Facts About Hymen You Should Know

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How Do You Know If Your Hymen Is Still There?

Table of Contents


What Is The Hymen, And How Does It Break?

5 Hymen Breakage Signs Every Woman Needs To Know

The Bottom Line

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The hymen, or the vaginal corona, is located at the opening of the vagina, which makes it easy to tear during your first time having sex. Unfortunately, because it breaks so quickly, many women are left wondering if their hymen was broken at all. Here are five hymen breakage signs, and how do you know if your hymen is still there when you had sex for the first time?

What Is The Hymen, And How Does It Break?

The hymen is a membrane that surrounds the vaginal opening. It’s also known as the cherry or maidenhead. The hymen can break during sex, due to physical activity, or even from using tampons. Here are five signs that indicate your hymen may have broken:

You experience pain or bleeding during sexual intercourse.

You notice a change in your vaginal discharge. You have difficulty inserting tampons or other objects into your vagina.

You feel a tear or hole in your hymen.

You see blood on your underwear or toilet paper after wiping yourself.

5 Hymen Breakage Signs Every Woman Needs To Know

After getting a full understanding of what is the hymen, and how it breaks, let’s discuss the main hymen breakage signs. Here are the five of them:

1. Painful Intercourse

2. Slight Bleeding Or Nominal Spotting

3. Discharge From The Vagina

4. Discomfort Or Pain Around Your Vaginal Opening

5. Torn Or Broken Skin Within The Vaginal Flap

The Bottom Line:

If you ’ re experiencing pain or discomfort during sex, it could signify that your hymen is torn or broken. If you notice any bleeding during or after sex, it’s possible that your hymen has been ruptured. If you have an unusual discharge from your vagina, it could be a sign that your hymen is no longer intact. But if you feel like something is blocking your vaginal opening, it could be a sign that your hymen is still intact. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to see a doctor to confirm whether or not your hymen is still intact.


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