100 Global Personalities award will take place during the 15th AKWAABA African Travel Market at Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on the 23rd of September, 2019. Akwaaba African Travel Market is from 22nd to 24th of September 2019. The award is expected to honour personalities in the travel and tourism sector that have exemplified themselves in the industry and contributed to the growth of the sector in Africa and the Diaspora. The event will be part of the First African Tourism Diaspora Conference 2019. The Conference is expected to draw top tourism personalities from around the world to Lagos Nigeria. African Tourism Diaspora Conference 2019 is to mark the 400 years of slavery. Slavery is a very sensitive topic that has created an uncomfortable relationship between Africa and its diaspora. The Conference is an opportunity to celebrate the merging of Africans, Americans, Caribbean’s and the rest of the

world during this memorable gathering expected in Lagos. Africa with 54 countries and a population of 1.2 billion has an unbelievable tourist attraction. The Caribbean and African diaspora have a unique culture, rich heritage and beautiful destinations for tourists, hence the need to connect and combine these wonderful cultures and population, creating a huge global market. The African Diaspora Tourism Conference presents a platform to discuss, initiate, dialogue and celebrate a new relationship. However, the recognition of Africa as a beacon of hope for African people living on the continent and in the Diaspora to explore, relate and live using the African Diaspora Tourism Conference as the African Platform for the foundation of this long-lasting relationship. Posterity will remember that the improvement was earned not by coincidence but by conscious efforts to validate the struggles, strengths, and linkages between African descendants on a PanAfrican scale. The African diaspora and Africa have the same unique culture, rich heritage and beautiful destinations for Tourism and Trade, therefore, there is a need to connect and combine these wonderful cultures and population as a market for mutual benefit. The Africa Travel 100 Awards now in her 18th year has recognized over the years leaders, industry practitioners, and the government officials who have promoted tourism and improved travel using unique platforms and new information.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

AVIATION Air Peace applauds closure of Enugu airport by FAAN Stories by VICTOR NZE


ir Peace Limited has commended the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) decision to shut the runway of the Akanu Ibiam International Airport in Enugu for urgent repairs, saying the move has the ‘full support’ of the airline. It would be recalled that FAAN in an online statement made available, last Tuesday, said it would close the runway at Akanu Ibiam International

Airport, Enugu for major repairs and works on the airfield effective 00:00 on 24th August, 2019. The statement signed by the General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Mrs. Henrietta Yakubu, also informed airlines, airlines, passengers and all other stakeholders that the move is aimed at resolving the existing safety/security concerns to flight operations, adding that a date to reopen the runway will be communicated in due course. However, reacting to

the development, Monday, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the airline, Allen Onyema, in a personally signed online statement, stated that the airline is totally in support of the Federal Government decision to shut down the airport for necessary repairs. “For the avoidance of doubt, Air Peace is fully and totally in support of this decision. Though the decision will affect the traveling public and, of course, the airline, we place the safety of the flying public, our

crew and equipment above any commercial benefits. “The government should go all out to put everything in place, within the period of the closure, that would make the airport rank among the best international airports in the country. We plead with the Federal Government to make the airport a 24hr flight operations airport by improving the night landing infrastructure,” Onyema said. The airline also hailed the Federal Government for the appointing Capt. Yadudu as the

Managing Director of FAAN, adding that his appointment is a testimony to the Federal Government’s resolve to put result driven persons at the helm of its agencies. “Air Peace is not alone in this thought. Since his coming, airlines have started enjoying the services that would definitely improve the standards in the industry. We thank President Mohammadu Buhari for his resolve to attend to the infrastructural decay in the industry.” Onyema said.

AIB moves to attain multi-modal accident investigation status


ommissioner of Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB), Nigeria, Engr. Akin Olateru has stated that the agency was working on the process of becoming a multimodal accident investigation organisation, as it had submitted a bill to the Senate in that regard. He disclosed this at the just concluded ‘Safe Skies for Africa’ programme organised by AIB in collaboration with National Transport for Safety Board (NTSB) to further ensure safety in Africa skies. The AIB boss stated that already the Federal Executive Council (FEC) had approved its proposal for the new draft bill to make AIB a multimodal accident investigation body. Olateru explained that a bill to empower AIB to carry out multimodal accident investigation operations was in the Senate, adding that hopefully before the end of this year the bill would be approved. He further explained that what this means is that by the passage of that bill, AIB automatically becomes the only body in the country empowered by law to investigate air, rail, marine and road transport accidents. The AIB boss said that the trend today is for bodies such as AIB to be saddled with the responsibility of investigating accidents in marine, Air, road and rail, adding that any country that remain stagnant would left behind. According to him, “We are currently working on the possibility and the approval by the National Assembly of AIB going

multimodal in our operations. Going multimodal means we are not just going to be investigating air accidents alone but we will be investigating rail, marine and road accidents. We will be joining other nations around the world who operate the multimodal system. Hopefully, before the end of this year, this bill will be passed and that will make AIB Nigeria one of the top nations that operate multimodal system,” Olateru contended that one of the reasons products such as Apple, Amazon and Samsung are top brands and making waves in the market today was because they invested heavily on research and development. “If you remain stagnant the world will go pass you. For any country to survive this time, you must invest in research and development to ensure we are on top of our game,” he said. Speaking further, Olateru disclosed that the United States through the NTSB would no longer sponsor the ‘Safe Skies for Africa’ programme, which is usually sponsored by NTSB in conjunction with AIB. On why the US based agency decided to stop the sponsorship of the programme, Olateru said, “I cannot speak for the US why it stopped the sponsorship.” The Chief Executive Officer said that he has approached Africa Development Bank(AFDB) to sponsor the Safe Skies for Africa project through an independent organisation such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation(ICAO) and that talks on the matter was still ongoing.

From left: Director of Engineering Services, Engr. Salisu Daura; Managing Director, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN)Capt. Rabiu Hamisu Yadudu, the Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and the Airport Manager during a visit to the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu.

Unions threaten NAMA operations over non-implementation of new CoS


our unions in the aviation sector have issued an August 31st ultimatum to the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) to provide the new Condition of Service (CoS) to the workers or risk dire consequences accumulating to an industrial action. The unions including; the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE), Air Transport Services Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (ATSSSAN), Association of Nigeria Aviation Professionals (ANAP) and the Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations Civil Service Technical and

Recreational Services Employees (AUPTRE), aim to press home their demands. The unions in a communiqué issued at the end of emergency of Joint Action Committee (JAC) in respect of the Conditions of Service meeting held on August 15, 2019 and addressed to the Managing Director of NAMA, Capt. Folayele Akinkuotu was signed by NUATE Chairman, Igene PJA, ATSSSAN chairman Dada Oluwole, AUPCTRE chairman, Tukur MSA and ANAP chairman, Afatakpa Patrick expressed disappointment that the new approved condition of service had been delayed longer

than necessary. They insist that should NAMA fail to resolve the problem before August 31st, 2019 deadline, it could have huge consequences on the agency and airlines operating in and out of the country, thereby adding to the precarious situation of the airspace management agency. The action could paralyze the agency. They noted that the unions, management, National Income, Salaries, Wages Commission (NISWC) and Federal Ministry of Transport representatives met last week in Abuja and concluded all amendments as requested by the Commission.

Ebola: NCAA tasks airline operators on high level vigilance


igerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has directed all operators, especially airlines operating regional and international flights into the country, to exercise a high level of vigilance. The warning is coming following the resurgence of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in line with International Health

Regulations (IHR). The directive was contained in a letter signed by the NCAA director general, Captain Muhtar Usman and has since been sent to all airline operators. In the letter, NCAA has directed that airlines’ Pilots in Command (PIC) of aircraft are to report to Air Traffic Control (ATC) any suspected case of communicable disease on board their flight in line with Nig. CARs The Regulator noted that in case of a suspected case of communicable disease on board

an aircraft, aircrew are required to fill the General Declaration (Gen Dec) and Public Health Passenger Locator forms in line with Nig.CARs and respectively. Thereafter, completed forms are to be submitted to the Port Health Services (PHS) of the destination aerodrome. In addition, airlines are to ensure they have on board valid and appropriate number of First Aid kits, Universal Precaution Kits (UPKs) and Emergency Medical kits in line with Nig.CARS and

Airlines are to refresh the knowledge of their Crew members (flight deck and cabin crew) for improved and sustained proficiency in handling and communication with ATC of any suspected case of communicable disease on board. In case of death to a patient, operating airlines should endeavour to contact Port Health Services for clearance before importing human remains into the country. Airlines are to report to NCAA in writing any suspected case of

communicable disease on board any flight. Similarly, the Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) shall immediately communicate to Port Health Services (PHS) any report of a suspected case of communicable disease on board aircraft in line with Nig. CARs The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) expects strict compliance and will collaborate with all relevant agencies to prevent the incursion of Ebola or any communicable disease into the country.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019


LG grows AI brand ThinQ portfolio Stories by VICTOR NZE


G Electronics has said it is committed to creating a consumer-centric smart home ecosystem with the ultimate aim of allowing homeowners to control all their appliances and devices from one spot. A combination of longlasting, premium appliances and the unrivalled the intelligence of LG ThinQ will position LG as a trendsetter in this fiercely competitive market. According to Mr. Hari Elluru, Head of Corporate Marketing, LG Electronics, West Africa Operations, “Today’s smart speakers can keep everything in order in the home by

Ransomware attacks only un-updated systems –Microsoft


ountry Manager for Microsoft Nigeria, Mr Akin Banuso, has again urged digital managers to ensure regular update of machines with the latest cybersecurity softwares. Speaking in an interview in Lagos, he revealed that the 2018 ransomware attacks on corporate bodies and government frustrated more systems that lacked the latest patches or updates. Banuso said: “If you look at a ransomware attack that happened last year, the bulk of the people who were affected were those who didn’t have updated machines. They were running outdated software that didn’t have the latest patches or updates. Therefore, all the risks that had already been seen around the world affected them. “The moment we detect or contain or nullify a risk/threat, the program gets updated globally. “If you do not have a good patch management practice or up-to-date software, you

turning lights on and off, adjusting the temperature of the room or reading the news, all with a voice command. Smart speakers can now recognize voices for a more personal experience and can act as an individual’s personal assistant by reading that day’s agenda, offering a reminder to pick up milk on the way home and even recommending the fastest route to get to work in the morning. With such technology in the home, it’s easier now than ever to multitask and save time.” “Life is about more than having the latest technology. It is about the experiences technology creates. From TVs to home appliances and computer products, LG delivers consumer electronics that let you embrace life and prepare you may be affected. Sometimes, there is a good reason for you not to update the program automatically because you have changed control practices in place but you still need to have a very fast response time nowadays. If you don’t have that, you may see these types of attacks. Nowadays, we have seen these targeted attack trends: some, financial institutions where a large amount of money is moved are getting targeted. It is like a chain. You’re only as strong as your weakest link and all they have to do is to find the weakest link.” Continuing, the Microsoft chief in Nigeria said: “When we advise organisations and the government, what we say is ‘focus on where your top value is.’ What is your value or core competence? You’re using digital tools but if your core competence is not technology, partner with the professionals and, as much as possible, let them handle those things.” Banuso, therefore, called on digital managers to always make sure that systems are covered to the extent that you don’t just buy something which becomes obsolete tomorrow, buy something that its service is ongoing. “In terms of security, when you look at Windows Defender which comes with Windows 10, it isn’t like buying just any antivirus software; it is a service just as you have Windows 10. Anytime you detect a new thing, it is automatically updated for you.”

for its greatest moments. We’re committed to providing electronics that work best for the way you live and to keeping you updated with the latest technological advances. After all, life’s better when you’re prepared”, he said. LG has continued to taking a leadership role in advocating the beneficial role of AI in consumers’ lives. Since its launch in 2017, the company’s AI brand LG ThinQ has seen its portfolio grow rapidly to include air conditioners, washing machines, TVs, smartphones and robot vacuum cleaners. “AI is just one-way appliances are being personalized to meet the lifestyle needs of today’s consumers”, Elluru averred. A big push to tap markets with single-door refrigerators, semiautomatic washing machines designed for rural consumers is in the offing. LG already has 20,000 retail touchpoints and a vast after-sales service network. Speaking at the CES 2019, LG’s president and CTO Dr I.P. Park outlined the company’s vision for the future in his keynote, titled AI for an Even Better Life. According to him, the three key pillars of artificial intelligence – Evolve, Connect and Open – could deliver a robust AI

ecosystem with diverse solutions for the real world. LG’s ambition is to unlock the potential of AI technology in a much larger scale by connecting hitherto individual units into intelligent systems. LG Electronics believes that life can be “Made Better with LG ThinQ,” its contribution to the AI ecosystem. With products such as the LG TV AI ThinQ, LG InstaView ThinQ refrigerator, LG TWINWash ThinQ and LG XBOOM AI ThinQ smart speaker, LG is delivering personalized, proactive, efficient and easy solutions to today’s consumers. From cooking a Sunday morning breakfast to planning a last-minute trip, LG ThinQ makes each step as easy as possible. LG TVs with AI ThinQ have the Google Assistant built-in, bringing higher intelligence to your living room. You can find the best entertainment, or ask the Assistant to change the light settings, adjust the room temperature, and more. The LG InstaView ThinQ can. The refrigerator lets you create and share shopping lists between your smartphone and refrigerator, or check on the contents of your refrigerator, anytime, anywhere. The company first showcased the smart refrigerator at CES 2019 and have received great reviews ever

since. LG’s Award-winning and revolutionary TwinWash washing machine comes with some interesting features including the ability to simultaneously wash two separate loads of laundry and of course the much talked about LG ThinQ technology. It is a dream come true for those that may experience some anxiety around washing clothes and choosing the right settings. TWINWash will not only give you recommendations for which wash cycles to choose based on the clothes you’re cleaning, but also send you alerts when you’re running low on laundry detergent using their AI smarts. The Xboom AI ThinQ smart speaker responds to voice commands, and you can use the 8-inch touchscreen to watch videos, make video calls, check the steps of a recipe and control your smart home. It also has a camera for making video calls, along with a physical shutter. It’s HighResolution Audio at 24bit/96kHz is capable of reproducing HighQuality sound from the original recordings, including formats like ALAC, WAV and FLAC. The company has also reinforced it’s committed to making life better for everyone through its smart home innovations.

NITDA, TETFUND sign MoU to advance IT in tertiary institutions


ational Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to deploy emerging technologies and ensure digital inclusion in tertiary institutions across the country. The MoU, which process started four years ago between the two institutions, was signed on Friday in Abuja. The MoU focuses on Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure Deployment;

Human Capacity Development; Deployment of Emerging Technologies and Digitisation of Services in tertiary schools. Other areas are Project Management; IT Academy Deployment; ICT Policy Development and Emerging Technologies and Deepening of Research and Development with ICT in tertiary institutions. The Director-General of NITDA, Dr Isa Pantami, said that the document was strategic as no institution of government could develop in isolation. “Although most tertiary

institutions are already using ICT in their activities, there is a need to upgrade to include emerging technologies to be at par with the global trend. So many schools in Nigeria do not have old records of their activities and when past students misplace results or certificates, they only engage in swearing court affidavits. “However, with Block Chain technology, Artificial Intelligence and other forms of modern day technology, schools can digitise their activities which will save cost, energy and ensure efficiency. Our universities are becoming highly

populated, but with IT, we can make easier the learning process which will de-congest the classrooms.” He said that if the two institutions remained committed to the provisions of the MoU, the intervention would go a long way to ensure the consolidation of IT in tertiary schools. Pantami also encouraged TETFUND to set up a committee in collaboration with NITDA to facilitate the implementation process of the MoU. Prof, Suleiman Bogoro, the Executive Secretary of TETFUND, on his part, said that quite a

number of emerging technology solutions were very creative, innovative and enhanced learning. According to Bogoro, such emerging technologies are needed for a knowledge-based economy and reduce issues of plagiarism in tertiary school programmes. He added that the MoU would be for the benefit of the students and lecturers because ICT was required for every process of learning. The secretary commended NITDA for providing ICT facilities in many tertiary schools across the country.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019


Mauritius trumps Nigeria, S/ Africa in ‘most mature continental telecoms market’ index


auritius remains the most mature African country when it comes to telecoms, according to the 2019 Africa Telecoms Maturity Index by BuddeComm. The Australian research company’s Telecoms Maturity Index analyses the broadband, mobile and fixed line markets of a country as well as a range of economic parameters to rank it on a scale of one to 100 and compares it to its region. All countries are placed into one of three categories — market leaders, market challengers or developing nations — according to their index score. In terms of market leaders, the new index placed Mauritius in first place, with a score of 49, while Algeria and South Africa moved up into second and third place with scores of 43 and 34 respectively. In 2018, Mauritius was also number one but Ghana ranked second with a score of 34 and Tunisia third with a score of


According to the index, in Mauritius, the thriving tourism market has stimulated the broadband sector. The island nation has extensive DSL infrastructure and operators have deployed fiber-based services in a number of locations, according to BuddeComm. In Algeria, mobile penetration approaches 116 per cent and mobile Internet accounts for about 92 per cent of all Internet connections in the country. Algeria’s biggest mobile operator by market share, Mobilis, has also reportedly partnered with Huawei for its network migration to 5G. BuddeComm noted that in South Africa, mobile penetration by early 2019 approached 169 per cent, driven partly by the popularity of multiple SIM card usage, and also by the take-up of mobile broadband services. Mobile Internet accounts for about 95 per cent of all Internet connections in South Africa.

Fidelity Bank deepens digital technology with open banking


idelity Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Open Technology Foundation (OTF) for the adoption of a standard Application Programming Interface (API) for its operations as a financial institution. Open Banking is a system that provides a user with a network of financial institutions’ data through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs). The Open Banking Nigeria Standard defines how financial data and services should be created, shared and accessed. By relying on networks instead of centralisation, open banking helps customers to securely share their financial data with other financial institutions. The bank recently took a bold step to further provide its consumers with improved services and solutions that meet

their needs by leveraging the collaborative model of Open Banking. Through this partnership, Fidelity Bank would deepen its financial services delivery through appropriate and time sensitive channels whilst collaborating with other stakeholders within the ecosystem. Open Banking has been seen as the most transformational financial technology over the next decade which has seen about 47 countries at various stage of implementation. Recently, the Central Bank of Nigeria signaled its intention to lead Africa in digital payments innovation with the request for information about the National Payments System Vision 2030 for which Open Banking is a strategic priority. Additionally, Fidelity Bank has by this development, joined other leading banking and financial services industry

players, who have not only adopted but are also promoting this mode of operation, which among other benefits would drastically consolidate customer satisfaction, grow revenue across diverse streams, promote financial inclusion, as well as assure a smooth but controlled data flow. “As a digitally innovative and forward-thinking bank, we believe in the importance of investing in digital technologies and its significant contributions to shaping the future of banking globally” said Fidelity Bank CEO, Nnamdi Okonkwo. “Therefore, this partnership with the Open Technology Foundation for the adoption of a standard, industry-wide API is a step in the right direction and is in alignment with our commitment to digital innovation, for the satisfaction of our customers” he explained further.

Layer3Cloud launches on vmware cloud provider platform


ayer3, an industry leader in cloud, scalable and secure networks, has announced its entry into the VMware Cloud Provider Program (VCPP) and the launch of Layer3Cloud built on the VMware Cloud Provider Platform. This platform is a public cloud service and is fully compatible with customers own VMware environments built on vSphere®, the leading virtualization platform for building cloud infrastructures. As a member of the VCPP program, Layer3Cloud provides its VMware IaaS Powered service as a set of cloud computing services across a common platform, using proven VMware technology that organizations already use in their existing data centers. The VCPP program provides global cloud services and the choice of local VMware VCPP partners in more than 100 countries globally. “Cloud services delivered by VCPP partners & leveraging the Cloud Provider Platform can

provide the efficiency, agility, and reliability inherent in cloud computing,” said Dave Funnell, Senior Manager Cloud Providers VMware. “We look forward to supporting Layer3 further as it empowers organizations with a simple, flexible and rapid path to the cloud.” Customers that use Layer3Cloud have the ability to move workloads from their VMware vSpherebased virtualized or private cloud environment to the VMware Powered Cloud Provider Platform and back again. This allows customers to achieve flexibility and security, while enabling increased IT agility. Layer3 sought to build the VMware Cloud Provider Platform in order to improve its overall cloud computing capabilities, to add high availability and to provide more businesses with the opportunity to take advantage of VMwares unique hybrid cloud computing technology.

Huawei to receive another 90-day extension to its temporary trade license


uawei was banned from trading with United States companies back in May this year, just to receive a temporary permit a few days later. The Shenzhen-based telecommunications giant had 90 days to trade with U.S partners and the reprieve is ending today. However, according to sources, the US Commerce Department is expected to extend the trade license for another three months, and hopefully, in this time the United States and China will manage to reach an agreement in their ongoing trade disputes. The source quoted “two sources familiar with the

situation” since none of the sides commented on the matter. Huawei is currently held as a bargaining chip in the talks between the two economic superpowers, with presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping expected to discuss the future of the company later this week. According to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, more than 50 companies applied for special licenses to distribute to Huawei in the past three months. Out of $70 billion that Huawei spent for components in 2018, around $11 billion went to US companies like Qualcomm, Intel, and Micron, mostly for memory chips for its smartphones and 5G antennas.

Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Dr Isa Pantami, with Prof, Suleiman Bogoro, the Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), at the signing of MoU by the two institutions on deployment of emerging technologies and digital inclusion in tertiary institutions across the country, Friday in Abuja.


he National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), has warned interest groups in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector not to set government agencies regulating them on a collision course. NITDA, which said it enjoys a harmonious relationship with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), and other regulators, noted that other government agencies in the sector have a clear mandate and enabling laws that propel their operations. The clarification and warning, according to NITDA, became necessary following a recent outcry by the Association of Licensed Telecommunication Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), alleging that “NITDA is trying to usurp the regulatory functions of the NCC.” NITDA insisted that every one of its regulations are in the interest of the sector, and the public as a whole. ALTON had alleged that NITDA, through the five regulatory

NITDA insists internet regulation is in public interest instruments it rolled out in January, was usurping NCC’s role on data services, saying the framework which empowers the agency to license Public Internet Access (PIA) providers is a usurpation of the NCC function. The Association also claimed NITDA’s “Framework for Data Centre Facilities”, and “Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR)”, amounted to multiple regulations that would pose a challenge in the industry.“The key concern is that NITDA appears to be assuming the role of a parallel regulator for data services,” ALTON had said in a petition to NCC.Responding on behalf of NITDA, Head, Legal Services and Board Matters, Emmanuel Edet, said no single regulator in Nigeria has a converged mandate on ICT. “Various agencies have different roles to play in developing

and regulating ICT in Nigeria as dictated by their mandates and enabling laws. Furthermore, no single entity is regulated by only one regulator in Nigeria. Regulators in the country work in a cooperative and complementary capacity, resolving mandate overlaps in a cooperative manner,” he said. Edet reiterated that NITDA is saddled with the responsibility of establishing regulatory frameworks and guidelines for smooth operation in the IT sector. He explained that the Framework and Guidelines for PIA 2019, was issued to ensure the safe use of free or subsidised publicly accessible internet service in Nigeria, adding that NITDA was charged by concerned stakeholders to check the regime of publicly accessible Internet service considering its national security dimensions.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

MONEY Market

Forex restriction on food import is favourable to MSMEs –NASME STORIES BY KAYODE OGUNWALE


he Nigerian Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (NASME) has stated that the Federal Government’s decision on foreign exchange restriction to food import is favourable to the association and manufacturers in the country. The Chairman, Lagos State Chapter of NASME, Mr. Solomon Aderoju, who stated this in Lagos during the association’s press briefing announcing its fort coming 3rd Edition of Business Round table scheduled to hold

on August 29th, 2019, noted that the policy statement will help in strengthening the country’s currency. Aderoju pointed out that forex restriction will help conserve the Nigeria’s foreign earnings, adding that it will adversely enhance the already weakened Naira. Commending the government for the giant stride, he said, this is the only way MSMEs would grow, adding that more jobs would be created if well implemented. According to the Vice President, South West, NASME, Oladipo Jemi-Alade, the government pronouncement is a new opportunity for

the members and other manufacturers in the country to explore the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCTA), saying that the round table was apt. He said, “Now that AfCTA is open unto us, we have to be prepared for the next level. We want to be in a position to compete favourably with our foreign counterparts. For this reason, we are upgrading our skills, and we have embarked on membership training nationwide to build skils and capacity.” In his response, Adam Adebayo, Chairman, NASME Cooperative noted that over

200 members have accessed the Anchor Borrowers Fund, stressing that the group have been advocating bann on imported food to enable them process and sell their local produce. Adebayo said; “We have been exporting primary produce, but now that there is new development, we are happy because we would be able to add value by processing all our produce through our value chain. With this, the government will now bring back the Commodity Board, which will be responsible for price control so that the farmers will not record losses.”

AfDB boss seeks increased inter-African trade


midst the lingering trade dispute between the U.S. and China, the world’s two largest economies, now stretching into its second year with no end in sight, continuing instead to unsettle global markets and unnerved investors daily, President of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, on Saturday night challenged African leaders to intensify trade with each other. As if this was not enough cause for concern, there is the uncertainty over Brexit (Britain’s planned exit from the European Union, now set for October 31), which poses risks to the continent’s economic prospects, Reuters quoted the head of the African Development Bank (AfDB) as saying. Brexit is continuing, even without a transition deal, which economists fear could severely disrupt trade flows. In a chat with Reuters on the sidelines of the Southern African Development Community meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Adesina also noted “the recent challenges between Pakistan and India that have flared off there… All these things can combine to slow global growth, with implications for African countries.” As a way out, he urged leaders of African countries to add value to their agricultural produce, thereby

Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo, National Council President, The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE); His Excellency, Dr. Olukayode Fayemi, CON, Executive Governor of Ekiti State and Oscar N. Onyema, OON, Chief Executive Officer, NSE during the presentation of the replica of the NSE Closing Gong at the Facts Behind the State Economy presentation at the Exchange in Lagos.t cushioning the impact of external shocks occasioned by these risks. “I think the trade war has significantly impacted economic growth prospects in China and therefore import demand from China has fallen significantly and so the demand for products and raw materials from Africa will only fall even further,” he said. Even more significant for him is the fact that “China’s own outward-bound investments on the continent” could also affect official development assistance. Adesina, however, believes the African Continental Free Trade Area,

launched last month, could help speed up economic growth and development, African nations, he stressed, however, needs to remove non-tariff barriers to boost trade. For him also, “the countries that have always been facing lower volatilities have always been the ones that do a lot more in terms of regional trade and do not rely on exports of raw materials. “The challenges cannot be solved unless all the barriers come down. Free mobility of labour, free mobility of capital and free mobility of people.” Meanwhile, in view of the

looming risks to the continent’s economy, Adesina said the AfDB could review its 4 percent economic growth projection for Africa in 2019, and 4.1 percent in 2020 if global external shocks accelerate. “We normally revise this depending on global external shocks that could slow down global growth and these issues are increasing by the day. Meanwhile, Adesina, while charging Africa “not be underambitious,” expressed happiness that AfDB’s “$13 billion investment in Southern Africa is delivering strong results.

Access Bank unveils smartphone device financing scheme


ccess Bank continues to lead the way in innovative economic digital finance solutions, providing more Nigerians with access to credit as it unveils the Device Finance scheme, a scheme designed to provide salaried customers with the opportunity to purchase smartphones of their choice and pay over a period of twelve months. Speaking on the initiative, Executive Director, Retail Banking, Victor Etuokwu said, “Access Bank has taken the initiative to lead the digitization of lending in Nigeria and wants every customer to benefit from the modern connected lifestyle. Through our revolutionary and ground-breaking credit schemes such as Device Finance, we will see more Nigerians get connected to do more in business online and enjoy social lifestyle of their choice. And that is the kind of change that we want to see. “Device Finance is designed to finance the purchase of devices under a contract arrangement. The financing scheme currently includes smartphone devices, where customers can enjoy additional benefits with an optional monthly airtime bundle, which can also be converted to data. “Under the Device Finance scheme, we are offering a variety of smartphones from TECNO to the iPhone series ranging from N12,500 – N325,000, where customers pay anything from N1,500 a month to N30,000 a month, depending on the selected device. “The Device Finance airtime bundles range from N2,750 – N22,750 and our partnership with MTN allows MTN users benefit from huge discounts, where customers can also get some devices for free by adding the monthly MTN airtime bundle subscription” he concluded. The Device Finance scheme is available to all Access Bank salaried customer and devices can be purchased at competitive market prices, spread across a twelve-month repayment period. Customers can access the Device Finance scheme by downloading the QuickBucks app from their Apple iOS App Store or Google Play store and follow the prompt steps.

UBA partners LCCI for 2019 Lagos International Trade Fair …Promises customers 20% discount on registration


nited Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, and the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry(LCCI), have partnered to organize the 2019 edition of the Lagos International Trade Fair. The Fair, which holds between November 1st and 10th, 2019, is the 33rd edition and is expected to provide an avenue for networking and other business opportunities that will assist to catapult business activities in Africa’s largest and busiest city, Lagos and in Nigeria.

UBA, which is the headline partner will be working together with LCCI, to provide a veritable platform that is intended to grow both domestic and international trade. It further presents participants and visitors with opportunities to seal medium and top business deals. In line with UBA’s unflinching support to the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the bank is giving a 20 percent discount to its Small and Medium business customers who register to attend

the fair. UBA’s Group Head, Marketing, Mrs Dupe Olusola, who expressed excitement at the partnership, noted that the bank, with its extensive spread across Africa and other major economies of the world, is always on the lookout for partnership opportunities that will benefit the business environment and the economies where it operates. Olusola noted that the Bank is delighted as this year’s Lagos International Trade Fair is coming

after a very successful organisation of UBAmarketplace by the Bank in Abuja, where over 120 SMEs from 20 African countries exhibited their products, attracting over 50,000 footfalls. She said, “UBA, the Pan African financial institution, has branches in 20 African countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France and has always been involved in activities that aim to strengthen business connections and networks across

key economies. “Thus, we have decided to partner with LCCI to promote this year’s fair which is in its 33rd edition because the Lagos International Trade Fair has become a genuine avenue for both domestic and international trade through business to business meetings, product launches, enlightenment opportunities for government agencies’ programmes, and international trade partnership deals across borders” she explained.

The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019



The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

Love and Living

...With Ireto Temofeh



‘We just went at it like she just didn’t exist.’ Former Playmate reveals she had sex with Donald Trump in front of her friend


Name: Dammy Tel: 08125936432 If you want to be our next Model of The Week, e-mail or forward your photos/data to: ireto007@yahoo.com. Call 07031028714


former Playboy Playmate has told how President Donald Trump cheated on his pregnant fiancée Marla Maples – who later became his second wife - during a steamy six-month affair. Model Barbara Moore, 49, met the tycoon in March, 1993 – three months after she became Playboy’s Miss December centerfold – and claims the president was a ‘great lover’ and a true ‘gentleman’. The pair embarked on a passionate love affair which saw Moore spending time with the billionaire at Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower behind Maples’ back. And in a series of stunning photos obtained by DailyMail. com the blonde beauty is seen posing up in a bikini amid the opulent surroundings of Mar-aLago in the private residence of Trump. She even took a photo of the president flexing his muscles on a sun lounger by the mansion’s swimming pool. In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, she said: ‘I dated Donald Trump for around six months, from March to September 1993. Moore decided to tell her story after being bombarded with press requests after she was named in legal documents filed by former Playboy model Karen McDougal who is now seeking to invalidate her

agreement with America Media Inc. ‘It was a passionate affair, he was a great lover and a gentleman. ‘But at the time I didn’t know he was with someone else, let alone engaged to Marla Maples and it was only recently I learned she was pregnant at the time. This has shocked me, but I don’t hold it against Donald, he was a great lover and I think he’s a great president.’ DailyMail.com reached out to the White House for comment. A source familiar with the matter said the president said these are more false accusations. Moore’s revelations come amid a cloud of controversy surrounding his alleged flings with porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who both claim to have slept with Trump while he was with current wife Melania. But while Daniels and McDougal have both publicly criticized the president, Moore is far more complimentary. She met the billionaire at Trump’s Castle Casino hotel, a former Trump owned property in Atlantic City, New Jersey in March, 1993. As Miss December, 1992 Moore was hired by Playboy to do a fashion show at the posh casino hotel.

Romantic Joke Roger!

Roger is a hard worker, and he spends most of his nights bowling or playing volleyball. One weekend, his wife decides that he needs to relax a little and take a break from sports, so she takes him to a strip club. The doorman at the club spots them and says “Hey Roger! How are you tonight?” His wife, surprised, asks her husband if he has been here before. “No, no. He’s just one of the guys I bowl with.” They are seated, and the waitress approaches, sees Roger and says “Nice to see you, Roger. A gin and tonic as usual?” His wife’s eyes widen. “You must come here a lot!” “No, no” says Roger “I just know her from volleyball.” Then a stripper walks up to the table. She throws her arms around Roger and says “Roger! A table dance as usual?” His wife, fuming, collects her things and storms out of the bar. Roger follows her and spots her getting into a cab, so he jumps into the passenger seat. His wife looks at him, seething with fury and flips out on Roger. Just then, the cabby leans over and says “Sure looks like you picked up a bitch tonight, Roger!”

Expert says using lemon or lime can ruin your drink


drinks industry expert has revealed how to make the perfect gin and tonic Sam Carter from Bombay Sapphire, said ginger and mint are perfect ingredients He revealed that lemon and lime soaked in water can make the G&T ‘musty’ Many of would be outraged

if our G&T was served without a slice of lemon or lime. But according to a gin expert these garnishes should be avoided at costs when it comes to making the perfect gin & tonic. Sam Carter, a senior ambassador at Bombay Sapphire, told Business Insider that the citrus fruits add ‘mustiness’.

The expert, who has 22 years experience in the drinks industry, said the perfect ingredients for a gin & tonic are actually ginger and mint. According to Carter, lemon and lime that has been sitting around in water can ruin the taste of your drink. He said: ‘It just adds a real

fusty, mustiness to it.’ Carter advises that ginger, which should be put in the glass first, and a spring of mint are the perfect addition to a G&T because they ‘pull on two of the botanicals in the gin’. He also said the perfect mixture is one part gin and two parts tonic, and the more ice the better. And your enjoyment of your G&T can also be affected by your choice of glass, with a balloon glass being the preferred choice and a burgundy red wine glass at a close second. These glasses allow the drinker to get their noses right inside them, giving them a good whiff of the drink - part of the

enjoyment of a good G&T. Carter said the choice of tonic made a huge difference, and revealed that Fever Tree and Schweppes Cucumber Tonic were his favourites. Gin lovers were sent into a frenzy recently when popular brand launched Premium Pink Distilled Gin & Tonic cans for £1.80 a tin at four major supermarkets in time for the first May bank holiday weekend. Gordon’s Pink Gin, which launched last year, is said to taste of raspberries and redcurrants with a touch of juniper. It has now been pre-mixed with Schweppes Tonic in tins, which are on sale at Asda, Morrisons, Tesco and the Co-op.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

True Confession


’m Justina. I live in Kaduna. I got married to a rich businessman 15 years ago. But sadly, we had no child for 10 years. When I went for a test, I was told there’s nothing wrong with me. My husband never wanted to go for a test. But after much pressure, he opened up and told me that he had an infection on his manhood long ago and that a doctor had told him that he might never be able to impregnate a woman. At that time, my mother-in-law was threatening to throw me out of my husband’s house on account of my ‘barrenness’. She never knew her son was the cause. And my husband could not tell her. My husband begged me not to tell his mother. But as time passed, the threat to give birth or pack out became unbearable. And I told my husband that he has to find a solution quickly because I can’t continue to

“We weighed several options. I wanted us to adopt, but my husband said adopting a child would expose him as a man unable to impregnate his wife and his mother would know. Then I told him that we could buy a baby. But my husband was afraid of the risk involved in the illegal trading of babies.” suffer in silence. We weighed several options. I wanted us to adopt, but my husband said adopting a child would expose him as a man unable to impregnate his wife and his mother would know. Then I told him that we could buy a baby. But my husband was afraid of the risk involved in the illegal trading of babies. Later, I was surprised when my husband said that it would be better for me to get a boyfriend to impregnate me and claim that it was my husband’s pregnancy. The idea sounded good, but I reminded my husband that we would have to pay the young man for it. But my husband said he was going to arrange everything. My husband left Kaduna the following day and travelled to Ibadan to rent a flat for me. When my husband returned from Ibadan, he ordered me to relocate to the house he had just rented at Ibadan and that after the job was done, I should return to Kaduna. So that was how I went to live in Ibadan for nine months pretending to be a spinster. I got a boyfriend from The Polytechnic and within three months of sleeping with him, I discovered I was pregnant. Quietly, I packed my bags and left Ibadan

‘My husband ordered me to get him a child from outside’ back to Kaduna state without even telling the poor boy that I was pregnant for him. My husband was pleased. The baby turned out to be a boy and my mother-in-law no longer troubles me. I don’t regret not telling my boyfriend in Ibadan that I was pregnant for him, because if I had told him, he would have tried to blackmail me in order to extort money from me. Young men of these days like to blackmail

married woman, so I think I did the best thing in the circumstances. It would be impossible for him to trace me all the way from Ibadan to Kaduna, especially because he never even knew I got pregnant, not to mention giving birth. Besides, what purpose would it have served if I had told the poor boy that is obviously not ready to have a child at the age of 24? A married woman that needs a boy to

impregnate her should never tell him when she gets pregnant. Instead, she should quietly return to her impotent husband. After all, I’m now my husband’s next of kin since I’ve given him a male child. And when my husband dies, me and my child will inherit his wealth without stress from his family.

Do you have a story or comment about this confession? Call 07031028714.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019


With Douglas Omoyooma

Big Brother Naija vox pop

Khafi Kareem Nigerians speak on Khafi Kareem’s absconding from her job, sex on national TV


haffi Kareem, BBN 2019 controversial housemate, is in hot soup! Going by indications coming from the MET police, she would be prosecuted for absconding from her job. Social media was abuzz after a popular Londonbased newspaper broke the news that she was a police officer with the metropolitan Police who had gone AWOL only to resurface on BBN 2019 having sex on national TV thus constituting what has been described as an embarrassment to her employers. The report states that Kareem joined the UK Police as a constable in 2015 and did not get permission from her employers before making it into the Big brother House where she has had several sexual rumps on national TV with fellow housemate, Ekpata Gedoni thereby embarrassing her employers. In a statement that has shocked most Nigerians, the Metropolitan Police declared it had not granted Kareem’s request to appear on the show and that an internal investigation would be carried out adding that any officer found to have breached police standards of professional behaviour would face misconduct proceedings. An unnamed colleague of the officer said: “She’s a serving British Police officer. It’s outrageous.” Meanwhile, today, oracle Today brings you the reactions of Nigerians. This is tragic! –Samson Edoko, businessman I was shocked out of my wits when I learnt she was a police officer with the MET police. This is supposed to be someone who should be a role model to the younger generation, an officer of the law. First she absconds fom her duty post which is a serious offence nd then she is seen having sex on national TV. This is a tragedy for the image of the police. The full hand of the law must come upon her.

Khafi is old enough to take her decisions –Ibidun Lawrence What are we talking about here? I am surprised when Nigerians display this holier than thou attitude. What is your business what Khafi does with her life. She is over 18 and entitled to her decisions. She is a mature woman and must have weighed the consequences. Whatever comes after Big Brother I am sure she can handle. My honest thought is there is no need crying more than the bereaved. Let us just pray she makes it to the end of the show and probably wins so it could compensation for her decision. Sixty-million naira is a lot of money –Kayode Da-Silva, banker Wow! N60m is a lot of money. I believe she must have planned this very carefully in rode to create a from fan base with a view to winning the prize money. She is walking a tight rope but I pray she is alright at the end of the day because is she does not win, she would have sacrificed a good job and a bright future for a few

instagram likes like daddy Freez said. However, she is old enough to make a decision that would favour her.

her at the end of the day. I think BBN organisers should approve the use of sex toys too.

Please, let Khafi be! –Hassan Aminu That we even have Big Brother showing on our airwaves is a big embarrassment and a disgrace to the Giant of Africa. when Awo gave us TV in 1959, the South Africans were in chains but today, we all cue up to purchase their decoders and now they are moulding the minds of our young ones, the future of our country negatively and this will go a long way to hurt us as a people. N60m for having sex on TV, that is promoting pornography. Nigerians as a nation has lost it. She is an adult and so she is doing what she thinks is best for her. Please, they should allow her be! You all should let her do whatsoever she deems fit for her as long as it makes her happy.

Khafi is at fault –Robbinson Khafi is at faulty for not getting permission. But in other not to judge, we must hear from her own team also. But her employers should have waited until she was out of the house before addressing the issue.

Khafi desperate for fame –Clement Ogwuche I can see a lady who is desperate for fame and will do anything to get what she wants. Life is a choice though and that’s her choice. Having sex on national TV three good times and still counting? Haba! Is she the only one with private parts? I am not trying to judge her but it wasn’t a good move. It is her body, her choice. Somehow, I still feel for her because the guy she has been dishing out the thing to will still dump

I agree with Daddy Freeze –Edward Atuls, medical laboratory scientist I think I agree with Daddy Freez’s opinion. Why would she put a good paying job with benefits and a future on the line just for a few Instagram likes? This is a job that pays you in either Euros or Pounds. She should have just obeyed her superiors. Khafi is at fault but... –Sylvia Onuokwu, banker Khafi is at fault for not getting permission but we should not to judge. We must hear from her team also. But her employers were supposed to have waited until she was out of the house before addressing any issues. Khafi chose to damn the consequences! –Funmilayo Kayode Well, every establishment has its work ethics. If you are in an establishment you should understand the work ethics and regulations. I am sure Khaffi knew this and just decided to damn the consequences! She should be ready to accept whatever happens beyond Big Brother as long as she hasn’t resigned officially. If having sex is against the rules, she can get her lawyer to put that straight. She is an adult and can decide to have sex on a moving train; it is her business. Did she even have sex? Well, her lawyer can swear she didn’t. Khafi is not responsible –Adedolapo Amodeni, journalist Personally, I think she should have gotten the right permission before going for the Big Brother Naija show. The fact that her permission was denied is enough for her not to bother but she decided to go ahead and risk her job to compete for the N60m grand prize. The issue of having sex a few days after getting into the house shows she is not a responsible young lady. The house can make you go crazy because you are shut out of the real world as you don’t have access to mobile phones or TV but this is not a valid reason to engage in such on a national TV. The UK has not been fair to Khafi –Tosin Aboge, teacher I think the UK government has not been fair to Khafi. If she really didn’t get permit for her absence, that means she must have breached the service code but for the sex thing, it is so wrong to expose her the way they did in that publication. Isn’t that her private life again? It is just like my boss at the office threatening me with a sack because I kissed someone in public. Anyway, we should all await Khafi’s opinion immediately she leaves the BBN house. Khafi has the right to do whatever she likes –Blessing Abosi, student Firstly, is her choice to go for the show with or without the permission of her bosses? However, she is an adult and has the right to take any action. Khafi has lost it –Jude Onwubiko Khafi is at faulty for not getting permission. But in other not to judge, we must hear from her own team also. But her employers were also supposed to wait untill she gets out of the house before addressing any issues.


The Oracle Today Wednesday August 20 - 26, 2019


Lagos moves to tackle crime with Forensic DNA Analysis

Stories by VICTOR NZE


agos State Government has disclosed that plans are ongoing to equip its Forensic Centre with Chemistry and Toxicology units to strengthen criminal investigations. Solicitor-General / Permanent Secretary in the State Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Funlola Odunlami, who made the disclosure at the 4th Lagos Forensic Symposium at Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos,

Enugu police nab alleged killers of 2 Catholic priests

police command in Enugu has Tnalhearrested no fewer than 30 crimisuspects, including the alleged

opined that the unit would commence operations by 2020 to help the government uncover illegal use of controlled substances and drugs in the State. “The inclusion of the forensic chemistry and toxicology checks will enhance criminal investigations in the State and also speed up the identification and conviction of perpetrators of cases related to intake of poisonous and harmful substances in the body”, Odulami said. She added that the Lagos State DNA and Forensic Centre located at Odunlami area of Lagos Island has played a significant role in investigating over 100 cases of deaths, identification of exhumed human remains, rape and burglary since the commencement of operations in 2017. The Lagos State Solicitor-General further noted that the forensic centre has also investigated about 300 cases of paternity and other heredity related issues, stressing that Nigeria has finally joined the international community’s efforts in applying scientific methods to pros-

ecution, defence, law enforcement, criminal investigations, national security and disaster management. Odunlami explained that the symposium was aimed at providing the public with information on the role of forensic science in criminal investigation and its importance to law enforcement agencies and the judiciary on mass fatalities, sexual assault, and other issues. Also speaking at the event, Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Zubairu Muazu said the introduction of forensic science has helped in utilising Criminal Speciality Law in investigating criminal identities and exonerate the innocent persons. Muazu, represented by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department, CIID, Mrs. Yetunde Alonge, said investment in forensic investigation shows the visionary leadership of the Lagos State Government and urged the participants to tap into the wealth of knowledge of the professionals at the symposium. In his remarks, the Director, Lagos

State DNA & Forensic Centre, Dr. Richard Somiari, disclosed that Lagos State DNA and Forensic Laboratory is the only one accredited for Forensic DNA analysis in Nigeria, adding that the database accelerates the process of identifying victims of crimes, linking crimes to one another and also identifying serial offenders. While commending the Lagos Police Command for its collaborative efforts with the State Forensic Centre, Somiari said forensic services are also available to NGOs, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and other members of the public. Participants at the 4th Forensic Symposium included Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers, Legislators, Police, Immigration, Customs, Investigators, Forensic Pathologists/ Scientists, Medical practitioners, Emergency Responders, Fire Brigade, Investigative Journalists, Students and the Press. Recall that the Forensic Centre was established by the Lagos State government in 2017 to aid criminal investigation through DNA analysis.

killers of two Catholic priests, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Sulaiman Balarabe, has said. Balarabe said this on Friday at the command’s headquarters, while briefing newsmen on the activities of the command in the past one month. He said that the command also recovered 15 assorted arms and ammunition as well as other dangerous weapons from the suspects. The police boss said that four suspects believed to be involved in the murder of Rev.-Fr. Clement Ugwu, on March 13, 2019, were apprehended in Lagos and Ogun states by operatives from Enugu command. He said: “They have made useful confessionary statements about their involvement in the murder of the Catholic priest. “Also, another four suspects involved in the recent murder of Rev.-Fr. Paul Offu and the kidnap of a monarch and his wife in Awgu Local Government Area on Aug. 1 and Aug. 2, are currently in police custody. “The four suspects were arrested in Benue and Abia states and have also confessed to the crime. He said that the command had intensified its investigation and manhunt for the remaining four •Director, Office of the Public Defender, Mrs. Olayinka Adeyemi (right) presenting OPD Flyers and other materials to the Consuspects mentioned to be involved troller of Nigeria Prisons Services, Lagos State Command, Mr Noel Ailewon (left) during a courtesy/familiarisation visit to the in the recent criminal activities in controller’s Office, in Ikoyi Lagos Awgu. Balarabe described the suspects, who were arrested in connection with the murder and kidnap cases as notorious bandits allegedly terrorising the state. He expressed joy that the suspects were finally in police net. agos State Police Command has by the Hausa boy in error and the Force. He said that the command had arrested five suspects involved in goods fell down. Arguments en- “Divisions within the area comprovided more security to Catholic priests in order to forestall a recur- a clash between area boys and scav- sued between the two which led to mand equally sent reinforcements, rence. engers at Oke-Odo Market. exchange of blows. the situation was brought under “We have asked them to inform The Command’s Spokesperson, “Friends of the two joined the control and traffic was cleared. the police whenever they have a DSP Bala Elkana, said in a statement fight in solidarity and other miscre- “No death was recorded, but four function or suspect that some crimi- on Sunday, that the clash was trig- ants took advantage of the mo- persons sustained various degrees nals are lurking around their do- gered by a misunderstanding when ment to steal and loot. of injuries and are currently receivmain,’’ he said. a scavenger reportedly pushed an “They blocked Lagos/Abeokuta ing medical attention. The commissioner also paraded area boy, who had goods on his Express way. What started as a “Five suspects namely, Kabiru scores of other suspects, in connec- head, by mistake. fight between two miscreants al- Mohammed, Kabiru Adamu, Bation with armed robbery, burglary Elkanah said: “On Aug. 18, at 10.00 most snowballed into ethnic crisis, shiru Mohammed, Saliu Madu and and cult activities. Also in police net was an alleged a.m., one Alh. Adekunle Habib, of Il- if not for the timely intervention of Yusuf Amuda, were arrested in connection with the breach of peace.” local gun manufacturer in Udi Local epo market, reported at Oke Ode the police. Police Station that there was a mis“Police teams from Oke-Odo Di- he said. Government Area of the state. “I can assure the people of Enugu understanding between a Hausa vision were the initial responders. Elkana added that normalcy had state that the command is working scavenger and an area boy from the The command sent reinforcements been restored and patrols were onfrom the Operations Department, going in the affected areas, while tirelessly to rid the state of criminal Yoruba ethnic group. “The area boy was carrying some Rapid Response Squad, Taskforce, the suspects would be charged to elements to ensure that the state remains safe and secured,” he said. goods on his head and was pushed Tactical Units and Police Mobile Court.

Scavengers, area boys clash: Police arrest 5 in Lagos


Benue police confirm 4 dead in gunmen attack on mourners Benue Police Command has confirmed the killing of four persons in the early hours of last Saturday at a burial in Tongov district of KatsinaAla Local Government Area. Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Mukaddas Garba, who disclosed that incident occurred during the burial of one late Tor Amaafu, said the police had commenced investigation into the matter, assuring that the perpetrators would be brought to book. He urged the public to assist the police with relevant informations that would lead to the culprits arrest. Eyewitness account say the gunmen, who numbered over 10, opened fire on the mourners and killed many while others sustained injuries in the process.

Owoseni appointed Oyo gov’s Special Adviser on Security Matters


yo State Gov. Seyi Makinde has appointed Mr Fatai Owoseni, former Commissioner of Police in Lagos and Benue States, as Special Adviser on Security Matters. This is contained in a statement signed by Mr Taiwo Adisa, Chief Press Secretary to the governor, in Ibadan, on Sunday. The governor, who indicated that the appointment took effect from Aug. 1, said it was in line with the recognition of security as one of the four pillars of the state government. Makinde urged Owoseni to discharge his duties with absolute loyalty and dedication. According to him, the newly-appointed Special Adviser is expected to bring his wealth of experience garnered over the decades through many local and international assignments to bear on the security situation in the state. The appointee, who retired from the Nigeria Police with the rank of Commissioner of Police in early 2019, holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy. Owoseni also holds Diploma in Police Management (DPM) and other several certificates in Police courses. He rose through the ranks to become Commissioner of Police in charge of General Investigations at the Force Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Department (FCIID), Abuja. He served as the Commissioner of Police (CP) in Lagos and Benue States, and equally served as Commissioner of Police (Administration), at the Department of Operations, Force Headquarters, Abuja,. He also served as an Expert on Mission and Seconded Staff (at managerial level -P5 position) to the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) and the African UnionUnited Nations Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

SPORTS FIBA AfroBasket 2019: Buhari salutes gallant D’Tigress ...As distraught D’Tigers lament neglect By MADUABUCHI KALU


ollowing the excellent performance of the country’s women basketball team D’Tigress at the just concluded FIBA AfroBasket 2019, President MuhammaduBuhari has showered encomium to the country’s women basketball team who retained they trophy they won in 2017 without losing a game. The President praised thenational female basketball team, D’Tigress, for an impressive outing at the FIBA Women’s AfroBasket 2019 in Dakar, Senegal, that saw the Nigerian ladies retaining the African title. The Nigerian ladies defeated their counterparts and host nation, Senegal 60-55 to win their fourth title. Buhari in a statement issued on Sunday night by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, MallamGarbaShehu, congratulated the D’Tigress for a remarkably synergized play that enabled them to outpace and outplay all the teams at the tournament to retain the title they won in 2017. The President noted that the feat the D’Tigress achieved in Senegal further consolidated their position as African champions with four titles. “The President commends the team for discipline, maturity and focus all through the tournament, and deliberateness in promoting the Nigerian flag and accompanying virtues of resilience, persistence and dogged pursuit until victory was achieved. “President Buhari sends appreciation to all the officials and technical hands that guided the team to win the African title, urging them to remain focused in deploying such energy and talent in subsequent global tournaments.” It is recalled that the Nigerian ladies defied the home support enjoyed by the Senegalese to retain the trophy they won in 2017. Meanwhile it was not an easy game for the Nigerian women as the game was the closest en-route to the final.

D’Tigress There was no gain saying that the Nigerian women in their bid to ensure that retained the trophy defied everything that the Senegalese women threw at them. Right from the commencement of the game, the D’Tigressdid not leave anybody in doubt on their desire to retain the trophy hence, they looked to be coasting home after the third quarter but the Senegalese came back strong in the last quarter to take a brief lead before the Nigerians rallied back to win the game despite losing the final quarter to the host. From the onset, D’Tigresswere in top gear, racing to a 10-4 lead. But the Senegalese fought back gallantly to reduce the first quarter to 14-10 advantage Nigeria. In the second quarter, D’Tigress continued their dominance, which ended in 32-24. They also won the third quarter 16-13 to bring the cumulative score to 48-37. The Senegalese had a better quarter but the Nigerians rallied to win it and took an 11 point lead to the final quarter. However, the drama was left for the final quarter when the Senegalese got 10 points without the Nigerians making any. It took the D’Tigress five minutes to make their first point in the final quarter and briefly relinquish the lead midway through the quarter which they lost 12-18. But by then, the Nigerians had done enough to earn victory and win their second consecutive title. The Oracle Today Sports is joining well-meaning Nigerians to congratulate and wish them for doing the country proud. Meanwhile, players of the male national team, D’Tigers, who are in the last phase of their World Cup preparations

Fury ridicules Joshua


yson Fury has hit back at Anthony Joshua after his rival ridiculed him for fighting Otto Wallin. The Gypsy King takes on little-known Swedish fighter Wallin in Las Vegas in September in another tune-up fight ahead of his rematch with Deontay Wilder next year, but Joshua wasn’t impressed with the opponent selection. Joshua said he would never fight ‘lower-tier heavyweights’. After hearing the comments, Fury responded by questioning the caliber of Andy Ruiz Jr – AJ’s next opponent. ‘What about Andy Ruiz then? Was he a top tier heavyweight when he fought him? He got

in Lagos are distraught following the uncertainties surrounding their participation in the tournament, which tips off on August 31 in China. The D’Tigersare one of the 32 teams billed for the World Cup that also serves as the 2020 Olympics qualifier. The best placed African team in the tournament automatically qualifies for the Olympics. Five teams namely Nigeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Angola and Cote d’Ivoire are representing Africa at the World Cup. The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, has not released funds for the World Cup, despite not funding the team’s qualifying tournament. According to the Team Manager, Musa Adamu, the situation in camp looks gloomy as players feel neglected by the government. “They are not happy. They feel neglected. They believe that if it was football, government would not treat them like this,” said Adamu. “It is not only that it is the basketball World Cup, the tournament also serves as 2020 Olympics qualifier. This is the more reason why government should provide the funds. This is the national team; the Nigeria Basketball Federation (NBBF) has tried its best. “The government should not leave the burden to the NBBF alone. The NBBF in the past two years has funded all national teams’ assignments, both men and women, nothing from the government,” he lamented.

knocked out by him,’ Fury told Behind the Gloves. ‘No he wasn’t, that’s the answer to that question. Nobody knew who Andy Ruiz was. He was a two-week replacement opponent. ‘People only become somebody by getting an opportunity. This time last year Andy Ruiz was nobody, absolutely f****** nobody. ‘Today he’s heavyweight champion of the world. If he wasn’t given the opportunity on two weeks notice then nobody would know his name. ‘He contradicts himself quite a lot actually. AJ, you must think before you speak, you little p****.’

Joshua will rematch Ruiz Jr in December and has gone on the offensive since announcing the rematch would take place in Saudi Arabia. ‘Fury’s gonna fight Otto Wallin, no-one talks about that,’ Joshua said. ‘I fought Wallin as an amateur. These guys are cream of the crop, they shouldn’t be fighting them type of people…I can’t fight Wallin, don’t think I can ever fight lower-tier heavyweights.’ Asked why he thought Joshua was hitting out at his rivals more frequently, Fury replied: ‘He got his ass handed to him by Andy Ruiz, so now he thinks he needs to talk a bit more.’

Siasia vows to clear name after FIFA ban By MADUABUCHI KALU t is no longer news that former national team striker and coach, Samson SiaSia was slammed with life ban on football related activities by the world football governing body, the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) after having found him guilty of agreeing to accept bribe to manipulate result matches by the global football governing body’s Code of Ethics after its investigations which started on February 11 this year. However, the news is that the man at the centre of its all has vowed to clear his name of any wrong doing hence he has since engaged his lawyer who he disclosed are with the matter.


The former Nigerian coach was not only slammed with life ban on football related activities but was in addition imposed with a fine of CHF 50,000. It is noted that FIFA imposed a life ban on the former Nigeria coach on Friday after its Code of Ethics submitted it findings and the Bayelsa State-born former national team player did not waste any time in denying any wrongdoing and as a result consulted his lawyers to ensure that his name is cleared. According to FIFA the former striker, who also managed the Nigeria Under-20 and Under-23 teams, was found guilty of “having accepted that he would receive bribes in relation to the manipulation of matches in violation of the Fifa Code of Ethics,” FIFA

wrote in a statement. However, in reaction to the life ban the former Nigerian international vows to exonerate himself of any wrongdoings. In his words: “I’ve not done anything wrong and will continue to fight to clear my name,” he told BBC Sport. “Everything is now in the hands of my legal team.” A subordinate of the former Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) official, Prince Opukiri Jones-Ere, believes the legal team of the 52-year-old will react in due course as they bide their time over issuing a response. “The coach was unable to address the press on Saturday as planned because he’s undergoing a lot of stress,” Jones-Ere said.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

SPORTS AkwaIbom to build Olympic size swimming pool –Iquaibom By MADUABUCHI KALU


Chief Oyuki Jackson Obaseki

NFF, Anyansimourn Oyuki Obaseki By MADUABUCHI KALU


he Board of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) have expressed shock over the death of the former Chairman of the Nigeria Premier League (NPL) and 2nd Vice President of the Nigeria Football Federation, Chief Oyuki Jackson Obaseki. Chief Obaseki died on Sunday 18th August 2019 in Benin City, the Edo State capital. It is recalled that the veteran football administrator has been sick for quite some time but joined his ancestors on Sunday according the report. The Benin City High Chief left his giant footprints in the sands of time with his extensive work, passion and vision to take Nigeria League’s elite division to new heights. He was pioneer chairman of the body known as Interim Management Committee which was inaugurated in February 2005, and which transmuted to the Nigeria Premier League (NPL) the following year. In the words of the NFF: “A truly big tree has fallen. We remember very much the work that Chief Obaseki did to promote and project the elite division of

the Nigeria League during his time as chairman. It was difficult to match his passion and energy as he pursued his vision for an independent League body. “We worked together at some point during the early days of the efforts to reposition the Nigeria Premier League(NPL). He took everything that needed to be done as a project and drove everyone else around him hard to play their own roles appropriately,” Acting President of the Nigeria Football Federation, Barrister SeyiAkinwunmi said on Sunday. Obaseki, known with the alias Moving Train, was also the Ohe of Bini Kingdom – a very high– ranking position in one of the oldest Kingdoms in the universe. As Chairman of the Premier League, Obaseki was automatically the 2nd Vice President of the NFF during the presidency of AlhajiSani Lulu Abdullahi – 2006-2010. Reacting to the demise of the Edo State born football administrator, a member of the board of the Nigeria Football Federation and the longest and most successful club chairman in the country, Chief Felix

AnyansiAgwu, pour encomium on the late NPL boss. According to Anyansi the man Obaseki meant different things to different people depending from where the said individual is looking at him from. Speaking further, the Item-Abia State born football administrator per excellence said Obaseki was a fearless man who when he believes in a course can fight anybody that stands on his way, hence, he was called a moving train. “Well, I must first and foremost commiserate with his family. I pray that God will grant them the fortitude to bear the irreparable lost. “The man Chief Oyuki Jackson Obaseki means a lot thing to different people. He was someone that is fearless. “He was a strong will man who sincerely wanted to change the domestic league and we worked very hard in ensuring that he achieved his aim for the league. “The late Chief Obaseki was someone who when he believes in a course can fight anybody to achieve his set goal. He was no nonsense man.”

Why we initiate Onitsha City Marathon –Organisers By MADUABUCHI KALU


he organisers of Onitsha City Marathon whose maiden edition will hold on the 25th of October, 2019 have given reasons they deemed it necessary to initiate a marathon for the historic city of Onitsha, the commercial capital of the Southeast geo-political zone of the country. The Onitsha City Marathon according to the organisers is the initiative of Onitsha Business School. According to them, it is a product of an MBA simulation aimed at providing a solution to an observed environmental challenge in an otherwise energetic community of vibrant youth population idling away.

They said Onitsha Business School (OBS), the promoters of Onitsha City Marathon intend to create three (3) world class sporting facilities cut across Onitsha City to help promote, propagate and harness the idle sports talents in the city of Onitsha and beyond. Theorganisers disclosed that the Onitsha City Marathon is going to be an annual event which has been specifically designed to showcase the tourism potential of the birth place of the great Zik of Africa, the late Dr. NnamdiAzikiwe, the first president of Nigeria and the Owelle of Onitsha. The explained that they want to use the Onitsha City Marathon to place Onitsha on global map of a center of

sporting excellence just as they equally want to change the perception of the commercial nerve centre of southeast as a city known only for buying and selling to a sporting city. According to the chief promoter of Onitsha City Marathon, Professor OlusegunDapoSogbesan, the organisers of the Onitsha City Marathon want to use marathon event as a catalyst to revolutionise sports as a tool for socio-economic development in Onitsha metropolis. “The organisers and promoters of Onitsha City Marathon, the Onitsha Business School (OBS) want to use this marathon to put Onitsha on global map of sports centre of sports excellence.”

his piece of information will gladden the hearts of aquatics sports enthusiasts across the country as AkwaIbom State is planning to build an Olympic size swimming pool according to the State Director of Sports, Lawrence Iquaibom. Iquaibom disclosed this to the Oracle Today Sports in exclusive telephone interview. He explained that building an Olympic size swimming pool is what the state is looking forward to doing as a way of developing swimming in the State. “Of course the State has to bring back one of our sons, Reverend Samuel Jesimiel to come home and help in the development of swimming in the state. There is no gain saying that over the years, he has been away contributing immensely to the development of aquatics sports in the country

while the state has no swimming structure,” Iquaibom began. “He is to put the structure on ground to enable the state benefit from aquatics sports where is an expert as his technical expertise is well known the world over having been one of the technical officials of both CANA and FINA,” Iquaibom explained. Speaking further, the member of the board of Nigeria Weightlifting Federation (NWF) while reacting to a question said: “Of course, we have plan of building an Olympic size swimming pool in the state. “The aim is to develop swimming in the state because AkwaIbom is an Aquatic state and we suppose to make maximum use of the enormous water resources abound in the state. “As a matter of fact, swimming and aquatics sports supposed to be fetching the state a lot of medals in national and international tournaments,” Iquaibom explained.

Lawrence Iquaibom

12th AG: It won’t be easy run for Nigeria, Egypt in T/Tennis –Official


s the 12th edition of this year’s Africa Games officially opens on Friday in Morocco, an official of the Nigeria Table Tennis Federation (NTTF), TayoAdesoji, says the table tennis event will not be a direct rivalry between Nigeria and Egypt. Adesoji, who is representing the South-West on the NTTF board, told the reporters in Lagos that countries like Senegal and Congo have stepped up their game. Adesoji was speaking against the backdrop of the performance of players that represented both countries in the recentlyconcluded 2019 ITTF Challenge Plus Nigeria Open held in Lagos. “Nigeria and Egypt have dominated table tennis in Africa for years but the 2019 ITTF Challenge plus has shown that it will not be a battle between Egypt and Nigeria alone. “We all saw the performance of IbrahimaDiaw of Senegal and players from Congo Brazzaville at

the competition. “The battle field has been expanded, so the rivalry will involve Nigeria, Egypt, Senegal and Congo Brazzaville in Moulay Al Hassan Arena, venue for the ping pong event of the Games,” he said. On his expectations from the players, the board member said the country had what it takes to excel in the event, owing to the calibre of players assembled to represent the country. “The coaches have selected quality players that will represent us with the likes of SegunToriola, ArunaQuadri, FunkeOshinaike, Cecelia Edem and others who merited to be in the team,” he said. Nigeria will jostle for medals in 22 events at the 12th edition of the Games that will feature 54 countries from the continent. The country has so far amassed a total of 1,199 medals, having participated in all the editions of the competition formally known as the All Africa Games.


The Oracle Today Tuesday August 20 – Monday August 26, 2019

SPORTS Coutinho moves to Bayern on loan By MADUABUCHI KALU with Agency Report

B Why Southeast was excluded from 2020 FIFA WW/Cup venues ...As Chukwu faults reason for zone’s exclusion By MADUTABUCHI KALU


ust recently, the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) inspection team were in Nigeria to inspect some designated venues that the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) proposed to play host to the 2020 FIFA Women World Cup if the country wins the hosting right. The FIFA inspection team were conducted to the various stadia that the NFF were proposing to play host to the World Cup tournament and none of the venues was located in the south east zone of the country thereby, drawing the anger of football stakeholder from the zone. But the NFF came to disclose that the reason the southeast was not considered as venue that was listed by them was because no stadium in the entire zone that has the capacity to play host to FIFA World Cup has natural grass on them and as a result the zone was shot out. One of those that kicked against the shorting out of the zone happened to be the former chairman of the

Sportswriters Association of Nigeria, Fan Ndubuoke who described the situation as unacceptable. He explained that zone is the home of women football as according to him more than 70 per cent of women footballers in the country both league and national team players are from the southeast zone. Reacting to the exclusion of the zone by NFF, former national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu told the Oracle Today Sports that he was worried when his attention was called to the exclusion of the Southeast in the listed proposed venues of the FIFA Women World Cup if Nigeria wins the hosting right. According to Chukwu, it was after he learnt of the reason the zone was excluded that he had respite but said it was wrong for FIFA to have given natural turf as condition for the match venues saying the 2018 World Cup was played on synthetic turfs. “Yes I heard of the exclusion of the Southeast in the match venues of the proposed FIFA Women World Cup. Of course I was worried why the zone that is the home women football in Nigeria will be excluded among the proposed venues for the competition,” Chukwu began.

razil and Barcelona star, Philippe Coutinhohas signed a season loan deal to Bayern Munich with an option to buy. According to Barcelona the German side paid 8.5m euros (£7.78m) for the Brazilian, 27, on loan while the option to buy stands at 120m euros (£109.84m). Bayern will also pay Coutinho’s wages for the duration of the loan spell. “For me, this change represents a new challenge in a new country at one of the best clubs in Europe,” he said. “I am really looking forward to this. I have big goals, like Bayern, and I’m sure I can do it with my new teammates.” Bayern chief executive Karl-Heinz Rummenigge added: “We have been working with Philippe Coutinho for some time and are very happy that we were able to realise this transfer now. “Our thanks to FC Barcelona for agreeing to this transfer. In Philippe, a player comes to FC Bayern who will strengthen our offensive with his creativity and excellent technique.” Coutinho, who was in the crowd for Barcelona’s La Liga defeat against Athletic Bilbao on Friday, joined from Liverpool in a £142m deal in January 2018. Despite scoring 21 goals in 76 appearances for the Spanish giants, he has fallen short of expectations and had been linked with several clubs this summer. It is believed he was included as part of a bid by Barcelona to re-sign Neymar from Paris St-Germain, the Spanish club reportedly willing to offer 100m euros (£92.4m) plus Coutinho for the forward. Tottenham ended their interest in a loan deal for Coutinho earlier this month, while he was also linked with moves to Arsenal and back to Liverpool.

Kanu pledges to advance sports development in Imo By MADUABUCHI KALU ormer Super Eagles captain, NwankwoKanu has pledged to keep supporting the growth of grassroots sports development in Nigeria. Knau made the pledge after he was appointed Senior Special Assistant on sports matters to Imo State Governor, Rt. Hon. EmekaIhedioha last week. An elated Kanu described his appointment as opportunity to do more for the development of sports development in the state. Kanu’s new role will see the only Nigerian to have won the continental prestigious African Footballer of the Year twice advise Ihedioha on sports-related issues in his state of origin. Reacting to this development the formerAjax,Inter Milan and Arsenal star expressed to serve Imo people well just as he promised not to take his appointment for granted, saying that he would bring his wealth of experience to bear in his new position. “This is a good thing for me and a welcome


development knowing that Mr. Governor believes in my ability,” he said. “For me, it’s a good path to thread knowing that I have been an apostle of grassroots sports for long. So this is a very good opportunity to do more. “In terms of sports development, Imo state will get more and benefit from my wealth of experience. “Although it will be too early to make promises, I can assure you that I will do everything within my ability to justify this appointment.” Kanu started his playing career with boyhood club IwuanyanwuNationale. There, he won the Nigeria Professional Football League title in 1993 before travelling abroad where he won many accolades including the Uefa Champions League.

Igali wants wrestlers to give best in Morocco By MADUABUCHI KALU with agency report resident of the Nigeria Wrestling Federation (NWF), Hon. Daniel Igali has challenged the country’s wrestlers and coaches to the 12th African Games in Morocco to ‘give their best efforts’ when hostilities resume in the Northern African Nation. Igali gave the challenge at the unveiling ceremony of Nigeria’s wrestling team to the quadrennial multisport event, which took place in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State recently. Sixteen athletes (6 females and 10 males) and 5 coaches, as well as 2 officials, will fly Nigeria’s flag in wrestling at the Games in three styles; Women Wrestling, Freestyle and Greco Roman, and the Olympics champion believed their ‘best efforts’ will bring glory to the country. “My charge to the athletes and to the coaches is


what we practice on the mat – to go out and give your best effort. You can’t do better than that,” Igali, a Commissioner Designate in Bayelsa State said. “Nobody can do better than their best effort on the mat. “If an athlete leaves the mat, and feels that they could have done more, they’ve cheated themselves. And that is our philosophy on the mat and that’s how we train. So, that is the same echo, that is the same reminder that I will give to the athletes and also to the coaches, who will be by their side, to remind them constantly to leave everything on the mat.”

EPL Table Team




Liverpool 2 4 6 Arsenal 2 2 6 Man City 2 5 4 Brighton 2 3 4 Tottenham 2 2 4 Bournemouth 2 1 4 SheffUtd 2 1 4 Everton 2 1 4 Man Utd 1 4 3 Burnley 2 2 3 Norwich 2 -1 3 Leicester 2 0 2 Wolves 1 0 1 Crystal Palace 2 -1 1 Chelsea 2 -4 1 West Ham 2 -5 1 Aston Villa 2 -3 0 Newcastle 2 -3 0 Southampton 2 -4 0 Watford 2 -4 0

WEDNESDAY August 14 - 19, 2019


www.oraclenews.ng By ODOGWU EMEKA ODOGWU


he 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI) by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) ranking placed Nigeria 148th among 163 countries on its peace index. That means there is no peace in Nigeria. It was same 148th position last year, whereas Ghana is ranked 44th as most peaceful in the world, even Zambia and Sierra Leone ranked 48th and 52nd in the world and 2nd and 3rd in Africa. It means, there is banditry, militarization and conflicts everywhere that the safety and security of citizens cannot be guaranteed in Nigeria. Nigeria is ranked close to Democratic Republic of Congo (155), Central African Republic ranked 157, and Somalia 158, and South Sudan is ranked 161. Most peaceful country is Iceland. It held this position since 2008. After Iceland, you have New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark. There is sadness in our country Nigeria, yet people pretend that their prayers are working when they are the architects of the commotion in the country. What is good governance if peace eludes the citizenry? What is good governance if poverty is at its peak? Former head of state, General Yakubu Gowon during his Nigeria Prays Movement in Osun State, said the greatest wish for Nigerians is peace, in order to continue to live in peace. He advised that Nigerians should develop sense of unity, love and respect for one another. I laughed because the seed of disunity was sown by him after the civil war when he failed to implement the 3 R’s-- Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation policy for Biafrans. He now parades himself as a statesman. But is he? I don’t think so! Mismanagement of the 3Rs policy by the military government to erase the scars of war, brought about resurgence of Biafra uprisings like IPOB and the likes. Hence in faraway Washington DC, United States of America, Onyema Uche in his piece outlined three cardinal sins Gowon committed against Nigerians in 1967 and why he was silent against Fulani herdsmen. He described the late Mauritala Mohammed who convinced Gowon to bring in the foreign militias known as Godogodo to fight Biafrans, as a beast and a bigot. The untrained Godogodo militia were heartless and unskilled men doing the dirty job of the federal military in any conquered Biafran land. Theirs were kill at sight and nothing else. They tortured, massacred, raped and slaughtered Ndigbo civilians at will while Gowon looked the other way. After the war, Godogodo militia were not settled to leave Nigeria as government lost control, and they settled in Northern Nigeria. Godogodo is a village in Kaduna State. Majority turned to herdsmen while others became errant and deadly in crime. Remember that the inability of Gowon led federal troop to conquer Biafra led to pledging of Bakassi Peninsula to Cameron for Nigeria to use its sea route to get to Port Harcourt. And we lost Bakassi too and so many innocent citizens died in Bakkasi over this flop. The same lop happened in Niger when he sought the help of Arabs


racle Today


ISSN: 2545-5869

Of peace, minimum wage and good governance


CORNUCOPIA By Odogwu Emeka Odogwu Telephone number: 08060750240 E-mail : odogwuchampionawka@yahoo.co.uk

in Africa and for Chad, Benin Republic and Niger as well as other Fulanis to give the federal troops help, Gowon agreed to give the Fulani herdsmen a grazing route from Niger to Eastern Nigeria. He signed off the arable land of Nigeria to Fulani herdsmen for grazing. That’s why Miyetti Allah Association maintained there was an international document that granted them a grazing route from Niger to Eastern Nigeria. Gowon signed Nigeria into slavery. But, is Gowon really iconic in the contest of it in Nigeria? Could one not be tempted to conclude that the lack of love and division in Nigeria today should be heaped on his head? What has the NYSC he introduced achieved judging from countless corps members murdered at no justification, mostly in the North? The hate in the country and marginalization among other injustices were rooted at the instance of Gowon not doing the needful with his 3 R’s after the war. Governor Adegboyega Oyetola of Osun state was praised by Gowon for not only hosting but tolerating Christians having the event during Eid-el-kabir though a Muslim. That Osun outing was a media outing and nothing more. That injustice on a tribe necessitated the enthronement of inept and corrupt leaders as merit was sacrificed on the altar of nepotism, tribalism and Federal Character which never meant anything more than the paper it was written on. He enthroned Hausa domination in armed forces and federal service at the detriment of Igbo tribe and other minor tribes. Yoruba people got a fair share from him as those from one Nigeria, whereas Ndigbo were ‘rebels’ so to speak from ‘Biafra. Those who fought that war on Biafran side were still marginalized till date without benefits even when Obasanjo gave them pardon, not all were accommodated. President Muhammadu Buhari isn’t helping matters as most of his policies today are anti people hence there is ethnic suspicion and rivalry at its peak today at all cor-

ners. Ethnic jingoism, ethnocentrism and bigotry have taken over the center stage, undermining the peace and unity of the country, Gowon was preaching about. Why should our leaders not tackle the insecurity challenges in our country? Why should people without requisite qualifications and knowledge be enthroned into leadership positions because of their tribe and not by their competences? Why sacrifice equity, justice, competences, and fair play for tribalism, religious intolerance and brazenness in a secular economy like Nigeria? Shi’ites and IPOB among others were banned and proscribed, but, killer Herdsmen notoriously killing innocent people including priests do not merit proscription and banning? Has Nigeria fared well at all since 1960? But look at China, education threw China where it is today. According to the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr Zhou Pingjian, ‘’a country thrives when its education is well developed. Higher education is a key gauge of nation’s development and potential. In the 70 years of existence of China, it has always placed education as the fundamental to its pursuit of national rejuvenation’, he spoke while giving 58 Nigerians scholarship to China. At least 6845 Nigerians are studying in China with 512 on scholarship. How many Chinese are on Nigerian scholarship and in Nigerian universities? A case for minimum wage When President Mohammadu Buhari gave his assent for the minimum wage law, there was jubilation, but months later nothing has happened. There is now blame game between the Federal Government and organised Labour on the delay of the implementation of the wage sequel to adjustment needed on the wage. Are the workers making unrealistic demands as alleged by the Federal Government or the Federal Government looking for scapegoat not to pay? Chief Richard Egbule said the irrecon-

cilable differences between Labour and Federal Government is holding the payment of the new wage pointing out that demands of labour unions would raise the wage bill too high and that’s why government would not pay. Labour asked for consequential adjustment while Federal Government had made budgetary provision for N10,000 across board for those already earning above N30,000. The unions refused insisting that since the increase in minimum wage was from N18,000 to N30,000, which is 66 percent, they want 66 percent across board. Egbule wants Labour to know that consequential adjustments in percentage if applied, it would be above the budget. Therefore he was asking for understanding of Labour for a percentage of 9.5 percent from level 7 to 14 including level 1-6 of those salary structures that did not benefit from minimum wage, then, 5 percent for level 15 to 17. Labour is asking for 30 percent increase for level 7 to 14 and 25 for level 15 to 17. That’s N12,000 increase for minimum wage earners and N100,000 increase for level 17 on 25 percent. Federal Government later shifted grounds to 10 percent for level 7 to 14 and 5.5 percent increase to level 15 to 17, yet Labour rejected the offer. First Deputy National Secretary of Trade Union Congress (TUC), Comrade Bola Audu fired back saying Federal Government was not telling Nigerians the truth about the cause of the delay. He said the N10,000 across board as proposed by Egbule is unacceptable as it is alien to the minimum wage President Buhari signed into law. He said increment from N18,000 to N30,000 represents about 65 percent but Labour came down to 30 percent when government said there is no money to pay. Already, Federal government has approved N160 bn for the new minimum wage from April to the end of the year. Why can’t Labour accept this from Federal Government and wait during harmonization of salaries to strike a better deal? Time is elapsing because implementation must have started since April. Why the unnecessary logjam? More than 20 States are owing workers and pensioners several months of salaries and other entitlements. Can we ever have good Governance in Nigeria? Why is our government not committed to justice, peace, human rights and civil liberties? Can’t the government at all levels open up its processes for participation of the masses? Can’t Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Oriented, Equity and Inclusiveness, as well as Effectiveness and Efficiency, and Accountability be the watchword of those in government?

The Oracle Today is published by The Oracle Newspapers Limited. Head Office: 116 Awka Road, Onitsha. Lagos Office: 25 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA Ikeja. Abuja Office: 1st Floor, Plateau House, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT. ISSN: 2545-5869 Email: oracletoday2016@yahoo.com, Twitter: @oraclenews.ng Facebook: oraclenews.ng@facebook.com Website: www.oraclenews.ng Advert hot lines: 09078310060, 09061836916. Editor: FELIX OGUEJIOFOR ABUGU.

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