2016 Winter: Focus on Ability

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committed to supporting ODC and hiring through our community employment program… and an incredible partnership began! In August, 2014, Hotel Marshfield gave Alyssa her first job and the opportunity to grow, mature, develop friendships at work and earn a paycheck for the very first time.

As business began to increase, Hotel Marshfield needed new employees to meet growing demands throughout the building. They contacted ODC to see if we had the appropriate candidates to meet their needs... and the relationship continued to grow! Jeff became their ‘silverware engineer’, Sharon found her ideal job as a kitchen assistant, Richard joined the banquet team, Mark filled an important dishwashing position, Frances and Shelley secured housekeeping jobs... and the lives of these new Hotel Marshfield employees were forever changed! There is no greater thrill than to have a growing and respected business like Hotel Marshfield contact ODC, indicate that they have additional openings, and offer more great work opportunities to those we serve. Their staff really see the abilities of our workers, and they are welcomed as an important part of the hospitality team.” - Mary Blanchard, Employment Resource Manager, ODC


Employer of the Year Award, Northwoods Region “From the first contact I had with Church Mutual’s human resources department until this very day, ODC’s supported employment program has been treated with great respect. They were able to find a position for Darryl, who was working with ODC to find his first community job after 23 years in a work center.

TOP: Alyssa was the first individual hired by Hotel Marshfield through ODC’s community employment program. She has worked in the laundry department since August 2014. | BOTTOM: Francis (left) says of her job in housekeeping at Hotel Marshfield, “I don’t like my job… I LOVE my job!” She also LOVES her supervisor, Barb Peterson (right).


Darryl has now been with Church Mutual for four years. He loves his job in the distribution department, and he is earning a good wage. Church Mutual has never faltered in their support of Darryl on the job, ensuring that he is succeeding in his role there. Two years ago, Church Mutual hired a second ODC candidate who works full-time, earns a good wage and receives full benefits.

TOP: Darryl has worked in Church Mutual’s distribution department for over four years. “He works with all women, so he has many ‘mother hens’,” joked Ewan. | BOTTOM: “Church Mutual has never faltered in their support of Darryl on the job,” said Sandy Ewan (left). Ewan presented the 2015 Employer of the Year award to Michelle Schwartzman (center) and Breigh Voigt (right) of Church Mutual Insurance.

I have a great respect for this company and all the individuals that work there. They have opened their doors and their hearts to the individuals they have hired through ODC.” - Sandy Ewan, ODC Employment Coordinator

Opportunity Development Centers, Inc.

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