Factors of Education of Youth in the Spirit of Patriotism

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Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication | e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | www.openaccessjournals.eu | Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Factors of Education of Youth in the Spirit of Patriotism Boltaev Sunnat Baxtiyor o’g’li A student of Bukhara state university, Faculty of Physical Education Bukhara, Uzbekistan Annotation: Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a sense of patriotism. A citizen as a member of the state must be able to fight for the honor and prestige of his or her homeland. Patriotism is something inside the person which he or she is pride of the country’s history, concern for the present, and a high human being who expresses confidence in a bright future is considered a virtue. Keywords: generation, compatriots, doctrine, freedom, values, patriotism, museums, heroes, behavior, education. Introduction The following words of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev are noteworthy: “We are all citizens, society and the state equally responsible for the development of our Motherland, for the strengthening of peace and stability in our country, for the preservation, enrichment and safe transmission of our historical, spiritual and cultural heritage to future generations [1].” Discussion Patriotism is a person’s love for his country; it is a moral concept that expresses a desire to preserve it. It is often a spiritual and ideological weapon against the enemies of the Motherland interpreted. In fact, the coverage of patriotism is much broader - it is a relatively defined form of humanity. First of all, it is the struggle to preserve the freedom of their compatriots, human freedom behavior. The defense of the homeland is the protection of the people, the protection of the nation. But this protection, as mentioned above, is manifested not only on the battlefield, but in all areas. Rejoicing in the successes of the Motherland in every field, feeling sadness from the failures, being proud of the Motherland, loving every brick of its building, its ancient monuments, achievements in science and art are all about patriotism. To instill a sense of patriotism in our youth, to teach them a deeper understanding of the meaning of homeland is one of the urgent tasks. Philosophical and historical analysis of the theme of patriotism is based on the ancient legends, myths, stories and epics created on our soil, those are examples of folklore. They pay attention to universal values and patriotic qualities in folklore. Our great ancestor Najmiddin Kubro spread the fame of our country to the world and the founder of the widespread Kubravian doctrine in the Islamic world. His courage is a shining example of devotion to the Motherland. He was a great scholar of his time, a great compatriot with thousands of followers. He was one of the first to find out about the Mogul invasion of Khorezm, then went to the defense of the homeland. Because of Najmiddin Kubro’s popularity among the people, the Mogul ruler left him the city and himself offers Kubro to go to the anywhere he chose. Najmiddin Kubro said to the invaders: “Motherland or honorable death” and bravely raised the flag and dies while leading the army forward. He held the flag so eagerly that the flag was taken off by cutting the scholar’s hand. For the development of Homeland we must act with a sense of responsibility to continue the tradition of our great scholars. The homeland will live without a thousand people, and ISSN 2792-4017 (online), Published under Volume: 2 Issue: 6 in Jun-2022 Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 17

Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication | e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | www.openaccessjournals.eu | Volume: 2 Issue: 6 the foundation of its future will be laid. But none of us can live without Uzbekistan. “Whoever believes that it is possible to live without a homeland is an atheist. Those who renounce their country will first and foremost, renounce their conscience. He who does not love his country cannot love himself, and in the end he hates himself [2].” The epics of Spetamen, Alpomish, Tomaris and Shirak depict the spirit of patriotism, devotion to the freedom of the people and the country. In the works of Eastern thinkers, special attention is paid to the pursuit of patriotism. While enriching the minds of Eastern thinkers with his views on the upbringing of the perfect man, Abdullah Avloni believes that the image of the perfect man should also reflect the qualities of patriotism and discipline. According to the analytical materials in the image of a patriot, the following attributes appear:  To love and devotion to the motherland;  Loyalty to their nation’s past, customs, traditions and values;  Pride in the history of the homeland and the nation;  To preserve the spiritual and cultural wealth of the country and take care of it;  To work for the development of the country and the nation;  Combating any threat to the freedom of the homeland and the freedom of the nation;  Protection of the honor, dignity and dignity of the motherland and the nation; It consists in believing in the development of the homeland and the progress of the nation [3]. The degree of formation of patriotic concepts at different ages varies. Including: 1) patriotic consciousness; 2) patriotic values; 3) feelings of patriotism; To educate young people in the spirit of patriotism and to form a national sense of pride in them Uzbekistan is organizing excursions to military units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Patriotic education among students can be carried out in the form of conversations, press conferences, quizzes, meetings, contests, discussions on topics related to them. Excursions to museums, joint study of patriotic works, movies watching also have a positive effect. Patriotic consciousness, skills of moral activity and selfless work in various spheres of patriotic culture, making the name of the Republic of Uzbekistan famous all over world by its achievements in science, culture, industry, sports, the effective use of information about the lives and activities of individuals who have made a worthy contribution to the growth of its prestige, is formed on the example of national heroes, showing examples of patriotism. Patriotic upbringing is also important in shaping the worldview of young people, and in order to effectively organize it, it is necessary to achieve a unity of consciousness, emotion and behavior. By explaining and promoting the content of various conversations about scientific literature, press news, film, play ideas

ISSN 2792-4017 (online), Published under Volume: 2 Issue: 6 in Jun-2022 Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 18

Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication | e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | www.openaccessjournals.eu | Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Results Patriotic feelings are instilled in the minds of students. Creating a sense of patriotism in children from preschool age is purposeful. The student should be given the opportunity to analyze the content of his or her behavior as a citizen. Patriotic education is required certain conditions for the establishment. These are:  The educational process in the university should be organized at high level;  The success of the process of organizing patriotic education depends on the level of teachers and students;  Achieving a planned, continuous, systematic educational work;  Interaction between family, school and community ensures the success of patriotic education;  Ethical and legal norms of students, general order to teach strict adherence is to focus on fulfilling one’s duty to the fullest. The process of in-class and out-of-class educational work, we often refer to the views of our scientists, people’s heroes such as Tomaris, Shirak, our statesmen and commanders such as Amir Temur, Ulugbek, Bobur, scientists such as Ibn Sina, Beruni, are the basis of upbringing of young people in the spirit of patriotism. At the same time, attention should be paid to world standards of education [4]. Creating a sense of patriotism in young people the importance of military patriotic education is also immeasurable. It is advisable to hold "Vatanparvar" games and competitions under the leadership of the "Youth Union" of the Republic, which promotes the idea of military patriotism. Organizing socio-ideological, spiritual-moral, psychological-volitional, physical and military-patriotic education of students helps them to understand the sacred duty of defending the Motherland. Military patriotic education is a pedagogical process aimed at developing skills and competencies in Homeland defense and military defense training, including military defense in emergencies organization. The purpose of military-patriotic education is to prepare young people for the defense of the homeland and military defense, to form skills and abilities to organize military defense in emergencies. Primary military training is important. The organization of a competition among students, which will allow them to demonstrate the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the subject of basic preparation before the call, can have a positive effect in this regard. Excursions to the “Shon-shuhrat” museum of under the guidance of a teacher also play an important role in instilling in students a sense of military patriotism. This means that the range of social rules is so wide that they include the patterns of behavior, the requirements of labor discipline. Conclusion Thus, patriotic education is a social phenomenon, its content and essence are in accordance with the norms of society that surround the individual depends on values accepted and respected in society. Patriotism in the minds of the youth of our country in the conditions of independence upbringing of the feelings, naturally, self-awareness in each young generation, nurtures a sense of appreciation for the spirituality of the people and the nation to which he belongs. That is the basis of that higher self-awareness and important shaping mechanism.

ISSN 2792-4017 (online), Published under Volume: 2 Issue: 6 in Jun-2022 Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 19

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ISSN 2792-4017 (online), Published under Volume: 2 Issue: 6 in Jun-2022 Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 20

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