9 may 2013 pg6

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redview Editor in Chief bids adieu averyjones editorinchief

averyjones editorinchief

du’-mmy ( n) mock-up a set o f pages (as for newspaper or duh’meepa’-ges: pay’ges: pages fora the printer

magazine) with the position of text and artwork indicated for the printer

The past four years has flown by. And I know every senior says that, but that’s probably because it’s crazy true. That morning we finally drove past Juniper Ave instead of turning to drop me off at the middle school seems like last week. I was so awkward and dorky and brace-faced. Now, four years later, so much has changed! …….okay maybe not that much, but I don’t have braces anymore, so at least there’s that! Even though the time has flown by, it’s crazy to think of all the events that have been packed into these last four years and all the people that have impacted me throughout them. So here it is: my big goodbye. To Halei, Emily, and Alex: You guys really saved me when I was in serious need of some good friends. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls to pick me up, dust me off, and show me how much fun high school could be. I owe you guys forever for that. To Mr. Kinney: I have always hated math. Concrete solutions and I simply do not get along, and numbers have never and will never be my forte. But because of you, I seriously considered pursuing math in college and becoming a math teacher. I don’t know how you did it, but you made me love it, and even more surprisingly, you made it make sense. More importantly than that though, you gave me a place to fit in here at Eaton High School. Every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch, I found my niche in your classroom with the rest of the nerdy bunch we call Knowledge Bowl. Through it I’ve met some of my greatest friends; Ian and Erin, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed getting to know you the last four years, both in KB and out. I cannot begin to express how proud I am of all of us! We came SO far! I’ll miss you guys and the club so very much. To Mr. Trotter: You’re by far one of the best teachers I have ever had. Not because you’re good at teaching History (which you are), but because you have always made me question myself. Why do I believe the things I do and how much do I believe in

myself ? I suppose when it comes down to it, not many people ever really examine those questions, but you force your students to do so, and that is why you make such an impact on people’s lives. You constantly make me laugh, and better yet, you make me think. You’re one of the most sarcastic, cynical, hilarious, insightful, wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. To Danny and Caleb: No you don’t each get your own, I’m sorry. If you wanted to be separate, you wouldn’t spend so much time together. Anyway, you guys have made senior year for me. You’re always around to make me laugh. I am so glad we’ve become so close this year. Oh and hey, remember that time you cut a chunk of my hair off, Caleb? And Danny, you just stood by and watched and laughed? That one’s definitely a high school memory I will never forget… and possibly never forgive, although I think we can laugh about it at this point. To Mishayla: We’re not going to the same college, not even in the same state, and I know that scares you. But there is no way in the world that something like that could keep you from being my best friend. You are the best thing that has happened to me in Eaton, Colorado. We have been friends since fourth grade, with our “Heart and Soul” talent show act…. or was that the “Dark Blue” year? Anyway, the majority of my great memories over the last nine years involve you in some way. You are always there for me, no matter what. You’re the funniest person I know. You’re so giving and sweet and kind. Everyone loves you, Shay. I just happen to love you MOST! You are the best best friend a person could ask for, and that’s not something graduation could change. To Molly: You teach with such passion and enthusiasm, there is no way your students couldn’t be enthusiastic about what they’re learning. You’re not just science smart, which is my favorite part about you! You love Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and you are one of the few people I know who isn’t afraid to geek out with me

May 13, 2014 about completely nerdy literary references! (Like my kittens, Mary and Pippen, or our Harry Potter and the Goblet of Phlegm cells.) You’re brilliant, all around, and you’re one incredible teacher and human being. To Shaw: I don’t even know what to say. Your class is usually the highlight of my day. I don’t know how we end up talking about half the things we do, but I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard in school as I do in your class. You’ve been a great teacher and adviser, and you’ve taught me so much in the last three years. And finally, to Mrs. Jones: Most kids I know cringe at the thought of having their mothers as teachers. But, Mom, you have MADE high school for me. Seeing you every day in the hallways and in class is a pure delight. You constantly find new ways to make me laugh, whether it’s popping in and singing to my class randomly, or shouting embarrassing “I love you’s” down the hallways. Getting to have you as a teacher was so odd for me. I’ve always wondered what you were like around your students, and finding out was even better than I’d imagined. You’re the you I love most when you’re teaching. You’re so enthusiastic and zealous and intelligent. It fills me with awe to see you so absolutely alive in what you do. I don’t know a single person who does more above and beyond for her students. I know it oftentimes doesn’t get rewarded, but don’t think for one second it goes unnoticed. I have been there every step of the way, hearing you get up at 4 am to grade papers and make biscuits and gravy for your AP class, helping you create posters and maps to decorate for your next unit, staying late until 8, sometimes 9:00 while you work on the newspaper. I’ve been observing these things for 15 years, and the last four that I have gotten to participate in them have been the best four years of our relationship. Momma, you have become my best friend. I don’t know anyone else more inspiring and wonderful and lovely. You are by far the best teacher I know, and I have no idea what I will do without you next year. You will continue to excel in all that you do, even without me here with you. It’ll be tough, but we’ll find some way to make it through, together. You have taught me more than any single person on planet Earth, both in school and out. I am so lucky to have you as my teacher, my mother, and my best friend. I love you so much, Momma.

Doddridge does magic, directing the band to success in his first year.

After an outstanding performance, Doddridge applauds his band along with the audience.

Lord Doddridge’s Prolific First Year haleycox


Coming into last summer’s Hard Core Marching Camp (HCMC), whispers ran rampant through Eaton about who would be able to replace the long-standing, successful reign of band director Phuong Nguyen. Rumors had it that the band program would fall apart. They said it would take years to return to Eaton’s previous successes. Musicians quit. Students left the program. Well, they were wrong. In Logan Doddridge’s first year, the EHS Band achieved the highest score Eaton’s ever recieved at CBA Marching Festival. For the first time in years, parents turned out to the Marching Fest and the Music Boosters played a part in the band’s successes. LD won the hearts of a group of students who weren’t willing to embrace a new teacher into the band family, broke down their walls, and cleaned the band room (which is probably his most impressive feat to date). At competition this year, Concert Band earned Superior and Excellent ratings for the first time in years. Performing on par with Eaton’s Choir program. Two weeks ago, the Jazz band followed suit, earning Superior and Excellent ratings; more importantly, three individual students earned Outstanding Soloist Awards. Doddridge sparked a fresh generation of musicians, in March sending two students to All-State and connecting high school students with professional musicians for an outstanding pit in last month’s musical. As the youngest high school music teacher at Eaton and one of, if not the, youngest high school music teachers in the state of Colorado, Doddridge surpassed all expectations and has set himself up for amazing achievements in the future. The musicians you have inspired, and the future musicians you will inspire, thank you. Logan Doddridge, your idol John Coltrane would be proud.

Dodridge conducts band as a professional onlooker critiques them.

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