Onyx Addison Freelance Project

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freelance project


CLIENT? Elliese Minnaert of Grow Boise. Elliese is starting a weekly class to teach locals in Boise, ID how to grow and sustain a garden all year. The class will start in`May 2020 and continue one day a week for the rest of the year. Each class is an hour long and will teach even the worst black thumbs how to find time to build a lasting garden. Classes will be held at the Downtown Teaching Farm on Fort & 12th. This is a brand new class and Elliese’s ultimate goal was to build and keep clientele.

MY SERVICES Goal: I began to work with Elliese on February 3rd. She wanted to find a way to build and keep clientele. Solution: We settled on having me create a weekly 10x10 botanical print for those that show up to the class. Each weekly class will have a new print. Services: Week One- Sketching and defining the style she wanted for the prints. Week Two- Solidify print style and research structure of the list of plants supplied. Week Three through Seven- Illustrate and send digital copies to get “The Okay� from Elliese. We decided to keep working with each other in the future. I will be continuing to illustrate for each weekly class. I will be assisting her in the printing process as well.

COMPENSATION/HOURS Estimated Time: 7 weeks and 10 hours a week. A total of 7o hours total invested into the project. Actual Time: A total of 83 hours over 7 weeks. Drawing the botanical prints took longer than expected because of the research I had to do for structural and color purposes. I didn’t calculate time that would be spent for me revising work that Elliese wasn’t fully satisfied with. A side note: I became sick and dealt with that over the 7 weeks. I still had to produce work because I made a business deal. This was difficult and unexpected. Something that I will remember in the future. Pricing: Free (No Compensation) Elliese has been my best friend from the age of 9. Her family took care of me frequently while growing up and I wanted to do something that would help her with something she has been devoted towards for as long as I can remember. Compensation is helping my best friend fulfill a goal of hers. She also teaches me how to keep my plants living.

THOUGHTS This is exactly the type of work I want in my portfolio. Elliese gave me a lot of creative freedom. Illustration work is what I would love to continue to do for the future. I would obviously love to be paid for future work but helping my best friend has been rewarding. I hope to take a class in the future and see both of our hard work coexisting. Some Struggles- Not realizing that not everyone is going to understand design terms or everything I am saying, sometimes I had to reword myself and work with her understanding of art and design. Not taking into account that becoming sick can really suck. I still owed it to her to create great work that we would both be proud of.




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