Alison Shuman Mobility iForum 5-21-15

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Bal$more’s Regional Housing Mobility Program

Bal$more Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) •  Nonprofit organiza-on with approximately 40 employees •  Under contract with the Housing Authority of Bal-more City •  Directly administers Bal-more Housing Mobility Program •  Housing Mobility Counseling and Housing Choice Voucher Program Services


Bal$more Regional Housing Partnership •  BRHP was created as the Regional Administrator of the Bal-more Housing Mobility Program under the Thompson SeJlement •  Responsible for oversight of Bal-more Housing Mobility Program

•  Combines high quality housing counseling services with Housing Choice Voucher assistance •  Approximately 2,800 current par-cipants •  Leasing 325-­‐400 new par-cipants per year through 2018 •  Provide opportuni-es for low-­‐income, Bal-more families move to higher opportunity communi-es •  Promote expansion of housing mobility opportuni-es throughout Bal-more region, na-onally 3

Bal$more Housing Mobility Program •  Thompson v. HUD li-ga-on, under a Par-al Consent Decree, created ini-al Bal-more Housing Mobility program •  Thompson SeJlement, combined with HABC’s Moving to Work flexibility, created long-­‐term mobility program •  Currently there are 2,800 par-cipants and the program will increase to approximately 4,400 by 2018


Key Features of Bal$more Housing Mobility Program •  New par-cipants choosing to par-cipate in the program agree to live in high opportunity areas

•  Encourage families to choose low-­‐poverty neighborhoods that have economic, educa-onal and other opportuni-es

•  Prior to issuance of a Housing Choice Voucher, applicants complete a housing counseling program

•  Iden-fica-on and removal of barriers to leasing in high opportunity areas •  Individual Training Plans to achieve goals, credit review

•  Workshops on regional communi-es of opportuni-es, home maintenance, banking and budge-ng, searching for housing 5

Key Features of Bal$more Housing Mobility Program •  Security deposit assistance

•  Par-cipants pay a por-on of security deposit assistance •  Abell Founda-on provides generous grant support for security deposits

•  Housing search assistance

•  Provide referrals for families to units that are affordable and allowable •  Conduct van and individual tours of communi-es of opportunity

•  Post-­‐move counseling services

•  Regular check-­‐ins with families, including home visits •  Assistance with landlord/neighbor disputes •  Second move counseling to support reten-on 6

Key Features of Bal$more Housing Mobility Program •  Excep-on payment standards •  Payment standards range from 90% to 130% of Fair Market Rent

•  Regional administra-on •  BRHP may administer across jurisdic-onal lines •  Bal-more City, Bal-more County, Anne Arundel County, Harford County, Howard County, Carrol County

•  Applicant screening criteria reflects area PHA standards •  Inspec-ons standards follow each county’s “above HQS” standards


Regional Approach


Maps provided courtesy of Professor Stefanie Deluca of Johns Hopkins University.



Bal$more Housing Mobility Program Research •  School quality

•  In new neighborhoods, an average of 33% of students are eligible for free and reduced lunch compared with 83% in the original neighborhood •  89% of seJled parents say their children appear to be learning beJer or much beJer in new schools

•  Quality of Life •  83% of seJled par-cipants say their neighborhood is beJer or much beJer than their old neighborhood •  Nearly 80% of par-cipants said they feel safer, more peaceful and less stressed From “New Homes, New Neighborhoods, New Schools: A Progress Report on the Bal?more Housing Mobility Program”


Bal$more Housing Mobility Program Research •  More than two-­‐thirds par-cipants chose to live in their new neighborhoods for longer than the required period and some remained there eight years later. •  Aeer families had relocated, about 60 percent of parents experienced a shie in how they decided where to live, placing a higher value on certain criteria, such as high-­‐quality schools, quiet neighborhoods and a diverse community.

From “Living Here has Changed my Whole Perspec?ve”: How Escaping Inner-­‐City Poverty Shapes Neighborhoods and Housing Choice by Jennifer Darrah and Stefanie DeLuca, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Access at: hPp://www.bal?­‐content/uploads/2014/03/ JPAM-­‐2014.pdf


Bal$more Housing Mobility Program Research •  DeLuca and RosenblaJ – Bal-more •  Students proficient or beJer in math went from 44.8% to 68.9% in opportunity neighborhood school •  Students proficient or beJer in reading went from 54.2% to 76% in opportunity neighborhood school


Contact Informa$on Alison Bell Shuman Execu-ve Director Bal-more Regional Housing Partnership 20 South Charles Street, Suite 801 Bal-more, Maryland 21201 667-­‐207-­‐2140 14

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