TILT Magazine (Issue 10)

Page 20

TILT – Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology


You are a coach or therapist and you have been engaged with a client using indiv chat and support group discussion forum. This client was referred to you throu wellness center in your local community and your sessions have not utilized an aud video component.

Your client has requested an in-person session at your office. What concerns migh have about making this transition? What would do you?


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Larry F. Saidman responds: " that the client The main concern is the "shock crepancy between might experience from the dis ked and sounded what he or she thought I loo the appointment like...and the reality. Before ht-hearted' way.... I'd address this in a fairly 'lig share what s/he maybe by asking the client to envision I look like, expects (i.e. what does s/he g some information talk like, etc.), or, by disclosin the client to disclose about myself. I'd also invite le with about what anything s/he feels comfortab that could reduce I might experience, as I think some anxiety. suggest one session Another option could be to ponent, if available. using an audio or video com valuable to invite In the group forum it may be k about their other group members to tal ebody 'in person' experiences with meeting som ly an on-line presence. after having experienced on


T I L T M A G A Z I N E SPring 2 0 1 2

s respon

ds: My thou ghts are that dis expecta cussing tio with the gain fro ns of a f2f mee cli t m it wo uld be a ing and what t ent, thei any tran h help ey are h sit op technic ion in delivery. ful first step in al platfo approac I would rm that hi do this to a face usin we h -to-face meeting ad been using g the sam their ex , before perienc . I would eo agr discuss to-face things s contact f the service cu uch a , wh rrently, longer-t their ho erm and ether the trans pes for ition is t whethe transitio o r we are n. both co be tempora mfortab I would le maki als informa o be taking int o consid tio eration permiss n relating to sa any bac fety con ion to h kground a cerns an ve a dis about th c d perha u e clients ssion w ps gaini it approp felt ove riatenes h the referring rly conc worker s for inerned. person Essentia contact lly, I wo if I uld con session tract for would b the tr eu in-perso n meetin sed for and ma ansition and w hat the ke sure g my offic I felt saf e before especially if th e with an ere are agreein minors g to the attendin change g .

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